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TitleAuthorPostsLast Post
Weekly Cover Contest Discussion Thread Part Deux DrWatson 689 5 dayssoutherncross (33765): ...
CBCS- Community Engagement Wade_Story 312 21 daysflanders (29012): I have a suggestion that I hope CBCS will consider. Can you ban both the posting of any photos in collection threads as well as sales threads of any CGC slabs numbered 43 and above including slabs with a grade date after January 2023? I think CGC from at the very least 2023 on, maybe even earlier, has shown that they have no respect for the hobby and there isn't any discernible difference from an ethics standpoint, between CGC and PGX.
CBCS Pressing Update Vol 1, #2 SteveRicketts 819 23 daysShadowchaser076 (10): Thank you very much appreciate the update.
  CBCS Forum Name Change, Moderation, and Suspension Thread The_Watcher 128 1 monthThe_Watcher (4259): 02-16-25 One week suspension for GanaSoth for politics. This is his first offense this year
Pedigree Comics Jesse_O 183 1 monthSagii (8653): https://
CBCS 101: A Newbie's Guide. dielinfinite 489 11 monthsBrenoMp (43): @dielinfinite @xkonk Thanks for the advice, Ill contact Matt Edwards to see what my options are. Thank you!
New Message Board Atmosphere SteveRicketts 121 1 yearComicNinja0215 (6198): The CBCS forum is the happiest place on earth; Disney land can suck it.
  The Jesse_O Memorial Weekly Cover Contest Winners Jesse_O 1 5 yearsJesse_O (39345): Contest originally started by JLS_Comics Cover Contest Round 1: Genesis (winner @Darkga) Week 02 - Madness (winner @Maverick) Round 3: "The Horror" (winner @Helric1) Week 04 - Robots (winner @Darkga) Round 5: Femme Fatale (winner @Jeremy_K) Week 06 - Pets (winner @Despain) Week 07 - Outer Space (winner @Helric1) Week 08 - Water (winner @AndyRexia) Week 09 - Death (winner @esaravo) Week 10 - Dragons (winner...
  CBCS Forum Selling Guidelines The_Watcher 1 7 yearsThe_Watcher (4259): As a courtesy to its members, CBCS allows the selling and trading of books and comic related art on its forum. ANY SALE OR TRADE IS DONE AT THE BUYER'S OWN RISK. Neither CBCS, Administration, nor Moderation will act as arbitrators in the case of a dispute. Disputes need to worked out between the buyer and seller. The selling guidelines are as follows: ● Only CBCS, CGC, raw books, comic related art, or other comic related items are...
  CBCS FAQ Jesse_O 1 8 yearsJesse_O (39345): What does a checkmark (asterisk online) by the grade mean? In rare cases, a comic book will look much better than the given grade. In these rare cases, a Check Mark will be placed on the label by the numerical grade. The best way to understand why a specific comic book received a Check Mark designation is to refer to the graders' notes. Example: a comic is graded 8.0. However, the covers are such that it looks like a 8.5 or a 9.0. CBCS...
  CBCS Message Board - Terms of Use SteveRicketts 1 9 yearsSteveRicketts (19700): Open thread to view post.
The Banana Factory at CGC is Going Strong chester15 139 2 hourschester15 (2149): Even this mild curve in the holder is a problem. As it is, it's not causing any structural issues, but the next buyer will see it, making it harder to sell. It's not like you want to crack out a 9.8, taking the chance that it comes back lower. It should just be flat - period. The real bell ringer is when they are curved the length of the spine. Even if no tics (or worse) show, they likely will in the future. And they still haven't figured...
Comic Book Day of the Year Calendar DrWatson 9641 5 hoursGAC (79147):
Just Show Something Cool: Part 6 KatKomics 31 5 hoursstarlord (6330): Dude...rad.
Weekly Cover Contest #447 Sketch Covers 😎😎😎😎 Gotlift 42 8 hourssportshort (20040):
RIP George Foreman OGJackster 11 11 hoursthe420bandito (11476): RIP George. Another curious unexplained death from an otherwise healthy person. The articles cite no cause of death. Not normal folks.
New To Your Collection #18 GAC 559 12 hoursstarlord (6330): My god...thats an AMAZING cover...I'm jelly. Great pick up!
Moon Kniht mrtoasty 36 16 hoursmrtoasty (7): Thanks for the advice, thats why I am here. I only have the full set of volume 1 and a #1 from volume 2. I am planning on having several books graded so I have some idea hat I am lookin at. Thanks Les
Post Funny Stuff #1, Vol 5 drchaos 155 16 hoursdrchaos (30032):
Raw Books from Gold to Copper - Mostly high-grade with some keys Real_Frantic_One 173 1 dayHexigore (2228): Received the books! Thank you! Everything as promised! Best regards!!
Testing various UV protections Sigur_Ros 13 1 dayPolarisNuclearSS2020 (1380): Been a while since but I recall Rick at Immaculate Comics running similiar trialsto find the best UV protection for displaying slabbed comics. FWIW, Rick has a degree in chemistry and has works in the scoiences field for the US govt for years. IIRC, the gist he laid out in this video was basically- no matter what, don't store your books in direct sunlight, even with the very best UV protection. I can say that leaving a newsstand fresh...
OT; What are you eating / cooking part 5 Bronte 720 1 dayDrWatson (59435): Unstuffed peppers
Old School CGC/CBCS Lables OGJackster 39 1 dayGAC (79147):
The Reckoning is here! Live on kickstarter! starlord 13 2 daysstarlord (6330): I'm up for it! Sounds fun!
What did I get back? robtmcd 13 2 dayschester15 (2149): The column says 12.00, 8.00, 15.00, 25.00, 20.00, 4.20, and 3.00. That adds up to 87.20. Even the 8.00 credit doesn't get it down to 73.20. Seems like funky math to me. I'll guess that it's supposed to read -3.00 for the promo, which would get you to 73.20.
Weekly Cover Contest #446: Upside Down ShallaBal 39 2 daysGalen130 (6911): @Gotlift
What comic books have you read today? Part two. HeinzDad 355 2 daysStudley_Dudley (53725): Hellcat #1-3. Limited series from 2000 recaps Patsy's life to help speed up the process. Her and Hedy are pals, then she becomes Hellcat, marries the son of Satan, kills herself, goes to hell and escapes. Story picks up with Dormammu attempting to take over hell, and Patsy attempts to stop him. Magick has little effect on her since her time in hell and she's definitely as strong as the plot dictates. Norm Breyfogle has some interesting...
CBCS at WONDERCON Cody_Lockwood 3 2 daysCody_Lockwood (89): All take back submissions like normal. We only offer onsite grading at the Dallas FanExpo.
King Kon Comic Show - Iselin, NJ TOMORROW SPalochik 2 3 daysSPalochik (17): CLICK TO GO TO IMAGE
CBCS Only Slabs You Just Got Back #3 DrWatson 81 3 daysflanders (29012): @KatKomics thanks!
CBCS 25% Off - Black Friday Paulbg2000 108 3 dayskon_jelly (571): My order is shipping today. Out of 27 books I sent in I got 22 9.8s. Pretty pleased with that.
FORUM EXCLUSIVE PROMOCODE!! Cody_Lockwood 3 3 daysfigment (21535): Things that make you go, "Hmmm..."
Spider Man Torment #1 Gold,Silver and bagged question AdamBomb 18 3 daysBuscemaSterankoLee (75): Would like to add my 2c worth here: I just sold SPIDER-MAN # 1, 1990, a raw copy on the 'Bay for $5.00. Had been selling one at least one every-other-month for a few years now. Was at a Show and the Dealer who knows me and respects me let me pick out my own copies, and I picked out the best that he had. Back in 2022 I started selling them around a $1.00 start until recently. Listed them as either NM+ 9.6 or NMT+ 9.8, but never 9.9 or 10.0....
What concerts are you at? BrianGreensnips 30 3 daysfigment (21535): Just bought tickets for Jon Anderson & The Band Geeks for a night of Yes epics, classics and more. Oh hell yeah!!! Is it June yet?
Saddle River Comics - My Comic Shop Link drchaos 142 3 daysdrchaos (30032): Wishing a happy birthday to another slasher of prices: Our discounts are also criminal.
What Are You Watching Part 4 GAC 516 3 daysflanders (29012):
New CBCS sale Promo Code COMIC5 Silversorrow 86 3 daysGAC (79147): Still in Received ☹️
I’m Selling The Spawn Universe HulkSmash 147 3 daysHulkSmash (11374): Spawn 316 Cover C Bjorn Barends $3.00
Let’s see your pets #2! HeinzDad 356 3 daysstarlord (6330):
What Grinds Your Gears?! GAC 590 3 daysflanders (29012): My old man always throwing my stuff in the garbage. Today I was once again like a homeless frantically looking through our garbage cans. This time I retrieved my fertilizer, some pots, a seed starter tray, some other gardening supplies and some power cables I need. The worst part is the ongoing nightmares about him throwing some of my expensive comics in the trash Whenever something goes missing we ask him, did you throw it in the garbage? He...
CBCS Free VSP Holiday Giveaway. Use Code: Holiday24. T&C Apply DrWatson 382 4 daysGothamBridge (209): glad to know I am not alone. maybe it will kick in on the next run.
Off topic; fishing. Show your catch part 2 KatKomics 281 4 daysesaravo (102961): ...
Happy Saint Patrick's Day! drchaos 12 4 daysesaravo (102961): Hey, don’t forget that today is Saint Joseph’s day. It’s a pretty big deal in RI with all the Italians (and you wear red).
Hold the phone!! Has this ever happened to you? sportshort 11 5 dayssportshort (20040): WOW! If only I could give you more than 3 checkmarks, I would.
Ask questions here without starting a new thread 2023 - part V Bronte 733 5 daysNearmint67 (13678): Man Speed Buggy & Tinker were one of my favorites. Throw in some Johnny Quest & Scooby Doo and we were all set.
HeroesCon 2025 ProdigalSon 7 5 daysDPK419 (206): Great news! I'm looking forward to going to Heroes Con as well. Can someone explain what the process is for submitting books that I want to have signed at the convention?
Status on the Dave Gibbons signings? SnipeHar24 11 5 daysSnipeHar24 (3): Thanks for the help Cody
MCS Auctions by CBCS Forum Members ending Monday, March 17th Vrishnak 2 5 daysfigment (21535): We're out until April 5th. Good luck!
New CBCS Staff Joining Forum: Introduction Cody Lockwood (Clockwood) Wade_Story 44 5 daysOGJackster (54562): @Cody_Lockwood Welcome! Here is my best Weird Science-Fantasy
Indiana comic con next weekend CBCS Zombie_Head 7 6 daysZombie_Head (3600): @Cody_Lockwood CGC wasn’t there either. I got 4 books signed by Shatner I would have loved to have witnessed. I didn’t decide until last minute or I would have requested to witness my own books. It kinda sucks to have Shatner autographs and not witnessed I guess I’ll have to take a chance and use the verify option hope they pass.