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'CBCS Signature ASP' Topics

TitleAuthorPostsLast Post
CBCS Message Board - Terms of Use SteveRicketts 1 9 yearsSteveRicketts (19701): Open thread to view post.
Signing Opportunity - Mel Gibson and others drchaos 3 10 hoursdrchaos (30062): No it was a typo. His name reads Christopher Mintz-Plasse on the web site.
Indiana comic con next weekend CBCS Zombie_Head 7 9 daysZombie_Head (3600): @Cody_Lockwood CGC wasn’t there either. I got 4 books signed by Shatner I would have loved to have witnessed. I didn’t decide until last minute or I would have requested to witness my own books. It kinda sucks to have Shatner autographs and not witnessed I guess I’ll have to take a chance and use the verify option hope they pass.
Nuffsaid 2025 Sales Thread #3 (CBCS Signed Comic Series and More) Nuffsaid111 3 12 daysNuffsaid111 (20669): bump
Beckett Authentication Sticker Karldubya 9 2 monthsHulkSmash (11384): I’d say in this situation the sigs are more important than the grade of the book. As far as future sale I think the value is going to be in the sigs with the added value of the reference. I am curious how this will work out.
CBCS Slabs SALE: DEADPOOL 48 CBCS 9.8 THIEF OF THIEVES 1 CBCS 9.8 1st Print PolarisNuclearSS2020 9 2 monthsPolarisNuclearSS2020 (1380): DEADPOOL 48 CBCS 9.8 and THIEF OF THIEVES 1 CBCS 9.8 1st Print have been claimed by @Tom74152 and are shipping out tomorrow. Thanks, Tom. :beer: Btw, this board could really use some additional emoticon/emoji prompts. Using the :beer: emoji as a catch all for any positive remark(s) under the sun seems a wee bit off to me. :LOL:
Larger custom comic artwork for encapsulation + signature verification Vmt8 7 3 monthsVmt8 (16): Thank you very much! @radd76 I will look into this further, thanks!!!
Error updating payment method fakadar 3 3 monthsICConquest (2832): I had to update my card earlier today. I found I needed to change the expiration year before changing the expiration month. Hopefully it works out well for you!
Another X-Force smeninc 4 4 monthsTheShocker (711): Nice with old labels too
NYCC drchaos Jump to first page110Jump to last page 5 monthsComicNinja0215 (6205): I'm still mad at myself that my first sig book went to those yambags in Florida and not here but lesson learned.
Sweet Tooth Witnessed Signature 9.2 last day for auction. Jeff Lemire! Ambush_Bug 7 6 monthsKatKomics (31339): dang - I thought it was just 1 nanny but it's like 5 to 7 women!! - some of the stuff is pretty bad if true.... Also have 1 or 2 signed novels - f@ck Neil...just keep it in your pants!! I wonder if they will release season 2 of Sandman and if they do I'm guessing that will be the last - really too bad, I've enjoyed all the live adaptations so far (shame Deadboy Detectives wasn't picked up for more seasons) yeah...I'll probably just... auction starts in a few minutes! High grade moderns and SS! sborock_ComicLink 1 9 monthssborock_ComicLink (4978): It's bidding time! Session 3 certified comic books from titles 'N' through 'S' close shortly within the ComicLINK Focused Auction! Auction lots start closing at 8 PM Eastern Time (5 PM Pacific). This session offers a wide selection of Post-1975 key and high-grade certified comic books. Make sure to check out the wide variety of signed comic books certified by CGC and CBCS! Don't forget to bid! Peace, Steve
Facilitators attending LA Comic Con spfd18 1 9 monthsspfd18 (50): I’m looking for a CBCS facilitator who will be attending LA comic con. I have a few books that I want to send it to get signed by the a few actors. Anyone know of any facilitators who will be attending?
CBCS 10th Anniversary Celebration Auction @ MCS ending Mon 17th - Fri 21st! Scifinator Jump to first page149Jump to last page 9 monthsJames42 (4972): I ended up with a couple books for essentially the slab cost. One was a 9.6 copy of Star Wars 31, which was the first Star Wars comic I ever got (way back in the mists of time). Still have my first one, but it will be nice to have a displayable copy. Pre-rivets label, too.
Got some beautiful slabs back Wond3rWom4n 5 10 monthsmattness (1530): That’s Sabine Rich. She’s also the colorist on the J. Scott Campbell WW #750 books.[/quote] Thank you so much!
PGX to CBCS signed StanPinkerton 14 11 monthsProdigalSon (226): I've actually had some luck with PGX.. I've cracked several for signings, and had my fair share retain the same grade, a few higher, and sadly, some lower. But switching PGX over to CBCS has been more successful for me than switching CGC over to CBCS. I've had some CGC's drop a full 2 points in grade while switching over.
Comic Link NO RESERVE Auctions (ending 3/29 - 4/08/2024) JazzyJeffie 4 11 monthsJazzyJeffie (439): Thanks to everyone who bid, hope you won! Considering to send some more. It takes awhile for the sales to be remitted, but it's worth the wait I guess.
MCS Weekly Auctions featuring Forum members comics ending Mon 29th. Scifinator 18 11 monthsScifinator (15992): The bids on these three have me a little perplexed. I thought that this trio would be towards the higher end of the 19 and not at the very bottom. Terminator Endgame (1992) 1 CBCS 9.8 (19-2B978A3-186) Current bid: $9.00, 5 bids Terminator Endgame (1992) 2 CBCS 9.6 (19-2B978A3-187) Current bid: $5.00, 3 bids Terminator Endgame (1992) 3 CBCS 9.4 (19-2B978A3-190) Current bid: $5.00, 3 bids
Upcoming Shows drchaos Jump to first page86Jump to last page 11 monthsdrchaos (30062): Organizing and window bagging books for some upcoming shows. Chiller Theater - This Saturday Free Comic Book Day - Next Saturday Philadelphia Fan Expo - Next Sunday Heroes Con -June Garden State Comicfest - June
2024 NYCC Fan Verification Rollover drchaos 1 11 monthsdrchaos (30062): 2024 NYCC fan verification rollover is now active. Since my account was verified last year and I purchased tickets for Thursday and Saturday (as well as the Jim Lee experience) I received an e-mail allowing me to apply for a renewal of my fan verification this year. I found this vitally important e-mail message hiding in my spam folder. I only knew to look for it because I received the follow up message telling me that I should have...
Is Frank Miller Signature/Remaque/Head Sketch/Full Figure Sketch worth it? paulwhng Jump to first page33Jump to last page 1 yearmulti007 (4281): You are correct. I remember reading an article where he was at a local comic bookstore last year and he signed one free book Per person.
Biggest CBCS Submission Yet drchaos Jump to first page38Jump to last page 1 yeardrchaos (30062): My plan has generally been to work from the top down and the bigger books will pay for everything else. The lesser books do pile up so I am starting to get that figured out but to say I have a plan might be a bit strong.
WANT TO BUY - Chadwick Boseman signed books twoseezy 2 1 yearOGJackster (54599): The only ones I have seen are on eBay for $25-$50,000.
Authorized Witness GothamBridge 8 1 yearTomasaCorwin (4): I am also still trying it.
Cbcs labels Deceptionking420 20 1 yearHulkSmash (11384): I asked Steve Borock quite a while before he left if I could get a custom notation some Batman knight fall books; if even as a slab only. I wanted to do some sort of “in memory of” notation for my brother being his favorite Batman arc. I followed up and got an indefinite answer of not being able to get a definitive answer. I took it as a soft no due to the subject matter. He did say he was going to bring it up in a meeting of some sort, but...
Pre-screen and signature authentication DoorCntyComicColl 6 1 yearDoorCntyComicColl (220): Appreciate that.. glad to be on.. Finding a boatload of info so its helps since I've been out of the comic book game since the early 80s.
Help identifying signsture drchaos 4 1 yeardrchaos (30062): Mark Farmer was at Terrificon in 2019. It is entirely possible that he signed the book for me there. Thanks for the quick response.
Mail call/New Labels/and a question. Zombie_Head 10 1 yeardielinfinite (26914): @Zombie_Head Yup, 205/1000
Multiple Staples DoorCntyComicColl 12 1 yearthe420bandito (11476):
How do I perform a split transaction on an invoice? Can I call CBCS? Wond3rWom4n 7 1 yearIronMan (6264): CBCS does not list a customer service phone number. However, the email response time is quick. My last email got an answer just a few hours later. Usually it's just one or two days. As other's have mentioned, calling the bank first is probably the fast and simple solution.
NYCC Thread - Share Information Here drchaos Jump to first page65Jump to last page 1 yearHcanes (6011): He was there for one day, Friday maybe, and I stumbled upon him by chance or else I would have brought books. He had that huge table behind CGC’s booth downstairs.
CT Horrorfest drchaos 9 2 yearsmakahuka (3133): Totally awesome!
Baltimore Comic Con drchaos 20 2 yearsRetired_11B (812): My first group of books are graded and online. They came out pretty much where I thought they would. I only wished I had better copies of them. But, they were the ones I started my collection with. I did notice that one of my orders may have an issue, so I contacted customer service tonight. We will see if it is too late to get it corrected.
Looking for a Facilitator for Dallas Fan Festival Hokiephysics 1 2 yearsHokiephysics (1): Hi All, I’m looking for a facilitator who will be attending Dallas Fan Festival in October and would be able to have 2 CBCS books signed by Alyssa Milano as well as submitted for re-slabbed after. Are there any facilitators on here who will be attending? Thanks in advance!
SDCC Mail Call dielinfinite 7 2 yearsBigRedOne1944 (11568): Congratulations on the books. The 252 is fantastic!
Super Saturday Slab Sale! Noblebeast315 6 2 yearsflanders (29062): @Noblebeast315 good luck with the sales. That Last Ronin cover looks great with the red signature.
Looking for Edge of Spider-Verse 2# Greg land signed Stan lee Gul10 8 2 yearsDrogio (8091): It is for a modern!
Mail call Zombie_Head 4 2 yearsMrNotSoNice (3552): This is my boom stick!
ASP VS VSP, Proof Materials? Blaidd 5 2 yearsZombie_Head (3600): @Blaidd just because you have all that proof doesn’t mean it will pass take it from me. Just FYI. So don’t get upset about it if it doesn’t. I would still encapsulate it if you got it yourself, that’s what I did.
Miracleman #1 "Gold Variant" Club BartAllen 28 2 yearsBartAllen (49): My second Miracleman Eclipse badge:
Facilitator for Heroes Con Pittboss 3 2 yearspower_struggle55 (7511): im just going to go their table for 4 comic grading and one rehold
Latest CBCS Submission drchaos Jump to first page51Jump to last page 2 yearsdrchaos (30062): Mission accomplished! With two CBCS guys pitching in it only took us just over three hours to get everything done.
Looking for THIS X-Men 94 - Reward for hooking me up! DrBalls 8 2 yearsBatman79 (1227): Good luck DrBalls
You can't handle the truth! drchaos Jump to first page34Jump to last page 2 yearsdrchaos (30062):
My February 2022 submission of 694 books has been completed drchaos 28 2 yearsNellYXL (6): Yes, I also thought about printing my book, but so far I am confused by the difficulties.
For Sale: Booster Gold #1 DOUBLE SIGNED CBCS 9.4 00slim 7 2 years00slim (18687): Bump?
Received my first SWAU signature ARTisCOOL 3 2 yearsByrdibyrd (24736): That's a beautiful book.
authentication services donho Jump to first page39Jump to last page 2 yearsNuffsaid111 (20669): How about "CGC is incompetent". Now THAT would be cool!
Have magazines in your vault for 6 years now myxzeus70 16 2 yearsEbayMafia (37349): I thought it was mentioned previously that signature verification could be done for raw grade magazines. I may be remembering it wrong, I do that. Too bad, seems it would be a quick and easy solution option for pent up demand.
Your book(s) are now in the grading room drchaos 18 2 yearsRyan4421 (371): I just don't see how they are sending out promotions claiming that pressing turnaround is now 18 weeks for normal turnaround but all of us (and countless other customers) are still waiting almost a year for books that we paid for Express turnaround and the estimates on the website still say 490 business days...I'm no mathematician but this all seems a bit north of 18 weeks.
New York Comic Con 2022 Thread drchaos Jump to first page144Jump to last page 2 yearsNuffsaid111 (20669): There's was one year in baltimore - I think the one prior to pandemic,, that vendors were sent to back of line at walt simonsons table. I know this for sure because I was there on the line watching folks in front of me, end up in back of me
Todd McFarlane, best books for his signature? Madman Jump to first page70Jump to last page 2 yearsMadman (92): Thanks all. I did get pressing added. Fingers crossed, it all goes well with my books. I might send a couple more in a few weeks after my deployment (AD military)
Reholder Witness Signature Bandwell Jump to first page32Jump to last page 3 yearsGAC (79221): @Byrdibyrd exactly! 🍻
mail call donho 6 3 yearsBuckets (252): @donho Thank you for the info.
Three orders in grading, one about 2months, will i see my books soon?? myxzeus70 8 3 yearsByrdibyrd (24736): This is pretty much what I figure. I've only sent emails when I had a return, a billing question, and a dashboard update issue that needed to be addressed. While it's tempting to ask "where are my books in the process because submission XYZ has been parked in '_fill-in-the-blank_' for 6 months" I've been restraining myself because of this exact reason. That being said, my frustration is very real, and it would be grand if things could...
Facilitator Question Drogio Jump to first page170Jump to last page 3 yearsByrdibyrd (24736): I'll take a discount code...
Anyone Else Going to Canada Fan Expo? drchaos 22 3 yearsdrchaos (30062): Just got home after leaving my parking spot around 2:30PM yesterday. Punted on the long lines for Capullo and King as I will be seeing them at upcoming shows. Very frustrated with the celebrity signature process. When I tried to get Robert England at 5:15 Friday he was done signing for the day. I tried to get on his line first and last thing on Saturday only to be told to come back in 20 minutes and maybe I can get on the line. Second time...
Signature Verification Process Fishingiron 11 3 yearsWhammykablam (344): I've not had any fail, yet, so just wait until the invoice says Grading and you'll know.
another CBCS success story! ERB_in_CLT 20 3 yearsmulti007 (4281): yea - lots can happen in that year. Interest can drop cutting the value of the book in half. If its a witness or signature verification, the artist could have passed away and the book doubles in price and you cant capitalize on the jump right away... I could die. Then my wife is getting books a year later wondering "what the heck do i do with this - off to Goodwill!" its a risk for sure. lol
GalaxyCon submission status Madman 7 3 yearsMadman (92): 🤣
ASP preprint invoice at cons Element_Lad 6 3 yearsElement_Lad (2457): Thanks everyone for your responses.
Have several slabs I’m willing to part with… WndrWmn74 Jump to first page49Jump to last page 3 yearsWndrWmn74 (791): Wolverine #22; CBCS 9.6 Asking $30; firm + $15 shipping inside the continental US Accept Venmo, Zelle, CashApp and PayPal Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you. More to come later today/tomorrow.
Artist submission process kitsune333 2 3 yearsdielinfinite (26914): The artist will have to complete the CBCS Signature Opp form and include it with the CBCS Invoice when they mail the book in to CBCS
2021 Bob Layton signing TAT's TigerRose1981 14 3 yearsByrdibyrd (24736): @TigerRose1981 I have a few books from my dad, too, but I'll get forum detention if I show them off. No smut on the forum!! I did send two of them to CGC to get graded (1st printings of a couple of higher end adult comics in nice shape). We'll see how that goes... My SIKTC #21 has shipped out of Tampa and I'm hoping to get it next week. Fingers crossed. I have a couple other Tiny Onion gold foils (Dept. of Truth #18 & Sandman Universe:...
GalaxyCon signing question Madman 4 3 yearsMadman (92):
Astonishing tales 25 signatures Zombie_Head 17 3 yearsEbayMafia (37349): Fair enough. Step 1 completed.
Any Witness/Facilitators for Fan Expo Chicago or NYCC? dielinfinite 10 3 yearsdielinfinite (26914): You can submit on-site if CBCS is at the show but on-site grading is only done very rarely. If CBCS is at the show they can provide an AW for free so you can get the book signed in front of a witness. I was looking for a facilitator because I am not attending the show and would need someone to handle my books for me. Yes, you should be able to submit witnessed signature books via the express tiers.
Status update nrvn77 Jump to first page51Jump to last page 3 yearsnrvn77 (11): @GAC thanks
CBCS Signature Event turnaround Brockstar84 6 3 yearsNuffsaid111 (20669): If you went the Express route and put out $40 + insurance; then probably quickly once done with the signing event. If you go down the standard grading path - TAT is what now? about a year? If you go down the standard grading path and CBCS pressing - I'd buy your tombstone 1st. It's gonna be a looooooooooooooooooooooooong time
Membership Type Dealer SLAbLover 2 3 yearsdielinfinite (26914): First, be sure to read through this thread carefully To request to become a witness you must email your request to the Signature Series program manager, Matthew Edwards ( he will instruct you from there And no, a dealer is not automatically an authorized witness
Phoenix Fan Fusion Gabriel85301 3 3 yearsSpideyAZ (1): Collector's Choice Comics is advertising CBCS witnessing.
Submitting for signatures Comicskablooey 15 3 yearsComicskablooey (100): Thank you @Nuffsaid111 for the compliment and thank you@Whammykablam for the info. I did not see the option for the extra fee to speed up the process. $16.00 is not a bad investment for the extra sigs I want.
Tynion signings arrived, sort of. Belarak 18 3 yearsKinsella5 (783): The Simmmonds books are expected to be signed later this month at MegaCon in Orlando. Part of my 50+ Tynion/Dell'Ederra books that I had sent in last summer for the signing, two of them were for Tynion/Simmonds but was told that they were not not signed last year so those two will get signed by Tynion and Simmonds later this month and then get sent to CBCS. I suspect they will be put through under a "rush" service because they were...
May the Fourth be With You drchaos 30 3 yearsJesse_O (39345): I'm a bigger Queen fan than a Star Wars fan, but you can't lose by combining them together!!!
Witnessing a Signature has now more than tripled in price? WndrWmn74 8 3 yearsGAC (79221): In my opinion the slab only option is a very good option for low value signed books. I've got a bunch like this where the value (to me) only lies in the signature.
CBCS Signing with Gibbons, Lanning, DeMatteis, Nowlan!!!!! sborock 5 3 yearssborock (48469): BUMP!
Jim Steranko Books - Grading Opinions drchaos Jump to first page44Jump to last page 3 yearsdrchaos (30062): I had a chance to go through all of the books carefully and will be getting these signed today: 1. Nick Fury Agent of Shield (1968) # 1 - this book does have water damage. 3. Nick Fury Agent of Shield (1968) # 1 Copy B 5. Strange Tales (1951) # 157 7. Strange Tales (1951) # 163 The other three books just don't seem to be worth the cost. I also have a Shanna the She Devil book that is an easy yes. Today I get five books signed by Jim Steranko.
Severe Lack of Signings Wolverine 8 3 yearsIronMan (6264): Another perspective: Given their #2 status, CBCS is probably better served attending comic cons and getting most of their signed books that way. This puts CBCS out where collectors see them and can learn about them. Make that important face to face contact. CGC can better afford to stay home and do a lot more in house signing events.
Signature search Skas 4 3 yearsSkas (1): Thank you. I was trying to get an idea of how many Jack Kirby signatures have been certified.
Magazines - Latest Info? drchaos 4 3 yearsdrchaos (30062): Question regarding signatures. For comics the witnessed signature fee is $20 while VSP is $30. From what Steve posted it seems the witnessed signature fee for magazines is $31 but I do not see any mention of the VSP price for magazines.
Slab Crack Open, Press, and Regrade Questions naftixe 3 3 yearsnaftixe (190): @dielinfinite Thanks for the info!
CBCS Howard Chaykin CBCS Mail-In Signing sdr2711 15 3 yearssdr2711 (77): Cool. Sounds like I might have the boxes checked. I do think pressing may be recommended cause of the spine roll.
CBCS witness signing at convention - separate invoice for each? waynemel 9 3 yearswaynemel (219): Oh my..I missed that...thanks @dielinfinite I just sent email to Matt. Let's see what happens
Noobs are the experts on slabs and God forbid if yours isn't good enough drchaos Jump to first page80Jump to last page 3 yearsPolarisNuclearSS2020 (1380): Correct @poka , I posted the abpove and than read the end of Bill's post on here. 10+ years changes that situation, obviously. That said, I have yet to be fleeced on ebay, only had 1 buyer attempt to rip me off. An overseas buyer bought a raw silver age marvel ASM key off me a few years back for a couple hundred, like a Fair, and filed a item not as descried. He posted up a pic or 2 of the interior of another copy of the same issue #, with...
$125 Green Arrow 1 CBCS 9.2 VARIANT 2x Signed NEAL ADAMS + STEPHEN AMELL PolarisNuclearSS2020 5 3 yearsWndrWmn74 (791): Can you please send me payment details?
Just posted some stuff on eBay... Thanks! joelzstuff 4 3 yearsjoelzstuff (90): Ending tomorrow, Thanks! -Joel
Ebay - trying to arrange am item return from Canada to US drchaos Jump to first page35Jump to last page 3 yearsPolarisNuclearSS2020 (1380): @drchaos , any good action come your way on this?
Custom CBCS Stuart Sayger labels Jesse_O Jump to first page94Jump to last page 3 yearsCaptainCanuck (6120): CGC most likely has an exclusive agreement with Marvel.
Anyone using sborock 9 3 yearsBronte (40004): Just got an email. My hulk 181 is supposed to be comic of the day
New Years Day Slab Sale Noblebeast315 4 3 yearsNoblebeast315 (2200): UPDATE: the following books are no longer available. - Frankenstein 1 - Supernatural Thillers 2 - Supernatural Thillers 5 - Dark Horse Presents Annual All the best.
CBCS Signing Event with Ed Hannigan sborock 7 3 yearsByrdibyrd (24736): BUMP!! Thought I'd share what I'll be sending in. Sorry for the horrendous photo. I was trying to keep the cat from jumping on the table with the books laid out and I didn't realise the photo was such crud until I uploaded it. Oops! :oops:
What’s a signature worth? stanley_1883 6 3 yearscyrano0521 (1303): Depends entirely on cost to get signed. I don’t include cost of witness or verification, that’s cost of doing business, just like getting a book slabbed.
Signature or higher grade? stanley_1883 19 3 yearspower_struggle55 (7511): depends on the signature and/or comic. some comics are so old its hard to find anything great....but if its signed by a holy grail like stan lee or Jack kirby....who cares
ASP Signature Butter 5 3 yearsdielinfinite (26914): @power_struggle55 It pays to read the starred threads
creators submitting my books - authentic vs. verified signatures Gabriel85301 2 3 yearsdielinfinite (26914): Yes that can be done if they complete the signature/sketch opp form and include it along with the books. The form should be in the Newbie’s Guide
How does CBCS handle Artist Remarks of cover TheEbner 10 3 yearsschmoff (48): ok thanks
Signed Comics Directly from Creator - Grading Jprez111 4 3 yearsdielinfinite (26914): There is a form that they can complete (check the Newbie’s Guide for it) and submit along with the books that they send directly to CBCS, along with the invoice to have them graded as Witnessed. If the books are signed and mailed to you they no longer qualify as witnessed but they can still be verified with no further input from the artist, at a cost of $25 for the first signature per book (subsequent signatures on the same book are $15...
CBCS Customer Service Email - No Replies for Months cck3z3r0 13 3 yearsbeastboy1980 (1125): steve is a great guy !!!
CBCS screwed up my slabbing and won’t respond Patrickjones2549 Jump to first page61Jump to last page 3 yearsEbayMafia (37349): Nah, we would get bored here. It would be like taking the spice out of a curry.
How long till I get a notification that they got my book MrESauce 6 3 yearsdielinfinite (26914): it'll show up on the account with the email address you used when you submitted the book. If the account you created was with the same email address then it will appear there
Tynion Signature event Chewy 11 3 yearsKinsella5 (783): Matt who runs the signature program is good people, I met him for the first time at Summer Con back in June, very friendly and professional. If you email him directly he will get back to you, just be patient and give him time as he deals with a lot of emails daily he said. I submitted around 50 books for the Tynion signing, glad to hear some of the other artist are finished with them, my guess is the Tynion signing in November will be at Thought...
C2E2 Thread drchaos 5 3 yearsHcanes (6011): It's another ReedPop event I would expect more or less the same from NYCC. Then you have Emerald City the first week of December
CBCS Announces Stan Sakai Signing! flanders 25 4 yearsmonjoody (1080): I've done two mail-in signings. It really depends on where everyone is located. The Parillo, Mattini signing took the longest. Sent them in July '20 and got them back end of November '20. Also did the Cates, Stegman signing this year. Sent in three (2 for DC, 1 for both) in January '21 and got them back mid-March '21.
Processing?? myxzeus70 6 4 yearsxkonk (18083): @the420bandito this was my plan, and it worked briefly, but then things fell off an absolute cliff.
Authorized witness help Sebastsk8 2 4 yearsdonho (672): is the email. if it was not what you did. and i was told since another guy was at planet comcicon was able to approve me then that was what i did. And thankfully i was approved again.
Will CBCS be at Rose City CC this weekend? chubtoad01 3 4 yearsCoalTiger (404): Yes reps are in portland now. Last night I was at a Tynion signing and they were there taking submission. If you are dropping at the show they recommend coming with a completed invoice. It speeds the process.
Rare slab for sale LotsaSequel Jump to first page39Jump to last page 4 yearsLotsaSequel (295): @HeinzDad I’ll be the first to admit I may be biased here but if you’re looking for opinions I’d say buy it!! Lol If you do buy it and pay today I can have it shipped today as well. I do 2 day flat rate with it protected inside of a Gemini mailer.
Got Some ART Labels Back ThorneArt 9 4 yearsEddieTheComicGuy (933): Awesome sketch covers everyone!!! I’m gonna send some of my sketch covers for that yellow label!!!
Is it really Jim Lee signature? manouro Jump to first page43Jump to last page 4 yearsteacha777 (1180): Anybody willing to try and forge a signature to see if it gets verified? Don’t answer on the thread of course
Excellent job CBCS at Megacon. Zombie_Head 4 4 yearsJesse_O (39345): LOL!!!
CBCS @ Washington State Summer Con 2021? Kinsella5 22 4 yearssoutherncross (33789):
Pressing question about Megacon Belarak 4 4 yearsBelarak (1276): Thanks I kinda felt the same way but I had some other books I was going to get signed that have the card stock covers and they don't need pressing. I guess I'll send in two different orders.
Thor 4 2nd print signed by Cates radd76 1 4 yearsradd76 (583): Anyone have a CBCS YELLOW LABEL they will sell or trade of this book? 9.6 or 9.8 preferred but will consider other grades.
Any AWs attending Comic Con Prague? dielinfinite 3 4 yearsdielinfinite (26914): I sent an email to the convention’s contact asking if they are aware of any CBCS witnesses at the show. Another long shot but I have to try
Esad Ribic at Anthony's starting tomorrow!!! Jesse_O 6 4 yearsteacha777 (1180): There weren’t any CBCS witnesses today(in fact in your original post it just says Saturday for 1 hour lol) so I didn’t crack my witness jr jr black Panther 2. But got other comics signed with the form if CBCS accepts great if not I’ll pay VSP *shrug
Geoff Johns Signature Event HairlessWookiee 7 4 yearsFearTheManThing (5): Thanks!
Status of Geoff Johns signing (STILL?!) FearTheManThing 8 4 yearswaynemel (219): FB=Facebook Here is the CBCS signature page,
Authentication Witness Form Jr101 13 4 yearsetapi65 (4060): I thought the list at their facebook was updated regularly, but I don't actually see that obviously happens. I see the list from 4 years ago I swear I've seen updated posts, but can't find them at the moment. I saw something about Clayton Crain requiring a ticket (think there's an upcharge on his sig if you get it graded) dated to a year ago. It looks like the best...
Ebay Payment Dispute Update drchaos 25 4 yearsxvipah (4870): Blocked
CBCS Celebrity Signed Books jtruong008 20 4 yearsjtruong008 (118): My last CBCS Celebrity signed book. Will Smith, Margot Robbie, Joel Kinnaman, Jai Courtney, and Scott Eastwood.
Coming attractions drchaos Jump to first page31Jump to last page 4 yearsdrchaos (30062): Got to the show early, took about 90 minutes to get everything checked in.
New comic store opening in Lewisville TX! Guests:Sam De La Rosa and myself sborock 21 4 yearssborock (48469): @DrWatson They took pics. If I get them, I will post them.
Mail call, you win some, you lose some. Scifinator 14 4 yearsScifinator (15992): @EbayMafia - aha. Thnx mch
GrailzCon 2021! Celebs, Live Sales and More! ccmp99 1 4 yearsccmp99 (60): June 1st to June 4th ! Check out GrailzCon only @instagrailz on Instagram! clickable text
**CHRIS CLAREMONT AND ROY THOMAS SIGNING** GenuineCOA 9 4 yearsGenuineCOA (176): Only a few days left to get your orders in. Don't miss this opportunity!
CBCS SIGNING WITH JOHN SNYDER III! sborock 2 4 yearsDrWatson (59625): Oh, so it isn't Bo Duke. :(
Should I resubmit? 99issues 22 4 yearsxkonk (18083): I think a .5 grade demands that something is missing. I could be wrong.
Doing another podcast Monday 4/26 6pm CST sborock 29 4 yearsEbayMafia (37349): OK, @flanders, now I'm starting to think that maybe you are my wife. I've noticed that she's never in the same room with me when you post.
Looking to Buy Jackson_p2 5 4 yearsJackson_p2 (1): @KatKomics She played Lorna Dane in “The Gifted”
Adding pressing after submission for Signature Event? waynemel 5 4 yearswaynemel (219): Thanks for the responses. I will reach out to Matt. I found his email to be If this is incorrect, please let me know if any knows. I do not have a FB account so I cannot message him there.
Kubert signing Comicbookzach 4 4 yearsComicbookzach (1020): It reached grading!
March Promo: 10% off Grading fees dielinfinite 13 4 yearsKatKomics (31339): wow!!! can send in 6 moderns for press and grade for the same price as 3 vintage! If I sell 3 of the 6 then I'm way ahead!!
CBCS mail-in signings update Jesse_O 14 4 yearsFearTheManThing (5): Any status updates on the Johns, Finch, etc. signing??? Thanks.
PSA: Witnessed CGC to Witnessed CBCS dielinfinite 6 4 yearsEbayMafia (37349): @steveinthecity Never heard of such a restriction What's that all about? Just thought I would ask before the weekend.
Amazing Spider-Man 4 Ramos 1:10 variant CBCS 9.8 Signed Ramos Robodog 2 4 yearsRobodog (56): Lowering the price to $575 shipped. Good until Sunday (Feb 21) @ 5:00pm. Then I’m taking it down and auctioning it off.
Nocterra Variant Edge328 1 4 yearsEdge328 (133): I just ordered a set of these from Big Country comics. This book is really exciting and I love this cover. They're also offering CBCS blue and yellow label grading for it!
Various modern CBCS slabs for sale Silk, Spider Gwen and Fairyland Robodog 25 4 yearsRobodog (56): Well, I have one more and a very happy customer! LOL I’ll (try to) sell the other one for closer to FMV.
CBCS-In-mail signature Jeremysitb 5 4 yearsdielinfinite (26914): @esaravo Yup you’re right. I saw that he was asking about the delay in getting books confirmed at the Dallas location that I missed what he said in the last paragraph
First Mail Call of 2021! dielinfinite 6 4 yearsdielinfinite (26914): @Nuffsaid111 @HulkSmash Thanks! As I said, I was super excited to get it, exacerbated by the fact that the artist didn’t take a pic before sending in to CBCS so my first time seeing it was when I opened the box from CBCS, over 2 months later!
For Sale 1st App Krypto, Mr. Freeze, Sabrina SupaCor 9 4 yearskaptainmyke (27134): I've been wanting an Archies Madhouse 22 for a while now, raw copy
Question about signing event HulkSmash 9 4 yearsHulkSmash (11384): @Noblebeast315 thanks!
High grade keys for sale and auction Ambush_Bug 1 4 yearsAmbush_Bug (201): Hi there, I have a number of High grade Books up for auction this week, and some for sale, including a 9.8 SS of Amazing Spiderman #4, first Silk, and a 9.8 Ms. Marvel # 1, Origin and 1st series of Kamila Kahn, Abedo 3,the 2nd Appearance of Usagi Yojimbo, signed with sketch, Silver age keys such as an 8.5 Avengers 47, first Dane Whitman/ The Black Knight and an 8.0 Fantastic Four #33, first Attuma. I hope you can check them out, amongst many...
Adam Kubert signing Comicbookzach 4 4 yearsComicbookzach (1020): @Wolverine Very nice choices!
Ultimate Spiderman #1 Signed by STAN LEE? WHAT?? REALLY? Gabriel85301 12 4 yearsflanders (29062): Im assuming no sig since you have not uploaded a video. That's too bad.
CBCS Stan Sakai signing event Jesse_O 7 4 yearswaynemel (219): For updates, check out the FB page for signing, see here,
Saddle River Comics Spooktacular Halloween Clearance Sale! drchaos Jump to first page46Jump to last page 4 yearsdrchaos (30062): Just sold this book on consignment with Comic Connect: I have another copy in the same grade that I just listed for sale on ebay:
Signature placement russ3llk Jump to first page32Jump to last page 4 yearsHarrisonMade (167): @Studley_Dudley I agree with you about my book. A LOT is going on there. The original plan was to use a different book that was a blank that I had paid to have a commission done on. Sadly however, the artist decided to not work on it until the middle of the con instead of having it ready to pick up at the beginning of the con. So I made a plan b, still happy with the book and it will never leave my personal collection.
Snyder/Capullo & Cates/Stegman Books? FPC 4 4 yearsDayman81 (1): Mine have been in billing since April 3rd. I emailed and was sent back the following “These are still in the signing stage, and once the signings are completed we will expedite this invoice for you. Apologies for the delays, and thank you for using CBCS!” - wished they would have provide more information.
Wtb marvel team up 141 Stan Lee sig 9.8 Nystalgik 6 4 yearsNystalgik (21): Thanks guys. I have Stan Lee signed 252, 300, SW #8, first app carnage and Spiderman #1 all 9.8's. don't care if it's cgc, pgx or cbcs. My 300 as Stan Lee 9.8 is actually cbcs and it's a beauty. Love cbcs slabs because I know their grading is impeccable and market hasn't caught up to their quality yet so if I can get them for less it's a higher ROI in the future when market catches up.
CBCS vs CGC customer service russ3llk 2 4 yearsruss3llk (59): I am hoping to become a CBCS witness so that I can help others who are collecting in the NC area.
Inker/Colorist Commission Recommendations? dielinfinite 8 4 yearsdielinfinite (26914): Oh! her coloring looks pretty awesome and Some of her original ink illustrations might be the perfect fir for another commission I was looking to have done!
Help with signature identification please Zombie_Head 7 4 yearsZombie_Head (3600): Thank you all for the help.
George Perez Mail Call dielinfinite 13 4 yearsNuffsaid111 (20669): @infinityG you got it!
Not sure if slab was tampered with.. Wontizzl 8 4 yearspoka (25529): @Wontizzl an easy way to see that it is untampered is the heat seal which goes from the inner well to the label (last "E" in Signature)
Verification Program Question Ray_Bees 4 4 yearsRay_Bees (1): Thanks
Signing opportunities through Clan McDonald at Comic Conline. Jesse_O 1 5 yearsJesse_O (39345): Steven McDonald is a CBCS facilitator and these can be sent in through him for CBCS yellow label. He has a facebook group (search for Clan McDonald),and he makes it a lot of fun in there!! Here is the link to the signings on his website.
getting if off my chest chefcomics 10 5 yearschefcomics (163): I see what you are saying. I am happy with the standard grading service. (Few hundred books in). This signing experience waste of my time and final concern. Will this effect the quality of the books moving all around the country? Just getting it off my chest. 👌 over it
Superior Customer Service - CBCS Nuffsaid111 14 5 yearsGAC (79221): Great story!!! Its great to hear positive customer service experiences like this! We're all quick to type out the negative ones so reading this is awesome! Thanks @Nuffsaid111!
MARGOT ROBBIE - FIRST TIME SEND-IN SIGNING! GenuineCOA 18 5 yearspoka (25529): @dielinfinite check sold items. 1 seller sold 3 copies @$120
Reholder for Verified Signature BeardedOne 5 5 yearsBeardedOne (10): Thanks for all the help. Really appreciate it
Snake Eyes Dead Game Remarked & Signed With COA hogan36 12 5 yearsBronte (40004): Yes. Its the sketch associated with signature. It is referred to as a remark
Several graded comics for sale; Johnjakewish 2 5 yearsJohnjakewish (81): Bump
OMG! A HORROR ANTHOLOGY SIGNING AT THE DALLAS CARD SHOW 8/22 GenuineCOA 1 5 yearsGenuineCOA (176): Genuine COA​ is teaming with Aequitas comics​ for the release of OMG! A HORROR ANTHOLOGY #1 at the Dallas Card Show​ on Saturday, 8/22 in Allen TX. You can find Genuine COA at the Aequitas Comics booth for CBCS Comics​ grading, along with SEVEN of the book's creators who will be signing at the show. To celebrate the release, Genuine COA is offering to acquire the book, signed by all seven creators, and submit to CBCS for ...
CBCS August Mail in signing event Jesse_O 1 5 yearsJesse_O (39345):
High End Spideys And More 4 Sale Noblebeast315 11 5 yearsElvinv (568): Finally received books. USPS 🤦‍♂️ Thank you
Small Mail Call! dielinfinite 11 5 yearsdielinfinite (26914): @Nuffsaid111 Thanks! I’m just glad to finally have it back. The Japanese postal service actually suspended shipments to the USA the day after she dropped it in the mail so it sat in limbo for a month until things started moving again.
Absolute Carnage #1 Maximum Carnage Bundle Set hogan36 1 5 yearshogan36 (198):
What if I’m the sketch artist? Cheese 10 5 yearsCheese (61): @RexMuff Sure! and Thanks! I like to draw goofy and silly things though sometimes I like to draw serious things as well. I also sometimes make webcomics. I’m not done with my first sketch cover yet so I’ll post some of my digital art if that’s ok.
Metal COA hogan36 7 5 yearshogan36 (198): Thank you all!
Absolute Carnage #1 Stanley Artgerm hogan36 16 5 yearshogan36 (198): @crystalphoto Thank you!
Latest CBCS mail call drchaos 27 5 yearsdrchaos (30062): Sorry for the delay but all books are now priced and available for sale on My Comic Shop.
CBCS launches Census/Graded Population Report spaulus Jump to first page127Jump to last page 5 yearsStudley_Dudley (53803): @Scifinator we can make that happen if you happen to have a Transformers #1 Canadian price variant or a complete TF #1 from Marvel UK.
For Sale - Justice League 15 Yellow, HQ 1 Pink Var. Yellow, and WD 108 BM_Cruz 2 5 yearsBM_Cruz (209):
PUBLIC SIGNING WITH ROY THOMAS IN TEXAS, JUNE 13, 2020 GenuineCOA 21 5 yearsGenuineCOA (176): Still time to get your tickets for tomorrow's signing with ROY THOMAS in Dunacanville TX! Don't miss the chance to get the autograph of this legend at this incredible price. There are a limited number of time slots available for this signing, so if you can attend, reserve your order for tickets at the link below, be for they sell out! Signature witnessing for CBCS Comics grading will be...
CBCS Blowout Slab Sale teacha777 16 5 yearsteacha777 (1180): Bump
Damaged CBCS Order Cowabunga_Kyle Jump to first page46Jump to last page 5 yearsEbayMafia (37349): @Darryl_H @sborock Something bad is going on with USPS right now and I'm concerned that the risk of shipping damage is higher than it's ever been. I'm buying a decent amount of insurance on everything I ship right now. We will need help from CBCS in recovering damages if they do occur. I'm really hoping your people in receiving are keeping an eye out for damaged boxes and photographing them when they come in. I hate to ask for an extra...
I am doing a podcast tonight at 8pm CST sborock Jump to first page34Jump to last page 5 yearsJesse_O (39345): I am going to be posting any current offers in the "New to the forum..." pinned and locked thread.
Small Mail Call dielinfinite 5 5 yearsDarkseid_of_town (14297): Some nice slabs there, congrats
FS Graded CBCS Issues, Some Witnessed Sigs Cool_Fool 1 5 yearsCool_Fool (1071): Selling some issues, any that are listed as Signed, were done at NYCC 2019. None have been pressed or restored. All cases are mint and never taken out of protective sleeve. (so there might be glare on some pics, sorry). Shipped USPS Priority 2 day box, so there is tracking and insurance. FLAT $12 for any number of issues. Will use a bigger box for more than 2. (Valid for US, true cost other areas). Bubble wrapped and well protected against...
ROY THOMAS PRIVATE SIGNING OPPORTUNITY!! GenuineCOA 4 5 yearsNuffsaid111 (20669): Thank you!
CBCS Authorized Signature Program announcements thread. Jesse_O 4 5 yearsJesse_O (39345): ASP rule changes from 2018. CBCS is announcing some changes to our Authentic Signature Program. CBCS is dedicated to keeping the integrity of the ASP at the highest level, and over the last 12 months, it has become evident that change was needed. We did not make these changes sitting in a boardroom, we actively solicited and received feedback from both our customers, creators and Authorized Witnesses. The overwhelming area people thought we...
Q&A with Matt Edwards - CBCS Signature Program Manager ggovel 3 5 yearssborock (48469): Matt is the best!
CBCS announce a private signing zdoes10 14 5 yearsDrogio (8091): Figured this was a late April fools day joke...
Chiller Theater Postponed drchaos 2 5 yearsJustThatGuy (5004): Helen Slater is awesome. The only Supergirl.
East Coast Comic Con moved to July drchaos 2 5 yearsinfinityG (1280): im ok w/ this, need to save loot for books lol
Greater Philly Comic Con Date Moved drchaos 1 5 yearsdrchaos (30062): Greater Philly Comic Con scheduled for next month has been moved to Labor Day weekend.
Big Apple Comic Con is Postponed! drchaos 2 5 yearsNuffsaid111 (20669): Shocking!!! LOL
George Perez private Signing obiwan1971 1 5 yearsobiwan1971 (243): J&J Collectibles is proud to offer a private signing with George Perez The signing will take place on May 22nd All books and payments must be received by May 8th or if attending Motor City comic con can be dropped at our booth during the show Raw signatures are $50 with $2.50 going to Hero Initiative Grading is $50 for the 1st book and $30 each additional book Return shipping on raw books is $8 for up to 7 books US For...
CBCS/Clan McDonald private signing with George Perez Jesse_O 7 5 yearsJesse_O (39345): @AndyRexia pm sent.
Label Idea! Scifinator 18 5 yearssborock (48469): Yep!
Consignments obiwan1971 8 5 yearsDarkseid_of_town (14297): pm sent
Rhode Island Comic Con Mail Call drchaos Jump to first page57Jump to last page 5 yearsno1lufcfan (3058): @drchaos wow that's some nice books....and 800 books at RI.....👍👍👍
Anyone here going Saturday to.... sborock Jump to first page39Jump to last page 5 yearsKinsella5 (783): Yes they are, and yes this year marks my 16th year I believe as an exhibitor so if you find yourself walking around the show floor, my booth is pretty close to where Steve and Stacey have their booth. Just look for my booth as it has the wall of movie posters next to the tower of shirts. :-)
FOR SALE: a few CBCS SLABS FOR SALE Johnjakewish 3 5 yearsJohnjakewish (81): Bump
Mail Call from Submission 2 days PRIOR to Holiday promo. Scifinator 5 5 yearsScifinator (15992): That is just it, it was green because of manufacturing error.
JOHN ROMITA SR & JOHN ROMITA JR SIGNING GenuineCOA 4 5 yearsZombie_Head (3600): Thx
Doing a podcast interview 1/11 sborock 7 5 yearssportshort (20114): Me! do research or even pay attention? know you're asking for the world! good luck.
Latest CBCS Submission drchaos 10 5 yearsOGJackster (54599): Here's a few I sent in... ...
Slabs for sale BIN/Obo 11Taylor06 1 5 years11Taylor06 (38): Batman/Superman #1 Greg Horn Variant set. CBCS blue label 9.8 $150.00 + $14.99 USPS Priority mail shipping
Mail Day! Drahcir 3 5 yearsDrahcir (456): @EbaySeller Thanks man!
Are any CBCS facilitators attending California Comic Con in Orange Ca? sportshort 12 5 yearssportshort (20114): How much would you charge in handling? since you're going to a NY con you must be back east, so I would need to send them to you there, correct?
1st CBCS EXPO! sborock 23 5 yearsDarryl_H (1710): If anyone who expressed interest in the Expo, but has not been contacted back please let me know.
Suggestion: Submission form. Gabriel85301 1 5 yearsGabriel85301 (1764): I wish you could download a Submission form (to print for a friend) online. CANADA CBCS has it. Just a suggestion. :)
'Walking Dead' actors speak out against Walker Stalker Convention drchaos 2 5 yearsdrchaos (30062): Here is a link to the article: Walker Stalker
CBCS Events? drchaos 19 5 yearsdrchaos (30062): Thanks for the quick response.
Raleigh GalaxyCon CBCS Pressing Submission Unboxing B3Chandler 6 5 yearsB3Chandler (171): Thank you everyone for the compliments! I also have one more slab image to upload for the forums. Although, this book was submitted at a different convention, and just went in for Modern: Fast Pass without pressing. If I remember right this book was submitted at the beginning of June, and arrived back at around the beginning of August. ...
Question about an “art” slab! Tr3ntOw3ns 6 5 yearsWyldchyld (1574): This is what an art slab with witnessed signature will look like.
Facilitator 11Taylor06 6 5 years11Taylor06 (38): Thanks I appreciate it
Signature question Sebastsk8 3 5 yearsdielinfinite (26914): ASP books with 10 or more signatures are charged an additional $5 and if they have 20 or more it’s an additional $5 on top of that
Was this opened and swapped out? gotham44 Jump to first page35Jump to last page 5 yearsgotham44 (246): I reached out and am returning the item. Thanks for the help guys
Incredible Hulk 181 CBCS 9.0 Authentic Signature Herb Trimpe $6500 jeranimal 13 5 yearsBigRedOne1944 (11568): Then it becomes and expensive Shame;) I apologize to the OP for derailing his sale post. I know signed books are very popular and this one is for sure a holy grail for one lucky signature collector. As a purest it's just not for me. Good Luck with your sale.
SIGNATURE WITNESSING FOR DALLAS COMIC SHOW 11/23-24 GenuineCOA 1 5 yearsGenuineCOA (176): Genuine COA will once again have a booth at the Dallas Comic Show, November 23-24, to offer signature witnessing and CBCS Comics grading. See pricing and reserve your order for ON-SITE or SEND-IN signature service at the link below. If your desired signer is not listed, message us on Facebook or . ...
New York Comic Con 2019 Thread drchaos Jump to first page42Jump to last page 5 yearsTowmater (10537): A 100 books? Do you witness for other people?
SIGNATURE FACILITATION FOR ALAMO CITY 11/1-3 w MICHAEL KEATON GenuineCOA 6 5 yearsEnelson (6289): Wow...I just looked at that...I had no idea that signatures could cost so much. Is that normal for a celebrity? Its not like he needs the money. Why is it so much? I could see a star that has to make their living off B-movies or conventions charging that much...but $200!
Mini Pressing Mail Call dielinfinite 8 5 yearsbige31 (2452): @dielinfinite I thought there might of been but glad you started one.
A Little Bit of Red Label; A Little Bit of Dell Nuffsaid111 3 6 yearssportshort (20114): books I didn't even know existed. great looking classics.
Byrne Artifact Edition - NYCC Nuffsaid111 5 6 yearsdrchaos (30062): With Byrne you can only get a red label.
Submitting signatures authenticated by Beckett ruckers 27 6 yearsdielinfinite (26914): The CBCS Grading Guide doesn’t mention stickers specifically but first mentions “very small amounts of tape,” which I would imagine to be similar, in the 7.0-5.5 range But I doubt it would be that big a hit since here’s an example of a book with the Wizard sticker on the cover earning an 8.0
Yellow Label Question Nuffsaid111 4 6 yearsIronMan (6264): Generally this answer is correct. But only generally. If the person getting the signature is approved by CBCS as a signature facilitator or a personal witness, they could unslab the book, get another signature and then ship it to CBCS. And get the yellow label. If CBCS has a presence (like say at a comic convention) and you take the slabbed CGC Signature Series book to them and say "I want to add xxx's signature to this" then the...
CBCS Witnessed Signature Pricing comics2099 3 6 yearscomicsforme (4166): Thats a joke.From 4 now 10.
SDCC Mail Call! dielinfinite 10 6 yearsdielinfinite (26914): The type of scanner makes a huge difference. Here’s the same book I scanned at my library with the same settings before and after they changed the scanner Also, don’t worry about the scanner light harming the book. If you were to shine the light for an extremely lonng duration then it might hurt the book but an occasional scan won’t hurt it
Mall call From Heroes.... Noblebeast315 11 6 yearsno1lufcfan (3058): @Tedsaid very nice 👍
More goodies back from Dallas Squack 5 6 yearsGAC (79221): awesome!!!
For sale: Signed man of steel 18 - CBCS 9.8 - 1st doomsday Doran 1 6 yearsDoran (12): Man of steel 18 - first appearance of doomsday. CBCS yellow label, 9.8, signed by Louise Simonson. $100 PayPal goods and services, includes fees and shipping. clickable text
Farmhand # 1 drchaos 13 6 yearsEnelson (6289): I sold a 1-5 lot for $25 bucks and thought sweet, that's $25...then I saw amc news and thought "aahhh, fiddlesticks" Oh well I let my KCC thing run out...but it was getting exhausting...there 934 "hot" books with new characters I dont care about every week
Mail call from CBCS Zombie_Head 10 6 years00slim (18687): Just one theory: When Stan’s hand got tired, and he switched hands for signing, his sig got a little sloppy. In those instances, it didn’t always look quite like his sig. they may have erred on the side of caution.
SIGNATURE WITNESSING FOR DALLAS COMIC SHOW 8/10-11 GenuineCOA 1 6 yearsGenuineCOA (176): Genuine COA will have a booth at the Dallas Comic Show, August 10-11, to offer signature witnessing for CBCS Comics. It will also be a chance to drop-off books for our AUTHORIZED SIGNINGS with ROY THOMAS, CHRIS CLAREMONT and many more... Reserve your order and see many more offers at the link below. Be sure to join the GCOA - CBCS Signing Ops FACEBOOK group to see more offers as they are announced. ...
Todd McFarlane Steve McNiven, and Humberto Ramos added to Toronto Fan expo drchaos 27 6 yearsdrchaos (30062): Vincent Vega in the House! Toronto just added John Travolta. Boston added him as well.
Can BAS tell a real Stan Lee autograph? Zombie_Head 23 6 yearsMusicmansell78 (29): I had the same thing happen to me man. I had a Web of Spider Man #1 signed by both Louis Simonson and Stan Lee. They verified the Simonson, but not the Stan Lee signature. Why would I have a book with one legit signature and then try to fake the other? Same as you man, I had it signed in person, and this is the second book of mine with Stan Lee's signature that this has happened with (also happened on a Wolverine #4). Like you, it made me...
How can this be with only thing on grader notes? Zombie_Head 19 6 yearsX51 (14750): That reminds me that when I finish eating, I need to bag some comics.
Creator form etapi65 5 6 yearsetapi65 (4060): Thank you both!
Baltimore Canecllations - Bill Sienkiewicz & Sean Gordon Murphy drchaos 7 6 yearsdielinfinite (26914): @Buckets He was at his booth today during Preview Night. Got him on a book. He’s charging $10/sig
Some CBCS signed books for sale AlexH 5 6 yearsAlexH (181): The Canada post website says it is $11.32 US ($14.77 cdn). This is standard shipping. No signature, but I trust you. Let me know. Also, thank you Dr Watson. It is good to hear from you
My first witnessed sig. No creator name in paperwork Truegritgmd 10 6 yearsTruegritgmd (3): I got an email from cbcs saying they have made a note to correct that once it is in the grading room. Success! Top notch organization.
SIG WITNESSING WALKER STALKER/ FAN FEST CLEVELAND, NASHVILLE, ATLANTA 2019 GenuineCOA 1 6 yearsGenuineCOA (176): Genuine COA is now taking MAIL-IN signature submissions for Walker Stalker Convention / Fan Fest Events CLEVELAND (August 3-4), NASHVILLE (August 25-26) and ATLANTA (October 18-20). Place your order for CBCS Comics submission at the link below. If your desired signer is not listed, contact Genuine COA on Facebook. Be sure to join the GCOA - CBCS Signing Ops Facebook group to see more offers like this. ...
USPS Fun drchaos 19 6 yearsRobert86m (246): I can say from experience USPS is all fine and cool until something goes wrong than it's a nightmare Fedex is 10x worse though
Help! Is this worth grading? kevinlmillard 5 6 yearsGAC (79221): it depends on why you want it slabbed. is it for resale for profit? if so, probably leave it as is. if it's for your PC and preservation? then maybe you want to.
SIGNATURE WITNESSING FOR NORTH TEXAS SHOW JUNE 29-30 GenuineCOA 4 6 yearsGenuineCOA (176): Don't miss the comic grading panel with STEVE BOROCK, this weekend at the North Texas Comic Book Shows, in Irving TX. It's sure to be informative! Afterward, find Steve at the Genuine COA booth #111 where he will offer FREE GRADE SCREENING to attendees. Have your books inspected by Steve himself, to help you make a decision on grading. Genuine COA will be at the show all weekend to offer signature witnessing and CBCS Comics grading. You...
MAIL-IN SUBMISSIONS FOR NEW MEXICO COMCIC EXPO SIGNING W/THOMAS & CLAREMONT GenuineCOA 1 6 yearsGenuineCOA (176): Genuine COA is NOW accepting MAIL-IN signature submissions for the NEW MEXICO COMIC EXPO, which includes AUTHORIZED SIGNINGS with ROY THOMAS and CHRIS CLAREMONT. Reserve your order for MAIL-IN submissions at the link below, or DROP-OFF at one of our event booths. Books are due by August 13, 2019. Contact us if you do not see an option for your desired signer. Be sure to join the GCOA - CBCS Signing Ops group...
Clayton Crain signature TML_Comics 7 6 yearsTedsaid (7340): Get a remark! His remarks are really pretty awesome. I might get one this year, if it isn't too expensive.
Mail call from Planet Comicon donho 9 6 yearsdonho (672): finally got the last of the slabs from Planet comicon. verified sigs joe jusko on the planet comicon exclusive spiderman, and Michael golden on the exclusive x men. and William Shatner on both star treks, with...
Cracking Yellow Label Slab to Press and Resubmit ninjarobert 10 6 yearsninjarobert (104): Thanks for sharing!
SIGNATURE WITNESSING AT WASHINGTON STATE SUMMER CON JUNE 15-16 GenuineCOA 1 6 yearsGenuineCOA (176): Genuine COA will be found at booth #160 of Washington State Summer Con, June 15-16, to offer signature witnessing and CBCS Comics grading. We are NOW accepting MAIL-IN signature submissions for this event, which includes AUTHORIZED SIGNINGS with ROY THOMAS, CHRIS CLAREMONT and JIM STERANKO. Reserve your order for ON-SITE or MAIL-IN submissions at the link below. Books are due by JUNE 10, 2019. Be sure to...
Just wow. donho Jump to first page32Jump to last page 6 yearsSabersaw (25): they dont grade spiders
CBCS census Mugroantics 16 6 yearsthe420bandito (11476): Great example. I have prob 6-7 raw copies of that book. None above 4.0-5.0. I believe the Savannah copy was a 9.4. Ultra tough book in high grade.
Epic Mail Calls Scott9406 5 6 yearsHeinzDad (38351): You ever want to part with one of those cosmics I’m your guy!!!!!
How would these Sigs be labeled? Mountain_11B 12 6 yearsdielinfinite (26914): The downside is that signature authentication isn’t cheap. You’re looking at $25 for the first sig and $15 for each additional sig and that’s on top of regular grading and shipping fees so you’re looking at nearly $100 per book to get all the signatures authenticated. Otherwise, Comic Skins are a good alternative. They also sell clear backing boards that you can use with a mylar sleeve
CBCS On-Site Grading Dallas FAN Expo starts May 2nd spaulus 6 6 yearsGamecube2482 (259): @TimBildhauser OK. Thanks for the response.
Phoenix Fan Fusion Gabriel85301 1 6 yearsGabriel85301 (1764): I know we are not to post prices publicly so if someone can direct message me what Gerry Conway normally charges for signatures getting graded, I would greatly appreciate it. I am attempting to create a budget limit. Thank you.
Nichelle Nichols retiring! JustABitEvil 4 6 yearsbrysb (12491): I never met her, but in the 60's it was Nichelle Nichols and Diahann Carroll who were the few black actors on television that I fondly remember. I grew up in an area where there were no blacks, so I was isolated as a child. I remember being in a store as a very young child with my mother and another female shopper walked by us who was black and I said very loudly to my mother "look, it's JULIA!" I always admired Nichelle Nichols,...
SIGNINGS: ROMITA SR, BUSCEMA, SINNOTT, THOMAS, CLAREMONT, AND MORE... GenuineCOA 11 6 yearsGenuineCOA (176): Hey Fans, ACTIVITY TIME! Would you like to ask John Romita Sr a question that you have been dying to get answered? Join the GCOA - CBCS Signing Ops bold text Facebook group, find the related post there, leave your question in the comments, and we will select the best questions to read to Mr. Romita and capture his reactions on video. This is the only chance you may get to hear it straight from the legend, himself. Questions must be posted in...
Mail Call! dielinfinite 9 6 years00slim (18687): Some of them are easy to confuse for photo covers. Very nice.
The set is once again complete! dielinfinite 11 6 yearsNuffsaid111 (20669): I was lucky enough to get 1 Ross Andru autograph back in the early 90's. I think it was on a Batman title although I forget which one (gotta go dig in my collection to find it now that I've seen these). I can't even imagine how much his signature would be worth on a #129 if he were alive when CGC/CBCS began.
Name only 1 book that you would have signed by George Perez gotham44 Jump to first page34Jump to last page 6 yearsesaravo (103061): That would be great with Starlin, Perez, and Wolfman sigs!
SIGNATURE WITNESSING FOR COMICPALOOZA, MAY 10-12,CLAREMONT & CONWAY GenuineCOA 1 6 yearsGenuineCOA (176): Find the Genuine COA booth in the autograph area of Comicpalooza, May 10-12, for signature witnessing and CBCS Comics grading. We are now accepting orders for ON-SITE or MAIL-IN signature submissions at the link below, which includes AUTHORIZED SIGNINGS with CHRIS CLAREMONT and GERRY CONWAY. This will also be your final chance to drop off books for our Spring signings with other BACK ISSUE ICONS signers, JOHN ROMITA SR, SAL BUSCEMA,...
Belated Mail Call! Siya Oum Edition (plus lots of checkmarks) dielinfinite 10 6 yearssoonerjudd (32): Nice haul! I met Siya at Emerald City a couple weeks ago and had her sign a few of these. Love those headshot covers!
Any News on the Larger Cases? mightyestmatt 3 6 yearsdonho (672): that is what I was told when I asked this with customer service. Friday. was in development but when beckett bought cbcs they scrapped the project and started over again.
Modern Slabs For Sale, Amazing Spider-Man 2099, SpongeBob, Warlock Infinity Joosh 6 6 yearsJoosh (4179): @HeinzDad PM sent
SIGNATURE UNBOXING: AL PACINO, ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER, JUSTICE LEAGUE CAST.. GenuineCOA 3 6 yearskaptainmyke (27134): Wow Al Pacino, and Dustin Hoffman that's amazing!
Mail Call! dielinfinite 5 6 yearsdielinfinite (26914): Thanks! Definitely some personal favorites in the batch. The Punisher book is one of my favorite single issues ever (I actually have a blank with Tim Bradstreet to recreate the cover using the Netflix versions of the characters), the ASM is a childhood favorite, and the Leia is by Greg Hildebrandt, an artist I grew to love from trading cards when I was young and whose work includes one of the original Star Wars movie posters ...
Graded Books For Sale Noblebeast315 6 6 yearstonnage71 (730): Nice books!
FOR AUCTION - Amazing Spider-Man #700 CBCS 9.0 Signed by STAN LEE 2nd Print fakadar 2 6 yearsfakadar (13): 2 days left, ends Saturday.
ROY THOMAS & CHRIS CLAREMONT AUTHORIZED SIGNINGS GenuineCOA 1 6 yearsGenuineCOA (176): Genuine COA's BACK ISSUE ICONS Signing Series is excited to bring these two classic creators back to the line-up, to join JOHN ROMITA SR, LARRY LIEBER and MANY MORE! Place your order at the link below for Signature Submission and CBCS Comics grading. MAIL-IN or DROP-OFF orders at one of our event booths from now until June 10, 2019. Be sure to join the GCOA - CBCS Signing Ops Facebook group to see more special...
Bug on Grader's Notes for signed books dielinfinite 8 6 yearsdielinfinite (26914): two ASP books of mine just shipped, still no signees :(
SIGNATURE WITNESSING FOR DALLAS COMIC SHOW APRIL 6-7, 2019 GenuineCOA 7 6 yearsGeoff (27): Thanks so much to everyone! You guys are great!!!
Facilitator for Star Wars Celebration 2019 BazookaJoeX9 2 6 yearsagrkdj (17): Following
Rob Liefeld at ECCC OoklaTheMok 13 6 yearsKatKomics (31339): Pretty sure that's just how they draw it up in anatomy class....
Add authenticate signature of already verified signature CBCS graded book smeninc 6 6 yearsManonfire (63): It cost me $46 to get a graded comic opened, signed, authenticated, and re-graded that is including shipping.
Army Of Darkness #1 first Ash CBCS 9.8 Signed Ambush_Bug 5 6 yearsAmbush_Bug (201): Ah yes.. but look at those groovy action lines around the chainsaw he drew on this one!! Now you KNOW he's ready for action. ;)
Tales to Astonish 49 CBCS Stan Lee SS up for sale Ambush_Bug 7 6 yearsakiva (29): I gotta join this GPA website. That data looks awesome! I have been building my own sales charts using ebay and excel.
WITNESSING FOR FAN EXPO DALLAS & TEXAS FRIGHTMARE MAY 3-5, 2019 GenuineCOA 3 6 yearsGenuineCOA (176): @Lonestar , the full list of signers you see in the Step 02 product represents signers that we will see across multiple shows and private signings in the coming months, not just Fan Expo Dallas. Any of those signers are available for order. Fan Expo updated their list of comic creators less than 24 hours ago, and those specific names have not yet been added to the Step 02 product. If there is a Fan Expo name you would like to order, let us know...
How long does signature verification take? fakadar 8 6 yearsNuffsaid111 (20669): Yea - maybe a week or so more for VSP has been my experience when compared to shipments without VSP.
*SIGNING OPPORTUNITY W/ JOHN ROMITA SR & LARRY LIEBER* GenuineCOA 11 6 yearsGenuineCOA (176): @KatKomics No, unfortunately. Mr. Romita is a very humble man and his own biggest critic, and though we feel he still has that magic, he does not offer sketches or remarques any longer.
Jack Kirby Signature Real? ozonetv 14 6 yearsMR_SigS (11124): Here's an old one I purchased from Mike Royer.
SDCC Mail Call dielinfinite 7 6 yearsthe420bandito (11476): Great books. I would have never lasted the 7 month turn-around though. With any luck they get that under control and flourish.
Mail Call!! iggykoopa30 1 6 yearsiggykoopa30 (261): Just received these today! These are from a July 27th submission. Disappointed in the Avengers 123 and 125 grades but oh well, I’m so happy to have my books back! Very pleased with the Avengers #21! ...
Sandman: The Dream Hunters #2 (Mike Mignola variant) for sale Magellan 1 6 yearsMagellan (332): Sandman: The Dream Hunters #2 (Mike Mignola variant) - CBCS 9.4 NM - Witnessed Sig: Mike Mignola - $800 This variant is super rare and incredibly hard to find. This is one of only two graded copies I have ever seen. Note: CBCS made a mistake on the label (it is not issue #1) Paypal only, please. Price includes shipping via Priority Mail w/in the US. Sales are final and no returns. Feel free to message for more photos and...
NORTH TEX COMIC BOOK SHOW FEB 2-3 (KRAVEN'S LAST HUNT REUNION) GenuineCOA 2 6 yearsGenuineCOA (176): NORTH TEXAS COMIC BOOK SHOW has added legendary artist NEAL ADAMS. Reserve your order for ON-SITE or MAIL-IN CBCS signature submissions as the link below.
Mail Call! xkonk 11 6 yearsxkonk (18083): Thanks! I have some under 100, but it sure gets harder around there. I probably overreached to get the 94, but I wanted something big for Claremont.
Mail Call Gabriel85301 6 6 yearsGabriel85301 (1764): Today's mail CALL!! Season 2.. EPISODE 9
Over-billed...AGAIN! Odins_Raven 12 6 yearsDrogio (8091): Who cracked it? You or the witness? Makes a difference.
Black Friday Sale Part 1 Early Releases elreycomics 2 6 yearsdrchaos (30062): That is a nice group of books. GLWTS!
CBCS GRADING FOR CELEBRITY FAN FEST & DALLAS COMIC SHOW GenuineCOA 7 6 yearsGenuineCOA (176): @Batman66 Not a problem. I would suggest that you send all of the books for grading on the same order, so that they can be consolidated and save on your return shipping cost. For the order at the link, be sure to include a Step 01 for each book, and a Step 02 for each autograph. Once you place the order, you will receive a confirmation email with shipping instructions. Please package them securely with shipping...
Expect dates?? Mrpoort 2 6 yearsMR_SigS (11124): There's a thread discussing it.
Signature Rates sbarb18 25 6 yearsGAC (79221): very true about not assuming his rate for apologies for that...I wasnt aware of his heart attack...hopefully it was a speedy recovery.
Warped Label Inside Case Despain Jump to first page31Jump to last page 6 yearsDespain (1618): Thanks. Yeah, I tried shake it down but no luck. The label is in Mylar also, so it's pretty much stuck. I think the only way to fix it would be crack open the slab and put a new label in there. I don't know the history of the book / slab since I wasn't the one who had it graded. For all I know it could've been dropped by the original owner or maybe even by USPS. But there are no cracks on the outer slab at all. It is what it is. I'm just going...
Mail Call! - Received May 18 dielinfinite 6 6 yearsdielinfinite (26914): @BigRedOne1944 Thanks! @Gabriel85301 It is a very cool cover! I actually have a few cool things to go alongside it. First is this sketch cover. Billy did this for me back in 2014, long before this Black Book issue. At the time some people were wondering why I had him draw Harley since he hadn’t worked on a Harley book up to that point. He’d always liked Harley as a character and being incredibly interested in WWII, was a little...
Shipping WTF? drchaos 20 6 yearsdrchaos (30062): The $285 I got back was the amount Fedex charged to insure each of three boxes for up to $9,500 per box. In the past I was not charged for this. Since I have third party insurance I have asked CBCS not to declare any value so I can avoid this charge in the future/ This amount is above and beyond the other shipping charges from Fedex.
More Goodies in the Mail Squack 3 6 yearsSquack (676): I thoroughly enjoyed talking to Walt Simonson when I got these signed. He said since we took the time and allowed others to go in line ahead of us to get their books signed, he did a sketch of Mjolnir for my son and Stormbreaker for my daughter each on a silver age board.
help and CAN"T BELIEVE CBCS DID THIS donho Jump to first page64Jump to last page 6 yearsdonho (672):
FAN ART THREAD: SHOW US YOUR SKETCH COVERS/PIN UPS/PAGES/COLLAGES Odins_Raven Jump to first page44Jump to last page 6 yearskaptainmyke (27134): inked this for my son when he was 4
Private Signings CaptainCanuck 10 6 yearsDarkseid_of_town (14297): On the flip side of the coin, we could also point out that we are at a rare moment in hobby history that creates a lot of the demand for signatures from some of the more established vintage creators and artists. Just in the past twenty five years the number of key and pioneer people within the comic creating universe that have passed is stunning...Kirby, Ditko, Nodell, Schwartz, Bradbury...and many more entering the twilight years of their...
Shouldn’t pressing taken care of this???? Zombie_Head Jump to first page48Jump to last page 6 yearspoka (25529): Think Joe is implying that he drives to CGC once a week to handle in submissions
**SIGNATURE WITNESSING FOR CBCS GRADING AT NYCC 2018** GenuineCOA 1 6 yearsGenuineCOA (176): As you know, CBCS will not have a booth at or near NYCC this year. Genuine COA will be walking the floor of NYCC 2018 in order to facilitate signature witnessing for CBCS Comics grading. We will also have a witness available for the nearby Marvelocity signing happening adjacent to the convention center. This opportunity will allow you to get a CBCS yellow label for signatures that happen at NYCC and accompanying events. We will also...
Mail Call! Received 4/20 dielinfinite 7 6 yearsdielinfinite (26914): @BigRedOne1944 Thanks! I think the Phantasm one is my favorite of the bunch as well! Certainly more pleasing than the other cover I was actually curious that the phantasm book didn’t have a note like “2nd Print” or “Prestige Edition” as I’ve seen it referred to online. Then I saw that maybe the two are considered different books because of the slight difference in the...
Shouts out to Obiwan1971 ! Mail Call ! Gabriel85301 1 6 yearsGabriel85301 (1764): My CBCS Mailcall. 4 months and 21 days later after my books were received by CBCS, submitted for me by @OBIWAN1971 as an authorized witness for me.
My books are back! Joosh 17 7 years00slim (18687): Very cool. Congratulations! There are zero 9.8 copies of that Spidey 2099 2nd Print on the CGC census, by the way. (Edit: I missed the fact you mention that in another post) I have 3 copies that I had them press. Hoping MAYBE one will get a 9.8.
MCBA fall comic-con 10/6/18 atrembley 2 7 yearsBatman79 (1227): If its not on the website, probably not.
PRIVATE SIGNINGS AT NYCC w/ JOHN ROMITA JR, JOE RUBINSTEIN and MORE.... GenuineCOA 1 7 yearsGenuineCOA (176): **NEW YORK COMIC CON PRIVATE SIGNINGS** Genuine COA is now accepting MAIL-IN CBCS Comics grading submissions for signatures from NEW YORK COMIC CON. PRIVATE SIGNINGS include JOHN ROMITA JR, JOE RUBINSTEIN, and MORE... See all option details and place your order at the link below, but act fast! Books and orders are due by 9/28/18. Remember, any of these signings can be combined with our BACK ISSUE ICONS...
Keystone Comic Con drchaos 11 7 yearsxkonk (18083): I was able to meet up with @obiwan1971 to help out with Claremont signatures. Happy to meet him. Sounded like a rough con for the vendors though. Chatting with Claremont was cool, and I went to Ken Lashley's panel. He was super nice and had some interesting stories. Set up a commission with a local artist. I had fun. I hope they do it again next year.
Mail Call: Received 4/19 dielinfinite 8 7 yearsBabaLament (2961): @dielinfinite Did not know the Punisher Movie book would fit in a slab. Now added to my next submission. :D
Toronto Fan Expo drchaos Jump to first page73Jump to last page 7 yearsDJC_II (1829): I got a book signed by jock which he did 5 years ago. He will sign it wherever you ask him
SIGNING OP ROMITA SR/ BUSCEMA/ CLAREMONT/ SINNOTT/ STERANKO/ GIELLA & more GenuineCOA 3 7 yearsJustThatGuy (5004): Yep. Lieberman, too.
Any AWs going to Baltimore? Themaxx35 4 7 yearsantoniofett (2366): I’ll be there with my cart!!!
Original Art Program - Question TheComicDoJo 5 7 yearsVaComicsGuy (4033): If the artist is a friend of yours, just have him send it in for you.
CBCS SLABS AND RAW BOOKS FOR SALE KEYS VisceralDreams 4 7 yearsVisceralDreams (259): These books are all now on auction on ebay. :|
Frank Miller Gold Ticket Baltimore Comic Con Question - CBCS Witness Nuffsaid111 3 7 yearsteacha777 (1180): There's a AW stickied post, I believe bam and you should be good to go. I know trinity comics will be there I'm sure CBCS will be also unless CGC did some funny stuff...
1991 Thing From Another World CBCS 9.4 SS 3X kaptainmyke 10 7 yearsBigRedOne1944 (11568): John Carpenter's "Thing" is one of my all-time favorites as well! "I'm a light sleeper Childs" Great Book..... too bad about the scribbling on it.
PSA - Dealing with CBCS AW's Jesse_O 2 7 yearsDrogio (8091): So what is happening? So these unauthorized witnesses know they are not authorized? Are they scamming or just not aware of the rules and their qualification )or in these cases disqualification)? Agree though....your comics, your responsibility to ensure they are handled properly.
Mail Call today!! Squack 2 7 yearsIronMan (6264): Nice haul! Congrats!!
best service to facilitate CBCS signatures schnove1977 11 7 yearsGabriel85301 (1764): The guys at COLLECTOR's CHOICE are great, they did my witnessing for a local Jusko event, along with see'ing them at Phoenix Conventions often. I've used Trinity once for a Stan Lee sig., and J&J Collectibles once as well. There is guy in Portland who has helped me twice at Rose City even though I was doing my own witnessing at those events, I don't remember his name but he's always been super civil and hope to run in to him again in...
First time Authorized Witness. iggykoopa30 12 7 yearsiggykoopa30 (261): Hope to see some of you folks at the North Texas Comic Book Show this weekend! Lookin' forward to it!
CBCS at SDCC 2018 Jesse_O 7 7 yearsJesse_O (39345): David Baron will have a VERY limited amount of SDCC 2018 exclusive prints (Signed & Numbered) available ONLY at the CBCS booth #507 on Thursday July 19, 2018!
Hulk 340 Wiacek Signature? TranthamJ 15 7 yearsKingNampa (6756): @TranthamJ here is the data to prove the point. 1st screen shot shows 9.8 unsigned VS. 9.8 wiacek signed. They sell for the same price on average! 2nd screen shot shows a Todd signature sells for about $200 more than unsigned :beer: Unless you are a huge Wiacek fan, you are wasting your time. ...
Jim Starlin Authentic Signature w/ CBCS czarnickolas 18 7 yearsczarnickolas (28): Ah - it looks like I was wrong about his being at SDCC based on this FB post from him: I misread this as he would be there, and was asking if someone could pick up one of those sets for him while he was anchored to his table. What this actually looks like is that he will definitely not be there.
GCOA to Facilitate for CBCS at North Texas and Dallas Comic Shows GenuineCOA 2 7 yearsiggykoopa30 (261): Awesome! I was just asking this question a couple weeks ago. Nice to see CBCS representation at this one! See you there!
SDCC Exclusive Autograph Signing userX745 2 7 yearsLemonMonster (58): I would think so because Jim Lee is going to be at the DC booth.
Autograph verification Kalistyles 19 7 yearsKalistyles (22): Thanks for the help and responses everyone.
Jock Signature Authentication Blizz 3 7 yearsBlizz (7): Totally forgot to say thanks for this response. I just wanted to see if anyone had submitted a Jock signature and it was actually verified by the company. I have since found a few verified sigs on ebay, so that's good to know they have him on file.
What if I have comics already signed? Ladic 5 7 yearsGotlift (5098): On the comic submission page the is a box you check for exactly that. It says Encapsulate even it verification fails
Books for Sale as of 5/8/18 cjbehr948 1 7 yearscjbehr948 (170): Just listed a bunch from CBCS & CGC. "The Walking Dead", "The New Mutants", & more! Some of the books are charity auctions with a portion benefiting Scares That Care. Go nuts, folks! behr948 on E-bay
Retroactive on-site signature verification? czarnickolas 9 7 years1243782365 (503): Interesting
Arrived yesterday Mickcatron 5 7 yearsgman (673): Sell while it's high...don't wait and cry
Saturday Mail Call! dielinfinite 8 7 yearsdielinfinite (26914): A few more books just came in! ...
VA Comicon - Rob Liefeld ASP opportunity Darryl_H 2 7 yearsCopperAgeKids (3717): Awesome show.... I'm looking forward to setting up there and doing some buying, as well!
Liefeld pop-up witnesses? Zarbongo 14 7 yearsthelastbard (1282): @drchaos Congratulations on the facilitator status! I'm still relatively new to the AW side of things (almost a year now), so I have a road to travel before I'll hit that side of things. No rush! I'm also not getting a HUGE amount done.
Sean Murphy Batman White Knight 1 1st print MGA 1 7 yearsMGA (124): Hi guys got a bunch of Sean Murphy's hit series Batman: White Knight 1,2,& 3 1st prints at Granite Comic Con yesterday all 9.6 or better. As follows Batman White Knight B&W #1 signed $60 Batman White Knight #1 signed $20.00 Batman White Knight #2 signed $20.00 Batman White Knight #3 signed $50.00 or all 4...
Slabs for Sale; Ending Sunday, April 22nd! cjbehr948 2 7 yearscjbehr948 (170): Added a graded copy of "The New Mutants" #98 & a the Negan connecting covers from "The Walking Dead" to the mix. Enjoy!
Some cool Slab's for sale !!! whowill 13 7 yearswhowill (431): Pictures are in the Auctions plus the price. no reason to list them here when its easy to list on feeby with all info plus show the feedback with history of said seller :) Kaptainmyke: Thanks, its a great one. just like them Shredders !!
SIG SUB FAN-EX DAL/EAST COAST CC/FRIGHTMARE GenuineCOA 3 7 yearsGenuineCOA (176): LAST CHANCE to submit MAIL-IN books for signatures from EAST COAST COMICON. Orders are due at the link below by 4/20/18.
SIGNING OPP ROMITA, BUSCEMA, THOMAS AND MORE GenuineCOA 8 7 yearsGenuineCOA (176): There is still time to submit your comics to Genuine COA for the BACK ISSUE ICONS signings. Have your comics signed by featured classic creators such as SAL BUSCEMA (Hulk), DAVID MICHELINIE (Spider-man) or MIKE KALUTA (The Shadow) and then graded by CBCS Comics. See the full list below. JOHN ROMITA SR SAL BUSCEMA ROY THOMAS JOE SINNOTT DAVID MICHELINIE LARRY LIEBER JOE GIELLA DON PERLIN GERRY CONWAY MICHAEL KALUTA TOM DEFALCO Some of...
Tips to keep your Comic safe during signings GanaSoth 13 7 yearskaptainmyke (27134): nice. take that google seo!
Looking for Star Wars #1 signed by Fisher c2t2merch 1 7 yearsc2t2merch (22): As the title states, I'm currently looking for a Star Wars #1 (preferably one of the two Marvel series) signed by Carrie Fisher, graded 9.6 or higher and yellow labeled. Please PM me if you have one you'd like to get rid of, thanks. Image is posted as an example.
Got these in the mail! Share your Stan Lee's spfd18 17 7 yearsVictorCreed (517): Sketch from Quesada signed by him and Stan.
East Coast Comic Con Gabriel85301 3 7 yearsGabriel85301 (1764): Sending PM! :)
Looking for Mike Ploog signed comics anthonybischoff 3 7 yearsanthonybischoff (118): What do you want for them
Mail Call! Shouts out to Matt of Trinity! Gabriel85301 2 7 yearsteacha777 (1180): Fast past is serious and Matt is a cool individual to deal with. Definitely recommend :beer:
CGC to CBCS Signature Series Conversion? AdamHowlett 16 7 yearsdielinfinite (26914): If you got a yellow label and not a qualified yellow label like this Then yes, the Len Wein signature was treated as writing on the cover and the grade was affected accordingly
Stan Lee signature princing help sl4wt3r 27 7 yearsthelastbard (1282): The ones that made sense to have Stan and Joan were Peter and MJ images... Seemed more common when they showed up on the Stan Lee Stuff site ( Aside from that, I don't get the point. $600? Noooooo.... Even at a 9.8. Half that? Maybe. It would depend on the book itself aside from that.
Sock Drawer Clean Out KingNampa Jump to first page42Jump to last page 7 yearsdrchaos (30062): Cool, check your PM.
WONDERCON 2018 dsalangsang 15 7 yearsThorneArt (2065): I will be there in Artist Alley (C-14) and will had Sketch Covers available to be submitted for grading or Art label.
Mix of Raw, CBCS, & CGC Books for Sale!!! cjbehr948 1 7 yearscjbehr948 (170): Planning on moving sometime this year, so looking to make some extra money. Some are raw, some are CGC, & a couple are CBCS. Feel free to take a peek at... clickable text Thanks!
**ROB LIEFELD MAIL-IN SIGNING OPPORTUNITY** GenuineCOA 18 7 yearsX51 (14750): All I have is this Christmas picture of him. Rob could draw him without feet.
Stan Lee signing obiwan1971 22 7 yearsdrchaos (30062): If Stan cancels a signing does that mean we get six more weeks of Winter?
Any interest in these slabs? Ny85 6 7 yearsNy85 (266): Check your inbox
Jim Lee & J. Scott Campbell SS? KingNampa 2 7 yearsTimBildhauser (2239): They're both scheduled to be at Megacon May 24th-27th.
STAN LEE Private Signing Books due 3/25 TrinityComics 5 7 yearsDrogio (8091): @TrinityComics thanks for touching base. Hope you post back here when it's back on...holding off on sending a book until then.
ECCC 2018 Accepting Submissions TrinityComics 13 7 yearsJesse_O (39345): Fixed.
When should i contact customer service donho 15 7 yearspoka (25529): @SteveRicketts :D
FS: Marvel Comics Presents #91, CBCS 9.0 ASP Magellan 1 7 yearsMagellan (332): Up for sale is a Marvel Comics Presents #91: Wolverine, CBCS 9.0 with a witnessed signature from Sam Kieth. White pages. The signature is on the reverse on the Ghost Rider/Cable side with Sam's sig in GR's flames. Asking $115 shipped.
My latest submissions! Let's talk about it Joosh 9 7 yearscawummel (525): That is quite the submission list. Hope you get the grades you are expecting on all of them. I missed that TMNT variant cover somehow, and I was at the show!
Allen Bellman Signature question anthonybischoff 6 7 yearsBelyMedved (1): A quick note I forgot to put..... Although I am sure nobody meant anything derogatory by the word "doodles" above, I would suggest not using the word "doodle" when submitting any request to Mr. Bellman. In discussing the time and atteniton he puts into his work, he noted to me that "I don't do doodles; I do art." Just thought that might be helpful. And as for how much the cover ran was very very...
Keys for Sale: GSX1, BA12, maybe more later Darkga 9 7 yearsOGJackster (54599): Damn, saw this to late :(
GABRIELE DELL'OTTO Private Signing TrinityComics 1 7 yearsTrinityComics (244): **Gabriele Dell'Otto Private Signing** Books are due 3/5. For pricing information message us or visit or You can send your books to: Trinity Comics 2727 Merrilee Drive #440 Fairfax, VA 22031 Don't forget to put your name address and...
Accepting mail-ins for FANEXPO DALLAS TrinityComics 1 7 yearsTrinityComics (244): We are accepting submissions for books to be signed and CBCS graded at Fanexpo Dallas. Books are due in hand 3/25. Comic Creator Guest List Private Signings with Jim Lee, Joe Quesada, Scott Snyder, Greg Capullo, David Finch, Donny Cates, Andy Kubert, Matthew Rosenberg, Joshua Williamson Celebrity Guest List The cost is $10 on top of comic creator fees ( If you find...
Gary Friedrich signature? anthonybischoff 6 7 yearsX51 (14750): I just deleted all of the info I typed before reading your request. If the original poster can't forward it to you, I'll try to type it up again tomorrow. PM me if I forget.
The Bog Blog - Swamp Creatures thread 2 Odins_Raven 6 7 yearsOdins_Raven (2389): @TellEmSteveDave Thanks!!! I asked the artist to incorporate a couple other things too. The initials of ST's creators; a sharp eye can find them ;) And since I live in the great PNW, a bit of favor to the psychedelic tubors that Swampy makes in the form of cannabis sativa. :D
How Would CBCS Handle A PGX Sig Book? 00slim 8 7 years00slim (18687): Thanks, @SteveRicketts. 👍🏼
Trinity Comics Private Signing ADAM HUGHES TrinityComics 4 7 yearsktcomics (4): Message incoming
**GABRIELE DELL'OTTO PRIVATE SIGNING** TrinityComics 2 7 yearsktcomics (4): Best in the business just keeps getting better! I'll have several books to send in.
What the cbcs???? Zombie_Head Jump to first page41Jump to last page 7 yearsDrogio (8091):
Stranger Con (Stranger Things) CBCS Witness? HammitChris 4 7 yearsCowabunga_Kyle (2271): I had a table also, I won't be going back.
IMPORTANT AW NOTICE Jesse_O 24 7 yearsPovRow (579): And not only that but it is not slander in any respect. Slander is spoken. "Libel" is written. (think libel as in library as in books as in written!) :(|)
Any Evil Ernie Fans? ThorneArt 6 7 yearsDavidM (1582): I’m a fan from the early days and have that series, just not the S&N one. I met both guys at a NY con a few months after the 1st book came out. RIP Hughes.
ETA on Magazine-Size Encapsulation c2t2merch 23 7 yearsScorpion (1016): just messing with you steve, i do hope it all works out and that we can start the Encapsulation of Magazine-Size books. ill keep my fingers crossed.
Facilitator Question - could use some help drchaos 3 7 yearsdrchaos (30062): Got it, thanks!
Rick & Morty #1 for sale Ambush_Bug 6 7 yearsDrogio (8091): Swirls are lighting. Have this problem all the time I use a flash...gotta get the right angle, but yes others might think those are scratches and move along...
Your Top 10 Acquisitons of 2017 dielinfinite 30 7 yearsThanatos (3201): It's ridiculous how difficult it is to find a copy of Zatanna #16 raw in ~9.8 condition. I still look at every copy that shows up on eBay just in case. That Hawkman 4, Four Color 596 and GL 87 were all pressed by Avery, he does great work. Getting two RaM #1 BAM variants signed by Roiland back this week that he pressed and both got 9.8s.
Chad Hardin Sketch Opportunity TrinityComics 4 7 yearsCowabunga_Kyle (2271): I like boobs too (allegedly)
GEORGE PEREZ SIGNING at BEDROCK CITY GenuineCOA 17 7 yearsGenuineCOA (176): To update, we had many customers contacting us across platforms such as this page and the CBCS Facebook groups asking if we would be willing to accept submissions for this signing. We initially called the store location of the signing to inquire about grading and were told that CGC submissions would be accepted on site. There was no mention of CBCS. We posted on social media and this forum about our attendance to reach those that were asking. We...
SECRET WARS REUNION SIGNING OPPORTUNITY! GenuineCOA 13 7 yearsGenuineCOA (176): BIG NEWS!! Genuine COA will attend the Bedrock City Comics GEORGE PEREZ signing and is now accepting MAIL-IN submissions for this signing. This will be the perfect compliment to the signers available at the NORTH TEXAS COMIC BOOK SHOW. Place MAIL-IN or BOOTH DROP=OFF orders for CBCS signature submission at the link below. ...
ACE Phoenix Stan Lee Private Signing TrinityComics 3 7 yearsTrinityComics (244): Yes please, feel free to DM us.
TOM HOLLAND CHRIS EVANS Signing TrinityComics 1 7 yearsTrinityComics (244): We are attending Ace Comic Con and accepting submissions for Tom Holland, Chris Evans, and Jon Bernthal. Mail-In deadline is 1/5/17. Price and mail-in information is in the link below: ...
Christmas Sale including Manufacturing Error SpiderTim 4 7 yearsSpiderTim (3431): The Fallen #1 Diamond Retailer Exclusive CBCS 9.8 Signed by Greg Pak: Green Arrow #1 CBCS 9.4 SIGNED by Kevin Smith: Horrorcide #1 CBCS 9.8 SIGNED by Steve Niles: ...
Any interest in these slabs? thelastbard 21 7 yearsJeremy_K (841): thank you guys very much.
Todd McFarlane Sig Facilitators? c2t2merch 16 7 yearsmattness (1530): Just for reference: I had two Mcfarlane cgc yellow label signatures (one signed 2015, silver, one signed 2016, gold) regraded by CBCS last year (2016). I also submitted a universal cgc slab (silver polybage)to be signed by Mcfarlane through Genuine COA who was representing CBCS. This one was also regraded by CBCS, also last year 2016....
Christmas on EBay MGA 6 7 yearsSavage_Spawn (1906): Wow, great stuff!!!
Books out of purgatory...delivering Thursday thelastbard 20 7 yearsWolverine (1961): I got 6 books that'll be here in a week or so. Was disappointed at a few of them. Expected a few lower 9's and then a few high 9's but got a mix all over the place.
New auctions starting at 99 cents this week kaptainmyke 1 7 yearskaptainmyke (27134): NEW! 99 cent auctions this week on ebay: Some good stuff! ...
Buyer Beware Some Fake OA Going around KingNampa 17 7 yearsX51 (14750): Interesting. I didn't know anyone wanted his art. :)
For Sale - Infinity Gauntlet #1 ASP x2 9.4 ZosoRocks 11 7 yearsZosoRocks (2134): I'm happy, because this was a book that I used with my membership coupons, and out the door it was only about $23.00 + shipping with others. I made something and somebody else will do the same. I'm just hoping people will see that CBCS seems to have much nicer grading. We'll see, huh? Cheers.
SIG OP W/ BRIAN BOLLARD & JOHN ROMITA JR GenuineCOA 7 7 yearsGenuineCOA (176): Sorry about the typo folks. Have to watch that copy and paste. Thanks for pointing that out. Yes, the signings are with BRIAN BOLLAND and JOHN ROMITA JR. @Hexigore , at the link in the post, Step 01 represents pricing for CBCS grading and any desired cleaning and pressing. Of course pricing depends on book tier and other options. Be sure to check the "Signature" box and click "Add a Witnessed Signature" for each...
Saturday Mail Call! dielinfinite 2 7 yearsconditionfreak (11292): Get a Harley Davidson and you're all set.
FALL MAIL-IN SIG SUBMISSION OPPORTUNITIES GenuineCOA 2 7 yearsGenuineCOA (176): LAST CHANCE for MAIL-IN signature submissions for WIZARD WORLD AUSTIN. Guest List Below Have your comics signed and then graded by CBCS Comics​ for an AUTHENTIC SIGNATURE YELLOW LABEL. Place your order at the link below. If your desired signer is not listed, please contact Genuine COA.
Am I reading this right? JustABitEvil 4 7 yearsesaravo (103061): @JustABitEvil and @ComicHaulics - I plan to be there on Sunday. Trying to figure out what to submit for grading and what to get signed. See you guys there!
My newest CBCS box from Trinity Comics, CBCS kaptainmyke Jump to first page42Jump to last page 7 yearsChubbyfresh77 (31): @drogio I just received my HOS 92 from SDCC (without a press) if that helps give you any idea! And yes Matt has had my most prized books as well!
Beckett / BGS JLS_Comics Jump to first page327Jump to last page 7 yearsTowmater (10537): If that was in reference to me, I guess we go back to the instructions Jesse O provided to me the last time. Please do not include me in your post or make reference to me.
" Brazilian Super-Hero " Capitáo 7 No.1(VF) KomicKazi 6 7 yearsKomicKazi (7217): O Lobinho No.28 Publisher: Grande Consórcio Suplementos Nacionais, Brazil 1942
JOCK SIGNING!!! MostlyMarvel240 16 7 yearsDocBrown (16887): My mom puts my initials in my that the same thing as a jock signing...?
NYCC Reference Thread - Do not post drchaos 10 7 yearsdrchaos (30062): Thank you to everyone for leaving this thread clear during the Con. This was definitely the best Con I have ever had for signatures. I still can't believe how many big signatures I got. There are some artists I just didn't get to but I am still very pleased.
CBCS SIGNATURE WITNESS FOR NYCC BOOTH #2912 GenuineCOA 5 7 yearsGenuineCOA (176): As long as your preferences are clearly indicated on the comic backboard, we are happy to accommodate your requests and, of course, there would not be any additional charges.
Waited 17 Wks for 14 Books, Sides Not Sealed brigand80 30 7 yearsshrewbeer (13263): Just want to add that PETG and PET are completely different chemical compounds, not even close to one another. The inner well, PETG, can breathe. Not enough for you to notice if you tried breathing through it, but enough that the chemical off-gassing doesnt build up inside the well. Good point. If only. It's not restoration, its conservation. People should be far more accepting of the latter, rather it should be celebrated on GA...
JUSTICE LEAGUE Cast Signing! TrinityComics 7 7 yearsAbsolute_Zero (1104): I would love to get the whole cast as well as Green Lantern who ever that is
Spider-Gwen #25 by Ed McGuinness now up MGA 15 8 yearsMGA (124): Thank you for your support. every customer counts policy.
Reward / membership structure? ComxDlr 4 8 yearsComxDlr (34): Just checking if anyone knows if this was ever updated? I dont see any changes to the Membership tab.. it says the reward program is coming in 2016, but its about to turn 2018 (just in case someone needs to know :) ) I am still deciding whether i want to start up here, and i'd like to do some VS books.. but not sure what to think of the membership/lack of membership/reward program.. etc.. Seems like things go slow in this industry.. not...
SIGNING W/ ROMITA JR & RUBINSTEIN GenuineCOA 2 8 yearsGenuineCOA (176): LAST CHANCE to place your orders and get your books to us by October 1!! Place your orders at the link below.
1st Submission to CBCS Negrito68 21 8 yearsCopperAgeKids (3717): Check the graders' notes, if you didn't have your check marked red label ASM 300 pressed before grading. Still a VERY nice trio of books, in any event.😍😍😍
Sketch Covers... Sketch Covers Everywhere DrWatson Jump to first page499Jump to last page 8 yearscseale0223 (767): Just picked these up from SLCC. All will be going in for grading.
Ethan Van Sciver cancelled for Baltimore drchaos 15 8 yearsLonestar (4901): To be fair, their web site lists 13 cancellations. But still lists over 160 other guest (artists/writers) who will be attending. So it's not like the con is falling apart or anything. It just sucks when someone you were excited to see is one of those who cancels.
**BACK ISSUE ICONS SIGNING OPPORTUNITY** GenuineCOA 15 8 yearsGenuineCOA (176): Only TWO WEEKS left to submit your books for some of these RARE signings! This is an incredible opportunity to get multiple signatures on a book from some classic creators. Place your orders at the link below.
Len Wein singed comics for sale SpiderTim 9 8 yearsSpiderTim (3431): I have auctions running until Tuesday, 177 starting price is $59.99 and the starting price for 178 is $79.99 take a look at them: clickable text clickable text PM me if you would like them so we can strike a deal and I can take them off of ebay right now they don't have any bids but I am assuming that will change by tomorrow.
First submission back! helsabot 11 8 yearshelsabot (296): Yeah the check I am ok with, it because of a very lite indent at the top that is almost invisable, otherwise it's a beauty.
SIGNATURES @ NY and RHODE ISLAND COMIC CONS GenuineCOA 1 8 yearsGenuineCOA (176): Genuine COA will be attending NEW YORK COMIC CON and RHODE ISLAND COMIC CON as part of creator signings and can offer signature witnessing for those events as an Authorized CBCS Witness! See offered signers and place your MAIL-IN signature and CBCS Comics grading orders at the link below. If you do not see your desired signer among those shown, please contact our offices for a quote. (Note:...
Artist signature exceptions? Hanginglimbs Jump to first page97Jump to last page 8 yearsKingNampa (6756): This makes me seriously doubt the validity of witnessed signatures with CBCS. :eek:
WTF Baltimore? drchaos 16 8 yearsLonestar (4901): She does not live in Baltimore. She lives in Potomac, MD, which is just outside Washington, DC. Still fairly close to Baltimore, so your main point is valid.
Trinity Comics, CFP, and CBCS! BradT Jump to first page45Jump to last page 8 yearsDrogio (8091): No. Didn't know I was supposed to. What does that mean? They are under his account and shipped to him? I didn't get much guidance or input on the whole process. Finding out these details as I go.
**DALLAS COMIC SHOW SEPTEMBER 16-17** GenuineCOA 1 8 yearsGenuineCOA (176): **MAIL-IN SIGNATURE SUBMISSIONS ARE DUE BY 9/11** Find the Genuine COA booth at the Dallas Comic Show, September 16-17, for signature witnessing and CBCS Comics grading services! For MAIL-IN or ON-SITE submissions, place your order at the link below. WE ARE ALSO OFFERING BOOTH DROP-OFF FOR OUR UPCOMING BACK ISSUE ICONS SIGNING OPPORTUNITY!! ...
Signature Hunt Themaxx35 6 8 yearsGenuineCOA (176): Thank you for making this thread. Genuine COA recently announced a big signing with classic creators, some only available to CBCS customers through this opportunity. MIKE KALUTA, who has never signed for CBCS before, was just added. Please LIKE the Genuine COA Facebook page to be the first to hear any new announcements as they are posted.
Perception of CBCS Graded Comics.. KingNampa Jump to first page63Jump to last page 8 yearskaptainmyke (27134):
FS: Witnessed Cigs & More dielinfinite 4 8 yearsdielinfinite (26914): Book has been sold!
WILL IT FIT FOR ME TO SUBMIT ONLINE_209 4 8 yearsdet_tobor (814): Could you contact customer service to make sure of no other surprises?
Witness needed for Edmonton and Saskatoon Millvilleresident 3 8 yearsMillvilleresident (208): Still nobody? Sad face for me.
Bernie Wrightson +Swamp Thing + Dave Roman MGC 1 8 yearsMGC (19):
Secret wars 1&8 Thor 1 cbcs SS Ny85 1 8 yearsNy85 (266): Secret wars 1 8.5 signed Zeck and Beatty Secret wars 8 7.0 signed Zeck and Beatty Thor 1 9.4 signed Larry Lieber I'm asking 250 for all 3 $80 for each secret wars $90 for Thor
What's the point for submitting comics to ge Ny85 14 8 yearsSpiderTim (3431): Josh Avery is going to Rhode Island Comic-Con, he can take your books to get the signatures you need and then also press the books before shipping to CBCS for grading. Contact Avery Pressing Services and tell him I sent you!
Debating which book to get signed Ny85 10 8 years1nOnly (365): @DarthLego Ya, I thought about that too. It seems to be the only one I can find online that others have had him sign.
rhode Island comic con Ny85 3 8 yearsNy85 (266): I'm in New York I meant mailing them in to cbcs
Secret wars #1 & #8 SS Ny85 26 8 yearsRyanHicks (1974): Haha i have 9.8's of both already :)
How does cracking a slab process work Ny85 5 8 yearsIronMan (6264): In auto racing there is an old saying. "Speed costs money. How fast can you afford to go?" It could cost as little as $23 and take several months. Or it could cost $8 more and take six weeks. Or you could spring for two day modern for $40 and have it back before you know it. All of these prices are grading only. Return shipping to you will add another $25 or so.
Neal Adams Green Lantern Worth Signing? drchaos 10 8 yearsThanatos (3201): I think 85 and 86 are worth having double signed regardless of grade if they are staying in your PC but if you are going to be selling then I'd say 7.0+ would be in your best interest.
Garth Ennis Private Signing Available MGA 1 8 yearsMGA (124): Hi guys we are happy to let everyone know we have secured a private signing on August 19th. All books must be in by the 17th don't hesitate. Rate is 25.00 per book. 55.00 For grading fast track. Email us at or Thanks Mike
Yellow Label Image 25 Blank Variant Question Towmater Jump to first page35Jump to last page 8 yearsTowmater (10537): I have a Image Blank 25th anniversary book. It is one of the 25 sketches that were done and shipped in the Blind Boxes. If CBCS allows the artist in question to sign the form stating that it was drawn by him, and that form and the book are given to CBCS either by the artist in question or by the artist handing off both the book and the form to a witness at a convention to be handed in at the CBCS booth. I'm a bit lost why it can't receive a...
Grade or not? VictorCreed 18 8 yearsKingNampa (6756): @Atakmunky7 lol, yes you bring up a good point. I'm worried about my CBCS slabs getting scratched over time. Can someone create a slab to protect my CBCS' slab? Also can someone also grade that slab around my CBCS slab for its eye appeal and add a sticker to it?
Mail day Ny85 11 8 yearsNy85 (266): i don't think what if's count because there where 2 what if hulk killed wolverine and what if wolverine killed hulk both obviously where alive until death of wolverine
*RARE SIGNING OPPORTUNITY WITH GARTH ENNIS* GenuineCOA 3 8 yearsDarthLego (20518): Sweet! How the heck did this post go unnoticed 14 days ago?
CBCS artist form Sirtoddington 5 8 yearspoka (25529): Could use it as well.
For sale CBCS SS Jeremy_K 6 8 yearsJeremy_K (841): lol he put up a sign that said $50 (i think) for bad drawings of Batman. Money went to hero initiative. He's a pretty funny dude.
Grading Self Published Comic Books kaptainmyke 1 8 yearskaptainmyke (27134): Will CBCS still grade self published fan comics or are they required to have the ART label? Bee Jay Hawn and I co-submitted this commission peice I had her do on a blank sketch variant to her self published TMNT fan comic. I'd prefer a grading instead of a ART label. Thank you ...
FS: Guy Ritchie Charlie Hunnam CBCS SS 1243782365 4 8 yearsKiloGraham (1337): Oh ya right across the kid with the oilers jersey. That's still and amazing piece for the collection!
New Celebrity signed thread Revelations 7 8 yearsdielinfinite (26914): A few books destined for yellow labels in the near future: Dolf Lundgren: Jon Bernthal (want to get Charlie Cox on this in the near future) Thomas Jane, Jon Bernthal, Dolph Lundgren (Humberto Ramos, John...
Melissa Benoist - cover suggestions DarthLego Jump to first page76Jump to last page 8 yearsDarthLego (20518): On the plus side, Matt is going to submit my Jeph Loeb signed Batman 608 I had signed by Jim in for verification for me. So I'll have one of those red labels that's half witnessed, half verified.
BabyTeeth #1 Skin Variant SDCC MGA 7 8 yearskaptainmyke (27134): i will not give into the hype of baby teeth. it's gotten out of hand. i would say JESUS! but he's currently mowing my lawn. no literally that wasn't racist.
Mail Call! My biggest ever! dielinfinite 28 8 yearsvabchgent (490): @dielinfinite Definitely some nice books there, congrats
Super Sons #1 Frank Quitely CBCS Graded MGA 4 8 yearsMGA (124): Absolutely correct...........
Lola #1 Variant by Elias Chatzoudis Coupon MGA 1 8 yearsMGA (124): Hi guys another awesome variant up on our site Use coupon code CBCS and get a $5.00 discount. Regular price of 14.99 thanks Mike
NYCC Guests drchaos 13 8 yearsdrchaos (30062): Website has nothing added. Anyone have any insight?
Trinity Comics at SDCC! Taking Mail-Ins! TrinityComics 5 8 yearsWolverine (1961): Hey Matt, I'll be sending you two books as soon as I can when they get here from across the pond.
Secret Weapons #1 "Valiant Validated" SteveRicketts 15 8 yearsGrayspeedster (406): Perfect! Uncompromising integrity!
Baby Teeth #2 SDCC Pre-sale Geoff Shaw cover MGA 3 8 yearsMGA (124): A little of their print runs are affordable and not as risky. Donny Cates the writer is a up coming super star. overall new line of books from After Shock is pretty good. Pestilence, Unholy Grail, & Baby teeth are recommended. Check them out
MGC/MGA EBay Auctions Key Books & Variant MGA 6 8 yearsMGA (124): If it continues feel free to call me
Does Verified Artist Signature raise value? Relaxin89 9 8 yearsRelaxin89 (264): I didn't think about that, 👍. Thanks
Just got a pic of a finished commission dielinfinite 11 8 yearskaptainmyke (27134): I wasn't sure - I was confused who inked it and then colored it, etc.
Baby Teeth #1 Black preorder 5/28 MGA 19 8 yearsMGA (124): Hi Shrew, not to worry. It would be easier off the site. I can get it out tomorrow morning. The Hall is one of our partners, but wasn't involved on this one. Let me know if that works.
AW's going to Boston Con? Gabriel85301 1 8 yearsGabriel85301 (1764): Let me know what AWs out there are headed to Boston Con! I got a couple sigs I'd love to get on my books and sent in for grading. Thank you.
grading a book with both kinds of sigs Comicbookzach 8 8 yearsJeremy_K (841): The date on the label lets people know that was witnessed (plus it's cheaper to slab)
Witness approval to submission time question dalkeil 7 8 yearsJesse_O (39345): I had hoped that an AW would respond here as well, so I held off for a few hours before responding. Your best bet is going to be getting a hold of Mark Roman. He monitors Facebook fairly regular, especially if you tag him or send him a pm. He can be reached by email also. However, he doesn't frequent the forum. I know there is a time limit to get signed books in, I am not sure if it is one month or two. Anything beyond that time has to be...
J. Scott Campbell Signed Books. Open or not? imagejock 22 8 yearskaptainmyke (27134): Called it!
FOR SALE: "Preacher" #1 CBCS 7.5 cjbehr948 6 8 yearscjbehr948 (170): Been burned one too many times by non-paying bidders. If they've got a USA mailing address, that's fine. I know some folks in Canada have USA addresses.
North TX Comic Book Show MostlyMarvel240 1 8 yearsMostlyMarvel240 (10): Ixll be attending the North Texas Comic Book Show July 15 and 16. Guests include Mark Bagley, Rob Guillory, Geof Isherwood, Jay Leisten and others. Books are due by July 10th. Link to complete guest list below.
Chris Claremont Zombie_Head 13 8 yearsJustThatGuy (5004): no. he just talks a lot. just be careful of some of the things you say though, he'll go off. he caught himself from getting angry because i brought up something that people were doing( killing his legacy) to his creations.
J.Scott Campbell Signing!! MostlyMarvel240 Jump to first page31Jump to last page 8 yearskaptainmyke (27134): A hard 8.
Release Date Signing with Donny Cates MGA 1 8 yearsMGA (124): Available only to 12:00 midday Central 6/7/17 Get Donny Cates's new book Babyteeth #1 signed with a Special signed on release date label. We have 4 different covers currently available. The A and B covers for $75 graded.As well as the Red Pegasus Comics Variant and the Babyteeth Black Variant $100 graded. This opportunity is only available through Maxwell's Super Comics and MGC contact Lance or Mike...
Slabbed Celebrity Signatures Thread DarthLego Jump to first page63Jump to last page 8 yearsKiloGraham (1337): Yup. When I think of A Guy Ritchie flick I think of a dozen crazy, shenanigan filled stories that all come together in the end. Still waiting on Rock N Rolla 2. @jimmylinguini pics of that Gretzky signed book when you get it back please!
ASP Original art question Hello 5 8 yearsDarthLego (20518): It would be nice if CBCS gave us a public PDF download link for it. It's not like they are Area 51 secrets. :(|)
Verified and authenticated sigs - same comic Drogio 4 8 yearsDarthLego (20518): @Drogio when you add a witnessed sig, the label will stay red, but the label will note that one sig was witnessed.
ebay auction - 24hrs left Jays 1 8 yearsJays (1): I have the Hulk #1 Popcorn and B&W Variant CBCS signed books on ebay - less than 24 hrs left.
Verified sig. vs. CBCS witnessed sig. ? ncamother 2 8 yearsDrogio (8091): I would think that asp books have slightly more value in that the witness reduces the risk of an unauthentic signature to essentially zero. While vsp carries slightly more risk. as no account of when or where the book was signed is provided....and coa's, which cannot be slabbed with the book, cannot necessarily be tied back to the actual book... Just my opinion.
Thank You Jake Fleming, Steve McDonald, etc Gabriel85301 1 8 yearsGabriel85301 (1764): So I said I was gonna do it, so I finally got around to it. Big Thank You to Jake Fleming, Steve McDonald, Kevin Gawthrope for the assistance they provided me at Phoenix Comicon this past weekend on witnessing my books and all the other stuff CBCS does. I submitted 18 modern books with signatures, and 2 moderns without signatures Jake Fleming advised me, since I am planning on submitting a good 50+ books in September that why don't I...
Trinity Comics JOCK Private Signing in July TrinityComics 17 8 yearsThanatos (3201): good to know :)
Heroes Con 2017 Taking Submissions Now! TrinityComics 4 8 yearsTrinityComics (244): It differs per creator. They charge different prices. We charge $10 flat on most.
Welcome to the CBCS Forum! SteveRicketts Jump to first page530Jump to last page 8 yearsrec1978 (69): Hello All, I am new to the CBCS boards, but I have been around the block a little while (EBay for 16 years and CGC Chat Boards (same user id) for 4 years). If you see anything in my EBay store that you like, please feel free to shoot me a PM! Cheers, Ron As a side note: I am sending my first book, for CBCS Submission, today! ...
Met the guys at the Phoenix Comicon! Kaleljll 8 8 yearsKaleljll (406): Yeah I think that was his sales pitch to try and sway me to become a CGC customer. It only solidified my loyalty to CBCS.
Awesome Con 2017 (DC) Robodog 9 8 yearsRobodog (56): I wouldn't mind hanging out with you again, also! Had a good time last year!!
Photo-realistic sketch opp w/Chadwick H. RyanHicks 28 8 yearsBigRig (2006): Batman 66 🖒
Processing Order - Incorrect listings redi311 5 8 yearsredi311 (1): Thanks for the info Steve. I was just wanting to make sure I could save some QC time or whoever's time would be spent fixing it since I can clearly see what is wrong before it even got to them. I'll sit tight and let them do their job, I just wanted to ensure I had done anything i could to save someone from one of those "that isn't what i see here" moments.
Crypticon KC need an AW! Sirtoddington 1 8 yearsSirtoddington (1012): Are there any AW's in the Kansas/ Missouri area that will happen to be at Crypticon KC in St. Joseph, MO in July?? I have couple books I would LOVE to get signed & have sub'd for yellow label, but could use an AW to help me out.
ASP Witness Rules Question Towmater 29 8 yearsTowmater (10537): Based upon past history here, questions generally got answered quickly and in the open. Emails are a private communication between two individuals. Why do you care?
Humberto Ramos flikhype 7 8 yearsSirtoddington (1012): the date you have to put in would be the date the signer had done the signature. I usually send mine to Trinity & get the date from them on their signing & put that in the signing date then print that form off & ship it with my books.
Adam Hughes' Megacon Announcement KingNampa 10 8 yearsX51 (14750): Details? It sounds like manipulation. I don't really want his signature or anything he draws. That makes things simple.
Cost assessment - red vs yellow label Nuffsaid111 6 8 yearsNuffsaid111 (20669): @antoniofett you're right about the simplicity involved with just sending them in whenever you feel! So much easier than witnessing if you're a little guy
Scott Snyder Greg Capullo Private Signing TrinityComics 1 8 yearsTrinityComics (244): We have a Private Signing set up with Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo. For mail-ins books are due in to us by May 17th. Price is $25/signature. In other big news we will be running ALL the Private CBCS signings exclusively with these guys for the rest of the year! If you are attending a show and don’t want to wait...
Slab Worthy? Please help Grayspeedster 10 8 yearsGrayspeedster (406): Good point. I do plan on taking pictures! The grades are all NM for the most part. The few that I'm not sure about I'm gonna have LCS grade and if they are below NM I'll look for upgrades or not have them graded at all. But I'll always keep in mind that I can scan and get your opinions. Well, I plan on keeping them for life, but they are investments so my future kids can have them when I pass. To sell or keep is up to them!
CBCS Witness for St Louis Con 6-17/18 Towmater 12 8 yearsTowmater (10537): I did. If CBCS isn't in attendance how do we work it so they get the books and they get returned to me?
John Cassaday private signing at Alamo City MostlyMarvel240 2 8 yearsLeeK (228): Hey - I attempted to join your group so I could chat on FB about this signing opportunity, but I seem to be in limbo on that... Lee
CGC to CBCS yellow label regrade question DarthLego 5 8 yearsDarthLego (20518): Would be nice if CBCS gave us a field to type in notes like "sketch by Joe Blow on back cover."
Sam Keith Alamo City Private Signing MostlyMarvel240 11 8 yearsMostlyMarvel240 (10): I'm an AW for CBCS so I can sign off as a witness for the books you want to get graded
Adam West / Burt Ward Autographs Drogio 10 8 yearsDrogio (8091): So they were charging $100 and still personalizing it? That's a bit much. I'd rather get Stan lees auto on a comic he actually had some artistic input for that price and have a future investment.
Marvel BS @ C2E2 dielinfinite Jump to first page33Jump to last page 8 yearsLonestar (4901): I agree with limits on number of signatures. 3 sounds good to me. Dislike the idea of personalizing them. I would pass on any that make that a requirement. Just my personal preference.
Venom #6 Legacy Variant HOT HOT HOT jayslo 28 8 yearsGabriel85301 (1764): I thought it was Legacy Comics variant, I click.. It's a Legends.. I'll pass.. I got suckered in to clicking though.
Authorized Witness Question thebeardedbat 6 8 yearsDLAComics (40): Unless you send for 3rd party press. Paperwork i signed and post from mark i belive. Said 30 days from con date. Borock wanted 2 weeks. I think 3 months is acceptable for mutli shows
FRANCESCO MATTINA Private Signing July TrinityComics 12 8 yearsClarke2pointO (1): Cheers kaptainmyke for the reply. I have also hit them up on Facebook. I am loving Mattina's work at the moment, especially the Venom work he is doing.
A CBCS Variant Cover? SteveRicketts Jump to first page65Jump to last page 8 yearsMGA (124): Hi guys I'll be set up at Reggie's this weekend with all our variants. For those not attending I plan on having 3x & 4x signed Iron Fist Variants Available will be Ryan Stegman Mike Perkins Roy Thomas and Possibly Rob Liefield for our B&C Covers. Everyone else who purchased a graded copy can upgrade their signatures to include the for mentioned artists. Hit me up for details at or thanks...
GCOA SIGNING OPPORTUNITIES FOR MAY GenuineCOA 3 8 yearsRafel (4270): I was in an independent film with Michael Colter called "America is still the place" back in 2015!! I wonder if he'll remember me?
C.C. Beck VSP??? OGJackster 4 8 yearsOGJackster (54599): Don't know how I missed those, thanks.
New Project!: Commissioning The Raven dielinfinite 7 8 yearsThorneArt (2065): I love this idea!
FOR SALE: CBCS YELLOW LABEL/STEVE DILLON HEA Muaythaiguy 2 8 yearsMuaythaiguy (97): I have also a Allstar Batman Blank Cover with an original Headsketch by Jock 400$ shipping with tracking from Germany included
Mail Call! dielinfinite 15 8 yearsdielinfinite (26914): @JWKyle Yeah some are a little shifted. Happens sometimes during shipping. I'll tap them back into place eventually
Gift Certificates Mathyus_42 3 8 yearsMathyus_42 (317): Ok, cool thanks.
Frank Miller signature worth it? Themaxx35 Jump to first page39Jump to last page 8 yearsSirtoddington (1012): @Towmater SHUSH! Stan IS immortale & will NEVER EVER die! lol.
Submitting authorized witness books aries316 3 8 yearsdielinfinite (26914): @aries316 You can use the website and include a copy of your signed withness authorization form.
C2E2 Signings with STAN LEE, FRANK MILLER TrinityComics 2 8 yearsJesse_O (39345): Bump
Need advice from experienced CON People KingNampa 12 8 yearsKingNampa (6756): Thanks for the advice all. I bought the package. I hate waiting in long lines. 😁
CBCS Presence at FanExpo Dallas Magellan 4 8 yearsJustThatGuy (5004): WOO HOO now I don't have to mail them out.
Correcting CGC Label Mistakes DarthLego 2 8 yearsSpiderTim (3431): I'm pretty sure they don't take names from a CGC label so you should be okay if they have the correct info in their database.
New CBCS Shipping Rates Jesse_O 15 8 yearsMio (541): My last batch of 7 books was 3x the price above. You Yankees do not know how good you have it.
JIM LEE, J SCOTT CAMPBELL Private Signing TrinityComics 15 8 yearsKiloGraham (1337):
KEVIN EASTMAN Sketch Opportunity TrinityComics 3 8 yearsZosoRocks (2134): @kaptainmyke ...and so it begins..... :o)
Signature on interior page (best method) bythegram 14 8 yearsBrianGreensnips (15559): This frame was onlt about $12. at IKEA.
Signature conundrum OrbitCityComics 18 8 yearsMR_SigS (11124): Or at least more of a sense, anyway. Part of me will always wonder if my Kirby Sig was actually signed by Roz.
Casey Jones steals the Batmobile kaptainmyke 15 8 yearsDarthLego (20518): Mark Hamill's Joker from the Arkham video games is hands down the best Joker.
eBay auction - Infinity Gauntlet #1 ZosoRocks 2 8 yearsZosoRocks (2134): I've lowered the price to $180.00 if anyone is still interested. Thanks for viewing.
Iron Fist (Netflix) Cast & Jay Anacleto SS! ARDavid 4 8 yearsDarthLego (20518): Rumor has it that in JWKyle's Longbox there's a portal to Earth-27, where Brandon Lee is alive and Iron Fist is being played by Bruce Lee's grandson.
Joe Jusko signing March 8th RyanHicks 7 8 yearsRyanHicks (1974): We have about a week and a half left before the cutoff for receiving books for the Joe Jusko signing is here. We also have a few extra copies of some of his corner box variants still available. If anyone is interested, PM @KevinGawthrope or I.
LEE/AMELL/REEDUS/MORGAN/PAYTON SIGNING OPS GenuineCOA 16 8 yearsDarthLego (20518): I would totally welcome CBCS providing VSP red label 8x10 service via the website even if lacking the outer shell.
NJ Comic Expo Mail Call and Experience EddiePaxil 11 8 yearsEddiePaxil (88): @CopperAgeKids CBCS wasn't offering pressing yet at rhe time or I might have for the Mantle because we were sending it from right there. Otherwise I have a guy.
Authenticators at Comicpalooza in Houston? OrbitCityComics 4 8 yearscomicsforme (4166): I will be there all 3 days. I have a few for Jae to sign for me and hopefully a few other artist. Have fun.
New to grading and i could use some help Brucewayne0483 13 8 yearsBrianGreensnips (15559): Welcome aboard. If you have the extra funds, I like what @JWKyle says about giving it a try. Do not be disappointed though if the grades come back lower than you were hoping. My first batch that I sent out to CBCS was pretty cool to get back and they look awesome. I sent books that I thought were really clean books and I was supprised not to see one of them come back at 9.8 So it has been an intersting education here on the forum about...
SALE: Doctor Strange Keys! Odins_Raven 4 8 yearsFoghorn_Sam (3769): Can you believe some of the first filtered cigarettes that were made in the 1950's were made with asbestos. They were touted as healthier for you than unfiltered (just never mind the fact we've made them twice as deadly by using asbestos). Yikes!
EMERALD CITY COMIC CON. Tons of Signings! TrinityComics 2 8 yearsTrinityComics (244): Creator of Hellboy Mike Mignola just added.
The NEW CBCS Label is LIVE! SteveRicketts Jump to first page68Jump to last page 8 yearsZosoRocks (2134): Tv's my 11st subs on the new label...I like it....I now don't have to fiddle my eyes to see the holo. Nice. Thanks!
Signed Jack Kirby comic found! CBCS Worthy? Johnnylray 30 8 yearsJohnnylray (2675): I'm on the fence with all this DF concerns..I may just keep the book , not slabbed, and pass it down to my kids.let them worry about real vs fake. and save myself $47 plus bucks. kind of bums me out that even though it was a limited, it could be fake. and I have a stack of DF books from 91-94 that Have COAs'. Ray/RI
GABRIELE DELL'OTTO Private Signing TrinityComics 14 8 yearsDertyComix (912): :( My pre order of the virgin variant wont ship till then.
STAN LEE FRANK MILLER PRIVATE SIGNINGS. TrinityComics 27 8 yearsTrinityComics (244): FYI Mail-In books are due to us by 2/25/17 for Stan Lee
Mail Call Part 2 Tanis 2 8 yearsKrazywan (469): @Tanis nice on the wolverine#10 it looks good with that gold label. I love that cover.
Mail Call - NYCC Signature Series drchaos 18 8 yearsdrchaos (30062): Cool! He signed this book for me:
Signatures on books - detract or entice? ZosoRocks Jump to first page33Jump to last page 8 yearsRyanHicks (1974): These are thinner acid free permanent markers and this is the best thin-point gold marker you can get for signings (it is absolutely beautiful) but it is also one you need to give a few seconds to dry
Mark Texiera Sketch Opportunity jayslo 3 8 yearsVaComicsGuy (4033): I want that Batgirl.
SIGNING OP HUGHES/ JIMENEZ/ CHAYKIN/ JUSKO GenuineCOA 4 8 yearsGenuineCOA (176): Deadline to receive orders for these signings has been extended to February 6. Don't miss these opportunities!
Deadpool #1 8.5 Signed Nicieza FOR SALE! DrunkWooky 4 8 yearsDarthLego (20518):
Any AW's Going To ECCC 2017 March? mattness 5 8 yearsmattness (1530): PM Sent :beer:
Private signing with Scott Snyder at ECCC Beamer 4 8 yearstherealtimmyp (202): Awesome! How much would it cost?
Mail Call! dielinfinite 11 8 yearsdielinfinite (26914): @Jaydknight I don't have a lot of experience with them myself since the CGC community isn't exactly what I'd call welcoming but. asically there are several established categories in which people can register their books for points and people compete for the best set in each category. Here's the info page @ CGC The registry and competitive sets are a couple of the many "coming soon" features of the CBCS site
Mail Call for 1-14-2017 Gabriel85301 1 8 yearsGabriel85301 (1764): The label says that Mike Deodato did the cover but it was clearly John Tyler Christopher. I was also hoping they would have put 50th anniversary variant, 1:50 on the description. Not happy but the description but sometimes that's the way the ball bounces. I would like that Cover Art description fixed. Carol Danvers is my...
LAST CALL FOR PEREZ/ WOLFMAN SIGNING OP GenuineCOA 2 8 yearsZosoRocks (2134): But wait.....if you are in NM...GP is doing a signing at the ABQ con this weekend....and yep....I was able to submit my IG #1....with Perez and inker Rubenstien's autos. He is one of the rarer artists who will sign....up to 12 items, but only one sketch. Wonderful man. Very gracious! Have fun and thanks for the heads up.
want to get signed issue slabbed shaggs68 5 8 yearsuhussein92 (7): Yeah it's gonna have to be a Verified Sig. I have to do the same thing on a copy of Saga 1 I bought that was signed by Staples and Vaughan that has a Stalk sketch on the back. I'm happy CBCS goes with a nice red color instead of the barf green on CGC qualified labels.
Signatures Unlimited Paul Green Signing jayslo 2 8 yearsVaComicsGuy (4033): What are the costs?
Sketch with signature question huskershawn69 5 8 yearshuskershawn69 (61): Thanks for the feedback..I was trying to figure this out since I've never submitted a sketch before. Appreciate the info guys!
MAIL CALL THIS WEEK! 27 BOOKS.. Gabriel85301 7 8 yearsGabriel85301 (1764): Only notes were "bends top edge 1/2" stain right front cover on WW's knee with moisture waves" I was trying to figure it out because I didn't take it out after buying it bagged/boarded until I had to get it signed.
Liam's Foreign Comic Blowout! Great Deals! TheLiamSturgess Jump to first page40Jump to last page 8 yearsTheLiamSturgess (289): Thanks very much, Alex! :) You've got some sick signature books listed as well, I noticed. Stoked to see you again in the next few months, I hope!
Happy 94th Birthday to Stan!! Jesse_O 14 8 yearsSteverogers11 (3605): Loki is my fav character. Named my dog after him. Bad idea
Well it was bound to happen to me eventually dielinfinite 17 8 yearsZosoRocks (2134): I agree. You treat a customer good...statistics show that they will return. $.99 auctions, huh? *smiles*
YELLOW LABEL SIGNING WITH STAN LEE GenuineCOA 8 8 yearsGenuineCOA (176): @shrewbeer We have a cut-off date set for the 24th, but as long as we have your on-line order by then and have received your book before Tuesday the 27th, we can make it happen. You can place the order at the link in the original post.
How much would a press really help? bythegram 8 8 yearswillieCPA4646 (597): From the people I know who have had lots more books graded that I have, the consensus seems to be that pressing may move the grade up somewhat. The three books I did submit to CBCS I did not get pressed. One books was signed and that comic was a special case. The other two books were graded NM to NM+ by the dealers I purchased them from (both reputable dealers, and before CGC and CBCS grading). One comic was from the Winnipeg Collection, one...
SIGNING OPPORTUNITY: LEE/PEREZ/WOLFMAN/JUSKO GenuineCOA 7 8 yearsSpiderTim (3431): What if I only want you to get the signatures for me and then mail to someone else for pressing, I would just need your witness form to be included with the comic.
For those who need late presents come on in? Lunarshade 1 8 yearsLunarshade (190): Chrissy and I have listed several graded books and will list another batch later in the week. So if you have been procrastinating or just want a gift for yourself like I do go on my store and check it out!
Looking for Rick Remender and Jerome Opeña Robodog 3 8 yearsRobodog (56): Alright, cool!
Yellow Label VS Red Label Question DLAComics 17 8 yearsZosoRocks (2134): Very cool. I like the package, a much better look than PSA. Best regards and thanks for the insight.
My Yearly Purge DrunkWooky 10 8 yearsDrunkWooky (49): The NM 87 pictured is the gold second print variant. There is no first print included or pictured in that listing. I wish I had two first prints, then I would keep one and the other would be in that listing.
JEFF LEMIRE Signing GLENN FABRY Sketch Op TrinityComics 8 8 yearsTrinityComics (244): No grading is included in the signature price. Grading is $33 per book plus $23 shipping. Those are CBCS's prices
Ebay Black Friday Sale Sanemoreorless 1 8 yearsSanemoreorless (7): I am currently offering a %15 discount on all items, for boards members only. Mention this post via a direct message and I will invoice you with the discount. This sale will be active through Sunday Night 8PM pacific time. Thank you for looking and Happy Holidays!
Heroes & Villains Fanfest Darryl_H 4 8 yearsJtolar (1): Will you be there tomorrow? How much to verify a signing?
JOE SINNOTT! WONDER WOMAN Actress! NEGAN! TrinityComics 9 8 yearsdielinfinite (26914): Thanks for another successful signing, Matt! I'll be adding John Romita and Gerry Conway to the Marvel Tales in the near future as part my ASM 129 signature set.
Yellow Label Sketch Covers by Artists (ASP) kaptainmyke 4 8 yearskaptainmyke (27134): Thanks dudes cowabunga brahs
AW's headed to Paradise Comicon? Gabriel85301 2 8 yearscomicsforme (4166): $40.00 signed threw Lando. Was at Alamo
FOR SALE! Comics, Movies, & Collectibles! cjbehr948 5 8 yearsdielinfinite (26914): @cjbehr948 Sure, just give me a few weeks to steady my finances
Rhode Island Comic Con 2016 jayslo 3 8 yearsrobertofredrico (747): HAHA!
What I have to use for silver age comic mora1618 9 8 yearsBrianGreensnips (15559): @esaravo I also like She Hulk #1. Has a lot of up side to it.
I Will be attending Megacon Tampa as an AW Brian 4 8 yearsBrian (49): Lmk if you need anything seemed to be plenty however I wasn't impressed by the selection. Shouldn't be a problem though if there is something you want send me a message.
Witness Needed - Alamo City LanaiHaole 3 8 yearsLanaiHaole (13): My cell is 816-835-7942 Nathan Young
comic swapping thread Jeremy_K Jump to first page52Jump to last page 8 yearsDarthKribs (490): Wolverine what would you want in trade?
Anyone attending Akron as an AW in Nov? Robodog 1 8 yearsRobodog (56): Looking to get three books signed by a writer in Akron. Anyone gonna be an AW there by chance?
Witness attending Akron Comic Con 11/5-6 lestiff416 5 8 yearsJeremy_K (841): CBCS witnesses don't make any profit. Get a few T mailers if you plan to send in comics a few times a year.
Sig Facilitator for Stan Lee at Comikaze? Darkga 8 8 yearsRyanHicks (1974): Extremely likely that Anastasia's collectibles will be at Comikaze and they can witness Stan Lee sigs for CBCS.
Inside First Page Signature Image Option enaz13 6 8 yearsOrbitCityComics (1483): I actually like this idea.
GENUINE COA SIGNING OPPORTUNITIES FOR 2016 GenuineCOA 6 8 yearsZosoRocks (2134): Uhm.....I don't see Albuquerque on this list......may I politely ask to have my city's Con added to the signing schedule? If I say P-UH-LEEEEAASE??? PLEASE!! :o) JAN 13-15, 2017 in Albuquerque, NM You all do know that New Mexico is not in Mexico, right? :o)
JOCK Private Signing @ Mondocon Austin 10-22 MostlyMarvel240 2 8 yearsWolverine (1961): Just curious. How much are the books?
Expensive signatures neku528 26 8 yearsJeremy_K (841): A guy at the last comic con told me while waiting in line for a signature that a signature from Stan Lee adds a $100 onto the value of the book. I held it together pretty well.
Submission with COA is Red or Yellow? kaptainmyke 9 8 yearscjbehr948 (170): You'll get what Cyclops sees.
CBCS launches New Logo and Brand SteveRicketts Jump to first page1176Jump to last page 8 yearsnld3 (11): Please make the writing on the label bigger.
Greg Capullo Private Signing! MostlyMarvel240 4 8 yearsJLS_Comics (5463): Very nice!
Show off your Frank Miller signatures! dielinfinite 26 8 yearsdielinfinite (26914): I always forget about this one:
Pressing signed comics djinn155 11 8 yearsCFP_Comics (4047): Should be fine.
John Tyler Christopher Signing NYCC MGA 1 9 yearsMGA (124): Hi guys here's your chance to get all your new action figures signed by JTC. Email with any questions. All books must be in by 10/4. Signature fee is $10 a book. Signature series witnessing and encapsulation. Dealers welcome. thanks Mike
For Sale: Amazing Spiderman 648 Campbell Var WCollecbales 13 9 yearsWCollecbales (154): $650 raw on eBay, another raw copy sold $600 via auction a few weeks back. It's a pretty rare cover, rarer than the black and white version of the cover.
CBCS First Sarah Giardina sketch ops !!!! whowill 5 9 yearswhowill (431): 5 spots taken !!
Jae Lee sketch OPPS. Beamer 5 9 yearsBeamer (157): I'm seeing him in person this November.
Yellow Label submitting own Sketch Cover? kaptainmyke 22 9 yearskaptainmyke (27134): Yellow label CBCS 9.6-9.8 Auction on ebay at 99 cents and see how the public values the comic book. What do you think?
Cincinnati Comic Expo Witness? AznBane 7 9 yearsTrinityComics (244): Our Stan Signing was pushed back to NYCC. Just a heads up. We can take mail ins or we can talk your book at NYCC to take to our signing. Thanks for the shout out!
How many books.. Gabriel85301 14 9 yearsJWKyle (3300): 50
CBCS at Buffalo & Long Beach Comic Cons SteveRicketts 1 9 yearsSteveRicketts (19701): #CBCScomics will be at #BuffaloComicon this weekend. We will also be at #LongBeachComicCon this weekend at booth #654. Stop by our booth at either show with questions, submissions, or to get a signature witness. We look forward to seeing you there! ...
Cincinnati comic expo BigRig 7 9 yearsiamocelot (1): Hey Guys I'll be an authorized witness for CBCS at Cincinnati Expo, if you need anything let me know. I can help with Celebrities and Artists thanks, Bryan Kiefer
NYCC PRIVATE SIGNINGS!MILLER,LEE,QUESADA... TrinityComics 28 9 yearsAbsolute_Zero (1104): PM sent to you @TrinityComics
Signature Series - Miller, Kubert, Janson, Towmater 5 9 yearsTowmater (10537): I thought it was weird too. If Miller gets $150.00 and it cost around $50.00 to have a comic slabbed and shipped that guy ended up getting jacked-up on some of those listings. Makes me wary of jumping feet first into a buying frenzy. I did buy on of the books last night. Liked the cover, the signatures, and that it came out of Miller's private collection (whatever that means?).
J.K. Woodward sketch op Averycomicpressing 2 9 yearsAbsolute_Zero (1104): Wow these are amazing pieces of work. Pm sent
TRINITY COMICS GARTH ENNIS Private Signing TrinityComics 1 9 yearsTrinityComics (244): We have a Private Signing set up with GARTH ENNIS on October 7th. Price is $25 (all of Ennis's and our fees are included) per signature. Books are due by September 25th.
Signatures Unlimited Frank Miller Signing jayslo 3 9 yearsRevan_Q (31): Question sent.
The Eastman KRANG Sketch preview photo! kaptainmyke 5 9 yearsVaComicsGuy (4033): Nice book. Enjoy.
star wars #1 question Jeremy_K 24 9 yearsDarthLego (20518): Darth Maul wasn't killed by Obi-Wan, he was saved by cybernetic implants same way Vader was saved. Darth Maul had a huge role in the Clone Wars animated series which is Canon.
TRINITY COMICS KEVIN EASTMAN Sketch Opp TrinityComics 11 9 yearskaptainmyke (27134): It's my favorite toy, so it makes sense my first commissioned piece is of the same thing. I love it I'm totally excited.
Does CBCS allow witnesses to work for CGC? Cmonman 13 9 yearsTowmater (10537): I was not able to understand how the guy from Desert Winds makes the guys at Sam Kieth's signing booth charge anything. It is their business, right? Maybe I missed something.:oops:
Witnessing Signatures at Toronto Fan Expo TheLiamSturgess 7 9 yearsWolverine (1961): I replied to your msg to me. Just had some small questions
AW help for Amazing Houston McNiven ticket Sanemoreorless 1 9 yearsSanemoreorless (7): I recently bought a "Civil War" ticket to Amazing Houston Comic Con but have had a family event come up and can no longer make it. I still have books I'd like signed by Steve McNiven, however, and am wondering if there are any local witnesses looking for a ticket in exchange for witnessing services. The ticket cost $200 and includes the following: *Complimentary Sketch by Steve McNiven, Courtesy of Amazing Comic...
Signature Rates for CBCS Gabriel85301 4 9 yearsdielinfinite (26914): @SD2416 VSP is $26 for the first and I think $15 for each signature after that, and that's because each individual sig needs to be investigated and authenticated individually
CBCS offers On-Site Grading at Tampa! SteveRicketts 3 9 yearsnevinem (16): You guys were AMAZING in Tampa , Thank you for doing it !
New Label monks 27 9 yearsFrankCastle129 (568): I called and asked and CS said there will be no discount to reslab if they decide to change labels.
Toasty's 1st CBCS SDCC Sale Designer_Toast 29 9 yearsDesigner_Toast (88): Thought I had closed this out. PM sent. Apologies.
Witnessing Your Own Books? cjbehr948 Jump to first page56Jump to last page 9 yearsMetalPSI (4486): Exactly. They have a good product once again, but how they conduct themselves makes me sick. Once I am finished with my Maxx run, that will be it for CGC for me. I will be buying CBCS to compare and if I like, I will probably just stick with them from here on
Signature Location Jamiemadrox 23 9 yearsDarthLego (20518): Over and out brah.
Show off your Stan Lee signatures! dielinfinite 28 9 yearsMR_SigS (11124): Looks like Stan is holding a Big Bambu doobie! lol
Trinity Comics STAN LEE Signing in July! TrinityComics 9 9 yearsospideyo (4): cant wait!
7.15.16 SteveRicketts Jump to first page292Jump to last page 9 yearsDarthLego (20518): I've got a fever. And the only cure is more cowbell!
Proposed Functionality DrunkWooky 26 9 yearsTedsaid (7340): I didn't know that ... good to know, thx.
CBCScomics Youtube Channel... SteveRicketts 27 9 yearsJeepinJesterJon (1): I never thought they could take a item of beauty and make it a item of perfection. I just didn't think that was possible anymore. Two thumbs up CBCS. I would give 3 but I only have 2 hands. haha
CBCS Turnaround 7/11/16 SteveRicketts Jump to first page66Jump to last page 9 yearssterlingcomics (16): Having automated information as to where the company is on basic perspective I think would be a great AUTOMATED enhancement to "keep it real". I suspect the reason why no one wants to do that is that it could help "kill/delay" business.
Dealers that frequent conventions that grade Tideson 6 9 yearsobiwan1971 (243): Forgive the error
Steve McNiven Signing Revan_Q 6 9 yearsdochell0069 (4): That was the price when I was at Amazing Las Vegas in June 2016. First one is free and after that $10 a pop.
WANTED SDCC AW: for late signing request Odins_Raven 1 9 yearsOdins_Raven (2389): Is there anyone Authorized Witness or not, going to SDCC who is willing to accept 1 last minute book for signing at the MASK cast reunion? I can mail the book overnight on Monday and am willing to pay you for the favor/trouble/inconvenience if someone is able to help me out?!
BATMAN BEYOND: RETURN OF THE JOKER Revan_Q 8 9 yearsroarzola (445): Three years ago at the SDCC, I think it was 100.
AW SKETCH COVER Revan_Q 2 9 yearsdielinfinite (26914): At a convention, the witness just has to be present when you pick up the finished sketch directly from the artist.
Signature Label Question cjbehr948 11 9 yearsDarthLego (20518): No, I didn't have time before work, I'll scan it when I get home. It was signed in 2014, I have a feeling it's in the old database that hasn't migrated yet.
CBCS Paperwork Gabriel85301 4 9 yearsGabriel85301 (1764): The awesome thing about submitting books at a Con and them doing this, is you can have $ to spend at the con..
TRINITY COMICS FRANK MILLER Private Signing TrinityComics 11 9 yearsWolverine (1961): I sent you a PM about the Miller signing.
Help finding a witness Sanemoreorless 7 9 yearsJesse_O (39345): There is some paperwork that needs to be filled out by the artist before he sends it in to CBCS. But if the artist send in the paperwork along with the comic, it will get the ASP (yellow) label. Customer service should be able to get that for you, or hook you up with the right person.
JIM LEE Private Signing! July TrinityComics 12 9 yearsWolverine (1961): Ok now this changes things lol
TRINITY COMICS Private Sketch Op ADI GRANOV TrinityComics 2 9 yearsTrinityComics (244): SOLD OUT.
Neal Adams Signature Sticker? thebeardedbat 23 9 yearsspaulus (486): Batman2001 comments will be addressed. Any AW who does not identify themselves as a witness is not acting as a witness. Each and every signature that is being witnessed, the witness has to identify themselves as a CBCS witness. If an AW does not identify themselves, their status as an AW will be revoked, and all of their books in the grading pipeline will not be eligible for a yellow label.
20% off CGC's new case regrading deadline spaulus 15 9 yearsJeremy_K (841): Mr_SigS is right, I was wrong. The offer at all is thoughtful of customers cgc has potentially screwed over.
VSP Question thebeardedbat 5 9 yearsthebeardedbat (1): Thanks for the help!
PRIVATE SIGNING W/ ARROW & WALKING DEAD CAST GenuineCOA 3 9 yearsGenuineCOA (176): @FUEGOMUSIC , this signing is being conducted through Genuine COA, who is an authorized facilitator for CBCS, so member discounts will not apply.
Lee/Miller Private Signing @Fan Expo Dallas GenuineCOA 3 9 yearsWitchKing (1): Hi ! Do you know if CBCS has received the comics for that signing session that took place some weeks ago ? :o)
WHAT WOULD YOU HAVE STAN LEE SIGN? Revan_Q 21 9 yearsOwen_Lorder (463): No brainer here
CBCS Turnaround 5/23/16 SteveRicketts Jump to first page70Jump to last page 9 yearsHero_Restoration (58): I can't seem to find the 5-23 update, can we get an update on what is not on time?
CBCS On-Site Grading at Tampa Bay Comic Con! SteveRicketts 25 9 yearsSteveRicketts (19701): We have posted more information, as well as the pricing for On-Site Grading at the Tampa Bay Comic Con on our website. We look forward to seeing you at the show!
TOM KING Batman Rebirth #1 Signing TrinityComics 7 9 yearsnadabig (55): Is it additional for Scott Snyder?
RI COMIC CON - STAN LEE Revan_Q 9 9 yearsTrinityComics (244): Hi feel free to message me if you're interested in Stan Lee
Help with Michael Turner signatures dielinfinite 5 9 yearsdielinfinite (26914): Thanks! At the very least I figured the signatures weren't printed or autopenned since the examples I have are different enough and I don't see why they'd go through the expense of having an intern hand sign each book when an autopen could do it cheaper and be just as "authentic."
Show me your Superman Unchained variant Beamer 2 9 yearsHappylemon (70): do like a good jock book.nice comics mate
Valiants X-O Manowar Jam Cover Muaythaiguy 1 9 yearsMuaythaiguy (97): In September release the special Jam Cover. My personal challenge is to collect all 50 signatures and send it to CBCS if i have all. How makes it CBCS possible to put all signatures informations,etc in one yellow label?
Can somebody help me please? Wolverine 10 9 yearsWolverine (1961): Thanks Curmudgeon, great info. Just wish our dollar was doing better.
Autograph Fuss JazzyJeffie 23 9 yearsjoelzstuff (90): @Soma: I seen some DC Comics Signed by Stan Lee on eBay. there was a New 52 Detective Comics #27 SS CGC by Stan Lee not too long ago. That bugged the hell out of me. Anyways, It depends for me, the actors must be known for that character for a long time… like someone said before, I’m not going to have the cast from the walking dead sign my Walking Dead #1… the characters come and go. BUT, I have gotten Adam West and Burt Ward to sign...
SIGNATURE VERIFICATION Revan_Q 15 9 yearsMR_SigS (11124): Thank you, Dr
George Perez completed pre-show Sketch Op TrinityComics 7 9 yearsMR_SigS (11124): GP is in my top 5 favorite artists- That's a great group of cover sketches, and it's wonderful to hear that he appreciates his fans!
CGC Signature to CBCS Signature NeganKilledMe 9 9 yearsRyanHicks (1974): Yes, you can have it re-slabbed under the ART program instead and it will maintain the yellow label.
8x10" PHOTO AUTHENTIC SIGNATURE PROGRAM GenuineCOA 5 9 yearsGenuineCOA (176): @Jesse_O , We do have the option of getting a signature for you. Some of those products are now available in the Special Signings area of our website. clickable text For each 8x10 of those products you have the option of either Genuine COA certification (with on-line verification) or CBCS Photo Encasement. If you do not see the signer(s) that you are looking for, you can contact us through Facebook or at with the request....
May I Have Your Autograph, Please... DrWatson Jump to first page56Jump to last page 9 yearsMR_SigS (11124): That's good to know :)
Could become a "key" issue. Mathyus_42 6 9 yearsMathyus_42 (317): I suppose since his show has been coming for a while, and with him on Jessica Jones, it had a big draw from that.
CBCS at Planet Comicon & Tidewater Comicon SteveRicketts 4 9 yearsmatthogan6288 (28): Had a great time today and everyone at the CBCS booth was GREAT!
SHOW N TELL Golden Beauties normal to odd outlawmonster Jump to first page83Jump to last page 9 yearsD84 (1540): The grades notes on my Batman 9 are: *Spine stress lines *Staple multiple rusted with rust stained spine *Staple small multiple tear *Top staple rusted with rust stained interior Pretty sure the staple rust gave it a hit but I've seen CGC books with worse staples grade much higher.
CBCS Memberships Mathyus_42 12 9 yearsMathyus_42 (317): When you pack your books for shipping make sure to include a note with them saying what coupons you want to use and on what book. You would do the the same with the fast pass as well.
CBCS at Motor City Comic Con! SteveRicketts 13 9 yearsTimBildhauser (2239): Thank you sir!
Favorite Artists for Commissions dielinfinite 10 9 yearsJeremy_K (841): Katie Cook and Andy Price collaborated on a cover for my daughter; water colored for the finish. I'll post when it comes back with a grade.
Witnessing a Second Signature DrunkWooky 16 9 yearsJeremy_K (841): striped label would be awesome for dual sig types
Supernova Australia StonyCreek 1 9 yearsStonyCreek (1): Hi I was just wondering if anyone would be at Supanova Comic Con is Perth, Australia as Gal Gadot is going to be there signing. I am interested in getting a couple of books signed. Please let me know. Thanks
Rare & Hard-to-Find VSP/ASP Signatures Odins_Raven Jump to first page35Jump to last page 9 yearsCatmanAmerica (31338): Harlan has pretty much retired from conventions, but we used to hang out and visit at some of the SF and early media shows. I guess I've known him since around '72. One of the last times we chatted was at an Aggiecon (Texas A&M University) about 15 years ago where we were among the guests. It was particularly memorable because we were requested as voice auctioneers for the charity auction that year. We both liked acerbic banter and on...
Megacon Still time for ASP Brian 1 9 yearsBrian (49): I will be attending Megacon Orlando May 26-29th as an Authorized Witness as this is a local show there is still time to get your books out to me. Please feel free to contact me for any information.
Trinity Comics Signature Request Thread TrinityComics 19 9 yearsAbsolute_Zero (1104): Any cons that Tyler Kirkham he is appering this year?
Tampa Bay Comic Con - Taking Submissions! TheLiamSturgess 4 9 yearsTimBildhauser (2239): Yes he is but I'm having him dragged down to Tampa for the convention. We're actually going to be doing a panel on foreign editions there. :)
First time as an AW Chromophage 7 9 yearsChromophage (7): Thanks again :P
Motor City Comic Con 2016 Mathyus_42 3 9 yearscatrick339 (450): I'm there all weekend. My buddy Steve and I will be set up at Motor City with a buying booth this year. Got a big stack or a longbox or two of unwanted junk? Drag it along and we'll buy it....if the price is right. We like old Charlton, Gold Key, Archie, Dell, Tower, ACG. obscure 50's publishers, giveaways, anything from the 30's on up. Don't turn our noses up at low graders either...if the price is cheap enough. Coverless...
GREG CAPULLO Private Signing 5/26 TrinityComics 13 9 yearsJazzyJeffie (439): @TrinityComics Looking forward to this awesome signing opportunity! The book is already with you! :cool: :cool: :cool:
Trinity Comics at San Diego Comic Con July! TrinityComics 1 9 yearsTrinityComics (244): This is the big one! All guests are available for sigs including any exclusives they will have available we can pick up. Books are due by July 15th. Show is July 20th- July 24th Check the guest list here: If you are interested in any more of our signings and are on Facebook you can check our group out its updated far more frequently, and send an invite at: ...
Sets For The Registry! Bagofleas 12 9 yearsOdins_Raven (2389): DC 4th World keys and #1's Jack Kirby VSP. So far: Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen 134 Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen 135 New Gods 1,2,4 Mister Miracle 1 Kamandi 1 Forever People 1 The Demon 1 OMAC 1
Renato Jones The One Percent % #1 SOLD OUT MGA 1 9 yearsMGA (124): Hi guys I have a few copies available of Renato Jones One% #1 from Kaare Andrews signed and available for slabbing. The book is going into its second print already. I also will be attending Motor City if anyone wants anything witnessed. There is also a blank 1 in 125 available only 200 exist and I have 10 available. Not...
Trinity Comics WW Philadelphia Avengers! TrinityComics 1 9 yearsTrinityComics (244): We will be in Philadelphia for Wizard World Philadelphia. Huge celebrity show with some pretty good comic guests as well. THOR, LOKI, CAPTAIN AMERICA, WINTER SOLDIER, FALCON, THE BACK TO THE FUTURE CAST (May not be able to get Fox), ARROW. PLUS The lead actor in The Preacher TV Show plus cover artist Glenn Fabry. Check the guest list for all of the guests. ...
Trinity Comics Heroes Con Thread June 18th TrinityComics 1 9 yearsTrinityComics (244): Trinity Comics will be at Heroes Con in Charlotte June 18th-20th. It's a massive guest list. We will have access to all of the creators. Books are due by June 15th. Message us if you have books or any other questions. Check out the guest list here:
Trinity Comics FULL Convention Schedule TrinityComics 1 9 yearsTrinityComics (244): We will be at more shows and signings than just about any Facilitator out there. We will also have multiple private signings at these shows Tidewater Comic Con May 21st-22nd MegaCon. May 26th-29th Awesome Con June 3rd-June 5th Wizard World Philadelphia June 3rd-5th ...
JTC Han Solo & Iron Man Variant OP MGA 2 9 yearsMGA (124): clickable text clickable text
Cracking CGC Signature Series Cases Nick 3 9 yearsNick (17): I probably should have mention I recently signed a Authentic Signature Program Witness Agreement to be the secondary witness for a comic company called The Comic Alchemist. On a side note I guess I would have to send the comics off through the primary witness account?
FRANK MILLER CBCS Signing TrinityComics 1 9 yearsTrinityComics (244): Trinity Comics is taking submissions for a Frank Miller CBCS Private Signing at MegaCon. Feel free to message us for pricing info. The whole DKIII team is also available. Check out all the guests here. This takes place at the same show as our Capullo and Hughes Signings.
CBCS at San Diego! SteveRicketts 9 9 yearsDrWatson (59625): If any CBCSers haven't been there before, then I would bring a jacket, pullover, or sweatshirt befitting a CBCS employee because it will be cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey in that convention center during the show.
Boston Comic Con Signature info Averycomicpressing 1 9 yearsAverycomicpressing (39): Please feel free to contact me with any artist signature needs from Boston Comic Con. The list this year is great so far. For more info please feel free to contact me. Artist link and my contact is below. Don't forget we can also clean and press your books before we ship them back to you or to CBCS for a yellow signature label. ...
Trinity Comics May Convention Schedule TrinityComics 6 9 yearsTrinityComics (244): I appreciate that thank you for using the service!
Convention question Jamiemadrox 5 9 yearsDarryl_H (1710): If you pick up at the CBCS offices, they do charge a $5.00 fee.
Larry Lieber DesertWind 20 9 yearsRebellionComics (64): Those westerns are nice I always live the covers of those
MIKE ZECK & JOHN BEATTY Private Signing GenuineCOA 1 9 yearsGenuineCOA (176): Time is running out to reserve your CBCS Comics submission for the Genuine COA private signing with Mike Zeck and John Beatty. Have your comics signed by the team that brought you Secret Wars and many more. Place your orders at the link below. And don't forget that you can add a Stan Lee signature to any of these signings. ...
CBCS at Indiana Comic Con this wekeend! SteveRicketts 14 9 yearsTheLiamSturgess (289): Soooooo how did it go? :D
CHARLIE ADLARD Private Signing in July! TrinityComics 8 9 yearsTrinityComics (244): He changes it around based on how much he wants to raise for charity. He's a great guy. Sometimes $150-200 sometimes he'll do one for free just depends on his mood
ADAM HUGHES Private Signing 5/26 TrinityComics 3 9 yearsTrinityComics (244): Thanks! Big signings news for some other creators is coming soon 😏
Frank Miller signing DesertWind 4 9 yearsLazydayz137 (10): Apparently this thread is so crowded they need to yell to be HEARD @Stelbert_Stylton!
Shows attending as an AW Brian 3 9 yearsBeamer (157): I will be an AW for the following shows: Rose City Comic Con ( Sept 10 and 11 ) Vancouver Expo ( August 5-7 ) Fan Expo Vancouver ( Nov 11-13 )
Jae Lee signing DesertWind 1 9 yearsDesertWind (10): With Free Comic Book Day quickly coming up it is time to announce who will be our special guest for our event. The phenomenal superstar artist, Jae Lee will be signing at Celestial Comics happening on Free Comic Book Day taking place Saturday, May 7th. We plan to have a TON of things going on but Jae will be a highlight. So mark your calendar to come on down to Celestial Comics. more details to follow. For those of you that can't be at our event...
Stan Lee/ Frank Miller Signing Opportunity GenuineCOA 1 9 yearsGenuineCOA (176): **DON'T MISS THE DEADLINE** Genuine COA is happy to bring you an extremely RARE collection of signing opportunities for the months of May and June, featuring legendary icons like Stan Lee, Frank Miller and many others!! We are now accepting mail-in orders for signatures and submission under CBCS Comics Authentic Signature Program (Yellow Label). To have your comics signed by any combination of the listed creators, reserve your orders at the...
Upcoming Convention Schedule Darryl_H 3 9 yearsDarryl_H (1710): yes i will be!! Just didn't list it here due to the closeness of the event :-)
CBCS Website Help Mathyus_42 12 9 yearsMathyus_42 (317): No, I am not an approved witness. I wish I was, it would make this process a lot easier. LOL. I was just going to do this year like I did last year. Someone followed me to get my books signed. the reason I would not be able to all of the books on Saturday is because it is a pretty full day for me. I am also a volunteer at this show, so some of my time will be for that. Zach already told me in an email that I can submit books on different days,...
Boston Comic Con | August 12-14, 2016 MetalPSI 10 9 yearsMetalPSI (4486): So you the guy I have to talk to if I decide to go with CBCS? Can you give me a break down on how the procedure works? All the info I've got so far is I stand in line with my *spoon* in my hand and comics I want signed in the other lol
Someone Break Down The ASP Program MetalPSI 6 9 yearsMetalPSI (4486): Excellent, thank you :)
Elias Chatzoudis Pre-booking Motor City MGA 1 9 yearsMGA (124): Elias is now accepting commissions for Motor City Comic Con Blank variants are single character done in P&I or color. 1. Head Shot $75 +$25 in copic 2. Torso $175 +$25 in copic 3. Full Body $250 +$50 in copic Elias does 3 sizes.6x8 9×12 & 11×17 1.single character 6x8 bust $100 copic 2.single character 6x8 torso $150 copic 3 Single character 9×12 pencil and ink $200 4.Single character 9×12 copic marker...
FRANK BRUNNER Private Sketch Opportunity TrinityComics 1 9 yearsTrinityComics (244): Trinity Comics has a Private Sketch Opportunity with the Legendary Frank Brunner. We have 3 spots left for this. Inked Head Sketches: $150 Full Figure in Tight Pencils: $150 Full Figure Inked: Message Us CBCS Grading and shipping is extra. Examples from the last few sketch ops Frank has done for us.
Ed McGuinness & Elias Chatzoudis FCBD at MGC MGA 1 9 yearsMGA (124): Email me with any questions can facilitate signatures
Adam Hughes Signing May 13th at MGC MGA 1 9 yearsMGA (124):