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'Comics Modern Age' Topics

TitleAuthorPostsLast Post
CBCS Message Board - Terms of Use SteveRicketts 1 9 yearsSteveRicketts (19586): Open thread to view post.
Megacon Covers karn9 11 3 dayskarn9 (196): @Nearmint67 @flanders it does seem like there is an influx of books soely for the cover....reprinted again and again and again over and over with different variants. I have to wonder what the interiors are for these books. There are new public domain works every year to adapt... Other than those, there is a Batman Hush 2 Ashcan exclusive that DC was giving away free with purchase - ...
WTB these Bronze Age to Modern in ONLY CBCS encasements...Do you have? Scifinator 2 3 days00slim (18378): My local Con is this next weekend. If I happen to run across any of these, I’ll let you know.
Highlights From Yesterday’s Buy 00slim 15 4 days00slim (18378): Sooo … an update on this lot. I filled a full short box of books to hang onto for now and put the other 2 boxes on Craigslist to try & get the majority of my money back. One guy responded, no question asked, “I want to buy your comics”. He was traveling a couple hours to meet me, so, I dragged out a couple more short boxes I’ve wanted to sell anyway. Our local con is a week away, I could use some extra walking around money & I...
$59 shipped Amazing Spider-man #306 Grade 8.5 (Action Comics #1 homage) CWill2021 1 4 daysCWill2021 (962): Post Closed. Book No longer Available. $59 shipped Amazing Spider-man #306 Grade 8.5 - cool Action Comics #1 homage PayPay or Zelle Shipped within the US
Price reductions and NEW Listings in my MCS Consignment Scifinator Jump to first page76Jump to last page 5 daysScifinator (15930): Got a lot of new listings, fresh from CBCS with new labels: $55 What If #37D CBCS 8.5 1983 $44 What If #37D CBCS 8.0 1983 - 1st appearance of Shalla Bal as Galactus' herald! - Diverging from the events of Fantastic Four #50, Galactus decides to strip the Silver Surfer of the Power Cosmic for his betrayal on Earth and abandons him there. The powerless Norrin Radd still wants to return to his homeworld and Shalla Bal. With help from the...
Weekly Cover Contest #439 - Look At Me, I'm In Tatters! esaravo Jump to first page39Jump to last page 11 daysNearmint67 (13299): @Rbolton Beep..Beep..
Weekly MCS auction ending Mon Jan 27th - Feat. a 5,000 Ltd Ed Gold Variant! Scifinator 12 15 daysScifinator (15930): Only an hour and a half left. Currently, there are 13 items with top bids under $10 and another 4 with top bids under $20! Bargain time!! The direct link to this and all of my 20 auction listings is HERE!. Thank you for checking them out and for your anticipated bids.
Quick Question About X-Men Annual 14 00slim 7 18 dayspower_struggle55 (7429): yeah there is no evidence of annual 14 being such. even if old. collectors will keep as is. if not they would say in a listing "doesn't have poly bag/card". but great now I want to buy myself a copy of the issue. raw or graded. I see a raw with a "very good" condition for $50 (and no poly bag/card). so maybe consider
Ghost Rider, TP and Graded Sets for sale smeninc 1 20 dayssmeninc (181): Thanks for looking. I have got a few sets (CBCS, CGC and raw) and Trade Paperback for sale. New Avengers - signed by Brian Michael Bendis Wonder Woman - signed by Gal Gadot ...
Issues With Order and Contacting Customer Support Thanos_Snap 9 21 daysNearmint67 (13299): Howdy, It will bounce between received and where it actually is. Mine says heat seal. But when it leaves heat seal, it will say received again. That's just the hang out area until your books move to the next phase. PS.. Welcome to the forum... @Cody_Lockwood Cheers.... that was a great series. Woody never had a clue. He & Coach were neck & neck on who had the fewest marbles rolling around upstairs...
Modern Newsstands 2001-2017 sightings or collections Hcanes Jump to first page184Jump to last page 23 daysHcanes (6008): Bump to save from archives
What’s Your Favorite Gimmicky Foil Cover? 00slim Jump to first page40Jump to last page 26 daysdpiercy (4839): I always loved this one.
WTB ASM 361 2nd Print 00slim 14 1 month00slim (18378): Appreciate the heads up. For their asking price (considering the going rate) I may take a shot at the CBCS 9.8 they have up for auction. If you have one you’d want to part with, I’d be interested. If it’s something you’d rather hang onto, no worries.
Books for sale ebay Jgwalters100 1 1 monthJgwalters100 (1607): 1st spider girl mint Sonic 0 1993 mint Gi joe 1 vf plus maybe nm- Couple other nice golden age books too. Those are buy it now and am willin to negotiate especially on the marine book.
Raw and Graded comic books for sale smeninc 2 1 monthBakersman (190): cool books!
NEW COLLECTION ACQUIRED HULK 181, X-MEN 1 + more Eclipse9665 3 2 monthsEclipse9665 (260): Books are selling fast, check us out here [][/url]
Graded Slab for Sale Deadpool Bataman X-Force Spider-Man smeninc 1 2 monthssmeninc (181): Sadly, I have need to sell to cover unexpected expenses. Thanks for looking. Amazing Spider-Man 530 531 532 533 X-Force 1, 2, 4 ...
FS Young Allies 6 Art Adams Variant CGC 9.6 SIGNED Art Adams Extremely rare SpiderTim 3 2 monthsSpiderTim (3420): For Cyber Monday and for one week I will lower the asking price on this rare copy of Young Allies #6 to an astounding $2,500. Accepted form of payment is Paypal but buyer will be responsible for the Paypal fees if paying as goods and services. Let me know if you want to take advantage of this offer!
Simpsons fans - FS Bongo Comics Group Spectacular ERB_in_CLT 1 2 monthsERB_in_CLT (660): Any Simpsons fans interested? $225 shipped Paypal G&S Missing the # of 1000 insert
Jim Lee X-Men 1 smeninc 2 3 monthsDrWatson (57863): Those are nice. I've got my five I bought off the rack going to CBCS once the next discount code word hits the internets. Also, you might want tobthink about one, consolidated sales thread. You know, one stop shopping and all.
And I thought you were my friend... smeninc 7 3 monthsHulkSmash (11154): If only he signed them “Kirk Lazarus”
Civil War Amazing Spider-Man J. MICHAEL STRACZYNSKI for sale smeninc 1 3 monthssmeninc (181): Amazing Spider-Man Civil War issues signed by J. MICHAEL STRACZYNSKI for sale on ebay.
Monthly (Comic) Book Club - October - A Walk Through Hell dielinfinite 10 3 monthsdielinfinite (26888): Not a ton of supernatural horror in issues 7-9, just a lot of the man-made ones. It seems the story emerging from Carnahan is that he wanted to be the vessel for the anti-Christ and needed to die for him to be filled, which he manipulated Shaw into doing. That last part, again, feels very inspired by Seven though we’re seeing what could possibly have happened afterward. Driscoll seems tied up in unraveling the absolute mess of corruption...
Comic Link NO RESERVE Auctions (ending between Oct 28 - Nov 6, 2024) JazzyJeffie 20 3 monthsJazzyJeffie (439): 🌟 ComicLink Auction STEAL Alert! 🌟 Up for grabs is a collector’s gem, with the current bid only at $280 — yet this copy has recently sold on eBay for $1,000+! Don’t miss out on this amazing opportunity to grab it below market price! 🔥 Featured Auction: WONDER WOMAN v2011 #50, WONDERCON 2016 BATMAN V SUPERMAN, CBCS 9.6 💥 Witnessed Signatures: David Finch (with sketch), Meredith Finch, and GAL GADOT! 💥 Gal Gadot’s...
Made a gamble on a Bob Kane signed Batman #452 w/ a head sketch Darthh8r 27 4 monthsOptic_Blast (734): Nothing in the listing indicates that this is a legit signature. It's definitely signed Bob Kane, but most likely not THE Bob Kane. If you can return the book then do it. You're trying hard to make this a legit signature in your mind, but there are too many red flags.
Can this be submitted for grading? JustABitEvil 8 4 monthsesaravo (101928): There used to be an extra fee for books that required custom inner liners, like minis and ashcans. I don’t know if that is still the case, or if it would apply to this book.
Authorized CBCS Dealer – Serving European Collectors! Presskammer 1 4 monthsPresskammer (33): Hi everyone, I’m excited to announce that I am now an Authorized CBCS Dealer, based in Germany! This is fantastic news for comic collectors in Germany and Europe in general, as it’s now easier than ever to submit your comics for professional grading. Why Submit Through Me? As an authorized CBCS dealer, I take care of the entire comic grading process for you. Whether your collection includes vintage classics or modern releases, I...
Invincible Presents: Atom Eve free on Epic Games Store this week dielinfinite 1 4 monthsdielinfinite (26888): The video game based on Invincible character Atom Eve is currently free on the Epic Games Store for one week The game is a visual novel, essentially an illustrated story with some interactive sections, and has been fairly well-received
Weekly Cover Contest #423 - I LOVE A PARADE!!! CatmanAmerica 28 4 monthsSteveRicketts (19586): Sorry I'm out of town and didn't realize. Coming right up...
Dazzler #1 missprint Misscut? TheShocker 12 4 monthsPolarisNuclearSS2020 (1366): Post up a a FC/BC , first and last page pics. If books are severely miscut, they may not be gradeable as they would not fit in the inner well without sliding around. Once you post those pics up, tag Steve Ricketts, he’d likely be able to tell you. FWIW, I recall someone posting up a sold listing a couple years ago in the “Celebrate the manufacturing errors” thread on the CGC forums….a DC Universe logo variant of a Catwoman issue that...
New to Your Collection #18 Oldfuzznts 6 4 monthsGAC (77779):
Authorized CBCS Dealer – Serving European Collectors!:cool: Presskammer 4 4 monthsPresskammer (33): CBCS Dealer that should be :D
New lots of damaged/unrestoed comics - eBay ZosoRocks 3 5 monthsZosoRocks (2134): This will be the last damaged lot I had found. Thanks for viewing my auctions. Be safe. Tim
Sweet Tooth Witnessed Signature 9.2 last day for auction. Jeff Lemire! Ambush_Bug 7 5 monthsKatKomics (31074): dang - I thought it was just 1 nanny but it's like 5 to 7 women!! - some of the stuff is pretty bad if true.... Also have 1 or 2 signed novels - f@ck Neil...just keep it in your pants!! I wonder if they will release season 2 of Sandman and if they do I'm guessing that will be the last - really too bad, I've enjoyed all the live adaptations so far (shame Deadboy Detectives wasn't picked up for more seasons) yeah...I'll probably just...
Monthly (Comic) Book Club - September - Batman: Damned dielinfinite 11 5 monthsxkonk (18007): I read the third issue yesterday. Even though I read the series before, I did not remember the first half of this issue at all. I think it's because all the mystical stuff is basically standing in the way of resolving the plot, which Batman calls out when he says he's going to the place he should have gone to first... at the end of the issue. That said, the mystical stuff does give a bit more of a reason to explore Batman's origin. I'm not sure...
Authorized CBCS Dealer – Based in Germany! Presskammer 1 5 monthsPresskammer (33): Hi everyone! I’m thrilled to announce that I’m now an Authorized CBCS Dealer and I'm based in Langerwehe, Germany. This is great news for comic collectors not only in Germany but also for collectors in the Netherlands and Belgium, making it easier than ever to submit your comics for grading through me! Why Submit Through Me? As an authorized dealer, I can handle all aspects of your comic’s submission to CBCS. Whether you're looking...
Newbie with newb questions (sorry) JCDiaz 13 5 monthsJCDiaz (28): Thanks for all the welcomes! I just received an email that they are now in "processing" status. Very exciting stuff!
Any tips for a first time submission? Doghouse 18 5 monthsHulkSmash (11154): Sometimes there is confusion when entering a promo on the online form. The above will show you what it’s allaboot.
Authorized CBCS Dealer – Based in Germany! Presskammer 2 5 monthsOldfuzznts (637):
Marvel Overpower Insert Cards DoorCntyComicColl 10 5 monthsxkonk (18007): My brother and I played Overpower a bit when we were younger. It's a collectable card game like Magic or Pokemon. It was fun enough but I don't know if the cards are worth anything or if it would be worth trying to track down a set to play at this point.
Weekly Cover Contest #414 - Street Signs! esaravo Jump to first page33Jump to last page 6 monthsNearmint67 (13299): I will get a new one up soon...
Monthly (Comic) Book Club - April - Choose Your Own Adventure dielinfinite 8 6 monthsxkonk (18007): Doesn't quite apply to this month but I got the last four issues of Young X-Men and read them. I read 1 through 8 some time ago. The series follows some of the (you guessed it) young X-Men as they think they're being recruited to the team but then things take a turn. I got it originally on a whim because it has the first appearance of Ink, who appears very briefly in the X-Men: First Class movie. The series is fine but would probably only be of...
Weekly MCS Auction by Fourm Members - Ending Monday Aug 5th Scifinator 8 6 monthsScifinator (15930): Just a few hours left. 27 items currently have current bids between $2-$9 and 6 items have current bids between $10 - $22. The Blue Label Special is on! For the direct link to these auctions, please use: Clickable Link Thank you for your support.
MCS July Prime Auction, by CBCS Forum Members, ending July 19th. Vrishnak Jump to first page33Jump to last page 7 monthsJames42 (4949): @Vrishnak There were a couple of bidders fighting over the two books that ended highest. It was fascinating to watch in real time. auction starts in a few minutes! High grade moderns and SS! sborock_ComicLink 1 7 monthssborock_ComicLink (4978): It's bidding time! Session 3 certified comic books from titles 'N' through 'S' close shortly within the ComicLINK Focused Auction! Auction lots start closing at 8 PM Eastern Time (5 PM Pacific). This session offers a wide selection of Post-1975 key and high-grade certified comic books. Make sure to check out the wide variety of signed comic books certified by CGC and CBCS! Don't forget to bid! Peace, Steve
MCS Auction, by CBCS Forum Members, ending Monday July 1st Vrishnak 4 8 monthsfigment (21152): Saga of the Sub-Mariner #2 CGC 9.6
For Sale War of the realms: New Agents of Atlas 1 & 2 Lot Vboi 2 8 monthsVboi (32): bump
I just posted some Faro's Lounge, M House, graded, sigs and a lot of raws o joelzstuff 5 8 monthsjoelzstuff (90): I posted and added some new items. Too lazy to make a new post so please take a look. It has 2 days before they end. Thank you all! - Joel
FS: Marvel Comics Presenta #22 (Italian) & True Believers-Marvel Zombies Galen130 12 8 monthsGalen130 (6801): The Dark Tower: The Gunslinger Born (hardcover). This book reprints issues #1 to #7, while featuring all variant covers and sketch pages. I rarely do this, but I believe this book to be in Near Mint/Mint condition...or pretty damn close. It is still shrink-wrapped in the original has been stored this way since I purchased it. All corners as well as the spine ends look perfect. I would prefer not to take off the plastic in order...
MCS Auction, by CBCS Forum Members, ending Monday June 10th Scifinator 10 8 monthsScifinator (15930): @Nearmint67 - Yup!
New Slabs for Dad’s Collection dielinfinite 1 8 monthsdielinfinite (26888): My dad had recently bought some Frank Miller signed comics from ComicSketchArt’s ebay store on my recommendation. CSA is fairly well-known so I wasn’t too worried about the authenticity but I’m still glad they all came back verified and the 9.8s are a nice bonus
Monthly (Comic) Book Club - May - Conan and the Songs of the Dead dielinfinite 8 8 monthsdielinfinite (26888): I think the story might have felt a tad rushed in a five issue format but I really liked Conan’s character and Alvazar did kind of grow on me. I felt the banter wasn’t as insufferable in the later issues because it wasn’t so relentless while they were in the heat of combat. I think at one point Conan even tells Alvazar to shut up while they were fighting. I enjoyed the tropes and genre conventions. Given how much superheroes dominate...
Rocky Mountain Con Collectors Showcase - June 1-2, 2024 - Denver CO RTSUnlimited 5 9 monthsRTSUnlimited (71): FREE PARKING! IMPORTANT: The Embassy Suites hotel has signs in the parking lot asking for parking to be paid. DO NOT PAY FOR PARKING! PARKING IS FREE FOR SHOW ATTENDEES! You will NOT be ticketed for not paying for parking! If you have any questions, please ask at entry! Thanks! We can't wait to see you at the show!!
WTS Uncanny X-Men #177 & #301, signed by John Romita, Jr…CGC 9.6 Galen130 8 9 monthsGalen130 (6801): Closed
MCS Weekly Auction by CBCS Forum Members end Monday, May 27th Scifinator 12 9 monthsScifinator (15930): Auctions end this evening starting around 4pm Pac 7 pm Eastern. Batman (1940) 500D CBCS 7.0 (21-22F6136-016) Collector's Edition 1st new Azreal Batman costume Current bid: $16.00, 5 bids Vertigo Preview (1992) 1 CBCS 9.4 (22-1BB703D-011) Direct Edition. Exclusive Sandman Story Current bid: $12.00, 3 bids X-O Manowar (1992 1st Series) 0B CBCS 9.4 (22-1BB786C-003) Ivory Production Variant. Current bid: $13.00, 2 bids The...
Mercy Sparx metal cover for sale, 2nd highest graded James42 1 9 monthsJames42 (4949): I am selling a CBCS graded copy of the most recent Mercy Sparx title, Mercy Sparx: No More Angels Left To Fall. It's the Brooks Kim metal cover variant, graded by CBCS as an 8.5 blue label. This is the second highest grade currently in existence. I do not know how many copies of this were printed, but it was a $70 book with a variant cover from a relatively unknown artist. ...
MCS Weekly Auction ending May 6th featuring Forum members comics. Scifinator 23 9 monthsPolarisNuclearSS2020 (1366): Auction in progress, bid now! Weekly Auction ends Monday May 13! Firestorm (1978 1st Series) 1 VF- 7.5
Comic Link NO RESERVE Auctions (ending 3/29 - 4/08/2024) JazzyJeffie 4 10 monthsJazzyJeffie (439): Thanks to everyone who bid, hope you won! Considering to send some more. It takes awhile for the sales to be remitted, but it's worth the wait I guess.
Help Identifying Mystery Page of Art drchaos 13 10 monthsMurrayC (2861): Now that you have BOTH the original art and a color image of the page, might I suggest you do what I do?
Upcoming Shows drchaos Jump to first page86Jump to last page 10 monthsdrchaos (29788): Organizing and window bagging books for some upcoming shows. Chiller Theater - This Saturday Free Comic Book Day - Next Saturday Philadelphia Fan Expo - Next Sunday Heroes Con -June Garden State Comicfest - June
2024 NYCC Fan Verification Rollover drchaos 1 10 monthsdrchaos (29788): 2024 NYCC fan verification rollover is now active. Since my account was verified last year and I purchased tickets for Thursday and Saturday (as well as the Jim Lee experience) I received an e-mail allowing me to apply for a renewal of my fan verification this year. I found this vitally important e-mail message hiding in my spam folder. I only knew to look for it because I received the follow up message telling me that I should have...
CGC horror story from mega con watch Zombie_Head 22 10 monthssoutherncross (33486): Yeah I saw that video but not knowing the graders notes I presume the book has defects that keep it as a 3.5 No matter taking out the spine roll and pressing and starching a book that has defects that can't be pressed away and keeps it a 3.5 is ever going to change. Though he did say he had a conversation with Matt we were not there to hear. It was possible that Matt said the book could increase in grade and it's possible he said it may...
Cover artist for Rick and Morty 50 SDCC Variant? drchaos 2 10 monthsCli4dR3D0g (5425): Marc Ellerby?
Trina Robbins, ...RIP CatmanAmerica 6 10 monthsIronMan (6264): I don't have a very many undergrounds in my collection, but this is one. Saddened to learn of Ms. Robbins passing. A true pioneer.
Bob Beerbohm, June 17, 1952 - Mar. 27, 2024 CatmanAmerica 8 11 monthsSpiderTim (3420): Sorry to hear
Weekly MCS Auction by Forum members ending Mon March 25th Scifinator 7 11 monthsScifinator (15930): Auctions end this evening. Bargains are lurking: Vertigo Preview (1992) 1 CBCS 9.4 1992 Current bid - $8 Vertigo preview featuring an exclusive Sandman story by Neil Gaiman and Kent Williams. Contains two page previews of Death: The High Cost of Living, Enigma, Sandman Mystery Theater, Mercy, Kid Eternity, Sebastian O, Black Orchid, Sandman, Hellblazer, Doom Patrol, Animal Man, Swamp Thing, and Shade the Changing Man. Wildcats...
Win $100 of Comic Books! Eclipse9665 21 11 monthsEclipse9665 (260): Bump :)
Mid-to-Low Grade Mail Call dielinfinite 7 11 monthsdielinfinite (26888): Thanks guys! @Nuffsaid111 Thank you! That was actually a book my dad picked out and bought on his own. Not sure if he got whiff of them trying to get a movie off the ground or if it was something he remembered from his childhood but it was a good pick! Last year at SDCC I noticed a lot more localized manga books (Pokemon, Ghost in the Shell, Akira, etc) on dealers’ walls so it looks like there is interest out there!
FS: Modern Age drek, fillers, keys, odds & ends, yada yada yada!!! :) Galen130 Jump to first page392Jump to last page 11 monthsGalen130 (6801): CLOSED. :)
Value of Ratio Comics Caffeine_Kid 10 11 monthsx860x (115): I can't wait until the day I get to cash in my 300 copies of Adventures of Superman #500!
Weekly MCS Auction by forum members ending Monday March 11th. Scifinator 10 11 monthsScifinator (15930): Less than 3 hours left before the first auction ends a around 7pm Eastern/4pm Pacific. Click HERE for the diecr link to these auctions. Thanks for checking them out. Happy bidding!
Monthly (Comic) Book Club - February - Batman: Road to No Man’s Land dielinfinite Jump to first page39Jump to last page 1 yearxkonk (18007): This was a different read. Not a lot of super-heroics, not a ton of action per se. But they were mostly solid. It makes me want to watch The Batman again, which ends with Batman realizing that maybe he can't punch his way to every solution. It reminds me that I'm curious what they'll do if that ever gets a sequel.
Touchline - A new football (soccer) comic story book kaituber99 1 1 yearkaituber99 (11): Hey guys, I was searching for some football (European soccer) comics lately and found this one which is called TOUCHLINE - apparently is new and free. Quite interesting story. I only found the first issue, not sure if there are more episodes or if the print version is also available. Let me know if you know more about it and have the hardcopy. BTW I found the legal free download link on the fifplay site...
WTB: Seven to Eternity 1A, 1st, 9.8, w/ Sigs Rick Remender, Jerome Opena Kortoga 2 1 yearTheShocker (682): Such a good run. Good hunting
Comics for sale. ICConquest 7 1 yearICConquest (2599): World
MARVEL Zombiebigfoot 5 1 yearmakahuka (3133): Liked what DC did, looking forward to this.
Biggest CBCS Submission Yet drchaos Jump to first page38Jump to last page 1 yeardrchaos (29788): My plan has generally been to work from the top down and the bigger books will pay for everything else. The lesser books do pile up so I am starting to get that figured out but to say I have a plan might be a bit strong.
Secret Warriors vol. 1 no. 1 Unknown Variant The_IronJedi 11 1 yearBuzbe (158): Naw this usually means they are cooking the numbers to justify their sells resulting in a better check for someone
Weekly Cover Contest #386 - They've got it covered! esaravo Jump to first page51Jump to last page 1 yearTheShocker (682): Congrats 👏. Damn it was really cool to see alot of these awesome covers I would have never seen otherwise. (Modern collector)
Turn around times for the other guys drchaos 4 1 yearmakahuka (3133): CGC tats, interesting.
Monthly (Comic) Book Club - January - Nyx dielinfinite 21 1 yeardielinfinite (26888): I enjoyed the series for the most part. I gotta admit that I wasn’t sure how to interpret what was happening with Felon’s brother. At the end I thought it was Kiden’s dad possessing his body for some reason. Your interpretation does make more sense. I don’t have a problem with things working out nicely but I’m on the fence about whether or not the series could’ve used another issue to give the arc a little more direction before...
Where can I see an accurate price guide for each of my Green Lantern comics Comicscollection 10 1 yearNDS (457): Thanks @Nearmint67! That was very informative. I am primarily using GoCollect for slabbed books and that seems to be on par with his analysis. Haha... I did love his initial answer, though. Use all of them! I see why if he's playing raw and slabbed and buying selling on large volumes. Makes sense. I appreciate the input. NDS..
Quite A Haul From My Local Comic Show. drchaos 10 1 yeardrchaos (29788): Daredevil #61 Got it for the right price.
Attention Ghost Rider Fans (Mondo Poster) 00slim 7 1 yearSteveRicketts (19586): Just glancing at the thread title I was picturing this...
Need help identifying comic professionals signature RedDawnRocker 10 1 yearRedDawnRocker (6): I believe Chris Ulm was the only editor for Malibu before Marvel took over in the early 00s. It doesn't appear to be Dave Ohlbririch (the company head)or Tom Mason (I believe he was a VP at the time) either. The signature doesn't seem to come close to any of those three though.
A Blast From The Past, With A Side Of Confusion (Sonic #25) 00slim 4 1 yearmakahuka (3133): Very cool.
MCS Auction ending January 2nd Vrishnak 20 1 yearScifinator (15930): Final update… With the auctions ending tonight starting at 7pm E / 4pm P, there are 9 comics under $10, and another 6 comics are between $10-$19. Cheers For the direct link to this and my other 18 auctions, please click HERE!.
YMMV: Ebay $10 off orders $50+Check your ebay accounts as it seems some dielinfinite 10 1 yearPhantomEwan (3934): Nothing 👿
Amazon Deal: Spidey 2099 Omnibus 00slim 6 1 year00slim (18378): Looks like the coupon is no longer available. I’d keep an eye on it, though.
The Utes Oldfuzznts Jump to first page35Jump to last page 1 yearOldfuzznts (637): If you try sometimes, you might find, you get what you need.
Help identifying signsture drchaos 4 1 yeardrchaos (29788): Mark Farmer was at Terrificon in 2019. It is entirely possible that he signed the book for me there. Thanks for the quick response.
MCS Auctions Ending December 4th Vrishnak 6 1 yearVrishnak (943): Bump. Auctions end later tonight.
AMS #569 creator verification help TheShocker 3 1 yearTheShocker (682): @manfred_spain thanks this is exactly what I needed.
Rare variant of AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #29 issue Roxainer 10 1 yearRoxainer (19): @Sigur_Ros @docsantos51 @Nuffsaid111 @makahuka Thank you all for the very kind and detailed answers, you are helping me a lot!
Rocky Mountain Con - Nov 11-12, 2023 - Denver CO RTSUnlimited 5 1 yearRTSUnlimited (71): Show is this Weekend! I hope to see you there!
CGC Unboxing 10/22 Jedyzon 14 1 yearmakahuka (3133): Kind of cool, would have liked to have watch how CBCS graded the books.
Weekly Cover Contest #373 - One RING to Rule Them All esaravo Jump to first page37Jump to last page 1 yearRbolton (8640): Congrats!!! Great covers!
Monthly (Comic) Book Club - October - Wytches by Scott Snyder dielinfinite 17 1 yearxkonk (18007): I missed that part somehow. If there were more, I'm not sure I would seek it out. I think Wytches falls solidly in the "other people are the real danger" category, and The Walking Dead shows that you can mine plenty of that, but I'm good with what I got. It seemed to do well for itself though so I'm sure there's an audience.
I blame this group... in a good way ERB_in_CLT 10 1 yearERB_in_CLT (660): Houchen has a Punisher die stamp
Comics for sale ICConquest 3 1 yearICConquest (2599): Thank you!
SOLD!!!! Skottie Young bundle of books!!! EddieTheComicGuy 5 1 yearEddieTheComicGuy (933): @makahuka NO WORRIES!!!
FS: Amazing Spider-man #800 J. Scott Campbell Set A-H Jedyzon 2 1 yearmakahuka (3133): Nice books.
CBCS Marvel Comic Book Lot for Sale! Vboi 5 1 yearVboi (32): New Lower Price $1250 USD Shipped Firm!
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups! Jedyzon 1 1 yearJedyzon (876):
War of the Realms: New Agents of Atlas 1 1:50 Variant CBCS 9.8 Vboi 4 1 yearVboi (32): Marvel phase 7, the team will appear on Disney plus or maybe a movie. Good long term investment, let's see if anyone wants it =)
Direct VS newsstand Stonecollector 10 1 yearmakahuka (3133): Forum dropping knowledge.👍
Carla Cohen thread drchaos 8 1 yeardrchaos (29788): Found more books for a revised group shot:
Sunday Convention Pickups drchaos 12 1 yeardrchaos (29788): Took some doing but all 75 items have been logged into Excel.
For Sale: Napoleon Dynamite #1 SIGNED By Jon Heder CBCS 9.8 00slim 20 1 year00slim (18378): Bump?
CT Horrorfest drchaos 9 1 yearmakahuka (3133): Totally awesome!
The Adventures of Wyatt and Pouches Cowabunga_Kyle 4 1 yearCowabunga_Kyle (2271): It's a one-shot, the first 4 books will be one-shot format then once I've outgrown Kickstarter it'll have transition to an ongoing title. Thank you kindly.
RIPPED...the Deuce! SteveRicketts Jump to first page157Jump to last page 1 yearEbayMafia (37349): My pickup at OAF upon meeting the creator. Will give a review once I've had a chance to read it:
MCS Weekly Auction Ending September 18th Vrishnak 5 1 yearVrishnak (943): Bump. They're ending later tonight.
Ultimate fallout #4 1st Print & Venom Lethal Protector #1 $0.01 Auction Vboi 8 1 yearVboi (32): This is the 1st time I ever seen a UF #4 1st print so low after 7 days on auction, usually by now it should be at least $200. By the way thanks for bidding and good luck all!
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups! 9/7 Jedyzon 2 1 yearmakahuka (3133): @Jedyzon thanks for always posting! I collect new and vintage, and it's nice to see new stuff!
Monthly (Comic) Book Club - August - Vision: Little Worse Than A Man dielinfinite 14 1 yearxkonk (18007): And now I went to the top and saw we were supposed to wrap at 6! That feels like a cliffhanger to me so I'm going to read a bit more but will keep it to myself for a bit.
FS: FF #52, 1st Black Panther & Edge of Spider-Verse 2 00slim 5 1 year00slim (18378): Spidey 2099 #2 SOLD. Other books are still available.
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups! 8/25 Jedyzon 1 1 yearJedyzon (876):
MCS Weekly Auction Ending August 14th flanders 6 1 yearfigment (21152): Today's the day! So far we're averaging $2 per book so the bargains are certainly there for the taking if you're interested.
International Customs Delay Kbskomics 3 2 yearsKbskomics (3): I did send them an email yesterday as soon as I was aware of the situation. Presumably because of the weekend I should expect a reply early next week. I don't even know what most of those abbreviations are, only familiar with VAT. Based on previous submissions, they include a note to customs that says that they are returning the books to their original owner, but on their way to the US I can only mark them as "temporary export" /...
FOR SALE: Slabbed 1st Appearances HooperSchaefer 3 2 yearsHooperSchaefer (54): Gotcha—Thank You Amazing Spider-Man #361 (Carnage) 1ST PRINT - CBCS 9.8 (old label) $350 Avengers Annual #10 (Rogue and Madelyne Pryor) - CBCS 9.8 $750 Bloodstone #1 (Elsa Bloodstone) - CBCS 9.8 $400 ...
SwallowTail Kickstarter SwallowTailComics 1 2 yearsSwallowTailComics (4): Hello everyone we have launched our first kickstarter campaign with two stories we’ve poured our hearts into even if you don’t leave a donation we’d like you to take a look 😁 clickable text
WTB: Secrets of Haunted House #31 DWeeB1967 3 2 yearsDWeeB1967 (12857): Thanks, @cyrano0521.
Mail Call...interesting but small MrNotSoNice 4 2 yearsMrNotSoNice (3540): Not super high-grade, but a nice Mephisto cover just the same. Available for trade.
Value Estimate on Darwyn Cooke Signed Book MurrayC 4 2 yearsHooperSchaefer (54): I think ComicHoarder gave some good advice & numbers. I would piggyback that Cooke signed books currently have a limited market. He’s one of my favorites—and you’re right, there won’t be any more signed copies—so I don’t get it, but it is what it is. However, you do have three quintessential Cooke floppies where he’s responsible for cover & interior art (with “Batman: Ego” probably being the title that would round out...
Just got back kadargo27 1 2 yearskadargo27 (334): Batman/Shadow book very happy with the grade signed by Alex Ross Happy with the grade
Galen130’s Pre-Vacation Sale—Marvel & Image Keys, Newsstands, and Drek!!! Galen130 Jump to first page117Jump to last page 2 yearsGalen130 (6801): CLOSED!!!
Uncanny X-men 266 Buzbe 6 2 yearsMutantMania (6074): I'd pick one up soon if you haven't already. There's supposed to be a cameo of Gambit in the new Deadpool movie. That might make the book shoot up in price a bit.
Does damage from the printer cause the grade to go down? Dealiod 11 2 yearscesidio (2429): Depending on The problem worst case scenario green lable . case in point
When the market makes clear, NO reserves… jgzachary13 21 2 yearsGAC (77779): There are many different motivations for people putting up an eBay listing....up to and including no intention of actually selling.
PGX converts to CBCS ? Buzbe Jump to first page33Jump to last page 2 yearsDrWatson (57863): When I first read the thread title, I thought PGX had found religion.
WTB Ruins stanley_1883 9 2 yearsSpiderTim (3420): It's written by Warren Ellis so how can it not be good? this book lately has risen in price and rightfully so.
10% off Golden, Silver, Bronze, and Modern Age books andrewscomics 3 2 yearsandrewscomics (8): Yep! Around two dozen. If you type CBCS into the search bar in the middle of the page at the link, you should be able to see them all.
Wanted: a copy of Spider Punk 1 1:50 Okazaki Variant Vboi 2 2 yearsTravis (540): eBay might have them I don’t know
TMNT: The Last Ronin 1 Lot 9.9 and 9.8 $1 Auction! Vboi 14 2 yearspower_struggle55 (7429): feel I really should read this series. picked up the first issue of the sequel (lost years) while at a convention. I see the tpb is $20 on amazon
Spider-Man 2099 For Sale: 1st & 2nd Print 00slim 3 2 years00slim (18378): 2099 #1 (2nd print) 8.0 sold on fee-bay. The 9.4 is still available (here at a lower price).
Saddle River Comics - New eBay ID & Link drchaos Jump to first page738Jump to last page 2 yearsdrchaos (29788): Big book sold today:
New to Your Collection #15 dielinfinite Jump to first page999Jump to last page 2 yearsDrWatson (57863):
Monthly (Comic) Book Club - May - X-Men: Fatal Attractions 30th Anniversary dielinfinite Jump to first page48Jump to last page 2 yearsdielinfinite (26888): X-Men 25 is essentially a suicide mission. Earth governments have put enabled a group of defense satellites to protect themselves from Magneto. Magneto takes it as an affront and detonates an EM blast that engulfs the whole planet, killing hundreds, if bot thousands as planes crash and medical equipment fails in its wake. Xavier thinks Magneto has gone too far and decides to solve the Magneto problem once and for all. He decides to take up a...
Rocky Mountain Comic Collectors Showcase - Denver CO June 3rd & 4th, 2023 RTSUnlimited 7 2 yearsRTSUnlimited (71): Show starts tomorrow! I hope to see YOU there!
I know it's silly, but the new Edge of Spider Verse annoys me. James42 12 2 yearsmakahuka (3133): I had a ton of fun watching Spider-Man Across the Spider-Verse. Just saw the movie a few hours ago.
Auctions are ending tomorrow! joelzstuff 3 2 yearsjoelzstuff (90): Thanks everyone for looking!
MCS Weekly Auction Ending May 22nd Vrishnak 6 2 yearsflanders (28410): bump
Titles worth recommending codychunn 22 2 yearsHulkSmash (11154): I just started reading “Bone Parish”. It’s wild.
G.I. Joe A Real American Hero #1 BAGGED DrJohnDisco 4 2 yearsBigRedOne1944 (11571): Im in the @HulkSmash camp with the bag deterioration. I don't believe the bag adds any kind of premium at all, In fact I think it detracts from the book. If Im a buyer of a Key book like GI Joe #1, My interest would be in the actual condition of the book itself without the bag. If I owned bagged copies I would remove them from those dirty old bags and have them cleaned, pressed and Graded.
Weekly Cover Contest #349 - Universes Collide! dielinfinite Jump to first page47Jump to last page 2 yearsRbolton (8640): Congrats!!!
New Comic Book Day + Free Comic Book Day Pickups! Jedyzon 1 2 yearsJedyzon (876):
Part II of Galen130's Sale: Copper/Modern Raw Comics---Batman Collection!!! Galen130 Jump to first page624Jump to last page 2 yearsGalen130 (6801): @Jesse_O Please lock this one as well. Thanks a lot!!! :)
For Sale: Infinite Crisis 5 CBCS 9.8 1st Jamie Reyes Blue Beetle, More? 00slim 19 2 years00slim (18378): ASM 316 & 361 SOLD on fee-bay.
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups 4/23 Jedyzon 1 2 yearsJedyzon (876):
FOR SALE ltimate Fallout 4 & Edge of Spider-verse 2 Rjman48 1 2 yearsRjman48 (306): For sale on ebay. Rocky_mtn_collectibles on ebay or on IG same name for direct buy. UF4 cgc 9.4 $575 obo EOS2 cgc 9.4 $475 obo
Ripped "#2" SteveRicketts 20 2 yearsSteveRicketts (19586): @figment Oh, man. That seems like ages ago. I can't wait for everyone to see the goods. The cover you saw as a sketch might be my new favorite.
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups 4/7 Jedyzon 1 2 yearsJedyzon (876):
Brand New Monthly Show! 3/19/23 Route 110 *Monthly* Comic Book Show - $5 GTS_Comics 4 2 yearsGTS_Comics (48): Open thread to view post.
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups 3/25 Jedyzon 1 2 yearsJedyzon (876):
The RIPPED Cover Game SteveRicketts Jump to first page155Jump to last page 2 yearsSteveRicketts (19586): @esaravo Gald it made it safely. Thank you so much for participating in the contest! I had a good time doing it!
ASM 361 (2nd Print) Question? 00slim 8 2 years00slim (18378): Nice. 361 (2nd print) is on my list for the near future.
Venom #3 CBCS 9.8 - Kirkham Variant Cover B Signed 3 times! fakadar 2 2 yearsfakadar (13): 1 day left
USPS Media Mail? FoxBe 22 2 yearsDrogio (8072): Priority just gets there faster and has insurance (which is a joke for those who’ve tried to claim). I’ve yet to see packages “handled” differently. I’ve had more damages from mailing items priority than media mail/first class combined. But usually medial mail/first class items are small/less than 1lbs too.
Comiclink auction! 2nd round of comic books starts ending tonight! 8pm EST sborock 16 2 yearsfigment (21152): The 3% at Comiclink is only for credit cards and other forms of electronic payment that carry a processing fee. If that form of payment is used then yes, the buyer pays that fee.
You can't handle the truth! drchaos Jump to first page34Jump to last page 2 yearsdrchaos (29788):
Monthly (Comic) Book Club - February - Transmetropolitan dielinfinite Jump to first page32Jump to last page 2 yearsxkonk (18007): @dielinfinite definitely absurd. The violence with his break-in was also absurd, but I think the early issue where he's dropping grenades on his way to ask for a job was more funny absurd and the break-in was over-the-top absurd. Lots of absurdity in general.
HurriCon Comic Book Art Show 6/17/2023 - $5 GTS_Comics 2 2 yearsNuffsaid111 (20431): Great great great show!
Determining worth and how to store? WndrWmn74 6 2 yearsDavethebrave (17379): First draft original? Copy of first draft? Huge difference in value. What did Beckett authenticate? I assume just the signature. Provenance will matter to determine value if it’s an original draft (and also if a limited but authorized copy). Storage of paper docs is similar (comics or other paper). I think others covered it already. Sorry to hear how you came into possession but it is quite an interesting piece of history. Edit:...
For Sale: Booster Gold #1 DOUBLE SIGNED CBCS 9.4 00slim 7 2 years00slim (18378): Bump?
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups! 2/26 Jedyzon 1 2 yearsJedyzon (876):
Where do you buy your Comic Books? martymann 20 2 yearsSilversorrow (2125): My closest comic book store is a 1 hour drive away so I pretty much exclusively buy online from Captcan Comics and occasionally from eBay.
WTB: Action Comics #1 Reprint - CBCS graded CWill2021 1 2 yearsCWill2021 (962): WTB: Action Comics #1 Reprint - CBCS graded Looking for a 10 cent version
A Few Repeat CGC Slabs For Sale!!! Galen130 Jump to first page188Jump to last page 2 yearsGalen130 (6801): @Jesse_O, when you have a minute, would you lock this thread for me please? Many thanks!!! :)
Sins of Sinister #1 1:100 Jedyzon 2 2 yearsmulti007 (4265): Why is that a "sin" ?? :D
Some art for sale! LotsaSequel 3 2 yearsLotsaSequel (295): Bump!
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups 2/1 Jedyzon 1 2 yearsJedyzon (876):
Monthly (Comic) Book Club - January - Justice dielinfinite Jump to first page33Jump to last page 2 yearsxkonk (18007): I don't much care for the Joker either way, so I wouldn't have missed him if they left him out completely. But I'm sure there would have been a fan contingent that wondered why you had everyone in the DC universe there, including everyone's main villain, and not the Joker.
Update, The Grade Is In: Hulk 1 2008 Newsstand Eclipse9665 7 2 yearsEclipse9665 (260): @ComicHoarder Awesome, I hope you get that 9.8
Cbcs is now the worst with turn around times Edgar_albarez Jump to first page39Jump to last page 2 yearsCFP_Comics (4043): I think they were around 2 years old as a business.
1st Appearances/ cameo Scifinator Jump to first page46Jump to last page 2 yearsJustThatGuy (5004): @EbayMafia Does it affect the story?
New Comic Book Day-ups! 1/14 Jedyzon 1 2 yearsJedyzon (876):
Weekly MCS Auction by CBCS Forum members ending Mon 2nd - Over 2 doz Scifinator Jump to first page38Jump to last page 2 yearsScifinator (15930): The Auctions start ending tonight from about 4pm Pacific / 7pm Eastern with final auctions closing around 9pm Pacific / Midnight Eastern. 13 items currently have bids from $1 - $9 along with nine other items that have bids between $10 - $19 and 4 items currently between $21 -$29. Happy New Year Bargains! The direct link is: Direct Link to Auctions. Thank you for checking them out.
Monthly (Comic) Book Club - December - Black Panther: Nation Under Our Feet dielinfinite 24 2 yearsxkonk (18007): #11 has the battle. Changamire's words are able to sway some of Tetu's army but not all. It's a fairly quick read, compared to the rest, because there's much less conversation. Tetu's army is defeated by T'Challa and the ghosts of past kings and family. So how does Wakanda recover? In #12 the first conversation is with Aneka and the Midnight Angels. Though they though they were acting justly, they acted against the country. If T'Challa, acting...
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups Jedyzon 1 2 yearsJedyzon (876):
Silver age CGC beauties and more closing today! LotsaSequel 1 2 yearsLotsaSequel (295): 30ish auctions ending today and 30 starting today! NO RESERVE ON ANYTHING!! Thanks for looking!
Your 2022 Year in Review dielinfinite 25 2 yearsStudley_Dudley (53010): I don't recall what all I had planned for. I did find a small checklist of runs that I intended to finish off in 2022. I'm sure that I had other stuff in mind as well. Among the incomplete goals were to finish the price variant runs of Dazzler and Thing. I think I'm halfway through Thing and only have a few UK price variants remaining for Dazzler. Otherwise, I picked up a few keys. The GSX 1 was hefty, and I shouldn't have gotten rid of my...
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups! 12/23 Jedyzon 1 2 yearsJedyzon (876):
21 auctions NO RESERVE ending today! 40 more starting! LotsaSequel 12 2 yearsLotsaSequel (295): That’s fair I suppose. I don’t shill bid though. There are definitely some slabs that were won at a steal that shill bidding would’ve made more reasonable if that was the case lol. Everything I start weekly is no reserve. It sells for what it sells for.
Christmas BLOWOUT! CBCS UNDER $50! vacomicon 4 2 yearsScifinator (15930): @vacomicon -Thank you, same your way.
Holiday Trade? stanley_1883 5 2 yearsstanley_1883 (2001): Msg sent
Alex Ross Marvel Villain Covers zdoes10 16 2 yearsfigment (21152): Start with Galactus, end with Doom. Brilliantly done! I'm glad he kept the Byrne interpretation of square pupils on Galactus, although this from Marshall Rogers will probably always be my favorite.
Weekly MCS Auction ending Monday Dec 12th! Scifinator 18 2 yearsScifinator (15930): @KatKomics - A virus is a submicroscopic infectious agent that replicates only inside the living cells of an organism. Viruses infect all life forms, from animals and plants to microorganisms, including bacteria and archaea. Sorry, couldn’t help myself. Also, @katkomics & @flanders, this was the the thread for the previous auction. Lol, i did put bids onthe tmania and venom though. 🤠
GI Joe A Real American Hero #6 CGC 8.5 2nd print signed ending soon! LotsaSequel 16 2 yearsLotsaSequel (295): Link to the eBay store itself so you can see everything up for auction not just the slabs ending today! So many good books for auction you don’t want to miss out! 15 more starting tonight!
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups! 12/9 Jedyzon 1 2 yearsJedyzon (876):
CBC4C Winter Series of Auctions Zanziber 1 2 yearsZanziber (127): Greetings #CBC4C Supporters! It's that time again to help us raise $$ for the American Cancer Society. Our Winter series of auctions are now live on eBay and you can check them all out here: Here's the official list of all the covers that will be available: WONDER WOMAN & JUSTICE LEAGUE DARK: WITCHING HOUR #1 DC COVER BY CARY VALLERY BOOSTER GOLD (1986) #25 DC COVER BY CARY VALLERY SANDMAN...
Should i Consider this a loss? Image Zero signed by original Image creators Adler28 15 2 yearsAdler28 (13): Thank you Steve, I haven't heard any information yet and i will be vigilant and be as patient as possible. Thank you again for reaching out to them. (Sorry i missed the email on the reply)
INTERNATIONAL COMICS NScott Jump to first page96Jump to last page 2 yearsHotKeyComics (5416): last I checked a couple weeks ago the cheapest one on the bay was nearly 200
Fresh from CGC Jedyzon 5 2 yearsJedyzon (876): Thank you
Monthly (Comic) Book Club - October - Witches’ Tales and Haunted Knights dielinfinite 18 2 yearsdielinfinite (26888): @xkonk I have to believe that the similarity was intentional. I don’t know the specifics of the story yet but it feels like a callback to suggest a continuation or at least to acknowledge Coates return to the title
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups + CGC Mail Call 11/26 Jedyzon 1 2 yearsJedyzon (876):
Has anyone got a timeline... James42 9 2 yearsRafel (4212): I stand corrected. Thank you. :)
Back from CBCS - Express service experience mbarb 15 2 yearstheCapraAegagrus (2603): This is a fact.
X-men Legends #1 J. Scott Campbell variants CGC Jedyzon 3 2 yearsJedyzon (876): Sent in to be graded
CGC Unboxing Part 2 Jedyzon 2 2 yearsNearmint67 (13299): I think he is "Happy about that".. :)
CGC Mail Call Unboxing Part 1 Jedyzon 4 2 yearsSebastsk8 (2354): As much as I'd like to have mine back soon, next week I'll be out of the country. With my luck thats when it'll be shipped lol
15 slabs in auction ending this Sunday with NO RESERVE! LotsaSequel 2 2 yearsLotsaSequel (295): All these slabs end today and there are some STEALS left!! Thank you for looking!
Back from CBCS pretty happy kadargo27 6 2 yearsByrdibyrd (24736): @power_struggle55 I'd consider the Beckett Authentication if you're concerned about the signatures not being authenticated. I can't think of any time I've heard of signatures from those creators being rejected, though. It's usually the older crowd like Jack Kirby & Stan Lee who get rejected.
One slab for sale!!! 1993 Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #1, with card!! Galen130 13 2 yearsGalen130 (6801): This thread is closed until it’s locked. 🤬
Weekly MCS Auctions by Forum members ending Monday Nov 7th! Scifinator 25 2 yearsKatKomics (31074): 10 minutes - still at bargain prices!
Kickstarter for my first comic... SteveRicketts Jump to first page42Jump to last page 2 yearsfigment (21152): Well heck... I'll help kick this into gear! That Mask homage cover is nicely done, I think I'll have one of those.
My new vice, thanks to this forum ERB_in_CLT 1 2 yearsERB_in_CLT (660): I saw a post on here a while back regarding Houchen Bindery, so I sent off some hardly irreplaceable books to try it out and love the results! Poe Dameron entire run with scanned cover The second half of The Massive which is a great read! ...
Customer Service Request camkelly 17 2 yearsZombie_Head (3597): 2 1/2 months no contact back yet still waiting.
Comic Book Soft Slab San Diego Comic-Con 2022 makahuka 7 2 yearsSiggy (25582): Yep. They'll probably make money too. For a little while, anyway.
Geiger #1 (2021) 2nd Print 1:25 CBCS 9.9 Geoff Johns Vboi 5 2 yearsVboi (32): 1:25 meaning is for every 25 regular cover printed, a rare incentive cover is printed. It's a hit or a miss for later printing because the print run is much lower or not. One of the best example was Ironheart 1 which had about a 60k 1st print run. Everyone had the 1st print so barely anyone ordered the second print, which resulted in a less than 1k print run. The price exploded because rarely do you see a non manufacturered extremely low print...
Could I get some insight on why my book got the grade it did? SoulReaverDan 27 2 yearsJoosh (4179): The question has been answered thoroughly so all I want to say is this forum is the best. A valid question was asked. Valid answers were given; not a keyboard warrior in site. 😎
Todd McFarlane cover I didn’t know existed Zombie_Head 12 2 yearsByrdibyrd (24736): @cyrano0521 Very cool! Love the foreign variant covers.
Comic Shop Canada Modern Key Book Auctions Vboi 5 2 yearsVboi (32): Less than 3 hours left before spider verse 6 end! Spider verse fans, don't miss this key!
Post Weird/ridiculous comic sales you come across dielinfinite Jump to first page67Jump to last page 2 yearsSigur_Ros (4582): Yea. Just wonder if this was a bad grader or label/book swap. One or the other.
How “Key” is a “Key issue”? Your opinion? HulkSmash Jump to first page37Jump to last page 2 yearsdoog (8539): If “Bullet, the Gun Boy” winds up in Peacemaker, it will be a key, otherwise just another comical character.
Todd McFarlane, best books for his signature? Madman Jump to first page70Jump to last page 2 yearsMadman (92): Thanks all. I did get pressing added. Fingers crossed, it all goes well with my books. I might send a couple more in a few weeks after my deployment (AD military)
For Sale War of the Realms: New Agents of Atlas #1 1:50 Zircher CGC 9.8 Vboi 5 2 yearsVboi (32): Final bump!
For Sale key ironheart, spider man 2099, spider punk, spider verse Vboi 4 2 yearsVboi (32): Ironheart 1 2nd print is up for auction!
eBay sale for Wolverine #88 CGC 9.8 $1.50 variant ending in just under 2hrs LotsaSequel 2 2 yearsmulti007 (4265): @LotsaSequel good price so far...
For Sale FCBD One Punch Man / My Hero Academia CGC 9.4 and 9.6 Vboi 2 2 yearsVboi (32): *bump*
WTB: Hawkeye, Lucky the Pizza Dog stanley_1883 19 2 yearssteveinthecity (624): There are copies of the 1st print currently on MCS unless this isn’t the same book?
Monthly (Comic) Book Club - September - Minis by Miller: Ronin and RCvsT dielinfinite Jump to first page38Jump to last page 2 yearsxkonk (18007): I guess this is the part I missed. I thought they were saying Murphy was already a program, and that was what allowed skynet to interface with him and him to copy himself. That would be weird because it means Robocop is a robot and not really Murphy. I didn't catch that skynet made him a program when they connected.
Selling Ultimate Fallout #4 1st Print CBCS 8.5 Vboi 5 2 yearsVboi (32): In Canada UF4 always seem to go a bit more due to higher taxes or duties and also higher shipping, but thanks for the info.
Weekly Cover Contest #317 - Like a Candle in the Wind esaravo Jump to first page60Jump to last page 2 yearsByrdibyrd (24736): I :heart: that cover! Congrats!
Raw Books For Sale Minor Keys 00slim 30 2 years00slim (18378): Open thread to view post.
Comicless for almost 300 days Juicecomics 14 2 yearsJuicecomics (12): I have an update! Literally the day after posting the original post I got an email saying my books are graded and on their way!!!!! I think they heard me bitching and gave it to me faster lol, but I appreciate everyone’s input so thank you!
Weekly MCS Auctions, by forum members, Ending Monday Sept 19th Scifinator 5 2 yearsScifinator (15930): With today's auctions endings between 4pm - 9pm Pacific and 7pm - Midnight Sons Eastern, the current bids on my items are: If Bidding, thank you and good luck!
WTB: Squirrel Girl #1 Graded 00slim 10 2 years00slim (18378): Acquired. Thank you all for your assistance.
Newton Ring Help Sundog 23 2 yearsKatKomics (31074): they tried a while ago but then created the creep engine problem! basically the front and back of the case would flex in and out and cause the book inside to slowly ripple like an accordion!!!! but few CBCS slabs pull them apart - measure everything and duplicate!!
Key Slabs for sale Ambush_Bug 7 2 yearsAmbush_Bug (201): Just a follow up, I switched these two up to be auctions!
WTB Marvel Hip Hip Variants stanley_1883 2 2 yearsHulkSmash (11154): I may have 1 or 2. I’ll be going through reorganizing and clearing out from my over buying. I’ll let you if I still those.
mail call donho 6 2 yearsBuckets (252): @donho Thank you for the info.
Mail call CBCS Zombie_Head 16 2 yearsZombie_Head (3597): All three signed at the same time at Megacon Orlando enjoy.
WTB: Fantastic Four: Full Circle Slipcased Edition 00slim 1 2 years00slim (18378): If anyone has a lead on one near cover price, let me know. It’s for my library, not resale (if that makes a difference).
9.9's and 10's from CBCS sly Jump to first page100Jump to last page 2 yearsByrdibyrd (24736): I'm not planning on shelling out for a 9.9 or a 10. For me it's more about whether one of my own books will grade that high.
Batman Adventures 12 Staple Question mini_tb Jump to first page31Jump to last page 2 yearsticktocktyler (1381): Funny thing, that. The additional value seems to be the cost of grading that keeps getting passed from seller to buyer ad infinitum. But that's just polemics, I suppose. I am in the unfortunate position of admiring the book(s) itself and firstly. So, that's where I come from when I see this sort of thing. Just adding what EYE would do since the owner asked what HE should do. It's hard for me to treat a hobby I love as the NY Stock Exchange.
Comic Book Production Numbers Kosmo 10 2 yearsThreeSeas (145): Kosmo, to answer your question, I do not think that DC ever willingly gave out their print run information and only did it when they were required to by the post office. So unless some collector or historian found it and posted it, you may not ever find more than the statement of ownership. Eventually I'll get to scanning my newer comics (from the 80's and 90's) and I'll make a note to post any SOO's that I come across here. Right now in...
How will these defects effect the grade? Skcatch 12 2 yearsetapi65 (4060): This could be an example of color lift instead of color rub...but still doesn't quite look right. It's just as likely some sort of chemical splattered on the cover and the ink came off.
Books for sale consumetheliving 7 2 yearsByrdibyrd (24736): Don't worry about it. I'd check out that link above, though. ;)
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups! 8/27 Jedyzon 1 2 yearsJedyzon (876):
CBCS at Baltimore Comic Con Skcatch 17 2 yearsantoniofett (2353): See you all in Baltimore!
FS: ASM 300 CGC 7.0 00slim 5 2 yearsGAC (77779): Awesome!! 🍻
Heritage Comics & Comic Art Signature 2022 Select Auction September 08-11 Jedyzon 9 2 yearsJedyzon (876): Sounds good man
eight billion genies Reelgee 7 2 yearsComic_Diva (170): All issues should have second prints, Amazon bought the rights, speculators took over from there.
Just 3 days left on eBay, Thank everyone! joelzstuff 2 2 yearsbeastboy1980 (1125): Open thread to view post.
Weekly MCS Auction by Forum members ending Monday Aug 15th Scifinator 29 2 yearsEbayMafia (37349): @figment That Avengers Annual 1 belongs to me now. At least it will, when I pay for it.
Eddie's "Road to NYCC" Sale!!! EddieTheComicGuy 2 2 yearsEddieTheComicGuy (933): I'd hoped to get some traction but it looks like no ones interested. No worries they'll be other times. Thanks to anyone who stopped in to take a look.
SDCC 2022 dielinfinite Jump to first page34Jump to last page 3 yearsPraxis52 (24): Thanks so much!!
Comic Book Covers 4 Cancer Summer Series Of Auctions Zanziber 4 3 yearsZanziber (127): Responded to your PM. For anyone else that would be interested in helping, please reach-out through our FB page here:
Monthly (Comic) Book Club - July - The Punisher: Purgatory dielinfinite Jump to first page35Jump to last page 3 yearsxkonk (18007): Interesting. The current run of Punisher (just stop reading now if you don't want plot spoilers) has Frank running the Hand in return for them resurrecting his wife and (presumably to come) children. That's basically what the angels were offering him, plus he directs the Hand to take out targets he wants. Maybe that's enough of a better deal for him to take it compared to what Heaven offered? Although the Hand obviously have plans as well... dielinfinite 10 3 yearsmakahuka (3133): I did check out the booth. They did give me a book free of charge, and as mentioned by @dielinfinite, I can retrieve it at anytime. It doesn't seem to be meant for value at the moment, as what the young man has explained to me, and there seemed to be a heavy influence on trading. The book is a modern, something from Marvel's Spirit of Vengeance series. I'm out traveling and do not have my machine with me, only a phone. I'll read more when I get...
Mail call Jedyzon 1 3 yearsJedyzon (876):
TMNT #7 - potential grade? IowaDad81 12 3 yearsByrdibyrd (24736): @ComicHoarder As an 'error collector' myself, I love some of that stuff. :heart: 'Conjoined' pages (LOL!) are not my thing, but I look for double covers and colour errors the like. I agree that the book deserves to get verified & slabbed if that's what @IowaDad81 wants. It won't be a 9.8 but if that's not the goal, then go for it! :D
Is VSP Grading worth it? X-Men #1 1991 IowaDad81 21 3 yearsxkonk (18007): I happened to be looking at Jim Lee X-Men #1s the other day. In 9.8 they look to be going for $175-200 on eBay. Like someone else said though, I don't think yours is a 9.8. If you want it verified and graded for your personal state of mind then I would go ahead. I don't think I would pay express, myself, but I also tend to send things for pressing and that gets pricey. If you're looking to sell it then I would probably leave it as-is.
another CBCS success story! ERB_in_CLT 20 3 yearsmulti007 (4265): yea - lots can happen in that year. Interest can drop cutting the value of the book in half. If its a witness or signature verification, the artist could have passed away and the book doubles in price and you cant capitalize on the jump right away... I could die. Then my wife is getting books a year later wondering "what the heck do i do with this - off to Goodwill!" its a risk for sure. lol
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups Jedyzon 2 3 yearsBatman79 (1227): Great video as always! Your comic budget must be crazy!
Ultimate Fallout kadargo27 5 3 yearsteacha777 (1180): UF4 flex thread?!
What happened to 2-day modern? KidMiracleman 3 3 yearsdielinfinite (26888): @KidMiracleman The entire tier system was overhauled back in April.
I want to BUY or Trade for thread Scifinator Jump to first page66Jump to last page 3 yearsstarlord (6211): I don't get paid till Friday next week, but I thought I would throw my line to see if there are any Bites. I'm looking for an Silver age Incredible Hulk number 3,4,5,and 6 at 1.8-4.0 grade.
Not Another Sales Thread!? Noblebeast315 2 3 yearsHeinzDad (37125): Ruh roh, I’ll be keeping an eye open. @Noblebeast315 reels me in at some point on all his sales thread!
Monthly (Comic) Book Club - June - Astro City dielinfinite Jump to first page45Jump to last page 3 yearsdielinfinite (26888): I just wrapped up the Confession arc and I too really enjoyed it for the most part, though I do think that perhaps it would have worked better as a separate mini-series instead of interrupting the anthology stories. It’d be like Outer Limits doing a season-long arc. It might be good but it kind of leaves you with a craving for the original format. My other issue was just that there is a lot crammed into this arc and not all of it really...
WTB hip hop variants stanley_1883 4 3 yearsHeinzDad (37125): I have a raw copy of Carnage 1 if that’s anything of interest.
CBCS Verified Slabs on eBay griffmiester 1 3 yearsgriffmiester (136): Lots of autographs and remarked CBCS verified as well as some Blue CBCS and "other" slabs. Please take a look thank you clickable text
Vacation fuel fund sale!! Offers welcome, yes to combined shipping!!! Galen130 Jump to first page236Jump to last page 3 yearsGalen130 (6801): My wife and I are planning on a much needed vacation later this summer, driving across/touring northern Arizona. We’ll be driving because I don’t fly anymore and she hates flying. Since gas prices are nuts, and probably getting worse by August, I want to start up a fuel fund for the trip by trying to sell more stuff from this thread and my raw comic sales thread. All offers are welcome, but I don’t have anything new to add. We really...
Flanders's Undesirable Crap for Sale At MCS flanders 26 3 yearsCli4dR3D0g (5425): @flanders OK bro... I'll stand down. Desperately seeking THOT11.
Sal Buscema • Spectacular Spider-Man 215 • p26 Hiro 5 3 yearsBigRedOne1944 (11571): Welcome aboard! Nice Piece!
FOC dpiercy 17 3 yearsdpiercy (4839): Covers of the Week for 6/8/2022:
Rocky Mountain Comic Collectors Showcase - Denver June 5th, 2022 RTSUnlimited 2 3 yearsRTSUnlimited (71): Show is TOMORROW! Hope to see you there!!
Check this video out do you agree with grade? Zombie_Head 24 3 yearsZombie_Head (3597): @Nuffsaid111 happy birthday buddy
Auction increments at mycomicshop chester15 10 3 yearsMyComicShop (382): Looks like you've all covered this all correctly for me. As Flanders posted, the bid increments are listed on the bidder agreement page And as suggested by chester15, I've added the bid increment info to
Monthly (Comic) Book Club - May - The next Crises dielinfinite Jump to first page43Jump to last page 3 yearsdielinfinite (26888): I agree that things get a little shaky but I think it hots the landing well enough. I think the hit on Jack was to give the League someone to blame, otherwise they’d keep searching. Again, it’s not the most airtight plan but Jean’s mind is clearly not well. I do agree that the book had a feeling of DC’s Black Label about it. Again, I think Watchmen was a major inspiration. It has comic book superheroes operating in what feels like a...
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups! 5/28 Jedyzon 1 3 yearsJedyzon (876):
CGC sub, harsh or on point? consumetheliving Jump to first page44Jump to last page 3 years50AE_DE (6464): @consumetheliving I think it's already been mentioned, but just an FYI. Discussing Alteration Techniques: Users may not share or otherwise discuss techniques for altering comics; including, but not limited to, restoration, pressing, cleaning, taping, or any other techniques that could result in temporary or permanent damage to a comic book. CBCS is in no way liable for any damage resulting from a user performing any technique they read or saw...
MCS Auction ending Monday the 16th. Scifinator 4 3 yearsScifinator (15930): Deathmate Orange Preview - Current Bid $2.00 Plasm O 9.8 - Current Bid $51.00
Symbiote Spider-Man #1 hogan36 9 3 yearshogan36 (198): @HulkSmash The 9.0 grader notes: light bend right bottom of front cover moderate bend left bottom of back cover The 9.4 grader notes: light bend left bottom of back cover I inspected my books before and took a video of me holding my comics before/during the signing and submitting. There was no bends in them.
New Comic Book Pick-ups 5/14 Jedyzon 1 3 yearsJedyzon (876):
FCBD complete set Reelgee 7 3 yearsReelgee (1102): great! thanks you are right,now i know. guess i will let CLZ know so they can correct this
My first sub is back!!! consumetheliving 16 3 yearsByrdibyrd (24736): I have a few Peach Momoko variants. So nice. I haven't seen a 'meh' one yet.
Comic Book Covers 4 Cancer May Auctions Zanziber 7 3 yearsmakahuka (3133): @Zanziber I'm fighting cancer, thanks for all you do!
My First CBCS Submission KaptainKia 22 3 yearssborock (48460): Even if pressed, it won't raise the grade much as the real defect is the rust.
Monthly (Comic) Book Club - April - New X-Men dielinfinite Jump to first page47Jump to last page 3 yearsdielinfinite (26888): Oh nice! I saw some copies of the Trilogy TPB go cheap but that’s a nice score for the individual issues
Darkhawk 1.What grade? Imad 17 3 yearsImad (60): Open thread to view post.
Free Comic Book Day 2022 dielinfinite 21 3 yearsStudley_Dudley (53010): My LCS recently got out of new comics and I can't say that I blame them so they did not do anything for FCBD. I did look and there didn't appear to be anything of interest for me this year. Fortunately if there was, I have more than enough shops in the area.
Something is killing the Children consumetheliving 1 3 yearsconsumetheliving (1035): Hello all, just plugging my ebay page with many key raw/slabbed/signed SIKTC comics. Take a look to see if there is anything worth a purchase.
Web of CGC Spider-Man smeninc 2 3 yearsByrdibyrd (24736): That's pretty cool!:beer:
Batman 423 Mosaic Recreation Cowabunga_Kyle 4 3 yearsEddieTheComicGuy (933): Very cool piece!!!
Census Highlander - Part II Scifinator Jump to first page41Jump to last page 3 yearsByrdibyrd (24736): OGE OGE OGE SHGE ...
May the Fourth be With You drchaos 30 3 yearsJesse_O (39345): I'm a bigger Queen fan than a Star Wars fan, but you can't lose by combining them together!!!
RANDOM SALE!!! EddieTheComicGuy 1 3 yearsEddieTheComicGuy (933): I'm going through my short boxes and found some books I feel could go to a new home. I'll keep posting books as I find them in the boxes until Saturday. This is a TOTALLY RANDOM collection of stuff. If you're interested in any books simply comment which books you'd like. I usually ship USPS Priority Flat Rate, but if you'd like first class I'm fine with that too. I WILL NOT SHIP MEDIA MAIL!!! I'm sorry I just won't do it!!! I want...
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups 4/30 Jedyzon 1 3 yearsJedyzon (876):
"I am Iron Man" smeninc 11 3 yearssmeninc (181): lol. You are right. I meant Silver Surfer #50 and not $50. :facepalm
Submitted at WonderCon and membership benefits ignored Ketchyfilms 8 3 yearsKetchyfilms (7): At no point in time was I told my 2day submissions would be delayed because the other books were fast pass. If that is really a policy then they should state that up front to anyone who is dropping off in person. I literally would have had them split the order had I known that type of nonsense was at play.
Image 30th Anniversary: 90s Humble Bundle dielinfinite 6 3 yearsdielinfinite (26888): @Herkzy Judging from the receipt it looks like you just bought the bundle but I’m sure it wouldn’t hurt to email their support team just to make sure
Stitched 9.8 X-Men 1 Jim Lee covers smeninc 2 3 yearsByrdibyrd (24736): That's pretty cool. They definitely look better that way. :D
Going through my Dad’s comics dielinfinite Jump to first page55Jump to last page 3 yearsdielinfinite (26888): Last book for the time being. Book looks great! It does need press to iron out a small bend at the top but afterwards I think it has potential to grade very highly!
Guideline for tears ? AldoG 7 3 yearsDavethebrave (17379): Dry the small tear up with a paper towel and try to not get so emotional next time.
UF4 2nd Printing Jprez111 5 3 yearsPolarisNuclearSS2020 (1366): I had thought the Pichelli cover was the 3rd print up intil reading this thread. I have it, along with a 1st and 2nd print....paid $50 for the 3 about 5 years ago. So, it would seem there is no 3rd print, other than the replica edition...which imo is a cover price book.
The best Venom comic book covers of all time? TheNerdHoard 8 3 yearsHexView (521): Any cover not by Humberto Ramos 👍
The best comics to invest in TheNerdHoard 11 3 yearsCatCovers (11063): Lots of good choices. A lot I'd add as solid potential, but I'll point out one that's more of an "entry-level" investment: Amazing Spider-Man Vol. 3, #4 (first appearance of Silk).
Ebay Oddity dielinfinite 28 3 years50AE_DE (6464): The cases look legit but the labels are cheesy. The cases look much better than the comic skin garbage, but I do like the labels on comic skins than this one. As comic grading evolve, we're going to continue to see these knockoffs slabs as possibly a cheaper alternative.
TAT Modern: Fast Pass + VSP JoshS2 4 3 yearsHulkSmash (11154): ^^ 2nd. It’s already too late.
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups 4/1 Jedyzon 1 3 yearsJedyzon (876):
Re-priced listings at SlabSmart Scifinator Jump to first page94Jump to last page 3 yearsScifinator (15930): Here are the non-auction sales from the past week: Animal Man (1988) 57 CBCS 9.8 Direct Edition. Sold for $61.00 Ghost Rider (1990 2nd Series) 28U CBCS 9.6 Direct Edition. Sold for $82.00 Spectacular Spider-Man (1976 1st Series) Annual 1 CBCS 9.4 Newsstand Edition Sold for $49.99 Spider-Man 2099 (1992 1st Series) 8 CBCS 6.0 Direct Edition. Sold for $25.00 Star Wars Splinter of the Mind's Eye (1995) 4 CBCS 9.4 Sold for $44.00 Terror...
CLZ Comic Values feature Update dielinfinite 6 3 yearscyrano0521 (1303): The values will not be back until at least LATE second quarter, I.e. end of June. Be aware of that, if that really matters to you.
Spider-men #1 store variants print run? Peterm12772 8 3 yearsPeterm12772 (7): One thing I'm happy about (years back) is I purchased the set of store variants ungraded minus Italy version and the Mile High Comics variant was a CGC 9.8. This lot also included 2nd print and Newsstand editions of #1. Before the hype. I'm in search of the Italy variant now to finish the set. Then onto the other variants to complete the #1 set.
Aliens, Predators, Monsters & Monster Hunters 4 SALE Noblebeast315 1 3 yearsNoblebeast315 (2200): Hello Folks! Selling a couple more graded books from my PC. I am digging deep this time too as these are books I really like. But if I am going to sell I would prefer to sell to the forum board. I have sold to a number of you on several occasions and think highly of many of you. I know I am in good company here with folks who love comics for the right reasons, so I am opening up the treasure chest a little more. All graded books are...
Lost Universes being listed Scifinator 14 3 yearsScifinator (15930): @Reelgee - @EbayMafia is on point. Battletide is a good example of the lower end fringe. I actually had all comics shipped back to me before I started using MCS. I sold mist of the 9.8’s (Battltidr included) on ebay for $50-100. So most of those sales were a double to triple of cost basis. A majority of my comics came back at 9.8 and there were several solid 3 and 4 figure sales. I am Scifinator, so there was a crap ton of Star Wars titles....
New Slab Grab Bag - Buy more than 1 and save! brandon77 1 3 yearsbrandon77 (183): Reasonable offers on combos accepted! Amazing Spider-Man #124 (Marvel) Reprint w/ 45 RPM Record – CBCS 8.5 - $145 Amazing Spider-Man #344 (Marvel) – CGC 9.6 - $165 Amazing Spider-Man #345 (Marvel) – CGC 9.6 - $89 Deadpool – The Circle Chase #1 (Marvel) – CGC 9.4 - $91 G.I. Joe A Real American Hero #26 (Marvel) – CGC 9.2 - $100 Legends #1 (DC) – CGC 9.8 - $155 MiracleMan #1 (Eclipse Comics) – CGC 9.8 - $375 MiracleMan...
Noobs are the experts on slabs and God forbid if yours isn't good enough drchaos Jump to first page80Jump to last page 3 yearsPolarisNuclearSS2020 (1366): Correct @poka , I posted the abpove and than read the end of Bill's post on here. 10+ years changes that situation, obviously. That said, I have yet to be fleeced on ebay, only had 1 buyer attempt to rip me off. An overseas buyer bought a raw silver age marvel ASM key off me a few years back for a couple hundred, like a Fair, and filed a item not as descried. He posted up a pic or 2 of the interior of another copy of the same issue #, with...
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups 3/19 Jedyzon 1 3 yearsJedyzon (876):
Relic from the late '90s griffmiester 6 3 yearsxkonk (18007): I mostly found it weird because the subscription was actually handled by Midtown Comics. Why couldn't they ship it the way they ship all their other stuff? Then again, I later had a pull list with Midtown and stopped it because my stuff was being delivered with dings in it, so maybe it doesn't matter. It's good to support my LCS.
FS: 91 Dark Horse Star Wars Comic Lot 00slim 5 3 years00slim (18378): @xvipah I’ll put a list together this evening after work.
Tyler Kirkham & Rafael Grassetti hogan36 3 3 yearshogan36 (198): @Cowabunga_Kyle Thank you!
The Recount #1 Metal Cowabunga_Kyle 1 3 yearsCowabunga_Kyle (2271): The Recount #1 Metal is a limited edition of just 50 copies. You can snag one over at Cowabunga Comics. You can get your copy signed at no extra charge, just send us a message. I hope you cats dig...
Modern love!!! Jesse_O Jump to first page68Jump to last page 3 yearsTopsykrets (255): Love this Mastrazzo cover
WTB: The Batman movie Promo dielinfinite Jump to first page32Jump to last page 3 yearswhowill (431): Far as I being told there virgin covers. Germany one to.
Metal Covers hogan36 2 3 yearssleeperbat (186): I like that red whit and blue one
SAMURAI OF OZ #1 LEIRIX KILL OZ hogan36 1 3 yearshogan36 (198): Here's another cover that I love by the artist Leirix. Limited to 15.
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups! 3/4 Jedyzon 1 3 yearsJedyzon (876):
For Auction - $.99 8-10 Indy comic lots blow-out ZosoRocks 12 3 yearsZosoRocks (2134): Here is the last one I have set up. Good luck and thanks for viewing. Tim
Monthly (Comic) Book Club - February - Fables Vol. 1 & 2 dielinfinite 23 3 yearsxkonk (18007): Ah, when you said 'last year' I thought maybe it was a different one. The current one would have started last year, obviously. Or I just lost the thread. It's been a day.
Finally unpacked!!! Ed Cave complete!!! EddieTheComicGuy 11 3 yearsEddieTheComicGuy (933): I have about 200 of the covers he's done so far. I've fallen behind a bit with the more recent covers. I might have to bug you to get some of these books signed the next time he's in your town!!! :D:beer:
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups 2/24 Jedyzon 1 3 yearsJedyzon (876):
Slabs for Sale Jprez111 1 3 yearsJprez111 (78): Hey All, Was going to sell these to my LCS, but figured I’d throw it out to you guys if interested. Looking to unload these 3 slabs. 130 + Free USPS Priority shipping for all three. Would consider individual sales. DM if interested.
A few Slabs For Sale 00slim 13 3 years00slim (18378): New Mutants #87 1st Cable CBCS 9.0 OW/White Pages $160, shipped
What books would you buy? Sebastsk8 25 3 yearsSebastsk8 (2354): @southerncross just wish I had more I'd be comfortable spending, my pull box would be huge lmao
virtual (mostly) $1 bin sale... $1 books minor keys, modern Marvel, etc. ERB_in_CLT 1 3 yearsERB_in_CLT (660): Hi everyone, I thought I would post here first (before going the fee route). I am trying to make some room, so have books below for sale. Shipping is 10 or fewer books, $9, and 10+ is $15. BUT... for the fine folks on this board, if you buy more than 10, I'll pick up half the shipping and if you buy 20+, I'll pick the whole shipping cost. I'd also maybe consider trades for TPBs (specifically Star Wars or Jeff Lemire that I don't have)...
Spec Question Jprez111 8 3 yearsHulkSmash (11154): @poka alcohol induced rant. I’m not in this for money nor do I have the attention span to speculate much.
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups! Jedyzon 1 3 yearsJedyzon (876):
Which Would You Recommend Higher? Paper Girls, or SIKTC? 00slim 11 3 yearsflanders (28410): @00slim the storyline was all over the place and too many random things that didn't seem to connect kept happening. I enjoyed reading Saga and Y: The Last Man but Paper Girls seems to have inferior writing compared to those.
Just posted some stuff on eBay... Thanks! joelzstuff 4 3 yearsjoelzstuff (90): Ending tomorrow, Thanks! -Joel
Infinity Gauntlet themed Betty & Veronica Ltd 250 Pre-Sell! vacomicon 6 3 yearspower_struggle55 (7429): I hear if you input the kanami code....half of all saved files are deleted
MCS Auctions Live Now rgreenson 1 3 yearsrgreenson (786): I have a few graded comics up for auction on MCS. (All CBCS Graded) Batman (2011 2nd Series) 1B CBCS 9.8 Detective Comics (2016 3rd Series) 1000COMICMINT CBCS 9.8 Walking Dead (2003 Image) 100H CBCS 9.8
Flanders's MCS Prime Auction Listings Ending Next Week! flanders 11 3 yearsflanders (28410): @EbayMafia thanks, I think I'm losing $20 at the moment :eek: but that's the risk of slabbing dreck.
Comic Book Covers 4 Cancer February Auctions Zanziber 4 3 yearsHexView (521): Is this Nell Carter dressed as Harley Quinn?
Your first comic acquisition of 2022 dielinfinite Jump to first page74Jump to last page 3 yearsTimeless (14): Thank you. :cool: Much appreciated.
250'ish graded comics for trade before I consign to MCS for Sale Scifinator 11 3 yearsScifinator (15930): Here is an additional 100 Malibu/Bravura/Ultraverse titles that I will be sending in on top of the other 250 comics. Let me know if interested in any trades or such. Bravura (1994) Preview Book 1A CBCS 8.5 Break Thru (1993) 1A CBCS 9.8 Break Thru (1993) 1 HOLO FOIL Ltd Ed. 1 of 5,000 CGC 9.8 Breed (1994) 1A CBCS 9.0 Breed (1994) 1A CBCS 8.5 Breed (1994) 1A CBCS 8.0 Breed (1994) 2 CBCS 9.8 Breed (1994) 3 CBCS 9.8 Breed (1994)...
How Are You Spending Your Tax Return? dielinfinite 25 3 yearsComicNinja0215 (6007): Buying comics and sending comics here!!!! the clear choice indeed!
Shattered Remarque Cowabunga_Kyle 6 3 yearscomicsforme (4138): It's not fair.. Beautiful 😍
Monthly (Comic) Book Club - January - Marvels/Eye of the Camera dielinfinite Jump to first page45Jump to last page 3 yearsdielinfinite (26888): So Eye of the Camera felt like it was about Phil finding his legacy in the face of his mortality. He’s hung up on the idea of his photography being his legacy and the world he’s captured in his photos. As the world begins to darken with more public interest in tawdry tabloid news and the lines between hero and villains becoming blurred Phil loses faith in his legacy. Eventually, Phil comes to see and accept the good and bad being part of...
Batman #108 Szerdy hogan36 7 3 yearsByrdibyrd (24736): This is true, too.
WTB Avengers stanley_1883 6 3 yearsGAC (77779): I've got an 83 I might consider selling.....or trading for. There are lots on eBay though.
Weekly Cover Contest #282 - Does someone need a hug? esaravo Jump to first page40Jump to last page 3 yearslawguy1977 (7274): @DrWatson Congrats!
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups! 1/26 Jedyzon 1 3 yearsJedyzon (876):
Have You Read Neonomicon, and Providence? theCapraAegagrus 2 3 yearsStudley_Dudley (53010): I've read Providence. Having a little familiarity with Lovecraft's work, I thought it was very cool. Unfortunately I don't know much of modern horror but it was very psychological and well paced.
Looking To Add Punisher TPB & HC To My Library. Wanna Trade? 00slim 16 3 years00slim (18378): @BigRedOne1944 Cool. I either have, or had Big Nothing. Anything above interest you in trade for Intruder & Assassin’s Guild?
Amazing spider-man 678 inquiry? And other venomized books TigerRose1981 18 3 yearsWhammykablam (344): @TigerRose1981 I just saw an unsigned one on eBay for just $55.
WTB: Within Temptation: The Unforgiving #1-4 dielinfinite 1 3 yearsdielinfinite (26888): Hi, I’m looking to buy issues 1-4 of The Unforgiving raw. I am more interested in issues 2-4 in any condition, the nicer the better, of course. I’m less interested in issue since I already have a copy but would be interested in upgrading to a copy in VF or better. Even if you don’t have one to sell, If you know where they can be found or where a good place to look (maybe you know a good online comic shop based in Europe), please pass...
Custom CBCS Stuart Sayger labels Jesse_O Jump to first page94Jump to last page 3 yearsCaptainCanuck (6120): CGC most likely has an exclusive agreement with Marvel.
Help with cover artist name - House of Slaughter 1 Third Eye Exclusive drchaos 5 3 yearsGAC (77779): looks like @Bronte is right.
The Recount #1 Special Edition - Detective Comics #880 Homage Cowabunga_Kyle 2 3 yearsByrdibyrd (24736): @Masochism :heart::heart::heart::beer::beer::beer:
I set a CBCS fast pass record? LOL ERB_in_CLT 15 3 yearsThorneArt (2065): That TAT is amazing! Also, that sketch cover is FIRE! kudos to the artist!
Help grading this ASM 301 OrionPax 13 3 yearsOrionPax (18): @HulkSmash thanks man! I know it is not the rarest book, but I like it a lot and it's very pleasing to hear that.
Ink on my comic boards FrankE224 18 3 yearsHuntergreene2 (1163): Wasn't "Ink On My Comic Boards" a song by fictional rap group CB4?
Flanders' Comic Emporium Listings on flanders 10 3 yearsflanders (28410): Marvel Preview #3 CGC 6.5 sold on myslabs. The rest of the dreck is still available.
Legit McFarlane signature? OrionPax 25 3 yearsDavethebrave (17379): Yeah, given it is probably the most common slabbed book in existence and one of the most common sigs too… you should be selective.
19 Comics up for Sale in MCS Auction ending Monday Jan. 3rd. Scifinator 22 3 yearsEbayMafia (37349): It's 5:15 on the West Coast. All the Bud Root print auctions are over...let the comic book auction commence! Auction link:
Moon Knight #2,3 (2021) - Help with grading, please. PORECHKA 5 3 yearsPORECHKA (11): @xkonk Ty for an answer! I kinda analysed the book myself and desided to give it a conservative 9.6 @Sigur_Ros Ty for an answer, but it is hard for me since I'm living in other country (Belarus) and it's already a big headache to get books there.
SMH!!! CGC graded "invisible comics". Jesse_O Jump to first page42Jump to last page 3 yearssly (316): Did they at least come up with a signature edition? Who from CGC verified the signature?
2 months since sent book in MrESauce Jump to first page33Jump to last page 3 yearsxkonk (18007): @Sebastsk8 I don't know that it's so much being "completely fine with the process" as some people have been using CBCS for a while and trust that their books will get back to them. Plenty of those same people have suggestions for how things could be better, but the number of new(er) customers winging complaints into the forum is larger, or at least louder. As to this particular problem, I doubt they're going back to old orders and...
Fifth Annual CBCS Forum Holiday Gift Exchange dielinfinite Jump to first page246Jump to last page 3 yearsLonestar (4898): Thanks for checking and letting me know.
Pre-Orders OPEN! Ltd 100 GI JOE Larry Hama Exclusive vacomicon 4 3 yearsvacomicon (190): Only 6 copies left!
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups! 12/24 Jedyzon 1 3 yearsJedyzon (876):
Adventures of Superman 499 3rd printing DvlDg 1 3 yearsDvlDg (7): Hello, looking for any copy of this book with 9.8 potential… raw, sealed two pack or graded with bump potential. Thank you!
Some Mark Brooks Slabs For Sale ThorneArt 4 3 yearsThorneArt (2065): CGC 9.8 Spider-Gwen #1 (2015) Mark Brooks Variant $SOLD No shipping cost to Forum members!
18 copies left! Ltd 250 Dan Parent VALENTINE'S Cover for Pre-Order! vacomicon 6 3 yearsNuffsaid111 (20431): Your Archie variants are the one and only variant I purchase for the entire year. That's how much I love these Dan Parent ones you've been doing for the last year or so (starting with that flourescent pink version of both Betty and Veronica)
COMICS For SALE - All are $2 Bucks Doc_Cop 3 3 yearsbeastboy1980 (1125): nice books
Monthly (Comic) Book Club - December - Sensational She-Hulk dielinfinite 26 3 yearsdielinfinite (26888): Issue 8 was fun if a bit silly. The appearance of Santa does make for an appropriate stopping point. I did like Jenn insisting on some legal procedure, given that that’s her job. Overall, I really enjoyed the book, though Byrne’s run seems to end as soon as he’s found a framework to support the series (Jenn’s job as a lawyer). I do wonder why he decided to take a detour i to space for two issues just as things were seemingly getting...
Slabs for sale, come have a look! furlo316 15 3 yearsfurlo316 (234): Hulk 1 is SOLD, only the N.M.87 remains. I am actively accepting offers, don't be afraid to make one!
BATMAN #118 1:250 VIKTOR BOGDANOVIC hogan36 11 3 yearsteacha777 (1180): classic Todd Mcfarlane cover homage. Get it signed by Todd then the book suddenly becomes sought after.
Modern Slabs for sale RonMob 3 3 yearsRonMob (122): Image of Back of ASM 365 below (requested)
What’s a signature worth? stanley_1883 6 3 yearscyrano0521 (1303): Depends entirely on cost to get signed. I don’t include cost of witness or verification, that’s cost of doing business, just like getting a book slabbed.
BATMAN CGC and CBCS comics for sale! Comicsadelphia 15 3 yearsComicsadelphia (44): Hey everyone, this weekend, I am offering 10% off all listings on this thread! I will honor this offer until 8am Monday, for all you over night buyers. Thank you for looking!
Does anyone have this or know where it's from? dfoster43 11 3 yearsdfoster43 (1764): Jack Kirby would gag at that art ..
Some fun books up on eBay griffmiester 4 3 yearsgriffmiester (136): Thank you!
Last Variant for Department of Truth Cowabunga_Kyle 1 3 yearsCowabunga_Kyle (2271): I was lucky to have my artwork approved for a Department of Truth cover before they discontinued the variant program at Image due to supply chain shortages. This is my first Image cover. Department of Truth issue #16. This virgin only cover is limited to 500 copies and retails...
Weekly MCS/SlabSmart Graded Comics $1 starting bid Auction Scifinator Jump to first page31Jump to last page 3 yearsScifinator (15930): Tonight marks my final auction ending this year. I have the following comics up for auction, with each comic having over a dozen First Appearances & both with WHITE pages and both in the NEW style sonicweld encasements! The Alpha Flight #1 9.0 presents at a 9.6-9.8 at first glance. Try to see if you can find what Graders notes reflect "light 3/4" stain bottom spine back cover". See photos. Bid it, win it, crack it and...
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups! 12/8 Jedyzon 2 3 yearsDoc_Cop (3100): always appreciate your content Jedyzon!
Uncanny X-Men 281 1st Print in MCS Auction Vrishnak 3 3 yearsVrishnak (943): Bump. Thanks for looking and good luck.
Marvel vs DC/Amalgam Custom Bind Project Progress dielinfinite Jump to first page45Jump to last page 3 yearsdielinfinite (26888): @50AE_DE Thank you! The text blocks are cut to the size of the smallest page in the block. For some reason there was a pretty big range of variation in the Access books meaning the second volume was cut pretty small compared to volume one, resulting in the shorter book
The Rise of... Scifinator 9 3 yearsScifinator (15930): With the auctions ending in a few hours, the current bids on the Series issues are: Darkhold #1 Vol 1 - $22 Ghost Rider #28 - $66 Ghost Rider #31 - $21 Ghost Rider, Blaze: Spirits of Vengeance #1 Vol 1 - $12 Morbius, the Living Vampire #1 Vol 1 - $49 Nightstarlkers #1 Vol 1 - $13 Happy bidding!
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups 11/29 - Hulk, Good Boy, Robin, Black Panther, P Jedyzon 1 3 yearsJedyzon (876):
LCS bought new collection this is what I’ve picked out before anyone else. Zombie_Head 12 3 yearsGAC (77779): @Zombie_Head Nice!! some great books there! Love the Spawn box!
european exklusive Fathom: The Core variants by Michael Turner Chr. Zullo exphysiker 2 3 yearsByrdibyrd (24736): Hadn't seen these before. Cool!
Our newest LTD 250 Archie Exclusive - Christmas Veronica!! vacomicon 6 3 yearsvacomicon (190): Only 26 copies left! This Christmas one is going fast. Pre-Order YOURS today:
Judas Priest "Screaming For Vengeance" graphic novel in the works!!! Jesse_O 5 3 yearsTowmater (10537): The electric eye was a great comment on the world at that time. It is even more relevant today.
Monthly (Comic) Book Club - November - Superman: Emperor Joker dielinfinite 24 3 yearsxkonk (18007): Yeah, that seemed like quite a mistake too. Like if Superman went to shake someone's hand and whoops! completely crushed it.
SUPERMAN: SON OF KAL-EL #5 hogan36 5 3 yearsOxbladder (1287): I don't think they always announce a sellout. Most of the ones I hear about are usually ones that happen before or on release day. Since this issue is part of the whole bisexual reveal they have likely seen something in the numbers or market that provoked the second printing.
WTB RAWs Hellblazer 1-12 dfoster43 10 3 yearsdfoster43 (1764): @HeinzDad Yeah I see what you mean! OK so don't tell the wife ... I may have to break out the Amex and plan for a month in the comfy chair! I had no idea there were so many Constantine books. Where'd they all come from ? LOL! Now I have to figure out where to start. The article I read made is sound like he was brought back from nowhere for those 12 issues. I thought he'd just been gone those last 20-odd years. Time to make a spreadsheet I...
Absolute Carnage #1 Skan Srisuwan hogan36 5 3 yearsJesse_O (39345): @hogan36 the only thing I can think of is that TCM DID have a Skan signing event at the 2019 NYCC where he signed these. Perhaps the signed ones were from that event. That's the only thing that would make sense to me. TCM told people that got one with their orders that Skan would be signing them there.
Finally back from CGC! I’m so happy! Watcher5866 22 3 yearsDavethebrave (17379): Oh - sorry, didnt realize speculating. I don’t get that part ;-)
New Comic Book Day 11/13 - Batman, Venom, Knighted, PhenomX, Mighty Morphin Jedyzon 1 3 yearsJedyzon (876):
Weekly Cover Contest #271 - 1 Fighting Against Many! brysb Jump to first page44Jump to last page 3 yearssckao (366): I didn’t know what time the next contest was supposed to be posted, but since I’m up I can do it.
Diamond Distribution hit by ransomeware attack. Jesse_O 13 3 yearsxvipah (4870): My guess would be what Bronte said. Someone that works there clicked the wrong link on an email.
Question about Billing Skcatch 4 3 yearsxkonk (18007): @Skcatch I don't think they split orders, although from the forum it sounds like they might occasionally these days. I would assume it's just that they can't charge you for the prescreened books until they know what they're slabbing and what they aren't.
Fall Sales Thread - Modern Marvels obrie2tm 20 3 yearsobrie2tm (6446): Marvel Super-Heroes #8 - CBCS 9.6 First Squirrel Girl - $300
My submission has the incorrect year what should I do? drmasque 3 3 yearsdrmasque (1): Ok, thanks. At first I was concerned the price was wrong, but that seems fine.
Flanders Dreck For Sale Before Mailing to MCS flanders 18 3 yearsflanders (28410): Ending tonight with a current bid of $31.
Slabs for Sale on MCS (Batman, X-Men, Mondern Keys and more) lawguy1977 3 3 yearslawguy1977 (7274): Giving this one more bump
Brand New Spawn #230 9.6 Key issue! Watcher5866 10 3 yearsBigRedOne1944 (11571): Very Nice looking Book. Good luck on your sale
Ironheart 1 2nd Printing for Sale! Vboi 1 3 yearsVboi (32): Up for sales is Ironheart 1 2nd printing, Freshly graded by CBCS 9.8 ($2,000 USD), 9.6 ($1,000 USD), 9.4 ($800 USD). There is an estimate print run of under 1000 Copies, It's Riri William's rarest key cover. I'll ship any of these books for free with tracking across Canada and USA, it will be definitely well packaged! Payment accepted will be PayPal invoiced to buyer! ...
Jack Kirby Fans Scifinator 12 3 yearsBPaxson002 (709): I wonder how Houseroy liked working on a Kirby project.
Some new books I got back today! Comicbookzach 22 3 yearsFuneralBill5150 (87): So, taping a $20 to the bag won't help? Now I gotta go crack my box before I mail it out.
Trunk Of Treasures hogan36 5 3 yearsdfoster43 (1764): Yeah I liked Henry when I was a kid. Syndicated in newspapers and I had a few of the Dell comics. He never talked because he had no mouth. LOL. Wise beyond his years.
New GoCollect Site goes live tomorrow (10/13) dielinfinite Jump to first page42Jump to last page 3 yearsesaravo (101928): So today I received an email from Go Collect (Comics - Customer Service) asking me what I thought of the update and if all my information survived. I let them know that I was not happy with the several steps backward “upgrade” and that I would probably not renew unless vast improvements were made quickly. Did anyone else get the email from them?
Image Comics workers form union dielinfinite 10 3 yearsHcanes (6008): @Scifinator I got bored on the train commute earlier today
Monthly (Comic) Book Club - October - Trio of Spooky Tales dielinfinite Jump to first page39Jump to last page 3 yearsdielinfinite (26888): Monthly (Comic) Book Club - November - Superman: Emperor Joker Superman: Arkham Superman #160 Adventures of Superman #582 Superman: The Man of Steel #104 Action Comics #769 Reign of Emperor Joker Superman: Emperor Joker #1 Superman #161 Adventures of Superman #583 Superman: The Man of Steel #105 Action Comics #770 Week 1 (11/1-11/7): Superman #160, Adventures of Superman...
Mail call from Megacon Orlando Zombie_Head 15 3 yearsDalkiel (2090): @Zombie_Head Thanks for the info. 👍
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups! 10/28 Jedyzon 1 3 yearsJedyzon (876):
GoCollect Value Updates zdoes10 29 3 yearsBPaxson002 (709): So who is there CLZ can work with? go collect can go screw themselves now.
WTB: Prometheus Fire & Stone Omega Emerald City Exclusive dielinfinite 1 3 yearsdielinfinite (26888): Hi, I am on the hunt for a copy of Prometheus: Fire & Stone Omega Emerald City Comic Con Exclusive. Raw in preferably NM but I’m open to lower grades if the price is right If you happen to have one you are willing to sell or know of one available for purchase please reach out. Thank you! ...
How long to press and cleaned and grsde Joey 9 3 yearsScifinator (15930): @comicsforme - The additional time is due to a massive influx of higher (quicker) tiers coming in like 1 day, 2 day Modern, rapid and quickstream plus fast passes for use with the lower tiers like modern, expanded, and consumer.
New Comic Book Day + NYCC 2021 Haul Jedyzon 1 3 yearsJedyzon (876):
Youngblood 2 Scifinator 23 3 yearsMutantMania (6074): I used to be friends with a guy who owned a comic shop and he would give me long boxes full of his non moving stuff to sell at the swap meet. I remember at one time I had full boxes of Youngblood and other Image stuff :eek: Don't know if I still have any but will have to check
Pre-Order Our HORROR-themed October DAN PARENT Exclusives! vacomicon 3 3 yearsvacomicon (190): Thanks! Our sales have been THROUGH THE ROOF on this one! Here's a preview of all 3 versions: Pick 'em up HERE before they sell out! Our last few exclusives go for over $100 on ebay, and one even got listed on Key Collector! Brett
Comics (Slabs) For Sale - Keys Doc_Cop 5 3 yearsDoc_Cop (3100): Sorry for late response @esaravo, Can't part until I upgrade the copy I have. Thanks for the interest.
For Sale: Venom and Carnage Mavel Key High Grade Slabs Ryan4421 3 3 yearsJesse_O (39345): Folks, if you aren't buying or interested, move along!! Start a new thread if you want to.
eBay: I posted some stuff... Raws, Graded and Sigs joelzstuff 3 3 yearsjoelzstuff (90): Ending in 5 hours, please take a look. Thanks everyone! - Joel
Monthly (Comic) Book Club - September - Fathom vol. 1 dielinfinite Jump to first page55Jump to last page 3 yearsdielinfinite (26888): I’m pretty sure it’s just a rights thing. It happens all the time in comics. Like how Spawn collections almost always omit issue 10 because it features a crossover with Cerberus or the recent What If omnibus that omits the Fu Manchu issue. Lara Croft is especially troublesome since she isn’t even a Top Cow character. As a video game character she was licensed to Top Cow who worked her into their universe but I think Dark Horse has...
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups 9/29! Jedyzon 1 3 yearsJedyzon (876):
Thor #18 Throg Variant cover by artist Daniel Warren Johnson HoC 2 3 yearsHoC (11): Now live!!
Flander's Slabs at MCS Weekly Auction Ending 9-27 flanders 2 3 yearsflanders (28410): Bump, auction ending tomorrow night. Thanks for looking.
spare a grade? MMPR 1 glow 5 3 yearsDrWatson (57863): The goal of a good presser isn't to make the spine completely flat. It should still have some roundness to it.
Grading, Spine Ticks, Color Break Jprez111 9 3 yearsHulkSmash (11154): they’ve been in conflict for a while now. Lots of collateral damages left in the wake.
Invincible Iron Man #9 CBCS 9.8 For Sale Comicbookzach 4 3 yearsComicbookzach (1020): Open to offers
New books! Comicbookzach 7 3 yearsComicbookzach (1020): @Doc_Cop Thank you!
Mail Call 2.0 WndrWmn74 4 3 yearsflanders (28410): @WndrWmn74 thanks for sharing these amazing books and good luck with the press and regrade on the Titans #44!
Updated Slabs for Sale (Batman, X-Men, Moon Knight and Black Panther) lawguy1977 23 3 yearslawguy1977 (7274): X-Men 129 sold. Remaining books: Black Panther #1 - $125 Infinite Crisis #3 - $90 Big thanks to Cesidio for being so great to work with on some of these sales! Just a super stand up guy.
What's your favorite? Scifinator 30 3 yearsbrysb (12491): STAR TREK
This just happened Jedyzon Jump to first page38Jump to last page 3 yearsTowmater (10537): Well if he signed that many and it is a 1:250 variant, then the print run for the books ordered was at least 424,000.
Scifnator Pedigree Scifinator 7 3 yearsByrdibyrd (24736): @Scifinator Very cool! Still waiting on my first 9.9 but I have my fingers crossed.
Amazon FCBD titles Belarak 3 3 yearsByrdibyrd (24736): I've seen Amazon trucks on the highway, and they drive like they've never been behind the wheel of a truck before. Absolutely no clue how to handle their vehicles.
Stranger Comics Kickstarter Belarak 2 3 yearsBriten (1966): Just a thought, if you spend 60 dollars the item you receive is not free.
what am I missing with these prices? (Mile High Comics) ERB_in_CLT 27 3 yearsStudley_Dudley (53010): Listed as a NM by MHC and came back an honest NM. It was FMV with a Chuck code word.
Help with Value DertyComix 5 3 yearslawguy1977 (7274): Not much help, but I found one 9.8 sale on Go Collect back in 2017 for $125.
Spare a grade on this uncanny 266? Sebastsk8 6 3 yearsGalen130 (6801): Based on the pictures…9.4 after a press. The biggest issues I CAN see are a few noticeable spine creases that will press out. Can’t tell if they break color on the spine though. 🖖
Star Wars: THE HIGH REPUBLIC #7 hogan36 18 3 yearshogan36 (198): @Belarak Thank you to you all as well!
Rare slab for sale LotsaSequel Jump to first page39Jump to last page 3 yearsLotsaSequel (295): @HeinzDad I’ll be the first to admit I may be biased here but if you’re looking for opinions I’d say buy it!! Lol If you do buy it and pay today I can have it shipped today as well. I do 2 day flat rate with it protected inside of a Gemini mailer.
Auctions and Fixed Price Listings for Jesse's GoFundMe! flanders 26 3 yearsflanders (28410): Joker #1 Neal Adams Variant NM - $39.99 obo - SOLD on Ebay. I'll be making a donation on behalf of @hotkeycomics to @Jesse_O. Other books are still available if there is any interest and no offer is too low.
Hellblazer # 1 tonyz58 20 3 yearstonyz58 (219): hey guys/gals here's the front
Monthly (Comic) Book Club - August - Batman & Robin #1-12 dielinfinite Jump to first page38Jump to last page 3 yearsdielinfinite (26888): lol that made me think of Rick and Morty when Rick has a laser that turns people into snakes But that wasn’t exactly the case.. I guess Darkseid really just has time travel beams and just clones a corpse to complete his illusion
xvipah's $0.99 drek blowout sale! xvipah Jump to first page103Jump to last page 3 yearsxvipah (4870): Thanks @Bobashek pleasure doing business with you. :)
New Comic Book Day + Free Comic Book Day Pick-ups! 8/25 Jedyzon 1 3 yearsJedyzon (876):
CBCS versus CGC - your best pitch ERB_in_CLT Jump to first page78Jump to last page 3 yearsMatterEaterLad (2642): CGC is Kleenex. CBCS is facial tissue. One is the industry standard. The other came along later and is virtually identical.
WTB: 9.9 and 10.0 Superman Unchained jgzachary13 3 3 yearsjgzachary13 (187): @dielinfinite Yeah. I figured it’s worth a shot though.
My recent CBCS haul ERB_in_CLT 6 3 yearsERB_in_CLT (660): fingerprint smudges left back cover light edge & corner wear light spine stress I think I see the smudges on back cover. It looks like the spine might have some wear. I was hoping this was going to be a 9.8, but assumed 9.6 might be more realistic, so a bummer.
Amazing Spider-Man graded books and other Marvel books!! Comicsadelphia 14 3 yearsComicsadelphia (44): Venom #2 (2018) CGC 9.8 Ryan Stegman cover - $80
Educate me. Scifinator 13 3 yearsEbayMafia (37349): @Nuffsaid111 I agree, the seller is fully culpable. But it's just an interesting con where a buyer with a lack in knowledge believes that they are taking advantage of a seller with a lack of knowledge. I've got to imagine 75% of those sales result in returns or dispute.
For Sale: X-men #4 CBCS 9.8 and Avengers Forever #1 Westfield Variant 9.8 sckao 8 4 yearsbeastboy1980 (1125): nice covers
Doctor Aphra 001 R0gu31 8 4 yearsZombiebigfoot (4269): @R0gu31 I also have a copy of that issue (Cover 1A), but chose this variant to have graded instead (Cover 1H, the Retailer Exclusive Variant). I’m sure with a cleaning & press it would’ve come back with a 9.6 or 9.8, so I’ll definitely do that when I send issue 1A in (just in case of any imperfections). It’s like...
New Comic Book Day Pickups 8/11! Jedyzon 1 4 yearsJedyzon (876):
Prodigy 1-6 CBCS 9.8 2-6 9.4 1. Netflix adaptation Jetsetfive 1 4 yearsJetsetfive (8): #1 is a 9.4 the others are all 9.8 Great series plus the Netflix adaptation is right around the corner. $350 plus shipping. Let me know if anyone is interested.
Going to be adding some additional comics to my MCS/SlabSmart store Scifinator 2 4 yearsScifinator (15930): So, here are the Indie publishers that I will be sending to MCS. It will be about 400 additional comics so it will take some time. If anyone care to offer an opinion or desire as to which publishers I send first, feel free to let me know. Big Entertainment Bravura Broadway Chaos Continuity Defiant Event Majestic Malibu Sirius Tekno Topps Triumphant Ultraverse Cheers
Batman CGC and CBCS for sale!! Comicsadelphia 5 4 yearsComicsadelphia (44): @beastboy1980 thank you!
Weekly Cover Contest #257 - The EYES have it! esaravo Jump to first page51Jump to last page 4 yearsGAC (77779): @martymann Thanks Marty!!🍻
What to do?? steel12 11 4 yearssteel12 (1): Thanks for the info.. I think I have a decision to make. Leaning towards the grading idea
Question: Stray Dogs #1 tonnage71 7 4 yearsDrogio (8072): I was thinking expect 9.4. None of my cover As have that.
Pressing question about Megacon Belarak 4 4 yearsBelarak (1264): Thanks I kinda felt the same way but I had some other books I was going to get signed that have the card stock covers and they don't need pressing. I guess I'll send in two different orders.
Batman 232 and Detective Comics 1000 Slabs for Sale lawguy1977 10 4 yearsDavethebrave (17379): Love this book - I need to get mine signed and graded. TATs make yours tempting to just have two haha
Has anyone been seeing the latest Batman art on some of the covers?? timberghost 14 4 yearslawguy1977 (7274): Loved that Killer Smile series! As for that Mattina cover, it's amazing. I go back and forth when it comes to Mattina, but I'm definitely picking up that Fear State Alpha cover. Also, if you're a Jock fan, I feel like a couple of his recent covers has been some of the best he's done.
2 CBCS graded comics up for Auction w/ $1 starting bids. Scifinator 6 4 yearsScifinator (15930): With one day left, the current bid on the Alpha Flight #1 is $37 The current bid on the WildCATS #1 is at $47. Happy bidding.
Monthly (Comic) Book Club - July - Thunderbolts: Red Scare & Infinity dielinfinite Jump to first page42Jump to last page 4 yearsdielinfinite (26888): Starting Monday, New Month, New Reading, New Thread! Batman & Robin (2009) #1-12 (aka Batman Reborn & Batman vs Robin) Wk1 (8/2-8/8): Batman & Robin (2009) #1-3 ...
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups! 7/29 Jedyzon 1 4 yearsJedyzon (876):
Thor 4 2nd print signed by Cates radd76 1 4 yearsradd76 (583): Anyone have a CBCS YELLOW LABEL they will sell or trade of this book? 9.6 or 9.8 preferred but will consider other grades.
Old to Modern books for sale - approximately 160 comics in a group QuaBrot 1 4 yearsQuaBrot (2018): Decent size group of comics for sale. I deal with Gold and Silver books, so I don't know much about these except that most of them are modern(ish). A few Golden/early Silver Dell books, a few 60's/70's Dell, Archie and Marvel (Sgt. Fury and leatherneck, I think) and Bronze Daredevil (issue 198 is earlies?), but the majority are modern DC, Marvel, Dark Horse, etc. See pics. I counted about 160 comics total. Shipping will have to be a...
Amazing Spider-man 252 8.5 newsstand for sale Enelson 5 4 yearsHeinzDad (37125): Dang.....
Esad Ribic at Anthony's starting tomorrow!!! Jesse_O 6 4 yearsteacha777 (1180): There weren’t any CBCS witnesses today(in fact in your original post it just says Saturday for 1 hour lol) so I didn’t crack my witness jr jr black Panther 2. But got other comics signed with the form if CBCS accepts great if not I’ll pay VSP *shrug
Hcanes Slabbed Books for Sale Hcanes 7 4 yearsHcanes (6008): Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 97 Kevin Eastman Studios Variant CGC 9.8 Signed and remarked by Kevin Eastman $175
Shadow Doctor Exclusive Beeda 1 4 yearsBeeda (59): Hey everyone, we wanted to let you know that our new exclusive drops next week with cover art by Beeda. There are limited 200 trade dress and 100 negative print. We chose this book because it's a phenomenal story...a phenomenal true story. It has lasting ramifications for social impact regarding race relations. The story follows the first black doctor West of the Mississippi who gets in with the Mob and Al Capone. Anyway, we thought we'd...
For Sale: Spider-Man 2099 #1 2nd Print ToyBiz Variant 9.6 00slim 3 4 years00slim (18378): One more bump. If no interest, I’ll move it to e-bay this weekend.
Spawn CGC & CBCS 8.0 - 9.8 and Crossover # 3 CGC 9.0 Comicsadelphia 11 4 yearsComicsadelphia (44): @BigRedOne1944 this is my first time posting (at least a post that wasn’t locked), so cut me some slack. It’s 10 photos, I’m sure your index finger can manage moving that little wheel on your mouse to scroll up and see the prices. If you were truly serious about purchasing a book you wouldn’t sweat the scrolling up, you would just get the book. You just like to seriously complain.
Spawn # 37, 286, 313 (3 copies), & 314 CGC 9.6 - 9.8 Comicsadelphia 4 4 yearsHeinzDad (37125): You get a lock and you get a lock, and everyone gets a lock!
Nightwing (2020) # 71, 72, 73 CGC 9.8 NM/M VARIANT COVERS Comicsadelphia 3 4 yearsComicsadelphia (44): @DrWatson you could have just posted your comment on one of my posts, you went for every post. You bored much today?
Dark Nights: Death Metal # 1 & 2 CGC 9.8 NM/M VARIANT COVERS Comicsadelphia 3 4 yearsComicsadelphia (44): @DrWatson How do I do that? It's easy to just shout empty threats at someone though it would save you more energy to just explain how one thread is made to list all? Creating one thread with the variety of books I have to list will make a mess and no one will be able to search for something specific.
Batman # 451 (1990), and from 2016 series # 50, 77, 91, 95 CGC 9.2-9.8 Comicsadelphia 2 4 yearsDrWatson (57863): Stop creating a separate thread for every book you have for sale. Create one thread and list multiple books. I suspect you will be receiving a warning from moderation before the day is out.
Detective Comics #667(1993) AUTO CBCS 9.6 NM+ & Batman Eternal #1 CBCS 9.8 Comicsadelphia 2 4 yearsDrWatson (57863): Stop creating a separate thread for every book you have for sale. Create one thread and list multiple books. I suspect you will be receiving a warning from moderation before the day is out.
Crossover # 3 (2021) CGC 9.0 VF/NM McFarlane 1:8 secret VARIANT Spawn Comicsadelphia 1 4 yearsComicsadelphia (44): Crossover # 3 (2021) CGC 9.0 VF/NM McFarlane 1:8 secret VARIANT Spawn Price is $40 + USPS Priority shipping, which will be USPS Priority Mail $10-15 depending on your location from shipping location. I have been shipping comics for over 10 years (first time selling through a forum), your graded CGC comic will be shipped securely. ...
Fresh slabs for sale. X-men, gi joe, spider-gwen, miles morales Mattcomics 16 4 yearsMattcomics (4): Edge of spider-verse 2 sold
Flanders's MCS Auctions Ending 7-14 to 7-15 - Hulk, TMNT, Venom flanders 6 4 yearsScifinator (15930): Open thread to view post.
22 Comics up for Auction (Most are CBCS 9.8) Scifinator 24 4 yearsScifinator (15930): . Current bid $26
New Comic Book Day pick-ups! Jedyzon 1 4 yearsJedyzon (876):
WTB Black Widow Premiere Exclusives 00slim 3 4 yearsdielinfinite (26888): Hmmm, I might be interested in a copy of the comic as well
Mail call finally donho 1 4 yearsdonho (665): After so long that i actually forgot I sent these in , got these at the door 2 days ago. Happy about the grades too.
Auction ending Monday July 5th. Scifinator 2 4 yearsScifinator (15930): Current bids are: Alpha Flight 1 8.5 = $41.00 and ends around 5pm Pacific/8pm Eastern WildCATS #1 9.8 = $57 and ends around 8:30pm Pacific/11:30pm Eastern. Direct Link:
Raw Comics for SALE - Plus 1 special slab Doc_Cop 12 4 yearsHulkSmash (11154): Got em. Let know if you want to trade any slabbed 9.6/9.8 Walmart variants for that Venom
2021 Mid-Year Progress Report dielinfinite 25 4 yearsflanders (28410): @EbayMafia Steranko's signatures are so aesthetically pleasing, it always enhances the covers they're on.
Monthly (Comic) Book Club - June - Powers: Who Killed Retro Girl & Roleplay dielinfinite Jump to first page49Jump to last page 4 yearsxkonk (18007): That's fair. If someone doesn't enjoy a story, they don't enjoy a story. As much as I like a Sherlock Holmes or Agatha Christie story, my guess is that dumb luck and sheer obviousness solves equal numbers of real cases was my main point. Telling a story that way does put a lot of weight on enjoying the process though.
UNKNOWN Comics Excuse Belarak 4 4 yearsBronte (39821): @dielinfinite Agreed.
SOLD Eclipse9665 8 4 yearsBrashSmurf (980): yeah i have a 9.6 #174 for a raw #119. its getting harder to hold onto them with these prices climbing
12 item AUCTION for Jesse_O Final Scifinator installment! Scifinator 22 4 yearsScifinator (15930): Just waiting for the payment on 5 comics from the above auction, so hopefully I can make the contribution this week. Thank you to any of you who bid on and or won any of these auctions. As soon as the payments are completed I will forward 100% of the proceeds to the @Jesse_O GoFundMe account that @SBorock set up. Again, if everyone pays, the total of all three of my auctions should net appx $500 after MCS fees.
Sleeper Book is now expoloding - 1st Appearance Dylan Brock Doc_Cop 27 4 yearsNuffsaid111 (20431): Doctor Strange just came to mind. Ever been a knock-off of Doctor Strange? Son? Daughter? Dad? A purple Doctor Strange? A Yellow Dr. Strange? Dylan Strange maybe?
Star Wars: War of the Bounty Hunters Alpha error? Belarak 2 4 yearsBelarak (1264): I thought I would post a follow-up here. I did some digging and found out that this was a printing error. It was suppose to be the Trade cover. I contacted Izzy Comics and Collectibles and this is what they said: It was a misprint. Marvel is actually recalling the book. They just haven’t told me if I need to destroy or return them. They will not be replacing it either, so there will not be a full trade dress, but the print run is going to be...
3500+ X-Men Comic Books for Sale Eclipse9665 8 4 yearsEclipse9665 (260): @Donnied Not currently.
question about moderns timberghost 7 4 yearstimberghost (269): Thank you.
Raw Comics for sale - On the cheap! Doc_Cop 11 4 yearsDoc_Cop (3100): Still waiting on PlaidJ to settle up on Lots 8, 9 and 10.
Red Rooster gets plucked. Jesse_O 5 4 yearsCaptainCanuck (6120):
CBCS Celebrity Signed Books jtruong008 20 4 yearsjtruong008 (118): My last CBCS Celebrity signed book. Will Smith, Margot Robbie, Joel Kinnaman, Jai Courtney, and Scott Eastwood.
Trying to find this book Zero1373 4 4 yearsKatKomics (31074): @Zero1373 Scud was great!!! alas I only have the fireman press run - and the hardcover collection!! might have to give it a read again!!
Crossover #7 Exclusive Beeda 1 4 yearsBeeda (59): Hey all, We have a new exclusive for CrossOver #7, the only Crossover exclusive to feature Madman (or any other character not created in the book). Cover art by Alex Morrissey. clickable text We like the CBCS community so now through the 30th discount code CBCSISTHEBEST will get you 20% the exclusive. We hope you enjoy Alex Morrissey's return to the comic book world.
AC 1000 Massafera Reholder jgzachary13 2 4 yearsdielinfinite (26888): There were minimal changes to the label design with the new labels and as a rule the new label on a reholder maintains all the information from the original. I don’t see any reason why that would change for this book
Weekly Cover Contest 249 Mano-A-Mano ShallaBal Jump to first page52Jump to last page 4 yearsEbayMafia (37349): I failed to vote. I was busy entertaining tourists who were visiting from the CGC forum.
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups - 6/9! Jedyzon 2 4 yearsBigRedOne1944 (11571): Always fun to see the new books!
CBCS June Promo: 5% off Grading Fees dielinfinite 16 4 yearsMurrayC (2861): A Verified Signature discount would be nice. I live in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, and for a number of years, Darwyn Cooke lived here and I have a number of his books signed (e.g. "New Frontier") Steve McNiven also lives here in Halifax and would love to get his books that he signed verified (e.g. "Old Man Logan", "4", etc.) When Ken Stacy visited Halifax for a store signing, I got him to sign my...
Part 2 - New Auction for Jesse_O Scifinator 6 4 yearsDarkseid_of_town (14297): gave the Alpha flight a pretty good shove, but did not get the lead.
Elvira Quarantine Special Kickstarter Package kaptainmyke 11 4 years00slim (18378): Love me some Elvira. I was seriously considering backing this. Very cool stuff indeed, @kaptainmyke! I have a book set aside for her to sign, should I get the chance to meet her at a Con in the future.
Coming attractions drchaos Jump to first page31Jump to last page 4 yearsdrchaos (29788): Got to the show early, took about 90 minutes to get everything checked in.
Monthly (Comic) Book Club - May - The Sandman: Preludes & Nocturnes dielinfinite Jump to first page45Jump to last page 4 yearsdielinfinite (26888): Okay, I was wrong, that was my second to last purchase. My last purchase is this copy of Sandman #3, supposedly signed by Gaiman and Dave McKean. I actually used Beckett’s signature review for this book since I wasn’t confident in gaging McKean’s signature myself. McKean’s not an easy signature to find on comics and having it alongside Gaiman was a big plus and the fact that it’s on one of my favorite issues of the early run with...
McFarlane Spider-Man 1 "Cream Variant" SteveRicketts 14 4 yearsHuntergreene2 (1163): You wouldn't believe how many variants come out of my printer when I'm low on ink. And I think my silver Spider-Man looks a little on the "lead" side. New variant yo!
My newest Exclusives: Dan Parent and...ROB LIEFELD!?! vacomicon 3 4 yearsKCBatmanFan (3007): Yes, it was changed to a one shot rather than a mini-series as Liefeld bowed out after a retailer variant spoiled a major plot point. David Gallaher is scripting it now, but it's still full Liefeld art.
Auction for Jesse_O Scifinator 15 4 yearsScifinator (15930): Thanks to any who bid. The final bids were $30 for the alpha flight 1 and 82 For the wildcats 1. I suspect the af 1 was lower than typical as a lot of people were probably still in the middle of activities or traveling back from the holiday. I will announce another benefit auction shortly.
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups 5/26! Jedyzon 1 4 yearsJedyzon (876):
WildCATS #1 & Alpha Flight #1 up for $1 starting bid auctions! Scifinator 4 4 yearsScifinator (15930): Auctions end tonight with the Alpha Flight # 1 ending just after 8pm Eastern / 5pm Pacific and the WildCATS #1 ending about 11:30pm Eastern / 8:30 Pacific. Good luck to you if bidding.
Potential grade... Iron Man Security Measures? BuffJake09 6 4 yearsBuffJake09 (420): I went ahead and purchased the book, it will be a birthday present for my brother who is a huge Agents of Shield and Phil Coulson fan... my next step will be sending it off to be graded once it arrives. I'd like to know if anyone can share what the rough estimates that I should expect as far as a timeframe currently? Thanks in advance!
what is an "artists Proof" donho 4 4 yearsTowmater (10537): People collect the AP's of the Do you Pooh series. I have several that have ended up in my son's collection.
Wisdom on Selling Most of My Collection jgzachary13 20 4 yearsjgzachary13 (187): @xkonk Thank you. I believe I will work with the CGCs on EBay first and then break up raws into lots and follow the steps you mention. I’ll determine MCS v. EBay then and hopefully have more time. Thank you (and everyone) again.
Spider-Man Unlimited #1 - Many Copies Available Eclipse9665 2 4 yearsEclipse9665 (260): Bump
Grade Opinion/WTB - Sandman 8 dielinfinite 5 4 yearsdielinfinite (26888): Well, a new set of tires (and new shocks next paycheck) kinda made the decision for me to way -_-
My LCS is closing-statues, AFs, pops and books for sale starlord Jump to first page58Jump to last page 4 yearsstarlord (6211): I can match that price on that statue! If you're interested please DM me with your details. Thank you!
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups! 5/12 Jedyzon 5 4 yearsBrianGreensnips (15475): @Jedyzon How was Time before Time?
My last Exclusive is now on Key Collector! Next one up... vacomicon 1 4 yearsvacomicon (190): Hi, CBCS friends! I can't believe my humble Betty and Veronica variant (The PINK one) has been added to Key Collector's list of hot books this week! I also heard copies are going for as much as $80 each on ebay. WOWZA! Well, our LATEST exclusives literally JUST arrived and we will begin packing them up this weekend. Don't miss YOUR chance to get a set of THREE Archie comics...each is an homage to ASM #300. With our last SINGLE...
Top 50 Slabs in My Collection! - Let's see yours! Drahcir Jump to first page82Jump to last page 4 yearsKatKomics (31074):
Batman/fort nite books Reelgee 5 4 yearsBige (100): For fortnite book once the reason the value goes down is once the code is used it can't be used again. If someone is buying it for the code that book would be useless.
Which would you choose?? jaysonslade 18 4 yearsandy49 (4280): I'm ok with offwhite or higher, so the higher graded book wins provided that it looks like the grade given
WTB Young Avengers 1 9.8 CBCS... or CGC I guess Joosh 4 4 yearsobrie2tm (6446): I've got the Wizard World Variant at CBCS now (should return as a 9.8) that I intended to sell once returned. If you're interested I can let you know when I get it back.
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups! 5/5 Jedyzon 1 4 yearsJedyzon (876):
COMIX FOR SALE! comixcited Jump to first page36Jump to last page 4 yearscomixcited (1337): X-men #130 FN $75
#CBCSSundayConversation (On a Monday) dielinfinite 6 4 yearsdielinfinite (26888): I haven’t read it but it seems to be incredibly popular at the moment
Monthly (Comic) Book Club - April - Invincible dielinfinite Jump to first page41Jump to last page 4 yearsxkonk (18007): With the Invincible cartoon (maybe I should have been calling it an 'animated series' this whole time? I don't know the difference) wrapping its first season back on Friday, I thought I'd summarize my thoughts there. The first season essentially overlaps with the issues we read, wrapping with the the Invincible vs Omni-Man fight and it's immediate aftermath. There are some differences from the comic, but nothing overly major. It's a little...
Pre-Order! My latest Archie Exclusives: ASM 300!!! vacomicon 1 4 yearsvacomicon (190): Hi, Fellow comic nerds! First off, Thank you to EVERYONE here on the forums who pre-ordered my last 2 Archie exclusives! While Everything's Archie has been delayed a month (to add a reprint of the now-famous Betty in 2021 story (yay, free bonus!), we have been authorized by Archie to pre-sell our next exclusives... A rare 3-PACK ASM #300 Homage (Archie & Friends SuperHeroes #1) for only $49.95, with each book limited to only 300...
SOS...need to flip this 9.8 for the Diego Luna signing ERB_in_CLT 1 4 yearsERB_in_CLT (660): I've not sold on this forum before, so please be gentle. :D $225 shipped Donny Cates signed 9.8 Venom #30 Alex Garner variant I thought I would try here before Mercari (where I do have some minor keys for sale btw ) DM me if interested. Thanks!
CBC4C Spring Auctions Begin Zanziber 1 4 yearsZanziber (127): Our Spring series of auctions to help raise $$ for the American Cancer Society are now live on eBay. Please help us by placing your bids throughout the next week as well as sharing our posts. Here's the official line-up for this series: ALL-NEW HAWKEYE (2015) #1 MARVEL COVER BY IKE KHIENVICHIT #CBC4C BATMAN BLANK COMIC...
Press and grade question Sebastsk8 6 4 yearsComicNinja0215 (6007): @GAC :D:beer:
RAW COMICS FOR SALE - High grade low prices! Doc_Cop 13 4 yearsDoc_Cop (3100): Spidey 2099 SOLD SOLD SOLD to bobadont!
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups! 4/28 Jedyzon 2 4 yearsNoblebeast315 (2200): I caught Mortal Combat on Saturday as well. I thought it was fine. I liked Godzilla v. Kong more but that’s because giant monsters are more my thing. Neither was a perfect movie though. G V. K had plot holes all over the place, but was saved by great directing and amazing visual effects. Mortal Kombat was entertaining but a bit shallow. I am sure they will make a sequel and it should open the world up a bit. Maybe I am satisfied because...
Sent in the wrong book for grading Jprince256 4 4 yearscomixcited (1337): normally the big title fixes come when the comix hit grading. they will catch it.
Dark Horse Star Wars Key Issues Ebay Sale bluemeenie 3 4 yearsbluemeenie (77): @ebayMafia yeah the ebay start times I totally screwed up on that. I was taking pictures and getting information ready and by the time I started them auction I didn't realize it was after 1 am. 2 already have bids on them so there is nothing I can do now, but I am thinking of ending the other 2 early so I could fix it. Maybe I'll do what you are suggesting and pull them and restart them as BIN for a month and see what happens as I am not...
WTB: Issues of Marvel Vision, Overstreet Fan, Wizard, and Previews dielinfinite 9 4 yearsdielinfinite (26888): Okay, so the last two issues I need are the last two issues of Previews that have decided to get scarce. The Barb Wire one I can HOPEFULLY negotiate down to like $20 but the other issue I have only found a single copy for sale but it’s bundled with another issue AND it’s overseas so it’d end up costing like $40 -_- If anyone has one of these or knows where to find one at a reasonable price, please let me know Thank you! ...
Weekly SlabSmart/MCS auction ending Monday 4/26 Scifinator 2 4 yearsScifinator (15930): These two auctions end tonight with: Alpha Flight #1 Vol 1 ending just after 8pm E / 5pm P and a current bid of $30. WildCATS #1 9.8 Vol 1 ends just after 11pm E / 8pm P and a current bid of $51. Good luck to those bidding and thanks much for checking them out. Direct Auction Link
Betty #46 - Betty in High School 2021 AD dielinfinite 2 4 yearsHulkSmash (11154): Interesting
New comic Book Day Pick-Ups 4/21 Jedyzon 1 4 yearsJedyzon (876):
Weekly cover contest 241 - Jungle Warriors esaravo Jump to first page68Jump to last page 4 yearsHelric1 (7483): I'll get something going soon! :beer:
Curious... What is the MINIMUM Slab Grade You Allow When Purchasing? MurrayC 13 4 yearskidhuman (1438): I have never purchased a slabbed book. For modern, I feel someone will have a raw copy given all the online stores out there. If I was to buy an older, bronze, silver etc. It would depend on the book and all. An Xmen #1, if I happen to have the $$$ at the time, I would go low grade, 1.0 but it would all depend upon the mood, the cover itself since that is what would be displayed mostly, and the timing of everything.
Jenny Zero #1 tonnage71 10 4 yearsOGJackster (53959): I broke down and got one for $20 on ebay.
Contest alert! Scifinator 7 4 yearsScifinator (15930): @Stantheman - Sorry, window closed last night at midnight.
WTB: Venom: Lethal Protector TPB 00slim 4 4 yearsdielinfinite (26888): Congrats! I actually have a lot of overlapping trades in Venom’s pre-solo appearances but aside from a couple of trades I mostly just have the mini-series in the Venom Omnibus
Mixed lot Cbcs/cgc slabs and raw books for sale Enelson Jump to first page103Jump to last page 4 yearsEnelson (6289): $125 OBO shipped 6.5 white pages
New Comic Book Day pick-ups 4/7 Jedyzon 1 4 yearsJedyzon (876):
A few MCS auctions ending today, Venom(2018) Deaths Head Joosh 1 4 yearsJoosh (4179): Let’s see if I did this right: Death’s Head II 9.8 Venom 1 2nd print 9.8 Venom #4 2nd print 9.8 Venom #4 3rd print 9.8
Monthly (Comic) Book Club - March - Deaths in the life of Spider-Man dielinfinite Jump to first page48Jump to last page 4 yearsxkonk (18007): Clones don't count! :D The Gwen/Osborne thing was more than creepy. I think that story got panned and rightfully so.
Weekly auction ending the evening of Monday the 5th Scifinator 1 4 yearsScifinator (15930): Up for auction this week, a CBCS certified 9.8 WildCATS #1, featuring 10 first appearances, and an Alpha Flight #1 which presents at first glance at around a 9.6, but upon close inspection you have these grader notes: "light stain front & back cover bottom spine", hence the lesser grade. Direct Link: Thanks for checking them out & good luck if...
WTB Spawn newsstand editions - paying well! Lobstrosity 3 4 yearskaptainmyke (27134): Spawn comics are expensive to complete a run. I'm having trouble with the mid 200s because they are such a low print run for that time period.
What happened to Goldballs? Wasn't he suddenly important? Joosh 3 4 yearsxkonk (18007): I personally liked that series but I don't think I'm in the majority (not that people disliked it, it's just kind of there). And while Goldballs (now Egg) is the key to reviving mutants, it isn't like he pops up a whole lot or is any more popular than he was before. He isn't the focus of any storylines or going on cool adventures. He hangs out on Krakoa and brings people back to life, which means he's with Hope, Proteus, Tempus (also...
New to your Collection #10 dielinfinite Jump to first page999Jump to last page 4 yearsEbayMafia (37349): Considering that a Neal Adams signature costs $50, double verification costs like $40 and a 7.5 of this book just sold for over $100...I was surprised to find this Aragones and Adams signed cool cover at MCS for $120: I guess I'm kind of a signature collector now because I grabbed this when I saw it offered on Ebay for...
RAW COMICS FOR SALE: Bronze, copper and modern keys - Spider-Woman #1 Doc_Cop 15 4 yearsDoc_Cop (3100): ASM 305 SOLD to Batman79.
SLABS FOR SALE: Including First Morbius ASM 101! Doc_Cop Jump to first page31Jump to last page 4 yearsDoc_Cop (3100): Thanks @MatterEaterLad! Glad it arrived safely. Enjoy and I appreciate you helping me out. Enabled me to buy my Iron Man #1 which I had been hunting for over a year. All the best.
A possibility for future collectible digital comics? dielinfinite Jump to first page35Jump to last page 4 yearsTedsaid (7340): I am pretty sure this is true. I'm still investigating, but apparently it takes "gas" to "mint" an NFT. And you have to pay for the gas to do this. How much that is, I do not know. My impression is the amount is variable ... perhaps $20 or $30, up to $200 or $300 per NFT, both to mint and to transfer (which both cost gas to do). The cost also varies with the price of the cryptocurrency used. And, I think, with the...
Raw Comics For Sale - Copper and Modern Punisher #1 Doc_Cop 7 4 yearsDoc_Cop (3100): Silk 1, Brzrkr 1 and Black cat 1 all SOLD!
25 SLABS FOR SALE - Including Top Census and Bronze Keys jbud73 Jump to first page39Jump to last page 4 yearsjbud73 (103): Star Wars 43 is SOLD
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups! 3/27 Jedyzon 1 4 yearsJedyzon (876):
Check out this Amazing Fantasy 15 kaptainmyke Jump to first page31Jump to last page 4 yearsHulkSmash (11154): You don’t want that fake grade. Go for a legit 9.0👍🏻
FOR SALE: 1st Winter Soldier, 1st Thunderbolts, 1st Red Hulk + more fire! Doc_Cop 25 4 yearsDoc_Cop (3100): Thanks @Kenjisan! Just sent the Slabs for sale new thread. Enjoy all slabs under fair market value including ASM 101 8.5.
Comic subscriptions timberghost 9 4 yearsJesse_O (39345): This is my shipment from MCS that I got today. I didn't think to take pictures before I opened it. It held 9 books. ...
Weekly $1 auction ending Monday 3/29 Scifinator 1 4 yearsScifinator (15930): This week, my last 6.5 Alpha Flight #1 is up along with another WildCATS #1 9.8. As with the other Alpha Flights that i have been auctioning, this presents much higher, but for close inspection. Here are the grader notes: 2" stain bottom spine back cover & bottom spine front cover Auction Link: Direct Link Thanks for checking them out. ...
Auction ending Monday 22nd w/ $1 start bids Scifinator 4 4 yearsScifinator (15930): Alpha Flight #1 SOLD @ $31 - Thank you to bidders. WildCATS #1 still open for bids for another 3 hrs.
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups! Jedyzon 1 4 yearsJedyzon (876):
TMNT the Last Ronin Jesse_O Jump to first page449Jump to last page 4 yearsM4zz0928 (2): @Bronte Gotcha, thanks.
Photo Quality - Or lack thereof Scifinator 17 4 yearsScifinator (15930): LOL somehow I knew some were gonna have fun with the 9.9 /9.8. Honestly, I wanted to illustrate how different lighting affects The photo. With the same camera. Home is LED whhile office is fluorescent. And no, nothing stays displayed at the office. Those are to be sold and boxed up, so no chance of damage from the fluorescent lighting. Home is obviously for my permanent (force ghost) collection. If you haven’t done so before, if you...
Spidey 2099 Madness 00slim Jump to first page42Jump to last page 4 years00slim (18378): This is my 6th 9.8 of this book. It gets harder to part with it every time.
MCS / SlabSmart weekly auction ending March 15th Scifinator 4 4 yearsScifinator (15930): WildCATS 1 9.8 current bid at $56 with a couple hours left Alpha Flight #1 sold at $24
Mars Attacks & MCP Trade? Scifinator 1 4 yearsScifinator (15930): Hi all. Before I send these in to MCS SlabSmart store, I wanted to find out if anyone is interested in picking these up from me in trade? I have: Marvel Comics Presents CBCS 9.8 #'s 90-102, 104, & 106-108 Mars Attacks 1 - 7 (have NOT been pressed) #'s 1,3,4,5,7 are 9.8. #2 & #6 are 9.6. #2 Graders notes: crease middle left back cover barely breaks color#6 Graders notes: light bends middle crease back cover Mars Attacks...
Action Comics #9 rgreenson 3 4 yearsflanders (28410): Maybe that's the combo.
Silk #1 Stacey Lee 1:25 CBCS 9.8 SS Stacey Lee/Stan Lee FS pkpickard 2 4 yearspkpickard (42): Now on Ebay with a $9 starting bid, no reserve.
Valuing ungraded comics RonMob 11 4 yearsBrianGreensnips (15475): @RonMob Welcome aboard. There is a lot of solid advice given here so far. Educate yourself as much as you can before jumping in too quickly. I spec on books a little bit but for the most part, I buy what I like and I sell what I won't miss.
MCS SlabSmart auction ending Monday March 8th Scifinator 7 4 yearsScifinator (15930): Tonights auctions end at Appx 8pm E / 5pm P for Alpha Flight #1 w/current bid at $21 Appx 11:40pm E / 8:40pm P for WildCATS #1 w/current bid at $51 Direct link: MCS / SlabSmart 3/8 Auction Good luck to you if bidding!
For Sale 1st Knull, 1st Mister Sinister, Star Wars & other raw high grades Doc_Cop 6 4 yearsDoc_Cop (3100): Spider-man 1 (Gold) SOLD.
1st Invincible Preview?? jaysonslade 7 4 yearsjake (3488): Be careful. The cover should look like this. Should say Museum Edition / Special Preview on front cover and hologram of Skeletor on the back cover. Good luck with the search!
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups! 3/3 Jedyzon 5 4 yearsJedyzon (876): Thanks man. Unfortunatly i dont know all the keys
Image error comics Airmomo 13 4 yearsAirmomo (24): Never seen that spawn error before pretty cool.that vision book is a killer find also.
Ltd 250 ARCHIE Exclusive - Young Romance #150 homage! vacomicon 4 4 yearsvacomicon (190): Thanks! I was VERY happy with the way it turned out, and so far pre-sales have been rather strong! Brett
COMICS For SALE! Raw Copper and Modern keys Doc_Cop 10 4 yearsBlair1999 (527): @Doc_Cop got mine yesterday as well, very carefully packed, THANK YOU.
Is Printing Identified on Slabs? (Viz & TokyoPop) Nuffsaid111 13 4 yearsbennyb86 (796): I should clarify I haven’t had it for first prints as I think it’s generally assumed that a copy is a first print unless otherwise specified but I have two instances where I have a second print and 5th printing notation.
Raw Comics Sales - Modern, Copper, Bronze Doc_Cop 6 4 yearsRinova (265): Claim Namor #1 and Amazing Spiderman #798 (first Red Goblin) Sorry for the trickling buys; I'm at work on PC and keep swapping back and forth. LOL!
Alpha Flight #1 vol 1 & WildC.A.T.S #1 up for auction. Scifinator 4 4 yearsScifinator (15930): With 3 hrs left, WildCATS #1 9.8 is at $53. The Alpha Flight #1 6.5 sold at $43.
Video Game/Movie pack-ins/promo comics dielinfinite 15 4 yearsFuneralBill5150 (87): I see them online once in a while but never out in the wild...wish I bought one 10 years ago when they were affordable. It was another one of those books that wasn't hot enough to light a fire under my a** to pull the mistake.
WTB (or trade) for Spider-Man Maximum Clonage Alpha Scifinator 4 4 yearsFuneralBill5150 (87): I figured that would be the case but since that book is tough to find in 9.8 I figured it was worth a view. Good luck with the hunt!
Monthly (Comic) Book Club - Post-Mortem dielinfinite 4 4 yearsxkonk (18007): @Redmisty4me were the fanboying posts back when we were deciding what to read next? I don't remember. I feel like people have been noting crappy things, like Sally and the Comedian's relationship, when they come up. You're probably right that something a bit more plot-driven and less thematic would make those issues more obvious, or at least offer fewer alternatives for discussion. But either way, I think the point of the club is to talk...
Walmart new comic day jaysonslade 2 4 yearsDarkseid_of_town (14297): Walmart does not control it, it is handled by vendors that bring them and stock and restock that area. Walmart simply charges you for them when you choose to purchase and takes their cut. Since its vendor controlled, its based on that vendor and their decision when and how often etc...and it can be quite random. Ask someone who operates the checkouts in the early morning hours if they can tell you what day the vendor visits your store...ours...
TMNT comics worth collecting russ3llk Jump to first page157Jump to last page 4 yearskaptainmyke (27134): Sorry I don't keep up with all those inhouse signing emails from CGC and CBCS.
Competion slabs ComicNinja0215 3 4 yearsComicNinja0215 (6007): @RexMuff thanks for your response!! I appreciate it a lot and tjats what I thought. I unfortunately have a brain tumor so sometimes typing is rough lol I get a kick out of some tje words it makes for me though hahahaha
WTB: Detective Comics 583 9.6-9.8 00slim 12 4 years00slim (18378): @Studley_Dudley Ok. I appreciate the follow-up.
ISO/WTB Iron Fist 14 Cardiac 3 4 yearsCardiac (2): Sorry for not clarifying that, yes 1977 first sabretooth.
‘Invincible,’ The New Animated Superhero series is Nigh jake 3 4 yearsjake (3488): @Batman79 Yeah, I was a fan too! The initial setup was another (ho hum) Superman wannabe, but the story evolves with so many twists and turns. Will this title enjoy the commercial success of TWD? Probably not, but it is fun story. Comic book prices have really jumped up in the past year, particularly issues #1-4, 6-10, 19, 29, 44 (ewww), & 50. There are other issues, but they seem more volatile in value.
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups! 2/17 Jedyzon 1 4 yearsJedyzon (876):
Amazing Spider-Man 4 Ramos 1:10 variant CBCS 9.8 Signed Ramos Robodog 2 4 yearsRobodog (56): Lowering the price to $575 shipped. Good until Sunday (Feb 21) @ 5:00pm. Then I’m taking it down and auctioning it off.
Nocterra Variant Edge328 1 4 yearsEdge328 (133): I just ordered a set of these from Big Country comics. This book is really exciting and I love this cover. They're also offering CBCS blue and yellow label grading for it!
New Comic Book Day pick-ups! 2/11 Jedyzon 1 4 yearsJedyzon (876):
FS: Slabbed Modern Keys tonnage71 4 4 yearstonnage71 (730): ASM #210 is gone! All other books still available.
Comic Book Timelines Discussion Doc_Cop 8 4 yearsBrianGreensnips (15475): @cyrano0521 I like that you mentioned the Atomic Age of comics. This gets overlooked a lot.
Various modern CBCS slabs for sale Silk, Spider Gwen and Fairyland Robodog 25 4 yearsRobodog (56): Well, I have one more and a very happy customer! LOL I’ll (try to) sell the other one for closer to FMV.
Game: Slab Uno - The Third! dielinfinite Jump to first page999Jump to last page 4 yearsGAC (77779):
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups! 2/3 Jedyzon 1 4 yearsJedyzon (876):
CBCS Forum - Monthly (Comic) Book Club - An Introduction dielinfinite 20 4 yearsdielinfinite (26888): Just a reminder, The book club will open for discussion of Watchmen, issues 1-3 in one week! Also be ready with nominations for the following month! One...
They Call Me Mellow Yellow esaravo Jump to first page109Jump to last page 4 yearsGaard (3432):
How I Spent My Fantasy Football Winnings... tonnage71 12 4 yearsHulkSmash (11154): @tonnage71 I want one now.
Slabs for Sale - Many Big Keys! daredevilart 3 4 yearsdaredevilart (390): $15 USPS Priority boxed/insured.
Just made a deal on a Collection. Fingers crossed. 00slim Jump to first page187Jump to last page 4 years00slim (18378): Spidey 300 got a 9.4, WHITE pages! A press did this one wonders. Had it figured for an 8.0-9.0. Deadpool #1 got a 9.8 WHITE pages.
Why no new newsstands? comixcited 6 4 yearsxkonk (18007): My memory is that @Joosh has looked into it. I don't know, personally.
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups! 1/20 Jedyzon 2 4 yearsDoc_Cop (3100): Thanks! Great content as usual!
HUGE Auction Mostly 9.8's & CBCS! Scifinator Jump to first page31Jump to last page 4 yearsmoodswing (3041): @Scifinator Link didn't work. I should be able to find your shop though.
Predictions for my ASM #361 grade Ale 22 4 yearsGAC (77779): based on what I see, 6.5
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups! 1/13 Jedyzon 3 4 yearsJedyzon (876): Thanks man! Hope all is well on your end.
mystery art! is this by Mike Wieringo? comixcited 2 4 yearsjake (3488): Tough one. Peter Parker does not seem right to be Ringo's. A big guess is that it would be more of a collaboration with Scott Hanna...
Mail call - Before & After - NFS Scifinator 8 4 yearsScifinator (15930): Well, I think most would tell you I am more Postal than apostle.
Riddle me this... Scifinator 16 4 yearsZombiebigfoot (4269): Smh... Ralphie? Take it from here please... 😝
Auction! 100+ Copper & Modern CBCS 9.8 Keys end TONIGHT (Weds)! vacomicon 1 4 yearsvacomicon (190): I have over 100 9.8 Copper and Modern keys (A-L) ending tonight (weds) 8-1130p EST at's Prime auction. Just go to THIS LINK and type the title below into the search bar. Thanks for looking everyone! Action Comics (1938 DC) #862B CBCS 9.8 Keith Giffen Variant Current bid: $17.00 Adventures of Superman (1987) #424 CBCS 9.8 Direct Edition. Current bid: $27.00 Air Raiders (1987 Marvel/Star Comics) #1 CBCS 9.8 ...
First Mail Call of 2021! dielinfinite 6 4 yearsdielinfinite (26888): @Nuffsaid111 @HulkSmash Thanks! As I said, I was super excited to get it, exacerbated by the fact that the artist didn’t take a pic before sending in to CBCS so my first time seeing it was when I opened the box from CBCS, over 2 months later!
4 days left! CBCS 9.8's for $17 or less each! See list! vacomicon 1 4 yearsvacomicon (190): I wanted to thank everyone who has bid on my entries in the latest MyComicShop auction (ending in 4 days...or less!). Here's the list of books priced less than the cost of grading you can bid on right now over at: My Comic Shop Jan Prime Auction CBCS 9.8s. Just click the link above and type the title below into the search and you can go right to it. Action Comics (1938 DC) #862B CBCS 9.8 Keith Giffen Variant Current...
HAPPENING NOW! 270 CBCS 9.8's with NO RESERVE! Many for $1 each! vacomicon 6 4 yearsvacomicon (190): Thanks for the support (and bids) everyone! Hope you all win at least one of the books. Woot woot! Brett
8 CBCS Graded Comics w/$1 Starting bids Scifinator 13 4 yearsScifinator (15930): @poka - Congrats and thank you. FYI, i was the original owner of that comic since publication. It was purchased through a local comic shop on St. College Blvd. in Anaheim California. It closed not to long after due to a combo of rent increase along with new competition created by Mile High comics opening there SuperStore a couple of miles away also in Anaheim. That MHC would also close a couple of years later due to the comics crash. ...
What the Gabriel85301 2 4 yearsDrogio (8072): I picked on up off of Midtown for below cover a few years ago...dumped it during the Covid hip hop variant FOMO period for about $40. Wish I had bought more. It’s a cool cover. I have the first issue in 9.8 so didn’t see the point in hanging onto it as it was purchased intended to be my reader copy.
High grade keys for sale and auction Ambush_Bug 1 4 yearsAmbush_Bug (201): Hi there, I have a number of High grade Books up for auction this week, and some for sale, including a 9.8 SS of Amazing Spiderman #4, first Silk, and a 9.8 Ms. Marvel # 1, Origin and 1st series of Kamila Kahn, Abedo 3,the 2nd Appearance of Usagi Yojimbo, signed with sketch, Silver age keys such as an 8.5 Avengers 47, first Dane Whitman/ The Black Knight and an 8.0 Fantastic Four #33, first Attuma. I hope you can check them out, amongst many...
New Spidey costume coming. Jesse_O 29 4 yearsTowmater (10537): How did the artist get the editor to authorize the white plumber's shoe covers? Just so bad. Here are some blue ones
200+ Copper & Modern Keys - ALL CBCS 9.8's - $1 Auction begins MON Jan 4! vacomicon 10 4 yearsKatKomics (31074): @vacomicon Have them all except the Care Bears and Muppet Babies!!
WTB/ISO Captain America Annual 8 cgc 9.8 newsstand Rjman48 2 4 yearsStudley_Dudley (53010): Good luck. I have a 9.6 for you if you can't find a 9.8
Weekly Cover Contest - SANTA CLAUS, AGENT of C.H.E.E.R. Zombiebigfoot Jump to first page55Jump to last page 4 yearsvacaboca (1063): So you did! I’m easily confused these days :D
Ultimate Spiderman #1 Signed by STAN LEE? WHAT?? REALLY? Gabriel85301 12 4 yearsflanders (28410): Im assuming no sig since you have not uploaded a video. That's too bad.
Saddle River Comics Spooktacular Halloween Clearance Sale! drchaos Jump to first page46Jump to last page 4 yearsdrchaos (29788): Just sold this book on consignment with Comic Connect: I have another copy in the same grade that I just listed for sale on ebay:
New monthly Joker comic announced!!!! Jesse_O 14 4 yearswillieCPA4646 (597): DC published a (Comic Code Authority approved, too!) Joker series in the 1970s [url=https://]clickable text[/url. Ran 9 issues.
Weekly Cover Contest - Pedal Power - Get on Your Bikes and Ride! esaravo Jump to first page52Jump to last page 4 yearsGotlift (5038): Woo Whoo !! Thank you all.. I'm working on getting a new one up as I type
The Walking Dead Deluxe WheatThiNZ 23 4 yearsWheatThiNZ (37): Yeah it just spiders out from there man. I bought 8 used comics today and they have a couple boxes of them and next time I get paid I'm just thinking of grabbing them all up to 100 of them and just see what's good. I'm like an addict in real life so anything I get into and like my dopamine releases to much of itself and I just want more COMICS!
Error book???? Zombie_Head 7 4 yearsHulkSmash (11154): Slight bits of red on front and can see the fade to back cover. My landfill copy.
MySlabbedComics Featured Slab of the Day! MySlabbedComics 4 4 yearsvision6797 (129): problem is there is just so much to collect lol
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups! 12/3 Jedyzon 5 4 yearsJedyzon (876): I didnt. I only wanted the knullified covers and daredevil 25 happened to be one another.
Batman 1:25 Character design sheet variants Jedyzon 6 4 yearsGabriel85301 (1764): oh I added Barbara Gordon this morning as well.
Clone Wars #1-12 For Sale! daywalker 1 4 yearsdaywalker (3708): Anyone interested in a set of Star Wars The Clone Wars #1-12? I’m thinking of letting a set go. I’d say the average condition on these are VF/NM or better. I’m looking to get $1000, but listening to offers if you’re interested, otherwise I’ll throw a set up on eBay. MORE PICTURES AVAILABLE! Just ask! Thanks!
New Comic Book Pick-ups 11/26 *Thanksgiving Edition* Jedyzon 1 4 yearsJedyzon (876):
WTB X-23 1 9.8 Dell'otto Cover Ice9 6 4 yearsIce9 (1): Bump, still looking for this. Thanks.
CBCS Mail call today Darthmauler 3 4 yearsNoblebeast315 (2200): Awesome books. Thanks for sharing!
Weekly Cover Contest #220 - Lightning esaravo Jump to first page55Jump to last page 4 yearsDshel61 (1537): Oh wow. My bad. I see I duplicated sorry. Oh well next time. That's what happens when you multitask while multitasking.
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups! Jedyzon 1 4 yearsJedyzon (876):
CBCS vs CGC customer service russ3llk 2 4 yearsruss3llk (59): I am hoping to become a CBCS witness so that I can help others who are collecting in the NC area.
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups! 11/15 Jedyzon 1 4 yearsJedyzon (876):
Last ronin Anthony79845 18 4 yearsbigcontracts (14): @Anthony79845 that's what I did too. I grabbed an extra #1 (reprint) to actually read haha. One to grade, one to read.
Trouble Finding Toploaders? 00slim 14 4 years00slim (18378): Mylite 2s scare me. For low grade keys I don’t think are worth slabbing, I like to bag and board them in their proper size, then put it in the next size up Mylite 4.
X-Men The Animated Series: Comics Guide dielinfinite 21 4 yearsGAC (77779): I loved this show when it first aired. I taped every episode from the get go. I remember loving the first 2 two episodes immensely but when the 3rd one aired and Magneto graced the screen I thought this was the greatest cartoon ever. I have a bunch of favourite cartoons and this is one of them.
500 CBCS 9.8's FIXED-PRICE liquidation! Part 1 of 2! See list! vacomicon 3 4 yearsvacomicon (190): Rock on! Most appreciated! -Brett
500 CBCS 9.8's FIXED-PRICE liquidation! Part 2 of 2! See list! vacomicon 2 4 yearsno1lufcfan (3058): @vacomicon that's some great selection of 9.8s you have there good luck with your sales 👍
X-Men & Captain Universe and custom comics dielinfinite 4 4 yearsdielinfinite (26888): I got my book in today. Condition was worse than I expected but for what I paid and the relative scarcity of the book, I am fine keeping it, though I’ll probably try to get another copy signed and graded. Still it’s cool to be able to flip through the book. The most obvious customization is the use of the purchaser’s name throughout. The inside front cover has a letter from Stan Lee and the inside back cover had a letter from...
New Title: The Listener with a Frank Miller Wolverine Homage Cowabunga_Kyle 10 4 yearsCowabunga_Kyle (2271): @DWeeB1967 thank you kindly.
Marvel Made: Chris Claremont Bundle dielinfinite 1 4 yearsdielinfinite (26888): So I stumbled on this and thought it was interesting. Not sure if I’ll buy in, at $200 it is not cheap, but it has my attention. Basically ReedPop/Marvel are starting a new line of limited collections. They take pre-orders up to a certain date but unless the pre-orders reach a certain amount the bundle won’t go into production. ...
New To CBCS And I Have Questions brand_em 22 4 yearsbrand_em (2): fedex is brutal... i purchased art at $75 USD from the US... seller charged me $35 usd for shipping and then fedex will charge me $25 CAD for shipping too.
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups! 11/4 Jedyzon 1 4 yearsJedyzon (876):
Joosh is selling some cheap CBCS & CGC slabs $150 and under Joosh 5 4 yearsJoosh (4179): Bump!
WTB Something is Killing the Children #1 flanders 4 4 yearsflanders (28410): @Tedsaid a graded 9.8 frison variant and possibly two copies of the regular cover raw, but I'll have to see if the online shop I got them from actually ships and hopefully they arrive in high grade.
WTB or Trade for X-Men #266 9.4-9.8 flanders 4 4 yearsHarrisonMade (167): I do have a raw newsstand copy available.
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups! 10/28 Jedyzon 2 4 yearsRadioWAVE808 (21): 😵👍🏾👍🏾🔥🔥🔥
New Carnage Movie hogan36 12 4 yearsdielinfinite (26888): Yes
Help with signature identification please Zombie_Head 7 4 yearsZombie_Head (3597): Thank you all for the help.
46 CBCS 9.8's for $1 each, No Reserve! vacomicon 1 4 yearsvacomicon (190): Another week, another auction! I have 46 CBCS 9.8s at $1 no reserve auctions this week at My Comic Shop. Thanks for looking, and happy bidding! -Brett Amazing Spider-Man (1963 1st Series) 276 CBCS 9.8 Direct Edition. No bids. Click HERE to bid at My Comic Shop! Amazing Spider-Man (1963 1st Series) 286 CBCS 9.8 Newsstand Edition Current bid: $1.00 1 bid Click HERE to bid at My Comic Shop! Amazing Spider-Man (1963 1st...
Norse Mythology - Gaiman/Russell/Sienkiewicz Nuffsaid111 9 4 yearsNuffsaid111 (20431): Just got my Norse Mythology 1 (signed Sienkiewicz) Limited to 100 copies. Very impressed with Dark Horse Direct shipping competencies. Not like other comic companies. They ship like they care.
George Perez Mail Call dielinfinite 13 4 yearsNuffsaid111 (20431): @infinityG you got it!
WEEKLY DRAWING SUBMISSION #11 M.O.D.O.K.!!!! comixcited 16 4 yearsTowmater (10537): @flanders I think it is your turn again to pick a character.
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups! 10/14 Jedyzon 1 4 yearsJedyzon (876):
For Sale: Modern Keys tonnage71 7 4 yearstonnage71 (730): The Stan Lee variant of X-Men Grand Design #1 sold on eBay yesterday. I’ve still got ASM #347, Wolverine #10 and Web of Spider-Man #32 available if anyone is interested. Make me an offer!
Weekly Cover Contest #214 - Deathtraps! esaravo Jump to first page55Jump to last page 4 yearspeterc777 (2058): :D:beer:
Benefits to AARP! Doc_Cop 6 4 yearsEbayMafia (37349): Wasn't it DK2 where Luthor turned Flash into a human Power Plant? Had him running constantly on a generator to provide power to the Eastern Seaboard or something? That's the disturbing visual I have for the final years of Stan Lee. Just signing autographs day after day, hour after hour to provide the fuel for the cash machine that his handlers had created.
Some books up for auction with MCS lawguy1977 1 4 yearslawguy1977 (7274): In case anyone is interested, I'm giving the MCS auction a try for a couple books. Batman #2 (2011) graded 9.6 by CBCS and signed by Snyder and Capullo clickable text Wolverine #66 (2003) graded 9.6 by CBCS and signed by Steve McNiven clickable text Auctions start later today. Thanks!
Signature book grading-smudged signature Enelson 8 4 yearsEnelson (6289): @Nuffsaid111 yes this was a midtown book
Weekly Cover Contest #213 - Gunfights and Shootouts! esaravo Jump to first page52Jump to last page 4 yearsDrWatson (57863): Perhaps we should decrease the cover entry period by one day and increase the voting period by one day.
Just posted some comics on eBay... joelzstuff 3 4 yearsjoelzstuff (90): Ending today! Please take a look, Thanks again - Joel
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups 9/30 Jedyzon 2 4 yearsReelgee (1102): nice books , did your lcs still have any stan lee books left?
Marvel Celebrates Stan Lee Score Jedyzon 1 4 yearsJedyzon (876): Sooo this happened yesterday... 🚨Score🚨 Had no idea this book is rare.
11 of my comics up for Auction at Heritage Scifinator 19 4 yearsScifinator (15930): @Doc_Cop - Some good results some not so good. Overall, slightly underwhelmed. There is another Star Wars 1 9.4 that will be coming up in another auction, not sure when as of yet. I think after that I will not use Heritage in the future. Anyone here win any of the below? $480 - Amazing Spider-Man 361 cgc 9.8 $110 - Amazing Spider-Man 362 cgc 9.8 $110 - Amazing Spider-Man 363 cgc 9.8 $ 80 - Deadpool #1 (1993) cgc 9.8 $ 12 - Harbinger #4...
MAIL CALL - SDCC dropoff continuation Scifinator Jump to first page34Jump to last page 4 yearsScifinator (15930): @DavidM - Were it not for Omega men and the introduction of Lobo, i probably wouldn’t have collected any DC. Back in the late 70’s and 80’s I viewed them as the Empire and Marvel as the rebellion. How times changed by the 90’s. Probably at least 75% of my DC collection is Lobo related. Just loved the irreverence.
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups 9/16 & 9/23! Jedyzon 3 4 yearsJedyzon (876): :)
Want to trade? Scifinator 24 4 yearsScifinator (15930): Here is my updated want list: Archer & Armstrong Vol 1 - 0 Gold Armorines Vol 1 - 0 Gold Bloodshot Vol 1 - 0 Gold Chaos Effect Alpha Red Chaos Effect Omega Gold Cry for Dawn - # 1, 3, 4, 6 & 8 Crypt of Dawn - # 4 thru 6 Dawn Vol 1 - # 0.5 & 3 Dawn: Return of the Goddess - # 3, 4 Deathmate Blue (Gold Variant) - in CBCS 9.8 Eternal Warrior Vol 1 - #1 Gold Embossed Eternal Warrior Vol 1 - #1 Gold Flat Fantastic Four # 48, 49, &...
Comics coming to bookstores and newsstands!! Jesse_O 10 4 yearsB3Chandler (171): Here are several pictures displaying some of the artwork from the 1st issues, enjoy. ...
Aftershock comic headed to television. Jesse_O 2 4 yearsFirehawk2069 (714): To eBay!
Flanders's Comics for Auction at MCS - Ending Monday September 14th flanders 7 4 yearsTedsaid (7340): hey, that star wars is doing much better now!
Represent: Book One, "It's a Bird" by DC - free digital comic Jesse_O 1 4 yearsJesse_O (39345): CNN article. This is the DC comics press release. I already downloaded and read it on Comixology and found it to be quite moving. I know this will not be everyone's cup of tea, but for those of us that care about systemic racism, this is really quite timely and poignant. ...
New Comic Book Day 09/09 Pick-ups! *Birthday Edition* Jedyzon 5 4 yearsNoblebeast315 (2200): Very happy B-day to you friend. Enjoy it!
submission#2 ComicNinja0215 20 4 yearsSiggy (25582): Are the people who verify (BAS) in the same building as the CBCS graders? Certainly for some.
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups! 09/02 Jedyzon 3 4 yearsReelgee (1102): I gotta stop watching you, I go over budget every time lol.great mail call.
Suicide Squad Sketch Cover Cheese 1 4 yearsCheese (61): Man look at its beautiful. I heard a rumor that the artist is incredibly handsome and really cool btw...OK OK no one has said either of those things about me lol.
Beckett Grading Services...for comics? Supertom Jump to first page69Jump to last page 4 yearsGAC (77779): And you came to the forum?! I hope you're wearing a mask atleast?! All kidding aside...I sincerely hope you get better soon.
Advice on Shipping Comics from Continental Europe to CBCS absavior 6 4 yearsNchatzi7 (105): I shipped an order to CBCS sometime in may, the package took about 1,5 month to reach CBCS office (due to the epidemic though). After that the comics that I send for simple grading, no other service, took about 2,5 months to get graded. I had a return of the wolverine 2, the moebius variant which came as a 9,8. When I submitted that it was going for around 700, now last one sold for 400.. Sometimes you benefit and sometimes you don’t. All in...
Several graded comics for sale; Johnjakewish 2 4 yearsJohnjakewish (81): Bump
Holy cow look what I found in the wild. Cheap cheap. Zombie_Head 8 4 yearsHarrisonMade (167): @Zombie_Head I have one too, had Jim Lee and Chris Claremont sign mine. Hoping to have Scott Williams sometime soon as well.
WEEKLY COVER CONTEST #208 - Kicked in the Teeth! esaravo Jump to first page51Jump to last page 4 yearsMarvelousComics (2067): Congrats Mater
Grading Staples issues on Something Is Killing The Children absavior 6 4 yearsabsavior (8): I suppose it's worth sending then. But since I have multiple copies will probably send the copies that do not have this issue first.
Differences between variants absavior 7 4 yearssteveinthecity (624): I can’t imagine any ads are specific to a variant, but rather consistent with other books printed at the same time(as the variant). To me any differences in ads of the same basic comic(exclusive of cover) would equate to a later printing.
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups 8/26 Jedyzon 1 4 yearsJedyzon (876):
What is this? And can I remove it? Cheese 17 4 yearsjaysonslade (223): For clarity... I never said I agree with keeping a comic covered up in tissue paper and not enjoying it. I also never said to not display and enjoy your sketch covers. I did say that I thought it had a logo printed on it, but I see now that was clearly the logo on the cover showing through the tissue paper. I'm totally into collector doing whatever they want... because I do whatever I want. And I would never ever ever ever under any circumstance...
Dollar bin pick up plus 10% off lol Zombie_Head 11 4 yearscomicsforme (4138):
FYI - Classic Spider-Man #1 Cover Rendered as a Shattered Mosaic Rinova 23 4 yearsheatseekers (1): I ALSO FORGOT TO MENTION FOR THE 3 BOOK SET USE COUPON CODE SPIDER FOR FREE SHIPPING.
WEEKLY COVER CONTEST #207 - PUPPETS esaravo Jump to first page50Jump to last page 4 yearsesaravo (101928): Thanks everyone for the votes! The new contest will be up shortly.
Marvel 2013 Newsstand edition going cheap on MCS auction Joosh 1 4 yearsJoosh (4179): OK, so it’s mine I’m selling, but MCS didn’t notate it’s a newsstand edition that pretty much can’t be found if your looking for it. So I want to let any newsstand edition hunters on the forums know about it. New Avenger 8, 1st appearance Black Order, graded CGC 9.2. It’s at $7 right now.
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups! 8/19 Jedyzon 2 4 yearsNoblebeast315 (2200): Agree with you with your last comments friend. I call it “Hobby Arrogance.” It’s a type of behavior you can see in any hobby and is absolutely juvenile. Comic collecting is not a competition. It’s for personal enjoyment. All the best.
DC cancels Teen Titans, Young Justice, Suicide Squad, Hawkman, and more drchaos 16 4 yearsStudley_Dudley (53010): But how do you really feel?
Mail Call! Dell'Otto delivers! Jedyzon 10 4 yearsSteverogers11 (3605): @robo true but damn it looks cool the way it is
Mail call - nuffsaid style Scifinator 4 4 yearsDoc_Cop (3100): How would you like to own the original art from those early nineties Masterpiece trading cards!!!!
Signed/Numbered Comic - Verification? Patrickjones2549 12 5 yearsSiggy (25582): It was a sincere question, but I understand it comes off as shit-stirring. Looking at the labels again, I see "(#2833/10000)" is the same as CGC saying, "#2833/10000 Written On Cover", just not as specific at detaching it from the verified sig, but probably enough to CYA. I might just be picking the fly-shit from the pepper pot, but it really doesn't seem "out there" to picture some comic-book-fan-posing...
CBCS mail call today 21 slabs Zombie_Head 30 5 yearsComicNinja0215 (6007): Nicely done!!!!! cant wait for my first batch to come back!!! I'll put them up here when they arrive although it's going to be awhile
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups! 8/12 Jedyzon 1 5 yearsJedyzon (876):
CGC Mail Call 8/8 Jedyzon 10 5 yearsJedyzon (876): I put them in graded mylar sleeves from bcw
Star Wars Kanan the Last Padawan #1 FOR SALE! daywalker 1 5 yearsdaywalker (3708): Kanan The Last Padawan #1 in NM condition FOR SALE! $20 plus shipping! Shipping: 1-4 books $5 via media mail packaged in a Gemini mailer. 5-9 books $9 priority mail. 10-15 books $15 flat rate priority.
San Diego Comic Con 2020 Thread drchaos Jump to first page82Jump to last page 5 yearsCatmanAmerica (31275): And here's the third bagged and boarded book (bonus inclusion)...
My Wolverine collection - thoughts, anything missing, pedigree worthy? HULK2K20 5 5 yearsHULK2K20 (7): Ah. I'm definitely missing that part. Thanks for the clarification. Hulk 180, 181, and 182 are in the "key issues" tab.
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups 8/6 Jedyzon 1 5 yearsJedyzon (876):
What grade? comixcited 12 5 yearsMrNotSoNice (3540): That is a very nice copy.
FOR SALE: Star Wars The Clone Wars #2, #6, #8, #9, #10, #11, #12 daywalker 1 5 yearsdaywalker (3708): Star Wars The Clone Wars #2 in NM condition FOR SALE! $40 plus shipping! Star Wars The Clone Wars #6 in NM condition FOR SALE! $30 plus shipping! Star Wars The Clone Wars #8 in NM condition FOR SALE! $20 plus shipping! Star Wars The Clone Wars #9 in NM condition FOR SALE! $15 plus shipping! Star Wars The Clone Wars #10 in NM condition FOR SALE! $15 plus shipping! Star Wars The Clone Wars #11 in NM condition FOR SALE! $15 plus...
FOR SALE: Star Wars Kanan the Last Padawan #1 daywalker 1 5 yearsdaywalker (3708): Kanan The Last Padawan #1 in NM condition FOR SALE! $15 plus shipping! Shipping: 1-4 books $5 via media mail packaged in a Gemini mailer. 5-9 books $9 priority mail. 10-15 books $15 flat rate priority.
Alex Ross Timeless Variants Nuffsaid111 29 5 years00slim (18378): Appreciate the heads up! I’ll grab one of those for sure. If Ross sells a yellow label 9.8 on his site, I’m in for that.
Ultimate fallout 4 9.8 for sale $899!!! devo3000x 13 5 yearsdevo3000x (17): Awesome Josh, I really like the new cases. Glad it arrived quickly! Tim
Mail Call - Spidey senses are tingling Scifinator 16 5 yearsScifinator (15930): As long as they continue not to damage my comics in grading or encasement and as long as @SteveRicketts keeps up the magic with my press comics, I am good.
WTB Spawn 1 CBCS 9.8 newsstand edition, CGC Ok too, maybe, I guess Joosh 6 5 yearsJoosh (4179): My brother did, seller’s have minimum consideration so his offers were immediately declined. He’s not in a hurry, so it’s all good. I’ve got most of my favorites through a combination of patience, persistence, and dumb luck. For my PC I’m thinking about getting a Spawn 1 Black and White reprint, probably a 9.6 for that one.$$$$$ EDIT: Book has been procured! Thanks @Devo3000x for finding the deal.
Small Mail Call! dielinfinite 11 5 yearsdielinfinite (26888): @Nuffsaid111 Thanks! I’m just glad to finally have it back. The Japanese postal service actually suspended shipments to the USA the day after she dropped it in the mail so it sat in limbo for a month until things started moving again.
Absolute Carnage #1 Set hogan36 8 5 yearshogan36 (198): @HulkSmash Thank you!
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups! 7/29 Jedyzon 3 5 yearsJedyzon (876): Yeah
Who likes Ashcans? Scifinator 28 5 yearsPuckster (3001): These were part of a collection I acquired recently. Anyone interested? Make an offer. I'll send actual scans if needed. ...
Comic Wall Mounts/Frame hogan36 7 5 yearsHulkSmash (11154): @lawguy1977 there are different depths as well. this one has a 1.5” ledge. clickable text
Grading hogan36 18 5 yearshogan36 (198): Thanks, that sounds good . Least I know if the signatures can be verified and won't count against me.
Paypal Weirdness drchaos 7 5 yearsJohnnylray (2675): found this recently..EBay says its will ‘move pretty quickly’ on payments transition as PayPal agreement expires.
Venom #25 CBCS Shannon Maer Ultimate Editio Jedyzon 18 5 yearskon_jelly (549): I have a scanner, so no camera needed.
What do you all recommend from your pull lists CarsonG 19 5 yearsmonjoody (1080): I never read the DH run. I'll look into that, thanks!
Punchline vs Batman Who Laughs vs Designer vs Joker Huntet groovy31 3 5 yearsNoblebeast315 (2200): I agree. People already love the Batman that laughs because of his dark nature and that he is a combination of both Batman and the Joker. Punchline is going to stick around for a long time because she is an attractive female with deadly skill and lots of character to rival many of the other popular female characters ( Harley, Catwoman, etc)
Temperature ComicNinja0215 30 5 yearsComicNinja0215 (6007): My silver books still have white pages which I'm shocked about. I have a few comic skins around them to keep them safe till I get them graded. Btw , does anyone know how well a slab actually protects a book? 🤔
CBCS launches Census/Graded Population Report spaulus Jump to first page127Jump to last page 5 yearsStudley_Dudley (53010): @Scifinator we can make that happen if you happen to have a Transformers #1 Canadian price variant or a complete TF #1 from Marvel UK.
Comics anthology to benefit The Hero Initiative sborock 1 5 yearssborock (48460): Pretty cool and a great cause!
Artificial Market Inflation CaptainCanuck 12 5 yearsesaravo (101928): @flanders - I wish I had two dozen 9.8 graded copies of a red-hot book!
WTB Winter Soldier 1 and Siege 2 and 3 9.8 Dell'Otto Covers Ice9 1 5 yearsIce9 (1): Hello, Please message me if you have one available and the price. Thank you.
Bat Books For Sale Noblebeast315 8 5 yearsNoblebeast315 (2200): Yup the pair. Sounds great. DM me.
Naftixe's Sales Thread naftixe Jump to first page45Jump to last page 5 yearsnaftixe (190): Update 07/19/2020 CBCS forum discounted prices. FREE Shipping within USA. International Shipping is extra. All of these Comics are listed in the CBCS Database. Send me a Direct CBCS Forum Message to buy at these prices. $35 Each, or 3 for $100: 9.4 Chastity Love Bites #1 Premium 9.2 Dawn #1 9.4 Lady Death: Love Bites #1 9.2 Lady Pendragon Preview Edition #1 8.0 Preacher #3 9.4 Undertaker #1 DF Alternate 9.4 Untold Tales Purgatori...
What was your first CBCS submission?? Comicbookzach Jump to first page49Jump to last page 5 yearsComicbookzach (1020): Signed by Tim H.!
10 month wait for modern key is over! JustACollector 3 5 yearsPaint_Monk (1843): Great book! (But I'm not liking the overly rounded look of the new slabs)
So, this happened... Jesse_O 5 5 yearszdoes10 (10929): We had a substitute Mail Carrier last week that came after the regular mail and this is what I got. Did not have my camera at the mailbox.
For Sale: Modern & Bronze Keys tonnage71 17 5 yearstonnage71 (730): Great news @sportshort! Hope we can do business again one day.
New Comic Book Day pick-ups 7/8 Jedyzon 1 5 yearsJedyzon (876):
Newbie Question on Grade Evil Ernie Eternity 1 hotrod1376 10 5 yearsflanders (28410): It's a great one! Too bad I'm an idiot and sold a 9.4 copy about a year ago.
Did I do ok today at my LCS??? Zombie_Head 17 5 yearsJesse_O (39345): Aftershock also has a benefit book out. It is 48 pages long. It seems to be selling for about $10 online.
WEEKLY COVER CONTEST #200 - MUMMIFIED! esaravo Jump to first page58Jump to last page 5 yearsTowmater (10537): You posts in the new contest thread made it clear what the delay was about.
EPIC CAP COLLECTION COMING!!! Jesse_O 8 5 yearsBrianGreensnips (15475): I so agree.That was a great run.
Label variations jedijohnson 7 5 yearsjedijohnson (36): Another interesting find while looking up both CBCS and CGC labels on eBay. All have Ahsoka misspelled. Ashoka vice Ahsoka. hahaha
Is this common? Rinova 6 5 yearsRinova (265): Hi everyone, UPDATE: So appears that @willieCPA4646 and @Oxbladder are correct, delayed release. Thanks everyone!
For Sale - Justice League 15 Yellow, HQ 1 Pink Var. Yellow, and WD 108 BM_Cruz 2 5 yearsBM_Cruz (209):
CGC Unboxing mail call! 9.8 or NOTHING! - 6/27 Jedyzon 6 5 yearsDoc_Cop (3100): Sweet Banana Wolverine cover! And the virgin first Knull cover!
For Sale Edge of Spider Verse 2 / ASAM 194 / Incredible Hulk 141 Doc_Cop 16 5 yearsDoc_Cop (3100): My intent on selling these keys was to get the cash together to score either an Iron Man 1 8.5 or an ASM 101 8.5. Ended up the winning bidder on the ASM 101. So thanks to all for your purchases. I hope you enjoy your books! I'll do an unboxing video on my YouTube channel (Doc Cop Comics) when I receive it. Nuff said.
Weekly Cover Contest #199 - MASKS JLS_Comics Jump to first page49Jump to last page 5 yearsTedsaid (7340):
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups! 06/24 Jedyzon 2 5 yearsDoc_Cop (3100): thanks!
FOR SALE! HARLEY QUINN (vol. 1) #1-4 & Our Worlds At War daywalker 4 5 yearsHulkSmash (11154): Pmed
Marvel Unlimited Recommendations? tonnage71 4 5 yearsdielinfinite (26888): If you don’t mind more mature content, I highly recommend any of Garth Ennis’ MAX titles, particularly Fury: My War Gone By and Punisher: Born, though all of Ennis’ Punisher MAX run was great. Ennis did have a Punisher run on Marvel’s Marvel Knights line which was really good, starting with the Wlcome Back, Frank storyline, but that one is a bit more fun, almost a black comedy. ...
Mail Call Jedyzon 5 5 yearsEikkichi (167): Oooo could you please post a pic a of the TMNT in the cabinet ?
Aftershock comics sending out an S.O.S. Jesse_O 2 5 yearssborock (48460): Very cool!
DC dumping Diamond Jesse_O Jump to first page96Jump to last page 5 yearsInstant_Subtitles (1323): @EbaySeller That might be one case since they often use Sam's Club as a means to gain Directv users.
Marvel reveals "On Sale Wednesday" variants. Jesse_O 7 5 yearsdpiercy (4839): 😂
Cost benefit of slabing mid & low grade books Schumy2 7 5 yearsdoog (8539): $100 sale. Meets my criteria. Sometimes I will chase trying to get a 9.8 Common Comic for fun, dangerous game As if I get a 9.6, the value is not worth doing. It’s an eye test. Having an excellent grading eye is key to the decision.
Wanting to buy CONAN THE BARBARIAN issues 150-170 in 9.6 or better Rafel 6 5 yearsJohnnylray (2675): @Rafel I have a run of Conan I'll break up. None graded however. All nice.let me know. Thanks.
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups! 6/11 Jedyzon 6 5 yearsJedyzon (876): Lol nice. You're my hero
Cbcs slabs over 125 pictures and price chefcomics 10 5 yearschefcomics (163): New batch Pm with offers and question
Pick ups at LCS Zombie_Head 12 5 yearsHeinzDad (37125): My list will be short until Marvel is back at it.
Grading Thoughts- ASM 300 (Venom Italian Version) Thaiboxer 3 5 yearsIronwill75 (427): 7.0 it’ll be harshly graded and all that black is a killer 🤦‍♂️
New Comic Book Day 5/31 Jedyzon 6 5 yearsJedyzon (876): Oh cool man i will check it out
Help id Todd's signature Madman 10 5 yearskaptainmyke (27134): After seeing examples from @eee91, I would consider the original poster's signatures to be early 1990s rushed signatures possibly. But, it is strange one says "Todd" and the other 2 are "T. McFarlane".
VENOM 25 CBCS 9.8 EDITION LIMITED TO 150 COPIES Cool_Fool 17 5 yearsCowabunga_Kyle (2271): From my computer I can see two links, on my phone it looked like a single link. My mistake.
Some Comics on eBay joelzstuff 5 5 yearsjoelzstuff (90): Ending tomorrow... Please check them out. Thank you! - Joel
ASM 300 ink running? Madman 27 5 yearschester15 (2090): Come to think of it, wouldn't you EXPECT to see black blotches? Venom is all OVER that book!
Opinions on grading modern books JosephSMASH 18 5 yearsJabberwookie (5694): I’m way more of a casual collector than many on these boards. There’s some amazing collections on here and mine barely registers on the radar. With that said, I slab keys and books that have value to me. I do research to see if I end up on the plus side or even with the cost of slabbing. The books are still an investment and I prefer to have a certain amount of liquidity when it comes to selling in a pinch. So, basically, slab what you...
CBCS First Blind Mail Call!! flanders 21 5 yearsZombie_Head (3597): I didn’t have very good luck with avery pressing. I use dee pressing DeAngelo Long One of the best.
Harley Quinn, Supergirl, Three Jokers and TMNT Jesse_O 7 5 yearsJesse_O (39345): @IronMan I can understand where you are coming from, but I gotta respond. Yes, these general themes have been done before. However. I think a writer would be hard pressed to come up with a completely original storyline for characters as established as these are. For me, the story doesn't matter as much as how it is told. If the comic has a good artist and a good storyteller doing it, I'm entertained. That's all I really ask of a comic book,...
. dielinfinite 7 5 yearsAndyRexia (6306): The list of things that I want but never intend to buy is long and distinguished. I won't poach on his search for that book. In fact if I happen to find one I'll tell him about it. Good luck!
First appearance opinions JosephSMASH 10 5 yearsEbayMafia (37349): If you think about actually reading vs just owning comic books, the market from that perspective seems more rational and consistent. The book with the higher value is typically the one that more people feel compelled to read because of that new character. The one that is likely to get reprinted over and over again because of demand to read it, that's the one that has higher value. While Wolverine appears in the final page of Hulk 180, it's...
Regarding Grading price increases JosephSMASH 5 5 yearsJosephSMASH (35): Thanks everyone! I’ve been posting on the forum a lot today. All of you—especially if we talked on my previous posts today—have been a great help! I look forward to making more posts and conversing with you all in the future!!!👍
Deadpool #5 misprint JosephSMASH 8 5 yearsSiggy (25582): Agree. I like error books IF I discover them in the wild myself, but I'd at least want the story there, upside down, backwards, or mixed. And Copper Age or earlier. No interest in 'new' but that's me.
CLZ comics app - Just missing comics? Comicscollection 8 5 yearsRinova (265): I've been using CLZ for a couple of years and it keeps getting better.
Fresh cbcs batch 3 for 100 $50 each FRRE SHIPPING chefcomics 4 5 yearschefcomics (163):
Return of New Comic Book Day 5/20! Jedyzon 1 5 yearsJedyzon (876):
ASM 300 SHATTERED VARIANT? Madman 8 5 yearsDrogio (8072): I bought 2 when they first came out....sold one for double what I paid....basically paid for my second copy. I like free comics. I have a few ASM 300s, this one was my favorite. Didn’t care for the Ross cover, surprisingly, because I love his other covers in that run.
Hey, can we do the ebay seller name thing again? Enelson 19 5 yearsGotlift (5038):
New Teen Titans #1 Geohans 21 5 yearssborock (48460): So do I! I also remember being blown away by DC Comics presents (1st appearance) and this comic. Such an innovative comic at the time as most people could not care about the Teen Titans for so many years until this reincarnation.
Help confirm Todd McFarlane signature + Price? jotaro238 12 5 yearsGAC (77779): Yes, I would not be requesting any sort of refund.
Barnes and Noble Newsstand Variants New_Format 11 5 yearsHcanes (6008): @Joosh I got an extensive list as well I can send your way if it helps.
Absolute Carnage #1 Murder O's hogan36 6 5 yearshogan36 (198): Thank you all for your responses. I just ordered 4 copies the other day. The post office just delivered them today. All 4 of them have the same exact damage to them. I just didn't want to spend money to have them graded to receive a low grade. I'm shooting for a 9.6 or 9.8 on them.
Weekly Cover Contest 192: Aliens - They Came From Outer Space!? esaravo Jump to first page60Jump to last page 5 yearsShallaBal (3128): sorry wrong thread
Mail call from cbcs Zombie_Head 9 5 yearsDonnied (1504): If I was to drop $600 - $1000 on a comic, it would be on a nice golden or silver age key, not some silly gimmick cover reprint comic! Just not what I'm interested in.
DC To Start Publishing New Comics April 28 CaptainCanuck 6 5 yearsTowmater (10537): I hope DC is successful. Having another outlet for comics and maybe a revamping of the wholesaler system would be a benefit for the industry. Competition is generally a good thing.
Batman Keys for Sale lawguy1977 7 5 yearsesaravo (101928): So tempting, I've never owned a #171...
Decisions, Decision: Input Requested 00slim 23 5 yearsxkonk (18007): If you're going to get them all and the only question is timing, I would think about movie/shows and avoiding those potential bumps. Punisher is evergreen but doesn't have a show or movie to hype around right now. Harley was in a movie that already came out, but I'm sure they'll be talking about her being in something for DC again soon. Hawkeye is supposed to be on a Disney+ show with Kate Bishop, but I think the timing there is all thrown...
Silver Age Top Loaders hogan36 3 5 yearshogan36 (198): Thank you so much
Today only!! Free comic book day digital downloads Jesse_O 2 5 yearsxkonk (18007): My LCS had some downloads too, including some sketches you could color yourself. I tried a new set of markers on Wolverine, which only turned out ok, but colored pencils on Supergirl turned out fairly well.
Small Mail Call dielinfinite 5 5 yearsDarkseid_of_town (14297): Some nice slabs there, congrats
WTB: Babylon 5 The Lost Tales mini-comic (2007) Qalyar 1 5 yearsQalyar (11): I am looking for one or more copies of the 6-page mini-comic released in 2007 as a pack-in with some Best Buy editions of the Babylon 5: The Lost Tales DVD. Copies were also handed out at SDCC, about half of which ended up signed by JMS (for clarity, I do not want a signed copy). There were quite a few of these...
Mail call from cbcs. Zombie_Head 3 5 yearsBatman79 (1227): Congrats! All three with low print runs. That invincible is amazing at a 9.8! Invincible 1 is the only one I don't have out of the entire run... a title that I GREATLY miss each month.
Top 50 Comics in My Collection! Drahcir Jump to first page95Jump to last page 5 yearsDrWatson (57863): Second 25 of fourth set:
Anyone want to give me some suggestions? Gabriel85301 10 5 yearsGabriel85301 (1764): Thank you everyone! I had ordered an 8x JL #12 lot on ebay, the guy claimed average grade was NM.. far from it..In the back of all the comics had huge creases, lots of bents, no bags and boards when shipped (but that one is on me because he never mentioned that in his description) His shipping was pathetic. Oh well, you lose some you gain some. At least I got the items. I'll have to check out GAC's...
FS Graded CBCS Issues, Some Witnessed Sigs Cool_Fool 1 5 yearsCool_Fool (1071): Selling some issues, any that are listed as Signed, were done at NYCC 2019. None have been pressed or restored. All cases are mint and never taken out of protective sleeve. (so there might be glare on some pics, sorry). Shipped USPS Priority 2 day box, so there is tracking and insurance. FLAT $12 for any number of issues. Will use a bigger box for more than 2. (Valid for US, true cost other areas). Bubble wrapped and well protected against...
Comic Grading hogan36 9 5 yearshogan36 (198): Thank you!
CGC Signature Series walk-thru Pt.2 Jedyzon 1 5 yearsJedyzon (876):
Absolute Carnage #1 hogan36 6 5 yearsRinova (265): I have a copy of that comic @hogan36. Not sure if you are still interested?
Heads Up - Two new DC Villains GanaSoth Jump to first page166Jump to last page 5 yearscyrano0521 (1303): No way to determine what is hot or not except golden age and hard to find silver age, right now. Must wait for society to open back up and decide. Hopefully movie hype is a thing of the past.
Hey Guys, Wanna Trade? 00slim 30 5 yearsNelsconey (211): Is this still avail? Price?
CGC Signature Series walk-thru Pt.1 Jedyzon 6 5 yearsSpiderTim (3420): I have a Mark Bagley page from that ASM 375 issue! Its gonna be cheaper to get an X-Men 1 9.8 already graded than having yours pressed and regraded.
Weekly Cover Contest - In Glorious WIDESCREEN! dielinfinite Jump to first page77Jump to last page 5 yearsTedsaid (7340): I had considered this Crisis cover as well. I knew Alex Ross painted it, but I didn't realize until I looked it up that George Perez did the layouts. Perez is just a master at making fantastic layouts, IMO.
Kickstarter Horror Comic Book Series - Stay Awake GanaSoth 1 5 yearsGanaSoth (10157): Guys. This is a Kickstarter horror comic series from creator Joseph Oliveira, located in Liverpool, UK. Click or Touch here to get in on this horror series. STAY AWAKE is a 4 issue Psychological Horror Comic Series. Plot; Isaac Banks, a psychologist is forced to revisit the cases of three of his former patients when a detective reveals that each has died under suspicious circumstances. Parasomnias is a category of sleep disorders...
Kickstarter Comic Book Series - Burlap GanaSoth 3 5 yearsGanaSoth (10157): @Zombie_Head It's the story that's interesting and the artwork looks great! Whatever. To each their own. ...
Opinions on Gaiman Signature dielinfinite 13 5 yearsMagellan (332): Your first post was correct. A remark can be verbal or written. A remarque is something much more specific that applies to printing/engraving.
CBCS. X men 4. Omega Red chefcomics 6 5 yearschefcomics (163):
First time submission question bladefox 5 5 yearssportshort (19296): Also and this is an important "also", you need to write the promo code on the order form after you print it or it will not be applied. the last time i submitted I wrote the code in a couple of places, in notes and below the last entry in the order form, so that it would not be missed (it happens).
know of any brick & mortar stores with an eBay Presence?? Gabriel85301 19 5 yearsGabriel85301 (1764): Thank you! I will follow up with many of these in the next several days. I am a part time employee (I was only getting 25-32 hours week) at a "store" that starts with the letter "C," that many people shop at in bulk.. ha ha ha. I am in great health so I'm putting in about 36-40 hours a week. It is quite a change for me, but I'm loving it yet I come home so exhausted.
Treasury-Sized Editions and Other Larger Than Magazine-Sized Books esaravo Jump to first page129Jump to last page 5 yearsesaravo (101928): Might try to finish this off this weekend.
WTB: Blade (2006) Complete Series tonnage71 1 5 yearstonnage71 (730): Looking for the complete 12 issue run of Blade from 2006 (Volume 3) as a gift for my wife in NM or better condition. Only one set that I can see on eBay and the issues are in poorer condition than we’d like. PM me if you have a set for sale and are willing to part for it at a reasonable price. Thanks!
Marvel COMICS Pausing Output on a Temporary Basis willieCPA4646 2 5 yearsJesse_O (39345): There is no mention of coronavirus in the article or the original post. But I'm sure this is because of the impact coronavirus has had on our country. Since this is comic related, I am going to lock (not delete) this thread and post a snapshot and a link in the coronavirus thread.
Weekly Cover Contest: Time Flies Lenovations Jump to first page73Jump to last page 5 yearsGAC (77779): Ok, so if tied, CBCS slab decides....if both have CBCS or neither have it, then most 3 votes. Got it!
Get Free comics - while stuck at home Lenovations 4 5 yearsLenovations (866): Yes I would.
Venom #25 Shannon Maer Variant Jedyzon 10 5 yearsJesse_O (39345): Here is the virgin cover.
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups! 3/25 Jedyzon 5 5 yearsJedyzon (876): Thanks dude. Be safe out there
Best Terminator Comics dielinfinite 5 5 yearsdielinfinite (26888): On the subject of Terminator games, if anyone has a PS2, Xbox, or Gamecube (I believe it was released on PC as well) Terminator 3: The Redemption was really fun. Unlike the movie tie-in game that was rushed to coincide with the movie’s release this was released later and was a massive improvement. I really love the feature where as you take damage, the terminator’s skin is gradually blown off until you’re basically just the...
Todd McFarlane drchaos Jump to first page346Jump to last page 5 yearsdrchaos (29788): I just posted 33 Todd McFarlane books in my ebay store. Here are the group shots:
Comic Book Market CaptainCanuck Jump to first page33Jump to last page 5 yearsTommyJasmin (490): Noticed the same @EbaySeller - steady flow, down a bit overall. Most likely a bit of both your thoughts. I also note the average grade of recent sales for a given item - VF 8.0 right now for Incredible Hulk 181.
Mail call epic grail Zombie_Head 17 5 yearsDarkseid_of_town (14297): I keep wondering how this genera of books will play out now..given current events. With the world in such a bad place right now I wonder if people will still view this type of story as entertainment, or as too much of real world creeping in.....I watched the entire series till this season, but to me it feels like its losing its ….umph or power
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups - 3/20! Jedyzon 1 5 yearsJedyzon (876):
Super Secret Spider-Woman #1 Cover Cool_Fool 7 5 yearsHulkSmash (11154): I think “Spider” would be the preferred name. I don’t think we want to be assuming gender.
Spawn Comics For Sale Gbellgrant 1 5 yearsGbellgrant (7): Got some Spawn comics I want to get rid of, they are all in NM condition. I will post the prices and pictures below. First one to claim it in the chat will get the book, we will discuss payment in PM. PayPal only! Corona Can’t stop you from getting some cool books! Again all these books are in NM 101- $15 141- $60 145- $15 147- $18 150- Tan variant- $50 152- $10 176- $10 I will ask for you to pay shipping as well! Media...
Comixology - Digital comics sales dielinfinite 1 5 yearsdielinfinite (26888): So I know most of us here don't particularly care for digital comics but for those of us that are, Comixology's current sales have a lot of good material Some highlights include Robin Sale A Death in the Family for $6 Teen Titans: The Judas Contract for $6...
Greater Philly Comic Con Date Moved drchaos 1 5 yearsdrchaos (29788): Greater Philly Comic Con scheduled for next month has been moved to Labor Day weekend.
Comic Trading Gbellgrant Jump to first page31Jump to last page 5 yearsMutantMania (6074):
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups 3/11 Jedyzon 2 5 yearsBigDaddyK (203): I only snagged two books today. One new and one old.
WTB John Byrne's NEXT MEN Scifinator 4 5 yearsxkonk (18007): MCS has #23 in NM
Verified & Witnessed Sig on same label? Cool_Fool 12 5 yearsWatcher (4166): hahaha...'nuff said....
What's up with all the #1's? sportshort 18 5 yearsDarkseid_of_town (14297): I agree that the 1 thing is vastly overdone …..I think you have to vote with your not buy what is a reach for you or appears to be a cash grab and stick to the things you truly want and need. They wouldnt publish so many number 1's if there were not people grubbing those up in particular often as spec......
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups 3/4 Jedyzon 4 5 yearsBrianGreensnips (15475): @Jedyzon I wish that I picked up that Strange Academy yesterday. It sounds interesting. Good video as always.
Spawn News Stands Gbellgrant 7 5 yearsteacha777 (1180): I have 2 signed by McFarlane CGC SS, PM if interested
$0.01 opening bid Auction w/FREE shipping! Scifinator 9 5 yearsScifinator (15930): SOLD - $19.50
Updated : ASM 361 for trade Gbellgrant 8 5 yearsHulkSmash (11154): I have these Batmans and somewhere i have a Batman &Spawn
New Comic Book Day pick-ups 2/26 Jedyzon 1 5 yearsJedyzon (876):
Which of these Minor Firsts do you like for value increase in next 2 years? EbayMafia Jump to first page36Jump to last page 5 yearsDrWatson (57863): I thought he meant Magik, which is 160 as a teenager. Lockheed is 166 as Kitty finds him while battling the Brood.
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups 2/20! Jedyzon 1 5 yearsJedyzon (876):
Signature Identications AzureZenorag13 2 5 yearsEikkichi (167): Looks like early Mark & Eric Silvestri sigs
Gwen Stacy #1 1:200 Jedyzon 4 5 yearskaptainmyke (27134): I bought them all. I have to. I also have this one too
One of the worse covers. GanaSoth Jump to first page55Jump to last page 5 yearsdrchaos (29788): Did one of the artists let their pre-schooler take a stab at the cover art?
Need Help zdoes10 3 5 yearszdoes10 (10929): Thanks.
WTB Claw the Unconquered #1 GanaSoth 1 5 yearsGanaSoth (10157): Guys. I'm looking to buy "Claw the Unconquered" #1 - DC Comics 1975. I'm wanting to buy a 9.8 candidate. PM me if you have one for sale. Thanks.
My CBCS Graded Comic Auctions Kinsella5 3 5 yearsKinsella5 (734): Actually it is technically my first time offering slabbed comics on eBay as I sat on the grading fence for a very long time, finally submitting some books last June, and again in December. Some to keep, some to sell but from an eBay seller standpoint, I have been selling since March 1997. I plan on packaging them quite carefully. Lots more I plan on submitting this year for grading. :-)
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups 2/12 Jedyzon 1 5 yearsJedyzon (876):
Transformers vs Terminator #1 GanaSoth 10 5 yearsDrogio (8072): Mercy is for the weak...
I guess i have a thing for Power Ranger helmet covers! Jedyzon 8 5 yearsJedyzon (876): thank you. Are you gonna get yours slabbed?
$0.01 Auction-Web of Spider-Man #90 (Doppelganger Edition) CBCS Graded 9.4 Scifinator 7 5 yearsScifinator (15930): 1 hour left!
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups 2/5! Jedyzon 1 5 yearsJedyzon (876):
Flanders's Slab Sales Thread flanders 19 5 yearsflanders (28410): bump...need $ for food.
FS: Harbinger #1 CBCS 9.6W & Rai #0 CGC 9.8W combo package Darkga 1 5 yearsDarkga (4787): I have a Harbinger #1 CBCS 9.6W and Rai #0 CGC 9.8W Valiant combo package for sale $460 shipped in the USA (international extra). Just selling some books to pay for slabbing the many books I still need to send in for grading. :) Harbinger #1 CBCS 9.6 White Rai #0 CGC 9.8 White; This was graded before the...
New Comic Book Day pick-ups! 1/29 Jedyzon 1 5 yearsJedyzon (876):
February, 2020 Previews Jesse_O 2 5 yearsJesse_O (39345): I forgot one.
9.6 Guardians of the Galaxy 25 Auction w/ $0.01 starting bid! Scifinator 13 5 yearsScifinator (15930): SOLD - $31
The Rise of Skywalker - Leak ? GanaSoth Jump to first page46Jump to last page 5 yearsxkonk (18007): We could tell any time there was a cameo even if we didn't recognize the person because the camera very obviously hung out an extra beat. Using the credits we figured out Wedge was there, and the bartender in one scene was John Williams.
Weekly Cover Contest #177 - Seeing Red! esaravo Jump to first page104Jump to last page 5 yearsTedsaid (7340): In that case, I'm going to vote again
CRUZZER's SALE Gabriel85301 17 5 yearsArak (1000): Oh ... no. I am so sorry , You misunderstood me .. What I meant to say was since I dont do signatures do you have anything unsigned other then Street Fighter?
Mail Call from Submission 2 days PRIOR to Holiday promo. Scifinator 5 5 yearsScifinator (15930): That is just it, it was green because of manufacturing error.
Mail Call SDCC drop off. Scifinator 8 5 yearsScifinator (15930): Yeah, right? I certainly loved being able to go into my local comic shop and carefully pick my comics and know they were carefully placed on the shelf for sale. Plus, I HATED barcodes on the bottom of my comics and much preferred the Spidey head and other emblems in their place.
Star Wars Dark Empire #1 .01 starting bid Auction. Scifinator 16 5 yearsScifinator (15930): $26 final
Quick weekend mail call Jedyzon 2 5 yearscrystalphoto (1605): nice!
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups! Jedyzon 1 5 yearsJedyzon (876):
Miss cut error Zombie_Head 2 5 yearskaptainmyke (27134): definitely an error copy. Leave it
MAGNUS Robot Fighter #12 CGC 8.5 Up for Auction with $0.01 starting Bid Scifinator 15 5 years50AE_DE (6464): That's great if you got it as a "throw in" since you probably just broke even after shipping and ebay fees. I did look at your other books and even though you had a bunch of 9.8's, the books were just a lot of stuff you can see in quarter bins.
Eclipso: The Darkness Within #1 Up for .01 start Auction! Scifinator Jump to first page65Jump to last page 5 yearsScifinator (15930): Yep, SOLD, and congrats to the winner! Mow onto the next .01 cent starting bid itemw which is CBCS 8.5 Star Wars Dark Empire # 1
Grade help please Zombie_Head 1 5 yearsZombie_Head (3597): How much Of a grade hit would this cause on a 9.4 grade book? Thx in advanced.
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups 1/9! Jedyzon 1 5 yearsJedyzon (876):
Next $ 0.01 starting bid auction Vote. Scifinator 1 5 yearsScifinator (15930): Tomorrow I will be listing another 1 cent start auction. I thought why not have some fun with it and let the CBCS forum decide which one I put up from the list of CBCS Certified & Encapsulated comics below: 9.6 - Guardians of the Galaxy #25 (has not been pressed) 9.6 - Justice League Europe #34 (has not been pressed) 9.0 - L.E.G.I.O.N. 92 #38 (has not been pressed) 9.6 - Marvels #4 (has not been pressed) 9.6 - Secret Weapons #2 (has...
New Mutants Official Trailer kaptainmyke 18 5 yearsLogan510 (2415): Well, at least it's not a comedy like most of the other Marvel movies. I'm probably going to hard pass on this one.
Error book anyone seen this before? Zombie_Head 19 5 yearsobiwan1971 (243): I had a new book printed the same way without pages attached, the book which was nearly perfect got at 6.5 and note on label saying “wraps 8,9,10 not attached”
For Sale - Batman Shadow of the Bat #1 CBCS 9.4 Has NOT been Pressed! Scifinator 15 5 yearsScifinator (15930): SOLD!
For Sale: Various comic book variant sets - Spawn, Hulk + More Jedyzon 1 5 yearsJedyzon (876): Selling a few of my raw variant comic book sets. All books are NM condition. If you need additional pics please PM me. Spawn #280 Mattina Variant Scorpion Comics exclusive set - $115 shipped Immortal Hulk #20 Dale Keown Aspen comics virgin set - $100 shipped Daredevil #600 Adi Granov set - $80 shipped Spectacular Spider-man #300 - Gabrielle Del'Otto set - $50 shipped Venom #1 Adi Granov virgin - $35 shipped -Smoke free...
New Comic Book Day! 1/1/20 Happy New Year! Jedyzon 1 5 yearsJedyzon (876):
Suggestions for Comic Database & Tracking Software Cool_Fool 5 5 yearscyrano0521 (1303): Clz phone app is my go to for basic inventory; still keeping Access for detailed inventory
CGC Mail Call SHOWCASE - Christmas Edition 12/24! Going for all 9.8's???!!! Jedyzon 3 5 yearsJedyzon (876): @teacha777 i am but it all depends on what book it is.
AMAZING MARY JANE 1 ARTGERM 1:500 VIRGIN Rinova 17 5 yearsRinova (265): Thanks everyone. I’m going to wait it out and see if I can get it at FMV. I don’t want to have that buyer remorse feeling after purchasing it. The eBay seller is willing to sell it for $158 includes shipping but if I can buy it around $76 I need to wait. I’m going to ask my local shop next. Thanks again you guys are great.
Graded Batman Shadow of the Bat straight auction w/FREE Shipping! Scifinator 10 5 yearsScifinator (15930): Sold $29!
Latest CBCS Submission drchaos 10 5 yearsOGJackster (53959): Here's a few I sent in... ...
Mail call! Another Shannon Maer goodie Jedyzon 3 5 yearsJedyzon (876): Thanks man
My TMNT Ultimate 4-Pack arrived! Jedyzon 4 5 yearscrystalphoto (1605): Awesome!
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups 12-18! Jedyzon 6 5 yearsDoc_Cop (3100): Just picked up Doomsday Clock 12, Scream 2, and Vampire State Building 3.
Slabs for sale BIN/Obo 11Taylor06 1 5 years11Taylor06 (38): Batman/Superman #1 Greg Horn Variant set. CBCS blue label 9.8 $150.00 + $14.99 USPS Priority mail shipping
Is there something special about Batman 614? Briten 8 5 yearsdrchaos (29788): Jim Lee, Joker, and Harley are all popular but that book is way overpriced.
Poly bag Crease lpgasdude 21 5 yearsScifinator (15930): @Siggy, I can attest from personal experiences, that you are correct on all counts...D@##!+
New Comic Day Pick-ups 12/11! Jedyzon 2 5 yearsDrogio (8072): It’s like 9am (est) and you’ve not only got your books, but posted a video? Does your LCS open at 7am?
Doctor Doom #3 - is about to get interesting GanaSoth 1 5 yearsGanaSoth (10157): Doom is about to be Super Doom. This could be a "sleeper" series much how Immortal Hulk was. Click or Touch here for the story.
Donny Cates on comic piracy article Jedyzon Jump to first page62Jump to last page 5 yearsArak (1000): and my nature valley peanut butter granola BARS have become 2 bite nuggets What the hell BILL?:eek::eek::(:(
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups! 12/5 Jedyzon 1 5 yearsJedyzon (876): New Comic Book Day Pick-ups! 12/5
BIG Bronze Age auction starts Monday -Wonder Woman, B&B, Supes, Star War #1 Tedsaid Jump to first page42Jump to last page 5 yearspoka (25443): It is a new feature they have started to roll out
TMNT #99 Big Time Collectibles Variant Jedyzon 2 5 yearssportshort (19296): awesome looking!
Lehigh Valley Comic Con December 7th Doc_Cop 1 5 yearsDoc_Cop (3100): I will be selling a few hundred key comics, all 8.0 - 9.8, 50 graded and the rest raw at this coming Saturday's Lehigh Valley Comic Con located at Lehigh Carbon Community College in Schnecksville, PA. Hope to see you there. For those not interested in keys, I will also have a few long dollar boxes. For those who have bought from me in the past, all books are sold below FMV. Nuff said...Joe
Todd McFarlane store signing 11-30-19 Squack 11 5 yearsno1lufcfan (3058): Just seen this on FB clickable text...that's some queue out side the shop
Printing error & help on autograph Zombie_Head 5 5 yearsZombie_Head (3597): Thanks guys.
LCSD 2019 what did you all get? Zombie_Head 1 5 yearsZombie_Head (3597): This what I picked up
New Comic Book Day pick-ups! 11/27 Jedyzon 5 5 yearsJedyzon (876): Thank you sir. Happy Thanksgiving
Mail Call - Fan Expo drchaos 4 5 yearsno1lufcfan (3058): very nice 👍
The Comic Mint - Customer Service = EXCEPTIONAL GanaSoth 19 5 yearsArak (1000): That , Is some above and beyond the call of duty customer service, Perhaps now with the backlash to outsourcing and dropped profits due to extremely bad customer service...we will see more businesses return to GOOD.... these guys are great letting you keep the other book - GREAT
X-men #2 Shannon Maer variant! Jedyzon 9 5 yearsJedyzon (876): Slick!!!
Weekly Cover Contest #168 Keeping it Holy, Priests and Nuns esaravo Jump to first page81Jump to last page 5 yearsseanw (1890): Sorry it took awhile. The new contest is already up. Have Fun!
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups! 11/20 Jedyzon 8 5 yearsdpiercy (4839): @Doc_Cop how annoying would it be to have a dozen new pick up threads? Answer: VERY Point taken; I removed my vid.
Ebay Censorship and Listings Removed drchaos 21 5 yearsetapi65 (4060): If the nudity is covered, they're not delivering the content to minors. If you're talking about minors buying stuff on ebay that's already regulated. You have to be 18 to open an ebay account and 18 to have a paypal account. So minors can't purchase this stuff at all based on "regulations. I understand what you're saying, and for nude covers where the seller does not go through the process of covering those parts I get it; it's a...
New Comic Book Day pick-ups! 11/13 Jedyzon 13 5 yearsNoblebeast315 (2200): I’m behind. I don’t grab many new releases but Morbius 1 & undiscovered country were two I very much wanted to grab. I’m sure it’s slim pickings at the LCS so will surf for comics 🏄
Shi: Return of the Warrior dielinfinite 4 5 yearsGotlift (5038): yep got on board yesterday.. great art.. good story.. here's a couple more covers George Perez Amanda Conner
Seeking Pricing Help - Walking Dead Rarities cjbehr948 13 5 yearscjbehr948 (170): Thanks again for the assistance, all! Got what I was looking to get for them.
Amazing Spider-Man #361 what grade would you give it? daywalker 29 5 yearsdaywalker (3708): Yes! He accepted my offer of $200 which includes shipping!
Doctor Doom #2 - Death of Doom GanaSoth 8 5 yearsDrogio (8072): Technically there were a few other doctor doom focused titles. Masters of Evil (1-4) and Books of Doom (1-6). Like Venom I’d think those would count towards legacy numbering. Any other Doom titles?
Spawn 301: Pdf at top of interior page nik 6 5 yearsnik (176): This is the cover but the one I bought has no title, price or number
I just bought NEW newsstand comics in 2019 Joosh 2 5 yearsshrewbeer (13263): Nice, B&N keeping the newsstand going! Looks like DC didn’t put the final nail in that coffin quite yet. After they killed it off in Jan ‘18 I did not think we would see any more.
How to Sell in bulk ronvaughan 12 5 yearsOdinson2000 (85): I had about 1500 books pre-1980, with about 85% pre-1977. This past summer, I pulled what I thought were the best 50 or so out and sold the rest in a one-time, one-hour bulk sale to a store to generate the money for grading. Now, by the time they’re all back from grading next year, I’ll have about 60 high value graded comics as my total collection. Not for everyone, but I’ve been very happy with the change. I’ve been reading...
New Comic Book Day pick-ups! 10/30 Jedyzon 1 5 yearsJedyzon (876): New Comic Book Day pick-ups! 10/30
Books for Sale! Earn Some eBay Bucks! cjbehr948 1 5 yearscjbehr948 (170): I have some CGC'ed books for sale on my E-bay page (along with other items; portions of some sales go to charity). There's an E-bay Bucks Bonus underway right now for USA users. Figured I'd post it. behr948 on E-bay The CGC books are set up in Best Offer format, so don't be afraid to make some!
Todd McFarlane Zombie_Head Jump to first page190Jump to last page 5 yearsSiggy (25582): Every grading company that wants to improve and be taken seriously should have learned from the mistake made when that/those comics with simulated cover wear was dinged for actual cover wear. That should have been the reddest flag imaginable. and a warning for future mistakes IF MEASURES AREN'T TAKEN. Obviously measures weren't taken to prevent the grader from being oblivious of the gimmick. If a decision was made that such a thing couldn't...
'Walking Dead' actors speak out against Walker Stalker Convention drchaos 2 5 yearsdrchaos (29788): Here is a link to the article: Walker Stalker
Captain Marvel 14 Amanda Conner Variant Trilogycomics 1 5 yearsTrilogycomics (127): Captain Marvel 14 Amanda Conner Variant One of the rarest variants out there. Last 9.6 sold for 2700 this spring.. One of the rarest variants. For board members 4000.00
Rob Liefeld to Sue Marvel? GanaSoth Jump to first page107Jump to last page 5 yearsHcanes (6008): @Towmater Agreed!
Venom 2 movie adds new Villain! GanaSoth Jump to first page31Jump to last page 5 yearsdielinfinite (26888): On reprints the credits are included on the back of the label
A few more books for Sale ** Spidey and Fantastic Four ** yamada69 1 5 yearsyamada69 (66): Fantastic Four #3 Spider-man #1 UPC Gold Edition ...
New comic book publisher starting up Jesse_O 3 5 yearsEbayMafia (37349): I apologize for being the skeptic on this but I would think this is doomed from the start. 1) The chances of a tiny start-up being able to profitably fulfill the demands of giant retail are slim. Unless the retailer is incredibly generous, they will make heavy demands and ask the supplier to incur significant risk (build end-caps, accept long payment terms, accept returns and work on very low margins). 2) The chances of...
Show your error comics Airmomo Jump to first page43Jump to last page 5 yearsSiggy (25582): Post #14 :)
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups! 10/16 Jedyzon 1 5 yearsJedyzon (876): New Comic Book Day Pick-ups! 10/16
My Spider-Man Mail Call esaravo 26 5 yearsagamoto (292): Whoa, I'm going to assume these are all on the case?
TMNT #95 on fire!! Jesse_O Jump to first page210Jump to last page 5 yearscomicsforme (4138): Nice cover
Deadpool vs X-Men and The Avengers - Movie GanaSoth 9 5 yearsBigRedOne1944 (11571): Ryan Reynolds is the whole reason the Deadpool movies are so entertaining in the first place. He really nails the Deadpool role for me.
New Comic Book Day pick-ups 10/9 Jedyzon 3 5 yearsArak (1000): Thank you little brother :)
New York Comic Con 2019 Comic Book Exclusives + Merchandise Pickups Jedyzon 2 5 yearsBatman79 (1227): Thanks for the video! Some great catches from NYCC!!! :) Looking forward to Baltimore. If I see you, I will say hello! :)
Doctor Doom comes out tomorrow! GanaSoth 3 5 yearsDrWatson (57863): Simone Bianchi :eek:
Hilarious Comic Book Character Names GanaSoth 3 5 yearsKatKomics (31074): Did the Funky Flashman invent the comadena??
New York Comic Con 2019 Thread drchaos Jump to first page42Jump to last page 5 yearsTowmater (10537): A 100 books? Do you witness for other people?
For Sale - Thanos # 13 CGC 9.8 Albuquerque Variant GanaSoth 2 5 yearsGanaSoth (10157): Sold. Thanks guys.
Marvel Comics - The End GanaSoth 22 5 yearsDarkseid_of_town (14297): Sure Gana, I am done with it..... Once I was "mocked into the essence of my soul " for holding a contradicting opinion I felt the need to respond but you are right...bad use of precious time, and valuable resources.
NYCC'19 Day 1+2 Haul! Exclusive Comics, Prints & Goodies! Jedyzon 5 5 yearsGAC (77779): @Jedyzon my apologies. I will start a new thread.
New Comic Book Day 10/2 Jedyzon 3 5 yearsBatman79 (1227): Love those weekly videos!
MAIL CALL - first ever sportshort Jump to first page54Jump to last page 5 yearsJabberwookie (5694): @sportshort I think you’re right. My son and I went about 4-5 years ago, and it was $90 for his autograph. The lines was 2-300 people. As much of a pain as it was, it was pretty cool seeing everyone getting excited when “the man” came out. For someone who read them when it wasn’t cool, it was definitely a sight to see.
Another messed up leg.... Comic... GanaSoth 19 5 yearsDarkseid_of_town (14297): I generaly glance at a comic if I am considering only for the art...if it pulls me in, it goes in the sack. if it puts me off somehow, I leave it sitting, rather than expend valuable time of my own pondering what and why... I keep seeing some of the older JOJO comics with good girl art on the cover, with a girl on a horse or whatever and each time its nice book, wait why are her legs and hips drawn like that..oops...well next item...
Mini Pressing Mail Call dielinfinite 8 5 yearsbige31 (2452): @dielinfinite I thought there might of been but glad you started one.
What are some "Epic" reads from the last 20 years? EbayMafia 13 5 yearstheCapraAegagrus (2603): Not sure if I can recall any truly "epic" reads published in the 21st century TBH. All-Star Superman? Batman: White Knight? Civil War (Marvel)? Flashpoint? Justice (DC, 2006-07)? The New Frontier (DC)?
ComicXposure Closure part #2... kinda GanaSoth 6 5 yearsGAC (77779): @GanaSoth I love it!!!! Good for you!!
Spider-Man #1 (1990) Appreciation Thread BigRonnie 28 5 yearsmattness (1530): I’ll keep my eyes opened.
New Comic Book Day 9/25 Jedyzon 1 5 yearsJedyzon (876): New Comic Book Day 9/25
Kingdom come Zombie_Head 5 5 yearsWyldchyld (1571): Have the books but didn't get the boxes set. It is a great story and we'll worth reading. The art is great as well.
Pawn shop pick ups for $2 a pop Zombie_Head 5 5 yearsSquack (676): Love those Castlevania comics. Been looking for a set at a good price for a while.
Savage dragon Zombie_Head 13 5 yearspeterc777 (2058): Yup, Graphic Fantasy #1
Current Turnaround on Yellow Label Books and additional question HarveyScorp 6 5 yearsRed_Blade (133): Sounds like Asia turnaround time. Here it takes MONTHS (around 6 months yeah) for books to return if sent through LCS. They're sent via ships to and from the US. Unless you wanna pay premium which would take fewer months (to a few weeks maybe). But the price you pay for ONE slabbed book would be tripled or quadrupled as a result.
Captain Marvel #17 & Batwing #19 for sale daywalker 2 5 yearsdaywalker (3708):
Weekly cover contest #159 - Evil Twin Lenovations Jump to first page94Jump to last page 5 yearsGAC (77779): not sure what the "winner" actually wins other than the work of putting up the new contest thread and thinking of a topic that hasn't already been done. To me, it's about looking at cool books that I may want to pick up.
Heads up. New arrivals at Walmart GanaSoth 13 5 yearsGanaSoth (10157): Mike. I just dropped it off at the post office.
Once & Future #1 graded and heading back to me danberry75 13 5 yearsDarryl_H (1707): Awesome!
Marvel exhibit walk through @ the Franklin Institute Part 3 Jedyzon 1 5 yearsJedyzon (876): Marvel exhibit walk through @ the Franklin Institute Part 3
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups! 9/11 Jedyzon 4 5 yearsDoc_Cop (3100): Thank you for your service Jedyzon. I was a NYPD detective working at ground zero and the Belleview Morgue for 6 months following the attacks. I'm sure you have some stories of your own. God Bless. Nuff said.
Flanders's Slabbed and Raw Comic Sales Extravaganza! flanders Jump to first page137Jump to last page 5 yearsflanders (28410): @Jabberwookie sent you a PM.
Secret Wars 8 Cowabunga_Kyle 21 5 yearsxkonk (18007): @IronMan Very weird. Yet another reason to prefer CBCS!
Disney demands cancellation of Star Wars panel GanaSoth 14 5 yearstheCapraAegagrus (2603): A good one that I hadn't considered.
Need some help Jabberwookie 8 5 yearsGAC (77779): Cheers!!🍻
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups! 9/4 Jedyzon 6 5 yearsJedyzon (876): @Noblebeast315 Baltimore comic con is great. Went the last 2 years.
KISS Zombies comic signed by Gene Simmons preorders Jesse_O Jump to first page50Jump to last page 5 yearsBigRedOne1944 (11571): I do have Many of the Kiss mags and comics shown in the thread. I was a big fan of the Image Psycho Circus Comic. I like the whole "Mystic" and Celestial angle. The Art was kick ass as well ...
Stung by CGC sportshort Jump to first page112Jump to last page 5 yearstheCapraAegagrus (2603): I find that most people have literally no idea what an actual internet troll is. "You disagree with me? Troll!" "I"m wrong!? No way, troll." Most people need to grow up and accept that they are not always right, and that other people also have differing opinions. sportshort hasn't inferred any emotions/intent from my posts, and I commend that. People often drag other comments/people into their own negativity and then...
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups! 8/28 Jedyzon 2 5 yearsBigRedOne1944 (11571): Nice Books and Presentation JED Looking forward to future posts!
Who’s Down For A Labor Day Flash Sale? Noblebeast315 8 5 yearsDarkseid_of_town (14297): I am always around if Zatanna is on the auction table...
Back stock pick ups from LCS Zombie_Head 2 5 yearsGAC (77779): METAL!!! 🤘🤘
Vampirella Red Sonja #1 Variants lestiff416 1 5 yearslestiff416 (16): Anyone else picking any of these up? My GREAT local shop is doing their FIRST Store Variant for this issue by a great local artist, Sean Forney, who has done a bunch of color work, sets up at shows, etc. really pushing local, local, local with this one!! Is really cool to see them trying something a little different!! If you are interested in grabbing a copy and supporting an awesome local shop, hit up their website at...
Comics for sale Amspider 4 5 yearsSiggy (25582):
New Comic Book Day pick-ups 8/14! Jedyzon 1 6 yearsJedyzon (876):
Speculating on this week's new releases drchaos Jump to first page40Jump to last page 6 yearsxkonk (18007): Echo @the420bandito, their website has had a message about slow shipping for a while. The last order I got from them, which was my last regular pull list with them, took about a week instead of the usual 2-3 days.
EBay WOLVERINE books ending Sunday yamada69 2 6 yearsyamada69 (66): Ending tonight!! Still some great deals to be had.
Submitting books for pressing after signature, also submitting for grading Randomdoge 2 6 yearsdielinfinite (26888): CBCS normally lists the shows they will be attending here As for pressing affecting the signatures, the vast majority of the time they will not be affected. Certain inks are affected differently and on different paper stocks. Sharpies are fine most of the time but some pens, like paint pens, which some artists like to use, may not dry properly for a long time which could be affected in pressing.
SDCC Mail Call! dielinfinite 10 6 yearsdielinfinite (26888): The type of scanner makes a huge difference. Here’s the same book I scanned at my library with the same settings before and after they changed the scanner Also, don’t worry about the scanner light harming the book. If you were to shine the light for an extremely lonng duration then it might hurt the book but an occasional scan won’t hurt it
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups 8/7 Jedyzon 1 6 yearsJedyzon (876):
Just Placed Midtown Order for This Week drchaos 13 6 yearsdrchaos (29788): Hit two stores so far. First store had one copy (probably not 9.8 but I took it anyway). Second store did not have any.
Beware of Seller lifeiswhatyoumakeit2012 GanaSoth Jump to first page42Jump to last page 6 yearsCaptainCanuck (6120): . This seller does have some negative/neutral feedback accusing him of sending a different and/or lower grade book than what was listed. In your case, @GanaSoth it seems like the book you received was different than the one pictured in the listing.
Rob Liefeld Major Updates! JLS_Comics 26 6 yearsTowmater (10537): I'd like to own the original art for that Pouch cover.
New Comic Book Day pick-ups 8/1! Jedyzon 2 6 yearsDoc_Cop (3100): Jedzon, Great weekly. Thanks for taking the time. Much appreciated. Nuff said..
Dark Red #3 Misprint hogan36 4 6 yearsVaComicsGuy (4033): This might help. Some current asking prices: ...
Playing around with my NEW PODCAST Mic.. Created This!! SPOILERS! Gabriel85301 1 6 yearsGabriel85301 (1764): So I've had a podcast type mic that I bought many months ago, but I didn't open it up till recently and finally I recorded my 1st video on it.. I did a spoiler talking about SWORDMASTER #1 I created it on MovieMaker.. So meh.. not the best but I will get better.. So if you didn't read Swordmaster and don't plan to buy but want to know what it is about.. You can watch this 6 minute bidiyo I made ...
WTB Doom 2099 #1 in Mint Condition GanaSoth 13 6 yearsDrogio (8072): @bama1955 spine ticks probably put his in the NM- range.
God Emperor Doom's First Appearance? GanaSoth 4 6 yearsGanaSoth (10157): @Paulbg2000 thanks!
EBay WALKING DEAD Raw Books ending Sunday yamada69 7 6 yearsyamada69 (66): Ending tonight!! Still some great deals to be had. I will be putting wolverine books up for sale next week.
Captain Marvel #8 Subliminal Message? GanaSoth 12 6 yearskaptainmyke (27134): KaptainMyke approved imo
50+ CBCS 9.8's end in 2 days! Wonder Woman! 80's! See List HERE vacomicon 2 6 yearsxkonk (18007): I think I bid on a couple of those Uncanny's. Good luck with the sales!
I drew all over a comic book! Again! Joosh 5 6 yearsStantheman (1396): Sometimes there is a fun sense of freedom when we try to keep all our books Mint & then we get a beater that when can fold up when we read or it doesnt have to be protected I have a few cool readers of classic storylines like DD 181 that are in miserable shape I don't have to treat them with kid gloves! That's cool what you did!
Farmhand # 1 drchaos 13 6 yearsEnelson (6289): I sold a 1-5 lot for $25 bucks and thought sweet, that's $25...then I saw amc news and thought "aahhh, fiddlesticks" Oh well I let my KCC thing run out...but it was getting exhausting...there 934 "hot" books with new characters I dont care about every week
Mail call from CBCS Zombie_Head 10 6 years00slim (18378): Just one theory: When Stan’s hand got tired, and he switched hands for signing, his sig got a little sloppy. In those instances, it didn’t always look quite like his sig. they may have erred on the side of caution.
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups 7/24! Jedyzon 5 6 yearsJedyzon (876): appreciate it man you guys keep me on my toes. Mahershala ali has some big shoes to fill but i think he is more than capable. time will tell. Great day sir!
Todd McFarlane Steve McNiven, and Humberto Ramos added to Toronto Fan expo drchaos 27 6 yearsdrchaos (29788): Vincent Vega in the House! Toronto just added John Travolta. Boston added him as well.
Marvel Comics October Releases GanaSoth 2 6 yearsBatman79 (1227): Better return dr doom to his bad ass former self!
Can BAS tell a real Stan Lee autograph? Zombie_Head 23 6 yearsMusicmansell78 (29): I had the same thing happen to me man. I had a Web of Spider Man #1 signed by both Louis Simonson and Stan Lee. They verified the Simonson, but not the Stan Lee signature. Why would I have a book with one legit signature and then try to fake the other? Same as you man, I had it signed in person, and this is the second book of mine with Stan Lee's signature that this has happened with (also happened on a Wolverine #4). Like you, it made me...
How can this be with only thing on grader notes? Zombie_Head 19 6 yearsX51 (14750): That reminds me that when I finish eating, I need to bag some comics.
Signed Raw Books for Sale Bmoney83 11 6 yearsBmoney83 (8): Here are some photos from the signings at MegaCon this year....
ComicXposure issues? GanaSoth Jump to first page35Jump to last page 6 yearsOGJackster (53959): That's why this forum should be promoted. It's one of the most useful sites for comic book collectors on the internet. Lots of insightful people with decades of experience. IMHO :)
SDCC wallbooks! dielinfinite 27 6 yearsCatmanAmerica (31275): Yes! :beer::D
New Comic Book Day 7/19 Jedyzon 6 6 yearsJedyzon (876): lol Yeah immortal hulk is real good so far. i appreciate it. i know i was slippin this week. Thanks for keeping me on my toes ;)
What if.. Topsykrets 10 6 yearsdrchaos (29788): The price of a graded 9.4 more than doubled in the last 24 hours.
Newsstand & Direct Editions - Seeing Double esaravo Jump to first page114Jump to last page 6 yearsStudley_Dudley (53010): I also don't think the pricers at Mile High could pass a piss test.
Codebreaking Hickmans' Image JLS_Comics 20 6 yearsPaulbg2000 (4913): Dawn of X... None of those titles really excite me. I'm still a tad annoyed that they launched and cancelled a bunch of runs again that I was pulling... X-Force, Uncanny X-Men, Deadpool...
WTB The Flash #141 - Mint to NM condition GanaSoth 1 6 yearsGanaSoth (10157): Guys. Im looking to buy a mint to nm+ condition "The Flash #141." Send me a PM or respond here please. Thanks in advance.
1st Graded Foreign - Spider-Man (1990) #1 (UK) PC/Amiga Video Game BigRonnie 18 6 yearsBigRonnie (124): @kaptainmyke Anything of interest there?
@enelson's Sale Thread- Immortal Hulk,ASM,Image books,Watchmen-w/updates Enelson Jump to first page48Jump to last page 6 yearsEnelson (6289): Some 99 cent carnage related auctions up on ebay ASM 430 NM clickable text ASM 431 VF clickable text Maximum carnage full series clickable text If you really want one of these ahead of time, make an offer and I'll just end the auction and sell here Not on ebay, but for sale ...
Baltimore Canecllations - Bill Sienkiewicz & Sean Gordon Murphy drchaos 7 6 yearsdielinfinite (26888): @Buckets He was at his booth today during Preview Night. Got him on a book. He’s charging $10/sig
Mail Call - Immortal Hulk #20 Alex Ross Signature GanaSoth 13 6 yearsKCBatmanFan (3007): I was really, really tempted by these, but couldn’t fit them within my comic budget when they went on sale. Great pickups! has TWD 193 1st prints $10! GanaSoth 8 6 yearsgotham44 (246): Thanks for the solid heads up. just picked that and 192 up
Help Identifying a Venom Comic dielinfinite 13 6 yearsX51 (14750): I've had some letters I wrote published in comics. It's kinda weird to see your name printed in a comic. As a joke, a comic shop had me sign the letters page of some unsold comics they had in stock. Someone is going to buy a comic in a dollar bin one day and find out it has my signature in it. LOL!
CGC and Ebay Partner up? Paint_Monk Jump to first page74Jump to last page 6 yearsVaComicsGuy (4033): Authenticity verified CBCS book. Ad has the CGC authenticity link
YAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaassssssssssssssssssss! MAIL CALL!! Gabriel85301 4 6 yearsGabriel85301 (1764): Gratitude. Also was nominated for Employee of the Month. :) So I'm on Fiyyyyyyyyyaaaaahh right now!
Major-X #1 First Print For Sale GanaSoth 15 6 yearsBigRedOne1944 (11571): I have to admit that Cover #2 is really bad. I think the guy must have gotten lazy with an ego after his early success because Ive always loved a lot of his work.
Immortal Hulk #1 - eBay auction GanaSoth 2 6 yearsGanaSoth (10157): It's sold. Thanks.
VSP question OoklaTheMok 6 6 yearsGAC (77779): you should submit that for sure!
Why the first apparition of Zsasz is worth 2$? Beney117 4 6 yearsBeney117 (24):
The Joker Movie JLS_Comics 6 6 yearsdaywalker (3708): I agree “It’s a very "un-comic book" movie and I think because of that might be rather divisive. It seems more Scorsese that Russo.” Much like “Logan” was in my eyes. It looks really good!
New Comic Book Day 7/10! Jedyzon 2 6 yearsGanaSoth (10157): Excellent video like always. Thx
Help? Captain America #34 2008 infinityG 14 6 yearsJoosh (4179): From what I've gathered, Marvel didn't really kill the newsstand distribution so much as they let it die slowly. That makes sense in explaining why as you get into 2000 and newer, these newsstand books become harder and harder to find in any condition. In 2011 or thereabouts, I read that newsstand distribution was strictly limited to Barnes & Noble and Books A Million. The last Marvel newsstand books had publish dates of 12/2013. These...
FS: 1990s Bone comic books, TPB 6.0-9.0 - x1 signed ZosoRocks 1 6 yearsZosoRocks (2134): I've started to add comics for sale on ebay, if anyone is interested in raw 1990s Cartoon Books frpm the "Bone" series. Also included is the HTF 1993 Hero Premiere Holiday issue in about 8.0 visual grade. Thanks for viewing my auction. Tim
Short Box of raw Amazing Spiderman for sale/trade Enelson 21 6 yearscrystalphoto (1605): I am interested, but got distracted by all the Media Mail hoopla...PM sent...
Amazing Spider-man #24 - Spoilers GanaSoth 5 6 yearsGanaSoth (10157): I figured out who he is: Read this first.... Kindred is amicable but ruthless, torturing Quentin Beck into near-insanity and brutally killing him after giving him permission to say his true name, though he lamented having to do so in order to keep his identity secret. Kindred is fixated on obtaining revenge on Peter Parker for an unspecified thing he'd done, though he is also strangely affectionate towards him -- referring to him as...
Selling Graded Comics Very Low Prices Robert86m 9 6 yearsRobert86m (246): Still selling all orders made today will go out on the 5th
USPS Fun drchaos 19 6 yearsRobert86m (246): I can say from experience USPS is all fine and cool until something goes wrong than it's a nightmare Fedex is 10x worse though
Help grade ASM 300 Spider-man sportshort Jump to first page34Jump to last page 6 yearsBigRedOne1944 (11571): There is a HUGE!!! difference between a low grade Silver Age book like ASM #50, and a low grade modern book like ASM #300. For $250 I have to believe there are just simply too many much nicer books out there that could be had for that price, than that beat to death copy. After seeing those close up pics Im not sure the book is even worthy of a 2.0. I guess it can't hurt to do some fishing for a sucker, as there is one born every minute. ...
Terrificon - George Perez - They ain't making things easy drchaos 8 6 yearsDWYCK (2): PM-ed you. Just happened to be looking for information on the G. Perez appearance but definitely interested.
Marvel #1000 Jesse_O 14 6 yearsNightRelic (211): With 80 creative teams I can't imagine a cohesive, satisfying story and if it's 80 separate stories that won't work very well either. And then I start asking the question, "Why?" And it starts to feel like Action/ Detective envy and sour grapes. So, I will likely not buy any. As far as cover I like the main cover the best. But if I had the choice, I would go for the DC gay kiss variant. :) Can't believe they released that image. Good...
Mail Call! 6/24 - J.Scott Campbell Goodies, Marvel, DC, Image + More! Jedyzon 1 6 yearsJedyzon (876):
Comic con pick ups. Zombie_Head 5 6 yearsmichaelekrupp (32014): Definitely some good stuff in there.👍
DC Rebranding as DC Kids, DC and DC Black Label!!! Jesse_O 18 6 yearsJesse_O (39345): @Tedsaid I was using that as an example of what would have been edgy in the 90's and is now mainstream. Yes, TWD is an Image title.
Graded Books for Sale ThorneArt 3 6 yearsThorneArt (2065): *Bump*
WEEKLY COVER CONTEST WEEK 146 - Let's Have a Picnic! esaravo Jump to first page50Jump to last page 6 yearsSagii (8575): Thanks guys! Wow! Was some incredible friendly competition this week. Will have a new contest up soon!
New Dc Black Label Title coming - Harleen Jesse_O 8 6 yearsTedsaid (7340): Well, it will be interesting to see how they handle the Black Label stuff going forward. I imagine they are a little gun-shy with the "all adult" themes, after the Bat Penis kerfuffle. On the other hand, this particular artist was known for his erotica before they tapped him to start drawing the funny books. Will he let loose with Harley?
What Are Your Recent Submissions? Paint_Monk Jump to first page40Jump to last page 6 yearsBronte (39821): Wanna buy a pence? J/K
The Maxx 1/2 error on foil cover Airmomo 10 6 yearsAirmomo (24): They also put it in its own category in the cgc census labeling it as wizard presents the Maxx. I thought they would have put it with the other variants of this cover. Any idea if that will effect the value good or bad?
Walking dead pick ups Zombie_Head 9 6 yearsvacaboca (1063): Beautiful! I remember the day I got my 1 and 2, as part of a raw run 1-6 I bought blind on eBay... both graded 9.8, and my year (and run!) were made. Congrats!
New Comic Book Day pick-ups 6/12 Jedyzon 3 6 yearsGanaSoth (10157): @Jedyzon Great video. @etapi65 he's probably really good friends with the LCS and he gets his pulls on Tuesdays. Of course we will never know if that's the case or not. Why ruin something as great as that? I wouldn't tell a soul.
Marvel Collectible Classics: Amazing Spiderman #1 (#300 Chrome Cover) CGC elee 1 6 yearselee (1): FOR SALE MARVEL COLLECTIBLE CLASSICS: AMAZING SPIDERMAN 31 (ASM #300 IN CHROME) CGC 9.8 WHITE Pages Asking price $1,150.00 USD including shipping in CANADA. Additional $17.00 USD for shipment to the USA.
Today’s CBCS Mailcall! KCBatmanFan 3 6 yearsoakcitycomics (924): Man that 880 is sweet
PSA - CBCS now encapsulating Glass and Metal covers Jesse_O Jump to first page32Jump to last page 6 yearsetapi65 (4060): Certainly is a novelty, and certainly could be worth nothing. Not to mention, long term how do these hold up? Do they oxidize? Is the aluminum treated with something that could outgas to the pages? And, the metal is essentially glued to a front page. Could the glue give out? In the meantime, it's a rare variant.
New Comic Book Day pick-ups 6/5! Jedyzon 2 6 yearsGanaSoth (10157): Great video. Thx
Short box bought today here are the keys Zombie_Head 11 6 yearsDoc_Cop (3100): Floating in the same boat as you Darkseid! Nuff said...
Any love for Silver Surfer Black? Jesse_O 28 6 yearsDrogio (8072): Assuming the “Fallen One” Surfer from Donny Cates Thanos run IS the black surfer...which has yet to be confirmed (but we all believe will be in time)... Chronological by release date: Thanos 15 1st print = first appearance (cameo) Thanos 16 1st print = first appearance (full) Thanos 17 J.G. Jones Shop Variant = first cover appearance Thanos 15 4th print (trade dress) = first cover appearance that’s not a shop variant (Note:...
Contest! Free stuff! JLS_Comics 4 6 yearsno1lufcfan (3058): Good man yerself 👍
Weekend Mail Call 6/1 Jedyzon 1 6 yearsJedyzon (876):
Symbiote Spider-man #1 - Crain - Best Cover GanaSoth Jump to first page36Jump to last page 6 yearsGanaSoth (10157): Haha
WEEKLY COVER CONTEST WEEK 143 - Imprisoned Behind Bars! esaravo Jump to first page55Jump to last page 6 yearsOGJackster (53959): Damn!!! I got busy and forgot to vote :(
EBay ending Sunday Haunt, The Wicked & Divine, Thor yamada69 1 6 yearsyamada69 (66): Hello all, A few books ending on Sunday. All starting at 0.99! Haunt, The Wicked & Divine, Thor, Blackest Night, Wool, Image United, Trees, clickable text
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups 5/29! Jedyzon 2 6 yearsGanaSoth (10157): Great video. Thx!
In Extended Clip, Captain Marvel Is Revealed To Be A Villain GanaSoth Jump to first page62Jump to last page 6 yearsMR_SigS (11124): Now I want apples and oranges lol "What about when Peter Quill murdered a bunch of dudes mid-mission, just to get his Walkman back? Oh, right, I forgot that Walkmans are imbued with the power of nostalgia and thus far more valuable than the life or safety of a woman." Ummm… Were the death certificates in the dvd Extra Features? Besides, the Walkman was given to him by the most important woman in his life. And did I miss...
Akira live action has a release date! JLS_Comics 1 6 yearsJLS_Comics (5463): Finally, after a decade long gestation period, the WB life action adaptation of Akira has a release date. Directed by Taika Waititi and will be out in 2021 clickable text
Great Deal on Mylites2 and Fullbacks GanaSoth Jump to first page48Jump to last page 6 yearskaptainmyke (27134): Short boxes will do your back a huge favor @Kinsella5
Atlas Comics Library Movies By Paramount JLS_Comics 25 6 yearsLonestar (4898): So if I'm reading this (and other things) correctly, Dynamite owns the Trademark to Atlas Comics, but does not own the characters or intellectual property. Right?
New Comic Book Day 5/22 Jedyzon 1 6 yearsJedyzon (876):
Justin Ponsor Passed away JLS_Comics 8 6 yearsetapi65 (4060): Man, I thought he was recovering. RIP
EBay Blackest Night Regular and Variants Auctions ending on Sunday .99cents yamada69 1 6 yearsyamada69 (66): Hello all, Check out all the BLACKEST NIGHT regular and variant cover books I have up for sale ending Sunday. All starting at .99 cents!! clickable text
Newsstand comics not dead yet Joosh 6 6 yearsX51 (14750): They are placed on the magazine racks where the newsstand comics are/were placed. My recollection is that everything in that section was marked as newsstand. Bongo was there until they quit producing newsstand versions. There is a different section in the store where the direct market stuff is/was located. It looks like the direct market section quit selling "new" single issues. They have some shelf damaged old ones and they have...
Epic Mail Calls Scott9406 5 6 yearsHeinzDad (37125): You ever want to part with one of those cosmics I’m your guy!!!!!
Harbinger 1 CBCS 8.5 For Sale obrie2tm 1 6 yearsobrie2tm (6446): CBCS Graded 8.5, Harbinger 1 with coupon. $125 + $10 shipping. Number 18-46F6841-004 for graders notes. Returns within 14 days after receipt.
Game: Slab Uno II: Electric Boogaloo dielinfinite Jump to first page235Jump to last page 6 yearsdielinfinite (26888):
Stan Lee: Ex-manager of comic book legend charged with elder abuse GanaSoth 12 6 yearsgmellos (252): Same here. I overpaid for a Stan signed CGC book but the cool thing is that Walt Simonson is going to be a Comic Con so I can have him sign the book too?
New Comic Book Day 5/15 Jedyzon 1 6 yearsJedyzon (876):
Deathstroke gets Terminated GanaSoth 3 6 yearsDrWatson (57863): He'll be back.
Candy Shop Yoosh5492 8 6 yearsYoosh5492 (763): This candy is calorie free and guaranteed to hit the spot. :D
A Thunderbolts MCU film? JLS_Comics 8 6 yearsJLS_Comics (5463): lol what about Thunderbunny?
WEEKLY COVER CONTEST WEEK 140 - The Sincerest Form of Flattery drchaos Jump to first page38Jump to last page 6 yearsKarlhungus (344): Nice! I'll try to get a new one up this afternoon!
Friendly neighborhood Spider-Man Topsykrets 3 6 yearsStantheman (1396): one off
No way this is a 9.6 CBCS Graded Comic GanaSoth Jump to first page44Jump to last page 6 yearsJLA555 (389): @DrWatson THANK YOU DRWATSON, WELL SAID
Immortal Hulk Buy or Sell(Spec/sale question) Enelson Jump to first page124Jump to last page 6 yearsdrchaos (29788): Al Ewing will be signing at Midtown this month. Limit is three items. For me: Immortal Hulk # 1 1:50 RI Immortal Hulk # 1 Regular Cover Immortal Hulk # 2 Regular Cover
CBCS On-Site Grading Dallas FAN Expo starts May 2nd spaulus 6 6 yearsGamecube2482 (259): @TimBildhauser OK. Thanks for the response.
Mutant Beaver - Immortal Hulk #2 GanaSoth 16 6 yearsWraith (2115): Sadlemon and 7ate9 comics sell the same books and I've had nothing but good experiences with the latter .. ( they ship from uk which is cheaper for me (
New Mutants movie moved again! JLS_Comics 7 6 yearsPaulbg2000 (4913): I would completely agree....This to me appears as. Fox - "We can't release this potential piece of crap during the Disney Sale!!! We'll push it until after the sale closes!!!!" Disney - "What did we buy?!...Let's dump it back until we figure this thing out!" I think they'll promote the hell out of it in the new year for Disney+ as an exclusive after the launch. Kinda the same way that Netflix dropped Cloverfield...
Immortal Hulk #1-16 for sale - 1st Prints GanaSoth 13 6 yearsGanaSoth (10157): @esaravo Thanks ! Good luck to everyone that bid or will bid.
Justice League #1 CGC 9.8 for Sale GanaSoth 1 6 yearsGanaSoth (10157): Selling: Justice League #1 - Crain Virgin Cover - Limited to only 600 copies $100 Shipped I accept PayPal. Private Message me. ...
Marvel's MCU Phase 4? JLS_Comics Jump to first page35Jump to last page 6 yearsJesse_O (39345): Interesting article based on a possible easter egg seen in the Endgame movie. Could the next phase be about the Secret Invasion storyline??? They are speculating a lot based on a 5 second clip, but Marvel does love its' easter eggs!!! Marvel Fan Spots Clue In Avengers: Endgame Which May Reveal The Next MCU Phase
SHAZAM Premiere and social media reactions JLS_Comics Jump to first page49Jump to last page 6 yearsX51 (14750): Didn't see it. Have no desire to see it. I'm glad others enjoyed it. I saved money while others are entertained. The world keeps turning.
New Comic Book Day pick-ups 5/1 Jedyzon 1 6 yearsJedyzon (876):
Marvel Comics Announces The Death Of Rocket Raccoon GanaSoth 23 6 yearsKrazywan (469): Rockette Raccoune
New Comic Book Day 4/24! Jedyzon 1 6 yearsJedyzon (876):
Mail Call! dielinfinite 9 6 years00slim (18378): Some of them are easy to confuse for photo covers. Very nice.
The first superhero - the Phantom!!! Jesse_O Jump to first page45Jump to last page 6 yearsDavidone (263): The Phantom may be the most widely published hero in history and yet he is not very popular in America. Does anyone know his first comic appearance? There are many very early appearances in Brazil, Argentina, Australia and a few other countries
New Comic Book Day 4/17 Jedyzon 7 6 yearsakiva (29): @Jedyzon Thanks for the video, keep sharing! I get my best ideas for what to read from you guys on this forum.
That Major X #2 cover tho... Enelson Jump to first page41Jump to last page 6 yearsJustThatGuy (5004): @Wraith it appears that opens up room for another joke.
Star Wars Just Made TARKIN More Bad*** Than Darth Vader GanaSoth 1 6 yearsGanaSoth (10157): Well, we already knew this was true, but Marvel Comics now confirm it. Click or touch here to read all about it.
54 Books Mail Call (Late Edition) infinityG Jump to first page41Jump to last page 6 yearsinfinityG (1280): Thank you @esaravo! If it weren't for your encouragement to show my books I wouldn't have made this post. Cheers!
EBay Blackest Night Variants Auctions ending on Sunday .99cents yamada69 3 6 yearsyamada69 (66): Seems to work for me but try this
Mail Call Friday, January 11, 2019 drchaos Jump to first page87Jump to last page 6 yearsno1lufcfan (3058): Top man 👍
The set is once again complete! dielinfinite 11 6 yearsNuffsaid111 (20431): I was lucky enough to get 1 Ross Andru autograph back in the early 90's. I think it was on a Batman title although I forget which one (gotta go dig in my collection to find it now that I've seen these). I can't even imagine how much his signature would be worth on a #129 if he were alive when CGC/CBCS began.
Double Digital code sticker ASM 698...error book? Joosh 2 6 yearskaptainmyke (27134): That's weird, man. Super weird.
Alice Cooper Sketch Cover drchaos 7 6 yearsGAC (77779): brilliant!!!
Question to those that get sigs inside books Shanthark 21 6 yearsBronte (39821): @Wraith "you don't flick through pages before sending to grading ?" As with all books and "magazines" I ignore the words. All I'm interested in are the pretty "pictures" J/K =)
Joker JLS_Comics 21 6 yearsmartymann (48472): OO mm
Comics went from billing to processing to shipping? Shanthark 20 6 yearscomic_book_man (1978): Mine went from one order to two orders to disappeared to reappeared to missing services to overcharged to shipped...just waiting to find out when they will be returning from space, shouldn't be much longer. I can see them with my binoculars, or maybe that's a bird. I don't know anymore. :beer::(|)
New Comic Book Day! 4/4: Immortal Hulk, Justice League, War of the Realms! Jedyzon 1 6 yearsJedyzon (876):
Does Batman Kill? JLS_Comics 15 6 yearsOdins_Raven (2389): Does Batman kill? A. Batman is a fictional character, so he will do whatever the artists/writers make him do. B. Batman has at least been implied to have killed (Killing Joke) which was a one shot and (I'm pretty sure) was not intended to be considered canon. C. Perhaps the underlying question is, do his fans think he SHOULD kill and why or why not? I'm sure if Batman were real (which sorry Scott Snyder he isn't) he would defend himself...
My first time selling here thread...slabs Enelson 29 6 yearsEnelson (6289): Awesome- great to hear Anyone else interested? I still have New mutants, East of West, ASM 361(leaning towards keeping that one soon) ASM 569, ASM 298, Southern Bastards, Redneck, Failsafe, long Lost, X factor, new mutants 8, Nam
April 1 MAIL CALL.. Gabriel85301 1 6 yearsGabriel85301 (1764):
Belated Mail Call! Siya Oum Edition (plus lots of checkmarks) dielinfinite 10 6 yearssoonerjudd (32): Nice haul! I met Siya at Emerald City a couple weeks ago and had her sign a few of these. Love those headshot covers!
Avenge The Fallen JLS_Comics Jump to first page32Jump to last page 6 yearsMR_SigS (11124): Hey, Jonesy! You stupid cat!
AOC YAY OR NAY ONLINE_209 Jump to first page109Jump to last page 6 yearsxkonk (18007): Small states Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Rhode Island, and Vermont (and maybe more depending on what you consider small, and non-state DC) apparently aren't concerned.
Help grade my asm 316 (newsstand) Enelson 22 6 yearsteacha777 (1180): Always press IMO, coming back with a 9.6. That would of been a 9.8 with a press is frustrating to say the least
My even more ridiculously cheap xmen sale Enelson 3 6 yearsEnelson (6289): Price Cut $65 bucks, shipped, 80+ comics...I'm just sick of storing 30 volumes of xmen, it confuses me Final price also check out the cbcs graded books I have up clickable text
Free Comics - you pay the shipping ThorneArt 4 6 yearsScorpion (1016): to many copy's made and horde by collectors to make them not worth anything today. also the writing was bad. peps line up at LCS to buy 2 or more copy's of these books. 20 + years later everyone got one lol. the one to buy would be the gold or plat, copy's that where made and where less copy's of them.
Selling off last of graded comics Robert86m 2 6 yearsDarkseid_of_town (14297): per the forum selling rules some pictures couldn't hurt and helps establish its a real offering
New Comic Book Day pick-ups! 3/27 Hulkverines, Detective Comics + More! Jedyzon 2 6 yearsGAC (77779): Cool vid and channel....subbed.
Morbius Movie Updates JLS_Comics 5 6 yearsJoosh (4179): Thanks for the info! It’s about time, and I think the 2013 storyline works really well as a solo story. Spider-Man is in a couple issues but not an integral part of it.
The Disney / Fox Merger is now a "Done Deal" !! JLS_Comics 13 6 yearsrobertofredrico (747): That's how it was 5 years ago. Now, in 2019 it looks like this:
Modern Slabs For Sale, Amazing Spider-Man 2099, SpongeBob, Warlock Infinity Joosh 6 6 yearsJoosh (4179): @HeinzDad PM sent
First appearance of Ghost? (Dark Horse) Joosh 8 6 yearspoka (25443): if you open cliffhanger 0 you will find several sketches of danger girl.
Grade this ASM #299 BatCatMan 25 6 yearsBatCatMan (12): I didn't buy it for invest, so I will keep this copy for my personal collection because it looks really well in the front cover. I am happy with it. :)
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups 3/20! Jedyzon 1 6 yearsJedyzon (876):
2019 is the year of AKIRA! JLS_Comics 14 6 yearsJLS_Comics (5463): Battle of the Planets! Great pick I was going to pick up the comics a couple years ago and completely forgot, thanks for reminding me :cool:
Selling Captain Marvel & Spider-Man 2099 fakadar 3 6 yearsGabriel85301 (1764): holmie I wish I would have known so I could have given you some advice on that.. but I assumed you needed to come up with some fast $$ For that Captain Marvel, I was straight out selling 9.8s in the $140 RANGE with ease.. I have a boatload of True Believer Captain Marvels in the 9.4-9.6 graded range signed by KSD (yellow labels) that I been getting $80-115 range.
Recommend a (comic) book dielinfinite 25 6 yearsJLS_Comics (5463): Black Monday Murders East of West Seven To Eternity Wytches Black Science Paper Girls We Stand On Guard sold Jesse_O 11 6 yearskaptainmyke (27134): Probably a surge in visitors checking to see if it's still up, kicking the bandwidth meter up from the shared news story.
eBay sales listings Topsykrets 2 6 yearsTopsykrets (255): All New Wolverine 21
Showcase Zombie_Head 16 6 yearsTedsaid (7340): Ouch ... goodbye, South America. Nice books. I would guess, with a good press, they will be: 9.0 for the Spectre (unless, is that a scratch on the cover, near the red guy's back?); 9.4 or 9.6 for the Dahmer (unless that vertical line near the "D" on the left side is a flaw); and maybe a 6.5 for the #205.
Mail Call! dielinfinite 5 6 yearsdielinfinite (26888): Thanks! Definitely some personal favorites in the batch. The Punisher book is one of my favorite single issues ever (I actually have a blank with Tim Bradstreet to recreate the cover using the Netflix versions of the characters), the ASM is a childhood favorite, and the Leia is by Greg Hildebrandt, an artist I grew to love from trading cards when I was young and whose work includes one of the original Star Wars movie posters ...
Unknown Comics Sale Discounts + B2G1 dielinfinite 14 6 yearsdielinfinite (26888): My books arrived today, ahead of schedule, and they all look great!
WEEKLY COVER CONTEST - Week 131 - In the Jungle, The Lion Sleeps Tonight drchaos Jump to first page37Jump to last page 6 yearsZombiebigfoot (4269): Thanks for all the votes everyone! I’ll have a few more mugs of coffee to stir some ideas up for our next contest, which I’ll have up shortly. Again, thank you all for the votes. 😁🍺
FS: CGC 9.8 SDCC Comics #2, 1st Hellboy 00slim 10 6 years00slim (18378): Bump for Spidey. 😏
When does cbcs take the money for grading? Shanthark 10 6 yearsGabriel85301 (1764): I call them. I took my card off back in December because I was a victim of card theft so I had to closely guard my situation for a bit and was taking my card off anything everywhere. I'm sure the site is encrypted, but I did use my computer to enter so you never know.
Another Rick & Morty Thread kaptainmyke Jump to first page323Jump to last page 6 yearskaptainmyke (27134): omg meeseeks and unity is my favorite
Comic Book Industry Troubles ? GanaSoth Jump to first page62Jump to last page 6 yearschirock (57): The biggies might fail, but make mine Alterna comics. Inexpensive cover price because newsprint, no variants, and customers aren't taken for granted [or called nazis]. All ages covered, from the Chair to Cyko KO.
I drew all over a comic book Joosh 19 6 yearsBrianGreensnips (15475): @Joosh I love the title to your post "I drew all over a comic book" I like it!
Newest "Hellboy" trailer ZosoRocks 3 6 yearsGAC (77779): Deep Purple Smoke on the water!!!!! trailer was cool too!!
Books for Sale; Earn EBay Bucks in USA! cjbehr948 13 6 yearscjbehr948 (170): There’s another EBay Bucks promotion going on! Just added a ton of Walking Dead 15th Anniversary variants to my page. The #19 1:100 pencil sketch is one of them! Good luck!
A good haul from the 2019 Great Lakes Comic Con Joosh 19 6 yearsJoosh (4179): @Jessie_O this was the first time I felt compelled to pick up the small press books. It’s cool to buy the books directly from the creator(s) and thus far these are good reads. There were actually many more there, a few posted above.
Graham Crackers Comics Jesse_O 3 6 yearsStudley_Dudley (53010): I've been using GCC since 2014 for my new comics. Any time I've had a problem, they've always been quick to offer a solution. I really like them. Glad it worked out for you, @Jesse_O!
Grade this ASM #300 BatCatMan 23 6 yearsDrogio (8072): Finger prints, no touch. But the prints probably keep it less than 8.0...maybe cleaning would help, but prints are usually there to stay.
anyone have a copy to sell me? donho 14 6 yearsesaravo (101928): @Frontier2Xterra - Thanks, Jon.
Check out these Comic Mask for sale ! GanaSoth 2 6 yearscomicsforme (4138): Sweet.
Shwarzenegger signed certified Conan comic.. Ambush_Bug 16 6 yearsDJC_II (1829): I nominate you for best comment of the week award
Skybound Megabox Cancelled! jgzachary13 3 6 yearsdpiercy (4839): I thought a lot of the comic exclusives in these were really lame the last year. Forgive me for being negative. Monday Auction MarvelousComics 2 6 yearsKatKomics (31074): I've been clicking on the free comic raffle thing when I can remember - you never know, someone has to win - could be me?? Also been checking the auctions far nothing peaking my interest, but again, listings always change so you never know!
DC gets revenge on Wendys GanaSoth 1 6 yearsGanaSoth (10157): Click/Touch here for funny details. Also added bonus, a guy talks trash to Wendy's & Wendy's response is hilarious (to me). *Located towards the bottom of the page.
Reused cover art? dielinfinite 11 6 yearsdoog (8539): Finally looked, not a single story duplicated. I just assumed the same stories, now I have some more fine reading, many thanks
MCU Wolverine Actor JLS_Comics 12 6 yearsthe420bandito (11448): It's a shame they wasted Huge in so many of those mediocre X-Men movies. He is and always will be Wolverine (even with all the singing and dancing on Broadway).
FS - CBCS 9.8 Batgirl #12 Artgerm ThorneArt 4 6 yearsOxbladder (1287): Those Batgirl covers were some of his best, even though he was mimicking Sana Takada's style.
Detective #1000 JeeHyung Lee Virgin + Trade, Sold Out, except... Tedsaid Jump to first page34Jump to last page 6 yearskaptainmyke (27134): Oh but its not published art on a cover. Looks like a digital art piece from his Deviant Art page or something
EBay Walking Dead issues yamada69 2 6 yearsyamada69 (66): Bump!! ending tomorrow!
Weapon H...pour one out for the homie Enelson 16 6 yearsshrewbeer (13263): The big two understand that they are catering to speculators just as much as they are to readers. That’s where it is going. Once the spec dies they had better be ready to downsize without going bankrupt. Even though there has been some negative news about DC’s layoffs, their restructuring has put them in a better position for long time survival.
Traveling to Israel GanaSoth 11 6 yearsGanaSoth (10157): @BrianGreensnips Thank ya. I'm gonna try. :)
Harley Quinn in Birds of Prey - 1st Image JLS_Comics 11 6 yearsJLS_Comics (5463): Inspired, I threw together a history of Black Mask video that goes over Ewan McGregor's character and which "version" of Black Mask he'll portray.
G.I. Joe #2 & #3 - No Staples GanaSoth 9 6 yearsesaravo (101928): I believe staple mishaps have occurred for years. I have a copy of X-Men #29 that looks normal. But don’t judge this book by its cover. Look inside and you see it was stapled twice. Once without the cover and then again with the cover. ...
Man-Thing in Armor? GanaSoth 8 6 yearsHcanes (6008): The tiny man-thing seems to be a prisoner if you notice the little chain around his wrist. I wonder if the character wielding him is the "Shadow Colonel" who looks like the bad guys from the video game Killzone and various anime/manga villains.
CBCS Ultimate Edition Detective Comics 1000 GanaSoth 6 6 yearsDrogio (8072): If Batman on tech 1000 isn't your thang....
The last Comic Book Stan Lee wrote? Joosh 13 6 yearsdielinfinite (26888): Here’s the credits page for the story. Looks like Stan did provide the updated script
Black Knight in the MCU? JLS_Comics 1 6 yearsJLS_Comics (5463): Evidence is mounting that Black Knight will appear in the MCU, possibly as soon as Avengers: Endgame. This would be the Dane Whitman iteration, Captain Britain’s friend and on again / off again Avenger. He spent some time in England, where PP will be for part of FFH, will he meet Brian and Dane? Someone found a small city in the Quantum Realm in Ant-Man and the Wasp, he could be there too. Who knows. But regardless, he’s a cool, under...
DC/Vertigo Six Days GN Jesse_O 3 6 yearsOGJackster (53959): It does sound pricey. We can get a 100 Page Giant for $4.99. 36 pages more for $20.00? I'll probably skip this one.
FS: Dark Horse Comics 2-lot "The Umbrella Academy" #nn ZosoRocks 1 6 yearsZosoRocks (2134): This is another auction for a couple of HTF comic books that Netflix had adapted and has now made a new Netflix series on the action. Condition is subjective for both, but IMO they are no lower than Fine/Very Fine+ - and I also believe that they both can be professoonally pressed and/or graded to become NM (9.0+) or better. Sharp corners! Thanks for viewing my auction....good luck! Best regards, Tim ...
Superior Spider-man just went Cosmic ! GanaSoth 2 6 yearsCowabunga_Kyle (2271): What, no armpit wings?
Free - Captain Marvel #1 - Just Pay Shipping GanaSoth 18 6 yearspoka (25443): Agree - candidate for worst cover of the year. And if that is not enough - marvel also destroyed the 1:10 movie cover
Spider-Man 2099 is hot...why? Joosh Jump to first page33Jump to last page 6 yearsJoosh (4179): I've found this to be true. #46 (Last issue of Spider-Man 2099) is much less available than #1. Relatively hard to find the later Newsstands in NM, but not expensive, which is just my kind of collecting. I like the search. Odd finding is issue 2-10ish have plenty of newsstand books out there. Even MileHigh has them listed for same price as Direct.
Game: Slab UNO dielinfinite Jump to first page999Jump to last page 6 yearsdielinfinite (26888): 999 posts! Amazing! I believe this officially fills the thread so I’m gonna start a new one so we can continue where we left off!
My Lot for sale. Mickee92 16 6 yearspoka (25443): estimated value, offer and advice provided
SDCC Mail Call dielinfinite 7 6 yearsthe420bandito (11448): Great books. I would have never lasted the 7 month turn-around though. With any luck they get that under control and flourish.
WEEKLY COVER CONTEST WEEK 123 - FUTURE SHOCK! JLS_Comics Jump to first page55Jump to last page 6 yearsX51 (14750): Don't be too hard on yourself. Medical emergencies can distract you and make you not think as clearly. Google used to be good. It's pathetic now. It gives search results that don't even include the words I enter into the search engine. They got rid of the "+" sign for searching and the closest substitute is putting words in quotes. Even that gives poor results.
Sandman: The Dream Hunters #2 (Mike Mignola variant) for sale Magellan 1 6 yearsMagellan (332): Sandman: The Dream Hunters #2 (Mike Mignola variant) - CBCS 9.4 NM - Witnessed Sig: Mike Mignola - $800 This variant is super rare and incredibly hard to find. This is one of only two graded copies I have ever seen. Note: CBCS made a mistake on the label (it is not issue #1) Paypal only, please. Price includes shipping via Priority Mail w/in the US. Sales are final and no returns. Feel free to message for more photos and...
FS: Marvel Collector Corps 4-lot - Deadpool X-Men Spider-Man Squirrel Girl ZosoRocks 1 6 yearsZosoRocks (2134): All boxes are complete with initial subsctiption issues included. All were opened upon arrival to verify completeness. Deadpool - 1st issue X-Men Women of Power Spider-Man Thanks for viewing my auction. Best regards, Tim
FS: 16-lot Japanese Anime/Manga - action figs, graphic novels ZosoRocks 1 6 yearsZosoRocks (2134): Items i found while cleaning up - all from my son's previous collection. Shonen Jump Naruto Viz Media Dragonball Z SDCC exclusive figure and promos. Thanks for viewing my auction. Best regards, Tim
Hidden Gems Variants ThorneArt 20 6 yearsJesse_O (39345): Hidden Gems are incentive ratio covers that use an artist previous art for the cover. Mike Zeck has said that Marvel has selected four pieces from his portfolio for Punisher comics. There was a Kirby FF "hidden Gem" cover. Other artists include Wrightson, Cockrum, Starlin, Romita Sr. and Miller to name a few. There are some really great looking pieces out there!!! I just ordered the the Dr. Strange #10 (the 400th Dr. Strange comic...
NORTH TEX COMIC BOOK SHOW FEB 2-3 (KRAVEN'S LAST HUNT REUNION) GenuineCOA 2 6 yearsGenuineCOA (176): NORTH TEXAS COMIC BOOK SHOW has added legendary artist NEAL ADAMS. Reserve your order for ON-SITE or MAIL-IN CBCS signature submissions as the link below.
Manufacturing error... quick question? OoklaTheMok 3 6 yearsOoklaTheMok (44): Thanks! I was more concerned with the validity/rarity of these types of errors (i.e. 1:1M as opposed to 67:1M), similarly to how Canadian price variants are now recognized as a smaller set of the bigger production run, you know what I mean? Do you or anyone know if these errors increase the value, like Venom Lethal Protector - black cover? It's strange a printing error is recognized but isn't that still a 'manufacturing error'? Still, if/when...
MARVEL STAR WARS #39-44 EMPIRE STRIKES BACK COMPLETE SET STORYLINE FOR SALE Praxis99 6 6 yearsGanaSoth (10157): Welcome to the forums. Very nice books!
What’s in the Box? Take a look and see. esaravo Jump to first page38Jump to last page 6 yearsesaravo (101928): @BrianGreensnips - Feel free to make me an offer! I hope to get back 15 more comics (10 SA and 5 BA) that I submitted at Terrific Con in August in the next few weeks. So I will try to post that unboxing too.
FS: Artgerm Batgirl #12 9.8 ThorneArt 1 6 yearsThorneArt (2065): Hey Folks, Selling my Batgirl #12 CBCS 9.8 $275 + $15 Priority shipping in the USA Thanks
.50 special at my LCS, a few good books Joosh 4 6 yearsmichaelekrupp (32014): Nice scores!
Anyone have Sleepwalker #1 for sale? GanaSoth 1 6 yearsGanaSoth (10157): Hey guys. I'm looking for a graded copy of Sleepwalker #1 or a raw copy that is in 9.8 condition. PM me or reply here. Thanks.
What’s your favorite Batman who laughs cover Topsykrets 28 6 yearsNuffsaid111 (20431): Yea but who cares - the covers are sooooooooo cool. Oh... wait... you mean it's not all about the covers? <eye roll>
Corner Box and UPC Box Evolution JLS_Comics 3 6 yearsJLS_Comics (5463): Thank you!
Found a great eBay site !!!! Tony 22 6 yearsJohnnylray (2675): I guess we got
FS: 2007 Marvel Toys Legendary Comic Book Heroes - Madman / BAF Pitt torso ZosoRocks 1 6 yearsZosoRocks (2134): I've listed the VHTF original 1st issue of the Legendary Comic Book Heroes "Madman" figure that comes with "Timmy" and a BAF Pitt "torso" piece. Thanks for viewing my auction and good luck. Best regards, Tim
Best online comic subscription services? kaptainmyke 20 6 years1243782365 (503): I've never ordered from DCBS. If I have, I can't remember but this week I have heard MULTIPLE stories of a mistake they made with the J. Scott Campbell Daredevil variant. This variant was supposed to be a 1:100 variant but DCBS presold them as a regular variant at cover price when they were doing there preorder sales two months ago. And guess what? They fulfilled EVERY order. That is why I am looking into moving my online subscription to DCBS.
New to your collection #3 Jesse_O Jump to first page999Jump to last page 6 yearsbrysb (12491): Often the ones to look out for are those who advertise 9.6/9.8, unless slabbed they almost always tend to be vastly over-graded. Some think because a comic is unread/uncirculated it is automatically 9.6 or higher.
Best ebay category for Ghost in the Shell? drchaos 6 6 yearsdrchaos (29788): I will try movies & TV and see how this one goes.
Mail Call Gabriel85301 6 6 yearsGabriel85301 (1764): Today's mail CALL!! Season 2.. EPISODE 9
GoCollect - Worth it? ThorneArt 11 6 yearsCitikill (10): @Zarbongo thanks got all mine on there now!!
Image Dead Rabbit Canceled- anyone know why? Enelson 18 6 yearsX51 (14750): It shows up on eBay periodically. Here's one.
X-Men Marks Jewelers Comics for trade ThorneArt 4 6 yearsThorneArt (2065): Thanks @xkonk I appreciate the trade and goodwill. I will pay it forward. :)
Dr Chaos's Black Friday Sale starts tonight! drchaos Jump to first page42Jump to last page 6 yearsdrchaos (29788): I have a couple things. Stay tuned.
Auction Wins KYoung_1974 2 6 yearsKYoung_1974 (741): @Treweldy, I think you said you would be interested in seeing them when I got them in...
Black Friday Sale Part 1 Early Releases elreycomics 2 6 yearsdrchaos (29788): That is a nice group of books. GLWTS!
ThorneArt - For Trade - Hulk ThorneArt 1 6 yearsThorneArt (2065): Hello, I am looking to trade these HULK issues for sub #140 Uncanny X-Men. I have never been a great grader, so please bear with me. Hulk #149 Fine? Hulk #187 VF+? ...
BATMAN IN DETECTIVE COMICS 89/90 organic 1 6 yearsorganic (13): Hi, I am clearing out some of my collection and willing to sell some of my books. Feel free to contact me if any question. Set of 5 comic books BATMAN IN DETECTIVE COMICS #611,#612,#613,#615,#116 Price for set $25 Here are the buying details: The Book what you see that is the book what I am selling. Please see pictures for the condition. Shipping method will be at the buyer's request . You can tell me if you...
WOLVERINE VARIANT EDITION 2007 organic 1 6 yearsorganic (13): Hi, I am clearing out some of my collection and willing to sell some of my books. Feel free to contact me if any question. [ b]WOLVERINE #50 VARIANT EDITION $50 [/b] Here are the buying details: The Book what you see that is the book what I am selling. Please see pictures for the condition. Shipping method will be at the buyer's request . You can tell me if you want extra insurance or just the cheapest option, etc. I will use...
FS: Spider-Man 2099 #1, rare 2nd Print ToyBiz Variant CGC 9.8 00slim 3 6 years00slim (18378): True. It has great potential, but I have one more for my PC already. I know some boardies would appreciate it & just wanted to offer it in case.
Trade? Topsykrets 8 6 yearsTopsykrets (255): Anyone else interested
The “Well, Now I Want One” Thread 00slim 24 6 yearsBabaLament (2961): @00slim Back is clean. The gnarly bag was setting off my OCD, so I re-bagged it. Looks much better.
Sig Verification help Citikill 12 6 yearsCitikill (10): @KingNampa I have the entire Dark nights metal run graded, figured I would go ahead and do these too, especially if I can get them verified. That way I can have an entire graded set.
TMNT Macroseries error Zombie_Head 13 6 yearskaptainmyke (27134): New Ryan Brown Boba Fett painting I just got
WEEKLY COVER CONTEST !! Week 113 Pre-Code Crime drchaos Jump to first page36Jump to last page 6 yearsseanw (1890): WOW! This is the first time I won! Thank you!! :D:beer: I will have the new contest up in a few moments! :D:D
Love for Arach-Knight Topsykrets 7 6 yearsX51 (14750): I'm talking about his feet. He doesn't have a camel toe.
November 2018 Previews Jesse_O 8 6 yearsJesse_O (39345): @DavidM Believe me, when I get them done I'll be showing them off!!!! :beer:
Expect dates?? Mrpoort 2 6 yearsMR_SigS (11124): There's a thread discussing it.
Just In From Florida 00slim 13 6 years00slim (18378): Yeah, I’m helping a supplier liquidate inventory, then there’s my stuff.
Are CBCS numbers down? Randomdoge 15 6 yearsJustThatGuy (5004): sell em on ebay for grader error variant.
Has this comic, colour touch? BatCatMan 14 6 yearsBatCatMan (12): Ok, I will buy a UV flashlight. I think it's worth to have one, to detect color touch and more things that can't be seen easily.
Tracking Citikill 5 6 yearsVaComicsGuy (4033): @Citikill Welcome and good luck with the books.
ALBANY COMIC CON martymann 3 6 yearsdrchaos (29788): You and me both brother. I still have Rhode Island on my calendar.
Rare Modern Variants for Auction/BIN on eBay (Star Wars, Tsum Tsum & more) xpsp3windows 1 6 yearsxpsp3windows (73): Selling a bunch of rare modern variants on eBay. Either I upgraded them or have multiple copies so no longer need them. Can offer some good deals for boardies! STAR WARS SPECIAL C-3PO #1 HARRIS RED ARM SPOTLIGHT VARIANT 1:1000 CGC 9.8 (Auction ending Today) MARVEL TSUM TSUM #4 JOHNSON 1:25 VARIANT CGC 9.8 (Auction ending in 4 days) All other Buy it Now listings can be found here " xpsp3windows items for sale" ...
FS: Artgerm Batgirl Variants ThorneArt 1 6 yearsThorneArt (2065): Hello Everybody, I got a couple of books that are for sale. Batgirl 2009 #12 & #14 Batgirl #12 9.8 $325 (ship incl in the usa) Batgirl #14 9.6 $90 (ship incl in the usa)
Is this comic trimmed? BatCatMan 10 6 yearsBatCatMan (12): ok thanks for your answer and now I have understood that it is not trimmed.
General "waviness" of new modern books Enelson 8 6 yearsbrysb (12491): Everyone is so quick to press!
FS: Anita Blake Vampire Hunter mixed lot ZosoRocks 1 6 yearsZosoRocks (2134): 3-lot of two books (x1 HC / x1 paperback) and a SDCC exclusive Marvel Limited Edition Print. Thanks for viewing my auction.
Heritage Catalogs! ThorneArt 4 6 yearsOGJackster (53959): This is Heritage Magazine For The INTELLIGENT COLLECTOR #5 2008
Batman cover "problem": common or uncommon? sl4wt3r 11 6 yearsTedsaid (7340): No, they are all like this. It's just how this issue / format is printed.
Custom cover Topsykrets 7 6 yearsOdins_Raven (2389): @Topsykrets I love fan created covers! Gives me an idea for a new thread... ;)
Grade this ASM #299 BatCatMan 18 6 yearsBatCatMan (12): Yes, but I explained to the seller that I had not noticed that the pages were cream on the bottom and that the cover was slightly discolored on the right side. He understood it and told me that there wasn't any problem to cancel my purchase, so he canceled it.
Gambit Movie To Be A 'Romantic Comedy' JLS_Comics 15 6 yearsshrewbeer (13263): LOL 🤣
Latest pick ups Zombie_Head 8 6 yearsZombie_Head (3597): Or it could be 2nd print. Lol I’ll have to check it and see what print it is.
Mail Call! Received 4/20 dielinfinite 7 6 yearsdielinfinite (26888): @BigRedOne1944 Thanks! I think the Phantasm one is my favorite of the bunch as well! Certainly more pleasing than the other cover I was actually curious that the phantasm book didn’t have a note like “2nd Print” or “Prestige Edition” as I’ve seen it referred to online. Then I saw that maybe the two are considered different books because of the slight difference in the...
Batman Damned Topsykrets Jump to first page68Jump to last page 6 yearsGAC (77779): Agree 100%! Raw = $5 but Batman Damned raw is a 1000% mark up and CGC is $10 but Batman Damned CGC is a 500% mark up....yup! seems fair.
Shouts out to Obiwan1971 ! Mail Call ! Gabriel85301 1 6 yearsGabriel85301 (1764): My CBCS Mailcall. 4 months and 21 days later after my books were received by CBCS, submitted for me by @OBIWAN1971 as an authorized witness for me.
My books are back! Joosh 17 6 years00slim (18378): Very cool. Congratulations! There are zero 9.8 copies of that Spidey 2099 2nd Print on the CGC census, by the way. (Edit: I missed the fact you mention that in another post) I have 3 copies that I had them press. Hoping MAYBE one will get a 9.8.
Cloak and Dagger Cowabunga_Kyle 1 6 yearsCowabunga_Kyle (2271): Selling a Cloak and Dagger lot including their first appearance. Link to auction
Return of Wolverine review xkonk 10 6 yearsDrogio (8072): Relationship Logan is gonna kill Independant Logan...
[PSA] Publishers: Variant Fatigue Syndrome kaptainmyke Jump to first page419Jump to last page 6 yearsDrogio (8072): That's his shop variants count as first appearances?
Hellboy Pushed Back 3 months JLS_Comics 7 6 yearsshrewbeer (13263): @Scorpion knows whats up.
FS: Mattel DC Super Heroes - 6in Steel & Cyborg Superman ZosoRocks 1 6 yearsZosoRocks (2134): Both figures are considered MIP and both packages are visually C8.5/9.0 and C9.2. Thanks for viewing my auction. Best regards, Tim
Birds of Prey Movie set for 2/7/2020 JLS_Comics 4 6 yearsStudley_Dudley (53010): I'm curious as to the ceiling of my Suicide Squad 23.
Hope for DC Black Label Jesse_O 21 6 yearsbrysb (12491): If DC plans to re-release all of those classics under the Black Label line then I want to see additional content, otherwise what is the point? I would not re-buy something like Batman Year One just because they slap a BL tag on the book! I like the larger size format in Batman Damned and disappointed to hear that not all the other series will be released this way.:( I assume those printed in standard comic form will be much less than $6.99??
Is this a 9.8? Flip1987 13 6 yearsNuffsaid111 (20431): 11.3 - there's a "light bend" ;)
TAT Thread - Modern VSP w/Fastpass ThorneArt 5 6 yearsJLA555 (389): this is another foram that I followed that did quicksteam worked well for him
FS: Valiant Comics 1992 Archer & Armstrong #0 - CGC 9.6 ZosoRocks 1 6 yearsZosoRocks (2134): I'm continuing to list auctions for other high graded pre-unity Valiant books, if you are interested - but be forewarned, I'm running out. :o) Thanks for viewing this one and if you haven't, check out my other auctions. I've lowered prices on many things. Best regards, Tim
TAT Whiner Finally Receives Books Cowabunga_Kyle 4 6 yearsJoosh (4179): Nice video, I hope to make my own soon.
How do you grade this? Flip1987 8 6 yearsFlip1987 (52): Mine its Just in The cover... What a disappointment
Weekly Cover Contest 107 - GIANT-SIZED!! JLS_Comics Jump to first page41Jump to last page 6 yearsDoc_Cop (3100): Congrats! I'm actually trying to score that comic as we speak! Great choice. Nuff said..
Mystery Science Theatre 3000 The Comic Joosh 1 6 yearsJoosh (4179): Anyone else get this book? I enjoy the new version on Netflix and this is based off of that. They make fun of old comics instead of movies. I thought it was amusing. I even picked up a cheap copy of the book they make fun of in 1st issue.
BTC DEAD RABBIT #1 Exclusive graded editions ThorneArt 3 6 yearsDJC_II (1829): @richgarc next popular trend Most of it is based on a speculator's market
Keystone Comic Con drchaos 11 6 yearsxkonk (18007): I was able to meet up with @obiwan1971 to help out with Claremont signatures. Happy to meet him. Sounded like a rough con for the vendors though. Chatting with Claremont was cool, and I went to Ken Lashley's panel. He was super nice and had some interesting stories. Set up a commission with a local artist. I had fun. I hope they do it again next year.
Has anyone ever tried converting modern CBCS 9.8's? Lundon44 17 6 yearsjrs (1864): @Lundon44, CGC labels and cases seem to have changed a lot also.
"Gotham" Autographed Comic Advice VSP Jada Pinkett Smith HammitChris 8 6 yearsHammitChris (283): I don't plan on selling it. I just want to get it slabbed to protect it and for the presentation. I like the way signed books look in CBCS's cases.
Graded Books for Sale; Earn E-Bay Bucks! cjbehr948 1 6 yearscjbehr948 (170): Just listed some big guns on my E-bay page. If you're in the E-bay Bucks program, you can get 8% in E-bay Bucks on the purchase if you buy them before 2:59 AM Eastern/11:59 PM Western. - TWD #1 CGC 9.0 - TWD #19 CBCS 8.5 - TWD #100 Lucille Edition CGC 9.4 - ASM #129 (1st Punisher) CGC 7.5 (WHITE pages) - Rick & Morty #1 (Roiland Variant) CGC 9.6 behr948 on E-bay Good luck!
Mail Call: Received 4/19 dielinfinite 8 6 yearsBabaLament (2961): @dielinfinite Did not know the Punisher Movie book would fit in a slab. Now added to my next submission. :D
The Rocketeer JLS_Comics 17 6 yearskaptainmyke (27134): and yet that Sequel never happened... Hollywood bureaucrats shelving film projects...
What's the best suggestion for keeping 9.8 after a remark Lundon44 19 6 yearsLundon44 (34): So after almost 10 days, multiple emails and probably 20+ calls trying to get someone on the phone I finally received an email response today. Because the ASM #800 was submitted on the 2-Day tier with a 2-Day turnaround time I've been advised it was already graded and ready to ship. I asked if they could confirm the grade. They said it got 9.8 so the pressing would be a waste. I guess I got lucky from the sounds of it!
The Predator JLS_Comics 19 6 yearsMr_adam_R (512): monster squad! I haven't thought about that movie in years! what a classic. now I know my next movie purchase. thank you!
FS: Sirius Comics - Dawn #1 (Blacklight Ed) #1/2 (Wizard Excl) signed 9.4+ ZosoRocks 5 6 yearsZosoRocks (2134): :o) thanks for the compliments....first bid at $35.00 is in now. IMO - right now - that is at a bargain!! I've had them in my "to get graded bin" for years....*sighs*.....sadly.....that isn't happening any time soon. Someone profits on my holding back!! :o) Thanks again for checking out the books! Tim
I’m celebrating 5 months today! Madbeez 17 6 yearsBabaLament (2961): @silverage1375 I started selling comics about a year ago, I'm the definition of "small, local guy;" but I was up in the city last week for NCBD, and retailers small & large are refusing to submit books to CBCS until TAT's get under control. The big dog in my area had started crossing over, and was doing a 50/50 split between CGC & CBCS. Talked to her last week, and the management was *not* happy. They submitted a bunch of...
FS: Entity Comics Zen Intergalactic Ninja / Young Zen / signed 9.4+ ZosoRocks 1 6 yearsZosoRocks (2134): This auction is a 4-lot of signed and unsigned comics. It also contains a sketch on backing board by Bill Maus. Thanks for viewing my auction. Best regards, Tim Look at this on eBay
FS: Marvel Comics - Venom 6-LOT various titles - includes Newsstand var ZosoRocks 1 6 yearsZosoRocks (2134): Thanks for viewing my auction. 6-lot of various "Venom" titles from 1994-95-96-97 and one issue from Jun 2018. Includes two Newsstand variant copies. Best regards, Tim Look at this on eBay
Stan Lee label redux Crunkpostit 7 6 yearsCrunkpostit (157): Over the years his signature has really gotten worse. The one in my avatar is a sig that most likely came from the early 90's. When I first met him in 2011 he was like 88 or 89. Was a great meeting, got to shake his hand and talk to him a little and wasn't flocked by his "handlers". It was so cool. Next year I went to go meet him again and got a couple books signed. I wanted to cry after seeing him. In just a couple years time, I...
Captain Marvel JLS_Comics 24 6 yearskaptainmyke (27134): Do not sell yet. This movie is going to take off to crazy levels. Wait until after week 2 of the movie.
Superior Spider-man JLS_Comics 2 6 yearsstanley_1883 (2001): i completely agree. the series was awesome, i loved it.
FS: Valiant Comics Solar, Man of the Atom CGC 9.6 ZosoRocks 5 6 yearsZosoRocks (2134): I've always wondered that too...and I am not sure if CGC ever corrected the label template...because other eBay sales are also like this label. Good post...thanks!
FS: Verotik Comics Death Dealer 1 & 2 - signed ZosoRocks 2 6 yearsZosoRocks (2134): Link corrected...sorry.
FS: Marvel Comics - various Spider-Man series ZosoRocks 1 6 yearsZosoRocks (2134): I've just listed a 5-lot of various dated and various titled Spider-Man comic books. All are in various grades. Thanks for viewing my auction.
Toronto Fan Expo drchaos Jump to first page73Jump to last page 6 yearsDJC_II (1829): I got a book signed by jock which he did 5 years ago. He will sign it wherever you ask him
FS: Valiant Comics Harbinger #1 - CBCS 9.0 VSP signed Lapham ZosoRocks 1 6 yearsZosoRocks (2134): Thanks for viewing my auction.
replacing bags and boards stanley_1883 15 6 yearsBrianGreensnips (15475): You could do Amazon or EBay and not have to buy the minimum of $100 worth, but you will pay a considerable anount more.
FS: Revolutionary Comics Led Zeppelin & Van Halen ZosoRocks 2 6 yearsvacaboca (1063): I think this is the correct link :)
FS: Batman: The Dark Knight Returns Book #4 - CGC 9.0 ZosoRocks 1 6 yearsZosoRocks (2134): "Superman vs. Batman" Look at this on eBay Thanks for viewing my auction. Tim
FS: Marvel Venom: Lethal Protector Mini-Series 1 2 3 (x2) 4 5 6 - 8.0/9.0+ ZosoRocks 1 6 yearsZosoRocks (2134): Look at this on eBay Thanks for viewing the auction! Tim
FS: Various Spider-Man series w/ McFarlane Spider-Man Silver/Gold ZosoRocks 1 6 yearsZosoRocks (2134): Look at this on eBay Look at this on eBay Thanks for viewing my auctions. Tim
Adi Granov Elektra Variant stanley_1883 1 6 yearsstanley_1883 (2001): I was wondering if anyone has an Adi Granov Elektra variant? He was selling them at SDCC. I missed out as I got some Billy Tucci prints instead. Specifically I'm looking for the black suit. Please let me know if you have one you're willing to part with. Raw preferably. Thank you kindly.
Huge collection organic Jump to first page57Jump to last page 6 yearsVaComicsGuy (4033): For fans of irony: Newb is too busy with his baby and custody battle to say what he has for sale or list prices but he has time to respond to individual PMs Newb is FLIPPING his books for money but says, "...I feel 25% is fair. I feel it is a very good discount for "COLLECTORS". 50% off eBay completed sales .............smells of a "FLIPPER" I.M.O" and my personal favorite: Newb is calling forum participants...
Weekly Cover Contest 103 - A Day at the Beach drchaos Jump to first page33Jump to last page 6 yearsdrchaos (29788):
Web Of Spider-Man #32 tonnage71 8 6 yearskaptainmyke (27134): Very cool.
Thanos Legacy Cowabunga_Kyle 15 6 yearsCowabunga_Kyle (2271): @Drogio It is. Enjoy your books!
FS: 1995 VALIANT Visitor v Universe 1 - CGC 9.4 Newsstand ZosoRocks 5 6 yearsZosoRocks (2134): Darn templates! The formatting is different for each the desktop, the tablet and the phone. That field can only be deleted on the desktop version. Corrected....thanks! Checked my other auctions, and corrected them as well. Thanks!
Someone please help PumpernickelPete 19 6 yearsDrogio (8072):
Fox/Disney merger in retrospect stanley_1883 6 6 yearsGAC (77779): Marvel is pretty much hitting it out of the park with every release. Mostly due to the fact that the exec's at the helm are all comic book fans first and foremost. These people know these characters inside and out and better than most fans. When the merger is complete, those characters will join the Marvel stable helmed by the same exec's. In my opinion, as a fan of comic book movies, Disney/Marvel will continue with the high quality releases...
The Black Order Getting Their Own Book JLS_Comics 1 6 yearsJLS_Comics (5463): THR Article 'The Black Order' showcases the Cull Obsidian. They might have met their match in Avengers: Infinity War, but Thanos' right-hand monsters from that movie aren't staying down. The Cull Obsidian returns this November in its own comic book series, and this time, there's no gauntlet-obsessed titan to tell...
Venom: First Host Clayton Crain Cowabunga_Kyle 8 6 yearsCowabunga_Kyle (2271): @iggykoopa30 They are retailing at $40
FS: 11-lot var dated Amazing Spider-Man ZosoRocks 1 6 yearsZosoRocks (2134): Earliest is #179 & #180 (Diamond Dist), blank barcode square. Also included is a signed John Romita Ann #5, along with a Newsstand edition of the HTF #602. Thanks for viewing my auction.
New Mutants 98, & ASM 361 9.6 For Sale 00slim 9 6 yearsMr_adam_R (512): congrats @00slim ! one step closer to TOS #39!!! :beer:
FS: Marvel Comics MIRACLEMAN #1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, & 8 - w/ 1:25 & 1:50 var ZosoRocks 2 6 yearstimberghost (269): Looks sweet, nice starter price too.
Venom:Lethal Protector#1 @ $23,750.00 WHY??? vvv 23 6 yearsBigRedOne1944 (11571): Congratulations to YOU! Sadly, working hard and being accountable for yourself is a lacking trait in with today's self-entitled youth
The 2-day connundrum atrembley 10 6 yearsBigRedOne1944 (11571): Mostly for what others have already said. My personal view, and I know many will disagree.... 1- Im NEVER in a hurry, enough to pay the ridiculous premiums for ANY of the so called "Expedient" services, (Fast pass, 2-Day, quickstream etc), all are nothing more than marketing ploys designed to extract more money from the customer, and more often than not those fees are more than the book itself is worth. 2- I don't believe the book...
FS: Valiant Eternal Warrior #1 (Aug 92) - CGC 8.5 White Pages ZosoRocks 11 7 yearsX51 (14750): Bingo. Thanks.
About to send my first submission!!! Jason_hendon 23 7 yearsRedshade (1113): Hi. I have submitted several lots to CBCS ln the last two years without any problems. The usual turn around time was quoted as about 16 weeks and to be fair took about 18/20 weeks with which I have no problem with. One just has to be patient. It is what it is and one just has to chill and be aware that your submissions are going to be returned in about 6 months or more Apparently, they were uprooted by a hurricane from Florida to Texas and...
Weekly Cover Contest 101 - There is No Eye in Team drchaos Jump to first page38Jump to last page 7 yearsGAC (77779): Am I free to start the new thread contest or do we wait for something official?
Did Henry Cavill Quit As Superman? JLS_Comics 8 7 yearsX51 (14750): You know the rules and so do I.
Recent Comic Book Pickups! JLS_Comics 6 7 yearsJLS_Comics (5463): Here is our show from yesterday! We talked about all the latest and biggest in comic book news from the week
NOTHING SPECIAL ONLINE_209 14 7 yearsJoosh (4179): Comic skins are pricey. a few dollars more per slab for actual grading/slabbing. Is anyone selling empty CGC/CBCS slabs from deslabbing?
Have a subscription at your LCS? Why? stanley_1883 26 7 yearskaptainmyke (27134): All you gotta do is ask and Rich will make it happen brah
Vin Diesel starts Day 1 of Bloodshot Production kaptainmyke 6 7 yearskaptainmyke (27134):
Start filling those carts! Ebay 15% off $25+ today (8/8)! dielinfinite 3 7 yearsGeeWiz (3223): So happy I used the coupon to pick up this one
FS: MARVEL COMICS Civil War #1 - CGC 9.4 NM ZosoRocks 1 7 yearsZosoRocks (2134): Here is another graded comic I am selling. Thanks for viewing my auction. Best regards, Tim Look at this on eBay
Question about grading. AzarathComics 2 7 yearsSteverogers11 (3605): Don't think it affects it. Could be wrong 🤷‍♂️
WTB : Some modern books! xpsp3windows 9 7 yearsxpsp3windows (73): Same here. There are a couple of listings at the moment on ebay but nothing to my liking.
ASM# 299 Grade BatCatMan 7 7 yearsDoc_Cop (3100): 7.5 or 8.0 with a press. there plenty of these out there in better shape you could land at reasonable price. Books a good investment, just not this book. nuff said
TMNT #3 Laird NYCC Variant (1985) - CGC 9.0 DouggieW 2 7 yearskaptainmyke (27134): Not a bad price for a 9.0. Here's mine. I got it from Kevin Eastman's personal collection:
Submitted at Silicon Valley Comicon 4/7 Madbeez 2 7 yearsKYoung_1974 (741): Did you submit them 2-day modern or regular? What about pressing?
Any Illustrators, Pencillers and Colorists here? stanley1883 7 7 yearsstanley1883 (46): Thanks all, right now we're looking to hire a colorist specifically, and are looking for someone who is familiar with Chiaroscuro. We have a 1 comic that is all but done, just needs coloring, and a second that is being written currently, and are looking for the artist for that.
Current Pull List stanley1883 21 7 yearsstanley1883 (46): Ok so heres my take so far. Mera: Queen of Atlantis is great, seriously awesome. Well done DC Die! Die! Die!- I'm underwhelmed by the first issue, Kirkman's never let me down before so i may give issue 2 a chance, but issue 1 was meh, felt like the same old thing. New Lieutenants of Metal- super fun and campy book, has a great playlist with it, just a fun comic for those that also like hard rock, as Boy Band Nation are the...
Expanded and Modern Shipping? Themaxx35 5 7 yearsnikki666666 (1463): @Themaxx35 when you go to checkout, you can choose from there. either the standard option at the top will be for the whole lot or under each section as an indiviual price.
Venom #4 (2018) kaptainmyke 11 7 yearsDrogio (8072): Lots of damaged copies. I did find a couple 9.8 candidates. Thor GOT #6 has taken off. Can't find any in local shops.
Your book with the most views on MSC dielinfinite Jump to first page37Jump to last page 7 yearsDrWatson (57863): Somewhere there is a recreation of the unused cover of X-Men 56 that goes with it.
What comic(s) did you read today? dielinfinite 12 7 yearsDJC_II (1829): @Frontier2Xterra I know this sounds funny but I actually prefer them in their original prints. It's the paper they used, and how it took in the ink. I found the digital versions to be quite flat.
PSA:When packing comics, dont do this Enelson 6 7 yearsJLA555 (389): anything I ship I pay for priority mail cost is alittle more.
I was about to list this Todd signed Spawn 1 Newsie Raw, but . . . 00slim 9 7 yearschameleoncolors (491): I would do it. And the McFarland sig looks legit. Go for it, also love this book!
How much of an impact will pressing have on my comic? mattmurdock 15 7 yearsCaptainCanuck (6120): @Drogio Word is that only 1% of Image Comics distribution in this era were newsstand edition.
WTB Gotham City Sirens 1 Catwoman Variant stanley1883 1 7 yearsstanley1883 (46): Anyone have an issue of Gotham City Sirens #1 Catwoman variant for sale. let me know please. Raw or slabbed, high grade/nm-ish condition please .
A Few Slabs FOR SALE esaravo 19 7 yearsesaravo (101928): @shrewbeer - If you haven’t bought anything in a while, NOW is the perfect time to reward yourself and satisfy that collecting urge that gnaws at your gut.
90's Comics VS 80's Fashion Cowabunga_Kyle 11 7 yearsX51 (14750): I see this title and I think of a comic from 2008.
How much will this affect the grade? mattmurdock 5 7 yearsmattmurdock (1): That's good to know, I thought it would be more serious given it's a modern book.
Diamond damages... An ongoing epidemic! JLS_Comics 12 7 yearsJLS_Comics (5463): In the video in the OP, he talks about a possible solution. Instead of 2 medium boxes crammed in to a large diamond box at 50-60 lbs (enough that the USPS person doesn't want to carry it) do just one with padding between the medium and large. Shipping costs will go up a little, but the other costs will go down and so will the frequency damages (which means lost sales, storage costs, etc). Most damages on the books come at the corners where...
For Sale : Spidergwen Silk and Venom VisceralDreams 1 7 yearsVisceralDreams (259): Hey guys, I've got some books up on my eBay right now and I thought I'd post them here as well. I've got more new listings coming. I'd rather sell on here or instagram but the insta sales have been kind of slow lately. My eBay is ivanscomicstore . Anyways here are some listings: 1st Appearance of SpiderGwen CBCS 9.6 First Print Edge of Spider-Verse 2  NIB ...
Ant-man and the Wasp JLS_Comics Jump to first page32Jump to last page 7 yearsxkonk (18007): I liked it. They kept the good tone from the first one.
Complete white cover over Batman 50 VictorCreed 8 7 yearsrobertofredrico (747): Someone asked CGC on Facebook about this "extra paper" thing and this is what they replied: Blank sketch covers and books with foil/acetate covers are usually shipped with an individual piece of wrapping paper attached to the staples for each book to prevent scratches and scuffing. Despite being initially attached to the book, it is not considered an actual “part” of the book, and would be better described as packing material....
Nice CBCS books in auction BrotherKenneth 2 7 yearsBrotherKenneth (66): Hope everyone had a safe and happy 4th. Just a reminder that these auctions end on Tuesday July 10. Thanks for looking.
Week 96 cover contest - Hello Nurse! drchaos Jump to first page40Jump to last page 7 yearsJesse_O (39345): Go for it Helric!!!!
Another Comic Bubble Thread JLS_Comics 18 7 yearsJLS_Comics (5463): @BLBComics Here is the direct market video I was talking about. The next one is about corner and UPC code boxes
The "WANT TO BUY" Thread! (WTB) JLS_Comics Jump to first page196Jump to last page 7 yearsAnkurJ (117): Coverless/incomplete Detective 33 Low grade/restored More Fun 52
Problem to get grading notes BatCatMan 4 7 yearsDrogio (8072): Anyone have a cgc account that gets free/unlimited grading notes? I have a comic that I had them grade, but didn't realize I didn't have rights to my own grading notes after my paid membership run out (BS if you ask me...I paid for it at the time). PM me if you're willing to help me out. No need to disclose your Superpowers publicly here!
Hulk 181 - Advice Needed cjbehr948 11 7 yearscjbehr948 (170): Thanks for the feedback, everyone!
Looking for, Seeking out, Searching, :) Gabriel85301 1 7 yearsGabriel85301 (1764): I jumped up on those True Believers a little too late, I have been buying in lots of 3 or 4 per title. If anyone of you out there got a bargain on any of issues, or can point me to the right direction, let me know. I'm pretty much gonna pick off MidTown at the end of this week (like I did with Captain Marvel, Ms. Marvel TB issues), but I still have a list of about 90 more titles too go.
Shipping/Mailing Slabs from US of A to Canada? Gabriel85301 10 7 yearsCopperAgeKids (3717): I'd rather pay 10% and sell a book for generally more on eBay, than sell for less on Facebook. I buy from Facebook groups/auctions, I can't see how selling on Facebook groups pays. I do know a couple of dealers who sell cheesy copper/modern hot books on Facebook, for more than the book sells for on eBay. They don't run auctions, they just have dedicated followers who overpay, not knowing any better. I could sell like that, but it'd...
DC to release Wal-Mart Exclusive Anthology Series dielinfinite 7 7 yearsJoosh (4179): I highly doubt these will be newsstand (returnable) books. DC just stopped that 10/2017 and at that point they did not sell newsstand books at Walmart. They only had the shrink wrapped Walmart exclusive 3 packs.
FS: Amazing Spider-Man - Ltd Ed USPS repro #1 / SD Union-Tribune 24 promos ZosoRocks 7 7 yearsZosoRocks (2134): Thanks for all the comments everyone. Yes...I am aware of BIN...never have had luck with it. As for leaving money on tbe looks like the winning bidder will get a bargain then. This stuff is just sitting around collecting dust. Hopefully I get a sale.... The secondary market is a bitch to be part of...LOL Thanks again.
FS: Star Wars 2 3 4 5 6 8 ZosoRocks 1 7 yearsZosoRocks (2134): 2, 3, 4, 5 are all "Diamond" Reprints 6 and 8 are "Diamond" 1st prints. Thamks for checking out my auction.
Books for Sale on My E-bay Page! Earn those E-bay Bucks! cjbehr948 2 7 yearscjbehr948 (170): For those interested in "Preacher", I have 11 auctions for the series ending TONIGHT (6/21) starting at 8 PM eastern. Graded issues & a 47 book lot. Good luck!
Looking For Marvel & DC Key Reprints 00slim 11 7 yearsdielinfinite (26888): Batman Adventures 12 Sensation Comics 1 Unfortunately they’re currently out of stock but they do tend to restock (at least the Sensation Comics since it’s the latest book) once a new Fan Expo starts. The Sensation Comics is currently available in aconbo pack Fan Expo Sensation Comics Combo Pack.
Kyle Starks ONLINE_209 1 7 yearsONLINE_209 (1867): 18-19, 2019 at Stockton Arena!
Looking to sell/trade bulk series lots in NJ-jersey shore area Enelson 6 7 yearsxkonk (18007): Also NJ-related: I saw that one of the comic guys who sets up at the Peddler flea market in Sicklerville is selling his whole inventory. 30,000 some books. I only looked around there once so I don't know what all he has, but if anyone is sitting on a bunch of money...
Autograph verification Kalistyles 19 7 yearsKalistyles (22): Thanks for the help and responses everyone.
EBAY Brightest Day Run DC Green Lantern yamada69 2 7 yearsyamada69 (66): one day left!!
Halloween Comicfest 2018 comics announced Jesse_O 1 7 yearsJesse_O (39345): My favorite holiday and my favorite hobby come together once again this year. I'm looking forward to some of these and will probably get a copy of each one that I can get. Halloween Comicfest 2018 article and comic list
Keya Morgan Arrested (finally) JLS_Comics 17 7 yearsDrogio (8072): This is crazier than condition freak's story! Poor Stan. Based on the reports it sounds like he's struggling with memory loss amongst other old age issues (sight/hearing). I know it's his life and he should ride it out the way he wants to, but whomever takes care of him from here on out should be encouraging him to consider no more signings and reconnect with those who really care about him. I know Trinity had a personal signing in early...
Lucio Parrillo & Lee Bermejo SDCC MGA 1 7 yearsMGA (124): Hi guys, hope everyone is having a great con season. We are super stocked to announce our new collaboration with Scott's Collectables & MGA Lucio Parrillo & Lee Bermejo will be set up at the MGA booth at SDCC. We are accepting submissions for signatures. All books are due by 07/10. The cost will be $20.00 a sig. ...
Valiant/ Bloodshot question Enelson 15 7 yearsX51 (14750): Can't answer. I would guess 25%, but that's just a random guess.
What value do you consider too low to slab? kutworksinc 27 7 yearsCatmanAmerica (31275): It depends on the relative scarcity, estimated value and whether the collector is contemplating the eventual sale of books through a professional auction house. The expense of 3rd party grading and encapsulation has to be weighed against return on investment. IMO, with rare exception, collectors should reserve third party grading for books that are 5.0 and above (for GA & SA), 7.0 or higher for books of more recent vintage. The exceptions...
GEOFF JOHNS Exits as DC Entertainment President and CCO JLS_Comics 20 7 yearsLonestar (4898): Comcast's bid is in. $65 Billion. clickable text
Bulk Purchase stanley1883 19 7 yearsCopperAgeKids (3717): In this scenario, you can usually cherry pick.
Just got Amazing Spider-Man 800 Shattered Variant... Squack 21 7 yearsWraith (2115): now looks like sold out/ or almost sold out- just a few copies left - in all the secondary outlets i found it in . this is a book to have if can get hands on it i think.
ASM Keys Comicnewbie 24 7 yearsStu (825): Looking mostly for raw books at the moment. I’ll take affordable key slabs if the price is right.
Sky Between Branches Tdog13 2 7 yearsTdog13 (692):
Gamestop to sell comics stanley1883 17 7 yearsJLS_Comics (5463): LOL that sounds about right
FS: TSR Dungeons & Dragons Game, Handbook, Ltd Comics ZosoRocks 11 7 yearsBabaLament (2961): Hitting up used bookstores looking for old D&D or WoD sourcebooks is a tangential hobby to comic collecting. I have a goodly collection of D&D, Forgotten Realms, & World of Darkness core sourcebooks; but it’s the supplementary books that are the really hard finds. I also found a bunch of cloth maps from the old Ultima PC games in a box. I wish more games had cool add-on lore items like maps or codices, instead of poly-resin...
Artgerm's Catwoman 'B' cover for Issue One JLS_Comics 7 7 yearsDeesnutz (360): Lol
Stan Lee real or fake signatures Tsuggs124 Jump to first page37Jump to last page 7 yearsDocBrown (16887): You don't sssssay...
New to Forum and CBCS Frontier2Xterra Jump to first page65Jump to last page 7 yearsDocBrown (16887): Popcorn time!
Recent Comic Book Pickups: Showcase Them In A Haul! JLS_Comics 9 7 yearsJLS_Comics (5463): Thanks @BrianGreensnips, much appreciated!
Is This The End For The Walking Dead? JLS_Comics 19 7 yearsX51 (14750): I do too. It'll never die. It's like a zombie or something.
Ebay Auctions ending tonight ThorneArt 6 7 yearsThorneArt (2065): Hello Folks, I started a bunch of new, actual, auctions this weekend. :) Please feel free to take a look. ebay seller ct98
Ghost Rider #15-Newsstand Edition-Graded 1forchrist 11 7 years1forchrist (166): I knew they possibly did, but I didn't think I would find one in a condition to get a 9.8, which was my goal. I know there are many copies of this issue graded a 9.8, but I hadn't seen one from either of the 3rd party graders that were Newsstand.
Walking Dead 115 9.8 SS x33 Todhaircut 5 7 yearsMR_SigS (11124): You can still leave a link.<