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'CBCS Graded' Topics

TitleAuthorPostsLast Post
CBCS Pressing Update Vol 1, #2 SteveRicketts Jump to first page819Jump to last page 28 daysShadowchaser076 (10): Thank you very much appreciate the update.
CBCS 101: A Newbie's Guide. dielinfinite Jump to first page488Jump to last page 11 monthsBrenoMp (43): @dielinfinite @xkonk Thanks for the advice, Ill contact Matt Edwards to see what my options are. Thank you!
New Message Board Atmosphere SteveRicketts Jump to first page121Jump to last page 1 yearComicNinja0215 (6205): The CBCS forum is the happiest place on earth; Disney land can suck it.
CBCS Message Board - Terms of Use SteveRicketts 1 9 yearsSteveRicketts (19701): Open thread to view post.
Issues With Order and Contacting Customer Support Thanos_Snap 17 2 daysfigment (21563): Well crap! So uh... I might know of a few extras if anybody needs 'em.
Mini vsp Mail Call sportshort 9 11 dayssportshort (20126): @SpiderTim, I bought my first bags in my early 20’s, boards came even later. I guess I should consider myself lucky that some of my books came in relatively high.
Nuffsaid 2025 Sales Thread #3 (CBCS Signed Comic Series and More) Nuffsaid111 3 12 daysNuffsaid111 (20672): bump
Timeline using ComicLink Auctions JC600 2 16 daysflanders (29068): I've always gotten good customer service from comiclink, I hope you're happy with them. It looks like you've got quite a few books that sold well below cost. I hope you get better going forward on determing what books to slab. A lot of times the vintage tier, with it's higher cost, isn't worth it and you'd have a higher ROI sellling your books raw.
I like the OWL Whiteness grading system JB1 14 17 daysKatKomics (31339): @esaravo lol.better man than me..I still have and on occasion still reference my 1st and 3rd editions....but my card is long lost :(
Nuffsaid 2025 Sales Thread #2 Nuffsaid111 3 20 daysNuffsaid111 (20672): Accept Money Orders, Personal Checks, or Paypal. Shipping $7 USPS Ground Advantage (Canada - I'll work with you for best costs, as I have no idea shipping costs) Returns - 7 days of receipt. Grade is in my estimation a 9.4 (one spine tic). 33 Autographs including some pretty big names. I have this up on Ebay but offered here on discount. $90 including shipping in continental USA. ...
NYCC Orders - Turnaround Time? Jecepii 9 21 daystksm00ve (1): Is anyone still waiting or has gotten an update on their NYCC 2024 order? Mine is still showing "received" CS said they were looking into it about a month ago and I haven't heard anything since. Books that I submitted (with the Nov/Dec promotion)are being shipped.
MCS Auctions by CBCS Forum Members ending Monday, March 3rd. Scifinator 8 25 daysScifinator (15992): Auctions end this evening. 17 items with bids under $10 and 12 with bids between $10-$19! The direct link to this and the rest of the 32 auction listings is HERE! Thank you for checking them out and for your anticipated bids.
Rob Liefeld and FABIAN NICIEZA Signed New Mutants for Sale smeninc 1 1 monthsmeninc (182): New Mutants 99 and 100 signed by Rob Liefeld and FABIAN NICIEZA for sale. Last chance!
GRADING AND CAPSULATION CLOWN 18 1 monthHulkSmash (11384): CBCS 101: a newbies guide This sticky is very old and does not reflect more recent changes, but the process still applies.
Got back my first 3 self submitted slabs, all verified sigs! darthh8r1988 4 2 monthsNuffsaid111 (20672): @darthh8r1988 Good move taking a photo of the Miller sketch on the interior of the cover. Had you forgotten that photo.... yea.. not good with a sealed comic. Never to be seen again!
WTB these Bronze Age to Modern in ONLY CBCS encasements...Do you have? Scifinator 2 2 months00slim (18687): My local Con is this next weekend. If I happen to run across any of these, I’ll let you know.
Price reductions and NEW Listings in my MCS Consignment Scifinator Jump to first page76Jump to last page 2 monthsScifinator (15992): Got a lot of new listings, fresh from CBCS with new labels: $55 What If #37D CBCS 8.5 1983 $44 What If #37D CBCS 8.0 1983 - 1st appearance of Shalla Bal as Galactus' herald! - Diverging from the events of Fantastic Four #50, Galactus decides to strip the Silver Surfer of the Power Cosmic for his betrayal on Earth and abandons him there. The powerless Norrin Radd still wants to return to his homeworld and Shalla Bal. With help from the...
Weekly MyComicShop NO Reserve $1 start bid auctions ending Tues Feb 3rd! Scifinator 6 2 monthsScifinator (15992): The auctions start ending this evening at 4pm Pacific / 7pm Eastern. Feel free to use this Direct LINK. Thank you for checking them out. :D
Issue with the order and lack of contact from Customer Service Rubbersuitman Jump to first page74Jump to last page 2 monthsNearmint67 (13693):
CBCS will NOT be at Megacon. Belarak 6 2 monthsflanders (29068): @Nuffsaid111 that sounds like a nightmare. Also I'm a bit surprised Clan McDonald still does business with CBCS.
CBCS Slabs SALE: DEADPOOL 48 CBCS 9.8 THIEF OF THIEVES 1 CBCS 9.8 1st Print PolarisNuclearSS2020 9 2 monthsPolarisNuclearSS2020 (1380): DEADPOOL 48 CBCS 9.8 and THIEF OF THIEVES 1 CBCS 9.8 1st Print have been claimed by @Tom74152 and are shipping out tomorrow. Thanks, Tom. :beer: Btw, this board could really use some additional emoticon/emoji prompts. Using the :beer: emoji as a catch all for any positive remark(s) under the sun seems a wee bit off to me. :LOL:
Customer service Houseofelcomic Jump to first page57Jump to last page 2 monthsNearmint67 (13693): Yes sir. Shipped today... :)
Weekly MCS auction ending Mon Jan 27th - Feat. a 5,000 Ltd Ed Gold Variant! Scifinator 12 2 monthsScifinator (15992): Only an hour and a half left. Currently, there are 13 items with top bids under $10 and another 4 with top bids under $20! Bargain time!! The direct link to this and all of my 20 auction listings is HERE!. Thank you for checking them out and for your anticipated bids.
Salvation Army finds Zombie_Head 15 2 monthspower_struggle55 (7511): I don't live near a salvation army but do check my local Habitat for humanity (never have comics but do have tpbs) and a store called 2nd and Charles that basically a book store that buys/sells new/used books, and collectables including many long boxes full of comics (some graded). they do sell keys but I guess because of value you have to request them (they have a binder listing the good stuff)
Ghost Rider, TP and Graded Sets for sale smeninc 1 2 monthssmeninc (182): Thanks for looking. I have got a few sets (CBCS, CGC and raw) and Trade Paperback for sale. New Avengers - signed by Brian Michael Bendis Wonder Woman - signed by Gal Gadot ...
First Rogue Avengers Annual 10 Signed CBCS 8.5 for sale Robo3 3 2 monthsflanders (29068): You already posted this. Please read the forum rules.
AVENGERS Annual 10 Signed 8.5 CBCS Robo3 1 2 monthsRobo3 (19): I have an Avengers Annual 10 First Rogue signed by Michael Golden up for auction.Auction ends tomorrow at 9.$1 starting bid. Here is the link:
Customer Service GothamBridge 8 3 monthsTaniaYundt (1): Any update?
mix graded raw books for sale smeninc 1 3 monthssmeninc (182): I have a few sets with graded and raw books for sale. Amazing Spider-man (Carnage) Todd McFarlane Spider-Man ...
Raw and Graded comic books for sale smeninc 2 3 monthsBakersman (190): cool books!
Actor guy who gives away key comics next sppearing at..... Sonterfoil5 1 3 monthsSonterfoil5 (44): So a couple weeks ago I told you how a guy gave me a free Amazing Spiderman #252 at a local comic show here in GA.  Now I have been told by my friend who works at my LCS that the same guy may be at the Texas Comic Con in April.  He doesn't know if he is getting a booth to promote his movies or just making an appearance and giving away more comics.  Either way, I will be there!  His name is Sergio Duque and I have his photo link for...
Great Lakes Comic con questions cesidio 3 3 monthscesidio (2429): Appreciate the info. Thanks
NEW COLLECTION ACQUIRED HULK 181, X-MEN 1 + more Eclipse9665 3 3 monthsEclipse9665 (260): Books are selling fast, check us out here [][/url]
Grading and Encapsulation Questions MeanGene 14 3 monthsGAC (79230): If the signature gets verified, the slab label is your COA. As others have said, Press the book as there is likely an indentation on the back due to the bag.
Error updating payment method fakadar 3 3 monthsICConquest (2835): I had to update my card earlier today. I found I needed to change the expiration year before changing the expiration month. Hopefully it works out well for you!
Graded Slab for Sale Deadpool Bataman X-Force Spider-Man smeninc 1 4 monthssmeninc (182): Sadly, I have need to sell to cover unexpected expenses. Thanks for looking. Amazing Spider-Man 530 531 532 533 X-Force 1, 2, 4 ...
Manga Grading- Zasshi Wade_Story Jump to first page39Jump to last page 4 monthsDaniel_E (405): Thanks! Its been a passion project for me so it has been pretty fulfilling that it has been as successful as it has been. I have no doubt that it will increase in popularity. These stories are way too culturally impactful for them to continue to be treated as disposable media. And they are all more relevant and mainstream than ever before.
Civil War Amazing Spider-Man J. MICHAEL STRACZYNSKI for sale smeninc 1 4 monthssmeninc (182): Amazing Spider-Man Civil War issues signed by J. MICHAEL STRACZYNSKI for sale on ebay.
Another X-Force smeninc 4 4 monthsTheShocker (711): Nice with old labels too
How to get ahold of anyone when CS does not reply? impactcls 20 4 monthsSilversorrow (2188): One time when I emailed CS 3 times over the span of 2 weeks and got no response. Then I tried contacting CBCS on Instagram and I got a response the same day that way. My issue was solved within 24 hours after that. That's the best way I've found so far.
Is the new CBCS Restored Label color Blue or Purple? CWill2021 17 5 monthsSauceDog (433): To add to this, it goes beyond intent. Conservation aims to ONLY utilize archive safe materials and techniques (the stuff often used in Museums and Galleries), whereas Restoration will use anything it can to achieve results (whatever paint or markers they want, glue that isn't ideal for long term preservation). The amount of work is also a factor, with Conservation grades aiming to do as 'slight' amount of work to the book as possible (but with...
MCS Auction ending tonight. Scifinator 5 5 monthsScifinator (15992): Error Variant! Direct LINK!
Comic Link NO RESERVE Auctions (ending between Oct 28 - Nov 6, 2024) JazzyJeffie 20 5 monthsJazzyJeffie (439): 🌟 ComicLink Auction STEAL Alert! 🌟 Up for grabs is a collector’s gem, with the current bid only at $280 — yet this copy has recently sold on eBay for $1,000+! Don’t miss out on this amazing opportunity to grab it below market price! 🔥 Featured Auction: WONDER WOMAN v2011 #50, WONDERCON 2016 BATMAN V SUPERMAN, CBCS 9.6 💥 Witnessed Signatures: David Finch (with sketch), Meredith Finch, and GAL GADOT! 💥 Gal Gadot’s...
Slabs for Sale lawguy1977 4 5 monthslawguy1977 (7589): Batman Adventures #12 sold!
The "Other" chat board... CGC down? GTS_Comics 13 5 monthsNuffsaid111 (20672): It's been "oddly" quiet there lately. Either hobbyists are literally dead, or they've worn themselves out. It's certainly not because the problem has been corrected... lol
CBCS Hosting an Exclusive MARCVS Signing Event at NYCC SPalochik 2 6 monthssborock_ComicLink (4978): COOL!
Ummmmmm…WTF!!! Scifinator 15 6 monthssoutherncross (33789): I would of bought that easy
CBCS SALE! Voltron 11 6 monthsNearmint67 (13693): Going to pass.... Just spent a wad of bananas... Will wait for the next banana split dessert...
Sweet Tooth Witnessed Signature 9.2 last day for auction. Jeff Lemire! Ambush_Bug 7 6 monthsKatKomics (31339): dang - I thought it was just 1 nanny but it's like 5 to 7 women!! - some of the stuff is pretty bad if true.... Also have 1 or 2 signed novels - f@ck Neil...just keep it in your pants!! I wonder if they will release season 2 of Sandman and if they do I'm guessing that will be the last - really too bad, I've enjoyed all the live adaptations so far (shame Deadboy Detectives wasn't picked up for more seasons) yeah...I'll probably just...
Any tips for a first time submission? Doghouse 18 6 monthsHulkSmash (11384): Sometimes there is confusion when entering a promo on the online form. The above will show you what it’s allaboot.
Coverless books Spa_fon 26 7 monthsIronMan (6264): So given the discussion on this thread, I decided to email CBCS customer service and ask about unwitnessed signatures, slab only and grading. Customer service emailed back promptly. There is now NO WAY to get books graded and encapsulated or only encapsulated without paying to verify any unwitnessed signatures. Additionally, if any signature(s) fail verification they will not encapsulate the book. Thank you for reaching out. Our...
Marvel Overpower Insert Cards DoorCntyComicColl 10 7 monthsxkonk (18083): My brother and I played Overpower a bit when we were younger. It's a collectable card game like Magic or Pokemon. It was fun enough but I don't know if the cards are worth anything or if it would be worth trying to track down a set to play at this point.
New CBCS Commercial, "No Monkey Business" MurrayC 13 7 monthsHAmistoso (26178):
Raw and Graded Books for Sale Noblebeast315 9 7 monthsNoblebeast315 (2200): Blade: The Vampire Hunter #1-10 (Marvel, 1994), Complete Run, Low Print Run $100 ...
FS: Bronze Age Spideys and a Few Other Marvels DWeeB1967 19 8 monthsDWeeB1967 (13031): Amazing Spider-Man #116 CBCS 9.0 OWW = $55 SOLD!
Request for a price check for The Official Marvel Index to the X-Men #1 Rinova 6 8 monthsRinova (265): Thank you all.
Can CBCS crack a CGC or PGX slab in order to grade the book? CWill2021 9 8 monthsComicNinja0215 (6205): I sent two CGC slabs in and I wasn't charged for cracking.
What’s the grade - opinions SpiderStrange99 5 8 monthsNearmint67 (13693): It has the potential to get a 4.5 - 5.0. A press will take care of the bends on the back and keep it from dropping to a 4.0.
Weekly MCS Auction by Fourm Members - Ending Monday Aug 5th Scifinator 8 8 monthsScifinator (15992): Just a few hours left. 27 items currently have current bids between $2-$9 and 6 items have current bids between $10 - $22. The Blue Label Special is on! For the direct link to these auctions, please use: Clickable Link Thank you for your support.
Reholder dartelum Jump to first page47Jump to last page 8 monthsGaard (3436): cool
First post here: a few thoughts about the new labels, CS, etc. Artizan 17 9 monthsNearmint67 (13693): @radd76 Nope.... auction starts in a few minutes! High grade moderns and SS! sborock_ComicLink 1 9 monthssborock_ComicLink (4978): It's bidding time! Session 3 certified comic books from titles 'N' through 'S' close shortly within the ComicLINK Focused Auction! Auction lots start closing at 8 PM Eastern Time (5 PM Pacific). This session offers a wide selection of Post-1975 key and high-grade certified comic books. Make sure to check out the wide variety of signed comic books certified by CGC and CBCS! Don't forget to bid! Peace, Steve
For Sale War of the realms: New Agents of Atlas 1 & 2 Lot Vboi 2 9 monthsVboi (32): bump
Closed. rec1978 5 9 monthsrec1978 (69): No offense taken! Again, I appreciate the offer.
TMNT #1 (3rd Print) and #2 (1st Print) for sale Matt68 3 9 monthsMatt68 (3): #1 has sold. Still looking for a buyer for the sweet 9.8 #2...
MCS Auction, by CBCS Forum Members, ending Monday June 10th Scifinator 10 10 monthsScifinator (15992): @Nearmint67 - Yup!
Got some beautiful slabs back Wond3rWom4n 5 10 monthsmattness (1530): That’s Sabine Rich. She’s also the colorist on the J. Scott Campbell WW #750 books.[/quote] Thank you so much!
For Sale: Whiz Comics #17, May 1941 ($450 plus $15 Shipping) CWill2021 2 10 monthsJames42 (4972): That's a good looking book. Good luck.
What would the CBCS Forum members do/prefer? Scifinator Jump to first page39Jump to last page 10 monthsJames42 (4972): I have already stated that I don't care much about page quality of a graded book, as I can't see it. I also expect the 7.5 will present better, since page quality is a factor in the grade. So I would keep the 7.5.
Young Avengers #1 - CBCS 9.9! WalkinWillie 13 10 monthsWalkinWillie (238): Just to let you know that we are up to 40 books dropping in price 1% per day until sold at Walkin' Willie's Comix. The highest discount on any book right now is 22% as of today (5/29/2024) - combine that with the automatic discount of 15% off of five or more books and we are getting to some fairly serious price cuts. Default sort is new to old so change it from old to new to see the books with the highest discounts. Sign up for our newsletter...
MCS Weekly Auction by CBCS Forum Members end Monday, May 27th Scifinator 12 10 monthsScifinator (15992): Auctions end this evening starting around 4pm Pac 7 pm Eastern. Batman (1940) 500D CBCS 7.0 (21-22F6136-016) Collector's Edition 1st new Azreal Batman costume Current bid: $16.00, 5 bids Vertigo Preview (1992) 1 CBCS 9.4 (22-1BB703D-011) Direct Edition. Exclusive Sandman Story Current bid: $12.00, 3 bids X-O Manowar (1992 1st Series) 0B CBCS 9.4 (22-1BB786C-003) Ivory Production Variant. Current bid: $13.00, 2 bids The...
Re-Certifying (Re-Grading) Comics - Strikeouts, On Base, and Home Runs. Scifinator 13 10 monthsDoorCntyComicColl (220): Something I wanted to explain to the younger collectors that love to slab books as opposed to keeping them raw. I was buying books as a kid back in the late 70's and 80's. This is a copy of Ka-Zar the Savage #1 from 1981 that Brent Anderson signed at a Chicago Con back in 1981 when I bought it right when it came out. I am thinking about getting it slabbed by CBCS for signature authentication though the book does have some color breaking spine...
Avengers 4 CBCS 4.5 OmahaComics 5 10 monthsdonutsdad (45): It's a nice book and one I need still, but I personally prefer to stick with the "big guy" on the block. I like registering my books on the comic registry and the 5 cbcs books are sitting next to about 650 cgc slabs...i would have to lower my offer price to reflect additional costs to get it into my preferred slab. jmo
Just speculating, but…. Scifinator 4 10 monthsJoosh (4179): I’ve got a handful in the auction; curious to see how it goes
CBCS Crooks Patrickjones2549 Jump to first page78Jump to last page 11 monthssoutherncross (33789):
Mercy Sparx metal cover for sale, 2nd highest graded James42 1 11 monthsJames42 (4972): I am selling a CBCS graded copy of the most recent Mercy Sparx title, Mercy Sparx: No More Angels Left To Fall. It's the Brooks Kim metal cover variant, graded by CBCS as an 8.5 blue label. This is the second highest grade currently in existence. I do not know how many copies of this were printed, but it was a $70 book with a variant cover from a relatively unknown artist. ...
Comic Link NO RESERVE Auctions (ending 3/29 - 4/08/2024) JazzyJeffie 4 11 monthsJazzyJeffie (439): Thanks to everyone who bid, hope you won! Considering to send some more. It takes awhile for the sales to be remitted, but it's worth the wait I guess.
Encapsulate and ship Nickrob1234 5 11 monthsScifinator (15992): Hence, the other side of my "One thing to consider is that sometimes the notification flow could be backed up" comment.
Finding out the results of grading Nickrob1234 6 11 monthsNickrob1234 (7): This coment wins!
Mail Call sportshort 6 11 monthssportshort (20126): I’ve never had any comic book pressed. The cost doesn’t seem worth it relative to the value of these books. But maybe I should’ve. I might give it a go on my two captain america 100. If they go up a grade or two, it will have been worth it. Thanks for the tip.
CBCS boss please look at this. Zombie_Head Jump to first page36Jump to last page 1 yearNuffsaid111 (20672): Thank you. These are the words that give me agita (Italian for heartburn) I have a subjective grade that will now be under further subjectivity with a subjective policy. :(|) And I wonder why I need Advil with the re-holder topic
Who’s got the runs? Scifinator Jump to first page238Jump to last page 1 yearSiggy (25634): ...
I will be sending my books to CBCS going forward CWill2021 12 1 yearComicNinja0215 (6205): @Drogio looks like we are on the same boat
Weekly MCS Auction by Forum members ending Mon March 25th Scifinator 7 1 yearScifinator (15992): Auctions end this evening. Bargains are lurking: Vertigo Preview (1992) 1 CBCS 9.4 1992 Current bid - $8 Vertigo preview featuring an exclusive Sandman story by Neil Gaiman and Kent Williams. Contains two page previews of Death: The High Cost of Living, Enigma, Sandman Mystery Theater, Mercy, Kid Eternity, Sebastian O, Black Orchid, Sandman, Hellblazer, Doom Patrol, Animal Man, Swamp Thing, and Shade the Changing Man. Wildcats...
Mid-to-Low Grade Mail Call dielinfinite 7 1 yeardielinfinite (26915): Thanks guys! @Nuffsaid111 Thank you! That was actually a book my dad picked out and bought on his own. Not sure if he got whiff of them trying to get a movie off the ground or if it was something he remembered from his childhood but it was a good pick! Last year at SDCC I noticed a lot more localized manga books (Pokemon, Ghost in the Shell, Akira, etc) on dealers’ walls so it looks like there is interest out there!
Rusty Staples/ Storage Question mattness 9 1 yearmattness (1530): Thanks for everyone’s response. Your experience and time is much appreciated!
Weekly MCS Auction by forum members ending Monday March 11th. Scifinator 10 1 yearScifinator (15992): Less than 3 hours left before the first auction ends a around 7pm Eastern/4pm Pacific. Click HERE for the diecr link to these auctions. Thanks for checking them out. Happy bidding!
Mail Call - Signed comics sportshort 20 1 yearsportshort (20126): It struck me, I could easily be wrong on this, maybe "variant" is not the term I would use. To me it seems that the better term for this is "error". To me "variant" seems intentional, if this is the case, "error" seems the better term. I am in no way an expert, so I am likely wrong about this. What do you all think?
CBCS Pulp Grading? NowGrade 1 1 yearNowGrade (12): Could not find a Platinum tab for this inquiry. What are CBCS's plans, if any, to begin grading Pulps?
Sendin in slabbed books Zorro 9 1 yearmakahuka (3133): Welcome!
Daredevil 1 CBCS 1.8 FS RicksComicCrypt 2 1 yearRicksComicCrypt (30): Book has been sold
Magazines Matman85 12 1 yearSteveRicketts (19701):
California Comic Convention 2024 (CalComicCon) TerrysComics Jump to first page31Jump to last page 1 yearTerrysComics (136): We would like to thank our Guests and attendees for being part of this Event. CalComicCon2024 Promoter and Staff.
TONIGHT! 8:30 I will be answering questions live on YouTube! sborock_ComicLink 14 1 yearsborock_ComicLink (4978): @MrNotSoNice There is no peace, love and understanding....😞
Biggest CBCS Submission Yet drchaos Jump to first page38Jump to last page 1 yeardrchaos (30062): My plan has generally been to work from the top down and the bigger books will pay for everything else. The lesser books do pile up so I am starting to get that figured out but to say I have a plan might be a bit strong.
Invalid Comic/Magazine xabbott 6 1 yearmakahuka (3133): @SteveRicketts super help!
Weekly MCS Auction starting Jan 29th Scifinator 30 1 yearScifinator (15992): @figment - I will be looking to see what CBCS comes up in the auction. Still filling holes and keeping an eye out for upgrades.
Why do you get books graded? Wade_Story Jump to first page51Jump to last page 1 yearchefcomics (163): i graded to sell period........
CBCS "Qualified" label? CWill2021 5 1 yearmakahuka (3133): Good info.
Comic Collecting Videos (YouTube, etc.) CatmanAmerica 9 1 yearPhilCoulson (1593): @sborock_ComicLink awesome video, thanks for sharing.
FOR SALE: Action Comics #108 CBCS 7.0 (OW/W) Kripsys99 10 1 yearsborock_ComicLink (4978): We would have taken your book with having much better bidders and you could have kept your money with us in case you win a piece to pay for it. We would also send you your money back ASAP if you did not win, with no fees or interest, like some places. Email me next time before Feebay. I always take care of other hobbyists!👍😀
CBCS imaging for all books? uncannyjames 9 1 yearNuffsaid111 (20672): 100% I waffle from Mickey Mouse company to pure Dog Manure. Depends on my level of ire towards them on that particular day. They'd be out of business in any other business environment with real competition
Mail Call Rinova 6 1 yearmakahuka (3133): Looks very sharp, digging the books and labels.
Any one like bad idea comics Deceptionking420 19 1 yearDeceptionking420 (38): So the last comic book I got was the destroyer. Lewis LaRosa did the cover. Now he is doing megalith he is a killer on the are he also did the transformers new #1 b cover with the deceptions. Well, anyway, that comic book is okay. But I could not pass the gay love story in it. Other than that, the art look good. And that's the first time they had some hardcore s*** like that. I think this is ridiculous whenever it's put in comics
CBCS sticker? GothamBridge 11 1 yearchester15 (2156): I didn't look for the listing, but the price, if low enough, could be a determining factor, risk/reward thing. If legit, good price, no headache. If it seems sketchy, send it back, mild headache.
Qualify for pressing Gr8gramBeemo 18 1 yearComicNinja0215 (6205): @Gr8gramBeemo Yeah man!
MCS Auction ending January 2nd Vrishnak 20 1 yearScifinator (15992): Final update… With the auctions ending tonight starting at 7pm E / 4pm P, there are 9 comics under $10, and another 6 comics are between $10-$19. Cheers For the direct link to this and my other 18 auctions, please click HERE!.
Pre-screen and signature authentication DoorCntyComicColl 6 1 yearDoorCntyComicColl (220): Appreciate that.. glad to be on.. Finding a boatload of info so its helps since I've been out of the comic book game since the early 80s.
Stolen Collection DavidsObjects 29 1 yearDavidsObjects (36): I appreciate everyone's comments on insurance. It was something I always wanted, always knew I needed, and even tried a few times to research and purchase, but never pulled the trigger on. The policies were too annoying to read through and compare. I'd set aside the weekend after I moved everything into storage as when I would officially purchase it. If only they'd waited a few more days to ransack the place. Gahh.. so frustratinmg :(
WTB Wonder Woman 177 stanley_1883 8 1 yearstanley_1883 (2001): 1968
eBay ending soon, Faro's Lounge, M House and more! Ending tomorrow joelzstuff 2 1 yearmakahuka (3133): Nice books.
Mail call/New Labels/and a question. Zombie_Head 10 1 yeardielinfinite (26915): @Zombie_Head Yup, 205/1000
How do I perform a split transaction on an invoice? Can I call CBCS? Wond3rWom4n 7 1 yearIronMan (6264): CBCS does not list a customer service phone number. However, the email response time is quick. My last email got an answer just a few hours later. Usually it's just one or two days. As other's have mentioned, calling the bank first is probably the fast and simple solution.
For sale: Whiz Comics #17, February 1940. WW2 cover. $760 includes shipping CWill2021 2 1 yearmakahuka (3133): Great book.
Beckett Opens Las Vegas office for submissions dielinfinite 12 1 yearlawguy1977 (7589): @DrWatson LOL, I do now. I didn't know that it reduced shipping that significantly by having an account. Thanks!!!
CBCS Marvel Comic Book Lot for Sale! Vboi 5 1 yearVboi (32): New Lower Price $1250 USD Shipped Firm!
What am I not understanding with CBCS pricing? MisterMR Jump to first page42Jump to last page 1 yearOldfuzznts (704): Who you with?
War of the Realms: New Agents of Atlas 1 1:50 Variant CBCS 9.8 Vboi 4 1 yearVboi (32): Marvel phase 7, the team will appear on Disney plus or maybe a movie. Good long term investment, let's see if anyone wants it =)
Selling books stevenottney 14 1 yearmakahuka (3133): Good info.
MCS Weekly Auction Ending September 25th xkonk 7 2 yearsVrishnak (952): Bump. They're ending tonight.
Want To Buy: Detective Comics #43 (1940) CWill2021 3 2 yearsRetired_11B (812): @CWill2021 Best of luck to you.
Anyone had these problems with cgc & cbcs books ? Dragon 23 2 yearsGaard (3436):
OAFCon , will you be going to the OAFCon 2023 Sept 16th-17th? TerrysComics 11 2 yearsEbayMafia (37349): lol, that's probably why the name "Oklahoma AF" means something different to today's younger generation.
Ultimate fallout #4 1st Print & Venom Lethal Protector #1 $0.01 Auction Vboi 8 2 yearsVboi (32): This is the 1st time I ever seen a UF #4 1st print so low after 7 days on auction, usually by now it should be at least $200. By the way thanks for bidding and good luck all!
Crazy Flanders's Slabbed & Raw Comic Sales Thread flanders Jump to first page96Jump to last page 2 yearsflanders (29068): SOLD on Fleabay! I think the Summer of Slump is finally coming to an end.
Graded Magazine Boxes For Sale mattness 2 2 yearsMrNotSoNice (3552): Thanks! If I get them I will advise.
MCS Weekly Auction Ending August 14th flanders 6 2 yearsfigment (21563): Today's the day! So far we're averaging $2 per book so the bargains are certainly there for the taking if you're interested.
Super Saturday Slab Sale! Noblebeast315 6 2 yearsflanders (29068): @Noblebeast315 good luck with the sales. That Last Ronin cover looks great with the red signature.
Marvelmania MrNotSoNice 17 2 yearsMrNotSoNice (3552): Turns out there is another signed copy (Kirby, I presume). Oh well, at least my 9.4 is the highest-graded signed copy (so far.)
Archie #1 - CGC graded it 1.0, thoughts? writerwill Jump to first page70Jump to last page 2 yearsDrWatson (59640): Leftover wet cat food works good as well.
Want To Buy: Whiz Comics #17 CWill2021 2 2 yearsdrmccoy74 (14333): There is a 2.5 on mcs
So you want to be a Grader… stanley_1883 Jump to first page38Jump to last page 2 yearsDavethebrave (17405): So, what do I win?
Looking for Edge of Spider-Verse 2# Greg land signed Stan lee Gul10 8 2 yearsDrogio (8091): It is for a modern!
International Customs Delay Kbskomics 3 2 yearsKbskomics (3): I did send them an email yesterday as soon as I was aware of the situation. Presumably because of the weekend I should expect a reply early next week. I don't even know what most of those abbreviations are, only familiar with VAT. Based on previous submissions, they include a note to customs that says that they are returning the books to their original owner, but on their way to the US I can only mark them as "temporary export" /...
FOR SALE: Slabbed 1st Appearances HooperSchaefer 3 2 yearsHooperSchaefer (54): Gotcha—Thank You Amazing Spider-Man #361 (Carnage) 1ST PRINT - CBCS 9.8 (old label) $350 Avengers Annual #10 (Rogue and Madelyne Pryor) - CBCS 9.8 $750 Bloodstone #1 (Elsa Bloodstone) - CBCS 9.8 $400 ...
Magazine Mail Call MrNotSoNice 8 2 yearsBigRedOne1944 (11568): Double Nice!
Mail call Zombie_Head 4 2 yearsMrNotSoNice (3552): This is my boom stick!
Diel’s Annual SDCC thread (wall pics!) dielinfinite 28 2 yearsdielinfinite (26915): Last day of the convention! Didn’t do too much today but still fun! I started by picking up a commission I requested on Friday. No one famous but for $21, I am happy with it! I then stopped by a CBCS to submit my books. I had been told that they would have a signing including Frank Miller today but they ended up doing it on Saturday so there were a few books I didn’t include. After that, I wanted to...
Value Estimate on Darwyn Cooke Signed Book MurrayC 4 2 yearsHooperSchaefer (54): I think ComicHoarder gave some good advice & numbers. I would piggyback that Cooke signed books currently have a limited market. He’s one of my favorites—and you’re right, there won’t be any more signed copies—so I don’t get it, but it is what it is. However, you do have three quintessential Cooke floppies where he’s responsible for cover & interior art (with “Batman: Ego” probably being the title that would round out...
Small but mighty Mail Call! dielinfinite 7 2 yearsdielinfinite (26915): @makahuka lol HAVE. He’s still around. He’s out of the country a lot so I manage his collection stateside
Invalid Comic/Magazine Message when checking number DerekPutnam 5 2 yearsDerekPutnam (2): Oh well, along the lines of what I though most likely. Thanks everyone.
Sending CGC to CBCS SpiderStrange99 19 2 yearsInstant_Subtitles (1323): @SpiderStrange99 Two questions, both answered. - Is it for your long-term/permanent collection? If yes, then do it if you like how CBCS slabs their comics. There are risks, and there are no guarantees that you will see a grade bump. But in the end, it is more about your collection than how others collect. If no, see my response below. - Is this for a profit flip or a trade? If yes, then I say the risk outweighs the reward. You are better...
San Diego Comic Con - Who will be there?? ThorneArt 4 2 yearsmakahuka (3133): I did see you at WonderCon, and will see you at some point during the 5 days!🤣
MCS Prime Auction Ending 10-14 July Studley_Dudley 28 2 yearsRetired_11B (812): Thanks for the heads up on the auction. I ended up with 4 books, all modern era, but all were 9.6 and 9.8.
WTB PCH drcyclops 15 2 yearsdrcyclops (27): Nice cover example of classic PCH covers...
Magazine slab introductory pricing cesidio 2 2 yearsMRmintastic (269): I am not certain, though it seems the current price of $25 for modern mags should be here for awhile. CGC also has the same price for their modern magazine grading, so CBCS would be shooting themselves in the foot if they raised the price in this current market.
PGX converts to CBCS ? Buzbe Jump to first page33Jump to last page 2 yearsDrWatson (59640): When I first read the thread title, I thought PGX had found religion.
SI for grade…what does it mean? PressMeComics 9 2 yearsdielinfinite (26915): I believe it is “SL” for Slab-Only When CBCS changed their tier system they made a lot of changes without actually describing what they are for. One of these is “Authentic Signature” which is now selectable as a grading tier OR as an add-don. the Add-On is what we’re used to to where the book is graded with an authentic signature on the label. if you select Authentic Signature as a tier, it is essentially Slab-Only but for ASP...
10% off Golden, Silver, Bronze, and Modern Age books andrewscomics 3 2 yearsandrewscomics (8): Yep! Around two dozen. If you type CBCS into the search bar in the middle of the page at the link, you should be able to see them all.
Wanted: a copy of Spider Punk 1 1:50 Okazaki Variant Vboi 2 2 yearsTravis (540): eBay might have them I don’t know
Surfing with the Alien - Run Completed Scifinator Jump to first page50Jump to last page 2 yearsScifinator (15992): Looks like the early favorite is Silver Surfer 4 Truth be told, my choices are: ***1st place - Silver Surfer 4 **2nd place - Fantastic Four 50 *3rd place - Silver Surfer 1
I need to figure out how… jgzachary13 6 2 yearsIronMan (6264): Quick and convenient always means less money. Slow and time consuming means more money. You have to choose. If achieving maximum value, you are going to have to sell on eBay, Facebook or find local comic book shows (books in the dollar boxes often sell well) to attend. On eBay you just put 10-20 books in a listing so it is worth listing and selling. It's very unlikely any comic book store is going to be interested in trading a key, expensive...
What do you want in your wallet...errr Collection? CBCS vs CGC Scifinator 30 2 yearsSiggy (25634): Another comparison with back cover images.
Questions About Pressing StonewallAT 22 2 yearsDrWatson (59640): @cesidio No, not really. It can lift some paint pens.
Misclassification Ronin 12 2 yearsRonin (23): $63 for a last ronin lost years retail incentive cover which is regular comic size. The $96 is for the last ronin issue #1 which are a little bigger
Slab change Abyss919 8 2 yearsgrapeape (501): I agree about leaving it in the slab. It will be extra protection. If you're not experienced cracking cases you might accidentally harm the book. Good luck and welcome!!
How are Restored Comics Graded PennyDeadful 4 2 yearsSilversorrow (2188): From what I've seen generally around 40-50% of what a blue label of the same grade would get.
Saddle River Comics - New eBay ID & Link drchaos Jump to first page738Jump to last page 2 yearsdrchaos (30062): Big book sold today:
What would you rate this Infinity Gauntlet sign by GP with a COA and stampe BigLouComicGuru 9 2 yearsTravis (540): I think they were generous giving it a 8.5
Update on the astonishing tales 25 signatures. Zombie_Head 8 2 yearsSiggy (25634): I was expecting to see 25 signatures on an Astonishing Tales comic :oops: This makes more sense. Very cool! They look great on the inside.
Damaged book during grading S10angler Jump to first page42Jump to last page 2 yearsCaptainCanuck (6120): . If grading companies are going to treat all books the same regardless of value, why charge a premium to encapsulate high value books?
What is BBBC StonewallAT 22 2 yearsmulti007 (4281): @HotKeyComics i guess its even bigger? not looking...
xkonk's slab sale xkonk Jump to first page147Jump to last page 2 yearsxkonk (18083): @Keylowatts I'm afraid the raws are all out of hand now. You beat me to updating the thread.
250+ CBCS comics for $39.95 (or less)! vacomicon 2 2 yearsvacomicon (190): Lots of fun NEWSTAND variants in this list!! -Brett
Weekly Cover Contest #349 - Universes Collide! dielinfinite Jump to first page47Jump to last page 2 yearsRbolton (8839): Congrats!!!
What signatures are you getting verified? MurrayC 20 2 yearsHulkSmash (11384): I missed the window but I have Larry Hama Peter David Scott Koblish Greg Pak To send in eventually
1,500+ CBCS comics for under 100 bucks! vacomicon 5 2 yearscomicsforme (4166): 😳
VSP: $10 off 4/19-5/3 dielinfinite Jump to first page107Jump to last page 2 yearsKatKomics (31339): pretty sure it's "ship" by the 10th not arrive at CBCS by the 10th Really hope so because my estimated delivery date is the 10th!! hope there are no delays!
My Magazines are graded and ready for pickup! drchaos 10 2 yearsdrchaos (30062): You had me beat by a few months.
My latest EXCEEDING of EXPECTATIONS by CBCS Scifinator 5 2 yearsconsumetheliving (1035): Similar here, 6 book Vintage sub no express option was returned in 25 business days. I'm sending in a mixed lot of modern and vintage next with some mags to follow.
25% off Express Grading through 5/7 dielinfinite 9 2 yearsKCBatmanFan (3032): So I'm getting ready to submit an order. Is Express grading time from the time that they open the box? Or is there something I should do to indicate on the box that it is an Express submission? Also, I haven't made a submission in a couple of years. Am I the only one that didn't realize I was having my books FedEx'd back completely uninsured for years? Looks like there is a separate option for insurance now.
May the force be with Beckett Scifinator 8 2 yearsTravis (540): My prob is the turn around time was so fast I haven’t gotten together my next batch I plan to send out. That’s not really a prob tho. It’s a more so I haven’t planned ahead that far in advance. But I do like to send off a small bundle when there is a promo it dose help out on the cost
Grading scores on website? xanman2112 9 2 yearsTravis (540): Yeah what everybody else said. But I don’t like to look at that stuff I let it be a surprise when i get them back.
Monthly (Comic) Book Club - April - Jack Kirby’s New Gods dielinfinite 28 2 yearsxkonk (18083): New Gods #6 to finish the story. It seemingly picks up pretty immediately, except Orion is already on Apokalips with his fancy equipment again. Obviously other things have been happening though, as the planet is full of machines that Darkseid wanted built, and we see characters that weren't introduced in the original series. And Lightray shows up; apparently his beating from Kalibak wasn't fatal. But we also get the old favorites back, as...
For Sale: Infinite Crisis 5 CBCS 9.8 1st Jamie Reyes Blue Beetle, More? 00slim 19 2 years00slim (18687): ASM 316 & 361 SOLD on fee-bay.
SELL or HOLD? Scifinator Jump to first page34Jump to last page 2 yearsPolarisNuclearSS2020 (1380): Thanks for the suggestion. I only have 2 books for sig verification, a Spider Man 1 signed by McFarlane with his Spiders Web store stamp on the BC and the IG 1. Shipping and insurance to CBCS for those 2 books would cost me about the same as what I’d save on those 2 books. There’s nothing time sensitive WRT either of those books; no movies coming out etc. I will sub them at Baltimore in October, it’ll cut out the risk of shipping...
What are the smallest size comics CBCS grades? RareComics 18 2 yearsSpaceguy (37): What are the smallest size comics CBCS grades? I think I have the answer you're looking for- 1). The Atom 2). Ant-Man 3). Dollman 4). The Atom- Golden Age
Which one is accurately graded??? Scifinator 25 2 yearsBigRedOne1944 (11568): This
Latest CBCS Submission drchaos Jump to first page51Jump to last page 2 yearsdrchaos (30062): Mission accomplished! With two CBCS guys pitching in it only took us just over three hours to get everything done.
Superman vs The Amazing Spider-man Geekme 13 2 yearsdpiercy (4842): I did a video when I picked up my Superman/Ali book a few months ago. Really great book.
Proof someone is monitoring my posts... Scifinator 5 2 yearsEbayMafia (37349):
SILVER AGE BOOKS ADDED SilverAgeSlanger 6 2 yearsRjman48 (306): Good luck getting more eyes on your site, bypassing that fee eating monster that ebay is!
Trade my Action Comics #33 CBCS 5.0 and Superman #15 CGC 3.0 CWill2021 8 2 yearsCWill2021 (963): Hi Yes possible trade(s) for early Superman or Action Comics (1939-1940) graded books
Dealer Account / Witness Geekme 8 2 yearsGeekme (17): Is Matt the one to contact for a dealer account as well?
Looking for THIS X-Men 94 - Reward for hooking me up! DrBalls 8 2 yearsBatman79 (1227): Good luck DrBalls
Grade Shock? codychunn Jump to first page65Jump to last page 2 yearsDrWatson (59640): Three graders has become an urban legend buried in the sands of time.
CBCS Payment unkownmikevictor 6 2 yearsByrdibyrd (24736): That happened to me one time a while back with a submission that had both pre-screen and non-pre-screen books in it. I received a credit for the book(s) that didn't pass pre-screen (I don't remember how many books).
WonderCon - March 24-26 - I will be in Artist Alley ThorneArt 9 2 yearsThorneArt (2065): Not that I know of. :)
Venom #3 CBCS 9.8 - Kirkham Variant Cover B Signed 3 times! fakadar 2 2 yearsfakadar (13): 1 day left
At which point should you grade? ronbatman 13 2 yearsronbatman (55): It's worthwhile grading at this point Batman 608 - 9.6 and above Batman 609 - 9.2 and above Batman 610 - 9.6 and above Batman 611 - 9.8 and above Batman 612 - 9.4 and above Batman 613 - 9.0 and above Batman 614 - 9.2 and above Batman 615 - 9.4 and above Batman 616 - 9.4 and above Batman 617 - 9.6 and above Batman 618 - 9.6 and above Batman 619 - 9.6 and above Usually, I do this on our Instagram account but this one would take too...
Finally got my 2 favorite books! Action Comics #33 and Action Comics #1 CWill2021 11 2 yearsByrdibyrd (24736): @CWill2021 @flanders @Sigur_Ros :D:heart:
USPS Media Mail? FoxBe 22 2 yearsDrogio (8091): Priority just gets there faster and has insurance (which is a joke for those who’ve tried to claim). I’ve yet to see packages “handled” differently. I’ve had more damages from mailing items priority than media mail/first class combined. But usually medial mail/first class items are small/less than 1lbs too.
CBCS mail call Zombie_Head 8 2 yearsZombie_Head (3612): Thanks everyone
You can't handle the truth! drchaos Jump to first page34Jump to last page 2 yearsdrchaos (30062):
My February 2022 submission of 694 books has been completed drchaos 28 2 yearsNellYXL (6): Yes, I also thought about printing my book, but so far I am confused by the difficulties.
I Have Some Questions About The Form Bryce 7 2 yearsThelastpearce (164): One thing not covered by the above advisors who did a spectacular job by the way, is when using E-bay, click on the advanced tab and check sold listing so that you what the book actually sold for not what someone has it listed at. Also you can use other sites that sell comics regularly and probably have more reliable values than Ebay. clickable text clickable text clickable text
For Sale: Booster Gold #1 DOUBLE SIGNED CBCS 9.4 00slim 7 2 years00slim (18687): Bump?
CBCS 10th Anniversary Convention Scifinator 22 2 yearssborock (48469): I would make it if my schedule allows! :D
New Highest Price in Grade Scifinator Jump to first page169Jump to last page 2 yearsScifinator (15992): Looks like a new record high price surpassing all cgc sales in the GoCollect database! Sold for $55 before shipping charges.
WTB: Action Comics #1 Reprint - CBCS graded CWill2021 1 2 yearsCWill2021 (963): WTB: Action Comics #1 Reprint - CBCS graded Looking for a 10 cent version
Notice of when CBCS is not open? FoxBe 9 2 yearsFoxBe (17): glad you got your books! if it was just over the turnaround time, may be worth checking if fell within a closure or if you are due back some money/credit for the grading fees. That’s what “guarantees” are for =)
A Cautionary tale Scifinator Jump to first page89Jump to last page 2 yearsDrogio (8091): Shocked the date marking was listed as a defect. I think that’s awesome. Although the year isn’t there, you know when that book was on the shelf. Wonder if that took it down 0.5 or so. Maybe graders approach this differently now. I have 9.8s with dates on them…but they are stamps, not ink.
Sorry that I have been MIA.... sborock 23 2 yearsesaravo (103073): @sborock - Congratulations on your new gig, Steve! It didn’t take you long to go back to being a workingman. Keep making ripples my friend, and always remember, if you get confused, listen to the music play. “Such a long, long time to be gone And a short time to be there”
Stolen books Necro 26 2 yearsNecro (16): I hope you are able to give me an answer.
Avengers 4 ~ CBCS 4.5 For Sale OmahaComics 9 2 yearsMmanick (288): Great book
Order says SHIPPED, but no movement… WndrWmn74 6 2 yearsmulti007 (4281): Shipping from Texas has been delayed for about 2 weeks due to the ice storms. My Steve Rickets sketch cover said "shipped" starting on Jan 25. But fedex JUST picked it up yesterday from cbcs. Even My Comic Shop has been shut down for about 2 weeks now. (I missed out on a private signing because they didnt ship the order in time before the deadline). It is what it is... the world's largest comic book art website AnthonySnyder 6 2 yearsmulti007 (4281): Holy crap- you have over 140,000 listings!
Fantastic Four 3 - CBCS 3.5 For Sale OmahaComics 1 2 yearsOmahaComics (32): $1460 Shipped in US, Canada add $35 ACCEPTED PAYMENT check, money order, Venmo, or Paypal FF No returns on CBCS books
Weekly Cover Contest #334 - They call me Mellow YELLOW! esaravo Jump to first page66Jump to last page 2 yearspeterc777 (2058): Looks like I'm gonna have to come up with a topic :D. Thank you to everyone who participated! It's getting late and I'm off to bed, so I'll have a new contest up sometime before noon Eastern on Friday.
FS: X-Men 133 Newsstand, CBCS 8.5 lawguy1977 6 2 yearslawguy1977 (7589): @jfry20002000 No worries, totally understand, and thanks for looking. @DrWatson And thanks for pointing that out! :)
MCS Weekly Auction Ending Monday 1/23 flanders 6 2 yearsflanders (29068): Ending tonight
Pedigree - Keep, Sell, Trade Scifinator 20 2 yearscesidio (2429): My opinion I'd sell. Or trade put proceeds to a number 4 1 or 3 in that order. My two cents
CBCS ART Label Sketch Covers For Sale ThorneArt 1 2 yearsThorneArt (2065): I have some of my sketch covers available. All drawn by me. All prices are shipped free in the USA for Forum Members. Rick Grimes The Walking dead #115 - CBCS ART Label - $150 Vader in Bacta Tank Vader Down #1 - CBCS ART Label - $150 Bloody Governor The Walking dead #115 - CBCS ART Label - $150 Vader Burned - CBCS ART Label - Darth Vader Annual #1 - $150 ...
authentication services donho Jump to first page39Jump to last page 2 yearsNuffsaid111 (20672): How about "CGC is incompetent". Now THAT would be cool!
Price reductions and new items for sale! Scifinator Jump to first page35Jump to last page 2 yearsScifinator (15992): - SOLD - 2001 A Space Odyssey (1976) 1 CBCS 8.0(21-22F6136-001)Sold for $29.00 Batman (1940) 500D CBCS 5.5(21-22F6136-014)Collector's Edition. Sold for $21.00 Conan the Barbarian (1970 Marvel) 125 CBCS 9.8 (19-279A9AA-184)Direct Edition Sold for $51.00 Crypt of Dawn (1996) 2 CBCS 9.8(20-486CC23-003) Sold for $53.00 Dawn Genesis Edition (1999) 1A CBCS 9.2(21-22F6136-033)Genesis Edition Sold for $38.00 Hercules the Legendary Journeys...
Mail call Zombie_Head 24 2 yearsZombie_Head (3612): @Rbolton those are some nice books to get signed.
Have magazines in your vault for 6 years now myxzeus70 16 2 yearsEbayMafia (37349): I thought it was mentioned previously that signature verification could be done for raw grade magazines. I may be remembering it wrong, I do that. Too bad, seems it would be a quick and easy solution option for pent up demand.
And yet THIS is why I bought comics… WndrWmn74 Jump to first page37Jump to last page 2 yearsEddieTheComicGuy (933): Sending prayers and positive thoughts your way!!! STAY STRONG!!!
All 8 books mislabeled no response please help Contact630 Jump to first page71Jump to last page 2 yearsgrapeape (501): Outrageous. They are going to fail as a business if they are unwilling to fix communication with their customers. Pure dumpster juice in the sweltering heat is how I'd rate their customer service.
Mail call, Merry Christmas! MrNotSoNice 6 2 yearsByrdibyrd (24736): You're correct. Also, pressing on the diaphragm was supposed to stimulate breathing, but it was rarely successful. CPR and mouth-to-mouth may not save everyone (not by a long shot), but it was a huge improvement on this approach.
Your book(s) are now in the grading room drchaos 18 2 yearsRyan4421 (371): I just don't see how they are sending out promotions claiming that pressing turnaround is now 18 weeks for normal turnaround but all of us (and countless other customers) are still waiting almost a year for books that we paid for Express turnaround and the estimates on the website still say 490 business days...I'm no mathematician but this all seems a bit north of 18 weeks.
Christmas BLOWOUT! CBCS UNDER $50! vacomicon 4 2 yearsScifinator (15992): @vacomicon -Thank you, same your way.
del Toro's Pinocchio Nuffsaid111 4 2 yearsMrNotSoNice (3552): I thought it was brilliant.
Holiday Trade? stanley_1883 5 2 yearsstanley_1883 (2001): Msg sent
Weekly MCS Auction ending Monday Dec 12th! Scifinator 18 2 yearsScifinator (15992): @KatKomics - A virus is a submicroscopic infectious agent that replicates only inside the living cells of an organism. Viruses infect all life forms, from animals and plants to microorganisms, including bacteria and archaea. Sorry, couldn’t help myself. Also, @katkomics & @flanders, this was the the thread for the previous auction. Lol, i did put bids onthe tmania and venom though. 🤠
CBCS Express Holiday Discount dielinfinite 22 2 yearsRaven7of9 (96): CBCS has refunded the discount amount. Thanks
WWCFMD Scifinator 21 2 yearsScifinator (15992): @Joosh - Hey, new profile pic👍 The cover wrap alignment is definitely part of why I opted for the EW.
Should i Consider this a loss? Image Zero signed by original Image creators Adler28 15 2 yearsAdler28 (13): Thank you Steve, I haven't heard any information yet and i will be vigilant and be as patient as possible. Thank you again for reaching out to them. (Sorry i missed the email on the reply)
49 Slabs for Sale Silver through Modern - Most High Grade jbud73 Jump to first page66Jump to last page 2 yearsHeinzDad (38363): @jbud73, my books arrived today looking great. You weren’t kidding about the Phantom Stranger. Someone pissed in the graders Wheaties that day.
Back from CBCS - Express service experience mbarb 15 2 yearstheCapraAegagrus (2603): This is a fact.
Regrading Question... SpikeSoleil 7 2 yearsSpikeSoleil (6): Okay, thanks everyone! I haven't received the books yet - still in shipment - but I will definitely consider regrading with press screening for some of them.
CBCS Secret Wars #8 dual singed slab kadargo27 10 2 yearsNuffsaid111 (20672): I caught that too. very astute!
TRACK YOUR ORDER!!! Jesse_O Jump to first page88Jump to last page 2 yearsSGT_Comics (250): Development! CBCS now acknowledges my book was shipped. It was marked "shipped" and appears in my "recently graded" field as of November 15, just under three weeks after actually being shipped.
Does CBCS's signature verification count with sketch covers? SoulReaverDan 8 2 yearsPolarisNuclearSS2020 (1380): No sketches can be verified, at all. To be credited on the CBCS label by the individual who drew the sketch, the sketch & signing must be done in the presence of a CBCS authorized ignature witness.
Is it still worth it stanley_1883 18 2 yearsJoosh (4179): “Is it worth it?” Is a question only you can answer. For me, the higher grading costs and softening market means fewer books are worth it. That said, the lacking customer service and long turnaround times are my biggest hurdle nowadays.
Music City Comicon 10/28/22 Submission how to track? actionnerdtoys 18 2 yearsactionnerdtoys (15): Thanks for the clarification
Transporting a large quantity of comics drchaos Jump to first page101Jump to last page 2 yearsdrchaos (30062): Sales have varied from week to week but have been pretty good since the lockdown started in 2020. When I completed an inventory on my ebay books I found that I had about 2,000 slabs that were not listed. When the inventory I took down from ebay comes online with the additional books along with the books coming back from CBCS and the McFarlane signing 2023 should be ly best year yet.
Back from CBCS pretty happy kadargo27 6 2 yearsByrdibyrd (24736): @power_struggle55 I'd consider the Beckett Authentication if you're concerned about the signatures not being authenticated. I can't think of any time I've heard of signatures from those creators being rejected, though. It's usually the older crowd like Jack Kirby & Stan Lee who get rejected.
Weekly MCS Auctions by Forum members ending Monday Nov 7th! Scifinator 25 2 yearsKatKomics (31339): 10 minutes - still at bargain prices!
cracked out CGC Spectacular Spider-Man 1 back from CBCS Joosh 13 2 yearsGaard (3436): Last year, when we got those stimulus checks, I was feeling kinda goofy. I didn't really need to buy anything, but my good buddy Donald told me I had to spend the money I got to help stimulate the economy. So I went to Comiclink and bought 8 CGC 9.6s. They were all old cases (I find them easier to crack open) and I'm pretty sure they were all pre-2010. I cracked them all out & resubmitted them. No pressing ... this wasn't in hopes of...
First time submitting, and there are errors… lukkychukky 26 2 yearsScifinator (15992): @lukkychukky - I have had occasions to send back items to CBCS (old style clip cracks and swapped labels). At first I waited for CS response, but realized that I could just send in with explanation and contact info like @Sigur_Ros mentioned, along with a request for credit to reimburse for the shipping coat back to them. Make sure to be point out what you want insured at for the shipping back, in case a Samsonite gorilla gets hold of your...
Production & Processing Archived84 8 2 yearsxkonk (18083): I personally wouldn't bother with the tracker (and I only pay some attention to what it says on the invoice online). Read the TAT threads or "books I got back" threads to see what orders are coming back and when they're from, and use that as a comparison for your order.
"The Official CGC Guide To Grading Comics" - Opinions? CatmanAmerica 27 2 yearsHcanes (6011): @kaptainmyke got a link to the book. If it's a pancake book, slide into my DMs
Could I get some insight on why my book got the grade it did? SoulReaverDan 27 2 yearsJoosh (4179): The question has been answered thoroughly so all I want to say is this forum is the best. A valid question was asked. Valid answers were given; not a keyboard warrior in site. 😎
Standardized .5 grading Sm810 30 2 yearsSigur_Ros (4694): Well thank you.
Is it safe yet? Therealrudolfo 9 2 yearsdrmccoy74 (14333): Send your high end stuff. If you pay the premium and don't want pressing your turn around time is like a week! I Love it. Its expensive but worth it. To me at least
Received a sweet Halloween Mail Call today. Josh7945 4 2 yearsJosh7945 (413): Yeah! It’s from Sleepaway Camp. Signed by Angela (Felissa Rose).
Order Update - Customer Service Jprez111 7 2 yearsLotsaSequel (295): There’s a submission from September and October of lat year with zero updates but I received an email about a submission from November that has moved into grading. Several emails to cbcs have been completely ignored and Darryl Hayden on Facebook has said several times he’d look into it and then proceeded to ghost the crap out of me. At this point I’m assuming these were lost due to the gymnastics cbcs seems to be doing avoiding answering...
Selling Ultimate Fallout #4 1st Print CBCS 8.5 Vboi 5 2 yearsVboi (32): In Canada UF4 always seem to go a bit more due to higher taxes or duties and also higher shipping, but thanks for the info.
Bobby Benson's B-Bar-B Riders 14 CBCS 8.5 SHRUNKEN HEAD/BONDAGE $1 AUCTION PolarisNuclearSS2020 1 2 yearsPolarisNuclearSS2020 (1380): Just saw this CBCS 8.5 on ebay in a no reserve auction format, this seller has this slab and about a dozen other heavy hitters up for auction now, all without reserves and no minimum bids. FTR, I have nothing to do with this seller... I'm curious to see how this CBCS 8.5 performs in auction, book looks cherry from the pics I see but I'm messaging the seller to...
Turnaround time 9.0 dielinfinite Jump to first page999Jump to last page 2 yearsOxbladder (1287): Got the shipping notification. Pleased with the grading on my books, all moderns, all not pressed as I don't care so much about squeezing every last cent out of the books. My Friend's book are the GA's Comic # Title Category Grade 21-3F6107D-008 Wow Comics #14 [1943] Certified 2.0 21-3F6107D-007 Mary Marvel #8 [1946] Certified 3.0 21-3F6107D-006 Mary Marvel #4 [1946] Certified 3.5 21-3F6107D-005 Mary Marvel #18...
Has Anyone Else had CBCS "Misplace" Their Books Travelhound 25 2 yearsPolarisNuclearSS2020 (1380): Only books I get signed are when I literally stand in line at cons with a CGC or CBCS rep and I hand the books over to the writer/artist, than I walk he books in my hands, back over to CGC or CBCS's booth and hand them in with the paperwork. That said, there are a couple guys I'd trust with my books, going by reputation, like Rich Henn etc. But that said, I only get moderns signed, and usually get the signer to write some sort of remark on the...
Grades...thoughts? khanwolfen 3 2 yearsKatKomics (31339): wasn't aware of new tiers, just thought it was prices - isn't the grading the same? should be yes? Has been a few months since I got anything back but they came back in the range I was expecting. I always find it hard to guess since more often than not they get a press - so I take a guess on after press grades!!
Mail Call today Element_Lad 24 3 yearsByrdibyrd (24736): :D:cool:
Comicless for almost 300 days Juicecomics 14 3 yearsJuicecomics (12): I have an update! Literally the day after posting the original post I got an email saying my books are graded and on their way!!!!! I think they heard me bitching and gave it to me faster lol, but I appreciate everyone’s input so thank you!
Anyone see this oopsie from CBCS? DJJK Jump to first page41Jump to last page 3 yearsxkonk (18083): I get you. Just saying, that's what was recommended to me. If you're sending a bunch of 9.8s maybe nothing shows up in the pictures, but if one comes back 9.8 and another 9.2 I think chances are good you can find the bend or spine ticks or whatever that cause the difference.
Question re Status Updates ATComicCollector 2 3 yearsdielinfinite (26915): Close. The date you see on the order is the date the invoice was created, not when the books were received. The statuses are per tier so if one tier is in grading those books are in the grading stage and another tier is still “Received” then yes they are still waiting. Be sure to check out the Newbie’s Guide for more information. It’s a little out of date since CBCS revamped their tier structure but a lot of the i formation is still...
What would you do? stanley_1883 Jump to first page33Jump to last page 3 yearsKatKomics (31339): 100% I would mention it to the staff/owner. Now I also accept it's their store and they can do what they like!! Used to (key word there) have a store around here that every book was priced as NM no matter the condition...probably lasted 5 years? There have been a few through the years...but my lcs I have been going to on and off since before I was almost 40 years...on their 3rd owner but they remain while others come and go
Weekly MCS Auctions by forum members ending Mon Sept 26th Scifinator 2 3 yearsfigment (21563): And the band played on... Akira #34 CBCS 9.4 Animal Comics #21 CBCS 5.5 Pogo & Albert Cover Four Color #1119 CBCS 9.0 High Grade Smokey the Bear Pogo Possum #6 CBCS 5.0 Sgt. Fury (1963) #5 CBCS 4.5 First Baron Strucker Silver Surfer (2011) #2 CGC 9.8 Silver Surfer (2011) #4 CGC 9.8 Sub-Mariner (2007) #1 CGC 9.8 ...
Weekly MCS Auctions, by forum members, Ending Monday Sept 19th Scifinator 5 3 yearsScifinator (15992): With today's auctions endings between 4pm - 9pm Pacific and 7pm - Midnight Sons Eastern, the current bids on my items are: If Bidding, thank you and good luck!
Mail Call - EC's and Steranko MrNotSoNice 9 3 yearsMrNotSoNice (3552): I think so. I like the simple, yet dynamic design. EC’s had great graphic design that I am appreciating more and more as I collect them. Nice book considering it is almost 70 years old.
@esaravo shout-out and sort of Mail call Scifinator 21 3 yearsesaravo (103073): @Hcanes - Thanks for the kind words, Greg.
mail call donho 6 3 yearsBuckets (252): @donho Thank you for the info.
Mail call CBCS Zombie_Head 16 3 yearsZombie_Head (3612): All three signed at the same time at Megacon Orlando enjoy.
Missing Comics after being graded...? jdante Jump to first page42Jump to last page 3 yearsByrdibyrd (24736): Yeah... He seems like a nice enough guy but he really Really needs to take a course in public speaking. It wasn't an audition, dude. When making a speech/presentation, you need to look into the camera in order to engage your audience. That 100 yard stare off-camera... Like maybe he was just saying what the little voices were telling him to say... :O:eek:
eBay comics, Check it out joelzstuff 2 3 yearsjoelzstuff (90): Thanks Everyone! -Joel
Three orders in grading, one about 2months, will i see my books soon?? myxzeus70 8 3 yearsByrdibyrd (24736): This is pretty much what I figure. I've only sent emails when I had a return, a billing question, and a dashboard update issue that needed to be addressed. While it's tempting to ask "where are my books in the process because submission XYZ has been parked in '_fill-in-the-blank_' for 6 months" I've been restraining myself because of this exact reason. That being said, my frustration is very real, and it would be grand if things could...
Oversized comics and Grading/boarding Lobofan 6 3 yearsesaravo (103073): I have submitted a few Treasuries to CBCS for Raw Grading. They use Life magazine-sized mylar bags, and they are a little roomy. There are two tamper-resistant stickers on the back flap. ...
Fire Sale Golden And Silver Age! Hulk #2, X-men #1 and more! silveragecomicsuk Jump to first page39Jump to last page 3 yearsflanders (29068): @silveragecomicsuk just a heads up, pgx isn't allowed to be sold or have any photos of the slabs displayed here.
9.9's and 10's from CBCS sly Jump to first page100Jump to last page 3 yearsByrdibyrd (24736): I'm not planning on shelling out for a 9.9 or a 10. For me it's more about whether one of my own books will grade that high.
Weekly MCS Auctions by Forum Members Ending Monday September 5th Labor Day! figment 1 3 yearsfigment (21563): I'll start this week, here's ours... Akira 3 CBCS 9.4 Animal Comics 30 CBCS 5.0 Four Color 754 CBCS 3.5 Smokey the Bear ...
Weekly MCS Auction by Forum member ending Monday August 29th! Scifinator 15 3 yearsGAC (79230): Just saw this....not sure if you got your answer but that signature and art is by Ken Haeser. He used to be contracted to Dynamic Forces...he still could be. clickable text
Vintage Plus changed to Premium after submission and payment leelewis17 27 3 years50AE_DE (6464): Sounds like BS. I'd try to argue the charge.
And so, it begins… Scifinator 10 3 yearsScifinator (15992): FYI, 6 of the 9 submissions that were delivered on Friday 19th were "Received/Processing" throughout the day on Monday the 22nd and the final 3 were "Received/Processing" early this morning, Tuesday the 23rd. We are all Kosh
Comics sent back ungraded but charged Grayson2020 Jump to first page106Jump to last page 3 yearsSigur_Ros (4694): Yea, while he'll probably get nowhere with them, I do find it incredibly ridiculous to charge for grading then just wedge the raw books between some slabs for shipping, then regrade them based on their new CBCS-created condition.
Canada Location Sundog 6 3 yearsKatKomics (31339): yup - Canada location is closed - have to send to the new CBCS US location - double check the main page - I wouldn't trust any downloadable forms to have been updated...
Weekly MCS Auction by Forum members ending Monday Aug 15th Scifinator 29 3 yearsEbayMafia (37349): @figment That Avengers Annual 1 belongs to me now. At least it will, when I pay for it.
FS: GSX #1 CBCS 4.0 Ow/W Pages 00slim 7 3 years00slim (18687): SOLD
Quick Poll Scifinator 18 3 yearsJustThatGuy (5004): If it’s a newer case, then great. If it’s an older case, then great. I am ok with either one. I care for the book. However, I do appreciate CBCS is constantly trying to make the case better and more secure.
Weekly MCS Auctions by Forum Members ending Monday August 1st figment 10 3 yearsetapi65 (4060): Whoo, man, a little surprised at the sales price of the War of The Realms: New Agents of Atlas book I had up. Only 1 sale of CBCS this year, $199 back in January, but the CGC sales from 7/30/2022 were $165, $157, $150. Mine sold 8/1/2022 for $89.
Looking for ASM300 Newsstand CBCS 9.4-9.6 Joosh 5 3 yearsBigRedOne1944 (11568): That indeed is the reason for the 9.4
New sales Thread Slabs & Raw keys Enelson 11 3 yearsGAC (79230): @Enelson Congrats!! Great job!!
Books submitted in August 2021 Grades are in drchaos 4 3 yearsdrchaos (30062): Next group is getting scanned in at CBCS now: Archie (1943) 19 CBCS 3.5 (21-2F3E3D3-002) Archie (1943) 134 CBCS 5.0 (21-2F3E3D3-001) Archie 80th Anniversary Everything Archie (2021 Archie) 1E CBCS 9.8 SS Parent/Shultz (21-2F3E3D3-019) Witnessed Signatures: Dan Parent and Jeff Shultz (both with sketch) on 07/31/2021. Collector's Edition. Archie and Friends Superheroes (2021 Archie) 1COLLECTOR.A CBCS 9.8 SS Parent/Shultz...
Signature Failure What does it mean? MrESauce Jump to first page40Jump to last page 3 yearspoka (25534): well - this one do
CBCS grading carbon fiber and acrylic covers? quick1unc 2 3 yearsHcanes (6011): I've seen CBCS graded Bloodshot #1 Carbon Fiber cover variants. So I would say yes to that
"My Comics" section Element_Lad 9 3 yearsElement_Lad (2457): Trying this out first since they link with and I am a member there as well. Thank you @DrWatson I realize this is only the slabbed comics not the multitude of long boxes and their contents.
Distributor ink overspray confusion leelewis17 19 3 yearsEbayMafia (37349): Having been caught in the same situation, I was very understanding and supportive initially. But in my company we quickly adjusted our communication to customers. And we didn't allow a perpetual flow of new higher priced work to take precedent over the early jobs that had been given wrong TAT's. We did everything in our power to come as close as possible to the estimates we had given customers.
another CBCS success story! ERB_in_CLT 20 3 yearsmulti007 (4281): yea - lots can happen in that year. Interest can drop cutting the value of the book in half. If its a witness or signature verification, the artist could have passed away and the book doubles in price and you cant capitalize on the jump right away... I could die. Then my wife is getting books a year later wondering "what the heck do i do with this - off to Goodwill!" its a risk for sure. lol
5 Day Ebay auction started today! Lots of Keys & 1st Appearances! KaptainKia 9 3 yearssportshort (20126): I had the exact same problem, I closed my browser (after a dozen wasted attempts), and it works fine now.
Raw Grades stanley_1883 12 3 yearsEbayMafia (37349): In that case, just get them slabbed. The money you save in using it as a prescreen couldn't possibly make up for the money and time you would spend on the service.
MCS Prime Auctions by Forum Members - Auctions ending July 11th-15th Scifinator Jump to first page78Jump to last page 3 yearsflanders (29068): Last bump: We Live #1 CBCS 9.8 - Current Bid ($46) well below FMV
What happened to 2-day modern? KidMiracleman 3 3 yearsdielinfinite (26915): @KidMiracleman The entire tier system was overhauled back in April.
Have several slabs I’m willing to part with… WndrWmn74 Jump to first page49Jump to last page 3 yearsWndrWmn74 (791): Wolverine #22; CBCS 9.6 Asking $30; firm + $15 shipping inside the continental US Accept Venmo, Zelle, CashApp and PayPal Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you. More to come later today/tomorrow.
Not Another Sales Thread!? Noblebeast315 2 3 yearsHeinzDad (38363): Ruh roh, I’ll be keeping an eye open. @Noblebeast315 reels me in at some point on all his sales thread!
July Effect, could this have impacted CBCS? Hoarding_Comics 23 3 yearsByrdibyrd (24736): Yes, I was finally able to get some returns for CGC dealt with by posting on their forum after an extended period of time having no luck with CS. I used a thread (I think it was "ask CGC" or somesuch) where people could bring up those kinds of issues. I think CBCS could really benefit from something similar.
Mislabeled Ultimate Fallout 4 as Facsimile Bender3455 Jump to first page56Jump to last page 3 yearsBender3455 (43): FINALLY got the comic back today corrected! Now to figure out where to list for sale. Another 9.6 just sold at auction for 15,800.00, so I definitely have a baseline to go by.
Eclipse's Sales Thread Eclipse9665 5 3 yearsEclipse9665 (260): Updated list of available Amazing Spider-Man comics below. Up to date as of July 3, 2022. NEW BOOKS ADDED -> Lots of McFarlane Added: Amazing Spider-Man Comic Books Up for grabs are a ton of Spider-Man comics. Please see the list below for what I have and prices. Grades are my approximations based on the Overstreet Grading Guide and other resources. These are not professionally graded by CGC or CBCS. They are raw grade...
What Books Do You Have At CBCS/CGC Now 2.0 lawguy1977 Jump to first page170Jump to last page 3 yearsBobashek (991): I just got these back from my June 2021 press and grade. A little disappointed with the final grades on them.
Grade dropped-What to do? Supertom 22 3 yearsNuffsaid111 (20672): Yep! I will always be appreciative that grading companies can verify restoration. That is very important. But somewhere along the way the hobby was stolen from the hobbyists and we all allowed it to happen due to the big money being tossed around when the comic is placed in plastic and a dopey number assigned. That number is only accurate on that day by that "professional"(s). In the end, I don't care. I just sell the stuff...
Looking for Planet Comics JMSComics 6 3 yearsCatCovers (11063): Heh. Briefly thought you'd gone insane. :)
2021 Bob Layton signing TAT's TigerRose1981 14 3 yearsByrdibyrd (24736): @TigerRose1981 I have a few books from my dad, too, but I'll get forum detention if I show them off. No smut on the forum!! I did send two of them to CGC to get graded (1st printings of a couple of higher end adult comics in nice shape). We'll see how that goes... My SIKTC #21 has shipped out of Tampa and I'm hoping to get it next week. Fingers crossed. I have a couple other Tiny Onion gold foils (Dept. of Truth #18 & Sandman Universe:...
Kirby Englert print Kas_kas 5 3 yearsdennisqdw (199): Psychedelic, Man ... I need more drugs.
MCS Weekly Auctions by Forum Members, ending Monday June 27th. Scifinator 23 3 yearsNearmint67 (13693): @KatKomics yipee.... :) lol.... Glad for you. Unexpected expenses are no fun.
CBCS Verified Slabs on eBay griffmiester 1 3 yearsgriffmiester (136): Lots of autographs and remarked CBCS verified as well as some Blue CBCS and "other" slabs. Please take a look thank you clickable text
Quandary - What would you do? Scifinator Jump to first page41Jump to last page 3 yearsmulti007 (4281): I’d like to use the Walking Dead #1 pricing. As the popularity of the show skyrocketed, so did the price of that book. But as the show dropped in ratings (significantly I might add) the books prices dropped. I say SS popularity will continue to increase as the character has more exposure.
Flanders's Undesirable Crap for Sale At MCS flanders 26 3 yearsCli4dR3D0g (5431): @flanders OK bro... I'll stand down. Desperately seeking THOT11.
Any Witness/Facilitators for Fan Expo Chicago or NYCC? dielinfinite 10 3 yearsdielinfinite (26915): You can submit on-site if CBCS is at the show but on-site grading is only done very rarely. If CBCS is at the show they can provide an AW for free so you can get the book signed in front of a witness. I was looking for a facilitator because I am not attending the show and would need someone to handle my books for me. Yes, you should be able to submit witnessed signature books via the express tiers.
Status update nrvn77 Jump to first page51Jump to last page 3 yearsnrvn77 (11): @GAC thanks
MCS Weekly Auction by CBCS Forum Members ending 6/20 Scifinator 22 3 yearsEbayMafia (37349): My only big disappointment in the auction was the Turtles #4 9.0 selling for $112. At that price I would have bid on it myself if I could. Everything else seemed to be with 15-20% or so of recent sales prices, which is what I've come to expect from MCS auctions.
Type o or does this mean something? Kasperb991 Jump to first page34Jump to last page 3 yearschester15 (2156): "my bosses wife" Now we have to wonder again here in this post....did Auto-Correct insert "bosses" for the correct word, boss's? Or was that just a legitimate error? And it could be spelled boss'. From - Boss’s and Boss’ are both acceptable as the singular possessive form of Boss. But in any case, it is not bosses.
Raw Grading Turnaround Time BillB Jump to first page31Jump to last page 3 yearsEbayMafia (37349): I mean that you can't consign CBCS Raw Grade books the way you can consign slabs. They will crack them open and regrade them to MCS standards.
MCS Weekly Auction by CBCS Forum Members ending 6/13 Scifinator 24 3 yearsxkonk (18083): I'm torn between "I'm confused why there's so many of them every week now" and "don't worry, you can look at next week's nudie prints already"
Looking for ASM 21 ANNUAL Kasperb991 4 3 yearsDWeeB1967 (13031): @Kasperb991 I'm sorry I could have sworn that I replied but apparently I didn't. Unfortunately, I don't have the Spidey face issue (only the Peter Parker issue) but I came across this today. Hope it helps.
What grade would this fetch? Cosmic_Surfer 17 3 yearsByrdibyrd (24736): The book may not necessarily be trimmed. Try looking at the edge in question edge-on, as in looking straight at the cut edge. Is that edge where it's cut lighter than the rest of the paper? That's a sure sign that the edge has been exposed to the elements for a shorter period of time than the rest of the book, and the book has been trimmed. That's a lot of wear on the edge in that 3rd photo. I imagine that if it were trimmed it might show less....
CBCS Signature Event turnaround Brockstar84 6 3 yearsNuffsaid111 (20672): If you went the Express route and put out $40 + insurance; then probably quickly once done with the signing event. If you go down the standard grading path - TAT is what now? about a year? If you go down the standard grading path and CBCS pressing - I'd buy your tombstone 1st. It's gonna be a looooooooooooooooooooooooong time
Amazing Spider-Man #12, CBCS 8.0 $2000 incl. shipping Smokinghawk 2 3 yearsBigRedOne1944 (11568): Nice Book I would have it re-holder in a New CBCS slab.
Regie Collects new Video about CBCS MurrayC 20 3 yearsEbayMafia (37349): @flanders I would fully agree with selling prices being a true deterrent to CGC submitters choosing CBCS. But I don't think that has anything to do with the look of the label. And as long as the selling value is not equalized, no label will draw those folks over.
Silver surfer 1,3 or 4 Cosmic_Surfer 19 3 yearsJoosh (4179): I’m agreeing with the pack: SS1 is the best of the run for investment. I had SS3 and sold it last year whilst it was still hot. My rule of thumb is never invest in a villain long term. their popularity is fickle; sell when it’s salable.
Membership Type Dealer SLAbLover 2 3 yearsdielinfinite (26915): First, be sure to read through this thread carefully To request to become a witness you must email your request to the Signature Series program manager, Matthew Edwards ( he will instruct you from there And no, a dealer is not automatically an authorized witness
Amateur conservation Cosmic_Surfer 26 3 yearsCosmic_Surfer (13): Thank you guys for your help Fr you guys made my decision a lot easier 🙏🙏
waitin for grades tipper 6 3 yearsxkonk (18083): Back in ye olde grading days they would make grades available as soon as books were graded. And this may shock you, but people would call and argue the grade and insist that they hold on to the book and regrade it. This was probably unpleasant for customer service, and they would have to pull graders out of grading if someone had to provide some first-hand experience in an answer, so it's not great for actually grading books. So they changed...
Cool books that hit my grading desk......... sborock Jump to first page1374Jump to last page 3 yearsByrdibyrd (24736): To be a fly on the wall... ;)
Regie Collects Does CBCS v CGC Price/Value Comparison MurrayC 16 3 yearsBronte (40004): If there wasn't a negative connotation to the purple label I would love the color... The guy who i bought my mustang from did random parts chrome and purple in the engine bay.
Horrible books that hit my pressing desk... SteveRicketts Jump to first page121Jump to last page 3 yearsSteveRicketts (19701): The back cover has a sun shadow and a little light foxing.
Question about grading missing value stamp Tattedcoyboy 19 3 yearscesidio (2429): Years ago I bought a hulk 181 missing stamp. Gorgeous book otherwise. At the time there was no cgc or cbcs. Learned my lesson. According to Overstreet was basically a 1.5. Why I don't buy manipulated or restoration book
My first sub is back!!! consumetheliving 16 3 yearsByrdibyrd (24736): I have a few Peach Momoko variants. So nice. I haven't seen a 'meh' one yet.
Technical Issue with Online Grading Form drchaos 10 3 yearsScifinator (15992): @drchaos creating havoc with monster size submissions!
Oh Yes I did! You Better Frick'n Believe it! BPaxson002 17 3 yearsBPaxson002 (709): I spend 8 bucks on a single book buying via Ebay. I can spend more than 4 bucks wiping my ass.
How do I Group Ship? Aasha881 4 3 yearsAasha881 (5): Thanks for all the info! If we can organize them as several separate orders, just shipped together, sounds like that's the key. Much appreciated!
Something is killing the Children consumetheliving 1 3 yearsconsumetheliving (1035): Hello all, just plugging my ebay page with many key raw/slabbed/signed SIKTC comics. Take a look to see if there is anything worth a purchase.
Submitting for signatures Comicskablooey 15 3 yearsComicskablooey (100): Thank you @Nuffsaid111 for the compliment and thank you@Whammykablam for the info. I did not see the option for the extra fee to speed up the process. $16.00 is not a bad investment for the extra sigs I want.
HELP: Order stuck under "billing" for a month Jacobin64 13 3 yearsNoblebeast315 (2200): That would be ridiculous considering I am sure they are well aware how frustrated their customers are and it ain’t going to stop us from voicing our frustrations. If there was a means for us, their customers to get our questions answered then we wouldn’t be here in the forum consoling all the new customers for finding out how bad the customer service has been recently. Sorry for being so blunt. I’m just frustrated 🤣🤣🤣
Am I correct In questioning this grade?? BigJimSlade 29 3 yearsRonMob (122): Thanks for all the feedback guys. You were all very helpful!
Confused dsilberman 11 3 yearsetapi65 (4060): Sounds like CBCS could have made a really weird mistake. If it's possible for you to show the book and the invoice you submitted (with contact and credit information redacted); people might be able to provide advice/feedback instead of questions
Census Highlander - Part II Scifinator Jump to first page41Jump to last page 3 yearsByrdibyrd (24736): OGE OGE OGE SHGE ...
May the Fourth be With You drchaos 30 3 yearsJesse_O (39345): I'm a bigger Queen fan than a Star Wars fan, but you can't lose by combining them together!!!
Submitted at WonderCon and membership benefits ignored Ketchyfilms 8 3 yearsKetchyfilms (7): At no point in time was I told my 2day submissions would be delayed because the other books were fast pass. If that is really a policy then they should state that up front to anyone who is dropping off in person. I literally would have had them split the order had I known that type of nonsense was at play.
Credit Where Credits Due Brash 4 3 yearsetapi65 (4060): That's awesome. I'm was hoping to get the non-pressing Megacon orlando back before heading to the next megacon orlando, but it's going to be close based on how long my July orders were in labels.
How can you tell if a slab is a fake/scam or not? JMSComics 5 3 yearsJoosh (4179): For someone who hasn’t had the experience of holding various versions of CGC and CBCS slabs it can be difficult to know what’s normal and what’s a red flag. Generally it’s best to look for signs of tampering, both of the hard case and especially cut lines in the inner well.
Missing Books from CBCS - Please Help drchaos 11 3 yearsKatKomics (31339): @Scifinator cool...message sent to Darryl (Darrrrrryyyylllll....Darrrryyyylllll) Hope he responds!!
My eBay listings are ending Friday, Check it out! joelzstuff 1 3 yearsjoelzstuff (90): Thanks everyone that have bought from me before! Anyways, I just posted some raw, graded and some sigs on eBay. My user ID is joelzstuff. Thanks again! - Joel
Current Discount Codes drchaos Jump to first page32Jump to last page 3 yearstheCapraAegagrus (2603): Yes and no. Yes, CGC hired someone to mark packages as "Delivered" for their site's portal. No, this does not mean that the invoice has been "Received".
Receiving Time BPaxson002 Jump to first page31Jump to last page 3 yearsOGJackster (54599): That says it all.
Ending in a few minutes and later tonight Scifinator 5 3 yearsScifinator (15992): @Nuffsaid111 - One unglues it. 😉
ISO ASM #2 and #3 For Sale, Trade or Both. Graded or Raw Gibby357 1 3 yearsGibby357 (114): Need to complete my run of 1-20. Let's see what ya got!?!
Converting Old Tiers For ETA? 00slim 2 3 yearsxkonk (18083): @00slim I'm a little surprised your quickstream isn't back yet. I had some in with a 2-Day order from February and got them back. The quickstream part of the order wasn't pressed although it should have at least been screened; maybe I messed up and forgot it. From memory I think quickstream pressing was like two or three months though, so you must be close especially if you had quick press. Consumer was on the same schedule as the slow...
CBCS Customer Support Ticket #47114 Scifinator Jump to first page31Jump to last page 3 yearsScifinator (15992): @ticktocktyler - So, what are the particulars on your submission??? 🦗 🦗 🦗
Spare a Grade for ASM 194 Cnight Jump to first page31Jump to last page 3 yearsCnight (157): @ComicHoarder what’s the best way to reach Joey? I sent him an email, but I know he is crazy busy. Am I better off PMing him through his CBCS or CGC forum profiles?
Oakville location Greenshields 7 3 yearsGAC (79230):
Why no green or purple label? radd76 9 3 yearsradd76 (583): @DWeeB1967 @dielinfinite Yes I think it’s more maybe that purple label is the better one to have in place bc trimming (can’t be undone) or color touching color breaks (if extensive) is the more egregious defects you want to avoid- (as a buyer)- unless the price properly is reflected for the condition- As DWeeB1967 pointed out- Obviously if it’s a big key I’m paying a lot for I’m looking over the label carefully- but maybe if I’m...
Is Express Plus the same 2-Day? caleb1138 2 3 yearsdielinfinite (26915): The status of outstanding 2-Day modern coupons and prior memberships in general is currently unknown See here for more information
Who is Ezekiel on MCS? Scifinator 1 3 yearsScifinator (15992): Hi. Wondering if anyone on this forum is MCS moniker Ezekiel or if you may now who it is as I am looking to possibly buy quite a few items. Thnx mch
MCS Prime Auction Underway (links and Pics within) Scifinator Jump to first page36Jump to last page 3 yearsBigRedOne1944 (11568): Lots of nice looking Valiant books! Ive been getting some similar Valiant titles from my auction buy listed in my Hip Comic store. Hip Comic store listing Hip Comic Store Listing ...
Should I get this coverless Hulk 2 graded or sell raw? JMSComics 16 3 yearsGAC (79230): @JMSComics For re-sale purposes, keep raw. For the PC...consider a reproduction cover as @ComicHoarder stated. For bigger type books, in my opinion, reproduction covers can be acceptable.
Guideline for tears ? AldoG 7 3 yearsDavethebrave (17405): Dry the small tear up with a paper towel and try to not get so emotional next time.
Magazine slabs catrick339 4 3 yearsBrianGreensnips (15559): There is already a thread for this too.
Magazines - Latest Info? drchaos 4 3 yearsdrchaos (30062): Question regarding signatures. For comics the witnessed signature fee is $20 while VSP is $30. From what Steve posted it seems the witnessed signature fee for magazines is $31 but I do not see any mention of the VSP price for magazines.
TAT Modern: Fast Pass + VSP JoshS2 4 3 yearsHulkSmash (11384): ^^ 2nd. It’s already too late.
Slab Crack Open, Press, and Regrade Questions naftixe 3 3 yearsnaftixe (190): @dielinfinite Thanks for the info!
Re-priced listings at SlabSmart Scifinator Jump to first page94Jump to last page 3 yearsScifinator (15992): Here are the non-auction sales from the past week: Animal Man (1988) 57 CBCS 9.8 Direct Edition. Sold for $61.00 Ghost Rider (1990 2nd Series) 28U CBCS 9.6 Direct Edition. Sold for $82.00 Spectacular Spider-Man (1976 1st Series) Annual 1 CBCS 9.4 Newsstand Edition Sold for $49.99 Spider-Man 2099 (1992 1st Series) 8 CBCS 6.0 Direct Edition. Sold for $25.00 Star Wars Splinter of the Mind's Eye (1995) 4 CBCS 9.4 Sold for $44.00 Terror...
Aliens, Predators, Monsters & Monster Hunters 4 SALE Noblebeast315 1 3 yearsNoblebeast315 (2200): Hello Folks! Selling a couple more graded books from my PC. I am digging deep this time too as these are books I really like. But if I am going to sell I would prefer to sell to the forum board. I have sold to a number of you on several occasions and think highly of many of you. I know I am in good company here with folks who love comics for the right reasons, so I am opening up the treasure chest a little more. All graded books are...
Lost Universes being listed Scifinator 14 3 yearsScifinator (15992): @Reelgee - @EbayMafia is on point. Battletide is a good example of the lower end fringe. I actually had all comics shipped back to me before I started using MCS. I sold mist of the 9.8’s (Battltidr included) on ebay for $50-100. So most of those sales were a double to triple of cost basis. A majority of my comics came back at 9.8 and there were several solid 3 and 4 figure sales. I am Scifinator, so there was a crap ton of Star Wars titles....
Unboxing first CBCS submission - and Thank You! Ryan4421 15 3 yearsRyan4421 (371): Thanks, and yes it did arrive looking less than ideal since it was a pretty heavy box with 11 slabs inside. I was a bit worried that there may have been some damage to some slabs but the shipping team put enough padding inside to keep everything intact to support all that weight.
only one in census donho 24 3 yearsBigRedOne1944 (11568): I cringe whenever I see scribbling or writing on a book....... Im out
... zim0zum Jump to first page58Jump to last page 3 yearsSiggy (25634): I don't- I've submitted 7 books out of 15,000+/- But if I start selling, I might, unless things keep getting worse.
Noobs are the experts on slabs and God forbid if yours isn't good enough drchaos Jump to first page80Jump to last page 3 yearsPolarisNuclearSS2020 (1380): Correct @poka , I posted the abpove and than read the end of Bill's post on here. 10+ years changes that situation, obviously. That said, I have yet to be fleeced on ebay, only had 1 buyer attempt to rip me off. An overseas buyer bought a raw silver age marvel ASM key off me a few years back for a couple hundred, like a Fair, and filed a item not as descried. He posted up a pic or 2 of the interior of another copy of the same issue #, with...
Suggestions to help improve Turnaround Times - Wrong Answers Only! dielinfinite Jump to first page45Jump to last page 3 yearsScifinator (15992): @Jesse_O - That's just....wrong. :D Musta been dat wrong turn in Albuquerque.
FANTASTIC FOUR #52 CGC 9.0 OW/W - OPEN TO OFFERS, TRADES, & TIME-PAYMENTS!! Top_City_Comics 6 3 yearsCWill2021 (963): Are you selling the 7.5 graded copy of FF#52? -----------------------------------------------------
Grading Special Labels Nick 20 3 yearsHexView (521): Pretty sure the just put that info on the back instead. Friggin label donkeys 🙄
Tynion Signing Dayzzgoby24 19 3 yearsByrdibyrd (24736): Yes, it will. Still waiting on my books in pressing, but I know it'll work out once I get them back.
Ice Cream Man #24 Marat Mychaels Virgin REMARKED hogan36 3 3 yearshogan36 (198): @Byrdibyrd Thank you! I love them!
Graded Silver and bronze keys for sale Rjman48 8 3 yearsRjman48 (306): Defenders & Subby going to eBay real soon. Buy direct from Certified Comic shop to save $. Send him your inquiries
Slabs for Sale Jprez111 1 3 yearsJprez111 (78): Hey All, Was going to sell these to my LCS, but figured I’d throw it out to you guys if interested. Looking to unload these 3 slabs. 130 + Free USPS Priority shipping for all three. Would consider individual sales. DM if interested.
How my Avengers #4 turned out... MrNotSoNice 15 3 yearsHulkSmash (11384): @MrNotSoNice sweet
Beautiful Wonder Woman Sketch Cover for Sale WndrWmn74 9 3 yearsPre_Coder (20086): Nice sketch cover. Let's see the one you're not selling.
1st IG LiveStream & Blind Mail Call by Scifinator Scifinator Jump to first page59Jump to last page 3 yearsteacha777 (1180): What’s worse is when that happens after the press :’(
To Grade or Not to Grade - Wolverine 8 Jprez111 28 3 yearsJprez111 (78): Thanks all. Right now, I think I’ll keep it raw for the time being. Although this is for the personal collection, I do agree with cost-value analysis some of you mentioned. But that could change in the future. It’s always nice to have a comic slabbed, but not a necessity. Good luck to the others!
MCS Auctions Live Now rgreenson 1 3 yearsrgreenson (786): I have a few graded comics up for auction on MCS. (All CBCS Graded) Batman (2011 2nd Series) 1B CBCS 9.8 Detective Comics (2016 3rd Series) 1000COMICMINT CBCS 9.8 Walking Dead (2003 Image) 100H CBCS 9.8
Flanders's MCS Prime Auction Listings Ending Next Week! flanders 11 3 yearsflanders (29068): @EbayMafia thanks, I think I'm losing $20 at the moment :eek: but that's the risk of slabbing dreck.
does it matter what postal service i send my comics in to be graded with? tgriffs 10 3 yearsHAmistoso (26178): It is a HUGE deal to USPS employees.
Still waiting. mchoi0921 13 3 yearsKatKomics (31339): yup - this had pressing 8 books -4 with press screen - none needed and 4 where I knew they needed a press Don't care about the TATs on these 8 - all are setup for MCS to pickup at CBCS - these were never coming home!!
250'ish graded comics for trade before I consign to MCS for Sale Scifinator 11 3 yearsScifinator (15992): Here is an additional 100 Malibu/Bravura/Ultraverse titles that I will be sending in on top of the other 250 comics. Let me know if interested in any trades or such. Bravura (1994) Preview Book 1A CBCS 8.5 Break Thru (1993) 1A CBCS 9.8 Break Thru (1993) 1 HOLO FOIL Ltd Ed. 1 of 5,000 CGC 9.8 Breed (1994) 1A CBCS 9.0 Breed (1994) 1A CBCS 8.5 Breed (1994) 1A CBCS 8.0 Breed (1994) 2 CBCS 9.8 Breed (1994) 3 CBCS 9.8 Breed (1994)...
How Are You Spending Your Tax Return? dielinfinite 25 3 yearsComicNinja0215 (6205): Buying comics and sending comics here!!!! the clear choice indeed!
Interesting Stat Scifinator 7 3 yearsScifinator (15992): @etapi65 - Haven't had the time to box up and send to MCS yet, so yes, still available for trade or offers. Here is the thread link: 250 Comics soon to be shipped to MCS
Ebay - trying to arrange am item return from Canada to US drchaos Jump to first page35Jump to last page 3 yearsPolarisNuclearSS2020 (1380): @drchaos , any good action come your way on this?
Learn from my mistake...Thor 134 MrNotSoNice Jump to first page50Jump to last page 3 yearsBronte (40004): Nice books to have. Gratz. I recently got a second copy of edge of Spider-verse 2 and my first instinct was to check for sticker. I had never opened a book with digital copy before and had to go through the book twice to find out what exactly the sticker even looked like.... (my other copy was purchased slabbed)
Batman #108 Szerdy hogan36 7 3 yearsByrdibyrd (24736): This is true, too.
USPS Changing 1095 Boxes drchaos Jump to first page51Jump to last page 3 yearsdrchaos (30062): If you have a 1092 box just try to put it inside the 1095. If fists easily into the old ones. The new ones are too narrow for the 1092 to get close to fitting.
Unfamiliar Grader's Notes Offpanel 6 3 yearsDrWatson (59640): You'll probably get more suggestions once people show up at work to goof off on the computer.
Grading Process Question hapaknack 3 3 yearshapaknack (4): Thanks, I called and talked to someone. I got my billing issue resolved with only 1 call. So CBCS is definitely improving their customer service on the phone side.
Yet another sales thread xkonk 23 3 yearsGAC (79230): Flawless transaction! Thanks @xkonk Alex! Received today, perfectly packaged, very secure and fast shipping. Would buy from again without hesitation. 🍻
Journey into Mystery #85 CBCS 4.5 - Open to offers, trade, & time-payments! Top_City_Comics 3 3 yearsTop_City_Comics (38): This book is on it's way to a better home, tho I do have one other copy on hand... More books upcoming!!
Some Keys & some Rarities part of 33 CBCS 9.6 - 9.8 Comics Auction! Scifinator 27 3 yearsScifinator (15992): I have a White page 9.8 at 299.99 and a 9.6 at 97.99. Had a listing for 9.8 white sell for $320 via ebay/MCS store back in Sept.
Interesting comparision of slabs/labels sborock 23 3 yearsBelarak (1278): If you watched all the videos in this series you will see where 2 of the test book cases he sent to CGC came back destroyed. They sent the five he sent back in three different shipments. One of the boxes the cases were badly cracked. I hope not bad enough to hurt the books, he didn't say. He apparently didn't realize that CGC will ship the books back to you in different shipments if they aren't all the same. He has the custom Spider-Man label...
I set a CBCS fast pass record? LOL ERB_in_CLT 15 3 yearsThorneArt (2065): That TAT is amazing! Also, that sketch cover is FIRE! kudos to the artist!
How long does it currently take for an order to be marked as "Received"? PhantomStranger271 14 3 yearsgotham44 (246): I submitted reholders in the beginning of August. Still doesn't show as received, only submitted. Is this normal? its been around 6 months now
Anyone using sborock 9 3 yearsBronte (40004): Just got an email. My hulk 181 is supposed to be comic of the day
Red label to Yellow label change in Grading Notes comixoasis Jump to first page49Jump to last page 3 yearsScifinator (15992): @dielinfinite - I agree, no designated place, not SOP and nor do they request it.
Flanders' Comic Emporium Listings on flanders 10 3 yearsflanders (29068): Marvel Preview #3 CGC 6.5 sold on myslabs. The rest of the dreck is still available.
CBCS - Anyone Else Experience Horrible Customer Service? JoshuaFilm27 19 3 yearsSigur_Ros (4694): Received in August... CS finally answered the phone in November... Then failed to follow through with their solution. It's quite unfortunate the only help you can get is from randoms on an internet forum. I'd like to think CBCS isn't ok with this, but we read it all the time.
New Increased CGC Fees drchaos 20 3 yearsByrdibyrd (24736): @Lord_Raiden You are not wrong. I understand that they've apparently spent some cashola on things and 'need' to raise prices/drop discounts to cover for it, but what I'm seeing for my money is a huge push for trading card grading, and guess what? Not my cuppa tea. I think I'll take my business to CBCS.
TorpedoCon books?? AKilgour 3 3 yearsjsa (5): I am in the same situation as you @AKilgour. I decided to submit some books for the very first time and decided to use CBCS at TorpedoCon. I paid for fast pass for the entire order and for pressing services and the rep calculated that I should receive my books this past December which coincides with @Sigur_Ros timeline. My books moved to processing within 2 weeks if I recall. About a month ago I reached out to CS to get an update and they...
19 Comics up for Sale in MCS Auction ending Monday Jan. 3rd. Scifinator 22 3 yearsEbayMafia (37349): It's 5:15 on the West Coast. All the Bud Root print auctions are over...let the comic book auction commence! Auction link:
New Years Day Slab Sale Noblebeast315 4 3 yearsNoblebeast315 (2200): UPDATE: the following books are no longer available. - Frankenstein 1 - Supernatural Thillers 2 - Supernatural Thillers 5 - Dark Horse Presents Annual All the best.
X-MEN #1 CGC 5.0 OW FOR SALE/TRADE - Open to offers, trades, time-payments! Top_City_Comics 9 3 yearsTop_City_Comics (38): THIS BOOK HAS BEEN MOVED VIA MEGA-TRADE!! MORE BOOKS TO COME!!
Super new to all this just need some guidance on what to do ehustle327 7 3 yearsFuneralBill5150 (87): HIRE MORE GRADERS, PLEASE.
CBCS Signing Event with Ed Hannigan sborock 7 3 yearsByrdibyrd (24736): BUMP!! Thought I'd share what I'll be sending in. Sorry for the horrendous photo. I was trying to keep the cat from jumping on the table with the books laid out and I didn't realise the photo was such crud until I uploaded it. Oops! :oops:
“Name your Price” yearend SALE! Scifinator 12 3 yearsSiggy (25634): I wondered if someone would mention that.
2 months since sent book in MrESauce Jump to first page33Jump to last page 3 yearsxkonk (18083): @Sebastsk8 I don't know that it's so much being "completely fine with the process" as some people have been using CBCS for a while and trust that their books will get back to them. Plenty of those same people have suggestions for how things could be better, but the number of new(er) customers winging complaints into the forum is larger, or at least louder. As to this particular problem, I doubt they're going back to old orders and...
How would you price a newly trending book, like Sleepwalker #1? Collectionary_FTW 24 3 yearsHexView (521): You can't beat The GCD!
Fantastic Four #48 CBCS 5.0 - Open to offers, trades, & time-payments!!! Top_City_Comics Jump to first page32Jump to last page 3 yearsTop_City_Comics (38): Thanks man! I appreciate the kind words! Happy Christmakwanzicka!!
Customer service sucks ass! myxzeus70 21 3 yearsDrWatson (59640): They are closed today and Monday for Christmas, the holidays, and any other festive celebrations.
The trifecta just hit my grading desk.... sborock 8 3 yearssborock (48469): @HulkSmash LOL!
A little holiday parody cheer! Hoarding_Comics 3 3 yearspower_struggle55 (7511): that was fun to read. i have one comic submitted (submitted it at a convention last month). did one as first time doing so. I wanted to do minimal to educate myself. see how long it takes, get answers in between, etc (took a little over a month to get first update). next chance Im submitting 4...maybe 5....6 tops. also test witnessing.
Some Mark Brooks Slabs For Sale ThorneArt 4 3 yearsThorneArt (2065): CGC 9.8 Spider-Gwen #1 (2015) Mark Brooks Variant $SOLD No shipping cost to Forum members!
Sign above the grade Jeremysitb 15 3 yearsScifinator (15992): @CatCovers - with that, I waive the white flag, you win. @esaravo - Boxerbriefs.
FS: Jack Kirby Signature X-Men #2 4.0 AcuMan 10 3 yearsDrWatson (59640): It's the nouveau riche. Next they'll only want to be paid with pictures of money.
What’s a signature worth? stanley_1883 6 3 yearscyrano0521 (1303): Depends entirely on cost to get signed. I don’t include cost of witness or verification, that’s cost of doing business, just like getting a book slabbed.
BATMAN CGC and CBCS comics for sale! Comicsadelphia 15 3 yearsComicsadelphia (44): Hey everyone, this weekend, I am offering 10% off all listings on this thread! I will honor this offer until 8am Monday, for all you over night buyers. Thank you for looking!
CBCS grading damaged books Randomdoge 7 3 yearsHulkSmash (11384): Without damage to the package They have no way of knowing if damages are done enroute to them or were pre existing. People submit books in varying conditions including impact damages. these posts make it seem like CBCS is at fault when all they did was provide the service that was paid for when proper insurance should’ve been purchased by the sender to hold the carrier accountable for damages. If you have $500 worth of comics you should...
Signature or higher grade? stanley_1883 19 3 yearspower_struggle55 (7511): depends on the signature and/or comic. some comics are so old its hard to find anything great....but if its signed by a holy grail like stan lee or Jack kirby....who cares
Some fun books up on eBay griffmiester 4 3 yearsgriffmiester (136): Thank you!
ASP Signature Butter 5 3 yearsdielinfinite (26915): @power_struggle55 It pays to read the starred threads
Is there a preferred or superior comic holder in terms of warping? MRmintastic 20 3 yearsDavethebrave (17405): Thanks. Just checked and mine are really shallow (8 was max) with higher priced books higher. I suspect they can take much more without issue except the risk is if they slip… if not all edge-on-edge.
Weekly MCS/SlabSmart Graded Comics $1 starting bid Auction Scifinator Jump to first page31Jump to last page 3 yearsScifinator (15992): Tonight marks my final auction ending this year. I have the following comics up for auction, with each comic having over a dozen First Appearances & both with WHITE pages and both in the NEW style sonicweld encasements! The Alpha Flight #1 9.0 presents at a 9.6-9.8 at first glance. Try to see if you can find what Graders notes reflect "light 3/4" stain bottom spine back cover". See photos. Bid it, win it, crack it and...
Thanks CBCS! Charlotte Con ERB_in_CLT 5 3 yearsHulkSmash (11384): @ERB_in_CLT are sure his name wasn’t A. Wesome?
creators submitting my books - authentic vs. verified signatures Gabriel85301 2 3 yearsdielinfinite (26915): Yes that can be done if they complete the signature/sketch opp form and include it along with the books. The form should be in the Newbie’s Guide
How does CBCS handle Artist Remarks of cover TheEbner 10 3 yearsschmoff (48): ok thanks
Book went missing? Matusa96 17 3 yearsEbayMafia (37349): Awesome! Now when someone shows up in a day or two with a similar issue, you can be the one to share your experience and talk them down off the ledge.
Signed Comics Directly from Creator - Grading Jprez111 4 3 yearsdielinfinite (26915): There is a form that they can complete (check the Newbie’s Guide for it) and submit along with the books that they send directly to CBCS, along with the invoice to have them graded as Witnessed. If the books are signed and mailed to you they no longer qualify as witnessed but they can still be verified with no further input from the artist, at a cost of $25 for the first signature per book (subsequent signatures on the same book are $15...
CBCS Customer Service Email - No Replies for Months cck3z3r0 13 3 yearsbeastboy1980 (1125): steve is a great guy !!!
Turnaround 6.0 dielinfinite Jump to first page999Jump to last page 3 yearscwazywabbit (79): When I decided to send 25 books to CBCS in April, the TATs set up the expectation they'd be back before the end of the year. There's no way I'm submitting more until I get back my 2 submissions and this crazy TAT has become reasonable. I know it wouldn't stop people really bent on submitting 100s of comics at once, but maybe placing a temporary max # of books at one time per account would deter a lot of it until the backlog is under control....
How long is to long? horseguymoore 10 3 yearsxkonk (18083): @horseguymoore I have a pressing+grading order from the end of February that I'm still waiting on. CBCS is just horribly backlogged, and whenever someone sent in a 2-Day modern order or used fast pass in the spring or summer, the regular orders got jumped. Mine has been in labels for a couple months now, so it's basically done but just has to be finalized. If you want to check the status of your book you can click on the invoice link on the...
FOR SALE: Slabs and Raw Keys Doc_Cop 14 3 yearsDoc_Cop (3100): Giant Size Invaders SOLD SOLD SOLD to the Silver Samurai!
Canada Comic Pick Up Information nickcrozier 4 3 yearsKatKomics (31339): @nickcrozier any update on a physical update?
Check out some of my CGC books for sale! Thanks! Watcher5866 6 3 yearsWatcher5866 (378): Cool! Thanks so much guys!
TMNT Advs. #1 9.8 CPV FMV? MurrayC 5 3 yearsHcanes (6011): A newsstand 9.6 sold for $1250. The bump up to 9.8 is typically ridiculous, why most of us are happy with a 9.6. You'd have to find a CPV collector and I wouldn't be surprised you could get a minimum 2.5k
DEEP From the depths of the PC… Comes a 4 Sale Thread Noblebeast315 4 3 yearsNoblebeast315 (2200): For the record I am happy to provide additional photos of any books you may be interested in.
Uncanny X-Men 281 1st Print in MCS Auction Vrishnak 7 3 yearsteacha777 (1180): Queen we are the champions
FS: Some of my Slabbed Sketch Covers ThorneArt 1 3 yearsThorneArt (2065): I have some of my sketch covers available. All drawn by me. All prices are shipped free in the USA for Forum Members. Rick Grimes The Walking dead #115 - CBCS ART Label - $150 Vader in Bacta Tank Vader Down #1 - CBCS ART Label - $150 Bloody Governor The Walking dead #115 - CBCS ART Label - $150 Vader Burned - CBCS ART Label - Darth Vader Annual #1 - $150 Dok-Ondar Doctor Aphra #1 - CBCS ART Label - $125 ...
Onsite Grading - Online Submission Form dc19dc 6 3 yearsxkonk (18083): @dc19dc unless you specifically know that CBCS is doing onsite grading (and they very rarely do), they will not have onsite grading. You can still give them an order at the booth that they'll take as a regular submission, though. If you choose pickup, that means you'll schedule a time to go to their office in Dallas to pick up your order.
What do you Grade? stanley_1883 17 3 yearsCaptainTim (14): I love Golden Age comics.
X-men #1 Kirby autograph Skaz 14 3 yearsDarkseid_of_town (14297): The simple answer is rarity. While there might be fifty copies of the newer stuff floating around signed by kirby , there might then only be 5 examples of the older more grail type books signed by him.
Fall Sales Thread - Modern Marvels obrie2tm 20 3 yearsobrie2tm (6446): Marvel Super-Heroes #8 - CBCS 9.6 First Squirrel Girl - $300
My submission has the incorrect year what should I do? drmasque 3 3 yearsdrmasque (1): Ok, thanks. At first I was concerned the price was wrong, but that seems fine.
CBCS screwed up my slabbing and won’t respond Patrickjones2549 Jump to first page61Jump to last page 3 yearsEbayMafia (37349): Nah, we would get bored here. It would be like taking the spice out of a curry.
Flanders Dreck For Sale Before Mailing to MCS flanders 18 3 yearsflanders (29068): Ending tonight with a current bid of $31.
Your books are in the grading room! drchaos 15 3 yearsByrdibyrd (24736): And since this is CBCS, the grader's notes will be FREE!!! :D But will my eyeballs pop if I read them...? :O:eek:
Brand New Spawn #230 9.6 Key issue! Watcher5866 10 3 yearsBigRedOne1944 (11568): Very Nice looking Book. Good luck on your sale
Jack Kirby Fans Scifinator 12 3 yearsBPaxson002 (709): I wonder how Houseroy liked working on a Kirby project.
Some new books I got back today! Comicbookzach 22 3 yearsFuneralBill5150 (87): So, taping a $20 to the bag won't help? Now I gotta go crack my box before I mail it out.
New slabs recieved kadargo27 8 3 yearskadargo27 (338): Yeah, pretty happy with the grades trying to up my game in silver age
New to Submitting comics. I have a few questions about the grading screen, unkownmikevictor 11 3 yearsCatCovers (11063): @HulkSmash With press screening, you pay the screening fee either way. If it's pressed, you also pay the pressing fee.
Selling my small Golden Age collection on Myslabs dennisqdw 15 3 yearsdennisqdw (199): :D:D Thanx, makes me feel good to hear that. Parting with them has not been easy, but I've hardly looked at them for decades. Good to know that they'll make other people happy now.
First Time Grading Steph10 11 3 yearsHulkSmash (11384): I sent my first books via my LCS and it took forever (when TATs were not crazy). They do bulk shipments once a week(I believe) and What I did not realize is that I was waiting for any pressing and VSP subs to get mine back. Oh and the LCS “lost” my info; I was lucky I called the day after they received them and still fresh on the mind.
Auction win super bargain? Scifinator 11 3 yearsScifinator (15992): It is always a tragedy when one doesn’t get good wood on the puck. And, @KatKomics - congrats on the new moniker. 🤠
grading timeframe for each step dnguye007 7 3 yearsbrysb (12491): To each their own. I like to know my comics are safe in my home and not in limbo waiting week after week, month after month wondering when they will arrive or when they do arrive will there be some horrible mishap? No thanks, I will just stick to buying already slabbed out better for me. Although I would be tempted to submit one day if the turnaround time gets much faster. Heck, with a 5 month or more waiting period anything...
Still wondering about my lost Megacon submission asapa8 9 3 yearsasapa8 (23): @sborock THANK YOU AGAIN SO MUCH🙏🏻
$1 Starting bid MCS Prime Auction ending Friday Oct 15 Scifinator Jump to first page37Jump to last page 3 yearsScifinator (15992): Here are the current bids on the final pieces left in tonights auctions. Note: the MCP’s if your a Sam Kieth Wolverine/ Cable / Ghost Rider fan. Marvel Comics Presents (1988) 91 CBCS 9.8 Direct Edition. Auction in progress. Current bid: $26.00, 6 bids Marvel Comics Presents (1988) 93 CBCS 9.8 Direct Edition. Auction in progress. Current bid: $31.00, 4 bids Marvel Comics Presents (1988) 94 CBCS 9.8 Direct Edition. Auction...
4 CBCS Graded Slabs FS: Cry For Dawn x2; Batman 244 & Preacher #1 lucjan 15 3 yearslucjan (49): Just wanted to bump this up. Willing to listen to offers. Thank you.
A short story on a favorite comic buy Joosh 8 3 yearsByrdibyrd (24736): @Joosh That is so cool! Congrats on your books. That Batman is pretty nice and I envy you the AS-M.
For sale: CBCS 9.8 Marvel Secret Wars #8 newsstand ralph_malph 6 3 yearstonyz58 (219): Yes?
Signatures... newbie question? ERB_in_CLT 5 3 yearsERB_in_CLT (660): @dielinfinite that is NICE... I think I am sending Green Arrow #1 of his run. Not a major key to be sure, but a big fan of Green Arrow and Kevin Smith for that matter.
Customer Service Complaint/Missing Books from my Order 21-2F46F9A jackblankenship 29 3 years50AE_DE (6464): @jackblankenship You may want to edit out the address on the invoice you posted.
CBCS Detached Cover Slab Notation flanders 16 3 yearsDrWatson (59640): And if anyone is considering a purchase of a CBCS book that looks nicer than the given grade, they can always check the grader's notes to discover the cause... for free.
NYCC CBCS Signings Witness Representative? merlinflex 7 3 yearsNuffsaid111 (20672): Make sure you download the CLEAR App Health Pass for Covid to get in quick. No vaxxy; no attendee :D:eek::(|)
For Sale: Venom and Carnage Mavel Key High Grade Slabs Ryan4421 3 3 yearsJesse_O (39345): Folks, if you aren't buying or interested, move along!! Start a new thread if you want to.
From a Purist perspective Scifinator Jump to first page34Jump to last page 3 yearsKatKomics (31339): I think PGX has it right...once they are slabbed who cares if it's missing coupons or pages or has colour touch - no one will ever know - give grades to all comics..and generous ones at that!!! Overstreet is just a guideline that the grading companies use but have come up with their we can't really say coupon cut is max 1.0 because that isn't how they grade or what the market is accepting of. ...
X-Men Slabs for Sale lawguy1977 7 3 yearslawguy1977 (7589): One more bump before these head out to MCS next week. Still have the following: X-Men 221 - $300 X-Men 133 - Reduced to $275 X-Men 143 - $90 X-Men 164 - $85
Watch this shoe, and see if it DROPS. Scifinator 24 3 yearsHulkSmash (11384): You ever open a box brah? Shiiii…paper cuts for days.
Pressing and cleaning before grading? does it effect? should i do it? asapa8 8 3 yearsteacha777 (1180): If it’s a key the the price difference of a 9.8 and 9.6 will almost always justify the 12$ pressing cost
magazines cases finally donho 25 4 yearscesidio (2429): I was at Monroe pop fest last week. Cody said last he heard was late this year. I hope so. Great lakes is in February. Maybe the few extra months will give cbcs a chance to work any bugs out. The magazine size cases from the other company... tried it once never again
Flander's Slabs at MCS Weekly Auction Ending 9-27 flanders 2 4 yearsflanders (29068): Bump, auction ending tomorrow night. Thanks for looking.
CBCS Announces Stan Sakai Signing! flanders 25 4 yearsmonjoody (1080): I've done two mail-in signings. It really depends on where everyone is located. The Parillo, Mattini signing took the longest. Sent them in July '20 and got them back end of November '20. Also did the Cates, Stegman signing this year. Sent in three (2 for DC, 1 for both) in January '21 and got them back mid-March '21.
Press Screening Question Rinova 5 4 yearsRinova (265): @Scifinator Got it!
Grading, Spine Ticks, Color Break Jprez111 9 4 yearsHulkSmash (11384): they’ve been in conflict for a while now. Lots of collateral damages left in the wake.
Processing?? myxzeus70 6 4 yearsxkonk (18083): @the420bandito this was my plan, and it worked briefly, but then things fell off an absolute cliff.
Invincible Iron Man #9 CBCS 9.8 For Sale Comicbookzach 4 4 yearsComicbookzach (1020): Open to offers
Missing pin-up or poster. Comic_Man 6 4 yearsRexMuff (4634): This was graded November 2020
Lead time from delivered by Carrier to "Recieved" by CBCS ComicBlend 10 4 yearsVrishnak (952): So far by me labeling the outside of the box 2-day mod or 2-day modern they get received pretty quickly. I'd say 1-2 days after showing delivered by my carrier of choice. Grant it the service I am choosing is 2-day modern, so not fibbing it to get my stuff in quicker.
New books! Comicbookzach 7 4 yearsComicbookzach (1020): @Doc_Cop Thank you!
CBCS does indeed open packages upon receipt - unlike others. Scifinator 12 4 years50AE_DE (6464): So that doesn't make it better for those that didn't mess up their orders. Since the majority of the complaints that pop up on this board is regarding the status of their customer's orders, they should make it a practice to update their customer's dashboard when they receive the orders. Taking care of a problem before it happens is much less time consuming, and frustrating for their customers, than to try to resolve it after multiple...
EDIT : Issue Resolved asapa8 4 4 yearsasapa8 (23): @Darryl_H My apologies, I had no idea and I hope all is well. Thank you so much. Just hadnt heard anything and wanted to make sure! Thanks again Daryl :) You guys on here are awesome.
Raw Grade TAT Helric1 3 4 yearsEbayMafia (37349): It was about 4-5 weeks quicker for my April submissions.
CBCS Bob Layton signing! sborock 17 4 yearsByrdibyrd (24736): I know, right? If I thought the investment potential for these books might fizzle out in the meantime, I probably would stick a crowbar in my wallet and shell out. ;)
MCS CBCS Slab Auctions rgreenson 3 4 yearsrgreenson (786): These all end tonight - Links above Currently at $41 - DC Universe Rebirth #1B CBCS 9.8 - Ivan Reis Retailer Incentive Currently at $35 - Detective Comics #1000 CBCS 9.8 - Comic Mint Exclusive Variant Currently at $76 - Flash #197 CBCS 9.6 Currently at $15 - Flash Secret Files and Origins #3 CBCS 8.0 Currently at $55 - Teen Titans #12 CBCS 8.5 Currently at $28 - Walking Dead #108 CBCS 9.8
Communication vision6797 18 4 yearsByrdibyrd (24736): @HulkSmash Very likely. They may also just have landed at the workstation of someone who's a little slower than more experienced co-workers. Again, no reason to hassle people over it. Lots of complaints more worthy of attention than mine. @sborock That is pretty awesome. Reasons why I'm switching from CGC to CBCS keep coming up.
CGC Delivery Confirmation dielinfinite 13 4 yearstheCapraAegagrus (2603): It's been around for awhile. During one of the boards "upgrades" it was not working for awhile.
CBCS Pressing Update SteveRicketts Jump to first page999Jump to last page 4 yearsGibby357 (114): How about 21-2C01651, Steve?
What happened to CBCS Support? honukai92 16 4 yearshonukai92 (1): @dielinfinite @HulkSmash thanks for the advice, I'll contact the shipper and USPS to see if I can get an update customs or tracking number.
New tab on CBCS home page Scifinator 16 4 yearsNamrepus28 (165): I too have experienced frustration with CBCS customer service, but I found this thread to comment on the fact that the cases only showed up as number 19. That's the best thing about CBCS in my opinion. Lol. I kept scrolling thinking, "Where do they mention the cases that manage to never have any Newton Rings?"
Nucleus #1 original cover art + Black Knight #1 Toby 1953 for sale/trade HotKeyComics 1 4 yearsHotKeyComics (5416): I have 2 items available, one is very rare and one is a 1/1. First is the original cover art for Nucleus #1 from 1979, published by Heiro-Graphic. Nucleus is a collection of shorter comic stories and the first one in this issue is "Demonhorn" from Bill Sim featuring a very early appearance of Cerebus. I would post the content page but some of the titles are nsfw, Cerebus fits right in. I've heard this is the first appearance of...
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles slabs for sale MurrayC 7 4 yearsMurrayC (2881): Bump
Mail Call 2.0 WndrWmn74 4 4 yearsflanders (29068): @WndrWmn74 thanks for sharing these amazing books and good luck with the press and regrade on the Titans #44!
Updated Slabs for Sale (Batman, X-Men, Moon Knight and Black Panther) lawguy1977 23 4 yearslawguy1977 (7589): X-Men 129 sold. Remaining books: Black Panther #1 - $125 Infinite Crisis #3 - $90 Big thanks to Cesidio for being so great to work with on some of these sales! Just a super stand up guy.
Encapsulation to Shipping Engreid117 4 4 yearsxkonk (18083): @Engreid117 it's typically pretty fast, but it does seem to be taking a while these days.
Tracking submission at conventiob VicFavero 5 4 yearsZombie_Head (3612): I was told at Megacon it would be roughly 4 weeks before I would see them on my dashboard. Just an FYI
Determine Profit Margin When Deciding to Slab & Sell MurrayC 8 4 yearsSebastsk8 (2354): It depends on the book, if it's something that's an easy sale for worst case $50 profit, I'd do that. If it's something I'm look at more long term I'd go at least 100.
Scifnator Pedigree Scifinator 7 4 yearsByrdibyrd (24736): @Scifinator Very cool! Still waiting on my first 9.9 but I have my fingers crossed.
Hurricane Problems drchaos Jump to first page34Jump to last page 4 yearsDavethebrave (17405): “That sinking feeling” in a water damage comment. Well done. I am confident that water damage is by category the single biggest “grade reducer/collection destroyer” right after mom threw out “those worthless books.” At least post WW2… I mean that the degree of damage and permanence in combination, ouch… I guess comics in attics/sheds with literally crumbling paper too… Happy the OP avoided catastrophe. I mentioned in...
QUESTION! Delivery on Closed Days asapa8 26 4 yearsHeinzDad (38363): well done, well done.......
Rosemont Micro-Con less than 1 week away, new collection revealed! TerrysComics 8 4 yearsTerrysComics (136):
Pressing Question (no pun intended) dfoster43 17 4 yearsdfoster43 (1768): Hey I sincerely enjoy your posts and appreciate the input and the last thing I would want to do is rub anyone's fur the wrong way on the forum but man LOL thanks for Mansplaining. So I'm sorry I prompted your eye-roll and triggered a sigh and the need to create a teaching metaphor using outrageously sarcastic examples but seriously? You felt I needed it broken down like "... My neighbor said his cousin's brother's next door neighbor's...
Rare slab for sale LotsaSequel Jump to first page39Jump to last page 4 yearsLotsaSequel (295): @HeinzDad I’ll be the first to admit I may be biased here but if you’re looking for opinions I’d say buy it!! Lol If you do buy it and pay today I can have it shipped today as well. I do 2 day flat rate with it protected inside of a Gemini mailer.
Auctions and Fixed Price Listings for Jesse's GoFundMe! flanders 26 4 yearsflanders (29068): Joker #1 Neal Adams Variant NM - $39.99 obo - SOLD on Ebay. I'll be making a donation on behalf of @hotkeycomics to @Jesse_O. Other books are still available if there is any interest and no offer is too low.
Looking for brzrkr 1 Ghostdealer 9 4 yearsGhostdealer (7): no sir I do not I just have some that I could get from lcs
Got Some ART Labels Back ThorneArt 9 4 yearsEddieTheComicGuy (933): Awesome sketch covers everyone!!! I’m gonna send some of my sketch covers for that yellow label!!!
Turnaround time. xtraplayer Jump to first page60Jump to last page 4 yearsj_nocera (25): Am starting a new thread.... keep an eye out for it.
Encapsulate Daddygetalong 7 4 yearsDaddygetalong (16): Thank you
Need a little help with a submission Comicskablooey 4 4 yearsdielinfinite (26915): The Original Art option is listed with the Tiers on the right side of the submission form. You will have to also select “Verified Signature” down at the bottom and add Ron Lim as the signature you wish to have verified. The Issue title will just be something like “sketch on board” Please see the Newbie’s Guide for additional information on submitting and services provided by CBCS
What does it take to get a 9.8? MrNotSoNice Jump to first page36Jump to last page 4 yearssoutherncross (33789): Bottle of scotch, the more years on the bottle the better the grade Just joking 🤣
Dynamic Forces Autographs LEPERME5SIAH 5 4 yearsLEPERME5SIAH (1): Thank you everyone!
Silver Age Collection for sale Ladygirl Jump to first page74Jump to last page 4 yearsLadygirl (45): Thanks for the tips
2-day modern books STILL IN SUBMITTED AND ITS BEEN ALMOST 2 MONTHS. Logan3claws 10 4 yearscyrano0521 (1303): You need to give invoice #, at the very least, and send a message to Darryl H; he can at least tell you if there are/were just a ton of 2-day submissions ahead of you, or if some problem arose and they haven’t been able to get ahold of you.
CBCS versus CGC - your best pitch ERB_in_CLT Jump to first page78Jump to last page 4 yearsMatterEaterLad (2642): CGC is Kleenex. CBCS is facial tissue. One is the industry standard. The other came along later and is virtually identical.
Golden Age Batman and Wonder Woman slabs for sale andrewscomics 11 4 yearsBobashek (991): Do you have any GA Batman 9 or older or Detective earlier than 77?
WTB: 9.9 and 10.0 Superman Unchained jgzachary13 3 4 yearsjgzachary13 (187): @dielinfinite Yeah. I figured it’s worth a shot though.
Population Report? PopCultureGuy 9 4 yearsjesseaweiss (110): Gotcha. Thanks again.
Swamp Slabs For Sale Noblebeast315 4 4 yearsNoblebeast315 (2200): @esaravo Hey Ed thanks for the ask. I will pass this time.
My recent CBCS haul ERB_in_CLT 6 4 yearsERB_in_CLT (660): fingerprint smudges left back cover light edge & corner wear light spine stress I think I see the smudges on back cover. It looks like the spine might have some wear. I was hoping this was going to be a 9.8, but assumed 9.6 might be more realistic, so a bummer.
New into grading need help please manouro 6 4 yearsmanouro (5): Perfect thank you 👍
Amazing Spider-Man graded books and other Marvel books!! Comicsadelphia 14 4 yearsComicsadelphia (44): Venom #2 (2018) CGC 9.8 Ryan Stegman cover - $80
Excellent job CBCS at Megacon. Zombie_Head 4 4 yearsJesse_O (39345): LOL!!!
For Sale: X-men #4 CBCS 9.8 and Avengers Forever #1 Westfield Variant 9.8 sckao 8 4 yearsbeastboy1980 (1125): nice covers
A dilemma. What to do? comixcited Jump to first page44Jump to last page 4 yearscomixfan59 (171): That doesn’t even make sense.
Prodigy 1-6 CBCS 9.8 2-6 9.4 1. Netflix adaptation Jetsetfive 1 4 yearsJetsetfive (8): #1 is a 9.4 the others are all 9.8 Great series plus the Netflix adaptation is right around the corner. $350 plus shipping. Let me know if anyone is interested.
Going to be adding some additional comics to my MCS/SlabSmart store Scifinator 2 4 yearsScifinator (15992): So, here are the Indie publishers that I will be sending to MCS. It will be about 400 additional comics so it will take some time. If anyone care to offer an opinion or desire as to which publishers I send first, feel free to let me know. Big Entertainment Bravura Broadway Chaos Continuity Defiant Event Majestic Malibu Sirius Tekno Topps Triumphant Ultraverse Cheers
Mail Call z24autox 7 4 yearslucjan (49): Beauty books! Love the 9.9! Don't see that often. Congrats! Lu
Batman CGC and CBCS for sale!! Comicsadelphia 5 4 yearsComicsadelphia (44): @beastboy1980 thank you!
Slabs for Sale - Infinite Crisis 3 and Detective Comics 27 Fan Expo lawguy1977 1 4 yearslawguy1977 (7589): Couple slabs here for sale. Shipping is via USPS Priority Mail and included in the price. I accept payment via PayPal. Any questions, just let me know. Thanks for looking! Infinite Crisis #3 - First Jamie Reyes (new Blue Beetle) - Perez Variant. Asking $110 OBO
Suggestion: Free Scans MatterEaterLad Jump to first page34Jump to last page 4 yearsScifinator (15992): @EbayMafia - ummm no comment.
Batman 232 and Detective Comics 1000 Slabs for Sale lawguy1977 10 4 yearsDavethebrave (17405): Love this book - I need to get mine signed and graded. TATs make yours tempting to just have two haha
Cgc to cbcs slab swap R0gu31 9 4 yearsNuffsaid111 (20672): This brings back memories - getting a return request from an ebay buyer who was livid that I sent him oil-ridden slab. After a no questions asked immediate return, he blocked me... lol. P.S: Newton Rings on the sale were not that bad at all. Low to moderate
PGX Regrade Question DeltaKilo 10 4 yearstheCapraAegagrus (2603): Um, yikes.
2 CBCS graded comics up for Auction w/ $1 starting bids. Scifinator 6 4 yearsScifinator (15992): With one day left, the current bid on the Alpha Flight #1 is $37 The current bid on the WildCATS #1 is at $47. Happy bidding.
question about rivet labels timberghost 23 4 yearssborock (48469): Yep! Lesson learned! :O
Newbie questions Jetsetfive 10 4 yearsradd76 (583): @theCapraAegagrus you should have an artist sign in invisible ink and we test this theory bahahahahahahaha
Thor 4 2nd print signed by Cates radd76 1 4 yearsradd76 (583): Anyone have a CBCS YELLOW LABEL they will sell or trade of this book? 9.6 or 9.8 preferred but will consider other grades.
Any AWs attending Comic Con Prague? dielinfinite 3 4 yearsdielinfinite (26915): I sent an email to the convention’s contact asking if they are aware of any CBCS witnesses at the show. Another long shot but I have to try
MCS "Scuffed" comment - Should I be mad?? dfoster43 Jump to first page33Jump to last page 4 yearsDrWatson (59640): There we go:
Hcanes Slabbed Books for Sale Hcanes 7 4 yearsHcanes (6011): Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 97 Kevin Eastman Studios Variant CGC 9.8 Signed and remarked by Kevin Eastman $175
Submission Status AtlanteanAlliance 3 4 yearsdielinfinite (26915): The information should be on the “Tracking Your Order 101” post on the Newbie’s Guide
WTB Strange Tales #169, 170, 173 and anything with Brother Voodoo flanders 14 4 yearsdfoster43 (1768): Wow that 169 just sold for crazy dosh for a nice copy, like 27K$ ! LOL yikes!
Spawn CGC & CBCS 8.0 - 9.8 and Crossover # 3 CGC 9.0 Comicsadelphia 11 4 yearsComicsadelphia (44): @BigRedOne1944 this is my first time posting (at least a post that wasn’t locked), so cut me some slack. It’s 10 photos, I’m sure your index finger can manage moving that little wheel on your mouse to scroll up and see the prices. If you were truly serious about purchasing a book you wouldn’t sweat the scrolling up, you would just get the book. You just like to seriously complain.
Spawn #9 CBCS 8.0 NEWSTAND $60 + shipping Comicsadelphia 5 4 yearsComicsadelphia (44): @DrWatson But you didn't help, just assisted this problem you say exists.
Detective Comics #667(1993) AUTO CBCS 9.6 NM+ & Batman Eternal #1 CBCS 9.8 Comicsadelphia 2 4 yearsDrWatson (59640): Stop creating a separate thread for every book you have for sale. Create one thread and list multiple books. I suspect you will be receiving a warning from moderation before the day is out.
For Sale Spawn #68 CBCS 9.6 NM+ (1998) Comicsadelphia 2 4 yearsComicsadelphia (44):
Fresh slabs for sale. X-men, gi joe, spider-gwen, miles morales Mattcomics 16 4 yearsMattcomics (4): Edge of spider-verse 2 sold
Submission list: saving/time out PopCultureGuy 11 4 yearsPopCultureGuy (10): I betcha that's it...
Flanders's MCS Auctions Ending 7-14 to 7-15 - Hulk, TMNT, Venom flanders 6 4 yearsScifinator (15992): Open thread to view post.
22 Comics up for Auction (Most are CBCS 9.8) Scifinator 24 4 yearsScifinator (15992): . Current bid $26
Grading Fee Discounts dfoster43 6 4 yearsMrbryceman (307): There was a couple different live sales from a few places I buy from that had the artist/writers there and was signing a certain amount of the books you bought so I dropped a lot of money (wife doesn't know true amount) and got a ton of cool stuff. Signed white Widow books batman/Catwoman and some of the books I have that are signed are metal covers.
Auction ending Monday July 5th. Scifinator 2 4 yearsScifinator (15992): Current bids are: Alpha Flight 1 8.5 = $41.00 and ends around 5pm Pacific/8pm Eastern WildCATS #1 9.8 = $57 and ends around 8:30pm Pacific/11:30pm Eastern. Direct Link:
That didn’t take long. Scifinator 5 4 yearsesaravo (103073): Always, for a price! lol
2021 Mid-Year Progress Report dielinfinite 25 4 yearsflanders (29068): @EbayMafia Steranko's signatures are so aesthetically pleasing, it always enhances the covers they're on.
Newbie(ish) question re signatures and forms ERB_in_CLT 2 4 yearsHulkSmash (11384): If they are CBCS authentic sig; then CBCS will adjust the dates accordingly. You would only need to put the invoice date.
Rosemont, IL alt 2nd annual unplanned MicroCon, Sunday 29th Aug 2021 TerrysComics 1 4 yearsTerrysComics (136): LET'S GIVE THIS A SECOND TRY!!! Rosemont, Illinois SHORTEST-RUNNING Comic Swap! Small is better than nothing, so we are going to do SOMETHING! Restricted Vendor Show - 5 of Your FAVORITE VENDORS! Loaded with LOTSA GREAT STUFF You Can't Live Without! 3Logo.jpg.9ff3854460fea9912a53412ea2c7520d.jpgRosemont, IL MICRO-CON! (Micro-Version) SUNDAY, AUGUST 29TH! 11AM - 4PM Embassy Suites Rosemont ( Across from Donald E....
12 item AUCTION for Jesse_O Final Scifinator installment! Scifinator 22 4 yearsScifinator (15992): Just waiting for the payment on 5 comics from the above auction, so hopefully I can make the contribution this week. Thank you to any of you who bid on and or won any of these auctions. As soon as the payments are completed I will forward 100% of the proceeds to the @Jesse_O GoFundMe account that @SBorock set up. Again, if everyone pays, the total of all three of my auctions should net appx $500 after MCS fees.
MegaCon Orlando CBCS mentioned etapi65 2 4 yearsetapi65 (4060): occurs to me I should have at least tagged one employee. I have no idea @SteveRicketts @sborock @Jesse_O
First CBCS Mail Call peterc777 7 4 yearspeterc777 (2058): Thank you everybody! I was trying to choose books that hopefully somebody might be interested in if I ever have to sell them. I'm more of a DC guy, so these were the ones that came to mind. I bought the “Power Bosom Girl” All-Star back when I started collecting again back in 2007-08 for not very much -- most likely because there's some mold or mildew staining (or something else) on the back cover. I always told myself I would pick up a...
Sleeper Book is now expoloding - 1st Appearance Dylan Brock Doc_Cop 27 4 yearsNuffsaid111 (20672): Doctor Strange just came to mind. Ever been a knock-off of Doctor Strange? Son? Daughter? Dad? A purple Doctor Strange? A Yellow Dr. Strange? Dylan Strange maybe?
Ebay Payment Dispute Update drchaos 25 4 yearsxvipah (4870): Blocked
Slabs, Signed and Swamp Raws 4 Sale! Noblebeast315 Jump to first page33Jump to last page 4 yearsNoblebeast315 (2200): @HeinzDad Awesome! Thanks so much man. Baller Box Bureau would be a great avatar caption. @Jesse_O let’s make that happen! 😉 I can get you both Swamp Thing 8 & 10, no sweat. I will PM you. All the best!
CBCS Celebrity Signed Books jtruong008 20 4 yearsjtruong008 (118): My last CBCS Celebrity signed book. Will Smith, Margot Robbie, Joel Kinnaman, Jai Courtney, and Scott Eastwood.
CBCS June Promo: 5% off Grading Fees dielinfinite 16 4 yearsMurrayC (2881): A Verified Signature discount would be nice. I live in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, and for a number of years, Darwyn Cooke lived here and I have a number of his books signed (e.g. "New Frontier") Steve McNiven also lives here in Halifax and would love to get his books that he signed verified (e.g. "Old Man Logan", "4", etc.) When Ken Stacy visited Halifax for a store signing, I got him to sign my...
Part 2 - New Auction for Jesse_O Scifinator 6 4 yearsDarkseid_of_town (14297): gave the Alpha flight a pretty good shove, but did not get the lead.
CBCS certified ?? xtraplayer 16 4 yearschester15 (2156): It always amazes me that people would think a comic priced less than $100, graded 9.2 would be fake. A) You'd lose money taking the time to fake it - like counterfeiting quarters. B) It's a lot of work to try to fake it, and great risk. C) Close to impossible to do it - swapping it with another comic without somehow disturbing the case, inner capsule, label, etc.???? D) If you are going to fake one, make it worthwhile, like a $5000 comic. E)...
Monthly (Comic) Book Club - May - The Sandman: Preludes & Nocturnes dielinfinite Jump to first page45Jump to last page 4 yearsdielinfinite (26915): Okay, I was wrong, that was my second to last purchase. My last purchase is this copy of Sandman #3, supposedly signed by Gaiman and Dave McKean. I actually used Beckett’s signature review for this book since I wasn’t confident in gaging McKean’s signature myself. McKean’s not an easy signature to find on comics and having it alongside Gaiman was a big plus and the fact that it’s on one of my favorite issues of the early run with...
Wolverine 8 CBCS 9.6 for Sale Comicbookzach 2 4 yearsComicbookzach (1020): I'll take offers!
Auction for Jesse_O Scifinator 15 4 yearsScifinator (15992): Thanks to any who bid. The final bids were $30 for the alpha flight 1 and 82 For the wildcats 1. I suspect the af 1 was lower than typical as a lot of people were probably still in the middle of activities or traveling back from the holiday. I will announce another benefit auction shortly.
New comic store opening in Lewisville TX! Guests:Sam De La Rosa and myself sborock 21 4 yearssborock (48469): @DrWatson They took pics. If I get them, I will post them.
Mail call, you win some, you lose some. Scifinator 14 4 yearsScifinator (15992): @EbayMafia - aha. Thnx mch
Incredible Hulk #1 CBCS 8.5 Exceptional White Pages for SALE! ccmp99 8 4 yearsNuffsaid111 (20672): And with the Ebay 1099 set at $600 next year, Instagram will become more popular imo.
GrailzCon 2021! Celebs, Live Sales and More! ccmp99 1 4 yearsccmp99 (60): June 1st to June 4th ! Check out GrailzCon only @instagrailz on Instagram! clickable text
**CHRIS CLAREMONT AND ROY THOMAS SIGNING** GenuineCOA 9 4 yearsGenuineCOA (176): Only a few days left to get your orders in. Don't miss this opportunity!
WildCATS #1 & Alpha Flight #1 up for $1 starting bid auctions! Scifinator 4 4 yearsScifinator (15992): Auctions end tonight with the Alpha Flight # 1 ending just after 8pm Eastern / 5pm Pacific and the WildCATS #1 ending about 11:30pm Eastern / 8:30 Pacific. Good luck to you if bidding.
Signature & Grading Questions hogan36 3 4 yearshogan36 (198): @dielinfinite Thank you!
Help me help you! sborock Jump to first page237Jump to last page 4 yearssborock (48469): Thanks for the kind words and input!
CBCS Slabs for sale Carpendaddy 1 4 yearsCarpendaddy (70): - pictures of books Payment via PayPal. Shipping will be USPS and shipping charges are factored into pricing. I haven’t sold here yet but if you need references I can provide them. Also have eBay and mercari profiles with 100% positive feedback on both. Amazing Spider-Man 300 CBCS 7.0 - $675 Amazing Spider-man 238 CBCS 9.6 - $1200 Batman Adventures 12 CBCS 9.4 - $1100 Batman & Robin Adventures Annual 1...
FOR SALE: Flash Comics #86 - CBCS 2.5 - WHITE Pages Terry_JSA 21 4 yearsTerry_JSA (86): You guys are totally fine. I forgot I had this thread posted on here and since no one decided to buy it, I just closed it.
For Sale - Some Slabs and Raw Books From My Collection esaravo Jump to first page104Jump to last page 4 yearscesidio (2429): Turtles (original series)1-4 1 2 can be any printing 3 4 1st Thor #4 V1 FF #20 Thor #148 V1 Wolverine returns #1 McFarlane variant color or b&w
what is an "artists Proof" donho 4 4 yearsTowmater (10537): People collect the AP's of the Do you Pooh series. I have several that have ended up in my son's collection.
Alpha Flight #1 Vol 1 auction Scifinator 17 4 yearsScifinator (15992): Sold
Ebay New Listing Format Help & Questions Thread drchaos 12 4 yearsEbayMafia (37349): lol, I wonder if he was short-selling their stock at the time. Sorry, this is how it read in summary view.
Sales slowdown or anomoly? Scifinator Jump to first page56Jump to last page 4 yearsTowmater (10537): Seeing how long TAT's have become in the industry, if I ran a large convention I would offer free space to a grading company if they came and graded at my show. I think it would entice people to the show in big numbers and get people through the doors that might be hesitant to venture out. On a side note, I think that the grading companies might want to freeze new submissions until TAT's get beck to a more reasonable amount of time. Maybe...
CBCS SIGNING WITH JOHN SNYDER III! sborock 2 4 yearsDrWatson (59640): Oh, so it isn't Bo Duke. :(
Top 50 Slabs in My Collection! - Let's see yours! Drahcir Jump to first page82Jump to last page 4 yearsKatKomics (31339):
Question about Grading comics that were never opened. Nemlack 26 4 yearsCatCovers (11063): ASM 300 wasn't polybagged.
Video: 5 Ways CBCS is BETTER Than CGC MurrayC Jump to first page195Jump to last page 4 yearsComicNinja0215 (6205): My CBCS books haven't hit pressing yet and i feel I'll get them back before my CGC ones.
FOR SALE: Iron Man #1 - CBCS 4.0 - CR/OW Pages Terry_JSA Jump to first page47Jump to last page 4 yearsTerry_JSA (86): I’m not sure how someone informing me that my price was a little unreasonable is a personal attack. Sure they may not agree with it but I also don’t want to overprice a book either.
WTB Wartime Captain America, here's a detailed post of what I'm looking for BuffJake09 9 4 yearsBuffJake09 (420): Thanks for the bump!
ISO Superboy (Vol 3) 0 and 9 jfry20002000 4 4 yearsMrbryceman (307): I have 2 short boxes full of Superman/Superboy related comic books. But in total I probably have 36 short boxes all together not counting any of the slabs I have. I'm actually going to look at a collection in the morning which is why I'm out of town so I'm pretty excited. I'll check to see if I can possibly find those 2 books while I'm out in about.
Different auctions CBCS v. GCG Triplecdad Jump to first page33Jump to last page 4 yearsxkonk (18083): The next round of the ComicLink auction started closing so I was poking around a bit. I think the results for Spidey 361 help to show how much data you really need to 'answer' a question about price. The first 9.8 closed at $1305. 18 seconds later a newsstand 9.8 closed at $1700. 18 seconds after that, one signed by Bagley closed at $1100. 18 seconds after that, a second print closed at $566. 18 seconds after that, the CBCS 9.8 (first print,...
#CBCSSundayConversation (On a Monday) dielinfinite 6 4 yearsdielinfinite (26915): I haven’t read it but it seems to be incredibly popular at the moment
SOS...need to flip this 9.8 for the Diego Luna signing ERB_in_CLT 1 4 yearsERB_in_CLT (660): I've not sold on this forum before, so please be gentle. :D $225 shipped Donny Cates signed 9.8 Venom #30 Alex Garner variant I thought I would try here before Mercari (where I do have some minor keys for sale btw ) DM me if interested. Thanks!
FS some slabs and raw books starlord 15 4 yearsstarlord (6337):
First submission questions jef 5 4 yearsdielinfinite (26915): @jef It sounds like you selected a Grade Screen option. Grade screening is when you provide a minimum grade you want the book to achieve before committing to full grading. When Grade screening is selected the book shows a cost of $0 because it is unknown whether you will be paying for grading, a rejection fee, or have the rejection fee waived. Once the books are screened, books that meet the minimum threshold you set move on to full grading...
Will GoCollect blog move the needle on this comic? Scifinator 12 4 yearsJesse_O (39345): CBSI (Comic Book Speculation and Investing) has mentioned Exile comics frequently the last 2 years or so.
Should I resubmit? 99issues 22 4 yearsxkonk (18083): I think a .5 grade demands that something is missing. I could be wrong.
Sent in the wrong book for grading Jprince256 4 4 yearscomixcited (1337): normally the big title fixes come when the comix hit grading. they will catch it.
Weekly SlabSmart/MCS auction ending Monday 4/26 Scifinator 2 4 yearsScifinator (15992): These two auctions end tonight with: Alpha Flight #1 Vol 1 ending just after 8pm E / 5pm P and a current bid of $30. WildCATS #1 9.8 Vol 1 ends just after 11pm E / 8pm P and a current bid of $51. Good luck to those bidding and thanks much for checking them out. Direct Auction Link
Fraudulent CBCS Case?? buildingsbreeding 21 4 yearsbuildingsbreeding (7): awesome, that is exactly what is happening with this book. Thanks everyone. I can now feel good about my purchase.
MAIL CALL Accepting offers griffmiester 1 4 yearsgriffmiester (136): The first batch of CBCS submissions I've made. Admittedly, I probably should have paid for a clean & press on them all, but I was new to the game and did not have the necessary knowledge I have now. 1993 DC Superman Funeral For A Friend Set Of 9 each numbered #281 of 2,000 Signed CBCS VERIFIED with Dynamic Forces COA 1993 DC Batman Knightfall Set Of 3 each numbered #2,487 of 4,000 Signed by Norm Breyfogle CBCS VERIFIED with Dynamic...
Pedigree and provenance discussion thread (post’em if you got’em) CatmanAmerica Jump to first page267Jump to last page 4 yearsxvipah (4870): I've got 2 of them, unfortunately my scanner does not do slabs well, so you have to deal with phone pics ;) Crippen "D" copy of Captain Marvel Adventures #66: And the River City Copy of Ace Comics #82: ...
FOR SALE: Golden Age Captain America Comics #42 & Batman #235 jokioo 9 4 yearsjokioo (642): Sale pending on both books.
Selling Like Hotcakes drchaos 7 4 yearsdrchaos (30062): Thanks! If you check out the auction wins thread you will see where some of the funds went. I am currently putting together a CBCS submission for GSCF in June.
First Books back From CBCS Andaus24 16 4 yearsComicNinja0215 (6205): @Andaus24 facts !!
48 CBCS Graded Comics in SlabSmart MCS Prime Auction Scifinator Jump to first page39Jump to last page 4 yearsScifinator (15992): Looks like no winner this time as the Hulk 250 took the top bid followed very.l closely by detective comics 536. I will probably run the contest again in the July prime auction. Cheers and thanks to any who bid and congrats to any winners.
Curious... What is the MINIMUM Slab Grade You Allow When Purchasing? MurrayC 13 4 yearskidhuman (1438): I have never purchased a slabbed book. For modern, I feel someone will have a raw copy given all the online stores out there. If I was to buy an older, bronze, silver etc. It would depend on the book and all. An Xmen #1, if I happen to have the $$$ at the time, I would go low grade, 1.0 but it would all depend upon the mood, the cover itself since that is what would be displayed mostly, and the timing of everything.
ISO Amazing Spider-man #14 VarelasComicAsylum 3 4 yearsVarelasComicAsylum (4): Sorry, Dallas-Fort Worth in Texas
Contest alert! Scifinator 7 4 yearsScifinator (15992): @Stantheman - Sorry, window closed last night at midnight.
Selling FF52 CBCS 2.5 OW/W Any offers? Comicbookzach Jump to first page33Jump to last page 4 yearsTerry88 (1276): That's great news!
Mail Call xkonk 16 4 yearsxkonk (18083): From a run of the series I picked up. At this grade, certainly the only one worth sending in (unless the market keeps going up on everything forever).
Insurance Herkzy 11 4 yearscyrano0521 (1303): Jerry Siegel signature only adds about 100-150 to book value for most collectors; Dan Jerguns can actually detract from the value, to some people. I would leave them in the $200 tier. If you want faster turnaround, use fast pass/fast press which cuts wait time in half.
FS: Demon #1 cbcs 7.0 starlord 6 4 yearsCli4dR3D0g (5431): Absolutely.
SLABS FOR SALE BronzeAgeBaby 8 4 yearsBronzeAgeBaby (286): BUMP, price includes US ship/insurance
No signing event updates? JoshBungs 1 4 yearsJoshBungs (1): Has anyone gotten their books back from the Johns/Fabok/Anderson signing? Last update I got was that they were at the signing and I only got that by emailing in to ask. Since then no account updates and no responses from customer service. Are things just moving real slow over there?
YouTube Live Stream Comic Book Auction this Sunday Doc_Cop 4 4 yearssportshort (20126): I'll give it to the old college try but no promises, the wife seems to have her own agenda (weird). LOL
Hybrid Grading - HGA Supertom Jump to first page43Jump to last page 4 yearsGAC (79230): My point with this is AI is going to takeover the world and I for one welcome our robot overlords. lol!
How to value 0.3 and 0.1? dielinfinite 16 4 yearsdielinfinite (26915): ahh, the mistake I made was misreading your original comment and thinking you were referring to GoCollect
WHOO, WHOOP! Mail Call Plus! Doc_Cop 16 4 yearsDoc_Cop (3100): Thanks @Darkseid and GAC! Beyond happy to own the Iron Man 1.
Looking to Buy Jackson_p2 5 4 yearsJackson_p2 (1): @KatKomics She played Lorna Dane in “The Gifted”
Latest CBCS Mail Call drchaos 18 4 yearsdrchaos (30062): @Nuffsaid111 @Pre_Coder @MrNotSoNice Glad you like the books. They are now available for sale on My Comic Shop (links and prices in the post above).
Weekly auction ending the evening of Monday the 5th Scifinator 1 4 yearsScifinator (15992): Up for auction this week, a CBCS certified 9.8 WildCATS #1, featuring 10 first appearances, and an Alpha Flight #1 which presents at first glance at around a 9.6, but upon close inspection you have these grader notes: "light stain front & back cover bottom spine", hence the lesser grade. Direct Link: Thanks for checking them out & good luck if...
New to your Collection #10 dielinfinite Jump to first page999Jump to last page 4 yearsEbayMafia (37349): Considering that a Neal Adams signature costs $50, double verification costs like $40 and a 7.5 of this book just sold for over $100...I was surprised to find this Aragones and Adams signed cool cover at MCS for $120: I guess I'm kind of a signature collector now because I grabbed this when I saw it offered on Ebay for...
Venom 26 Variant Covers jgzachary13 14 4 yearsSebastsk8 (2354): This was the first book I did some actual speculative purchases on and bought 10 copies of the trade dress kirkham A covers, they have since dropped in price but I made a few hundred off of them from that gamble. Since then I havent done that really, just bought covers that I liked or were harder to find. The peach venom 30 sketch cover is one of my more favorite recent covers though, the knull/venom cover is a nice one.
Magazine sized submissions danmalek466 9 4 yearskaptainmyke (27134): it was #soon 3 years ago lol
population report ComicNinja0215 9 4 yearsHulkSmash (11384): “Puddle saver project” “Newton rings no more”
Valley Comic Book Convention on Sunday, 28th of March TerrysComics 2 4 yearsmartymann (48475): Excellent Catalog...went through all 42 pages...pleased to see a STUNTMAN #1 but no issue #3. Good luck with your upcoming convention. Marty
Weekly $1 auction ending Monday 3/29 Scifinator 1 4 yearsScifinator (15992): This week, my last 6.5 Alpha Flight #1 is up along with another WildCATS #1 9.8. As with the other Alpha Flights that i have been auctioning, this presents much higher, but for close inspection. Here are the grader notes: 2" stain bottom spine back cover & bottom spine front cover Auction Link: Direct Link Thanks for checking them out. ...
Photo Quality - Or lack thereof Scifinator 17 4 yearsScifinator (15992): LOL somehow I knew some were gonna have fun with the 9.9 /9.8. Honestly, I wanted to illustrate how different lighting affects The photo. With the same camera. Home is LED whhile office is fluorescent. And no, nothing stays displayed at the office. Those are to be sold and boxed up, so no chance of damage from the fluorescent lighting. Home is obviously for my permanent (force ghost) collection. If you haven’t done so before, if you...
ok need help as to submitting timberghost 22 4 yearsComicNinja0215 (6205): @timberghost bother us all you want! this is a great group and like Brian said, lots of folks here are willing to help.
MCS / SlabSmart weekly auction ending March 15th Scifinator 4 4 yearsScifinator (15992): WildCATS 1 9.8 current bid at $56 with a couple hours left Alpha Flight #1 sold at $24
Mars Attacks & MCP Trade? Scifinator 1 4 yearsScifinator (15992): Hi all. Before I send these in to MCS SlabSmart store, I wanted to find out if anyone is interested in picking these up from me in trade? I have: Marvel Comics Presents CBCS 9.8 #'s 90-102, 104, & 106-108 Mars Attacks 1 - 7 (have NOT been pressed) #'s 1,3,4,5,7 are 9.8. #2 & #6 are 9.6. #2 Graders notes: crease middle left back cover barely breaks color#6 Graders notes: light bends middle crease back cover Mars Attacks...
Silk #1 Stacey Lee 1:25 CBCS 9.8 SS Stacey Lee/Stan Lee FS pkpickard 2 4 yearspkpickard (42): Now on Ebay with a $9 starting bid, no reserve.
sUBMISSION PART 2 ComicNinja0215 14 4 yearsHulkSmash (11384): bazinga!
Mail Call: Hellboy goodness Dalkiel 6 4 yearsDalkiel (2090): @sborock Thank you !!
To Press or Not To Press that is the question Rafel 15 4 yearsPuckster (3001): After I sent in my first batch of books about a year ago, my biggest regret was not pressing. Like your wife said, I'm going to end up sending them back at some point to be pressed. When in doubt, press screen.
Kubert signing Comicbookzach 4 4 yearsComicbookzach (1020): It reached grading!
MCS SlabSmart auction ending Monday March 8th Scifinator 7 4 yearsScifinator (15992): Tonights auctions end at Appx 8pm E / 5pm P for Alpha Flight #1 w/current bid at $21 Appx 11:40pm E / 8:40pm P for WildCATS #1 w/current bid at $51 Direct link: MCS / SlabSmart 3/8 Auction Good luck to you if bidding!
If you send in a Red Label to be pressed, do you pay again for Sig Verify? Comix_Toronto 4 4 yearsGAC (79230): @Scifinator @lawguy1977 are correct...send the books back still encapsulated. You'll pay for pressing and grading only. There are no longer Red labels, you will receive a Yellow label. TATs are long...pressing I believe is around 10 weeks and grading is 6-8 weeks.
Crystal Clear Promotion zdoes10 9 4 yearszdoes10 (10935): @KatKomics I did use the fast pressing option.
ISO Batman Vol 1 jfry20002000 2 4 yearsJabberwookie (5694): Any luck? And giving you a bump : )
Anyone Use the Canadian Distribution Centre? MurrayC 26 4 yearsMurrayC (2881): Just got notified that my books have arrived at CBCS. Literally a month has passed since dropping the books off at Canada Post (Feb 4th) to when they got into CBCS's hands for processing (Mar 4th)
A little history / update Scifinator 14 4 yearsJabberwookie (5694): @Scifinator Nice! No judgement here on keeping more. The reason I asked is I’m trying to figure out my own keep vs sale ratio, and of course reinvestment into silver age books. I’m always up for learning from people with more experience than I have.
March Promo: 10% off Grading fees dielinfinite 13 4 yearsKatKomics (31339): wow!!! can send in 6 moderns for press and grade for the same price as 3 vintage! If I sell 3 of the 6 then I'm way ahead!!
CBCS mail-in signings update Jesse_O 14 4 yearsFearTheManThing (5): Any status updates on the Johns, Finch, etc. signing??? Thanks.
Alpha Flight #1 vol 1 & WildC.A.T.S #1 up for auction. Scifinator 4 4 yearsScifinator (15992): With 3 hrs left, WildCATS #1 9.8 is at $53. The Alpha Flight #1 6.5 sold at $43.
WTB (or trade) for Spider-Man Maximum Clonage Alpha Scifinator 4 4 yearsFuneralBill5150 (87): I figured that would be the case but since that book is tough to find in 9.8 I figured it was worth a view. Good luck with the hunt!
ISO Batman 357 high grade jfry20002000 2 4 yearsesaravo (103073): Sending you a PM.
I posted some things... ending on Wednesday joelzstuff 5 4 yearsjoelzstuff (90): I posted some more things, Please take a look Thanks Joel
ISO/wtb Tomb of Dracula 10 cgc Rjman48 3 4 yearsRjman48 (306): Found
WTB: Detective Comics 583 9.6-9.8 00slim 12 4 years00slim (18687): @Studley_Dudley Ok. I appreciate the follow-up.
ISO/WTB Iron Fist 14 Cardiac 3 4 yearsCardiac (2): Sorry for not clarifying that, yes 1977 first sabretooth.
PSA: Witnessed CGC to Witnessed CBCS dielinfinite 6 4 yearsEbayMafia (37349): @steveinthecity Never heard of such a restriction What's that all about? Just thought I would ask before the weekend.
Will the real 6.0 please stand up. CBCS vs cgc Scifinator Jump to first page59Jump to last page 4 yearsScifinator (15992): For the most part, I buy the CBCS label as I feel more confident that the grade is accurate. I only buy cgc if it is way underpriced or I just can't get it in CBCS. And even then, I am more apt to buy raw, read, enjoy (assuming I am not upgrading a previously read and slabbed comic), and submit to CBCS.
re: CBCS February Special (15% off Vintage Grading) MurrayC 6 4 yearsrgreenson (786): Yeah sorry my mistake. 1974 and earlier
When Will We See Cases for Original Turtles? MurrayC 9 4 yearsOGJackster (54599): :D:D:D
Amazing Spider-Man 4 Ramos 1:10 variant CBCS 9.8 Signed Ramos Robodog 2 4 yearsRobodog (56): Lowering the price to $575 shipped. Good until Sunday (Feb 21) @ 5:00pm. Then I’m taking it down and auctioning it off.
Grade me?? ComicNinja0215 Jump to first page35Jump to last page 4 yearsComicNinja0215 (6205): For anyone wondering if the pin up is still in it; IT IS!!!😁
Graded 9.8 Metal Jamie Tyndall Cover - 1 of 25 pocketjacks 1 4 yearspocketjacks (11): I'm offering these CBCS graded metal covers as add-ons for my Kickstarter Campaign for Guinevere and the Divinity Factory #4. A naughty and nice version of the Jamie Tyndall cover are each available.
February Promo: 15% off Vintage grading (5+ books) dielinfinite 22 4 yearssborock (48469): We had better notice that!
Silver & Bronze Keys for Sale! Noblebeast315 9 4 yearsNoblebeast315 (2200): @Darkseid_of_town They are still available. Let me know if you are interested in anything. All the best.
Various modern CBCS slabs for sale Silk, Spider Gwen and Fairyland Robodog 25 4 yearsRobodog (56): Well, I have one more and a very happy customer! LOL I’ll (try to) sell the other one for closer to FMV.
Game: Slab Uno - The Third! dielinfinite Jump to first page999Jump to last page 4 yearsGAC (79230):
For sale ASM 62 Cgroc09 13 4 yearsCgroc09 (244): ASM # 62 SOLD Thanks, Paul
Grade Screen/Raw Grade ggovel 2 4 yearsdielinfinite (26915): Just the raw grade fee
Rejected toledo419 Jump to first page45Jump to last page 4 yearsScifinator (15992): I have been busy moving the past week or so and only briefly popped in for weekly cover and cool book crossing @sborock a couple of times. Looks like I missed 2021: A Comic Odyssey. @EbayMafia I am pleased to learn that you are not indeed an ebay hacker. I had my suspicions, so now I can rest easy. Lol. Night all
How I Spent My Fantasy Football Winnings... tonnage71 12 4 yearsHulkSmash (11384): @tonnage71 I want one now.
Why no new newsstands? comixcited 6 4 yearsxkonk (18083): My memory is that @Joosh has looked into it. I don't know, personally.
Predictions for my ASM #361 grade Ale 22 4 yearsGAC (79230): based on what I see, 6.5
Mail Call for MrNotSoNice MrNotSoNice 9 4 yearsMrNotSoNice (3552): More still... ...
Mail call - Before & After - NFS Scifinator 8 4 yearsScifinator (15992): Well, I think most would tell you I am more Postal than apostle.
Riddle me this... Scifinator 16 4 yearsZombiebigfoot (4269): Smh... Ralphie? Take it from here please... 😝
Auction! 100+ Copper & Modern CBCS 9.8 Keys end TONIGHT (Weds)! vacomicon 1 4 yearsvacomicon (190): I have over 100 9.8 Copper and Modern keys (A-L) ending tonight (weds) 8-1130p EST at's Prime auction. Just go to THIS LINK and type the title below into the search bar. Thanks for looking everyone! Action Comics (1938 DC) #862B CBCS 9.8 Keith Giffen Variant Current bid: $17.00 Adventures of Superman (1987) #424 CBCS 9.8 Direct Edition. Current bid: $27.00 Air Raiders (1987 Marvel/Star Comics) #1 CBCS 9.8 ...
Holy Cr@p! Conan the Barbarian!! Scifinator 23 4 yearsEbayMafia (37349): Sounds like crazy comic prices get made the same way that babies get made.
4 days left! CBCS 9.8's for $17 or less each! See list! vacomicon 1 4 yearsvacomicon (190): I wanted to thank everyone who has bid on my entries in the latest MyComicShop auction (ending in 4 days...or less!). Here's the list of books priced less than the cost of grading you can bid on right now over at: My Comic Shop Jan Prime Auction CBCS 9.8s. Just click the link above and type the title below into the search and you can go right to it. Action Comics (1938 DC) #862B CBCS 9.8 Keith Giffen Variant Current...
what will cbcs do with this book?? Reelgee 12 4 yearsDrWatson (59640): I get an "F for reading comprehension. I thought it was an autographed variant. Yes, the CBCS label should note on it that it is the Dynamic Forces Edition or Variant cover.
HAPPENING NOW! 270 CBCS 9.8's with NO RESERVE! Many for $1 each! vacomicon 6 4 yearsvacomicon (190): Thanks for the support (and bids) everyone! Hope you all win at least one of the books. Woot woot! Brett
8 CBCS Graded Comics w/$1 Starting bids Scifinator 13 4 yearsScifinator (15992): @poka - Congrats and thank you. FYI, i was the original owner of that comic since publication. It was purchased through a local comic shop on St. College Blvd. in Anaheim California. It closed not to long after due to a combo of rent increase along with new competition created by Mile High comics opening there SuperStore a couple of miles away also in Anaheim. That MHC would also close a couple of years later due to the comics crash. ...
wondering gunner 2 4 yearsdielinfinite (26915): One thing to realize is that CBCS Canada isn’t just a Canadian address to send your submissions. CBCS Canada operates under a different tier structure and offers a more restrictive set of services. So options there are not 1:1 with submitting directly. As for why, I would imagine it involves the logistics of gathering the books in Canada and shipping them en masse to the Texas office and back, which already has longer turn-around times...
High grade keys for sale and auction Ambush_Bug 1 4 yearsAmbush_Bug (201): Hi there, I have a number of High grade Books up for auction this week, and some for sale, including a 9.8 SS of Amazing Spiderman #4, first Silk, and a 9.8 Ms. Marvel # 1, Origin and 1st series of Kamila Kahn, Abedo 3,the 2nd Appearance of Usagi Yojimbo, signed with sketch, Silver age keys such as an 8.5 Avengers 47, first Dane Whitman/ The Black Knight and an 8.0 Fantastic Four #33, first Attuma. I hope you can check them out, amongst many...
200+ Copper & Modern Keys - ALL CBCS 9.8's - $1 Auction begins MON Jan 4! vacomicon 10 4 yearsKatKomics (31339): @vacomicon Have them all except the Care Bears and Muppet Babies!!
SIR - Anybody else seeing interior scratch on the new CBCS case? WalkinWillie 22 4 yearsKatKomics (31339): @Jesse_O sigh..I miss the shows...Phish was ok...Further Festival was ok....but the real deal was great...pretty sure if they were still around I could convince the old gang to at least hit a show or two...going on the road to follow them I think would be out though as jobs and family really don't allow for a few weeks following shows from state to state and stadium to stadium like in the old days.....sigh.....
Adam Kubert signing Comicbookzach 4 4 yearsComicbookzach (1020): @Wolverine Very nice choices!
Post your best of 2020! dielinfinite Jump to first page64Jump to last page 4 yearskaptainmyke (27134): Soooo....another popped up on ebay a week or 2 later...and I bought that one too. Got an upgrade in a week. Crazy times we be living in. This is the copy I got beforehand: ...
47 CBCS graded comics up for Auction! Scifinator 17 4 yearsScifinator (15992): And for those Newsstand Fans at $9 with 9 min left:
CBCS Website Update - Store Locator & Turnaround Times dielinfinite 18 4 yearsEbayMafia (37349): Ha! I just figured you insisted on shopping for comic books in those little nylon running shorts they sold in the 70's. With the Nut net removed.
Saddle River Comics Spooktacular Halloween Clearance Sale! drchaos Jump to first page46Jump to last page 4 yearsdrchaos (30062): Just sold this book on consignment with Comic Connect: I have another copy in the same grade that I just listed for sale on ebay:
X-men 94 jfry20002000 2 4 yearsMatterEaterLad (2642): Dang. Just sold my 8.5 last week. Good luck with your search!
CBCS signature verified book robotur 5 4 yearsScifinator (15992): @robotur - Just to be sure, if you do send it in, do NOT crack open. Let CBCS crack it open and as such, it will retain its VSP without having to be charged for re-verification. You may even want to take a Before photo or scan so you can share with the forum when you get back the After. Cheers and welcome.
Magazine size holders cesidio 9 4 yearsHulkSmash (11384): My wife had the idea to omit 2020. So we would just write off This year as if it never happened. Your next birthday not until 2022, no 2020 taxes, and so on. Sounds good to me.
MySlabbedComics Featured Slab of the Day! MySlabbedComics 4 4 yearsvision6797 (129): problem is there is just so much to collect lol
CBCS sees Nestle's $100,000 bar... Scifinator 18 4 yearsDrWatson (59640): I try to stay on my side of the street and not cross over. There are strangers on the other side.
December Promo - 15% Off orders of 5 or more dielinfinite 3 4 yearsScifinator (15992): Rats, I was so hoping for Holiday 2020 20% off or holiday202020 promo. Maybe we get January 2021 21% off. :D
final batch of Auctions are ending today, there are amazing Marvel bargains TerrysComics 5 4 yearsEbayMafia (37349): I drove through that smoke a couple of times today. I imagine it's got to be bad where you are. You can come crash at my place but I would need to go buy some better beer.
WTB X-Men #4 Slabbed low to mid-grade flanders 1 4 yearsflanders (29068): Thanks for looking, please pm me if you have a one and the price you're interested in selling for.
What goes on the label for graded comics? Slesko 2 4 yearsdielinfinite (26915): That would be something you would want to email CBCS customer service about. One thing it could be is that the label notes reflect the status of the character at the time when copies were first being graded, as not every single first appearance is noted for supporting and minor characters, prior to the character’s changes in the 2000’s and the label botes just haven’t been revisited. I have had situations where I’ve had a book graded...
Action Comics CBCS 2.5 OW Pages For Sale RicksComicCrypt 1 4 yearsRicksComicCrypt (30): Just picked this up recently and thought I would offer it up here before trying eBay or another venue. Payment due via PayPal G&S within 24 hours, unless otherwise agreed to via PM beforehand. USPS domestic Priority Mail shipping is included in the BIN price. It will be shipped double boxed. Action Comics 252 CBCS 2.5 OW $865 ...
GAME: Census Highlander! dielinfinite Jump to first page193Jump to last page 4 yearsxkonk (18083): A few of my X-Men order from a little bit ago were tied for highest graded by CBCS but not overall.
Awesome Slabs For Awesome Folks! Noblebeast315 11 4 yearsSiggy (25634): My slabs arrived and were perfectly packaged! Thanks!!
Mega Mail Call!! Squack 15 4 yearsDoc_Cop (3100): One word WOW!! Congrats! Truly grails you can be proud of!
MCS Weekly Auction Star Wars #22 and #39 CBCS 9.8 Ending 11-23 flanders 6 4 yearspoka (25534): Sorry. I am still the high bidder on one of them :)
WTB X-23 1 9.8 Dell'otto Cover Ice9 6 4 yearsIce9 (1): Bump, still looking for this. Thanks.
Just readied 10 comics for CBCS TheLJ 3 4 yearsDarthmauler (364): Good luck on your submission! Hope they come back what you want. I have 10 there grading now and i have another 2 stacks of 10 rrady to go out soon. Once you gwt your 1st book graded and encapsulated back you want more. It is a good addiction to ha e just when picking out books you have either already read them or have multiple copies so you can still read it if you want to lol 😆 thats what i do but everyone is different 😊
Wtb marvel team up 141 Stan Lee sig 9.8 Nystalgik 6 4 yearsNystalgik (21): Thanks guys. I have Stan Lee signed 252, 300, SW #8, first app carnage and Spiderman #1 all 9.8's. don't care if it's cgc, pgx or cbcs. My 300 as Stan Lee 9.8 is actually cbcs and it's a beauty. Love cbcs slabs because I know their grading is impeccable and market hasn't caught up to their quality yet so if I can get them for less it's a higher ROI in the future when market catches up.
CBCS Mail call today Darthmauler 3 4 yearsNoblebeast315 (2200): Awesome books. Thanks for sharing!
Mail call SDCC part 3 Scifinator 8 4 yearsSiggy (25634): @Scifinator I hope you plan to get a proper SS #18. It's a good fight. You'd think so, but it's probably a "Schrodinger's cat" kinda thing.
CBCS vs CGC customer service russ3llk 2 4 yearsruss3llk (59): I am hoping to become a CBCS witness so that I can help others who are collecting in the NC area.
Star Wars #1 up for Auction! Scifinator 6 4 yearsScifinator (15992): Whoops, forgot, doesn't actually end at 7 pm Eastern, the proxy bids end at 7pm. At that time, the live bidding starts and there are about 400 lots before this one, so if I were to guess, this auction will probably hit around 8pm Easter or give or take. Auction link for this Bronze Age beauty: clickable text
SELL a few to SLAB a few comixcited 5 4 yearscomixcited (1337): gonna have a bunch in the next few days. 2 for now... YA #1 9.6 $210 OBO BATMAN #3 9.8 $60 OBO
Vintage order back from CBCS xkonk 26 4 yearsxkonk (18083): @BigRedOne1944 thanks!
500 CBCS 9.8's FIXED-PRICE liquidation! Part 1 of 2! See list! vacomicon 3 4 yearsvacomicon (190): Rock on! Most appreciated! -Brett
500 CBCS 9.8's FIXED-PRICE liquidation! Part 2 of 2! See list! vacomicon 2 4 yearsno1lufcfan (3058): @vacomicon that's some great selection of 9.8s you have there good luck with your sales 👍
CRYSTALCLEAR Promo jgoldenthal 5 4 years50AE_DE (6464): Wow, I'm actually considering getting some books regraded just to take advantage of this promotion. Why is it that they can't get the checkout portion on their website working? It's a poor reflection on the company if they're going to run the promotion, but not let you use the promo code on their own site.
New To CBCS And I Have Questions brand_em 22 4 yearsbrand_em (2): fedex is brutal... i purchased art at $75 USD from the US... seller charged me $35 usd for shipping and then fedex will charge me $25 CAD for shipping too.
Request For Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Collectors SteveRicketts 8 4 yearskaptainmyke (27134): As per Dan Berger and Peter Laird at miragelicensing: Raphael #1 : One-Issue Micro Series first printing First Printing: 1985 Note: First printings were oversized (7 1/2" X 10 15/16" ) (190.5 mm x 277.812 mm) Number of Story Pages: 26 ------------------------------------------------------------------ Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #1 first print First Printing: May, 1984 Second Printing: June, 1984 Third...
Joosh is selling some cheap CBCS & CGC slabs $150 and under Joosh 5 4 yearsJoosh (4179): Bump!
50 CBCS SLABS FOR SALE jbud73 Jump to first page79Jump to last page 4 yearsjbud73 (103): Ok this thread is Now CLOSED. Thanks again to all who made purchases.
Metal cover signature?? Johnjakewish 8 4 yearsthe420bandito (11476):
CBCS - magazine sized slabs??? Patrickjones2549 16 4 yearsScifinator (15992): @SteveRicketts & @SBorock - when you guys are ready, I have close to a hundred mags for you to practice your crafts on.
8 hour flash sale VSP Remarked Thanos Quest 1 & 2 2nd print Scifinator 4 4 yearsScifinator (15992): Gone.
Back from CBCS kon_jelly 3 4 yearskon_jelly (589): I think I got my books in just before a big rush - mine were there the first week of July and were delivered to CBCS in early September.
WTB or Trade for X-Men #266 9.4-9.8 flanders 4 4 yearsHarrisonMade (167): I do have a raw newsstand copy available.
Predator #1 CBCS 9.4 signed by Chris Warner fakadar 4 4 yearsScorpion (1016): agree, More like $150 with that signature,
Awesome Featured Comic (VSP Han Solo Variant) Scifinator 3 4 yearsScifinator (15992): Ouch, that is a bunch of Bantha Fodder. I know that he is otherwise a fairly private person, and 4 fig signatures would seem to make sense with such.
New sales store Scifinator 5 4 yearsScifinator (15992): Just an update, there are now over 1,000 comics listed in SlabSmart at Mostly CBCS Marvel, Valiant, DC, and Image followed currently with a smattering of other independents. That will change over the Next few months. Here is the link again: clickable text Remember, if you give me a heads up that you are making an offer, you will get a 22% discount. If not, i will either decline or counter at 0%-10% depending on the...
46 CBCS 9.8's for $1 each, No Reserve! vacomicon 1 4 yearsvacomicon (190): Another week, another auction! I have 46 CBCS 9.8s at $1 no reserve auctions this week at My Comic Shop. Thanks for looking, and happy bidding! -Brett Amazing Spider-Man (1963 1st Series) 276 CBCS 9.8 Direct Edition. No bids. Click HERE to bid at My Comic Shop! Amazing Spider-Man (1963 1st Series) 286 CBCS 9.8 Newsstand Edition Current bid: $1.00 1 bid Click HERE to bid at My Comic Shop! Amazing Spider-Man (1963 1st...
500 (!!) CBCS 9.8 SLABS! $1 LIQUIDATION AUCTION! vacomicon 15 4 yearsmoodswing (3041): @vacomicon Preview what you will be listing? I need an xmen 94 :)
George Perez Mail Call dielinfinite 13 4 yearsNuffsaid111 (20672): @infinityG you got it!
Not sure if slab was tampered with.. Wontizzl 8 4 yearspoka (25534): @Wontizzl an easy way to see that it is untampered is the heat seal which goes from the inner well to the label (last "E" in Signature)
Mail Call Scifinator 9 4 yearsScifinator (15992): @Doc_Cop Thanks much
Doncha just hate it when.... Scifinator 3 4 yearsEbayMafia (37349): @Scifinator It's good to have friends in high places.
My 1st 2 ever comics graded are back!! Darthmauler 17 4 yearsDarthmauler (364): @sborock Thank you very much! Can't wait to see how my other submissions did! When they return they will most likely be part of the new wall idea my wife and i have 😎👍
My 500 CBCS 9.8's at $1 Auction - CORRECT LINKS Pt 2: vacomicon 3 4 yearsDrWatson (59640): No, you go to MCS.
My 500 CBCS 9.8's at $1 Auction - CORRECT LINKS Pt 1: vacomicon 2 4 yearsbrysb (12491): :eek:
WTB or Trade for - Scifinator 3 4 yearsadgbiking (161): Pm'd
Why I became slab obsessed... Scifinator 13 4 yearsScifinator (15992): Which is one of the additional reasons I chose to use CBCS for the certification of all of my comics. Sure, I could have had some false higher grades for the portion of my collection that I was selling off, but I did not want to reward and perpetuate degradation and mediocrity. And, in the meantime, I am very confident in the grades of my permanent collection.
Is a Double Cover / Newsstand from 1986 a Unicorn? Scifinator 9 4 yearsBriten (1968): My LCS has the same issue with a double cover. If I recall it was a 9.2 outside and a 9.4 inside.
FS: Fantastic Four #52 CBCS 6.0 OW/W (1st app Black Panther) Darkga 3 4 yearsPre_Coder (20086): @Darkga That's a very sharp looking 6. No wonder it sold so quick! Congratulations! :beer:
Some books up for auction with MCS lawguy1977 1 4 yearslawguy1977 (7589): In case anyone is interested, I'm giving the MCS auction a try for a couple books. Batman #2 (2011) graded 9.6 by CBCS and signed by Snyder and Capullo clickable text Wolverine #66 (2003) graded 9.6 by CBCS and signed by Steve McNiven clickable text Auctions start later today. Thanks!
Doing Instagram live today 10/2 5pm EST sborock 2 4 yearssborock (48469): BUMP
Just posted some comics on eBay... joelzstuff 3 4 yearsjoelzstuff (90): Ending today! Please take a look, Thanks again - Joel
X-Men X of Swords Creation #1 Comic hogan36 6 4 yearsxkonk (18083): I don't have personal experience with it, but my understanding is that if pretty much every copy has that damage it will be considered a manufacturing defect and won't hurt the grade that much. A lot of the recent larger Marvel books have those corner issues.
Join the Iron Man #1, Sub-Mariner #1, and Iron Man and Sub-Mariner #1 esaravo 23 4 yearsDoc_Cop (3100): Another 2 out of 3 aint bad!
11 of my comics up for Auction at Heritage Scifinator 19 4 yearsScifinator (15992): @Doc_Cop - Some good results some not so good. Overall, slightly underwhelmed. There is another Star Wars 1 9.4 that will be coming up in another auction, not sure when as of yet. I think after that I will not use Heritage in the future. Anyone here win any of the below? $480 - Amazing Spider-Man 361 cgc 9.8 $110 - Amazing Spider-Man 362 cgc 9.8 $110 - Amazing Spider-Man 363 cgc 9.8 $ 80 - Deadpool #1 (1993) cgc 9.8 $ 12 - Harbinger #4...
Ed's X-Men Run esaravo Jump to first page405Jump to last page 5 yearsesaravo (103073): @Studley_Dudley - I kept with this series a few years longer than any other, and I probably should have stopped at #300. With all the cross-overs, I couldn’t follow the stories anyway.
MAIL CALL - SDCC dropoff continuation Scifinator Jump to first page34Jump to last page 5 yearsScifinator (15992): @DavidM - Were it not for Omega men and the introduction of Lobo, i probably wouldn’t have collected any DC. Back in the late 70’s and 80’s I viewed them as the Empire and Marvel as the rebellion. How times changed by the 90’s. Probably at least 75% of my DC collection is Lobo related. Just loved the irreverence.
local artist verification shadoreavr 3 5 yearsWatcher (4166): I had this happen about 5 yrs ago...two local artists...CBCS was great. They connected and my books were verified without hassle. I suspect they did exactly what @xkonk said and filled out forms. There was zero delay
Impressively priced CBCS Batman 1 doog Jump to first page31Jump to last page 5 yearsMatterEaterLad (2642): I don't think they were requesting that he grade their books. I think the grey area of their concerns were that they didn't know what Nelson's role was as they were working with him at CCS. It was after the lawsuit was filed that he officially moved from President of CCS to Head Grader at CGC, but in reality, they're all in the same building, so who knows where the line is drawn. When IGB improved on a book CCS had restored and sent it to CGC...
thank you! ComicNinja0215 9 5 yearsComicNinja0215 (6205): @Jabberwookie more than likely lolni have a book on its way to CGC but I don't thinknits gonna be as enlightening of an experience this was here
Selling some slabs Dalkiel 6 5 yearsDalkiel (2090): I'll let him know. Thanks! Thanks Sportshort.
I want to play, Batman Adventures 12 Club sportshort Jump to first page41Jump to last page 5 yearsGeeWiz (3223):
Ed's Summer Sale - Slabs and More esaravo Jump to first page136Jump to last page 5 yearsesaravo (103073): Wonder Woman #160 (1966) - CBCS 4.0 with Off-White/White pages, $165 shipped. This book features a Cheetah cover and appearance - although it does not state first SA Cheetah appearance on the label, that is how I see this book listed on eBay and other sites. Note: This book is from my personal collection. I don't believe that I purchased it new, but I know it has been in my collection for over 40 years. I submitted it to CBCS for grading...
Local DFW guy wanting to get comics graded DANtheSoonerfan1 9 5 yearsDANtheSoonerfan1 (1): Thanks guys, have an awesome weekend!
to press OR not to press.... ComicNinja0215 Jump to first page41Jump to last page 5 yearsCFP_Comics (4047): You picked that out of the under $100 box from Metropolis Comics, at a New York or Chicago show.
Big Mail Call...... garreth39 7 5 yearsB3Chandler (171): Nice, really like that Kurt Angle signed issue you have there. :D
CBCS forum ComicNinja0215 13 5 yearsComicNinja0215 (6205): According to Daryl I have a fast press in for my daredevil book so I'm hoping they'll ship by Xmas
Flanders's Comics for Auction at MCS - Ending Monday September 14th flanders 7 5 yearsTedsaid (7340): hey, that star wars is doing much better now!
Reholder for Verified Signature BeardedOne 5 5 yearsBeardedOne (10): Thanks for all the help. Really appreciate it
MutantMania's Super Sales Thread MutantMania Jump to first page66Jump to last page 5 yearsMutantMania (6086): ****SOLD**** Comicraft Marvel Masterworks Fantastic Four 51-60 / Annual 4 Comicraft Marvel Masterworks Amazing Fantasy 15 / Spiderman 1 – 10 Comicraft Marvel Masterworks Fantastic Four 1 – 10 Marvel Masterworks Amazing Spiderman 21-30 / Annual 1 Marvel Five Fabulous Decades Of The World’s Greatest Comics by Les Daniels Last call on Alias 1 CBCS 9.6 Not Pressed - $95.00 with FREE Priority Mail Shipping ...
submission#2 ComicNinja0215 20 5 yearsSiggy (25634): Are the people who verify (BAS) in the same building as the CBCS graders? Certainly for some.
My first checkmark book and more Joosh 17 5 yearsSpiderTim (3431): I might have more but these are the ones I have scanned atm
Receiving acknowledgement Cardzguy 27 5 yearsCardzguy (49): I hope I don't get a bad label for this, but the call felt like it was outsourced to India.
CFP_Comics before and after Iron Man 1 Joosh 22 5 yearsBronte (40004): I opened a new thread to stop hijacking this one.
Beckett Grading Services...for comics? Supertom Jump to first page69Jump to last page 5 yearsGAC (79230): And you came to the forum?! I hope you're wearing a mask atleast?! All kidding aside...I sincerely hope you get better soon.
Advice on Shipping Comics from Continental Europe to CBCS absavior 6 5 yearsNchatzi7 (105): I shipped an order to CBCS sometime in may, the package took about 1,5 month to reach CBCS office (due to the epidemic though). After that the comics that I send for simple grading, no other service, took about 2,5 months to get graded. I had a return of the wolverine 2, the moebius variant which came as a 9,8. When I submitted that it was going for around 700, now last one sold for 400.. Sometimes you benefit and sometimes you don’t. All in...
Several graded comics for sale; Johnjakewish 2 5 yearsJohnjakewish (81): Bump
Some raws, Graded and sigs for sale joelzstuff 8 5 yearsjoelzstuff (90): Ending today in a little over 1 hour. Please take a look. Thanks -Joel
My first time... robo 26 5 yearsTedsaid (7340): Yes, it's very good! "Keys" is just a term of art for "key books" ... new character first appearances or significant events. These are all great keys: the first Deathstroke, the first Iron Fist, the first Sabretooth, the all-new X-Men team (I think Giant Size X-Men #1 is generally considered to come before this one, but this is still highly desired), and the first Phoenix. Just a quick glance, I'd say they are all...
OMG! A HORROR ANTHOLOGY SIGNING AT THE DALLAS CARD SHOW 8/22 GenuineCOA 1 5 yearsGenuineCOA (176): Genuine COA​ is teaming with Aequitas comics​ for the release of OMG! A HORROR ANTHOLOGY #1 at the Dallas Card Show​ on Saturday, 8/22 in Allen TX. You can find Genuine COA at the Aequitas Comics booth for CBCS Comics​ grading, along with SEVEN of the book's creators who will be signing at the show. To celebrate the release, Genuine COA is offering to acquire the book, signed by all seven creators, and submit to CBCS for ...
Signed/Numbered Comic - Verification? Patrickjones2549 12 5 yearsSiggy (25634): It was a sincere question, but I understand it comes off as shit-stirring. Looking at the labels again, I see "(#2833/10000)" is the same as CGC saying, "#2833/10000 Written On Cover", just not as specific at detaching it from the verified sig, but probably enough to CYA. I might just be picking the fly-shit from the pepper pot, but it really doesn't seem "out there" to picture some comic-book-fan-posing...
WTB - Marvel Family 1 low grade, complete Dfanderson 2 5 yearsBatman66 (22547): Great book. Had one, sorry I got rid of it😢. Good luck
Lee Excelsior hologram sticker - Graded? Patrickjones2549 9 5 yearsPatrickjones2549 (25): @theCapraAegagrus Hahaha!!! Damn, you’re so hilarious! Has anyone ever told you that? You should have your own show. Haha! So damn funny!
Recent VSP / BAS verification issue moles Jump to first page72Jump to last page 5 yearsTerry88 (1276): haha ya I agree, after re looking over the paper work, it's amazing that it even ended up slabbed! But that said, I was actually looking forward to the red label to go with the book. I was kinda irritated and really confused when it showed up with a yellow one.
When are grades shown? JosephSMASH 8 5 yearsPuckster (3001): I want the whole "unboxing" experience.
My new book finally Marvel preview 4 donho 2 5 yearsBrashSmurf (980): you sure that's the book you sent in, lol
Ultimate fallout 4 9.8 for sale $899!!! devo3000x 13 5 yearsdevo3000x (17): Awesome Josh, I really like the new cases. Glad it arrived quickly! Tim
Mail Call - Spidey senses are tingling Scifinator 16 5 yearsScifinator (15992): As long as they continue not to damage my comics in grading or encasement and as long as @SteveRicketts keeps up the magic with my press comics, I am good.
Fear of sending my books to CBCS Qillabee 29 5 yearsGAC (79230): @dielinfinite Great book!! Fantastic sketch! Love the Harley character..she's a modern classic...very versatile and I bet artists like drawing her because of it. That's a very impressive 1st sketch for a collection.
Small Mail Call! dielinfinite 11 5 yearsdielinfinite (26915): @Nuffsaid111 Thanks! I’m just glad to finally have it back. The Japanese postal service actually suspended shipments to the USA the day after she dropped it in the mail so it sat in limbo for a month until things started moving again.
How long to wait for Graders Notes?? Deadman 11 5 yearsDeadman (10): That's got it! So, now we know that they don't populate until the invoices are marked as "Completed". Thanks again for all of your help!
Who likes Ashcans? Scifinator 28 5 yearsPuckster (3001): These were part of a collection I acquired recently. Anyone interested? Make an offer. I'll send actual scans if needed. ...
Incredible Hulk 181 should I press? Mikeoliver1313 16 5 yearsElvinv (568): Yea I guess on how you look at it. I look at 5.0 to 5.5 as a half grade increase.
What’s your preference? jaysonslade 6 5 yearsBigRedOne1944 (11568): Mis-Wraps SUCK.
Mail call!! Comicbookzach 19 5 yearsComicbookzach (1020): Agreed. Books lately with 100 variants, some with the same cover but different color backgrounds drove me away from collecting new books. I love the storylines but I love a good cover better, but not enough to buy the same cover 3 times for $100. I'm about halfway through my ASM 1-700 collection, and I'm good sticking to those and other older books.
Metal COA hogan36 7 5 yearshogan36 (198): Thank you all!
Paypal Weirdness drchaos 7 5 yearsJohnnylray (2675): found this recently..EBay says its will ‘move pretty quickly’ on payments transition as PayPal agreement expires.
Absolute Carnage #1 Stanley Artgerm hogan36 16 5 yearshogan36 (198): @crystalphoto Thank you!
Venom #25 CBCS Shannon Maer Ultimate Editio Jedyzon 18 5 yearskon_jelly (589): I have a scanner, so no camera needed.
2 copies g I joe 1 value comparison chefcomics 3 5 yearschefcomics (163): thanks for the info, very helpful. guess i better keep my job
Latest CBCS mail call drchaos 27 5 yearsdrchaos (30062): Sorry for the delay but all books are now priced and available for sale on My Comic Shop.
CBCS launches Census/Graded Population Report spaulus Jump to first page127Jump to last page 5 yearsStudley_Dudley (53812): @Scifinator we can make that happen if you happen to have a Transformers #1 Canadian price variant or a complete TF #1 from Marvel UK.
X-Men #2 for sale Cgroc09 12 5 yearsCgroc09 (244): SOLD. Thanks to everyone for your help and intrest. There's more to come. Paul
Some eBay Comics... Sigs and other stuff joelzstuff 5 5 yearsjoelzstuff (90): Bump Ending tomorrow Thanks again
Naftixe's Sales Thread naftixe Jump to first page45Jump to last page 5 yearsnaftixe (190): Update 07/19/2020 CBCS forum discounted prices. FREE Shipping within USA. International Shipping is extra. All of these Comics are listed in the CBCS Database. Send me a Direct CBCS Forum Message to buy at these prices. $35 Each, or 3 for $100: 9.4 Chastity Love Bites #1 Premium 9.2 Dawn #1 9.4 Lady Death: Love Bites #1 9.2 Lady Pendragon Preview Edition #1 8.0 Preacher #3 9.4 Undertaker #1 DF Alternate 9.4 Untold Tales Purgatori...
What was your first CBCS submission?? Comicbookzach Jump to first page49Jump to last page 5 yearsComicbookzach (1020): Signed by Tim H.!
10 month wait for modern key is over! JustACollector 3 5 yearsPaint_Monk (1843): Great book! (But I'm not liking the overly rounded look of the new slabs)
Mail Call! One of my grails Doc_Cop 21 5 yearsComicbookzach (1020): The colors on that are amazing!
Cracking New Slabs dielinfinite 9 5 yearsdoog (8548): I just let them fall off my wall naturally, cracks them every time.
Opinions please. Scifinator 27 5 yearscyrano0521 (1303): Definitely Red label for the SS 1
Graded Comics for Sale by Scifinator! Scifinator Jump to first page96Jump to last page 5 yearsScifinator (15992): @xkonk & @HeinzDad - I am glad your comics made it to you intact. And, thanks much for the well packed trades! And to all, my sales (or Trades from my Want to Trade? thread) are still available as I have not yet shipped out for consignment.... but soon.
New Slabs, New Submission. What do you think the grade will be? oakcitycomics 26 5 yearsoakcitycomics (924): @SpiderTim Cleaned yes but not pressed due to the square bound. Didn't want to risk spine crushing as it was already squished some. But book was mostly dinged for the foxing.
Slab problem Randomdoge 10 5 yearsInstant_Subtitles (1323): @Randomdoge My experience with CBCS slabs, with me cracking one open because of reasons, is that you (and others) have nothing to worry about. The inner well they use is pretty tough to the point that dropping it did not put the comic at risk. As for having it re-cased (or "re-slabbed") you will find said option here. Their "CBCS Re-folder" option is $10 and is 2-3 weeks. (Godspeed if you also need to have any comics...
New CBCS Slab Sneak-Peak Reviews! SteveRicketts Jump to first page170Jump to last page 5 yearsflanders (29068):
Label variations jedijohnson 7 5 yearsjedijohnson (36): Another interesting find while looking up both CBCS and CGC labels on eBay. All have Ahsoka misspelled. Ashoka vice Ahsoka. hahaha
'raw'grade tonyz58 19 5 yearsPre_Coder (20086): I am sorry to read about your condition, and your business partner's as well... I had no idea. I really like the way you both are approaching your sales,.. as opposed to digging and digging and digging. It must really be a BLAST of an adventure. If I wasn't saving for my semi-classic dream car, I would most certainly be hounding both of you to dig out any PCH books you can find. LOL More power to ya, Buddy! :cool:
Promo code not working? Gaz973 10 5 yearsGaz973 (70): @DrWatson Hey Jim, long time no speak. Hope thinge are good with you. 😃 There were various bits and pieces in the submission including X Men # 5, 6, 8 & 14, Avengers # 11 & 19, a couple of Batman # 189s, some Claremont X Men, 1st Cosmic Ghost Rider and 1st Robbie Reyes Ghost Rider. The grades on the Silver Age stuff weren't all great ones but hopefully worthwhile overall.
Absolute Carnage Slabs FS HulkSmash 4 5 yearsHulkSmash (11384): These are back. Same deal as first post. New links below. Offers are welcome. Bagley Hidden Gem 9.8 CBCS $125 clickable text Premier Variant 9.8 CBCS $75 clickable text Donnie Cates Midtown Comics Exclusive 9.8 CBCS $50
New here; question about Marvel stamps. EvolutionOfEvil 20 5 yearsEvolutionOfEvil (33): Thanks guys. I was more asking because I’ve been watching a few different comics on different auction places and some of them have been CBCS as of late. I’ve been a collector for a bit now and probably have around 30 CGC verified comics but they grade differently in some cases (restored comics for example). I’m just starting to look at CBCS and just wanted an idea of where they stood on the policy of no stamps before I bid on something...
Does cbcs just reslab? cesidio 6 5 yearsdielinfinite (26915): I can’t imagine they would
Doing a podcast tonight 6/15 9pm EST sborock 15 5 yearsKatKomics (31339): Thanks!! I joined late :(
CBCS Book Verification Yoosh5492 21 5 yearsYoosh5492 (763): Thanks guys!! I sold it for $555 shipped pending this label issue. Let me know if anyone here is interested. I would just want to make sure the initial buyer wants to cancel.
How are the slabs made?? TheJokersWild87 20 5 yearsSiggy (25634): Birds & the Bees; Insertion, hot goo shot into cavity, wait (relative), and you have a baby slab ready to be stuffed and sold.
Has this been tampered with? And does it look like a 9.6? 1975 14 5 yearspoka (25534): Old slab before heat seals were done for all slabs
Cost benefit of slabing mid & low grade books Schumy2 7 5 yearsdoog (8548): $100 sale. Meets my criteria. Sometimes I will chase trying to get a 9.8 Common Comic for fun, dangerous game As if I get a 9.6, the value is not worth doing. It’s an eye test. Having an excellent grading eye is key to the decision.
Re-Introducing CBCS' Slab-Only Option! dielinfinite Jump to first page70Jump to last page 5 yearsxkonk (18083): @SpiderTim It's a slab-only order. There are no grades, only Zuul.
Cbcs slabs over 125 pictures and price chefcomics 10 5 yearschefcomics (163): New batch Pm with offers and question
First Submission Puckster 23 5 yearsScifinator (15992): :heart::beer:
Books with reproduction covers Schumy2 6 5 yearsSchumy2 (9): Thank you all for the feedback. I've decided to send the book in and hope for the best. I plan on keeping it so I don't really care what numerical grade it ultimately receives. I really just want to make sure its slabbed and protected.
New Pressing Invoice Policy? dielinfinite 7 5 yearsKatKomics (31339): I tend to only include 3 or 4 books that I don't think need pressing but give them the press screen service. Has the benefit of keeping my order together, they get a press if they need it and the press screen charge for 4 books is the same or maybe slightly less than submitting a separate order re the extra shipping for a 2nd order.
Numbers on the back of my slabs?? TheJokersWild87 10 5 yearsScifinator (15992): “WELL”,that explains it! I had been wondering the same thing, but never thought to ask.
Check out my first You Tube Video! Doc_Cop 26 5 yearsDoc_Cop (3100): Wanted to say thanks for all of those that subbed me this week and for the kind comments. My 3rd video was posted yesterday afternoon in regards to top raw bronze age (about 50 books). I am currently putting together a quick grading tutorial. My channel's (Doc Cop Comics) goal is to not only share books I have obtained but to share some knowledge and interesting facts related to the hobby we all love. Thanks again....nuff said.
VENOM 25 CBCS 9.8 EDITION LIMITED TO 150 COPIES Cool_Fool 17 5 yearsCowabunga_Kyle (2271): From my computer I can see two links, on my phone it looked like a single link. My mistake.
Some Comics on eBay joelzstuff 5 5 yearsjoelzstuff (90): Ending tomorrow... Please check them out. Thank you! - Joel
Surfing with the Alien Scifinator Jump to first page40Jump to last page 5 yearsScifinator (15992): @esaravo is himself a prize!
CHEAP CBCS SLABS WANTED TheJokersWild87 7 5 yearschefcomics (163): how many you looking for?
CBCS First Blind Mail Call!! flanders 21 5 yearsZombie_Head (3612): I didn’t have very good luck with avery pressing. I use dee pressing DeAngelo Long One of the best.
Regarding Grading price increases JosephSMASH 5 5 yearsJosephSMASH (35): Thanks everyone! I’ve been posting on the forum a lot today. All of you—especially if we talked on my previous posts today—have been a great help! I look forward to making more posts and conversing with you all in the future!!!👍
Looking to sell 120 or so slabs worth $21K agamoto 21 5 yearsagamoto (292): Here's the spreadsheet link
CBCS Pressing Moving To Dallas dielinfinite Jump to first page42Jump to last page 5 yearsteacha777 (1180): As soon as I started pressing I started seeing much more 9.8’s, but this is mostly for new comics that came out so it could be my eye improved as well YMMV
Fresh cbcs batch 3 for 100 $50 each FRRE SHIPPING chefcomics 4 5 yearschefcomics (163):
For World's Finest fans! sborock 14 5 yearsDoc_Cop (3100): If you like some silver-age goodness, check out my first YouTube video! Thanks for checking it out. And Steve thank you so much for all you do and sharing these amazing treasures.
X-men 1 CBCS 4.5 for sale QuaBrot 8 5 yearsHulkSmash (11384): Dang! That’s 5 mortgage payments; I guess I’m losing the house.
Mail Call (Sort of) Paint_Monk 9 5 yearsRinova (265): I use to crack up at how obvious his actions were going to go all wrong!
Another podcast I did is now live sborock 5 5 yearssborock (48469): @Ambush_Bug Glad you are happy and I think you will like the many changes and programs to come!
Damaged CBCS Order Cowabunga_Kyle Jump to first page46Jump to last page 5 yearsEbayMafia (37349): @Darryl_H @sborock Something bad is going on with USPS right now and I'm concerned that the risk of shipping damage is higher than it's ever been. I'm buying a decent amount of insurance on everything I ship right now. We will need help from CBCS in recovering damages if they do occur. I'm really hoping your people in receiving are keeping an eye out for damaged boxes and photographing them when they come in. I hate to ask for an extra...
Doing a podcast Thursday 5/14 sborock 6 5 yearsCatCovers (11063): It says "join us live." False advertising.
Barnes and Noble Newsstand Variants New_Format 11 5 yearsHcanes (6011): @Joosh I got an extensive list as well I can send your way if it helps.
Absolute Carnage #1 Murder O's hogan36 6 5 yearshogan36 (198): Thank you all for your responses. I just ordered 4 copies the other day. The post office just delivered them today. All 4 of them have the same exact damage to them. I just didn't want to spend money to have them graded to receive a low grade. I'm shooting for a 9.6 or 9.8 on them.
May the 4th: Show off your Star Wars Comics! dielinfinite Jump to first page34Jump to last page 5 yearsEbayMafia (37349): Star Wars 42 seems to be on the upswing again after dropping a bit post-Mandalorian. Had my CBCS 9.6 on MCS at $245, then bumped it to $275 with the arrival of stimulus checks. It sold last week at $275.
Netflix's "The Old Guard" Movie Image Comics Series Kinsella5 1 5 yearsKinsella5 (784): Netflix is starting the marketing train for their upcoming movie adaptation of the Image Comics series "The Old Guard" created/written by Greg Rucka. Starring Charlize Theron, the film releases July 10, 2020. There was an article with interview and photos yesterday from Vanity Fair and a brief teaser has debuted. Unsure how the film will do, but with Extraction doing quite well for Netflix and a sequel already green lit, The Old Guard...
eBay: X-Men #1 Cover "E" Signed 4x CBCS 9.6 Kinsella5 4 5 yearsKinsella5 (784): Just now seeing this, thank YOU for bidding and winning, I am glad it went to a good home and that someone here on the forum was able to get it too!
Walking Dead: Here's Negan 9.8 Signed by Robert Kirkman Kinsella5 1 5 yearsKinsella5 (784): For those Walking Dead fans, I have one of the Here's Negan one shot variant that was found only in the Image Comics 25th Anniversary Blind Boxes back from 2017. Only 500 copies made, I had mine signed by Robert Kirkman and then submitted to CBCS for signature verification and grading. It came back a 9.8 and I have it up for eBay for around the price that unsigned copies seem to go for. According to the CBCS Census that I checked recently only...
I am doing a podcast tonight at 8pm CST sborock Jump to first page34Jump to last page 5 yearsJesse_O (39345): I am going to be posting any current offers in the "New to the forum..." pinned and locked thread.
FS GRADED CGC & CBCS SLABS Cgroc09 10 5 yearsCgroc09 (244): Open thread to view post.
Mail call from cbcs Zombie_Head 9 5 yearsDonnied (1504): If I was to drop $600 - $1000 on a comic, it would be on a nice golden or silver age key, not some silly gimmick cover reprint comic! Just not what I'm interested in.
Fresh batch CBCS. Starting at $50 chefcomics 12 5 yearschefcomics (163): UPDATED LOT 21 COMICS $795 SHIPPED
New Slabs Unveiled at CBCS Expo!! dielinfinite Jump to first page76Jump to last page 5 yearsJesse_O (39345): Bump
Mail Call 05/01/2020 DWeeB1967 27 5 yearssborock (48469): Yep, we do!
Small Mail Call dielinfinite 5 5 yearsDarkseid_of_town (14297): Some nice slabs there, congrats
Mail call from cbcs. Zombie_Head 3 5 yearsBatman79 (1227): Congrats! All three with low print runs. That invincible is amazing at a 9.8! Invincible 1 is the only one I don't have out of the entire run... a title that I GREATLY miss each month.
FS Graded CBCS Issues, Some Witnessed Sigs Cool_Fool 1 5 yearsCool_Fool (1071): Selling some issues, any that are listed as Signed, were done at NYCC 2019. None have been pressed or restored. All cases are mint and never taken out of protective sleeve. (so there might be glare on some pics, sorry). Shipped USPS Priority 2 day box, so there is tracking and insurance. FLAT $12 for any number of issues. Will use a bigger box for more than 2. (Valid for US, true cost other areas). Bubble wrapped and well protected against...
Comic Grading hogan36 9 5 yearshogan36 (198): Thank you!
Just Arrived! Doc_Cop 9 5 yearsSteverogers11 (3605): One of my fav. Owned 5 this past year lol
Buyer beware Scifinator 30 5 yearsBronte (40004): That invoice hurt my wallet. But seriously, yeah, it is very convoluted. You should see the other emails they send. The emails and attachments are just as cryptic.
Weekly Cover Contest - In Glorious WIDESCREEN! dielinfinite Jump to first page77Jump to last page 5 yearsTedsaid (7340): I had considered this Crisis cover as well. I knew Alex Ross painted it, but I didn't realize until I looked it up that George Perez did the layouts. Perez is just a master at making fantastic layouts, IMO.
Cool 800 book submission just came in.... sborock Jump to first page33Jump to last page 5 yearsJesse_O (39345): @BigRedOne1944 it's all in the terms and conditions under item 14.
How long to wait for Graders Notes? Deadman 6 5 yearsDeadman (10): @Darryl_H I sent you the invoice. It was 11 books, submitted at the Irving show and picked up in person.
CBCS sale 3 for $100. chefcomics 6 5 yearschefcomics (163): check them out some jewels
CBCS. X men 4. Omega Red chefcomics 6 5 yearschefcomics (163):
First time submission question bladefox 5 5 yearssportshort (20126): Also and this is an important "also", you need to write the promo code on the order form after you print it or it will not be applied. the last time i submitted I wrote the code in a couple of places, in notes and below the last entry in the order form, so that it would not be missed (it happens).
Novice question about possible tampered slab TexasNoob 20 5 yearsSiggy (25634): I admit I do NOT like the fact that this can be done to their slab. Way too easy for someone to damage an edge, making it a 9.4 and then trying to sell it as a 9.8
Treasury-Sized Editions and Other Larger Than Magazine-Sized Books esaravo Jump to first page129Jump to last page 5 yearsesaravo (103073): Might try to finish this off this weekend.
Burned Covers Legalburning Jump to first page32Jump to last page 5 yearsLegalburning (63): Thank you. I'll be submitting my first piece to you guys shortly. Appreciate it.
Mail Call SDCC drop off Continued Scifinator 19 5 yearsScifinator (15992): Ok, i had to go into the office fo some essential business and while i was there, i took an extra 15 min to unbox the above mail call. Here is the photo: And to make close ups:
For Sale on eBay joelzstuff 3 5 yearsjoelzstuff (90): I Posted some more that are ending today. Please check them out. Thanks everyone and be safe! -Joel
Mail call epic grail Zombie_Head 17 5 yearsDarkseid_of_town (14297): I keep wondering how this genera of books will play out now..given current events. With the world in such a bad place right now I wonder if people will still view this type of story as entertainment, or as too much of real world creeping in.....I watched the entire series till this season, but to me it feels like its losing its ….umph or power
Huge price for low grade VSP! sborock Jump to first page43Jump to last page 5 yearsBatman66 (22547): you get to the page where the book is hit the refine button the category/'s you want to be shown...
CBCS March Promo: $5 off VSP Books dielinfinite Jump to first page33Jump to last page 5 yearsDarryl_H (1710): Send them :-)
Cbcs question Zombie_Head 7 5 yearsHeinzDad (38363): My last batch (3) of books took 3 weeks from drop off to at my door. With that being said it still took a week and a half of that to show on my account.
Absolute Carnage Lethal Protectors Guaranteed 9.8 & Signed by Ryan Brown hogan36 9 5 yearskaptainmyke (27134): That's how he signs his name. :)
Value stanley_1883 26 5 yearsdoog (8548): On (fortunately) rare occasions I might sell a book for less than I paid for it. It used to bug me, but my brother taught me; “Consider mentally everything book you own as if it was free, the money you spent is flushed, just like a burger you ate, so it is all gravy when you sell.” I find it interesting different peoples collecting philosophies. I started collecting 12 years ago and my philosophy to start was to only buy lower grade keys...
WTB John Byrne's NEXT MEN Scifinator 4 5 yearsxkonk (18083): MCS has #23 in NM
FS: Eternals #13 CBCS 9.8 WP $850 shipped RedGiant 4 5 yearsRedGiant (22): CLOSED - Don't see a way to edit main thread - this deal is no longer available.
Doing a live interview tonight 3/5 sborock 11 5 yearssborock (48469): Thanks to everyone who tuned in! Hope ya enjoyed it!
Before submitting, please check interior! sborock Jump to first page32Jump to last page 5 yearspoka (25534): missed 1 page in this comic. i counted the story pages instead of the comic pages
$0.01 opening bid Auction w/FREE shipping! Scifinator 9 5 yearsScifinator (15992): SOLD - $19.50
WTS NYCC TMNT & DeadPool Signed 9.6s & 9.8s Cool_Fool 1 5 yearsCool_Fool (1071): All signatures were done at NYCC 2019. These are being offered here and not on feebay or other sites for a week or two to give you fine ppl a shot at some great issues at good prices. TMNT #1A Re-cover (7/18) Planet Awesome Exclusive - Signed by CA Boss Logic, Signed & Remarked by Kevin Eastman (Raphael cover) $120 ...
Superman #224 graded $0.01 Auction w/FREE domestic shipping! Scifinator 12 5 yearsScifinator (15992): Yes, I do. And, as @Poka said, only Buy It Now listings can be promoted. But, a lot of people will do a search for auction style listings or "lowest price" so auctions have their own drivers in a sense. Now, what comic should I put up for my next .01 starting auction? Think...think...think. No, it is not going to be Winnie the Pooh or Do You Pooh for that matter, as I have neither in my collection.
Married and detached cover + tape. How bad is it? Beney117 9 5 yearsTowmater (10537): I'd buy it if I had a gap to fill in a run. I have 0.5 graded copies of books that used to be blanks in runs. I'd buy them to fill the blanks when I didn't want to spend huge dollars on those keys.
Cracking "The Case"... danmalek466 26 5 yearsdielinfinite (26915): I think generally people have more confidence in a witnessed signature over one that has been verified to a degree of certainty. We have heard many people come to these boards to complain that a signature that they saw happen themselves not get verified and we have to assume that at least some less than authentic signatures may have slipped past (not to say that the witnessing system is infallible, of course). I think that’s the main...
Rhode Island Comic Con Mail Call drchaos Jump to first page57Jump to last page 5 yearsno1lufcfan (3058): @drchaos wow that's some nice books....and 800 books at RI.....👍👍👍
Anyone here going Saturday to.... sborock Jump to first page39Jump to last page 5 yearsKinsella5 (784): Yes they are, and yes this year marks my 16th year I believe as an exhibitor so if you find yourself walking around the show floor, my booth is pretty close to where Steve and Stacey have their booth. Just look for my booth as it has the wall of movie posters next to the tower of shirts. :-)
Newly Graded comic pictures wtbmok 6 5 yearsEbayMafia (37349): Congratulations, were there any pleasant surprises or unpleasant disappointments in the grades you recieved?
TCM Wolverine #1 by Mike Mayhew Jesse_O 14 5 yearsJesse_O (39345): Personally, I don't see it being worth $400, but I doubt it will drop to $30 in a couple months. I've been waiting for over 10 years for this Cap comic to drop to $20 - $30. You can't touch a nm raw for less than a $100. It's been that way for the last 5 years at least.
$0.01 Auction-Web of Spider-Man #90 (Doppelganger Edition) CBCS Graded 9.4 Scifinator 7 5 yearsScifinator (15992): 1 hour left!
Request for our Canadian Members dielinfinite 20 5 yearsdielinfinite (26915):
CBCS Promo - Submit 10 (Modern) Get One Free dielinfinite 10 5 yearsDarryl_H (1710): Turn around time on all regular submissions is 5 weeks. This does not include submissions with add on services such as PRESSING
Graded Comics for Sale by Scifinator Scifinator Jump to first page58Jump to last page 5 yearsScifinator (15992): So, today, I offer up my early X-Men comic to the CBCS rhelm: Freshly Graded 5.5 Fine - with WHITE Pages in January 2020 and has NOT been restored. Photos reflect slab has not been removed from protective bag hence some color/reflection effects. Up for Sale! X-Men # 12 Volume 1 - This important early issue of X-Men contains not only the first appearance of powerhouse villain Juggernaut, but the Origin of X-Men mentor Professor Charles...
Flanders's Slab Sales Thread flanders 19 5 yearsflanders (29068): bump...need $ for food.
Holiday Sale Mail Call dielinfinite Jump to first page59Jump to last page 5 yearsesaravo (103073): Last, but not least, everyone's favorite magician in fishnets, Zatanna. The few copies that I have seen for this issue seem to sell for more than the listed value of the book. I was very happy with the 9.6 grade. Not sure what to send in next, but that won't be for several months (or the next Promo). Plus I should be getting my November 3rd CBCS order back tomorrow (but most of those won't fit on my scanner). ...
High Grade Slabbed Auction starting @ $1- Cool_Fool 2 5 yearsCool_Fool (1071): More slabbed titles listed for auction stating at ONE DOLLAR - Happy Bidding -J ^_~ HavaTaco
FOR SALE: a few CBCS SLABS FOR SALE Johnjakewish 3 5 yearsJohnjakewish (81): Bump
9.6 Guardians of the Galaxy 25 Auction w/ $0.01 starting bid! Scifinator 13 5 yearsScifinator (15992): SOLD - $31
Mail Call from Submission 2 days PRIOR to Holiday promo. Scifinator 5 5 yearsScifinator (15992): That is just it, it was green because of manufacturing error.
Mail Call SDCC drop off. Scifinator 8 5 yearsScifinator (15992): Yeah, right? I certainly loved being able to go into my local comic shop and carefully pick my comics and know they were carefully placed on the shelf for sale. Plus, I HATED barcodes on the bottom of my comics and much preferred the Spidey head and other emblems in their place.
Star Wars Dark Empire #1 .01 starting bid Auction. Scifinator 16 5 yearsScifinator (15992): $26 final
Spawn #1 - CBCS 9.6 signed by Todd McFarlane on Ebay. fakadar 1 5 yearsfakadar (13): I have this auction ending tomorrow night.
Auction Wins Post Em If You Got Em drchaos Jump to first page999Jump to last page 5 yearsArak (1000): Thank You I was just talking to a friend about this very thing. It is sadly almost gotten to where you can't believe anything unless you have a half a dozen sources and tons of due diligence. very sad I agree with you about Brie just coming into her own. I think she is going to surprise a lot of haters
Doing a podcast interview 1/11 sborock 7 5 yearssportshort (20126): Me! do research or even pay attention? know you're asking for the world! good luck.
Eclipso: The Darkness Within #1 Up for .01 start Auction! Scifinator Jump to first page65Jump to last page 5 yearsScifinator (15992): Yep, SOLD, and congrats to the winner! Mow onto the next .01 cent starting bid itemw which is CBCS 8.5 Star Wars Dark Empire # 1
Next $ 0.01 starting bid auction Vote. Scifinator 1 5 yearsScifinator (15992): Tomorrow I will be listing another 1 cent start auction. I thought why not have some fun with it and let the CBCS forum decide which one I put up from the list of CBCS Certified & Encapsulated comics below: 9.6 - Guardians of the Galaxy #25 (has not been pressed) 9.6 - Justice League Europe #34 (has not been pressed) 9.0 - L.E.G.I.O.N. 92 #38 (has not been pressed) 9.6 - Marvels #4 (has not been pressed) 9.6 - Secret Weapons #2 (has...
KatKomics mail call is better mine Scifinator 3 5 yearsScifinator (15992): Dont get me wrong, i am happy with what i got back and proud of my collection, but since i didnt have the time to take the pics,(had to get home for dinner) and since KatKomics had also just posted mail call, it was my attempt at humor. Keep in mind, I am a dad so some times, that humor just doesn't translate.;) And to be sure, it was also a shout out to KatKomics in that both there was some cool comics and a good story line to as pressing...
For Sale - Batman Shadow of the Bat #1 CBCS 9.4 Has NOT been Pressed! Scifinator 15 5 yearsScifinator (15992): SOLD!
For sale Heroic comics #1 (1940) VFNM Unrestored 1st Hydroman thejudge01 2 5 yearsTommyJasmin (490): What's really cool (IMO) is if you look at interior panels (as I recall, it's been awhile), it's basically Namor in the non-masked panels.
WTB/WTT for Venus #17,18 mstrangeII 2 5 yearsmstrangeII (4):
Bronze Membership coupons? cougartrace 5 5 yearsxkonk (18083): @sportshort That's right. Happened to me on my first CBCS submission. I assumed they would be shipped back when they were done, and that's not how it works.
Graded Batman Shadow of the Bat straight auction w/FREE Shipping! Scifinator 10 5 yearsScifinator (15992): Sold $29!
What are your top five pickups for 2019? drchaos Jump to first page85Jump to last page 5 yearsWatcher (4166): :) I will and I agree
Slabs for sale BIN/Obo 11Taylor06 1 5 years11Taylor06 (38): Batman/Superman #1 Greg Horn Variant set. CBCS blue label 9.8 $150.00 + $14.99 USPS Priority mail shipping
CBCS Graded Books For Sale! tunglashr 1 5 yearstunglashr (10): I have a nice stack of CBCS graded stuff I need to get on the market due to the purchase of a grail book (ToS 39). Offers on multiple books with a discount will be considered. Images of all books are in a linked imgur album at the bottom of the post, and more can be provided. Payment via PP G&S. Because all books are graded, no returns. Lets get started! Harbinger 1 CBCS 9.6 verified Jim Shooter and David Lapham signatures...
Planet Comics #51 tonnage71 6 5 yearstonnage71 (730): Thanks for the feedback so far. I thought it might be a fading issue. Probably not all that uncommon for a 70+ year old comic. Does this have a drastic impact on grading? If it had brighter colors could it have been a 9.0, for instance?
Mail Day! Drahcir 3 5 yearsDrahcir (456): @EbaySeller Thanks man!
ISO: Action Comics 4 (1938) LABEL notes. ryvandal 25 5 yearsryvandal (13): Corrrrrect!
Mail Call Wyldchyld 5 5 yearsWyldchyld (1574): No I don't want to trade. I might consider selling either book if the price is right but still really undecided on that. Feel free to make an offer. I will not be offended by any offers, the only thing I can say is yes or no.
Mail Call! Scifinator Jump to first page33Jump to last page 5 yearsno1lufcfan (3058): Not wishing to damper your expectations my friend but I'm 6 weeks ahead of you (21st June) and I'm still in processing :eek: ….still xmas is only around the corner so hopefully santa will be good to both of us 👍
Looking for Conan the Barbarian #1 (1970) CBCS 8.5-9.0 Paint_Monk 4 5 yearsdrchaos (30062): This one is just under your grade range but I have an 8.0 White Pages CBCS signature series signed by Roy Thomas. I have it listed for sale on MCS, here is the link: Conan the Barbarian # 1 Here is a picture:
What to slab? TommyJasmin 1 5 yearsTommyJasmin (490): Hi all - Just wanted to mention a new service we provide at Nostomania, which flags any books in your collection we think would benefit from sending to CBCS, if you decide to sell. Nostomania is uniquely qualified to provide this service, since we are the only online pricing provider who computes uncertified...
CBCS Re-holder Process/Potential Grade Change flanders 15 5 yearsDrWatson (59640): I would reholder before I did it again. It wasn't a permanent solution.
Happy Birthday Jim Steranko esaravo Jump to first page68Jump to last page 5 yearsJustThatGuy (5004): Thought I’d share this I got a while back. The original one Indi had a cigarette in his mouth and they removed it from this. I have that poster somewhere that Jim also signed.
Ebay Censorship and Listings Removed drchaos 21 5 yearsetapi65 (4060): If the nudity is covered, they're not delivering the content to minors. If you're talking about minors buying stuff on ebay that's already regulated. You have to be 18 to open an ebay account and 18 to have a paypal account. So minors can't purchase this stuff at all based on "regulations. I understand what you're saying, and for nude covers where the seller does not go through the process of covering those parts I get it; it's a...
BCC Submissions kadargo27 5 5 yearsno1lufcfan (3058): @kadargo27 Very nice congrats 👍
Need my co.ics graded Lar69b 18 5 yearsEbayMafia (37349): Russian Hacker Bots. Don't let him sway your vote.
Seeking Pricing Help - Walking Dead Rarities cjbehr948 13 5 yearscjbehr948 (170): Thanks again for the assistance, all! Got what I was looking to get for them.
Dog-Ear Comic with 9.8 Rating ReCollecting 15 5 yearsWraith (2115): I just understand it as a simple business decision Grading companies dropping grade for a consistent defect on a specific issue = less of that issue being submitted for grading and less $ value for said grading .. Ignoring the defect let's paying speculators send in their not so mint books with a chance of still getting a 9.8 intact .
@enelson sales thread part deux Enelson Jump to first page67Jump to last page 5 yearsEnelson (6289): Epic Illustrated lot $50 shipped. #1 still has the insert All books f/vf average This series has the first appearance of Dreadstar
Marvelous Comics - Graded Books For Sale - Here before Ebay or HipComic MarvelousComics Jump to first page50Jump to last page 5 yearsMarvelousComics (2067): I thought it was a 9.6 or better, but I just figured I missed something. Its an awesome cover. I considered that book for one of the frames that I make.
I had an Amazing laugh over this Spectacular mix-up. agamoto 15 5 yearsJoosh (4179): Yeah about that...Mistakes happen in medical industry too, hence malpractice insurance and recalls. Organ donations are also handled by humans. Great grades regardless. Congrats!
To Have Graded with VSP OR Just Frame? hitmantyler 23 5 yearshitmantyler (90): They are inside a Mylar Sleeve and the behind 98% UV Blocking Rated Museum Glass. It was a extra charge for that type of glass but always pay for it as feel it makes the books always look shine more than regular.
On Site Grading and VSP Later hitmantyler 5 5 yearshitmantyler (90): Well thats sad, but will still bring books for send in grading. Thanks for responding.
35 cent Price Variants up for Auction yamada69 1 5 yearsyamada69 (66): Up for auction a few books JOHN CARTER, WARLORD OF MARS #3 Single Highest graded JOHN CARTER, WARLORD OF MARS #2 Highest grade ...
Raleigh GalaxyCon CBCS Pressing Submission Unboxing B3Chandler 6 5 yearsB3Chandler (171): Thank you everyone for the compliments! I also have one more slab image to upload for the forums. Although, this book was submitted at a different convention, and just went in for Modern: Fast Pass without pressing. If I remember right this book was submitted at the beginning of June, and arrived back at around the beginning of August. ...
For Sale - Showcase 22 CBCS 3.5 Dfanderson 5 5 yearsDfanderson (12): Understood. Dranderson3000 on Reddit @dfanderson2007 on IG
My Spider-Man Mail Call esaravo 26 5 yearsagamoto (292): Whoa, I'm going to assume these are all on the case?
Mail call xkonk Jump to first page34Jump to last page 5 yearsxkonk (18083): And last but not least, I finished my Steranko trilogy. I thought the 50 was in better shape, but c'est la vie.
Incredible Hulk 181 CBCS 9.0 Authentic Signature Herb Trimpe $6500 jeranimal 13 5 yearsBigRedOne1944 (11568): Then it becomes and expensive Shame;) I apologize to the OP for derailing his sale post. I know signed books are very popular and this one is for sure a holy grail for one lucky signature collector. As a purest it's just not for me. Good Luck with your sale.
Sig. Verification pricing...? PlayTimeComics 6 5 yearsEbayMafia (37349): I went also...and I met Neal Adams:D:D To get the joke, see my thread on Neal and the Apocalypse.
Graded comic for sale JLA555 5 5 yearsTedsaid (7340): Love that Dell'Otto cover!
Bob Mcleod Thanos sketch cover KaseyArt 6 5 yearsNino_013 (135): He charges around 250 for a full figure That said theres a CGC Captain America sketch cover listed on ebay for $199 ...and thats been up for a loong time
SIGNATURE WITNESSING FOR DALLAS COMIC SHOW 11/23-24 GenuineCOA 1 5 yearsGenuineCOA (176): Genuine COA will once again have a booth at the Dallas Comic Show, November 23-24, to offer signature witnessing and CBCS Comics grading. See pricing and reserve your order for ON-SITE or SEND-IN signature service at the link below. If your desired signer is not listed, message us on Facebook or . ...
Share your Pressing Before and Afters dielinfinite Jump to first page35Jump to last page 5 yearsCFP_Comics (4047): Is it already slabbed?
MAIL CALL - first ever sportshort Jump to first page54Jump to last page 5 yearsJabberwookie (5694): @sportshort I think you’re right. My son and I went about 4-5 years ago, and it was $90 for his autograph. The lines was 2-300 people. As much of a pain as it was, it was pretty cool seeing everyone getting excited when “the man” came out. For someone who read them when it wasn’t cool, it was definitely a sight to see.
Dr Chaos Christmas Sale in September drchaos 13 5 yearsdrchaos (30062): Our Sale has ended. Thanks to everyone for checking out our store.
How long Darthstrong98 7 5 yearsxkonk (18083): @Darthstrong98 you can take a look at the turnaround time thread . Some people are getting their books back ridiculously fast. It also depends on what you sent in exactly. The TAT varies by book value, although 5 weeks is the TAT for the slowest values right now. It will also take longer if you have signature verification or pressing.
For Sale: Famous Funnies #214 7.5, Personal Love #28 7.0p emme_jay 6 6 yearsemme_jay (154): My brother was a huge Frazetta Fan. He only had a few covers but the Famous Funnies is the best of the bunch. I'm pretty sure there is Frazetta art in all the Golden Age comics he had.
Mini Pressing Mail Call dielinfinite 8 6 yearsbige31 (2452): @dielinfinite I thought there might of been but glad you started one.
1st Graded Foreign - Spider-Man (1990) #1 (UK) PC/Amiga Video Game BigRonnie 5 6 yearsX51 (14750): That's foreign to me. I live in Georgia.
On Site Grading??? kevinlmillard 9 6 yearscyrano0521 (1303): I stand corrected and quite amazed, especially at the distant from home cons.
Current Turnaround on Yellow Label Books and additional question HarveyScorp 6 6 yearsRed_Blade (133): Sounds like Asia turnaround time. Here it takes MONTHS (around 6 months yeah) for books to return if sent through LCS. They're sent via ships to and from the US. Unless you wanna pay premium which would take fewer months (to a few weeks maybe). But the price you pay for ONE slabbed book would be tripled or quadrupled as a result.
Once & Future #1 graded and heading back to me danberry75 13 6 yearsDarryl_H (1710): Awesome!
A Little Bit of Red Label; A Little Bit of Dell Nuffsaid111 3 6 yearssportshort (20126): books I didn't even know existed. great looking classics.
Complaints about specific books submitted, graded and returned. agamoto Jump to first page48Jump to last page 6 yearsflanders (29068): No idea if they'd purchase from you. It was just a suggestion.
Comic Book PEDIGREES THREAD Sagii Jump to first page373Jump to last page 6 yearsthe420bandito (11476):
Flanders's Slabbed and Raw Comic Sales Extravaganza! flanders Jump to first page137Jump to last page 6 yearsflanders (29068): @Jabberwookie sent you a PM.
ASM #129 CBCS 9.8 LCS Consignment Makes Local News CaptainCanuck 14 6 yearsnik (176): I thought so. Stopped using them last year when it took over a year to get books; 20 books spanning 5 different conventions, back from grading with the "fast track" option. I'm not the only one that stopped using them for grading & signature series services
ComicConnect 40th Event Auction is starting Sharkey 4 6 yearsSharkey (58): Good luck!!
WTT For A TMNT #10 9.8 (1st Series) flanders 1 6 yearsflanders (29068): I've been looking for a Ninja Turtles #10 9.8 for awhile now. I'm low on funds since I've been buying too many comics but I'm interested in trading for something slabbed I have that's worth between $130-150. Thanks.
Back of comic wobbly in slab ~ Tomb of Dracula 10 ~ JesterHats 22 6 yearssborock (48469): This is the email I sent. All you had to do was answer and I would have helped you. "Hi Joey! I am not sure why the book would change in the holder UNLESS it was pressed before and, since paper has a memory, if it was hydrated and had not sat long enough before being sold/slabbed, the book could revert back and look "warped". Please LMK if this could be the cause. Looking forward to hearing back from you. Kindest...
Who’s Down For A Labor Day Flash Sale? Noblebeast315 8 6 yearsDarkseid_of_town (14297): I am always around if Zatanna is on the auction table...
SDCC Mail Call! dielinfinite 10 6 yearsdielinfinite (26915): The type of scanner makes a huge difference. Here’s the same book I scanned at my library with the same settings before and after they changed the scanner Also, don’t worry about the scanner light harming the book. If you were to shine the light for an extremely lonng duration then it might hurt the book but an occasional scan won’t hurt it
Golden Age Comic Buying Advice tonnage71 15 6 yearstonnage71 (730): @the420bandito...gorgeous book and very cool story!
Silver Age Slabs For Sale!!! Noblebeast315 1 6 yearsNoblebeast315 (2200): Amazing Spider-Man #109 Graded 8.5 by CGC. $90 + $5 shipping Spectre #2 Graded 8.5 by CGC $80 + $5 shipping I also have a Doctor Strange #169 7.5 Graded by CBCS for sale as well but I will have to...
CBCS Grading vs CGC EbayMafia 30 6 yearsWraith (2115): In think cbcs has a much better overall look than cgc in terms of colour logo , fonts etc but the positioning of the smaller text always looks out of alignment with everything else on the label ( why is info about the comic arbitrarily offset underneath but left aligned to the right of center to the comic book title above it ) They just need to go into InDesign and set clear margins so every slab doesn't look like the page slipped...
Mail Call TheMadTitan 4 6 yearscrystalphoto (1632): nice.
Latest CBCS Order Arrived Today esaravo Jump to first page32Jump to last page 6 yearsJesse_O (39345): @KatKomics Here are the Graders notes: Amazing Spider-Man #361 Marvel4 1992 Variant: Direct Edition Pedigree: 8.5 Certified White Signees: Notes: small spine stress barely breaks color 2" vertical bend top spine back cover foxing right front cover. foxing interior cover & pages sun shadow front cover spine
Mail Call from Heroes Con Wyldchyld 7 6 yearsno1lufcfan (3058): @Wyldchyld very nice 👍
Up for Ebay auction! X-Men, Wolverine, & Venom Yoosh5492 3 6 yearsYoosh5492 (763): @esaravo Thanks!
Mail call - Eternals Variants Broker1 4 6 yearsBroker1 (763): Thanks, I thought so too but... #1: spine stress front & back cover breaks color creases bottom right corner front cover breaks color #2: spine stress front & back cover breaks color creases right edge front cover breaks color & crease bottom right corner front cover partially breaks color very tiny writing in pen top spine back cover
Mall call From Heroes.... Noblebeast315 11 6 yearsno1lufcfan (3058): @Tedsaid very nice 👍
More goodies back from Dallas Squack 5 6 yearsGAC (79230): awesome!!!
For sale: Signed man of steel 18 - CBCS 9.8 - 1st doomsday Doran 1 6 yearsDoran (12): Man of steel 18 - first appearance of doomsday. CBCS yellow label, 9.8, signed by Louise Simonson. $100 PayPal goods and services, includes fees and shipping. clickable text
50+ CBCS 9.8's end in 2 days! Wonder Woman! 80's! See List HERE vacomicon 2 6 yearsxkonk (18083): I think I bid on a couple of those Uncanny's. Good luck with the sales!
Farmhand # 1 drchaos 13 6 yearsEnelson (6289): I sold a 1-5 lot for $25 bucks and thought sweet, that's $25...then I saw amc news and thought "aahhh, fiddlesticks" Oh well I let my KCC thing run out...but it was getting exhausting...there 934 "hot" books with new characters I dont care about every week
Mail call from CBCS Zombie_Head 10 6 years00slim (18687): Just one theory: When Stan’s hand got tired, and he switched hands for signing, his sig got a little sloppy. In those instances, it didn’t always look quite like his sig. they may have erred on the side of caution.
68 9.8 CBCS comics at ComicLink end tonight - Highest Graded vacomicon 1 6 yearsvacomicon (190): Hi, Friends! My LARGEST BATCH of CBCS comics closes tonight on ComicLink. Many are the best copy on the planet. Here's the list and the current bid amount. Check 'em out! ALPHA FLIGHT #51, CBCS 9.8 NM/MT $38 AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #209, CBCS 9.8 NM/MT $65 AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #425, CBCS 9.8 NM/MT $21 AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #430, CBCS 9.8 NM/MT $59 AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #433, CBCS 9.8 NM/MT $21 AMAZING SPIDER-MAN v2 #39,...
SIGNATURE WITNESSING FOR DALLAS COMIC SHOW 8/10-11 GenuineCOA 1 6 yearsGenuineCOA (176): Genuine COA will have a booth at the Dallas Comic Show, August 10-11, to offer signature witnessing for CBCS Comics. It will also be a chance to drop-off books for our AUTHORIZED SIGNINGS with ROY THOMAS, CHRIS CLAREMONT and many more... Reserve your order and see many more offers at the link below. Be sure to join the GCOA - CBCS Signing Ops FACEBOOK group to see more offers as they are announced. ...
FOR SALE - X-MEN #1 U.K Edition Eisnerschoice 17 6 yearsEisnerschoice (15): cheers mate, it was a long road but we got there eventually lol.
Can BAS tell a real Stan Lee autograph? Zombie_Head 23 6 yearsMusicmansell78 (29): I had the same thing happen to me man. I had a Web of Spider Man #1 signed by both Louis Simonson and Stan Lee. They verified the Simonson, but not the Stan Lee signature. Why would I have a book with one legit signature and then try to fake the other? Same as you man, I had it signed in person, and this is the second book of mine with Stan Lee's signature that this has happened with (also happened on a Wolverine #4). Like you, it made me...
How can this be with only thing on grader notes? Zombie_Head 19 6 yearsX51 (14750): That reminds me that when I finish eating, I need to bag some comics.
Chinese counterfeit? Beney117 25 6 yearsJustThatGuy (5004): I mean when the guy listed “Coast to Coast Comics” in his descriptions and he’s from China,(new member 2019 and zero feedback) it’s a pretty good indication that this is a scam.
Spider-Man (1990) #1 Silver Cover - Blue Lizard Variant BigRonnie Jump to first page48Jump to last page 6 yearsBigRonnie (124): @XxSpideyxX ASM#50 was certainly homaged often, but it's not in the league of ASM#129, SM#1 or ASM#300, dozens vs. hundreds.
For Sale: Spider-Man (1990) #1 Silver Cover Blue Lizard Variant BigRonnie 5 6 yearsBigRonnie (124): I've got a raw copy for sale. Front cover is flawless, some spots on the back. Hasn't been cleaned or pressed yet. $200.
1st Graded Foreign - Spider-Man (1990) #1 (UK) PC/Amiga Video Game BigRonnie 18 6 yearsBigRonnie (124): @kaptainmyke Anything of interest there?
For sale fantastic four #5 graded .5 Robg 7 6 yearsRobg (52): I’m new on here lol
TerrifiCon Signings Bmoney83 4 6 yearsBmoney83 (8): Thanks for the reply, I will message you for more details 👍
YAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaassssssssssssssssssss! MAIL CALL!! Gabriel85301 4 6 yearsGabriel85301 (1764): Gratitude. Also was nominated for Employee of the Month. :) So I'm on Fiyyyyyyyyyaaaaahh right now!
Some CBCS signed books for sale AlexH 5 6 yearsAlexH (181): The Canada post website says it is $11.32 US ($14.77 cdn). This is standard shipping. No signature, but I trust you. Let me know. Also, thank you Dr Watson. It is good to hear from you
question about grading from a newbie UrnoJedi 16 6 yearsDarkseid_of_town (14297): Uncanny how closely that resembles the Kirby signature I have...definitely his signature...congrats on an amazing find
I have a question about grading Robg 17 6 yearsGanaSoth (10301): @Robg nice
CBCS July Special - 6 week GUARANTEED TAT!!! Jesse_O 28 6 yearsJesse_O (39345): I just received clarification from CBCS on a couple things. @Ladic The promo cannot be used in connection with pressing. If you get pressing done, there will be no guarantee honored in regards to grading TATs. @the420bandito Business days are Monday through Friday with the exception of Federally recognized holidays. They no longer count some con days off. @Gaard No. This is for the Modern, Expanded and Consumer tiers.
Does a Raw Grade have grader notes? rgreenson 4 6 yearsVirgincollector (494): Raw graded don’t provide graders notes but they can for an extra charge of course 😉
My First Red Labels from CBCS esaravo 28 6 yearsJesse_O (39345): I just posted about CBCS July special, 6 week Guaranteed TAT!! That includes VSP (Verifying a signature). That does NOT include pressing. See the post for all the details and code.
CBCS 4th of July discount!! Jesse_O 22 6 yearsTerry88 (1276): My email about this came through this morning at 8 am. Effective.
Independence Day Sale! MarvelousComics 24 6 yearsMarvelousComics (2067): Claim the ones you want in the thread and PM me. Shipping will be exact shipping. No gouging. NC will include tax.
Should I be offended? Donnied 27 6 yearsBigRedOne1944 (11568): Sorry Donnied I didn't see anything in your post above suggesting the rude, obnoxious, assholes that do seem to have a presence in the hobby. Absolutely they can take a hike..... ANY offer I made for a book, Low ball or not is done with a legitimate respect in trying to come to a reasonable price in hopes of making a successful deal for both buyer and seller. Always Thank the seller for their time and consideration. Indeed a little...
Holy quick! furlo316 5 6 yearsfurlo316 (234):
Selling Graded Comics Very Low Prices Robert86m 9 6 yearsRobert86m (246): Still selling all orders made today will go out on the 5th
USPS Fun drchaos 19 6 yearsRobert86m (246): I can say from experience USPS is all fine and cool until something goes wrong than it's a nightmare Fedex is 10x worse though
CBCS I love you/ I hate you/ I love to hate you or "The Perils of Penelope" sportshort 6 6 yearsTimBildhauser (2239): @sportshort I do what I can. ;)
Help! Is this worth grading? kevinlmillard 5 6 yearsGAC (79230): it depends on why you want it slabbed. is it for resale for profit? if so, probably leave it as is. if it's for your PC and preservation? then maybe you want to.
Submissions Walker1 3 6 yearsVirgincollector (494): Yeah I notice most complaints on the forum are from new members who are not familiar with the grading process or are new collectors that have no patience LOL 🤣🤣🤷‍♂️! I’m glad to here your process went smoothly 👍! @GAC is right it’s nice to hear the positive
AMAZING SPIDERMAN CBCS SALE 1ST MYSTERIO & 1ST DAREDEVIL CROSSOVER VisceralDreams 1 6 yearsVisceralDreams (259): Hey everyone I have some books for sale. All books prices are shipped. Shipping in the U.S. Only excluding Hawaii & Alaska. Payment via PayPal. Sorry for the glare. $675 shipped AMAZING SPIDER-MAN 13 CBCS 3.0 OW/W PAGES - 1ST APPEARANCE & ORIGIN OF MYSTERIO (QUENTIN BECK) ...
Is it worth it for me? William 23 6 yearsDrogio (8091): This is true but with an asterisk. I recently retuned two slabbed books, both graded by cgc, that I felt they overgraded. My goal was to replace a few direct editions (cgc 9.6) with newsstand editions (cgc 9.6) but when I got them I compared the books side by side and my direct editions looked like they could be pressed to 9.8s, while the newsstands were littered with spine ticks and AT BEST 9.4s in my opinion. The newsstands were graded...
Graded Books for Sale ThorneArt 3 6 yearsThorneArt (2065): *Bump*
Great CBCS Books for sale Sabersaw 12 6 yearsSabersaw (25): up
selling question donho 11 6 yearsdonho (672): Which is why I ask you folks for advice, you know where the bodies are buried and how to unearth them
will cbcs grade Faithless erotic covers? OrangeNemesis Jump to first page44Jump to last page 6 yearsGAC (79230):
First graded book Robg Jump to first page42Jump to last page 6 yearssportshort (20126): My sentiments exactly.
The Maxx 1/2 error on foil cover Airmomo 10 6 yearsAirmomo (24): They also put it in its own category in the cgc census labeling it as wizard presents the Maxx. I thought they would have put it with the other variants of this cover. Any idea if that will effect the value good or bad?
For sale, on Ebay: Tomb of Dracula #10 CBCS 6.0 JesterHats 1 6 yearsJesterHats (18): Tomb of Dracula #10 1973 ~ First appearance of Blade, the Vampire Slayer! CBCS graded a 6.0. For sale on Ebay here: Asking $450 or best offer
For Sell Venom Spider-man Hulk related Slabs oakcitycomics 1 6 yearsoakcitycomics (924): Venom #7 Secret Tongue Variant - 1st Appearance Of Dylan Brock - CBCS 9.8 $90 Marvel Secret Wars #8 - CBCS 9.6 $120 Web of Venom Cult of Carnage Dell'Otto 1:50 CBCS 9.8 $125 Web of Venom: Carnage Born #1 Virgin Variant 1:100 CGC 9.6 $75 Immortal Hulk #16 CBCS 9.8 1st Print 1:25 $120 Shipping Cost All books ship priority mail only. Graded Slabs $15.00 for first two, $3 each additional Slab PAYPAL GOODS AND SERVICES PAYMENT...
Mail call from Planet Comicon donho 9 6 yearsdonho (672): finally got the last of the slabs from Planet comicon. verified sigs joe jusko on the planet comicon exclusive spiderman, and Michael golden on the exclusive x men. and William Shatner on both star treks, with...
My Experience with the 10-Day Turn-Around Offer esaravo Jump to first page46Jump to last page 6 yearsBrianGreensnips (15559): It looks legit to me.
Today’s CBCS Mailcall! KCBatmanFan 3 6 yearsoakcitycomics (924): Man that 880 is sweet
PSA - CBCS now encapsulating Glass and Metal covers Jesse_O Jump to first page32Jump to last page 6 yearsetapi65 (4060): Certainly is a novelty, and certainly could be worth nothing. Not to mention, long term how do these hold up? Do they oxidize? Is the aluminum treated with something that could outgas to the pages? And, the metal is essentially glued to a front page. Could the glue give out? In the meantime, it's a rare variant.
Square Bound comics Donnied 20 6 yearsMR_SigS (11124): Hm. Hopefully you'll be able an image of it.
Mail Call 1A DWeeB1967 12 6 yearsDWeeB1967 (13031): @soonergee No, none of these were pressed.
Cracking Yellow Label Slab to Press and Resubmit ninjarobert 10 6 yearsninjarobert (104): Thanks for sharing!
What books to grade? Torr102 16 6 yearsTorr102 (41): @1nOnly I sent in some low end books for my first submission, 2 McFarlane’s spider-man #6 from the 90s, a marvel tales #236 and a wolverine #48. Nothing high end but I like the cover art. 🤷‍♂️
Just wow. donho Jump to first page32Jump to last page 6 yearsSabersaw (25): they dont grade spiders
Slabs For Sale MarvelousComics 4 6 yearsMarvelousComics (2067): X-men 12 - sold Defenders 10 - sold ASM 252 - sold Secret wars 8 - sold
CBCS census Mugroantics 16 6 yearsthe420bandito (11476): Great example. I have prob 6-7 raw copies of that book. None above 4.0-5.0. I believe the Savannah copy was a 9.4. Ultra tough book in high grade.
Harbinger 1 CBCS 8.5 For Sale obrie2tm 1 6 yearsobrie2tm (6446): CBCS Graded 8.5, Harbinger 1 with coupon. $125 + $10 shipping. Number 18-46F6841-004 for graders notes. Returns within 14 days after receipt.
Game: Slab Uno II: Electric Boogaloo dielinfinite Jump to first page235Jump to last page 6 yearsdielinfinite (26915):
Candy Shop Yoosh5492 8 6 yearsYoosh5492 (763): This candy is calorie free and guaranteed to hit the spot. :D
ASM #300 CBCS 9.6 For Sale! Noblebeast315 1 6 yearsNoblebeast315 (2200): I got a great deal today for anyone who might be interested. I have a Amazing Spider-Man #300 in 9.6 CBCS Grade up for sale for $600 +$5 shipping. Please DM me if you are interested. Thank you and all the best.
No way this is a 9.6 CBCS Graded Comic GanaSoth Jump to first page44Jump to last page 6 yearsJLA555 (389): @DrWatson THANK YOU DRWATSON, WELL SAID
For Sale: Silver Surfer #1 CBCS 6.5 (1968) KingNampa 13 6 yearsagrkdj (17): Following
For Sale: Detective Comics 359 7.0 SpeedforceKJ 6 6 yearsKingNampa (6756): PM sent
CBCS On-Site Grading Dallas FAN Expo starts May 2nd spaulus 6 6 yearsGamecube2482 (259): @TimBildhauser OK. Thanks for the response.
Phoenix Fan Fusion Gabriel85301 1 6 yearsGabriel85301 (1764): I know we are not to post prices publicly so if someone can direct message me what Gerry Conway normally charges for signatures getting graded, I would greatly appreciate it. I am attempting to create a budget limit. Thank you.
Justice League #1 CGC 9.8 for Sale GanaSoth 1 6 yearsGanaSoth (10301): Selling: Justice League #1 - Crain Virgin Cover - Limited to only 600 copies $100 Shipped I accept PayPal. Private Message me. ...
Mail call/Sale call xkonk 10 6 yearsxkonk (18083): Bumping this one last time, then will offer up to my LCS/eBay.
Mail Call! dielinfinite 9 6 years00slim (18687): Some of them are easy to confuse for photo covers. Very nice.
Mini Mail Call - My Fast Pass Experience esaravo 10 6 yearsno1lufcfan (3058): Nice books and great TAT 👍
Mail call Wyldchyld 2 6 yearsdielinfinite (26915): Awesome books! I’m a big Turner fan and have to get around to submitting my books for red labels at some point.
Too big for their their cases Insomic 10 6 yearsInsomic (1): Thanks for the feedback guys I'll probably get it raw graded and send it into cgc to get actually s ales since it's already worth 300 ps the batawang jokes are killing me
## Showcase #22 CBCS 5.5 For Sale## Sabersaw 2 6 yearsSabersaw (25): up
54 Books Mail Call (Late Edition) infinityG Jump to first page41Jump to last page 6 yearsinfinityG (1280): Thank you @esaravo! If it weren't for your encouragement to show my books I wouldn't have made this post. Cheers!
Items for sale Yoosh5492 6 6 yearsYoosh5492 (763): Thanks @B3Chandler !!
Mail Call Friday, January 11, 2019 drchaos Jump to first page87Jump to last page 6 yearsno1lufcfan (3058): Top man 👍
Mail Call for April 13, 2019.. Season 3 Episode 2 (#18 overall) Gabriel85301 3 6 yearsno1lufcfan (3058): very nice congrats :beer:
Ebay selling nightmare (or par for the course). akiva Jump to first page54Jump to last page 6 yearsStudley_Dudley (53812): @akiva has there been any update on your particular situation?
Name only 1 book that you would have signed by George Perez gotham44 Jump to first page34Jump to last page 6 yearsesaravo (103073): That would be great with Starlin, Perez, and Wolfman sigs!
Bill Finger CBCS Verified Sig ftwjedi 17 6 yearsTimBildhauser (2239): Once a signature is verified it doesn't need to be verified again if the book is cracked out. It's essentially the same process as cracking a yellow label, it has to be done by a CBCS staff member or facilitator though in order to maintain the chain of custody.
New toll free number for CBCS. Jesse_O 12 6 yearsEnelson (6289): Soooo...I called it....and ummm....I don't think the person I talked to is from Dallas ....also, no help with a billing question I have already sent 4 emails about so I guess...
My Experience with a 2-Day Turn Around Submission esaravo 10 6 yearsBrianGreensnips (15559): Ed, those are really nice. I think the ASM Annual #16 has a lot of room to grow. It was good to see Monica as a kid in the Captain Marvel movie. I hope she has a good role in End Game.
Getting my comic books graded Esco 4 6 yearsdoog (8548): From experience, look at them very closely. Over the years I sent some in missing a page, also consider pressing.
Ed's Latest "What's in the Box?" esaravo Jump to first page44Jump to last page 6 yearsshrewbeer (13263): As always, awesome grades from an original collection! Always a pleasure to see your stuff. And as others have said, even more amazing you’ve never had anything pressed and cleaned.
Paypal Changing its Terms drchaos 22 6 yearsshrewbeer (13263): These are all good points. While it’s logical for them to want their fees, for their own sake if the competition is not charging, neither should they. Why so many people do not understand this is beyond me. If I sell a book to someone, it means there is a market, and I can easily sell it again. Returns are just a part of business. Factor it into the bottom line and move on. 🤷🏼‍♂️ The only time I’ve ever gotten upset was once...
April 1 MAIL CALL.. Gabriel85301 1 6 yearsGabriel85301 (1764):
Belated Mail Call! Siya Oum Edition (plus lots of checkmarks) dielinfinite 10 6 yearssoonerjudd (32): Nice haul! I met Siya at Emerald City a couple weeks ago and had her sign a few of these. Love those headshot covers!
Selling off last of graded comics Robert86m 2 6 yearsDarkseid_of_town (14297): per the forum selling rules some pictures couldn't hurt and helps establish its a real offering
Who will be at WonderCon? (me) ThorneArt 6 6 yearsCatmanAmerica (31338): Now in Anaheim, just dined at Karl Strauss, growlin' and ready for Wondercon... :beer::D
Any News on the Larger Cases? mightyestmatt 3 6 yearsdonho (672): that is what I was told when I asked this with customer service. Friday. was in development but when beckett bought cbcs they scrapped the project and started over again.
Modern Slabs For Sale, Amazing Spider-Man 2099, SpongeBob, Warlock Infinity Joosh 6 6 yearsJoosh (4179): @HeinzDad PM sent
My 2-Day Sub has arrived! mattness 8 6 yearsGAC (79230): great books man!!!! well done!
For Sale: Venom Lethal Protector #1 Black Error Variant CBCS 9.6 Jedyzon 8 6 yearsStudley_Dudley (53812): Cool book, bro! Welcome to the forum!
Mail Call! dielinfinite 5 6 yearsdielinfinite (26915): Thanks! Definitely some personal favorites in the batch. The Punisher book is one of my favorite single issues ever (I actually have a blank with Tim Bradstreet to recreate the cover using the Netflix versions of the characters), the ASM is a childhood favorite, and the Leia is by Greg Hildebrandt, an artist I grew to love from trading cards when I was young and whose work includes one of the original Star Wars movie posters ...
Posted a couple of CBCS graded on ebay Exiledgl2814 3 6 yearsExiledgl2814 (52):
Graded Books For Sale Noblebeast315 6 6 yearstonnage71 (730): Nice books!
Graded Thanos 13 9.8 signed for sale up on my eBay! KingSasqautch42 1 6 yearsKingSasqautch42 (1): Throwing this out to see who might be interested. I just put my Thanos 13 up on eBay. It's 9.8 witnessed signature from Donny Cates. Thanks in advance for any interest!
FOR AUCTION - Amazing Spider-Man #700 CBCS 9.0 Signed by STAN LEE 2nd Print fakadar 2 6 yearsfakadar (13): 2 days left, ends Saturday.
Mail Call (sort of) CatCovers 6 6 yearsCatCovers (11063): Yeah, pretty happy with that ... though I'm wondering now if maybe a press would have edged it up to 9.8. At any rate, $7 well spent! (Plus cost of slabbing...)
ASM #11 CBCS 9.2 sets record sale for grade!! Jesse_O 19 6 yearsFrontier2Xterra (12405): @flanders don’t you worry buddy. I have a participation gold star with its name on it.
Check out my 2 auction items Yoosh5492 1 6 yearsYoosh5492 (763): Hi All, I have a Wolverine Limited 2 and a X-Factor 6, both signed by Joe Rubinstein up for auction on ebay.
Help adding books to the My Comics section joker7596 6 6 yearsjoker7596 (8): Thanks for the information. Thats what I was assuming but figured I'd ask anyway. Thanks again!
Young Avengers #6 jpoffenberger103 3 6 yearsDrogio (8091): They don’t always identify the first appearance of any character, especially if they are not a significant character. What I believe you can do is request/suggest a first appearance be added to your label with your submissiOn and they will consider it. If having something noted on a slab is desired to anyone I would recommend looking at similar slabs of the comic by that company to see what they include.
Add authenticate signature of already verified signature CBCS graded book smeninc 6 6 yearsManonfire (63): It cost me $46 to get a graded comic opened, signed, authenticated, and re-graded that is including shipping.
Tales to Astonish 49 CBCS Stan Lee SS up for sale Ambush_Bug 7 6 yearsakiva (29): I gotta join this GPA website. That data looks awesome! I have been building my own sales charts using ebay and excel.
WITNESSING FOR FAN EXPO DALLAS & TEXAS FRIGHTMARE MAY 3-5, 2019 GenuineCOA 3 6 yearsGenuineCOA (176): @Lonestar , the full list of signers you see in the Step 02 product represents signers that we will see across multiple shows and private signings in the coming months, not just Fan Expo Dallas. Any of those signers are available for order. Fan Expo updated their list of comic creators less than 24 hours ago, and those specific names have not yet been added to the Step 02 product. If there is a Fan Expo name you would like to order, let us know...
Harley Quinn keys for auction on eBay Exiledgl2814 4 6 yearsStantheman (1396): GLWTS! great books!
Freshly slabbed golden age Roarshack 4 6 yearsJoosh (4179): In digging that Black Cat 1.
Will CBCS grade individual panels? Magellan 3 6 yearsMagellan (332): I guess I’m mainly wondering how they would even be able to confirm its authenticity from a single panel.
Restoration Check mrelowe 11 6 yearscomic_book_man (1978): @IronMan Great link!
The PGX Special xkonk 10 6 yearsmediaslave (1273): PGX BOB SAYS : I'D GIVE THAT AN 11.8!
FS - CBCS 9.8 Batgirl #12 Artgerm ThorneArt 4 6 yearsOxbladder (1287): Those Batgirl covers were some of his best, even though he was mimicking Sana Takada's style.
Address Nelsond0312 5 6 yearsxkonk (18083): Unless you're getting them pressed. That's a different address.
How long does signature verification take? fakadar 8 6 yearsNuffsaid111 (20672): Yea - maybe a week or so more for VSP has been my experience when compared to shipments without VSP.
CBCS Ultimate Edition Detective Comics 1000 GanaSoth 6 6 yearsDrogio (8091): If Batman on tech 1000 isn't your thang....
Graded with asterisk Exiledgl2814 16 6 yearsJesse_O (39345): I believe the reason why your book didn't get a checkmark is because a missing value stamp is a large deal with many collectors. It is not as if an interior page has a mark, stain, rip or fold, there is a piece missing. But I think the reason CBCS came up with a check mark is to have something to counter a green label. I'd rather have an honest grade with a check mark on a blue label than a fantasy grade on a green label.
FS: Hulk 180 - Married Murm 5 6 yearsMurm (2619): Price drop to $200 which includes Priority Mail shipping to U.S. addresses
Signed slabs Muaythai88 11 6 yearsGabriel85301 (1764): Parting with your BATMAN Collection? That SCARLET is BEAUTIFUL! GREAT STUFF!
Game: Slab UNO dielinfinite Jump to first page999Jump to last page 6 yearsdielinfinite (26915): 999 posts! Amazing! I believe this officially fills the thread so I’m gonna start a new one so we can continue where we left off!
SDCC Mail Call dielinfinite 7 6 yearsthe420bandito (11476): Great books. I would have never lasted the 7 month turn-around though. With any luck they get that under control and flourish.
What’s in the Box? Silver and Bronze Age edition. esaravo Jump to first page42Jump to last page 6 yearsSpiderTim (3431): Try a couple of books with him and you will find to be most pleased with the results. I am 100% confident on that!
finding out if your signatures were verified Mrpoort 15 6 yearsdielinfinite (26915): @Grune Signatures are verified using Beckett Signature Authentication, which has a large list of individuals they can verify. I don’t believe that list is entirely complete as my most recently completed CBCS order included two signatures for verification that don’t appear on that list.
xkonk's sale/trade thread xkonk Jump to first page99Jump to last page 6 yearsxkonk (18083): My Batman lot sold, and my Superman lot has a bid on it. Doesn't close until Thursday night if anyone wants to jump in (I think this should work): I'm hoping to find time to do more scanning, but I start teaching a class in a couple week on top of my regular job. Time seems to disappear.
Mail Call!! iggykoopa30 1 6 yearsiggykoopa30 (261): Just received these today! These are from a July 27th submission. Disappointed in the Avengers 123 and 125 grades but oh well, I’m so happy to have my books back! Very pleased with the Avengers #21! ...
Sandman: The Dream Hunters #2 (Mike Mignola variant) for sale Magellan 1 6 yearsMagellan (332): Sandman: The Dream Hunters #2 (Mike Mignola variant) - CBCS 9.4 NM - Witnessed Sig: Mike Mignola - $800 This variant is super rare and incredibly hard to find. This is one of only two graded copies I have ever seen. Note: CBCS made a mistake on the label (it is not issue #1) Paypal only, please. Price includes shipping via Priority Mail w/in the US. Sales are final and no returns. Feel free to message for more photos and...
Rocketeer Slabs For Sale! Magellan 1 6 yearsMagellan (332): Two Rocketeer books for sale. Prices include shipping via Priority Mail w/in the US. Paypal only, please. Sales are final and no returns. Feel free to message for more photos and details. Thanks! Pacific Presents #1 - CBCS 8.0 Verified Sig: Dave Stevens (Rocketeer Chapter 3) - $200 Rocketeer Adventure Magazine...
Auction - Hulk #1 9.8 CBCS Restored GanaSoth 3 6 yearsCaptainCanuck (6120): It’s an “apparent” 9.8.
What’s in the Box? Take a look and see. esaravo Jump to first page38Jump to last page 6 yearsesaravo (103073): @BrianGreensnips - Feel free to make me an offer! I hope to get back 15 more comics (10 SA and 5 BA) that I submitted at Terrific Con in August in the next few weeks. So I will try to post that unboxing too.
Terrificon Mail Call Hcanes 12 6 yearsDrogio (8091): I’ll need to look back at my invoice...they were Batman 223 and 251, fast passed and pressed (was not aware of a “fast pass”on pressing at the time). I figured if I didn’t fast pass it I would not get them back until who knows February? And a fast pass spoiled have them back by x-mas....not the case. I see others getting their submissions with pressing back from terrificon and later and wonder what the hell did I pay for?
Cleaning and Pressing cosanostra937 6 6 yearsmoodswing (3041): Didn't know pressing and cleaning was that much. So to get an older X-Men comic graded/pressed by itself you are looking at $80ish. That seems like a lot.
Anyone have Sleepwalker #1 for sale? GanaSoth 1 6 yearsGanaSoth (10301): Hey guys. I'm looking for a graded copy of Sleepwalker #1 or a raw copy that is in 9.8 condition. PM me or reply here. Thanks.
Bronze membership $100 credit Kalistyles 3 6 yearsxkonk (18083): There isn't a good system for using them. Make an order and when you print out the invoice, write the coupons you want to use on there.
A letter from Jeromy Murray, VP of CBCS and Beckett SteveRicketts Jump to first page116Jump to last page 6 yearsTimBildhauser (2239): Not a fan of quoting myself but...
What do you guys think of this? (Re: CGC Crossover) RyanHicks Jump to first page39Jump to last page 6 yearsTedsaid (7340): The problem isn't that it is unethical in and of itself ... the problem is the appearance and possibility of unethical behavior. I think CGC has proven that they can be unethical on the margins. And I definitely believe they don't have any controls to watch for unconscious bias. They make lots of money through unconscious bias. For example, I've noticed a small but distinct difference between grades that were pressed by CCS and not pressed...
eBay Rip Off Negrito68 15 6 yearsNegrito68 (82): Been collecting since the 70s, some may see it as a long time, but as of today, I am still learning how to select, purchase, store and now grade. I thank all who posted and provided insight to my recent experience. I have learned a ton and appreciate the feedback.
Mail Call! xkonk 11 6 yearsxkonk (18083): Thanks! I have some under 100, but it sure gets harder around there. I probably overreached to get the 94, but I wanted something big for Claremont.
The Future of the Comic Book Market CaptainCanuck Jump to first page32Jump to last page 6 yearsBrianGreensnips (15559): That's me. I cannot wait for my semester to end where I teach so I can get caught up with 3 months of my pull list. The stack is about 8 inches tall now and climbing. Lol
Census Bgh 19 6 yearsbythegram (681): @RyanHicks I totally get it, and yes I was really just aiming for a UI POC so that maybe we can show CBCS the potential (ideally so that someone who is getting paid can work on it). My goal was just to get a sample size of data, save it somewhere so that I can query by: title, issue, variant etc Maybe it is one of those "if you build it, they will come" situations with CBCS and getting access to their data. But I won't bet on...
Current status of Submissions mrelowe 16 6 yearsDarryl_H (1710): after labels is QC, then they will ship.
Mister Mystery 1 CBCS 4.0 Larryw7 2 6 yearsrickdod3 (524): I bid $450...ended up selling for 510 :(
9.9 Uncanny X-Men #145 dartelum 7 6 yearsdartelum (76): Under Services at the top go to grading notes and put that code in I posted up top. Or look at the front page of and its the picture for encapsulation. dartelum
Dr Chaos's Black Friday Sale starts tonight! drchaos Jump to first page42Jump to last page 6 yearsdrchaos (30062): I have a couple things. Stay tuned.
Black Friday Sale Part 1 Early Releases elreycomics 2 6 yearsdrchaos (30062): That is a nice group of books. GLWTS!
Brazilian Shazam #1 Jesse_O 5 6 yearsDWeeB1967 (13031): @Jesse_O Glad I could help.😊
comic link willlewis78 10 6 yearsThorneArt (2065): Ah, good to know, thanks folks!
Pre Sreening cosanostra937 4 6 yearsCatmanAmerica (31338): Pre-screening is definitely a service available at CBCS, but I don't think restoration removal is currently one of the services offered. I'm making that assumption based on the books sent with Steve Borock for grading and pre-screening at last month's OAFcon, two came back with discovered restoration, having been graded previously by CGC as a universal grade! If CBCS offered this service for suitable candidates, I'd certainly consider...
inventory marks on 60s books donho 4 6 yearsdonho (672): these are writing with pen and pencil. with date received and percent of order that they received of the books I think. like march 18 1962 and 87 % but none cover artwork on cover and is always in a blank spot of the cover like yellow sand and the sky
Shipping prices TST 7 6 yearsesaravo (103073): CBCS’s shipping fees are based on the number of books first, then the total value of the comics. So the cheapest way to ship (the per comic cost) is in multiples of five (5 books, 10, 15, etc.). That way, as the number of books increases, the per book shipping cost decreases.
FS: Strange Adventures 205 (8.5) & Detective Comics 359 (7.0) Deadman BatGr ComicFan 25 6 yearspoka (25534): No need to be sorry. Not my listing :)
Ebay Pet Peeve drchaos 17 6 yearsdrchaos (30062): I have not had that happen to me yet but that would piss me off. After experimenting with best offer early on I decided I want no part of it.
Expect dates?? Mrpoort 2 6 yearsMR_SigS (11124): There's a thread discussing it.
Signature Rates sbarb18 25 6 yearsGAC (79230): very true about not assuming his rate for apologies for that...I wasnt aware of his heart attack...hopefully it was a speedy recovery.
Are CBCS numbers down? Randomdoge 15 6 yearsJustThatGuy (5004): sell em on ebay for grader error variant.
CGC will now allow CBCS slabs to be regraded/retagged with CGC labeling.... ZosoRocks Jump to first page36Jump to last page 6 yearskaptainmyke (27134):
CGC Crossover Service (no delete) RyanHicks Jump to first page64Jump to last page 6 yearsBigRedOne1944 (11568): The talk of CBCS "Catching up on their back orders" has been going on for years now and it's hard to believe that will change any time soon. Quality control seems to also be lacking as I see more and more label mistakes etc... customer service is also virtually non-existent. From a company stand point at this time, CBCS is not even in the same league as CGC. Maybe and hopefully that will change. If your going to defeat the champ you...
Tracking Citikill 5 6 yearsVaComicsGuy (4033): @Citikill Welcome and good luck with the books.
Awesome modern variant xkonk 4 6 yearskaptainmyke (27134): What a waste of a meme, improper form, in my opinion.
Mail Call! - Received May 18 dielinfinite 6 6 yearsdielinfinite (26915): @BigRedOne1944 Thanks! @Gabriel85301 It is a very cool cover! I actually have a few cool things to go alongside it. First is this sketch cover. Billy did this for me back in 2014, long before this Black Book issue. At the time some people were wondering why I had him draw Harley since he hadn’t worked on a Harley book up to that point. He’d always liked Harley as a character and being incredibly interested in WWII, was a little...
CBCS LEADS THE WAY WITH A LABEL CHANGE (CGC FALLS BEHIND) sly Jump to first page43Jump to last page 6 yearsX51 (14750): Listing everything can double or triple the size of the database. It's more work to track & maintain.
CBCS Turnaround SteveRicketts Jump to first page999Jump to last page 6 yearsGAC (79230): in Labels now....Shipping soon!! 🤘
FS: Artgerm Batgirl Variants ThorneArt 1 6 yearsThorneArt (2065): Hello Everybody, I got a couple of books that are for sale. Batgirl 2009 #12 & #14 Batgirl #12 9.8 $325 (ship incl in the usa) Batgirl #14 9.6 $90 (ship incl in the usa)
Shipping WTF? drchaos 20 6 yearsdrchaos (30062): The $285 I got back was the amount Fedex charged to insure each of three boxes for up to $9,500 per box. In the past I was not charged for this. Since I have third party insurance I have asked CBCS not to declare any value so I can avoid this charge in the future/ This amount is above and beyond the other shipping charges from Fedex.
More Goodies in the Mail Squack 3 6 yearsSquack (676): I thoroughly enjoyed talking to Walt Simonson when I got these signed. He said since we took the time and allowed others to go in line ahead of us to get their books signed, he did a sketch of Mjolnir for my son and Stormbreaker for my daughter each on a silver age board.
help and CAN"T BELIEVE CBCS DID THIS donho Jump to first page64Jump to last page 6 yearsdonho (672):
Quick Question RE: Order Status Changes canadianryan 5 6 yearscanadianryan (28): Thanks for your thoughts @Kendra_H :-)
Shouldn’t pressing taken care of this???? Zombie_Head Jump to first page48Jump to last page 6 yearspoka (25534): Think Joe is implying that he drives to CGC once a week to handle in submissions
Mail Call! Just arrived 1nOnly 15 6 years1nOnly (365): Thanks guys. 60 books?! Wow that’s a mail call. I’m starting to put together my list of 5 or so to submit next year 😂
Mail Call! Received 4/20 dielinfinite 7 6 yearsdielinfinite (26915): @BigRedOne1944 Thanks! I think the Phantasm one is my favorite of the bunch as well! Certainly more pleasing than the other cover I was actually curious that the phantasm book didn’t have a note like “2nd Print” or “Prestige Edition” as I’ve seen it referred to online. Then I saw that maybe the two are considered different books because of the slight difference in the...
Shouts out to Obiwan1971 ! Mail Call ! Gabriel85301 1 7 yearsGabriel85301 (1764): My CBCS Mailcall. 4 months and 21 days later after my books were received by CBCS, submitted for me by @OBIWAN1971 as an authorized witness for me.
My books are back! Joosh 17 7 years00slim (18687): Very cool. Congratulations! There are zero 9.8 copies of that Spidey 2099 2nd Print on the CGC census, by the way. (Edit: I missed the fact you mention that in another post) I have 3 copies that I had them press. Hoping MAYBE one will get a 9.8.
Please Answer Phone Keeneland 20 7 yearsDrogio (8091): They’ll probably be like “why are these people getting so high strung about silly comic books?”
does a mailing label on the book truly lower the grade that much? donho 9 7 yearsdrchaos (30062): Ugh! That is just obnoxious.
TAT Thread - Modern VSP w/Fastpass ThorneArt 5 7 yearsJLA555 (389): this is another foram that I followed that did quicksteam worked well for him
Membership Darthwheels 4 7 yearsdielinfinite (26915): You are not charged when you check out on the website. You will be charged once the books are received an in-processed. Unfortunately, as @KYoung_1974 pointed out, the CBCS site isn’t as full-featured as it could/should be so membership coupons aren’t tracked or applied in a convenient way. Your best bet would be to send an email to customer service (, including your name, the invoice number and telling them...
BTC DEAD RABBIT #1 Exclusive graded editions ThorneArt 3 7 yearsDJC_II (1829): @richgarc next popular trend Most of it is based on a speculator's market
PRIVATE SIGNINGS AT NYCC w/ JOHN ROMITA JR, JOE RUBINSTEIN and MORE.... GenuineCOA 1 7 yearsGenuineCOA (176): **NEW YORK COMIC CON PRIVATE SIGNINGS** Genuine COA is now accepting MAIL-IN CBCS Comics grading submissions for signatures from NEW YORK COMIC CON. PRIVATE SIGNINGS include JOHN ROMITA JR, JOE RUBINSTEIN, and MORE... See all option details and place your order at the link below, but act fast! Books and orders are due by 9/28/18. Remember, any of these signings can be combined with our BACK ISSUE ICONS...
Has anyone ever tried converting modern CBCS 9.8's? Lundon44 17 7 yearsjrs (1864): @Lundon44, CGC labels and cases seem to have changed a lot also.
Graded Books for Sale; Earn E-Bay Bucks! cjbehr948 1 7 yearscjbehr948 (170): Just listed some big guns on my E-bay page. If you're in the E-bay Bucks program, you can get 8% in E-bay Bucks on the purchase if you buy them before 2:59 AM Eastern/11:59 PM Western. - TWD #1 CGC 9.0 - TWD #19 CBCS 8.5 - TWD #100 Lucille Edition CGC 9.4 - ASM #129 (1st Punisher) CGC 7.5 (WHITE pages) - Rick & Morty #1 (Roiland Variant) CGC 9.6 behr948 on E-bay Good luck!
Will CBCS grade this mega rare Wu-Tang book? kaptainmyke 11 7 years00slim (18687): What a cool book. 1 of 50? Very cool. Looking at it, I could see the ornate cut of the outer edges to the cardstock being damaged pretty easily.
Ripped comic cover Laserboy27 6 7 yearskaptainmyke (27134): Anything can happen to a book, at any time. They are frail and fragile like my heart. Could have been shipping method, shipping transport, box could have been dropped at the distribution center. I'm pretty sure nothing happened to the book during grading though. Anything is possible.
Mail Call: Received 4/19 dielinfinite 8 7 yearsBabaLament (2961): @dielinfinite Did not know the Punisher Movie book would fit in a slab. Now added to my next submission. :D
I’m celebrating 5 months today! Madbeez 17 7 yearsBabaLament (2961): @silverage1375 I started selling comics about a year ago, I'm the definition of "small, local guy;" but I was up in the city last week for NCBD, and retailers small & large are refusing to submit books to CBCS until TAT's get under control. The big dog in my area had started crossing over, and was doing a 50/50 split between CGC & CBCS. Talked to her last week, and the management was *not* happy. They submitted a bunch of...
Question -- How are comics shipped back CLT 4 7 yearsBabaLament (2961): My last couple orders have been large (for me), 80-100 books. They come stacked in 20's, with a foam sheet between each slab, wrapped in a giant protective ball of bubble wrap, which comes in a box surrounded by packing peanuts. Its impressive. I do miss the old way, where five or six slabs (depending on thickness) would have a foam divider between each of them, and come in a CBCS-branded box. Usually wrapped in a single layer of bubble wrap...
Should I slab these books? Italcia 11 7 yearsKingNampa (6756): Yes
Re-holder Tirtawm 3 7 yearsTirtawm (5): Noted. Thank you!
FS: Valiant Comics Harbinger #1 - CBCS 9.0 VSP signed Lapham ZosoRocks 1 7 yearsZosoRocks (2134): Thanks for viewing my auction.
Got My First Submission Back Today DWeeB1967 Jump to first page36Jump to last page 7 yearsGAC (79230): That's very true for sure but in this particular instance it's likely the signature contributed to a lower CGC grade whereas not at all for CBCSs verified sig grade.
Original Art Program - Question TheComicDoJo 5 7 yearsVaComicsGuy (4033): If the artist is a friend of yours, just have him send it in for you.
CBCS SLABS AND RAW BOOKS FOR SALE KEYS VisceralDreams 4 7 yearsVisceralDreams (259): These books are all now on auction on ebay. :|
New CGC vs CBCS Comparison on Youtube - What are CGC turnaround times? TheComicDoJo 28 7 yearsCaptainCanuck (6120): @TheComicDoJo Watched the video with headphones in and realized that the audio was left speaker only. Maybe something to address in future videos. Cheers.
Odd 'invalid ID' on grading notes xkonk 3 7 yearsSteveRicketts (19701): PM me the serial numbers and I'll get an answer for you when I get into the office tomorrow.
5 years in the making, the Start of my Carol Danvers wall. Gabriel85301 24 7 yearsBigRedOne1944 (11568): With the LED's going Green's not your color? How about Red
Change in billing practice? fivestar 19 7 yearsComic_Playhouse (52): I have always paid up front and leave a card on file for extra charges. I submitted books at Heroes Con on June 19 and paid only to receive a bill on August 8th. Anyone ever get billed when they paid at a Convention? I felt something was different when I didn't see the computers.
Should i press and slab? Its a foil cover Jonnyredwood 3 7 yearsJonnyredwood (16): Yeah, I might have to take the hit. That little ding at the bottom is the only thing I can find wrong...bummer
About to send my first submission!!! Jason_hendon 23 7 yearsRedshade (1113): Hi. I have submitted several lots to CBCS ln the last two years without any problems. The usual turn around time was quoted as about 16 weeks and to be fair took about 18/20 weeks with which I have no problem with. One just has to be patient. It is what it is and one just has to chill and be aware that your submissions are going to be returned in about 6 months or more Apparently, they were uprooted by a hurricane from Florida to Texas and...
Hulk 181 Grading Help Please stanley1883 12 7 yearsMR_SigS (11124): The spine on my 7.0 doesn't look as nice as yours, so I'd say 7.5
Aquaman #1 1.8 CBCS 1962. For Sale JesterHats 2 7 yearsJesterHats (18): Bumping before trying another site soon.
Trinity Comics Experiences Frontier2Xterra Jump to first page87Jump to last page 7 yearsdielinfinite (26915): I believe you can still submit a McFarlane yellow label CGC book to CBCS to get a CBCS Yellow Label
Mail Call today!! Squack 2 7 yearsIronMan (6264): Nice haul! Congrats!!
Secret Wars #8, Some Cool Steranko Signature Slabs SpiderRish 2 7 yearsSpiderRish (1): Bump
Submitted at Silicon Valley Comicon 4/7 Madbeez 2 7 yearsKYoung_1974 (741): Did you submit them 2-day modern or regular? What about pressing?
best service to facilitate CBCS signatures schnove1977 11 7 yearsGabriel85301 (1764): The guys at COLLECTOR's CHOICE are great, they did my witnessing for a local Jusko event, along with see'ing them at Phoenix Conventions often. I've used Trinity once for a Stan Lee sig., and J&J Collectibles once as well. There is guy in Portland who has helped me twice at Rose City even though I was doing my own witnessing at those events, I don't remember his name but he's always been super civil and hope to run in to him again in...
Shipping 5fiftysix 1 7 years5fiftysix (1): So I’ve submitted books On a 2 day modern tier, they have been through everything and have been marked as ‘shipping’ for nearly a week now, being new to using CBCS I was just curious as what the time frame is for books to be marked as shipped or to receive an email with tracking is after they have been marked as shipping, if any one can help I would appreciate it
Condition vc Encapsulation stanley1883 9 7 yearsBroker1 (763): Well said!
Larger cases mightyestmatt 4 7 yearsshrewbeer (13263): New slab Magazine slab Census Registry From what we’ve heard in the past few years from employees, I would say its safe to assume they will come to fruition in the next decade. That’s about as close as I’m willing to assume on that 🤷🏼‍♂️
Venom Lethal Protector grading? Flip1987 24 7 yearsFlip1987 (52): Dont worry!! Í will not!! Í got a 2 copy from The seller, he will send me one for free since he told me that this one was inmaculate. Second question, do infinity gauntlet be graded if it is 9.0 or above? Note The books that í grade are all for me, since in europe people dont care about comic least not as EUA. And people do not care about
Your book with the most views on MSC dielinfinite Jump to first page37Jump to last page 7 yearsDrWatson (59640): Somewhere there is a recreation of the unused cover of X-Men 56 that goes with it.
WTB Gotham City Sirens 1 Catwoman Variant stanley1883 1 7 yearsstanley1883 (46): Anyone have an issue of Gotham City Sirens #1 Catwoman variant for sale. let me know please. Raw or slabbed, high grade/nm-ish condition please .
A Few Slabs FOR SALE esaravo 19 7 yearsesaravo (103073): @shrewbeer - If you haven’t bought anything in a while, NOW is the perfect time to reward yourself and satisfy that collecting urge that gnaws at your gut.
Graded ASM 800s PSA poka 18 7 yearsDrogio (8091):
Couple slabs for sale Dalkiel 7 7 yearsDalkiel (2090): Cool.
Turned books in at a con. Comic_Playhouse 13 7 yearsDespain (1618): @CatmanAmerica Or PGX. 😱
Atlas Teen Titles Wanted AtlasLad67 8 7 yearspoka (25534): Have a number of Atlas comics but no Teens
Nice CBCS books in auction BrotherKenneth 2 7 yearsBrotherKenneth (66): Hope everyone had a safe and happy 4th. Just a reminder that these auctions end on Tuesday July 10. Thanks for looking.
GCOA to Facilitate for CBCS at North Texas and Dallas Comic Shows GenuineCOA 2 7 yearsiggykoopa30 (261): Awesome! I was just asking this question a couple weeks ago. Nice to see CBCS representation at this one! See you there!
Problem to get grading notes BatCatMan 4 7 yearsDrogio (8091): Anyone have a cgc account that gets free/unlimited grading notes? I have a comic that I had them grade, but didn't realize I didn't have rights to my own grading notes after my paid membership run out (BS if you ask me...I paid for it at the time). PM me if you're willing to help me out. No need to disclose your Superpowers publicly here!
Issue with slab that came back, who do I contact? Nick2181 16 7 yearskaptainmyke (27134): Also, for the hairs or plastic fibers... try opening the side of the slab with your thumb and index finger and blow a can of compressed air inside of it. It will shake the loose material out of the case. I've done this twice successfully now.
Stolen books need help obiwan1971 22 7 yearsobiwan1971 (243): Thank you all for helping
How bad did i hurt this key FF 48 BeRealBro 23 7 yearsbrysb (12491): Yeah, I NEVER use resealable bags and I NEVER open a taped up bag without ALWAYS removing the tape first. I learned that lesson years ago when I ruined an old early 60's copy of Batman when the tape stuck to and ripped off part of the front cover!! HORRIFIC at the time! :(
Hulk 181 - Advice Needed cjbehr948 11 7 yearscjbehr948 (170): Thanks for the feedback, everyone!
CBCS is Moving to Dallas... SteveRicketts Jump to first page128Jump to last page 7 yearspoka (25534): Refer to this thread
Shipping/Mailing Slabs from US of A to Canada? Gabriel85301 10 7 yearsCopperAgeKids (3717): I'd rather pay 10% and sell a book for generally more on eBay, than sell for less on Facebook. I buy from Facebook groups/auctions, I can't see how selling on Facebook groups pays. I do know a couple of dealers who sell cheesy copper/modern hot books on Facebook, for more than the book sells for on eBay. They don't run auctions, they just have dedicated followers who overpay, not knowing any better. I could sell like that, but it'd...
Autograph verification Kalistyles 19 7 yearsKalistyles (22): Thanks for the help and responses everyone.
Comics Thearrow Jump to first page54Jump to last page 7 yearsCopperAgeKids (3717): This is yet more of the childish trolling that I am referring to. I have no opinion of you, whatsoever. I am not the one who has fixated himself on another board member's postings. You , OTOH, clearly have. To a degree that you have taken such a dislike to my postings that you feel the need to make childish retorts. "Childish" is a generous description at this point. You've gone beyond that marker, to the realm of the absurd. I...
EBAY Brightest Day Run DC Green Lantern yamada69 2 7 yearsyamada69 (66): one day left!!
CBCS Census and/or Registry Update? Round 3 RyanHicks 20 7 yearsRyanHicks (1974): as CGC registry deadline is coming to a close this week, it has reminded me to check in and see how things are going with CBCS Registry? I know the move is finishing up this week so hopefully we will have some news soon (as in actual soon not #soon)
What value do you consider too low to slab? kutworksinc 27 7 yearsCatmanAmerica (31338): It depends on the relative scarcity, estimated value and whether the collector is contemplating the eventual sale of books through a professional auction house. The expense of 3rd party grading and encapsulation has to be weighed against return on investment. IMO, with rare exception, collectors should reserve third party grading for books that are 5.0 and above (for GA & SA), 7.0 or higher for books of more recent vintage. The exceptions...
Con vs Mail Comicnewbie 3 7 yearsMR_SigS (11124): The safest way is to bring the books to them in Dallas. Just drive carefully. Otherwise, what IronMan said :beer:
Encapsulating Orientation option/suggestion fivestar 13 7 yearsBabaLament (2961): @X51 Under normal circumstances, I agree. However, with flip books & wrap-around covers, I think having the option to request which side face the front of the slab would be useful. Granted, on a wrap-around, I’d have to submit two copies of the same book & have them both slabbed in order to display the entire piece of cover art with them side-by-side, but some people would do it. I love comic art, I’ve used it to decorate my home....
Pressing now on online order form!! dielinfinite 4 7 yearsKatKomics (31339): yipeee!! just about to click complete on an order!
International Comics? AtlasLad67 Jump to first page36Jump to last page 7 yearsTimBildhauser (2239): Yep, I do pretty much all of the labels on the foreign books submitted to CBCS. Some of the more modern stuff is handled by Jim Noble because we notate on the back of the label if the cover that's used doesn't match the interior content and he's far more familiar with modern variants. For the record, the Martin Luther King book is a Spanish language edition but it's not from Mexico or Spain. And... I see all this talk about foreign books...
Margie Comics ISO AtlasLad67 3 7 yearsAtlasLad67 (52): Now I found it and it's a beauty.
Ghost Rider #15-Newsstand Edition-Graded 1forchrist 11 7 years1forchrist (166): I knew they possibly did, but I didn't think I would find one in a condition to get a 9.8, which was my goal. I know there are many copies of this issue graded a 9.8, but I hadn't seen one from either of the 3rd party graders that were Newsstand.
My Order Arrived Today esaravo Jump to first page34Jump to last page 7 yearsesaravo (103073): @MR_SigS - I am pretty happy with the grades, Scott. I tend to be fairly close to CBCS grades on about 70% of my submissions. The 15% that come back higher than I thought are awesome; but you are always disappointed in the 15% that come back with lower grades than you expected.
FF #1 CBCS 8.5 sets new sales record Jesse_O 9 7 yearsDocBrown (16887): oh NO!
FoR Sale: Strange Tales #110 1st Dr. Strange KingNampa 29 7 yearsBrianGreensnips (15559): @KingNampa Glad to hear you got your price. Which avenue did it sell for above FMV? Did you have to throw in a bonus book like you were thinking about doing?
What if I have comics already signed? Ladic 5 7 yearsGotlift (5098): On the comic submission page the is a box you check for exactly that. It says Encapsulate even it verification fails
CBCS slabbing skill doog 18 7 yearsCopperAgeKids (3717): I'd have it pressed. I wouldn't reholder the book, as pressing will improve the structural integrity of the book. But for those who dislike pressed books, reholdering the book in a slab with a larger inner well is as best as it can be. A book like that, in a mylite2 & full back will have the same stress on the spine as it would, in its' current slab. Cracking it out will not change anything.
What grade would this go to? Randomdoge 3 7 yearsRandomdoge (21): Yea i was gonna submit it and add a pressing to help it out some more. The small cut its very small the first pic i zoomed in quite a bit the only ways to see it is if you're looking really close into it or touch it a bit and by touch i mean you'll feel a small bump
Need help with signature identification. IxDmackxI 10 7 yearsMR_SigS (11124): The "professional signature" creators use on comics and art. Probably not the same used on personal checks and CC receipts. As mentioned, the sharpie sigs are clearly speedy versions of the sig printed on the cover art.
Books for Sale as of 5/8/18 cjbehr948 1 7 yearscjbehr948 (170): Just listed a bunch from CBCS & CGC. "The Walking Dead", "The New Mutants", & more! Some of the books are charity auctions with a portion benefiting Scares That Care. Go nuts, folks! behr948 on E-bay
First CBCS Submission chubaka510 11 7 yearsshrewbeer (13263): Heyyy we were just talking anout this thread
Third Printing Virgin Variant Limited Print kaptainmyke 7 7 yearskaptainmyke (27134):
Grading and signature verification help Newbie 3 7 yearsBronte (40004): Not sure if this is an option for you, but if the book is for personal collection and you dont get a satisfactory answer to whether they have the signature on file, why not wait a few months and check back? The book will survive a few months in a typical comic bag.....
ASM 121 stanley1883 9 7 yearsPhantomEwan (3992): A quick EBay search turned up this: If I were looking for another one I would consider this. I would recommend checking the graders notes first (of course).
Saturday Mail Call! dielinfinite 8 7 yearsdielinfinite (26915): A few more books just came in! ...
VA Comicon - Rob Liefeld ASP opportunity Darryl_H 2 7 yearsCopperAgeKids (3717): Awesome show.... I'm looking forward to setting up there and doing some buying, as well!
Tec 583. 1st Ventriloquist CBCS 9.0 on Ebay JesterHats 1 7 yearsJesterHats (18): DETECTIVE 583 VF/NM 4 days left but I'd like to share my listing here. Asking $50 but will consider offers. USA shipping only. Thank you!
Slabs for Sale; Ending Sunday, April 22nd! cjbehr948 2 7 yearscjbehr948 (170): Added a graded copy of "The New Mutants" #98 & a the Negan connecting covers from "The Walking Dead" to the mix. Enjoy!
Some cool Slab's for sale !!! whowill 13 7 yearswhowill (431): Pictures are in the Auctions plus the price. no reason to list them here when its easy to list on feeby with all info plus show the feedback with history of said seller :) Kaptainmyke: Thanks, its a great one. just like them Shredders !!
SIG SUB FAN-EX DAL/EAST COAST CC/FRIGHTMARE GenuineCOA 3 7 yearsGenuineCOA (176): LAST CHANCE to submit MAIL-IN books for signatures from EAST COAST COMICON. Orders are due at the link below by 4/20/18.
New with CBCS - Issues with CGC GanaSoth Jump to first page52Jump to last page 7 yearsGanaSoth (10301): @dpiercy The picture you circled here shows the inner well with the tray that holds the comic in place. This what all the CGC books should have inside the slabs but don't. In the pictures I provided for example; just shows poor execution on CGCs slabbing methods...[/quote] This is my CGC comic with no inner well tray......
Tips to keep your Comic safe during signings GanaSoth 13 7 yearskaptainmyke (27134): nice. take that google seo!
Looking for Star Wars #1 signed by Fisher c2t2merch 1 7 yearsc2t2merch (22): As the title states, I'm currently looking for a Star Wars #1 (preferably one of the two Marvel series) signed by Carrie Fisher, graded 9.6 or higher and yellow labeled. Please PM me if you have one you'd like to get rid of, thanks. Image is posted as an example.
East Coast Comic Con Gabriel85301 3 7 yearsGabriel85301 (1764): Sending PM! :)
Quickstream Rogering2233 9 7 yearsSteveRicketts (19701): What account were these submissions under? I'll see if I can get someone to get back to you. You can PM the info to me. Thanks!
Mail Call! Shouts out to Matt of Trinity! Gabriel85301 2 7 yearsteacha777 (1180): Fast past is serious and Matt is a cool individual to deal with. Definitely recommend :beer:
Fingerprints Enelson 25 7 yearsshrewbeer (13263): @DocBrown has the right idea. Here is the one I use frequently. $18 on amazon prime, and it has both LED and UV light switches on it
Mail Call and other New Arrivals drchaos 7 7 yearsDarkga (4787): I can only imagine how many points your have. :eek:
Mail Call pn March 31. Received Jan 31. Gabriel85301 3 7 yearsGabriel85301 (1764): Gratitude! The next book I get I'm all jittery about. :)
CGC to CBCS Signature Series Conversion? AdamHowlett 16 7 yearsdielinfinite (26915): If you got a yellow label and not a qualified yellow label like this Then yes, the Len Wein signature was treated as writing on the cover and the grade was affected accordingly
First Submission Received anthonybischoff 4 7 yearsanthonybischoff (118): I didn’t check the back of the spiderman 1 second print and it had a lot of foxing. The other spiderman had a scuff on the back.
Silver Surfer for Sale Mickcatron 3 7 yearsMickcatron (169): Bump to keep on the first page for a bit
Sock Drawer Clean Out KingNampa Jump to first page42Jump to last page 7 yearsdrchaos (30062): Cool, check your PM.
CBCS Mail Call - Nor-Easter Edition drchaos Jump to first page31Jump to last page 7 yearsdrchaos (30062): I priced up the first batch but would ask that we move this conversation to my Ebay Store thread Saddle River Comics Store Thread
WonderCon in Anaheim This Weekend ThorneArt 2 7 yearsVCBE (97): I'll be there Sunday with my Kid (34 years old) Work doesn't permit us going on Friday or Saturday. But I'm taking a couple books to sell a Fantastic Four #1 3.5 $3,900.00 firm and an Iron Man 8.5 $750.00 firm here are the pictures.
WONDERCON 2018 dsalangsang 15 7 yearsThorneArt (2065): I will be there in Artist Alley (C-14) and will had Sketch Covers available to be submitted for grading or Art label.
Mix of Raw, CBCS, & CGC Books for Sale!!! cjbehr948 1 7 yearscjbehr948 (170): Planning on moving sometime this year, so looking to make some extra money. Some are raw, some are CGC, & a couple are CBCS. Feel free to take a peek at... clickable text Thanks!
**ROB LIEFELD MAIL-IN SIGNING OPPORTUNITY** GenuineCOA 18 7 yearsX51 (14750): All I have is this Christmas picture of him. Rob could draw him without feet.
EBay Auctions ending on Sunday yamada69 1 7 yearsyamada69 (66): Check out some books, slabs and Prime 1 Deathstroke statue I have up for auction clickable text Any questions let me know!
Moving Some Books Out Of My Collection MarcJ 18 7 yearsKingNampa (6756): nice stuff :beer:
For Sale - Giant Size X-Men 1 CBCS 7.0 WCollecbales 5 7 yearsdfarrarjr (22): What he said! Negotiable? Paypal Ready!
Please mark comics as shipped for notes kaptainmyke 8 7 yearskaptainmyke (27134): Yaas.
Mail Call - TGIF Edition drchaos 9 7 yearsdrchaos (30062): The following books have been listed and are available in my eBay store: Amazing Spider-Man (1963) # 84 - CBCS 9.0 - $145.00 Showcase (1956) # 23 - CBCS 4.0 - $380.00 The Spectre! (1967) # 10 - CBCS 9.4 - $135.00 Wonder Woman (1942) # 20 - CBCS 5.5 - $375.00
CRACK IN A SLAB ONLINE_209 7 7 yearskaptainmyke (27134):
Lessons Learned Mail Call xkonk 29 7 yearsBrianGreensnips (15559): @xkonk Thanks for sharing your experience. Nice books.
CGC unrestored to CBCS restored! JAMESC Jump to first page71Jump to last page 7 yearsTedsaid (7340): Wait, where was this? A different thread maybe?
Same Book, 3 Different Labels dielinfinite 12 7 yearsdielinfinite (26915): It looks like CBCS has quietly changed their mind and updated the title to “Wizard Ace Edition: Amazing Spider-Man #129 #nn” which males a lot more sense than their previous decision
Vampirella submissions!!! Treweldy 6 7 yearsBigRedOne1944 (11568): I do love me some Vampirella! beautiful books sir!
Look what arrived in the mail today! Stu 11 7 yearsdielinfinite (26915): Unfortunately, CBCS only makes the distinction on books published from 1977-2000
Looking To Sell 2 Slabs At Cost 00slim 5 7 years00slim (18687): I went ahead and marked down the ones on e-bay, but without the fees associated with e-bay, they're still cheaper here. 👍🏼
Today’s arrival Mickcatron 6 7 yearsWolverine (1961): I had that Star Wars book in a 9.8 signed by both cassady and Campbell
CBCS Pressing and Grading Result #2 Darkga Jump to first page35Jump to last page 7 yearsWatcher (4166): doubt! They are everywhere and includes full hand prints...never seen anything like it. I'll try the cloth this wknd
My Order Is Going to the Wrong Address jaked6698 Jump to first page90Jump to last page 7 yearsdet_tobor (814): Hey, look to see if it earned enough frequent travel miles for a trip of your choice. "On the road again......"
FS: Marvel Comics Presents #91, CBCS 9.0 ASP Magellan 1 7 yearsMagellan (332): Up for sale is a Marvel Comics Presents #91: Wolverine, CBCS 9.0 with a witnessed signature from Sam Kieth. White pages. The signature is on the reverse on the Ghost Rider/Cable side with Sam's sig in GR's flames. Asking $115 shipped.
My latest submissions! Let's talk about it Joosh 9 7 yearscawummel (525): That is quite the submission list. Hope you get the grades you are expecting on all of them. I missed that TMNT variant cover somehow, and I was at the show!
Help me with my next CBCS order esaravo Jump to first page46Jump to last page 7 yearsWatcher (4166): :) Deal! I saw the home page appointment section, but nothing set up that far out so I need to wait. Do you know if they do tours or am i just passing off my books?
Owner History in Grader Notes Suggestion ozonetv 8 7 yearsozonetv (52): I know its totally not a practical idea....but it would have to be non-verified and additional info area. Projecting far out in the future, I think it would be pretty cool to know who the past owners of the book were.
first slabe from cbcs donho 9 7 yearsBrianGreensnips (15559): That is cool. Enjoy.
FS: Batman Adventures 12 w/ Yvonne Craig Sig 00slim 5 7 years00slim (18687): Glad you're happy with the book. Enjoy! 👍🏼
Give Me A Grade X-Men 101 Khumbu 12 7 yearsCopperAgeKids (3717): Nah, that is a production crease on the BC. It'll have a negligible impact on the grade, if any at all. There is also a smaller production crease on the FC, right under Cyclop's eye.But that also won't effect the grade.
Superman Batman 7 Variant Dell Otto SS 9.8 ben62 14 7 yearsben62 (10): UP
Convention Sale For Comic Book Collections Khumbu 1 7 yearsKhumbu (199): I am trying to make a little extra scratch for ECCC and am having a little sale in my store. Mention you are from the forum and we will try and make a much better deal for you. At the very least throw in a bonus book for you. Comic Book Collections
Wrong comic TheCollectorOfAll 21 7 yearsCopperAgeKids (3717): Intercepted= The package was intercepted when it arrived at the destination city as shown on the package (Vegas). That is how FedEx intercepts and reroutes shipments. For practical reasons (man power), that is how FedEx operates. I am not making light of these issues. But I am sure that if you were dealing with CGC and not CBCS, all other things being equal,your experience would not have been the slightest bit different.
Marvel Spotlight 10 Please grade me. anthonybischoff 12 7 yearsCopperAgeKids (3717): Have it pressed after it is signed. Also, having the artist throw on a head sketch of Ghost Rider will certainly increase the value/desirability of the book. Most artists will do this at no charge, I get sketches on all books that I get signed.
What the cbcs???? Zombie_Head Jump to first page41Jump to last page 7 yearsDrogio (8091):
#CBCSBOX SteveRicketts Jump to first page180Jump to last page 7 yearsesaravo (103073): Since I am not tech-savvy like you Generation X collectors, here’s my low tech unboxing. The actual comics will be posted on the thread where you show your 9.0 or higher books. ...
Shipping to UK DarthMoore 29 7 yearsRedshade (1113): @SteveRicketts Thanks for the reassurance Steve.
CGC Green Label to CBCS Blue Label c2t2merch Jump to first page43Jump to last page 7 yearsDrogio (8091): Don't you just want to crack that open so you can hold it in your hands (very gently)? If you're selling it, sure...slab'll get the most out of it. But this book should be held and admired page by page. How many people on this earth get to hold that issue?
CBCS TAT's SpiderTim 21 7 yearsRyanHicks (1974): Haha thanks man; yea i loved that piece and it was definitely unexpected. Her, Chadwick and Kevin did good teamwork on that one lol
The start of my comic wall Kaleljll Jump to first page31Jump to last page 7 yearsKaleljll (406): I added some more to the room and organized them a bit better. Added some behind my love seat as we for more later. I'm probably going to display some raw books there for now. ...
ETA on Magazine-Size Encapsulation c2t2merch 23 7 yearsScorpion (1016): just messing with you steve, i do hope it all works out and that we can start the Encapsulation of Magazine-Size books. ill keep my fingers crossed.
Facilitator Question - could use some help drchaos 3 7 yearsdrchaos (30062): Got it, thanks!
For Sale: Attention fans of Donny Cates FletchLives 3 7 yearsFletchLives (1): updated:
Ebay question - possible scam? drchaos 13 7 yearsCopperAgeKids (3717): Tell him you want to talk on the phone, if he is serious, he'll send his n FWIW, I highly doubt eBay would do anything at all, besides emailing you with a warning. Kicking sellers off is something eBay only does if buyers complain about fraud etc. They make steady coin off sellers like you, it is antithetical to eBay's way of things to suspend sellers who cough over hundreds of dollars a month in fees. If you are still not sure, call eBay...
DKR For Sale or Trade esaravo 4 7 yearsesaravo (103073): Sold; thanks for looking!
WTT - JSC Phoenix for Mark Brooks Variants ThorneArt 1 7 yearsThorneArt (2065): Hello, I have a set of (3) JSC signed Phoenix Variants. I would like to trade some or all for some of the Psylocke Virgin Variants. Anyone have any interest in trading?
WTB - Uncanny X-Men #101 ThorneArt 5 7 yearsThorneArt (2065): Nothing like a restoration check, I just figured that it would be easier and more cost efficient to get a graded copy than it would be to get a raw copy and pay to get it graded myself. It is a grail for me this year. But thanks to a board member, that grail will be in my hands! Now onto a #95 or a #100 :)
RIP Total Comic Mayhem neyko 17 7 yearsKeyCollectorComics (229): Yeah absolutely. That was pretty good. Good selections
FS - Slabbed Sketch Covers ThorneArt 2 7 yearsThorneArt (2065): UPDATE: I would trade one or both of these for a Uncanny X-Men #101 Graded Let me know. :)
Newly graded. More to be. whowill Jump to first page40Jump to last page 7 yearswhowill (431): IRON FIST.
Nevermind SpiderTim 11 7 yearsStudley_Dudley (53812):
Rick & Morty #1 for sale Ambush_Bug 6 7 yearsDrogio (8091): Swirls are lighting. Have this problem all the time I use a flash...gotta get the right angle, but yes others might think those are scratches and move along...
Your Top 10 Acquisitons of 2017 dielinfinite 30 7 yearsThanatos (3201): It's ridiculous how difficult it is to find a copy of Zatanna #16 raw in ~9.8 condition. I still look at every copy that shows up on eBay just in case. That Hawkman 4, Four Color 596 and GL 87 were all pressed by Avery, he does great work. Getting two RaM #1 BAM variants signed by Roiland back this week that he pressed and both got 9.8s.
CBCS Appointment Scheduling online dielinfinite 5 7 yearsdet_tobor (814): ok, thanks.
VSP gallery...Show em off! Odins_Raven Jump to first page103Jump to last page 7 yearsthe420bandito (11476): As soon as they are start accepting underground books I will have some fun VSP posts....
GEORGE PEREZ SIGNING at BEDROCK CITY GenuineCOA 17 7 yearsGenuineCOA (176): To update, we had many customers contacting us across platforms such as this page and the CBCS Facebook groups asking if we would be willing to accept submissions for this signing. We initially called the store location of the signing to inquire about grading and were told that CGC submissions would be accepted on site. There was no mention of CBCS. We posted on social media and this forum about our attendance to reach those that were asking. We...
SECRET WARS REUNION SIGNING OPPORTUNITY! GenuineCOA 13 7 yearsGenuineCOA (176): BIG NEWS!! Genuine COA will attend the Bedrock City Comics GEORGE PEREZ signing and is now accepting MAIL-IN submissions for this signing. This will be the perfect compliment to the signers available at the NORTH TEXAS COMIC BOOK SHOW. Place MAIL-IN or BOOTH DROP=OFF orders for CBCS signature submission at the link below. ...
CBCS Slab Security SteveRicketts Jump to first page61Jump to last page 7 yearsBigRedOne1944 (11568): I think this just about sums it up.
Mail call! JustABitEvil 7 7 yearsJustThatGuy (5004): its going to cost you about the same. maybe $10-$20 or so more. I have used Matt's service before, zero complaints from me. great book by the way. cause "he's the Juggernaut, b!#ch"
ACE Phoenix Stan Lee Private Signing TrinityComics 3 7 yearsTrinityComics (244): Yes please, feel free to DM us.
Todd McFarlane Sig Facilitators? c2t2merch 16 7 yearsmattness (1530): Just for reference: I had two Mcfarlane cgc yellow label signatures (one signed 2015, silver, one signed 2016, gold) regraded by CBCS last year (2016). I also submitted a universal cgc slab (silver polybage)to be signed by Mcfarlane through Genuine COA who was representing CBCS. This one was also regraded by CBCS, also last year 2016....
Ebay Question drchaos 5 7 yearsJustABitEvil (2325): I feel my "Don't buy comics on eBay" policy validated almost every time I read a thread on this forum...
Christmas on EBay MGA 6 7 yearsSavage_Spawn (1906): Wow, great stuff!!!
I'm sure it's a temporary but, thoughts? 00slim Jump to first page147Jump to last page 7 yearsTedsaid (7340): You mean like when you said I had low morals? Or held me responsible for civilization going into the crapper? Or when you said I had "an uncanny ability to put [you] to sleep?" Things like that? Or maybe when you said I was intellectually dishonest? Or "very condescending?" Or claimed I was ... what was it now? "Intent on obsessing" about you? Or when you said X51's "true colors are showing?" Or...
Pressing comics yourself Batman66 9 7 yearsVillageIdiot (1336): 🤔😒🙄
The Leader's Report on the VA Comic Con the_Leader_knows 1 7 yearsthe_Leader_knows (34): The Leader’s Report on his visits to the Expo Collectibles & Toy Show 25 November and the Virginia Comic Con 9 December 2017.
Books out of purgatory...delivering Thursday thelastbard 20 7 yearsWolverine (1961): I got 6 books that'll be here in a week or so. Was disappointed at a few of them. Expected a few lower 9's and then a few high 9's but got a mix all over the place.
1 Day (with VSP) TAT TEST KingNampa Jump to first page45Jump to last page 7 yearskaptainmyke (27134):
Anyone have One of These Books For Sale? 00slim 8 7 years00slim (18687): Picked up a Newsstand Spidey 238. 👍🏼 I appreciate the offer, @kaptainmyke. Any slabbed?
Replaced Staples on a Comic Drahcir 2 7 yearspoka (25534): removing staples would be noted with normal blue label with a note conserved or staples replaced
Buyer Beware Some Fake OA Going around KingNampa 17 7 yearsX51 (14750): Interesting. I didn't know anyone wanted his art. :)
The Bog Blog - Swamp Creatures thread Odins_Raven Jump to first page60Jump to last page 7 yearsOdins_Raven (2389): Just got this back! Super stoked all the signatures came out verified.
Pressing took 6 months but well worth wait! Darkga 10 7 yearsOrbitCityComics (1483): It's encapsulated, which means you now have his DNA which made hold his super secret recipe for pancakes.
GUESS THE GRADE - GRADE IS IN! Philreal Jump to first page46Jump to last page 7 yearspoka (25534): You wouldn’t be the one who just made an offer of one of them? 😜 Btw - I really like the emoticons across the street - so in absence of those you will have to settle with the standard ones.
CBCS Raw Grading CaptainCanuck 7 7 yearsDrogio (8091): That's fine, but comicskins charges $1.29 and you know they're making a profit. Even if cbcs made it an extra option to add a clear backing board for $1 extra I bet most would jump on this. much more marketable if the goal is to sell it.
For Sale - Infinity Gauntlet #1 ASP x2 9.4 ZosoRocks 11 7 yearsZosoRocks (2134): I'm happy, because this was a book that I used with my membership coupons, and out the door it was only about $23.00 + shipping with others. I made something and somebody else will do the same. I'm just hoping people will see that CBCS seems to have much nicer grading. We'll see, huh? Cheers.
SIG OP W/ BRIAN BOLLARD & JOHN ROMITA JR GenuineCOA 7 7 yearsGenuineCOA (176): Sorry about the typo folks. Have to watch that copy and paste. Thanks for pointing that out. Yes, the signings are with BRIAN BOLLAND and JOHN ROMITA JR. @Hexigore , at the link in the post, Step 01 represents pricing for CBCS grading and any desired cleaning and pressing. Of course pricing depends on book tier and other options. Be sure to check the "Signature" box and click "Add a Witnessed Signature" for each...
Auction Wins - Post em if You Got em drchaos Jump to first page37Jump to last page 7 yearsdrchaos (30062): The slabs are going to the eBay store and most of the raw books are getting graded. If I get the books by Friday the Preacher 3 is getting signed by Ennis. I have many slabs.
Saturday Mail Call! dielinfinite 2 7 yearsconditionfreak (11292): Get a Harley Davidson and you're all set.
TO BE GRADED ONLINE_209 10 7 yearscomic_book_man (1978): @BigRedOne1944 That is correct, 2x the price but 1/30th the turn-time (2 business days vs 60 business days) :beer::cool:
Re-Opening my store? Khumbu 4 7 yearsKhumbu (199): I am doing better now. I can at least pick up my long box to go through it. Comic Book Collections I recently put up a Incredible Hulk 181 Weird War Tales 1 (Northland Copy) a couple of Alias #1's, one signed by Bendis and Mack both ungraded unfortunately. Still listing as fast as I can. I know I have a bunch of Vampirella's in storage and some mid - upper grade Avengers which I hope to have up soon!
FOR SALE: Amazing Spider-man #299 Signed 9.6 kaptainmyke 1 7 yearskaptainmyke (27134): 1988 Marvel Comics AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #299 CBCS 9.6 Signed by TODD McFARLANE ON FIRST PAGE NM+ 1st Appearance of Venom in cameo. Chance cover art and story. CBCS ID# 16-26620BF-009 Click here for ebay auction listing
FALL MAIL-IN SIG SUBMISSION OPPORTUNITIES GenuineCOA 2 7 yearsGenuineCOA (176): LAST CHANCE for MAIL-IN signature submissions for WIZARD WORLD AUSTIN. Guest List Below Have your comics signed and then graded by CBCS Comics​ for an AUTHENTIC SIGNATURE YELLOW LABEL. Place your order at the link below. If your desired signer is not listed, please contact Genuine COA.
Adam Hughes and the $1000 sketch kaptainmyke Jump to first page67Jump to last page 7 yearsdrchaos (30062): @X51 Suicide because Adam made him sad?
Recent Grades bige31 6 7 yearsBigRedOne1944 (11568): Im just OCD,, I just thought it was a chance for CBCS to pull away from the pack by doing something a bit more innovative. Like an Embossed CBCS logo pressed through the inner shell and label.
Where do you buy your books-multiple places thelastbard Jump to first page53Jump to last page 7 yearsJustABitEvil (2325): My best flea market find was book on my avatar, X-Men 12. I paid $10 for it, granted that was nearly 20 years ago now. I had Stan Lee sign it at my first convention and CBCS received it on Monday and I can't wait to have my baby back. PS: Check for estate sales in your area.
Arrived today Mickcatron 11 7 yearsthelastbard (1282): @Stu Ah, well... with J. Scott, I'd prefer to witness them myself, since I can yellow label them myself and save some money, you know? It's just a matter of patience!
CBCS Graded X-men #1 SS Stan Lee, 99 Cents! KingNampa Jump to first page81Jump to last page 7 yearsDocBrown (16887): What does that sentence even mean...? You talk about how the US is now "ranked below all other major countries" (without even defining what a "major country" is...that is, it's just a talking point)...and then try and tie that into "what is best for yourself" is "inherently flawed." You believe...because you've been told so by people you do, but ought not to, trust...that it is individual freedom that is...
FS: Amazing Fantasy 15 CBCS 2.5 GORGEOUS jeranimal Jump to first page55Jump to last page 7 yearsOGJackster (54599): Dude, seriously, let it go. As stated, I simply posted it as an example of the latest copy sold in the marketplace. It's all good.
WTB: Edge of Spider-verse #2 Greg Land natthapol_pr151 3 7 yearsnatthapol_pr151 (1): Thank you very much 00slim :)
CBCS Test SuperSaiyanBlue Jump to first page43Jump to last page 7 yearsCopperAgeKids (3717): Thanks, but you may be giving me a bit too much credit. Either way, there are only so many tools that can used, to accurately grade a book. CBCS and CGC have flatbed black light scanners, for instance. That, and a high end loupe, is all that can be used to grade a book. In conjunction with a second grader,who grades the book indepentently, neither of the two graders knows how the other grader called the book. So you have 2 well...
Slabs for sale on ebay VENOMVERSE 1 CBCS 9.8 SpiderTim 16 7 yearsSpiderTim (3431): Waiting for news still but it should be shipped out within 2 weeks I think.
The Future of Comic Grading CaptainCanuck Jump to first page33Jump to last page 7 yearsdet_tobor (814): You might be able to get your wish very easily...years ago some people started the process of selling full runs of some titles on DVD. That might happen with downloads even faster.
X-men gold error book? Zombie_Head 11 7 yearsshrewbeer (13263): Regardless, it's a cool book to own. I would have done the same thing, nice pickup 🍺
Planet Comics #41 for sale on the bay gman 7 7 yearsdrchaos (30062): Take a look at my Ebay store and let me know if there is anything you want to trade for. Also let me know where you are so I can get an idea of the shipping. My eBay Store
CBCS SIGNATURE WITNESS FOR NYCC BOOTH #2912 GenuineCOA 5 7 yearsGenuineCOA (176): As long as your preferences are clearly indicated on the comic backboard, we are happy to accommodate your requests and, of course, there would not be any additional charges.
Waited 17 Wks for 14 Books, Sides Not Sealed brigand80 30 7 yearsshrewbeer (13263): Just want to add that PETG and PET are completely different chemical compounds, not even close to one another. The inner well, PETG, can breathe. Not enough for you to notice if you tried breathing through it, but enough that the chemical off-gassing doesnt build up inside the well. Good point. If only. It's not restoration, its conservation. People should be far more accepting of the latter, rather it should be celebrated on GA...
CBCS Turnaround 9/27/2017 SteveRicketts 9 8 yearsKingNampa (6756): @spaulus @SteveRicketts :beer:
Graders notes for raw graded books shiftins6 3 8 yearsshiftins6 (199): So is that a definite no? Also how long does it normally take once your books arrive to be put in the system?
CBCS Turnaround 8/21/2017 SteveRicketts Jump to first page44Jump to last page 8 yearsGatchaman (31): Already CBCS is losing customers over this. The comic store will no longer offer this service it's customers. These are lost chances for CBCS to garner existing and/or future business. It is less hassle to not put your books through this grueling experience and/or just buy them already graded, which will cut the sending anything into being graded in half. Believe me, the earned.
FOR SALE: Uncanny X-Men #297 Pressman The_Curmudgeon 13 8 yearsThe_Curmudgeon (1360): bump
Spider-Gwen #25 by Ed McGuinness now up MGA 15 8 yearsMGA (124): Thank you for your support. every customer counts policy.
SIGNING W/ ROMITA JR & RUBINSTEIN GenuineCOA 2 8 yearsGenuineCOA (176): LAST CHANCE to place your orders and get your books to us by October 1!! Place your orders at the link below.
Community Comic Sale Thread (Free~$50) KingNampa Jump to first page34Jump to last page 8 yearsKingNampa (6756): Anyone else feel free to post stuff here for sale. Taking my stuff off. Will post again next month. :beer:
1st Submission to CBCS Negrito68 21 8 yearsCopperAgeKids (3717): Check the graders' notes, if you didn't have your check marked red label ASM 300 pressed before grading. Still a VERY nice trio of books, in any event.😍😍😍
Gene Simmons Sigs thelastbard 26 8 yearsthelastbard (1282): 14, that's awesome!
Important Hurricane Announcement SteveRicketts 30 8 yearscbj102 (196): So has there been an update? Just want to know that everyone is fine and the place is up and running - not in a rush for my books as I project getting them back in early December LOL! Hope the power is back up and people can get to work, returning to normal is the best medicine :)
Auction wins - Post em if you got em drchaos Jump to first page60Jump to last page 8 yearsdrchaos (30062): Last book for this auction.
The List of Lego DarthLego Jump to first page789Jump to last page 8 yearsRexMuff (4634): Wish Darth were here☹️
Kamala Khan Gabriel85301 9 8 yearsdrchaos (30062): I bought this at auction earlier in the week. The label says first appearance:
First submission back! helsabot 11 8 yearshelsabot (296): Yeah the check I am ok with, it because of a very lite indent at the top that is almost invisable, otherwise it's a beauty.
SIGNATURES @ NY and RHODE ISLAND COMIC CONS GenuineCOA 1 8 yearsGenuineCOA (176): Genuine COA will be attending NEW YORK COMIC CON and RHODE ISLAND COMIC CON as part of creator signings and can offer signature witnessing for those events as an Authorized CBCS Witness! See offered signers and place your MAIL-IN signature and CBCS Comics grading orders at the link below. If you do not see your desired signer among those shown, please contact our offices for a quote. (Note:...
Trinity Comics, CFP, and CBCS! BradT Jump to first page45Jump to last page 8 yearsDrogio (8091): No. Didn't know I was supposed to. What does that mean? They are under his account and shipped to him? I didn't get much guidance or input on the whole process. Finding out these details as I go.
Marvel Value Stamp Sticker JLS_Comics 11 8 yearsArchie10cent (16): I'll pass on the Marvel stickers. I am done with all the variant craze at this point. That is for younger generations. I had did my time back when MVS stickers were inside BA comics.
**DALLAS COMIC SHOW SEPTEMBER 16-17** GenuineCOA 1 8 yearsGenuineCOA (176): **MAIL-IN SIGNATURE SUBMISSIONS ARE DUE BY 9/11** Find the Genuine COA booth at the Dallas Comic Show, September 16-17, for signature witnessing and CBCS Comics grading services! For MAIL-IN or ON-SITE submissions, place your order at the link below. WE ARE ALSO OFFERING BOOTH DROP-OFF FOR OUR UPCOMING BACK ISSUE ICONS SIGNING OPPORTUNITY!! ...
For Sale: Daredevil #7 CBCS 7.0 OW/W pages AndyRexia 8 8 yearsAndyRexia (6306): SOLD
Look what arrived in the mail today! Stu 20 8 yearsThanatos (3201): This is one impressive haul! Congrats!!
FS: Incredible Science Fiction #30-33 slabs Darkga 1 8 yearsDarkga (4787): I have for sale the full run of EC's Incredible Science Fiction comics which continued after Weird Science Fantasy #29. Included in the sale are: Incredible Science Fiction #30 - CBCS 5.0 white pages Incredible Science Fiction #31 - CBCS 5.0 white pages Incredible Science Fiction #32 - CBCS 6.5 white pages Incredible Science Fiction #33 - CBCS 3.5 white pages. These are some of the last comics published by EC. $500 shipped for the...
CBCS Turnaround 8/14/2017 SteveRicketts 29 8 yearsGabriel85301 (1764): When I sent in a 6 books batch via 2 DAYS USPS, I sent a money order with it, they were received right away, on the day they were recieved. In times past, it takes a bit to be input in to the system. :)
FRONT & BACK ? ONLINE_209 4 8 yearsDarthLego (20518): If Jake or Steve is watching, I still would like to have the photo option added to the shopping cart for reholders. Thank You.
BATMAN: Dark Nights Metal #1 printing defects myxzeus70 10 8 yearsZosoRocks (2134): RIGHT ON! Thanks DL!
WTS 2 New CBCS Slabs! Beautiful Heat Seals! Thanatos 21 8 yearsThanatos (3201): Rick and Morty #1 sold! /thread
My first submission. Djchristensen 3 8 yearsDarthLego (20518): I never knew the influences behind these Jae Lee covers before.
Blank CBCS label ?? mattness 30 8 yearsDrWatson (59640): It sounds like he farted on it to me.
OK WHO'S FAULT IS IT ONLINE_209 16 8 yearsconditionfreak (11292): The machines have already taken over. Try to find someone that doesn't jump up when their phone calls to them. Try to find someone who can write a paragraph correctly without spell check or auto correct. Try your hardest to drive somewhere you have never been before, without using GPS. See how often you change the TV channels without a remote control. Go shopping in town, using a horse and buggy. You get the idea. Thank God for the...
Bernie Wrightson +Swamp Thing + Dave Roman MGC 1 8 yearsMGC (19):
CBCS Turnaround 8/7/2017 SteveRicketts 18 8 yearsGabriel85301 (1764): very carefully. :)
Grader Notes Question ?? mattness 8 8 yearsHomer (1010): The inner well was scratched before the book was holdered. It's just a piece of raw material.
Secret wars 1&8 Thor 1 cbcs SS Ny85 1 8 yearsNy85 (266): Secret wars 1 8.5 signed Zeck and Beatty Secret wars 8 7.0 signed Zeck and Beatty Thor 1 9.4 signed Larry Lieber I'm asking 250 for all 3 $80 for each secret wars $90 for Thor
EXCELLENT!! Zombiebigfoot 10 8 yearsharmonicaman (375): I love the Superman story in Action #249. The resolution of Superman's predicament is so ridiculous, that it stretches even the wackiness of the DC world at the time. Of course it involves Jimmy Olsen's help.
CBCS Turnaround 7/31/2017 SteveRicketts Jump to first page49Jump to last page 8 yearsfat1138 (19): any updates on turnarounds ,17-104369C Mar 22, 2017 dropped off at ECCC
Grading Gravy Train Symbiote 30 8 yearsLogan510 (2415): Easy for them to say when they have a sham of a job :D Don't give advice based on a comic strip character lol
Question: Asterisk Negrito68 10 8 yearsdielinfinite (26915): Open thread to view post.
How does cracking a slab process work Ny85 5 8 yearsIronMan (6264): In auto racing there is an old saying. "Speed costs money. How fast can you afford to go?" It could cost as little as $23 and take several months. Or it could cost $8 more and take six weeks. Or you could spring for two day modern for $40 and have it back before you know it. All of these prices are grading only. Return shipping to you will add another $25 or so.
Garth Ennis Private Signing Available MGA 1 8 yearsMGA (124): Hi guys we are happy to let everyone know we have secured a private signing on August 19th. All books must be in by the 17th don't hesitate. Rate is 25.00 per book. 55.00 For grading fast track. Email us at or Thanks Mike
Thank you CBCS! Jakernaught 21 8 yearsBroker1 (763): I like the 30-cent variant. I've got a box load I need to send in. Nice haul!
New Source of CBCS Information... SteveRicketts Jump to first page102Jump to last page 8 yearsDarthLego (20518): Any luck finding that cheeto in the server yet?
I know it's rare but... infinityG 29 8 yearsKingNampa (6756): I would buy it for $600 max
Con to Con Witnessed Signatures comic_book_man 20 8 yearscomic_book_man (1978): Good to know! ...and that just makes sense - I could see bias/favoritism for grading companies playing a negative role if that were not the case.
Trouble making a trade with a CBCS Graded book Johnnyonthespot Jump to first page46Jump to last page 8 yearsCopperAgeKids (3717): @Johnnyonthespot I don't have an ASM 101, I did buy a collection of about 40 issues of ASM, in the low 100's to around 270. Most are in the 9.2 range and only 10 or so exceed #200.I also have a small amount of SA thru copper ASM books on eBay and more in my convention boxes. The only 2 books I am pulling from that collection is the #194 and #265. The collection, not including the #194 and #265, is probably worth upwards of $600, per...
Mail day Ny85 11 8 yearsNy85 (266): i don't think what if's count because there where 2 what if hulk killed wolverine and what if wolverine killed hulk both obviously where alive until death of wolverine
The grades I've gotten back so far Johnnyonthespot 14 8 yearsJohnnyonthespot (328): Well not too sure...I sometimes use eBay under sold and closed items..shows pretty much what people are getting online...I use comic book price guide but I've noticed that some of they're prices weren't up to what's happening not all but some...there's where eBay comes in handy...other than that...I rely a lot on my over street
Just got these back Scorpion 9 8 yearsScorpion (1016): UUHH i just saw i have a newstand ver. of new mutants annual 2 and why was this not put on the label as newsstand?? and what the going price for this?
Selling basically all my comics Draco Jump to first page48Jump to last page 8 yearsDarthLego (20518): I said it before, you can't trust auctions unless you have visibility.
My CBCS Order of 5 Rick and Morty #1s kaptainmyke Jump to first page34Jump to last page 8 yearsDarthLego (20518): And will my Saturday overtime cover a 9.6? Inquiring minds want to know.
CBCS Turnaround 7/24/2017 SteveRicketts Jump to first page39Jump to last page 8 yearsDarthLego (20518): tts
PSA: Invalid CBCS ID Numbers DarthLego 7 8 yearsDarthLego (20518): I found two in my stash of eBay buys, Jake got them both fixed. Who are these people getting books graded and not checking their dashboard notes to even notice their invoices not getting closed? Us "normal" people are hitting F5 until the grades pop up after shipping.
CBCS Turnaround 7/17/2017 SteveRicketts Jump to first page35Jump to last page 8 years00slim (18687): Quality Control!
Jake "The Snake" Fleming: AMA Thread DarthLego Jump to first page44Jump to last page 8 yearsDarthLego (20518): Jake, any chance we can get the $5 photo option added to Reholders in the shopping cart?
CBCS artist form Sirtoddington 5 8 yearspoka (25534): Could use it as well.
Scooby Doo bennyb86 20 8 yearsX51 (14750): But this one has Ivan Brunetti art and it's safe for kids to see. That's a rarity.
Grading Self Published Comic Books kaptainmyke 1 8 yearskaptainmyke (27134): Will CBCS still grade self published fan comics or are they required to have the ART label? Bee Jay Hawn and I co-submitted this commission peice I had her do on a blank sketch variant to her self published TMNT fan comic. I'd prefer a grading instead of a ART label. Thank you ...
FS: Guy Ritchie Charlie Hunnam CBCS SS 1243782365 4 8 yearsKiloGraham (1337): Oh ya right across the kid with the oilers jersey. That's still and amazing piece for the collection!
Will CBCS honor these for Yellow Art slab? DarthLego 2 8 yearsobiwan1971 (243): They should. I had my herb tripe sketch the same eat and just changed it over
CBCS Turnaround 7/10/2017 SteveRicketts 11 8 yearsMuscledome (1): My order,17-13A14AE, was received on 4/10/17 15 weeks ago. It says it's processing. When will it be completed?
Disturbances in the Force DarthLego Jump to first page39Jump to last page 8 yearsDarthLego (20518):
Desert Wind Comics ... JLS_Comics 23 8 yearsSirtoddington (1012): They have them on their Facebook page
Charging Hanknova22 3 8 yearsMef (1898): I will say that it took billing a couple of extra days do get mine through. BUT Mine was a con submission and I wanted orders combined, so if yours was a con sub too this could be the issue. If you sub at a con, they are automatically marked as 'received' but they don't charge you til they get them shipped back to the office as far as my experience has been.
Nerdy Question for CBCS Bluespeyer 6 8 yearsJLS_Comics (5463): Hmmm yeah it should be "Sub-Mariner Comics" Perhaps the confusion is in that 3 stories in the issue are entitled "Sub-Mariner"
FS: Sgt. Fury #1 (1963) CBCS 2.0 Darkga 2 8 yearsDarkga (4787): Pay day bump! :)
Going to Hawaii. Tnerb1107 13 8 yearsTnerb1107 (22): I have been to both. And Jelly's II
CBCS vs CGC Regrade Results 1st Wave mattness Jump to first page51Jump to last page 8 yearsjrs (1864): Also keep in mind the vintage of a book. I think it is quite possible for a 9.8 modern to stay the same but more likely for a high grade silver age book to drop. The chances of there being defects on a silver book are likely greater given age.
CBCS Turnaround 7/3/2017 SteveRicketts 27 8 yearsKatKomics (31339): Mine we submitted for signature verification, pressing etc in mid March - still at received! - maybe by christmas ??
Mail Call! My biggest ever! dielinfinite 28 8 yearsvabchgent (490): @dielinfinite Definitely some nice books there, congrats
Super Sons #1 Frank Quitely CBCS Graded MGA 4 8 yearsMGA (124): Absolutely correct...........
Lola #1 Variant by Elias Chatzoudis Coupon MGA 1 8 yearsMGA (124): Hi guys another awesome variant up on our site Use coupon code CBCS and get a $5.00 discount. Regular price of 14.99 thanks Mike comic con across US AnthonySnyder 13 8 yearsAnthonySnyder (41): have over 80,000 collectibles on ebay available for immediate sale anthonyscomicbookart-online user name the website specializing in art has a few high dollar graded comics like Hulk one etc also has been e-commerced as well you can check out and pay from the ordering cart I look forward to seeing local collectors at the pop up stores in Phoenix and Los Angeles before San Diego .Let me know with interest San Antonio...
My credit card randomly charged by CBCS?! KingNampa 21 8 yearsIronMan (6264): Yes, this is actually a good idea. I may do so.
Get your popcorn ready... infinityG Jump to first page42Jump to last page 8 yearsTowmater (10537): @JWKyle @poka Oh, didn't know. Thanks for the info.
CGC Green Label of Death vs 0.5 CBCS vs raw bythegram 7 8 yearsCopperAgeKids (3717): A Qualified 4.0, and qualified labels in general, on books with a missing page, make more sense to me than just grading a book in a Universal slab at .05. A Qualified 4.0 with a missing page is worth the same as a Univeral .05, it is the same BOOK. But from the perspective of using a third party firm to grade a book,a interested party will be able to see what the BOOK would otherwise grade at, if not for the missing page.
Jason Metcalf Pre-Booking Commissions SDCC MGA 2 8 yearsSirtoddington (1012): If i wasn't broke. :( So much want!
UnHoly Grail #1 New CBCS Variant Merlin Set MGA 7 8 yearsMGA (124): Thank you. I hand pick everyone. I appreciate the business
My #whatsinthebox video ThorneArt 3 8 yearskaptainmyke (27134): Cool books I have the one with the polar bear on the cover!
CBCS Please Return to Stockton-Con! 00slim 6 8 yearsAndyRexia (6306): Oh really? Well that's the best news I've heard in a while. You just made my day. Thank you!
Secret Weapons #1 "Valiant Validated" SteveRicketts 15 8 yearsGrayspeedster (406): Perfect! Uncompromising integrity!
2 Day Tier Question mattness 18 8 yearsCopperAgeKids (3717): I have yet to sub any books to CBCS , and not get them back within the time specified. Last sub was a few months back, a single book , which was marked at 14 day service. I got the book back about a week AHEAD of schedule.😍😍😍
Armorines #0 Gold - worth pressing? ZosoRocks 6 8 yearsCopperAgeKids (3717): This is the sort of book I would rebag into a Mylite2 abd a Full Back, and file into my $10 convention stock boxes. Or I'd put it up on eBay at $14.99 + $5 shipping. Easier to just make it into a $10 book, and people like pulling out signed gold variants out of my boxes at shows. I'n guessing you paid just under $20, shipped. Not a bad deal but pressing, grading and signature verification fees would make reselling the book a wash out, at...
CBCS Turnaround 5/30/2017 SteveRicketts Jump to first page273Jump to last page 8 yearsDarthLego (20518): @shrewbeer I'm wondering how you get numbers of books on eBay that are accurate? Because when you search for "CGC" you get flooded with CBCS and PGX books that say "not CGC." When you search "CBCS" you get flooded with CGC and PGX books that say "not CBCS." And then you got all those nutcase sellers who post raw books and say " CGC it" or "CBCS it" or my favorite "CGC/CBCS...
Holy crap! I have points! dielinfinite Jump to first page33Jump to last page 8 yearsdielinfinite (26915): As far as we can tell, people only have points for orders that CBCS has completed in the last few days. Orders in Processing don't count and orders completed more that a few orders (retroactive) haven't been tallied yet
Happy Birthday CBCS! DarthLego 9 8 yearsRafel (4270): HAPPY BIRTHDAY CBCS!!
Baby Teeth #2 SDCC Pre-sale Geoff Shaw cover MGA 3 8 yearsMGA (124): A little of their print runs are affordable and not as risky. Donny Cates the writer is a up coming super star. overall new line of books from After Shock is pretty good. Pestilence, Unholy Grail, & Baby teeth are recommended. Check them out
CBCS LIVE! SteveRicketts 26 8 yearsJLS_Comics (5463):
MGC/MGA EBay Auctions Key Books & Variant MGA 6 8 yearsMGA (124): If it continues feel free to call me
So Close, Yet So Far Away 00slim 15 8 years00slim (18687): I'm sorry, bro. Honest mistake. It looks like the cover (in bad shape) goes for $1500.
Astonishing X-Men #1 JLS_Comics Jump to first page33Jump to last page 8 yearsZosoRocks (2134): There is....those who are just beginning to get into collecting. They see this and they get hooked..... like "Pokemon".....gotta catch 'em all! :o)
Graded Loose Cover Odvar 9 8 yearsDarthLego (20518): It's cheaper to buy a new book than it is to grade it.
Is CBCS Getting Higher Prices than CGC? keefriffhards 15 8 yearsZosoRocks (2134): really don't know how bad someone wants something, and how much they are willing to pay to get that success. I remember I sold a Marvin Gaye "What's Going On" LP for $51.00.....but that was way after I put it out there for $8.00 - which I thought would have beent he "going price". Come to find out, the LP was pressed at teh same location as the Promotional copies were made, thus this could be one of those...
Baby Teeth #1 Black preorder 5/28 MGA 19 8 yearsMGA (124): Hi Shrew, not to worry. It would be easier off the site. I can get it out tomorrow morning. The Hall is one of our partners, but wasn't involved on this one. Let me know if that works.
1st submission Atakmunky7 20 8 yearsGabriel85301 (1764): any "WHATS in the BOX?" videos? :D
CBCS Forum Grading Guess Scores shrewbeer 22 8 yearsDarthLego (20518): Only counts when the book is already slabbed right?
Missing Back Covers vs Complete keefriffhards 16 8 yearskeefriffhards (419): Open thread to view post.
CBCS blue ART labels DarthLego 3 8 yearsDarthLego (20518): Yeah I remember that. I've recently been thinking about starting to collect good sketch covers from artists that are otherwise unknown and therefore would not be verified for red label. I was just curious to see what other members have had slabbed in blue.
For Sale: Harley Quinn 1, DC Presents & Thor 00slim 2 8 yearsONLINE_209 (1867): Open thread to view post.
Pics Of Graded Books ONLINE_209 8 8 yearsONLINE_209 (1867): see that is what i mean nice and clean thanks for the scanner info
What is a crease worth? imagejock 11 8 yearsBrianGreensnips (15559): @imagejock Yeah in the 9.0+ range. Definetely better than a 7.5.
J. Scott Campbell Signed Books. Open or not? imagejock 22 8 yearskaptainmyke (27134): Called it!
When CGC sellers start saying "not CBCS" ... DarthLego 10 8 yearsDarthLego (20518):
CFA display cases for slabbed comics DarthLego 15 8 yearsFoghorn_Sam (3769): This topic has come up before concerning light exposure damage and protection. Here are some interesting and informative articles on the fading/damaging qualities of different kinds of light. ...
FOR SALE: "Preacher" #1 CBCS 7.5 cjbehr948 6 8 yearscjbehr948 (170): Been burned one too many times by non-paying bidders. If they've got a USA mailing address, that's fine. I know some folks in Canada have USA addresses.
"Only issue" Pacoma7623 15 8 yearsDarthLego (20518): It's on the internet, it must be true.
COVER CONTEST WEEK 41: BAD WEATHER JLS_Comics Jump to first page87Jump to last page 8 yearsDarthLego (20518): That is a really tough question. Each movie has its own unique greatness. I think probably though just going with which movie I had the absolute most fun watching would be Rogue One, it just had me on the edge of my seat for the whole movie, and then Darth Vader stealing the show was just icing on top.
Should these go back for label fixes? dielinfinite 26 8 yearsmattness (1530): @dielinfinite Were you able to call CBCS and talk to someone about your variants?
Growing trend of window bag signing comics kaptainmyke Jump to first page100Jump to last page 8 yearsverbogyrater (220): Yes, I did.
Mail Call! Gabriel85301 1 8 yearsGabriel85301 (1764): If anyone wants to see me bragging just a little bit.. I do these cheap crappy videos with my phone, add some music or graphs and then I upload them and I ask, "What's In The Box" ? I just uploaded Episode 3.
Release Date Signing with Donny Cates MGA 1 8 yearsMGA (124): Available only to 12:00 midday Central 6/7/17 Get Donny Cates's new book Babyteeth #1 signed with a Special signed on release date label. We have 4 different covers currently available. The A and B covers for $75 graded.As well as the Red Pegasus Comics Variant and the Babyteeth Black Variant $100 graded. This opportunity is only available through Maxwell's Super Comics and MGC contact Lance or Mike...
ART Slab Question ThorneArt 7 8 yearsZosoRocks (2134): LOL Darth....I know....but hey, I can dream!! ;o)
Submission Diary from South East Asia flikhype 11 8 yearsflikhype (7): probably. thanks for the suggestion. :) Iron Man 251,Herb Trimpe VSP - I didn't see much defects. But there were some light creases on the spine. It's assumable grade should be an 8.0 I suppose. Conservatively. New Avengers FDNY - It looks pristine. I really couldn't see any defects with my naked eyes. I'd expect probably a 9.8 Hope that helps. :)
ebay auction - 24hrs left Jays 1 8 yearsJays (1): I have the Hulk #1 Popcorn and B&W Variant CBCS signed books on ebay - less than 24 hrs left.
Verified sig. vs. CBCS witnessed sig. ? ncamother 2 8 yearsDrogio (8091): I would think that asp books have slightly more value in that the witness reduces the risk of an unauthentic signature to essentially zero. While vsp carries slightly more risk. as no account of when or where the book was signed is provided....and coa's, which cannot be slabbed with the book, cannot necessarily be tied back to the actual book... Just my opinion.
manufacturing error? Comic_guys 2 8 yearsBrianGreensnips (15559): Don't forget to upload the photo or scan.
The Zero Key Got Stuck DarthLego Jump to first page127Jump to last page 8 yearsLonestar (4901): +1 Agree completely.
CBCS Turnaround 5/22/2017 SteveRicketts 26 8 yearsDarthLego (20518): Lol
Welcome to the CBCS Forum! SteveRicketts Jump to first page530Jump to last page 8 yearsrec1978 (69): Hello All, I am new to the CBCS boards, but I have been around the block a little while (EBay for 16 years and CGC Chat Boards (same user id) for 4 years). If you see anything in my EBay store that you like, please feel free to shoot me a PM! Cheers, Ron As a side note: I am sending my first book, for CBCS Submission, today! ...
Met the guys at the Phoenix Comicon! Kaleljll 8 8 yearsKaleljll (406): Yeah I think that was his sales pitch to try and sway me to become a CGC customer. It only solidified my loyalty to CBCS.
Restored 6.0 or Unrestored 3.0? Thanatos Jump to first page47Jump to last page 8 yearsDarthLego (20518): I was unaware that @SteveRicketts does resto removal. Is this fact or fiction?
Newsstand/Direct Edition Variants? Got 'em! SteveRicketts Jump to first page81Jump to last page 8 yearsJesse_O (39345): Quick search on eBay found one in vf. WW #1
Mid-High Grade Bronze X-men & ASM 0.99 Ebay RyanHicks 1 8 yearsRyanHicks (1974): I have a bunch of mid to high grade Uncanny X-men and Amazing Spider-man auctions ending between tonight and tomorrow if anyone is interested. All of these started as 0.99 cent auctions. There are also a bunch of slabs for sale, if anyone is interested in any of the slabs, i can sell them off eBay to forum members for 20-30% off, PM me...
Forgot to Post my First CBCS Submissions Thanatos 4 8 yearsBigRedOne1944 (11568): Nice Matching set of CBCS 4.0's Impressive indeed! Congratulations! John
CBCS Turnaround 5/15/2017 SteveRicketts Jump to first page38Jump to last page 8 yearsStu (825): I sure will - I have a few other morsels in that batch as well!
Jim Starlin refuses to work with CGC JLS_Comics Jump to first page264Jump to last page 8 yearsDarthLego (20518): There is no witnessing without consent. Witnesses are required to identify themselves and honor the wishes and rules of each signer. At least that is the CBCS policy.
SOLVED: opened SS#4 not missing page 31 kaptainmyke 24 8 yearsIsz_A (19): Did you just lose the yellow label too? oops say it was verified sig.....label looked yellow.
Adding a missing page kaptainmyke 21 8 yearsDarthLego (20518): @SteveRicketts Facts: Steve could press that guy a six pack.
CBCS Announces New Service "Raw Grade!" SteveRicketts Jump to first page131Jump to last page 8 yearssilverage1375 (22): That is a good idea as well. Maybe once they have done the Raw grading for a while, they can add other services like the signature services. I think a brief restoration check would attract a lot of takers. I can spend two minutes looking at a book myself and have a very good idea about restoration. They could specify that it is not an in-depth check to cover themselves, but I bet they would catch 90+ pct. of restorations. I'm sure part...
Florida? KingNampa 24 8 yearsjrs (1864): Do the founders/executives live there?
What does this mean? ComicE2 24 8 yearsdielinfinite (26915): I kinda do this with duplicate books and 9.8s already. If I submit two copies of a book and one comes back a 9.8 and one a 9.6 or 9.4, I'm pretty okay with selling the 9.8 and keeping the slightly lower grade for myself
Encapsulate If Fail - CBCS Signature VSP flikhype 12 8 yearsflikhype (7): Thanks Steve.
Taking CGC 9.8 slabs & converting them CBCS Gabriel85301 Jump to first page33Jump to last page 8 yearsmattness (1530): @Gabriel85301 Sure. Thanks for the interest :beer:
ASM #300 Style Cover Collection. BabaLament 2 8 yearsdielinfinite (26915): While I can't guarantee that it's comprehensive (though the site is generally very well organized), here's a list of ASM 300 homages
FS: Chew #1 First Print CBCS 9.8 ThorneArt 1 8 yearsThorneArt (2065): Well, the buyer has flaked. The book is up for sale for the price they were gonna pay. $365 ship incl in the USA
Humberto Ramos flikhype 7 8 yearsSirtoddington (1012): the date you have to put in would be the date the signer had done the signature. I usually send mine to Trinity & get the date from them on their signing & put that in the signing date then print that form off & ship it with my books.
1st Experience with CBCS onlyhulk23 14 8 yearsdrchaos (30062): First book I submitted to CGC: First book I submitted to CBCS:
CBCS Turnaround 5/9/2017 SteveRicketts 20 8 yearsComicE2 (25): Hello, I know one thing the 2-Day Modern is amazing. Little expensive. But the turnaround is great. Loving this company.
displaying comics & slabs Sirtoddington 26 8 yearsDarthLego (20518): Another cool idea 💡
What does CBCS "Conserved" Label mean? kaptainmyke 7 8 yearsdielinfinite (26915): So this is from CGC but I'd imagine it would more or less apply to CBCS as well: The Quality/Quantity metrics they reference are as follows:
Star Wars #68 Question for CBCS DarthLego 29 8 yearsZosoRocks (2134): I wonder what Marvel considers this issue to be?
CBCS Onsite Raw Grading Grayspeedster 8 8 yearsVaComicsGuy (4033): DARTH LEGO's mobile command grading vehicle.
CBCS Turnaround Update 5/1/2017 SteveRicketts 17 8 yearsGAC (79230): If CBCS received my books on March 21 when can I expect them to arrive?
Checking grading progress Kranzor 10 8 yearsKranzor (8): Thanks again for the info! I think I need to let this vendetta go
"file copy" question bennyb86 5 8 yearsSavage_Spawn (1906): Thanks a lot... I think I have a couple of those claimed
May the 4th! Post your Star Wars books! dielinfinite Jump to first page65Jump to last page 8 yearsThorneArt (2065): Here are some more Star Wars Sketch covers I have done: Wow, it turns out they are all sith related. :)
Zombie Tramp Dollface [Dan Mendoza sketch] AlexMendoza 6 8 yearsDarkga (4787): I'm jelly.
CBCS ASP Fee Question Grayspeedster 12 8 yearsbennyb86 (796): Perfect, thank you! That was the way it was explained to me by customer service as well but got a bit confused for a second.
CBCS yellow or CGC green label.... verbogyrater 20 8 yearsrtdcomics (1067): yeah i was aware CGC wouldnt honour anyone else so just presumed this went across the board on signatures. The copy itself is strong so should retain its grade but anythings better than how it looks now.
GAME: Count to 10! dielinfinite Jump to first page220Jump to last page 8 yearsdielinfinite (26915):
Slab Worthy? Please help Grayspeedster 10 8 yearsGrayspeedster (406): Good point. I do plan on taking pictures! The grades are all NM for the most part. The few that I'm not sure about I'm gonna have LCS grade and if they are below NM I'll look for upgrades or not have them graded at all. But I'll always keep in mind that I can scan and get your opinions. Well, I plan on keeping them for life, but they are investments so my future kids can have them when I pass. To sell or keep is up to them!
George Perez hospitalized JLS_Comics 15 8 yearsconditionfreak (11292): On average?
Qualified Maths DarthLego 3 8 yearsshrewbeer (13263): What he said 👆🏻 I had a 1946 MM#1 that looked NM+, only defects were bottom staple detached and slight sun shadow. Came back a flat 7.0
John Cassaday private signing at Alamo City MostlyMarvel240 2 8 yearsLeeK (228): Hey - I attempted to join your group so I could chat on FB about this signing opportunity, but I seem to be in limbo on that... Lee
Sending in my first book tips imagejock 6 8 yearsDarthLego (20518): I think there's already two or three threads that have covered how to package comics for shipping.
CBCS Slabs For Sale jbud73 20 8 yearsjbud73 (103): Werewolf By Night 33 CBCS 8.5 $130
Post your Wolverine sketches. Beamer Jump to first page35Jump to last page 8 yearsBeamer (157): Bruce Timm
Sam Keith Alamo City Private Signing MostlyMarvel240 11 8 yearsMostlyMarvel240 (10): I'm an AW for CBCS so I can sign off as a witness for the books you want to get graded
CBCS Turnaround Update 4/24/2017 SteveRicketts Jump to first page51Jump to last page 8 yearsGabriel85301 (1764): Looks like the books I sent in to get signed by Roy Thomas won't be entered for another two weeks. *breathes* I don't need to worry, I ain't selling them and I am not going anywhere... *In a Yoda Voice* CBCS Forum.. Begun the CON Season has...
Mail Call FootNote 8 8 yearsbennyb86 (796): Ditto. I think we get too caught up in the 9.8 or 6 craze sometimes.
Submitting a book at comic con LowlifeSocialClub 6 8 yearsZosoRocks (2134): ...and be specific on the invoice on what you want to have done. I'd like to see CBCS change their rules on OA....where as, included on the label - the character's name the art is in reference to. I just think it would be a cool addition to have "Badrock" in quotes on the label above the "signature verification" of Rob Liefield. Of course this is just an opinion I have. ;o)
Please grade this Batman Adventures 12 kaptainmyke Jump to first page90Jump to last page 8 yearskaptainmyke (27134): I love this new label btw. Don't ever change, brah. (DECB)
LET'S SEE EVERYONES VSP's Odins_Raven Jump to first page47Jump to last page 8 yearsdrchaos (30062):
CBCS Turnaround Update 4/17/2017 SteveRicketts 15 8 yearsdielinfinite (26915): My next order just entered grading!
magazine size comics CBCS slabs??? 1952MB Jump to first page53Jump to last page 8 years1952MB (25): CBCS we need Comic Magazine slabs, please make it happen this year.
Bunch of $0.99 Silver Age Xmen Ebay auctions RyanHicks 3 8 yearsjrs (1864): Nice stuff.
Authorized Witness Question thebeardedbat 6 8 yearsDLAComics (40): Unless you send for 3rd party press. Paperwork i signed and post from mark i belive. Said 30 days from con date. Borock wanted 2 weeks. I think 3 months is acceptable for mutli shows
Tales of the Teen Titans 44 bennyb86 5 8 yearsTowmater (10537): Nice book and a great story. That brought maturity to the Titans. Really a ground breaking arc. I remember reading it and thinking "WTF, over".
A CBCS Variant Cover? SteveRicketts Jump to first page65Jump to last page 8 yearsMGA (124): Hi guys I'll be set up at Reggie's this weekend with all our variants. For those not attending I plan on having 3x & 4x signed Iron Fist Variants Available will be Ryan Stegman Mike Perkins Roy Thomas and Possibly Rob Liefield for our B&C Covers. Everyone else who purchased a graded copy can upgrade their signatures to include the for mentioned artists. Hit me up for details at or thanks...
FS: CBCS Chew #1 9.8 ThorneArt 1 8 yearsThorneArt (2065): Hello Folks, I am selling my CBCS 9.8 first print of Chew #1 $400 Shipping is included in the USA Thanks
CBCS Staff Immortal? KingNampa 3 8 yearsDarthLego (20518): Although considering the power of the two Steve' never know.
Has anyone shipped using a FedEx account? Kaleljll 16 8 yearsKaleljll (406): Yeah I wouldn't even need close to that. I'm getting ready to send 20 books into CBCS for grading but I don't sell anything or ship anything other than that.
CBCS Turnaround Update 4/10/2017 SteveRicketts 4 8 yearsSteveRicketts (19701): Yeah, 2/22 Sorry
Free services W/Bronze membership question Kaleljll 5 8 yearsKaleljll (406): Great tip, my cart has 20 books in it at the moment. I was thinking the same thing. Thanks again brotha
Question about taking pictures JonnyQ 9 8 yearsjrs (1864): Awesome book. And nice picture too.
CBCS Turnaround 4/3/2017 SteveRicketts 15 8 yearsLotsaSequel (295): Thursday they went into shipping and yesterday they were shipped. So I guess they were just a little behind on updating the status of the books but I'm still happy and psyched to get those slabs in my hands!
FOR SALE: CBCS YELLOW LABEL/STEVE DILLON HEA Muaythaiguy 2 8 yearsMuaythaiguy (97): I have also a Allstar Batman Blank Cover with an original Headsketch by Jock 400$ shipping with tracking from Germany included
Mail Call! dielinfinite 15 8 yearsdielinfinite (26915): @JWKyle Yeah some are a little shifted. Happens sometimes during shipping. I'll tap them back into place eventually
Walking Dead 1 CBCS 9.8 NR AUCTION-LAST DAY CopperAgeKids 1 8 yearsCopperAgeKids (3717): I posted this in the auction spotlight thread I created on here earlier today.... Buuuuut, I'd say a legit Walking Dead 1 CBCS 9.8 Verified Signature Label deserves its' own thread 😍😍😍 She has less than half a day left.... FTR, this isn't my book and I have no association with the seller whatsoever.
Featured Sketch Cover OTW CBCS Style! MySlabbedComics 18 8 yearsBigRig (2006): That ones real nice 🖒
Batman Adventures #12 Newstand Edition kaptainmyke Jump to first page42Jump to last page 8 yearsDocBrown (16887): Whoever gives in first and offers it will get that increased business.
Gift Certificates Mathyus_42 3 8 yearsMathyus_42 (317): Ok, cool thanks.
CBCS Turnaround Update 3/27/2017 SteveRicketts 18 8 yearsSteveRicketts (19701): We are getting better every week. New update has been posted. Thanks for your feedback.
Congrats to the first #CBCSBOX winners!! Jesse_O 12 8 yearsbmonkus (1): thanks for the heads up
Submitting authorized witness books aries316 3 8 yearsdielinfinite (26915): @aries316 You can use the website and include a copy of your signed withness authorization form.
Hottest book on the planet right now? TommyJasmin 4 8 yearsHOGLEG (366): Man, I want to get that Chamber of Chills...
CBCS Slabs for Sale ThorneArt 5 8 yearsThorneArt (2065): Update... Chew #1 (1st print) 9.8 $400 Uncanny X-Men #510 (JSC Color) 9.8 SOLD X-Men #205 (Variant: JSC Retailer Incentive) 9.6 $100 Wolverine #66 (Variant: Trimpe DF Exclusive) 9.6 SOLD Wolverine #66 (Variant: 3rd Printing Sketch) 9.4 $50
FS - X-Men #510 JSC Variant 9.8 ThorneArt 7 8 yearsThorneArt (2065): SOLD pending payment, thanks to the buyer
So I was cracking a slab... dielinfinite Jump to first page61Jump to last page 8 yearsshrewbeer (13263): Idk. Never tried taking it out carefully.. next time i crack one things will go a bit differently considering this thread
New Mutants98 CBCS 9.8 Mark Jewelers Variant Carmbad 10 8 yearsHomer (1010): GPa does not identify if it's a mark jewelers edition. However if you check the Cgc bar code you will get the notation if it is the MJ. By looking at GPa a New Mutants 98 9.8 sold earlier in March for 1025.00 and it is a Cgc 9.8 Mark Jewelers variant. Likely the reason for the highest recorded sale for 2017. GPA does not track CBCS sales.
Will CBCS grade X-O Manowar 1:500 metalcover JLS_Comics 12 8 yearsBigRig (2006): So on site grading only? Im only joking..
New CBCS Variant Cover! SteveRicketts 24 8 yearsMGC (19): @DLAComics Hi guys sorry didn't see message. books are already out. Couple of orders went out Monday. But everyone should have received them Mike
CBCS Presence at FanExpo Dallas Magellan 4 8 yearsJustThatGuy (5004): WOO HOO now I don't have to mail them out.
eBay auctions closing Draco 10 8 yearsdrchaos (30062): For each dollar you get about 550 Costa Rican Colones. When I clicked on your link everything came up in the native currency 550X your prices in US dollars. Talk about sticker shock. I think I will wait until I get home on Saturday before I try yo do any more ebay shopping.
Correcting CGC Label Mistakes DarthLego 2 8 yearsSpiderTim (3431): I'm pretty sure they don't take names from a CGC label so you should be okay if they have the correct info in their database.
Got a Comic Back Tonite X-Men #58 ThorneArt 6 8 yearsNuffsaid111 (20672): Oh that's very unfortunate. I was on another thread where someone indirectly was stating missing pages should get qualified and graded as if the missing page was not a defect to be counted in the grade number. I disagreed. 5.0 with those signatures is excellent.
Iron Man #282 1forchrist 5 8 yearsZosoRocks (2134): Yep...I do...9.4-9.6....pressed would bring it up to 9.8.
Featured Slab of the Day- CBCS Style!! MySlabbedComics 3 8 yearssuckerv (88): That's mine!
Overhang?? Do Not Encapsulate? KingNampa 29 8 yearsFoghorn_Sam (3769): There we go, the raw grade service has found its niche market.
Rai #0 - glossy or matte? ZosoRocks 21 8 yearsKanaloa (183): Correct, but you said Bloodshot 0 which is why I corrected it to RAI 0 and Eternal Warrior 4. Eternal Warrior 4 is considered the first appearance of Bloodshot by most and is the one to get out of the two but RAI 0 is still good to have.
CBCS Turnaround Update 3/20/2017 SteveRicketts 17 8 yearsKaleljll (406): Well they are all in there now!! Very happy
For Sale: JIM #84 1.0 CBCS Conserved $125OBO adgbiking 27 8 yearsadgbiking (161): Lol yes $125 OBO. Anyways im going to send it to auction tomorrow at 8PM central so if anyone wants it before then let me know. You can have it for $100 shipped. Thanks
New CBCS Shipping Rates Jesse_O 15 8 yearsMio (541): My last batch of 7 books was 3x the price above. You Yankees do not know how good you have it.
How badly will binder holes effect the grade HarRes Jump to first page67Jump to last page 8 yearszosocane (645): Agree with CAK. And the date stamp/ink stamp doesn't affect the grade in that condition.
CBCS Turnaround Update 2/27/2017 SteveRicketts 28 8 yearsjrs (1864): Sent my books in 1/13 priority mail and patiently waiting for an update on the dashboard. Sent in one modern and the rest silver age. All I need now is for the word "processing" to change to "grading."
For sale: Sheriff of Babylon CBCS 9.8 Johnjakewish 1 8 yearsJohnjakewish (81): I have a couple of 9.8 and 9.6 copies I'm selling on eBay. If you're interested you can shoot me message and we can work out a fair price.
Signature conundrum OrbitCityComics 18 8 yearsMR_SigS (11124): Or at least more of a sense, anyway. Part of me will always wonder if my Kirby Sig was actually signed by Roz.
How do you add pictures to submissions? ZosoRocks 3 8 yearsZosoRocks (2134): Thanks!
Batman #1 WB VIP Studio Tour - Questions DarthLego 12 8 yearsDarthLego (20518): I do understant that CGC and CBCS are "properly" labeling it according to the Indicia that DC put on it. And under 99.99% of circumstances that would make perfect sense and wouldn't cause any issues or concern. BUT My argument is: Someone at DC is a bonehead! And the comic collecting community shouldn't get stuck with an erroneous looking label just because someone at DC is a bonehead! :(|) The book absolutely is a...
Submit Comics - Dashboard - Feature Request DarthLego 4 8 yearsjrs (1864): Great idea.
Grading Videos KingNampa 9 8 yearsSpiderTim (3431): Wouldn't we all? lol. That will surely NEVER happen! lol
CBCS Offers *ON-SITE GRADING* in Seattle! SteveRicketts Jump to first page63Jump to last page 8 yearsFootNote (46): Just remembered I never actually stopped by here and said thanks for the hard work!
Steve Ricketts Facts DarthLego Jump to first page101Jump to last page 8 yearsZosoRocks (2134): Uh-huh....just as a envisioned. ...and to think you aren't sharing?! ;o)
Holiday Promo Mail Call! dielinfinite 6 8 yearsfelixrunners (66): I'm going to pick mine up tomorrow from CBCS....I can hardly wait to check them out. Mine were received 12/30 if I remember correctly, and they were done last week.
Scan Question BradT 5 8 yearsdrchaos (30062): Found it: clickable text
If You Are Listening Steve Borock -- JayLefler 16 8 yearsFootNote (46): Thats Tampa right? I think I should be there next year, Looking forward to it!
First Slabbed Comic FootNote 1 8 yearsFootNote (46): Just got back from ECCC and had a blast. I dropped off 5 comics for the normal process but I wanted one that I could take home with me. So I present, my very first slabbed comic, Ms. Marvel #4 Michael Cho cover, signed and witnessed. I was a bit disappointed with the 9.6 until I re-examened the book and saw the bottom of the spine showed wear. Notes say "spine stress does not break color, wear bottom spine breaks color". ...
My CBCS Order from NTX Comic Con 90scomicbooknerd 9 8 yearsKingNampa (6756): @90scomicbooknerd Add #CBCSBox to your video. They have a monthly drawing for $100 credit you can win. :beer:
wanted: mad 6, 7, 18 andy49 1 8 yearsandy49 (4449): hi, looking to buy one or all of the above, 8.0 or better post some photos if you have one to sell
eBay auction - Infinity Gauntlet #1 ZosoRocks 2 8 yearsZosoRocks (2134): I've lowered the price to $180.00 if anyone is still interested. Thanks for viewing.
WTB Edge of Spider-Verse #2 Signed KingNampa 8 8 yearsKingNampa (6756): @DarthLego *hug* Dont worry I'll get it CVA graded, i want to know if it has nice eye appeal. My eyes aren't good enough to tell. 🤡
Raw Grade Stickers? Zarbongo 8 8 yearsZosoRocks (2134): Nice....this may pan out better than I thought. Thanks DL!
Will pressing improve this grade? KingNampa 6 8 yearsCopperAgeKids (3717): The feathering on the spine is production related, in this book it looks particularly pronounced so the book gets downgraded.....probably not by as much as you may think, though. I have yet to see a single copy of Preacher 1, Sandman 1 and Infinity Gauntlet 1 in CBCS 9.8 or CGC 9.8, that did NOT have some degree of feathering. Hard to say without a FC and BC scan but based on only the notes provided and the (not very illuminating) pic, a CPR...
Iron Fist (Netflix) Cast & Jay Anacleto SS! ARDavid 4 8 yearsDarthLego (20518): Rumor has it that in JWKyle's Longbox there's a portal to Earth-27, where Brandon Lee is alive and Iron Fist is being played by Bruce Lee's grandson.
CBCS Turnaround 2/20/2017 SteveRicketts 16 8 yearsdielinfinite (26915): Yes! I just got the order completed email! Now I just have to wait for them to be shipped!
Verified Signature jibaro 5 8 yearsSpiderTim (3431): You get charged per book and per signature my friend.
ct98 Auctions - eBay ThorneArt 5 8 yearsOrbitCityComics (1483): I bidded on the wasp variant. If I win, I'm hoping that corner crease can be pressed out.
CBCS On-Site Grading in Chicago C2E2 weekend SteveRicketts 9 8 yearsThatComicBookGuy (49): Steve, What are the hours to drop off books at Reggies? Also, will raw grading be available? If so, what is the price?
Rhode Island Comic Con Submissions esaravo Jump to first page63Jump to last page 8 yearsJohnnylray (2675): Thanks!
CBCS Turnaround 2/13/2017 SteveRicketts Jump to first page45Jump to last page 8 yearsPoisonwilliam (4): I made this mistake the order. There is a status within it that tells you what point of "processing" it is in. Hope that helps!
NJ Comic Expo Mail Call and Experience EddiePaxil 11 8 yearsEddiePaxil (88): @CopperAgeKids CBCS wasn't offering pressing yet at rhe time or I might have for the Mantle because we were sending it from right there. Otherwise I have a guy.
Authenticators at Comicpalooza in Houston? OrbitCityComics 4 8 yearscomicsforme (4166): I will be there all 3 days. I have a few for Jae to sign for me and hopefully a few other artist. Have fun.
He-Man/ThunderCats #1 CBCS 9.8 - $40 shipped Darkga 5 8 yearsDarkga (4787): Bump, slab trades welcome as well. :)
The gallery's back!! dielinfinite 18 8 yearsearthshaker01 (20453): They are only showing Green Lantern #58 and #60 in gallery, Sorry you missed out.
Question on Dashboard huskershawn69 3 8 yearshuskershawn69 (61): Thanks, will do in a few. Not an emergency situation. Enjoy your evening.
Should Lyria break out CBCS graded comics? whetteon 8 8 yearsconditionfreak (11292): I think it is fine just the way it is. The more info, the better informed I can be. I can ascertain the difference between CGC and CBCS on each and every book listing/info. That is all I need. I don't like CGC, but it doesn't burn my eyes when I read the letters "C G C". Not even a little.
CBCS Turnaround 1/30/2017 SteveRicketts 30 8 yearsWatcher (4166): today is day 7 for QC...they tell me its usually less, but they have a slight back up right now. A couple extra days won't kill me as long as they're all 9.8's (but I know there are plenty of 5.0's in there )
Mail call Feb 13, 2017 Millvilleresident 15 8 yearsVaComicsGuy (4033): @Millvilleresident NICE BOOKS!!!!
WTB Strange Tales #157 & #158 (1966) KingNampa 2 8 yearsKingNampa (6756):
Question about my first set of graded books Tedsaid Jump to first page32Jump to last page 8 yearsmattness (1530): UPDATE: I received my two books back from CBCS today. Both books were sent back because of waves in each of the books. I contacted CBCS, they asked if I could please send them pictures, I did they said to return the books for re-holdering. The worst book is 100% better (pics) There was no change on the second book (not shown). The second books waves is pretty minute but it's just one of those things that you know is there. All in all it was a...
Mail Call Friday Edition drchaos 9 8 yearsdrchaos (30062): I am glad you like them. The person taking the money and books for Liefeld to sign had me nervous with the way he handled the books. I am glad he didn't damage them. There are three more copies (2s and 11s, not sure which) that I had pressed because of him.
SALE: Doctor Strange Keys! Odins_Raven 4 8 yearsFoghorn_Sam (3769): Can you believe some of the first filtered cigarettes that were made in the 1950's were made with asbestos. They were touted as healthier for you than unfiltered (just never mind the fact we've made them twice as deadly by using asbestos). Yikes!
Skecth Opp with Mathieu Reynes (French)! ARDavid 1 8 yearsARDavid (1): Welcome everyone to Mathieu Reynes's first sketch opportunity! Thanks to Mark Roman for greenlighting this opp. Mathieu is comic book artist from France, a brilliant talent. He is super busy working on his comic book series "Harmony" so he will be able to complete only limited 5-8 orders, don't miss the chance! Duration: We are taking order now and Mathieu will work on the covers in March and April, then they are good to go...
WTB High Grade Jungle Action 1forchrist 1 8 years1forchrist (166): Looking to purchase CGC/CBCS Blue Label 9.8's or Raw NM++!   Solid 9.6 copy/potential 9.8 candidate NM/M!! Solid 9.8 candidate - Jungle Action #11 NM++! or NM/M!! - Jungle Action #19 NM++! or NM/M!! - Jungle Action #21 NM++! or NM/M!! - Jungle Action #23 NM++! or NM/M!! - Jungle Action #24 NM++! or NM/M!! Thanks!
Fees..just saying.... Johnnylray 26 8 yearsno1lufcfan (3058): Thanks for the info and update I’ll get around to submitting some books some time. Just wish I had done it a few years ago before I sold a lot of my keys inc X-Men 94 and GS 1/ASM 300 x 3 and Iron Man 1 x 2…. still needs must at the time :oops:
The NEW CBCS Label is LIVE! SteveRicketts Jump to first page68Jump to last page 8 yearsZosoRocks (2134): Tv's my 11st subs on the new label...I like it....I now don't have to fiddle my eyes to see the holo. Nice. Thanks!
Incredible Hulk #1 CBCS 1.5 for Sale Kevin4444 2 8 yearsJohnnylray (2675): great book. Best of Luck!Kills me when I think of the one I sold like 15+ years ago...I wish I could buy a low key for 1K
WTB several BA/CA/MA mini-series shrewbeer 4 8 yearsDertyComix (912): Lol....
CGC at 20 business day Modern turn time? Kaleljll Jump to first page55Jump to last page 8 yearsDarthLego (20518): @IronMan Thanks for all that information. :beer:
Why Nostomania now supports CBCS 0.3 and 0.1 TommyJasmin 12 8 yearsTommyJasmin (490): DarthLego - Yes, certainly! Any information that improves the data is a win for everyone. If something is off-base, that either implies we aren't gathering enough sales data (this I know is a problem, and am addressing it) or there is a bug in our pricing code. Most of the bugs have been worked out but there's always another lurking. One of the nice things about the Nostomania pricing algorithms is that they are self-correcting over time. Just...
Signed Jack Kirby comic found! CBCS Worthy? Johnnylray 30 8 yearsJohnnylray (2675): I'm on the fence with all this DF concerns..I may just keep the book , not slabbed, and pass it down to my kids.let them worry about real vs fake. and save myself $47 plus bucks. kind of bums me out that even though it was a limited, it could be fake. and I have a stack of DF books from 91-94 that Have COAs'. Ray/RI
Walking dead 27 printing error value?? kandrcomics 5 8 yearsZosoRocks (2134): This is a good topic that should have its own thread.... What printing / manufacturing error books do you own? I'm gonna start one up.
My fisrt CBCS slab and my two cents Krazywan 4 8 yearsKrazywan (469): that would be awesome, I'm gonna have to check into that, that is something I could do on a lunch break
Does CBCS tell you when comics are received? Kaleljll 6 8 yearsKaleljll (406): Yeah they updated me right away. I really like that they do that. Feels like they are on top of it.
To "Asterisk" or not to "Asterisk" ZosoRocks 18 8 yearsdielinfinite (26915): @Rafel I suppose they are relatively rare but there isn't really a ton of demand for them, similar to how CGC's other specialty labels don't command a significant premium over the standard label for the same book, grade, and signature. Wizard First 9.5s have recently sold for anywhere between $15 and $70 but rarely for any significant amount more, and often a bit less than the same book in a Universal 9.4 or 9.6 grade
Mail Call - NYCC Signature Series drchaos 18 8 yearsdrchaos (30062): Cool! He signed this book for me:
So I need help. Sorry if answers obvious Wolverine 14 8 yearsKaleljll (406): Got my first submission all written up, paid for, printed out and boxed up for shipping tonight! Print button shoes up I think eh upper right hand corner, found it with no problem. Hopefully I protected the 9 books I'm sending in well enough.
Scanning questions drchaos Jump to first page49Jump to last page 8 yearsdrchaos (30062): The scanner is so fast. It is so much easier putting up ebay listings now. I am a happy customer.
CBCS Turnaround 1/16/2017 SteveRicketts 26 8 yearsTanis (43): Nnnnnooooooooooo! At least my husband took the parcel in.
Signatures on books - detract or entice? ZosoRocks Jump to first page33Jump to last page 8 yearsRyanHicks (1974): These are thinner acid free permanent markers and this is the best thin-point gold marker you can get for signings (it is absolutely beautiful) but it is also one you need to give a few seconds to dry
Went to St. Louis today Towmater 10 8 yearsshrewbeer (13263): That makes more sense, though I was told my "recieved" was the 28th for a books given on the 13th. So not a month but just over two weeks.
ASM 300 Reprint Djnaz 11 8 yearsDjnaz (4): Thanks for the information guys. It's highly appreciated. I'm leaning towards getting it graded just deciding between cgc or cbcs and if I want mr Lee and Mr McFarlane signatures. Kinda nervous I spent a decent amount on it. Quite less than eBay. To me it looks flawless scared it won't come back 9.8 or higher.
Looks like Comics are in the mail.... Johnnylray 4 8 yearsesaravo (103073): My order of 10 comics with witnessed signatures from RICC is also in the mail. It should arrive tomorrow.
Mark Texiera Sketch Opportunity jayslo 3 8 yearsVaComicsGuy (4033): I want that Batgirl.
SIGNING OP HUGHES/ JIMENEZ/ CHAYKIN/ JUSKO GenuineCOA 4 8 yearsGenuineCOA (176): Deadline to receive orders for these signings has been extended to February 6. Don't miss these opportunities!
Deadpool #1 8.5 Signed Nicieza FOR SALE! DrunkWooky 4 8 yearsDarthLego (20518):
Special Discount Mail Call esaravo 29 8 yearscjbehr948 (170): NICE results!
Will CBCS do on-site grading at Phoenix Con? Kaleljll 9 8 yearsKaleljll (406): Cool, thanks for the info everyone. See you there!!
Mailing In Submissions Wolverine 7 8 yearsRevelations (523): You'll be able to find that invoice in your dashboard.
CBCS GRADED FOR SALE fingfangfoom 1 8 yearsfingfangfoom (25): A few books that I'm offering. Ship US only, Priority. I pay postage, ins. Paypal, Postal Money Order, checks must clear. If your on the HOS "across the street" please pass. If you are on the Probation List "across the street" also please pass. All sales final. No books were pressed. Avengers #55 CBCS 9.2- $340 Thor #133 CBCS 9.0- $375 (Mile High II) Iron Man #128 CBCS 9.0- $95 Power Man #33 CBCS 9.6- $75 ...
Which Kubert book to get graded? Wolverine 16 8 yearsWolverine (1961): For sure I will. I'm really hoping for 9.8's innthe Origin and Batman. I checked them over and can't find any defects at all. I mean I'm not a pro but can't find any colour break, bends, creases or anything. I have DofW signed by Soule and McGuiness but this is is in a lot better shape and the cover art is alott better anyways.
What grade if you don't VSP a signature? Darkga 16 8 yearsdielinfinite (26915): The list on CSA's site is not comprehensive. If you have a sig by a known creator that's not on the list I'd contact them too see if they have it
Anyone else send in an order for 20% off? Towmater Jump to first page64Jump to last page 8 yearsDrogio (8091): I called this morning and apparently when you request pressing it is going to be two separate invoices...and therefore you will be charged return shipping for each invoice. The customer service person (Zach) explained this was consistent with how they were doing things before with their contracted presser. This being my first submission did not realize this. Regardless...they said they understood my confusion and this will be clearer when its...
VSP include comics sealed in org bag? ZosoRocks 16 8 yearsZosoRocks (2134): Interesting...Steve, thanks again for clarifying this other service.
Pressing Candidate? opinions please ThorneArt 9 8 yearsThorneArt (2065): Thanks, I really appreciate the opinions folks. Exactly the kind of info I was looking for. :)
This Week In Your CBCS Collection TheKaptain Jump to first page73Jump to last page 8 yearsMathyus_42 (317): These are all Larry Hama books that came back today.
FS - Chew #1 (first printing) 9.8 ThorneArt 4 8 yearsThorneArt (2065): Lowering the price, $450 will get it. that includes shipping in USA
New and have questions Heather 3 8 yearsHeather (1): Awesome thank you so much for your help with the information. Ill definitely look up her thread. I really appreciate.
Online Order form @ CGC dielinfinite 9 8 yearsDarthLego (20518): As of now you have to physically write your coupons on your printed invoice that you send with your comics. We've been asking for an automated coupon system for nearly a year now.
Mail Call! dielinfinite 11 8 yearsdielinfinite (26915): @Jaydknight I don't have a lot of experience with them myself since the CGC community isn't exactly what I'd call welcoming but. asically there are several established categories in which people can register their books for points and people compete for the best set in each category. Here's the info page @ CGC The registry and competitive sets are a couple of the many "coming soon" features of the CBCS site
Mail Call for 1-14-2017 Gabriel85301 1 8 yearsGabriel85301 (1764): The label says that Mike Deodato did the cover but it was clearly John Tyler Christopher. I was also hoping they would have put 50th anniversary variant, 1:50 on the description. Not happy but the description but sometimes that's the way the ball bounces. I would like that Cover Art description fixed. Carol Danvers is my...
LAST CALL FOR PEREZ/ WOLFMAN SIGNING OP GenuineCOA 2 8 yearsZosoRocks (2134): But wait.....if you are in NM...GP is doing a signing at the ABQ con this weekend....and yep....I was able to submit my IG #1....with Perez and inker Rubenstien's autos. He is one of the rarer artists who will sign....up to 12 items, but only one sketch. Wonderful man. Very gracious! Have fun and thanks for the heads up.
CBCS Turnaround 1/9/2017 SteveRicketts 15 8 yearsdielinfinite (26915): @Themaxx35 The grades didn't ahow up until the books were officially shipped, which was the afternoon after the status change to shipping
Usually high grade on a rack purchased comic kaptainmyke 8 8 yearsshrewbeer (13263): Seems to me 9.6 is the "new" NM. But then again I could have had it wrong all these years in the first place...
Signatures Unlimited Paul Green Signing jayslo 2 8 yearsVaComicsGuy (4033): What are the costs?
House of Secrets 92 CBCS 8.5 VF+ jmh722 2 8 yearsjmh722 (19): This book has been sold.
Where is CBCS!?! therealtimmyp Jump to first page31Jump to last page 8 yearsantoniofett (2366): Yep
CBCS Turnaround 1/3/2017 SteveRicketts 16 8 yearsdielinfinite (26915):
Eternal Warrior #4 CBCS 9.8 1forchrist 8 8 yearsZosoRocks (2134): I guess that is the closest I can come to with actually finding a long lost treasure. :o)
FS Walking Dead 1 CBCS 9.8 price reduced Trilogycomics 2 8 yearsTrilogycomics (127): sold..thanks for the inquiries
FS:New Teen Titan #2 9.8s Deathstroke Sketch Kevin4444 1 8 yearsKevin4444 (19): Howdy Folks, Had some killer George Perez slabs come in over the holidays. Open to trade offers for other major keys, other rules below. Rules: -Shipping at cost. Buyer picks method. -PayPal for payment. -I reserve the right to refuse a sale to anyone that is on my personal probation list. -Post, PM or Email with offers. First form of "I'll take it" in the thread wins over PM negotiations. Please clearly ID which book you...
Jessica Cruz (Green Lantern) Appearance jbarnes020889 Jump to first page62Jump to last page 8 yearsZuul (7): Unless I'm mistaken, there is precedence set for fists being considered a cameo. Both Venom and Doomsday had "cameo" appearances as a fist.
Mail Call!!! QuaBrot 6 8 yearsZosoRocks (2134): That is so weird....I have this signed book I came across, and you just helped me identify the signer.... Ostrander. :0) Thanks
New CBCS Label, part 2... SteveRicketts Jump to first page133Jump to last page 8 yearsvacaboca (1063):
Question about ART Label holders ThorneArt 5 8 yearscomicsforme (4166): It was told that maybe Mag size may happen so why not Large Size Comics.
Modern Fast Pass Invoice Chaddyboxer 3 8 yearsChaddyboxer (22): That's what I was thinking.... Appreciate the quick response. It makes sense for sure. Thank you!!
CBCS Certification Lookup? Chris918 2 8 yearsdielinfinite (26915): You can look them up on the website here or you can scan the QR code on the back of the label. You may also notice the big website migration notice. Some books won't show up in a search just yet. You can send an email to customer service with the book's serial number and they can look up the grader's notes for you
Raw vs. Graded therealtimmyp 7 8 yearsesaravo (103073): Don't forget that the slab certifies not only the book's condition as in its grade, but also if the book has been conserved or restored, and if a signature (or several) are legit. Once you purchase it, you can remove it from the slab if you want, or leave it be. But you will have the piece of mind knowing that the book hasn't been restored and/or that the signature(s) is/are real.
MAIL CALL THIS WEEK! 27 BOOKS.. Gabriel85301 7 8 yearsGabriel85301 (1764): Only notes were "bends top edge 1/2" stain right front cover on WW's knee with moisture waves" I was trying to figure it out because I didn't take it out after buying it bagged/boarded until I had to get it signed.
Mail call Millvilleresident 7 8 yearsMillvilleresident (208): Supergirl by Ebas Arkham Revenge Harley Quinn by Dawn Mcteigue
Grading Strictness Sliding Scale GAC 16 8 yearsJWKyle (3300): @Jesse_O Great answers Jesse. If I remember correctly I've listened to interviews with Steve Borock where he basically stated the same thing. There is no Golden age "curve" but all books were not created equally and that is taken into consideration when grading. I do understand the argument though if I take a 9.6 modern and a 9.6 silver age book the modern will exhibit better eye appeal and seem to have almost no noticeable flaws.
Liam's Foreign Comic Blowout! Great Deals! TheLiamSturgess Jump to first page40Jump to last page 8 yearsTheLiamSturgess (289): Thanks very much, Alex! :) You've got some sick signature books listed as well, I noticed. Stoked to see you again in the next few months, I hope!
CBCS Turnaround 12/28/2016 SteveRicketts 4 8 yearsSteveRicketts (19701): It was a glitch in the matrix. You should be updated now.
Happy Holidays from your friends at CBCS! SteveRicketts 25 8 yearsBkrose69 (4): My comics arrived today but the billing doesnt show the discount. Is there a reason for this?
Selling Amazing Spiderman 688 Campbell 9.6 Trilogycomics 2 8 yearsDertyComix (912): PM sent
Re-Slab therealtimmyp 15 8 yearsOrbitCityComics (1483): i will just add my two cents to this. I quit buying CGC books, and I am currently in the process of selling off the rest while they are still worth something. CBCS is more accurate. I've often questioned some of the grades i got back from CGC. Personally, I see CGC going the way of PGX. If you just want a high grade and don't care about value, send it to PGX.
YELLOW LABEL SIGNING WITH STAN LEE GenuineCOA 8 8 yearsGenuineCOA (176): @shrewbeer We have a cut-off date set for the 24th, but as long as we have your on-line order by then and have received your book before Tuesday the 27th, we can make it happen. You can place the order at the link in the original post.
CBCS Turnaround 12/20/2016 SteveRicketts 9 8 yearsSteveRicketts (19701): I see that the system made a successful charge to a credit card when your order was received, thus the zero balance on your account. For more detail, you'll need to contact Dan Rogers at because he knows way more about the system billing than I do.
Migration in progress 1nOnly 17 8 yearsRyanHicks (1974): Also, the "My Comics" section of the website caps out at 50 books; so once you have had 50 books graded, no new books/grades will show up there. This has been a bug in the website since they launched it and has never been fixed.
Help: Need Notes for Graphic Fantasy #1 Despain 22 8 yearsDespain (1618): @SteveRicketts Thanks, Steve! Very helpful information. And Merry Christmas to you. I appreciate it.
How much would a press really help? bythegram 8 8 yearswillieCPA4646 (597): From the people I know who have had lots more books graded that I have, the consensus seems to be that pressing may move the grade up somewhat. The three books I did submit to CBCS I did not get pressed. One books was signed and that comic was a special case. The other two books were graded NM to NM+ by the dealers I purchased them from (both reputable dealers, and before CGC and CBCS grading). One comic was from the Winnipeg Collection, one...
SIGNING OPPORTUNITY: LEE/PEREZ/WOLFMAN/JUSKO GenuineCOA 7 8 yearsSpiderTim (3431): What if I only want you to get the signatures for me and then mail to someone else for pressing, I would just need your witness form to be included with the comic.
CBCS Turnaround 12/12/2016 SteveRicketts 10 8 yearsshrewbeer (13263): It said "shipped" before it said c"completed" though
"Dr. Strange" #1 - 1974- CBCS 9.0 For Sale cjbehr948 2 8 yearsSteverogers11 (3605): Nice book will def think about it
Batman Adventures 12 9.6 jmh722 2 8 yearsSteverogers11 (3605): Price?
What are you currently hunting for? dielinfinite Jump to first page228Jump to last page 8 yearsAndyRexia (6306): Daredevil #111 high grade
Are there any 10.0 CBCS graded bronze age? Rafel 8 8 yearsRafel (4270): That's cool to know. Thank you.
CBCS Turnaround 12/6/2016 SteveRicketts 19 8 yearsdielinfinite (26915): @shrewbeer The received dates aren't visible on your dashboard. Check your emails for "CBCS comics: Order # Received" The Dashboard should update after each step in the process (you should receive an email whenever your order moves ahead) to whow you where your books are. Your dashboard will update with the actual grades once the status has changed to shipped
CBCS Gift Certificates! SteveRicketts 7 8 yearsOxbladder (1287): Is it me?
For those who need late presents come on in? Lunarshade 1 8 yearsLunarshade (190): Chrissy and I have listed several graded books and will list another batch later in the week. So if you have been procrastinating or just want a gift for yourself like I do go on my store and check it out!
WTB Adventures of Superman #498 CBCS 9.8 deathNreign 2 8 yearsgusgoose (1): maybe one in Memphis 24$
Walking Dead #1 CBCS 9.9 tjr909 2 8 yearscjbehr948 (170): It's a beaut, Clark!
FS Walking Dead 1 CBCS 9.8 Trilogycomics 3 8 yearsvacaboca (1063): Nice book - if I didn't already have one, I'd be drooling :) Good luck!
Should Lyria break out CBCS graded comics? whetteon 3 8 yearswhetteon (45): Here ya go.
CBCS Turnaround 11/28/2016 SteveRicketts 14 8 yearsjrs (1864): Thanks, makes sense.
Coverless comics Odins_Raven Jump to first page31Jump to last page 8 yearsshrewbeer (13263): That book brings back bad memories. Had my kids with me at the CS and so of course im distracted; I saw a good looking copy for $40. Happily paid for it and a few small toys for the little ones, got home and noticed the "marvel spotlight" at the top. REPRINT 😡🔫.
My 1st CBCS book...Planet Comics #41! gman 6 8 yearsesaravo (103073): Awesome book and a stunning cover. I've never seen hair bondage before! (Have to space the snakes out very carefully, I guess.)
My crazy 99 cent auctions for 12/24 kaptainmyke 2 8 yearskaptainmyke (27134): The 9.9 ends tomorrow night. Aspen is selling "con stock" 9.8 graded sketch covers for $199 so I am curious what this gem will sell for.
My Yearly Purge DrunkWooky 10 8 yearsDrunkWooky (49): The NM 87 pictured is the gold second print variant. There is no first print included or pictured in that listing. I wish I had two first prints, then I would keep one and the other would be in that listing.
Tower of Shadows #1 9.6 Goldmedalman 2 8 yearsThe_Curmudgeon (1360): Stunning!
Selling my Batman Adventures 12 CBCS 9.8 jmh722 1 8 yearsjmh722 (19): Hi folks. I've got a Batman Adventures 12 9.8, which if you've been living under a bridge is the first app of Harley Quinn. We've had some immediate financial issues spring up so I am selling it. Asking $1800 and shipping is on me via USPS Priority Mail. Please message me directly, as I don't get forum update messages to my email. Here's a pic:
FS: Fantastic 4 #52 (1st Blk Panther) - $560 Darkga 5 8 yearsJerkfro (2072): Wrong thread D'oh!
CBCS Turnaround 11/21/2016 SteveRicketts 16 8 yearsDeadpoolica (859): Got the email today 👍🏻👍🏻
For Sale . . . QuaBrot 1 8 yearsQuaBrot (2018): Have 2 CBCS graded books I am about to list on eBay, but first thought I'd give you all a chance to purchase them. First I'll take it on thread or in PM takes it, Paypal, sent USPS Medium Flat Rate box fully insured (shipping taken into account in asking price, so if it seems about $20 above GPA or what you are thinking of paying, take that into consideration) In Chronological order: Walt Disney's Comics & Stories 37 Oct. 1943 5.5 Off...
Arrgh #1 CBCS 9.6 Goldmedalman 1 8 yearsGoldmedalman (37): Posted my first CBCS comic purchase a few days ago, just picked up my 2nd bronze age CBCS beauty. Very happy with the case, could almost just put this comic on a stand and display it like artwork :D :beer:
Journey Into Mystery #112 Signed Stan Lee kaptainmyke 9 8 yearskaptainmyke (27134): It seems to be on track for what I was hoping for. :beer:
Weird Wonder Tales #1, first CBCS purchase Goldmedalman 8 8 yearsGoldmedalman (37): Looked hard for this book and happy with the purchase, CFP agree it was the Gil Kane cover art that drew me to this one.
CBCS Turnaround 11/15/2016 SteveRicketts 17 8 yearsBigRig (2006): @cseale0223 yeah didn't figure id be getting an email before the holidays one can hope Thanks @SteveRicketts
CBCS Grade Surprise or Check Online? Thanatos 8 8 yearsThanatos (3201): This has been my life since it said the grading completed on Friday. The waiting was miserable.
The SLAB WARS HAVE BEGUN! C2E2-ECCC only CGC Gabriel85301 Jump to first page76Jump to last page 8 yearsArchie10cents (4): I also had got my tickets brought online (waiting for them in mail) to ECCC. When I found out CGC will be setting a booth, I thought "Hey, that is good as it is close to me. I can submit few of my books straight there". I like to do that in person ... I am same as you are, old fashioned. But now with all the swirling storm between CGC and CBCS by agurments. It do make my upcoming trip to ECCC a tad bit less thrilling. This is my 1st...
New CBCS Label? SteveRicketts Jump to first page65Jump to last page 8 yearsMio (541): Thank you!
Giant Size X-Men #1 CBCS 9.6 Cockrum Sig! Kevin4444 9 8 yearsKevin4444 (19): Bump, Price drop to $3300.
For Sale- NYX #4 9.4 Sirtoddington 7 8 yearsSirtoddington (1012): lol.
To Grade or not to Grade Jesselnc 6 8 yearsZarbongo (110): If you aren't going to re-read them and want to insure they maintain their grade then get 'em slabbed. If you're gonna do it anyway and they're collectible enough to grade why not if you've got the budget for it.
Reholder CGC Books lobovike 7 8 yearsDrWatson (59640): The cgc will charge you a reholder fee. If you send it to CBCS, they will charge you a grading fee. They can't reholder something that wasn't graded by them in the first place.
AW's headed to Paradise Comicon? Gabriel85301 2 8 yearscomicsforme (4166): $40.00 signed threw Lando. Was at Alamo
COMIC ARTISTS/WRITERS THAT ARE ANTI-SLABBING Revan_Q Jump to first page34Jump to last page 8 yearsOrbitCityComics (1483): I have a book signed by him. I got it signed many moons ago when he was in Chicago for a store appearance. Good to know that it's rare.
Heroes Haven is apparently CBCS exclusive JLS_Comics 7 8 yearsKenWorthing (457): From what I understand of it having talked to both Pete and Sara, is that Pete was going to handle subs for CBCS and Sara was going to handle subs for CGC. All now past tense for future subs to CGC.
CBCS Turnaround 11/7/2016 SteveRicketts 3 8 yearsdielinfinite (26915): YES!! My book just went into grading! I'll soon be able to see the sketch cover I commissioned back in August!
New CBCS Logo? SteveRicketts Jump to first page113Jump to last page 8 yearsJWKyle (3300): MOAR !!! The Shield is looking clean
ASM # 238 no Tatooz Gaz973 10 8 yearsDrWatson (59640): FF 252. The one with the sideways cover.
Seller Tips and Price Points of Graded Books kaptainmyke 17 8 yearsResurrection (661): @kaptainmyke I buy a Teen Titans 2 for $125.00 as a raw NM-, book grades 9.6 I sell it for $360/400. whatever FMV is. Random book is $5.00 and grades 9.8 sells for $25.00, well that is a book nobody wanted.
For Sale: 2 hard to find slabs!!! Gunnz 7 8 yearsGunnz (10): Closing this down!
Is this a problem? lobovike 17 8 yearsTowmater (10537): :eek:
For Sale: Some tough Modern Indy's ChuckyG 11 8 yearsChuckyG (41): PGixnay!
1st CBCS submission mail call Deadpoolica 3 8 yearsDeadpoolica (859): Thanks man
CBCS UK & Europe CBCS_UK 15 8 yearsrtdcomics (1067): Was great to meet the CBCS guys at MCMLondon the other week. Really pleased to have a comic grading presence at a UK show highlighting that they want new business and a bigger audience, unlike some other companies I could name. I went with the intention of getting a few blank cover sketches and seeing CBCS there gave me the choice to get them slabbed as well. Several dealers I spoke to at the show, that were CGC authorised, only had negative...
Komic Kevin's Sales thread Kevin4444 5 8 yearsKevin4444 (19): Agrkdj, it's all yours!
FOR SALE! Comics, Movies, & Collectibles! cjbehr948 5 8 yearsdielinfinite (26915): @cjbehr948 Sure, just give me a few weeks to steady my finances
Elm St Sketch artist? Freddy at ECCC 2017! kaptainmyke 8 8 yearskaptainmyke (27134): I love it! Thanks I want to get a cover done that hasn't been done before, so this will ensure of that. Great! I really want to do the Freddy ventroloquist idea from Freddy 2 where he's controlling a puppet ninja turtle on a cover of TMNT Universe #1. That scene was so creepy in Freddy 2. I'm still waiting to hear back from JG Jones
Rhode Island Comic Con 2016 jayslo 3 8 yearsrobertofredrico (747): HAHA!
CBCS 6.5 X-Men #1 auction ends tonight! ivegotneatstuff 19 8 yearsStudley_Dudley (53812): I won't list a CBCS slab as an auction. Buy it now on the Bay works ok. Sometimes it takes a while bUT they'll eventually sell. I never viewed the Link as a reliable source of selling data as I've purchased CGC and CBCS slabs for cheap there.
CBCS Turnaround 10/24/2016 SteveRicketts 4 8 yearsJWKyle (3300): These guys are freaking animals under the events calendar they have three shows they are scheduled to be at. :eek:
I Will be attending Megacon Tampa as an AW Brian 4 8 yearsBrian (49): Lmk if you need anything seemed to be plenty however I wasn't impressed by the selection. Shouldn't be a problem though if there is something you want send me a message.
Notes for cracked and resubmitted books dielinfinite 10 8 yearsDrWatson (59640): Furthermore, if a book has simply been reholdered, then that process will not be reflected in the notes as it has nothing to do with the reasoning as to why the book received the grade it received.
CBCS Turnaround 10/17/2016 SteveRicketts 7 8 yearssvgcomics181 (160): thats why they have grade screening
comic swapping thread Jeremy_K Jump to first page52Jump to last page 8 yearsDarthKribs (490): Wolverine what would you want in trade?
Anyone have experiences with CPC Pressing? dielinfinite Jump to first page53Jump to last page 8 yearsBrian (49): CPC Though I havent used them for pressing, it is the run by Pete Carbonaro CEO of Heroes Haven Comics in Tampa.
What was your first submission molcott Jump to first page57Jump to last page 8 yearsenaz13 (2067): I just got back my first submissions. They aren't very high grades but I'm happy I had finally got some of the comics I wanted when I was younger. ...
My First Submissions... tonnage71 3 8 yearsDarkga (4787): Welcome to the club! I submitted my first books 3 months ago, and I have learned more about comic grading in these months than I ever had known from my previous years of collecting.
CBCS Turnaround 10/10/2016 SteveRicketts 18 8 yearsSteveRicketts (19701): You can see your grades on the dashboard after they've shipped. Early this week, most likely.
How do you grade comics with loose pieces? kaptainmyke 20 8 yearskaptainmyke (27134): What's interesting to me is the prices of ASM jacked up tremendously from last years guides to this year. So, that 1.5 grade last year was worth around $1500 but this year shot up to $3500. This book will continue to go up in value so the 1.5 grade doesn't bother me much. Intrinsically being unrestored and complete is evident. When I bought the book, it was alleged as a 2.5 but when it changed hands the book literally was so fragile it...
Sale Psylocke #1's 1st and 2nd Print's 9.8 MWR 10 8 yearsMWR (31): bump
Dynamic force Comics/Dan Slott signing neku528 9 8 yearspoka (25534): Thanks. No not worried about fakes but I would not buy a DF signature serie comic as long as it doesn't qualify for cgc/cbcs signature grading. Just personal pref.
CBCS Turnaround 10/3/2016 SteveRicketts 14 8 yearsneku528 (16): Oh sorry i was going off the date on the dashboard. Opps hahaha :eek:
Submission with COA is Red or Yellow? kaptainmyke 9 8 yearscjbehr948 (170): You'll get what Cyclops sees.
Batman #11 for sale Bats1940 5 8 yearshockeyboy13 (4): i will take it if it is still around. jamie graham direct email
Will CBCS grade these mini comics for me? kaptainmyke 14 8 yearsSirtoddington (1012): I posted a photo of an ashcan they graded for me in KC above. That should have answered the question on if they could or not. ;)
CBCS at the NYCC this weekend! SteveRicketts 3 8 yearsSteveRicketts (19701): @FUEGOMUSIC Stop by the booth. They'd be glad to help you out.
CBCS Turnaround 9/26/16 SteveRicketts 11 8 yearsSteveRicketts (19701): Usually, yes. Turnaround in a particular department depends on the backlog at any given time. I don't understand what you're asking. We don't have any on-site scheduled for the foreseeable future. It will happen again, but we're not sure when.
CBCS launches New Logo and Brand SteveRicketts Jump to first page1176Jump to last page 8 yearsnld3 (11): Please make the writing on the label bigger.
Con with no witness? Vexsus Jump to first page35Jump to last page 8 yearsAznBane (70): The CGC census is low for 9.8 copies and yeah the 9.6 did have some good sales. Also unfortunately with Luke Cage out I would say don't expect it to go up much more. Look at sales of Alias 1 before and after Jessica Jones came out. The drop steeply shortly after the premier. Honestly the time to have sold your Marvel Premiere would have been when Luke Cage teasers were coming out. But you never know she might have a big role in upcoming series....
FS Batman: The Killing Joke CBCS 9.2 Real_Frantic_One 5 8 yearsReal_Frantic_One (106): Guess nobody is interested, so this thread is now closed. Thanks for looking.
Pressing signed comics djinn155 11 9 yearsCFP_Comics (4047): Should be fine.
CBCS Turnaround 9/19/16 SteveRicketts 26 9 yearsWolverine (1961): I'm excited to get them back but not trying to think about it so when they do come it's a nice surprise. If we aren't a memeber how do we check the status of the books?
John Tyler Christopher Signing NYCC MGA 1 9 yearsMGA (124): Hi guys here's your chance to get all your new action figures signed by JTC. Email with any questions. All books must be in by 10/4. Signature fee is $10 a book. Signature series witnessing and encapsulation. Dealers welcome. thanks Mike
For Sale: Amazing Spiderman 648 Campbell Var WCollecbales 13 9 yearsWCollecbales (154): $650 raw on eBay, another raw copy sold $600 via auction a few weeks back. It's a pretty rare cover, rarer than the black and white version of the cover.
CBCS at the Hartford ComiConn this weekend! SteveRicketts 1 9 yearsSteveRicketts (19701): #CBCScomics will be at #HartfordComiConn this weekend. Stop by our booth with questions, submissions, or to get a signature witness. We look forward to seeing you there!
CBCS Turnaround 9/12/16 SteveRicketts Jump to first page32Jump to last page 9 yearsWolverine (1961): I got a email few days ago saying that my books from FanExpo (Toronto) were waiting in the vault. I got fast pass with them. Any idea when they'll be looked at? I was told you guys were just under a week behind. Thanks
I finally got burnt - ASM #17 trim/restore Darkga 26 9 yearsDarthLego (20518): I would leave it slabbed to lessen the chances of the next buyer getting burned. If the seller cracks it, that's on them.
Cover Contest Round 3: "The Horror" Maverick Jump to first page37Jump to last page 9 yearsMaverick (1029): The 3 books are up for grabs if you submitted this week, Helric1 passed on them. Witching hour and HoM are about vg/f Ghosts 1 is fr/gd ish. Large tear on back, some rust migration on the staples. First come first serve.
CGC turnaround time poka 20 9 yearsResurrection (661): My fast pass from Boston is on its way to me. My fast track from Boston is sitting in grading..
mail call.. Gabriel85301 12 9 yearsJWKyle (3300): And the second part of the tie for my favorite cover this submission
CBCS at Buffalo & Long Beach Comic Cons SteveRicketts 1 9 yearsSteveRicketts (19701): #CBCScomics will be at #BuffaloComicon this weekend. We will also be at #LongBeachComicCon this weekend at booth #654. Stop by our booth at either show with questions, submissions, or to get a signature witness. We look forward to seeing you there! ...
Cincinnati comic expo BigRig 7 9 yearsiamocelot (1): Hey Guys I'll be an authorized witness for CBCS at Cincinnati Expo, if you need anything let me know. I can help with Celebrities and Artists thanks, Bryan Kiefer
First submission back witcherwitcher 9 9 yearsGabriel85301 (1764): I am looking for those 1st two :)
J.K. Woodward sketch op Averycomicpressing 2 9 yearsAbsolute_Zero (1104): Wow these are amazing pieces of work. Pm sent
CBCS Turnaround 9/6/16 SteveRicketts Jump to first page43Jump to last page 9 yearsSteveRicketts (19701): Send an email to They'll be glad to help you.
Which Character For My First Commission LanaiHaole 15 9 yearsMillvilleresident (208): Yep. I had them graded on-site at WWChicago last summer; when I picked them up. CGC graded this time around. Here it is pre-graded.
Signatures Unlimited Frank Miller Signing jayslo 3 9 yearsRevan_Q (31): Question sent.
The Eastman KRANG Sketch preview photo! kaptainmyke 5 9 yearsVaComicsGuy (4033): Nice book. Enjoy.
First submission back. therandyrobbins 5 9 yearsVaComicsGuy (4033): nice book.
Completed Email. therandyrobbins 22 9 yearsearthshaker01 (20453): Got my email as well. Here is one of the 30 Goldkey #1's I'll be getting back soon.
Trying to make new order, no shipping opt kaptainmyke 4 9 yearsDarthLego (20518):
CBCS Turnaround 8/29/16 SteveRicketts 26 9 yearsSteveRicketts (19701): I should hire @Resurrection to be my answer man. lol
CBCS Turnaround 8/16/16 SteveRicketts Jump to first page38Jump to last page 9 yearshowardknoah (7): Sent in Batman Adventures 12 using the 2-day option and just got received in. Cost wasn't all that much more than doing fast pass. Think this will be the way I go moving forward. Thanks for the suggestion.
CBCS Graded Comics For Sale SilverAgeFan 7 9 yearsSteverogers11 (3605): 👍
"The Strain" CBCS Verified Books for Sale! cjbehr948 2 9 yearscjbehr948 (170): These are all ending tonight. Just bumping it up for those who haven't seen it.
CBCS office closed until Tuesday... SteveRicketts 10 9 yearsRegulators (1): Still I hope I got money until then.
RUPP SELLIN' SLABS - FREE SHIP USA- Bio_Rupp 23 9 yearsBio_Rupp (10): Going to close this puppy up. Probably won't get them listed on the bay until the weekend, so let me know if you're on the fence :D xxx ooo Rupp
CBCS Turnaround 8/22/2016 SteveRicketts Jump to first page38Jump to last page 9 yearsJoshua373 (100): The books I dropped off at Heroes con have entered grading! Can't wait to get these back in my hands. :)
Action Figures! kaptainmyke Jump to first page41Jump to last page 9 yearskaptainmyke (27134): Some new toys I picked up recently: A rare unmasked version of Casey Jones: I...
CBCS on-site grading jmh722 2 9 yearsDarthLego (20518): The only on-sight grading was at the Tampa Bay con the first week of August. That was only offered because the con was close to the CBCS building. All other cons they have on-sight submissions, your books then travel back to Florida with the CBCS crew.
Witness Help in san francisco comic con 2016 neku528 2 9 yearsspidermanbeyond (7): I am going and might be able to help. How many books are you looking to get signed?
Selling my Amazing Spider-Man #36 Vol 2 GemCityJess 3 9 yearsPINKFLOYD (13): I also have a verified one, however being new with no clue where to go, a little help? 1993/ BATMAN #497/ 9.6/CBCS/ OW/W,/ #355 of 1993/ BOB KANE! I think it's sweet!
CBCS at Colorado Springs & Soda City! SteveRicketts 5 9 yearsSteveRicketts (19701): We hope to step up our west coast show count next year.
CBCS Books for sale..... svgcomics181 2 9 yearsGemCityJess (25): Nice.
CBCS Books for Sale GemCityJess 21 9 yearsPINKFLOYD (13): Charlton ghost, I told you medicated
New Comic Book Collecting Internet Show Marc_1 29 9 yearsOffbeat_Archives (76): Sounds like a fun idea. Count me in as soon as I get some quiet time to enjoy it.
Introducing myself. Could you introduce CBCS EddiePaxil Jump to first page37Jump to last page 9 yearsEddiePaxil (88): Thanks you that very helpful. Enjoy being that the November Con will be my first ever I was confused as to whether they charge for signatures etc. So I tweeted him and he graciously got back to me tgat he doesn't charge but has a tip jar. Very excited to meet him and then get some stuff signed. Will also be happy to "tip" a man who's brough me so much joy.
Can you submit just art? A sheet of paper? kaptainmyke 20 9 yearsDarthLego (20518): She was the bomb in Jennifer's Body yo!
Spine color breaks and 9.8's jmh722 23 9 yearsRam_Jam (34): The Overstreet Grading Guide postulates that a 9.8 has the minimum of one small problem and a maximum of two small problems (page 127 of the second edition)
Registry - Census X24 10 9 yearsDrWatson (59640): How do you protect them with the cgc registry? With all the crack outs, pressed books, and resubmissions that don't include the original label, it's shot all to hell any way. The only information it can really supply is if a certain title and issue number has no submissions in a certain grade at all.
Mail Call! First books (both CBCS & CGC) bennyb86 5 9 yearsbennyb86 (796): Skipping over the bad and going straight to the Ugly aka the Exxon Valdez oil spill.... sigh... First off I know the following two books are not worth more than cover but were my first two Green Lanterns ever and started my love affair with the Superhero from Oa Green Lantern #154 - 9.0
CBCS Turnaround 8/8/16 SteveRicketts Jump to first page66Jump to last page 9 yearsSteveRicketts (19701): I'm the one who does the updates and have been in Boston. I'll have an update today.
Witnessing Signatures at Toronto Fan Expo TheLiamSturgess 7 9 yearsWolverine (1961): I replied to your msg to me. Just had some small questions
CBCS at Boston Comic Con! SteveRicketts 6 9 yearsResurrection (661): Never saw Mark or Steve..
CGC Damages Book Then Bans Submitter JLS_Comics Jump to first page57Jump to last page 9 yearsMetalPSI (4486): The intention of your reply quoting me doesn't look like that is what you are stating, at all.
How long do orders stay in your cart? kaptainmyke 1 9 yearskaptainmyke (27134): I'd like at least 30 days imo
Signature Rates for CBCS Gabriel85301 4 9 yearsdielinfinite (26915): @SD2416 VSP is $26 for the first and I think $15 for each signature after that, and that's because each individual sig needs to be investigated and authenticated individually
Liam's Amazing Foreign Comic Book Sale! TheLiamSturgess 9 9 yearsTheLiamSturgess (289): Σπάιντερ Μαν #386 by Kabanas Hellas Amazing Fantasy #15 Greek Edition (1988) Very Good - $70
Dynamic Forces Signed Books Red or Yellow? kaptainmyke 4 9 yearskaptainmyke (27134): Thanks. Just needed verification.
Census timetable spacecitycomics Jump to first page37Jump to last page 9 yearscaptnwilli (55): I know, I know. Once I re-read my last entry it kinda reminded me of that annoying commercial for with Jeff Goldbloom. Sorry about that. Humbly your fellow collector, PW.
CBCS offers On-Site Grading at Tampa! SteveRicketts 3 9 yearsnevinem (16): You guys were AMAZING in Tampa , Thank you for doing it !
very disappointed with a recent grade.. Cypher Jump to first page39Jump to last page 9 yearsNYOneandOnly (1): Being as busy as they are calling everyone that has an issue they didn't state could take them forever. You can select a minimum grade you want on the book this would be the best way to protect yourself.
Breaking OPEN a Yellow SS Slab Gabriel85301 4 9 yearsGabriel85301 (1764): Thank you!
New Label monks 27 9 yearsFrankCastle129 (568): I called and asked and CS said there will be no discount to reslab if they decide to change labels.
Toasty's 1st CBCS SDCC Sale Designer_Toast 29 9 yearsDesigner_Toast (88): Thought I had closed this out. PM sent. Apologies.
Finch WW#38, CBCS 9.4 $275, Anyone? SilverAgeFan Jump to first page92Jump to last page 9 yearsJesse_O (39345): Enough is enough. This thread has devolved from a for sale thread to a hand grenade tossing match. Thread locked.
Steve Borock facts Brubaker Jump to first page171Jump to last page 9 yearsJeepinJesterJon (1):
FanExpo Toronto - On Site Grading? Wolverine 2 9 yearsDarthLego (20518): Here is the list of Cons CBCS will be at. They won't be on-site grading (except for Tampa Bay) just on-sight submissions.
Comic Grading Help! smithy92 4 9 yearsESSA (52): Hey smithy i am also from the uk. If you type in the search bar for cbcs uk it will bring thread up for you or if you like you can post to cbcs uk on face book. send msg to Lee say Eshan sent you, i was recently in contact with Lee at the the mcm Manchester comic con his great guy he will help you answer all your question and submit the books for you. il get you some link ...
Engraving slabs dielinfinite 29 9 yearsMr_adam_R (512): me too! I haven't really seen it anywhere else except my grandparents had made all us kids engraved family pictures out of wood. they're really cool. my grandpa has his wood shop in his back yard and put together all the wood plates and then my grandma has a smaller scale laser engraver in her small "workshop" and scanned the pictures to the computer then transposed them to the wood plates. whenever you had brought this up, it really...
Signatures Unlimited Terrificon 2016 jayslo 10 9 yearsjayslo (7): I should rephrase, MY cost is cover price + $1 to pick up the book + return shipping
35 cent variants for sale yamada69 9 9 yearsyamada69 (66): I find fixed prices on MCS are way too high
FS: Civil War #1 Michael Turner variant 9.8 Darkga 6 9 yearsDarkga (4787): Replied
WTB: Adventures of Superman #498 CBCS 9.8 deathNreign 1 9 yearsdeathNreign (1): Hello, this is my first post, and since it seems like WTB threads are OK in this area, here is my first... Big collector of all things related to The Death & Return of Superman and just today sent in my first round of CGC slabs to be re-slabbed/graded by CBCS. Horrified in the direction CGC is taking, and love the few CBCS slabs I've picked up thus far. Anyway, title says it all! Let me know! : ) Cover to AOS 498 added for...
CBCS Turnaround 7/26/16 SteveRicketts Jump to first page48Jump to last page 9 yearsSilverAgeFan (391): @Oxbladder, hi Ox, I sent you a PM.
New Logo...Not Good...Sorry IncentiveComic Jump to first page45Jump to last page 9 yearsDarthLego (20518): @CatmanAmerica did you just announce Steve Borock's candidacy for POTUS? :beer:
BULK ORDERS Revan_Q 14 9 yearsDarthLego (20518): @VaComicsGuy you are absolutely right, if you have at least 2 moderns that are valuable enough to warrant 2-day service the membership is already saving you money by the third book.
Daredevil 1-15 run complete! dielinfinite 26 9 yearsdielinfinite (26915): @WEBHEAD I thought zombie Colan attending conventions in New York was a much more intriguing story. Stick with that one in the future ;) pop up store 7/27 AnthonySnyder 1 9 yearsAnthonySnyder (41): I will be in Houston at the Pop Culture company Wednesday all day till 7-8 call for wants 917 -821 8893
Has Grading Gotten More Strict? Jcorlin87 Jump to first page33Jump to last page 9 yearsResurrection (661): Grading strict vs. loose with CGC/CBCS is usually a +1/2 or - 1/2. So I have had books I thought would be 9.0 get 9.4, and others 8.5. I have had "shoe in" 9.8s get 9.6s for no apparent reason. Grading fluctuates very little, last year I received about 160-180 9.8s from CGC, this year they are a little more harsh. My submission with CBCS last year was tight, this year I don't know. But if you are seeing a 9.6 and it gets a 9.2. It...
How much will this reduce book grade? ibrcn 12 9 yearsibrcn (1): Thanks for the insight. All things being equal if this is the only thing wrong with this book and all else is perfect, what grade will it get? I understand that other flaws on other books will decide the outcome of the grade. I will make that determination according to each book. I'm just not how much these flaws effect grade especially the fold crease since it's basically production error. Cheers.
7.15.16 SteveRicketts Jump to first page292Jump to last page 9 yearsDarthLego (20518): I've got a fever. And the only cure is more cowbell!
Proposed Functionality DrunkWooky 26 9 yearsTedsaid (7340): I didn't know that ... good to know, thx.
CBCScomics Youtube Channel... SteveRicketts 27 9 yearsJeepinJesterJon (1): I never thought they could take a item of beauty and make it a item of perfection. I just didn't think that was possible anymore. Two thumbs up CBCS. I would give 3 but I only have 2 hands. haha
Art Prints LanaiHaole 2 9 yearskaptainmyke (27134): I would like to know too. I have a ton of 11x17 original published comic art pages.
Im going to get two of these graded soon Stormnut 28 9 yearsSwampy (256): They use a pricing algorithm, that's why a lot of their prices seem crazy.
So wait, 10FOR25 Hastings variant sales kaptainmyke 26 9 yearsoldmilwaukee6er (10): I ordered 10 after reading this thread... Some to collect and some to flip locally. The 10 books arrived in 5 different shipments with two books consisting of only a bag/board and bubble mailer. My books ranged from VFNM to NM+ & oddly one bubble mailer with a slash in it yielded a beautiful NM+ copy of Black Science 2
Your comic room Jrm894 Jump to first page34Jump to last page 9 yearsThe_Watcher (4267): Love the vinyl collection
Dispute Process on Grade for Book Dave1984 Jump to first page46Jump to last page 9 yearsDarthLego (20518): Speaking of CGC, another potential hazard of their new design I have not seen talk of is the fact that the new shell is sealed all around the sides preventing air flow.
2nd Submission graded wrong by CBCS? ERIC0523 Jump to first page125Jump to last page 9 yearsDarthLego (20518): I think Terminator Genesis displays perfectly the actual mess that comes from messing with the time line, and then messing with it again, and again. Every time travel event triggers butterfly effects that flow down the time line and then alter the very future that created the original time jump, thus again changing how that jump effects everything else. Eventually you end with multiple parallel timestreams happening simultaneous and now anything...
CBCS Turnaround 7/11/16 SteveRicketts Jump to first page66Jump to last page 9 yearssterlingcomics (16): Having automated information as to where the company is on basic perspective I think would be a great AUTOMATED enhancement to "keep it real". I suspect the reason why no one wants to do that is that it could help "kill/delay" business.
Rose City Comic Con! Gabriel85301 2 9 yearsVaComicsGuy (4033): Gabriel, Sent you a PM
Wythville Pedigree DarthLego 23 9 yearsDarthLego (20518): @zab47 create a brand new thread asking the questions you want, it's easier that way.
Shopping Cart broken, cannot order! HELP kaptainmyke 26 9 yearsStelbert_Stylton (1090): This is a modern-centric viewpoint too. If you use Rapid you make up the difference with 11 books, with Quickstream you break even with 16 books, etc.
My first order kaptainmyke 28 9 yearsStelbert_Stylton (1090): The Kool Aid is strong in this one.
CBCS Label errors (PLS consider correcting) JazzyJeffie Jump to first page32Jump to last page 9 yearsMR_SigS (11124): lol Yeah, I didn't see the issue numbers. I thought you were asking for the label to say, "1st Appearance of The All New Iron-Man".:oops:
Connecting Cover Slabs DarthLego 5 9 yearssagar2781 (7): I'm in no rush. I think it would be worth the wait. They can promote the new design with my books. I'd be famous! Lol
Help identify and value pre-war train comics kaptainmyke 11 9 yearsDarthLego (20518): Both of those railroads are listed on
Can I submit my TMNT 1984 comics to CBCS? kaptainmyke 5 9 yearsDarthLego (20518): The max size is 7 & 5/8ths x 10 & 1/2 inches. (7.625 x 10.5) and 0.24 is max thickness.
AW SKETCH COVER Revan_Q 2 9 yearsdielinfinite (26915): At a convention, the witness just has to be present when you pick up the finished sketch directly from the artist. Comic Con trip AnthonySnyder 14 9 yearsTedsaid (7340): Sounds awesome, Anthony. Have fun! Also, when you're in Charlotte if you stop in at Heroes, say 'hello' to Shelton for me. (Working there was my first job, almost 30 years ago now. Saw him sell a NM Amazing Fantasy #15 for $2200, when guide was only $1200. Oh, how we laughed at that guy.)
Grading: CGC vs PGX vs CBCS (YouTube video) DarthLego Jump to first page67Jump to last page 9 yearssoutherncross (33789): not sure. they just got back to my authorised CGC dealer and said they would not grade it. looking at the book its easy to tell its not fabricated. I will have to submit it. it wont grade high. too many spine ticks
CBCS Paperwork Gabriel85301 4 9 yearsGabriel85301 (1764): The awesome thing about submitting books at a Con and them doing this, is you can have $ to spend at the con..
FMV for signed comics Jayzer 3 9 yearsOdins_Raven (2389): If the artist is still alive there should be at least a few example price ranges to go off of. If they are deceased then it gets a little harder to pin down a price since most deceased artists did not sign a ton of stuff, unless its someone like Herb Trimpe (RIP). Jack Kirby is a good example of someone who did sign a decent amount of comics but since none of them were "authenticated" it makes finding a legitimate signature a...
CBCS grading holders for magazine sizes Despain 23 9 yearssamediarchon (94): I bought a 1979 edition of that Alien adaptation that I would like to have graded.
CBCS 9.8 Graded Subscription Service jerry3204 21 9 yearsMuaythaiguy (97): I just wanted to know if you recieve my order and if there are some updates
My first CBCS book... JayLefler 14 9 yearsDarthLego (20518): Turner is my favorite too. Seeing the Batman #1 variant is actually what brought me out of my two year collecting hiatus. Unfortunately I saw it 24 hours after it sold out, which ended up making an eBay seller very happy.
Gotta love those 9.6s Namrepus28 Jump to first page39Jump to last page 9 yearsMR_SigS (11124): Thanks, P6G :beer: I agree the red actually works with the warm cover colors. It's unlikely I'll ever have it signed. Medical issues prevent me from doing things like Cons most times, so personally obtaining a sig is a rarity for me. Also, this was another impulse buy some years back (I used to do a LOT of that; absolutely aimless purchasing). I don't really care about the character, and TBH X-Men and the like bore me anymore :shrug: So since I...
CBCS database Rafel 7 9 yearsRafel (4270): That would be very cool. Just to see what's out there to compare what we as collectors have.
Gabriele Dell'otto Appreciation Thread Beamer Jump to first page63Jump to last page 9 yearsPoint6God (31): Those Vengeance covers are so overlooked (due to the series being kind of meh). The Siege Variants though, good lord. This deserves iconic cover status:
20% off CGC's new case regrading deadline spaulus 15 9 yearsJeremy_K (841): Mr_SigS is right, I was wrong. The offer at all is thoughtful of customers cgc has potentially screwed over.
VSP Question thebeardedbat 5 9 yearsthebeardedbat (1): Thanks for the help!
Preacher 1, 9.8, Blue Label jmh722 5 9 yearsjmh722 (19): Like dieInfinite says: It's one hundred billion dollars ;) Asking $775 shipped in the US. Canada et al, just give me a postal code and I'll check rates. I take payment over Paypal or SquareCash.
Being taught to grade comics. jwalker0094 17 9 yearsResurrection (661): There are two types of people who grade comics. Those who can, and those who can't. The ones who can wanted to learn and spent time learning. My best suggestion is attend conventions, talk to reputable dealers, and of course send books to be graded. Write down your estimated grade, and defects you spot to determine your grade and compare to what grade you get and graders notes. CGC and CBCS grading is the industry standard now, so I suggest...
San Francisco comic con Comic_guys 5 9 yearsPovRow (579): Sometimes the absence of a listing doesn't mean it won't happen. So I thought it would be good to get a CBCS confirmation. If they have truly decided to not go I think it is a shame, since it is the first major con in San Francisco since Wondercon moved away. I'm starting to get abandonment issues.
What was your 1st CBCS Slab? KenWorthing Jump to first page122Jump to last page 9 yearsThanos_of_Titan (106): These 2 Iron Man Classics! Happy to get my #1 back as a 9.4! I don't keep anything below a 9.0 so I'm glad my #55 made it!
CBCS Youtube Channel SteveRicketts 3 9 yearsDarthLego (20518): Are you going to do a "coolest books to get graded this week" type show?
Question about my submission molcott 3 9 yearsmolcott (49): ok thanks
NEW CGC HOLDER TO CBCS 20% OFF til July 1st SteveBorock Jump to first page150Jump to last page 9 yearsGwenlocke_Variant (68): so do i subtract 20% off the total and thats how much i make the money order for?
Batman #11 for sale Bats1940 3 9 yearsBats1940 (28): Alright bringing down the price to $900 if anyone is interested.
Show off your 9.9 and 10.0 books Iceman Jump to first page47Jump to last page 9 yearsdielinfinite (26915): @VillageIdiot I gave my ex-girlfriend a copy of that book back in '07 when we together. I'd love to find out what condition's she's kept it in but I also don't want to talk to her so I'll just keep on wondering.
Modern love is my poison Comic_Diva Jump to first page64Jump to last page 9 yearsJSAmand (2158):
Quadruple cover scammer busted Kav Jump to first page46Jump to last page 9 yearsDWL (52): Hey Kav, no problem! Happy to see people watching out for other collectors when shady happenings occur.
Asterix Yellowmask 9 9 yearsMR_SigS (11124): You can bet your collection on it LOL
GPA for CBCS? jmh722 Jump to first page32Jump to last page 9 yearsStelbert_Stylton (1090): ValiantMan's site :thumbsup:
Let's Play a game dielinfinite 13 9 yearsdielinfinite (26915): Hello everyone! With all our new members, I thought I'd give this another shot. As you can read in the first post, the goal is to post a book for every grade CBCS/CGC assigns (I'm not requiring a 9.5 from the lamented Wizard First label but if you have one, please post it when we get there. We've gotten started with a 0.1, 0.3, and a 0.5. If you have a 1.0 slab, please post it, then maybe someone can post a 1.5, then a 1.8, etc!
Emails with order updates... SteveRicketts 21 9 yearsasteroidcomix (21): I have not received an email for anything I sent in at the end of May. Three of the tiers have shipped. Pretty frustrating because you can't see grades, don't know when books are going to arrive, and then end up having to drive to fedex to pick them up (30 min drive). CBCS, please fix or find a way to post the information in the account page.
Graded keys Master_E Jump to first page51Jump to last page 9 yearsJesse_O (39345):
Fantastic Auction This Saturday PremierComics 14 9 yearsMaverick (1029): I'm not sure about this particular auction house but the ones buy me consign items for large and small collectors/estates. You usually have a Buyers fee and A Sellers fee where the house takes around 20%. For someone who just got dumped a collection by a passing family member 20% seems like a small price to pay for someone else to take care of it all. The problem is when the auction house is small and cant generate the traffic it needs to...
CBCS Turnaround 5/23/16 SteveRicketts Jump to first page70Jump to last page 9 yearsHero_Restoration (58): I can't seem to find the 5-23 update, can we get an update on what is not on time?
CBCS On-Site Grading at Tampa Bay Comic Con! SteveRicketts 25 9 yearsSteveRicketts (19701): We have posted more information, as well as the pricing for On-Site Grading at the Tampa Bay Comic Con on our website. We look forward to seeing you at the show!
So sorry! SteveBorock Jump to first page49Jump to last page 9 yearsbird (4): Glad to hear that you are feeling better Steve! Take care and be well! - Sean W
New York World's Fair Comics 1940 for sale Bats1940 2 9 yearsBats1940 (28): Sold!! Per email.
CBCS Slabs For Sale! MySlabbedComics 1 9 yearsMySlabbedComics (128): Check out the newly uploaded slabs for sale! Avengers #1 CBCS 6.0 Detective Comics #365 CBCs 7.5 Classic Joker Cover Captain America #7 CBCS 2.5
Your Prized Copper Age Comics: Post Pictures Despain Jump to first page184Jump to last page 9 yearsMR_SigS (11124):
OA Slabs Mathyus_42 Jump to first page36Jump to last page 9 yearsMathyus_42 (317): Holy crap, that is some beautiful work. I feel so bad that it is set in that case.
Featured Slab of the Day....CBCS Style! MySlabbedComics 18 9 yearsStelbert_Stylton (1090): Wouldn't this tattoo be upside-down to everyone it's shown to? :D
May I sell comics here? ("For Sale" tag?) thirdgreenham Jump to first page135Jump to last page 9 yearsMetalPSI (4486): lol PGX so bad you can't give them away
Pre-Screening PovRow 9 9 yearsg4tsoul (1): I submitted my first book for verified signature and added a grade screen but just realized I don't really care what the grade ends up being, I'll want it encapsulated. Do you think I should make contact with them before the book hits or since its a VSP submission it won't matter?
RI COMIC CON - STAN LEE Revan_Q 9 9 yearsTrinityComics (244): Hi feel free to message me if you're interested in Stan Lee
Comics for sale!!! Justino0o0o0 6 9 yearsJustino0o0o0 (1): ?
Awesome Con TheComicDoJo 5 9 yearsTheComicDoJo (97): Thanks again! I'll be there sometime between 12-1 on Friday, what's your booth #? And sorry, one more question. For a verified sig (non-witness)is $25 right? I've got a New Mutants 87 I'd like to drop off as well. Thanks!
Dallas Fan Expo 90scomicbooknerd 16 9 yearsPre_Coder (20086): Appreciate that very much! :D
Valiants X-O Manowar Jam Cover Muaythaiguy 1 9 yearsMuaythaiguy (97): In September release the special Jam Cover. My personal challenge is to collect all 50 signatures and send it to CBCS if i have all. How makes it CBCS possible to put all signatures informations,etc in one yellow label?
Can somebody help me please? Wolverine 10 9 yearsWolverine (1961): Thanks Curmudgeon, great info. Just wish our dollar was doing better.
X-Men #1 BOor trade MGA 9 9 yearsMGA (124): Hi Stelbert, new to forum format . I've been an art dealer and collector for years. I usually do stuff the conventional way. Emails, Phone, EBay, and website. I'm looking for value vs grade. We have this priced at 1800. So where looking for that trade in value over grade. Also not clear on protocols yet for selling on forum. So I didn't want to upset the powers to be
FOR SALE: Captain America #34 CBCS 9.8 $100 Marc_1 17 9 yearscatrick339 (450): Hey! A book for sale here on the CBCS site! (Catrick glances at the little pile of 9.9 and 10 CBCS books over on the shelf, grins a bit)
Long wait time artymarine123 2 9 yearsCFP_Comics (4047): Have you tried calling? I would suggest you start there. Make sure you have the invoice numbers ready to help speed up the process.
My First CBCS Submission Was ... ccmp99 Jump to first page38Jump to last page 9 yearsMoomba (761): My first submission consisted of two books. I was very please with the service and the grades achieved by both books. Sonic the Hedgehog #2, from the first 1993 series, which consisted of issues 0 to 3. My second book was Tales to Astonish #34.
CBCS Turnaround 5/16/16 SteveRicketts 21 9 yearsJeremy_K (841): it appeared! thanks Steve
Canadian experiences and information please TheChizzle 8 9 yearsTheChizzle (4): Great responses, thanks you fellow collectors! Much appreciated.
CBCS SS Celebrity Books - Post yours 1243782365 28 9 yearsjtruong008 (118): Edward Scissorhands #1 - Signed by Johnny Depp!
A few slabs for sale jmh722 1 9 yearsjmh722 (19): Hey folks. I have a few slabs that I'm selling. Reach out if you're interested in any of the following and I can send you photos: - New Mutants 98, Blue Label CBCS 9.6 - Preacher 1, Blue Label, CBCS 9.6 - Detective Comics 474 (1st Modern Deadshot), CBCS 9.6 Also, these are my eBay reviews and my kudos from The Guys Across The Street: ...
Could become a "key" issue. Mathyus_42 6 9 yearsMathyus_42 (317): I suppose since his show has been coming for a while, and with him on Jessica Jones, it had a big draw from that.
CBCS at Planet Comicon & Tidewater Comicon SteveRicketts 4 9 yearsmatthogan6288 (28): Had a great time today and everyone at the CBCS booth was GREAT!
SHOW N TELL Golden Beauties normal to odd outlawmonster Jump to first page83Jump to last page 9 yearsD84 (1540): The grades notes on my Batman 9 are: *Spine stress lines *Staple multiple rusted with rust stained spine *Staple small multiple tear *Top staple rusted with rust stained interior Pretty sure the staple rust gave it a hit but I've seen CGC books with worse staples grade much higher.
CBCS at Motor City Comic Con! SteveRicketts 13 9 yearsTimBildhauser (2239): Thank you sir!
Supernova Australia StonyCreek 1 9 yearsStonyCreek (1): Hi I was just wondering if anyone would be at Supanova Comic Con is Perth, Australia as Gal Gadot is going to be there signing. I am interested in getting a couple of books signed. Please let me know. Thanks
What unreleased issue do you want to grade!? DrunkWooky 2 9 yearsBronzeAgeBaby (286): Francavilla's Black Beetle Necrologue stuff ... personal inventory feature? jedijohnson 10 9 yearsinfinityG (1280): Will there be a feature to upload your own pics of CBCS books into Collector Sets?
Megacon Still time for ASP Brian 1 9 yearsBrian (49): I will be attending Megacon Orlando May 26-29th as an Authorized Witness as this is a local show there is still time to get your books out to me. Please feel free to contact me for any information.
Official Walking Dead Appreciation Thread IntoAnother Jump to first page33Jump to last page 9 yearsroarzola (445): I got that one and the "chibi" one.
Sets For The Registry! Bagofleas 12 9 yearsOdins_Raven (2389): DC 4th World keys and #1's Jack Kirby VSP. So far: Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen 134 Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen 135 New Gods 1,2,4 Mister Miracle 1 Kamandi 1 Forever People 1 The Demon 1 OMAC 1
cgc to cbcs holdering? redi311 8 9 yearsSpiderTim (3431): If they don't get the CGC label even after pressing or additional signatures you don't get the $0.50 credit. Some pressers are allowed to handle books that are CGC and they honor the yellow label and they will remain so. If you need a presser that is allowed I suggest you contact Josh Avery.
CBCS process JeyNyce 12 9 yearsJazzyJeffie (439): Oh, let me check my CBCS Slabs. Thanks for sharing the observation.
Planning my first submission. Suggestions? Maverick 23 9 yearsMaverick (1029): @earthshaker01 Sure thing. Pay the submission fees first and ill get them right over to ya.
Most Valuable CBCS Graded books? rob_react 17 9 yearsrob_react (49): insert praying icon here
JTC Han Solo & Iron Man Variant OP MGA 2 9 yearsMGA (124): clickable text clickable text
Cracking CGC Signature Series Cases Nick 3 9 yearsNick (17): I probably should have mention I recently signed a Authentic Signature Program Witness Agreement to be the secondary witness for a comic company called The Comic Alchemist. On a side note I guess I would have to send the comics off through the primary witness account?
Calgary Comic Expo-con report thread thirdgreenham Jump to first page46Jump to last page 9 yearsthirdgreenham (509): On the left, at front working our way to the back: -Beaumonts, skinny_white_boy, Mike (not a boardie), thehumantorch, greggy, joeypost On the right: -500club, inanimate object, artboy99, YKOil (standing), kimik, thirdgreenham, Roland (not a boardie)
CBCS at San Diego! SteveRicketts 9 9 yearsDrWatson (59640): If any CBCSers haven't been there before, then I would bring a jacket, pullover, or sweatshirt befitting a CBCS employee because it will be cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey in that convention center during the show.
Boston Comic Con Signature info Averycomicpressing 1 9 yearsAverycomicpressing (39): Please feel free to contact me with any artist signature needs from Boston Comic Con. The list this year is great so far. For more info please feel free to contact me. Artist link and my contact is below. Don't forget we can also clean and press your books before we ship them back to you or to CBCS for a yellow signature label. ...
CBCS at Indiana Comic Con this wekeend! SteveRicketts 14 9 yearsTheLiamSturgess (289): Soooooo how did it go? :D
CBCS Grading of Restored Comics jedijohnson 19 9 yearsKenWorthing (457): I'm soooo looking forward to sending in this one. Lovingly coloured in by some kid in Indonesia, God knows how long ago! :D I've only ever seen a pic of another one .. no colouring, but .. chewed by rodents, methinks. This is mine .. I've thought (briefly) about getting the colour removed, but I'm more concerned with having the book documented now.
CBCS Sales Value vs. CGC Sales Value Shark Jump to first page96Jump to last page 9 yearsCatmanAmerica (31338): @Iago19 I couldn't agree more. Unfortunately, some attitudes are pervasive in our culture. My point is that for every situation that has bad implications you can usually find a positive way to approach it.
Show us your MISTER MAGIK WOO books! Sagii 22 9 yearsSagii (8653): Stellar books and copies both Sqeggs and Earthshaker01. Woo had a good eye for stellar examples.
Shows attending as an AW Brian 3 9 yearsBeamer (157): I will be an AW for the following shows: Rose City Comic Con ( Sept 10 and 11 ) Vancouver Expo ( August 5-7 ) Fan Expo Vancouver ( Nov 11-13 )
CBCS Website Help Mathyus_42 12 9 yearsMathyus_42 (317): No, I am not an approved witness. I wish I was, it would make this process a lot easier. LOL. I was just going to do this year like I did last year. Someone followed me to get my books signed. the reason I would not be able to all of the books on Saturday is because it is a pretty full day for me. I am also a volunteer at this show, so some of my time will be for that. Zach already told me in an email that I can submit books on different days,...
Does anyone keep CBCS boxes for shipping in? Oldbsturgeon 13 9 yearsnamvet (7): i use mine to ship back to cbcs raw books works great.
Official Saga Appreciation Thread IntoAnother 1 9 yearsIntoAnother (5452):