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'Memorabilia' Topics

TitleAuthorPostsLast Post
CBCS Message Board - Terms of Use SteveRicketts 1 9 yearsSteveRicketts (19700): Open thread to view post.
Hold the phone!! Has this ever happened to you? sportshort 13 13 hourssportshort (20063): I'm looking for one, I hear they're like unicorns and Kansas, almost mythical.
OT: Unknown Jurassic Park poster Galen130 4 14 daysGalen130 (6914): After an hour plus, I found one. This listing price seems to be excessive, but what do I know. I don't collect posters. Gotta get more information!!!! :)
WTB Birth of Spider-Man (‘97) Set 00slim 3 2 monthsZombie_Head (3600): @KatKomics me too lol
What’s Your Favorite Gimmicky Foil Cover? 00slim Jump to first page40Jump to last page 2 monthsdpiercy (4842): I always loved this one.
Grading and Encapsulation Questions MeanGene 14 3 monthsGAC (79173): If the signature gets verified, the slab label is your COA. As others have said, Press the book as there is likely an indentation on the back due to the bag.
Need help verifying a Stan Lee, Joe Sinnott and Jack Kirby signature. Darthh8r Jump to first page50Jump to last page 5 monthsCapCityComics (75): Despite the circumstances, that's awesome news! I checked that seller's account on eBay, and it appears any and all comic books he had listed are now either gone or taken down.
Made a gamble on a Bob Kane signed Batman #452 w/ a head sketch Darthh8r 27 5 monthsOptic_Blast (734): Nothing in the listing indicates that this is a legit signature. It's definitely signed Bob Kane, but most likely not THE Bob Kane. If you can return the book then do it. You're trying hard to make this a legit signature in your mind, but there are too many red flags.
Leaving for OAF Con in the AM. Anyone else going? sborock_ComicLink 22 5 monthssborock_ComicLink (4978): @Nearmint67 It's my Beatles and comic shirt!
NYCC Funko Question drchaos 5 6 monthsBelarak (1265): I was in the cue also. I only have tickets for Thursday and Friday. I didn't get a reservation either. You have to remember the VIP ticket holders had their own cue last week. It's likely they took most of the reservation slots. I received notification that they were sold out by 12:20.
Medieval Spawn Kickstarter Launches August 20th flanders 28 7 monthsHcanes (6011): I just looked at it as paying for the comic last time and the figure was a bonus. I still need to try to move my figure on fleabay. I opted for the artist prototype edition the first go around because I wanted the black and white comic. Figured there would be less of them. Since I still have the original in its massive box taking up space in my closet, I am trying to show restraint and not pledge this campaign. Even though the figure looked...
Game Informer ONLINE_209 2 10 monthsSGT_Comics (250): I think the only limitation is the size. If your Game Informer will fit within the below referenced dimensions, it's probably fine.
Kirby / Hulk Micro-metal photoengraver's plate Bronte 4 1 yearDrWatson (59460): Get fabric paint and make unlicensed t-shirts.
Avengers Tower = The Most Insane Lego Set I’ve Ever Seen 00slim 10 1 yearDavethebrave (17407): The Sian set looks incredible. My son completed the McLaren Senna kit and it has less than 1/4 the number of pieces of the Sian. That’s plenty for now.
Magazines Matman85 12 1 yearSteveRicketts (19700):
3M Command Strips stanley_1883 13 1 yearmakahuka (3133): 🤣
Attention Ghost Rider Fans (Mondo Poster) 00slim 7 1 yearSteveRicketts (19700): Just glancing at the thread title I was picturing this...
Need help identifying comic professionals signature RedDawnRocker 10 1 yearRedDawnRocker (6): I believe Chris Ulm was the only editor for Malibu before Marvel took over in the early 00s. It doesn't appear to be Dave Ohlbririch (the company head)or Tom Mason (I believe he was a VP at the time) either. The signature doesn't seem to come close to any of those three though.
WTB: Mego Spider-Man 00slim 1 1 year00slim (18687): I’m in the market for a complete Mego Spider-Man in excellent condition. Loose is fine. With a box is a definite bonus, but it doesn’t need to be sealed. Not interested in a reproduction. If anyone can help me out, I’d appreciate it.
The Utes Oldfuzznts Jump to first page35Jump to last page 1 yearOldfuzznts (704): If you try sometimes, you might find, you get what you need.
It's spelled HEATH BAR.. not HEALTH BARS! CWill2021 9 1 yearmakahuka (3133): A bomb bar!
Has anyone played the Batman Miniatures Game? dielinfinite 2 1 yearmakahuka (3133): Very cool.
CGC Unboxing 10/22 Jedyzon 14 1 yearmakahuka (3133): Kind of cool, would have liked to have watch how CBCS graded the books.
FS: Amazing Spider-man #800 J. Scott Campbell Set A-H Jedyzon 2 1 yearmakahuka (3133): Nice books.
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups! Jedyzon 1 1 yearJedyzon (876):
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups! 9/7 Jedyzon 2 2 yearsmakahuka (3133): @Jedyzon thanks for always posting! I collect new and vintage, and it's nice to see new stuff!
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups! 8/25 Jedyzon 1 2 yearsJedyzon (876):
Grade it or not? James42 9 2 yearsEbayMafia (37349): Is she bowling in that drawing?
Uncanny X-men 266 Buzbe 6 2 yearsMutantMania (6086): I'd pick one up soon if you haven't already. There's supposed to be a cameo of Gambit in the new Deadpool movie. That might make the book shoot up in price a bit.
Superman Krypto Ray Gun from 1941 CWill2021 26 2 yearsdrmccoy74 (14330): @jaysonslade glad to see you back on your feet
New Comic Book Day + Free Comic Book Day Pickups! Jedyzon 1 2 yearsJedyzon (876):
Beavis and Butthead #1 Legends & Lore Signed Slipcase Ed. + Rick Parker OA PolarisNuclearSS2020 6 2 yearsPolarisNuclearSS2020 (1380): Open thread to view post.
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups 4/23 Jedyzon 1 2 yearsJedyzon (876):
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups 4/7 Jedyzon 1 2 yearsJedyzon (876):
Another Blue Beetle Trailer CaptainCanuck 5 2 yearspower_struggle55 (7504): probably will be best post/reply of the day
WTB Mark Brooks stanley_1883 5 2 yearsxkonk (18077): I have a copy if that does anything for you.
Any Locking UV Protected Display Options For High End Books? 00slim 13 2 years00slim (18687): We have cameras on the outside of the house and an alarm system in place. And my collection is insured. The UV protection is certainly the main thing keeping me from just putting my AF 15 on a shelf. I’m not really expecting anyone to grab it and walk out with it. This is more like, “hey kids, look, don’t touch. Oh, but even if you wanted to, you can’t”. 😌
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups 3/25 Jedyzon 1 2 yearsJedyzon (876):
Off Topic: I Just Discovered: “A Toy Store Near You” On Prime 00slim 12 2 yearsGAC (79173): Watching it now....I'm liking it so far. Season 1 episode 1 Billy Galaxy....the owner looks remarkably like Woody from a Toy Story imo.
Determining worth and how to store? WndrWmn74 6 2 yearsDavethebrave (17407): First draft original? Copy of first draft? Huge difference in value. What did Beckett authenticate? I assume just the signature. Provenance will matter to determine value if it’s an original draft (and also if a limited but authorized copy). Storage of paper docs is similar (comics or other paper). I think others covered it already. Sorry to hear how you came into possession but it is quite an interesting piece of history. Edit:...
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups! 2/26 Jedyzon 1 2 yearsJedyzon (876):
Sins of Sinister #1 1:100 Jedyzon 2 2 yearsmulti007 (4277): Why is that a "sin" ?? :D
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups 2/1 Jedyzon 1 2 yearsJedyzon (876):
New Comic Book Day-ups! 1/14 Jedyzon 1 2 yearsJedyzon (876):
The "Angry Girlfriend Variant" Amazing-Spiderman #14 controversy (my side) Chance_Bartels Jump to first page58Jump to last page 2 yearsEbayMafia (37349): Promiscuous lending of comics has consequences. Eventually the spider-man girl found out that she wasn't the only one who had his key. Hell hath no fury like a two-timed key-holder.
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups Jedyzon 1 2 yearsJedyzon (876):
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups! 12/23 Jedyzon 1 2 yearsJedyzon (876):
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups! 12/9 Jedyzon 1 2 yearsJedyzon (876):
Fresh from CGC Jedyzon 5 2 yearsJedyzon (876): Thank you
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups + CGC Mail Call 11/26 Jedyzon 1 2 yearsJedyzon (876):
CGC Unboxing Part 2 Jedyzon 2 2 yearsNearmint67 (13678): I think he is "Happy about that".. :)
CGC Mail Call Unboxing Part 1 Jedyzon 4 2 yearsSebastsk8 (2354): As much as I'd like to have mine back soon, next week I'll be out of the country. With my luck thats when it'll be shipped lol
Comic Book Soft Slab San Diego Comic-Con 2022 makahuka 7 2 yearsSiggy (25634): Yep. They'll probably make money too. For a little while, anyway.
What would you do? stanley_1883 Jump to first page33Jump to last page 3 yearsKatKomics (31323): 100% I would mention it to the staff/owner. Now I also accept it's their store and they can do what they like!! Used to (key word there) have a store around here that every book was priced as NM no matter the condition...probably lasted 5 years? There have been a few through the years...but my lcs I have been going to on and off since before I was almost 40 years...on their 3rd owner but they remain while others come and go
Questions about buying original published comic book art Briten 20 3 yearsHAmistoso (26178): Everyone knows who the White Knight of Gotham is...
Oh lord, we were so young and naive...... sborock 24 3 yearssborock (48469): Back in the day looking over a list to pick books from that were worthy of sending into CGC. The great Brett Carreras (VA Comic Con) was uncertain about using CGC at the time, as we were a new company, so I helped him decide what would be best to get graded. He told me that I picked well and he made some good scratch! BTW....He followed me to CBCS and is still one of CBCS's largest submitters! ...
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups! 8/27 Jedyzon 1 3 yearsJedyzon (876):
Latest Heritage Auction Sunday & Monday Comic Books Aug 22-29 Jedyzon 14 3 yearsPuckster (3001): Nice stuff. As it is, I can't afford any right now. I have some original art coming up next month one one of the daily and some coming up for the signature in November. Good luck!
Heritage Comics & Comic Art Signature 2022 Select Auction September 08-11 Jedyzon 9 3 yearsJedyzon (876): Sounds good man
Mail call Jedyzon 1 3 yearsJedyzon (876):
Now for something completely different... IowaDad81 5 3 yearsBrianGreensnips (15559): @IowaDad81 Welcome to the forum.
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups Jedyzon 2 3 yearsBatman79 (1227): Great video as always! Your comic budget must be crazy!
NOT A COMIC Topic - BASEBALL TICKET dfoster43 8 3 yearsTom74152 (2988): You will probably do better if you get it authenticated. I would see what Beckett has to offer.
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups! 5/28 Jedyzon 1 3 yearsJedyzon (876):
New Comic Book Pick-ups 5/14 Jedyzon 1 3 yearsJedyzon (876):
Wish I had $1,500.00 back in 1973 Rafel 18 3 yearsHAmistoso (26178): This is Warren being Warren.
San Francisco BAYCON 3 (10/11-13/1977) Rafel 6 3 yearsHexView (521):
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups 4/30 Jedyzon 1 3 yearsJedyzon (876):
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups 4/1 Jedyzon 1 3 yearsJedyzon (876):
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups 3/19 Jedyzon 1 3 yearsJedyzon (876):
Tyler Kirkham & Rafael Grassetti hogan36 3 3 yearshogan36 (198): @Cowabunga_Kyle Thank you!
Batman Collectibles dfoster43 Jump to first page44Jump to last page 3 yearsGAC (79173):
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups! 3/4 Jedyzon 1 3 yearsJedyzon (876):
For Auction: BlizzCon 2008 Wrath of the Lich King ZosoRocks 1 3 yearsZosoRocks (2134): addition to the subject STILL SEALED (Brand New) Limited edition "Cinematic Art of the World of Warcraft" Hardcover w/slipcase, I have combined it with two additional HARDCOVER books in the lot: - Dark Horse / Blizzard Chronicles Vol I - Dark Horse / Blizzard Chronicles Vol III Both Volumes are pre-owned and have minor defects, please see the auction for details and pictures. Auction starts at $125.00. Thanks for...
Finally unpacked!!! Ed Cave complete!!! EddieTheComicGuy 11 3 yearsEddieTheComicGuy (933): I have about 200 of the covers he's done so far. I've fallen behind a bit with the more recent covers. I might have to bug you to get some of these books signed the next time he's in your town!!! :D:beer:
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups 2/24 Jedyzon 1 3 yearsJedyzon (876):
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups! Jedyzon 1 3 yearsJedyzon (876):
New Comic book Day Pick-ups! Jedyzon 4 3 yearsDoc_Cop (3100): Have been scooping up lots of bronze horror keys! Tomb of Dracula 1, first Mummy appearance and such. Also picked up a nice first appearance of Shang Chi. Glad you see you posting my friend!
Making Room Since There’s A Local Con In A Few Weeks 00slim 12 3 years00slim (18687): The Spawn Lot sold on Fee-bay rather quickly. The Judge Dredd banner, Raiders script, & War Hammer books are still available.
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups! 12/24 Jedyzon 1 3 yearsJedyzon (876):
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups! 12/8 Jedyzon 2 3 yearsDoc_Cop (3100): always appreciate your content Jedyzon!
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups 11/29 - Hulk, Good Boy, Robin, Black Panther, P Jedyzon 1 3 yearsJedyzon (876):
found this - thought I'd share Byrdibyrd Jump to first page38Jump to last page 3 yearslawguy1977 (7550): @sportshort thanks! Likewise on your Captain America watch!
New Comic Book Day 11/13 - Batman, Venom, Knighted, PhenomX, Mighty Morphin Jedyzon 1 3 yearsJedyzon (876):
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups! 10/28 Jedyzon 1 3 yearsJedyzon (876):
Hitchikers Guide Anniversary lpgasdude 6 3 yearsKatKomics (31323): Also have a 2x signed Starship Titanic!
Trading Card Question jgzachary13 4 3 yearsRyan4421 (371): You are correct that is an industry standard on card grading. Once it is encapsulated it presses the card flat and the bow is no longer visible and as long as there is no creasing or color break it has no impact on grade. As mentioned it is produced but humidity in the air and nobody keeps their cards in a vacuum so it is viewed as a commonality and accepted.
New Comic Book Day + NYCC 2021 Haul Jedyzon 1 3 yearsJedyzon (876):
Any Upstate NY / Great Northeasters out there remember FantaCon? dfoster43 1 3 yearsdfoster43 (1768): It was 1980 and my first 'big' comic convention was in my back yard. What a day. I'm sure I don't have to go into detail, it was probably exactly like everyone's first convention. But what memories this brings back of those days. I can almost smell the fall Albany air. Albany was my stomping ground and FantaCo was my LCS as John S Iavarone was incredibly rude to anyone under 21 that dared enter his place I never went there much....
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups 9/29! Jedyzon 1 3 yearsJedyzon (876):
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups 9/9 Jedyzon 1 4 yearsJedyzon (876):
New Comic Book Day + Free Comic Book Day Pick-ups! 8/25 Jedyzon 1 4 yearsJedyzon (876):
New Comic Book Day Pickups 8/11! Jedyzon 1 4 yearsJedyzon (876):
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups! 7/29 Jedyzon 1 4 yearsJedyzon (876):
Local Comic book and Sports Card show Bristol RI Johnnylray 1 4 yearsJohnnylray (2675): Hi All, hope all is well with you guys. A few months ago I posted that i got back into Sportscards. Well, I took the leap to be a show promoter. I will be having bi-monthly Sportscard and Comicbook shows here in Bristol RI at the local VFW. I am trying a 50/50 split w/ comics and card dealers. I hope some of my RI friends can make it to the show this Sunday..Ray...
Anyone Out There Collect Baseball/Sports Cards? tonnage71 22 4 yearsbennyb86 (796): This might be an apples to oranges situation as I don't collect cards but as far as Garbage Pail Kids I know uncut sheets tend to be more valuable that a whole set depending on the condition. I've seen about a 3 to 4 times multiplier depending on the condition.
An interview with Jack Kirby from 1971 HotKeyComics 7 4 yearsDavethebrave (17407): Great piece of history. Kirby’s fame will one day rise even higher than today.
New Comic Book Day pick-ups! Jedyzon 1 4 yearsJedyzon (876):
WTB Black Widow Premiere Exclusives 00slim 3 4 yearsdielinfinite (26907): Hmmm, I might be interested in a copy of the comic as well
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups - 6/9! Jedyzon 2 4 yearsBigRedOne1944 (11568): Always fun to see the new books!
3500 Records 00slim 22 4 years00slim (18687): The record collection sold today. My friend is happy to have his workshop back again.
Elvira Quarantine Special Kickstarter Package kaptainmyke 11 4 years00slim (18687): Love me some Elvira. I was seriously considering backing this. Very cool stuff indeed, @kaptainmyke! I have a book set aside for her to sign, should I get the chance to meet her at a Con in the future.
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups 5/26! Jedyzon 1 4 yearsJedyzon (876):
Maximum Carnage limited edition Vinyl Soundtrack dielinfinite 2 4 yearsBriten (1968): From the snes game maximum carnage. Red cartridge if I recall. Game was hard as nails.
My LCS is closing-statues, AFs, pops and books for sale starlord Jump to first page58Jump to last page 4 yearsstarlord (6331): I can match that price on that statue! If you're interested please DM me with your details. Thank you!
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups! 5/12 Jedyzon 5 4 yearsBrianGreensnips (15559): @Jedyzon How was Time before Time?
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups! 5/5 Jedyzon 1 4 yearsJedyzon (876):
Six Vintage Marvel Ties For Sale JerrySS 10 4 yearsMrNotSoNice (3552): I have the Spiderman one. Big hit at my daughter's elementary school.
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups! 4/28 Jedyzon 2 4 yearsNoblebeast315 (2200): I caught Mortal Combat on Saturday as well. I thought it was fine. I liked Godzilla v. Kong more but that’s because giant monsters are more my thing. Neither was a perfect movie though. G V. K had plot holes all over the place, but was saved by great directing and amazing visual effects. Mortal Kombat was entertaining but a bit shallow. I am sure they will make a sequel and it should open the world up a bit. Maybe I am satisfied because...
Found 20 Vintage Graphitti Designs Marvel T-Shirts looking through boxes. Cosmic_Shel 9 4 yearsCosmic_Shel (256): Thanks for everyone's input, including the person that PM'd me through the competition's forum, rather than this one, as I only posted here. :beer: Back in the box they go for now, as the 3 value ranges I heard were quite varied, so best to stick to what I know, comics and watches.
New comic Book Day Pick-Ups 4/21 Jedyzon 1 4 yearsJedyzon (876):
New Comic Book Day pick-ups 4/7 Jedyzon 1 4 yearsJedyzon (876):
New to your Collection #10 dielinfinite Jump to first page999Jump to last page 4 yearsEbayMafia (37349): Considering that a Neal Adams signature costs $50, double verification costs like $40 and a 7.5 of this book just sold for over $100...I was surprised to find this Aragones and Adams signed cool cover at MCS for $120: I guess I'm kind of a signature collector now because I grabbed this when I saw it offered on Ebay for...
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups! 3/27 Jedyzon 1 4 yearsJedyzon (876):
Check out this Amazing Fantasy 15 kaptainmyke Jump to first page31Jump to last page 4 yearsHulkSmash (11374): You don’t want that fake grade. Go for a legit 9.0👍🏻
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups! Jedyzon 1 4 yearsJedyzon (876):
Floyd concert program candidate for RAW Grade? Dalkiel 11 4 yearsDalkiel (2090): @esaravo Thanks for the great idea, I think I have some of the bags that the slabs come in lying around. I'll tape together some full backs to fill out the bag. That should keep it safe till the Magazine slabs get going. Thank you Sir.
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups! 3/3 Jedyzon 5 4 yearsJedyzon (876): Thanks man. Unfortunatly i dont know all the keys
Image error comics Airmomo 13 4 yearsAirmomo (24): Never seen that spawn error before pretty cool.that vision book is a killer find also.
Off Topic: WTB Marx Creature from the Black Lagoon” 00slim 13 4 yearsDarkseid_of_town (14297): oh my no, they are like an action figure more or less, at about six inches I guess. Good sized figures...the disney figures they did are pretty classic too and will someday make great collectors items.
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups! 2/17 Jedyzon 1 4 yearsJedyzon (876):
New Comic Book Day pick-ups! 2/11 Jedyzon 1 4 yearsJedyzon (876):
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups! 2/3 Jedyzon 1 4 yearsJedyzon (876):
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups! 1/20 Jedyzon 2 4 yearsDoc_Cop (3100): Thanks! Great content as usual!
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups! 1/13 Jedyzon 3 4 yearsJedyzon (876): Thanks man! Hope all is well on your end.
What the Gabriel85301 2 4 yearsDrogio (8091): I picked on up off of Midtown for below cover a few years ago...dumped it during the Covid hip hop variant FOMO period for about $40. Wish I had bought more. It’s a cool cover. I have the first issue in 9.8 so didn’t see the point in hanging onto it as it was purchased intended to be my reader copy.
Comics Room WIP jake 22 4 yearsTheLJ (107): I got the porcelain too. You are right heavy as hell!
Sam Glanzman Heritage auction Jesse_O 1 4 yearsJesse_O (39345): I just wanted to share this. I found it on the Sam Glanzman Facebook page. He is best known for his DC war themed art, or at least, that's how I found him.
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups! 12/3 Jedyzon 5 4 yearsJedyzon (876): I didnt. I only wanted the knullified covers and daredevil 25 happened to be one another.
Black Friday/Cyber Monday Deals dielinfinite 8 4 yearsflanders (29016): Comicmint Black Friday Buy One Get One Free sale is live!
New Comic Book Pick-ups 11/26 *Thanksgiving Edition* Jedyzon 1 4 yearsJedyzon (876):
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups! Jedyzon 1 4 yearsJedyzon (876):
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups! 11/15 Jedyzon 1 4 yearsJedyzon (876):
John Buscema art stolen danberry75 6 4 yearsGAC (79173): Awful news!!! I hope they catch these pricks! John was a genius! His art is spectacular and is a giant of the industry.
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups! 11/4 Jedyzon 1 4 yearsJedyzon (876):
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups! 10/28 Jedyzon 2 4 yearsRadioWAVE808 (21): 😵👍🏾👍🏾🔥🔥🔥
Any Interest? 00slim Jump to first page33Jump to last page 4 years00slim (18687): Black Widow Kotobukiya, PVC Gallery, & Spider-Gwen SOLD via PM.
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups! 10/14 Jedyzon 1 4 yearsJedyzon (876):
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups 9/30 Jedyzon 2 4 yearsReelgee (1102): nice books , did your lcs still have any stan lee books left?
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups 9/16 & 9/23! Jedyzon 3 5 yearsJedyzon (876): :)
New Comic Book Day 09/09 Pick-ups! *Birthday Edition* Jedyzon 5 5 yearsNoblebeast315 (2200): Very happy B-day to you friend. Enjoy it!
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups! 09/02 Jedyzon 3 5 yearsReelgee (1102): I gotta stop watching you, I go over budget every time lol.great mail call.
Snake Eyes Dead Game Remarked & Signed With COA hogan36 12 5 yearsBronte (40001): Yes. Its the sketch associated with signature. It is referred to as a remark
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups 8/26 Jedyzon 1 5 yearsJedyzon (876):
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups! 8/19 Jedyzon 2 5 yearsNoblebeast315 (2200): Agree with you with your last comments friend. I call it “Hobby Arrogance.” It’s a type of behavior you can see in any hobby and is absolutely juvenile. Comic collecting is not a competition. It’s for personal enjoyment. All the best.
Mail Call! Dell'Otto delivers! Jedyzon 10 5 yearsSteverogers11 (3605): @robo true but damn it looks cool the way it is
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups! 8/12 Jedyzon 1 5 yearsJedyzon (876):
CGC Mail Call 8/8 Jedyzon 10 5 yearsJedyzon (876): I put them in graded mylar sleeves from bcw
San Diego Comic Con 2020 Thread drchaos Jump to first page82Jump to last page 5 yearsCatmanAmerica (31331): And here's the third bagged and boarded book (bonus inclusion)...
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups 8/6 Jedyzon 1 5 yearsJedyzon (876):
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups! 7/29 Jedyzon 3 5 yearsJedyzon (876): Yeah
Overstreet Retro Pricing Cli4dR3D0g 26 5 yearsCaptainCanuck (6120): . @Oxbladder Absolutely never
Absolute Carnage #1 Stanley Artgerm hogan36 16 5 yearshogan36 (198): @crystalphoto Thank you!
Venom #25 CBCS Shannon Maer Ultimate Editio Jedyzon 18 5 yearskon_jelly (571): I have a scanner, so no camera needed.
The one-a-day collector friendly social distancing mask thread! CatmanAmerica 11 5 yearsCatmanAmerica (31331): Social distancing back in June (my Shadow mask, at our local No Frills Grill)... ...I've been hunkered down since though. :beer:;) THIS IS A PUB SERVICE MESSAGE. .
YoyTube Auctions Beef Doc_Cop 16 5 yearsDoc_Cop (3100): Catcover - that would be my luck as well.
New Comic Book Day pick-ups 7/8 Jedyzon 1 5 yearsJedyzon (876):
Please help identify signature drchaos 3 5 yearsdrchaos (30035): That sounds right. Thanks for the quick response!
CGC Unboxing mail call! 9.8 or NOTHING! - 6/27 Jedyzon 6 5 yearsDoc_Cop (3100): Sweet Banana Wolverine cover! And the virgin first Knull cover!
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups! 06/24 Jedyzon 2 5 yearsDoc_Cop (3100): thanks!
Mail Call Jedyzon 5 5 yearsEikkichi (167): Oooo could you please post a pic a of the TMNT in the cabinet ?
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups! 6/11 Jedyzon 6 5 yearsJedyzon (876): Lol nice. You're my hero
New Comic Book Day 5/31 Jedyzon 6 5 yearsJedyzon (876): Oh cool man i will check it out
Return of New Comic Book Day 5/20! Jedyzon 1 5 yearsJedyzon (876):
CGC Signature Series walk-thru Pt.2 Jedyzon 1 5 yearsJedyzon (876):
Run A Lemonade Stand With Ryan Reynolds & Hugh Jackman Cool_Fool 1 5 yearsCool_Fool (1071): The supposed truce comes as Reynolds and Jackman team up for the All in Challenge, a charity effort to raise money to feed people ― and to sell a little lemonade. The actors will show up at the winner’s house (when it is safe) to help the winner’s kids run a lemonade stand. According to the All in Challenge Foundation, 100% of the initiative’s proceeds will go to Feeding America, Meals On Wheels, World Central Kitchen and No Kid...
Heads Up - Two new DC Villains GanaSoth Jump to first page166Jump to last page 5 yearscyrano0521 (1303): No way to determine what is hot or not except golden age and hard to find silver age, right now. Must wait for society to open back up and decide. Hopefully movie hype is a thing of the past.
Writer/Artist/Celebrity Meet & Greet Memories 00slim 23 5 yearsCatCovers (11063): Have met quite a few over the years, but not so many beyond a handshake and a nice to meet you. The biggest exception would be Neil Gaiman, when he came to my LCS for a signing - pretty sure it's while I was still working there. This was before he was particularly famous. I'm not sure if Sandman had even started yet. The shop owner and I chatted with him for quite a while before the signing and several of us took him out to dinner afterward....
CGC Signature Series walk-thru Pt.1 Jedyzon 6 5 yearsSpiderTim (3425): I have a Mark Bagley page from that ASM 375 issue! Its gonna be cheaper to get an X-Men 1 9.8 already graded than having yours pressed and regraded.
Kickstarter Horror Comic Book Series - Stay Awake GanaSoth 1 5 yearsGanaSoth (10301): Guys. This is a Kickstarter horror comic series from creator Joseph Oliveira, located in Liverpool, UK. Click or Touch here to get in on this horror series. STAY AWAKE is a 4 issue Psychological Horror Comic Series. Plot; Isaac Banks, a psychologist is forced to revisit the cases of three of his former patients when a detective reveals that each has died under suspicious circumstances. Parasomnias is a category of sleep disorders...
know of any brick & mortar stores with an eBay Presence?? Gabriel85301 19 5 yearsGabriel85301 (1764): Thank you! I will follow up with many of these in the next several days. I am a part time employee (I was only getting 25-32 hours week) at a "store" that starts with the letter "C," that many people shop at in bulk.. ha ha ha. I am in great health so I'm putting in about 36-40 hours a week. It is quite a change for me, but I'm loving it yet I come home so exhausted.
Off Topic: Anniversary Gift Ideas Welcome (“Friends” sitcom related) 00slim 8 5 years00slim (18687): Scored one with a JSA sticker. And while not foolproof, the serial # checks out.
Venom #25 Shannon Maer Variant Jedyzon 10 5 yearsJesse_O (39345): Here is the virgin cover.
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups! 3/25 Jedyzon 5 5 yearsJedyzon (876): Thanks dude. Be safe out there
Shout out for a great artist Cool_Fool 2 5 yearsNuffsaid111 (20654): I like it. Unfortunately no originals though which is what I am after
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups - 3/20! Jedyzon 1 5 yearsJedyzon (876):
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups 3/11 Jedyzon 2 5 yearsBigDaddyK (203): I only snagged two books today. One new and one old.
Just a heads up ONLINE_209 Jump to first page31Jump to last page 5 yearsetapi65 (4060): Looking at overall numbers, vs. percentages matters. They convey different information. The article you posted indicates maximum 370,000 hospitalizations of 31,000,000 flu cases in the US. That't with vaccines and anti-viral treatments available. So...1.1% get flu severe enough to seek medical attention and become hospitalized. They're also estimating a maximum 30,000 deaths. That's 0.096% death rate. Coronavirus for which we have no...
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups 3/4 Jedyzon 4 5 yearsBrianGreensnips (15559): @Jedyzon I wish that I picked up that Strange Academy yesterday. It sounds interesting. Good video as always.
New Comic Book Day pick-ups 2/26 Jedyzon 1 5 yearsJedyzon (876):
Madalorian / Boba Fett / Star wars fans Scifinator 1 5 yearsScifinator (15986): So with recent board discussions of the Mandalorian and Comic Rooms, I thought I would just put it out there, that at Hake's auction house, the do both comics and other memorabilia. If you are a fan of Mando, you may also be a fan of Boba Fett. In the current auction there is a Life Size Boba Fett by Don Post Studios plus several Attakus 14" to 19" tall Star Wars character statues. Darth Vader, Gen'l Grievous, etc. I have no...
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups 2/20! Jedyzon 1 5 yearsJedyzon (876):
Gwen Stacy #1 1:200 Jedyzon 4 5 yearskaptainmyke (27134): I bought them all. I have to. I also have this one too
Label Idea! Scifinator 18 5 yearssborock (48469): Yep!
How powerful is Doctor Doom? GanaSoth 16 5 yearsEbayMafia (37349): Speaking of absurd powers, didn't Sue Richards start out just turning invisible? Over time she morphed into Green Lantern without the green.
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups 2/12 Jedyzon 1 5 yearsJedyzon (876):
Transformers vs Terminator #1 GanaSoth 10 5 yearsDrogio (8091): Mercy is for the weak...
I guess i have a thing for Power Ranger helmet covers! Jedyzon 8 5 yearsJedyzon (876): thank you. Are you gonna get yours slabbed?
Captain A shield Crofty111 11 5 yearsJesse_O (39345): @Crofty111 That's pretty cool!!!
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups 2/5! Jedyzon 1 5 yearsJedyzon (876):
Anyone here play EOS GanaSoth 6 5 yearsArak (1000): I use to play it quite a bit . own some of the top properties and we had our regular friday night trial runs with Arak. In fact I taught quiet a bit. But when I broke up with my girl I stayed away for a while.. I wanted to give her time to get her stuff out of my places ;) Ironically I just reloaded the NON steam version ( I have both) 5 days ago
New Comic Book Day pick-ups! 1/29 Jedyzon 1 5 yearsJedyzon (876):
The Rise of Skywalker - Leak ? GanaSoth Jump to first page46Jump to last page 5 yearsxkonk (18077): We could tell any time there was a cameo even if we didn't recognize the person because the camera very obviously hung out an extra beat. Using the credits we figured out Wedge was there, and the bartender in one scene was John Williams.
CRUZZER's SALE Gabriel85301 17 5 yearsArak (1000): Oh ... no. I am so sorry , You misunderstood me .. What I meant to say was since I dont do signatures do you have anything unsigned other then Street Fighter?
Quick weekend mail call Jedyzon 2 5 yearscrystalphoto (1632): nice!
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups! Jedyzon 1 5 yearsJedyzon (876):
2020 Vision: Collecting through a past and future lens. CatmanAmerica Jump to first page81Jump to last page 5 yearsDarkseid_of_town (14297): Hard to even imagine the marvel universe today without TTA 27 was intended as a horror story that then became a hero story secondarily. Ten cent cover, and truly one of the first marvel hero books before there were marvel hero books. November of 1961 saw the release of Fantastic four 1, and TTA 27 would follow almost immediately in January of 1962. As the character was retooled from being a horror type story into a more hero type...
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups 1/9! Jedyzon 1 5 yearsJedyzon (876):
For Sale: Various comic book variant sets - Spawn, Hulk + More Jedyzon 1 5 yearsJedyzon (876): Selling a few of my raw variant comic book sets. All books are NM condition. If you need additional pics please PM me. Spawn #280 Mattina Variant Scorpion Comics exclusive set - $115 shipped Immortal Hulk #20 Dale Keown Aspen comics virgin set - $100 shipped Daredevil #600 Adi Granov set - $80 shipped Spectacular Spider-man #300 - Gabrielle Del'Otto set - $50 shipped Venom #1 Adi Granov virgin - $35 shipped -Smoke free...
New Comic Book Day! 1/1/20 Happy New Year! Jedyzon 1 5 yearsJedyzon (876):
Spot the Difference ONLINE_209 19 5 years00slim (18687): I was under the impression that the Spidey 1 Gold newsstand edition was a Wal-Mart Exclusive. I’d heard that somewhere, anyway.
CGC Mail Call SHOWCASE - Christmas Edition 12/24! Going for all 9.8's???!!! Jedyzon 3 5 yearsJedyzon (876): @teacha777 i am but it all depends on what book it is.
Mail call! Another Shannon Maer goodie Jedyzon 3 5 yearsJedyzon (876): Thanks man
My TMNT Ultimate 4-Pack arrived! Jedyzon 4 5 yearscrystalphoto (1632): Awesome!
US government lists fictional nation Wakanda as trade partner... GanaSoth 5 5 yearsJabberwookie (5694): He was quoted as saying, "Richards!!!"
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups 12-18! Jedyzon 6 5 yearsDoc_Cop (3100): Just picked up Doomsday Clock 12, Scream 2, and Vampire State Building 3.
New Comic Day Pick-ups 12/11! Jedyzon 2 5 yearsDrogio (8091): It’s like 9am (est) and you’ve not only got your books, but posted a video? Does your LCS open at 7am?
RIP Marie Fredriksson GanaSoth 4 5 yearsDrWatson (59460): Too bad.
Doctor Doom #3 - is about to get interesting GanaSoth 1 5 yearsGanaSoth (10301): Doom is about to be Super Doom. This could be a "sleeper" series much how Immortal Hulk was. Click or Touch here for the story.
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups! 12/5 Jedyzon 1 5 yearsJedyzon (876): New Comic Book Day Pick-ups! 12/5
FS: VHTF and RARE Led Zeppelin out-takes & live recordings ZosoRocks 1 5 yearsZosoRocks (2134): Since it seems there are some vintage LP collectors out here in the comic collecting world, I have to start releasing some core Rock and Roll collectibles, due to financial concerns I am having. Both of these were acquired by myself in the late 1970s / early 1980s and are all original. Amazing Stork Records - "Out Through the Back Door" - 2-LP set out take recordings Turtle Records - "Early Jitters" w/o bonus 45rpm...
TMNT #99 Big Time Collectibles Variant Jedyzon 2 5 yearssportshort (20063): awesome looking!
New Comic Book Day pick-ups! 11/27 Jedyzon 5 5 yearsJedyzon (876): Thank you sir. Happy Thanksgiving
FS: Blizzard World of Warcraft 8-lot collection -- Reaper of Souls / x3 SS ZosoRocks 1 5 yearsZosoRocks (2134): This World of Warcraft (WoW) 8-lot includes a game, x7 books - including x1 Exclusive Employee only Coloring Book. This lot also has x3 items that are Still Sealed. All items are better than great condition. Thanks for viewing my auction. Good luck. Tim
Mail Call - Fan Expo drchaos 4 5 yearsno1lufcfan (3058): very nice 👍
Dearly Beloved part 2 aka Spawn 25 Arak 2 5 yearsArak (1000): I am not good a photography..someone suggested putting dark book on white background with different light, and clean the lens ( so simple LOL) I think it made a difference. I didnt like the spine in the 1st pics ..looks different IRL
The Comic Mint - Customer Service = EXCEPTIONAL GanaSoth 19 5 yearsArak (1000): That , Is some above and beyond the call of duty customer service, Perhaps now with the backlash to outsourcing and dropped profits due to extremely bad customer service...we will see more businesses return to GOOD.... these guys are great letting you keep the other book - GREAT
X-men #2 Shannon Maer variant! Jedyzon 9 5 yearsJedyzon (876): Slick!!!
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups! 11/20 Jedyzon 8 5 yearsdpiercy (4842): @Doc_Cop how annoying would it be to have a dozen new pick up threads? Answer: VERY Point taken; I removed my vid.
New Comic Book Day pick-ups! 11/13 Jedyzon 13 5 yearsNoblebeast315 (2200): I’m behind. I don’t grab many new releases but Morbius 1 & undiscovered country were two I very much wanted to grab. I’m sure it’s slim pickings at the LCS so will surf for comics 🏄
Terminator: Dark Fate Flops GanaSoth 23 5 yearsTowmater (10537): Doctor Sleep didn't open very well either. Looks like you are spot-on.
Doctor Doom #2 - Death of Doom GanaSoth 8 5 yearsDrogio (8091): Technically there were a few other doctor doom focused titles. Masters of Evil (1-4) and Books of Doom (1-6). Like Venom I’d think those would count towards legacy numbering. Any other Doom titles?
New Comic Book Day pick-ups! 10/30 Jedyzon 1 5 yearsJedyzon (876): New Comic Book Day pick-ups! 10/30
Jim Carrey does The Shining ! GanaSoth 12 5 yearsDarkseid_of_town (14297): Didn't he go through some kind of divorce or breakup where the girl got a ton of his money ? Seems to me I remember reading that at some point.
Masters of the Universe Name Generator GanaSoth 25 5 yearsDrogio (8091): My wife’s name is “TRI-Man”....and that’s all I got to say about that...
Rob Liefeld to Sue Marvel? GanaSoth Jump to first page107Jump to last page 5 yearsHcanes (6011): @Towmater Agreed!
Venom 2 movie adds new Villain! GanaSoth Jump to first page31Jump to last page 5 yearsdielinfinite (26907): On reprints the credits are included on the back of the label
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups! 10/16 Jedyzon 1 5 yearsJedyzon (876): New Comic Book Day Pick-ups! 10/16
Deadpool vs X-Men and The Avengers - Movie GanaSoth 9 5 yearsBigRedOne1944 (11568): Ryan Reynolds is the whole reason the Deadpool movies are so entertaining in the first place. He really nails the Deadpool role for me.
New Comic Book Day pick-ups 10/9 Jedyzon 3 5 yearsArak (1000): Thank you little brother :)
New York Comic Con 2019 Comic Book Exclusives + Merchandise Pickups Jedyzon 2 5 yearsBatman79 (1227): Thanks for the video! Some great catches from NYCC!!! :) Looking forward to Baltimore. If I see you, I will say hello! :)
Doctor Doom comes out tomorrow! GanaSoth 3 5 yearsDrWatson (59460): Simone Bianchi :eek:
OAF-con Pictures!!! CatmanAmerica 7 5 yearsGAC (79173): In one pic there are 2 significant influences on my comic collection. I buy from one guy and send to the other guy. Thanks guys! 🍻 great t-shirt btw!
Hilarious Comic Book Character Names GanaSoth 3 5 yearsKatKomics (31323): Did the Funky Flashman invent the comadena??
For Sale - Thanos # 13 CGC 9.8 Albuquerque Variant GanaSoth 2 5 yearsGanaSoth (10301): Sold. Thanks guys.
Marvel Comics - The End GanaSoth 22 5 yearsDarkseid_of_town (14297): Sure Gana, I am done with it..... Once I was "mocked into the essence of my soul " for holding a contradicting opinion I felt the need to respond but you are right...bad use of precious time, and valuable resources.
NYCC'19 Day 1+2 Haul! Exclusive Comics, Prints & Goodies! Jedyzon 5 5 yearsGAC (79173): @Jedyzon my apologies. I will start a new thread.
SIGNATURE FACILITATION FOR ALAMO CITY 11/1-3 w MICHAEL KEATON GenuineCOA 6 5 yearsEnelson (6289): Wow...I just looked at that...I had no idea that signatures could cost so much. Is that normal for a celebrity? Its not like he needs the money. Why is it so much? I could see a star that has to make their living off B-movies or conventions charging that much...but $200!
New Comic Book Day 10/2 Jedyzon 3 5 yearsBatman79 (1227): Love those weekly videos!
Another messed up leg.... Comic... GanaSoth 19 5 yearsDarkseid_of_town (14297): I generaly glance at a comic if I am considering only for the art...if it pulls me in, it goes in the sack. if it puts me off somehow, I leave it sitting, rather than expend valuable time of my own pondering what and why... I keep seeing some of the older JOJO comics with good girl art on the cover, with a girl on a horse or whatever and each time its nice book, wait why are her legs and hips drawn like that..oops...well next item...
FS: Selling my Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #1 CGC 9.0 3rd Printing Jedyzon 1 5 yearsJedyzon (876): Selling my Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #1 CGC 9.0 3rd Printing OW $400 shipped Paypal Only US shipping only PM me if interested Serious inquiries only
ComicXposure Closure part #2... kinda GanaSoth 6 5 yearsGAC (79173): @GanaSoth I love it!!!! Good for you!!
New Comic Book Day 9/25 Jedyzon 1 6 yearsJedyzon (876): New Comic Book Day 9/25
Savage dragon Zombie_Head 13 6 yearspeterc777 (2058): Yup, Graphic Fantasy #1
WTB 1976 Godzilla vs. Megalon newsprint promo comic 00slim 12 6 years00slim (18687): Nice graded copies have sold for less than you might imagine. They typically sell, raw, in the $50-$100 range. Some decent scans of the mag are provided at the bottom of this article: clickable text
Heads up. New arrivals at Walmart GanaSoth 13 6 yearsGanaSoth (10301): Mike. I just dropped it off at the post office.
Thought provoking, powerful short movie... GanaSoth 4 6 yearsGanaSoth (10301): @X51 the animation film was different. The kids got what they deserved in the end. I liked it.
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups! 9/11 Jedyzon 4 6 yearsDoc_Cop (3100): Thank you for your service Jedyzon. I was a NYPD detective working at ground zero and the Belleview Morgue for 6 months following the attacks. I'm sure you have some stories of your own. God Bless. Nuff said.
Marvel exhibit walk through @ the Franklin Institute Part 2 Jedyzon 4 6 yearsDoc_Cop (3100): Thank God. Would've kept me from going.
Marvel exhibit walk through @ the Franklin Institute Part 1 Jedyzon 10 6 yearsDarkseid_of_town (14297): Shame the music is overbearing and sort of distracts from such a great presentation otherwise...
Disney demands cancellation of Star Wars panel GanaSoth 14 6 yearstheCapraAegagrus (2603): A good one that I hadn't considered.
Sony: Spider-man to join Venom Universe GanaSoth 19 6 yearsTowmater (10537): I think both Disney and Sony will do just fine. I don't see either side rushing to the other for assistance.
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups! 9/4 Jedyzon 6 6 yearsJedyzon (876): @Noblebeast315 Baltimore comic con is great. Went the last 2 years.
A Blast From The Past...... sborock 13 6 yearsZombie_Head (3600): lol I might just do that
Creepshow - New TV Series on Shutter GanaSoth 4 6 yearsGanaSoth (10301): Just got my comic book!
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups! 8/28 Jedyzon 2 6 yearsBigRedOne1944 (11568): Nice Books and Presentation JED Looking forward to future posts!
FS: 2011 Sideshow Premium BLIZZCON Mini Tyrael - Sealed/Unopened ZosoRocks 1 6 yearsZosoRocks (2134): 2011 Premium BlizzCon Mini Tyrael statue. Unopened/Sealed S/N: unknown Thanks for viewing my auction.
FS: 2011 Blizzard Exclusive StarCraft Queen of Blades ZosoRocks 3 6 yearsZosoRocks (2134): LOL It is very palettable....*smiles*.... Thanks OG for viewing. Cheers!
New Comic Book Day pick-ups 8/14! Jedyzon 1 6 yearsJedyzon (876):
WTB Mint/NM or 9.8 Superman Red Son #1 GanaSoth 1 6 yearsGanaSoth (10301): PM me if ya have one for sale. Thanks.
New Comic Book Day pick-ups 8/1! Jedyzon 2 6 yearsDoc_Cop (3100): Jedzon, Great weekly. Thanks for taking the time. Much appreciated. Nuff said..
Interesting read from 5 years ago. GanaSoth 3 6 yearsGanaSoth (10301): Sleepwalker too.
Captain Marvel #8 Subliminal Message? GanaSoth 12 6 yearskaptainmyke (27134): KaptainMyke approved imo
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups 7/24! Jedyzon 5 6 yearsJedyzon (876): appreciate it man you guys keep me on my toes. Mahershala ali has some big shoes to fill but i think he is more than capable. time will tell. Great day sir!
Deadpool to team up with Spider-man - Movie GanaSoth 10 6 yearsPre_Coder (19960): I used to have 10 copies of that issue I cherry picked that were easy 9.6-9.8 but I dumped because I thought it was so lame.
Mail Call - Immortal Hulk #20 Alex Ross Signature GanaSoth 13 6 yearsKCBatmanFan (3029): I was really, really tempted by these, but couldn’t fit them within my comic budget when they went on sale. Great pickups!
Immortal Hulk #1 - eBay auction GanaSoth 2 6 yearsGanaSoth (10301): It's sold. Thanks.
The How ‘Bout Them Statues? Thread 00slim Jump to first page31Jump to last page 6 yearsdanzies (782): Just picked up this Venom statue and the 9.9 in the background. :)
New Comic Book Day 7/10! Jedyzon 2 6 yearsGanaSoth (10301): Excellent video like always. Thx
Mail Call! 6/24 - J.Scott Campbell Goodies, Marvel, DC, Image + More! Jedyzon 1 6 yearsJedyzon (876):
Comic book bag kickstarter etapi65 10 6 yearsetapi65 (4060): Me either, but looked like something people here might be interested in; designed for a specific comic purpose. In particular, I thought the artist bag was really unique.
WTB - Mint Condition "Creepshow" Book GanaSoth 3 6 yearsGanaSoth (10301): @X51 I don't have a Facebook account or I would ask. I appreciate you letting me know about the group though.
New Comic Book Day pick-ups 6/12 Jedyzon 3 6 yearsGanaSoth (10301): @Jedyzon Great video. @etapi65 he's probably really good friends with the LCS and he gets his pulls on Tuesdays. Of course we will never know if that's the case or not. Why ruin something as great as that? I wouldn't tell a soul.
mid-90s comic card error question etapi65 4 6 yearsDarkseid_of_town (14297): Misaligned card backs and fronts are fairly common and do happen as well.....I have shoebox sized bunch somewhere. I even have cards they forgot to gloss, etc.
New Comic Book Day pick-ups 6/5! Jedyzon 2 6 yearsGanaSoth (10301): Great video. Thx
My sons 2nd Birthday today! GanaSoth 15 6 yearsGanaSoth (10301): @MR_SigS yeah actually. I got him a little Marvel Superheroes Couch which is located inside his little pirate tent in his room. But right now he's more into Puppy Dog Pals and Mickey Mouse Club House cause he's always watching those. Also he loves his little real-tree lazy boy chair. ...
Weekend Mail Call 6/1 Jedyzon 1 6 yearsJedyzon (876):
MASSIVE Baseball Card Collection Incoming. What Do I Look For? 00slim Jump to first page70Jump to last page 6 years00slim (18687): I can . . . If necessary. 😁
New Comic Book Day Pick-ups 5/29! Jedyzon 2 6 yearsGanaSoth (10301): Great video. Thx!
Great Deal on Mylites2 and Fullbacks GanaSoth Jump to first page48Jump to last page 6 yearskaptainmyke (27134): Short boxes will do your back a huge favor @Kinsella5
RIP Joseph Pilato GanaSoth 4 6 yearscrystalphoto (1632): Rest in peace.
New Comic Book Day 5/22 Jedyzon 1 6 yearsJedyzon (876):
Stan Lee: Ex-manager of comic book legend charged with elder abuse GanaSoth 12 6 yearsgmellos (252): Same here. I overpaid for a Stan signed CGC book but the cool thing is that Walt Simonson is going to be a Comic Con so I can have him sign the book too?
Deathstroke gets Terminated GanaSoth 3 6 yearsDrWatson (59460): He'll be back.
Recreated Star Wars Ben vs Darth Scene GanaSoth 22 6 yearsB3Chandler (171): Now this is the Star Wars that I grew up with and loved! It's amazing how the fans are putting out better content than Disney Lucasfilms, shame on you Disney!
You guys remember Deaths Head II (Minion) GanaSoth 10 6 yearsGanaSoth (10301): For people that are new to Deaths Head: A little history on the characters multiverse bouncing.
What are your top 5 Comic Book Movies? GanaSoth 30 6 yearsbrysb (12491): 1. Superman (1978/Superman II (1980)...TIE 2. Batman (1989) 3. X2: X-Men United (2003) 4. Flash Gordon (1980) 5. Guardians of the Galaxy (2014) 6. Avengers: Infinity War (2018) 7. Captain America: Civil War (2016) 8. Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 (2017) 9. The Dark Knight (2008) 10. The Incredible Hulk (2008)
New Comic Book Day pick-ups 5/1 Jedyzon 1 6 yearsJedyzon (876):
Marvel Comics Announces The Death Of Rocket Raccoon GanaSoth 23 6 yearsKrazywan (469): Rockette Raccoune
Muppet Babies Question GanaSoth 12 6 yearsStudley_Dudley (53746): Well, I think I know how it got it's name when you flip him upside down.
Star Wars Just Made TARKIN More Bad*** Than Darth Vader GanaSoth 1 6 yearsGanaSoth (10301): Well, we already knew this was true, but Marvel Comics now confirm it. Click or touch here to read all about it.
Chewbacca #1 DF - Get it while you can for only a $1.00 GanaSoth 1 6 yearsGanaSoth (10301): Get your DF Chewbacca #1 for only $1.00 (Pay for shipping.) Click or Touch here for link!
Stan Lee signatures SlabGod69 Jump to first page42Jump to last page 6 yearsWraith (2115): that is cool and what signatures are all about to me :)
Another Rick & Morty Thread kaptainmyke Jump to first page323Jump to last page 6 yearskaptainmyke (27134): omg meeseeks and unity is my favorite
Comic Book Industry Troubles ? GanaSoth Jump to first page62Jump to last page 6 yearschirock (57): The biggies might fail, but make mine Alterna comics. Inexpensive cover price because newsprint, no variants, and customers aren't taken for granted [or called nazis]. All ages covered, from the Chair to Cyko KO.
Newest "Hellboy" trailer ZosoRocks 3 6 yearsGAC (79173): Deep Purple Smoke on the water!!!!! trailer was cool too!!
Superman Giant #7 Wal-Mart exclusive - recall? GanaSoth Jump to first page79Jump to last page 6 yearsGAC (79173):
Skybound Megabox Cancelled! jgzachary13 3 6 yearsdpiercy (4842): I thought a lot of the comic exclusives in these were really lame the last year. Forgive me for being negative.
For The Venom Fans 00slim 8 6 years00slim (18687): Very generous, I’ll keep it in mind @Watcher. I do love the larger scale prop type pieces Hasbro releases in their “Legends” line. That full scale Infinity Gauntlet for instance. If I see anything coming down the pipeline I can’t live without, I’ll definitely drop you a line. Really appreciate the offer.
Traveling to Israel GanaSoth 11 6 yearsGanaSoth (10301): @BrianGreensnips Thank ya. I'm gonna try. :)
G.I. Joe #2 & #3 - No Staples GanaSoth 9 6 yearsesaravo (103004): I believe staple mishaps have occurred for years. I have a copy of X-Men #29 that looks normal. But don’t judge this book by its cover. Look inside and you see it was stapled twice. Once without the cover and then again with the cover. ...
Any Ditko Experts out there bigjer 20 6 yearsWraith (2115): Those few ditko signed marvel milestones are probably more rare than the original asm #1
Convention Programs Magellan 8 6 yearsdocstrange (638):
FS: 13-LOT 1995 Star Wars Power of the Force 2 - .00/.01 ZosoRocks 4 6 yearsZosoRocks (2134): IMO - I think they didn't hold the you can tell by the starting price. These are some cool figures. nonetheless. Maybe someone will enjoy them as I have. Thanks for the responses, gents!
FS: Marvel Collector Corps 4-lot - Deadpool X-Men Spider-Man Squirrel Girl ZosoRocks 1 6 yearsZosoRocks (2134): All boxes are complete with initial subsctiption issues included. All were opened upon arrival to verify completeness. Deadpool - 1st issue X-Men Women of Power Spider-Man Thanks for viewing my auction. Best regards, Tim
FS: 2007 Marvel Toys Legendary Comic Book Heroes - Madman / BAF Pitt torso ZosoRocks 1 6 yearsZosoRocks (2134): I've listed the VHTF original 1st issue of the Legendary Comic Book Heroes "Madman" figure that comes with "Timmy" and a BAF Pitt "torso" piece. Thanks for viewing my auction and good luck. Best regards, Tim
FS: 1996-97 Star Wars POTF2 Mail away figs - Han Solo & Obi-Wan ZosoRocks 1 6 yearsZosoRocks (2134): This 3-Lot has been stored since purchase in the late 90s. Original boxes included (C8.0/8.5+). x2 Han Solo Stormtrooper x1 Hologram Obi-Wan Kenobi Thanks for viewing my auction. Best regards, Tim
FS: 18-lot 1998-99 Star Wars Episode 1 - various ZosoRocks 1 6 yearsZosoRocks (2134): Another Star Wars action figure lot up for the taking. Episode 1 figures = x17 characters and x1 Deluxe Darth Maul Thanks for viewing my auction. Best regards, Tim
FS: 17-lot 1996-1999 Star Wars Power of the Force 2 - Green/hologram cards ZosoRocks 1 6 yearsZosoRocks (2134): Various card conditions (C5.0 to C9.4+), but still an overall nice lot. Thanks for viewing my auction. Best regards, Tim
FS: 1995 Kenner Star Wars POTF2 Classic Edition 4-pack C9.4 ZosoRocks 1 6 yearsZosoRocks (2134): Here is another vintage 1995 Star Wars POTF2 action figure set. Another candidate for AFA grading. This one is the Target Exclusive "Classic Edition 4-pack" with the figures that were recasted from the original 1977 issues. Thanks for viewing my auction. Best regards, Tim
FS: 1995-96 Star Wars POTF2 Speeder Bike & Deluxe Stormtrooper ZosoRocks 1 6 yearsZosoRocks (2134): These are pretty nice with high visual grades. Thanks for viewing the auction. Best regards, Tim
FS: 1997 McFarlane Toys 4-Lot KISS Ultra Action Figures ZosoRocks 4 6 yearsZosoRocks (2134): LOL - thanks! Sitting in a box is not paying bills. 😢 Thanks for viewing!
FS: Toy Biz 9-lot 1991 thru 1994 Marvel action figures - 3.75" ZosoRocks 1 6 yearsZosoRocks (2134): Various characters - including Magneto, Wolverine, Cable, Shatterstar, Mojo, Invisible Woman, and Gambit. Thanks for viewing my auction. Best regards, Tim
CBCS GRADING FOR CELEBRITY FAN FEST & DALLAS COMIC SHOW GenuineCOA 7 6 yearsGenuineCOA (176): @Batman66 Not a problem. I would suggest that you send all of the books for grading on the same order, so that they can be consolidated and save on your return shipping cost. For the order at the link, be sure to include a Step 01 for each book, and a Step 02 for each autograph. Once you place the order, you will receive a confirmation email with shipping instructions. Please package them securely with shipping...
Universal Monsters . . . In HD! 00slim Jump to first page47Jump to last page 6 yearsGabriel85301 (1764): was just asking pop today which bluerays of these do we still need.
FS: Strange Adventures 205 (8.5) & Detective Comics 359 (7.0) Deadman BatGr ComicFan 25 6 yearspoka (25529): No need to be sorry. Not my listing :)
FS: 4-lot WoW World of Warcraft DC Unlimited Series 1 ZosoRocks 1 6 yearsZosoRocks (2134): I rcvd these from an ex-Blizzard employee, whom I imagine recieved them before the wave was released to the public. This is a complete set of 4 and the blister packs are in an average 9.6+ condition...nice! Thanks for viewing my auction. Best regards, Tim
FS: 4-lot 2017 Star Wars Force Link - mainline figs ZosoRocks 1 6 yearsZosoRocks (2134): I've listed an auction for a small lot of four mainline 2017 Star Wars Force Link figures: Rose, Paige, Finn and General Hux. Thanks for viewing my auction. Best regards, Tim
FS: 4-lot Marvel Toys Legendary Comic Book Heroes - Monkeyman Series ZosoRocks 1 6 yearsZosoRocks (2134): I've listed another Legendary Comic Book Heroes action figure 4-lot for sale. This lot includes HTF and VHTF variants and "chase" figures. x2 Ann O'Brien = original & variant x1 Judge Death = transparent variant x1 The Darkness = VHTF / rare / "chase" Thanks for viewing my auction. Best regards, Tim
FS: SNES-101 Super Nintendo deck with x10 games ZosoRocks 10 6 yearsZosoRocks (2134): LOL - you look to be correct. I did not know that....but.... My son says it is just s SNES mini, and after looking online, it appears that the Famicon Jr. looks to be a bit different. Anyhow...maybe soneone will get a good deal...*shrugs*....
FS: Nintendo Game Boy Advance Pokemon Gold NY w/6 games & bag ZosoRocks 1 6 yearsZosoRocks (2134): I've listed an auction for a HTF handheld gaming lot - featuring a used, but WORKING GREAT, Nintendo Game Boy Advance Pokemon Gold New York Center handheld unit, with 6 games, and a carry bag. Thanks for viewing my auction. Best regards, Tim
WEEKLY COVER CONTEST 110 - Gimmick Covers! RyanHicks Jump to first page79Jump to last page 6 yearsmartymann (48475): @Jesse_O @Savage_Spawn- Thanks to both of you! I appreciate the opportunity to select a topic and I truly appreciate your offer to post my choice for me. How about covers showing PARACHUTES? Marty
FS: 3-LOT Star Wars JAKKS Pacific 18" Darth Maul-Kylo Ren-Captain Phasma ZosoRocks 1 6 yearsZosoRocks (2134): All three are new and in their original unopened boxes. - Darth Maul was the hardest of these figures to find and I believe it was an exclusive to Walgreens, and was stocked in limited quantities. - Captain Phasma is 20" tall Thanks for checking out my auction. Tim
FS: 4-lot Star Wars various - Clone Wars & RotS Sneak General Grievous ZosoRocks 1 6 yearsZosoRocks (2134): x2 Revenge of the Sith figures - General Grievous and Grievous's Guard x2 The Clone Wars & Legacy Collection - 1st Day Issue - General Grievous and Leektar/Nippet Thanks for checking out my auction. Tim
FS: 3-LOT Star Wars Saga Collection & McQuarrie concept Obi-wan/Yoda ZosoRocks 1 6 yearsZosoRocks (2134): The McQuarrie Concept Obi-wan & Yoda is also a SDCC exclusive in clamshell. x2 Saga Collection figures - in clamshells. One is for TRANSPORT USE ONLY! Thanks for checking out my auction.
FS: 6-lot Star Wars 30th Anniversary w/coins and HTF figures ZosoRocks 1 6 yearsZosoRocks (2134): This is another 6-lot of 30th Anniversary Star Wars figures, but this lot has all figures issued with collector's coins, and two HTF ("nn") Fans' Choice figures - Utapau Shadow Trooper and Cover Ops Trooper. x4 gold coins x1 silver coin x1 black coin Thanks for viewing my auction. Tim
FS: Hasbro Star Wars 30th Ann figure 6-lot ZosoRocks 1 6 yearsZosoRocks (2134): Some included are Commander Gree, EVO Stormtrooper, and Battle-Damaged Darth Vader. Thanks for viewing my auction. Best regards, Tim
Help(autographs legit?) Topsykrets 21 6 yearsBronte (40001): I sent them an email to ask various questions such as cost and encapsulation. Below is their response. We do offer a similar oversized holder that can encapsulate most standard sized magazines and then we have a much thinner holder that fits photographs up to the size of 8 x 10. Here’s the size holders we currently offer for autograph encapsulation. · Standard Holder - 2.6" x 3.75" · Tall Boy Holder -...
FS: Anita Blake Vampire Hunter mixed lot ZosoRocks 1 6 yearsZosoRocks (2134): 3-lot of two books (x1 HC / x1 paperback) and a SDCC exclusive Marvel Limited Edition Print. Thanks for viewing my auction.
FS: 4-lot Where the Wild things are ZosoRocks 1 6 yearsZosoRocks (2134): I have listed a 4-lot of children's books by Maurice Sendak - if you are interested in some 1960s/70s/80s animation art. - 10th anniversary edition - 20th anniversay Trophy edition - 25th anniversary Trophy edition - Renewed copyright 25th anniversary edition Thanks for viewing my auction. Best regards. Tim
FS: HALO 4-lot - x1 McFarlane Spartan Athlon / x3 Hot Wheels Warthogs ZosoRocks 2 6 yearsZosoRocks (2134): I guess it would have been helpful to include a link, huh? Sorry everyone... eBay:
New Look For Scorpion In Into The Spider-Verse (yikes) 00slim 16 6 yearsGAC (79173): Agreed! worse!
Glenn Fabry has Lung Cancer kaptainmyke 6 6 yearsX51 (14750): It seems to be missing.
FS: Mattel DC Super Heroes - 6in Steel & Cyborg Superman ZosoRocks 1 6 yearsZosoRocks (2134): Both figures are considered MIP and both packages are visually C8.5/9.0 and C9.2. Thanks for viewing my auction. Best regards, Tim
Eternals and the New Gods Film vvv 2 7 yearsvvv (55): @Tdog13 and @GAC Sorry I did not see your post until after I posted this one. @Tdog13 Apparently the movie "The Rider" (2017) had a high score (97%) on rotten tomatoes. And she did a previous film "Songs My Brothers Taught Me" (2015) which had a 6.5 out of 10 on IMDb ). Lets hope the fresh mind gives this film a boost and not a flop.
Santa Rosa toy con guest list ONLINE_209 4 7 yearsONLINE_209 (1867): @X51 I just posted a couple of pictures cuz those are the ones I'm going to try to see oh plus Bill Moseley I forgot to add that one
Howard V Chaykin ONLINE_209 12 7 yearsMR_SigS (11124): I got a few things signed 3 years ago including this Shadow trade, and got a sketch on the backing board.
COMICONversation Hit 100 Episodes JLS_Comics 3 7 yearsJLS_Comics (5463): Thanks @Tdog13! It's always a work in progress but I hope you enjoy the content
Will CBCS grade this mega rare Wu-Tang book? kaptainmyke 11 7 years00slim (18687): What a cool book. 1 of 50? Very cool. Looking at it, I could see the ornate cut of the outer edges to the cardstock being damaged pretty easily.
The Predator JLS_Comics 19 7 yearsMr_adam_R (512): monster squad! I haven't thought about that movie in years! what a classic. now I know my next movie purchase. thank you!
FS: Entity Comics Zen Intergalactic Ninja / Young Zen / signed 9.4+ ZosoRocks 1 7 yearsZosoRocks (2134): This auction is a 4-lot of signed and unsigned comics. It also contains a sketch on backing board by Bill Maus. Thanks for viewing my auction. Best regards, Tim Look at this on eBay
FS: Marvel Dan Panosian - sketch on board Wolverine ZosoRocks 1 7 yearsZosoRocks (2134): This drawing was acquired by myself in the 1990s at one of the SDCC. In addition to the primary sketch, the reverse side of the backing board has a sketch of Cyclops. Thanks for viewing my auction.
Help looking for trustworthy site of original/signed art enaz13 13 7 yearsIronMan (6264): Comicartfans is not really a place to buy art. The vast majority of art there isn't listed for sale. It's collectors showing their stuff off. Perhaps best for comicartfans is their sales links. Search an artist or character and you can look at listings of art for sale. Most of the listings will be by dealers and they are just links to their sites. Several dealers don't list prices and you have to call. Perhaps what is most annoying...
replacing bags and boards stanley_1883 15 7 yearsBrianGreensnips (15559): You could do Amazon or EBay and not have to buy the minimum of $100 worth, but you will pay a considerable anount more.
FS: Revolutionary Comics Led Zeppelin & Van Halen ZosoRocks 2 7 yearsvacaboca (1063): I think this is the correct link :)
FS: CBCS ART OA - Rob Liefeld - Badrock ZosoRocks 1 7 yearsZosoRocks (2134): Drawn in the 1990s and in gold ink for myself amd upon request. Cool item. Thanks for checking out my auction.
Adi Granov Elektra Variant stanley_1883 1 7 yearsstanley_1883 (2001): I was wondering if anyone has an Adi Granov Elektra variant? He was selling them at SDCC. I missed out as I got some Billy Tucci prints instead. Specifically I'm looking for the black suit. Please let me know if you have one you're willing to part with. Raw preferably. Thank you kindly.
FS: 12-lot FUNKO POP! Star Wars themed characters - HTF exclusives, GitD ZosoRocks 1 7 yearsZosoRocks (2134): I've just listed another collection - this time it is all Star Wars FUNKO POP! vinyl figures/bobbleheads up for auction. So if you are a collector that is looking to fill any holes, update a damaged box, or even upgrade your collection in general - this is a nice diverse lot that includes the HTF General Grievous, as well as, other HTF exclusives. Thanks for viewing my auction. Look at this on eBay
Tex Avery Character: Droppy Dog. 1st Comic Appearance? 00slim 4 7 yearsOGJackster (54562): I think @Jesse_O called it... this is from Wikipedia... The character first appeared, nameless, in Avery's 1943 cartoon Dumb-Hounded. Though he would not be called "Droopy" onscreen until his fifth cartoon, Señor Droopy (1949), the character was officially first labeled Happy Hound, a name used in the character's appearances in Our Gang Comics (the character was already christened the name "Droopy" in model sheets for his...
5 years in the making, the Start of my Carol Danvers wall. Gabriel85301 24 7 yearsBigRedOne1944 (11568): With the LED's going Green's not your color? How about Red
Catalog Collection stanley_1883 9 7 yearsKatKomics (31323): Gonna sound horrible but I'm on excel :( Not sure if there is some way to easily drop my info into another program so I just keep updating the file with the odd backup stored as an attachment in e-mail....
Stocktoncon 2018 ONLINE_209 3 7 yearsONLINE_209 (1867): @Themaxx35 in my opinion yes
R.I.P Jim the Anvil Neidhart ONLINE_209 9 7 yearsStudley_Dudley (53746): Police said it appears he suffered a fall at his home and hit his head.
FS: Funko Pop! Peanuts - Ghost Charlie Brown #333 ZosoRocks 1 7 yearsZosoRocks (2134): For sale: #331 Charlie Brown (with mask) - C8.5+ #333 Ghost Charlie Brown - C9.4+ Thanks for viewing my auction. Tim
Jack Katz ONLINE_209 8 7 yearsONLINE_209 (1867): @MedicAR I did buy a book from him it was signed and I did take a couple pictures I'll be uploading later
NOTHING SPECIAL ONLINE_209 14 7 yearsJoosh (4179): Comic skins are pricey. a few dollars more per slab for actual grading/slabbing. Is anyone selling empty CGC/CBCS slabs from deslabbing?
EBAY DISMAY ONLINE_209 10 7 years00slim (18687): Absolutely call e-bay. They should have records of everything. I purchased a statue that was delivered to a some other address in another state. The seller’s account was promptly deleted. E-bay refunded me within an hour.
Trinity Comics Experiences Frontier2Xterra Jump to first page87Jump to last page 7 yearsdielinfinite (26907): I believe you can still submit a McFarlane yellow label CGC book to CBCS to get a CBCS Yellow Label
Current Pull List stanley1883 21 7 yearsstanley1883 (46): Ok so heres my take so far. Mera: Queen of Atlantis is great, seriously awesome. Well done DC Die! Die! Die!- I'm underwhelmed by the first issue, Kirkman's never let me down before so i may give issue 2 a chance, but issue 1 was meh, felt like the same old thing. New Lieutenants of Metal- super fun and campy book, has a great playlist with it, just a fun comic for those that also like hard rock, as Boy Band Nation are the...
Must see eBay ad ONLINE_209 10 7 yearsONLINE_209 (1867): @Drogio maybe the cat food is really for her lol
She-Ra first comic appearance ONLINE_209 24 7 yearsGAC (79173): She-ra the character was introduced sometime in the mid 80s. I can't imagine this 2014 book is her 1st appearance. That's almost 30 years to make it to comic book form. Seems strange.
FS: Blizzard DIABLO III CE - unopened/SS ZosoRocks 1 7 yearsZosoRocks (2134): I've just put up another ebay auction and this one is a Still Sealed copy of Blizzard's "Diablo III" Collector's Edition. I rcvd this from my son who workedat Blizzard for over 10 yrs. I am not a gamer, so maybe someone else can enjoy it...AND AT THE SAME another "down on his luck community member" with some bill payments. ...
FS: 12 Gauge LCBH Legendary Comic Book Heroes 2-pk Conan vs Wrarrl ZosoRocks 1 7 yearsZosoRocks (2134): HTF Still Sealed/NEW set with figures that are MIP. Thanks for viewing the auction. eBay - Best regards! Tim
Bulk Shipping Help stanley1883 7 7 yearsstanley1883 (46): Thats my current mindset, unless i find a preferable alternative, hence my post.
Stolen books need help obiwan1971 22 7 yearsobiwan1971 (243): Thank you all for helping
FS: Amazing Spider-Man - Ltd Ed USPS repro #1 / SD Union-Tribune 24 promos ZosoRocks 7 7 yearsZosoRocks (2134): Thanks for all the comments everyone. Yes...I am aware of BIN...never have had luck with it. As for leaving money on tbe looks like the winning bidder will get a bargain then. This stuff is just sitting around collecting dust. Hopefully I get a sale.... The secondary market is a bitch to be part of...LOL Thanks again.
Professor Marston and the Wonder Women stanley1883 6 7 yearsstanley1883 (46): I liked it. I'm not gonna spoil it for those that have plans to watch it, but I though it was certainly interesting. Definitely worth knowing about at the very least, especially for hardcore Wonder Woman fans.
Marvel Collector Corps Box has Relaunched On Amazon 00slim 5 7 yearsJLA555 (389): @Paulbg2000 that sucks
Kyle Starks ONLINE_209 1 7 yearsONLINE_209 (1867): 18-19, 2019 at Stockton Arena!
Gamestop to sell comics stanley1883 17 7 yearsJLS_Comics (5463): LOL that sounds about right
Geppi Museum Closing Jesse_O 9 7 yearsrickdod3 (524): Comic book men didn't even scratch the surface. An amazing channel I'm subbed to called "Comic Trips" did an in-depth tour of Geppi Museum. It is fantastic! It's an all-around awesome channel! You should check it out...also, here is the video I mentioned!
Just some of my graded Captain Marvel books Gabriel85301 14 7 yearsGabriel85301 (1764): I'll PM my number if you'd like. For the last 10 months I have got comic collectors from all over, always calling or texting me about Carol stuff all the time, wondering if it is worth the price or not. You can always find me on Facebook or Instagram as well.
FS: KISS Dynasty / SS Peter Criss ZosoRocks 1 7 yearsZosoRocks (2134): As I know there are LP collectors out here in CBCS land, here are a couple more for the discerning collector. I have a couple of KISS auctions happening if you are interested. Look at this on eBay Look at this on eBay Thanks for viewing my auctions. Best regards,
FS: AMC The Walking Dead 11-Lot ZosoRocks 1 7 yearsZosoRocks (2134): Here is another memorabilia lot for the "THE WALKING DEAD" collector. Maybe there is something in here for you. Look at this on eBay Thanks for checking out my auction. Best regards.
FS: 105-LOT Pokemon cards ZosoRocks 3 7 yearsZosoRocks (2134): Hopefully, they will sell...because it will cover my mortgage difference. ...hehehe... I can only hope the right buyer is out there looking. But you are right...some good stuff in this lot. "Gotta Catch 'Em All!"
FS: Blizzard World of Warcraft 10-lot ZosoRocks 1 7 yearsZosoRocks (2134): This 10-lot is all Blizzard WoW and an Overwatch emblem - from Blizzard Gear. It also includes an Employee ONLY exclusive coloring book and five promotional atist signature sheets. Great lot...thanks for looking!
Whomever says Tinkerbell isn't HOT.... ZosoRocks 14 7 yearsZosoRocks (2134): Gosh darn it....when are they coming out with Cinderella and Snow White? :)
Any Black Widow Collectibles? 00slim 1 7 years00slim (18687): So, as some here know, I’m a Black Widow Collector. I’m more discriminating now than I used to be, but I’m always on the hunt for new Black Widow related items. I was just curious what my fellow board members might have in their collections that I might not be aware of? Items I could search for in the future. A Black Widow show & tell, if you will.
Lady Death La Muerta #1 kickstarter ZosoRocks 8 7 yearsJustThatGuy (5004): Same way Stan is going broke :)[/quote] No more "with a happy ending" for Stan. Anyhow, I lost interest in Lady Death ever since Evil Ernie and her are not together. Plus, it maybe me, but no one seems to do Lady Death right 'cept for Steven Hughes.
The Power of Free Shipping? 00slim Jump to first page47Jump to last page 7 yearsCopperAgeKids (3717): Mike is right, screw free shipping. The problem with free shipping is that it is not free. Not free for the seller means the buck will be passed on to the buyer, in turn the BIN price of all of a seller's books is raised by $5 to $15, depending on weight and value. Hell, even on cheap books, free shipping makes no sense. If I sell a raw worth $20, I can't eat $5 to ship the book...even buying bulk cardboard mailers at .50 cents each,...
FS: Alice Cooper B&W & poster - REDUCED PRIC ZosoRocks 1 7 yearsZosoRocks (2134): I lowered the auction by $50.00 if anyone was interested. Thanks for viewing.
FS: Large X-Files Collection - 34 lot ZosoRocks 1 7 yearsZosoRocks (2134): This is pretty much all of my X-Files memorabilia I have collected since the show started in the 90s. Most comics are signed 3 times....but also included are single signed and double signed exclusives too. All signatures are authentic - I had acquired them all over many conventions as an attendee. The 1st issue is a "newsstand variant", but is not signed. Still...a nice 1990s VHTF original newsstand copy. It isn't in top...
Comic Shops stanley1883 25 7 yearsStudley_Dudley (53746): I have a few good ones that I frequent in the area. Four come to mind right off the bat. There are others too that get the occasional solid key in. All mess with toys and cards (sports or otherwise) but the ones I tend to visit are mostly comic centered. A lot of back issues, new comics and keys.
FS: Alice Cooper B&W 8x10 promo & poster ZosoRocks 7 7 yearsZosoRocks (2134): Nice Floyd!....who was the production company?
FS: Stairway to Heaven PROMO 45 rpm lot ZosoRocks 1 7 yearsZosoRocks (2134): Okay...I know some of you guys collect here is a connection to a nice rare and very cool piece of ROCK HISTORY! I have out on eBay a lot of 45 rpm discs - two PROMOs and one studio release by Led Zeppelin. The incredible thing about the studio release, this is a 1st edition of the Immigrant Song, with the "occult inscription" along the label - in the trail-off space. Very cool.....check them out.....very early trail...
FS: Hot Wheels Super and Secret TH auctions ZosoRocks 12 7 yearsZosoRocks (2134): *Bright smile* ...or you can send them to me!! Seriously....I do the same with the local kids....if I am out in the yard, and some kids walk by...I'll run in.....and then pull out a couple of cars.....and then hand them to the kids....and turn around. That stand there with eyes batting....."uhm...what just happened?"....and then they smile and their day is made. :o) Generosity is only one HW car away! LOL
My first nerd obsession ZosoRocks Jump to first page42Jump to last page 7 yearsdoog (8548): Baseball, football, basketball cards. In 1964 when I was about 6 a neighbor let me fish out a few hundred old beat cards he had out of an old chest. Wound up with Williams, Mantle, Mays et al. Adding to the pile and doing stats made me better at math as well, but I’m sure the gum in the card packs cost me some teeth. Sold the pile in 74 for 50 bucks, Hindsight mistake of youth. Course I bought a car with the 50, man, bought a bunch of cars...
FS: Spawn #9 & Spawnmobile LE 2-pack ZosoRocks 5 7 yearsZosoRocks (2134): BTW - one off shelf in SD. Very close LCS and had elusive visits from Image artists...
Indy con Topsykrets 2 7 yearsMarcJ (364): I had a blast! Had some great conversations with Peter David, Tim Vigil, and Joe Jusko. I feel not enough people just stop and talk to these guys. I'm sure they get tired of just signing books. I got a signature from Jusko on a Marvel Preview that just happened to be his first work for Mavel which prompted a conversation about how he was still learning to draw when he did the cover and how there was no way you could get away with that in...
My 1st comic ever. What was yours??? Odins_Raven Jump to first page78Jump to last page 7 yearsBabaLament (2961): First comic I ever purchased, and I remember it perfectly: Aliens Predator, Deadliest of the Species #1. Picked it up with my dad at the comic shop at Town & Country Mall in Arlington Heights IL (since closed, and I don’t remember the name of the comic shop). It was a shop with perfect late 80’s/early 90’s location: at the “T” intersection of the mall in the corner unit off the main corridor, with a KB-Toys on one side,...
Batman Vs. FedEx & The Winner Is . . . 00slim 16 7 yearsMarcJ (364): I live in Clarksville and moved from Monroe where they added the Racino. I was really rooting for Wilmington to get the Amazon bid as that would have been a huge boon as well for the town. It is a vicious circle, the town needs more people for larger corporations to come in but also needs larger corporations for people to move here. I have a hard time finding anyone to hire as a developer on my team because they all live so far away and don't...
eBAY sales to pay bills ZosoRocks 18 7 yearsKryptn (68): GOD BLESS PRAYERS
New Works Cowabunga_Kyle 6 7 yearsKingNampa (6756): Sweet stuff. :beer:
Fake cover site for YEARS for fans det_tobor 15 7 yearsxkonk (18077): They aren't really twins until Artgerm does the cover.
Familiar with hall of heroes museum? det_tobor 3 7 yearsStu (825): Too cool! That is deadication right there. Thanks for sharing.
KEVIN SMITH had heart attack det_tobor 10 7 yearskaptainmyke (27134): not bad for your heart or lungs. just saying. i have 97% lung capacity the eating however, is a different story. he must lose weight.
Art slab for a reproduction? 00slim 4 7 years00slim (18687): Appreciate the info. Bummer it won't fit in a slab, though.
Owner History in Grader Notes Suggestion ozonetv 8 7 yearsozonetv (52): I know its totally not a practical idea....but it would have to be non-verified and additional info area. Projecting far out in the future, I think it would be pretty cool to know who the past owners of the book were.
Marvel Collector Corps Switches To Retail 00slim 2 7 yearsCowabunga_Kyle (2271): I would like to take this opportunity to announce that I may or may not have artwork in the upcoming BAM! Box.
Label Critique ozonetv Jump to first page37Jump to last page 7 yearsDJC_II (1829): I hope they fired the designer who came up with that, and their boss that approved it
Can any body help me id this? donho 22 7 yearsTimBildhauser (2239): I'll be working at the CBCS booth at Plant Comicon, stop by and say "hello" if you have time. ;)
Showcase: Black Panther - Books/Toys/Art Odins_Raven 17 7 yearsX51 (14750): I wouldn't mind Pantha being in the upcoming movie.
Hand washing QuaBrot 29 7 yearsOdins_Raven (2389): Purell those puppies!
What's in the box? - a different type thelastbard Jump to first page38Jump to last page 7 yearsthelastbard (1282): Just found another few things in a box... Nothing crazy, but since I was always buying anything X-Men, I thought they were notable. Has anyone else read these Christopher Golden books? Personally, I think they were the best. They were the first, too, go figure. The other reprints issues 110, 123, & 124 of Uncanny. ...
Incredible Hulk No.1 Cover Swipe Cowabunga_Kyle 1 7 yearsCowabunga_Kyle (2271): Latest design from Cover Swipes illustrated by Kyle Petchock and available only at
Walking Dead #2 ONLINE_209 8 7 yearsBigRig (2006): Slab to preserve that's about it
Now THAT'S a cover swipe! Cowabunga_Kyle 2 7 yearsCowabunga_Kyle (2271): Finished recreation. Thoughts?
Happy Holidays to my CBCS Fam! JLS_Comics 11 7 yearsKaleljll (406): Happy holidays everyone!
FREE COMIC BOOK DAY 2018 ONLINE_209 4 7 yearsZosoRocks (2134): Love the new Tick should be just as fun.
I WANT ONE ONLINE_209 16 7 yearsdrchaos (30035): I used to love that game no matter how many times it kicked my ass.
FS - The Simpsons card l/ Itchy & Scratcy #1 ZosoRocks 1 7 yearsZosoRocks (2134): Hi community. FYI - little over one day left on a Simpsons/Bongo Comic swag and comic lot on ebay. Thanks for looking. Tim
Alterna Comics Graphic Novel "Metaphase" JLS_Comics 1 7 yearsJLS_Comics (5463): Tonight on my podcast we will be talking with comic book writer Chip Reece about his graphic novel Metaphase as well as Alterna Comics, his "home" publisher ... the same folks who brought back the newsprint paper! We will be live on YouTube starting at 8:30PM EST(ish) but it will be available to stream via iTunes, GooglePlay, Stitcher, etc., beginning tomorrow. Please let me know if you have any questions for Mr. Reece or - if...
LOOKING FOR BATMAN #619 ONLINE_209 3 7 yearsONLINE_209 (1867): not sure why the Joker looks like a witch lol but i really want this book
Poster Autograph Verification DukeTogo 6 7 yearsobiwan1971 (243): Send it thank Beckett. They are the best in the business for authenticity
The Bog Blog - Swamp Creatures thread Odins_Raven Jump to first page60Jump to last page 7 yearsOdins_Raven (2389): Just got this back! Super stoked all the signatures came out verified.
what color is this shoe? kaptainmyke 11 7 yearsDrogio (8091): This thread reminded me if this TNG episode.
The official StocktonCon program ONLINE_209 6 7 yearsONLINE_209 (1867): I appreciate you taking time to look and see if you had any
FS on eBay Ashcans, non-Sport trading cards ZosoRocks 2 7 yearsZosoRocks (2134): Here are a couple more of the other links out there... GPK sticker lot.. Ashcans/samplers Concert sticker - Rolling Stones SDCC swag lot - bidding has started at...
Signed "Frank Castle" + Skull by Jon Berthal kaptainmyke 1 7 yearskaptainmyke (27134): Signed "Frank Castle" + Skull by Jon Berthal For Sale $199
The Good Morty Redux Apocalypse - Be Kind Garnett21k 11 7 yearsJesse_O (39345): As far as we (the forum mods) are concerned, the subject of the Good Morty comic (tract, insert, whatever) has been thoroughly and totally discussed at this point. Further discourse is not necessary and will only escalate in drama. Until there is an official statement from the creators, consider this subject closed. Any further attempt to start a new thread will result in suspension of the original creator of that thread. In other words, no more...
TO BE GRADED ONLINE_209 10 7 yearscomic_book_man (1978): @BigRedOne1944 That is correct, 2x the price but 1/30th the turn-time (2 business days vs 60 business days) :beer::cool:
FOR SALE: lot of 43 original 1985 TMNT books kaptainmyke 11 7 yearsshrewbeer (13263): I did my obligatory place bid. See you at the snipe 😁 🍺
BOOKS FOR SALE; TWD, Batman, Superman cjbehr948 1 7 yearscjbehr948 (170): I was in 3 weddings this year. Needless to say, I took a beating on giving gifts to people. I've put up some graded books for sale. 3 of the "Walking Dead" #115 variants (the big 3), couple of Batman, & a couple of Superman (1 is the rare 1st Doomsday 5th printing). Have at it, folks. Feel free to ask questions & I'll answer when I can. Thanks! clickable text
Can I submit items to Beckett now? Tommy49 12 7 yearsrobertofredrico (747): Q: Is it necessary to get my CGC book reholdered every 10 (or 7, or 12, etc.) years? A: No. The CGC holder is designed for long-term preservation and provides superior protection for your books. A properly handled and stored CGC-certified book can last for generations. The CGC holder is made from high-quality materials and is entirely archival-safe. The inner well that holds books, for example, is comprised of PETG, a plastic that is well...
COMIC LAND BLBcomics 8 7 yearsOGJackster (54562):
Rick & Morty Thread Interdimensional Cable 3 DarthLego Jump to first page846Jump to last page 7 yearskaptainmyke (27134): The wings were broken so I opened it and fixed it: ...
Dark Nights: Metal - likes! and dislikes? ZosoRocks 7 7 yearsDrogio (8091): The batman who laughs is the best thing coming out of this arc. It's the only reason I'm paying attention and the only disappointment is that he's had a limited part so far...but it's just leaving me wanting to see and know more about him! Definitely hit on something bid here if they stay the course with this character. Speaking of which I'm going to start a thread to see what people consider his first appearance (cameo or otherwise). ...
Hey look what I got! Sirtoddington 18 7 yearsBigRig (2006): Congrats man looks good
Sideshow, why do you tease? 00slim 7 7 yearsAbsolute_Zero (1104): @AndyRexia yeah Berserk is a great Manga and first season was so epic. The movies were awesome as well. But this swamp thing is a Leaf of it own lol
Rare MTG Cards Stolen In Campbell California 00slim 30 7 yearsFoghorn_Sam (3769): We need Deckard's photo enhancer for this one. See how it works its magic below.
The Leader's Reports on his September shows the_Leader_knows 2 7 yearsInstant_Subtitles (1323): I have to confess that some of the shots taken made me miss Nakano Broadway. Sincere thanks for that. :beer: Namely the fourth floor, which I ended up exploring quite a bit during my last stay in Tokyo. Because besides all the vintage goods, including a Mandarake shop that specialized in tin/metal toys and signs, there was a used book shop that sold pieces of rope used in bondage photos. As well as a row of vintage books and magazines,...
METAL Figures Zombiebigfoot 4 7 yearsZombiebigfoot (4269): It'd be pretty cool if he makes the entire line of Metal figs. Just have to wait & see (I'm secretly keeping my fingers crossed though!). 😆🤘🏻
Catalyst Prime SDCC 2017 (Accell 2/Superb 1) chadpdodge 1 7 yearschadpdodge (43): Hello I start collecting Lion Forge's Catalyst Prime series when it came out this year. I've subscribed to each series and have the complete collection thus far. However, there were 2 signed virgin variants limited to 200 copies each (Accell #2/Superb #1) offered @ SDCC this year. I've not been able to acquire these books and I'd love to have them in my collection. If anyone's willing to sell these feel free to contact me w/ potential...
Unusual Comic-Related Items esaravo Jump to first page71Jump to last page 8 yearsVictorCreed (517): Anyone remember this game?
CBCS Verified Signature Program questions ONLINE_209 16 8 yearscomic_book_man (1978): @dielinfinite thank you!
Gene Simmons Sigs thelastbard 26 8 yearsthelastbard (1282): 14, that's awesome!
Does anybody here collect vinyl records? kaptainmyke Jump to first page114Jump to last page 8 yearsmartymann (48475): This one contains some cool narration by JACK WEBB. This is one of my all time favorite movies! mm
After searching for months! 00slim 9 8 years00slim (18687): @det_tobor True. Finding out where it was first published would have been tricky without the internet. Tracking the issue down in the wild? Now that's a daunting proposition.
Deals & Finds jrs 3 8 yearsjrs (1864): Amazon has the following hardcover books on sale: Marvel Encyclopedia, $22.99 Marvel Comics: 75 Years of Cover Art, $26.91 These are large coffee table books with varying amounts of detail. Perhaps not for the purist but they seem to be priced right. Amazon also has other comic-related hardcover books on sale. It's worth checking out IMO.
Letting go.... neyko 9 8 yearsWatcher (4166): lol...feel you on the black cat meant nothing to me so when a guy came by about a year and half ago to look over my books (because no one ever had at that point) I offered him 2 books for his time from my "no value" box of higher grade miscellaneous (8.0 - 9.2). he picked the black cat and the rocket raccoon ...I was like "phew"...take em...I hate those books. Now I'm like.."that slick bastahd" own...
Would you put a collectors box in a slab? det_tobor 18 8 yearsshrewbeer (13263): Sure. Slabs are a big part of history at this point. If there were a (hypothetical) auction of say, the very first slab produced by CGC, or the first prototype, I'm sure there would be some collector interest
QUESTION ABOUT STOCKTONCONS 2017 PROGRAM ONLINE_209 4 8 yearsGabriel85301 (1764): My bad it is there, Thanks Jesse!
COMIC SPINNER RACK FROM 1954 RareComics 3 8 yearsRareComics (1286): Thanks for the input! The Turtles is a 3rd edition, with three signatures and two Turtle head drawings IFC.
OK WHO'S FAULT IS IT ONLINE_209 16 8 yearsconditionfreak (11292): The machines have already taken over. Try to find someone that doesn't jump up when their phone calls to them. Try to find someone who can write a paragraph correctly without spell check or auto correct. Try your hardest to drive somewhere you have never been before, without using GPS. See how often you change the TV channels without a remote control. Go shopping in town, using a horse and buggy. You get the idea. Thank God for the...
**************GOOD NEWS************** ONLINE_209 10 8 yearsJWKyle (3300): I just got off the phone with Jake about some submission question at this con. He stated they are not going to be there. Just a heads up for those going to do some cbcs stuff.
rhode Island comic con Ny85 3 8 yearsNy85 (266): I'm in New York I meant mailing them in to cbcs
1977 / 1983 SW and ESB card back find ZosoRocks 9 8 yearsZosoRocks (2134): Look at this on eBay ...and there they are if any are interested.... Cheers to all!
2017 Lootcrate DX Animation Crate kaptainmyke 10 8 yearskaptainmyke (27134): Love knob creek 100 proof bourbon, it's my drink of choice
Brent Peeples ONLINE_209 15 8 yearsThemaxx35 (2536): So, nothing significant. They had a $1 and half off sale going on. So picked up a lot of Terry Dodson Catwoman covers for $1 each. Nothing valuable but Catwoman is kind of a niche I collect and I just found out about Dodson's run in the New 52 so I was happy about that. And I found a nice NM copy of Batman 410. Again not valuable but it completed my high grade run of post-crisis Jason Todd intro books. As for the wall books, it was...
FS Dark Tower Wind Through Keyhole Jae Lee DarthLego 1 8 yearsDarthLego (20518): For Sale The Dark Tower: The Wind Through The Keyhole By Stephen King Donald M. Grant Slipcased Illustrated Artist Edition. Signed by artist Jae Lee Limited to 5,000 copies. This is from my personal collection. ...
DC #1 sale at - 80% off ZosoRocks 7 8 yearsZosoRocks (2134): I didn't mention the "digital" adpect, because I thought everyone knew that they are. My apologies for not. Yeah...I don't order from these guys either, just because it is digital and I don't have time to read them on a tablet. If I wanted digital, I would go to DC or Marvel directly....well...probably not.....hehehe
STAN LEE BOX 4 ONLINE_209 8 8 years00slim (18687): It's $49.99 + shipping for a box every other month. They promise $100 worth of merch in each box. I don't know if I see $100 box here, but $50 for sure. Too many little trinket items for me, but that pillow cracked me up.
FOR THOSE WHO MIGHT BE INTERESTED ONLINE_209 5 8 yearsAndyRexia (6306): I'm kicking myself now for not getting one.
GOOD IDEA OR BAD IDEA ONLINE_209 8 8 yearsDarthLego (20518): Not everything has to be done with a motive of value increase.
GREEN LANTERN AND COLONEL SANDERS ONLINE_209 11 8 yearsJLS_Comics (5463): These are fun books, I remember reading one on the DC app a while back where an evil Colonel Sanders came through time and basically had an evil Captain Cold working at his evil KFC (edit: I looked it up, its the "Colonel of 2 worlds" book posted above)
War For the Planet of the Apes ZosoRocks 5 8 yearsZosoRocks (2134): Did you guys get the one sheet?
George A. Romero has died JLS_Comics 11 8 yearsSavage_Spawn (1906): Not much of a zombie/horror fan but anytime a top notch artist passes it's a sad day. Rip...
#100moviestoseebeforeyoudie by @kaptainmyke! kaptainmyke Jump to first page203Jump to last page 8 yearsconditionfreak (11292): You reminded me of "Shutter Island". A very good movie.
Stan Lee Monthly ONLINE_209 12 8 yearsKiloGraham (1337): Ya, since Stalco does fulfillment for a lot of companies I figured they were handling Canadian distribution for who ever compiles these boxes for POW. The boxes could even be pre packed in Cali and bulk shipped here then broken down. My box only had a Canada post label on it, and it wasn't placed over another shipping labels meaning it came from here with return address in Toronto. And for $15 I should have had it two day guaranteed shipped...
Your biggest Comic Score/Bargain? 00slim Jump to first page61Jump to last page 8 yearsPacoma7623 (208): Biggest score for amount paid was while "buck box" diving at local shop.for $1 each pulled a tick #1,evil ernie #1 and malibu sun #13
Widow's Web: Personal Collection Thread 00slim Jump to first page50Jump to last page 8 yearsJeremy_K (841): comic con across US AnthonySnyder 13 8 yearsAnthonySnyder (41): have over 80,000 collectibles on ebay available for immediate sale anthonyscomicbookart-online user name the website specializing in art has a few high dollar graded comics like Hulk one etc also has been e-commerced as well you can check out and pay from the ordering cart I look forward to seeing local collectors at the pop up stores in Phoenix and Los Angeles before San Diego .Let me know with interest San Antonio...
HULK SMASH!! SS Collectible bust ZosoRocks 2 8 yearsWay2GoDanno (91): Payment plans! Idk why but the busts never seem to really sell that well. The premium formats are always their best sellers and sell out on pre order sometimes.
Ryan Brown Art kaptainmyke 12 8 yearskaptainmyke (27134): Final photo of sketch. A lot of people were upset this morning when he posted this to facebook:
Destiny City Comic Store Haul Tacoma WA kaptainmyke 3 8 yearsZosoRocks (2134): How many of the rebirth books were 1st printings? Nice lot....I've been looking for the Batmans.
The Rick and Morty Thread Peace Among Worlds kaptainmyke Jump to first page999Jump to last page 8 yearsDarthLego (20518):
Getting excited for SDCC 2017? ZosoRocks 24 8 yearsZosoRocks (2134): Here is a 1st edition Neil Gaiman short story I picked up in 1995, as you can tell. It is signed by the sculptor and by Gaiman, and then it finally was reprinted in the "Smoke and Mirrors" short story collection published I think in 1996/7. Would this be considered a first printing/edition? I've always wondered. Maybe there is a book collector that can give me some insight. Zoom in on the is a good read. Thanks in...
Heavy Metal - July 2017 - IRON MAIDEN ZosoRocks 5 8 yearsZosoRocks (2134): This takes me back to the 1980s "Rock and Roll Comics" which I think I have a couple....Van Halen and Led Zeppelin.
Venom #1 Anyone? kaptainmyke 15 8 yearsX51 (14750): I had a friend that bought books in quantities like that. I tried looking him up a few months ago and I think he passed away. I expect someone to be capitalizing on all the stuff he had some day. He picked up a black venom the same weekend it became news.
BREAKING: RICK AND MORTY CANCELLED? kaptainmyke 19 8 yearsDarthLego (20518): Open thread to view post.
Stan The Man Lee ONLINE_209 7 8 yearsONLINE_209 (1867): watch some videos on youtube and you can see some of the cool stuff that was signed
Sideshow Collectibles - sneak of Hulk bust ZosoRocks 1 8 yearsZosoRocks (2134): If you didn't get a chance to see the sneak on their Sideshow Live today....very cool to see. They say it is "life-size"....but we know it will be a bit smaller.....but a nice piece nonetheless.
Really Rough Week, But CGC Made It Better... mattness Jump to first page47Jump to last page 8 yearsDarthLego (20518): @Logan510 I think you're on to something there. "Muwahahahah!" is probably considered hate speech in todays millennial climate.
My eBay auctions - ct98 ThorneArt 3 8 yearsThorneArt (2065): Lets try this again. Thanks for the notice. username ct98
Welcome to the CBCS Forum! SteveRicketts Jump to first page530Jump to last page 8 yearsrec1978 (69): Hello All, I am new to the CBCS boards, but I have been around the block a little while (EBay for 16 years and CGC Chat Boards (same user id) for 4 years). If you see anything in my EBay store that you like, please feel free to shoot me a PM! Cheers, Ron As a side note: I am sending my first book, for CBCS Submission, today! ...
Post your animation cels ZosoRocks 22 8 yearsX51 (14750): Mike Judge is a comedic genius. I got to meet him for a few seconds and I felt honored to have the opportunity.
Fandango - free movie poster offer ZosoRocks 1 8 yearsZosoRocks (2134): With the new "Pirates" movie coming out.....Fandango is offering up a free movie poster with purchase of tickets on their website if anyone is interested.
"Comic Book Men" renewed for a 7th Season 00slim 16 8 yearsDarthLego (20518): I think Law & Order SVU is the worst thing on TV, I don't complain it keeps getting renewed, someone is watching it somewhere.
May the 4th! Post your Star Wars books! dielinfinite Jump to first page65Jump to last page 8 yearsThorneArt (2065): Here are some more Star Wars Sketch covers I have done: Wow, it turns out they are all sith related. :)
Amazon's Star Wars May the 4th Sale dielinfinite 16 8 yearsDrWatson (59460): Well, the 4th is officially over by about an hour.
AMERICAN GODS kaptainmyke 11 8 yearsDalkiel (2090): I don't have cable or any pay TV but I saw it anyway. Usenet is your friend.
MACHETE kaptainmyke 18 8 yearsDarthLego (20518): tl;dr fyi jm2c urr imo
Just saw how much MJ's baseball card i$..... verbogyrater 21 8 yearsZosoRocks (2134): ....and you bring up a great point....."It is his MINOR rookie card"......not a major league team. Now if MJ went to the majors and had a nice stint like Bo Jackson had......then maybe.....just maybe....the card could command hundreds......but since it is just a minor league card.....and he never went to the just a gimmick card... - all the rage when it was first issued....has died down plenty since.
Question About Statues jrs 8 8 yearsZosoRocks (2134): Boxes usually increase value 25-50%.
GCOA SIGNING OPPORTUNITIES FOR MAY GenuineCOA 3 8 yearsRafel (4270): I was in an independent film with Michael Colter called "America is still the place" back in 2015!! I wonder if he'll remember me?
COMIC-CON INTERNATIONAL 2017 ZosoRocks 9 8 yearsZosoRocks (2134): Will do. Shoot...I remember when I could buy a 4-day pay for a total of $60.00-80.00. It is now each day at that cost and the preview night is extra charge. It used to be a bonus for the four day pass buyers. "Insanity I tell ya!!" :o)
WWE Then Now Forever DarthLego Jump to first page40Jump to last page 8 yearsdpiercy (4842): Women's Smackdown match from Wrestlemania was pretty good. I really like Bayley and Sasha. Not a big fan of Charlotte, but, dang, her moveset is impressive.
Who's on PSN? kaptainmyke 25 8 yearsJustThatGuy (5004): Steam FTW
BATMAN TV PROMOTION martymann 2 8 yearsDarthLego (20518):
Need advice from experienced CON People KingNampa 12 8 yearsKingNampa (6756): Thanks for the advice all. I bought the package. I hate waiting in long lines. 😁
Amazing Spider-man Vol 4 #25 Romita Variant kaptainmyke 9 8 yearsBrianGreensnips (15559): @Drogio I know, that is just crazy.
Should I?? Sirtoddington 21 8 yearscseale0223 (767): I say go for it. As a fan you would be disappointed if you didnt do it and look back on this chance. And yes I would do one of the miniseries that it follows probably the one with the cover that is your favorite.
Stan Lee "Bubble"? KingNampa Jump to first page189Jump to last page 8 yearsKingNampa (6756): Ok. Fun officially killed in this thread. I'm out. Thanks again @DocBrown for enlightening us/we/I...
Comic Cards KingNampa 15 8 yearsThe_Curmudgeon (1360): That's dumb. Elitist idiocy.
These are Genius OrbitCityComics 7 8 yearsZosoRocks (2134): That was worth the five minutes....thanks!! :o)
Venom Key Issue Lot for Sale DrunkWooky 1 8 yearsDrunkWooky (49): Take a look at the imgur gallery: or the ebay listing: 34 issues total. Issues range from very fine to near mint. Please see pictures and inspect close ups of key issues closely. Condition will be as pictured. Lot contains: Secret Wars...
ct98 Auctions - eBay ThorneArt 5 8 yearsOrbitCityComics (1483): I bidded on the wasp variant. If I win, I'm hoping that corner crease can be pressed out.
LEE/AMELL/REEDUS/MORGAN/PAYTON SIGNING OPS GenuineCOA 16 8 yearsDarthLego (20518): I would totally welcome CBCS providing VSP red label 8x10 service via the website even if lacking the outer shell.
Printing/manufacturing error books... ZosoRocks 20 8 yearskandrcomics (13): I have one of the very rare Walking dead issue 17 errors with the first for wraps put in twice and the center four missing alltogether waiting for it to come back from cbcs and i'll post a pic
"THE" Collection in large Storage Facility? kaptainmyke Jump to first page64Jump to last page 8 yearsDarthLego (20518): @shrewbeer That cat is even scared lol :(|)
What types of artwork are Qualifed for OA? ZosoRocks 17 8 yearsZosoRocks (2134): Sounds like a good start. Looking forward to it. Thanks for the insight.
H.Rogofsky/Carbonaro Buy/Sell Event-Action 1 HippyComix 12 8 yearsCopperAgeKids (3717): Gotcha :)
Ninja Turtle Concept Art from Errol McCarthy kaptainmyke 3 8 yearsVaComicsGuy (4033): Nice additions. Enjoy.
Show off your Michael Turner dielinfinite Jump to first page119Jump to last page 8 yearsconditionfreak (11292):
ASM 252/Secret Wars 8: US vs. Canadian print sonny4eyez 10 8 yearssonny4eyez (52): Thanks Everyone! All of you make valid points, in the end I opted not to get them signed. But I appreciate the responses.
FOR SALE: Star Trek Franklin Mint Enterprise The_Curmudgeon 16 8 yearsDespain (1618): @The_Curmudgeon Cool. Good luck selling it. It's a nice piece.
FOR SALE! Comics, Movies, & Collectibles! cjbehr948 5 8 yearsdielinfinite (26907): @cjbehr948 Sure, just give me a few weeks to steady my finances
House of Secrets 92 -Pressing & Cleaning ComixNstuff 3 8 yearsJustThatGuy (5004): that looks like a mike dechellis's work? maybe?
GENUINE COA SIGNING OPPORTUNITIES FOR 2016 GenuineCOA 6 8 yearsZosoRocks (2134): Uhm.....I don't see Albuquerque on this list......may I politely ask to have my city's Con added to the signing schedule? If I say P-UH-LEEEEAASE??? PLEASE!! :o) JAN 13-15, 2017 in Albuquerque, NM You all do know that New Mexico is not in Mexico, right? :o)
Emerald City Comicon 2017 Stan Lee Confirmed kaptainmyke 14 9 yearsstophmaster (298): Couldn't agree more!
Petition - put Kirby and Simon on Cap statue Jesse_O 16 9 yearsDarthLego (20518): :beer:
Preacher. kaptainmyke 23 9 yearsDarthLego (20518): @Maverick yeah, it will be a sequel with the same cast. They said seasons will be set a few years apart story wise because the kids are growing like weeds.
STAR WARS COMICS Revan_Q Jump to first page62Jump to last page 9 yearsJeremy_K (841): get a sketch?
Vampires Everywhere! DarthLego 12 9 yearsThe_Curmudgeon (1360): A fake slab for a fake book. I love it. LA CA 7/17 pop up AnthonySnyder 2 9 years1952MB (25): lol- I text you on Saturday, no respond to my text about sunday l.a tour. :-(
Dc comics robin promotional kit Tchurch 24 9 yearsTchurch (1): Lmfao !,should we sell him mine for 4 ???
Can we post 1 time comic art Ebay auctions? kaptainmyke 9 9 yearskaptainmyke (27134): I have photos of the unlisted stuff now so if anyone might be interested let me know... The ebay auctions only have a few hours left currently.
Heroes Con! Bagofleas 23 9 yearsPre_Coder (19960): :popcorn:
Todd Mcfarlanre letter SilverAgeFan 9 9 yearsPre_Coder (19960): Rocket Raccoon's secret identity was easy to spot. Maybe he should have worn glasses. Comic Con trip AnthonySnyder 14 9 yearsTedsaid (7340): Sounds awesome, Anthony. Have fun! Also, when you're in Charlotte if you stop in at Heroes, say 'hello' to Shelton for me. (Working there was my first job, almost 30 years ago now. Saw him sell a NM Amazing Fantasy #15 for $2200, when guide was only $1200. Oh, how we laughed at that guy.)
SDCC Exclusives dielinfinite 8 9 yearsAbsolute_Zero (1104): Yeah I am going to get me on copy of it or maybe 2 of them. Also I know a guy who has several of the first variant color but not sure if i want one lol
PRIVATE SIGNING W/ ARROW & WALKING DEAD CAST GenuineCOA 3 9 yearsGenuineCOA (176): @FUEGOMUSIC , this signing is being conducted through Genuine COA, who is an authorized facilitator for CBCS, so member discounts will not apply.
Star Wars Signatures dielinfinite 8 9 yearsMR_SigS (11124): HC Collection and #6 signed by Howard Chaykin last year in Sacramento.
Lee/Miller Private Signing @Fan Expo Dallas GenuineCOA 3 9 yearsWitchKing (1): Hi ! Do you know if CBCS has received the comics for that signing session that took place some weeks ago ? :o)
Comic related tattoos sluggo 20 9 yearsJeremy_K (841): big Arashikage symbol above it. goin for the whole leg with GI Joe artists' ninja sketches
Official Joe Madureira Appreciation Thread Soma 8 9 yearsDespain (1618): @Soma Thanks for sharing that, Soma. Very interesting. Now that you mentioned it, I can see the horse skull details as part of the rune. Pretty cool that Joe Mad has inspired you artistically. Are you planning your own comic book? It might be interesting if you used your own characters as your next body art. You'd be your own walking advertisement. I bet it has helped Joe when people ask him about his tats.
8x10" PHOTO AUTHENTIC SIGNATURE PROGRAM GenuineCOA 5 9 yearsGenuineCOA (176): @Jesse_O , We do have the option of getting a signature for you. Some of those products are now available in the Special Signings area of our website. clickable text For each 8x10 of those products you have the option of either Genuine COA certification (with on-line verification) or CBCS Photo Encasement. If you do not see the signer(s) that you are looking for, you can contact us through Facebook or at with the request....
Ditch Fahrenheit's Journal #7.1 IntoAnother Jump to first page554Jump to last page 9 yearsJerkfro (2072): ummm I got the thread over 500 posts?
One Shots, Oddities, and Unknowns esaravo Jump to first page46Jump to last page 9 yearsesaravo (103004): Three more one-shots.
Comics Shipping this week!!! FireEmblem77 7 9 yearsFireEmblem77 (22): DARK HORSE COMICS MAR160028 BALTIMORE EMPTY GRAVES #2 $3.99 MAR160030 BEASTS OF BURDEN WHAT CAT DRAGGED IN ONE SHOT $3.99 JAN160139 COLDER TP VOL 03 TOSS THE BONES $17.99 MAR160017 HELLBOY IN HELL #9 $2.99 JAN160167 MIRRORS EDGE EXORDIUM TP $19.99 JAN160181 OREIMO KURONEKO TP VOL 05 $10.99 JAN160163 POWER CUBED TP $14.99 MAR160061 PREDATOR LIFE AND DEATH #3 $3.99 JAN160153 REBELS TP VOL 01 WELL REGULATED MILITIA $24.99 JAN160155 THIS DAMNED...
MIKE ZECK & JOHN BEATTY Private Signing GenuineCOA 1 9 yearsGenuineCOA (176): Time is running out to reserve your CBCS Comics submission for the Genuine COA private signing with Mike Zeck and John Beatty. Have your comics signed by the team that brought you Secret Wars and many more. Place your orders at the link below. And don't forget that you can add a Stan Lee signature to any of these signings. ...
Stan Lee/ Frank Miller Signing Opportunity GenuineCOA 1 9 yearsGenuineCOA (176): **DON'T MISS THE DEADLINE** Genuine COA is happy to bring you an extremely RARE collection of signing opportunities for the months of May and June, featuring legendary icons like Stan Lee, Frank Miller and many others!! We are now accepting mail-in orders for signatures and submission under CBCS Comics Authentic Signature Program (Yellow Label). To have your comics signed by any combination of the listed creators, reserve your orders at the...
Alien Day 4/26 JDM 11 9 yearsOxbladder (1287): I am so sick of those acid bleeding bastards! They ate everyone at my birthday party last year and I had to blow up another perfectly good space craft to get rid of those jerks.