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'CBCS Events' Topics

TitleAuthorPostsLast Post
CBCS Message Board - Terms of Use SteveRicketts 1 9 yearsSteveRicketts (19700): Open thread to view post.
CBCS at WONDERCON Cody_Lockwood 3 4 daysCody_Lockwood (95): All take back submissions like normal. We only offer onsite grading at the Dallas FanExpo.
FORUM EXCLUSIVE PROMOCODE!! Cody_Lockwood 3 4 daysfigment (21542): Things that make you go, "Hmmm..."
Indiana comic con next weekend CBCS Zombie_Head 7 7 daysZombie_Head (3600): @Cody_Lockwood CGC wasn’t there either. I got 4 books signed by Shatner I would have loved to have witnessed. I didn’t decide until last minute or I would have requested to witness my own books. It kinda sucks to have Shatner autographs and not witnessed I guess I’ll have to take a chance and use the verify option hope they pass.
CBCS will NOT be at Megacon. Belarak 6 2 monthsflanders (29016): @Nuffsaid111 that sounds like a nightmare. Also I'm a bit surprised Clan McDonald still does business with CBCS.
Christmas Tree/Decorations In Your Home GAC Jump to first page36Jump to last page 3 monthsSiggy (25634):
Manga Grading- Zasshi Wade_Story Jump to first page39Jump to last page 4 monthsDaniel_E (405): Thanks! Its been a passion project for me so it has been pretty fulfilling that it has been as successful as it has been. I have no doubt that it will increase in popularity. These stories are way too culturally impactful for them to continue to be treated as disposable media. And they are all more relevant and mainstream than ever before.
Signature event questions DMD161 9 4 monthsDoorCntyComicColl (220): I have the 4 books as a set on sale on eBay... DoorCountyComicCollector... need to make my money back somehow!!! CGC and CBCS costs are killing me!!
NYCC drchaos Jump to first page110Jump to last page 5 monthsComicNinja0215 (6201): I'm still mad at myself that my first sig book went to those yambags in Florida and not here but lesson learned.
CBCS Hosting an Exclusive MARCVS Signing Event at NYCC SPalochik 2 5 monthssborock_ComicLink (4978): COOL!
CBCS SALE! Voltron 11 6 monthsNearmint67 (13678): Going to pass.... Just spent a wad of bananas... Will wait for the next banana split dessert...
CBCS vs PSA Lawsuit esaravo Jump to first page110Jump to last page 6 monthsDrWatson (59460): Well, you'd have to first assume that someone wasn't bent to go that route and a NDA actually meant something to them.
NYCC Funko Question drchaos 5 6 monthsBelarak (1265): I was in the cue also. I only have tickets for Thursday and Friday. I didn't get a reservation either. You have to remember the VIP ticket holders had their own cue last week. It's likely they took most of the reservation slots. I received notification that they were sold out by 12:20.
Canada Fan Expo drchaos 4 7 monthsdrchaos (30035): Wrapped everything up and left the show around 5pm Saturday. Between going out for drinks Friday night, getting up early each day for the show, and driving to the show on Thursday I got a much needed 13 hours of sleep that night. Finally got home yesterday afternoon after taking a day to enjoy Niagra Falls and giving myself some time to recover from the grind.
SDCC 2024 Signings Schedule dielinfinite 7 8 monthsdielinfinite (26907): @SpiderTim Some sites that reported the IDW signing schedule say that IDW should be revealing their exclusives sometime this week. Not any sort of guarantee but they have debuted artist editions in the past with SDCC variants
Facilitators attending LA Comic Con spfd18 1 9 monthsspfd18 (50): I’m looking for a CBCS facilitator who will be attending LA comic con. I have a few books that I want to send it to get signed by the a few actors. Anyone know of any facilitators who will be attending?
CBCS 10th Anniversary Celebration Auction @ MCS ending Mon 17th - Fri 21st! Scifinator Jump to first page149Jump to last page 9 monthsJames42 (4972): I ended up with a couple books for essentially the slab cost. One was a 9.6 copy of Star Wars 31, which was the first Star Wars comic I ever got (way back in the mists of time). Still have my first one, but it will be nice to have a displayable copy. Pre-rivets label, too.
Just speculating, but…. Scifinator 4 10 monthsJoosh (4179): I’ve got a handful in the auction; curious to see how it goes
Upcoming Shows drchaos Jump to first page86Jump to last page 11 monthsdrchaos (30035): Organizing and window bagging books for some upcoming shows. Chiller Theater - This Saturday Free Comic Book Day - Next Saturday Philadelphia Fan Expo - Next Sunday Heroes Con -June Garden State Comicfest - June
2024 NYCC Fan Verification Rollover drchaos 1 11 monthsdrchaos (30035): 2024 NYCC fan verification rollover is now active. Since my account was verified last year and I purchased tickets for Thursday and Saturday (as well as the Jim Lee experience) I received an e-mail allowing me to apply for a renewal of my fan verification this year. I found this vitally important e-mail message hiding in my spam folder. I only knew to look for it because I received the follow up message telling me that I should have...
CBCS Website Changes Scifinator 2 1 yearfigment (21542): Looks like they've been given the "official corporate version" of the HTML cascading style sheets. And yes, that is from a computer nerd in Corporate America who has been there and done that. I blame the marketing department!
Prepping books for mail in signings. James42 8 1 yearNuffsaid111 (20654): :) :) :) Funny story - just recently I was too lazy to change the blade on my box cutter that I use for cutting cardboard. I knew it was dull but figured, "meh... it's just a plastic bag". So there I went cutting, then cutting again, then cutting again the same damn line on the comic bag 3x for a signing window. I finally tossed the bag after mangling it by trying to cut the same line 3x, and I broke down and changed the blade...
Cbcs labels Deceptionking420 20 1 yearHulkSmash (11374): I asked Steve Borock quite a while before he left if I could get a custom notation some Batman knight fall books; if even as a slab only. I wanted to do some sort of “in memory of” notation for my brother being his favorite Batman arc. I followed up and got an indefinite answer of not being able to get a definitive answer. I took it as a soft no due to the subject matter. He did say he was going to bring it up in a meeting of some sort, but...
Help identifying signsture drchaos 4 1 yeardrchaos (30035): Mark Farmer was at Terrificon in 2019. It is entirely possible that he signed the book for me there. Thanks for the quick response.
Big CBCS Sale esaravo 9 1 yearNearmint67 (13678): @GAC Well, if they had, they wouldn't do a Christmas or New Years Promo. But since they didn't.... It's probably coming soon to a theater near you.. lol...
Rhode Island Comic Con drchaos 10 1 yeardrchaos (30035):
NYCC Thread - Share Information Here drchaos Jump to first page65Jump to last page 1 yearHcanes (6011): He was there for one day, Friday maybe, and I stumbled upon him by chance or else I would have brought books. He had that huge table behind CGC’s booth downstairs.
CT Horrorfest drchaos 9 2 yearsmakahuka (3133): Totally awesome!
Baltimore Comic Con drchaos 20 2 yearsRetired_11B (812): My first group of books are graded and online. They came out pretty much where I thought they would. I only wished I had better copies of them. But, they were the ones I started my collection with. I did notice that one of my orders may have an issue, so I contacted customer service tonight. We will see if it is too late to get it corrected.
OAFcon Redux (a short review, of sorts) CatmanAmerica 10 2 yearsEbayMafia (37349): I picked up a couple of readers from the local talent as well:
So you want to be a Grader… stanley_1883 Jump to first page38Jump to last page 2 yearsDavethebrave (17407): So, what do I win?
Grade Opinions: ASM 129 dielinfinite 8 2 yearsjaysonslade (223): I’d just pay the $100 more and go with the 3.0. Too many variables on a 1.8 that actually presents very closely to what a 1.5 would. But… that being said, I’m not much of a fan of signed comics, verified or not.
Galaxy Con in Columbus Oh. Will CBCS be there? Zombie_Head 6 2 yearsZombie_Head (3600): @mpweigl I hope so.
Facilitator needed for Fan Expo Chicago spfd18 2 2 yearsaltomista (15): You can contact Clan McDonald Comics. They're going to Fan Expo Chicago.
LI Comic Fest Convention / Show GTS_Comics 1 2 yearsGTS_Comics (48): Ill be here! Long Island Comic Fest - Upcoming Shows and News VFW Hall • Post 3211 320 South Broadway Hicksville, New York 11801 NEXT SHOW DATES THROUGH 2023! LONG ISLAND COMIC FEST SAT • APRIL 29TH 2023 ( Special Guests BILLY TUCCI & KEITH WILLIAMS ) SAT • OCT 28TH 2023 IT'S TOY TIME Collectible Toy Show SAT • SEPT 30TH 2023 SHOW UPDATE: HELLO FANS AND FRIENDS!...
WonderCon - March 24-26 - I will be in Artist Alley ThorneArt 9 2 yearsThorneArt (2065): Not that I know of. :)
CBCS 10th Anniversary Convention Scifinator 22 2 yearssborock (48469): I would make it if my schedule allows! :D
Thanks Cynthia Zombie_Head 14 2 yearsfigment (21542): On my previous visit to CBCS/Beckett I asked about the GIANT empty room behind reception and was told it's reserved for Customer Service. Now they just need to get people in there! And yes, Cynthia is the best!
Stolen books Necro 26 2 yearsNecro (16): I hope you are able to give me an answer.
2022 CBCS Holiday gift exchange Jesse_O Jump to first page231Jump to last page 2 yearsEnelson (6289): @donho yep that was mine, had you liked them!
CBCS Express Holiday Discount dielinfinite 22 2 yearsRaven7of9 (96): CBCS has refunded the discount amount. Thanks
2022 Black Friday/Cyber Monday Discount daffsters 11 2 yearsColdbobt (72): Ah, so probably not enough time to send them to a presser...
Music City Comicon 10/28/22 Submission how to track? actionnerdtoys 18 2 yearsactionnerdtoys (15): Thanks for the clarification
NYCC express order arrived! leelewis17 5 2 yearsBriten (1968): Love that Surfer.
Rocky Mountain Comic Con Nov 5-6, 2022 Denver Colorado RTSUnlimited 2 2 yearsRTSUnlimited (71): This Weekend! Come meet Joe Staton! Hope to see you there!
Rhode Island Comic Con Cancellations drchaos 3 2 yearsNuffsaid111 (20654): Ditto - I literally just bought a comic about Monty Python for him to sign. Oh well
Submission for signing triggers email claiming books moved to pressing adamlui 6 2 yearsxkonk (18077): @adamlui I also don't have experience with sending books for a signing, but I have gotten the "your books are in the pressing area" email at the same time as "your books have been received" before. That's just the stage of the process they're entering, it doesn't mean they're being pressed today.
New York Comic Con 2022 Thread drchaos Jump to first page144Jump to last page 2 yearsNuffsaid111 (20654): There's was one year in baltimore - I think the one prior to pandemic,, that vendors were sent to back of line at walt simonsons table. I know this for sure because I was there on the line watching folks in front of me, end up in back of me
Happy Anniversary Bige 12 2 yearsfigment (21542): My books at CGC recently had a birthday too. LET THEM EAT CAKE!
Long Island Comic Fest Jesse_O 5 2 yearspower_struggle55 (7504): would love to go. was born and raised on long island. moved in 05, havent been there since 2012
Anyone Else Going to Canada Fan Expo? drchaos 22 3 yearsdrchaos (30035): Just got home after leaving my parking spot around 2:30PM yesterday. Punted on the long lines for Capullo and King as I will be seeing them at upcoming shows. Very frustrated with the celebrity signature process. When I tried to get Robert England at 5:15 Friday he was done signing for the day. I tried to get on his line first and last thing on Saturday only to be told to come back in 20 minutes and maybe I can get on the line. Second time...
CBCS at Baltimore Comic Con Skcatch 17 3 yearsantoniofett (2360): See you all in Baltimore!
Layton signing Triplecdad 4 3 yearsByrdibyrd (24736): They both got hammered last year. That's when I started having lots of returns. I just got the shipping notice for a submission I sent in August/September of last year. Yours should be moving along soon, too.
Weekly Cover Contest #310 - Getting the Hand SteveRicketts Jump to first page52Jump to last page 3 yearsNearmint67 (13678): Hey guys... Just got in. Give me a bit and I will get the next cover posted :)
SDCC 2022 dielinfinite Jump to first page34Jump to last page 3 yearsPraxis52 (24): Thanks so much!!
Is VSP Grading worth it? X-Men #1 1991 IowaDad81 21 3 yearsxkonk (18077): I happened to be looking at Jim Lee X-Men #1s the other day. In 9.8 they look to be going for $175-200 on eBay. Like someone else said though, I don't think yours is a 9.8. If you want it verified and graded for your personal state of mind then I would go ahead. I don't think I would pay express, myself, but I also tend to send things for pressing and that gets pricey. If you're looking to sell it then I would probably leave it as-is.
Authorized Witness for C2E2 chirock 2 3 yearsdielinfinite (26907): 2 Weeks is the minimum time before a show to send your request to
GalaxyCon submission status Madman 7 3 yearsMadman (92): 🤣
Comicpalooza Houston this weekend Blair1999 4 3 yearsDWeeB1967 (13031): Sure, @Blair1999. My pleasure.
Weekly Cover Contest #305... Just the Tip SteveRicketts Jump to first page67Jump to last page 3 yearsPre_Coder (19960): Thanks all for the votes! I was kind of caught off guard figuring @SteveRicketts was gonna snag a consecutive win. Some really great covers this week. I'll have a new contest up #soon.
2021 Bob Layton signing TAT's TigerRose1981 14 3 yearsByrdibyrd (24736): @TigerRose1981 I have a few books from my dad, too, but I'll get forum detention if I show them off. No smut on the forum!! I did send two of them to CGC to get graded (1st printings of a couple of higher end adult comics in nice shape). We'll see how that goes... My SIKTC #21 has shipped out of Tampa and I'm hoping to get it next week. Fingers crossed. I have a couple other Tiny Onion gold foils (Dept. of Truth #18 & Sandman Universe:...
GalaxyCon signing question Madman 4 3 yearsMadman (92):
Status update nrvn77 Jump to first page51Jump to last page 3 yearsnrvn77 (11): @GAC thanks
CBCS Signature Event turnaround Brockstar84 6 3 yearsNuffsaid111 (20654): If you went the Express route and put out $40 + insurance; then probably quickly once done with the signing event. If you go down the standard grading path - TAT is what now? about a year? If you go down the standard grading path and CBCS pressing - I'd buy your tombstone 1st. It's gonna be a looooooooooooooooooooooooong time
Tulsa OK Con May 21-22 I will be there, will you? sborock 17 3 yearssborock (48469): I guess I never think about it like that. Staying humble keeps my head from getting too big. LOL!
Phoenix Fan Fusion Gabriel85301 3 3 yearsSpideyAZ (1): Collector's Choice Comics is advertising CBCS witnessing.
Submitting for signatures Comicskablooey 15 3 yearsComicskablooey (100): Thank you @Nuffsaid111 for the compliment and thank you@Whammykablam for the info. I did not see the option for the extra fee to speed up the process. $16.00 is not a bad investment for the extra sigs I want.
Tynion signings arrived, sort of. Belarak 18 3 yearsKinsella5 (782): The Simmmonds books are expected to be signed later this month at MegaCon in Orlando. Part of my 50+ Tynion/Dell'Ederra books that I had sent in last summer for the signing, two of them were for Tynion/Simmonds but was told that they were not not signed last year so those two will get signed by Tynion and Simmonds later this month and then get sent to CBCS. I suspect they will be put through under a "rush" service because they were...
CBCS Signing with Gibbons, Lanning, DeMatteis, Nowlan!!!!! sborock 5 3 yearssborock (48469): BUMP!
Current Discount Codes drchaos Jump to first page32Jump to last page 3 yearstheCapraAegagrus (2603): Yes and no. Yes, CGC hired someone to mark packages as "Delivered" for their site's portal. No, this does not mean that the invoice has been "Received".
Severe Lack of Signings Wolverine 8 3 yearsIronMan (6264): Another perspective: Given their #2 status, CBCS is probably better served attending comic cons and getting most of their signed books that way. This puts CBCS out where collectors see them and can learn about them. Make that important face to face contact. CGC can better afford to stay home and do a lot more in house signing events.
CBCS Howard Chaykin CBCS Mail-In Signing sdr2711 15 3 yearssdr2711 (77): Cool. Sounds like I might have the boxes checked. I do think pressing may be recommended cause of the spine roll.
CBCS witness signing at convention - separate invoice for each? waynemel 9 3 yearswaynemel (219): Oh my..I missed that...thanks @dielinfinite I just sent email to Matt. Let's see what happens
Tynion Signing Dayzzgoby24 19 3 yearsByrdibyrd (24736): Yes, it will. Still waiting on my books in pressing, but I know it'll work out once I get them back.
Submitting My First Comic to CBCS Signature Event desslocktx 14 3 yearsByrdibyrd (24736): Freakin' love that movie! :heart: Dug my DVD copy up just the other day and watched it again.
Garden State Comicfest - NJ Nuffsaid111 12 3 yearsdrchaos (30035): Mostly Clifton but Wayne is good too.
Thanks CBCS! Charlotte Con ERB_in_CLT 5 3 yearsHulkSmash (11374): @ERB_in_CLT are sure his name wasn’t A. Wesome?
Is CBCS appearing at C2E2 this year? KMiracleman 3 3 yearsLotsaSequel (295): Does CBCS honor dealer discounts for on-site grading? Anybody know?
Onsite Grading - Online Submission Form dc19dc 6 3 yearsxkonk (18077): @dc19dc unless you specifically know that CBCS is doing onsite grading (and they very rarely do), they will not have onsite grading. You can still give them an order at the booth that they'll take as a regular submission, though. If you choose pickup, that means you'll schedule a time to go to their office in Dallas to pick up your order.
Shout out to CBCS Wyldchyld 11 3 yearsHexigore (2228): Look forward to seeing what you get back! 👍
Rocky Mountain Con Nov 6 & 7 2021 Denver CO RTSUnlimited 3 3 yearsScifinator (15986): Wish I could go.
C2E2 Thread drchaos 5 3 yearsHcanes (6011): It's another ReedPop event I would expect more or less the same from NYCC. Then you have Emerald City the first week of December
Will CBCS be at Baltimore Comic Con? Wolverine 4 3 yearsSebastsk8 (2354): @Wolverine gonna be dropping off some books myself, along with a couple witnessed sigs and a witnessed sketch 😊
NYCC CBCS Signings Witness Representative? merlinflex 7 3 yearsNuffsaid111 (20654): Make sure you download the CLEAR App Health Pass for Covid to get in quick. No vaxxy; no attendee :D:eek::(|)
magazines cases finally donho 25 3 yearscesidio (2429): I was at Monroe pop fest last week. Cody said last he heard was late this year. I hope so. Great lakes is in February. Maybe the few extra months will give cbcs a chance to work any bugs out. The magazine size cases from the other company... tried it once never again
CBCS Announces Stan Sakai Signing! flanders 25 4 yearsmonjoody (1080): I've done two mail-in signings. It really depends on where everyone is located. The Parillo, Mattini signing took the longest. Sent them in July '20 and got them back end of November '20. Also did the Cates, Stegman signing this year. Sent in three (2 for DC, 1 for both) in January '21 and got them back mid-March '21.
GoFundMe for our own Jesse_O! Please help! sborock Jump to first page153Jump to last page 4 yearsMrNotSoNice (3552): Many hands make light work.
EDIT : Issue Resolved asapa8 4 4 yearsasapa8 (23): @Darryl_H My apologies, I had no idea and I hope all is well. Thank you so much. Just hadnt heard anything and wanted to make sure! Thanks again Daryl :) You guys on here are awesome.
CBCS Bob Layton signing! sborock 17 4 yearsByrdibyrd (24736): I know, right? If I thought the investment potential for these books might fizzle out in the meantime, I probably would stick a crowbar in my wallet and shell out. ;)
CBCS Pressing Update SteveRicketts Jump to first page999Jump to last page 4 yearsGibby357 (114): How about 21-2C01651, Steve?
Will CBCS be at Rose City CC this weekend? chubtoad01 3 4 yearsCoalTiger (404): Yes reps are in portland now. Last night I was at a Tynion signing and they were there taking submission. If you are dropping at the show they recommend coming with a completed invoice. It speeds the process.
Question about con dropoff/signings Sebastsk8 8 4 yearsSebastsk8 (2354): I'm curious how they'd handle a book with a numerous amount of sigs - 17 should fit on front and back, but that skyline book I think has over 100 names on it of past and present contributors. While I'm not sure that many would even fit on the book using front and back covers, would be interesting to see how they'd handle that.
Ultimate fallout 4 CGC 9.0 Hello_there 9 4 yearsDrWatson (59460): The staining killed the grade. Waste of time and money for a CPR.
Excellent job CBCS at Megacon. Zombie_Head 4 4 yearsJesse_O (39345): LOL!!!
CBCS @ Washington State Summer Con 2021? Kinsella5 22 4 yearssoutherncross (33782):
Convention Submissions BrashL 11 4 yearsthe420bandito (11476): They are pretty backed up but I'm sure your books are safe and in line...the long line.
Comic con submissions Comjon 2 4 yearsDrWatson (59460): Similar discussion with answers found here.
Pressing question about Megacon Belarak 4 4 yearsBelarak (1265): Thanks I kinda felt the same way but I had some other books I was going to get signed that have the card stock covers and they don't need pressing. I guess I'll send in two different orders.
MEGACON Who’s Going? Noblebeast315 21 4 yearsbennyb86 (796): FYI MegaCon added a whole slew of Celebrity guests yesterday (Cast of Lucifer !!!) and it seems a quite a few names have been added to the Comic Creators List if anyone wants to check that out
Javan Jordan signing!! Jesse_O 13 4 yearsEbayMafia (37349): @KatKomics you and me both bro. Clearly we are not the droids they are looking for. Although if the artist is under 60, I rarely am the right audience.
Any AWs attending Comic Con Prague? dielinfinite 3 4 yearsdielinfinite (26907): I sent an email to the convention’s contact asking if they are aware of any CBCS witnesses at the show. Another long shot but I have to try
Status of Geoff Johns signing (STILL?!) FearTheManThing 8 4 yearswaynemel (219): FB=Facebook Here is the CBCS signature page,
LOUISIANA COMIC CON radd76 9 4 yearsradd76 (583): Anywhere from $5 to $15 per witnessed signature is what I have seen them charge (CGC or CBCS)- so witness 100 books in a day you make $500-$1500. You would also need to do the paperwork with them and see their books to CBCS or CGC. If you do under your account then you need to also charge the grading and shipping + return shipping. If you submit under their account then they pay grading plus shipping - only shipping would be you to the...
HUGE COMIC SHOW ROCHESTER NY JULY 10 StanLee 1 4 yearsStanLee (6): - The Date: Saturday, July 10, 2021 - The Time: 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM - The Place: The JCC of Rochester 1200 Edgewood Ave. Rochester, NY 14618 - THOUSANDS OF COMICS FOR SALE! - From $1 Bins to CGC / CBCS Golden, Silver, Bronze, and Modern Key Books! - Trusted and experienced vendors! - Onsite Comic Book Pressing Submissions!
Looking for a Batgirl #23 Middleton variant raw Oteemorse 2 4 yearsvacaboca (1063): I have a copy I'm willing to part with, $110 shipped priority in the US... anything else you're looking for? I'm selling about 10k issues... You can take a look here:
Authentication Witness Form Jr101 13 4 yearsetapi65 (4060): I thought the list at their facebook was updated regularly, but I don't actually see that obviously happens. I see the list from 4 years ago I swear I've seen updated posts, but can't find them at the moment. I saw something about Clayton Crain requiring a ticket (think there's an upcharge on his sig if you get it graded) dated to a year ago. It looks like the best...
Will CBCS be attending baltimore comiccon? Sebastsk8 6 4 yearsBatman79 (1227): Oh yeah!!!! I will see you guys there!
MegaCon Orlando CBCS mentioned etapi65 2 4 yearsetapi65 (4060): occurs to me I should have at least tagged one employee. I have no idea @SteveRicketts @sborock @Jesse_O
Happy Father’s Day! sportshort 24 4 yearsStantheman (1396): Happy Father's Day! I hope your children got y'all some good comics! :beer:
Empire Comic Fest - Rochester NY! JULY 10!! StanLee 1 4 yearsStanLee (6): - The Date: Saturday, July 10, 2021 - The Time: 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM - The Place: The JCC of Rochester 1200 Edgewood Ave. Rochester, NY 14618 - THOUSANDS OF COMICS FOR SALE! - From $1 Bins to CGC / CBCS Golden, Silver, Bronze, and Modern Key Books! - Trusted and experienced vendors! - Onsite Comic Book Pressing Submissions!
Empire Comic Fest! Rochester, NY! JULY 10th! StanLee 1 4 yearsStanLee (6): Vendor application is live! Check the website for a sneak peak of some books that will be there!! - The Date: Saturday, July 10, 2021 - The Time: 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM - The Place: The JCC of Rochester 1200 Edgewood Ave. Rochester, NY 14618 - THOUSANDS OF COMICS FOR SALE! - From $1 Bins to CGC / CBCS Golden, Silver, Bronze, and Modern Key Books! - Trusted and experienced...
Empire Comic Fest StanLee 2 4 yearsBigRedOne1944 (11568): Thanks for the info
CBCS June Promo: 5% off Grading Fees dielinfinite 16 4 yearsMurrayC (2881): A Verified Signature discount would be nice. I live in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, and for a number of years, Darwyn Cooke lived here and I have a number of his books signed (e.g. "New Frontier") Steve McNiven also lives here in Halifax and would love to get his books that he signed verified (e.g. "Old Man Logan", "4", etc.) When Ken Stacy visited Halifax for a store signing, I got him to sign my...
Are Cons Going To Suck This Year??? Noblebeast315 Jump to first page46Jump to last page 4 yearsNuffsaid111 (20654): 5 - 10 cons per year pre-pandemic for the last 20 years (SDCC, NYCC, Baltimore always)
FREE FREE FREE DOWNLOAD OF A GRAPHIC NOVEL EBOOK FROM JUNE 4TH TO JUNE 8TH blevin 1 4 yearsblevin (31): Greetings CBCS comics community Leviathan comics would like to offer you the opportunity to get a FREE download of the graphic novel ebook Doctor Leviathan. This is a 150 page superhero horror graphic novel and will only be available to download for FREE from this Friday June 4th to June 8th. FREE graphic novel ebook of Doctor Leviathan -...
New comic store opening in Lewisville TX! Guests:Sam De La Rosa and myself sborock 21 4 yearssborock (48469): @DrWatson They took pics. If I get them, I will post them.
Suncoast Comic-Con jgzachary13 1 4 yearsjgzachary13 (187): Anyone planning on attending this con? I presume the bigger grading companies won’t be there (CBCS, CGC, etc.) even though this is in CGC’s backyard.
GrailzCon 2021! Celebs, Live Sales and More! ccmp99 1 4 yearsccmp99 (60): June 1st to June 4th ! Check out GrailzCon only @instagrailz on Instagram! clickable text
**CHRIS CLAREMONT AND ROY THOMAS SIGNING** GenuineCOA 9 4 yearsGenuineCOA (176): Only a few days left to get your orders in. Don't miss this opportunity!
Help me help you! sborock Jump to first page237Jump to last page 4 yearssborock (48469): Thanks for the kind words and input!
Pensacola Pensacon Belarak 7 4 yearsBelarak (1265): I was hoping to get approved as a witness prior to the show, but it doesn't look like it will happen. I can always spend the extra money and have them verified by Beckett. The books are worth it.
CBCS SIGNING WITH JOHN SNYDER III! sborock 2 4 yearsDrWatson (59460): Oh, so it isn't Bo Duke. :(
How to become an Authorized Witness Belarak 10 4 yearsEbayMafia (37349): I think you just go down to the Kingdom Hall, learn about Jehovah, get the pamphlets and start ringing doorbells. Maybe there's a baptism involved...I'm not really sure.
Doing another podcast Monday 4/26 6pm CST sborock 29 4 yearsEbayMafia (37349): OK, @flanders, now I'm starting to think that maybe you are my wife. I've noticed that she's never in the same room with me when you post.
No signing event updates? JoshBungs 1 4 yearsJoshBungs (1): Has anyone gotten their books back from the Johns/Fabok/Anderson signing? Last update I got was that they were at the signing and I only got that by emailing in to ask. Since then no account updates and no responses from customer service. Are things just moving real slow over there?
Update on Johns, Fabok, Finch, etc. Private Signing Event FearTheManThing 3 4 yearsFearTheManThing (5): Great, thanks for the update!
Adding pressing after submission for Signature Event? waynemel 5 4 yearswaynemel (219): Thanks for the responses. I will reach out to Matt. I found his email to be If this is incorrect, please let me know if any knows. I do not have a FB account so I cannot message him there.
Giuseppe Camuncoli Signature Event lalste 4 4 yearsNuffsaid111 (20654): I've learned with these signing events to modify my mindset that once they're sent in, it could be upwards of double digit months. I send in and don't even think about them anymore otherwise I'll go bananas if I do think
I am on a podcast tonight 10pm EST sborock 5 4 yearsSpiderTim (3425): I'll have to watch it later as I missed it!
CBCS mail-in signings update Jesse_O 14 4 yearsFearTheManThing (5): Any status updates on the Johns, Finch, etc. signing??? Thanks.
re: CBCS February Special (15% off Vintage Grading) MurrayC 6 4 yearsrgreenson (786): Yeah sorry my mistake. 1974 and earlier
CBCS-In-mail signature Jeremysitb 5 4 yearsdielinfinite (26907): @esaravo Yup you’re right. I saw that he was asking about the delay in getting books confirmed at the Dallas location that I missed what he said in the last paragraph
Question about signing event HulkSmash 9 4 yearsHulkSmash (11374): @Noblebeast315 thanks!
Adam Kubert signing Comicbookzach 4 4 yearsComicbookzach (1020): @Wolverine Very nice choices!
CBCS Stan Sakai signing event Jesse_O 7 4 yearswaynemel (219): For updates, check out the FB page for signing, see here,
CBCS vs CGC customer service russ3llk 2 4 yearsruss3llk (59): I am hoping to become a CBCS witness so that I can help others who are collecting in the NC area.
I did another podcast- Comics with Bueller sborock 10 4 yearsJoosh (4179): It helps, thanks! I’d like to clarify that there is an obvious difference between a redeemed digital code and a book that didn’t have one in error. Below is an example of a redeemed digital code with sticker removed. It retains a base sicker with printed code that does not come off. Below is an example of an error, the...
I will be on Comic Art Fans Youtube live tonight 9pmEST sborock 6 4 yearsSpiderTim (3425): @sborock I'll be listening then!
Doing Instagram live today 10/2 5pm EST sborock 2 4 yearssborock (48469): BUMP
James Tynion IV & Francesco Mattina Signing ComicPlanet 8 4 yearsRinova (265): I just saw the submission address and it's not the CBCS Submission address so forget about pulling them for signing. Worst thing is the CBCS Mail-In address for James Tynion IV & Francesco Mattina Signing is 90 minutes from me.
CBCS August Mail in signing event Jesse_O 1 5 yearsJesse_O (39345):
San Diego Comic Con 2020 Thread drchaos Jump to first page82Jump to last page 5 yearsCatmanAmerica (31331): And here's the third bagged and boarded book (bonus inclusion)...
Grade-Screening at CBCS Sat 6/27 sborock 19 5 yearssborock (48469): @drbreaux Yeah, not sure when the next one will be held. Bummer!
SDCC, ghosts of convention's past and looking to the future... CatmanAmerica 9 5 yearsCatmanAmerica (31331): More RHG gathering photos... ...
Please help identify signature drchaos 3 5 yearsdrchaos (30035): That sounds right. Thanks for the quick response!
New CBCS Slab Sneak-Peak Reviews! SteveRicketts Jump to first page170Jump to last page 5 yearsflanders (29016):
Batman 89 is my curse. Need input. HulkSmash 22 5 yearsTedsaid (7340): What the hell is that? Looks like it came out in Feb, but I've never seen it before. "MSRP" sounds like marketing bullshit ... the "manufacturer" is DC, and they don't care what the hell you sell it for. I'd give it a miss.
Doing a podcast tonight 6/15 9pm EST sborock 15 5 yearsKatKomics (31323): Thanks!! I joined late :(
PUBLIC SIGNING WITH ROY THOMAS IN TEXAS, JUNE 13, 2020 GenuineCOA 21 5 yearsGenuineCOA (176): Still time to get your tickets for tomorrow's signing with ROY THOMAS in Dunacanville TX! Don't miss the chance to get the autograph of this legend at this incredible price. There are a limited number of time slots available for this signing, so if you can attend, reserve your order for tickets at the link below, be for they sell out! Signature witnessing for CBCS Comics grading will be...
June 2020 CBCS Promo Question? 00slim 10 5 yearssborock (48469): Yes, 10 must pass to get the free one.
Another podcast I did is now live sborock 5 5 yearssborock (48469): @Ambush_Bug Glad you are happy and I think you will like the many changes and programs to come!
Doing a podcast Thursday 5/14 sborock 6 5 yearsCatCovers (11063): It says "join us live." False advertising.
I am doing a podcast tonight at 8pm CST sborock Jump to first page34Jump to last page 5 yearsJesse_O (39345): I am going to be posting any current offers in the "New to the forum..." pinned and locked thread.
New Slabs Unveiled at CBCS Expo!! dielinfinite Jump to first page76Jump to last page 5 yearsJesse_O (39345): Bump
Deals & Steals - Diversions & Activities Cool_Fool 10 5 yearsCool_Fool (1071): DC FREE 3 - DC answers our need for comic fix with 3 titles to read for FREE - INJUSTICE: GODS AMONG US #1 clickable text DC: The New Frontier #1 clickable text Batman: The Dark Knight Returns #1 clickable text Also, its the Jokers 80th Birthday - here are 12 defining moments - clickable text
Part 2: something really cool for charity (Hero Initiative) sborock 3 5 yearssborock (48469): Charity BUMP!
Something really cool for charity (HERO INITIATIVE)......... sborock 4 5 yearssborock (48469): BUMP! Because it's for charity
First time submission question bladefox 5 5 yearssportshort (20063): Also and this is an important "also", you need to write the promo code on the order form after you print it or it will not be applied. the last time i submitted I wrote the code in a couple of places, in notes and below the last entry in the order form, so that it would not be missed (it happens).
CGC Signature to CBCS TheComicVault 7 5 yearsTheComicVault (6): Well, I think that answers my questions, with details lol. Thank you everyone.
CBCS announce a private signing zdoes10 14 5 yearsDrogio (8091): Figured this was a late April fools day joke...
Trolling comic Tom and cgc Zombie_Head 10 5 yearsZombie_Head (3600): Lol
CBCS Pressing Jesse_O Jump to first page982Jump to last page 5 yearsdielinfinite (26907): @SteveRicketts posted an update on Pressing Services They are currently working on books from mid-August, so about 7 months ago, and will continue operating until they are forced to do so. Apparently they have plans for beefing up the pressing program but due to the current state of things are waiting to implement until things settle down a bit.
CBCS Workplace CaptainCanuck 4 5 yearsScifinator (15986): I am thinking that CBCS grading practices are an actual early form of "social distancing".
Chiller Theater Postponed drchaos 2 5 yearsJustThatGuy (5004): Helen Slater is awesome. The only Supergirl.
East Coast Comic Con moved to July drchaos 2 5 yearsinfinityG (1280): im ok w/ this, need to save loot for books lol
Greater Philly Comic Con Date Moved drchaos 1 5 yearsdrchaos (30035): Greater Philly Comic Con scheduled for next month has been moved to Labor Day weekend.
Big Apple Comic Con is Postponed! drchaos 2 5 yearsNuffsaid111 (20654): Shocking!!! LOL
Fantasticon Postponed Zombiebigfoot 13 5 yearsBrianGreensnips (15559): I have been wanting to check out Red Raptor for some time. I might have to make a trip there while reporting to Ann Arbor for work next week.I might make some free time and escape the stress.
Cbcs question Zombie_Head 7 5 yearsHeinzDad (38289): My last batch (3) of books took 3 weeks from drop off to at my door. With that being said it still took a week and a half of that to show on my account.
Doing a live interview tonight 3/5 sborock 11 5 yearssborock (48469): Thanks to everyone who tuned in! Hope ya enjoyed it!
CGC Charges for everything dang. Zombie_Head 16 5 yearsEbayMafia (37349): I heard they instituted a Soul-Screen as part of the hiring process. There's probably a YouTube video about it.
Conventional wisdom on convention travel CatmanAmerica Jump to first page36Jump to last page 5 yearsNuffsaid111 (20654): I find this whole thing to be excessive in comparison to other stuff. But that's just my opinion. What I am however very worried about is cancellation of major cons this year. If this pandemic (I call it panic) increases - it may well happen. That would really stink. Just boot this headline around "San Diego cancels SDCC due to fears of Coronavirus". It's not impossible when panic ensues
CBCS/Clan McDonald private signing with George Perez Jesse_O 7 5 yearsJesse_O (39345): @AndyRexia pm sent.
Fan Expo Dallas CBCS signings Jesse_O 2 5 yearsCool_Fool (1071): Hey great, I have a few Inhyuk Lee store variants/incentives that are sign & slab worthy. Plenty of time to get them ready too. Thanks for post -J ^_~ HavaTaco
Anyone here going Saturday to.... sborock Jump to first page39Jump to last page 5 yearsKinsella5 (782): Yes they are, and yes this year marks my 16th year I believe as an exhibitor so if you find yourself walking around the show floor, my booth is pretty close to where Steve and Stacey have their booth. Just look for my booth as it has the wall of movie posters next to the tower of shirts. :-)
Fanfairenyc - CBCS? Nuffsaid111 6 5 yearsNuffsaid111 (20654): Update: I had originally targeted yellow Mazzuchelli label if CBCS was going to attend - Beep, Stop, not happening for a couple reasons as identified above. Then I still was going to attend to get Mazzuchelli autographs and get them red labeled later under VSP - Beep, Stop, now that aint happening either because he's charging $40 per autograph. Icing on cake - his signing looks like it starts at 4:30 pm for a comic show that begins at 10...
Pics from CBCS Expo 2020 sborock 4 5 yearssborock (48469): Sam De La Rosa talking to the group. More great stories about the inner workings of the publishers and Hollywood.
Who's going to the CBCS EXPO? Rafel 13 5 yearssoutherncross (33782): Marvel memorabilia Attendees chatting to the graders
CBCS Grading Expo, Donny Cates signing Birdman22770 4 5 yearsDarryl_H (1710): did you make it to the signing?
Doing a podcast interview 1/11 sborock 7 5 yearssportshort (20063): Me! do research or even pay attention? know you're asking for the world! good luck.
2019 Holiday gift exchange sign up thread Jesse_O Jump to first page360Jump to last page 5 yearsArak (1000): Once she was a 100% healthy she told me to let you know she thinks Grimlock is (dare I say) the cat's meow !!!!
Hero Initiative AUCTION! sborock 8 5 yearssborock (48469): Yep! I will be on talking about the Hero Initiative.
Are any CBCS facilitators attending California Comic Con in Orange Ca? sportshort 12 5 yearssportshort (20063): How much would you charge in handling? since you're going to a NY con you must be back east, so I would need to send them to you there, correct?
1st CBCS EXPO! sborock 23 5 yearsDarryl_H (1710): If anyone who expressed interest in the Expo, but has not been contacted back please let me know.
Suggestion: Submission form. Gabriel85301 1 5 yearsGabriel85301 (1764): I wish you could download a Submission form (to print for a friend) online. CANADA CBCS has it. Just a suggestion. :)
'Walking Dead' actors speak out against Walker Stalker Convention drchaos 2 5 yearsdrchaos (30035): Here is a link to the article: Walker Stalker
CBCS Events? drchaos 19 5 yearsdrchaos (30035): Thanks for the quick response.
On Site Grading and VSP Later hitmantyler 5 5 yearshitmantyler (90): Well thats sad, but will still bring books for send in grading. Thanks for responding.
Signature question Sebastsk8 3 5 yearsdielinfinite (26907): ASP books with 10 or more signatures are charged an additional $5 and if they have 20 or more it’s an additional $5 on top of that
Help, I have con questions and I can't get up sportshort Jump to first page47Jump to last page 5 yearsTurbo (10): It's quite possible that some do - but there are a lot of different kinds of paint markers (oil vs. acrylic, etc.)... Did they provide any other specifics? I've been using them for a few years now with no ill effects, but some of these things like deterioration take more time so I'm curious.
Cover Contest Award Contest Jesse_O 11 5 yearsOGJackster (54562):
New York Comic Con 2019 Thread drchaos Jump to first page42Jump to last page 5 yearsTowmater (10537): A 100 books? Do you witness for other people?
Show of Hands. Who is going to Baltimore ComicCon? Noblebeast315 11 6 yearskadargo27 (338): I'll be there. One of my favorite shows. Lots to do on the waterfront.
Anyone going or went to Long Beach comic con Batman66 15 6 yearsBatman66 (22547): i don’t have confidence in their consistency of grading, I wanted a #1 anyway, it’s a nice copy and for what I got it for plus with having Matt sign it, I’m happy. I bought a couple of books from Ed Robertson, super nice guy and fair pricing and a couple from harly lee, had to really haggle with him but happy with the deal
So who is going to the Keystone Comic Con in Philly? Doc_Cop 9 6 yearsDoc_Cop (3100): My Keystone Comic Con scores! Great con. Literally spoke with Steve Steranko for 40 minutes! All the younger fans were in a fog when it came to this 81 year old icon.
Weekly Cover Contest #154 - Sea Creatures VS Man GanaSoth Jump to first page52Jump to last page 6 yearsLenovations (866): Finally I was able to grab one of these! Consider it taken. I've had a while to think of my topic so I hope everyone enjoys #155
Submitting books for pressing after signature, also submitting for grading Randomdoge 2 6 yearsdielinfinite (26907): CBCS normally lists the shows they will be attending here As for pressing affecting the signatures, the vast majority of the time they will not be affected. Certain inks are affected differently and on different paper stocks. Sharpies are fine most of the time but some pens, like paint pens, which some artists like to use, may not dry properly for a long time which could be affected in pressing.
Fan Expo Boston/Comic Con TheSpawn826 1 6 yearsTheSpawn826 (1): Will CBCS be taking books for submission at the Fan Expo Boston / Comic Con on August 16 to 19? Thanks
Todd McFarlane Steve McNiven, and Humberto Ramos added to Toronto Fan expo drchaos 27 6 yearsdrchaos (30035): Vincent Vega in the House! Toronto just added John Travolta. Boston added him as well.
CBCS or AWs at upcoming cons xkonk 10 6 yearsdrchaos (30035): I went to Keystone last year but won't be back this year as Toronto is the same weekend. Now that they added Todd McFarlane and Steve McNiven l, Toronto has a great guest list.
London Film & Comic Con (LFCC) WitchKing 9 6 yearsWitchKing (1): That's too bad but thank you for your answer. :) I hope we'll have someday a grading company in Europe and i wish CBCS could fill this role ;)
WEEKLY COVER CONTEST #150 - Movie Poster Covers!!! Jesse_O Jump to first page53Jump to last page 6 yearsKarlhungus (344): 2 weeks in a row for me at 2nd place... Congrats @VaComicsGuy!
TerrifiCon Signings Bmoney83 4 6 yearsBmoney83 (8): Thanks for the reply, I will message you for more details 👍
CBCS July Special - 6 week GUARANTEED TAT!!! Jesse_O 28 6 yearsJesse_O (39345): I just received clarification from CBCS on a couple things. @Ladic The promo cannot be used in connection with pressing. If you get pressing done, there will be no guarantee honored in regards to grading TATs. @the420bandito Business days are Monday through Friday with the exception of Federally recognized holidays. They no longer count some con days off. @Gaard No. This is for the Modern, Expanded and Consumer tiers.
CBCS 4th of July discount!! Jesse_O 22 6 yearsTerry88 (1276): My email about this came through this morning at 8 am. Effective.
CBCS panel at North Texas Comic Book Show Jesse_O 2 6 yearsGenuineCOA (176): Thanks for posting Jesse!
Terrificon - George Perez - They ain't making things easy drchaos 8 6 yearsDWYCK (2): PM-ed you. Just happened to be looking for information on the G. Perez appearance but definitely interested.
Submissions Walker1 3 6 yearsVirgincollector (494): Yeah I notice most complaints on the forum are from new members who are not familiar with the grading process or are new collectors that have no patience LOL 🤣🤣🤷‍♂️! I’m glad to here your process went smoothly 👍! @GAC is right it’s nice to hear the positive
SIGNATURE WITNESSING FOR NORTH TEXAS SHOW JUNE 29-30 GenuineCOA 4 6 yearsGenuineCOA (176): Don't miss the comic grading panel with STEVE BOROCK, this weekend at the North Texas Comic Book Shows, in Irving TX. It's sure to be informative! Afterward, find Steve at the Genuine COA booth #111 where he will offer FREE GRADE SCREENING to attendees. Have your books inspected by Steve himself, to help you make a decision on grading. Genuine COA will be at the show all weekend to offer signature witnessing and CBCS Comics grading. You...
Upcoming Conventions drchaos Jump to first page47Jump to last page 6 yearsGabriel85301 (1764): I am not worried about them cooling down. Thanks for the tidbit too. I got like 4 or 5 tucked away, some newsstands, some direct.. When it comes to Carol, I have a huge personal collection that I have been working on and don't sell my Captain Marvel books unless I got dupes. I have a boatload of her on the covers too that I have not put up on here.. and I know since the movie has come and gone, but I ALSO KNOW.. that we have not heard the last...
MAIL-IN SUBMISSIONS FOR NEW MEXICO COMCIC EXPO SIGNING W/THOMAS & CLAREMONT GenuineCOA 1 6 yearsGenuineCOA (176): Genuine COA is NOW accepting MAIL-IN signature submissions for the NEW MEXICO COMIC EXPO, which includes AUTHORIZED SIGNINGS with ROY THOMAS and CHRIS CLAREMONT. Reserve your order for MAIL-IN submissions at the link below, or DROP-OFF at one of our event booths. Books are due by August 13, 2019. Contact us if you do not see an option for your desired signer. Be sure to join the GCOA - CBCS Signing Ops group...
WARNING!!! MUST READ!!!! POSSIBLE EMAIL VIRUS!! Jesse_O Jump to first page31Jump to last page 6 yearsGAC (79172): Yeah, I'd say 99% of the time they're empty threats....its that 1% you have to concern yourself with.
Can comics be submitted for signature verification at events? GoG 3 6 yearsesaravo (103004): @GoG - As long as CBCS is at that event. Just to let you know, they are running a special on their Verified Signature labels right now ($10 off per book).
SIGNATURE WITNESSING AT WASHINGTON STATE SUMMER CON JUNE 15-16 GenuineCOA 1 6 yearsGenuineCOA (176): Genuine COA will be found at booth #160 of Washington State Summer Con, June 15-16, to offer signature witnessing and CBCS Comics grading. We are NOW accepting MAIL-IN signature submissions for this event, which includes AUTHORIZED SIGNINGS with ROY THOMAS, CHRIS CLAREMONT and JIM STERANKO. Reserve your order for ON-SITE or MAIL-IN submissions at the link below. Books are due by JUNE 10, 2019. Be sure to...
Special promo east coast comic con Glimmertwins75 5 6 yearsxkonk (18077): I haven't heard of any but that kind of thing is usually done by some random company. I'm hoping they announce whatever the promo is soon. I'm thinking about going on Friday and am nervous they won't figure it out until Saturday.
CBCS @Comicpalooza? DWeeB1967 3 6 yearsDWeeB1967 (13031): Bummer! I was hoping to submit some books. Thanks, @Darryl_H.
CBCS On-Site Grading Dallas FAN Expo starts May 2nd spaulus 6 6 yearsGamecube2482 (259): @TimBildhauser OK. Thanks for the response.
CBCS Dallas On-Site Saturday! Darryl_H 1 6 yearsDarryl_H (1710): Reminder, CBCS is still taking books for onsite grading at Dallas Fan Expo. This won't last long so swing by and drop off your books for onsite grading quickly.
Golden Memories coming to Gem City,Dayton Ohio,w/ Golden Age GEMS 4/27-28 GoldenMemories 4 6 yearsStudley_Dudley (53746): It's definitely a good show that is much more comic-oriented than pop culture oriented. I'll stop by your booth and check it out. I can definitely see some things in the pics you have that I would like a closer look at. Good luck at the show and have fun! Welcome to Dayton!
CBCS at comic cons CLT 9 6 yearsCLT (59): Thanks for all the info. I'll contact support and either drop it off this weekend or the next comic con.
CBCS at London Film & Comic Con Jesse_O 5 6 yearspoka (25529): Darryl - with this kind of statement - will be double disappointed unless - soon!
Salt Lake City FanX Spring Show Jesse_O 4 6 yearsDarryl_H (1710): We plan to continue these special announcements and promos so you please keep a eye out!
Alice Cooper Sketch Cover drchaos 7 6 yearsGAC (79172): brilliant!!!
New toll free number for CBCS. Jesse_O 12 6 yearsEnelson (6289): Soooo...I called it....and ummm....I don't think the person I talked to is from Dallas ....also, no help with a billing question I have already sent 4 emails about so I guess...
CBCS at "Old School" Comic Show, NH Jesse_O 7 6 yearsMR_SigS (11124): At least he's not spinning it on a table ;)
Wondercon 2019 Jesse_O 2 6 yearsBatman66 (22547): @Jesse_O that's awesome
C2E2 schedule? chirock 5 6 yearsTimBildhauser (2239): Silver & Bronze Age are in the same range for TAT.
Going to ECCC? Check out these promos from CBCS!!! Jesse_O 3 6 yearsJesse_O (39345): If you do this, DO NOT post the picture here!!! Go to CBCS Comics on facebook, find this post and share it there!!!!
ROY THOMAS & CHRIS CLAREMONT AUTHORIZED SIGNINGS GenuineCOA 1 6 yearsGenuineCOA (176): Genuine COA's BACK ISSUE ICONS Signing Series is excited to bring these two classic creators back to the line-up, to join JOHN ROMITA SR, LARRY LIEBER and MANY MORE! Place your order at the link below for Signature Submission and CBCS Comics grading. MAIL-IN or DROP-OFF orders at one of our event booths from now until June 10, 2019. Be sure to join the GCOA - CBCS Signing Ops Facebook group to see more special...
SIGNATURE WITNESSING FOR DALLAS COMIC SHOW APRIL 6-7, 2019 GenuineCOA 7 6 yearsGeoff (27): Thanks so much to everyone! You guys are great!!!
MC3 Hits The 30 Year Mark! Zombiebigfoot 7 6 yearsmichaelekrupp (32260): 👍 Sounds good to me!
Add authenticate signature of already verified signature CBCS graded book smeninc 6 6 yearsManonfire (63): It cost me $46 to get a graded comic opened, signed, authenticated, and re-graded that is including shipping.
Any 2019 Great Lakes Comic Con Exclusives? chirock 2 6 yearsJoosh (4179): It appears they are still selling previous years' books online along with tickets; nothing new. Last year the new book was available to pre-purchase with tickets. I'll be there, already bought tickets online. The only exclusive I don't own is the GI Joe B&W so I plan to pick one up there.
ECCC 2019 OoklaTheMok 2 6 yearsOoklaTheMok (44): FYI We will be at Theodore Hotel, 1531 7th Ave, Seattle, WA 98101 for ECCC. So you can drop you books off there with us! Thank you, The CBCS Team
Rhode Island Comic Con this Friday, Saturday, & Sunday esaravo Jump to first page50Jump to last page 6 yearsJohnnylray (2675): Thanks!:beer:
Mark Roman leaving CBCS Jesse_O 19 6 yearsdrchaos (30035): That's it! Glad someone was paying attention (unlike me).
Pre Sreening cosanostra937 4 6 yearsCatmanAmerica (31331): Pre-screening is definitely a service available at CBCS, but I don't think restoration removal is currently one of the services offered. I'm making that assumption based on the books sent with Steve Borock for grading and pre-screening at last month's OAFcon, two came back with discovered restoration, having been graded previously by CGC as a universal grade! If CBCS offered this service for suitable candidates, I'd certainly consider...
New York Comic Con TKD_Tarantino 14 6 yearsUnknown (64): Ugh. The one time I assume something at NYCC. Brought books to submit.
**SIGNATURE WITNESSING FOR CBCS GRADING AT NYCC 2018** GenuineCOA 1 6 yearsGenuineCOA (176): As you know, CBCS will not have a booth at or near NYCC this year. Genuine COA will be walking the floor of NYCC 2018 in order to facilitate signature witnessing for CBCS Comics grading. We will also have a witness available for the nearby Marvelocity signing happening adjacent to the convention center. This opportunity will allow you to get a CBCS yellow label for signatures that happen at NYCC and accompanying events. We will also...
Keystone Comic Con drchaos 11 7 yearsxkonk (18077): I was able to meet up with @obiwan1971 to help out with Claremont signatures. Happy to meet him. Sounded like a rough con for the vendors though. Chatting with Claremont was cool, and I went to Ken Lashley's panel. He was super nice and had some interesting stories. Set up a commission with a local artist. I had fun. I hope they do it again next year.
What's the best suggestion for keeping 9.8 after a remark Lundon44 19 7 yearsLundon44 (34): So after almost 10 days, multiple emails and probably 20+ calls trying to get someone on the phone I finally received an email response today. Because the ASM #800 was submitted on the 2-Day tier with a 2-Day turnaround time I've been advised it was already graded and ready to ship. I asked if they could confirm the grade. They said it got 9.8 so the pressing would be a waste. I guess I got lucky from the sounds of it!
Toronto Fan Expo drchaos Jump to first page73Jump to last page 7 yearsDJC_II (1829): I got a book signed by jock which he did 5 years ago. He will sign it wherever you ask him
CBCS Comic Collectors Club Giveaway on Facebook Jesse_O 13 7 yearsSpiderTim (3425): yes the coupons don't show on your dashboard you have to ask them to use the coupons on your submission.
Boston Comic Con drchaos 13 7 yearsdrchaos (30035): Leaving for NJ within the hour. I will be at the Convention Center early tomorrow morning.
best service to facilitate CBCS signatures schnove1977 11 7 yearsGabriel85301 (1764): The guys at COLLECTOR's CHOICE are great, they did my witnessing for a local Jusko event, along with see'ing them at Phoenix Conventions often. I've used Trinity once for a Stan Lee sig., and J&J Collectibles once as well. There is guy in Portland who has helped me twice at Rose City even though I was doing my own witnessing at those events, I don't remember his name but he's always been super civil and hope to run in to him again in...
First time Authorized Witness. iggykoopa30 12 7 yearsiggykoopa30 (261): Hope to see some of you folks at the North Texas Comic Book Show this weekend! Lookin' forward to it!
CBCS at SDCC 2018 Jesse_O 7 7 yearsJesse_O (39345): David Baron will have a VERY limited amount of SDCC 2018 exclusive prints (Signed & Numbered) available ONLY at the CBCS booth #507 on Thursday July 19, 2018!
ConnectiCon 2018 Thearrow 4 7 yearsWatcher (4166): cool....look me up...I think you have my cell . I'll be there from Friday afternoon til Sunday morning. Probably drunk and playing blackjack to win enough to grab a grail...but assuming I'll lose (as I always do), I'll probably be selling my grails cheap to chase my losses on the tables :)
CBCS (or anyone else) at Keystone Con? xkonk 12 7 yearsdrchaos (30035): It is a new show so there is no way to know for sure.
SDCC Foreign Comics panel Jesse_O 1 7 yearsJesse_O (39345): If you are going to SDCC, swing by and check out this panel on foreign comics!!! CBCS's own Tim Bildhauser will be one of the panelists. Make sure to ask him the hard questions!! And I hear there will be some awesome foreign comics displayed as well!!
CBCS is Moving to Dallas... SteveRicketts Jump to first page128Jump to last page 7 yearspoka (25529): Refer to this thread
SDCC Dinner/Meetup dielinfinite 14 7 yearsCatmanAmerica (31331): I just found out the Penguin-Random House Party is Thursday evening at the Library. Alas, it's an invitation-only party. Sorry.
CBCS signing opp at ComicConn Jesse_O 3 7 yearsconditionfreak (11292): I'm not into SS, but those are some more than reasonable prices.
CBCS at Bell County Comic Con (August 4-5)? iggykoopa30 1 7 yearsiggykoopa30 (261): Kevin Eastman will be there and they are still adding artists. Will CBCS try to add this one to their list of local conventions? It's about 2 hours south of Dallas. Thanks.
CBCS at North Texas (July 21-22)? iggykoopa30 6 7 yearsCatmanAmerica (31331): I'm sure they'd be open to local con suggestions if the convention doesn't run up against one of the majors. SDCC is still the biggest game in the country and it's an all-hands-on-deck event. Missing that'n wouldn't be good for business. Just sayin'. :beer::)
CBCS involvement in Baltimore with fan package Menoth79 10 7 yearsJesse_O (39345): @SpiderTim You'd probably have to contact the rep or handler for that information. Mark Roman might know. You can always drop him an email to make sure. If he doesn't know, maybe he can get you the contact info for the handler.
Comic cons Thearrow 4 7 yearsvacaboca (1063): Who had a raw book and then chucked it? Only to see that he'd made it VG So to Borock for pressing he trucked it!
Borock interview tonight 7:30 pm EST Jesse_O 4 7 yearsBrianGreensnips (15559): @Jesse_O Thanks for posting that. It is always good to hear how passionate Steve is about the hobby.
Phoenix COMIC FEST !! GRATITUDE KEVIN-RYAN Gabriel85301 9 7 yearsRyanHicks (1974): Thanks @Gabriel85301 and @thelastbard for the kudos and for sending/bringing your books in. Gabriel, it was great seeing you there as always. Kevin and I love helping all you guys out and building up these collections so its always good to hear when you guys appreciate the service.
What grade would this go to? Randomdoge 3 7 yearsRandomdoge (21): Yea i was gonna submit it and add a pressing to help it out some more. The small cut its very small the first pic i zoomed in quite a bit the only ways to see it is if you're looking really close into it or touch it a bit and by touch i mean you'll feel a small bump
Which comics to submit Randomdoge 25 7 yearsRandomdoge (21): @doog yea i really dog skottie youngs art i also have the one shot of her well two of em i was thinking on that one being graded but i feel theres no Point for that one
Submitting multiple comics in person Randomdoge 16 7 years00slim (18687): They should definitely be able to take ATM/Credit.
VA Comicon - Rob Liefeld ASP opportunity Darryl_H 2 7 yearsCopperAgeKids (3717): Awesome show.... I'm looking forward to setting up there and doing some buying, as well!
Sean Murphy Batman White Knight 1 1st print MGA 1 7 yearsMGA (124): Hi guys got a bunch of Sean Murphy's hit series Batman: White Knight 1,2,& 3 1st prints at Granite Comic Con yesterday all 9.6 or better. As follows Batman White Knight B&W #1 signed $60 Batman White Knight #1 signed $20.00 Batman White Knight #2 signed $20.00 Batman White Knight #3 signed $50.00 or all 4...
SIG SUB FAN-EX DAL/EAST COAST CC/FRIGHTMARE GenuineCOA 3 7 yearsGenuineCOA (176): LAST CHANCE to submit MAIL-IN books for signatures from EAST COAST COMICON. Orders are due at the link below by 4/20/18.
Giveaway in the Facebook CBCS Club Jesse_O 8 7 yearsdrchaos (30035): From what I can gather some of the staff of CBCS follow this forum and some of the staff follow Facebook.
Fun Times at Garden State Comic Fest xkonk 14 7 yearsTimBildhauser (2239): @DocBrown Debating the added fee from creators for books being slabbed would possibly just cause some of those creators to up their price to the higher amount. Again, I don't necessarily like it but it is what it is. Celebrity sigs are one thing, think along the line of author signatures though. In the majority of signings I've attended at book stores they require the purchase of a copy of the writer's newest release (usually from that specific...
Grading at shows kevinlmillard 4 7 yearskevinlmillard (73): @dielinfinite thanks for the information. I didn't know I would be using cbcs until the day of. Had a signature witness for Rob Liefeld, and was told he no longer deals with cgc.
CBCS Exclusive - Rob Liefeld remarques Jesse_O 2 7 yearsthelastbard (1282): I missed those by a day, since I was only able to go to Sunday of WonderCon.... Oh well! They would definitely bump up the value of the 87 and 98 I'm selling off, cough cough. Don't know what he's charging for the sigs and remarks, though. It WAS pretty expensive when he was paying for booth space (SDCC, for example). I commented to Mark that it's a great idea to use that space (on the covers) if it's available.
WONDERCON 2018 dsalangsang 15 7 yearsThorneArt (2065): I will be there in Artist Alley (C-14) and will had Sketch Covers available to be submitted for grading or Art label.
STAN LEE Private Signing Books due 3/25 TrinityComics 5 7 yearsDrogio (8091): @TrinityComics thanks for touching base. Hope you post back here when it's back on...holding off on sending a book until then.
ECCC 2018 Accepting Submissions TrinityComics 13 7 yearsJesse_O (39345): Fixed.
Borock on Seattle tv show Jesse_O 4 7 yearsBrianGreensnips (15559): Nice little interview.
Comic con Thearrow 12 7 yearsTimBildhauser (2239): @BabaLament We, more specifically I, will be at Comicpalooza in May. I don't know how the floor placement looks just yet though.
My fantastic 2018 Great Lakes Comic Con exp Joosh 11 7 yearsTimBildhauser (2239): @Joosh Why does Cody get all the credit? Show some love! LOL It was nice meeting you BTW. If you're coming to Motor City in May stop by and see us. ;)
GABRIELE DELL'OTTO Private Signing TrinityComics 1 7 yearsTrinityComics (244): **Gabriele Dell'Otto Private Signing** Books are due 3/5. For pricing information message us or visit or You can send your books to: Trinity Comics 2727 Merrilee Drive #440 Fairfax, VA 22031 Don't forget to put your name address and...
Accepting mail-ins for FANEXPO DALLAS TrinityComics 1 7 yearsTrinityComics (244): We are accepting submissions for books to be signed and CBCS graded at Fanexpo Dallas. Books are due in hand 3/25. Comic Creator Guest List Private Signings with Jim Lee, Joe Quesada, Scott Snyder, Greg Capullo, David Finch, Donny Cates, Andy Kubert, Matthew Rosenberg, Joshua Williamson Celebrity Guest List The cost is $10 on top of comic creator fees ( If you find...
Trinity Comics Private Signing ADAM HUGHES TrinityComics 4 7 yearsktcomics (4): Message incoming
**GABRIELE DELL'OTTO PRIVATE SIGNING** TrinityComics 2 7 yearsktcomics (4): Best in the business just keeps getting better! I'll have several books to send in.
What the cbcs???? Zombie_Head Jump to first page41Jump to last page 7 yearsDrogio (8091):
Is EBAY gone crazy Buzbe 17 7 yearsLunarshade (190): Cryptocurrencies will reduce Paypal fees and be the clear choice to use as a payment system.
#CBCSBOX SteveRicketts Jump to first page180Jump to last page 7 yearsesaravo (103004): Since I am not tech-savvy like you Generation X collectors, here’s my low tech unboxing. The actual comics will be posted on the thread where you show your 9.0 or higher books. ...
CBCS TAT's SpiderTim 21 7 yearsRyanHicks (1974): Haha thanks man; yea i loved that piece and it was definitely unexpected. Her, Chadwick and Kevin did good teamwork on that one lol
A Big Thank You to Gabriel85301 1 7 yearsGabriel85301 (1764): A big huge Thank you to Mark Roman, Tim, Matt S (From Trinity) and other CBCS witnesses present for your assistance today at ACE COMIC CON. I appreciate YOUR SERVICE immensely. #GRATITUDE
CBCS employee question adamcare 6 7 yearskaptainmyke (27134): lol I think we'd all like to know be funny if it was just a reallllly good legit photobomb either way
Chad Hardin Sketch Opportunity TrinityComics 4 7 yearsCowabunga_Kyle (2271): I like boobs too (allegedly)
Baltimore Comic-con mr_brendo 8 7 yearsantoniofett (2360): One thing I thought they should do to incentivize people to buy VIP passes, is to let them get some autographs at no charge. for example, sponsors artists and writers and you can get 3 things signed for no charge. If I have a VIP pass, I should get 5 or something, or maybe an exclusive. Just an idea.
ACE Phoenix Stan Lee Private Signing TrinityComics 3 7 yearsTrinityComics (244): Yes please, feel free to DM us.
TOM HOLLAND CHRIS EVANS Signing TrinityComics 1 7 yearsTrinityComics (244): We are attending Ace Comic Con and accepting submissions for Tom Holland, Chris Evans, and Jon Bernthal. Mail-In deadline is 1/5/17. Price and mail-in information is in the link below: ...
Todd McFarlane Sig Facilitators? c2t2merch 16 7 yearsmattness (1530): Just for reference: I had two Mcfarlane cgc yellow label signatures (one signed 2015, silver, one signed 2016, gold) regraded by CBCS last year (2016). I also submitted a universal cgc slab (silver polybage)to be signed by Mcfarlane through Genuine COA who was representing CBCS. This one was also regraded by CBCS, also last year 2016....
ECCC Khumbu 5 7 yearsJohnjakewish (81): ECCC isn't listed in the "news and events" section for march and CBCS is at a different con on march 4th :-(
Anyone going to SDCC? 00slim 6 7 yearsthelastbard (1282): I'm "around", but typically depends on how much time I can get off from work (less about time off, more about workload)... Sigh... I'm local-ish and get pro badges, so easy peasy otherwise. Would be interesting to get some guys there, too, with intentions on certain sigs or exclusives... I can witness, for example, but am not there all the time. There are things I like to try and get, but I'm there with my family most of the time, so...
ASM 300 CGC ,etc-CBCS EXCLUSIVE Price Cuts CopperAgeKids 1 7 yearsCopperAgeKids (3717): Intil Sunday at 10 PM Eastern, I am offering 10% of any of my eBay listings, to CBCS Forum Members ONLY. To get 10% off, buyers must PM me thru this board for an invoice. All orders ship via USPS Insured Priority. $10 for the first standard eBay shipping promo applies, which is...
New Mutants 1-100 (individual) sales thread? CopperAgeKids 16 7 yearsStu (825): Down for a NM #87!
Cover Contest Week 58 Motorcycle covers. Savage_Spawn Jump to first page51Jump to last page 7 yearsSavage_Spawn (1906): Congrats, great cover choice.
CBCS Test SuperSaiyanBlue Jump to first page43Jump to last page 7 yearsCopperAgeKids (3717): Thanks, but you may be giving me a bit too much credit. Either way, there are only so many tools that can used, to accurately grade a book. CBCS and CGC have flatbed black light scanners, for instance. That, and a high end loupe, is all that can be used to grade a book. In conjunction with a second grader,who grades the book indepentently, neither of the two graders knows how the other grader called the book. So you have 2 well...
NYCC Reference Thread - Do not post drchaos 10 7 yearsdrchaos (30035): Thank you to everyone for leaving this thread clear during the Con. This was definitely the best Con I have ever had for signatures. I still can't believe how many big signatures I got. There are some artists I just didn't get to but I am still very pleased.
CBCS in NYC Jesse_O 15 7 yearsjohnctan (85): Will someone be at the convention for signatures?
CBCS SIGNATURE WITNESS FOR NYCC BOOTH #2912 GenuineCOA 5 7 yearsGenuineCOA (176): As long as your preferences are clearly indicated on the comic backboard, we are happy to accommodate your requests and, of course, there would not be any additional charges.
JUSTICE LEAGUE Cast Signing! TrinityComics 7 7 yearsAbsolute_Zero (1104): I would love to get the whole cast as well as Green Lantern who ever that is
STEVE BOROCK TO PRE-GRADE SCREEN DURING NYC spaulus 2 7 yearsshrewbeer (13263): Coupled with the other *low-key-high-profile* announcement, theres no good reason not to stop by to see CBCS next weekend. This is great news. I'll make the 3hr drive, assuming the better half allows it! 🍺 *its a good choice of location as well, looks like plenty of parking available on the same block
CBCS Baltimore Con Dinner Sign up Jesse_O 28 8 yearsDavidSebs14 (34): Thanks for everyone who came out to the dinner, was def a great time and thanks to Steve Borock for hosting. Also special thanks to our guests of Honor Mr. Neal Adams and his wife Marilyn for attending and giving some great insights and great stories all night.
Ethan Van Sciver cancelled for Baltimore drchaos 15 8 yearsLonestar (4901): To be fair, their web site lists 13 cancellations. But still lists over 160 other guest (artists/writers) who will be attending. So it's not like the con is falling apart or anything. It just sucks when someone you were excited to see is one of those who cancels.
Important Hurricane Announcement SteveRicketts 30 8 yearscbj102 (196): So has there been an update? Just want to know that everyone is fine and the place is up and running - not in a rush for my books as I project getting them back in early December LOL! Hope the power is back up and people can get to work, returning to normal is the best medicine :)
WTF Baltimore? drchaos 16 8 yearsLonestar (4901): She does not live in Baltimore. She lives in Potomac, MD, which is just outside Washington, DC. Still fairly close to Baltimore, so your main point is valid.
**DALLAS COMIC SHOW SEPTEMBER 16-17** GenuineCOA 1 8 yearsGenuineCOA (176): **MAIL-IN SIGNATURE SUBMISSIONS ARE DUE BY 9/11** Find the Genuine COA booth at the Dallas Comic Show, September 16-17, for signature witnessing and CBCS Comics grading services! For MAIL-IN or ON-SITE submissions, place your order at the link below. WE ARE ALSO OFFERING BOOTH DROP-OFF FOR OUR UPCOMING BACK ISSUE ICONS SIGNING OPPORTUNITY!! ...
Ask Steve Ricketts!! (at WW Chicago) Jesse_O 10 8 yearskaptainmyke (27134): Oh boy LOOK AT ME
CBCS Rose City Signing events Jesse_O 16 8 years1nOnly (365): Just got an email saying Liefeld will no longer be attending RCCC. Offering refunds for everyone that bought his VIP package.
Boston Comic Con drchaos 28 8 yearsTowmater (10537): @DocBrown Was his answer correct?
What's the point for submitting comics to ge Ny85 14 8 yearsSpiderTim (3425): Josh Avery is going to Rhode Island Comic-Con, he can take your books to get the signatures you need and then also press the books before shipping to CBCS for grading. Contact Avery Pressing Services and tell him I sent you!
Accepting submissions San Francisco Con 9/1 spidermanbeyond 5 8 yearsspidermanbeyond (7): Just send you a PM with all my info. Thank you.
**************GOOD NEWS************** ONLINE_209 10 8 yearsJWKyle (3300): I just got off the phone with Jake about some submission question at this con. He stated they are not going to be there. Just a heads up for those going to do some cbcs stuff.
Drop Your Linen and Start Your Grinnin drchaos 7 8 yearskaptainmyke (27134): SHE CAN'T GET HERE SOON ENOUGH BRAH
Garth Ennis Private Signing Available MGA 1 8 yearsMGA (124): Hi guys we are happy to let everyone know we have secured a private signing on August 19th. All books must be in by the 17th don't hesitate. Rate is 25.00 per book. 55.00 For grading fast track. Email us at or Thanks Mike
New Source of CBCS Information... SteveRicketts Jump to first page102Jump to last page 8 yearsDarthLego (20518): Any luck finding that cheeto in the server yet?
Toronto Fan Expo Grading Process johnctan 17 8 yearsDarkga (4787): Authorized Witness to the signature of a comic.
Con to Con Witnessed Signatures comic_book_man 20 8 yearscomic_book_man (1978): Good to know! ...and that just makes sense - I could see bias/favoritism for grading companies playing a negative role if that were not the case.
2nd Annual CBCS Dinner/Meet-up @ SDCC dielinfinite Jump to first page33Jump to last page 8 yearsJLS_Comics (5463): Very nice!
I'M MR MEESEEKS LOOK AT ME kaptainmyke Jump to first page175Jump to last page 8 yearsKingNampa (6756): Oh ok, we don't talk about it. Got it. ;)
Jason Metcalf Pre-Booking Commissions SDCC MGA 2 8 yearsSirtoddington (1012): If i wasn't broke. :( So much want!
My #whatsinthebox video ThorneArt 3 8 yearskaptainmyke (27134): Cool books I have the one with the polar bear on the cover!
NYCC Guests drchaos 13 8 yearsdrchaos (30035): Website has nothing added. Anyone have any insight?
CBCS Please Return to Stockton-Con! 00slim 6 8 yearsAndyRexia (6306): Oh really? Well that's the best news I've heard in a while. You just made my day. Thank you!
Trinity Comics at SDCC! Taking Mail-Ins! TrinityComics 5 8 yearsWolverine (1961): Hey Matt, I'll be sending you two books as soon as I can when they get here from across the pond.
printer defect ams #361 Zieggy1975 5 8 yearsDarthLego (20518): clickable text
CBCS LIVE! SteveRicketts 26 8 yearsJLS_Comics (5463):
Witness approval to submission time question dalkeil 7 8 yearsJesse_O (39345): I had hoped that an AW would respond here as well, so I held off for a few hours before responding. Your best bet is going to be getting a hold of Mark Roman. He monitors Facebook fairly regular, especially if you tag him or send him a pm. He can be reached by email also. However, he doesn't frequent the forum. I know there is a time limit to get signed books in, I am not sure if it is one month or two. Anything beyond that time has to be...
FanExpo Canada and Artist Packages w/ CBCS Wolverine 2 8 yearsKatKomics (31323): Would be nice if they did - this is our big local event and most years I can't make it, would be great if I could drop books off
Thank You Jake Fleming, Steve McDonald, etc Gabriel85301 1 8 yearsGabriel85301 (1764): So I said I was gonna do it, so I finally got around to it. Big Thank You to Jake Fleming, Steve McDonald, Kevin Gawthrope for the assistance they provided me at Phoenix Comicon this past weekend on witnessing my books and all the other stuff CBCS does. I submitted 18 modern books with signatures, and 2 moderns without signatures Jake Fleming advised me, since I am planning on submitting a good 50+ books in September that why don't I...
Trinity Comics JOCK Private Signing in July TrinityComics 17 8 yearsThanatos (3201): good to know :)
Heroes Con 2017 Taking Submissions Now! TrinityComics 4 8 yearsTrinityComics (244): It differs per creator. They charge different prices. We charge $10 flat on most.
Welcome to the CBCS Forum! SteveRicketts Jump to first page530Jump to last page 8 yearsrec1978 (69): Hello All, I am new to the CBCS boards, but I have been around the block a little while (EBay for 16 years and CGC Chat Boards (same user id) for 4 years). If you see anything in my EBay store that you like, please feel free to shoot me a PM! Cheers, Ron As a side note: I am sending my first book, for CBCS Submission, today! ...
Happy Memorial Day All and Remember .... JLS_Comics 14 8 yearsBigRedOne1944 (11568): In addition to Cards and Comic Books I am also involved in the 1/6 Scale(GI Joe)hobby. Most of my custom made figures and Dioramas are made to pay homage to all the Brave Men and Women who made the sacrifice to preserve the Freedoms we have in this country, that most take for granted. FREEDOM is NOT Free ...
Met the guys at the Phoenix Comicon! Kaleljll 8 8 yearsKaleljll (406): Yeah I think that was his sales pitch to try and sway me to become a CGC customer. It only solidified my loyalty to CBCS.
Comic-Con submissions question. Savage_Spawn 13 8 yearsSavage_Spawn (1906): Hmm, forgot about the raw grade option. Maybe take in a couple extra if the comic warrants it. Thanks for the tips.
Motor City Comic-Con Zombiebigfoot 10 8 yearsBrianGreensnips (15559): I live 15 minutes away but Unfortunetly too much stuff going on .I have been there many times in the past and it has been a really good show. Highlights for me have been Stan Lee photo opp and book signing, George Perez signing and he did an Iron Man sketch for me, Neal Adams sketch of Batman on a Joker print.
Comic con question. Savage_Spawn 14 8 yearsSavage_Spawn (1906): I have the "nerd" aspect of this well covered, so it is not an issue!! Some great suggestions guys. I still have more than a week to plot my plan of attack, but you all have provided some great options, thanks a lot!!!
CBCS Onsite Raw Grading Grayspeedster 8 8 yearsVaComicsGuy (4033): DARTH LEGO's mobile command grading vehicle.
Scott Snyder Greg Capullo Private Signing TrinityComics 1 8 yearsTrinityComics (244): We have a Private Signing set up with Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo. For mail-ins books are due in to us by May 17th. Price is $25/signature. In other big news we will be running ALL the Private CBCS signings exclusively with these guys for the rest of the year! If you are attending a show and don’t want to wait...
CBCS ASP Fee Question Grayspeedster 12 8 yearsbennyb86 (796): Perfect, thank you! That was the way it was explained to me by customer service as well but got a bit confused for a second.
Slab Worthy? Please help Grayspeedster 10 8 yearsGrayspeedster (406): Good point. I do plan on taking pictures! The grades are all NM for the most part. The few that I'm not sure about I'm gonna have LCS grade and if they are below NM I'll look for upgrades or not have them graded at all. But I'll always keep in mind that I can scan and get your opinions. Well, I plan on keeping them for life, but they are investments so my future kids can have them when I pass. To sell or keep is up to them!
East Coast Comic Con AnkurJ 6 8 yearsdrchaos (30035): So between looking through what I brought home yesterday and what I pulled from the long boxes it looks like I have at least 100 more books I can get signed today if all goes well.
Submitting a book at comic con LowlifeSocialClub 6 8 yearsZosoRocks (2134): ...and be specific on the invoice on what you want to have done. I'd like to see CBCS change their rules on OA....where as, included on the label - the character's name the art is in reference to. I just think it would be a cool addition to have "Badrock" in quotes on the label above the "signature verification" of Rob Liefield. Of course this is just an opinion I have. ;o)
SVCC Bloodlikefire 9 8 years00slim (18687): A friend of mine dropped books off for me at this show. I'll keep this in mind for future Cons. It would be cool to meet some of you in person. My next one will most likely be a smaller show (Stockton Con in August).
Filling out the form online for drop off? 00slim 3 8 yearsSirtoddington (1012): sometimes i use cash but last year I had a TON of crap to get graded so i used my CC then. it's not "cash only" at cons. That's why there's the CC area o the form. As long as they have the form that you filled out online all filled out correctly there should be no issues whatsoever with any payment options. Your card info will be attatched to that invoice #. I actually fill my forms out online, print them & send them with my books...
FRANCESCO MATTINA Private Signing July TrinityComics 12 8 yearsClarke2pointO (1): Cheers kaptainmyke for the reply. I have also hit them up on Facebook. I am loving Mattina's work at the moment, especially the Venom work he is doing.
COMIC-CON INTERNATIONAL 2017 ZosoRocks 9 8 yearsZosoRocks (2134): Will do. Shoot...I remember when I could buy a 4-day pay for a total of $60.00-80.00. It is now each day at that cost and the preview night is extra charge. It used to be a bonus for the four day pass buyers. "Insanity I tell ya!!" :o)
Todd Mcfarlane @ Calgary Expo April 29-30 DugardBC 22 8 yearsZosoRocks (2134): They used to in the 90s. 1990s SDCCs....continued to see these guys yearly. It wasn't until the early 2000s when SDCC was selling out 140K registrations, did their "tours" slow down. BTW - if you have already registered for the SDCC - April 8th @ 8am is when the selling begins for this July's con.
CBCS WonderCon Dinner dielinfinite 6 8 yearsuserX745 (64): It was nice meeting you guys and thank you for the invite, had an awesome time.
Congrats to the first #CBCSBOX winners!! Jesse_O 12 8 yearsbmonkus (1): thanks for the heads up
C2E2 Signings with STAN LEE, FRANK MILLER TrinityComics 2 8 yearsJesse_O (39345): Bump
WonderCon CBCS Meetup! dielinfinite 17 8 yearsearthshaker01 (20453): @ThorneArt I don't really know you, but maybe you have seen some of my comics posts. I'll be there I'll swing by
CBCS Presence at FanExpo Dallas Magellan 4 8 yearsJustThatGuy (5004): WOO HOO now I don't have to mail them out.
New CBCS Shipping Rates Jesse_O 15 8 yearsMio (541): My last batch of 7 books was 3x the price above. You Yankees do not know how good you have it.
JIM LEE, J SCOTT CAMPBELL Private Signing TrinityComics 15 8 yearsKiloGraham (1337):
KEVIN EASTMAN Sketch Opportunity TrinityComics 3 8 yearsZosoRocks (2134): @kaptainmyke ...and so it begins..... :o)
CBCS Offers *ON-SITE GRADING* in Seattle! SteveRicketts Jump to first page63Jump to last page 8 yearsFootNote (46): Just remembered I never actually stopped by here and said thanks for the hard work!
Iron Fist (Netflix) Cast & Jay Anacleto SS! ARDavid 4 8 yearsDarthLego (20518): Rumor has it that in JWKyle's Longbox there's a portal to Earth-27, where Brandon Lee is alive and Iron Fist is being played by Bruce Lee's grandson.
CBCS On-Site Grading in Chicago C2E2 weekend SteveRicketts 9 8 yearsThatComicBookGuy (49): Steve, What are the hours to drop off books at Reggies? Also, will raw grading be available? If so, what is the price?
Emerald City Comic Con CBCS Witnessed Sig?? KingNampa 8 8 yearsZosoRocks (2134): It is starting to appear this way.
Forum get together ECCC stanley1883 14 8 yearsstanley1883 (46): I'm trying to create a group message but I'm either an idiot, or its not possible. Stay tuned, If I can do the message route, I'll copy everyone who expressed interest in this thread. I guess I'm also giving this a bump, see if any others would care to join in. I'm thinking we can reserve a table at one of the restaurants nearby if everyone is game?
Skecth Opp with Mathieu Reynes (French)! ARDavid 1 8 yearsARDavid (1): Welcome everyone to Mathieu Reynes's first sketch opportunity! Thanks to Mark Roman for greenlighting this opp. Mathieu is comic book artist from France, a brilliant talent. He is super busy working on his comic book series "Harmony" so he will be able to complete only limited 5-8 orders, don't miss the chance! Duration: We are taking order now and Mathieu will work on the covers in March and April, then they are good to go...
EMERALD CITY COMIC CON. Tons of Signings! TrinityComics 2 8 yearsTrinityComics (244): Creator of Hellboy Mike Mignola just added.
Convention season Master-List? Odins_Raven 3 8 yearsOdins_Raven (2389): Thank you!
GABRIELE DELL'OTTO Private Signing TrinityComics 14 8 yearsDertyComix (912): :( My pre order of the virgin variant wont ship till then.
STAN LEE FRANK MILLER PRIVATE SIGNINGS. TrinityComics 27 8 yearsTrinityComics (244): FYI Mail-In books are due to us by 2/25/17 for Stan Lee
Silicon Valley Comic Con Ginosdad 3 8 yearsBloodlikefire (199): CBCS, I am also hoping you will be coming back to San Jose this year. I have a large stack of signed comics I was thinking about VSPing, and they just announce several great artist that will be attending. I will be there all three days.
Mail Call - NYCC Signature Series drchaos 18 8 yearsdrchaos (30035): Cool! He signed this book for me:
The Grading Room podcast - Steve Ricketts Jesse_O 5 8 yearsJesse_O (39345): No, it is not mine. It is a podcast put on by Lee Gordon and Stephen Bagley. I got to know them through Facebook. They also are CBCS AW's and go by TGR Comics. I'm sure if you contact Steve Ricketts, he would work with you to do an interview.
Went to St. Louis today Towmater 10 8 yearsshrewbeer (13263): That makes more sense, though I was told my "recieved" was the 28th for a books given on the 13th. So not a month but just over two weeks.
Looks like Comics are in the mail.... Johnnylray 4 8 yearsesaravo (103004): My order of 10 comics with witnessed signatures from RICC is also in the mail. It should arrive tomorrow.
SIGNING OP HUGHES/ JIMENEZ/ CHAYKIN/ JUSKO GenuineCOA 4 8 yearsGenuineCOA (176): Deadline to receive orders for these signings has been extended to February 6. Don't miss these opportunities!
CBCS at Long Beach Comic Expo Jesse_O 1 8 yearsJesse_O (39345): Date: Feb 18-19 From Mark Roman: "CBCS presents Len Wein at the CBCS booth #506 at Long Beach Comic Expo on Feb 18-19. Prices for signature are $5, except for Giant-Size X-Men #1, Incredible Hulk #181, House of Secret #92 & Swamp Thing #1, which are $25 each. If they are being graded, add another $20 to each signature fee. See you all there guys & gals!" ...
CBCS Signing event for ECCC Jesse_O 2 8 yearsChubbyfresh77 (31): I am not even going to ECCC this year (missed the 4 day pass). But I am going to this hahaha.
Private signing with Scott Snyder at ECCC Beamer 4 8 yearstherealtimmyp (202): Awesome! How much would it cost?
Where Does CBCS Onsite Grade? DrWatson 2 8 yearsKcolli (1): Cbcs new slogan
Will CBCS do on-site grading at Phoenix Con? Kaleljll 9 8 yearsKaleljll (406): Cool, thanks for the info everyone. See you there!!
On-site grading Facebook page Jesse_O 4 8 yearsBLBcomics (1147): I concur with nano-sliced micro specimen placed out for public scrutiny.
New and have questions Heather 3 8 yearsHeather (1): Awesome thank you so much for your help with the information. Ill definitely look up her thread. I really appreciate.
LAST CALL FOR PEREZ/ WOLFMAN SIGNING OP GenuineCOA 2 8 yearsZosoRocks (2134): But wait.....if you are in NM...GP is doing a signing at the ABQ con this weekend....and yep....I was able to submit my IG #1....with Perez and inker Rubenstien's autos. He is one of the rarer artists who will sign....up to 12 items, but only one sketch. Wonderful man. Very gracious! Have fun and thanks for the heads up.
2017 Albuquerque Comic Con - Jan 13-15th ZosoRocks 4 8 yearsZosoRocks (2134): Thanks coat! I can be so blind sometimes. :O)
PR Blast: Big Apple Con 20% Off Holiday Sale HippyComix 1 8 yearsHippyComix (43):
Join a Web Call Dec 8 w/ E. Gerber President keysnruns 8 8 yearsjrs (1864): Thanks.
JEFF LEMIRE Signing GLENN FABRY Sketch Op TrinityComics 8 8 yearsTrinityComics (244): No grading is included in the signature price. Grading is $33 per book plus $23 shipping. Those are CBCS's prices
JOE SINNOTT! WONDER WOMAN Actress! NEGAN! TrinityComics 9 8 yearsdielinfinite (26907): Thanks for another successful signing, Matt! I'll be adding John Romita and Gerry Conway to the Marvel Tales in the near future as part my ASM 129 signature set.
AW's headed to Paradise Comicon? Gabriel85301 2 8 yearscomicsforme (4166): $40.00 signed threw Lando. Was at Alamo
CBCS UK & Europe CBCS_UK 15 8 yearsrtdcomics (1067): Was great to meet the CBCS guys at MCMLondon the other week. Really pleased to have a comic grading presence at a UK show highlighting that they want new business and a bigger audience, unlike some other companies I could name. I went with the intention of getting a few blank cover sketches and seeing CBCS there gave me the choice to get them slabbed as well. Several dealers I spoke to at the show, that were CGC authorised, only had negative...
Witness Needed - Alamo City LanaiHaole 3 8 yearsLanaiHaole (13): My cell is 816-835-7942 Nathan Young
CBCS at the NYCC this weekend! SteveRicketts 3 8 yearsSteveRicketts (19700): @FUEGOMUSIC Stop by the booth. They'd be glad to help you out.
CBCS launches New Logo and Brand SteveRicketts Jump to first page1176Jump to last page 8 yearsnld3 (11): Please make the writing on the label bigger.
Greg Capullo Private Signing! MostlyMarvel240 4 8 yearsJLS_Comics (5463): Very nice!
CBCS at the Hartford ComiConn this weekend! SteveRicketts 1 9 yearsSteveRicketts (19700): #CBCScomics will be at #HartfordComiConn this weekend. Stop by our booth with questions, submissions, or to get a signature witness. We look forward to seeing you there!
Jae Lee sketch OPPS. Beamer 5 9 yearsBeamer (157): I'm seeing him in person this November.
CBCS at Buffalo & Long Beach Comic Cons SteveRicketts 1 9 yearsSteveRicketts (19700): #CBCScomics will be at #BuffaloComicon this weekend. We will also be at #LongBeachComicCon this weekend at booth #654. Stop by our booth at either show with questions, submissions, or to get a signature witness. We look forward to seeing you there! ...
NYCC PRIVATE SIGNINGS!MILLER,LEE,QUESADA... TrinityComics 28 9 yearsAbsolute_Zero (1104): PM sent to you @TrinityComics
TRINITY COMICS GARTH ENNIS Private Signing TrinityComics 1 9 yearsTrinityComics (244): We have a Private Signing set up with GARTH ENNIS on October 7th. Price is $25 (all of Ennis's and our fees are included) per signature. Books are due by September 25th.
Signatures Unlimited Frank Miller Signing jayslo 3 9 yearsRevan_Q (31): Question sent.
NYCC Nick 6 9 yearskaptainmyke (27134): I pre-ordered the new 2016 NYCC NECA ninja titles foot boxed set this morning
Cincy comicon 9/9 BigRig 8 9 yearsBigRig (2006): OK thanks on their website I could only see the 9th
TRINITY COMICS KEVIN EASTMAN Sketch Opp TrinityComics 11 9 yearskaptainmyke (27134): It's my favorite toy, so it makes sense my first commissioned piece is of the same thing. I love it I'm totally excited.
CBCS on-site grading jmh722 2 9 yearsDarthLego (20518): The only on-sight grading was at the Tampa Bay con the first week of August. That was only offered because the con was close to the CBCS building. All other cons they have on-sight submissions, your books then travel back to Florida with the CBCS crew.
Witness Help in san francisco comic con 2016 neku528 2 9 yearsspidermanbeyond (7): I am going and might be able to help. How many books are you looking to get signed?
CBCS at Colorado Springs & Soda City! SteveRicketts 5 9 yearsSteveRicketts (19700): We hope to step up our west coast show count next year.
Batman Adventures #12 Fan Expo Exclusive Beamer 14 9 yearsDarthLego (20518): The foil has gone out of stock and come back into stock a few times, so I'd keep checking back if I wanted to grab a copy on the cheap.
Fan Expo Canada Jesse_O 4 9 yearsIceman399 (286): I don't know if it will ever be possible simply because customs makes it so difficult. Having to inventory everything and what not. Similar to why dealers from the USA can't come up to Canada. However they will be there for dropping books off and signings which their major competitor won't be and instead went to Nickle City con... Make sure to stop by our booth (1115) as well and say hi!
ICE 2016 saved by CBCS!!!!!!!!!!!! Jesse_O 22 9 yearsMarc_1 (316): This is awesome!
Witnessing Signatures at Toronto Fan Expo TheLiamSturgess 7 9 yearsWolverine (1961): I replied to your msg to me. Just had some small questions
CBCS at Boston Comic Con! SteveRicketts 6 9 yearsResurrection (661): Never saw Mark or Steve..
Census timetable spacecitycomics Jump to first page37Jump to last page 9 yearscaptnwilli (55): I know, I know. Once I re-read my last entry it kinda reminded me of that annoying commercial for with Jeff Goldbloom. Sorry about that. Humbly your fellow collector, PW.
Chicago Comic Collectors Dinner The_Watcher 10 9 yearsThe_Watcher (4262): We're in the stretch run. I have to submit final attendance numbers a week from today, so if you're thinking of attending let me know ASAP
CBCS offers On-Site Grading at Tampa! SteveRicketts 3 9 yearsnevinem (16): You guys were AMAZING in Tampa , Thank you for doing it !
Cincy Comicon Verde Jump to first page40Jump to last page 9 yearsDarthLego (20518): @JeepinJesterJon there's two different conventions, Comicon and Comic Expo.
New Label monks 27 9 yearsFrankCastle129 (568): I called and asked and CS said there will be no discount to reslab if they decide to change labels.
Steve Borock facts Brubaker Jump to first page171Jump to last page 9 yearsJeepinJesterJon (1):
1st Annual CBCS SDCC Forum Dinner SteveRicketts 11 9 yearsoutlawmonster (115): @SteveRicketts I would've loved to be there! I just had to get to my train back to LA in time 🙁
Trinity Comics STAN LEE Signing in July! TrinityComics 9 9 yearsospideyo (4): cant wait!
7.15.16 SteveRicketts Jump to first page292Jump to last page 9 yearsDarthLego (20518): I've got a fever. And the only cure is more cowbell!
Proposed Functionality DrunkWooky 26 9 yearsTedsaid (7340): I didn't know that ... good to know, thx.
CBCS Turnaround 7/11/16 SteveRicketts Jump to first page66Jump to last page 9 yearssterlingcomics (16): Having automated information as to where the company is on basic perspective I think would be a great AUTOMATED enhancement to "keep it real". I suspect the reason why no one wants to do that is that it could help "kill/delay" business. LA CA 7/17 pop up AnthonySnyder 2 9 years1952MB (25): lol- I text you on Saturday, no respond to my text about sunday l.a tour. :-(
WANTED SDCC AW: for late signing request Odins_Raven 1 9 yearsOdins_Raven (2389): Is there anyone Authorized Witness or not, going to SDCC who is willing to accept 1 last minute book for signing at the MASK cast reunion? I can mail the book overnight on Monday and am willing to pay you for the favor/trouble/inconvenience if someone is able to help me out?!
7-15-16, Woke-up to find the shield changed Towmater 25 9 yearsDarthLego (20518): I know of at least one that increased by $100 in the last 24 hours. :angel:
Unofficial CBCS SDCC meetup planning dielinfinite 21 9 yearsdielinfinite (26907): @roarzola Well tell her we'll miss her and wish her luck on that third PhD she's working on
Heroes Con! Bagofleas 23 9 yearsPre_Coder (19960): :popcorn:
TRINITY COMICS FRANK MILLER Private Signing TrinityComics 11 9 yearsWolverine (1961): I sent you a PM about the Miller signing.
JIM LEE Private Signing! July TrinityComics 12 9 yearsWolverine (1961): Ok now this changes things lol
Gabriele Dell'otto Appreciation Thread Beamer Jump to first page63Jump to last page 9 yearsPoint6God (31): Those Vengeance covers are so overlooked (due to the series being kind of meh). The Siege Variants though, good lord. This deserves iconic cover status:
TRINITY COMICS Private Sketch Op ADI GRANOV TrinityComics 2 9 yearsTrinityComics (244): SOLD OUT.
20% off CGC's new case regrading deadline spaulus 15 9 yearsJeremy_K (841): Mr_SigS is right, I was wrong. The offer at all is thoughtful of customers cgc has potentially screwed over.
San Francisco comic con Comic_guys 5 9 yearsPovRow (579): Sometimes the absence of a listing doesn't mean it won't happen. So I thought it would be good to get a CBCS confirmation. If they have truly decided to not go I think it is a shame, since it is the first major con in San Francisco since Wondercon moved away. I'm starting to get abandonment issues.
CBCS Youtube Channel SteveRicketts 3 9 yearsDarthLego (20518): Are you going to do a "coolest books to get graded this week" type show?
NEW CGC HOLDER TO CBCS 20% OFF til July 1st SteveBorock Jump to first page150Jump to last page 9 yearsGwenlocke_Variant (68): so do i subtract 20% off the total and thats how much i make the money order for?
HEROES 2016 JUNE 17-19 Kinzebac 7 9 yearsaggr1103 (28): This was the best Heroes I've ever attend. It didn't have a ton of A-list creators this year (Steranko, Grell, Adams, and all the others that attended not withstanding) but the show was STOCKED with books! I went with the intent of knocking one grail book off my list - and I left with five! Had fun at the art auction for the while that I was there. The room was super hot and my wife needed air.
CBCS Turnaround 5/23/16 SteveRicketts Jump to first page70Jump to last page 9 yearsHero_Restoration (58): I can't seem to find the 5-23 update, can we get an update on what is not on time?
CBCS On-Site Grading at Tampa Bay Comic Con! SteveRicketts 25 9 yearsSteveRicketts (19700): We have posted more information, as well as the pricing for On-Site Grading at the Tampa Bay Comic Con on our website. We look forward to seeing you at the show!
So sorry! SteveBorock Jump to first page49Jump to last page 9 yearsbird (4): Glad to hear that you are feeling better Steve! Take care and be well! - Sean W
Happy Birthday Steve Borock! djpinkpanther67 15 9 yearsPovRow (579):
How does grading work at Comic Cons? vster23 14 9 yearsCharlieinarizona (40): Actually, concerning the Denver Con--or any other convention; if you want your book to receive a yellow label stating when and where and by whmo the book is signed by--you need to stop by the CBCS booth before the book is signed. One of their AWs (Authorized Witnesses) will go to the booth with you to see the book actually signed by the creator. Then, you go back to the CBCS booth and submit the book and there is a $5 charge for the Authorized...
As if the new holders aren't bad enough Resurrection 3 9 yearsSpiderTim (3425): So they will have an onsite disaster? lol. Talk about feeding the fire!
Awesome Con TheComicDoJo 5 9 yearsTheComicDoJo (97): Thanks again! I'll be there sometime between 12-1 on Friday, what's your booth #? And sorry, one more question. For a verified sig (non-witness)is $25 right? I've got a New Mutants 87 I'd like to drop off as well. Thanks!
St. Louis Comic Con Towmater 3 9 yearsTowmater (10537): Thanks! I will stop by. Have a few books to drop off.
need cbcs witness razorbakwarrior 3 9 yearsJazzyJeffie (439): Paging @TrinityComics Matt! :)
CBCS COMES TO FLORENCE COMIC-CON 2016 FLOCON2016 1 9 yearsFLOCON2016 (4): Hello all CBCS members. My name is Dale Poston and i am associated with Florence Comic-Con in Florence SC. our convention is coming the second Sunday in September and CBCS has agreed to be accepting books for grading on that day (of which we are very thankful for their willingness to be here). So we want to invite one and all to come and enjoy a great day at a successful convention and if you have any books you want graded, please bring them to...
CBCS at Planet Comicon & Tidewater Comicon SteveRicketts 4 9 yearsmatthogan6288 (28): Had a great time today and everyone at the CBCS booth was GREAT!
CBCS grading & restoration panels at Cons... SteveBorock Jump to first page35Jump to last page 9 yearsCopperAgeKids (3717): Agreed on what Dick said here.I have a lot of respect for CBCS and I think these forum issues will be sorted out, in due time.I understand a smooth running forum has a couple snags, in the beginning. I think vross promiting a thread like this over on Facebook would help get this in motion, if that has not already been done.The downside to that would be ...well, dealing with Facebook posters.hah. I would definitely go in for this, at pretty...
CBCS at Motor City Comic Con! SteveRicketts 13 9 yearsTimBildhauser (2239): Thank you sir!
Traverse City MI comic con Jeremy_K 1 9 yearsJeremy_K (841): I'd like to get Larry Hama Signatures witnessed along with a Bob Camp sketch anyone showing up there?
Memphis Comic Expo Huffmaster 1 9 yearsHuffmaster (49): Excited that CBCS will be at the Memphis Comic Expo. It will be my first Con and the first time ever that I will be submitting books for grading. Hotel room is booked and locking forward to it!
Motor City Comic Con 2016 Mathyus_42 3 9 yearscatrick339 (450): I'm there all weekend. My buddy Steve and I will be set up at Motor City with a buying booth this year. Got a big stack or a longbox or two of unwanted junk? Drag it along and we'll buy it....if the price is right. We like old Charlton, Gold Key, Archie, Dell, Tower, ACG. obscure 50's publishers, giveaways, anything from the 30's on up. Don't turn our noses up at low graders either...if the price is cheap enough. Coverless...
Trinity Comics at San Diego Comic Con July! TrinityComics 1 9 yearsTrinityComics (244): This is the big one! All guests are available for sigs including any exclusives they will have available we can pick up. Books are due by July 15th. Show is July 20th- July 24th Check the guest list here: If you are interested in any more of our signings and are on Facebook you can check our group out its updated far more frequently, and send an invite at: ...
Trinity Comics WW Philadelphia Avengers! TrinityComics 1 9 yearsTrinityComics (244): We will be in Philadelphia for Wizard World Philadelphia. Huge celebrity show with some pretty good comic guests as well. THOR, LOKI, CAPTAIN AMERICA, WINTER SOLDIER, FALCON, THE BACK TO THE FUTURE CAST (May not be able to get Fox), ARROW. PLUS The lead actor in The Preacher TV Show plus cover artist Glenn Fabry. Check the guest list for all of the guests. ...
Trinity Comics Heroes Con Thread June 18th TrinityComics 1 9 yearsTrinityComics (244): Trinity Comics will be at Heroes Con in Charlotte June 18th-20th. It's a massive guest list. We will have access to all of the creators. Books are due by June 15th. Message us if you have books or any other questions. Check out the guest list here:
Amazing Hawaii Comic Con this May 20th jedijohnson 6 9 yearsBrian (49): Lol Steve, I will voulenteer to help if you take me too haha, Jedi yeah an AW (Authorized Witness) has the authority to witness a signature and then transport said books to CBCS for grading and assures the authentication of the signature which the person witnessed/obtained first hand.
MegaCon SLD1016 6 9 yearsFN_2199 (55): See you there! ;)
Trinity Comics FULL Convention Schedule TrinityComics 1 9 yearsTrinityComics (244): We will be at more shows and signings than just about any Facilitator out there. We will also have multiple private signings at these shows Tidewater Comic Con May 21st-22nd MegaCon. May 26th-29th Awesome Con June 3rd-June 5th Wizard World Philadelphia June 3rd-5th ...
JTC Han Solo & Iron Man Variant OP MGA 2 9 yearsMGA (124): clickable text clickable text
CBCS at San Diego! SteveRicketts 9 9 yearsDrWatson (59460): If any CBCSers haven't been there before, then I would bring a jacket, pullover, or sweatshirt befitting a CBCS employee because it will be cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey in that convention center during the show.
Boston Comic Con Signature info Averycomicpressing 1 9 yearsAverycomicpressing (39): Please feel free to contact me with any artist signature needs from Boston Comic Con. The list this year is great so far. For more info please feel free to contact me. Artist link and my contact is below. Don't forget we can also clean and press your books before we ship them back to you or to CBCS for a yellow signature label. ...
Larry Lieber DesertWind 20 9 yearsRebellionComics (64): Those westerns are nice I always live the covers of those
CBCS at Indiana Comic Con this wekeend! SteveRicketts 14 9 yearsTheLiamSturgess (289): Soooooo how did it go? :D
Happy Birthday Steve Ricketts! SteveBorock 27 9 yearsDrWatson (59460): I'm not sure if we ever posted this one from years ago or not.
Frank Miller signing DesertWind 4 9 yearsLazydayz137 (10): Apparently this thread is so crowded they need to yell to be HEARD @Stelbert_Stylton!
Jae Lee signing DesertWind 1 9 yearsDesertWind (10): With Free Comic Book Day quickly coming up it is time to announce who will be our special guest for our event. The phenomenal superstar artist, Jae Lee will be signing at Celestial Comics happening on Free Comic Book Day taking place Saturday, May 7th. We plan to have a TON of things going on but Jae will be a highlight. So mark your calendar to come on down to Celestial Comics. more details to follow. For those of you that can't be at our event...
Phoenix Comic Con June 2-5, 2016 RyanHicks 1 9 yearsRyanHicks (1974): Phoenix Comic Con is fast approaching and Kevin Gawthrope and I will be AW's volunteering at the CBCS booth. If you are attending the show, stop by and say hello (booth numbers still pending) and if you can't make it to the show but need to get some books signed or submitted, you can PM either of us here or in any of the Facebook groups and we'll get you taken care of. Lots of great guests including: Marv wolfman John Beatty George...
Ed McGuinness & Elias Chatzoudis FCBD at MGC MGA 1 9 yearsMGA (124): Email me with any questions can facilitate signatures
Adam Hughes Signing May 13th at MGC MGA 1 9 yearsMGA (124):