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'Toys' Topics

TitleAuthorPostsLast Post
Original Spawn Kickstarter Trilogy/3 Pack for sale flanders 4 3 monthsHulkSmash (11384): @flanders noice!
Rocky Mountain Con: Nov 9th & 10th, 2024 - Denver CO RTSUnlimited 11 5 monthsRTSUnlimited (71): Show Starts TOMORROW! Hotel Rooms at the Embassy Suites are Still Available! Discounted Con Rates are $119 for Fri night and $129 for Sat night Call the hotel at (303)-375-0400 to make a reservation. Mention Rocky Mountain Con for the discounted rate. Free OVERNIGHT Parking for hotel guests!
NYCC Funko Question drchaos 5 6 monthsBelarak (1276): I was in the cue also. I only have tickets for Thursday and Friday. I didn't get a reservation either. You have to remember the VIP ticket holders had their own cue last week. It's likely they took most of the reservation slots. I received notification that they were sold out by 12:20.
Medieval Spawn Kickstarter Launches August 20th flanders 28 7 monthsHcanes (6011): I just looked at it as paying for the comic last time and the figure was a bonus. I still need to try to move my figure on fleabay. I opted for the artist prototype edition the first go around because I wanted the black and white comic. Figured there would be less of them. Since I still have the original in its massive box taking up space in my closet, I am trying to show restraint and not pledge this campaign. Even though the figure looked...
Any one here play Marvel Crisis Protocol? dielinfinite 5 9 monthsdielinfinite (26914): Okay, it’s been a few months but I finally finished some Marvel minis. these aren’t official Crisis Protocol minis but instead 3D prints. Only Scarlet Spider and Emma Frost have been added to the game officially. Spider-Man 2099
Transformers 40th Anniversary Screening dielinfinite 5 11 monthsOptic_Blast (734): Damn...40 years huh? I feel super old now.
Avengers Tower = The Most Insane Lego Set I’ve Ever Seen 00slim 10 1 yearDavethebrave (17405): The Sian set looks incredible. My son completed the McLaren Senna kit and it has less than 1/4 the number of pieces of the Sian. That’s plenty for now.
St Patrick's Day Comic Show in Lond Island, NY Route110ComicShow 8 1 yearRoute110ComicShow (10): thanks! hope to see you at the next one in April!
Looking For Advice on Star Trek Trinkets chester15 11 1 yearchester15 (2156): Yes, your photos are correct for what I have, although your clamshell is nice and clear, mine has yellowed a bit. Loved Spencer's. Always had to stop in to see what was "trending". They were on the cutting edge of pop culture.
WTB: Mego Spider-Man 00slim 1 1 year00slim (18687): I’m in the market for a complete Mego Spider-Man in excellent condition. Loose is fine. With a box is a definite bonus, but it doesn’t need to be sealed. Not interested in a reproduction. If anyone can help me out, I’d appreciate it.
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups! Jedyzon 1 1 yearJedyzon (876):
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups! 9/7 Jedyzon 2 2 yearsmakahuka (3133): @Jedyzon thanks for always posting! I collect new and vintage, and it's nice to see new stuff!
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups! 8/25 Jedyzon 1 2 yearsJedyzon (876):
Superman Krypto Ray Gun from 1941 CWill2021 26 2 yearsdrmccoy74 (14333): @jaysonslade glad to see you back on your feet
New Comic Book Day + Free Comic Book Day Pickups! Jedyzon 1 2 yearsJedyzon (876):
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups 4/23 Jedyzon 1 2 yearsJedyzon (876):
Off Topic: I Just Discovered: “A Toy Store Near You” On Prime 00slim 12 2 yearsGAC (79221): Watching it now....I'm liking it so far. Season 1 episode 1 Billy Galaxy....the owner looks remarkably like Woody from a Toy Story imo.
not comic related, but awful experience buying Funko Pop. ICollectsGeekStuff 10 2 yearsICollectsGeekStuff (88): I tried that before I contacted the seller. But if you saw what Amazon did to the similar feedback I left(and mine), they didn't care. Also, I got a refund, and as of now, I have a another Funko coming by Monday.
Sins of Sinister #1 1:100 Jedyzon 2 2 yearsmulti007 (4281): Why is that a "sin" ?? :D
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups! 12/9 Jedyzon 1 2 yearsJedyzon (876):
Ghost Rider for sale!! Action figures, toys, collectibles!! Galen130 23 2 yearsGalen130 (6935): This sales thread didn’t have legs. Oh well. @Jesse_O would you lock this please? Many thanks!! 🤙👍🖖
Just show something cool stanley_1883 17 3 yearsBronte (40004):
Grading Action Figures MrNotSoNice 17 3 yearsWraith (2115): so many childhood memories in those photos.. Unfortunately my boxes are ripped to shreds and much loved toys probably still lost somewhere in backyard of childhood home Thanks for sharing
Help to identify TMNT toys HulkSmash 12 3 yearspower_struggle55 (7511): those arent teenage mutant ninja turtles they are Adolescent Freaky Warrior Tortoises
Target figure/comic etapi65 6 3 yearsDrogio (8091): Why is that? I pre-ordered these a while back. Still honoring $10 each. Totally pulling the comic out and tossing the figure to the dog when they arrive! 😁
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups Jedyzon 2 3 yearsBatman79 (1227): Great video as always! Your comic budget must be crazy!
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups! 5/28 Jedyzon 1 3 yearsJedyzon (876):
New Comic Book Pick-ups 5/14 Jedyzon 1 3 yearsJedyzon (876):
Needs some help from the Toy Collectors HulkSmash 4 3 yearspower_struggle55 (7511): Im a collector (though dont have them in cases. most are without the card/out of box....was how they were bought) but looks good
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups 4/30 Jedyzon 1 3 yearsJedyzon (876):
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups 4/1 Jedyzon 1 3 yearsJedyzon (876):
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups 3/19 Jedyzon 1 3 yearsJedyzon (876):
Batman Collectibles dfoster43 Jump to first page44Jump to last page 3 yearsGAC (79221):
Finally unpacked!!! Ed Cave complete!!! EddieTheComicGuy 11 3 yearsEddieTheComicGuy (933): I have about 200 of the covers he's done so far. I've fallen behind a bit with the more recent covers. I might have to bug you to get some of these books signed the next time he's in your town!!! :D:beer:
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups 2/24 Jedyzon 1 3 yearsJedyzon (876):
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups! Jedyzon 1 3 yearsJedyzon (876):
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups! 1/26 Jedyzon 1 3 yearsJedyzon (876):
New Comic book Day Pick-ups! Jedyzon 4 3 yearsDoc_Cop (3100): Have been scooping up lots of bronze horror keys! Tomb of Dracula 1, first Mummy appearance and such. Also picked up a nice first appearance of Shang Chi. Glad you see you posting my friend!
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups! 12/24 Jedyzon 1 3 yearsJedyzon (876):
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups! 12/8 Jedyzon 2 3 yearsDoc_Cop (3100): always appreciate your content Jedyzon!
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups 11/29 - Hulk, Good Boy, Robin, Black Panther, P Jedyzon 1 3 yearsJedyzon (876):
found this - thought I'd share Byrdibyrd Jump to first page38Jump to last page 3 yearslawguy1977 (7589): @sportshort thanks! Likewise on your Captain America watch!
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups! 10/28 Jedyzon 1 3 yearsJedyzon (876):
New Comic Book Day + NYCC 2021 Haul Jedyzon 1 3 yearsJedyzon (876):
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups 9/29! Jedyzon 1 3 yearsJedyzon (876):
New Golden Age Replica Website CLLXCNNX 20 4 yearsCLLXCNNX (138): Yes! Lots o pre-code horror replicas. Much more to come. ~Sebastian Collection Connection Facebook - Instagram - Twitter -
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups 9/9 Jedyzon 1 4 yearsJedyzon (876):
This just happened Jedyzon Jump to first page38Jump to last page 4 yearsTowmater (10537): Well if he signed that many and it is a 1:250 variant, then the print run for the books ordered was at least 424,000.
New Comic Book Day + Free Comic Book Day Pick-ups! 8/25 Jedyzon 1 4 yearsJedyzon (876):
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups! 7/29 Jedyzon 1 4 yearsJedyzon (876):
The Sewer Lair - Turtle Talk - TMNT kaptainmyke Jump to first page1101Jump to last page 4 yearsBronte (40004): Linebreakerscomics the last ronin 4 with AARON Bartling is apparently sold out and available for scalper prices on ebay. If anyone has one for something remotely reasonable, please let me know
New Comic Book Day pick-ups! Jedyzon 1 4 yearsJedyzon (876):
The Great Action Figure Toy Thread! kaptainmyke Jump to first page116Jump to last page 4 yearsthe420bandito (11476):
Star Wars VLIX Oncard and BOBA FETT Prototype are coming! Scifinator 3 4 yearsScifinator (15992): @Briten - There are 15 "L" slots and 4 "J" slots that have been graded by AFA.
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups! 5/5 Jedyzon 1 4 yearsJedyzon (876):
New comic Book Day Pick-Ups 4/21 Jedyzon 1 4 yearsJedyzon (876):
It’s Alive! CaptainCanuck 7 4 yearsDWeeB1967 (13031): If Optimus Prime is successful I could see him coming next.
OFF-TOPIC: Mezco One:12 Figures? DWeeB1967 1 4 yearsDWeeB1967 (13031): Does anyone else collect these? I'm not a completist by any means but I have quite a few. Any thoughts on characters you'd like to see?
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups! Jedyzon 1 4 yearsJedyzon (876):
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups! 1/20 Jedyzon 2 4 yearsDoc_Cop (3100): Thanks! Great content as usual!
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups! 1/13 Jedyzon 3 4 yearsJedyzon (876): Thanks man! Hope all is well on your end.
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups! 12/3 Jedyzon 5 4 yearsJedyzon (876): I didnt. I only wanted the knullified covers and daredevil 25 happened to be one another.
New Comic Book Pick-ups 11/26 *Thanksgiving Edition* Jedyzon 1 4 yearsJedyzon (876):
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups! Jedyzon 1 4 yearsJedyzon (876):
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups! 11/4 Jedyzon 1 4 yearsJedyzon (876):
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups! 10/28 Jedyzon 2 4 yearsRadioWAVE808 (21): 😵👍🏾👍🏾🔥🔥🔥
Statues for Sale - Unknow Comic zdoes10 1 4 yearszdoes10 (10935): If you like Statues, then you might want to check out the Unknow Comic Clearance Sale the have now.
Any Interest? 00slim Jump to first page33Jump to last page 4 years00slim (18687): Black Widow Kotobukiya, PVC Gallery, & Spider-Gwen SOLD via PM.
Marvel Celebrates Stan Lee Score Jedyzon 1 4 yearsJedyzon (876): Sooo this happened yesterday... 🚨Score🚨 Had no idea this book is rare.
New Comic Book Day 09/09 Pick-ups! *Birthday Edition* Jedyzon 5 5 yearsNoblebeast315 (2200): Very happy B-day to you friend. Enjoy it!
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups 8/26 Jedyzon 1 5 yearsJedyzon (876):
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups! 8/19 Jedyzon 2 5 yearsNoblebeast315 (2200): Agree with you with your last comments friend. I call it “Hobby Arrogance.” It’s a type of behavior you can see in any hobby and is absolutely juvenile. Comic collecting is not a competition. It’s for personal enjoyment. All the best.
Mail Call! Dell'Otto delivers! Jedyzon 10 5 yearsSteverogers11 (3605): @robo true but damn it looks cool the way it is
New Comic Book Day pick-ups 7/8 Jedyzon 1 5 yearsJedyzon (876):
CGC Unboxing mail call! 9.8 or NOTHING! - 6/27 Jedyzon 6 5 yearsDoc_Cop (3100): Sweet Banana Wolverine cover! And the virgin first Knull cover!
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups! 06/24 Jedyzon 2 5 yearsDoc_Cop (3100): thanks!
Deals & Steals - Diversions & Activities Cool_Fool 10 5 yearsCool_Fool (1071): DC FREE 3 - DC answers our need for comic fix with 3 titles to read for FREE - INJUSTICE: GODS AMONG US #1 clickable text DC: The New Frontier #1 clickable text Batman: The Dark Knight Returns #1 clickable text Also, its the Jokers 80th Birthday - here are 12 defining moments - clickable text
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups! 3/25 Jedyzon 5 5 yearsJedyzon (876): Thanks dude. Be safe out there
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups 3/11 Jedyzon 2 5 yearsBigDaddyK (203): I only snagged two books today. One new and one old.
Just a heads up ONLINE_209 Jump to first page31Jump to last page 5 yearsetapi65 (4060): Looking at overall numbers, vs. percentages matters. They convey different information. The article you posted indicates maximum 370,000 hospitalizations of 31,000,000 flu cases in the US. That't with vaccines and anti-viral treatments available. So...1.1% get flu severe enough to seek medical attention and become hospitalized. They're also estimating a maximum 30,000 deaths. That's 0.096% death rate. Coronavirus for which we have no...
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups 3/4 Jedyzon 4 5 yearsBrianGreensnips (15559): @Jedyzon I wish that I picked up that Strange Academy yesterday. It sounds interesting. Good video as always.
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups 2/20! Jedyzon 1 5 yearsJedyzon (876):
How Star Wars should have ended. GanaSoth 8 5 yearschester15 (2156): 20 Years Later, George Lucas Still Names Jar Jar Binks His Favorite ‘Star Wars’ Character[/quote] I hadn't noticed before, but I am beginning to see the resemblance....
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups 2/12 Jedyzon 1 5 yearsJedyzon (876):
I guess i have a thing for Power Ranger helmet covers! Jedyzon 8 5 yearsJedyzon (876): thank you. Are you gonna get yours slabbed?
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups! Jedyzon 1 5 yearsJedyzon (876):
New Comic Book Day! 1/1/20 Happy New Year! Jedyzon 1 5 yearsJedyzon (876):
Off Topic: Scale Models, Anyone else build them? dielinfinite 23 5 yearsDarkseid_of_town (14297): I often buy 3-d printed figures, single piece, so no building needed..and paint or have them painted. Challenge is to provide a proper base or scene once you do that...some of mine I already posted were 3 d prints, including many of the dinosaurs. I even have a few that were only designed for use in gaming or digital artist useage, where I was able to purchase the file, and alter it for printing use..mostly by creating hollows within to make it...
New Comic Day Pick-ups 12/11! Jedyzon 2 5 yearsDrogio (8091): It’s like 9am (est) and you’ve not only got your books, but posted a video? Does your LCS open at 7am?
Steve Ditko "War of the GoBots" artwork, color guides for sale Sharkey 4 5 yearsSharkey (58): Thanks @GAC - fixed!
Show me what you got Jabberwookie Jump to first page39Jump to last page 5 yearsGAC (79221): ...
New Comic Book Day pick-ups! 11/27 Jedyzon 5 5 yearsJedyzon (876): Thank you sir. Happy Thanksgiving
FS: Blizzard World of Warcraft 8-lot collection -- Reaper of Souls / x3 SS ZosoRocks 1 5 yearsZosoRocks (2134): This World of Warcraft (WoW) 8-lot includes a game, x7 books - including x1 Exclusive Employee only Coloring Book. This lot also has x3 items that are Still Sealed. All items are better than great condition. Thanks for viewing my auction. Good luck. Tim
Dearly Beloved, We are gathered here today to ... Arak 1 5 yearsArak (1000): To get through this thing called life, Electric word life, It means forever and that's a mighty long time But I'm here to tell you,There's something else,The after-world. A world of never ending happiness You can always see the sun, day or night... Sorry , I got carried away We are gathered here to join these gorgeous 2 books to a bond of holy making money. A 9.8 or 9.9 and if any pagan heathen can show just cause ,Let him speak now or...
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups! 11/20 Jedyzon 8 5 yearsdpiercy (4842): @Doc_Cop how annoying would it be to have a dozen new pick up threads? Answer: VERY Point taken; I removed my vid.
Rocky Mountain Con - Denver CO - Nov 9-10 RTSUnlimited 5 5 yearsRTSUnlimited (71): Show is THIS WEEKEND! Starts TOMORROW!
Masters of the Universe Name Generator GanaSoth 25 5 yearsDrogio (8091): My wife’s name is “TRI-Man”....and that’s all I got to say about that...
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups! 10/16 Jedyzon 1 5 yearsJedyzon (876): New Comic Book Day Pick-ups! 10/16
New Comic Book Day pick-ups 10/9 Jedyzon 3 5 yearsArak (1000): Thank you little brother :)
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups! 9/11 Jedyzon 4 6 yearsDoc_Cop (3100): Thank you for your service Jedyzon. I was a NYPD detective working at ground zero and the Belleview Morgue for 6 months following the attacks. I'm sure you have some stories of your own. God Bless. Nuff said.
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups! 9/4 Jedyzon 6 6 yearsJedyzon (876): @Noblebeast315 Baltimore comic con is great. Went the last 2 years.
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups! 8/28 Jedyzon 2 6 yearsBigRedOne1944 (11568): Nice Books and Presentation JED Looking forward to future posts!
New Comic Book Day pick-ups 8/14! Jedyzon 1 6 yearsJedyzon (876):
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups 8/7 Jedyzon 1 6 yearsJedyzon (876):
New Comic Book Day pick-ups 8/1! Jedyzon 2 6 yearsDoc_Cop (3100): Jedzon, Great weekly. Thanks for taking the time. Much appreciated. Nuff said..
New Comic Book Day 7/19 Jedyzon 6 6 yearsJedyzon (876): lol Yeah immortal hulk is real good so far. i appreciate it. i know i was slippin this week. Thanks for keeping me on my toes ;)
G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero toys for sale KYoung_1974 4 6 yearsGotlift (5098): Thanks for the offer on the dress. I have to pass though It’s not my size. Lol. Yep if you didn’t leave the batteries in it most of the time they’ll work. 🖖
Another Rick & Morty Thread kaptainmyke Jump to first page323Jump to last page 6 yearskaptainmyke (27134): omg meeseeks and unity is my favorite
Superman Giant #7 Wal-Mart exclusive - recall? GanaSoth Jump to first page79Jump to last page 6 yearsGAC (79221):
DC Heroes and Villains Reimagined as Luchadores Jesse_O 6 6 yearsDWeeB1967 (13031): I actually like the look of these overall. Love all the colors. I might consider buying these. They'd look good on a shelf.
FS: 13-LOT 1995 Star Wars Power of the Force 2 - .00/.01 ZosoRocks 4 6 yearsZosoRocks (2134): IMO - I think they didn't hold the you can tell by the starting price. These are some cool figures. nonetheless. Maybe someone will enjoy them as I have. Thanks for the responses, gents!
FS: Marvel Collector Corps 4-lot - Deadpool X-Men Spider-Man Squirrel Girl ZosoRocks 1 6 yearsZosoRocks (2134): All boxes are complete with initial subsctiption issues included. All were opened upon arrival to verify completeness. Deadpool - 1st issue X-Men Women of Power Spider-Man Thanks for viewing my auction. Best regards, Tim
FS: 16-lot Japanese Anime/Manga - action figs, graphic novels ZosoRocks 1 6 yearsZosoRocks (2134): Items i found while cleaning up - all from my son's previous collection. Shonen Jump Naruto Viz Media Dragonball Z SDCC exclusive figure and promos. Thanks for viewing my auction. Best regards, Tim
FS: 2007 Marvel Toys Legendary Comic Book Heroes - Madman / BAF Pitt torso ZosoRocks 1 6 yearsZosoRocks (2134): I've listed the VHTF original 1st issue of the Legendary Comic Book Heroes "Madman" figure that comes with "Timmy" and a BAF Pitt "torso" piece. Thanks for viewing my auction and good luck. Best regards, Tim
FS: 1996-97 Star Wars POTF2 Mail away figs - Han Solo & Obi-Wan ZosoRocks 1 6 yearsZosoRocks (2134): This 3-Lot has been stored since purchase in the late 90s. Original boxes included (C8.0/8.5+). x2 Han Solo Stormtrooper x1 Hologram Obi-Wan Kenobi Thanks for viewing my auction. Best regards, Tim
FS: 18-lot 1998-99 Star Wars Episode 1 - various ZosoRocks 1 6 yearsZosoRocks (2134): Another Star Wars action figure lot up for the taking. Episode 1 figures = x17 characters and x1 Deluxe Darth Maul Thanks for viewing my auction. Best regards, Tim
FS: 17-lot 1996-1999 Star Wars Power of the Force 2 - Green/hologram cards ZosoRocks 1 6 yearsZosoRocks (2134): Various card conditions (C5.0 to C9.4+), but still an overall nice lot. Thanks for viewing my auction. Best regards, Tim
FS: 1995 Kenner Star Wars POTF2 Classic Edition 4-pack C9.4 ZosoRocks 1 6 yearsZosoRocks (2134): Here is another vintage 1995 Star Wars POTF2 action figure set. Another candidate for AFA grading. This one is the Target Exclusive "Classic Edition 4-pack" with the figures that were recasted from the original 1977 issues. Thanks for viewing my auction. Best regards, Tim
FS: 1995-96 Star Wars POTF2 Speeder Bike & Deluxe Stormtrooper ZosoRocks 1 6 yearsZosoRocks (2134): These are pretty nice with high visual grades. Thanks for viewing the auction. Best regards, Tim
FS: 1997 McFarlane Toys 4-Lot KISS Ultra Action Figures ZosoRocks 4 6 yearsZosoRocks (2134): LOL - thanks! Sitting in a box is not paying bills. 😢 Thanks for viewing!
FS: Toy Biz 9-lot 1991 thru 1994 Marvel action figures - 3.75" ZosoRocks 1 6 yearsZosoRocks (2134): Various characters - including Magneto, Wolverine, Cable, Shatterstar, Mojo, Invisible Woman, and Gambit. Thanks for viewing my auction. Best regards, Tim
NJ-Jersey Shore area-will be selling at Jersey Shore Toy Show Enelson 2 6 yearsEnelson (6289): Sunday. SunDAY. SUNDAY!!!! - Monster Truck Announcer Voice
FS: 4-lot WoW World of Warcraft DC Unlimited Series 1 ZosoRocks 1 6 yearsZosoRocks (2134): I rcvd these from an ex-Blizzard employee, whom I imagine recieved them before the wave was released to the public. This is a complete set of 4 and the blister packs are in an average 9.6+ condition...nice! Thanks for viewing my auction. Best regards, Tim
FS: 4-lot 2017 Star Wars Force Link - mainline figs ZosoRocks 1 6 yearsZosoRocks (2134): I've listed an auction for a small lot of four mainline 2017 Star Wars Force Link figures: Rose, Paige, Finn and General Hux. Thanks for viewing my auction. Best regards, Tim
FS: 4-lot Marvel Toys Legendary Comic Book Heroes - Monkeyman Series ZosoRocks 1 6 yearsZosoRocks (2134): I've listed another Legendary Comic Book Heroes action figure 4-lot for sale. This lot includes HTF and VHTF variants and "chase" figures. x2 Ann O'Brien = original & variant x1 Judge Death = transparent variant x1 The Darkness = VHTF / rare / "chase" Thanks for viewing my auction. Best regards, Tim
FS: SNES-101 Super Nintendo deck with x10 games ZosoRocks 10 6 yearsZosoRocks (2134): LOL - you look to be correct. I did not know that....but.... My son says it is just s SNES mini, and after looking online, it appears that the Famicon Jr. looks to be a bit different. Anyhow...maybe soneone will get a good deal...*shrugs*....
FS: Nintendo Game Boy Advance Pokemon Gold NY w/6 games & bag ZosoRocks 1 6 yearsZosoRocks (2134): I've listed an auction for a HTF handheld gaming lot - featuring a used, but WORKING GREAT, Nintendo Game Boy Advance Pokemon Gold New York Center handheld unit, with 6 games, and a carry bag. Thanks for viewing my auction. Best regards, Tim
FS: 3-LOT Star Wars JAKKS Pacific 18" Darth Maul-Kylo Ren-Captain Phasma ZosoRocks 1 6 yearsZosoRocks (2134): All three are new and in their original unopened boxes. - Darth Maul was the hardest of these figures to find and I believe it was an exclusive to Walgreens, and was stocked in limited quantities. - Captain Phasma is 20" tall Thanks for checking out my auction. Tim
FS: 4-lot Star Wars various - Clone Wars & RotS Sneak General Grievous ZosoRocks 1 6 yearsZosoRocks (2134): x2 Revenge of the Sith figures - General Grievous and Grievous's Guard x2 The Clone Wars & Legacy Collection - 1st Day Issue - General Grievous and Leektar/Nippet Thanks for checking out my auction. Tim
FS: 3-LOT Star Wars Saga Collection & McQuarrie concept Obi-wan/Yoda ZosoRocks 1 6 yearsZosoRocks (2134): The McQuarrie Concept Obi-wan & Yoda is also a SDCC exclusive in clamshell. x2 Saga Collection figures - in clamshells. One is for TRANSPORT USE ONLY! Thanks for checking out my auction.
FS: 6-lot Star Wars 30th Anniversary w/coins and HTF figures ZosoRocks 1 6 yearsZosoRocks (2134): This is another 6-lot of 30th Anniversary Star Wars figures, but this lot has all figures issued with collector's coins, and two HTF ("nn") Fans' Choice figures - Utapau Shadow Trooper and Cover Ops Trooper. x4 gold coins x1 silver coin x1 black coin Thanks for viewing my auction. Tim
FS: Hasbro Star Wars 30th Ann figure 6-lot ZosoRocks 1 6 yearsZosoRocks (2134): Some included are Commander Gree, EVO Stormtrooper, and Battle-Damaged Darth Vader. Thanks for viewing my auction. Best regards, Tim
FS: HALO 4-lot - x1 McFarlane Spartan Athlon / x3 Hot Wheels Warthogs ZosoRocks 2 6 yearsZosoRocks (2134): I guess it would have been helpful to include a link, huh? Sorry everyone... eBay:
FS: Mattel DC Super Heroes - 6in Steel & Cyborg Superman ZosoRocks 1 7 yearsZosoRocks (2134): Both figures are considered MIP and both packages are visually C8.5/9.0 and C9.2. Thanks for viewing my auction. Best regards, Tim
FS: 8-lot FUNKO POP! Spider-Man Venom Carnage GitD ZosoRocks 7 7 yearsZosoRocks (2134): Thanks for the posts gents! Enjoy!
FS: 12-lot FUNKO POP! Star Wars themed characters - HTF exclusives, GitD ZosoRocks 1 7 yearsZosoRocks (2134): I've just listed another collection - this time it is all Star Wars FUNKO POP! vinyl figures/bobbleheads up for auction. So if you are a collector that is looking to fill any holes, update a damaged box, or even upgrade your collection in general - this is a nice diverse lot that includes the HTF General Grievous, as well as, other HTF exclusives. Thanks for viewing my auction. Look at this on eBay
FS: Funko Pop! Peanuts - Ghost Charlie Brown #333 ZosoRocks 1 7 yearsZosoRocks (2134): For sale: #331 Charlie Brown (with mask) - C8.5+ #333 Ghost Charlie Brown - C9.4+ Thanks for viewing my auction. Tim
Have a subscription at your LCS? Why? stanley_1883 26 7 yearskaptainmyke (27134): All you gotta do is ask and Rich will make it happen brah
FS: Blizzard DIABLO III CE - unopened/SS ZosoRocks 1 7 yearsZosoRocks (2134): I've just put up another ebay auction and this one is a Still Sealed copy of Blizzard's "Diablo III" Collector's Edition. I rcvd this from my son who workedat Blizzard for over 10 yrs. I am not a gamer, so maybe someone else can enjoy it...AND AT THE SAME another "down on his luck community member" with some bill payments. ...
FS: 12 Gauge LCBH Legendary Comic Book Heroes 2-pk Conan vs Wrarrl ZosoRocks 1 7 yearsZosoRocks (2134): HTF Still Sealed/NEW set with figures that are MIP. Thanks for viewing the auction. eBay - Best regards! Tim
Newsstand: Trend, or here to stay? robo_beardo Jump to first page44Jump to last page 7 yearssly (316): Nice, what grade is your Batman #357 in? Send me a PM if ever you'd like to sell any Key CPV books in high grade.
FS: TSR Dungeons & Dragons Game, Handbook, Ltd Comics ZosoRocks 11 7 yearsBabaLament (2961): Hitting up used bookstores looking for old D&D or WoD sourcebooks is a tangential hobby to comic collecting. I have a goodly collection of D&D, Forgotten Realms, & World of Darkness core sourcebooks; but it’s the supplementary books that are the really hard finds. I also found a bunch of cloth maps from the old Ultima PC games in a box. I wish more games had cool add-on lore items like maps or codices, instead of poly-resin...
FS: AMC The Walking Dead 11-Lot ZosoRocks 1 7 yearsZosoRocks (2134): Here is another memorabilia lot for the "THE WALKING DEAD" collector. Maybe there is something in here for you. Look at this on eBay Thanks for checking out my auction. Best regards.
FS: 105-LOT Pokemon cards ZosoRocks 3 7 yearsZosoRocks (2134): Hopefully, they will sell...because it will cover my mortgage difference. ...hehehe... I can only hope the right buyer is out there looking. But you are right...some good stuff in this lot. "Gotta Catch 'Em All!"
Return shipping for overseas people Newbie 11 7 yearsCopperAgeKids (3717): There is no reason go use any companies other than CBCS and CGC; all the others are not reputable. As far as subbing books to CBCS, or CGC, for that matter, the most cost effective way to do so is to sub the books through an Australian CBCS Dealer. Shipping is cheaper, and you get their dealer discount.
Third Printing Virgin Variant Limited Print kaptainmyke 7 7 yearskaptainmyke (27134):
Comic Shops stanley1883 25 7 yearsStudley_Dudley (53803): I have a few good ones that I frequent in the area. Four come to mind right off the bat. There are others too that get the occasional solid key in. All mess with toys and cards (sports or otherwise) but the ones I tend to visit are mostly comic centered. A lot of back issues, new comics and keys.
Jim Lee draws Goku - only once ever ZosoRocks 14 7 yearsdoog (8548):
FS: Hot Wheels Super and Secret TH auctions ZosoRocks 12 7 yearsZosoRocks (2134): *Bright smile* ...or you can send them to me!! Seriously....I do the same with the local kids....if I am out in the yard, and some kids walk by...I'll run in.....and then pull out a couple of cars.....and then hand them to the kids....and turn around. That stand there with eyes batting....."uhm...what just happened?"....and then they smile and their day is made. :o) Generosity is only one HW car away! LOL
My first nerd obsession ZosoRocks Jump to first page42Jump to last page 7 yearsdoog (8548): Baseball, football, basketball cards. In 1964 when I was about 6 a neighbor let me fish out a few hundred old beat cards he had out of an old chest. Wound up with Williams, Mantle, Mays et al. Adding to the pile and doing stats made me better at math as well, but I’m sure the gum in the card packs cost me some teeth. Sold the pile in 74 for 50 bucks, Hindsight mistake of youth. Course I bought a car with the 50, man, bought a bunch of cars...
FS: Spawn #9 & Spawnmobile LE 2-pack ZosoRocks 5 7 yearsZosoRocks (2134): BTW - one off shelf in SD. Very close LCS and had elusive visits from Image artists...
Marvel Collector Corps Switches To Retail 00slim 2 7 yearsCowabunga_Kyle (2271): I would like to take this opportunity to announce that I may or may not have artwork in the upcoming BAM! Box.
The Gambit Movie Just Lost Its 3rd Director JLS_Comics 8 7 yearsGAC (79221): hopefully fox never makes this film before Marvel takes over.
Funko POP! Figures 00slim 29 7 years00slim (18687): Yes. It usually shows a little separation at the edge, but it can be done.
The Bog Blog - Swamp Creatures thread Odins_Raven Jump to first page60Jump to last page 7 yearsOdins_Raven (2389): Just got this back! Super stoked all the signatures came out verified.
Signed "Frank Castle" + Skull by Jon Berthal kaptainmyke 1 7 yearskaptainmyke (27134): Signed "Frank Castle" + Skull by Jon Berthal For Sale $199
FOR SALE: lot of 43 original 1985 TMNT books kaptainmyke 11 7 yearsshrewbeer (13263): I did my obligatory place bid. See you at the snipe 😁 🍺
The Leader's Reports on his September shows the_Leader_knows 2 7 yearsInstant_Subtitles (1323): I have to confess that some of the shots taken made me miss Nakano Broadway. Sincere thanks for that. :beer: Namely the fourth floor, which I ended up exploring quite a bit during my last stay in Tokyo. Because besides all the vintage goods, including a Mandarake shop that specialized in tin/metal toys and signs, there was a used book shop that sold pieces of rope used in bondage photos. As well as a row of vintage books and magazines,...
Comics Heating Up neyko 27 8 yearsTedsaid (7340): I'm not sure I believe that.
Deals & Finds jrs 3 8 yearsjrs (1864): Amazon has the following hardcover books on sale: Marvel Encyclopedia, $22.99 Marvel Comics: 75 Years of Cover Art, $26.91 These are large coffee table books with varying amounts of detail. Perhaps not for the purist but they seem to be priced right. Amazon also has other comic-related hardcover books on sale. It's worth checking out IMO.
1977 / 1983 SW and ESB card back find ZosoRocks 9 8 yearsZosoRocks (2134): Look at this on eBay ...and there they are if any are interested.... Cheers to all!
2017 Lootcrate DX Animation Crate kaptainmyke 10 8 yearskaptainmyke (27134): Love knob creek 100 proof bourbon, it's my drink of choice
That Dang ol' Show might get renewed.... JLS_Comics 12 8 yearsX51 (14750): I felt the characters were getting stale. I'd rather see Beavis & Butthead.
Todd McFarlane: Blueprint Interview DarthLego 7 8 yearsKrazywan (469): This was a good watch. Love him or hate him, the dude made it work. I have always loved his art.
Domino looks good! JLS_Comics Jump to first page113Jump to last page 8 yearskaptainmyke (27134): they are going for $30 raw
Space Usagi Yojimbo has arrived! 00slim 9 8 yearsJeremy_K (841): how many more of these drops you think will happen? I'm betting a lot.
Needful Things. kaptainmyke Jump to first page143Jump to last page 8 yearskaptainmyke (27134): You asked for it, Jerry!
Stranger Things McFarlane Action Figures! DarthLego 15 8 yearsJLS_Comics (5463): lol there's a couple like this out there. I like the one for x-23
For the action figure collectors 00slim 7 8 yearsWay2GoDanno (91): Yeah sideshow released a marvel comic figure line and hot toys does the MCU figure line and also picked up the Netflix marvel series. I've been collecting hot toys for about 6 years as well as sideshow statues for even longer. They are much harder than comics to find a place for in the room lol, can't just stick them in a long box. Hot toys addiction is for real!
The Rick and Morty Thread Peace Among Worlds kaptainmyke Jump to first page999Jump to last page 8 yearsDarthLego (20518):
Trolled Kevin Eastman's wife w/ RAM meme! kaptainmyke 17 8 yearskaptainmyke (27134):
Getting excited for SDCC 2017? ZosoRocks 24 8 yearsZosoRocks (2134): Here is a 1st edition Neil Gaiman short story I picked up in 1995, as you can tell. It is signed by the sculptor and by Gaiman, and then it finally was reprinted in the "Smoke and Mirrors" short story collection published I think in 1996/7. Would this be considered a first printing/edition? I've always wondered. Maybe there is a book collector that can give me some insight. Zoom in on the is a good read. Thanks in...
BREAKING: Ron Howard set to direct Han Solo kaptainmyke 14 8 yearsDrWatson (59610): I prefer magic nose goblins.
Remove polybag, or no? 00slim 6 8 yearsSavage_Spawn (1906): I have one of the Spiderman #1 Canadian version I submitted that was still in the polybag. Of course it's tougher to see but the comic looked NM+. I didn't want to risk dinging it up and will let them handle it. Curious how or if they annotate that action but either way will be fine.
Welcome to the CBCS Forum! SteveRicketts Jump to first page530Jump to last page 8 yearsrec1978 (69): Hello All, I am new to the CBCS boards, but I have been around the block a little while (EBay for 16 years and CGC Chat Boards (same user id) for 4 years). If you see anything in my EBay store that you like, please feel free to shoot me a PM! Cheers, Ron As a side note: I am sending my first book, for CBCS Submission, today! ...
Cited: 15 times Image Ripped off Marvel(CBR) kaptainmyke 14 8 yearskaptainmyke (27134):
TMNT GIANT CYBER SAMURAI TURTLE 1 of 1 kaptainmyke 7 8 yearsJLA555 (389): Get it signed by Kevin Eastman
ROM: Space Knight tied to Transformers Movie kaptainmyke 20 8 yearsWolverine (1961): I read a rumour that either ROM or Roadblock are supposed to show up and the end of the new Transformers movie
Question About Statues jrs 8 8 yearsZosoRocks (2134): Boxes usually increase value 25-50%.
Skybound Megabox NeganKilledMe 9 8 yearscomicsheatingup (55): @negankilledme that is always the case with the way everything goes.
Who's on PSN? kaptainmyke 25 8 yearsJustThatGuy (5004): Steam FTW
New Books For This Week? JLS_Comics 15 8 yearsdpiercy (4842): I can't get a light week it seems.
TRADING OFFERS - TMNT First Printing #1 kaptainmyke Jump to first page39Jump to last page 8 yearskaptainmyke (27134):
2017 NECA 1/4 Scale Donatello (I Opened it) kaptainmyke 19 8 yearskaptainmyke (27134): Now he guards the collection in storage!
Is anyone going to La Mole Con 3/17--3/19? kaptainmyke 8 8 yearskaptainmyke (27134): sweet haven't I bought from you before? let me know please and thank you
Interview with John Tyler Christopher JLS_Comics 9 8 yearsvacaboca (1063): Better late than never... here's a picture of the book. It was just a quick sketch, but may be the only Jar Jar cover JTC does :)
"THE" Collection in large Storage Facility? kaptainmyke Jump to first page64Jump to last page 8 yearsDarthLego (20518): @shrewbeer That cat is even scared lol :(|)
4 FOOT BVS BATCAVE IDEAS Jesse_O 13 8 yearsJesse_O (39345): I haven't taken any pictures yet. I will once I have it all done. The problem I have with air dry clay is that I tend to leave it out and the whole bunch goes hard!!! LOL
Ninja Turtle Concept Art from Errol McCarthy kaptainmyke 3 8 yearsVaComicsGuy (4033): Nice additions. Enjoy.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Donatello & Leo DarthLego 7 8 yearskaptainmyke (27134):
Emerald City Comicon 2017 Stan Lee Confirmed kaptainmyke 14 9 yearsstophmaster (298): Couldn't agree more!
Action Figures! kaptainmyke Jump to first page41Jump to last page 9 yearskaptainmyke (27134): Some new toys I picked up recently: A rare unmasked version of Casey Jones: I...
FireEmblem77's eBay Sales FireEmblem77 4 9 yearsFireEmblem77 (22): Weekend Bump
ebay seller claims death in family, out kaptainmyke Jump to first page78Jump to last page 9 yearsDarthLego (20518): Especially bridges that lead to a giant Rocksteady. :beer:
The RETURN OF Usagi Yojimo! kaptainmyke 4 9 yearskaptainmyke (27134): People have been expecting Usagi's return to comics/cartoon for quite some time now. Finally!
Preacher. kaptainmyke 23 9 yearsDarthLego (20518): @Maverick yeah, it will be a sequel with the same cast. They said seasons will be set a few years apart story wise because the kids are growing like weeds.
Stan Sakai! kaptainmyke 8 9 yearskaptainmyke (27134): I just found my copy of Groo the Wanderer V2 #2 signed and sketched by Sergio Aragones. Stan Sakai did the lettering.
Red, Black, Silver, Gold, or Copper? kaptainmyke 9 9 yearsDick_Pontoon (2410): Metallics can dry slowly. You need to be careful of smudging the sig.
SDCC Exclusives dielinfinite 8 9 yearsAbsolute_Zero (1104): Yeah I am going to get me on copy of it or maybe 2 of them. Also I know a guy who has several of the first variant color but not sure if i want one lol
Big Comics Artwork and Action Figure Sale Muaythaiguy 2 9 yearsMuaythaiguy (97):
Official Battle Chasers Thread (Its BACK!) Soma 2 9 yearsDespain (1618): Cool stuff. Thanks for sharing that.:)
Toys - show 'em if you got 'em ComicWiz Jump to first page49Jump to last page 9 yearsDaniel_E (405): Glad to see another fan of Kaiju. Do you like other tokusatsu as well? Any of the hero shows? Here are some old model kits which one of them I got signed by the man himself Bin Furuya. And here is my non comic toys that include a few Japanese costumed heroes.
One Shots, Oddities, and Unknowns esaravo Jump to first page46Jump to last page 9 yearsesaravo (103061): Three more one-shots.
Comics Shipping this week!!! FireEmblem77 7 9 yearsFireEmblem77 (22): DARK HORSE COMICS MAR160028 BALTIMORE EMPTY GRAVES #2 $3.99 MAR160030 BEASTS OF BURDEN WHAT CAT DRAGGED IN ONE SHOT $3.99 JAN160139 COLDER TP VOL 03 TOSS THE BONES $17.99 MAR160017 HELLBOY IN HELL #9 $2.99 JAN160167 MIRRORS EDGE EXORDIUM TP $19.99 JAN160181 OREIMO KURONEKO TP VOL 05 $10.99 JAN160163 POWER CUBED TP $14.99 MAR160061 PREDATOR LIFE AND DEATH #3 $3.99 JAN160153 REBELS TP VOL 01 WELL REGULATED MILITIA $24.99 JAN160155 THIS DAMNED...
The Lego thread!!! thirdgreenham 4 9 yearsRichL422 (13): Here's a couple of mine
Alien Day 4/26 JDM 11 9 yearsOxbladder (1287): I am so sick of those acid bleeding bastards! They ate everyone at my birthday party last year and I had to blow up another perfectly good space craft to get rid of those jerks.