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'Comics Magazines' Topics

TitleAuthorPostsLast Post
CBCS Message Board - Terms of Use SteveRicketts 1 9 yearsSteveRicketts (19700): Open thread to view post.
Spider Man Torment #1 Gold,Silver and bagged question AdamBomb 18 4 daysBuscemaSterankoLee (75): Would like to add my 2c worth here: I just sold SPIDER-MAN # 1, 1990, a raw copy on the 'Bay for $5.00. Had been selling one at least one every-other-month for a few years now. Was at a Show and the Dealer who knows me and respects me let me pick out my own copies, and I picked out the best that he had. Back in 2022 I started selling them around a $1.00 start until recently. Listed them as either NM+ 9.6 or NMT+ 9.8, but never 9.9 or 10.0....
CBCS Express Sale esaravo 18 10 daysSigur_Ros (4694): So did that previous $5 promo apply to Express books? Would suck if people submitted a lot of Express then, only to 3 weeks later see a promo for $15-$20 off.
Who's got the runs?...#2 Scifinator 29 29 daysdrmccoy74 (14330): @figment that nunber 3 is a tough one!
Weekly Cover Contest #439 - Look At Me, I'm In Tatters! esaravo Jump to first page39Jump to last page 2 monthsNearmint67 (13678): @Rbolton Beep..Beep..
Weekly Cover Contest #435 - But the fire is so delightful! esaravo Jump to first page31Jump to last page 3 monthsNearmint67 (13678): @power_struggle55 keep pluggin' away...
What do you use to store/display your comics? MeanGene 15 3 monthsGAC (79173): I use regular wooden book shelves and BCW graded shortboxes. Purely utilitarian. Comics are completely covered and in the dark. I do not display any comics.
Weekly Cover Contest #430: Look! Up in the sky! It's a bird, it's a plane.. esaravo Jump to first page31Jump to last page 4 monthsHelric1 (7609): Happy Thanksgiving! 🦃
Weekly Cover Contest #423 - I LOVE A PARADE!!! CatmanAmerica 28 5 monthsSteveRicketts (19700): Sorry I'm out of town and didn't realize. Coming right up...
New to Your Collection #18 Oldfuzznts 6 5 monthsGAC (79173):
Authorized CBCS Dealer – Based in Germany! Presskammer 2 6 monthsOldfuzznts (704): auction starts in a few minutes! High grade moderns and SS! sborock_ComicLink 1 9 monthssborock_ComicLink (4978): It's bidding time! Session 3 certified comic books from titles 'N' through 'S' close shortly within the ComicLINK Focused Auction! Auction lots start closing at 8 PM Eastern Time (5 PM Pacific). This session offers a wide selection of Post-1975 key and high-grade certified comic books. Make sure to check out the wide variety of signed comic books certified by CGC and CBCS! Don't forget to bid! Peace, Steve
MCS Auction by CBCS Forum members ending Monday May 20th! Scifinator 18 10 monthsPolarisNuclearSS2020 (1380): RICK AND MORTY #1 CGC 9.8 2015 1ST PRINT Books A Million Variant
CBCS Crooks Patrickjones2549 Jump to first page78Jump to last page 10 monthssoutherncross (33782):
MCS Weekly Auctions featuring Forum members comics ending Mon 29th. Scifinator 18 11 monthsScifinator (15986): The bids on these three have me a little perplexed. I thought that this trio would be towards the higher end of the 19 and not at the very bottom. Terminator Endgame (1992) 1 CBCS 9.8 (19-2B978A3-186) Current bid: $9.00, 5 bids Terminator Endgame (1992) 2 CBCS 9.6 (19-2B978A3-187) Current bid: $5.00, 3 bids Terminator Endgame (1992) 3 CBCS 9.4 (19-2B978A3-190) Current bid: $5.00, 3 bids
Trina Robbins, ...RIP CatmanAmerica 6 1 yearIronMan (6264): I don't have a very many undergrounds in my collection, but this is one. Saddened to learn of Ms. Robbins passing. A true pioneer.
Weekly Cover Contest #396 - Eggs! esaravo Jump to first page37Jump to last page 1 yearmartymann (48475): Congrats Jesse_O!
43 auction lots of comics with $1 starts & no reserve (3/22 - 3/31 2024) Darkga 5 1 yearRafel (4270): Hi Rafel, I’m selling this collection on behalf of the former owner’s estate via a contract they have with Catawiki. They are from Belgium, but the comics are in my warehouse here in Atlanta. I’ll be sure to keep you posted on future auctions of Pre-82 Marvel comics though. Thanks![/quote] Thank you.
Weekly Cover Contest #395 - Helicopters! esaravo Jump to first page31Jump to last page 1 yearesaravo (103004): Thanks to everyone that voted for me! Now to try to think of a new topic.
CBCS Pulp Grading? NowGrade 1 1 yearNowGrade (12): Could not find a Platinum tab for this inquiry. What are CBCS's plans, if any, to begin grading Pulps?
Magazines Matman85 12 1 yearSteveRicketts (19700):
Weekly Cover Contest #386 - They've got it covered! esaravo Jump to first page51Jump to last page 1 yearTheShocker (711): Congrats 👏. Damn it was really cool to see alot of these awesome covers I would have never seen otherwise. (Modern collector)
FS: MAD Magazine Collection (1950's to 1990's)!! Other magazine drek!! Galen130 Jump to first page97Jump to last page 1 yeardfoster43 (1768): thanks, @Galen130 it was a pleasure. I'll let you know when they arrive! :) Have a great weekend!
Weekly Cover Contest #373 - One RING to Rule Them All esaravo Jump to first page37Jump to last page 1 yearRbolton (8835): Congrats!!! Great covers!
Loose included items MrNotSoNice 11 2 yearsGAC (79173): I don't think Ed is asking about how the loose page should be identified. You are right...something must have first been attached to be identified as detached. I think what he's asking is....if the loose but accompanying page is the exact same size as the catalogue, then what is the logic for not encapsulating the page? (The way CBCS would if we were talking about a detached centerfold). It's a fair question that I'm interested in knowing as...
Grading National Lampoon? MrNotSoNice 3 2 yearsMrNotSoNice (3552): Thanks!
Collection Connection is back! CLLXCNNX 2 2 yearsMrNotSoNice (3552): Is this legal? Is it for 70-year old comics that are in the public domain?
Graded Magazine Boxes For Sale mattness 2 2 yearsMrNotSoNice (3552): Thanks! If I get them I will advise.
Marvelmania MrNotSoNice 17 2 yearsMrNotSoNice (3552): Turns out there is another signed copy (Kirby, I presume). Oh well, at least my 9.4 is the highest-graded signed copy (so far.)
Magazine Slab Storage MrNotSoNice 14 2 yearsHulkSmash (11374): EGerber may your best bet. You may not need 5 but you will more than likely pay the same price for 1 if you find it elsewhere like any other EG product.
Population Report for Magazine slabs? Rafel 5 2 yearsRafel (4270): I would think so. I went by title and year, but it still would be nice if it said, comic book or magazine. Just to be user friendly.
Magazine Mail Call MrNotSoNice 8 2 yearsBigRedOne1944 (11568): Double Nice!
Diel’s Annual SDCC thread (wall pics!) dielinfinite 28 2 yearsdielinfinite (26907): Last day of the convention! Didn’t do too much today but still fun! I started by picking up a commission I requested on Friday. No one famous but for $21, I am happy with it! I then stopped by a CBCS to submit my books. I had been told that they would have a signing including Frank Miller today but they ended up doing it on Saturday so there were a few books I didn’t include. After that, I wanted to...
For Auction: Various comic mag lots & others comics ZosoRocks Jump to first page78Jump to last page 2 yearsZosoRocks (2134): Lot #45 Headline Publications / DC Comics / DC Black Label / DC-Milestone - 9-lot of various titles - includes: - Amazing Mysteries: Black Magic - Anima - Snarky - Icon - Blood Syndicate - American Vampire 1976 (***Viewer Discretiin is advised / 17+(?)*** - average condition is 6.0+ - many are mid-grade and mid-grade+ - $0 99 starting Thanks for viewing the auction. Tim ...
Redo signature verification? donho 15 2 yearsEbayMafia (37349): I'm not sure, I only ever sent one book back, it was the first year they opened. But it seems that without some kind of formal process, misunderstandings like this are bound to happen. The guy at the convention may be doing his best to provide good customer service, but if that's not his role, he misses a step in the process because he doesn't realize it's not as cut and dried as he thinks it would be.
Magazine slab introductory pricing cesidio 2 2 yearsMRmintastic (269): I am not certain, though it seems the current price of $25 for modern mags should be here for awhile. CGC also has the same price for their modern magazine grading, so CBCS would be shooting themselves in the foot if they raised the price in this current market.
Superman vrs Spider-Man treasury edition signed Zevgoli 11 2 yearsZevgoli (360): Thanks to a very helpful Cynthia V at customer service I’m submitting the book to CBCS for a raw grade and signature verification of Stan Lee and Neal Adams. I’m also getting the book pressed thanks to Steve’s acknowledgment that it can be pressed. I will post the result when I get the book back. Cheers, Zevgoli
CBCS MAGAZINE ENCAPSULATION JC600 2 2 yearsMRmintastic (269): Good key to have graded.
TMNT: The Last Ronin 1 Lot 9.9 and 9.8 $1 Auction! Vboi 14 2 yearspower_struggle55 (7504): feel I really should read this series. picked up the first issue of the sequel (lost years) while at a convention. I see the tpb is $20 on amazon
Captain Britain # 1 Gaz973 Jump to first page33Jump to last page 2 yearsGaz973 (70): Thank you for the reply. 👍🏻
Does anyone collect 2000AD? Judge Dredd? Post your comics! BartAllen 7 2 yearsrapturestar (9): Man... I wish I had the signature from Brian along with Stallone & Karl Urban!
Update on the astonishing tales 25 signatures. Zombie_Head 8 2 yearsSiggy (25634): I was expecting to see 25 signatures on an Astonishing Tales comic :oops: This makes more sense. Very cool! They look great on the inside.
Latest CBCS Submission drchaos Jump to first page51Jump to last page 2 yearsdrchaos (30035): Mission accomplished! With two CBCS guys pitching in it only took us just over three hours to get everything done.
Proof someone is monitoring my posts... Scifinator 5 2 yearsEbayMafia (37349):
Weekly Cover Contest #342 - The Whale esaravo Jump to first page50Jump to last page 2 yearsEbayMafia (37349): lol. YOU HAD ONE JOB...
SILVER AGE BOOKS ADDED SilverAgeSlanger 6 2 yearsRjman48 (306): Good luck getting more eyes on your site, bypassing that fee eating monster that ebay is!
Bunch of Silver Age and Precode Horror Added to Site! SilverAgeSlanger 2 2 yearscodychunn (134): Lots of good stuff listed. Marvel Premiere #45 is the bargain. That man-wolf story is one of my days of yore favorites. Beautiful artwork.
My February 2022 submission of 694 books has been completed drchaos 28 2 yearsNellYXL (6): Yes, I also thought about printing my book, but so far I am confused by the difficulties.
January Surplus For Sale SilverAgeSlanger 4 2 yearsEbayMafia (37349): I don't think it's a rules violation. It's just a link to an Ebay store and a list of the books. Lots of people here offer links to their ebay stores.
Weekly Cover Contest #334 - They call me Mellow YELLOW! esaravo Jump to first page66Jump to last page 2 yearspeterc777 (2058): Looks like I'm gonna have to come up with a topic :D. Thank you to everyone who participated! It's getting late and I'm off to bed, so I'll have a new contest up sometime before noon Eastern on Friday.
Have magazines in your vault for 6 years now myxzeus70 16 2 yearsEbayMafia (37349): I thought it was mentioned previously that signature verification could be done for raw grade magazines. I may be remembering it wrong, I do that. Too bad, seems it would be a quick and easy solution option for pent up demand.
Weekly Cover Contest #327: Me and My Shadow esaravo Jump to first page53Jump to last page 2 yearsScifinator (15986): Lol - @QuaBrot and @wmorse both cast 3 point votes for each other. Great entries
Foreign Comics Year End Clearance Sale! HotKeyComics 7 2 yearsJames42 (4972): @HotKeyComics I recently discovered the Turkish comic industry and have been shopping for Turkish versions of various modern comics. I do wish there were English translations of the works of Turkey's creators. Many of their books look amazing, I just have limited ability to puzzle out the words.
Found cache need help with supplies Element_Lad 9 2 yearsElement_Lad (2457): Found some old GI Joe's not the little ones from the cartoon and the 1980's. These are the original scar faced ones from the 1960's - 1970's. Mobile Command Unit too. Some old games (on boards folks) like Which Witch? and such. Still digging. That damned Arc of the Convenient Indiana found is in here somewhere. :D
INTERNATIONAL COMICS NScott Jump to first page96Jump to last page 2 yearsHotKeyComics (5416): last I checked a couple weeks ago the cheapest one on the bay was nearly 200
Weekly Cover Contest #317 - Like a Candle in the Wind esaravo Jump to first page60Jump to last page 2 yearsByrdibyrd (24736): I :heart: that cover! Congrats!
Just show something cool stanley_1883 17 3 yearsBronte (40001):
FS: Marvel Super Special #1 CGC 9.6 & more 00slim 25 3 years00slim (18687): So, I’m making some room in my collection since I have our local Con in a couple weeks. I’m only selling this because I have 3 or 4 more raw copies I need to grade. Tough to price since they don’t come up for sale above VG often. Here is a 7.5 second print from 1964. Same terms as above. Asking $400 shipped, or best offer. ...
Now for something completely different... IowaDad81 5 3 yearsBrianGreensnips (15559): @IowaDad81 Welcome to the forum.
Vacation fuel fund sale #2!! Offers welcome, yes to combined shipping!!! Galen130 Jump to first page159Jump to last page 3 yearsGalen130 (6914): My wife and I are planning on a much needed vacation later this summer, driving across/touring northern Arizona. We’ll be driving because I don’t fly anymore and she hates flying. Since gas prices are nuts, and probably getting worse by August, I want to start up a fuel fund for the trip by trying to sell more stuff from this thread and my CGC sales thread. All offers are welcome, but I don’t have anything new to add. We really need,...
Magazine or Comic PressMeComics 7 3 yearsRbolton (8835): Magazine size is correct, I have two entire runs,I am considering selling one before to long if anyone is interested. Conan Saga is magazine as well.
Heavy Metal Magazine Preview / Sampler in National Lampoon, March 1977 Hiro 11 3 yearsByrdibyrd (24736): :D:heart::heart::heart:
magazine holder? TonyOquendo 8 3 yearsSigur_Ros (4694): Well, looking forward to when they do. Hoping your mag cases outdo the competition like your regular cases do. Also, updates/answers to all questions in the forums is appreciated. Thx
Question about grading missing value stamp Tattedcoyboy 19 3 yearscesidio (2429): Years ago I bought a hulk 181 missing stamp. Gorgeous book otherwise. At the time there was no cgc or cbcs. Learned my lesson. According to Overstreet was basically a 1.5. Why I don't buy manipulated or restoration book
CBCS and Other Comic Books and Comic Magazines themelodyman 10 3 yearsthemelodyman (4): Thank you so much for that link. I will definitely look into it and see if it can help.
RAW Graphix Magazine/Comic Want To Buy NowGrade 1 3 yearsNowGrade (12): I'm looking for issues #1, 2, 3, and 4 of RAW Graphix Magazine/Comic. Art Spiegelman and Francoise Mouly, circa 1980-1982. Grade Range, preferably 8.0 or higher. Price range $100-$300 based on condition. I am interested in both graded and raw issues.
Weekly Cover Contest #282 - Does someone need a hug? esaravo Jump to first page40Jump to last page 3 yearslawguy1977 (7550): @DrWatson Congrats!
Any Upstate NY / Great Northeasters out there remember FantaCon? dfoster43 1 3 yearsdfoster43 (1768): It was 1980 and my first 'big' comic convention was in my back yard. What a day. I'm sure I don't have to go into detail, it was probably exactly like everyone's first convention. But what memories this brings back of those days. I can almost smell the fall Albany air. Albany was my stomping ground and FantaCo was my LCS as John S Iavarone was incredibly rude to anyone under 21 that dared enter his place I never went there much....
New Golden Age Replica Website CLLXCNNX 20 4 yearsCLLXCNNX (138): Yes! Lots o pre-code horror replicas. Much more to come. ~Sebastian Collection Connection Facebook - Instagram - Twitter -
Comic ID not being Found arktech 6 4 yearsStudley_Dudley (53746): @arktech I ran into this issue recently with a reholder. When I emailed customer service about it, the instructions were to basically put it in as a new grading submission but note on the invoice that it is for a reholder. I would write in nice big, Sharpie with highlighter. The invoice should be adjusted when CBCS receives it. If not, then just email customer service about it and it will be adjusted. That's what I did. Just to show that...
Scottsdale Comic Book & Comic Art Show TerrysComics 14 4 yearsDarkseid_of_town (14297): Thought you meant selling here and now..I wont be attending the show sorry
WTB Wartime Captain America, here's a detailed post of what I'm looking for BuffJake09 9 4 yearsBuffJake09 (420): Thanks for the bump!
Hilarious and cool comic book review of Doctor Leviathan published 2005 blevin 5 4 yearsblevin (31): There are a few copies left of Doctor Leviathan issue #1 published in 2005 - This is the link to the Graphic novel Doctor Leviathan volume one published 2017 -...
Magazine sized submissions danmalek466 9 4 yearskaptainmyke (27134): it was #soon 3 years ago lol
When Will We See Cases for Original Turtles? MurrayC 9 4 yearsOGJackster (54562): :D:D:D
Weekly Cover Contest - Pedal Power - Get on Your Bikes and Ride! esaravo Jump to first page52Jump to last page 4 yearsGotlift (5095): Woo Whoo !! Thank you all.. I'm working on getting a new one up as I type
SOLD! - 20 Comic Magazines including S.S. of Conan #1, Vampirella, HM Darkga 6 4 yearskaptainmyke (27134): That's a nice collection! There's a few in this lot I have my eye on, but I don't wish to buy the entire lot as I have most of them. If you have trouble selling this lot, I'd be interested in a few.
Weekly Cover Contest #220 - Lightning esaravo Jump to first page55Jump to last page 4 yearsDshel61 (1540): Oh wow. My bad. I see I duplicated sorry. Oh well next time. That's what happens when you multitask while multitasking.
Last ronin Anthony79845 18 4 yearsbigcontracts (14): @Anthony79845 that's what I did too. I grabbed an extra #1 (reprint) to actually read haha. One to grade, one to read.
Request For Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Collectors SteveRicketts 8 4 yearskaptainmyke (27134): As per Dan Berger and Peter Laird at miragelicensing: Raphael #1 : One-Issue Micro Series first printing First Printing: 1985 Note: First printings were oversized (7 1/2" X 10 15/16" ) (190.5 mm x 277.812 mm) Number of Story Pages: 26 ------------------------------------------------------------------ Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #1 first print First Printing: May, 1984 Second Printing: June, 1984 Third...
Weekly Cover Contest #213 - Gunfights and Shootouts! esaravo Jump to first page52Jump to last page 4 yearsDrWatson (59460): Perhaps we should decrease the cover entry period by one day and increase the voting period by one day.
WEEKLY COVER CONTEST #208 - Kicked in the Teeth! esaravo Jump to first page51Jump to last page 5 yearsMarvelousComics (2067): Congrats Mater
WEEKLY COVER CONTEST #207 - PUPPETS esaravo Jump to first page50Jump to last page 5 yearsesaravo (103004): Thanks everyone for the votes! The new contest will be up shortly.
My new book finally Marvel preview 4 donho 2 5 yearsBrashSmurf (980): you sure that's the book you sent in, lol
finally getting my cgc book donho 3 5 yearsdonho (667): some credit for future use so i got mollified
WEEKLY COVER CONTEST #200 - MUMMIFIED! esaravo Jump to first page58Jump to last page 5 yearsTowmater (10537): You posts in the new contest thread made it clear what the delay was about.
In search the perfect Silver/Gold Long Box...? PaulyC 12 5 yearsBrianGreensnips (15559): I have been using graded boxes for my Silver/Gold size Mylites. Works pretty good.
Does cbcs just reslab? cesidio 6 5 yearsdielinfinite (26907): I can’t imagine they would
Preserving Treasury Editions Noblebeast315 30 5 yearsNoblebeast315 (2200): @sborock that’s an incredibly valid point to make. I don’t see myself having a collection of Treasury Editions, but honestly I don’t know a whole lot about them to begin with. I see Steve’s stake in this as checking the pulse of this kind of demand, before taking a trip down that road. I can say this though, I am still interested in having my Treasury edition book graded raw. Probably will not make it to your grading desk post though!
Mail Call Magazine Edition Hcanes 6 5 yearsinfinityG (1280): Nice books! LOM and TF UK 113 are my list! I've recently picked up some beautiful high grade Bronze Age Horror and Barbarian Mags. Hoping for some CBCS magazine slab news comes soon.
Weekly Cover Contest - 194 Roller Coasters! ShallaBal Jump to first page52Jump to last page 5 yearsPre_Coder (19960): Thank you for the votes, and for submitting some really neat covers. I'll get a new contest started shortly.
Weekly Cover Contest 192: Aliens - They Came From Outer Space!? esaravo Jump to first page60Jump to last page 5 yearsShallaBal (3189): sorry wrong thread
Comic Grading hogan36 9 5 yearshogan36 (198): Thank you!
Hey Guys, Wanna Trade? 00slim 30 5 yearsNelsconey (211): Is this still avail? Price?
Weekly Cover Contest: Time Flies Lenovations Jump to first page73Jump to last page 5 yearsGAC (79173): Ok, so if tied, CBCS slab decides....if both have CBCS or neither have it, then most 3 votes. Got it!
Get Free comics - while stuck at home Lenovations 4 5 yearsLenovations (866): Yes I would.
Sticker on Cover Help wareure 17 5 yearsHero_Restoration_ (3): Shoot, that's too bad. I was hoping to share tape removal videos. Hehe
Mighty Marvel Superheroes Cookbook --- and other non-comic grading ComicJay 2 5 yearsthe420bandito (11476): I've seen trade paperbacks slabbed for whatever reason so I can't see this being out of the question. I would email customer service before shipping anything off though.
Spot the Difference ONLINE_209 19 5 years00slim (18687): I was under the impression that the Spidey 1 Gold newsstand edition was a Wal-Mart Exclusive. I’d heard that somewhere, anyway.
SALES THREAD mstrangeII 12 5 yearsDoc_Cop (3100): Not in my collection wheelhouse, but beautiful books and preserved very well. Kudos.
WTB Sinister Tales #23 Alan Class UK Comic 00slim 3 5 years00slim (18687): Cool. Appreciate the clarification, fixed the title and description.
Donny Cates on comic piracy article Jedyzon Jump to first page62Jump to last page 5 yearsArak (1000): and my nature valley peanut butter granola BARS have become 2 bite nuggets What the hell BILL?:eek::eek::(:(
LCSD 2019 what did you all get? Zombie_Head 1 5 yearsZombie_Head (3600): This what I picked up
Captain Britain comics jmckenna43082 5 5 yearsRRO (1798): I am sure that CBCS and "others" would not grade ones that have premiums taped to the cover.
Weekly cover contest #159 - Evil Twin Lenovations Jump to first page94Jump to last page 6 yearsGAC (79173): not sure what the "winner" actually wins other than the work of putting up the new contest thread and thinking of a topic that hasn't already been done. To me, it's about looking at cool books that I may want to pick up.
Is CBCS slabbing magazines yet? Rafel 16 6 yearsDarryl_H (1710): When did you try calling? During business hours?
Mad magazine Manonfire 16 6 yearsX51 (14750):
Happy 50th Birthday Vampirella!  Darkga 9 6 years1nOnly (365): Happy Birthday Vampirella! Here is one of the newer covers I have as tribute...
WEEKLY COVER CONTEST WEEK 146 - Let's Have a Picnic! esaravo Jump to first page50Jump to last page 6 yearsSagii (8653): Thanks guys! Wow! Was some incredible friendly competition this week. Will have a new contest up soon!
The Maxx 1/2 error on foil cover Airmomo 10 6 yearsAirmomo (24): They also put it in its own category in the cgc census labeling it as wizard presents the Maxx. I thought they would have put it with the other variants of this cover. Any idea if that will effect the value good or bad?
Mail call from Planet Comicon donho 9 6 yearsdonho (667): finally got the last of the slabs from Planet comicon. verified sigs joe jusko on the planet comicon exclusive spiderman, and Michael golden on the exclusive x men. and William Shatner on both star treks, with...
WEEKLY COVER CONTEST WEEK 143 - Imprisoned Behind Bars! esaravo Jump to first page55Jump to last page 6 yearsOGJackster (54562): Damn!!! I got busy and forgot to vote :(
Just wow. donho Jump to first page32Jump to last page 6 yearsSabersaw (25): they dont grade spiders
Any News on the Larger Cases? mightyestmatt 3 6 yearsdonho (667): that is what I was told when I asked this with customer service. Friday. was in development but when beckett bought cbcs they scrapped the project and started over again.
WEEKLY COVER CONTEST - Week 126: Ridiculous Villians esaravo Jump to first page61Jump to last page 6 yearsGAC (79173): Ok...give me a few minutes while I think of the next contest.
Comic sizes Tcinani 3 6 yearsbrysb (12491): There are cgc slabbed copies of Batman Damned on eBay, are those too big for cbcs? Cbcs only does raw grades for treasury books.
Batman cover "problem": common or uncommon? sl4wt3r 11 6 yearsTedsaid (7340): No, they are all like this. It's just how this issue / format is printed.
Comic Book Store Wars: Comics Publisher Adverts BLBcomics 17 7 yearsBLBcomics (1147): 1950 Blackhawk comic books with radio show
Current Pull List stanley1883 21 7 yearsstanley1883 (46): Ok so heres my take so far. Mera: Queen of Atlantis is great, seriously awesome. Well done DC Die! Die! Die!- I'm underwhelmed by the first issue, Kirkman's never let me down before so i may give issue 2 a chance, but issue 1 was meh, felt like the same old thing. New Lieutenants of Metal- super fun and campy book, has a great playlist with it, just a fun comic for those that also like hard rock, as Boy Band Nation are the...
Diamond damages... An ongoing epidemic! JLS_Comics 12 7 yearsJLS_Comics (5463): In the video in the OP, he talks about a possible solution. Instead of 2 medium boxes crammed in to a large diamond box at 50-60 lbs (enough that the USPS person doesn't want to carry it) do just one with padding between the medium and large. Shipping costs will go up a little, but the other costs will go down and so will the frequency damages (which means lost sales, storage costs, etc). Most damages on the books come at the corners where...
I miss Wizard magazine 00slim 30 7 yearsDrogio (8091): Speaking of price guides...I loved getting comic values monthly (CVM) every month...I had a subscription for a while... It had some quirks, like not listing golden age books and would not provide any explanation as to why some series either started off at a strange number (I.e., Captain America 100) or there were missing issues (Incredible Hulk jump from issue 6 to 102). But that made it a mystery early in my collecting hobby and made me...
Gamestop to sell comics stanley1883 17 7 yearsJLS_Comics (5463): LOL that sounds about right
Geppi Museum Closing Jesse_O 9 7 yearsrickdod3 (524): Comic book men didn't even scratch the surface. An amazing channel I'm subbed to called "Comic Trips" did an in-depth tour of Geppi Museum. It is fantastic! It's an all-around awesome channel! You should check it out...also, here is the video I mentioned!
grading questions drchaos 13 7 yearsdrchaos (30035): The first book is a comic from the late 60s or early 70s. The second book is a magazine from the 1960s.
Grading help needed xmg88x 10 7 yearsxmg88x (4): Hmm in my opinion 7.5 is too low?
Rocky Mountain Comic Convention Denver TerrysComics 1 7 yearsTerrysComics (136): the original Rocky Mountain Comic Convention Sunday May 20, 2018 from 10am - 5pm DoubleTree By Hilton Hotel Denver Stapelton 4040 Quebec Street, Denver Co. 80216 Admission still only $10, Parking is free! Admission includes entry to raffle with great comics and Original art! Sponsored by the already famous ( with serious collectors) CalComicCon. check it out at Rocky Mountain Comic Convention
Familiar with hall of heroes museum? det_tobor 3 7 yearsStu (825): Too cool! That is deadication right there. Thanks for sharing.
The original art I sacrificed keys for... Darkga 29 7 yearsBrianGreensnips (15559): That is so darn cool. Thanks
CBCS Raw Grade: odd sized books Saint_Doyle 14 7 yearsHomer (1010): The taller size created a perfect storm for eliminating high grade copies, if one stored them with Warren magazines the top edge was crunched. I'm in utter amazement of the quality of that top corner posted by the OP. I have looked at a lot of Warrior mags, and have never seen the top corner of a #1 anywhere near that sharp.
ETA on Magazine-Size Encapsulation c2t2merch 23 7 yearsScorpion (1016): just messing with you steve, i do hope it all works out and that we can start the Encapsulation of Magazine-Size books. ill keep my fingers crossed.
The Staros Report or The Intimates Anyone? mattness 4 7 yearsX51 (14750): Chris used to show up at my friend's store periodically. I'd seen him several times before I knew who he was.
comicbookcollections adding more for Holiday Khumbu 10 7 yearsKhumbu (199): OK guys, I was thinking of putting these books up later this week, but thought I would give everyone here a shot at these first. Not the best pictures...If you really want it and need a better pic p.m. me and I will see if I can get someone to get a better pic for me. ...
COMIC LAND BLBcomics 8 7 yearsOGJackster (54562):
Dark Nights: Metal - likes! and dislikes? ZosoRocks 7 7 yearsDrogio (8091): The batman who laughs is the best thing coming out of this arc. It's the only reason I'm paying attention and the only disappointment is that he's had a limited part so far...but it's just leaving me wanting to see and know more about him! Definitely hit on something bid here if they stay the course with this character. Speaking of which I'm going to start a thread to see what people consider his first appearance (cameo or otherwise). ...
Whoops JLS_Comics 2 8 yearsInstant_Subtitles (1323): I came here for the tacos, but only arrive in time to see your corrected mistake. Cheers to editing. :beer:
Comics Heating Up neyko 27 8 yearsTedsaid (7340): I'm not sure I believe that.
Total Comic Mayhem neyko 28 8 yearsDocBrown (16887): Just for information's sake, the Canadian Newsstand price variants were published from Oct 1982 to Aug 1986 for Marvels, and Oct 1982 to Sep 1988 for DCs. Archies had the same program, but it lasted longer, into the early 90's. The disparity in the US and Canadian dollars became too great by early 1982, so the publishers had to come up with a way to designate that...hence the "Can" prices that began with the price logo change (the...
WILL IT FIT FOR ME TO SUBMIT ONLINE_209 4 8 yearsdet_tobor (814): Could you contact customer service to make sure of no other surprises?
Would you put a collectors box in a slab? det_tobor 18 8 yearsshrewbeer (13263): Sure. Slabs are a big part of history at this point. If there were a (hypothetical) auction of say, the very first slab produced by CGC, or the first prototype, I'm sure there would be some collector interest
Metal neyko Jump to first page32Jump to last page 8 yearsneyko (539): Wow, every cover Aspen puts out is from the Turner Collection. Won't be getting those signed.
Man-Thing Has Arrived! 00slim 16 8 yearsBroker1 (763): Awesome book, congrats on the pick up. I've got one to grade but kinda sorta waiting for CBCS magazine size. And waiting. And waiting...
When will cbcs start to grade magazine size? Johnnyonthespot 22 8 yearsdpiercy (4842): 5 years
The 15 Worst Things That Ever Happened To Superman Dshel61 12 8 yearsTowmater (10537): I guess the author felt that putting the indisputable truth that Superman having to be a part of the train wreck Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice was the worst thing to happen to the character had to be avoided. After all, it would have just shortened the list to 1 item. The other examples on the list pale in comparison and seem trivial.
My Anniversary Gift Has Been Chosen! 00slim 19 8 yearsDrogio (8091): Congrats, btw. Coming up on 9 myself in a few months. All 9 happy bliss.
The Walking Dead Here's Negan HC $13.99 DarthLego 1 8 yearsDarthLego (20518): The Walking Dead Here's Negan HC Was: $19.99 Your Price: $13.99 You save 30% By: Robert Kirkman, Cliff Rathburn, Dave Stewart, Charlie Adlard Type: Graphic Novels Genres: Horror Publisher: Image Comics Pub. Date: October 04, 2017 Availability: Pre-Order UPC: 978153430327051999 For ages: ...
Help With My TMNT #1 (3rd Print) 00slim 23 8 yearsCopperAgeKids (3717): It's pretty much a $30 book, in that grade. I'd say scan the FC and BC in, , disclose the defect (3rd print partially erased) put a BIN of $30 + $10 Priority Shipping and it'll sell.
Cover Contest Week 46 - Double Vision esaravo Jump to first page75Jump to last page 8 yearsvacaboca (1063): Wow... I've been largely offline traveling to SDCC, and now having stayed up way too late after day one, I see that I won... very cool. I really need to go to sleep - my east coast brain is completely confused... I'll try to post a new contest before I go to sleep, otherwise I'll be behind the schedule... stay tuned.
Got my graded VAMPIRELLA mag submission! ^_^ Darkga 12 8 yearsGeeWiz (3223): You absolutely killed it! Congrats
Heavy Metal - July 2017 - IRON MAIDEN ZosoRocks 5 8 yearsZosoRocks (2134): This takes me back to the 1980s "Rock and Roll Comics" which I think I have a couple....Van Halen and Led Zeppelin.
How soon is #soon? (Magazines!) 00slim 15 8 yearsDarthLego (20518):
doctor solar issue 5 mattbanks 16 8 yearsmattbanks (10): yes it is he told me a 6.5 raw grade in that area sent me a pic of better grade issue and sent me 0.5-1.5 grade raw. that's why ex-friend sold to me $12.00
CBCS: Will you slab comic-sized magazines? Darkga 5 8 yearsDarkga (4787): I'll measure it when I get home, but I'm pretty sure it will be within the measurements. That first picture is of it in a Silver Age bag with board. Thanks!
Welcome to the CBCS Forum! SteveRicketts Jump to first page530Jump to last page 8 yearsrec1978 (69): Hello All, I am new to the CBCS boards, but I have been around the block a little while (EBay for 16 years and CGC Chat Boards (same user id) for 4 years). If you see anything in my EBay store that you like, please feel free to shoot me a PM! Cheers, Ron As a side note: I am sending my first book, for CBCS Submission, today! ...
Comixology - 60% off TMNT expires 4/30 ZosoRocks 2 8 yearspoka (25529): Think all too regular titles for him. He is probably planning commissioning his own TMNT story 😎
magazine size comics CBCS slabs??? 1952MB Jump to first page53Jump to last page 8 years1952MB (25): CBCS we need Comic Magazine slabs, please make it happen this year.
Archie comic lot - eBay - ungraded ZosoRocks 1 8 yearsZosoRocks (2134): eBay Check it out...,readers plus others. 2.0 x 6.0 Archie Comics.
Unknown Dell Otto Variant by Panini Comics sonny4eyez 18 8 yearssonny4eyez (52): This works perfectly! I have a small and modest foreign comic collection, those 2 pages will be a great help to me. Truly appreciate it all @jesse_o
Raw vs. Graded therealtimmyp 7 8 yearsesaravo (103004): Don't forget that the slab certifies not only the book's condition as in its grade, but also if the book has been conserved or restored, and if a signature (or several) are legit. Once you purchase it, you can remove it from the slab if you want, or leave it be. But you will have the piece of mind knowing that the book hasn't been restored and/or that the signature(s) is/are real.
Oakmans horror mags. Oakman29 Jump to first page44Jump to last page 8 yearsOakman29 (106): :cool:
Comic Auction Site Advice tonnage71 6 8 yearsFoghorn_Sam (3769): Hey no problem. I really like how ComicConnect does their end of auction, makes it more like a real live auction, giving everyone a fair chance before the auction closes, unlike a set cutoff time where snipping is rampant. I wish the other auction sites would do this. I've noticed Ebay has begun running some live auctions similar to this also.
Nothing but 1st Appearances MR_SigS Jump to first page228Jump to last page 8 yearskaptainmyke (27134): Turtle History here for those who don't know: 1988 Archie Comics Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Adventures Vol. 1 Issue #1 1st appearance of General Krang (Tetsu-Oni) 1st appearance of Bebop (Anton Zeck) 1st appearance of Rocksteady (Ivan Steranko) 1st appearance of Foot Soldiers (Group) Before anybody...
A COMIC CHARACTER QUOTE GAME!!! SilverAgeFan Jump to first page89Jump to last page 9 yearsDarthLego (20518): Jack Burton, Big Trouble in Little China
Do You Want To Play A Game? JLS_Comics 15 9 yearsRafel (4270): I'm in. It sounds like fun.
KaptainMyke's "I just found this" thread. kaptainmyke Jump to first page72Jump to last page 9 yearsDarthLego (20518): Bumper Music
STAR WARS COMICS Revan_Q Jump to first page62Jump to last page 9 yearsJeremy_K (841): get a sketch?
Can I submit my TMNT 1984 comics to CBCS? kaptainmyke 5 9 yearsDarthLego (20518): The max size is 7 & 5/8ths x 10 & 1/2 inches. (7.625 x 10.5) and 0.24 is max thickness.
CBCS grading holders for magazine sizes Despain 23 9 yearssamediarchon (94): I bought a 1979 edition of that Alien adaptation that I would like to have graded.
Some O' My Comic and Mens Interest Mags Batman2001 3 9 yearsBatman2001 (4): Thanks!
Vintage Horror fans - help needed!! Jesse_O 4 9 yearsJesse_O (39345): No, I have not. Thanks for the lead Stu!! I will get my shovel and start digging!!
Show off your Magazines JSAmand Jump to first page500Jump to last page 9 yearsMaverick (1029): Lots of awesome magazines. Cant wait to see part two
Superman vs Ali Treasury book Beamer 5 9 yearsStelbert_Stylton (1090): Exactly.
Captain Britain FUEGOMUSIC 6 9 yearsNico (23): I think It's already in their future plans. But right not they can't.
Official Joe Madureira Appreciation Thread Soma 8 9 yearsDespain (1618): @Soma Thanks for sharing that, Soma. Very interesting. Now that you mentioned it, I can see the horse skull details as part of the rune. Pretty cool that Joe Mad has inspired you artistically. Are you planning your own comic book? It might be interesting if you used your own characters as your next body art. You'd be your own walking advertisement. I bet it has helped Joe when people ask him about his tats.