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TitleAuthorPostsLast Post
Pedigree Comics Jesse_O 183 5 daysSagii (8575): https://
CBCS- Community Engagement Wade_Story 307 10 daysComicNinja0215 (6034): @Cody_Lockwood Dm sent
Weekly Cover Contest Discussion Thread Part Deux DrWatson 682 14 daysesaravo (101949): Now that you mentioned it @GAC, Steve Austin frequently fits this week’s theme. And Doc Savage too! ...
CBCS Pressing Update Vol 1, #2 SteveRicketts 799 16 daysSteveRicketts (19586): We did have an incredible response to our holiday codewords. As a result, we're running just a little long on turnaround times, but do have it under control. Please be patient. We'll get the pendulum swinging in the other direction again over the next few weeks.
  CBCS Forum Name Change, Moderation, and Suspension Thread The_Watcher 127 2 monthsThe_Watcher (4238): 12-02-24 HAmistoso suspension for posting a link to an adult themed site. This is his fourth, and final, offense in a year's time. HAmistoso is banned from the forum
CBCS 101: A Newbie's Guide. dielinfinite 489 10 monthsBrenoMp (43): @dielinfinite @xkonk Thanks for the advice, Ill contact Matt Edwards to see what my options are. Thank you!
New Message Board Atmosphere SteveRicketts 121 1 yearComicNinja0215 (6034): The CBCS forum is the happiest place on earth; Disney land can suck it.
  The Jesse_O Memorial Weekly Cover Contest Winners Jesse_O 1 5 yearsJesse_O (39345): Contest originally started by JLS_Comics Cover Contest Round 1: Genesis (winner @Darkga) Week 02 - Madness (winner @Maverick) Round 3: "The Horror" (winner @Helric1) Week 04 - Robots (winner @Darkga) Round 5: Femme Fatale (winner @Jeremy_K) Week 06 - Pets (winner @Despain) Week 07 - Outer Space (winner @Helric1) Week 08 - Water (winner @AndyRexia) Week 09 - Death (winner @esaravo) Week 10 - Dragons (winner...
  CBCS Forum Selling Guidelines The_Watcher 1 6 yearsThe_Watcher (4238): As a courtesy to its members, CBCS allows the selling and trading of books and comic related art on its forum. ANY SALE OR TRADE IS DONE AT THE BUYER'S OWN RISK. Neither CBCS, Administration, nor Moderation will act as arbitrators in the case of a dispute. Disputes need to worked out between the buyer and seller. The selling guidelines are as follows: ● Only CBCS, CGC, raw books, comic related art, or other comic related items are...
  CBCS FAQ Jesse_O 1 8 yearsJesse_O (39345): What does a checkmark (asterisk online) by the grade mean? In rare cases, a comic book will look much better than the given grade. In these rare cases, a Check Mark will be placed on the label by the numerical grade. The best way to understand why a specific comic book received a Check Mark designation is to refer to the graders' notes. Example: a comic is graded 8.0. However, the covers are such that it looks like a 8.5 or a 9.0. CBCS...
  CBCS Message Board - Terms of Use SteveRicketts 1 9 yearsSteveRicketts (19586): Open thread to view post.
Post Funny Stuff #1, Vol 5 drchaos 78 1 hourdrchaos (29800):
Ask questions here without starting a new thread 2023 - part V Bronte 566 1 hourBronte (39824): @karn9 Very nice. I'm not saying it should be difficult. I'm just trying to convey what I experienced. Granted the kirby signature was probably what caused the non conclusive designation on the preliminary just glad it eventually passed.
Weekly Cover Contest #441 ANGRY! southerncross 34 1 hourNearmint67 (13329): @GAC @karn9 I thought someone would get a laugh. :)
New CBCS sale Promo Code COMIC5 Silversorrow 42 5 hoursDrWatson (57925): I sent in an Adolescent Radioactive Black Belt Hampsters #1. I bought if off the stands. Interested to see what it grades. I think @ComicNinja0215 may have subconsciously influenced my decision.
(Just for fun) ID this cover... CONTINUED OGJackster 46399 5 hoursesaravo (101949): Clue #5:
Turn Around Time 11.0 James42 269 6 hoursDrWatson (57925): Signature Verification adds approximately four weeks to any submission.
Issues With Order and Contacting Customer Support Thanos_Snap 12 8 hoursDrWatson (57925): You will get a quicker reply emailing him as opposed to posting on the forum.
CBCS Free VSP Holiday Giveaway. Use Code: Holiday24. T&C Apply DrWatson 231 10 hoursDrWatson (57925): Only one correction. It would be, "Hey, where is my book?"
Comic Book Day of the Year Calendar DrWatson 9422 11 hourssportshort (19305):
What are you listening to? 5.0 RexMuff 150 16 hoursCatmanAmerica (31275):
CGC knowingly damaging books? Davethebrave 990 21 hourschester15 (2093): My nephew got a box of 25 Copper/Modern slabs back from CGC about a month ago. Two did not have any banana effect, 23 did. It was a milder curve than in the past, but from multiple directions on some, creating that "bowl effect". Mostly it was on the right side of the book/capsule, not so much on the spine side.
Charity sale Sunday January 19th 8PM EST poka 186 23 hourssportshort (19305): got mine a while ago. perfect as usual
OT; What are you eating / cooking part 5 Bronte 651 23 hoursHeinzDad (37143):
What Are You Watching Part 4 GAC 460 1 dayflanders (28430):
Marvel Science Stories #1 1938 CGC 8.0 @ Heritage Auctions : Martin Goodman PolarisNuclearSS2020 6 1 dayPolarisNuclearSS2020 (1372): Live bidding has started with 9 days left. Current Bid: $2,700 w/ Buyer's Premium (BP) : $3,240.00 Some raw sales I found thru Google... here's a "GD/VG" from DTA BIN sold at $812.50.....a lot of tape. Marvel Science Stories #1...
Just show something cool: Part 5 GAC 999 1 dayDavethebrave (17397): A 4x series CGC graded book that is perfectly straight!
MyComicShop weekly auction MyComicShop_Mike 4 1 daykarn9 (199): yep working now, maybe they were down for a bit
2024-2025 NFL Playoff Wild-Card Picks and Discussion jake 151 1 dayjake (3488): Sorry for any confusion, but the total speaks for itself with @Pre_Coder winning the playoffs. Congratulations are in order, unless anyone has concerns. @zdoes10 Thank you for keeping track of this all. Without you, this could not have been done :) I am planning a thank you gift hopefully by end of March to be sent out. Would love to do it sooner, but work has been super busy :(
New To Your Collection #18 GAC 431 1 dayGanaSoth (10179): Just arrived today, Feb 11th. Sorry for the quality of the pictures but it's extremity hard to get a good photo of Metal and Holo-Foil covers. Mark Spears Monsters #2 Metal Cover Mark Spears Monsters #3 Metal Cover ...
Comic Capsule Statement About Issue With Their Product 00slim 4 1 dayComicNinja0215 (6034): They sent bags to accommodate any customers the have experienced any damage at zero cost. I have mine in a bag/board combo inside the capsule. :beer:
🐲🐲🐲HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAGON - Super Bowl Trailer (2025)🐲🐲🐲 OGJackster 8 1 daylawguy1977 (7299): FYI, this is not an official trailer but filled with AI crap mixed in with other footage.
Foreign comics 4sale Presskammer 1 2 daysPresskammer (34): ✳️More than 1️⃣5️⃣0️⃣ comics for sale✳️ Dutch 🇳🇱 & German 🇩🇪 Claim Sale‼️ From X-men, Fantastic Four, Spider-man & Wolverine to Sherlock Holmes, Hulk, Avengers & Conan and many more. 📦 DHL 🌎 Worldwide Shipping (Shipping from Germany 🇩🇪) foreign_comics_4sale Instagram Link 📸If you want to see more pictures of the book please send me a DM! 📩If you are looking for a...
CBCS Only Slabs You Just Got Back #3 DrWatson 15 2 daysDrWatson (57925): The spit it would take me to lick the stamps would cost more than $5.
MCS Auctions Starting Feb 3rd! Ending Feb 10th! KatKomics 5 2 daysKatKomics (31075): Its a funny old world...I had this for 2 or 3 months as buy it now or best offer at $55 down to $ interest....put it in auction...$51!!!
🦖🦕🐊Jurassic World Rebirth | Official Trailer🦖🦕🐊 OGJackster 8 2 daysKatKomics (31075): At first I thought it was Jurassic World Afterbirth...ewwwwww
3 Day Only Beckett CBCS Code SPOOKY24 DrWatson 135 2 daysDrWatson (57925): Happy dance! Happy dance! Happy dance! Yes, we have no bananas! No bananas today! 24-3D0C364-001 Uncanny X-Men #164 [1982] Comic Book Certified 9.8
What comic books have you read today? Part two. HeinzDad 343 3 daysStudley_Dudley (53019): Captain America: Dead Men Running #1-3. This short series follows a group of US servicemembers fleeing from Dr Feelgood in South America. Cap swings in and aids them. It turns out that the US servicemembers are not on the up-and-up and are working to try and get rich on those illicit substances. The story is engaging while the art was the weakness to me. ...
Got back my first 3 self submitted slabs, all verified sigs! darthh8r1988 4 3 daysNuffsaid111 (20438): @darthh8r1988 Good move taking a photo of the Miller sketch on the interior of the cover. Had you forgotten that photo.... yea.. not good with a sealed comic. Never to be seen again!
Nuffsaid's 2025 For Sale Thread Nuffsaid111 21 3 daysNuffsaid111 (20438): As originally: Accept Money Orders, Personal Checks, or Paypal. Shipping $15 Priority (Canada - I'll work with you for best costs, as I have no idea shipping costs) Returns - 7 days of receipt. 1st Claim Ghostbusters #1 SDCC Photo Edition. I got Ivan Reitman to sign at the IDW booth and later VSP'ed. $80
Golden Age comics FOR SALE in the Orlando area??? jaysonslade 3 4 daysdrmccoy74 (14108):
Fedex+Family Emergency SNAFU (Shipping/Timing Issue) ATinyTurtle 5 4 daysPhilCoulson (1489): I do the 5-day Fed Ex hold thing at a Walgreens that is a half mile from my house so packages aren't left on my door and it's easy to get by there. Not sure who is holding your package, but my Walgreens said they don't really send them back after 5 days. It's often much longer. I was also thinking you could call the location that's holding it, if it's not a Fed-Ex location, and explain your situation and ask for an extended hold.
Heavy Metal #1 ReLaunch OGJackster 7 4 daysOGJackster (53977): I ordered these two...
CBCS Only Slabs You Just Got Back #2 GAC 999 4 daysDrWatson (57925): The labels are almost an afterthought with nearly every grading company. Speaking of, I saw this hideous thing while perusing eBay:
Brian's too cold to teach claim sale BrianGreensnips 123 4 daysBrianGreensnips (15481): Your welcome. And thanks for the purchase.
Megacon Covers karn9 11 4 dayskarn9 (199): @Nearmint67 @flanders it does seem like there is an influx of books soely for the cover....reprinted again and again and again over and over with different variants. I have to wonder what the interiors are for these books. There are new public domain works every year to adapt... Other than those, there is a Batman Hush 2 Ashcan exclusive that DC was giving away free with purchase - ...
Let’s see your pets #2! HeinzDad 330 4 daysOGJackster (53977):
Steve's Pence Thread (And Other Variant Rambling) Get_Marwood 57 4 daysGet_Marwood (751): I thought it was worth breaking away from the sabbatical to post this picture of me and Alan Class at a signing in London earlier today. What an absolute Gentleman he is and we had a lovely chat about his life and legacy. I told him about my 'Alan Club' over the road and he was delighted to hear all about it. He's still...
WTB these Bronze Age to Modern in ONLY CBCS encasements...Do you have? Scifinator 2 4 days00slim (18381): My local Con is this next weekend. If I happen to run across any of these, I’ll let you know.
Anyone Bought from Cool Lines Art? DWeeB1967 28 5 days1979_03 (50): Regarding the Brothers, I offer the same advice that was given to me that I should have heeded; Never Deal with Them! My first 2 deals went sort of OK, my 3rd was a huge amount of stress and total BS that no one needs. If you do decide to deal with them may the Good Lord have mercy on you because they wont.