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'Raw Comics For Sale' Topics

TitleAuthorPostsLast Post
Figment's Fire Sale figment Jump to first page847Jump to last page 19 hoursfigment (21542): MARVEL MYSTERY COMICS #60 CGC 4.0 Classic "Super Rocket Shell" cover by Alex Schomburg, solid mid-grade issue, older CGC label from back before they were idiots. What's not to love? Starts tonight at Comiclink as an experiment, I declined the CVA sticker fee. CLOSES TONIGHT!!!
Raw Books from Gold to Copper - Mostly high-grade with some keys Real_Frantic_One Jump to first page173Jump to last page 3 daysHexigore (2228): Received the books! Thank you! Everything as promised! Best regards!!
Spider Man Torment #1 Gold,Silver and bagged question AdamBomb 18 4 daysBuscemaSterankoLee (75): Would like to add my 2c worth here: I just sold SPIDER-MAN # 1, 1990, a raw copy on the 'Bay for $5.00. Had been selling one at least one every-other-month for a few years now. Was at a Show and the Dealer who knows me and respects me let me pick out my own copies, and I picked out the best that he had. Back in 2022 I started selling them around a $1.00 start until recently. Listed them as either NM+ 9.6 or NMT+ 9.8, but never 9.9 or 10.0....
James42's 2025 Sale Thread James42 Jump to first page44Jump to last page 2 months00slim (18687): @James42 Agreed. They tried to put her in “Birds of Prey” after this but with different writers & it just landed flat. Then, the character got backup stories in “Streets of Gotham”, continuing the “Manhunter” series, but I never got to read those issues and the final TPB they had planned got cancelled.
Graded X-Men 1 and Wonder Woman signed sets low starting bid last chance smeninc 1 2 monthssmeninc (181): Last chance on these signature series graded comics. Starting bid at $9.99. Thanks for looking. Wonder Woman - signed by Gal Gadot X-Men 1s - signed by Jim Lee ...
From A to Z: Mostly High-Grade Raw GA/SA/BA/CA For Sale Real_Frantic_One Jump to first page231Jump to last page 2 monthsdrmccoy74 (14330): @Real_Frantic_One I received the books last week. Happy with the transaction. Thanks Again.
Ghost Rider, TP and Graded Sets for sale smeninc 1 2 monthssmeninc (181): Thanks for looking. I have got a few sets (CBCS, CGC and raw) and Trade Paperback for sale. New Avengers - signed by Brian Michael Bendis Wonder Woman - signed by Gal Gadot ...
mix graded raw books for sale smeninc 1 3 monthssmeninc (181): I have a few sets with graded and raw books for sale. Amazing Spider-man (Carnage) Todd McFarlane Spider-Man ...
NEW COLLECTION ACQUIRED HULK 181, X-MEN 1 + more Eclipse9665 3 3 monthsEclipse9665 (260): Books are selling fast, check us out here [][/url]
BLACK FRIDAY SALE - 28,000+ Comic Books for Sale Eclipse9665 3 4 monthsEclipse9665 (260): Sale ends November 30! Thousands of books are 25% off (all raw books $50 or less). Happy hunting!
20,000+ Comic Books for Sale Eclipse9665 6 5 monthsEclipse9665 (260): A few hundred new books added. Including some new slabs, some signed Spawn books, and a lot more! Check out everything we have here: See listing description for details on our current discounts / deals. ...
New lots of damaged/unrestoed comics - eBay ZosoRocks 3 6 monthsZosoRocks (2134): This will be the last damaged lot I had found. Thanks for viewing my auctions. Be safe. Tim
HOUSE OF MYSTERY #69 BERNARD BAILY ART $62 @ mycomicshop PolarisNuclearSS2020 3 6 monthsPolarisNuclearSS2020 (1380): Price dropped to$ 56.90 a couple minutes ago , this is a book with a 6 page non-reprint story of all Bernard Na Baily art. I need MOARD MYCOMICSHOP STOAR CREDITZ 🤷🏻
Fighting Fronts 1 PRECODE WAR COVER DATE PROVENANCE STAMP @ mycomicshop PolarisNuclearSS2020 1 6 monthsPolarisNuclearSS2020 (1380): Violent pre-code, anti-communist war book with a Lee Elias cover, interior art by Powell, Alison, Sparling and Kremer ….with an arrival date stamp on the top left corner of the front cover. Undergraded by mycomicshop, as per usual, this book certainly looks more like a solid 3.0 to me. $42 directly through the listings above. Save $8.00 over its’ mirrored listing...
HOUSE OF MYSTERY 69 BERNARD BAILEY + KIRBY ART RED DRESS COVER @MYCOMICSHOP PolarisNuclearSS2020 6 6 monthsPolarisNuclearSS2020 (1380): P rice dropped to $62.00, …. a whole $4.00 in profit.🤣 Mirrored prices on ebay is $75.00.
FS 2 NEWSSTAND AMALGAM AGE OF COMICS TPB , STAR WARS 75 CGC 9.4 DARK HORSE PolarisNuclearSS2020 12 6 monthsOptic_Blast (734): Open thread to view post.
NEW DISCOVERY: BEAVIS AND BUTT-HEAD #23 2nd PRINT NEWSSTAND CURTIS STICKER PolarisNuclearSS2020 11 6 monthsOptic_Blast (734): Huh??? I never insinuated you created the label. I'm saying the label is easy to fake because it's a generic label that can be created by anyone especially if there is any value to that book. No apology given to you because you're acting like you're guilty of something.
Dell / Four Color Vol #2 comic auctions ZosoRocks 13 7 monthsZosoRocks (2134): Lot #13 - final lot VHTF/HTF Giant sized 4-lot of Tom & Jerry /Woody Woodpecker - 1953-54-57-58 VHTF DELL Tom & Jerry Winter Canival 2 and Summer Fun 1 & 4 Avg 3.0+ Good luck and thanks again. Tim
Raw and Graded Books for Sale Noblebeast315 9 7 monthsNoblebeast315 (2200): Blade: The Vampire Hunter #1-10 (Marvel, 1994), Complete Run, Low Print Run $100 ...
MCS Auction, by CBCS Forum Members, ending Monday July 1st Vrishnak 4 9 monthsfigment (21542): Saga of the Sub-Mariner #2 CGC 9.6
I just posted some Faro's Lounge, M House, graded, sigs and a lot of raws o joelzstuff 5 9 monthsjoelzstuff (90): I posted and added some new items. Too lazy to make a new post so please take a look. It has 2 days before they end. Thank you all! - Joel
FS: ASM 300 Low Grade, Wolverine 1 (Limited) 00slim 3 11 months00slim (18687): ASM 300 GONE (in trade).
8,000+ Comic Books for Sale Eclipse9665 7 11 monthsEclipse9665 (260): Bump :)
Win $100 of Comic Books! Eclipse9665 21 1 yearEclipse9665 (260): Bump :)
St Patrick's Day Comic Show in Lond Island, NY Route110ComicShow 8 1 yearRoute110ComicShow (10): thanks! hope to see you at the next one in April!
FS: Modern Age drek, fillers, keys, odds & ends, yada yada yada!!! :) Galen130 Jump to first page392Jump to last page 1 yearGalen130 (6914): CLOSED. :)
Some Advice Needed X0MEN King Size Special #1 dfoster43 7 1 yearmakahuka (3133): Cool book.
Comic lots for sale (Silver Age to Modern) James42 Jump to first page130Jump to last page 1 yearJames42 (4972): Ghost Whisperer 1-5 "A" covers and Ghost Whisperer: The Muse 1-4 "B" covers lot. Ignore the "of 5" text on the second series; there were only four issues, and this is a complete set. VF/NM, although the bags are awfully wrinkled. $10 plus $6 shipping.
New Site Up And Running! SilverAgeSlanger 2 1 yearmakahuka (3133): Checking it out.
Some Sketch Covers for sale ThorneArt 4 1 yearThorneArt (2065): Some other Covers that are available. These prices are for Forum Members shipping is included. Mad Max Fury Road: Furiosa #1 - $40 DARTH DONALD - Art Sketch Cover IDW - Disney's Donald Duck - $80 THRAWN...
WTB Wonder Woman 177 stanley_1883 8 1 yearstanley_1883 (2001): 1968
25% OFF Comic Book Sale for Black Friday! 10,000+ Comic Books Eclipse9665 3 1 yearEclipse9665 (260): 2 days left for some great deals!
FS: Amazing Spider-man #800 J. Scott Campbell Set A-H Jedyzon 2 1 yearmakahuka (3133): Nice books.
How much is it worth Kreemhaddock 5 1 yearBigRedOne1944 (11568): Im sure if you list more specifics on the books you have here on the forum there are plenty very knowledge board members that can assist you in evaluating your books. Title, Issue #, flaws, and some good photos are a good start Cheers!
What's the difference between newstand and direct edition Kreemhaddock 4 1 yearmakahuka (3133):
Vintage comics and magazines for sale MRmintastic Jump to first page35Jump to last page 1 yearMRmintastic (269): Most of the Savage Sword covers were paintings. Here are some sample sales of the original art at Heritage. ...
Want To Buy: Detective Comics #43 (1940) CWill2021 3 2 yearsRetired_11B (812): @CWill2021 Best of luck to you.
The Adventures of Wyatt and Pouches Cowabunga_Kyle 4 2 yearsCowabunga_Kyle (2271): It's a one-shot, the first 4 books will be one-shot format then once I've outgrown Kickstarter it'll have transition to an ongoing title. Thank you kindly.
RIPPED...the Deuce! SteveRicketts Jump to first page157Jump to last page 2 yearsEbayMafia (37349): My pickup at OAF upon meeting the creator. Will give a review once I've had a chance to read it:
FS: F.F. #54, #55 (4th Silver Surfer); True Life Secrets #23, pre-code!! Galen130 19 2 yearsGalen130 (6914): Closed!!!
Crazy Flanders's Slabbed & Raw Comic Sales Thread flanders Jump to first page96Jump to last page 2 yearsflanders (29016): SOLD on Fleabay! I think the Summer of Slump is finally coming to an end.
Eclipse's Sales Thread 2023 Eclipse9665 10 2 yearsEclipse9665 (260): Bump
Lawguy's Sales Thread lawguy1977 Jump to first page100Jump to last page 2 yearslawguy1977 (7554): @BigRedOne1944 thanks!
For Auction: Various comic mag lots & others comics ZosoRocks Jump to first page78Jump to last page 2 yearsZosoRocks (2134): Lot #45 Headline Publications / DC Comics / DC Black Label / DC-Milestone - 9-lot of various titles - includes: - Amazing Mysteries: Black Magic - Anima - Snarky - Icon - Blood Syndicate - American Vampire 1976 (***Viewer Discretiin is advised / 17+(?)*** - average condition is 6.0+ - many are mid-grade and mid-grade+ - $0 99 starting Thanks for viewing the auction. Tim ...
Pre-code Horror for sale!!! consumetheliving 5 2 yearsconsumetheliving (1035): Thank you!!!
Galen130’s Pre-Vacation Sale—Marvel & Image Keys, Newsstands, and Drek!!! Galen130 Jump to first page117Jump to last page 2 yearsGalen130 (6914): CLOSED!!!
Uncanny X-men 266 Buzbe 6 2 yearsMutantMania (6086): I'd pick one up soon if you haven't already. There's supposed to be a cameo of Gambit in the new Deadpool movie. That might make the book shoot up in price a bit.
PGX converts to CBCS ? Buzbe Jump to first page33Jump to last page 2 yearsDrWatson (59460): When I first read the thread title, I thought PGX had found religion.
Wanted: a copy of Spider Punk 1 1:50 Okazaki Variant Vboi 2 2 yearsTravis (540): eBay might have them I don’t know
I need to figure out how… jgzachary13 6 2 yearsIronMan (6264): Quick and convenient always means less money. Slow and time consuming means more money. You have to choose. If achieving maximum value, you are going to have to sell on eBay, Facebook or find local comic book shows (books in the dollar boxes often sell well) to attend. On eBay you just put 10-20 books in a listing so it is worth listing and selling. It's very unlikely any comic book store is going to be interested in trading a key, expensive...
G.I. In Battle # 2 CLASSIC PCW COVE & RACIST PANELS MCS AUCTION 1 DAY LEFT! PolarisNuclearSS2020 2 2 yearsPolarisNuclearSS2020 (1380): Well, I am so far losing $7on this book, accounting for my cost and mycomicshop’s base $7 consignment fee. I snapped this copy and another 2.0 from mycomicshop within 3 minutes of them being posted on mycomicshop via email want list notifications on my cell. The other 2.0 was down graded to a 1.8 upon consignment, figured I’d auction off the slightly higher grade of the 2 copies. Paid the same price for that book. I really have to start...
Comics for sale Keylowatts 6 2 yearsKeylowatts (77): Loki Agent of Asgard 1-5 VF+, $10+$5 for shipping. Returns accepted.
Part II of Galen130's Sale: Copper/Modern Raw Comics---Batman Collection!!! Galen130 Jump to first page624Jump to last page 2 yearsGalen130 (6914): @Jesse_O Please lock this one as well. Thanks a lot!!! :)
For Sale: Copper/Modern Raw Comics---Massive Collection!!! Galen130 Jump to first page989Jump to last page 2 yearsGalen130 (6914): @Jesse_O Would you lock this thread please? Thank you. :)
anyone remember the trading thread... ERB_in_CLT 10 2 yearsMutantMania (6086): I'm always on the look out for HO Scale slot cars 🚗
TALES OF THE UNEXPECTED #16 1st Thor by Jack Kirby $400 PolarisNuclearSS2020 2 2 yearsPolarisNuclearSS2020 (1380): I also have a House Of Mystery #85 at MCS for sale…..make me an offer here for that book via DM, and I will take less than $400 for this book, if you want both books. Purchase of HOM 85 would occur thru this listing, after we agree on a price. HOM 85 is the 1st Stone Men prototype , predates JIM #83 as well as the 3 other Stone Men prototype issues ie Tales To Astonish #6, by several...
For Sale: X-Men #11 Signed by Jack Kirby (Raw) AcuMan 3 2 yearsNuffsaid111 (20654): The old comic lover me loves subscription creases as well. That's when the comic mattered. Stories mattered. CGC and CBCS did not matter because they weren't around. Then, along came grading companies and made that subscription crease a maximum 5.0 (or so) grade. Which then translates into lower revenue. And now that I just dump this stuff after it's slabbed, I no longer like subscription creases since it makes an impact on my revenue.
Brand New Monthly Show! 3/19/23 Route 110 *Monthly* Comic Book Show - $5 GTS_Comics 4 2 yearsGTS_Comics (48): Open thread to view post.
SILVER AGE BOOKS ADDED SilverAgeSlanger 6 2 yearsRjman48 (306): Good luck getting more eyes on your site, bypassing that fee eating monster that ebay is!
Over 75 Items Marked Down on Site! SilverAgeSlanger 6 2 yearsHulkSmash (11374): Spider-Man annual 3 Hulk 116, 131, 159, 250. Wouldnt hurt to have nicer copies of 106, 108 Iron man 76 Defenders 10 TTA 100 Captain Marvel 10 But I cant afford them.
Bunch of Silver Age and Precode Horror Added to Site! SilverAgeSlanger 2 2 yearscodychunn (134): Lots of good stuff listed. Marvel Premiere #45 is the bargain. That man-wolf story is one of my days of yore favorites. Beautiful artwork.
Faro's Lounge, graded, sigs and a lot of raws on eBay joelzstuff 7 2 yearsjoelzstuff (90): I reposted, They are ending in 3 days. Thanks! - Joel
My Website SilverAgeSlanger 10 2 yearsSiggy (25634): @SilverAgeSlanger You have an Iron Man #15 Penn Dutch Pedigree listed with an image of an Iron Man #19.
Some art for sale! LotsaSequel 3 2 yearsLotsaSequel (295): Bump! the world's largest comic book art website AnthonySnyder 6 2 yearsmulti007 (4277): Holy crap- you have over 140,000 listings!
Journey Into Mystery #84. F/VF For Sale SilverAgeSlanger 15 2 yearsSilverAgeSlanger (81): You would probably cringe then watching me crack what I do out of cases for myself. Lol I'm not going to send it in to get it put back in a case to sell it. I'd probably get it back and accidentally crack it back open. Haha
January Surplus For Sale SilverAgeSlanger 4 2 yearsEbayMafia (37349): I don't think it's a rules violation. It's just a link to an Ebay store and a list of the books. Lots of people here offer links to their ebay stores.
WTB Wonder Woman 177 stanley_1883 2 2 yearsstanley_1883 (2001): Bump
MrNotSoNice's Bizarre Comics Bazaar MrNotSoNice 11 2 yearsMrNotSoNice (3552): For Sale: Tales of Suspense #67 Raw 7.0 to 8.0 $60 shipped
And yet THIS is why I bought comics… WndrWmn74 Jump to first page37Jump to last page 2 yearsEddieTheComicGuy (933): Sending prayers and positive thoughts your way!!! STAY STRONG!!!
Weekly MCS Auction ending Monday Dec 12th! Scifinator 18 2 yearsScifinator (15986): @KatKomics - A virus is a submicroscopic infectious agent that replicates only inside the living cells of an organism. Viruses infect all life forms, from animals and plants to microorganisms, including bacteria and archaea. Sorry, couldn’t help myself. Also, @katkomics & @flanders, this was the the thread for the previous auction. Lol, i did put bids onthe tmania and venom though. 🤠
Foreign Comics Year End Clearance Sale! HotKeyComics 7 2 yearsJames42 (4972): @HotKeyComics I recently discovered the Turkish comic industry and have been shopping for Turkish versions of various modern comics. I do wish there were English translations of the works of Turkey's creators. Many of their books look amazing, I just have limited ability to puzzle out the words.
Weekly MCS Auctions by Forum members ending Monday Nov 7th! Scifinator 25 2 yearsKatKomics (31323): 10 minutes - still at bargain prices!
Faro's Lounge, Graded comics & Raw Comics joelzstuff 4 2 yearsjoelzstuff (90): Just reposted some, Ending in 2-3 days Thanks! - Joel
For Sale key ironheart, spider man 2099, spider punk, spider verse Vboi 4 2 yearsVboi (32): Ironheart 1 2nd print is up for auction!
Weekly MCS Auctions by forum members ending Mon Oct 3rd Scifinator 20 2 yearsBakersman (190): Let me know if you have any questions thanks UNCANNY X-MEN #130 CBCS 9.2 WP NEWSSTAND IRON MAN #282 CGC 9.0 WP RICK AND MORTY #1 HILL VARIANT CGC 8.5 WP
WTB: Hawkeye, Lucky the Pizza Dog stanley_1883 19 2 yearssteveinthecity (624): There are copies of the 1st print currently on MCS unless this isn’t the same book?
FOR SALE!! How about a few Gold Key Star Trek??!! Low grade, but complete!! Galen130 Jump to first page51Jump to last page 2 yearsGalen130 (6914): @Jesse_O, would you lock this thread please? Thanks so much!! 🙂
WTB Marvel Hip Hip Variants stanley_1883 2 3 yearsHulkSmash (11374): I may have 1 or 2. I’ll be going through reorganizing and clearing out from my over buying. I’ll let you if I still those.
eBay comics, Check it out joelzstuff 2 3 yearsjoelzstuff (90): Thanks Everyone! -Joel
Weekly MCS Auction by Forum member ending Monday August 29th! Scifinator 15 3 yearsGAC (79173): Just saw this....not sure if you got your answer but that signature and art is by Ken Haeser. He used to be contracted to Dynamic Forces...he still could be. clickable text
Tomb of Dracula #1 - First Appearance of Dracula in Marvel $300 CWill2021 3 3 yearsCWill2021 (963): ***SOLD***
For Sale: Ready for Verification Web Heads!!! leelewis17 5 3 yearsByrdibyrd (24736): Nice books! I'd consider it if I had the spare cashola.
Just 3 days left on eBay, Thank everyone! joelzstuff 2 3 yearsbeastboy1980 (1125): Open thread to view post.
Eddie's "Road to NYCC" Sale!!! EddieTheComicGuy 2 3 yearsEddieTheComicGuy (933): I'd hoped to get some traction but it looks like no ones interested. No worries they'll be other times. Thanks to anyone who stopped in to take a look.
Best, quickest and most profitable way to sell entire collection? furlo316 21 3 yearsBigRedOne1944 (11568): Where you located, what’s your asking price
Roughly 1000 golden age books, most of them coverless, for sale or trade. agamoto 18 3 yearssilveragecomicsuk (33): I’ve sent you a message. Let’s go from there. Don’t want to waste your time.
Charlton, Dell, Atlas/Seaboard, Marvel! War, Horror, Drek! Low/Mid-Grade!! Galen130 Jump to first page148Jump to last page 3 yearsGalen130 (6914): My pleasure as well…glad to hear it. 👍🤙🖖
Raw books I’m selling WndrWmn74 10 3 yearsWndrWmn74 (791): I’ll also include free books with every purchase.
Eclipse's Sales Thread Eclipse9665 5 3 yearsEclipse9665 (260): Updated list of available Amazing Spider-Man comics below. Up to date as of July 3, 2022. NEW BOOKS ADDED -> Lots of McFarlane Added: Amazing Spider-Man Comic Books Up for grabs are a ton of Spider-Man comics. Please see the list below for what I have and prices. Grades are my approximations based on the Overstreet Grading Guide and other resources. These are not professionally graded by CGC or CBCS. They are raw grade...
Looking for Planet Comics JMSComics 6 3 yearsCatCovers (11063): Heh. Briefly thought you'd gone insane. :)
WTB hip hop variants stanley_1883 4 3 yearsHeinzDad (38289): I have a raw copy of Carnage 1 if that’s anything of interest.
Vacation fuel fund sale #2!! Offers welcome, yes to combined shipping!!! Galen130 Jump to first page159Jump to last page 3 yearsGalen130 (6914): My wife and I are planning on a much needed vacation later this summer, driving across/touring northern Arizona. We’ll be driving because I don’t fly anymore and she hates flying. Since gas prices are nuts, and probably getting worse by August, I want to start up a fuel fund for the trip by trying to sell more stuff from this thread and my CGC sales thread. All offers are welcome, but I don’t have anything new to add. We really need,...
New Hip Comic Store Listings obrie2tm 4 3 yearsRafel (4270): Cool. I'll look for them. Thank you.
Margie Comics #48 Mycomicshop Auction GOLDEN AGE TIMELY GGA CLASSIC COVER PolarisNuclearSS2020 18 3 yearsEbayMafia (37349): lol, this thread.
MCS Weekly Auction by CBCS Forum Members ending 6/13 Scifinator 24 3 yearsxkonk (18077): I'm torn between "I'm confused why there's so many of them every week now" and "don't worry, you can look at next week's nudie prints already"
Avengers 8 FOR SALE ebay Rjman48 1 3 yearsRjman48 (306): Send an reasonable offer!
Avengers 8 FOR SALE Rjman48 5 3 yearsBatman66 (22547): @Rjman48 started following you @Krazy4comics
Avengers 8, Thor 126 & for sale Rjman48 1 3 yearsRjman48 (306): Assorted bronze & silver also for sale. Rocky Mountain Collectibles on Instagram
Bronze age & wolverine/hulk variant books. Auction ends soon Rjman48 1 3 yearsRjman48 (306): Ebay auctions
Detective Comics #97 Tyler 2 3 yearsSidTheSquid (1591): PM Sent
RANDOM SALE!!! EddieTheComicGuy 1 3 yearsEddieTheComicGuy (933): I'm going through my short boxes and found some books I feel could go to a new home. I'll keep posting books as I find them in the boxes until Saturday. This is a TOTALLY RANDOM collection of stuff. If you're interested in any books simply comment which books you'd like. I usually ship USPS Priority Flat Rate, but if you'd like first class I'm fine with that too. I WILL NOT SHIP MEDIA MAIL!!! I'm sorry I just won't do it!!! I want...
ISO ASM #2 and #3 For Sale, Trade or Both. Graded or Raw Gibby357 1 3 yearsGibby357 (114): Need to complete my run of 1-20. Let's see what ya got!?!
Tyler Kirkham & Rafael Grassetti hogan36 3 3 yearshogan36 (198): @Cowabunga_Kyle Thank you!
The Recount #1 Metal Cowabunga_Kyle 1 3 yearsCowabunga_Kyle (2271): The Recount #1 Metal is a limited edition of just 50 copies. You can snag one over at Cowabunga Comics. You can get your copy signed at no extra charge, just send us a message. I hope you cats dig...
collection of over 120 1950's comics Tyler 7 3 yearsTyler (577): $50 for the 3>?
FS Wonder Woman Annual 1 CGC 9.8 NEWSSTAND + Son of Dathomir 3 + 4 CGC 9.8+ PolarisNuclearSS2020 2 3 yearsPolarisNuclearSS2020 (1380): Dropped the prices on all the books above...shaved more than $50 off each of the slabs. The ebay links are no longer valid, they'll be relisted there shortly but the MCS links are valid. Also dropped the price from $115 to $60 on a Golden Age GGA Margie Timely book here, it'll be up on ebay shortly as a new listing at a bit more:
Raw Comics For Sale--Fillers, Runs, Drek!! Mostly Modern, some CA/BA/SA!! Galen130 Jump to first page224Jump to last page 3 yearsGalen130 (6914): @Jesse_O This thread is done. Please lock it at your convenience. Thanks a lot!!! :)
Slabs and Raws for Sale Swamp Thing moon Knight more Enelson 9 3 yearsEnelson (6289): Moon knight sold New Avengers pending
virtual (mostly) $1 bin sale... $1 books minor keys, modern Marvel, etc. ERB_in_CLT 1 3 yearsERB_in_CLT (660): Hi everyone, I thought I would post here first (before going the fee route). I am trying to make some room, so have books below for sale. Shipping is 10 or fewer books, $9, and 10+ is $15. BUT... for the fine folks on this board, if you buy more than 10, I'll pick up half the shipping and if you buy 20+, I'll pick the whole shipping cost. I'd also maybe consider trades for TPBs (specifically Star Wars or Jeff Lemire that I don't have)...
Just posted some stuff on eBay... Thanks! joelzstuff 4 3 yearsjoelzstuff (90): Ending tomorrow, Thanks! -Joel
Infinity Gauntlet themed Betty & Veronica Ltd 250 Pre-Sell! vacomicon 6 3 yearspower_struggle55 (7504): I hear if you input the kanami code....half of all saved files are deleted
Comic Book Covers 4 Cancer February Auctions Zanziber 4 3 yearsHexView (521): Is this Nell Carter dressed as Harley Quinn?
recommended places to sell comics smeninc 10 3 yearsEbayMafia (37349): seems to have a pretty small buying audience but it can be a good price to sell well priced slabbed books. And since their sales are small, sales tax will only apply to buyers inside your state. The commission is only 1% for each the buyer and the seller.
Just a few high grade books for sale Pickycollector Jump to first page55Jump to last page 3 yearsKatKomics (31323): I like that atomic knights book....unfortunately I'm not really buying right now
Digital Code Sticker hogan36 3 3 yearshogan36 (198): Good morning Thanks
Some stuff on eBay joelzstuff 2 3 yearsjoelzstuff (90): Ending tomorrow, Thank Everyone! -Joel
werewolf by night 1-20 Tyler 14 3 yearsetapi65 (4060): Plus the time to get the graded books back and then get them on MCS unless you're paying for fast pass on them which would further dip into potential profit. The show could be released and people could hate it by the time you got them back graded and the market for them could nose dive. So selling now ungraded would probably be the best option to maximize profit (if that's your purpose). Weird, I don't have any quote language around my...
Yet another sales thread xkonk 23 3 yearsGAC (79173): Flawless transaction! Thanks @xkonk Alex! Received today, perfectly packaged, very secure and fast shipping. Would buy from again without hesitation. 🍻
For Sale: Multiple Copies of Cool Comic Books! Eclipse9665 3 3 yearsEclipse9665 (260): Bump :)
Ice Cream Man #25 hogan36 5 3 yearsdpiercy (4842): Love this series.
Making Room Since There’s A Local Con In A Few Weeks 00slim 12 3 years00slim (18687): The Spawn Lot sold on Fee-bay rather quickly. The Judge Dredd banner, Raiders script, & War Hammer books are still available.
Flanders' Comic Emporium Listings on flanders 10 3 yearsflanders (29016): Marvel Preview #3 CGC 6.5 sold on myslabs. The rest of the dreck is still available.
How would you price a newly trending book, like Sleepwalker #1? Collectionary_FTW 24 3 yearsHexView (521): You can't beat The GCD!
Pre-Orders OPEN! Ltd 100 GI JOE Larry Hama Exclusive vacomicon 4 3 yearsvacomicon (190): Only 6 copies left!
For Sale! War Machine 1 (many copies) + other books Eclipse9665 3 3 yearsEclipse9665 (260): @Reelgee I am not sure about pressing the War Machine #1s as they are foil and embossed. I think the embossed part is more problematic than the foil part according to my minimal research. I want to be upfront though and say that the Storm #1s and Rogue #1s each tend to have at least one or two coloring breaking spine tick (hence why I am giving a raw grade estimate of 8.0-9.0). If that is ok with you please send me a message privately with your...
18 copies left! Ltd 250 Dan Parent VALENTINE'S Cover for Pre-Order! vacomicon 6 3 yearsNuffsaid111 (20654): Your Archie variants are the one and only variant I purchase for the entire year. That's how much I love these Dan Parent ones you've been doing for the last year or so (starting with that flourescent pink version of both Betty and Veronica)
COMICS For SALE - All are $2 Bucks Doc_Cop 3 3 yearsbeastboy1980 (1125): nice books
BATMAN #118 1:250 VIKTOR BOGDANOVIC hogan36 11 3 yearsteacha777 (1180): classic Todd Mcfarlane cover homage. Get it signed by Todd then the book suddenly becomes sought after.
RAW books for sale! Comicsadelphia 5 3 yearsComicsadelphia (44): Amazing Spider-Man # 229 (1982) Juggernaut, Madame Web, X-Men, Iron Man and more! John Ronita Jr. art! Newstand Edition! Juggernaut # 1 (2020) 1:100 Roth Hidden Jem VARIANT 1st app. of Miranda Manuel as D-Cel Juggernaut # 1 (2020) 1:50 Bradshaw VARIANT Set $195
FOR SALE: Slabs and Raw Keys Doc_Cop 14 3 yearsDoc_Cop (3100): Giant Size Invaders SOLD SOLD SOLD to the Silver Samurai!
european exklusive Fathom: The Core variants by Michael Turner Chr. Zullo exphysiker 2 3 yearsByrdibyrd (24736): Hadn't seen these before. Cool!
Our newest LTD 250 Archie Exclusive - Christmas Veronica!! vacomicon 6 3 yearsvacomicon (190): Only 26 copies left! This Christmas one is going fast. Pre-Order YOURS today:
Check out some of my CGC books for sale! Thanks! Watcher5866 6 3 yearsWatcher5866 (378): Cool! Thanks so much guys!
SUPERMAN: SON OF KAL-EL #5 hogan36 5 3 yearsOxbladder (1287): I don't think they always announce a sellout. Most of the ones I hear about are usually ones that happen before or on release day. Since this issue is part of the whole bisexual reveal they have likely seen something in the numbers or market that provoked the second printing.
DEEP From the depths of the PC… Comes a 4 Sale Thread Noblebeast315 4 3 yearsNoblebeast315 (2200): For the record I am happy to provide additional photos of any books you may be interested in.
Absolute Carnage #1 Skan Srisuwan hogan36 5 3 yearsJesse_O (39345): @hogan36 the only thing I can think of is that TCM DID have a Skan signing event at the 2019 NYCC where he signed these. Perhaps the signed ones were from that event. That's the only thing that would make sense to me. TCM told people that got one with their orders that Skan would be signing them there.
FOR SALE - Slabs and Raw Keys including Warlock and Carnage Keys Doc_Cop 17 3 yearsDoc_Cop (3100): All except Marvel Premiere 3 and Detective Comics.
Rogue 1 and Storm 1 Lot for Sale - All Newsstands Eclipse9665 1 3 yearsEclipse9665 (260): Hey everyone, I have a lot of Rogue #1 (1995) and Storm #1 (1996) comics for sale. They are all newsstands. Check it out with the link below. Only looking to sell as a lot right now.
Trunk Of Treasures hogan36 5 3 yearsdfoster43 (1768): Yeah I liked Henry when I was a kid. Syndicated in newspapers and I had a few of the Dell comics. He never talked because he had no mouth. LOL. Wise beyond his years.
Legit Website? hogan36 19 3 yearsByrdibyrd (24736): @hogan36 So sorry about your uncle getting scammed! We're lucky we have a community that helps us look out for each other. :heart:
TMNT #98 Mike Vasquez Jennika Action Figure Variant Limited to 800 hogan36 6 3 yearsHeinzDad (38289): Oh no, I totally hear you. Ive been there before and learned. Not at the cost you’re in though I’m sure.
some comics for sale xkonk 12 3 yearsxkonk (18077): A few raw graded books just back from CBCS. Same deal as previous post on the buying details. Uncanny X-Men 95, death of Thunderbird, 5.0. Forum price $75. Uncanny X-Men 96, first appearance of Moira MacTaggert, 8.0. Forum price $200. Incredible Hulk 102, first self-titled issue after Astonishing, 3.0. The only comparable sold copy I can find recently on eBay...
Pre-Order Our HORROR-themed October DAN PARENT Exclusives! vacomicon 3 3 yearsvacomicon (190): Thanks! Our sales have been THROUGH THE ROOF on this one! Here's a preview of all 3 versions: Pick 'em up HERE before they sell out! Our last few exclusives go for over $100 on ebay, and one even got listed on Key Collector! Brett
Books For Sale! Rjman48 6 3 yearsRjman48 (306):
Circle City Comics hogan36 3 3 yearsEmporiumCo (1): They are my local LCS, completely legit and great service / quality.
eBay: I posted some stuff... Raws, Graded and Sigs joelzstuff 3 3 yearsjoelzstuff (90): Ending in 5 hours, please take a look. Thanks everyone! - Joel
Buy some of my books, please? Golden age, SIKTC, Swamp Thing, plenty more Carpendaddy 10 3 yearsByrdibyrd (24736): I bid on a few more, too. Nice books!
I just posted some comics on eBay joelzstuff 4 4 yearsjoelzstuff (90): Ending today Thanks everyone! Joel
Amazon FCBD titles Belarak 3 4 yearsByrdibyrd (24736): I've seen Amazon trucks on the highway, and they drive like they've never been behind the wheel of a truck before. Absolutely no clue how to handle their vehicles.
Star Wars: THE HIGH REPUBLIC #7 hogan36 18 4 yearshogan36 (198): @Belarak Thank you to you all as well!
Thousands of Comic Books for Sale Eclipse9665 7 4 yearsEclipse9665 (260): Bump :)
Auctions and Fixed Price Listings for Jesse's GoFundMe! flanders 26 4 yearsflanders (29016): Joker #1 Neal Adams Variant NM - $39.99 obo - SOLD on Ebay. I'll be making a donation on behalf of @hotkeycomics to @Jesse_O. Other books are still available if there is any interest and no offer is too low.
Strange Raws 4 Sale Part 1 Noblebeast315 16 4 yearsBatman66 (22547): @GanaSoth lol, too funny
Tranzor Z Comics hogan36 20 4 yearsBuzbe (158): Just for taking them to school where they where band.
xvipah's $0.99 drek blowout sale! xvipah Jump to first page103Jump to last page 4 yearsxvipah (4870): Thanks @Bobashek pleasure doing business with you. :)
Absolute Carnage #1 1:500 Virgin General Question hogan36 Jump to first page36Jump to last page 4 yearsSebastsk8 (2354): @HulkSmash I grabbed a couple of those already 😂
Doctor Aphra 001 R0gu31 8 4 yearsZombiebigfoot (4269): @R0gu31 I also have a copy of that issue (Cover 1A), but chose this variant to have graded instead (Cover 1H, the Retailer Exclusive Variant). I’m sure with a cleaning & press it would’ve come back with a 9.6 or 9.8, so I’ll definitely do that when I send issue 1A in (just in case of any imperfections). It’s like...
Introducing the Larry Hama File Copy Collection vacomicon 4 4 yearsvacomicon (190): I'm super excited about all of the JOE single issues that are being worked on by CBCS. Since Larry had all of the ultra-rare out-of-print Joe Trades (who knows how tiny some of those print runs are) I partnered with MCS to to satisfy fans in the meantime. Thanks for checking them out!
For Sale: Spawn Comic Books Eclipse9665 7 4 yearsEclipse9665 (260): #100 Alex Ross B Variant is sold
Lawguy's Raw Keys For Sale lawguy1977 7 4 yearslawguy1977 (7554): Uncanny X-Men #137 - Death of Phoenix. I'd put this in the FN range (6.5). Asking $30 OBO. ...
For Sale: Double Cover - Spider-Man Unlimited #1 Eclipse9665 4 4 yearsEclipse9665 (260): @Briten @GAC Thanks
Old to Modern books for sale - approximately 160 comics in a group QuaBrot 1 4 yearsQuaBrot (2018): Decent size group of comics for sale. I deal with Gold and Silver books, so I don't know much about these except that most of them are modern(ish). A few Golden/early Silver Dell books, a few 60's/70's Dell, Archie and Marvel (Sgt. Fury and leatherneck, I think) and Bronze Daredevil (issue 198 is earlies?), but the majority are modern DC, Marvel, Dark Horse, etc. See pics. I counted about 160 comics total. Shipping will have to be a...
Selling TMNT #2, #3, #4, GI Joe #1, Thundercats #1, Transformers #1 Derickson007 5 4 yearsDerickson007 (1): @KYoung_1974 Just the lighting and camera - I did not use any filters as I didn't want to misrepresent in any way what they look like. Pics were just taken in my house under overhead lighting which is all I have. Happy to take more in different angles or try different areas of my house. Just uploaded a pic I took last night again just no filter but with a brown background and not white ...
Local Comic book and Sports Card show Bristol RI Johnnylray 1 4 yearsJohnnylray (2675): Hi All, hope all is well with you guys. A few months ago I posted that i got back into Sportscards. Well, I took the leap to be a show promoter. I will be having bi-monthly Sportscard and Comicbook shows here in Bristol RI at the local VFW. I am trying a 50/50 split w/ comics and card dealers. I hope some of my RI friends can make it to the show this Sunday..Ray...
Selling some of my collection starlord 10 4 yearsstarlord (6331): Tales of Suspense #57 First Hawkeye EST Grade 2.5 - 3.0. Asking for $600.00 but for CBCS forum members I'm asking for $550.00 plus $20.00 for shipping cost.
2nd Annual Pennsylvania Comic Crawl! July 10th Doc_Cop 4 4 yearsDoc_Cop (3100): Crawl was a blast! Scored some great bronze and copper keys as well as some speck books. Go to my YouTube channel "Doc Cop Comics" and check out my hauls from the crawl. Hope you can all make it next year. So much nicer bonding with fellow collectors in person.
xkonk's new sales thread xkonk Jump to first page120Jump to last page 4 yearsxkonk (18077): Last bump and then the previous three are off to MCS this week. I haven't sent them anything to auction in a while and I'm going to remind myself how much I prefer them to eBay.
Raw Comics for SALE - Plus 1 special slab Doc_Cop 12 4 yearsHulkSmash (11374): Got em. Let know if you want to trade any slabbed 9.6/9.8 Walmart variants for that Venom
LEVIATHAN COMICS NEW WEBSITE blevin 1 4 yearsblevin (31): Hello everyone my name is Jim Banks and I want to invite everyone who loves comics to come visit our new comic book site at leviathan comics. For fans of superheroes. fantasy, horror and science fiction. Leviathan comics new website - clickable text
3500+ X-Men Comic Books for Sale Eclipse9665 8 4 yearsEclipse9665 (260): @Donnied Not currently.
Empire Comic Fest! Rochester, NY! JULY 10th! StanLee 1 4 yearsStanLee (6): Vendor application is live! Check the website for a sneak peak of some books that will be there!! - The Date: Saturday, July 10, 2021 - The Time: 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM - The Place: The JCC of Rochester 1200 Edgewood Ave. Rochester, NY 14618 - THOUSANDS OF COMICS FOR SALE! - From $1 Bins to CGC / CBCS Golden, Silver, Bronze, and Modern Key Books! - Trusted and experienced...
Raw Comics for sale - On the cheap! Doc_Cop 11 4 yearsDoc_Cop (3100): Still waiting on PlaidJ to settle up on Lots 8, 9 and 10.
Slabs, Signed and Swamp Raws 4 Sale! Noblebeast315 Jump to first page33Jump to last page 4 yearsNoblebeast315 (2200): @HeinzDad Awesome! Thanks so much man. Baller Box Bureau would be a great avatar caption. @Jesse_O let’s make that happen! 😉 I can get you both Swamp Thing 8 & 10, no sweat. I will PM you. All the best!
Crossover #7 Exclusive Beeda 1 4 yearsBeeda (59): Hey all, We have a new exclusive for CrossOver #7, the only Crossover exclusive to feature Madman (or any other character not created in the book). Cover art by Alex Morrissey. clickable text We like the CBCS community so now through the 30th discount code CBCSISTHEBEST will get you 20% the exclusive. We hope you enjoy Alex Morrissey's return to the comic book world.
Just posted some stuff on eBay... joelzstuff 8 4 yearsjoelzstuff (90): Ending today Thanks everyone! -Joel
My newest Exclusives: Dan Parent and...ROB LIEFELD!?! vacomicon 3 4 yearsKCBatmanFan (3029): Yes, it was changed to a one shot rather than a mini-series as Liefeld bowed out after a retailer variant spoiled a major plot point. David Gallaher is scripting it now, but it's still full Liefeld art.
For Sale Raws and Slabs - Keys - Champions #1, Spectacular Spiderman #1 Doc_Cop 8 4 yearsDoc_Cop (3100): Punisher #1 SOLD SOLD SOLD to HeinzDad.
10% OFF SALE until June 1st! Thousands of X-Men Comic Books for Sale Eclipse9665 1 4 yearsEclipse9665 (260): My dad and I launched a website to sell his personal comic collection. If interested, you can check it out here: Free shipping on orders of $65 or more. Payments are made with PayPal or Stripe. We are having a 10% off sale on all comics until June 1, 2021. Use the coupon code MAY2021 at the checkout to get the discount! You can read my Dad's ad for his X-Men comics below. Thanks for looking! I have...
For Sale - Some Slabs and Raw Books From My Collection esaravo Jump to first page104Jump to last page 4 yearscesidio (2429): Turtles (original series)1-4 1 2 can be any printing 3 4 1st Thor #4 V1 FF #20 Thor #148 V1 Wolverine returns #1 McFarlane variant color or b&w
Wisdom on Selling Most of My Collection jgzachary13 20 4 yearsjgzachary13 (187): @xkonk Thank you. I believe I will work with the CGCs on EBay first and then break up raws into lots and follow the steps you mention. I’ll determine MCS v. EBay then and hopefully have more time. Thank you (and everyone) again.
My last Exclusive is now on Key Collector! Next one up... vacomicon 1 4 yearsvacomicon (190): Hi, CBCS friends! I can't believe my humble Betty and Veronica variant (The PINK one) has been added to Key Collector's list of hot books this week! I also heard copies are going for as much as $80 each on ebay. WOWZA! Well, our LATEST exclusives literally JUST arrived and we will begin packing them up this weekend. Don't miss YOUR chance to get a set of THREE Archie comics...each is an homage to ASM #300. With our last SINGLE...
FS: Uncanny X-Men partial run (182 issues) with some keys Darkga 5 4 yearsDarkga (4787): Oh, I'm in Atlanta, Georgia. :)
COMIX FOR SALE! comixcited Jump to first page36Jump to last page 4 yearscomixcited (1337): X-men #130 FN $75
Slabs and Raws For Sale jokioo 5 4 yearsBriten (1968): I purchased a slab from Jokioo a few weeks ago. Good seller, good packaging.
Pre-Order! My latest Archie Exclusives: ASM 300!!! vacomicon 1 4 yearsvacomicon (190): Hi, Fellow comic nerds! First off, Thank you to EVERYONE here on the forums who pre-ordered my last 2 Archie exclusives! While Everything's Archie has been delayed a month (to add a reprint of the now-famous Betty in 2021 story (yay, free bonus!), we have been authorized by Archie to pre-sell our next exclusives... A rare 3-PACK ASM #300 Homage (Archie & Friends SuperHeroes #1) for only $49.95, with each book limited to only 300...
RAW COMICS FOR SALE - High grade low prices! Doc_Cop 13 4 yearsDoc_Cop (3100): Spidey 2099 SOLD SOLD SOLD to bobadont!
Some books and slabs for sale Yoosh5492 11 4 yearsYoosh5492 (763): @Ginosdad It was so bad. Lol. Nothing in there that I would ever buy.
Cthulhu Invades Oz Cowabunga_Kyle 3 4 yearsCowabunga_Kyle (2271): @EbayMafia Basically Cthulhu meets Dorothy and she tells him all about Oz so he decides that's a place he'd like to ravage. The first few chapters are the telling of his coming and it ramps up from there It's 160 pages. I'm 1/4 of the way through it myself.
RAW COMICS FOR SALE: Bronze, copper and modern keys - Spider-Woman #1 Doc_Cop 15 4 yearsDoc_Cop (3100): ASM 305 SOLD to Batman79.
Raw Comics For Sale - Copper and Modern Punisher #1 Doc_Cop 7 4 yearsDoc_Cop (3100): Silk 1, Brzrkr 1 and Black cat 1 all SOLD!
FOR SALE: 1st Winter Soldier, 1st Thunderbolts, 1st Red Hulk + more fire! Doc_Cop 25 4 yearsDoc_Cop (3100): Thanks @Kenjisan! Just sent the Slabs for sale new thread. Enjoy all slabs under fair market value including ASM 101 8.5.
Selling my collection HOGLEG 14 4 yearsHOGLEG (366): I can, but I'd rather not do it on ebay. If we could make a deal on something here, that would work. Is there something you're looking for that I may have?
Feedback on New Service GuaranteedComics Jump to first page45Jump to last page 4 yearsGuaranteedComics (15): @sportshort Thank you! We are glad you were satisfied with our service. Hope to see you back in the shop! -Jesus
Betty and Veronica #1 Exclusive Ltd 250 vacomicon 19 4 yearsvacomicon (190): Glad you all like it, and they arrived in such good shape! Signed copies went in the mail today. The pink cover is SOLD OUT! Don't miss our NEXT Archie exclusive, over at: clickable text
For Sale 1st Knull, 1st Mister Sinister, Star Wars & other raw high grades Doc_Cop 6 4 yearsDoc_Cop (3100): Spider-man 1 (Gold) SOLD.
For Sale: Tales of Suspense 73, 80 MatterEaterLad 4 4 yearsHexigore (2228): Payment sent. Thank you!!
Ltd 250 ARCHIE Exclusive - Young Romance #150 homage! vacomicon 4 4 yearsvacomicon (190): Thanks! I was VERY happy with the way it turned out, and so far pre-sales have been rather strong! Brett
COMICS For SALE! Raw Copper and Modern keys Doc_Cop 10 4 yearsBlair1999 (527): @Doc_Cop got mine yesterday as well, very carefully packed, THANK YOU.
I posted some things... ending on Wednesday joelzstuff 5 4 yearsjoelzstuff (90): I posted some more things, Please take a look Thanks Joel
Snowy Day Comic Sale Noblebeast315 17 4 yearssportshort (20067): @Noblebeast315, My Dr Strange 170 came in today, It was well packaged and as described. I appreciate the service. Thanks!
CGROC slabbed and raw comics for sale Cgroc09 20 4 yearsCgroc09 (244): Awesome, glad you're happy with them. Paul
Mail Call - Very Happy Doc_Cop 3 4 yearsDoc_Cop (3100): The Detective Comics is the first solo Batgirl story. Very underrated in my opinion.
Silver Age Replica Comics JustACollector 15 4 yearsFuneralBill5150 (87): Haha, CBCS and CGC is probably the people making these, that way every book has to be graded, lol
X-men for sale Cgroc09 15 4 yearsCgroc09 (244): X-men 50 SPF. PM inbound
xkonk's revived sale thread xkonk Jump to first page571Jump to last page 4 yearsxkonk (18077): Someone cleared out a bunch of my 90s Image and Malibu from eBay. The shipping is going to kill me but now I don't have to look at them!
Raw Comics, how much is to much? Herkzy 30 4 yearsHerkzy (377): Thanks for all the good ideas. The wife’s likes the e-Bay idea. Actual auction and no ‘buy now’ option. The winner would pay postage. If they bring a dollar, so be it. I’m also watching this... not saying I’m going to add more comics to my collection but I am jonesing😜😆
CBCS 9.8 and Raw Books for Sale jibaro 1 4 yearsjibaro (22): CBCS 9.8 Modern Key lot Ice Cream Man Presents Quarantine Comix Special #1 CBCS 9.8 / Foil Cover - $150 Superman #25 CBCS 9.8 / Ivan Reis Variant / 1st Appearance of Synmar - $100 Batman #96 CBCS 9.8 / Jimenez Variant / 1st Appearance of Clownhunter - *SOLD* Batman #93 CBCS 9.8 / Jimenez Variant - $80 All Books are Near Mint The following Raw Books are for sale: Daredevil #25 - *SOLD* Daredevil #25 Knullified Variant -...
Flipping Videos from Doc Cop Comics Doc_Cop 11 4 yearsDoc_Cop (3100): @Zombiebigfoot - Thanks! I enjoy the hunt and the flip to improve my PC! More videos to follow for sure! Joe
High grade keys for sale and auction Ambush_Bug 1 4 yearsAmbush_Bug (201): Hi there, I have a number of High grade Books up for auction this week, and some for sale, including a 9.8 SS of Amazing Spiderman #4, first Silk, and a 9.8 Ms. Marvel # 1, Origin and 1st series of Kamila Kahn, Abedo 3,the 2nd Appearance of Usagi Yojimbo, signed with sketch, Silver age keys such as an 8.5 Avengers 47, first Dane Whitman/ The Black Knight and an 8.0 Fantastic Four #33, first Attuma. I hope you can check them out, amongst many...
Just listed some .99 books infinityG 4 4 yearsPuckster (3001): Couple I'm watching and will probably be bidding on. Don't need to be buying right now, but....
SOLD! - 20 Comic Magazines including S.S. of Conan #1, Vampirella, HM Darkga 6 4 yearskaptainmyke (27134): That's a nice collection! There's a few in this lot I have my eye on, but I don't wish to buy the entire lot as I have most of them. If you have trouble selling this lot, I'd be interested in a few.
Clone Wars #1-12 For Sale! daywalker 1 4 yearsdaywalker (3708): Anyone interested in a set of Star Wars The Clone Wars #1-12? I’m thinking of letting a set go. I’d say the average condition on these are VF/NM or better. I’m looking to get $1000, but listening to offers if you’re interested, otherwise I’ll throw a set up on eBay. MORE PICTURES AVAILABLE! Just ask! Thanks!
20% off $100+ daredevilart 1 4 yearsdaredevilart (390): I need to move some books! Until the end of the month just use coupon code "fearless" and get 20% any order of $100 or more. Note: discount will not apply to already discounted books. Lots of new CBCS slabbed books! A chance to grab some keys for under FMV! PS - keep...
New Title: The Listener with a Frank Miller Wolverine Homage Cowabunga_Kyle 10 4 yearsCowabunga_Kyle (2271): @DWeeB1967 thank you kindly.
Instagram Newbie - Help Doc_Cop 10 4 yearsDoc_Cop (3100): Thanks Masochism! Great advice!
Options for selling a collection Yoosh5492 28 4 yearsTedsaid (7340): Yes! The Firestorm is not worth as much as the Justice League but it's much harder to find. (Justice League had much higher circulation numbers at that time than Firestorm.) So, if you find the right buyer, you can probably get above guide for it in high grade. I had no idea the JL was that expensive now. That was a $50 for a LONG time. Like, from two weeks after it started to surface, until well into the 2000's. I think mine is like a...
Just posted some comics on eBay... joelzstuff 3 4 yearsjoelzstuff (90): Ending today! Please take a look, Thanks again - Joel
X-Men X of Swords Creation #1 Comic hogan36 6 4 yearsxkonk (18077): I don't have personal experience with it, but my understanding is that if pretty much every copy has that damage it will be considered a manufacturing defect and won't hurt the grade that much. A lot of the recent larger Marvel books have those corner issues.
MutantMania's Super Sales Thread MutantMania Jump to first page66Jump to last page 5 yearsMutantMania (6086): ****SOLD**** Comicraft Marvel Masterworks Fantastic Four 51-60 / Annual 4 Comicraft Marvel Masterworks Amazing Fantasy 15 / Spiderman 1 – 10 Comicraft Marvel Masterworks Fantastic Four 1 – 10 Marvel Masterworks Amazing Spiderman 21-30 / Annual 1 Marvel Five Fabulous Decades Of The World’s Greatest Comics by Les Daniels Last call on Alias 1 CBCS 9.6 Not Pressed - $95.00 with FREE Priority Mail Shipping ...
Walkin' Willie's Comix on eBay! WalkinWillie 4 5 yearsWalkinWillie (238): @EbaySeller - I appreciate that but with the number of books I have up on eBay plus the fact that I reduce the price by 1% each day would make it tough to sell directly here. I wish they had some sort of "store" here where you could list and sell items for a modest fee similar to eCrater. eBay is so far from perfect but it gets a ton of eyeballs and that is what you are paying for fee-wise.
Star Wars Kanan the Last Padawan #1 FOR SALE! daywalker 1 5 yearsdaywalker (3708): Kanan The Last Padawan #1 in NM condition FOR SALE! $20 plus shipping! Shipping: 1-4 books $5 via media mail packaged in a Gemini mailer. 5-9 books $9 priority mail. 10-15 books $15 flat rate priority.
FOR SALE: Star Wars The Clone Wars #2, #6, #8, #9, #10, #11, #12 daywalker 1 5 yearsdaywalker (3708): Star Wars The Clone Wars #2 in NM condition FOR SALE! $40 plus shipping! Star Wars The Clone Wars #6 in NM condition FOR SALE! $30 plus shipping! Star Wars The Clone Wars #8 in NM condition FOR SALE! $20 plus shipping! Star Wars The Clone Wars #9 in NM condition FOR SALE! $15 plus shipping! Star Wars The Clone Wars #10 in NM condition FOR SALE! $15 plus shipping! Star Wars The Clone Wars #11 in NM condition FOR SALE! $15 plus...
FOR SALE: Star Wars Kanan the Last Padawan #1 daywalker 1 5 yearsdaywalker (3708): Kanan The Last Padawan #1 in NM condition FOR SALE! $15 plus shipping! Shipping: 1-4 books $5 via media mail packaged in a Gemini mailer. 5-9 books $9 priority mail. 10-15 books $15 flat rate priority.
High End Spideys And More 4 Sale Noblebeast315 11 5 yearsElvinv (568): Finally received books. USPS 🤦‍♂️ Thank you
Absolute Carnage #1 Maximum Carnage Bundle Set hogan36 1 5 yearshogan36 (198):
Grading hogan36 18 5 yearshogan36 (198): Thanks, that sounds good . Least I know if the signatures can be verified and won't count against me.
Bat Books For Sale Noblebeast315 8 5 yearsNoblebeast315 (2200): Yup the pair. Sounds great. DM me.
Pennsylvania Comic Crawl and Swap 7/26/2020 Doc_Cop 3 5 yearsDoc_Cop (3100): Thanks Scifinator. There will be other get togethers. Stay safe!
YoyTube Auctions Beef Doc_Cop 16 5 yearsDoc_Cop (3100): Catcover - that would be my luck as well.
Earth 616 Collectibles hogan36 3 5 yearshogan36 (198): @crystalphoto Okay. Thanks so much!
Class act ALERT! Scifinator 26 5 yearsScifinator (15986): Wait, is Ed Canadian also? Sorry, Weird Al reference there.
FOR SALE! HARLEY QUINN (vol. 1) #1-4 & Our Worlds At War daywalker 4 5 yearsHulkSmash (11374): Pmed
How the heck do I figure out what something like this is even worth? agamoto Jump to first page44Jump to last page 5 yearsagamoto (292): Not quite, I submitted pictures to Beckett's signature review service. Just the ones for Joe jack and Stan. They don't pass or fail anything, for 10 bucks a signature they tell you whether a signature is likely or unlikely to pass a full certification. The seller is Chaucer Auction in the UK. They said the book was authenticated by Gary King of Autographica in the UK, but it's Beckett back here in the usa I need to worry about pleasing. Chaucer...
Absolute Carnage #1 hogan36 6 5 yearsRinova (265): I have a copy of that comic @hogan36. Not sure if you are still interested?
Anyone got a John Broome sig? ftwjedi 1 5 yearsftwjedi (25): Just wondering if anyone has John Broome's sig on a book. Tried Google and couldn't find an image of his signature
Ed's Cabin Fever Sale esaravo Jump to first page84Jump to last page 5 yearsJohnnylray (2675): @esaravo I'd be happy to pay now and figure something down the road...This at Home crap is driving us all batty... Hope your family is safe and sound as well..Will talk soon. Thank you Ed!
Twilight Zone Gold Key? SupaCor 8 5 yearsSupaCor (307): oh wow, thanks guys! as for 84 and 85... frank miller :( i have two copies of #1, 2, 7, and 9. id like to find 7$-15$ reader copies that are complete and are not falling apart. the star trek run took about 3 years to finish, id like to do this one in less haha. heck maybe i should hit 84 and 85 first. thanks guy! i appreciate it!
Spend your Stimulus Checks Here!!! ggovel 3 5 yearsmichaelekrupp (32260): @Nuffsaid111 it would be interesting to start an EBay auction for those things at .99 cents and see where it ended up lol. @ggovel good luck with your sale, bro.
... Enelson 13 5 yearsSiggy (25634): Yeah, I'm not playing either.
know of any brick & mortar stores with an eBay Presence?? Gabriel85301 19 5 yearsGabriel85301 (1764): Thank you! I will follow up with many of these in the next several days. I am a part time employee (I was only getting 25-32 hours week) at a "store" that starts with the letter "C," that many people shop at in bulk.. ha ha ha. I am in great health so I'm putting in about 36-40 hours a week. It is quite a change for me, but I'm loving it yet I come home so exhausted.
my lcs is doing some sweet ebay stuff Gabriel85301 3 5 yearsGabriel85301 (1764): my recent article of about my lcs, but please let me know if your lcs has a web/ebay presence and is shipping books out with all this going on...
10 "RAW" Marvel Tales :Starring Spider-Man Comics JerrySS 5 5 yearsJerrySS (80): Hey KYDU - yeah, I was pretty on point - here's what I copied from the USPS page: Priority Mail International® service is a reliable and affordable way to ship to more than 190 countries, including Canada and Australia. Use free Flat Rate Boxes and Envelopes to pay one price, regardless of box weight, up to 70 lbs. Postage rates vary based on destination. Prices start at $26.90.
For Sale on eBay joelzstuff 3 5 yearsjoelzstuff (90): I Posted some more that are ending today. Please check them out. Thanks everyone and be safe! -Joel
FS: "Raw" Misc Comics JerrySS 1 5 yearsJerrySS (80): 1972 Creatures on the Loose - Ross Andru/Gil Kane Some wear - Fine $10.00
Raw - Death Of Superman Grab Bag - 5 Comics $30 shipped JerrySS 9 5 yearsJerrySS (80): I completely "get it" - my mistake - thanks again!
"RAW" FS: 1969 Captain Marvel #15 Fine - some wear - $16.00 - Free Ship JerrySS 1 5 yearsJerrySS (80): 1969 Captain Marvel #15 Fine - some wear - $16.00 - Free Ship in Domestic US
FS; "Raw" The Punisher #112 - F / VF - $13.00 Free Ship JerrySS 3 5 yearsJerrySS (80): SOLD right after I posted it - sorry!
FS: Raw - Bloodshot #1 "1st Chromium Cover" F/VF $12.00 Free Ship JerrySS 1 5 yearsJerrySS (80): First "chromium" cover Bloodshot 1 is a rare item, due to it's release date. It was released the very same day as The Death of Superman. It has a few subtle greases near spine - otherwise very good condition. ...
"RAW" FS: Spiderman Special Edition - Issue 1 - Trial of Venom NM - $20 JerrySS 1 5 yearsJerrySS (80): Spiderman Special Edition - Issue 1 - Trial of Venom - I am no professional grader, but this is a NM issue. $20 -Free US Domestic Shipping
Super Secret Spider-Woman #1 Cover Cool_Fool 7 5 yearsHulkSmash (11374): I think “Spider” would be the preferred name. I don’t think we want to be assuming gender.
5 Reign of the Supermen Grab Bag JerrySS 1 5 yearsJerrySS (80): Hi everyone - First Post! I have been poking around trying to learn, so here is: For sale: a "grab bag" of 5 comics: • TAO Superman # 501 / 15 - Reign of the Supermen Die Cut Cover - VF • Superman # 78 / 14 - Reign of the Supermen Die Cut Cover - VF • Superman TMOS # 22 / 13 - Reign of the Supermen Die Cut Cover - VF • Superman IAC # 687 / 12 - Reign of the Supermen Die Cut Cover - VF • TAO Superman: ...
Lois Lane comic lot for sale... 13 issues BLHK133 2 5 yearsBLHK133 (5): sold
Comic Website Inquiry hogan36 11 5 yearshogan36 (198): @GanaSoth Thanks!Good Detective work. That's what I figured.
Marvel two comic packs 1996-97 Johnnylray 9 5 yearsJohnnylray (2675): For the record- 1 of each 2 packs (15 total) , boxed is aprox 7 pounds. Average priority mail is $18.95 ..or can go 1st class for 17 or media rate I suppose ! Thanks for looking ray.
Blackhawk Comic lot for sale, 9 issues BLHK133 2 5 yearsBLHK133 (5): sold
For Sale: Invincible Iron Man #55 1st app of Thanos Jedyzon 5 5 yearsJedyzon (876): SOLD
Need a second opinion about youtube auction buy Arak 23 5 yearsEbayMafia (37349): Smooth move. He's got game. $20 in shipping= maybe $400 or more in sales.
Eclipso: The Darkness Within #1 Up for .01 start Auction! Scifinator Jump to first page65Jump to last page 5 yearsScifinator (15986): Yep, SOLD, and congrats to the winner! Mow onto the next .01 cent starting bid itemw which is CBCS 8.5 Star Wars Dark Empire # 1
Opinions On How To Sell This Daredevil Lot MutantMania 15 5 yearsMutantMania (6086): @KYDU sorry u.s. shipping only. @Stantheman thanks for the post. I have gotten my fair share of good deals over the years so I don't mind giving a few deals to others if I can 😁 They are still up for grabs 😀
Ebay auction Yoosh5492 6 5 yearsYoosh5492 (763): @Terry88 Great point. I didnt think of that. I'll try it here next time.
For Sale: Various comic book variant sets - Spawn, Hulk + More Jedyzon 1 5 yearsJedyzon (876): Selling a few of my raw variant comic book sets. All books are NM condition. If you need additional pics please PM me. Spawn #280 Mattina Variant Scorpion Comics exclusive set - $115 shipped Immortal Hulk #20 Dale Keown Aspen comics virgin set - $100 shipped Daredevil #600 Adi Granov set - $80 shipped Spectacular Spider-man #300 - Gabrielle Del'Otto set - $50 shipped Venom #1 Adi Granov virgin - $35 shipped -Smoke free...
SALES THREAD mstrangeII 12 5 yearsDoc_Cop (3100): Not in my collection wheelhouse, but beautiful books and preserved very well. Kudos.
WTB/WTT for Venus #17,18 mstrangeII 2 5 yearsmstrangeII (4):
Help with grade and value please. Zombie_Head 11 5 yearsNightRelic (211): Very reasonable prices for a store. They match up with eBay pretty well. Not sure I agree 27 is best as far as condition. I'd want a good look at that color break on the right. 22 seems the best one to me. I would go for a bundle deal too.
Online YouTube Auction MarvelousComics 28 5 yearsMarvelousComics (2067): Last Charity Auction of the Year for Hero Initiative CBCS gradings were donated and up for auction tonight! Thanks @SBOROCK
Trimmed book Thearrow 4 5 yearsTimBildhauser (2239): That's a good place to start but not always true, especially if someone has only trimmed the edge of the cover partially or the whole edge.
The Amazing Spiderman 792 and 793 Stegman Variants For Sale MutantMania 1 5 yearsMutantMania (6086): I have the ASM 792 and 793 Ryan Stegman Variant covers up for sale. I would say both are in NM condition and will come shipped in bags / boards in a Comic Skin Slab-It-Yourself holder. Asking $65.00 each with free Priority Mail shipping Payments of Paypal and Venmo accepted No International Shipping / No Returns
Lehigh Valley Comic Con December 7th Doc_Cop 1 5 yearsDoc_Cop (3100): I will be selling a few hundred key comics, all 8.0 - 9.8, 50 graded and the rest raw at this coming Saturday's Lehigh Valley Comic Con located at Lehigh Carbon Community College in Schnecksville, PA. Hope to see you there. For those not interested in keys, I will also have a few long dollar boxes. For those who have bought from me in the past, all books are sold below FMV. Nuff said...Joe
Raw book lots for sale...Most $10 and under MarvelousComics Jump to first page66Jump to last page 5 yearsMarvelousComics (2067): DC Lots - $25.00 for all, plus shipping Various Conditions
@enelson sales thread part deux Enelson Jump to first page67Jump to last page 5 yearsEnelson (6289): Epic Illustrated lot $50 shipped. #1 still has the insert All books f/vf average This series has the first appearance of Dreadstar
Collection Pick Ups!! Doc_Cop 14 5 yearsDoc_Cop (3100): @Brandon77 - I was approached at a local comic show ( I had a table) and the guy confided that a guy owed him $500.00 and couldn't come up with the money so he gave him these books. My offer was fair not seeing the ASM 300 at the time of the offer.
selling tonyz58 13 5 yearsDrogio (8091): Has anyone tried a listing which gives you a pull-down menu for picking comics? Is it just ebay stores that can do this? I think a lot of people would buy comics in bulk for cheap ($1 or $2 an issue) and you can get rid of a fair amount of drek if you put all the comics in the same listing, but offered them separately. I think many buyers are “lazy” and won’t put in the tome to look at what else you have to offer for cheap and...
New Jersey Silver and Gold Con xkonk 14 5 yearsxkonk (18077): @esaravo Yeah, I'm sure at some shows the cost for vendors to get in the door makes any real buying cost prohibitive. On the other hand, you at least saw those books! I didn't have a lot of options looking for low numbered X-Men, even if I wasn't going to pull the trigger on much. I guess it's a trade between price and availability.
How to Sell in bulk ronvaughan 12 5 yearsOdinson2000 (85): I had about 1500 books pre-1980, with about 85% pre-1977. This past summer, I pulled what I thought were the best 50 or so out and sold the rest in a one-time, one-hour bulk sale to a store to generate the money for grading. Now, by the time they’re all back from grading next year, I’ll have about 60 high value graded comics as my total collection. Not for everyone, but I’ve been very happy with the change. I’ve been reading...
Ed's Bronze Age Golden Nuggets For Sale - Some Sets/Runs esaravo Jump to first page55Jump to last page 5 yearsesaravo (103004): Black Diamond #1-4 (Americomics 1983) Here is an almost complete set from my personal collection. All books appear to be VF/NM or better with bright white pages (IMO). If you want some great covers (#2 especially) and want to know where Marvel got the idea for Black Widow's movie costume, these are for you. I am asking $16 for the set, and that includes Priority Mail shipping, tracking, and insurance. ...
TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES #97 CRAIG ROUSSEAU VARIANT HoC 12 6 yearsWraith (2115): wow .. I really like that cover Makes me want to read tmnt..
Captain Marvel #17 & Batwing #19 for sale daywalker 2 6 yearsdaywalker (3708):
Raw grade tonyz58 5 6 yearstonyz58 (219): thanks appreciate it
Spy Cases #19 Atlas Pre-code Golden Age for sale daywalker 3 6 yearsdaywalker (3708): Thank you!
Strange Tales #26 Atlas Pre-code Golden Age for sale daywalker 1 6 yearsdaywalker (3708):
Penny Auction for this week MarvelousComics 5 6 yearsMarvelousComics (2067): They start ending in 20 minutes
AVENGERS #43 - First Red Guardian for sale daywalker 3 6 yearsStudley_Dudley (53746): Holla!
AVENGERS #48 1st Black Knight for sale daywalker 11 6 yearsGAC (79173): Definitely heating up....I wonder if #48 is going up as well.
AVENGERS #47 - 1st DANE WHITMAN for sale daywalker 1 6 yearsdaywalker (3708):
The Walking Dead / Witchblade / Red Sonja / and more for sale MutantMania 2 6 yearsMutantMania (6086): Walking Dead 42 sold :)
Black Widow 1 (1999) J.G. Jones Wraparound Variant 1st Yelena Belova! daywalker 11 6 yearsPaulbg2000 (4913): Secret Empire Omega #1 and Tales of Suspense #101 are both dollar bin books right now...if they reveal that Black Widow in the MCU is actually a Red Room Clone (or the one that died is a clone) these books will heat up.
Who’s Down For A Labor Day Flash Sale? Noblebeast315 8 6 yearsDarkseid_of_town (14297): I am always around if Zatanna is on the auction table...
The Boys #1,2,3,4,5,6 daywalker 3 6 yearsdaywalker (3708): Thanks brother!
Farmhand Ashcan signed by Rob Guillory for sale daywalker 5 6 yearsdaywalker (3708): An Ashcan is approximately half the size of a regular comic and is pretty much a preview of an actual comic prior to its release.
Golden Age EC Pre-Code Horror on Ebay daywalker 2 6 yearsdaywalker (3708): Here are a few other Golden Age issues I’m going to be selling if anyone is interested.
EBay WOLVERINE books ending Sunday yamada69 2 6 yearsyamada69 (66): Ending tonight!! Still some great deals to be had.
Beware of Seller lifeiswhatyoumakeit2012 GanaSoth Jump to first page42Jump to last page 6 yearsCaptainCanuck (6120): . This seller does have some negative/neutral feedback accusing him of sending a different and/or lower grade book than what was listed. In your case, @GanaSoth it seems like the book you received was different than the one pictured in the listing.
EBay WALKING DEAD Raw Books ending Sunday yamada69 7 6 yearsyamada69 (66): Ending tonight!! Still some great deals to be had. I will be putting wolverine books up for sale next week.
Marvel Comics October Releases GanaSoth 2 6 yearsBatman79 (1227): Better return dr doom to his bad ass former self!
Signed Raw Books for Sale Bmoney83 11 6 yearsBmoney83 (8): Here are some photos from the signings at MegaCon this year....
ComicXposure issues? GanaSoth Jump to first page35Jump to last page 6 yearsOGJackster (54562): That's why this forum should be promoted. It's one of the most useful sites for comic book collectors on the internet. Lots of insightful people with decades of experience. IMHO :)
Diversified collection or holy grail? Doc_Cop 27 6 yearsZosoRocks (2134): I like that....a modern key like 1st app X-23 or Harley Quinn could be condidered key books in their own right. *shrugs*
WTB The Flash #141 - Mint to NM condition GanaSoth 1 6 yearsGanaSoth (10301): Guys. Im looking to buy a mint to nm+ condition "The Flash #141." Send me a PM or respond here please. Thanks in advance.
Major-X #1 First Print For Sale GanaSoth 15 6 yearsBigRedOne1944 (11568): I have to admit that Cover #2 is really bad. I think the guy must have gotten lazy with an ego after his early success because Ive always loved a lot of his work.
For Sale: Justice League 1-12 Jim Lee Sketch Variant Set lawguy1977 3 6 yearslawguy1977 (7554): Thanks, it definitely hurts a bit to sell them, but the grail I got was more than worth the sacrifice. :)
FS: 1990s Bone comic books, TPB 6.0-9.0 - x1 signed ZosoRocks 1 6 yearsZosoRocks (2134): I've started to add comics for sale on ebay, if anyone is interested in raw 1990s Cartoon Books frpm the "Bone" series. Also included is the HTF 1993 Hero Premiere Holiday issue in about 8.0 visual grade. Thanks for viewing my auction. Tim
Short Box of raw Amazing Spiderman for sale/trade Enelson 21 6 yearscrystalphoto (1632): I am interested, but got distracted by all the Media Mail hoopla...PM sent...
WTB - Mint Condition "Creepshow" Book GanaSoth 3 6 yearsGanaSoth (10301): @X51 I don't have a Facebook account or I would ask. I appreciate you letting me know about the group though.
EBay ending Sunday Haunt, The Wicked & Divine, Thor yamada69 1 6 yearsyamada69 (66): Hello all, A few books ending on Sunday. All starting at 0.99! Haunt, The Wicked & Divine, Thor, Blackest Night, Wool, Image United, Trees, clickable text
WTB Star Wars Tales #23 - Mint Condition GanaSoth 1 6 yearsGanaSoth (10301): Hello guys. I'm looking to buy a mint copy of "Star Wars Tales #23" (Dark Horse Comics, 1999). Either cover or both. If you have a copy you wouldn't mind selling then PM me.
Link not working ignore-Post Fail Memes Enelson 20 6 yearsEnelson (6289):
Opinion On Comic Book Auction Closing Tonight jpav 4 6 yearsCatmanAmerica (31331): What about "Rust Belt Auctions" in respect to staples? :beer:;) .
EBay Blackest Night Regular and Variants Auctions ending on Sunday .99cents yamada69 1 6 yearsyamada69 (66): Hello all, Check out all the BLACKEST NIGHT regular and variant cover books I have up for sale ending Sunday. All starting at .99 cents!! clickable text
Comic Book Auction Opinion jpav 7 6 yearsjpav (10): I am sorry I am new to this thread most of the auctions I have been bidding on have a 20-30% Bp so the 10 % seems very low am I correct?.
What grade would you give this? Peanutt 15 6 yearsMR_SigS (11124): Absolutely. Look for some grading guides online or in book form (Overstreet) and make a serious effort to study it. Buy a few inexpensive slabs in varying grades for some visual examples, but keep in mind you could have two 6.0s that look completely different. Mid grade comics can be a pain to grade. If you're more collector than seller/"investor", you can save a lot in grading fees. IMHO
Have any of you ever did business with seller "cyberspacecomics" ? GanaSoth Jump to first page40Jump to last page 6 yearspoka (25529): What is o/s?
comics for sale benparker 6 6 yearsbenparker (42): ...
Immortal Hulk #1-16 for sale - 1st Prints GanaSoth 13 6 yearsGanaSoth (10301): @esaravo Thanks ! Good luck to everyone that bid or will bid.
EBay Blackest Night Variants Auctions ending on Sunday .99cents yamada69 3 6 yearsyamada69 (66): Seems to work for me but try this
My even more ridiculously cheap xmen sale Enelson 3 6 yearsEnelson (6289): Price Cut $65 bucks, shipped, 80+ comics...I'm just sick of storing 30 volumes of xmen, it confuses me Final price also check out the cbcs graded books I have up clickable text
14 golden age comics on eBay. No reserve. Roarshack 1 6 yearsRoarshack (78): I put up a batch of comics if anyone feels like perusing:
eBay sales listings Topsykrets 2 6 yearsTopsykrets (255): All New Wolverine 21 Auction ends each Monday MarvelousComics 1 6 yearsMarvelousComics (2067): Great prices on some good stuff. Auctions start ending at 7:00 EST
Unknown Comics Sale Discounts + B2G1 dielinfinite 14 6 yearsdielinfinite (26907): My books arrived today, ahead of schedule, and they all look great!
anyone have a copy to sell me? donho 14 6 yearsesaravo (103004): @Frontier2Xterra - Thanks, Jon.
Superman Giant #7 Wal-Mart exclusive - recall? GanaSoth Jump to first page79Jump to last page 6 yearsGAC (79173): Monday Auction MarvelousComics 2 6 yearsKatKomics (31323): I've been clicking on the free comic raffle thing when I can remember - you never know, someone has to win - could be me?? Also been checking the auctions far nothing peaking my interest, but again, listings always change so you never know!
Signed Marie Severin/Jim Mooney original art being auctioned on eBay ivegotneatstuff 3 6 yearsivegotneatstuff (34): Thanks!
EBay Walking Dead issues yamada69 2 6 yearsyamada69 (66): Bump!! ending tomorrow!
FS: Dark Horse Comics 2-lot "The Umbrella Academy" #nn ZosoRocks 1 6 yearsZosoRocks (2134): This is another auction for a couple of HTF comic books that Netflix had adapted and has now made a new Netflix series on the action. Condition is subjective for both, but IMO they are no lower than Fine/Very Fine+ - and I also believe that they both can be professoonally pressed and/or graded to become NM (9.0+) or better. Sharp corners! Thanks for viewing my auction....good luck! Best regards, Tim ...
Free - Captain Marvel #1 - Just Pay Shipping GanaSoth 18 6 yearspoka (25529): Agree - candidate for worst cover of the year. And if that is not enough - marvel also destroyed the 1:10 movie cover
Never seen an error like this one before. GanaSoth 4 6 yearsX51 (14750): It's very unusual.
My Lot for sale. Mickee92 16 6 yearspoka (25529): estimated value, offer and advice provided
HipComic MarvelousComics 8 6 yearsNuffsaid111 (20654): I have bought cheap books ($1 - $10) and have had great experience. When some TV/movie stuff gets announced everyone runs to ebay to buy up everything within 5 seconds. I'm usually 2 minutes behind the BUY IT NOW curve and use Hiphop for that reason.
xkonk's sale/trade thread xkonk Jump to first page99Jump to last page 6 yearsxkonk (18077): My Batman lot sold, and my Superman lot has a bid on it. Doesn't close until Thursday night if anyone wants to jump in (I think this should work): I'm hoping to find time to do more scanning, but I start teaching a class in a couple week on top of my regular job. Time seems to disappear.
Santa Ed's Christmas Bundles of Joy Sales Thread esaravo Jump to first page89Jump to last page 6 yearsesaravo (103004): @BrianGreensnips - Glad you enjoyed them, Brian. Some of those old stories are pretty fun to read and can make you remember simpler times when you could buy a comic and a handful of candy for less than a quarter. Bill Finger probably deserves more attention for his contributions to Batman, and he obviously worked on lots of other comics too. PS - I still have more Tomahawks if you need more reading material.
FS: 16-lot Japanese Anime/Manga - action figs, graphic novels ZosoRocks 1 6 yearsZosoRocks (2134): Items i found while cleaning up - all from my son's previous collection. Shonen Jump Naruto Viz Media Dragonball Z SDCC exclusive figure and promos. Thanks for viewing my auction. Best regards, Tim
Auctions on eBay @99 cents no reserve tjr909 4 6 yearsHcanes (6011): I like the bids on the Darkhawk 1 Newsstand. Found mine in the dollar bin.
MARVEL STAR WARS #39-44 EMPIRE STRIKES BACK COMPLETE SET STORYLINE FOR SALE Praxis99 6 6 yearsGanaSoth (10301): Welcome to the forums. Very nice books!
Anyone have Sleepwalker #1 for sale? GanaSoth 1 6 yearsGanaSoth (10301): Hey guys. I'm looking for a graded copy of Sleepwalker #1 or a raw copy that is in 9.8 condition. PM me or reply here. Thanks.
FS: Captain America Comics #71 Incomplete Raw Jesse_O 4 6 yearsJesse_O (39345): This comic is no longer available through here. Since I used an auction format on eBay, I listed it at my lowest price plus shipping. Please view the listing here if you are interested.
Best online comic subscription services? kaptainmyke 20 6 years1243782365 (503): I've never ordered from DCBS. If I have, I can't remember but this week I have heard MULTIPLE stories of a mistake they made with the J. Scott Campbell Daredevil variant. This variant was supposed to be a 1:100 variant but DCBS presold them as a regular variant at cover price when they were doing there preorder sales two months ago. And guess what? They fulfilled EVERY order. That is why I am looking into moving my online subscription to DCBS.
X-Men Marks Jewelers Comics for trade ThorneArt 4 6 yearsThorneArt (2065): Thanks @xkonk I appreciate the trade and goodwill. I will pay it forward. :)
NJ-Jersey Shore area-will be selling at Jersey Shore Toy Show Enelson 2 6 yearsEnelson (6289): Sunday. SunDAY. SUNDAY!!!! - Monster Truck Announcer Voice
ThorneArt - For Trade - Hulk ThorneArt 1 6 yearsThorneArt (2065): Hello, I am looking to trade these HULK issues for sub #140 Uncanny X-Men. I have never been a great grader, so please bear with me. Hulk #149 Fine? Hulk #187 VF+? ...
BATMAN IN DETECTIVE COMICS 89/90 organic 1 6 yearsorganic (13): Hi, I am clearing out some of my collection and willing to sell some of my books. Feel free to contact me if any question. Set of 5 comic books BATMAN IN DETECTIVE COMICS #611,#612,#613,#615,#116 Price for set $25 Here are the buying details: The Book what you see that is the book what I am selling. Please see pictures for the condition. Shipping method will be at the buyer's request . You can tell me if you...
WOLVERINE VARIANT EDITION 2007 organic 1 6 yearsorganic (13): Hi, I am clearing out some of my collection and willing to sell some of my books. Feel free to contact me if any question. [ b]WOLVERINE #50 VARIANT EDITION $50 [/b] Here are the buying details: The Book what you see that is the book what I am selling. Please see pictures for the condition. Shipping method will be at the buyer's request . You can tell me if you want extra insurance or just the cheapest option, etc. I will use...
SUPERMAN'S GIRL FRIEND LOIS LANE 1960'S organic 1 6 yearsorganic (13): Hi, I am clearing out some of my collection and willing to sell some of my books. Feel free to contact me if any question. Set of 3 comic books SUPERMAN'S GIRL FRIEND LOIS LANE #46,#47,#48 Price for set is $47 Here are the buying details: The Book what you see that is the book what I am selling. Please see pictures for the condition. Shipping method will be at the buyer's request . You can tell me if you want extra insurance...
Superman's Girl Friend Lois Lane 1963 organic 1 6 yearsorganic (13): Hi, I am clearing out some of my collection and willing to sell some of my books. Feel free to contact me if any question. Set of 4 comic books Superman's Girl Friend Lois Lane #38,#39,#40,#41 Price for set is $75 Here are the buying details: The Book what you see that is the book what I am selling. Please see pictures for the condition. Shipping method will be at the buyer's request . You can tell me if you...
SUPERMAN 1960's organic 1 6 yearsorganic (13): Hi, I am clearing out some of my collection and willing to sell some of my books. Feel free to contact me if any question. Set of 3 comic books Superman #213,#214,#215 Price for set is $57 Here are the buying details: The Book what you see that is the book what I am selling. Please see pictures for the condition. Shipping method will be at the buyer's request . You can tell me if you want extra insurance or just the cheapest...
Detective Comics early 1970's organic 1 6 yearsorganic (13): Hi, I am clearing out some of my collection and willing to sell some of my books. Feel free to contact me if any question. Set of 4 comic books Detective Comics #421#424#427#428 Price for set is $105 Here are the buying details. The Book what you see that is the book what I am selling. Please see pictures for the condition. Shipping method will be at the buyer's request . You can tell me if you want extra insurance or just...
BATMAN 1970's organic 1 6 yearsorganic (13): Hi, I am clearing out some of my collection and willing to sell some of my books. Feel free to contact me if any question. Set of 5 comic books BATMAN #273, #274, #275, #277, #278 Price for set is $63 Here are the buying details. The Book what you see that is the book what I am selling. Please see pictures for the condition. Shipping method will be at the buyer's request . You can tell me if you want extra insurance or just...
Pre Sreening cosanostra937 4 6 yearsCatmanAmerica (31331): Pre-screening is definitely a service available at CBCS, but I don't think restoration removal is currently one of the services offered. I'm making that assumption based on the books sent with Steve Borock for grading and pre-screening at last month's OAFcon, two came back with discovered restoration, having been graded previously by CGC as a universal grade! If CBCS offered this service for suitable candidates, I'd certainly consider...
Lehigh Valley Comic Con Doc_Cop 1 6 yearsDoc_Cop (3100): The Lehigh Valley Comic Con is this Saturday, one day. It's a smaller show with some great vendors. Is anybody planning on going that may want to meet up?
Date written on cover grade penalty? Zarbongo 10 6 yearsesaravo (103004): @Zarbongo - I just purchased a copy of X-Men #9 with four numbers in grease pencil on the cover (in the "X" of the logo) and plan on submitting it to CBCS for grading at a convention in November. It will be interesting to see how the writing will affect the grade.
FS: Valiant Comics 1992 Archer & Armstrong #0 - CGC 9.6 ZosoRocks 1 7 yearsZosoRocks (2134): I'm continuing to list auctions for other high graded pre-unity Valiant books, if you are interested - but be forewarned, I'm running out. :o) Thanks for viewing this one and if you haven't, check out my other auctions. I've lowered prices on many things. Best regards, Tim
FS: Sirius Comics - Dawn #1 (Blacklight Ed) #1/2 (Wizard Excl) signed 9.4+ ZosoRocks 5 7 yearsZosoRocks (2134): :o) thanks for the compliments....first bid at $35.00 is in now. IMO - right now - that is at a bargain!! I've had them in my "to get graded bin" for years....*sighs*.....sadly.....that isn't happening any time soon. Someone profits on my holding back!! :o) Thanks again for checking out the books! Tim
FS: Entity Comics Zen Intergalactic Ninja / Young Zen / signed 9.4+ ZosoRocks 1 7 yearsZosoRocks (2134): This auction is a 4-lot of signed and unsigned comics. It also contains a sketch on backing board by Bill Maus. Thanks for viewing my auction. Best regards, Tim Look at this on eBay
FS: Marvel Comics - Venom 6-LOT various titles - includes Newsstand var ZosoRocks 1 7 yearsZosoRocks (2134): Thanks for viewing my auction. 6-lot of various "Venom" titles from 1994-95-96-97 and one issue from Jun 2018. Includes two Newsstand variant copies. Best regards, Tim Look at this on eBay
FS: Verotik Comics Death Dealer 1 & 2 - signed ZosoRocks 2 7 yearsZosoRocks (2134): Link corrected...sorry.
FS: Marvel Comics - various Spider-Man series ZosoRocks 1 7 yearsZosoRocks (2134): I've just listed a 5-lot of various dated and various titled Spider-Man comic books. All are in various grades. Thanks for viewing my auction.
FS: Revolutionary Comics Led Zeppelin & Van Halen ZosoRocks 2 7 yearsvacaboca (1063): I think this is the correct link :)
FS: Marvel Venom: Lethal Protector Mini-Series 1 2 3 (x2) 4 5 6 - 8.0/9.0+ ZosoRocks 1 7 yearsZosoRocks (2134): Look at this on eBay Thanks for viewing the auction! Tim
FS: Various Spider-Man series w/ McFarlane Spider-Man Silver/Gold ZosoRocks 1 7 yearsZosoRocks (2134): Look at this on eBay Look at this on eBay Thanks for viewing my auctions. Tim
Adi Granov Elektra Variant stanley_1883 1 7 yearsstanley_1883 (2001): I was wondering if anyone has an Adi Granov Elektra variant? He was selling them at SDCC. I missed out as I got some Billy Tucci prints instead. Specifically I'm looking for the black suit. Please let me know if you have one you're willing to part with. Raw preferably. Thank you kindly.
CBCS SLABS AND RAW BOOKS FOR SALE KEYS VisceralDreams 4 7 yearsVisceralDreams (259): These books are all now on auction on ebay. :|
Good stores to buy from? Phahn20 15 7 yearsdrchaos (30035): Other than ebay?
Found this awesome sites for silver age! Phahn20 3 7 years50AE_DE (6464): The site had been around for quite some time. As mentioned above, the site had been cherry picked and most keys are now gone. I'm a member of their prime shipping and I still shop there whenever there is a sale. They grade using their own grading system that may not be consistent with Overstreet.
My ebay shop - New ID poka Jump to first page115Jump to last page 7 yearspoka (25529): Well - given it didn't sell - I submitted one of the 1:500 Ross for grading :)
FS: 1995 VALIANT Visitor v Universe 1 - CGC 9.4 Newsstand ZosoRocks 5 7 yearsZosoRocks (2134): Darn templates! The formatting is different for each the desktop, the tablet and the phone. That field can only be deleted on the desktop version. Corrected....thanks! Checked my other auctions, and corrected them as well. Thanks!
Venom: First Host Clayton Crain Cowabunga_Kyle 8 7 yearsCowabunga_Kyle (2271): @iggykoopa30 They are retailing at $40
FS: Marvel Comics MIRACLEMAN #1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, & 8 - w/ 1:25 & 1:50 var ZosoRocks 2 7 yearstimberghost (269): Looks sweet, nice starter price too.
Need Some Help: Selling a Huge Collection Norbi 19 7 yearsNorbi (19): Some other books from the collection, hope you like them ...
some dude who bought from me has buyers remorse? PayPal. Gabriel85301 9 7 yearsGabriel85301 (1764): Yeah I am taking it back. It had a small bend that didn't break color. I'll take it back, and get it pressed.
Condition vc Encapsulation stanley1883 9 7 yearsBroker1 (763): Well said!
A few comic books for sale! iggykoopa30 1 7 yearsiggykoopa30 (261): I have a few comic books that I'm trying to get rid of. Take advantage! All prices include shipping. I accept PayPal and will ship out bagged and boarded and packaged extremely well. Please let me know if you have questions! First up is Amazing Spider-Man #298 and #299. These are a package deal. 298 has spine ticks. 299 in great shape. Asking $95 shipped for these 2! ...
WTB Gotham City Sirens 1 Catwoman Variant stanley1883 1 7 yearsstanley1883 (46): Anyone have an issue of Gotham City Sirens #1 Catwoman variant for sale. let me know please. Raw or slabbed, high grade/nm-ish condition please .
For Sale : Spidergwen Silk and Venom VisceralDreams 1 7 yearsVisceralDreams (259): Hey guys, I've got some books up on my eBay right now and I thought I'd post them here as well. I've got more new listings coming. I'd rather sell on here or instagram but the insta sales have been kind of slow lately. My eBay is ivanscomicstore . Anyways here are some listings: 1st Appearance of SpiderGwen CBCS 9.6 First Print Edge of Spider-Verse 2  NIB ...
Atlas Teen Titles Wanted AtlasLad67 8 7 yearspoka (25529): Have a number of Atlas comics but no Teens
Requests for selling some books xkonk 23 7 yearsxkonk (18077): Maybe one or two newsstand, but that's it.
CBCS is Moving to Dallas... SteveRicketts Jump to first page128Jump to last page 7 yearspoka (25529): Refer to this thread
FS: Amazing Spider-Man - Ltd Ed USPS repro #1 / SD Union-Tribune 24 promos ZosoRocks 7 7 yearsZosoRocks (2134): Thanks for all the comments everyone. Yes...I am aware of BIN...never have had luck with it. As for leaving money on tbe looks like the winning bidder will get a bargain then. This stuff is just sitting around collecting dust. Hopefully I get a sale.... The secondary market is a bitch to be part of...LOL Thanks again.
Looking to sell/trade bulk series lots in NJ-jersey shore area Enelson 6 7 yearsxkonk (18077): Also NJ-related: I saw that one of the comic guys who sets up at the Peddler flea market in Sicklerville is selling his whole inventory. 30,000 some books. I only looked around there once so I don't know what all he has, but if anyone is sitting on a bunch of money...
EBAY Brightest Day Run DC Green Lantern yamada69 2 7 yearsyamada69 (66): one day left!!
Bulk Purchase stanley1883 19 7 yearsCopperAgeKids (3717): In this scenario, you can usually cherry pick.
FS: TSR Dungeons & Dragons Game, Handbook, Ltd Comics ZosoRocks 11 7 yearsBabaLament (2961): Hitting up used bookstores looking for old D&D or WoD sourcebooks is a tangential hobby to comic collecting. I have a goodly collection of D&D, Forgotten Realms, & World of Darkness core sourcebooks; but it’s the supplementary books that are the really hard finds. I also found a bunch of cloth maps from the old Ultima PC games in a box. I wish more games had cool add-on lore items like maps or codices, instead of poly-resin...
Best signatures to have graded Buzbe Jump to first page31Jump to last page 7 yearsOGJackster (54562): Even though these are low in value, when I get some extra buck, they will be sent in to CBCS for obvious reasons.
WTB: Looking for TMNT Archie comics 60-70 kaptainmyke 3 7 yearsCopperAgeKids (3717): I also (had) a full run in NM; sold it about 10 years ago on eBay. I got around a $100 for it, give or take $20.
Comics For Trade? AtlasLad67 12 7 yearsAtlasLad67 (52): PM me an email I'll take fresh pics rn lol
Margie Comics ISO AtlasLad67 3 7 yearsAtlasLad67 (52): Now I found it and it's a beauty.
Ebay Auctions ending tonight ThorneArt 6 7 yearsThorneArt (2065): Hello Folks, I started a bunch of new, actual, auctions this weekend. :) Please feel free to take a look. ebay seller ct98
... Watcher 17 7 yearsWatcher (4166): :) I posted 10 ASM silver raws for sale and no one really had interest except the Kaptain so I deleted it and PM'd with Kap.