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'Certified Comics For Sale' Topics

TitleAuthorPostsLast Post
Spider Man Torment #1 Gold,Silver and bagged question AdamBomb 18 4 daysBuscemaSterankoLee (75): Would like to add my 2c worth here: I just sold SPIDER-MAN # 1, 1990, a raw copy on the 'Bay for $5.00. Had been selling one at least one every-other-month for a few years now. Was at a Show and the Dealer who knows me and respects me let me pick out my own copies, and I picked out the best that he had. Back in 2022 I started selling them around a $1.00 start until recently. Listed them as either NM+ 9.6 or NMT+ 9.8, but never 9.9 or 10.0....
For Sale: House of Secrets 92 CGC 4.5 B1 00slim 9 8 days00slim (18687): Swampy has SOLD on fee-bay.
Timeline using ComicLink Auctions JC600 2 14 daysflanders (29016): I've always gotten good customer service from comiclink, I hope you're happy with them. It looks like you've got quite a few books that sold well below cost. I hope you get better going forward on determing what books to slab. A lot of times the vintage tier, with it's higher cost, isn't worth it and you'd have a higher ROI sellling your books raw.
I like the OWL Whiteness grading system JB1 14 14 daysKatKomics (31323): @esaravo lol.better man than me..I still have and on occasion still reference my 1st and 3rd editions....but my card is long lost :(
MCS Auctions by CBCS Forum Members ending Monday, March 3rd. Scifinator 8 22 daysScifinator (15986): Auctions end this evening. 17 items with bids under $10 and 12 with bids between $10-$19! The direct link to this and the rest of the 32 auction listings is HERE! Thank you for checking them out and for your anticipated bids.
Gal Gadot signed Wonder Woman for sale smeninc 7 27 daysGAC (79173): That's a crazy amount of Yen!!
Rob Liefeld and FABIAN NICIEZA Signed New Mutants for Sale smeninc 1 28 dayssmeninc (181): New Mutants 99 and 100 signed by Rob Liefeld and FABIAN NICIEZA for sale. Last chance!
Price reductions and NEW Listings in my MCS Consignment Scifinator Jump to first page76Jump to last page 2 monthsScifinator (15986): Got a lot of new listings, fresh from CBCS with new labels: $55 What If #37D CBCS 8.5 1983 $44 What If #37D CBCS 8.0 1983 - 1st appearance of Shalla Bal as Galactus' herald! - Diverging from the events of Fantastic Four #50, Galactus decides to strip the Silver Surfer of the Power Cosmic for his betrayal on Earth and abandons him there. The powerless Norrin Radd still wants to return to his homeworld and Shalla Bal. With help from the...
Graded CBCS and CGC Signed X-Man and Wonder Woman Sets for sale smeninc 1 2 monthssmeninc (181): Wonder Woman - signed by Gal Gadot X-Men 1s - signed by Jim Lee ...
Weekly MyComicShop NO Reserve $1 start bid auctions ending Tues Feb 3rd! Scifinator 6 2 monthsScifinator (15986): The auctions start ending this evening at 4pm Pacific / 7pm Eastern. Feel free to use this Direct LINK. Thank you for checking them out. :D
Weekly MCS auction ending Mon Jan 27th - Feat. a 5,000 Ltd Ed Gold Variant! Scifinator 12 2 monthsScifinator (15986): Only an hour and a half left. Currently, there are 13 items with top bids under $10 and another 4 with top bids under $20! Bargain time!! The direct link to this and all of my 20 auction listings is HERE!. Thank you for checking them out and for your anticipated bids.
Graded X-Men 1 and Wonder Woman signed sets low starting bid last chance smeninc 1 2 monthssmeninc (181): Last chance on these signature series graded comics. Starting bid at $9.99. Thanks for looking. Wonder Woman - signed by Gal Gadot X-Men 1s - signed by Jim Lee ...
Ghost Rider, TP and Graded Sets for sale smeninc 1 2 monthssmeninc (181): Thanks for looking. I have got a few sets (CBCS, CGC and raw) and Trade Paperback for sale. New Avengers - signed by Brian Michael Bendis Wonder Woman - signed by Gal Gadot ...
Close CWill2021 1 2 monthsCWill2021 (963): Close
mix graded raw books for sale smeninc 1 3 monthssmeninc (181): I have a few sets with graded and raw books for sale. Amazing Spider-man (Carnage) Todd McFarlane Spider-Man ...
Raw and Graded comic books for sale smeninc 2 3 monthsBakersman (190): cool books!
NEW COLLECTION ACQUIRED HULK 181, X-MEN 1 + more Eclipse9665 3 3 monthsEclipse9665 (260): Books are selling fast, check us out here [][/url]
Graded Slab for Sale Deadpool Bataman X-Force Spider-Man smeninc 1 4 monthssmeninc (181): Sadly, I have need to sell to cover unexpected expenses. Thanks for looking. Amazing Spider-Man 530 531 532 533 X-Force 1, 2, 4 ...
BLACK FRIDAY SALE - 28,000+ Comic Books for Sale Eclipse9665 3 4 monthsEclipse9665 (260): Sale ends November 30! Thousands of books are 25% off (all raw books $50 or less). Happy hunting!
Jim Lee X-Men 1 smeninc 2 4 monthsDrWatson (59460): Those are nice. I've got my five I bought off the rack going to CBCS once the next discount code word hits the internets. Also, you might want tobthink about one, consolidated sales thread. You know, one stop shopping and all.
Civil War Amazing Spider-Man J. MICHAEL STRACZYNSKI for sale smeninc 1 4 monthssmeninc (181): Amazing Spider-Man Civil War issues signed by J. MICHAEL STRACZYNSKI for sale on ebay.
MCS Auction ending tonight. Scifinator 5 5 monthsScifinator (15986): Error Variant! Direct LINK!
Ummmmmm…WTF!!! Scifinator 15 5 monthssoutherncross (33782): I would of bought that easy
Sweet Tooth Witnessed Signature 9.2 last day for auction. Jeff Lemire! Ambush_Bug 7 6 monthsKatKomics (31323): dang - I thought it was just 1 nanny but it's like 5 to 7 women!! - some of the stuff is pretty bad if true.... Also have 1 or 2 signed novels - f@ck Neil...just keep it in your pants!! I wonder if they will release season 2 of Sandman and if they do I'm guessing that will be the last - really too bad, I've enjoyed all the live adaptations so far (shame Deadboy Detectives wasn't picked up for more seasons) yeah...I'll probably just...
Robert Downey Jr. Doctor Doom Iron Man Signature smeninc 6 6 monthsEbayMafia (37349): I remember the days when one might wake up to find RDJ sleeping in their living room.
FS 2 NEWSSTAND AMALGAM AGE OF COMICS TPB , STAR WARS 75 CGC 9.4 DARK HORSE PolarisNuclearSS2020 12 6 monthsOptic_Blast (734): Open thread to view post.
FS: X-Factor 5 & 6 9.6 CPV Newsstand 1st Apocalypse NewsstandSpecific 6 6 monthsPolarisNuclearSS2020 (1380): @gac Certainly I would agree with you, if either of the two books I posted links to were X-Factor 5 or 6 CPV’s. The books I posted are not CPV’s or or X-Factor books. I would not hijack any one’s sales thread, I already posted a thread about those 2 books at mycomicshop, 6 days ago. If anything, more replies on sales threads generates more views. But in the interest of not looking like a 🍆, I will edit/delete my post above…....
Fantastic Four #5 for trade - First Doctor Doom MrNotSoNice 5 8 monthsMrNotSoNice (3552): I see a graded 1.0 offered at $2500, so now I’m thinking mine is worth more like $2000 in trade value.
MCS July Prime Auction, by CBCS Forum Members, ending July 19th. Vrishnak Jump to first page33Jump to last page 8 monthsJames42 (4972): @Vrishnak There were a couple of bidders fighting over the two books that ended highest. It was fascinating to watch in real time.
For Sale War of the realms: New Agents of Atlas 1 & 2 Lot Vboi 2 9 monthsVboi (32): bump
For Sale Action Comics #33, CGC 3.5 (February 1941) plus bonus CWill2021 2 9 monthsCWill2021 (963): SOLD
Silver Surfer #1 Scifinator Jump to first page39Jump to last page 10 monthsScifinator (15986): New article in "Scoop" regarding SS #1 Vol 2. Link to Scoop Article
MCS Weekly Auction by CBCS Forum Members end Monday, May 27th Scifinator 12 10 monthsScifinator (15986): Auctions end this evening starting around 4pm Pac 7 pm Eastern. Batman (1940) 500D CBCS 7.0 (21-22F6136-016) Collector's Edition 1st new Azreal Batman costume Current bid: $16.00, 5 bids Vertigo Preview (1992) 1 CBCS 9.4 (22-1BB703D-011) Direct Edition. Exclusive Sandman Story Current bid: $12.00, 3 bids X-O Manowar (1992 1st Series) 0B CBCS 9.4 (22-1BB786C-003) Ivory Production Variant. Current bid: $13.00, 2 bids The...
MCS Auction by CBCS Forum members ending Monday May 20th! Scifinator 18 10 monthsPolarisNuclearSS2020 (1380): RICK AND MORTY #1 CGC 9.8 2015 1ST PRINT Books A Million Variant
Want to Buy: Detective Comics #90 August 1944 CWill2021 1 1 yearCWill2021 (963): Want to Buy: Detective Comics #90 August 1944
Weekly MCS Auction starting Jan 29th Scifinator 30 1 yearScifinator (15986): @figment - I will be looking to see what CBCS comes up in the auction. Still filling holes and keeping an eye out for upgrades.
New Site Up And Running! SilverAgeSlanger 2 1 yearmakahuka (3133): Checking it out.
Hulk #2 apparent 6.5 for sale imcnok 4 1 yearimcnok (425): Comic book is sold and shipped...but not forgotten.
Precode horror comics for sale. consumetheliving 4 1 yearconsumetheliving (1035): I'm motivated to sell so accepting serious offers :)
FOR SALE: Action Comics #37 June 1941 Golden Age Superman $360 inclds ship CWill2021 2 1 yearCWill2021 (963): Sold
eBay ending soon, Faro's Lounge, M House and more! Ending tomorrow joelzstuff 2 1 yearmakahuka (3133): Nice books.
War of the Realms: New Agents of Atlas 1 1:50 Variant CBCS 9.8 Vboi 4 1 yearVboi (32): Marvel phase 7, the team will appear on Disney plus or maybe a movie. Good long term investment, let's see if anyone wants it =)
Vintage comics and magazines for sale MRmintastic Jump to first page35Jump to last page 1 yearMRmintastic (269): Most of the Savage Sword covers were paintings. Here are some sample sales of the original art at Heritage. ...
MCS Weekly Auction Ending September 25th xkonk 7 1 yearVrishnak (949): Bump. They're ending tonight.
For Sale: Napoleon Dynamite #1 SIGNED By Jon Heder CBCS 9.8 00slim 20 2 years00slim (18687): Bump?
Want To Buy: Detective Comics #43 (1940) CWill2021 3 2 yearsRetired_11B (812): @CWill2021 Best of luck to you.
MCS Weekly Auction Ending September 18th Vrishnak 5 2 yearsVrishnak (949): Bump. They're ending later tonight.
Ultimate fallout #4 1st Print & Venom Lethal Protector #1 $0.01 Auction Vboi 8 2 yearsVboi (32): This is the 1st time I ever seen a UF #4 1st print so low after 7 days on auction, usually by now it should be at least $200. By the way thanks for bidding and good luck all!
FOR SALE Hulk annual 1 cgc 5.5 Rjman48 1 2 yearsRjman48 (306): On ebay $270 plus shipping. Offers enabled
Want To Buy: Whiz Comics #5 CWill2021 8 2 yearsPolarisNuclearSS2020 (1380): On second look, I should have extended that circle ⭕️ I made to go all the way up the spine. A spine should not look that perfectly straight.
FS: FF #52, 1st Black Panther & Edge of Spider-Verse 2 00slim 5 2 years00slim (18687): Spidey 2099 #2 SOLD. Other books are still available.
Crazy Flanders's Slabbed & Raw Comic Sales Thread flanders Jump to first page96Jump to last page 2 yearsflanders (29016): SOLD on Fleabay! I think the Summer of Slump is finally coming to an end.
MCS Weekly Auction Ending August 14th flanders 6 2 yearsfigment (21542): Today's the day! So far we're averaging $2 per book so the bargains are certainly there for the taking if you're interested.
Super Saturday Slab Sale! Noblebeast315 6 2 yearsflanders (29016): @Noblebeast315 good luck with the sales. That Last Ronin cover looks great with the red signature.
Looking for Edge of Spider-Verse 2# Greg land signed Stan lee Gul10 8 2 yearsDrogio (8091): It is for a modern!
Lawguy's Sales Thread lawguy1977 Jump to first page100Jump to last page 2 yearslawguy1977 (7554): @BigRedOne1944 thanks!
Want to Buy: Whiz Comics #10 - November 1940 CWill2021 1 2 yearsCWill2021 (963):
Pre-code Horror for sale!!! consumetheliving 5 2 yearsconsumetheliving (1035): Thank you!!!
San Diego Comic Con - Who will be there?? ThorneArt 4 2 yearsmakahuka (3133): I did see you at WonderCon, and will see you at some point during the 5 days!🤣
MCS Prime Auction Ending 10-14 July Studley_Dudley 28 2 yearsRetired_11B (812): Thanks for the heads up on the auction. I ended up with 4 books, all modern era, but all were 9.6 and 9.8.
When the market makes clear, NO reserves… jgzachary13 21 2 yearsGAC (79173): There are many different motivations for people putting up an eBay listing....up to and including no intention of actually selling.
MCS Weekly Auction Ending June 26th Vrishnak 7 2 yearsVrishnak (949): Bump
I need to figure out how… jgzachary13 6 2 yearsIronMan (6264): Quick and convenient always means less money. Slow and time consuming means more money. You have to choose. If achieving maximum value, you are going to have to sell on eBay, Facebook or find local comic book shows (books in the dollar boxes often sell well) to attend. On eBay you just put 10-20 books in a listing so it is worth listing and selling. It's very unlikely any comic book store is going to be interested in trading a key, expensive...
What do you want in your wallet...errr Collection? CBCS vs CGC Scifinator 30 2 yearsSiggy (25634): Another comparison with back cover images.
June 1942 - Green Lantern Allen Scott! $320 includes shipping. CWill2021 3 2 yearsBatman66 (22547): Nice book, I sent this listing to a guy I know who's a big AA collector. Will let you know
TMNT: The Last Ronin 1 Lot 9.9 and 9.8 $1 Auction! Vboi 14 2 yearspower_struggle55 (7504): feel I really should read this series. picked up the first issue of the sequel (lost years) while at a convention. I see the tpb is $20 on amazon
Spider-Man 2099 For Sale: 1st & 2nd Print 00slim 3 2 years00slim (18687): 2099 #1 (2nd print) 8.0 sold on fee-bay. The 9.4 is still available (here at a lower price).
Slabs for sale.Including Batman 423. Auctions starting at .99 Ending 5 days calisto6 3 2 yearscalisto6 (29): Less than 24 hours remaining for these auctions.
For sale! Fantastic Four 48 CGC 7.5 Rjman48 1 2 yearsRjman48 (306): Elite_comics11 on instagram $3750 shipped
Auctions are ending tomorrow! joelzstuff 3 2 yearsjoelzstuff (90): Thanks everyone for looking!
Journey Into Mystery Grail Bundle SilverAgeSlanger 3 2 yearsPolarisNuclearSS2020 (1380): Nice books…but NEEDZ MOAR…. Tales Of The Unexpected #16 I currently have 4 copies of TOTE 16, been hunting that book since I found out it has the first appearance of Thor by Kirby in comics back in 2016. I regret not scooping up more of them, it started getting market recognition about a year and a half ago, when CGC began labeling the book correctly, which coincided with the buildup to the most recent Thor movie. I have only sold 1...
xkonk's slab sale xkonk Jump to first page147Jump to last page 2 yearsxkonk (18077): @Keylowatts I'm afraid the raws are all out of hand now. You beat me to updating the thread.
MCS Weekly Auction Ending May 22nd Vrishnak 6 2 yearsflanders (29016): bump
250+ CBCS comics for $39.95 (or less)! vacomicon 2 2 yearsvacomicon (190): Lots of fun NEWSTAND variants in this list!! -Brett
1,500+ CBCS comics for under 100 bucks! vacomicon 5 2 yearscomicsforme (4166): 😳
For Sale: Infinite Crisis 5 CBCS 9.8 1st Jamie Reyes Blue Beetle, More? 00slim 19 2 years00slim (18687): ASM 316 & 361 SOLD on fee-bay.
SELL or HOLD? Scifinator Jump to first page34Jump to last page 2 yearsPolarisNuclearSS2020 (1380): Thanks for the suggestion. I only have 2 books for sig verification, a Spider Man 1 signed by McFarlane with his Spiders Web store stamp on the BC and the IG 1. Shipping and insurance to CBCS for those 2 books would cost me about the same as what I’d save on those 2 books. There’s nothing time sensitive WRT either of those books; no movies coming out etc. I will sub them at Baltimore in October, it’ll cut out the risk of shipping...
anyone remember the trading thread... ERB_in_CLT 10 2 yearsMutantMania (6086): I'm always on the look out for HO Scale slot cars 🚗
FOR SALE ltimate Fallout 4 & Edge of Spider-verse 2 Rjman48 1 2 yearsRjman48 (306): For sale on ebay. Rocky_mtn_collectibles on ebay or on IG same name for direct buy. UF4 cgc 9.4 $575 obo EOS2 cgc 9.4 $475 obo
LI Comic Fest Convention / Show GTS_Comics 1 2 yearsGTS_Comics (48): Ill be here! Long Island Comic Fest - Upcoming Shows and News VFW Hall • Post 3211 320 South Broadway Hicksville, New York 11801 NEXT SHOW DATES THROUGH 2023! LONG ISLAND COMIC FEST SAT • APRIL 29TH 2023 ( Special Guests BILLY TUCCI & KEITH WILLIAMS ) SAT • OCT 28TH 2023 IT'S TOY TIME Collectible Toy Show SAT • SEPT 30TH 2023 SHOW UPDATE: HELLO FANS AND FRIENDS!...
Over 75 Items Marked Down on Site! SilverAgeSlanger 6 2 yearsHulkSmash (11374): Spider-Man annual 3 Hulk 116, 131, 159, 250. Wouldnt hurt to have nicer copies of 106, 108 Iron man 76 Defenders 10 TTA 100 Captain Marvel 10 But I cant afford them.
Bunch of Silver Age and Precode Horror Added to Site! SilverAgeSlanger 2 2 yearscodychunn (134): Lots of good stuff listed. Marvel Premiere #45 is the bargain. That man-wolf story is one of my days of yore favorites. Beautiful artwork.
Venom #3 CBCS 9.8 - Kirkham Variant Cover B Signed 3 times! fakadar 2 2 yearsfakadar (13): 1 day left
Comiclink auction! 2nd round of comic books starts ending tonight! 8pm EST sborock 16 2 yearsfigment (21542): The 3% at Comiclink is only for credit cards and other forms of electronic payment that carry a processing fee. If that form of payment is used then yes, the buyer pays that fee.
For Sale: Detective Comics #43 - Early Batman Golden Age 1940 - $1,400 CWill2021 5 2 yearsCWill2021 (963): Sold
Faro's Lounge, graded, sigs and a lot of raws on eBay joelzstuff 7 2 yearsjoelzstuff (90): I reposted, They are ending in 3 days. Thanks! - Joel
Sorry that I have been MIA.... sborock 23 2 yearsesaravo (103004): @sborock - Congratulations on your new gig, Steve! It didn’t take you long to go back to being a workingman. Keep making ripples my friend, and always remember, if you get confused, listen to the music play. “Such a long, long time to be gone And a short time to be there”
My Website SilverAgeSlanger 10 2 yearsSiggy (25634): @SilverAgeSlanger You have an Iron Man #15 Penn Dutch Pedigree listed with an image of an Iron Man #19.
Avengers 4 ~ CBCS 4.5 For Sale OmahaComics 9 2 yearsMmanick (288): Great book
January Surplus For Sale SilverAgeSlanger 4 2 yearsEbayMafia (37349): I don't think it's a rules violation. It's just a link to an Ebay store and a list of the books. Lots of people here offer links to their ebay stores.
Fantastic Four 3 - CBCS 3.5 For Sale OmahaComics 1 2 yearsOmahaComics (32): $1460 Shipped in US, Canada add $35 ACCEPTED PAYMENT check, money order, Venmo, or Paypal FF No returns on CBCS books
Detective Comics #55 Early Batman! Sept 1941 CGC 4.0 $1,200 CWill2021 3 2 yearsmulti007 (4277): @CWill2021 congrats
FS: X-Men 133 Newsstand, CBCS 8.5 lawguy1977 6 2 yearslawguy1977 (7554): @jfry20002000 No worries, totally understand, and thanks for looking. @DrWatson And thanks for pointing that out! :)
Pedigree - Keep, Sell, Trade Scifinator 20 2 yearscesidio (2429): My opinion I'd sell. Or trade put proceeds to a number 4 1 or 3 in that order. My two cents
CBCS ART Label Sketch Covers For Sale ThorneArt 1 2 yearsThorneArt (2065): I have some of my sketch covers available. All drawn by me. All prices are shipped free in the USA for Forum Members. Rick Grimes The Walking dead #115 - CBCS ART Label - $150 Vader in Bacta Tank Vader Down #1 - CBCS ART Label - $150 Bloody Governor The Walking dead #115 - CBCS ART Label - $150 Vader Burned - CBCS ART Label - Darth Vader Annual #1 - $150 ...
MCS Prime Auctions by Forum Members ending from Mon 9th thru Fri...oh cr@p! Scifinator Jump to first page35Jump to last page 2 yearsJoosh (4179): I didn’t get around to sharing my others from this auction but there’s one still active. Final prices were quite low overall, some great buys for some people. Strange Academy #1 3rd print CBCS 9.8
Price reductions and new items for sale! Scifinator Jump to first page35Jump to last page 2 yearsScifinator (15986): - SOLD - 2001 A Space Odyssey (1976) 1 CBCS 8.0(21-22F6136-001)Sold for $29.00 Batman (1940) 500D CBCS 5.5(21-22F6136-014)Collector's Edition. Sold for $21.00 Conan the Barbarian (1970 Marvel) 125 CBCS 9.8 (19-279A9AA-184)Direct Edition Sold for $51.00 Crypt of Dawn (1996) 2 CBCS 9.8(20-486CC23-003) Sold for $53.00 Dawn Genesis Edition (1999) 1A CBCS 9.2(21-22F6136-033)Genesis Edition Sold for $38.00 Hercules the Legendary Journeys...
Thor 337 & Avengers 10 cgc slabs for sale Rjman48 1 2 yearsRjman48 (306): Certified Comic Shop has these keys for sale! Buy directly from the links below! Avengers 10 CGC 3.5 $250 plus shipping Thor 337 CGC 9.4 $160 plus shipping You can also send offers through the link or DM him on Instagram.
Weekly MCS Auction by CBCS Forum members ending Mon 2nd - Over 2 doz Scifinator Jump to first page38Jump to last page 2 yearsScifinator (15986): The Auctions start ending tonight from about 4pm Pacific / 7pm Eastern with final auctions closing around 9pm Pacific / Midnight Eastern. 13 items currently have bids from $1 - $9 along with nine other items that have bids between $10 - $19 and 4 items currently between $21 -$29. Happy New Year Bargains! The direct link is: Direct Link to Auctions. Thank you for checking them out.
MrNotSoNice's Bizarre Comics Bazaar MrNotSoNice 11 2 yearsMrNotSoNice (3552): For Sale: Tales of Suspense #67 Raw 7.0 to 8.0 $60 shipped
And yet THIS is why I bought comics… WndrWmn74 Jump to first page37Jump to last page 2 yearsEddieTheComicGuy (933): Sending prayers and positive thoughts your way!!! STAY STRONG!!!
21 auctions NO RESERVE ending today! 40 more starting! LotsaSequel 12 2 yearsLotsaSequel (295): That’s fair I suppose. I don’t shill bid though. There are definitely some slabs that were won at a steal that shill bidding would’ve made more reasonable if that was the case lol. Everything I start weekly is no reserve. It sells for what it sells for.
Christmas BLOWOUT! CBCS UNDER $50! vacomicon 4 2 yearsScifinator (15986): @vacomicon -Thank you, same your way.
Weekly MCS Auction ending Monday Dec 12th! Scifinator 18 2 yearsScifinator (15986): @KatKomics - A virus is a submicroscopic infectious agent that replicates only inside the living cells of an organism. Viruses infect all life forms, from animals and plants to microorganisms, including bacteria and archaea. Sorry, couldn’t help myself. Also, @katkomics & @flanders, this was the the thread for the previous auction. Lol, i did put bids onthe tmania and venom though. 🤠
Foreign Comics Year End Clearance Sale! HotKeyComics 7 2 yearsJames42 (4972): @HotKeyComics I recently discovered the Turkish comic industry and have been shopping for Turkish versions of various modern comics. I do wish there were English translations of the works of Turkey's creators. Many of their books look amazing, I just have limited ability to puzzle out the words.
Selling a Few Books (Hopefully) DWeeB1967 8 2 yearsDWeeB1967 (13031): More listings soon.
CGC slab for sale kadargo27 10 2 yearsRafel (4270): Thank you for that. I thought I did.
15 slabs in auction ending this Sunday with NO RESERVE! LotsaSequel 2 2 yearsLotsaSequel (295): All these slabs end today and there are some STEALS left!! Thank you for looking!
Transporting a large quantity of comics drchaos Jump to first page101Jump to last page 2 yearsdrchaos (30035): Sales have varied from week to week but have been pretty good since the lockdown started in 2020. When I completed an inventory on my ebay books I found that I had about 2,000 slabs that were not listed. When the inventory I took down from ebay comes online with the additional books along with the books coming back from CBCS and the McFarlane signing 2023 should be ly best year yet.
Faro's Lounge, Graded comics & Raw Comics joelzstuff 4 2 yearsjoelzstuff (90): Just reposted some, Ending in 2-3 days Thanks! - Joel
FS:Kirby Signed Avenger #2 CBCS 6.5 Verified AcuMan 7 2 yearsPhantomEwan (3972): @Joosh when I spoke to the CBCS rep at Washington State Summer Con about the imaging he told me they don’t do that anymore. I wanted to do the exact same thing with mine:
Geiger #1 (2021) 2nd Print 1:25 CBCS 9.9 Geoff Johns Vboi 5 2 yearsVboi (32): 1:25 meaning is for every 25 regular cover printed, a rare incentive cover is printed. It's a hit or a miss for later printing because the print run is much lower or not. One of the best example was Ironheart 1 which had about a 60k 1st print run. Everyone had the 1st print so barely anyone ordered the second print, which resulted in a less than 1k print run. The price exploded because rarely do you see a non manufacturered extremely low print...
Comic Shop Canada Modern Key Book Auctions Vboi 5 2 yearsVboi (32): Less than 3 hours left before spider verse 6 end! Spider verse fans, don't miss this key!
For Sale War of the Realms: New Agents of Atlas #1 1:50 Zircher CGC 9.8 Vboi 5 2 yearsVboi (32): Final bump!
FS: A couple Fun Universal Monster Books 00slim 4 2 years00slim (18687): Bump.
For Sale FCBD One Punch Man / My Hero Academia CGC 9.4 and 9.6 Vboi 2 2 yearsVboi (32): *bump*
Weekly MCS Auctions by forum members ending Mon Oct 3rd Scifinator 20 2 yearsBakersman (190): Let me know if you have any questions thanks UNCANNY X-MEN #130 CBCS 9.2 WP NEWSSTAND IRON MAN #282 CGC 9.0 WP RICK AND MORTY #1 HILL VARIANT CGC 8.5 WP
Selling Ultimate Fallout #4 1st Print CBCS 8.5 Vboi 5 2 yearsVboi (32): In Canada UF4 always seem to go a bit more due to higher taxes or duties and also higher shipping, but thanks for the info.
Bobby Benson's B-Bar-B Riders 14 CBCS 8.5 SHRUNKEN HEAD/BONDAGE $1 AUCTION PolarisNuclearSS2020 1 2 yearsPolarisNuclearSS2020 (1380): Just saw this CBCS 8.5 on ebay in a no reserve auction format, this seller has this slab and about a dozen other heavy hitters up for auction now, all without reserves and no minimum bids. FTR, I have nothing to do with this seller... I'm curious to see how this CBCS 8.5 performs in auction, book looks cherry from the pics I see but I'm messaging the seller to...
10% discount on Golden Age Batman, Superman, Captain America, and more andrewscomics 1 3 yearsandrewscomics (8): Over at Andrew's Comics, we're offering a 10% on our eBay books to customers who pay via a Paypal goods & services invoice. We have over 400 slabbed books, including everything from Golden Age Batman and Captain America to rare modern variants. Our full inventory is here, just send us a message or reply with a book request to set up the discount: Returns are...
Weekly MCS Auctions by forum members ending Mon Sept 26th Scifinator 2 3 yearsfigment (21542): And the band played on... Akira #34 CBCS 9.4 Animal Comics #21 CBCS 5.5 Pogo & Albert Cover Four Color #1119 CBCS 9.0 High Grade Smokey the Bear Pogo Possum #6 CBCS 5.0 Sgt. Fury (1963) #5 CBCS 4.5 First Baron Strucker Silver Surfer (2011) #2 CGC 9.8 Silver Surfer (2011) #4 CGC 9.8 Sub-Mariner (2007) #1 CGC 9.8 ...
Weekly MCS Auctions, by forum members, Ending Monday Sept 19th Scifinator 5 3 yearsScifinator (15986): With today's auctions endings between 4pm - 9pm Pacific and 7pm - Midnight Sons Eastern, the current bids on my items are: If Bidding, thank you and good luck!
Journey Into Mystery Annual #1 - CGC 6.0 - First Hercules and Zeus - $775 CWill2021 10 3 yearsCli4dR3D0g (5431): Thank Zeus.
Key Slabs for sale Ambush_Bug 7 3 yearsAmbush_Bug (201): Just a follow up, I switched these two up to be auctions!
eBay comics, Check it out joelzstuff 2 3 yearsjoelzstuff (90): Thanks Everyone! -Joel
Fire Sale Golden And Silver Age! Hulk #2, X-men #1 and more! silveragecomicsuk Jump to first page39Jump to last page 3 yearsflanders (29016): @silveragecomicsuk just a heads up, pgx isn't allowed to be sold or have any photos of the slabs displayed here.
Weekly MCS Auctions by Forum Members Ending Monday September 5th Labor Day! figment 1 3 yearsfigment (21542): I'll start this week, here's ours... Akira 3 CBCS 9.4 Animal Comics 30 CBCS 5.0 Four Color 754 CBCS 3.5 Smokey the Bear ...
Weekly MCS Auction by Forum member ending Monday August 29th! Scifinator 15 3 yearsGAC (79173): Just saw this....not sure if you got your answer but that signature and art is by Ken Haeser. He used to be contracted to Dynamic Forces...he still could be. clickable text
FS: ASM 300 CGC 7.0 00slim 5 3 yearsGAC (79173): Awesome!! 🍻
Latest Heritage Auction Sunday & Monday Comic Books Aug 22-29 Jedyzon 14 3 yearsPuckster (3001): Nice stuff. As it is, I can't afford any right now. I have some original art coming up next month one one of the daily and some coming up for the signature in November. Good luck!
Heritage Comics & Comic Art Signature 2022 Select Auction September 08-11 Jedyzon 9 3 yearsJedyzon (876): Sounds good man
FS: Dell Movie Classics: Creature CGC 7.5 00slim 5 3 years00slim (18687): SOLD!
Just 3 days left on eBay, Thank everyone! joelzstuff 2 3 yearsbeastboy1980 (1125): Open thread to view post.
Weekly MCS Auction by Forum members ending Monday Aug 15th Scifinator 29 3 yearsEbayMafia (37349): @figment That Avengers Annual 1 belongs to me now. At least it will, when I pay for it.
Eddie's "Road to NYCC" Sale!!! EddieTheComicGuy 2 3 yearsEddieTheComicGuy (933): I'd hoped to get some traction but it looks like no ones interested. No worries they'll be other times. Thanks to anyone who stopped in to take a look.
High Grade Comics for Sale MRmintastic 3 3 yearsMRmintastic (269): Price drop to $350 US.
WTB: Whiz Comics from 1940 - 1942 CWill2021 5 3 yearsSidTheSquid (1591): I have 1941 Captain Marvel Adventure #1 missing the cover and first wrap. It's graded- by whom I can't say.
Quick Poll Scifinator 18 3 yearsJustThatGuy (5004): If it’s a newer case, then great. If it’s an older case, then great. I am ok with either one. I care for the book. However, I do appreciate CBCS is constantly trying to make the case better and more secure.
Adventure comics 247 CBCS 3.5 For sale Boomcity 4 3 yearsBoomcity (17):
Weekly MCS Auctions by Forum Members ending Monday August 1st figment 10 3 yearsetapi65 (4060): Whoo, man, a little surprised at the sales price of the War of The Realms: New Agents of Atlas book I had up. Only 1 sale of CBCS this year, $199 back in January, but the CGC sales from 7/30/2022 were $165, $157, $150. Mine sold 8/1/2022 for $89.
FS: Marvel Super Special #1 CGC 9.6 & more 00slim 25 3 years00slim (18687): So, I’m making some room in my collection since I have our local Con in a couple weeks. I’m only selling this because I have 3 or 4 more raw copies I need to grade. Tough to price since they don’t come up for sale above VG often. Here is a 7.5 second print from 1964. Same terms as above. Asking $400 shipped, or best offer. ...
50 MCU slabs, some $1 starts, 7/29 @ 8pm EST on WhatNot MBC 2 3 yearsdfoster43 (1768): OK So this site looks insane, like some sort of TikTok Garage sale on acid.... What are they? Like, auctions where someone is live and holding their phone out and saying "LOOKY HERE at this thang I got fer sale ..." ?? And they're only at a certain time?
Weekly MCS Auctions by Forum Members ending Monday July 25th Scifinator 13 3 yearsetapi65 (4060): I accidentally put my "starting July 25th" in this thread instead of "ending July 25th".
FOR SALE! Iron Fist 14 CGC 9.0 Rjman48 3 3 yearsRjman48 (306): Bunp
5 Day Ebay auction started today! Lots of Keys & 1st Appearances! KaptainKia 9 3 yearssportshort (20067): I had the exact same problem, I closed my browser (after a dozen wasted attempts), and it works fine now.
For Sale: Spawn #1 Newsstand McFarlane Verified Signature CBCS 9.6 00slim 11 3 years00slim (18687): Spawn sold on fee-bay this evening. Less than I wanted, but he bundled 3 books, so, I gave him a deal.
MCS Prime Auctions by Forum Members - Auctions ending July 11th-15th Scifinator Jump to first page78Jump to last page 3 yearsflanders (29016): Last bump: We Live #1 CBCS 9.8 - Current Bid ($46) well below FMV
Thor # 165 - CGC 8.0 - 1st full Adam Warlock Appearance - $1,000 CWill2021 2 3 yearsCWill2021 (963): Sold
For sale: Iron Fist 14 CGC 9.0 Rjman48 1 3 yearsRjman48 (306): GrailzComics has this Iron Fist 14 cgc 9.0 for sale. $925 shipped. Link below.
Have several slabs I’m willing to part with… WndrWmn74 Jump to first page49Jump to last page 3 yearsWndrWmn74 (791): Wolverine #22; CBCS 9.6 Asking $30; firm + $15 shipping inside the continental US Accept Venmo, Zelle, CashApp and PayPal Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you. More to come later today/tomorrow.
Not Another Sales Thread!? Noblebeast315 2 3 yearsHeinzDad (38289): Ruh roh, I’ll be keeping an eye open. @Noblebeast315 reels me in at some point on all his sales thread!
Looking for Planet Comics JMSComics 6 3 yearsCatCovers (11063): Heh. Briefly thought you'd gone insane. :)
MCS Weekly Auctions by Forum Members, ending Monday June 27th. Scifinator 23 3 yearsNearmint67 (13678): @KatKomics yipee.... :) lol.... Glad for you. Unexpected expenses are no fun.
CBCS Verified Slabs on eBay griffmiester 1 3 yearsgriffmiester (136): Lots of autographs and remarked CBCS verified as well as some Blue CBCS and "other" slabs. Please take a look thank you clickable text
Flanders's Undesirable Crap for Sale At MCS flanders 26 3 yearsCli4dR3D0g (5431): @flanders OK bro... I'll stand down. Desperately seeking THOT11.
New Hip Comic Store Listings obrie2tm 4 3 yearsRafel (4270): Cool. I'll look for them. Thank you.
SELL or HOLD? Scifinator Jump to first page564Jump to last page 3 years00slim (18687): So, I just got this in. Sell or hold for more movie buzz? The reboot has been in development hell for like five years now.
MCS Weekly Auction by CBCS Forum Members ending 6/20 Scifinator 22 3 yearsEbayMafia (37349): My only big disappointment in the auction was the Turtles #4 9.0 selling for $112. At that price I would have bid on it myself if I could. Everything else seemed to be with 15-20% or so of recent sales prices, which is what I've come to expect from MCS auctions.
MCS Weekly Auction by CBCS Forum Members ending 6/13 Scifinator 24 3 yearsxkonk (18077): I'm torn between "I'm confused why there's so many of them every week now" and "don't worry, you can look at next week's nudie prints already"
Amazing Spider-Man #12, CBCS 8.0 $2000 incl. shipping Smokinghawk 2 3 yearsBigRedOne1944 (11568): Nice Book I would have it re-holder in a New CBCS slab.
The 4 best Keys???? you can buy them all here! d1al 16 3 yearsPDGray (620): Great books! PDG
MCS Auction ending Monday the 16th. Scifinator 4 3 yearsScifinator (15986): Deathmate Orange Preview - Current Bid $2.00 Plasm O 9.8 - Current Bid $51.00
Fantastic Four #52 !st Black Panther 6.5 CGC $2350 includes shipping d1al 7 3 yearsxkonk (18077): Nope, mea culpa. Posted while I was doing something else.
Looks like some male bovine excrement happening at ebay. Scifinator 13 3 yearsBakersman (190): Ah yes the old fake i.d. scam. Ebay has been wise to that for awhile. Any new accounts monies go on hold until the item is received. The trick is to get fake "real" accounts or stolen accounts, it's just with i.p. trackers and such it's very difficult now. And if you are good enough to have real stolen bank accounts with proper i.d. etc I'm sure ebays the last place you would be scamming:) I still do not see how selling items you...
New Comic Auctions Beeda 1 3 yearsBeeda (59): In honor of Dr.Strange, we're looking at a new auction method based around our website instead of some of the other methods. We've stocked this first week with books revolving mostly around Dr. Strange. All auctions end tomorrow.
May the Fourth be With You drchaos 30 3 yearsJesse_O (39345): I'm a bigger Queen fan than a Star Wars fan, but you can't lose by combining them together!!!
Ending in a few minutes and later tonight Scifinator 5 3 yearsScifinator (15986): @Nuffsaid111 - One unglues it. 😉
ISO ASM #2 and #3 For Sale, Trade or Both. Graded or Raw Gibby357 1 3 yearsGibby357 (114): Need to complete my run of 1-20. Let's see what ya got!?!
MCS Prime Auction Underway (links and Pics within) Scifinator Jump to first page36Jump to last page 3 yearsBigRedOne1944 (11568): Lots of nice looking Valiant books! Ive been getting some similar Valiant titles from my auction buy listed in my Hip Comic store. Hip Comic store listing Hip Comic Store Listing ...
Re-priced listings at SlabSmart Scifinator Jump to first page94Jump to last page 3 yearsScifinator (15986): Here are the non-auction sales from the past week: Animal Man (1988) 57 CBCS 9.8 Direct Edition. Sold for $61.00 Ghost Rider (1990 2nd Series) 28U CBCS 9.6 Direct Edition. Sold for $82.00 Spectacular Spider-Man (1976 1st Series) Annual 1 CBCS 9.4 Newsstand Edition Sold for $49.99 Spider-Man 2099 (1992 1st Series) 8 CBCS 6.0 Direct Edition. Sold for $25.00 Star Wars Splinter of the Mind's Eye (1995) 4 CBCS 9.4 Sold for $44.00 Terror...
Lost Universes being listed Scifinator 14 3 yearsScifinator (15986): @Reelgee - @EbayMafia is on point. Battletide is a good example of the lower end fringe. I actually had all comics shipped back to me before I started using MCS. I sold mist of the 9.8’s (Battltidr included) on ebay for $50-100. So most of those sales were a double to triple of cost basis. A majority of my comics came back at 9.8 and there were several solid 3 and 4 figure sales. I am Scifinator, so there was a crap ton of Star Wars titles....
Hero For Hire #1 CGC 8.5 1st Luke Cage Appearance & Origin CWill2021 5 3 yearsCWill2021 (963): Thanks BigRedOne1944 most appreciated!
Noobs are the experts on slabs and God forbid if yours isn't good enough drchaos Jump to first page80Jump to last page 3 yearsPolarisNuclearSS2020 (1380): Correct @poka , I posted the abpove and than read the end of Bill's post on here. 10+ years changes that situation, obviously. That said, I have yet to be fleeced on ebay, only had 1 buyer attempt to rip me off. An overseas buyer bought a raw silver age marvel ASM key off me a few years back for a couple hundred, like a Fair, and filed a item not as descried. He posted up a pic or 2 of the interior of another copy of the same issue #, with...
FANTASTIC FOUR #52 CGC 9.0 OW/W - OPEN TO OFFERS, TRADES, & TIME-PAYMENTS!! Top_City_Comics 6 3 yearsCWill2021 (963): Are you selling the 7.5 graded copy of FF#52? -----------------------------------------------------
Thor #165 CGC 7.0 1st Full Appearance of Him (Adam Warlock) 1969 CWill2021 3 3 yearsCWill2021 (963): **SOLD**
For Sale x2 Iron Man #9 Variant CGC 9.6 First App of Riri Williams Nick 1 3 yearsNick (17): Got a couple of Iron Man #9's for sale. Shipped from UK but willing to ship Internationally via Fedex. Payment accepted via Paypal G&S, no returns but if a major issue occurs I will do my best to help. Any questions please don't hesitate to ask. Invincible Iron Man #9 Variant (First App Riri Williams) PRICE: £2300 (Negotiable) ...
Marvel Spotlight #2 CGC 8.0 1st Appearance Werewolf By Night, 1972 CWill2021 3 3 yearsCWill2021 (963): **SOLD**
For sale! GS Defenders 3 & Sub-mariner 5 cgc 7.5 Rjman48 2 3 yearsRjman48 (306): Submariner SOLD
FS Wonder Woman Annual 1 CGC 9.8 NEWSSTAND + Son of Dathomir 3 + 4 CGC 9.8+ PolarisNuclearSS2020 2 3 yearsPolarisNuclearSS2020 (1380): Dropped the prices on all the books above...shaved more than $50 off each of the slabs. The ebay links are no longer valid, they'll be relisted there shortly but the MCS links are valid. Also dropped the price from $115 to $60 on a Golden Age GGA Margie Timely book here, it'll be up on ebay shortly as a new listing at a bit more:
Graded Silver and bronze keys for sale Rjman48 8 3 yearsRjman48 (306): Defenders & Subby going to eBay real soon. Buy direct from Certified Comic shop to save $. Send him your inquiries
A few Slabs For Sale 00slim 13 3 years00slim (18687): New Mutants #87 1st Cable CBCS 9.0 OW/White Pages $160, shipped
Beautiful Wonder Woman Sketch Cover for Sale WndrWmn74 9 3 yearsPre_Coder (19960): Nice sketch cover. Let's see the one you're not selling.
ISO/Want to buy Fantastic Four 5 Rjman48 2 3 yearsRjman48 (306): Closed
FOR SALE! X-men 109 cgc 9.4 Rjman48 19 3 years50AE_DE (6464): @Batman66 $610
$125 Green Arrow 1 CBCS 9.2 VARIANT 2x Signed NEAL ADAMS + STEPHEN AMELL PolarisNuclearSS2020 5 3 yearsWndrWmn74 (791): Can you please send me payment details?
MCS Auctions Live Now rgreenson 1 3 yearsrgreenson (786): I have a few graded comics up for auction on MCS. (All CBCS Graded) Batman (2011 2nd Series) 1B CBCS 9.8 Detective Comics (2016 3rd Series) 1000COMICMINT CBCS 9.8 Walking Dead (2003 Image) 100H CBCS 9.8
Flanders's MCS Prime Auction Listings Ending Next Week! flanders 11 3 yearsflanders (29016): @EbayMafia thanks, I think I'm losing $20 at the moment :eek: but that's the risk of slabbing dreck.
250'ish graded comics for trade before I consign to MCS for Sale Scifinator 11 3 yearsScifinator (15986): Here is an additional 100 Malibu/Bravura/Ultraverse titles that I will be sending in on top of the other 250 comics. Let me know if interested in any trades or such. Bravura (1994) Preview Book 1A CBCS 8.5 Break Thru (1993) 1A CBCS 9.8 Break Thru (1993) 1 HOLO FOIL Ltd Ed. 1 of 5,000 CGC 9.8 Breed (1994) 1A CBCS 9.0 Breed (1994) 1A CBCS 8.5 Breed (1994) 1A CBCS 8.0 Breed (1994) 2 CBCS 9.8 Breed (1994) 3 CBCS 9.8 Breed (1994)...
Interesting Stat Scifinator 7 3 yearsScifinator (15986): @etapi65 - Haven't had the time to box up and send to MCS yet, so yes, still available for trade or offers. Here is the thread link: 250 Comics soon to be shipped to MCS
recommended places to sell comics smeninc 10 3 yearsEbayMafia (37349): seems to have a pretty small buying audience but it can be a good price to sell well priced slabbed books. And since their sales are small, sales tax will only apply to buyers inside your state. The commission is only 1% for each the buyer and the seller.
Ebay - trying to arrange am item return from Canada to US drchaos Jump to first page35Jump to last page 3 yearsPolarisNuclearSS2020 (1380): @drchaos , any good action come your way on this?
Yet another sales thread xkonk 23 3 yearsGAC (79173): Flawless transaction! Thanks @xkonk Alex! Received today, perfectly packaged, very secure and fast shipping. Would buy from again without hesitation. 🍻
Some Keys & some Rarities part of 33 CBCS 9.6 - 9.8 Comics Auction! Scifinator 27 3 yearsScifinator (15986): I have a White page 9.8 at 299.99 and a 9.6 at 97.99. Had a listing for 9.8 white sell for $320 via ebay/MCS store back in Sept.
The Recount #1 Special Edition - Detective Comics #880 Homage Cowabunga_Kyle 2 3 yearsByrdibyrd (24736): @Masochism :heart::heart::heart::beer::beer::beer:
More Fun 73 dennisqdw 11 3 yearsdennisqdw (199): @EbayMafia Thanx for the heads up. How can you wait to open it ;-) I figure overkill at a negligible price is worth it. Without going into details I won't deal with MCS. I agree about myslabs and think it's time to move on to Heritage, and just take the ding on their commission. @southerncross I'm sure that artists were in the same boat I (and others)were in decades ago. Take the money now if you need it. You never know what's going to happen...
Flanders' Comic Emporium Listings on flanders 10 3 yearsflanders (29016): Marvel Preview #3 CGC 6.5 sold on myslabs. The rest of the dreck is still available.
New Year Price Drop on myslabs dennisqdw 8 3 yearsBatman66 (22547): @EbayMafia nice pickup
3 Comics up for Sale in MCS Auction ending Monday January 14th Vrishnak 2 3 yearsVrishnak (949): Pushing to the top for continued visibility.
19 Comics up for Sale in MCS Auction ending Monday Jan. 3rd. Scifinator 22 3 yearsEbayMafia (37349): It's 5:15 on the West Coast. All the Bud Root print auctions are over...let the comic book auction commence! Auction link:
X-MEN #1 CGC 5.0 OW FOR SALE/TRADE - Open to offers, trades, time-payments! Top_City_Comics 9 3 yearsTop_City_Comics (38): THIS BOOK HAS BEEN MOVED VIA MEGA-TRADE!! MORE BOOKS TO COME!!
“Name your Price” yearend SALE! Scifinator 12 3 yearsSiggy (25634): I wondered if someone would mention that.
How would you price a newly trending book, like Sleepwalker #1? Collectionary_FTW 24 3 yearsHexView (521): You can't beat The GCD!
Slab at MCS Auction This Coming Monday - UXM #266 9.8 - 1st Full Gambit lawguy1977 2 3 yearslawguy1977 (7554): Bump for tonight’s auction. Hope everyone had a good holiday and thanks for looking! Uncanny X-Men #266 - CBCS 9.8 - 1st full Gambit and first cover of Gambit. Current bid is at $760.00.
Something is killing the children CGC for sale 9.6 Auction at .99 cents Watcher5866 6 3 yearsStudley_Dudley (53746): The first arc was very good and still maintains my interest. It's one of the few books on my pull list I look forward to reading right away when it arrives.
Where will it sell? Scifinator Jump to first page33Jump to last page 3 yearsGAC (79173): The signature being graded? Are you really confused or are you just looking for a reaction? Come on man, I'm pretty sure you're not confused.
Some Mark Brooks Slabs For Sale ThorneArt 4 3 yearsThorneArt (2065): CGC 9.8 Spider-Gwen #1 (2015) Mark Brooks Variant $SOLD No shipping cost to Forum members!
MOVING RIGHT BEFORE CHRISTMAS SALE!!! EddieTheComicGuy Jump to first page42Jump to last page 3 yearsEddieTheComicGuy (933): I’m glad your happy with your books!!! Thanks again!!! MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!
Slabs at MCS Auction This Coming Monday - 1st Dazzler and Champions #1 lawguy1977 3 3 yearslawguy1977 (7554): One last bump for tonight: Uncanny X-Men #130 - CBCS 9.4 - 1st Dazzler. Current bid at $180.00 Champions #1 (2016 series) - CBCS 9.8. Current bid at $62.00 Thanks!
For Sale: X-Men #1 (1963) Graded 1.8 lawguy1977 14 3 yearsOGJackster (54562): The first thing I do when I get a book from ComicLink is take that damn sticker off!
For Sale: Batman 423 Signed by McFarlane and Starlin lawguy1977 6 3 yearslawguy1977 (7554): Sold!
Some fun books up on eBay griffmiester 4 3 yearsgriffmiester (136): Thank you!
Weekly MCS/SlabSmart Graded Comics $1 starting bid Auction Scifinator Jump to first page31Jump to last page 3 yearsScifinator (15986): Tonight marks my final auction ending this year. I have the following comics up for auction, with each comic having over a dozen First Appearances & both with WHITE pages and both in the NEW style sonicweld encasements! The Alpha Flight #1 9.0 presents at a 9.6-9.8 at first glance. Try to see if you can find what Graders notes reflect "light 3/4" stain bottom spine back cover". See photos. Bid it, win it, crack it and...
MCS Slabs At Auction On Monday -- 1st Dazzler, Mr. Sinister, Jubilee & more lawguy1977 13 3 yearslawguy1977 (7554): Last bump for tonight's auction. Updated bid below. Thanks! Wolverine #1 (1988 1st Series) CBCS 9.4 - Signed by Chris Claremont. Current bid at $140.00. Uncanny X-Men #130 - CBCS 9.2 Newsstand Edition - 1st Dazzler. Current bid at $155.00. Uncanny X-Men #133 - CBCS 9.2 Newsstand Edition - 1st Wolverine solo story. Current bid at $155.00....
Comic for sale Scuzzel 4 3 yearspower_struggle55 (7504): people do wait last minute to bid. if the current highest bidder is willing to go to war, they'd outbid you right away. most wait maybe within a minute before auction ends. can suck for seller but thats strategy. or not many can afford new mutants #98 and it goes less then you want.
Slabs at MCS Auction this coming Monday -- Gambit, Carnage, SIKTC lawguy1977 4 3 yearslawguy1977 (7554): Bump for tonight’s auction. Uncanny X-Men Annual 14 - CBCS 9.4 - First cameo of Gambit. Current bid is $105.00 Uncanny X-Men 143 - CGC 9.6. Current bid is $51.00. Amazing Spider-Man 362 - CBCS 9.6 - 2nd Appearance of Carnage. Current bid is $46.00 Something Is Killing The Children 1 (LCSD...
Uncanny X-Men 281 1st Print in MCS Auction Vrishnak 3 3 yearsVrishnak (949): Bump. Thanks for looking and good luck.
FOR SALE: Slabs and Raw Keys Doc_Cop 14 3 yearsDoc_Cop (3100): Giant Size Invaders SOLD SOLD SOLD to the Silver Samurai!
X-men 12 cgc 8.5 for sale Rjman48 2 3 yearsRjman48 (306): Listing removed. Book still fs by owner. Me. 5500 shipped.
The Rise of... Scifinator 9 3 yearsScifinator (15986): With the auctions ending in a few hours, the current bids on the Series issues are: Darkhold #1 Vol 1 - $22 Ghost Rider #28 - $66 Ghost Rider #31 - $21 Ghost Rider, Blaze: Spirits of Vengeance #1 Vol 1 - $12 Morbius, the Living Vampire #1 Vol 1 - $49 Nightstarlkers #1 Vol 1 - $13 Happy bidding!
Slabs at MCS Auction this Monday lawguy1977 5 3 yearslawguy1977 (7554): One last bump for tonight's closing auctions. Updated bids are below. Thanks! Black Widow #1 - First app of Yelena Bolova. CBCS 9.4. Current bid at $31.00. Black Panther #1 (Vol. 2) - First app of Okoye. CBCS 9.4. Current bid at $34.00. Wolverine #1 (1982). CBCS 9.0. Current bid at $106.00....
FOR SALE! Thor 337 CGC 9.8 Canadian price variant Rjman48 4 3 yearsRjman48 (306): Sold. Thanks
Check out some of my CGC books for sale! Thanks! Watcher5866 6 3 yearsWatcher5866 (378): Cool! Thanks so much guys!
TMNT Advs. #1 9.8 CPV FMV? MurrayC 5 3 yearsHcanes (6011): A newsstand 9.6 sold for $1250. The bump up to 9.8 is typically ridiculous, why most of us are happy with a 9.6. You'd have to find a CPV collector and I wouldn't be surprised you could get a minimum 2.5k
Finally back from CGC! I’m so happy! Watcher5866 22 3 yearsDavethebrave (17407): Oh - sorry, didnt realize speculating. I don’t get that part ;-)
Uncanny X-Men 281 1st Print in MCS Auction Vrishnak 7 3 yearsteacha777 (1180): Queen we are the champions
FS: Some of my Slabbed Sketch Covers ThorneArt 1 3 yearsThorneArt (2065): I have some of my sketch covers available. All drawn by me. All prices are shipped free in the USA for Forum Members. Rick Grimes The Walking dead #115 - CBCS ART Label - $150 Vader in Bacta Tank Vader Down #1 - CBCS ART Label - $150 Bloody Governor The Walking dead #115 - CBCS ART Label - $150 Vader Burned - CBCS ART Label - Darth Vader Annual #1 - $150 Dok-Ondar Doctor Aphra #1 - CBCS ART Label - $125 ...
Flanders Dreck For Sale Before Mailing to MCS flanders 18 3 yearsflanders (29016): Ending tonight with a current bid of $31.
Slabs for Sale on MCS (Batman, X-Men, Mondern Keys and more) lawguy1977 3 3 yearslawguy1977 (7554): Giving this one more bump
FOR SALE - Slabs and Raw Keys including Warlock and Carnage Keys Doc_Cop 17 3 yearsDoc_Cop (3100): All except Marvel Premiere 3 and Detective Comics.
Brand New Spawn #230 9.6 Key issue! Watcher5866 10 3 yearsBigRedOne1944 (11568): Very Nice looking Book. Good luck on your sale
Ironheart 1 2nd Printing for Sale! Vboi 1 3 yearsVboi (32): Up for sales is Ironheart 1 2nd printing, Freshly graded by CBCS 9.8 ($2,000 USD), 9.6 ($1,000 USD), 9.4 ($800 USD). There is an estimate print run of under 1000 Copies, It's Riri William's rarest key cover. I'll ship any of these books for free with tracking across Canada and USA, it will be definitely well packaged! Payment accepted will be PayPal invoiced to buyer! ...
Legit Website? hogan36 19 3 yearsByrdibyrd (24736): @hogan36 So sorry about your uncle getting scammed! We're lucky we have a community that helps us look out for each other. :heart:
Trade or Hold? stanley_1883 11 3 yearsRafel (4270): I'd trade it for some key AMAZING SPIDER-MAN that I need.
Rare Classic Gold and Silver in Heritage Auction (Oct 24 -25) BakerFanOne 1 3 yearsBakerFanOne (8): Wonderworld Comics 6, 8, 29 Weird Comics 2 Strange Tales 110 Worlds of Fear 10 Suspense Comics 2, 12 Witchcraft 5 Many Many More My Auctions
For sale! Thor 337 CGC 9.8 Canadian Price Variant 🇨🇦 Rjman48 3 3 yearsRjman48 (306): Bump
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Adventures 43 Slab for Sale lawguy1977 3 3 yearsHeinzDad (38289): My book arrived today. It came quick and packed great. @lawguy1977, the CGC fella grading that must have lost his dog the day before. One won’t often hear that come from my mouth. Thanks dude!
some comics for sale xkonk 12 3 yearsxkonk (18077): A few raw graded books just back from CBCS. Same deal as previous post on the buying details. Uncanny X-Men 95, death of Thunderbird, 5.0. Forum price $75. Uncanny X-Men 96, first appearance of Moira MacTaggert, 8.0. Forum price $200. Incredible Hulk 102, first self-titled issue after Astonishing, 3.0. The only comparable sold copy I can find recently on eBay...
Auction win super bargain? Scifinator 11 3 yearsScifinator (15986): It is always a tragedy when one doesn’t get good wood on the puck. And, @KatKomics - congrats on the new moniker. 🤠
$1 Starting bid MCS Prime Auction ending Friday Oct 15 Scifinator Jump to first page37Jump to last page 3 yearsScifinator (15986): Here are the current bids on the final pieces left in tonights auctions. Note: the MCP’s if your a Sam Kieth Wolverine/ Cable / Ghost Rider fan. Marvel Comics Presents (1988) 91 CBCS 9.8 Direct Edition. Auction in progress. Current bid: $26.00, 6 bids Marvel Comics Presents (1988) 93 CBCS 9.8 Direct Edition. Auction in progress. Current bid: $31.00, 4 bids Marvel Comics Presents (1988) 94 CBCS 9.8 Direct Edition. Auction...
4 CBCS Graded Slabs FS: Cry For Dawn x2; Batman 244 & Preacher #1 lucjan 15 3 yearslucjan (49): Just wanted to bump this up. Willing to listen to offers. Thank you.
Books For Sale! Rjman48 6 3 yearsRjman48 (306):
Comics (Slabs) For Sale - Keys Doc_Cop 5 3 yearsDoc_Cop (3100): Sorry for late response @esaravo, Can't part until I upgrade the copy I have. Thanks for the interest.
Circle City Comics hogan36 3 3 yearsEmporiumCo (1): They are my local LCS, completely legit and great service / quality.
From a Purist perspective Scifinator Jump to first page34Jump to last page 3 yearsKatKomics (31323): I think PGX has it right...once they are slabbed who cares if it's missing coupons or pages or has colour touch - no one will ever know - give grades to all comics..and generous ones at that!!! Overstreet is just a guideline that the grading companies use but have come up with their we can't really say coupon cut is max 1.0 because that isn't how they grade or what the market is accepting of. ...
X-Men Slabs for Sale lawguy1977 7 3 yearslawguy1977 (7554): One more bump before these head out to MCS next week. Still have the following: X-Men 221 - $300 X-Men 133 - Reduced to $275 X-Men 143 - $90 X-Men 164 - $85
Flander's Slabs at MCS Weekly Auction Ending 9-27 flanders 2 3 yearsflanders (29016): Bump, auction ending tomorrow night. Thanks for looking.
Buy some of my books, please? Golden age, SIKTC, Swamp Thing, plenty more Carpendaddy 10 3 yearsByrdibyrd (24736): I bid on a few more, too. Nice books!
Invincible Iron Man #9 CBCS 9.8 For Sale Comicbookzach 4 4 yearsComicbookzach (1020): Open to offers
New books! Comicbookzach 7 4 yearsComicbookzach (1020): @Doc_Cop Thank you!
Slabs for sale Donnied 9 4 yearsScifinator (15986): Likening the SS2.
MCS CBCS Slab Auctions rgreenson 3 4 yearsrgreenson (786): These all end tonight - Links above Currently at $41 - DC Universe Rebirth #1B CBCS 9.8 - Ivan Reis Retailer Incentive Currently at $35 - Detective Comics #1000 CBCS 9.8 - Comic Mint Exclusive Variant Currently at $76 - Flash #197 CBCS 9.6 Currently at $15 - Flash Secret Files and Origins #3 CBCS 8.0 Currently at $55 - Teen Titans #12 CBCS 8.5 Currently at $28 - Walking Dead #108 CBCS 9.8
Updated Slabs for Sale (Batman, X-Men, Moon Knight and Black Panther) lawguy1977 23 4 yearslawguy1977 (7554): X-Men 129 sold. Remaining books: Black Panther #1 - $125 Infinite Crisis #3 - $90 Big thanks to Cesidio for being so great to work with on some of these sales! Just a super stand up guy.
For Sale: FF 48, 1st Silver Surfer CBCS 4.0 00slim 11 4 years00slim (18687): This is still available if anyone is interested. I’ve had at least two people locally express interest & flake. I’d definitely rather deal with a forum member.
Rare slab for sale LotsaSequel Jump to first page39Jump to last page 4 yearsLotsaSequel (295): @HeinzDad I’ll be the first to admit I may be biased here but if you’re looking for opinions I’d say buy it!! Lol If you do buy it and pay today I can have it shipped today as well. I do 2 day flat rate with it protected inside of a Gemini mailer.
Auctions and Fixed Price Listings for Jesse's GoFundMe! flanders 26 4 yearsflanders (29016): Joker #1 Neal Adams Variant NM - $39.99 obo - SOLD on Ebay. I'll be making a donation on behalf of @hotkeycomics to @Jesse_O. Other books are still available if there is any interest and no offer is too low.
WTB: Fantastic Four 46 cgc 6.5-8 Rjman48 5 4 yearsRjman48 (306): Found.
Absolute Carnage #1 1:500 Virgin General Question hogan36 Jump to first page36Jump to last page 4 yearsSebastsk8 (2354): @HulkSmash I grabbed a couple of those already 😂
Golden Age Batman and Wonder Woman slabs for sale andrewscomics 11 4 yearsBobashek (991): Do you have any GA Batman 9 or older or Detective earlier than 77?
WTB: 9.9 and 10.0 Superman Unchained jgzachary13 3 4 yearsjgzachary13 (187): @dielinfinite Yeah. I figured it’s worth a shot though.
Prodigy 1-6 CBCS 9.8 2-6 9.4 1. Netflix adaptation Jetsetfive 1 4 yearsJetsetfive (8): #1 is a 9.4 the others are all 9.8 Great series plus the Netflix adaptation is right around the corner. $350 plus shipping. Let me know if anyone is interested.
Going to be adding some additional comics to my MCS/SlabSmart store Scifinator 2 4 yearsScifinator (15986): So, here are the Indie publishers that I will be sending to MCS. It will be about 400 additional comics so it will take some time. If anyone care to offer an opinion or desire as to which publishers I send first, feel free to let me know. Big Entertainment Bravura Broadway Chaos Continuity Defiant Event Majestic Malibu Sirius Tekno Topps Triumphant Ultraverse Cheers
Slabs for Sale - Infinite Crisis 3 and Detective Comics 27 Fan Expo lawguy1977 1 4 yearslawguy1977 (7554): Couple slabs here for sale. Shipping is via USPS Priority Mail and included in the price. I accept payment via PayPal. Any questions, just let me know. Thanks for looking! Infinite Crisis #3 - First Jamie Reyes (new Blue Beetle) - Perez Variant. Asking $110 OBO
GeekFuel Variants - Anyone Familiar with these?` dfoster43 3 4 yearsdfoster43 (1768): Thanks! Yeah all the Rebirth copies I saw were other variants, not this GeeksRule. I'm sure the other two are in that same camp or worse. LOL
Batman 232 and Detective Comics 1000 Slabs for Sale lawguy1977 10 4 yearsDavethebrave (17407): Love this book - I need to get mine signed and graded. TATs make yours tempting to just have two haha
2 CBCS graded comics up for Auction w/ $1 starting bids. Scifinator 6 4 yearsScifinator (15986): With one day left, the current bid on the Alpha Flight #1 is $37 The current bid on the WildCATS #1 is at $47. Happy bidding.
Evil Ernie 1-5 Set for Sale Murm 6 4 yearsMurm (2619): Refreshing thread GoCollect FMV is $1405 my price $1300 shipped.
Books for Sale Murm Jump to first page32Jump to last page 4 yearsMurm (2619): Refreshing thread with updated prices.
MCS "Scuffed" comment - Should I be mad?? dfoster43 Jump to first page33Jump to last page 4 yearsDrWatson (59460): There we go:
Hcanes Slabbed Books for Sale Hcanes 7 4 yearsHcanes (6011): Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 97 Kevin Eastman Studios Variant CGC 9.8 Signed and remarked by Kevin Eastman $175
Selling Key book! Incredible Hulk #180 CBCS 5.5 jw0ng23 2 4 yearsjw0ng23 (3): additional pic
Shadow Doctor Exclusive Beeda 1 4 yearsBeeda (59): Hey everyone, we wanted to let you know that our new exclusive drops next week with cover art by Beeda. There are limited 200 trade dress and 100 negative print. We chose this book because it's a phenomenal story...a phenomenal true story. It has lasting ramifications for social impact regarding race relations. The story follows the first black doctor West of the Mississippi who gets in with the Mob and Al Capone. Anyway, we thought we'd...
WTB Strange Tales #169, 170, 173 and anything with Brother Voodoo flanders 14 4 yearsdfoster43 (1768): Wow that 169 just sold for crazy dosh for a nice copy, like 27K$ ! LOL yikes!
Fresh slabs for sale. X-men, gi joe, spider-gwen, miles morales Mattcomics 16 4 yearsMattcomics (4): Edge of spider-verse 2 sold
2nd Annual Pennsylvania Comic Crawl! July 10th Doc_Cop 4 4 yearsDoc_Cop (3100): Crawl was a blast! Scored some great bronze and copper keys as well as some speck books. Go to my YouTube channel "Doc Cop Comics" and check out my hauls from the crawl. Hope you can all make it next year. So much nicer bonding with fellow collectors in person.
Flanders's MCS Auctions Ending 7-14 to 7-15 - Hulk, TMNT, Venom flanders 6 4 yearsScifinator (15986): Open thread to view post.
22 Comics up for Auction (Most are CBCS 9.8) Scifinator 24 4 yearsScifinator (15986): . Current bid $26
xkonk's new sales thread xkonk Jump to first page120Jump to last page 4 yearsxkonk (18077): Last bump and then the previous three are off to MCS this week. I haven't sent them anything to auction in a while and I'm going to remind myself how much I prefer them to eBay.
Auction ending Monday July 5th. Scifinator 2 4 yearsScifinator (15986): Current bids are: Alpha Flight 1 8.5 = $41.00 and ends around 5pm Pacific/8pm Eastern WildCATS #1 9.8 = $57 and ends around 8:30pm Pacific/11:30pm Eastern. Direct Link:
Books for sale HOGLEG Jump to first page50Jump to last page 4 yearsJesse_O (39345): @HOGLEG I know a bunch of guys looking for Philippine editions of American comics from the 80's and earlier. If you run across any, I can hook you up with buyers. I hope your move is smooth.
12 item AUCTION for Jesse_O Final Scifinator installment! Scifinator 22 4 yearsScifinator (15986): Just waiting for the payment on 5 comics from the above auction, so hopefully I can make the contribution this week. Thank you to any of you who bid on and or won any of these auctions. As soon as the payments are completed I will forward 100% of the proceeds to the @Jesse_O GoFundMe account that @SBorock set up. Again, if everyone pays, the total of all three of my auctions should net appx $500 after MCS fees.
Ebay Payment Dispute Update drchaos 25 4 yearsxvipah (4870): Blocked
Just posted some stuff on eBay... joelzstuff 8 4 yearsjoelzstuff (90): Ending today Thanks everyone! -Joel
I have some CBCS and CGC comic books in my eBay listing... Aslpride 3 4 yearsComicNinja0215 (6201): Welcome Kevin! 👍
Part 2 - New Auction for Jesse_O Scifinator 6 4 yearsDarkseid_of_town (14297): gave the Alpha flight a pretty good shove, but did not get the lead.
Auction for Jesse_O Scifinator 15 4 yearsScifinator (15986): Thanks to any who bid. The final bids were $30 for the alpha flight 1 and 82 For the wildcats 1. I suspect the af 1 was lower than typical as a lot of people were probably still in the middle of activities or traveling back from the holiday. I will announce another benefit auction shortly.
For Sale: X-Men #129 lawguy1977 19 4 yearsDarkseid_of_town (14297): Its also a book that is right at forty years old ...aside from introducing two key players in the x men storyline. So many comics that are selling nowdays are random speculation but this book has perhaps been underpriced for a while already...Key villians that appear in a movie nowdays gain much more traction but since February Jones appeared as the character before Disney it did not seem to push the book up as may be only now seeing...
For Sale Raws and Slabs - Keys - Champions #1, Spectacular Spiderman #1 Doc_Cop 8 4 yearsDoc_Cop (3100): Punisher #1 SOLD SOLD SOLD to HeinzDad.
WildCATS #1 & Alpha Flight #1 up for $1 starting bid auctions! Scifinator 4 4 yearsScifinator (15986): Auctions end tonight with the Alpha Flight # 1 ending just after 8pm Eastern / 5pm Pacific and the WildCATS #1 ending about 11:30pm Eastern / 8:30 Pacific. Good luck to you if bidding.
CBCS Slabs for sale Carpendaddy 1 4 yearsCarpendaddy (70): - pictures of books Payment via PayPal. Shipping will be USPS and shipping charges are factored into pricing. I haven’t sold here yet but if you need references I can provide them. Also have eBay and mercari profiles with 100% positive feedback on both. Amazing Spider-Man 300 CBCS 7.0 - $675 Amazing Spider-man 238 CBCS 9.6 - $1200 Batman Adventures 12 CBCS 9.4 - $1100 Batman & Robin Adventures Annual 1...
FOR SALE: Flash Comics #86 - CBCS 2.5 - WHITE Pages Terry_JSA 21 4 yearsTerry_JSA (86): You guys are totally fine. I forgot I had this thread posted on here and since no one decided to buy it, I just closed it.
For Sale - Some Slabs and Raw Books From My Collection esaravo Jump to first page104Jump to last page 4 yearscesidio (2429): Turtles (original series)1-4 1 2 can be any printing 3 4 1st Thor #4 V1 FF #20 Thor #148 V1 Wolverine returns #1 McFarlane variant color or b&w
Slabs for Sale lawguy1977 5 4 yearslawguy1977 (7554): @Jabberwookie I know, right? But hey, maybe the movie will be good. Thanks for the bump!
Alpha Flight #1 Vol 1 auction Scifinator 17 4 yearsScifinator (15986): Sold
Wisdom on Selling Most of My Collection jgzachary13 20 4 yearsjgzachary13 (187): @xkonk Thank you. I believe I will work with the CGCs on EBay first and then break up raws into lots and follow the steps you mention. I’ll determine MCS v. EBay then and hopefully have more time. Thank you (and everyone) again.
Ebay New Listing Format Help & Questions Thread drchaos 12 4 yearsEbayMafia (37349): lol, I wonder if he was short-selling their stock at the time. Sorry, this is how it read in summary view.
Comic Sale - Raw keys and first Dylan Brock Slab Doc_Cop 10 4 yearsDoc_Cop (3100): @Joosh - Your books are packed up and ready to ship. Just need your info.
Sales slowdown or anomoly? Scifinator Jump to first page56Jump to last page 4 yearsTowmater (10537): Seeing how long TAT's have become in the industry, if I ran a large convention I would offer free space to a grading company if they came and graded at my show. I think it would entice people to the show in big numbers and get people through the doors that might be hesitant to venture out. On a side note, I think that the grading companies might want to freeze new submissions until TAT's get beck to a more reasonable amount of time. Maybe...
Ebay - WTF is Gallery Plus Fee drchaos 11 4 yearsScifinator (15986): @drchaos - Maybe you were hacked by @ebaymafia
WTB Wartime Captain America, here's a detailed post of what I'm looking for BuffJake09 9 4 yearsBuffJake09 (420): Thanks for the bump!
COMIX FOR SALE! comixcited Jump to first page36Jump to last page 4 yearscomixcited (1337): X-men #130 FN $75
Slabs and Raws For Sale jokioo 5 4 yearsBriten (1968): I purchased a slab from Jokioo a few weeks ago. Good seller, good packaging.
SOS...need to flip this 9.8 for the Diego Luna signing ERB_in_CLT 1 4 yearsERB_in_CLT (660): I've not sold on this forum before, so please be gentle. :D $225 shipped Donny Cates signed 9.8 Venom #30 Alex Garner variant I thought I would try here before Mercari (where I do have some minor keys for sale btw ) DM me if interested. Thanks!
FS some slabs and raw books starlord 15 4 yearsstarlord (6331):
Will GoCollect blog move the needle on this comic? Scifinator 12 4 yearsJesse_O (39345): CBSI (Comic Book Speculation and Investing) has mentioned Exile comics frequently the last 2 years or so.
Weekly SlabSmart/MCS auction ending Monday 4/26 Scifinator 2 4 yearsScifinator (15986): These two auctions end tonight with: Alpha Flight #1 Vol 1 ending just after 8pm E / 5pm P and a current bid of $30. WildCATS #1 9.8 Vol 1 ends just after 11pm E / 8pm P and a current bid of $51. Good luck to those bidding and thanks much for checking them out. Direct Auction Link
FOR SALE! Amazing Spider-man 238 CGC 9.6 Rjman48 3 4 yearsRjman48 (306): SOLD
Some books and slabs for sale Yoosh5492 11 4 yearsYoosh5492 (763): @Ginosdad It was so bad. Lol. Nothing in there that I would ever buy.
48 CBCS Graded Comics in SlabSmart MCS Prime Auction Scifinator Jump to first page39Jump to last page 4 yearsScifinator (15986): Looks like no winner this time as the Hulk 250 took the top bid followed very.l closely by detective comics 536. I will probably run the contest again in the July prime auction. Cheers and thanks to any who bid and congrats to any winners.
Contest alert! Scifinator 7 4 yearsScifinator (15986): @Stantheman - Sorry, window closed last night at midnight.
MCS Prime Auction: Star Wars Legacy #2 9.6 lawguy1977 2 4 yearslawguy1977 (7554): Just giving this a bump. Auction ends in 2 days. Current bid is up to $218.00, I believe. Thanks for checking it out!
Mixed lot Cbcs/cgc slabs and raw books for sale Enelson Jump to first page103Jump to last page 4 yearsEnelson (6289): $125 OBO shipped 6.5 white pages
FS: Bronze Age Incredible Hulk Slabs tonnage71 3 4 yearstonnage71 (730): @Dalkiel...thanks! PM me your shipping info and I will reply with my PayPal details.
FS: Demon #1 cbcs 7.0 starlord 6 4 yearsCli4dR3D0g (5431): Absolutely.
SLABS FOR SALE BronzeAgeBaby 8 4 yearsBronzeAgeBaby (286): BUMP, price includes US ship/insurance
Weekly auction ending the evening of Monday the 5th Scifinator 1 4 yearsScifinator (15986): Up for auction this week, a CBCS certified 9.8 WildCATS #1, featuring 10 first appearances, and an Alpha Flight #1 which presents at first glance at around a 9.6, but upon close inspection you have these grader notes: "light stain front & back cover bottom spine", hence the lesser grade. Direct Link: Thanks for checking them out & good luck if...
ALBEDO #2 CGC 8.0 first appearance of Usagi Yojimbo - 1 of 2,000 jeranimal 11 4 yearsHeinzDad (38289): @jeranimal, I’d love to own this but pre stimulus piss away money I’ve never seen this book priced so high. I’m putting it bluntly.
Venom 26 Variant Covers jgzachary13 14 4 yearsSebastsk8 (2354): This was the first book I did some actual speculative purchases on and bought 10 copies of the trade dress kirkham A covers, they have since dropped in price but I made a few hundred off of them from that gamble. Since then I havent done that really, just bought covers that I liked or were harder to find. The peach venom 30 sketch cover is one of my more favorite recent covers though, the knull/venom cover is a nice one.
SLABS FOR SALE: Including First Morbius ASM 101! Doc_Cop Jump to first page31Jump to last page 4 yearsDoc_Cop (3100): Thanks @MatterEaterLad! Glad it arrived safely. Enjoy and I appreciate you helping me out. Enabled me to buy my Iron Man #1 which I had been hunting for over a year. All the best.
25 SLABS FOR SALE - Including Top Census and Bronze Keys jbud73 Jump to first page39Jump to last page 4 yearsjbud73 (103): Star Wars 43 is SOLD
FS: Silver Age Marvels, Mega Keys, and Underground Comics (eBay) MatterEaterLad 16 4 years00slim (18687): My purchase arrived today. Very well packaged. The wife loves it. Thank you!
Weekly $1 auction ending Monday 3/29 Scifinator 1 4 yearsScifinator (15986): This week, my last 6.5 Alpha Flight #1 is up along with another WildCATS #1 9.8. As with the other Alpha Flights that i have been auctioning, this presents much higher, but for close inspection. Here are the grader notes: 2" stain bottom spine back cover & bottom spine front cover Auction Link: Direct Link Thanks for checking them out. ...
Auction ending Monday 22nd w/ $1 start bids Scifinator 4 4 yearsScifinator (15986): Alpha Flight #1 SOLD @ $31 - Thank you to bidders. WildCATS #1 still open for bids for another 3 hrs.
Photo Quality - Or lack thereof Scifinator 17 4 yearsScifinator (15986): LOL somehow I knew some were gonna have fun with the 9.9 /9.8. Honestly, I wanted to illustrate how different lighting affects The photo. With the same camera. Home is LED whhile office is fluorescent. And no, nothing stays displayed at the office. Those are to be sold and boxed up, so no chance of damage from the fluorescent lighting. Home is obviously for my permanent (force ghost) collection. If you haven’t done so before, if you...
Selling my collection HOGLEG 14 4 yearsHOGLEG (366): I can, but I'd rather not do it on ebay. If we could make a deal on something here, that would work. Is there something you're looking for that I may have?
Feedback on New Service GuaranteedComics Jump to first page45Jump to last page 4 yearsGuaranteedComics (15): @sportshort Thank you! We are glad you were satisfied with our service. Hope to see you back in the shop! -Jesus
Selling A Few To Buy Back A Few 00slim 20 4 yearsflanders (29016): Deleted, saw comic sold I was referring to.
MCS / SlabSmart weekly auction ending March 15th Scifinator 4 4 yearsScifinator (15986): WildCATS 1 9.8 current bid at $56 with a couple hours left Alpha Flight #1 sold at $24
Mars Attacks & MCP Trade? Scifinator 1 4 yearsScifinator (15986): Hi all. Before I send these in to MCS SlabSmart store, I wanted to find out if anyone is interested in picking these up from me in trade? I have: Marvel Comics Presents CBCS 9.8 #'s 90-102, 104, & 106-108 Mars Attacks 1 - 7 (have NOT been pressed) #'s 1,3,4,5,7 are 9.8. #2 & #6 are 9.6. #2 Graders notes: crease middle left back cover barely breaks color#6 Graders notes: light bends middle crease back cover Mars Attacks...
Silk #1 Stacey Lee 1:25 CBCS 9.8 SS Stacey Lee/Stan Lee FS pkpickard 2 4 yearspkpickard (42): Now on Ebay with a $9 starting bid, no reserve.
My eBay and MCS stuff for sale lawguy1977 10 4 yearsHulkSmash (11374): Got today. Couldn’t ask for any better. Thanks!
MCS SlabSmart auction ending Monday March 8th Scifinator 7 4 yearsScifinator (15986): Tonights auctions end at Appx 8pm E / 5pm P for Alpha Flight #1 w/current bid at $21 Appx 11:40pm E / 8:40pm P for WildCATS #1 w/current bid at $51 Direct link: MCS / SlabSmart 3/8 Auction Good luck to you if bidding!
FOR SALE! Fantastic Four 5 CGC 4.5 Rjman48 5 4 yearsTerry88 (1276): Well done It sure presents better than a 4.5
Image error comics Airmomo 13 4 yearsAirmomo (24): Never seen that spawn error before pretty cool.that vision book is a killer find also.
I am on a podcast tonight 10pm EST sborock 5 4 yearsSpiderTim (3425): I'll have to watch it later as I missed it!
Amazing Sycophant Gleason Homage Slabs Cowabunga_Kyle 6 4 yearsNuffsaid111 (20654): Yeaaaaa... and further than that; I'm not quite sure if that comic was put forth for him to sign that he might not go.... in light terms.... No, I'm not signing
Silver Surfer #1 activity/spike Scifinator 7 4 yearsGAC (79173): @the420bandito my opinion on this (like any movies etc.) is that when it ends, the values of these book will be higher than their values before the TV/Movie announcement but lower than their highest values during the time of broadcast/theatre run.
WTB: Detective Comics 583 9.6-9.8 00slim 12 4 years00slim (18687): @Studley_Dudley Ok. I appreciate the follow-up.
ISO/WTB Iron Fist 14 Cardiac 3 4 yearsCardiac (2): Sorry for not clarifying that, yes 1977 first sabretooth.
Silver Surfer 3 CGC 8.0 FOR SALE Rjman48 12 4 yearssoutherncross (33782): @Rjman48 congrats on the sale 👍
FS: Slabbed Modern Keys tonnage71 4 4 yearstonnage71 (730): ASM #210 is gone! All other books still available.
For sale Golden Age Cgroc09 13 4 yearsCgroc09 (244): Action comics # 81 SOLD Thanks. Paul
xkonk's revived sale thread xkonk Jump to first page571Jump to last page 4 yearsxkonk (18077): Someone cleared out a bunch of my 90s Image and Malibu from eBay. The shipping is going to kill me but now I don't have to look at them!
For sale Fantastic Four Cgroc09 5 4 yearsCgroc09 (244): You got it. PM inbound. Thanks
For sale ASM 62 Cgroc09 13 4 yearsCgroc09 (244): ASM # 62 SOLD Thanks, Paul
CBCS 9.8 and Raw Books for Sale jibaro 1 4 yearsjibaro (22): CBCS 9.8 Modern Key lot Ice Cream Man Presents Quarantine Comix Special #1 CBCS 9.8 / Foil Cover - $150 Superman #25 CBCS 9.8 / Ivan Reis Variant / 1st Appearance of Synmar - $100 Batman #96 CBCS 9.8 / Jimenez Variant / 1st Appearance of Clownhunter - *SOLD* Batman #93 CBCS 9.8 / Jimenez Variant - $80 All Books are Near Mint The following Raw Books are for sale: Daredevil #25 - *SOLD* Daredevil #25 Knullified Variant -...
HUGE Auction Mostly 9.8's & CBCS! Scifinator Jump to first page31Jump to last page 4 yearsmoodswing (3041): @Scifinator Link didn't work. I should be able to find your shop though.
Online Auction websites that pay the highest prices to seller Defunct 14 4 yearsNelsconey (211): Slowly phasing people over. I assumed if one was just starting to sell. They will be enrolled. I cannot stand this new system.
Riddle me this... Scifinator 16 4 yearsZombiebigfoot (4269): Smh... Ralphie? Take it from here please... 😝
Auction! 100+ Copper & Modern CBCS 9.8 Keys end TONIGHT (Weds)! vacomicon 1 4 yearsvacomicon (190): I have over 100 9.8 Copper and Modern keys (A-L) ending tonight (weds) 8-1130p EST at's Prime auction. Just go to THIS LINK and type the title below into the search bar. Thanks for looking everyone! Action Comics (1938 DC) #862B CBCS 9.8 Keith Giffen Variant Current bid: $17.00 Adventures of Superman (1987) #424 CBCS 9.8 Direct Edition. Current bid: $27.00 Air Raiders (1987 Marvel/Star Comics) #1 CBCS 9.8 ...
AF 15 CBCS 7.0 Ex(p), Hulk #1 and Fantastic Four #1 Both CBCS 5.0 Ex(p) WOW RedKnight Jump to first page76Jump to last page 4 yearsJabberwookie (5694): At the end of the day, I think both the seller and RedMisty were both doing what they thought was best. Look, even I had some concerns with such big name books being the first post here. It doesn't have to be contentious or lead to bad feelings, as long as everyone gets it was just a miscommunication. Congrats on the Sale Redknight! Those were beautiful books, and I do hope you enjoy your time here!
4 days left! CBCS 9.8's for $17 or less each! See list! vacomicon 1 4 yearsvacomicon (190): I wanted to thank everyone who has bid on my entries in the latest MyComicShop auction (ending in 4 days...or less!). Here's the list of books priced less than the cost of grading you can bid on right now over at: My Comic Shop Jan Prime Auction CBCS 9.8s. Just click the link above and type the title below into the search and you can go right to it. Action Comics (1938 DC) #862B CBCS 9.8 Keith Giffen Variant Current...
8 CBCS Graded Comics w/$1 Starting bids Scifinator 13 4 yearsScifinator (15986): @poka - Congrats and thank you. FYI, i was the original owner of that comic since publication. It was purchased through a local comic shop on St. College Blvd. in Anaheim California. It closed not to long after due to a combo of rent increase along with new competition created by Mile High comics opening there SuperStore a couple of miles away also in Anaheim. That MHC would also close a couple of years later due to the comics crash. ...
For Sale 1st App Krypto, Mr. Freeze, Sabrina SupaCor 9 4 yearskaptainmyke (27134): I've been wanting an Archies Madhouse 22 for a while now, raw copy
Ebay question - military and diplomatic mail drchaos 15 4 yearschester15 (2152): Thanks for your help![/quote] You're welcome. If you don't mind me asking, how much is the shipment for, roughly? Is it a lot at risk?
High grade keys for sale and auction Ambush_Bug 1 4 yearsAmbush_Bug (201): Hi there, I have a number of High grade Books up for auction this week, and some for sale, including a 9.8 SS of Amazing Spiderman #4, first Silk, and a 9.8 Ms. Marvel # 1, Origin and 1st series of Kamila Kahn, Abedo 3,the 2nd Appearance of Usagi Yojimbo, signed with sketch, Silver age keys such as an 8.5 Avengers 47, first Dane Whitman/ The Black Knight and an 8.0 Fantastic Four #33, first Attuma. I hope you can check them out, amongst many...
200+ Copper & Modern Keys - ALL CBCS 9.8's - $1 Auction begins MON Jan 4! vacomicon 10 4 yearsKatKomics (31323): @vacomicon Have them all except the Care Bears and Muppet Babies!!
WTB/ISO Captain America Annual 8 cgc 9.8 newsstand Rjman48 2 4 yearsStudley_Dudley (53746): Good luck. I have a 9.6 for you if you can't find a 9.8
ISO: X-Men 266 CGC 9.8 NEWSSTAND. Want to buy Rjman48 3 4 yearsRjman48 (306): Found 1. Thanks
47 CBCS graded comics up for Auction! Scifinator 17 4 yearsScifinator (15986): And for those Newsstand Fans at $9 with 9 min left:
Special discount for CBCS forum members! Scifinator 16 4 yearsScifinator (15986): Just in time for Christmas! I have the last of my listings up in the SlabSmart store of mcs. Here is the direct link: clickable text Treat yourself to a great gift...Currently 1519 to choose from. Ehh, why choose, just buy em all. Still offering a 22% discount for CBCS forum members.
WTB X-Men #4 Slabbed low to mid-grade flanders 1 4 yearsflanders (29016): Thanks for looking, please pm me if you have a one and the price you're interested in selling for.
John Severin collection CBCS grade comics are for sale TerrysComics 3 4 yearsFirehawk2069 (714): That All American Men of War looks pretty sweet!
Awesome Slabs For Awesome Folks! Noblebeast315 11 4 yearsSiggy (25634): My slabs arrived and were perfectly packaged! Thanks!!
20% off $100+ daredevilart 1 4 yearsdaredevilart (390): I need to move some books! Until the end of the month just use coupon code "fearless" and get 20% any order of $100 or more. Note: discount will not apply to already discounted books. Lots of new CBCS slabbed books! A chance to grab some keys for under FMV! PS - keep...
MCS Weekly Auction Star Wars #22 and #39 CBCS 9.8 Ending 11-23 flanders 6 4 yearspoka (25529): Sorry. I am still the high bidder on one of them :)
Wtb marvel team up 141 Stan Lee sig 9.8 Nystalgik 6 4 yearsNystalgik (21): Thanks guys. I have Stan Lee signed 252, 300, SW #8, first app carnage and Spiderman #1 all 9.8's. don't care if it's cgc, pgx or cbcs. My 300 as Stan Lee 9.8 is actually cbcs and it's a beauty. Love cbcs slabs because I know their grading is impeccable and market hasn't caught up to their quality yet so if I can get them for less it's a higher ROI in the future when market catches up.
Star Wars #1 up for Auction! Scifinator 6 4 yearsScifinator (15986): Whoops, forgot, doesn't actually end at 7 pm Eastern, the proxy bids end at 7pm. At that time, the live bidding starts and there are about 400 lots before this one, so if I were to guess, this auction will probably hit around 8pm Easter or give or take. Auction link for this Bronze Age beauty: clickable text
500 CBCS 9.8's FIXED-PRICE liquidation! Part 1 of 2! See list! vacomicon 3 4 yearsvacomicon (190): Rock on! Most appreciated! -Brett
500 CBCS 9.8's FIXED-PRICE liquidation! Part 2 of 2! See list! vacomicon 2 4 yearsno1lufcfan (3058): @vacomicon that's some great selection of 9.8s you have there good luck with your sales 👍
Joosh is selling some cheap CBCS & CGC slabs $150 and under Joosh 5 4 yearsJoosh (4179): Bump!
50 CBCS SLABS FOR SALE jbud73 Jump to first page79Jump to last page 4 yearsjbud73 (103): Ok this thread is Now CLOSED. Thanks again to all who made purchases.
8 hour flash sale VSP Remarked Thanos Quest 1 & 2 2nd print Scifinator 4 4 yearsScifinator (15986): Gone.
Predator #1 CBCS 9.4 signed by Chris Warner fakadar 4 4 yearsScorpion (1016): agree, More like $150 with that signature,
New sales store Scifinator 5 4 yearsScifinator (15986): Just an update, there are now over 1,000 comics listed in SlabSmart at Mostly CBCS Marvel, Valiant, DC, and Image followed currently with a smattering of other independents. That will change over the Next few months. Here is the link again: clickable text Remember, if you give me a heads up that you are making an offer, you will get a 22% discount. If not, i will either decline or counter at 0%-10% depending on the...
500 (!!) CBCS 9.8 SLABS! $1 LIQUIDATION AUCTION! vacomicon 15 4 yearsmoodswing (3041): @vacomicon Preview what you will be listing? I need an xmen 94 :)
Mail Call Scifinator 9 4 yearsScifinator (15986): @Doc_Cop Thanks much
WTB or Trade for - Scifinator 3 4 yearsadgbiking (161): Pm'd
Why I became slab obsessed... Scifinator 13 4 yearsScifinator (15986): Which is one of the additional reasons I chose to use CBCS for the certification of all of my comics. Sure, I could have had some false higher grades for the portion of my collection that I was selling off, but I did not want to reward and perpetuate degradation and mediocrity. And, in the meantime, I am very confident in the grades of my permanent collection.
Books for Sale DWeeB1967 9 4 yearsDWeeB1967 (13031): The Amazing Spider-Man #100 and the New Mutants #87 are no longer available.
FS: Fantastic Four #52 CBCS 6.0 OW/W (1st app Black Panther) Darkga 3 4 yearsPre_Coder (19960): @Darkga That's a very sharp looking 6. No wonder it sold so quick! Congratulations! :beer:
Some books up for auction with MCS lawguy1977 1 4 yearslawguy1977 (7554): In case anyone is interested, I'm giving the MCS auction a try for a couple books. Batman #2 (2011) graded 9.6 by CBCS and signed by Snyder and Capullo clickable text Wolverine #66 (2003) graded 9.6 by CBCS and signed by Steve McNiven clickable text Auctions start later today. Thanks!
SauceDog auctions - No Reserve Graded Golden Age (and Swamp Thing) SauceDog 11 4 yearsBatman66 (22547): @SauceDog got one, missed the worlds of fear by $5
11 of my comics up for Auction at Heritage Scifinator 19 4 yearsScifinator (15986): @Doc_Cop - Some good results some not so good. Overall, slightly underwhelmed. There is another Star Wars 1 9.4 that will be coming up in another auction, not sure when as of yet. I think after that I will not use Heritage in the future. Anyone here win any of the below? $480 - Amazing Spider-Man 361 cgc 9.8 $110 - Amazing Spider-Man 362 cgc 9.8 $110 - Amazing Spider-Man 363 cgc 9.8 $ 80 - Deadpool #1 (1993) cgc 9.8 $ 12 - Harbinger #4...
Selling some slabs Dalkiel 6 5 yearsDalkiel (2090): I'll let him know. Thanks! Thanks Sportshort.
Want to trade? Scifinator 24 5 yearsScifinator (15986): Here is my updated want list: Archer & Armstrong Vol 1 - 0 Gold Armorines Vol 1 - 0 Gold Bloodshot Vol 1 - 0 Gold Chaos Effect Alpha Red Chaos Effect Omega Gold Cry for Dawn - # 1, 3, 4, 6 & 8 Crypt of Dawn - # 4 thru 6 Dawn Vol 1 - # 0.5 & 3 Dawn: Return of the Goddess - # 3, 4 Deathmate Blue (Gold Variant) - in CBCS 9.8 Eternal Warrior Vol 1 - #1 Gold Embossed Eternal Warrior Vol 1 - #1 Gold Flat Fantastic Four # 48, 49, &...
Ed's Summer Sale - Slabs and More esaravo Jump to first page136Jump to last page 5 yearsesaravo (103004): Wonder Woman #160 (1966) - CBCS 4.0 with Off-White/White pages, $165 shipped. This book features a Cheetah cover and appearance - although it does not state first SA Cheetah appearance on the label, that is how I see this book listed on eBay and other sites. Note: This book is from my personal collection. I don't believe that I purchased it new, but I know it has been in my collection for over 40 years. I submitted it to CBCS for grading...
Flanders's Comics for Auction at MCS - Ending Monday September 14th flanders 7 5 yearsTedsaid (7340): hey, that star wars is doing much better now!
Teenage mutant ninja turtles 1 2nd print on ebay Enelson Jump to first page45Jump to last page 5 yearsEnelson (6289): The saga of the tmnt auction is complete. The comic finally sold on Instagram through PayPal goods and services...not for the $4050 I thought had during an ebay auction, but for significantly more than last recorded sales.
Kon_Jelly's Modern Slabs for Sale kon_jelly 4 5 yearskon_jelly (571): We were all out of smaller boxes, but holy crap did the delivery folks do their best to crush that thing. Glad it arrived safely!
FS: Whiz Comics #22 - Classic Cover! 3.0 CBCS SauceDog 12 5 yearsTedsaid (7340): Yeah, I also wish I could afford it right now. Nice! Will keep it in mind, and maybe down the line it will still be available. Love the cover!
Several graded comics for sale; Johnjakewish 2 5 yearsJohnjakewish (81): Bump
Some raws, Graded and sigs for sale joelzstuff 8 5 yearsjoelzstuff (90): Ending today in a little over 1 hour. Please take a look. Thanks -Joel
Walkin' Willie's Comix on eBay! WalkinWillie 4 5 yearsWalkinWillie (238): @EbaySeller - I appreciate that but with the number of books I have up on eBay plus the fact that I reduce the price by 1% each day would make it tough to sell directly here. I wish they had some sort of "store" here where you could list and sell items for a modest fee similar to eCrater. eBay is so far from perfect but it gets a ton of eyeballs and that is what you are paying for fee-wise.
Marvel 2013 Newsstand edition going cheap on MCS auction Joosh 1 5 yearsJoosh (4179): OK, so it’s mine I’m selling, but MCS didn’t notate it’s a newsstand edition that pretty much can’t be found if your looking for it. So I want to let any newsstand edition hunters on the forums know about it. New Avenger 8, 1st appearance Black Order, graded CGC 9.2. It’s at $7 right now.
FS X-MEN 10 Cgroc09 8 5 yearsCgroc09 (244): No longer for sale. Thanks for the interest.
High End Spideys And More 4 Sale Noblebeast315 11 5 yearsElvinv (568): Finally received books. USPS 🤦‍♂️ Thank you
Absolute Carnage #1 Set hogan36 8 5 yearshogan36 (198): @HulkSmash Thank you!
Who likes Ashcans? Scifinator 28 5 yearsPuckster (3001): These were part of a collection I acquired recently. Anyone interested? Make an offer. I'll send actual scans if needed. ...
Absolute Carnage #1 Maximum Carnage Bundle Set hogan36 1 5 yearshogan36 (198):
What’s your preference? jaysonslade 6 5 yearsBigRedOne1944 (11568): Mis-Wraps SUCK.
Latest CBCS mail call drchaos 27 5 yearsdrchaos (30035): Sorry for the delay but all books are now priced and available for sale on My Comic Shop.
X-Men #2 for sale Cgroc09 12 5 yearsCgroc09 (244): SOLD. Thanks to everyone for your help and intrest. There's more to come. Paul
Some eBay Comics... Sigs and other stuff joelzstuff 5 5 yearsjoelzstuff (90): Bump Ending tomorrow Thanks again
Naftixe's Sales Thread naftixe Jump to first page45Jump to last page 5 yearsnaftixe (190): Update 07/19/2020 CBCS forum discounted prices. FREE Shipping within USA. International Shipping is extra. All of these Comics are listed in the CBCS Database. Send me a Direct CBCS Forum Message to buy at these prices. $35 Each, or 3 for $100: 9.4 Chastity Love Bites #1 Premium 9.2 Dawn #1 9.4 Lady Death: Love Bites #1 9.2 Lady Pendragon Preview Edition #1 8.0 Preacher #3 9.4 Undertaker #1 DF Alternate 9.4 Untold Tales Purgatori...
Pennsylvania Comic Crawl and Swap 7/26/2020 Doc_Cop 3 5 yearsDoc_Cop (3100): Thanks Scifinator. There will be other get togethers. Stay safe!
YoyTube Auctions Beef Doc_Cop 16 5 yearsDoc_Cop (3100): Catcover - that would be my luck as well.
Fantastic Four slabs for sale Nchatzi7 2 5 yearsNchatzi7 (105): Issue 16 and 67 sold.
For Sale: Modern & Bronze Keys tonnage71 17 5 yearstonnage71 (730): Great news @sportshort! Hope we can do business again one day.
For Sale Edge of Spider Verse 2 / ASAM 194 / Incredible Hulk 141 Doc_Cop 16 5 yearsDoc_Cop (3100): My intent on selling these keys was to get the cash together to score either an Iron Man 1 8.5 or an ASM 101 8.5. Ended up the winning bidder on the ASM 101. So thanks to all for your purchases. I hope you enjoy your books! I'll do an unboxing video on my YouTube channel (Doc Cop Comics) when I receive it. Nuff said.
Absolute Carnage Slabs FS HulkSmash 4 5 yearsHulkSmash (11374): These are back. Same deal as first post. New links below. Offers are welcome. Bagley Hidden Gem 9.8 CBCS $125 clickable text Premier Variant 9.8 CBCS $75 clickable text Donnie Cates Midtown Comics Exclusive 9.8 CBCS $50
ebay's partner network drchaos 6 5 yearschester15 (2152): I clicked on it, checked it out briefly. Yeah, looks like the affiliate program type thing. Saw that if I got someone to come to eBay through my efforts (links in blogs, emails, website, etc.), my Final Value Fee would be offset by my "earnings". If I directed them to eBay and they bought another seller's goods, I got a few %. I don't have the "goods" to try it - blog, website, etc., so I bailed before even applying. I...
Numbers on the back of my slabs?? TheJokersWild87 10 5 yearsScifinator (15986): “WELL”,that explains it! I had been wondering the same thing, but never thought to ask.
VENOM 25 CBCS 9.8 EDITION LIMITED TO 150 COPIES Cool_Fool 17 5 yearsCowabunga_Kyle (2271): From my computer I can see two links, on my phone it looked like a single link. My mistake.
Looking to sell 120 or so slabs worth $21K agamoto 21 5 yearsagamoto (292): Here's the spreadsheet link
CLZ comics app - Just missing comics? Comicscollection 8 5 yearsRinova (265): I've been using CLZ for a couple of years and it keeps getting better.
FS GRADED CGC & CBCS SLABS Cgroc09 10 5 yearsCgroc09 (244): Open thread to view post.
Fresh batch CBCS. Starting at $50 chefcomics 12 5 yearschefcomics (163): UPDATED LOT 21 COMICS $795 SHIPPED
Batman Keys for Sale lawguy1977 7 5 yearsesaravo (103004): So tempting, I've never owned a #171...
FS Graded CBCS Issues, Some Witnessed Sigs Cool_Fool 1 5 yearsCool_Fool (1071): Selling some issues, any that are listed as Signed, were done at NYCC 2019. None have been pressed or restored. All cases are mint and never taken out of protective sleeve. (so there might be glare on some pics, sorry). Shipped USPS Priority 2 day box, so there is tracking and insurance. FLAT $12 for any number of issues. Will use a bigger box for more than 2. (Valid for US, true cost other areas). Bubble wrapped and well protected against...
For sale early signed/graded X-Men Cgroc09 22 5 yearssportshort (20067): @Cgroc09 - Thanks, appreciate it.
Hey Guys, Wanna Trade? 00slim 30 5 yearsNelsconey (211): Is this still avail? Price?
Ed's Cabin Fever Sale esaravo Jump to first page84Jump to last page 5 yearsJohnnylray (2675): @esaravo I'd be happy to pay now and figure something down the road...This at Home crap is driving us all batty... Hope your family is safe and sound as well..Will talk soon. Thank you Ed!
CBCS. X men 4. Omega Red chefcomics 6 5 yearschefcomics (163):
... Enelson 13 5 yearsSiggy (25634): Yeah, I'm not playing either.
Rolling Back Prices on Top End Comic Connect Listings drchaos Jump to first page38Jump to last page 5 yearsdrchaos (30035): World's Finest Comics # 179 CGC 9.0 $125 World's Finest Comics # 182 CGC 9.2 $88 World's Finest Comics # 186 CGC 9.4 $125 World's Finest Comics # 203 CGC 9.4 $95 ...
Trolling comic Tom and cgc Zombie_Head 10 5 yearsZombie_Head (3600): Lol
Mail Call SDCC drop off Continued Scifinator 19 5 yearsScifinator (15986): Ok, i had to go into the office fo some essential business and while i was there, i took an extra 15 min to unbox the above mail call. Here is the photo: And to make close ups:
FS EARLY AVENGERS SLABS Cgroc09 3 5 yearsCgroc09 (244): Avengers 52 SOLD Avengers 55 still available, offers welcome
SOLD gregha Jump to first page39Jump to last page 5 yearsgregha (31): Yes, it is a different one. I didn't realize the other existed. Obviously I think he is asking too little but it's his book. @cool_fool was just trying to help protect other members but he was wrong about it being the same book. It wasn't, many similar copies exist.
FS: Eternals #13 CBCS 9.8 WP $850 shipped RedGiant 4 5 yearsRedGiant (22): CLOSED - Don't see a way to edit main thread - this deal is no longer available.
CGC Charges for everything dang. Zombie_Head 16 5 yearsEbayMafia (37349): I heard they instituted a Soul-Screen as part of the hiring process. There's probably a YouTube video about it.
$0.01 opening bid Auction w/FREE shipping! Scifinator 9 5 yearsScifinator (15986): SOLD - $19.50
WTS NYCC TMNT & DeadPool Signed 9.6s & 9.8s Cool_Fool 1 5 yearsCool_Fool (1071): All signatures were done at NYCC 2019. These are being offered here and not on feebay or other sites for a week or two to give you fine ppl a shot at some great issues at good prices. TMNT #1A Re-cover (7/18) Planet Awesome Exclusive - Signed by CA Boss Logic, Signed & Remarked by Kevin Eastman (Raphael cover) $120 ...
Slabbed Amazing Spider-Man Keys FS: 6, 9, 13, 14, 15 & 20 00slim Jump to first page40Jump to last page 5 years00slim (18687): #14 & #15 just SOLD to a board member. Only #6, first Lizard remains.
Superman #224 graded $0.01 Auction w/FREE domestic shipping! Scifinator 12 5 yearsScifinator (15986): Yes, I do. And, as @Poka said, only Buy It Now listings can be promoted. But, a lot of people will do a search for auction style listings or "lowest price" so auctions have their own drivers in a sense. Now, what comic should I put up for my next .01 starting auction? Think...think...think. No, it is not going to be Winnie the Pooh or Do You Pooh for that matter, as I have neither in my collection.
My CBCS Graded Comic Auctions Kinsella5 3 5 yearsKinsella5 (782): Actually it is technically my first time offering slabbed comics on eBay as I sat on the grading fence for a very long time, finally submitting some books last June, and again in December. Some to keep, some to sell but from an eBay seller standpoint, I have been selling since March 1997. I plan on packaging them quite carefully. Lots more I plan on submitting this year for grading. :-)
Rhode Island Comic Con Mail Call drchaos Jump to first page57Jump to last page 5 yearsno1lufcfan (3058): @drchaos wow that's some nice books....and 800 books at RI.....👍👍👍
Bad Buyer Alert!!! Yoosh5492 7 5 yearsetapi65 (4060): This is what it sounds like is happening. Taking the hit as a buyer to feedback to increase chances of selling his copies.
$0.01 Auction-Web of Spider-Man #90 (Doppelganger Edition) CBCS Graded 9.4 Scifinator 7 5 yearsScifinator (15986): 1 hour left!
Graded Comics for Sale by Scifinator Scifinator Jump to first page58Jump to last page 5 yearsScifinator (15986): So, today, I offer up my early X-Men comic to the CBCS rhelm: Freshly Graded 5.5 Fine - with WHITE Pages in January 2020 and has NOT been restored. Photos reflect slab has not been removed from protective bag hence some color/reflection effects. Up for Sale! X-Men # 12 Volume 1 - This important early issue of X-Men contains not only the first appearance of powerhouse villain Juggernaut, but the Origin of X-Men mentor Professor Charles...
Flanders's Slab Sales Thread flanders 19 5 yearsflanders (29016): bump...need $ for food.
CRUZZER's SALE Gabriel85301 17 5 yearsArak (1000): Oh ... no. I am so sorry , You misunderstood me .. What I meant to say was since I dont do signatures do you have anything unsigned other then Street Fighter?
Nova 1 9.8 for sale Yoosh5492 7 5 yearsArak (1000): Sheesh !! Nice job Yoosh ( as I scrape the gunk off my cowboy boots ) ;) Great Nova though !! :beer:
Mail Call from Submission 2 days PRIOR to Holiday promo. Scifinator 5 5 yearsScifinator (15986): That is just it, it was green because of manufacturing error.
MAGNUS Robot Fighter #12 CGC 8.5 Up for Auction with $0.01 starting Bid Scifinator 15 5 years50AE_DE (6464): That's great if you got it as a "throw in" since you probably just broke even after shipping and ebay fees. I did look at your other books and even though you had a bunch of 9.8's, the books were just a lot of stuff you can see in quarter bins.
For Sale - Batman Shadow of the Bat #1 CBCS 9.4 Has NOT been Pressed! Scifinator 15 5 yearsScifinator (15986): SOLD!
Comic Connect Donnied 8 5 yearsandy49 (4426): metropolis site also down due to new improvements (they own commicconnect) seems odd they would take both down at the same time how are they selling anything?
Major Key for Sale...maybe trade Dfanderson 2 5 yearsBigRedOne1944 (11568): Nice looking book with a nice straight cover. Is the last photo the same book? Before it was graded?
Selling CGC 9.8 Slab signed both by Superman and Wonder Woman Voice Actors B3Chandler 12 5 yearsB3Chandler (171): Bump, also I’ve lowered the price down to $70 with free shipping! =]
Online YouTube Auction MarvelousComics 28 5 yearsMarvelousComics (2067): Last Charity Auction of the Year for Hero Initiative CBCS gradings were donated and up for auction tonight! Thanks @SBOROCK
Graded Batman Shadow of the Bat straight auction w/FREE Shipping! Scifinator 10 5 yearsScifinator (15986): Sold $29!
Hero Initiative AUCTION! sborock 8 5 yearssborock (48469): Yep! I will be on talking about the Hero Initiative.
CBCS Graded Books For Sale! tunglashr 1 5 yearstunglashr (10): I have a nice stack of CBCS graded stuff I need to get on the market due to the purchase of a grail book (ToS 39). Offers on multiple books with a discount will be considered. Images of all books are in a linked imgur album at the bottom of the post, and more can be provided. Payment via PP G&S. Because all books are graded, no returns. Lets get started! Harbinger 1 CBCS 9.6 verified Jim Shooter and David Lapham signatures...
Marvelous Comics Sale Thread MarvelousComics Jump to first page67Jump to last page 5 yearsMarvelousComics (2067): Buy 2 get 1 free is slated to run through December 21st. Just go to the link and search in store for CBCS and all those will show up.
BIG Bronze Age auction starts Monday -Wonder Woman, B&B, Supes, Star War #1 Tedsaid Jump to first page42Jump to last page 5 yearspoka (25529): It is a new feature they have started to roll out
Lehigh Valley Comic Con December 7th Doc_Cop 1 5 yearsDoc_Cop (3100): I will be selling a few hundred key comics, all 8.0 - 9.8, 50 graded and the rest raw at this coming Saturday's Lehigh Valley Comic Con located at Lehigh Carbon Community College in Schnecksville, PA. Hope to see you there. For those not interested in keys, I will also have a few long dollar boxes. For those who have bought from me in the past, all books are sold below FMV. Nuff said...Joe
2 keys for sale: TEC 359 and Next Men 21 the420bandito 11 5 yearsTedsaid (7340): I have one copy of Next Men #21 9.8 and I love it. I'd never sell it for less than $300 personally ... much prefer this issue to the SDCC "first appearance" issue. There were a couple Hellboy tryouts before SDCC too. The way I see it, Next Men #21 is the first real comic book appearance. But I understand that some people prefer the SDCC for this. Anyway, I also love that he's in color AND on the cover. I got lucky with my...
Ebay Censorship and Listings Removed drchaos 21 5 yearsetapi65 (4060): If the nudity is covered, they're not delivering the content to minors. If you're talking about minors buying stuff on ebay that's already regulated. You have to be 18 to open an ebay account and 18 to have a paypal account. So minors can't purchase this stuff at all based on "regulations. I understand what you're saying, and for nude covers where the seller does not go through the process of covering those parts I get it; it's a...
Seeking Pricing Help - Walking Dead Rarities cjbehr948 13 5 yearscjbehr948 (170): Thanks again for the assistance, all! Got what I was looking to get for them.
What is your best kept secret spec book or idea...Bronze silver, or gold? Darkseid_of_town Jump to first page102Jump to last page 5 yearsxkonk (18077): @Towmater sort of ironic
Tips for selling off a 100 slab collection? Darkga 15 5 yearsDarkga (4787): Thanks for all the input! I'm leaning more on the "sell the bigger books at retail" and then that would allow me to be more flexible on the rest. Also the MCS idea sounds good too. However the right offer on the entire lot would be easiest to ship them all to the same place and be done. Here is the list of 85 books I could let go. I started at 100, but then nostalgia got the best of me on 15 of them,...
New Jersey Silver and Gold Con xkonk 14 5 yearsxkonk (18077): @esaravo Yeah, I'm sure at some shows the cost for vendors to get in the door makes any real buying cost prohibitive. On the other hand, you at least saw those books! I didn't have a lot of options looking for low numbered X-Men, even if I wasn't going to pull the trigger on much. I guess it's a trade between price and availability.
Marvelous Comics - Graded Books For Sale - Here before Ebay or HipComic MarvelousComics Jump to first page50Jump to last page 5 yearsMarvelousComics (2067): I thought it was a 9.6 or better, but I just figured I missed something. Its an awesome cover. I considered that book for one of the frames that I make.
Books for Sale! Earn Some eBay Bucks! cjbehr948 1 5 yearscjbehr948 (170): I have some CGC'ed books for sale on my E-bay page (along with other items; portions of some sales go to charity). There's an E-bay Bucks Bonus underway right now for USA users. Figured I'd post it. behr948 on E-bay The CGC books are set up in Best Offer format, so don't be afraid to make some!
Ebaysellers "let's cut out Ebay" 15% off sales thread EbayMafia 18 5 yearsEbayMafia (37349): Update to sales thread: Eternals 1 9.4 $200 Eternals 1 8.0 $120 FF annual 6 5.0 $165 (previously sold but PM not replied to) FF annual 6 2.5 $75 shipped free in Envelope with cardboard Astonishing Tales 25 7.5 $85, shipped free in Envelope with cardboard Showcase 30 (2.0 detached cover) $200 shipped free in Envelope with Cardboard Marvel Spotlight 2 CGC 6.5 $230 Free Priority Box Shipping Batman 169 No longer...
For Sale - Showcase 22 CBCS 3.5 Dfanderson 5 5 yearsDfanderson (12): Understood. Dranderson3000 on Reddit @dfanderson2007 on IG
DWeeB1967's Good Stuff For Sale Thread DWeeB1967 24 5 yearsDWeeB1967 (13031): Next up, Amazing Spider-Man #238 - the first appearance of the Hobgoblin. CGC 9.6 with white pages. I've owned this book since the late 1980s. I think this was the first Spider-Man key issue that I ever bought from a dealer. 😊 Price on this one is $340 shipped. Please see the beginning of this thread for shipping and payment information. Thanks for looking! Sorry about the light reflection at the bottom of the pictures. ...
Looking to trade for a Tank Girl #1, 1991, Dark Horse Jesse_O Jump to first page54Jump to last page 5 yearsdoog (8548): Well done Jesse, I tend to not care too much about seller ratings, or how a book is shipped, although in a bag and cardboard wrapped seems like a minimum to expect. Been lucky with several hundred purchases, only had a couple arrive damaged. I picked up the 4 issue tank girl set 10 years ago for about $75. I think they are all 9.8 candidates. I gave the set to my daughter for Christmas about 5 years ago. Comics make great gifts. I’ll gift...
Graded comic for sale JLA555 5 5 yearsTedsaid (7340): Love that Dell'Otto cover!
For Sale: Famous Funnies #214 7.5, Personal Love #28 7.0p emme_jay 6 5 yearsemme_jay (154): My brother was a huge Frazetta Fan. He only had a few covers but the Famous Funnies is the best of the bunch. I'm pretty sure there is Frazetta art in all the Golden Age comics he had.
Selling certified comics emme_jay 5 5 yearsemme_jay (154): Thank you!
FS: The Walking Dead #1 CGC 8.0 White Pages Jedyzon 2 6 yearsSteverogers11 (3605): Nice book still looking to get one. One day
Flanders's Slabbed and Raw Comic Sales Extravaganza! flanders Jump to first page137Jump to last page 6 yearsflanders (29016): @Jabberwookie sent you a PM.
WTT For A TMNT #10 9.8 (1st Series) flanders 1 6 yearsflanders (29016): I've been looking for a Ninja Turtles #10 9.8 for awhile now. I'm low on funds since I've been buying too many comics but I'm interested in trading for something slabbed I have that's worth between $130-150. Thanks.
Penny Auction for this week MarvelousComics 5 6 yearsMarvelousComics (2067): They start ending in 20 minutes
For Sale: Flash Gordon #31 - Signed by Sam Jones AND Melody Anderson Nuffsaid111 11 6 yearsPre_Coder (19960): @Nuffsaid111 Beautiful book, and good luck with the sale. If I was in the market it would already be mine.
So who is going to the Keystone Comic Con in Philly? Doc_Cop 9 6 yearsDoc_Cop (3100): My Keystone Comic Con scores! Great con. Literally spoke with Steve Steranko for 40 minutes! All the younger fans were in a fog when it came to this 81 year old icon.
FS: Spider-Woman 1 9.4, Batman 497 9.8, Black Widow #1 00slim 11 6 years00slim (18687): Ok. Black Widow #1 is no longer for sale. I just won one of the production art transparencies for the cover & page 1. I need it as a companion piece. 👍🏼
Up for Ebay auction! X-Men, Wolverine, & Venom Yoosh5492 3 6 yearsYoosh5492 (763): @esaravo Thanks!
For sale: Signed man of steel 18 - CBCS 9.8 - 1st doomsday Doran 1 6 yearsDoran (12): Man of steel 18 - first appearance of doomsday. CBCS yellow label, 9.8, signed by Louise Simonson. $100 PayPal goods and services, includes fees and shipping. clickable text
Ebay Fun drchaos Jump to first page92Jump to last page 6 yearspoka (25529): Only if you aim to sell way below market
50+ CBCS 9.8's end in 2 days! Wonder Woman! 80's! See List HERE vacomicon 2 6 yearsxkonk (18077): I think I bid on a couple of those Uncanny's. Good luck with the sales!
Farmhand # 1 drchaos 13 6 yearsEnelson (6289): I sold a 1-5 lot for $25 bucks and thought sweet, that's $25...then I saw amc news and thought "aahhh, fiddlesticks" Oh well I let my KCC thing run out...but it was getting exhausting...there 934 "hot" books with new characters I dont care about every week
For Sale: Spider-Man (1990) #1 Silver Cover Blue Lizard Variant BigRonnie 5 6 yearsBigRonnie (124): I've got a raw copy for sale. Front cover is flawless, some spots on the back. Hasn't been cleaned or pressed yet. $200.
For Sale: Justice League 1-12 Jim Lee Sketch Variant Set lawguy1977 3 6 yearslawguy1977 (7554): Thanks, it definitely hurts a bit to sell them, but the grail I got was more than worth the sacrifice. :)
Independence Day Sale! MarvelousComics 24 6 yearsMarvelousComics (2067): Claim the ones you want in the thread and PM me. Shipping will be exact shipping. No gouging. NC will include tax.
Error? Want to buy, but question first... Paint_Monk 16 6 yearsX51 (14750): I'm only a few issues away from having a complete collection of Continuity. #9 had a similar cover.
USPS Fun drchaos 19 6 yearsRobert86m (246): I can say from experience USPS is all fine and cool until something goes wrong than it's a nightmare Fedex is 10x worse though
00Slim’s Slab Sale For A Grail, Offers Welcome 00slim 12 6 years00slim (18687): Thought I’d revive this. Still Available: Stan Lee/Epting Signed Cap Fantastic (UK Black Widow) ASM 361 The Creature books I also got in a few 9.6 Danger Girl Previews. $60 each shipped!
Amazing Spiderman 1 CGC 1.8 movie Time Trilogycomics 1 6 yearsTrilogycomics (127): For Sale Amazing Spiderman 1 CGC 1.8 4500.00 Free Shipping in USA
AMAZING SPIDERMAN CBCS SALE 1ST MYSTERIO & 1ST DAREDEVIL CROSSOVER VisceralDreams 1 6 yearsVisceralDreams (259): Hey everyone I have some books for sale. All books prices are shipped. Shipping in the U.S. Only excluding Hawaii & Alaska. Payment via PayPal. Sorry for the glare. $675 shipped AMAZING SPIDER-MAN 13 CBCS 3.0 OW/W PAGES - 1ST APPEARANCE & ORIGIN OF MYSTERIO (QUENTIN BECK) ...
Graded Books for Sale ThorneArt 3 6 yearsThorneArt (2065): *Bump*
Great CBCS Books for sale Sabersaw 12 6 yearsSabersaw (25): up
## WOW! LOOK AT THESE BOOKS ## Sabersaw 6 6 yearsSabersaw (25): up
selling question donho 11 6 yearsdonho (667): Which is why I ask you folks for advice, you know where the bodies are buried and how to unearth them
CGC SS Venom: Lethal Protector 1 For Sale! B3Chandler 10 6 yearsB3Chandler (171): Bump!
Marvel Collectible Classics: Amazing Spiderman #1 (#300 Chrome Cover) CGC elee 1 6 yearselee (1): FOR SALE MARVEL COLLECTIBLE CLASSICS: AMAZING SPIDERMAN 31 (ASM #300 IN CHROME) CGC 9.8 WHITE Pages Asking price $1,150.00 USD including shipping in CANADA. Additional $17.00 USD for shipment to the USA.
Eternals comichunter76 16 6 yearsMR_SigS (11124): And Kirby was ALWAYS made for 3d.
Conan the Barbarian #1 CGC 4.5 avengers 684 9.8 $125-shipped Enelson 6 6 yearsEnelson (6289): Bump.. $100 shipped on the avengers book (Final price drop)
1st Key Appearances For Sale - Offered On Forum First MarvelousComics 2 6 yearsMarvelousComics (2067): Nova #1 - SOLD Marvel Premiere #47 - SOLD All others are still available.
WTB Star Wars Tales #23 - Mint Condition GanaSoth 1 6 yearsGanaSoth (10301): Hello guys. I'm looking to buy a mint copy of "Star Wars Tales #23" (Dark Horse Comics, 1999). Either cover or both. If you have a copy you wouldn't mind selling then PM me.
Slabs For Sale MarvelousComics 4 6 yearsMarvelousComics (2067): X-men 12 - sold Defenders 10 - sold ASM 252 - sold Secret wars 8 - sold
Link not working ignore-Post Fail Memes Enelson 20 6 yearsEnelson (6289):
TOS 64 CGC 7.5 For Sale & Maybe More To Come 00slim 8 6 years00slim (18687): One last bump.
Candy Shop Yoosh5492 8 6 yearsYoosh5492 (763): This candy is calorie free and guaranteed to hit the spot. :D
For Sale: Detective Comics 359 7.0 SpeedforceKJ 6 6 yearsKingNampa (6756): PM sent
Mail call/Sale call xkonk 10 6 yearsxkonk (18077): Bumping this one last time, then will offer up to my LCS/eBay.
Items for sale Yoosh5492 6 6 yearsYoosh5492 (763): Thanks @B3Chandler !!
Various CGC Spider-Man Comics For Sale! B3Chandler 6 6 yearsB3Chandler (171): No problem, and thank you for the purchase!
Mail Call Friday, January 11, 2019 drchaos Jump to first page87Jump to last page 6 yearsno1lufcfan (3058): Top man 👍
Ebay selling nightmare (or par for the course). akiva Jump to first page54Jump to last page 6 yearsStudley_Dudley (53746): @akiva has there been any update on your particular situation?
Flash Comics #49 Mile High Pedigree (DC, 1944) CBCS NM 9.4 roasty 1 6 yearsroasty (23): Flash Comics #49 Mile High Pedigree (DC, 1944) CBCS NM 9.4 Exceptional White. The single highest-graded copy, CBCS or CGC! And with exceptionally white pages. Also, Air Fighters Mile High, Daredevil Comics #8 File Copy, and more exciting comics coming up for sale.
Modern Slabs For Sale, Amazing Spider-Man 2099, SpongeBob, Warlock Infinity Joosh 6 6 yearsJoosh (4179): @HeinzDad PM sent
Slabs for sale, incl Edge of Spider-Verse 2! vacaboca 29 6 yearskaptainmyke (27134): Nice collection you got there
New TAT's SpiderTim 11 6 yearsxkonk (18077): Just throwing in my order status... I have an order with sig verification from 12-12 that's in labels (hadn't checked it before, so not sure when it got to grading/labels) and a fast press/fast pass order from 12-25 that's also in labels after having been in grading for a week or so. It does seem like December is getting cleared out.
Selling Captain Marvel & Spider-Man 2099 fakadar 3 6 yearsGabriel85301 (1764): holmie I wish I would have known so I could have given you some advice on that.. but I assumed you needed to come up with some fast $$ For that Captain Marvel, I was straight out selling 9.8s in the $140 RANGE with ease.. I have a boatload of True Believer Captain Marvels in the 9.4-9.6 graded range signed by KSD (yellow labels) that I been getting $80-115 range.
verified signature items on ebay smeninc 5 6 yearssmeninc (181): I think I like Jim Aparo's art the best in my opinion. You know it is a big storyline if he is the penciller. Auction ends each Monday MarvelousComics 1 6 yearsMarvelousComics (2067): Great prices on some good stuff. Auctions start ending at 7:00 EST
Graded Thanos 13 9.8 signed for sale up on my eBay! KingSasqautch42 1 6 yearsKingSasqautch42 (1): Throwing this out to see who might be interested. I just put my Thanos 13 up on eBay. It's 9.8 witnessed signature from Donny Cates. Thanks in advance for any interest!
FOR AUCTION - Amazing Spider-Man #700 CBCS 9.0 Signed by STAN LEE 2nd Print fakadar 2 6 yearsfakadar (13): 2 days left, ends Saturday.
Heritage weekly: Large KIRBY/LEE VSP collection of silver/bronze age keys Odins_Raven 18 6 yearsJustABitEvil (2325): Leave that Kammandi alone!
FS: Amazing Spider-Man #28 CGC 8.5 DWeeB1967 5 6 yearsDWeeB1967 (13031): The ASM #28 has been purchased.
FS: The New Teen Titans #2 CGC 9.6 DWeeB1967 1 6 yearsDWeeB1967 (13031): I'm looking to free up some cash for a purchase, so I'm selling off a few comics. Up for sale is this copy of The New Teen Titans #2 CGC 9.6. $295.00 shipped. PayPal only. PM me if you are interested. Thanks for looking. ...
Check out my 2 auction items Yoosh5492 1 6 yearsYoosh5492 (763): Hi All, I have a Wolverine Limited 2 and a X-Factor 6, both signed by Joe Rubinstein up for auction on ebay.
Books for Sale; Earn EBay Bucks in USA! cjbehr948 13 6 yearscjbehr948 (170): There’s another EBay Bucks promotion going on! Just added a ton of Walking Dead 15th Anniversary variants to my page. The #19 1:100 pencil sketch is one of them! Good luck!
Golden age for sale Roarshack 6 6 yearsdoog (8548): I sell my crap on EBay to buy stuff like that. I can’t imagine your collection. Very cool
Army Of Darkness #1 first Ash CBCS 9.8 Signed Ambush_Bug 5 6 yearsAmbush_Bug (201): Ah yes.. but look at those groovy action lines around the chainsaw he drew on this one!! Now you KNOW he's ready for action. ;) Monday Auction MarvelousComics 2 6 yearsKatKomics (31323): I've been clicking on the free comic raffle thing when I can remember - you never know, someone has to win - could be me?? Also been checking the auctions far nothing peaking my interest, but again, listings always change so you never know!
FS - CBCS 9.8 Batgirl #12 Artgerm ThorneArt 4 6 yearsOxbladder (1287): Those Batgirl covers were some of his best, even though he was mimicking Sana Takada's style.
Major DC auction at Pedigree! jgzachary13 2 6 yearsDoc_Cop (3100): Wanted to thank you for introducing me to With any luck I'll win at least one of my bids.
*For Sale: Amazing Spider-Man Renew Your Vows#1 Stan Lee Scott Campbell* B3Chandler 17 6 yearsB3Chandler (171): Wow, didn't imagine when I started this post that I would dig out some good information nuggets like this. :D
Real Fact Comics #6 CGC 8.5 for Sale flanders 2 6 yearsflanders (29016): Price reduced to $475.00
HipComic MarvelousComics 8 6 yearsNuffsaid111 (20654): I have bought cheap books ($1 - $10) and have had great experience. When some TV/movie stuff gets announced everyone runs to ebay to buy up everything within 5 seconds. I'm usually 2 minutes behind the BUY IT NOW curve and use Hiphop for that reason.
xkonk's sale/trade thread xkonk Jump to first page99Jump to last page 6 yearsxkonk (18077): My Batman lot sold, and my Superman lot has a bid on it. Doesn't close until Thursday night if anyone wants to jump in (I think this should work): I'm hoping to find time to do more scanning, but I start teaching a class in a couple week on top of my regular job. Time seems to disappear.
Sandman: The Dream Hunters #2 (Mike Mignola variant) for sale Magellan 1 6 yearsMagellan (332): Sandman: The Dream Hunters #2 (Mike Mignola variant) - CBCS 9.4 NM - Witnessed Sig: Mike Mignola - $800 This variant is super rare and incredibly hard to find. This is one of only two graded copies I have ever seen. Note: CBCS made a mistake on the label (it is not issue #1) Paypal only, please. Price includes shipping via Priority Mail w/in the US. Sales are final and no returns. Feel free to message for more photos and...
Rocketeer Slabs For Sale! Magellan 1 6 yearsMagellan (332): Two Rocketeer books for sale. Prices include shipping via Priority Mail w/in the US. Paypal only, please. Sales are final and no returns. Feel free to message for more photos and details. Thanks! Pacific Presents #1 - CBCS 8.0 Verified Sig: Dave Stevens (Rocketeer Chapter 3) - $200 Rocketeer Adventure Magazine...
ISO: Uncanny X-men #100 grade 7 or lower ThorneArt 6 6 yearsThorneArt (2065): I appreciate the responses! I picked one up! I love it.
Venom: Lethal Protector Gold Variant Cowabunga_Kyle 9 6 yearsScorpion (1016): pretty close to me orlando fl.
FS: Artgerm Batgirl #12 9.8 ThorneArt 1 6 yearsThorneArt (2065): Hey Folks, Selling my Batgirl #12 CBCS 9.8 $275 + $15 Priority shipping in the USA Thanks
Anyone have Sleepwalker #1 for sale? GanaSoth 1 6 yearsGanaSoth (10301): Hey guys. I'm looking for a graded copy of Sleepwalker #1 or a raw copy that is in 9.8 condition. PM me or reply here. Thanks.
Best ebay category for Ghost in the Shell? drchaos 6 6 yearsdrchaos (30035): I will try movies & TV and see how this one goes.
Mister Mystery 1 CBCS 4.0 Larryw7 2 6 yearsrickdod3 (524): I bid $450...ended up selling for 510 :(
Dr Chaos's Black Friday Sale starts tonight! drchaos Jump to first page42Jump to last page 6 yearsdrchaos (30035): I have a couple things. Stay tuned.
FS: Spider-Man 2099 #1, rare 2nd Print ToyBiz Variant CGC 9.8 00slim 3 6 years00slim (18687): True. It has great potential, but I have one more for my PC already. I know some boardies would appreciate it & just wanted to offer it in case.
Ebay Pet Peeve drchaos 17 6 yearsdrchaos (30035): I have not had that happen to me yet but that would piss me off. After experimenting with best offer early on I decided I want no part of it.
Rare Modern Variants for Auction/BIN on eBay (Star Wars, Tsum Tsum & more) xpsp3windows 1 6 yearsxpsp3windows (73): Selling a bunch of rare modern variants on eBay. Either I upgraded them or have multiple copies so no longer need them. Can offer some good deals for boardies! STAR WARS SPECIAL C-3PO #1 HARRIS RED ARM SPOTLIGHT VARIANT 1:1000 CGC 9.8 (Auction ending Today) MARVEL TSUM TSUM #4 JOHNSON 1:25 VARIANT CGC 9.8 (Auction ending in 4 days) All other Buy it Now listings can be found here " xpsp3windows items for sale" ...
FS: Artgerm Batgirl Variants ThorneArt 1 6 yearsThorneArt (2065): Hello Everybody, I got a couple of books that are for sale. Batgirl 2009 #12 & #14 Batgirl #12 9.8 $325 (ship incl in the usa) Batgirl #14 9.6 $90 (ship incl in the usa)
Amazing Spiderman organic 5 7 yearsjohnctan (85): Are you selling?
FS: Valiant Comics 1992 Archer & Armstrong #0 - CGC 9.6 ZosoRocks 1 7 yearsZosoRocks (2134): I'm continuing to list auctions for other high graded pre-unity Valiant books, if you are interested - but be forewarned, I'm running out. :o) Thanks for viewing this one and if you haven't, check out my other auctions. I've lowered prices on many things. Best regards, Tim
BTC DEAD RABBIT #1 Exclusive graded editions ThorneArt 3 7 yearsDJC_II (1829): @richgarc next popular trend Most of it is based on a speculator's market
Graded Books for Sale; Earn E-Bay Bucks! cjbehr948 1 7 yearscjbehr948 (170): Just listed some big guns on my E-bay page. If you're in the E-bay Bucks program, you can get 8% in E-bay Bucks on the purchase if you buy them before 2:59 AM Eastern/11:59 PM Western. - TWD #1 CGC 9.0 - TWD #19 CBCS 8.5 - TWD #100 Lucille Edition CGC 9.4 - ASM #129 (1st Punisher) CGC 7.5 (WHITE pages) - Rick & Morty #1 (Roiland Variant) CGC 9.6 behr948 on E-bay Good luck!
FS: Marvel Star Wars #1 CGC 9.6 Signed Chaykin ZosoRocks 24 7 yearsZosoRocks (2134): Thanks for viewing the auction Ted. And you are right....I know I had Chaykin sign the book in front of me. I don't have a picture, because I wasn't thinking of selling it for "guarantees". I had it signed, because it was a cool thing to have done. I don't regret it not being VSP...and will eventually transform it myself when I can (if I am able and it doesn't sell).....but right now....that is not a priority and someone else can...
FS: Valiant Comics Solar, Man of the Atom CGC 9.6 ZosoRocks 5 7 yearsZosoRocks (2134): I've always wondered that too...and I am not sure if CGC ever corrected the label template...because other eBay sales are also like this label. Good post...thanks!
FS: Batman: The Dark Knight Returns Book #4 - CGC 9.0 ZosoRocks 1 7 yearsZosoRocks (2134): "Superman vs. Batman" Look at this on eBay Thanks for viewing my auction. Tim
CBCS SLABS AND RAW BOOKS FOR SALE KEYS VisceralDreams 4 7 yearsVisceralDreams (259): These books are all now on auction on ebay. :|
My ebay shop - New ID poka Jump to first page115Jump to last page 7 yearspoka (25529): Well - given it didn't sell - I submitted one of the 1:500 Ross for grading :)
FS: 1995 VALIANT Visitor v Universe 1 - CGC 9.4 Newsstand ZosoRocks 5 7 yearsZosoRocks (2134): Darn templates! The formatting is different for each the desktop, the tablet and the phone. That field can only be deleted on the desktop version. Corrected....thanks! Checked my other auctions, and corrected them as well. Thanks!
New Mutants 98, & ASM 361 9.6 For Sale 00slim 9 7 yearsMr_adam_R (512): congrats @00slim ! one step closer to TOS #39!!! :beer:
FS: Valiant Eternal Warrior #1 (Aug 92) - CGC 8.5 White Pages ZosoRocks 11 7 yearsX51 (14750): Bingo. Thanks.
FS: MARVEL COMICS Civil War #1 - CGC 9.4 NM ZosoRocks 1 7 yearsZosoRocks (2134): Here is another graded comic I am selling. Thanks for viewing my auction. Best regards, Tim Look at this on eBay
TMNT #3 Laird NYCC Variant (1985) - CGC 9.0 DouggieW 2 7 yearskaptainmyke (27134): Not a bad price for a 9.0. Here's mine. I got it from Kevin Eastman's personal collection:
WTB Gotham City Sirens 1 Catwoman Variant stanley1883 1 7 yearsstanley1883 (46): Anyone have an issue of Gotham City Sirens #1 Catwoman variant for sale. let me know please. Raw or slabbed, high grade/nm-ish condition please .
A Few Slabs FOR SALE esaravo 19 7 yearsesaravo (103004): @shrewbeer - If you haven’t bought anything in a while, NOW is the perfect time to reward yourself and satisfy that collecting urge that gnaws at your gut.
Couple slabs for sale Dalkiel 7 7 yearsDalkiel (2090): Cool.
For Sale : Spidergwen Silk and Venom VisceralDreams 1 7 yearsVisceralDreams (259): Hey guys, I've got some books up on my eBay right now and I thought I'd post them here as well. I've got more new listings coming. I'd rather sell on here or instagram but the insta sales have been kind of slow lately. My eBay is ivanscomicstore . Anyways here are some listings: 1st Appearance of SpiderGwen CBCS 9.6 First Print Edge of Spider-Verse 2  NIB ...
Nice CBCS books in auction BrotherKenneth 2 7 yearsBrotherKenneth (66): Hope everyone had a safe and happy 4th. Just a reminder that these auctions end on Tuesday July 10. Thanks for looking.
FS: Marvel Star Wars #3 CGC 8.5/VF+ ZosoRocks 1 7 yearsZosoRocks (2134): Hi community. Here is another graded comic up for sale. Marvel Star Wars #3 - 30 cents Thanks for checking it out.
NYX 3 for sale Steverogers11 2 7 yearsSteverogers11 (3605): Drop to $500. Which is below GPA. Or even open to a trade. Thanks
FS Hunt for Wolverine #1 1:500 kubert poka Jump to first page51Jump to last page 7 yearsDJC_II (1829): Great success!
CBCS is Moving to Dallas... SteveRicketts Jump to first page128Jump to last page 7 yearspoka (25529): Refer to this thread
Shipping/Mailing Slabs from US of A to Canada? Gabriel85301 10 7 yearsCopperAgeKids (3717): I'd rather pay 10% and sell a book for generally more on eBay, than sell for less on Facebook. I buy from Facebook groups/auctions, I can't see how selling on Facebook groups pays. I do know a couple of dealers who sell cheesy copper/modern hot books on Facebook, for more than the book sells for on eBay. They don't run auctions, they just have dedicated followers who overpay, not knowing any better. I could sell like that, but it'd...
No Luck Selling Comics Looking For Feedback. Wizardrex 23 7 yearsWizardrex (7): Thank You! This is the kind of response I was looking for.
Books for Sale on My E-bay Page! Earn those E-bay Bucks! cjbehr948 2 7 yearscjbehr948 (170): For those interested in "Preacher", I have 11 auctions for the series ending TONIGHT (6/21) starting at 8 PM eastern. Graded issues & a 47 book lot. Good luck!
FS: TOS 52 CGC 7.0 OW/W Pages 00slim Jump to first page47Jump to last page 7 years3JJr (205): Good, because just having tracking info may not be enough for paypal to fight for you with on a claim or chargeback. Buyer fraud scenario: Carrier is delivering to an area where he can sign off on the parcel (same as driver release with UPS) and leave it on a doorstep if no one is home to accept it or doesn't hear the doorbell. Now, one of three things can occur with that parcel laying in plain sight. 1) The buyer either: a) opens the door,...
WTS: Vampirella #1 CGC 7.5 (1969) White Pages KingNampa 10 7 yearsKingNampa (6756): SOLD THANKS TO EBAY COUPON
For Sale/Trade: Superman #76 for your GSX #1 Darkga Jump to first page133Jump to last page 7 yearsDarkga (4787): We'll continue this in another thread, however the for sale portion of this thread is officially closed. :(|)
Best signatures to have graded Buzbe Jump to first page31Jump to last page 7 yearsOGJackster (54562): Even though these are low in value, when I get some extra buck, they will be sent in to CBCS for obvious reasons.
FoR Sale: Strange Tales #110 1st Dr. Strange KingNampa 29 7 yearsBrianGreensnips (15559): @KingNampa Glad to hear you got your price. Which avenue did it sell for above FMV? Did you have to throw in a bonus book like you were thinking about doing?