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'Art Original Artwork' Topics

TitleAuthorPostsLast Post
CBCS Message Board - Terms of Use SteveRicketts 1 9 yearsSteveRicketts (19700): Open thread to view post.
Indie Comics Creator Con | New Haven on March 15, 2025 karn9 4 10 dayskarn9 (233): Today's haul:
Slab only lateranddazed 13 11 daysCWill2021 (963): Any pic of the CBCS Slab Only? Is it a Blue label? None shown on their website.
Anyone Bought from Cool Lines Art? DWeeB1967 28 2 months1979_03 (59): Regarding the Brothers, I offer the same advice that was given to me that I should have heeded; Never Deal with Them! My first 2 deals went sort of OK, my 3rd was a huge amount of stress and total BS that no one needs. If you do decide to deal with them may the Good Lord have mercy on you because they wont.
Original Art, Commissions, & Sketch Cover thread #3 Siggy Jump to first page297Jump to last page 2 monthskon_jelly (571): Just picked this up at Megacon: It's an alternative cover of House of Slaughter #6 by Álvaro Martínez Bueno.
Larger custom comic artwork for encapsulation + signature verification Vmt8 7 3 monthsVmt8 (16): Thank you very much! @radd76 I will look into this further, thanks!!!
Leaving for OAF Con in the AM. Anyone else going? sborock_ComicLink 22 5 monthssborock_ComicLink (4978): @Nearmint67 It's my Beatles and comic shirt!
ComicLink art auction starts ending in a half hour! Great art!!! sborock_ComicLink 3 10 monthssborock_ComicLink (4978): @James42 Yep! totally insane piece and it ended close to $600,000.00! Wish I was rich! LOL! I do get to see cool stuff every day, as well as talk to many collectors every day as well! I am a lucky man, as this hobby has treated this old Hippie extremely well, quite humbling. ☮
Please help me identify Doc21 3 11 monthsDoc21 (6): Ok, thank you. I gave his stuff a look. Similar. I couldn’t find anything with a signature to compare his against the one on this one so I guess the search continues. Thank you again because that is more than I had before.
Help Identifying Mystery Page of Art drchaos 13 11 monthsMurrayC (2881): Now that you have BOTH the original art and a color image of the page, might I suggest you do what I do?
Spawn Cover Contest!!! flanders 7 1 yearSiggy (25634): Aw, I never pay close enough attention to what's going on. Maybe he'll do something like this again. I have many inking works-in-progress I haven't touched in years, including a Medieval Spawn piece I purchased from Julius Dean Abrera. It needs a coloring (likely digital), but I haven't been motivated enough for the search or the expense.
California Comic Convention 2024 (CalComicCon) TerrysComics Jump to first page31Jump to last page 1 yearTerrysComics (136): We would like to thank our Guests and attendees for being part of this Event. CalComicCon2024 Promoter and Staff.
COMICLINK AT OAX IN ORLANDO THIS WEEKEND! sborock_ComicLink 3 1 yearmakahuka (3133): @sborock_ComicLink such awesome genuineness for the hobby!
Grading original art Comicbookslover 6 1 yearSteveRicketts (19700): You can do an 8.5"x11" piece through the Magazine service as Original Art. No grade, but it is preserved in the magazine sized slab. I believe if it is sent in on your behalf by the artist you can get it done via ASP. If you submit it yourself, it would have to be authenticated. Only the signature is authenticated, not the artwork. If the artist isn't well known, they may not be able to authenticated it. Call customer service and ask...
Some Sketch Covers for sale ThorneArt 4 1 yearThorneArt (2065): Some other Covers that are available. These prices are for Forum Members shipping is included. Mad Max Fury Road: Furiosa #1 - $40 DARTH DONALD - Art Sketch Cover IDW - Disney's Donald Duck - $80 THRAWN...
New original art pickup Motor City Con Kenjisan1967 4 1 yearTheShocker (711): Nice Art Piece
Kelly Jones interview Dalkiel 1 1 yearDalkiel (2090): Hello all, I came across this Youtube video and thought it might interest some of you on this forum.
The game is afoot! Stardust_Memories 11 1 yearmakahuka (3133): Maybe a different Bat title, Batman Chronicles 95-early 2000,idk, my guess.
OAFCon , will you be going to the OAFCon 2023 Sept 16th-17th? TerrysComics 11 2 yearsEbayMafia (37349): lol, that's probably why the name "Oklahoma AF" means something different to today's younger generation.
Kevin Smith is selling his original art collection James42 2 2 yearsjake (3488): The Garth Ennis/Dillon/McCrea (Preacher, Demon), Miller sketch book, and the Hester Green Arrow covers look promising.
FS@ComicConnect: James O'Barr Crow Original, FF 116 cover color guide Sharkey 4 2 yearsSharkey (58): Bump! Ends Monday August 21!
SwallowTail Kickstarter SwallowTailComics 1 2 yearsSwallowTailComics (4): Hello everyone we have launched our first kickstarter campaign with two stories we’ve poured our hearts into even if you don’t leave a donation we’d like you to take a look 😁 clickable text
Superman Krypto Ray Gun from 1941 CWill2021 26 2 yearsdrmccoy74 (14330): @jaysonslade glad to see you back on your feet
FCBD Sketch Thread drchaos 15 2 yearsdrchaos (30035): Usually when an artist is kind enough to do a sketch or commission I try to get a picture of them holding up the finished work. In my haste I failed to do so for Fernando Ruiz (Julie Newman from the Monkees episode), Charles Paul Wilson (Abraham from Walking Dead), and Sean Mendoza (M3gan - scary AI doll from the recent movie): ...
Beavis and Butthead #1 Legends & Lore Signed Slipcase Ed. + Rick Parker OA PolarisNuclearSS2020 6 2 yearsPolarisNuclearSS2020 (1380): Open thread to view post.
Ripped "#2" SteveRicketts 20 2 yearsSteveRicketts (19700): @figment Oh, man. That seems like ages ago. I can't wait for everyone to see the goods. The cover you saw as a sketch might be my new favorite.
NEW LIVE ACTION COMIC BOOK DMECOMICS 4 2 yearsflanders (29016): This might have potential, especially if you change General Komad to General Gonad.
The RIPPED Cover Game SteveRicketts Jump to first page155Jump to last page 2 yearsSteveRicketts (19700): @esaravo Gald it made it safely. Thank you so much for participating in the contest! I had a good time doing it!
Can anyone identify this signature & sketch art? HooperSchaefer 14 2 yearsSigur_Ros (4694): Label errors are always free 👍
WonderCon - March 24-26 - I will be in Artist Alley ThorneArt 9 2 yearsThorneArt (2065): Not that I know of. :)
Original Sketch Covers / Art for sale loubot 5 2 yearsloubot (98): beautiful! thanks again @teacha777
Comiclink auction! 2nd round of comic books starts ending tonight! 8pm EST sborock 16 2 yearsfigment (21542): The 3% at Comiclink is only for credit cards and other forms of electronic payment that carry a processing fee. If that form of payment is used then yes, the buyer pays that fee.
HurriCon Comic Book Art Show 6/17/2023 - $5 GTS_Comics 2 2 yearsNuffsaid111 (20654): Great great great show!
I am doing a podcast at 3pm EST today (Sunday).... sborock 9 2 yearsGAC (79173): @sportshort
Original Art Show Friday Night: Raising money for George Perez's wife Carol Dynamic_Forces 1 2 yearsDynamic_Forces (16): This Friday, during our Original Art show we will be raising money for George Perez's wife Carol as well as for Fat Jack's Comicrypt and Aegis Comics. You can watch the show on YouTube, The EXP (The Experience) at Friday 2/24/2023 7pm ET Join us for some great comic art and great causes! Thanks
Custom made blank variant covers Element_Lad 2 2 yearsHulkSmash (11374): I believe you could have the artist fill out the paperwork and at least get an Authentic label for the sigs. I’m not 100% on that.
Sorry that I have been MIA.... sborock 23 2 yearsesaravo (103004): @sborock - Congratulations on your new gig, Steve! It didn’t take you long to go back to being a workingman. Keep making ripples my friend, and always remember, if you get confused, listen to the music play. “Such a long, long time to be gone And a short time to be there”
Order says SHIPPED, but no movement… WndrWmn74 6 2 yearsmulti007 (4277): Shipping from Texas has been delayed for about 2 weeks due to the ice storms. My Steve Rickets sketch cover said "shipped" starting on Jan 25. But fedex JUST picked it up yesterday from cbcs. Even My Comic Shop has been shut down for about 2 weeks now. (I missed out on a private signing because they didnt ship the order in time before the deadline). It is what it is...
Some art for sale! LotsaSequel 3 2 yearsLotsaSequel (295): Bump! the world's largest comic book art website AnthonySnyder 6 2 yearsmulti007 (4277): Holy crap- you have over 140,000 listings!
CBCS ART Label Sketch Covers For Sale ThorneArt 1 2 yearsThorneArt (2065): I have some of my sketch covers available. All drawn by me. All prices are shipped free in the USA for Forum Members. Rick Grimes The Walking dead #115 - CBCS ART Label - $150 Vader in Bacta Tank Vader Down #1 - CBCS ART Label - $150 Bloody Governor The Walking dead #115 - CBCS ART Label - $150 Vader Burned - CBCS ART Label - Darth Vader Annual #1 - $150 ...
New CAF page for original art! sborock 8 2 yearssborock (48469): Yeah, just noticed that as well! Darn! Will work on getting those up Monday or Tuesday my brother!
I did a fun podcast that is now live on YouTube..... sborock 8 2 yearssborock (48469): Thanks for the kind words all!
Kickstarter for my first comic... SteveRicketts Jump to first page42Jump to last page 2 yearsfigment (21542): Well heck... I'll help kick this into gear! That Mask homage cover is nicely done, I think I'll have one of those.
NYCC express order arrived! leelewis17 5 2 yearsBriten (1968): Love that Surfer.
Received a sweet Halloween Mail Call today. Josh7945 4 2 yearsJosh7945 (413): Yeah! It’s from Sleepaway Camp. Signed by Angela (Felissa Rose).
FS at auction: Bisley Lobo page, Kirby FF, Darrow, Marvel Zombies Sharkey 13 3 yearsSharkey (58): Last bump - thanks for looking, auctions end tonight!
Puckster's Art @ Heritage Wednesday Comic Art & Animation Select Auction Puckster 5 3 yearsNextEpisode (1): Hi I sent you a PM.
Questions about buying original published comic book art Briten 20 3 yearsHAmistoso (26178): Everyone knows who the White Knight of Gotham is...
Any recommendations for a traditional colorist commission? honukai92 8 3 yearsdielinfinite (26907): Depending on what it is, Joseph Michael Linsner also does great work Brian Woodward Arianne de Lima ...
what qualifies as "Original art" Lobofan 5 3 yearsLobofan (26): Thank you all for your responses. Once my life gets a little less hectic, I'll get more into it.
Dueling Dealer of Comic art wednesdays at 9 pm eastern AnthonySnyder 3 3 yearsByrdibyrd (24736): @AnthonySnyder That sounds interesting!
Help Identifying Signatures On Artwork markacz 8 3 yearsByrdibyrd (24736): I spotted the similarities right away (the same, just one has the extra bit), so I looked at A Lot of her signatures and sure enough, she'll sign both ways, though is the only time I saw both signatures on the same piece.
Submitting Original Art oldcitybass 3 3 yearsoldcitybass (56): Thank you!
Wildcat Anthology Vol. 1 on Indiegogo Despain 2 3 yearsDespain (1618): New perks and art added to the campaign. Only 18 days left to order your copy of the 80+ page Wildcat Anthology Vol. 1 on Indiegogo . Please consider backing today. Thank you for your support! Wildcat Anthology on Indiegogo
Art Commissions Jprez111 8 3 yearsJprez111 (78): Thanks everyone. This is very helpful.
Imaging SP Issue Josh7945 9 3 yearsJosh7945 (413): That makes sense. Thanks for the responses, everyone. I think I have a better idea of what’s going on now.
Artist submission process kitsune333 2 3 yearsdielinfinite (26907): The artist will have to complete the CBCS Signature Opp form and include it with the CBCS Invoice when they mail the book in to CBCS
Kirby Englert print Kas_kas 5 3 yearsdennisqdw (199): Psychedelic, Man ... I need more drugs.
Sal Buscema • Spectacular Spider-Man 215 • p26 Hiro 5 3 yearsBigRedOne1944 (11568): Welcome aboard! Nice Piece!
Featured Comics?? Josh7945 11 3 yearsHAmistoso (26178): clickable text
I need the FORUMS guidance and knowledge on a piece of original art Rafel 8 3 yearspower_struggle55 (7504): stuff like that....imperfections give it character. so imperfect is perfect. yes in a perfect world would be clean. but cleaning as stated would ruin it
Batman 423 Mosaic Recreation Cowabunga_Kyle 4 3 yearsEddieTheComicGuy (933): Very cool piece!!!
Big shout out to the FORUM!! Rafel 21 3 yearsRafel (4270): [quote=Puckster]@Rafel That's a really cool piece. Congrats. I wouldn't mind having that myself. As far as framing, it's like @Bronte said. You can get protective glass to frame it in. I've had this piece hanging up for close to 20 years now and it looks exactly like the day I bought it. It was a little pricy but it was worth every penny. I know this is not the best quality picture because the lighting is bad. It looks much better in...
New Original Art, commissions, sketch covers thread 2 EddieTheComicGuy Jump to first page97Jump to last page 3 yearsCatmanAmerica (31331): Since this is a catch-all art thread, I don't feel too awkward about displaying my own professional work. Recent examples of both digital astronomical painting and pen/ink mixed medium composition: :beer::)
Ice Cream Man #24 Marat Mychaels Virgin REMARKED hogan36 3 3 yearshogan36 (198): @Byrdibyrd Thank you! I love them!
Beautiful Wonder Woman Sketch Cover for Sale WndrWmn74 9 3 yearsPre_Coder (19960): Nice sketch cover. Let's see the one you're not selling.
Drawing again!!! EddieTheComicGuy 10 3 yearsEddieTheComicGuy (933): I’ve been on a roll lately. Here are a couple of pencil sketches I’ve been working on lately!!! They will be inked and colored soon!!!
Cool original artwork espo610 19 3 yearsetapi65 (4060): He's still got some and selling them (at least as of last Summer).
Signed and Sketch CGC Green/Qualified to CBCS Barth 5 3 yearsScifinator (15986): @Barth - And just to further clarify, if you send in for Grading with Verified Signature Program, the grade will NOT be docked for the sketch.
Shattered Remarque Cowabunga_Kyle 6 3 yearscomicsforme (4166): It's not fair.. Beautiful 😍
Blank Sketch Covers Jprez111 14 3 yearsARTisCOOL (143): I sent in Absolute Carnage #1 blank cover for the previous Mark Bagley/Sam de la Rosa signing. I asked Bagley to draw Carnage and de la Rosa to draw Scream. This is what I received:
Question: Can CBCS Original Art Program Verify famous Japanese Artists? DJJK 3 3 yearsDJJK (13): Thank you! I see that was a witnessed Amano signing by CBCS, so hopefully they have the ability to verify the signatures on my 2 Amano sketches.
New art for sale from the Hero Initiative sborock 1 3 yearssborock (48469): A very good cause!
What do you Grade? stanley_1883 17 3 yearsCaptainTim (14): I love Golden Age comics.
Question about Billing Skcatch 4 3 yearsxkonk (18077): @Skcatch I don't think they split orders, although from the forum it sounds like they might occasionally these days. I would assume it's just that they can't charge you for the prescreened books until they know what they're slabbing and what they aren't.
Attention EC Comic Fans! SteveRicketts 9 3 yearsDWeeB1967 (13031): Looks like that amount would be eaten up by the MCS "restocking fee" anyway. Oh well.
Framing comic artwork with speech bubbles in place Skatehorn 7 3 yearsIronMan (6264): I forgot to mention..... I'm assuming the artwork is acrylic paint. What most artists use for comic book work as it dries faster. The advice - should the art be oil on canvas - is different. Oil paintings are not normally framed with glass unless the painting was done on paper or thin board which would be uncommon. If you go to a museum you will notice most oil paintings are not under glass. The exceptions are usually very valuable paintings...
Cover Parodies CLLXCNNX 18 4 yearszdoes10 (10935):
What happened to CBCS Support? honukai92 16 4 yearshonukai92 (1): @dielinfinite @HulkSmash thanks for the advice, I'll contact the shipper and USPS to see if I can get an update customs or tracking number.
Nucleus #1 original cover art + Black Knight #1 Toby 1953 for sale/trade HotKeyComics 1 4 yearsHotKeyComics (5416): I have 2 items available, one is very rare and one is a 1/1. First is the original cover art for Nucleus #1 from 1979, published by Heiro-Graphic. Nucleus is a collection of shorter comic stories and the first one in this issue is "Demonhorn" from Bill Sim featuring a very early appearance of Cerebus. I would post the content page but some of the titles are nsfw, Cerebus fits right in. I've heard this is the first appearance of...
Stranger Comics Kickstarter Belarak 2 4 yearsBriten (1968): Just a thought, if you spend 60 dollars the item you receive is not free.
Rosemont Micro-Con less than 1 week away, new collection revealed! TerrysComics 8 4 yearsTerrysComics (136):
Got Some ART Labels Back ThorneArt 9 4 yearsEddieTheComicGuy (933): Awesome sketch covers everyone!!! I’m gonna send some of my sketch covers for that yellow label!!!
Need a little help with a submission Comicskablooey 4 4 yearsdielinfinite (26907): The Original Art option is listed with the Tiers on the right side of the submission form. You will have to also select “Verified Signature” down at the bottom and add Ron Lim as the signature you wish to have verified. The Issue title will just be something like “sketch on board” Please see the Newbie’s Guide for additional information on submitting and services provided by CBCS
Help a young collector Buzbe 9 4 yearsBuzbe (158): Sorry guy,yes it is my grandsons fundraiser for football youth program; fill free to look into it! I understand it may not be a priority just trying to help his group a little you never know where it may go toward his life and yes I don’t do much on the site but I have been a collector for over 40 years and travel the world with the military trying to help wherever I could. This one is just a little to big to help alone. Thanks for giving it a...
Any help on who this artist is? BigDiesel 8 4 yearsMurrayC (2881): Ahhhhh.... I was mistaking the "M" for a print number
MAKING ROOM FOR NEW ART ART SALE!!! EddieTheComicGuy 8 4 yearsEddieTheComicGuy (933): Thanks very much appreciated!!!
Washington State Summer Con is June 18-20, 2021. TerrysComics 3 4 yearsBobashek (991): Will you be there again in August?
Esad Ribic at Anthony's starting tomorrow!!! Jesse_O 6 4 yearsteacha777 (1180): There weren’t any CBCS witnesses today(in fact in your original post it just says Saturday for 1 hour lol) so I didn’t crack my witness jr jr black Panther 2. But got other comics signed with the form if CBCS accepts great if not I’ll pay VSP *shrug
The Sewer Lair - Turtle Talk - TMNT kaptainmyke Jump to first page1101Jump to last page 4 yearsBronte (40001): Linebreakerscomics the last ronin 4 with AARON Bartling is apparently sold out and available for scalper prices on ebay. If anyone has one for something remotely reasonable, please let me know
Shadow Doctor Exclusive Beeda 1 4 yearsBeeda (59): Hey everyone, we wanted to let you know that our new exclusive drops next week with cover art by Beeda. There are limited 200 trade dress and 100 negative print. We chose this book because it's a phenomenal story...a phenomenal true story. It has lasting ramifications for social impact regarding race relations. The story follows the first black doctor West of the Mississippi who gets in with the Mob and Al Capone. Anyway, we thought we'd...
New Original Art, commissions, sketch covers thread Jesse_O Jump to first page722Jump to last page 4 yearsdrchaos (30035): I think I sprained my wallet at the show. Aside from the art I filled a short box with my other purchases.
Looking for a Batgirl #23 Middleton variant raw Oteemorse 2 4 yearsvacaboca (1063): I have a copy I'm willing to part with, $110 shipped priority in the US... anything else you're looking for? I'm selling about 10k issues... You can take a look here:
Rosemont, IL alt 2nd annual unplanned MicroCon, Sunday 29th Aug 2021 TerrysComics 1 4 yearsTerrysComics (136): LET'S GIVE THIS A SECOND TRY!!! Rosemont, Illinois SHORTEST-RUNNING Comic Swap! Small is better than nothing, so we are going to do SOMETHING! Restricted Vendor Show - 5 of Your FAVORITE VENDORS! Loaded with LOTSA GREAT STUFF You Can't Live Without! 3Logo.jpg.9ff3854460fea9912a53412ea2c7520d.jpgRosemont, IL MICRO-CON! (Micro-Version) SUNDAY, AUGUST 29TH! 11AM - 4PM Embassy Suites Rosemont ( Across from Donald E....
LEVIATHAN COMICS NEW WEBSITE blevin 1 4 yearsblevin (31): Hello everyone my name is Jim Banks and I want to invite everyone who loves comics to come visit our new comic book site at leviathan comics. For fans of superheroes. fantasy, horror and science fiction. Leviathan comics new website - clickable text
Announcing BKLYN CARTOONS!!! EddieTheComicGuy 12 4 yearsEddieTheComicGuy (933): Thank you so much for the shout out Brian!!! I hope your son likes the artwork
GrailzCon 2021! Celebs, Live Sales and More! ccmp99 1 4 yearsccmp99 (60): June 1st to June 4th ! Check out GrailzCon only @instagrailz on Instagram! clickable text
San Fernando Valley Comic Book Convention 23rd May 2021 in Valencia! TerrysComics 5 4 yearsxkonk (18077): Just guessing from the salute but you aren't the only one with a conflict.
Cthulhu Invades Oz Cowabunga_Kyle 3 4 yearsCowabunga_Kyle (2271): @EbayMafia Basically Cthulhu meets Dorothy and she tells him all about Oz so he decides that's a place he'd like to ravage. The first few chapters are the telling of his coming and it ramps up from there It's 160 pages. I'm 1/4 of the way through it myself.
When You're Home During A Pandemic EddieTheComicGuy Jump to first page58Jump to last page 4 yearsEddieTheComicGuy (933): [quote=xjagnew]These beauties showed up today! So glad to add them into the hoard. Everybody make sure to hit up Eddie for some amazing books! You sir are the man!!! Enjoy the books!!!
Please help.. KyleeRenew6209 12 4 yearsHulkSmash (11374): 2nd.. Looks like a Bagley sig
FS: Kevin Nash #2 page 1 original comic art splash page by Marat Mychaels Darkga 2 4 yearsdielinfinite (26907): Good luck with the sale! Definitely an interesting piece! I hope you don’t mind my sharing a similar intersectional piece This is the movie adaptation of the second Punisher film where Kevin Nash played The Russian in one of the best scenes in the movie!
Hero Initiative & Binc Open Double Visions Auction sborock 3 4 yearsCool_Fool (1071): Marvels Snapshots: Amazing Spider-Man #1 AUTOGRAPHED by HOWARD CHAYKIN - SOLD!
Original Comic Art Slesko Jump to first page43Jump to last page 4 yearsKYDU (938): The whole gang again! Pencils by Stan Goldberg inks by Rudy Lapick.
New Empire Comics Despain 2 4 yearsDespain (1618): His YouTube channel: New Empire Comics YouTube Channel
Suggestions on framing original comic page with published pages mattness 16 4 yearsTowmater (10537): +1 You can use Hobby Lobby too. Like Michaels they run specials all the time. Hobby Lobby has done some wonderful work for me. Our local store has cut some of the characters names at the bottom of the mats for me they have done. Also, they have cut out the artist name too.
mystery art! is this by Mike Wieringo? comixcited 2 4 yearsjake (3488): Tough one. Peter Parker does not seem right to be Ringo's. A big guess is that it would be more of a collaboration with Scott Hanna...
FS (eBay): John Romita Jr & Klaus Janson Spider-Man original art Darkga 2 4 yearspoka (25529): From the drawer?
PLEASE HELP TO IDENTIFY THIS SIGNATURE TOGOR90 4 4 yearsTOGOR90 (2): thank you very much
Post your best of 2020! dielinfinite Jump to first page64Jump to last page 4 yearskaptainmyke (27134): Soooo....another popped up on ebay a week or 2 later...and I bought that one too. Got an upgrade in a week. Crazy times we be living in. This is the copy I got beforehand: ...
Comics Room WIP jake 22 4 yearsTheLJ (107): I got the porcelain too. You are right heavy as hell!
Sam Glanzman Heritage auction Jesse_O 1 4 yearsJesse_O (39345): I just wanted to share this. I found it on the Sam Glanzman Facebook page. He is best known for his DC war themed art, or at least, that's how I found him.
Blast from the past Wyldchyld 11 4 yearsWyldchyld (1574): I bought the shirt for my 11 year old daughter to wear at heroes con but she wanted to get Renae DeLiz to sign it and it just went crazy from there. It's one of my favorite pieces that we have.
FS: VENGEANCE OF VAMPIRELLA TPB Original Cover Art by Buzz Darkga 1 4 yearsDarkga (4787): Cross posting my auction which is up on Comic Link right now and ends on 12/8. This is the original cover art for the Vengeance of Vampirella TPB drawn by Buzz! Happy Bidding! ...
For Any Zatanna Fans... DWeeB1967 13 4 yearsEbayMafia (37349): Definitely has an appeal to it. Hypnotic even, some might say.
Weekly drawing submission #15 - TMNT SteveRicketts 27 4 yearsSteveRicketts (19700): Bump. We need a subject for the week. My weekly drawing window is narrow. 😆
New Title: The Listener with a Frank Miller Wolverine Homage Cowabunga_Kyle 10 4 yearsCowabunga_Kyle (2271): @DWeeB1967 thank you kindly.
John Buscema art stolen danberry75 6 4 yearsGAC (79173): Awful news!!! I hope they catch these pricks! John was a genius! His art is spectacular and is a giant of the industry.
I will be on Comic Art Fans Youtube live tonight 9pmEST sborock 6 4 yearsSpiderTim (3425): @sborock I'll be listening then!
WEEKLY DRAWING SUBMISSION #11 M.O.D.O.K.!!!! comixcited 16 4 yearsTowmater (10537): @flanders I think it is your turn again to pick a character.
Horror Comics by the Grand Masters of Brazil KomicKazi Jump to first page250Jump to last page 4 yearsKomicKazi (7217): Almanaque Terror Negro Artist Jayme Cortez Published by La Selva, Brazil 1959
WEEKLY DRAWING SUBMISSION #9 Wildfire! SteveRicketts 14 4 yearsSteveRicketts (19700): I may have...several copies. 😆 No slabbed copies, though. 😥
FS: Lady Death Vs Vampirella Published Mike Deodato Jr. Original Art Darkga 2 4 yearsDarkga (4787): Bump! And if you are interested in multiple pages (or even better the whole lot) I can definitely make a nice discount. :) Thanks!
local artist verification shadoreavr 3 4 yearsWatcher (4166): I had this happen about 5 yrs ago...two local artists...CBCS was great. They connected and my books were verified without hassle. I suspect they did exactly what @xkonk said and filled out forms. There was zero delay
How do you submit original art? TheBatPastor 8 5 yearsdielinfinite (26907): @TheBatPastor The only thing, and this is covered in the link, is that when you select the Slab-Only tier and add the VSP signature it won’t adjust the price automatically so the form will read $20 for slab-only + $25 for the verified signature but it should be adjusted by the staff when they receive the books
WEEKLY DRAWING SUBMISSION #7, Superman esaravo 28 5 yearsdpiercy (4842): Would have liked to have made a lot of these lines heavier, but want to start on SS.
Suicide Squad Sketch Cover Cheese 1 5 yearsCheese (61): Man look at its beautiful. I heard a rumor that the artist is incredibly handsome and really cool btw...OK OK no one has said either of those things about me lol.
What is this? And can I remove it? Cheese 17 5 yearsjaysonslade (223): For clarity... I never said I agree with keeping a comic covered up in tissue paper and not enjoying it. I also never said to not display and enjoy your sketch covers. I did say that I thought it had a logo printed on it, but I see now that was clearly the logo on the cover showing through the tissue paper. I'm totally into collector doing whatever they want... because I do whatever I want. And I would never ever ever ever under any circumstance...
Sketch cover. (By yours truly) Cheese 6 5 yearsJoosh (4179): Cheese strikes again. Well done
Can’t decide on which 2 more Suicide Squad members to put on my sketch cov Cheese 9 5 yearsCardzguy (49): Oh I didn't take it as an insult. Honestly, I'm a Marvel guy. I went to Wikipedia and looked at all the members in history and picked 2 i thought would be cool headshots
Question about mylite Alvingo 10 5 yearsAlvingo (5): Yes I was looking for a binder with mylar but couldn't find them in 11 x 14.
Just finished my second ever sketch cover (that I made) Cheese 12 5 yearsCheese (61): @doog Thanks!
Classic "Chamber of Chills" cover at Heritage. Jesse_O 4 5 yearsthe420bandito (11476): I was thinking he might be the seller...either way back up the Brinks truck for this one
Some eBay Comics... Sigs and other stuff joelzstuff 5 5 yearsjoelzstuff (90): Bump Ending tomorrow Thanks again
Question about OA Submission sstelloh 3 5 yearssstelloh (1): Thank you. I will try that. Appreciate it..
Romita Jr. Iron Man page, O'Barr Crow Art for sale on ComicConnect Sharkey 5 5 yearsSharkey (58): Thanks @Kinsella5 - I will check out your post. Yes, these older vintage pieces are definitely rarer to find. I have another piece in my personal collection that is a full body Crow that's NOT going up for sale LOL. I'll post it up on the OA thread.
Damaged CBCS Order Cowabunga_Kyle Jump to first page46Jump to last page 5 yearsEbayMafia (37349): @Darryl_H @sborock Something bad is going on with USPS right now and I'm concerned that the risk of shipping damage is higher than it's ever been. I'm buying a decent amount of insurance on everything I ship right now. We will need help from CBCS in recovering damages if they do occur. I'm really hoping your people in receiving are keeping an eye out for damaged boxes and photographing them when they come in. I hate to ask for an extra...
Signature identification help Danomang 1 5 yearsDanomang (190): Got this in Chicago C2e2 cannot remember the artist just loved the sketch and $$$ went towards Hero Initiative. Any ideas?
Any gokdensilver age Archie comics experts here? agamoto 7 5 yearsagamoto (292): You know what? I think the goat is the big tip off. There were a couple of artists @ Archie Pub who did realistic animal sketching, dropping them into the cartoonish Archie Universe. Bob Bolling, Ken Hultgren, Dexter Taylor. Problem is, those dudes were never associated with anything other than the little nature notebook interstitial pages in the grown up archie books at the time. Bolling had just put out the Little Archie in Animal Land...
Burned Covers Legalburning Jump to first page32Jump to last page 5 yearsLegalburning (63): Thank you. I'll be submitting my first piece to you guys shortly. Appreciate it.
Original Art Aficionado - New Article OA_Aficionado 6 5 yearsOA_Aficionado (214): New Article - 27/3/20 Collector Spotlight on mega art fan John Nguyen is up!
Frank Brunner Art Jesse_O 11 5 yearsesaravo (103004): I took a Cartography course in grad-school in the early 1980’s. We learned how to use Rapidograph pens and about various shading techniques. To save time shading large areas, instead of hand-shading (very difficult to perfectly space dots or hash lines) you could cut out pre-made designs called Zipatone. I remember that you needed a steady hand with an X-Acto knife to try to cut out the design to fit perfectly in the space you wanted, and...
One of the worse covers. GanaSoth Jump to first page55Jump to last page 5 yearsdrchaos (30035): Did one of the artists let their pre-schooler take a stab at the cover art?
2020 Vision: Collecting through a past and future lens. CatmanAmerica Jump to first page81Jump to last page 5 yearsDarkseid_of_town (14297): Hard to even imagine the marvel universe today without TTA 27 was intended as a horror story that then became a hero story secondarily. Ten cent cover, and truly one of the first marvel hero books before there were marvel hero books. November of 1961 saw the release of Fantastic four 1, and TTA 27 would follow almost immediately in January of 1962. As the character was retooled from being a horror type story into a more hero type...
Bernie Wrightson Frankenstein art sold. Jesse_O 20 5 yearssoutherncross (33782): He is one of three of my favorite Batman artists. Batman the cult covers though simple are just perfectly drawn
Mail Day! Drahcir 3 5 yearsDrahcir (456): @EbaySeller Thanks man!
Steve Ditko "War of the GoBots" artwork, color guides for sale Sharkey 4 5 yearsSharkey (58): Thanks @GAC - fixed!
Happy Birthday Jim Steranko esaravo Jump to first page68Jump to last page 5 yearsJustThatGuy (5004): Thought I’d share this I got a while back. The original one Indi had a cigarette in his mouth and they removed it from this. I have that poster somewhere that Jim also signed.
Akirya Toriyama Original Art Shikishi Card Art Board Eikkichi 16 5 yearsDarkga (4787): I'm not saying the signature is not on the art, I'm saying the signature is probably forged.
Recent HC books on comic art and collecting... CatmanAmerica 2 5 yearsmichaelekrupp (32260): I have the Wolverton book but not the Mac Raboy book (yet). I can post a pic of “Brain Bats of Venus” Another book I am fond of is “Black Light: the World of L. B. Cole”. I also recommend “Tales...
Ryan Kincaid Batman sketch 11Taylor06 6 5 yearsetapi65 (4060): his wife cracks me up; keep those artists in line.
Question about an “art” slab! Tr3ntOw3ns 6 5 yearsWyldchyld (1574): This is what an art slab with witnessed signature will look like.
OAF-con Pictures!!! CatmanAmerica 7 5 yearsGAC (79173): In one pic there are 2 significant influences on my comic collection. I buy from one guy and send to the other guy. Thanks guys! 🍻 great t-shirt btw!
Bob Mcleod Thanos sketch cover KaseyArt 6 5 yearsNino_013 (135): He charges around 250 for a full figure That said theres a CGC Captain America sketch cover listed on ebay for $199 ...and thats been up for a loong time
New Dreckcheck blog on fears in the art market AnkurJ 3 5 yearsSpiderTim (3425): I have grown out of my FOMO and also think a lot of things are currently over priced. Great article my friend!
Thought provoking, powerful short movie... GanaSoth 4 6 yearsGanaSoth (10301): @X51 the animation film was different. The kids got what they deserved in the end. I liked it.
Marvel exhibit walk through @ the Franklin Institute Part 2 Jedyzon 4 6 yearsDoc_Cop (3100): Thank God. Would've kept me from going.
Secret Wars 8 Cowabunga_Kyle 21 6 yearsxkonk (18077): @IronMan Very weird. Yet another reason to prefer CBCS!
Marvel exhibit walk through @ the Franklin Institute Part 1 Jedyzon 10 6 yearsDarkseid_of_town (14297): Shame the music is overbearing and sort of distracts from such a great presentation otherwise...
ComicConnect 40th Event Auction is starting Sharkey 4 6 yearsSharkey (58): Good luck!!
Weekly Cover Contest #154 - Sea Creatures VS Man GanaSoth Jump to first page52Jump to last page 6 yearsLenovations (866): Finally I was able to grab one of these! Consider it taken. I've had a while to think of my topic so I hope everyone enjoys #155
Any idea on who signed this? OoklaTheMok 12 6 yearsTerry88 (1276): /sorryforthehijacking=)
Creator form etapi65 5 6 yearsetapi65 (4060): Thank you both!
WTB WTT Wendy Pini art or sketch DanM 2 6 yearsBigRedOne1944 (11568): I love Her work as well
VSP Promo Turnaround Time - 11 Business Days My Stuff is Back! Drahcir 1 6 yearsDrahcir (456):
What about proof sheet color guides? JLee1964 Jump to first page40Jump to last page 6 yearsxkonk (18077): The suggestions have turned to selling but you could also find some other place for them. @etapi65 (kind of jokingly) suggested a museum, and you could look for something along those lines like a school or library. Maybe an exhibit like the Marvel Universe of Super Heroes Maybe an art school would just like to have them on the walls.
ComicConnect Ends Monday - Color Guides: ASM 423, 425, Thor 23 (Thanos) Sharkey 5 6 yearsSharkey (58): Just a little bump - auctions end tonight, Monday June 10!
Ebay listing: Original Art by John Buscema tim 7 6 yearsMR_SigS (11124): Very much appreciated!
Symbiote Spider-man #1 - Crain - Best Cover GanaSoth Jump to first page36Jump to last page 6 yearsGanaSoth (10301): Haha
How do you fill out the for an Original Art-non-comic submission Drahcir 3 6 yearsDrahcir (456): Appreciated!
Sketch Cover Question DarthHam 8 6 yearsBuzbe (158): P.s. stop damaging the dust cover that way the don’t you not damaging the overall value as a whole set. Many people like me see the book as incomplete because the dust cover is a part of the finale press release unlike clear plastic bag some people convent.
Blackcat #1 Mike Mayhew Cover GanaSoth 10 6 years00slim (18687): I was excited to meet Adrienne Barbeau at a small local Con a couple years ago. It was $20 or $25. She signed my Swamp Thing POP & took a pic with me & my wife. She was super sweet. If it were $50+, I wouldn’t have done it. I’d have wanted to, but ultimately wouldn’t. Now, if it were like Joss Whedon? “Take my money”!
Japanese? Info requested doog 7 6 yearsdoog (8548): Thanks a lot Jesse, love me some mysteries, and some history, and you threw me some meat! Not at all sure it is a print, I know a little about paper, it is the highest quality, but I know little about original art. I’ll be looking at some 90’s comics set in the Genghis era for fun, someday, maybe, there will be that page! As it happens, like a lot of us I bet, I have boxes full of random 90’s comics from independents to start with
Alice Cooper Sketch Cover drchaos 7 6 yearsGAC (79173): brilliant!!!
Craig Russell looking for Dr. Strange page he drew. Jesse_O 1 6 yearsJesse_O (39345): This was shared on Facebook. If you know anything, please contact him. If you are not on Facebook, pm me and I can pass it along.
Who will be at WonderCon? (me) ThorneArt 6 6 yearsCatmanAmerica (31331): Now in Anaheim, just dined at Karl Strauss, growlin' and ready for Wondercon... :beer::D
Tracking My Turnaround Tommy49 Jump to first page36Jump to last page 6 yearsTommy49 (19): I think that puts me at about a week late. A vast inprovement over my last order!
Question about Gene Colan art major99 4 6 yearsxkonk (18077): He did at least 200 books for DC. Hard to say how many of them might have had a Superman appearance.
Question about 1976 Marvel Splash page for sale major99 19 6 yearsmajor99 (22): Thanks!
Shazam title splash page signed Don Newton 1982 question major99 5 6 yearsmajor99 (22): Some great information. Thank you!
Does anyone have OA from "The Tribe"? major99 2 6 yearsJesse_O (39345): I have a Savage Sword Of Conan page that was done by Alfred Alcala, but that is from 1994. I also have two pieces from Ken Landgraf. One commission and one purchased, both done in the last year or two. I'm interested to see what pops up here though.
Signature Thearrow 4 6 yearsVirgincollector (494): Not a clue but good luck
Check out these Comic Mask for sale ! GanaSoth 2 6 yearscomicsforme (4166): Sweet.
Signed Marie Severin/Jim Mooney original art being auctioned on eBay ivegotneatstuff 3 6 yearsivegotneatstuff (34): Thanks!
Frazetta Art emme_jay 22 6 yearsemme_jay (154): @BrianGreensnips Yes, it really is a good and welcome distraction.
Original Art Aficionado - New Article OA_Aficionado 7 6 yearsOA_Aficionado (214): New Article - 31/1/19 Interview with collector, artist rep and con organizer Steve Morger is up!
BIG APPLE CON 2019 Sloptimusgrime 7 6 yearsKatKomics (31323): Love me some Ramona!!! Might have to order 1 more!!
Non-witnessed original art Zini 3 6 yearsZini (17): @dielinfinite Wow amazing response. This answers everything I needed. Thanks so much!
LA Comic Art Show This Weekend--Sunday November 4th! HippyComix 1 6 yearsHippyComix (43): LA Comic Art Show is the first West Coast convention dedicated exclusively to Original Comic Book Art. You'll find no comic books or collectibles, but an incredible array of thousands of pages, covers, paintings, and pin-ups: Original Comic Book, Comic Strip and Illustration Art from the 1940s to the present! Some of the Nation's top Art Dealers and Exhibitors who will be set up in the spacious Breakwater Room: Cool Lines Art (Rich...
Art slab turnaround? Tr3ntOw3ns 4 6 yearsteacha777 (1180): I submitted with no fast past in 8/15 it was received. Still waiting. So yeah fast pass if you can
First LA Comic Art Show Premieres Sunday November 4th! HippyComix 5 6 yearsHippyComix (43): First LA Comic Art Show In 2 Weeks--Sunday 11/4 LA Comic Art Show is the first West Coast convention dedicated exclusively to Original Comic Book Art. You'll find no comic books or collectibles, but an incredible array of thousands of pages, covers, paintings, and pin-ups: Original Comic Book, Comic Strip and Illustration Art from the 1940s to the present! Some of the Nation's top Art Dealers and Exhibitors who will be set up in the spacious...
help and CAN"T BELIEVE CBCS DID THIS donho Jump to first page64Jump to last page 6 yearsdonho (667):
FAN ART THREAD: SHOW US YOUR SKETCH COVERS/PIN UPS/PAGES/COLLAGES Odins_Raven Jump to first page44Jump to last page 6 yearskaptainmyke (27134): inked this for my son when he was 4
Custom cover Topsykrets 7 6 yearsOdins_Raven (2389): @Topsykrets I love fan created covers! Gives me an idea for a new thread... ;)
Recommendation for sketch cover artist? xkonk Jump to first page42Jump to last page 6 yearsThorneArt (2065): Here are a couple of my latest covers.
Is this a 9.8? Flip1987 13 7 yearsNuffsaid111 (20654): 11.3 - there's a "light bend" ;)
TAT Whiner Finally Receives Books Cowabunga_Kyle 4 7 yearsJoosh (4179): Nice video, I hope to make my own soon.
FS: Marvel Dan Panosian - sketch on board Wolverine ZosoRocks 1 7 yearsZosoRocks (2134): This drawing was acquired by myself in the 1990s at one of the SDCC. In addition to the primary sketch, the reverse side of the backing board has a sketch of Cyclops. Thanks for viewing my auction.
Help looking for trustworthy site of original/signed art enaz13 13 7 yearsIronMan (6264): Comicartfans is not really a place to buy art. The vast majority of art there isn't listed for sale. It's collectors showing their stuff off. Perhaps best for comicartfans is their sales links. Search an artist or character and you can look at listings of art for sale. Most of the listings will be by dealers and they are just links to their sites. Several dealers don't list prices and you have to call. Perhaps what is most annoying...
Original Art Cowabunga_Kyle 2 7 yearsBabaLament (2961): I picked up the set of prints; they look amazing. The originals would be nice too; but I already blew my comics money for the month!
Adi Granov Elektra Variant stanley_1883 1 7 yearsstanley_1883 (2001): I was wondering if anyone has an Adi Granov Elektra variant? He was selling them at SDCC. I missed out as I got some Billy Tucci prints instead. Specifically I'm looking for the black suit. Please let me know if you have one you're willing to part with. Raw preferably. Thank you kindly.
Original Art Program - Question TheComicDoJo 5 7 yearsVaComicsGuy (4033): If the artist is a friend of yours, just have him send it in for you.
Artists that you are surprised they aren't published? RyanHicks 15 7 yearsX51 (14750): It's private for now until she decides what angle to pursue. She's reestablishing herself in a new locale. She's trying different styles and themes and wants to settle into the right options for her before promoting her work. She's thinking about being a tattoo artist.
Art Submission question BrashSmurf 5 7 yearsGAC (79173): heres one for example:
Comic Art Con: NYC Edition Premieres Sunday August 19th 2018 HippyComix 1 7 yearsHippyComix (43): Comic Art Con: NYC Edition Premieres Sunday August 19th 2018 For Calendar Listings: Comic Art Con: NYC Edition Sunday August 19th 2018 Show Hours: 10am - 4pm Admission: $20.00 Location: 88 Clinton Street, New York, NY 10002 *Lower East Side located between Rivington & Delancey Comic Art Con, “The First Convention Dedicated Exclusively To Original Comic Book Art”, since 2009 has brought to Northern New Jersey and the...
Jon Hughes sketch cover thread. Commissions Available, NOW WITH PAPERWORK! JonHughes 3 7 yearsJonHughes (82): Here's a ridiculous Deadpool and Doop, currently up for grabs on ebay. Thanks for looking!
Signatures verified kissfan 5 7 yearskaptainmyke (27134): Man I used to have all the McFarlane series 1 KISS toys. I made a killing as a 17 yr old kid back in the day at my comic store I worked at. I was a hundredaire.
Any Illustrators, Pencillers and Colorists here? stanley1883 7 7 yearsstanley1883 (46): Thanks all, right now we're looking to hire a colorist specifically, and are looking for someone who is familiar with Chiaroscuro. We have a 1 comic that is all but done, just needs coloring, and a second that is being written currently, and are looking for the artist for that.
Jon Hughes Art New Sketch Covers COMMISSIONS AVAILABLE! JonHughes 6 7 yearsJonHughes (82): Here's a Black Manta.
Any Last Remarks? Cowabunga_Kyle 7 7 yearsCowabunga_Kyle (2271): @nikki666666 Holy shit! Are those hip hop loafers available? If so, how much?! Ah, I just saw they were from your friend's account. Those are so nice. Your work is incredible, you got a new fan here, Nikki!!
Venom Fans Only Cowabunga_Kyle 2 7 yearsCowabunga_Kyle (2271): I'm delighted that Ryan Stegman is digging these. I hope you cats dig them too.
In Memoriam...RIP Steve Ditko (1927-2018) Odins_Raven Jump to first page37Jump to last page 7 yearsJLS_Comics (5463): @Odins_Raven I have seen that it is great (although not long enough if you ask me lol and I wish he went in the office with the camera at the end)
Avengers Brazil (A Major) Capitão América, Thor & Homem De Ferro KomicKazi 23 7 yearsDalkiel (2090): Thanks for posting these. Is it hard to find copies in higher grades?
Stolen books need help obiwan1971 22 7 yearsobiwan1971 (243): Thank you all for helping
Original Art Aficionado - Weekly Articles OA_Aficionado Jump to first page124Jump to last page 7 yearsOA_Aficionado (214): New Article - 29/6/18 The final weekly instalment of OA Aficionado has been published!
Lethal Protector Cowabunga_Kyle Jump to first page42Jump to last page 7 yearsBabaLament (2961): @conditionfreak Its all about what people like/enjoy. Some people are nuts. Like me. Seriously, I'm sending @Masochism three copies of V:LP for remark; two red's & a gold. I would send a platinum if I could; but it took years for me to find the first one! ;)
HeroesCon - great original sketch Tedsaid 3 7 yearsTedsaid (7340): You're right, it does! Which works for me, 'cause I love Noto's stuff, too. Here is a link to Rocha's Instagram account. His most recent (HeroesCon) commissions are posted first, including mine above. And here is a representative sample of Phil Noto. (From the web - I only WISH they were mine.)
Amanda Conner original art with an interesting love story... Darkga 3 7 yearsDarkga (4787): Hmmm interesting, he may be the one!
Brianna Hildebrand, Charlie Cox Signing/Sketch Opportunity CHaverlandArt 1 7 yearsCHaverlandArt (13): Hey all! Making the rounds and taking on the last couple commissions for our current sketch and signing opportunity... Offering up and securing 1/1 custom sketch covers of Negasonic Teenage Warhead (Hildebrand) and Daredevil (Cox). Covers will be signed by the actors in Vegas the weekend of the 29th. Cover work starts at $140 in b&w...$220-240 in color... and goes up from there (depending on all thats involved in the overall...
Original Art sketch chubaka510 1 7 yearschubaka510 (28): Should I get this inked and Colored? Or should I slab it as is with a blue label?
Best signatures to have graded Buzbe Jump to first page31Jump to last page 7 yearsOGJackster (54562): Even though these are low in value, when I get some extra buck, they will be sent in to CBCS for obvious reasons.
Free Comic Book Day 2018 ThorneArt 27 7 yearsdrchaos (30035): Elektra by Fabio Redivo Concept given to artist Lenny from Legion by Alexia Vendhuisen ...
Recommended Inkers and Colorists? dielinfinite Jump to first page31Jump to last page 7 yearsX51 (14750): This...
Jim Lee draws Goku - only once ever ZosoRocks 14 7 yearsdoog (8548):
Reholder into an "Art" Slab Drahcir 5 7 yearsTimBildhauser (2239): IIRC to do it would essentially be considered a re-submission not just a re-holder so it would run $18. Like Jesse said though, double check that with Customer Service.
Looking for Mike Ploog signed comics anthonybischoff 3 7 yearsanthonybischoff (118): What do you want for them
Man Thing Art by Ploog anthonybischoff 7 7 yearsanthonybischoff (118): Officially retired but still does some things every blue moon like the Kickstarter he did like a couple months ago. Also would you be interested in selling the man things I would be interested or trading.
Got a surprise sketch today Jesse_O 6 7 yearsZosoRocks (2134): I concur.....I've seen plenty of those types of folks on this forum. you know who you are!! :o)
WonderCon in Anaheim This Weekend ThorneArt 2 7 yearsVCBE (97): I'll be there Sunday with my Kid (34 years old) Work doesn't permit us going on Friday or Saturday. But I'm taking a couple books to sell a Fantastic Four #1 3.5 $3,900.00 firm and an Iron Man 8.5 $750.00 firm here are the pictures.
New sketches and remarked comics show them anthonybischoff 15 7 yearsAndyRexia (6306): Kevin Eastman Super Shredder commission and Walt Simonson Doctor Doom "free" ($20 donation to Hero Initiative) sketch. Picked up at a con today.
My comic book journey to date Mickee92 11 7 yearsBrianGreensnips (15559): The Wolverine 4 issue mini series Volume 1 with Chris Claremont and Frank Miller was really good. Origin was good too.
New Works Cowabunga_Kyle 6 7 yearsKingNampa (6756): Sweet stuff. :beer:
Fake cover site for YEARS for fans det_tobor 15 7 yearsxkonk (18077): They aren't really twins until Artgerm does the cover.
Rocky Mountain Comic Convention Denver TerrysComics 1 7 yearsTerrysComics (136): the original Rocky Mountain Comic Convention Sunday May 20, 2018 from 10am - 5pm DoubleTree By Hilton Hotel Denver Stapelton 4040 Quebec Street, Denver Co. 80216 Admission still only $10, Parking is free! Admission includes entry to raffle with great comics and Original art! Sponsored by the already famous ( with serious collectors) CalComicCon. check it out at Rocky Mountain Comic Convention
Love these Silver Age looking Water Colors. VCBE 3 7 yearsVCBE (97): Jimmy Mulligan, he's a Disney artist but since they have Marvel he does these and Stan Lees signs them and they go into a Gallery...
New Original Art pieces - Cap, Hitler, etc Jesse_O 12 7 yearspoka (25529): I really like the bottom mid panther. Very cool
Familiar with hall of heroes museum? det_tobor 3 7 yearsStu (825): Too cool! That is deadication right there. Thanks for sharing.
Anyone heard of Elton Thomasi anthonybischoff 5 7 yearsanthonybischoff (118): It wasn’t him selling it. It was a collector.
The original art I sacrificed keys for... Darkga 29 7 yearsBrianGreensnips (15559): That is so darn cool. Thanks
When should i contact customer service donho 15 7 yearspoka (25529): @SteveRicketts :D
My fantastic 2018 Great Lakes Comic Con exp Joosh 11 7 yearsTimBildhauser (2239): @Joosh Why does Cody get all the credit? Show some love! LOL It was nice meeting you BTW. If you're coming to Motor City in May stop by and see us. ;)
Submitting Original Art 3319 2 7 yearsdielinfinite (26907): Yeah you need to use the same comic book form. For Series you’d put something like “Artwork on Paper,” Issue Number and Publisher can be “N/A,” and you need to add a year. Make sure you have the “Original Art” box checked. Just remember, unless you’re a CBCS Authorized Witness or went through the procedure for the artist to submit the book directly to CBCS on your behalf, your book won’t qualify to have the artist’s name...
Best Toploaders for 11 x 17 Original Art jrs 8 7 yearsX51 (14750): I like the "inert" nature of Mylar. :)
Steven butler Topsykrets 1 7 yearsTopsykrets (255): He will be at the Indy comic con Does anyone know if he will do sketch for a custom cover?
Fake Comic Book Covers!! Jesse_O 12 7 yearsFoghorn_Sam (3769): I know I've posted these before, but they are just too good to keep on the shelf.
Showcase: Black Panther - Books/Toys/Art Odins_Raven 17 7 yearsX51 (14750): I wouldn't mind Pantha being in the upcoming movie.
Can I have my own art on a blank comic grade Tony 18 7 yearskaptainmyke (27134): Wow you guys are all very talented! Why can't we start our own publishing of creator owned comics?
Blog post about VSP spaulus Jump to first page96Jump to last page 7 yearsshrewbeer (13263): Big difference though. The comma is not wrong; it is arguably redundant. That apostrophe is very irritating, agreed there! You would hate reading my contracts. In writing law it is best to add as many redundancies as possible, to avoid any need of clarification by judgement. Oxford commas? I put that sh*t on everything
Charlotte MiniCon - Sat, January 27th Tedsaid 1 7 yearsTedsaid (7340): Hi, everyone. Just wanted to post the information for the Charlotte MiniCon, to be held Saturday, January 27th this year. If you've never gone, it's a great place for just comics, comics, comics! Here is the link. Looks like they have over two dozen guests this year! Including Brian Stelfreeze (a local favorite and current artist on Black Panther) and Al Milgrom, co-creator of Firestorm. Vendor space is completely sold out, but...
Pricing original art jrs 18 7 yearskaptainmyke (27134): I think it matters more when mass producing a print or book of a copyrighted character, instead of just one panel or sketch.
Identify Mystery Paul Gulacy Original Art? kaptainmyke 16 7 yearskaptainmyke (27134): I'm totally open to selling it for sure
Now THAT'S a cover swipe! Cowabunga_Kyle 2 7 yearsCowabunga_Kyle (2271): Finished recreation. Thoughts?
Need Help: Sketch Cover Grading Question HammitChris 12 7 yearsHammitChris (283): There is no bleed thru on the spine or cover.
FLASH COMMISSION SALE! JonHughes 15 7 yearsJonHughes (82): Merry Christmas everyone! I might be slow to respond today, but I'll be back tomorrow. Thanks!
PSA OA FAKES BigRig 6 7 yearsRRO (1798): This is fake news about the fake certificate. Stay tuned for an important announcement from the White House ...
FS: Original Art (Bagley) Spider-Man #26 p45 Darkga 1 7 yearsDarkga (4787): I have for sale the original comic art from Spider-Man #26 (1992) page 45. This is page 7 in the 8 page second story in the comic (thus the 7 at the top). This issue was penciled by Mark Bagley so it's a great way to get a one of a kind example of his work. $300 shipped, and discounts if you have bought something from me before. ;) This is the comic it is from. And this is the...
Christmas on EBay MGA 6 7 yearsSavage_Spawn (1906): Wow, great stuff!!!
Movie Comics #1 and eBay BLBcomics Jump to first page38Jump to last page 7 yearspoka (25529): @BLBcomics thanks. I was wondering why the comics I paid for a week ago had not been shipped yet. Get better.
Harley Quinn sketch Krazywan 6 7 yearsRevelations (523): @Krazywan the Harley is by Jennifer Allyn. The triple connecting set is by Warren Louw.
Anyone Else do Original Art Sketchbooks? Khumbu 16 7 yearsJohnnylray (2675): I have a few Sketchbooks I bring to the cons..and even go crazy and MAIL away to the is one of my faves...the Later Trimpe...
Original art from The Realm thelastbard 1 7 yearsthelastbard (1282): If you're an art collector, check out the original art on sale from the new series, The Realm, from Image.
Anyone have an extra $50k laying around? 00slim 9 7 yearsdrchaos (30035): One of a kind original art vs one of 500,000 Stan Lee signed books.
JOCK SIGNING!!! MostlyMarvel240 16 7 yearsDocBrown (16887): My mom puts my initials in my that the same thing as a jock signing...?
Auction wins - Post em if you got em drchaos Jump to first page60Jump to last page 8 yearsdrchaos (30035): Last book for this auction.
Stan Lee's Comic Box (September) comicbooknerd 4 8 yearsKiloGraham (1337): I received the August one last week, the books were bagged and boarded not poly bagged. They also sent me three of the July boxes, they're poorly organized.
Spawn Vault Edition (post your results here) Darkga Jump to first page75Jump to last page 8 yearsVaComicsGuy (4033): That does suck.
CBCS OA / VSP submitter's reference ZosoRocks 17 8 yearsOGJackster (54562): Not slabbed yet but here is the COA. SCOTT SNYDER
Witness needed for Edmonton and Saskatoon Millvilleresident 3 8 yearsMillvilleresident (208): Still nobody? Sad face for me.
Bernie Wrightson +Swamp Thing + Dave Roman MGC 1 8 yearsMGC (19):
Green Lantern personal ART grail! shrewbeer 16 8 yearskaptainmyke (27134): very cool brah
Mock up commissions anyone?? Sirtoddington 16 8 yearsSirtoddington (1012): @cbj102 @DarthLego well... either a hi rez scan of the original line art (that you would naturally send to a colorist for a color commission) or a copy of the original color file you would receive from a colorist. When i get color commissions I only receive a digital file. I don't know any colorist that will send you an actual hard copy printed copy, though I'm sure they would find a way for an additional charge. lol.
Framed Art VictorCreed 4 8 yearsDarthLego (20518):
CBCS artist form Sirtoddington 5 8 yearspoka (25529): Could use it as well.
Grading Self Published Comic Books kaptainmyke 1 8 yearskaptainmyke (27134): Will CBCS still grade self published fan comics or are they required to have the ART label? Bee Jay Hawn and I co-submitted this commission peice I had her do on a blank sketch variant to her self published TMNT fan comic. I'd prefer a grading instead of a ART label. Thank you ...
Will CBCS honor these for Yellow Art slab? DarthLego 2 8 yearsobiwan1971 (243): They should. I had my herb tripe sketch the same eat and just changed it over
BabyTeeth #1 Skin Variant SDCC MGA 7 8 yearskaptainmyke (27134): i will not give into the hype of baby teeth. it's gotten out of hand. i would say JESUS! but he's currently mowing my lawn. no literally that wasn't racist.
Who did this Hulk sketch? WalkinWillie 3 8 yearsScipio2000 (19): That kind of looks like Jim Starlin. But the signature looks wrong.
Darth's Most Wanted: Bounty Notice DarthLego Jump to first page32Jump to last page 8 yearskaptainmyke (27134): So beautiful 😍 comic con across US AnthonySnyder 13 8 yearsAnthonySnyder (41): have over 80,000 collectibles on ebay available for immediate sale anthonyscomicbookart-online user name the website specializing in art has a few high dollar graded comics like Hulk one etc also has been e-commerced as well you can check out and pay from the ordering cart I look forward to seeing local collectors at the pop up stores in Phoenix and Los Angeles before San Diego .Let me know with interest San Antonio...
Jason Metcalf Pre-Booking Commissions SDCC MGA 2 8 yearsSirtoddington (1012): If i wasn't broke. :( So much want!
I just won this!! dielinfinite 7 8 yearsAdamBomb (73): freaking sweet!
Just got a pic of a finished commission dielinfinite 11 8 yearskaptainmyke (27134): I wasn't sure - I was confused who inked it and then colored it, etc.
CBCS blue ART labels DarthLego 3 8 yearsDarthLego (20518): Yeah I remember that. I've recently been thinking about starting to collect good sketch covers from artists that are otherwise unknown and therefore would not be verified for red label. I was just curious to see what other members have had slabbed in blue.
Signature identify KingNampa 10 8 yearsX51 (14750): I'm not disputing that. I'm just letting people know that it's obviously changed over the years. Jim Shooter seems to be spelling out his name more fully now. It might be because I started a running joke that I didn't know who "Shoop" was. Others picked up on it and I saw my joke comment posted elsewhere.
McFarlane, Spawn book, notary seal, auto, & Towmater Jump to first page57Jump to last page 8 yearskaptainmyke (27134):
Chris Claremont Zombie_Head 13 8 yearsJustThatGuy (5004): no. he just talks a lot. just be careful of some of the things you say though, he'll go off. he caught himself from getting angry because i brought up something that people were doing( killing his legacy) to his creations.
Ed McGuinness Sketch-Op Super Con & Boston MGA 1 8 yearsMGA (124): Here's your chance to pre-book a spot with Ed McGuinness at Supercon or Boston Comic Con, Spots are limited. For all inquires email me at We also can take in books for signing I represent Ed for those who don't know. Thanks Mike Rates: Blanks Pencil & Ink 1.Headshot $125 2.Torso $225 3.Full body $325 +25 on copics on all levels 9x12 Pencil & Ink 1.Headshot $250 2.Torso $350 3.Full body $450 +50 on...
ART Slab Question ThorneArt 7 8 yearsZosoRocks (2134): LOL Darth....I know....but hey, I can dream!! ;o)
ASP Original art question Hello 5 8 yearsDarthLego (20518): It would be nice if CBCS gave us a public PDF download link for it. It's not like they are Area 51 secrets. :(|)
Welcome to the CBCS Forum! SteveRicketts Jump to first page530Jump to last page 8 yearsrec1978 (69): Hello All, I am new to the CBCS boards, but I have been around the block a little while (EBay for 16 years and CGC Chat Boards (same user id) for 4 years). If you see anything in my EBay store that you like, please feel free to shoot me a PM! Cheers, Ron As a side note: I am sending my first book, for CBCS Submission, today! ...
Post your animation cels ZosoRocks 22 8 yearsX51 (14750): Mike Judge is a comedic genius. I got to meet him for a few seconds and I felt honored to have the opportunity.
displaying comics & slabs Sirtoddington 26 8 yearsDarthLego (20518): Another cool idea 💡
Sam de la Rosa original OrbitCityComics 7 8 yearsCrunkpostit (157): I purchased this from Sam in 2016. He told me how rare a upc Venom 1 was. Happy owner. :)
Request: Polar Bear Comic Book Covers kaptainmyke Jump to first page46Jump to last page 8 yearsdrchaos (30035): George Rozen painting, oil on canvas; 18 x 25" Cover to Doc Savage pulp, spring of 1949
Post your Wolverine sketches. Beamer Jump to first page35Jump to last page 8 yearsBeamer (157): Bruce Timm
Mail call April 27, 2017 Millvilleresident 9 8 yearsZosoRocks (2134): :o) No worries DL....*hands you a beer* I get your meaning.... I'm done ranting for the is what passing kidney stones do to me....*smiles*... *drops mike* :o)
Bart Sears DRAWING POWERFUL HEROES! KrellEducator 1 8 yearsKrellEducator (7): One of my favorite memories from Wizard Magazine was the monthly How to Draw columns from Bart Sears which I collected into a folder and made my own drawing book. Well I just found out that Bart running a Kickstarter collecting those into a new instructional book with new material along with a collection of his art! I wanted to share it because I am sure some of you read that column as well. My inner geek is...
New Project!: Commissioning The Raven dielinfinite 7 8 yearsThorneArt (2065): I love this idea!
FOR SALE: CBCS YELLOW LABEL/STEVE DILLON HEA Muaythaiguy 2 8 yearsMuaythaiguy (97): I have also a Allstar Batman Blank Cover with an original Headsketch by Jock 400$ shipping with tracking from Germany included
COLLECTING Personalized Sigs & Sketches BLBcomics 23 8 yearsZosoRocks (2134): When I made my first submission for OA, I requested that the "character name" to be included on the label for better identification....but it didn't happen....*sighs*.... Maybe that will be a change we see in the future.
Artist Jon Hughes sketch cover thread JonHughes 24 8 yearsJonHughes (82): Here's a fun Gwen Stacy:
I want THIS on a cover OrbitCityComics 7 8 yearsBrianGreensnips (15559): @OrbitCityComics That is a bad ass piece of art there. That would make an awesome cover. Can you imagine a Rebirth Joker book with this cover?
Artist available for sketch opp JonHughes Jump to first page76Jump to last page 8 yearsJonHughes (82): Been on a break for a convention and some publishing work, but here's a currently listed cover:
Authenticators at Comicpalooza in Houston? OrbitCityComics 4 8 yearscomicsforme (4166): I will be there all 3 days. I have a few for Jae to sign for me and hopefully a few other artist. Have fun.
Steve McNiven Original Art djinn155 3 8 yearsSpiderTim (3425): His art representative is Spencer Beck and here is a link to what is available for sale. I don't see any OA from Monsters Unleashed but you can contact him and ask him if he will or if there is any still available. Before buying from another collector I first go back to basics and see if the art representative, artist or inker has the art available if non do then I seek other options such as CAF,...
Mail call Feb 13, 2017 Millvilleresident 15 8 yearsVaComicsGuy (4033): @Millvilleresident NICE BOOKS!!!!
Looking for the owner of this Supergirl art DarthLego 14 8 yearsThe_Curmudgeon (1360): Sewer run-off.
Help Identifying a Marat Mychaels page Towmater 8 8 years1243782365 (503): When you google Marat Mychaels why does Rob Liefelds wikipedia page show up? Is that just me?
Skecth Opp with Mathieu Reynes (French)! ARDavid 1 8 yearsARDavid (1): Welcome everyone to Mathieu Reynes's first sketch opportunity! Thanks to Mark Roman for greenlighting this opp. Mathieu is comic book artist from France, a brilliant talent. He is super busy working on his comic book series "Harmony" so he will be able to complete only limited 5-8 orders, don't miss the chance! Duration: We are taking order now and Mathieu will work on the covers in March and April, then they are good to go...
First mail call of 2017 Millvilleresident 12 8 yearsDertyComix (912): @JLS_Comics that i do agree. 2017 will be a great year for collecting. Im excited to see what books ill be picking up at the con in May, and what ill find theough out the year.
New Maxx Appreciation Thread MetalPSI Jump to first page109Jump to last page 8 yearsMetalPSI (4486): Hey it isn't archived, well spank a monkey and call it banana
NOW SCHEDULING COMMISSIONS! CHaverlandArt 1 8 yearsCHaverlandArt (13): First round of 2017 is now live! Previous work and contract work is complete so its time to get the first few pieces of the year rolling for collectors. Keeping this round of work light and keeping at only 6 spots. Have 3 remaining. Its half down, remaining upon completion per usual. CBCS encapsulation is also available on...
Mark Texiera Sketch Opportunity jayslo 3 8 yearsVaComicsGuy (4033): I want that Batgirl.
Stan Lee Box comicbooknerd 1 8 yearscomicbooknerd (13): Just saw these Marvel exclusive variant covers for the Stan Lee Box ( Pretty cool to see them do a tribute to Avengers #1, looks like they are focusing on Silver Age for their second box. The first box was pretty great I thought, looking forward to getting this next one.
Original Art submissions b00ch 5 8 yearsb00ch (142): Awesome will do
I want your Vampirella original art! Darkga 3 8 yearsDarkga (4787): Very nice, thanks for sharing! I shot you a PM.
Question about ART Label holders ThorneArt 5 8 yearscomicsforme (4166): It was told that maybe Mag size may happen so why not Large Size Comics.
Mail call Millvilleresident 7 8 yearsMillvilleresident (208): Supergirl by Ebas Arkham Revenge Harley Quinn by Dawn Mcteigue
What types of artwork are Qualifed for OA? ZosoRocks 17 8 yearsZosoRocks (2134): Sounds like a good start. Looking forward to it. Thanks for the insight.
Ninja Turtle Concept Art from Errol McCarthy kaptainmyke 3 8 yearsVaComicsGuy (4033): Nice additions. Enjoy.
FOR SALE: Bruce Timm/Michael Turner Sketch Muaythaiguy 3 8 yearsMuaythaiguy (97): Bump
Ebay Black Friday Sale Sanemoreorless 1 8 yearsSanemoreorless (7): I am currently offering a %15 discount on all items, for boards members only. Mention this post via a direct message and I will invoice you with the discount. This sale will be active through Sunday Night 8PM pacific time. Thank you for looking and Happy Holidays!
Show off your Michael Turner dielinfinite Jump to first page119Jump to last page 8 yearsconditionfreak (11292):
Please share your Personal Artwork MR_SigS Jump to first page51Jump to last page 8 yearsMr_adam_R (512): Thank you! It's not like the top notch work in this thread, but it does quench a mean thirst.
Yellow Label Sketch Covers by Artists (ASP) kaptainmyke 4 8 yearskaptainmyke (27134): Thanks dudes cowabunga brahs
Dynamic Forces: A Review kaptainmyke 9 8 yearsVaComicsGuy (4033): I was about to place an order to try them out. Think I'll wait.
Elm St Sketch artist? Freddy at ECCC 2017! kaptainmyke 8 8 yearskaptainmyke (27134): I love it! Thanks I want to get a cover done that hasn't been done before, so this will ensure of that. Great! I really want to do the Freddy ventroloquist idea from Freddy 2 where he's controlling a puppet ninja turtle on a cover of TMNT Universe #1. That scene was so creepy in Freddy 2. I'm still waiting to hear back from JG Jones
Craig Rousseau sketch opp 10/29/2016 comicarthouse 2 8 yearscomicarthouse (1):
comic swapping thread Jeremy_K Jump to first page52Jump to last page 8 yearsDarthKribs (490): Wolverine what would you want in trade?
Neal Adams Opens Gallery in Manhattan. DrWatson 7 8 yearsconditionfreak (11292): Oh, I know he can afford it. But my actual question is, can it make a profit? I guess we will know in about two years.
Superworld 2 Week Original Art Auctions EBAY Superworld 1 8 yearsSuperworld (28): Ted will be auctioning some of his personal original art in two sections on Ebay - October 2 for 7 days, and then part two starting October 9th. We will be starting everything at a low start price of $9.99 with no reserve. The art includes pages by Kirby, Starlin, Wood, Colan, Buscema and more. It will be available for viewing at the New York Comic Con October 6-9th. Here is a link to all the pages that will be offered. ...
Who drew this original art? WCollecbales 15 9 yearsJLA555 (389): ?
La Mole Comic Con JLS_Comics 11 9 yearskaptainmyke (27134): just bought one thanks
Latest Sketch Covers CHaverlandArt 9 9 yearsCHaverlandArt (13): Yeah it sucks that some of these smaller publishers haven't changed they're stock on those covers. I'll be in and out of the studio this weekend so whenever you're ready just hit me up via email and we'll get it all taken care of this weekend ;)
Jae Lee sketch OPPS. Beamer 5 9 yearsBeamer (157): I'm seeing him in person this November.
Yellow Label submitting own Sketch Cover? kaptainmyke 22 9 yearskaptainmyke (27134): Yellow label CBCS 9.6-9.8 Auction on ebay at 99 cents and see how the public values the comic book. What do you think?
NYCC PRIVATE SIGNINGS!MILLER,LEE,QUESADA... TrinityComics 28 9 yearsAbsolute_Zero (1104): PM sent to you @TrinityComics
J.K. Woodward sketch op Averycomicpressing 2 9 yearsAbsolute_Zero (1104): Wow these are amazing pieces of work. Pm sent
Stan Lee. Rose City Comicon. Photos are UP kaptainmyke Jump to first page40Jump to last page 9 yearskaptainmyke (27134): what about the left and right brah
Which Character For My First Commission LanaiHaole 15 9 yearsMillvilleresident (208): Yep. I had them graded on-site at WWChicago last summer; when I picked them up. CGC graded this time around. Here it is pre-graded.
The Eastman KRANG Sketch preview photo! kaptainmyke 5 9 yearsVaComicsGuy (4033): Nice book. Enjoy.
Original Art Personal Piece Question EddiePaxil 10 9 yearsEddiePaxil (88): Perfect thanks
New Comic Book Collecting Internet Show Marc_1 29 9 yearsOffbeat_Archives (76): Sounds like a fun idea. Count me in as soon as I get some quiet time to enjoy it.
Kav is Awesome #CreepEngine DarthLego 3 9 yearsconditionfreak (11292): Kav was one of the few that was nice to me across the street, after my banning. He was not the only one. But one of a very few. I appreciate that fact. When the going gets tough, you find out who your friends really are. We ain't close friends, but internet friends. I don't want to put anyone else down. But Kav seems to be about as fair and balanced as anyone I have met on the internet. There are a few more for sure, but very few.
The TMNT 2016 SDCC Mega Bloks Time Capsule kaptainmyke 11 9 yearskaptainmyke (27134): Fiona his office manager emailed outside of ebay asking to use my photos for his blog! As soon as I find it I'll post the link. Way cool. I also took this time to communicate further asking for any of his prototypes or unreleased toys he'd be willing to part with at a good price. Awaiting response. :D
Just found some of my doodles in high school kaptainmyke 12 9 yearsMR_SigS (11124): We should have a 'Show your Personal Artwork' thread.
Can you submit just art? A sheet of paper? kaptainmyke 20 9 yearsDarthLego (20518): She was the bomb in Jennifer's Body yo!
Registry - Census X24 10 9 yearsDrWatson (59460): How do you protect them with the cgc registry? With all the crack outs, pressed books, and resubmissions that don't include the original label, it's shot all to hell any way. The only information it can really supply is if a certain title and issue number has no submissions in a certain grade at all.
Fan Expo Canada Jesse_O 4 9 yearsIceman399 (286): I don't know if it will ever be possible simply because customs makes it so difficult. Having to inventory everything and what not. Similar to why dealers from the USA can't come up to Canada. However they will be there for dropping books off and signings which their major competitor won't be and instead went to Nickle City con... Make sure to stop by our booth (1115) as well and say hi!
Execution comics display Jesse_O 13 9 yearsJLS_Comics (5463): That's awesome! I love seeing the sub categories and interests within comics that people gravitate towards. Really makes each collection individual and unique!
Elektra #12 Page 20 on Comic Link Towmater 1 9 yearsTowmater (10537): Anyone else notice that the Elektra #12, Page 20 which sold on eBay through Sparkle City Comics on July 14, 2016 is being offered in the next Comic Link Auction? I am not saying there is anything wrong with that. It just seems like a fast resale. Wonder if the person who bought it did not like it when it arrived or if there is another reason? Looks like a great page. ebay - ...
Comic Art Cover Overlay Question Towmater 8 9 yearsScipio2000 (19): This is why I generally (not always) only buy original art that looks like the printed page. Unless the piece is exceptional as a work of art in its own right, I actually prefer having the word balloons, etc. That's what makes original comic book art special and unique.
Comic Grading Help! smithy92 4 9 yearsESSA (52): Hey smithy i am also from the uk. If you type in the search bar for cbcs uk it will bring thread up for you or if you like you can post to cbcs uk on face book. send msg to Lee say Eshan sent you, i was recently in contact with Lee at the the mcm Manchester comic con his great guy he will help you answer all your question and submit the books for you. il get you some link ... pop up store 7/27 AnthonySnyder 1 9 yearsAnthonySnyder (41): I will be in Houston at the Pop Culture company Wednesday all day till 7-8 call for wants 917 -821 8893
Proposed Functionality DrunkWooky 26 9 yearsTedsaid (7340): I didn't know that ... good to know, thx.
Art Prints LanaiHaole 2 9 yearskaptainmyke (27134): I would like to know too. I have a ton of 11x17 original published comic art pages.
Your comic room Jrm894 Jump to first page34Jump to last page 9 yearsThe_Watcher (4262): Love the vinyl collection LA CA 7/17 pop up AnthonySnyder 2 9 years1952MB (25): lol- I text you on Saturday, no respond to my text about sunday l.a tour. :-(
Help a child with cancer/Super hero drawings BillsComics 4 9 yearsBillsComics (148): Really awesome of you . I have contacted one of the people in this article on Facebook about sending some comic books. I have not heard back yet though .
Can someone identify this original page? kaptainmyke Jump to first page42Jump to last page 9 yearskaptainmyke (27134): @DarthLego He won't budge at $1500 for a Albedo #2 first printing 9.4 graded. I told him I have $1000 calling his name should he change his mind before 9/1. Oh well. I refuse to pay more for convenience and rarity. I have mint carded original Usagi TMNT toys and his original work on TMNT in #47, Donatello Pinup, and Turtle Soup.
Stan Sakai! kaptainmyke 8 9 yearskaptainmyke (27134): I just found my copy of Groo the Wanderer V2 #2 signed and sketched by Sergio Aragones. Stan Sakai did the lettering.
Can we post 1 time comic art Ebay auctions? kaptainmyke 9 9 yearskaptainmyke (27134): I have photos of the unlisted stuff now so if anyone might be interested let me know... The ebay auctions only have a few hours left currently.
Heroes Con! Bagofleas 23 9 yearsPre_Coder (19960): :popcorn:
AW SKETCH COVER Revan_Q 2 9 yearsdielinfinite (26907): At a convention, the witness just has to be present when you pick up the finished sketch directly from the artist. Comic Con trip AnthonySnyder 14 9 yearsTedsaid (7340): Sounds awesome, Anthony. Have fun! Also, when you're in Charlotte if you stop in at Heroes, say 'hello' to Shelton for me. (Working there was my first job, almost 30 years ago now. Saw him sell a NM Amazing Fantasy #15 for $2200, when guide was only $1200. Oh, how we laughed at that guy.)
Help finding a witness Sanemoreorless 7 9 yearsJesse_O (39345): There is some paperwork that needs to be filled out by the artist before he sends it in to CBCS. But if the artist send in the paperwork along with the comic, it will get the ASP (yellow) label. Customer service should be able to get that for you, or hook you up with the right person.
Gabriele Dell'otto Appreciation Thread Beamer Jump to first page63Jump to last page 9 yearsPoint6God (31): Those Vengeance covers are so overlooked (due to the series being kind of meh). The Siege Variants though, good lord. This deserves iconic cover status:
CHADWICK HAVERLAND'S CUSTOM SKETCH COVERS CHaverlandArt 18 9 yearsrckstr1253 (1229): I'd be interested in a custom sketch :)
Display Ideas Wreq27 4 9 yearsChubbyfresh77 (31): THAT IS EPIC!!!!!!!
George Perez made my Father's Day Weekend Towmater 11 9 yearssamediarchon (94): I was in St. Louis, too! He sketched Warlock wearing the Infinity Gauntlet in my IG omnibus. I also had CBCS witness him sign my Avengers 144 so I could get it slabbed. My first interaction with them, and they were great! Looking forward to getting that comic back (along with a couple others I submitted). From what I've read, The Vigilante is going to be in this year's season of Arrow. Get your New Teen Titans Annual 2 slabbed now!!
Vintage Horror fans - help needed!! Jesse_O 4 9 yearsJesse_O (39345): No, I have not. Thanks for the lead Stu!! I will get my shovel and start digging!!
Big Comics Artwork and Action Figure Sale Muaythaiguy 2 9 yearsMuaythaiguy (97):
OA Slabs Mathyus_42 Jump to first page36Jump to last page 9 yearsMathyus_42 (317): Holy crap, that is some beautiful work. I feel so bad that it is set in that case.
Framed OA Towmater Jump to first page33Jump to last page 9 yearsMephisto (43):
New Art Sketch Covers Available MGA 3 9 yearsMGA (124): Hi Jeff yes I am an authorized witness and would be Authentic.
Night Travelers: Moon Knight Fan Thread Odins_Raven 10 9 yearsOdins_Raven (2389): I am familiar with that sting as well haha
Original or fake? matthogan6288 7 9 yearsmatthogan6288 (28): I have decided to pass on the piece. Too many things hinky about it. Thanks everyone!
George Perez completed pre-show Sketch Op TrinityComics 7 9 yearsMR_SigS (11124): GP is in my top 5 favorite artists- That's a great group of cover sketches, and it's wonderful to hear that he appreciates his fans!
Original Art Neoheroka Jump to first page145Jump to last page 9 yearsDick_Pontoon (2410): I was lucky to be in NY several years back and got to meet Stan Goldberg. For those who don't know, besides being a prolific artist drawing many of Marvel and DC’s teen titles before moving on to Archie, he was Marvel’s colorist in the early days, designing the color schemes of most of the major superheroes. I hoped to meet him again, but he unfortunately passed away in 2014. Here’s a sketch of Millie the Model he drew for me along with a...
Official Joe Madureira Appreciation Thread Soma 8 9 yearsDespain (1618): @Soma Thanks for sharing that, Soma. Very interesting. Now that you mentioned it, I can see the horse skull details as part of the rune. Pretty cool that Joe Mad has inspired you artistically. Are you planning your own comic book? It might be interesting if you used your own characters as your next body art. You'd be your own walking advertisement. I bet it has helped Joe when people ask him about his tats.
Philip Tan - Overlooked? Towmater 22 9 yearsTowmater (10537): Really nice!
I want to get a roarzola 17 9 yearsJeremy_K (841): Collect blank variants ahead of time. Bring em to every convention.
Favorite Artists for Commissions dielinfinite 10 9 yearsJeremy_K (841): Katie Cook and Andy Price collaborated on a cover for my daughter; water colored for the finish. I'll post when it comes back with a grade.
Sketch Cover Art ?? Ynkyboy 2 9 yearsNino_013 (135): From my understanding, only the signatures are verified and not the sketches. And yes they can still be submitted thru the ART program.
Your CAF or 2DG Grails 4 9 yearsBeamer (157): Here's my collections:
Official Walking Dead Appreciation Thread IntoAnother Jump to first page33Jump to last page 9 yearsroarzola (445): I got that one and the "chibi" one.
Art-Apprpriate Sketch Covers dielinfinite 23 9 yearsdielinfinite (26907): w00t! I was just able to pick up the Daredevil Authentix book for relatively cheap so I guess this will be the next book to get colored! I'm also keeping an eye on some copies of the Magneto and Gambit books.
Boston Comic Con Signature info Averycomicpressing 1 9 yearsAverycomicpressing (39): Please feel free to contact me with any artist signature needs from Boston Comic Con. The list this year is great so far. For more info please feel free to contact me. Artist link and my contact is below. Don't forget we can also clean and press your books before we ship them back to you or to CBCS for a yellow signature label. ...
7 Minutes plus and you have a Batman Towmater 7 9 yearsBeamer (157): I'm a traditional guy so I would say NO to digital. :cool:
Old Man Logan #5 Greg Hildebrandt variant Beamer 1 9 yearsBeamer (157): So excited to see this bad boy online. Just couldn't resist buying it.
Matt Baker OA 1952MB 1 9 years1952MB (25): Hello CBCS friends I'm looking for Matt Baker Original Art, if you have any pieces specially Flamingo comic strips for trade or sale please private message me. thank you
Elias Chatzoudis Pre-booking Motor City MGA 1 9 yearsMGA (124): Elias is now accepting commissions for Motor City Comic Con Blank variants are single character done in P&I or color. 1. Head Shot $75 +$25 in copic 2. Torso $175 +$25 in copic 3. Full Body $250 +$50 in copic Elias does 3 sizes.6x8 9×12 & 11×17 1.single character 6x8 bust $100 copic 2.single character 6x8 torso $150 copic 3 Single character 9×12 pencil and ink $200 4.Single character 9×12 copic marker...
FRANK BRUNNER Private Sketch Opportunity TrinityComics 1 9 yearsTrinityComics (244): Trinity Comics has a Private Sketch Opportunity with the Legendary Frank Brunner. We have 3 spots left for this. Inked Head Sketches: $150 Full Figure in Tight Pencils: $150 Full Figure Inked: Message Us CBCS Grading and shipping is extra. Examples from the last few sketch ops Frank has done for us.