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Have a subscription at your LCS? Why?7081

I award you no points! stanley_1883 private msg quote post Address this user
For those of us the have subscription lists at our local shops, my question is why? Is it simply to ensure the issues we want or are there other perks?

For those that don’t, what would it take to get you to sign up for one?
Post 1 IP   flag post
COLLECTOR shrewbeer private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by stanley_1883
For those of us the have subscription lists at our local shops, my question is why? Is it simply to ensure the issues we want or are there other perks?

One may want to try reading them
Post 2 IP   flag post
Collector Paulbg2000 private msg quote post Address this user
My local shop gives a 15%-30% discount on books due to subscription quantity and years of loyalty. I'm at 20% right now...

I have subscriptions because I can't be at the store every Wednesday at 10am due to work and don't want to miss an issue in the runs I'm reading...I also don't want to make the trip down on a week when there's only a single issue out. Having them subbed and pulled allows me to stockpile them a bit without worrying and then go get them when I'm in the area...
Post 3 IP   flag post
Collector Batman79 private msg quote post Address this user
Sometimes there are discounts, ensure, they actually got them in,and supporting a store is my big drive.
Post 4 IP   flag post
past performance is no guarantee of future actions. KatKomics private msg quote post Address this user
Support local economy...15% discount..can take my kid with me and he can pick out back issue books
Post 5 IP   flag post
Collector Drogio private msg quote post Address this user
I do not have a subscription. I don't like someone pUllimg my comics for me, and maybe not trying to get me the best conditioned issue available. I have several stores around me and sometimes I'll drive buy each looking for the best condition. It's more leg work on my part but if I ever have to liquidate these 9.8 copies will move much faster than less than 9.8s.
Post 6 IP   flag post
Collector BrianGreensnips private msg quote post Address this user
Like @Paulbg2000 says, Sometimes I cannot get up there and do not want to miss certain issues. Mine will also pull the DC B covers for me. I di buy some of my comic book supplies on line like my Mylite 2 Mylar bags, Full Backs, Half backs and large top loaders for my prints. However I still purchase my regular size bags, boards and my BCW half boxes from my LCS. I try to support them as much as possible. They are 1 block away from where I teach which is really convenient. They always treat me right and I can tell that they appreciate my business,unlike a lot of other store( not necessarily other LCS) but some stores just have terrible customer service and make you feel like you are inconveniencing them for coming in. This reminds me of a store that I used to have a pull list at. They are out of business now. I had been going in there for 3 years at least once a month. The same manager was in there majority of the time. He would say "can I help you" and I would awkwardly tell him that I am in for my pull list books. Then he would pester me about 3 times per visit if I am finding everything ok. Don't you think that he would finally get a clue that I was a loyal customer and not some guy who had never been there before. Just not personable at all. It just finally irked me one day and cancelled my pull list.
Post 7 IP   flag post
Collector BrianGreensnips private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Drogio
I do not have a subscription. I don't like someone pUllimg my comics for me, and maybe not trying to get me the best conditioned issue available. I have several stores around me and sometimes I'll drive buy each looking for the best condition. It's more leg work on my part but if I ever have to liquidate these 9.8 copies will move much faster than less than 9.8s.
I agree with you about condition. That is one of the down sides to having your books pulled. I will always look at mine first before I pay for them and will give some back or grab a better copy if it is a book that they still have on the rack. I also go to other LCS when I am in a spec mood and want to buy more new books.
Post 8 IP   flag post
I’m Kinda Married To A Celebrity. 00slim private msg quote post Address this user
My LCS pulls Black Widow books for me as well as whatever I request. I do it to support them. Honestly, nine times out of ten, I don’t get around to reading floppies. I wait for the trades.

My pull list is short, of course. I load up on supplies like bags, boards, & toploaders quite frequently, though. I can’t beat their prices on supplies.
Post 9 IP   flag post
past performance is no guarantee of future actions. KatKomics private msg quote post Address this user
Oooo i lcs knows what type of books i like to read and will suggest other titles i otherwise may not pick out myself..Shainghai Red for instance
Post 10 IP   flag post
Collector dpiercy private msg quote post Address this user
20% off and it’s near my work and house. I like to read the books, too.
Post 11 IP   flag post
Forum Crier OGJackster private msg quote post Address this user
15% military/Veteran discount plus we build points for free stuff.
Post 12 IP   flag post
Collector LemonMonster private msg quote post Address this user
Subscription is free at my LCS it’s nice that they make a pull list. Apparently they are in the top 10 in the nation in comic sales. They offer a two different discount cards 20% off all comics $5 or under 10% off anything higher. That’s the regular discount card there’s also the VIP card is the same but it also gives you 10% off everything else in the store. This is a yearly sign up. Regular first year $10 then to renew $7.50 for VIP $25 then $15 to renew I think. If you guys can guess the name of the company you get a thumbs up lol
Post 13 IP   flag post
COLLECTOR shrewbeer private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Drogio
I do not have a subscription. I don't like someone pUllimg my comics for me, and maybe not trying to get me the best conditioned issue available. I have several stores around me and sometimes I'll drive buy each looking for the best condition. It's more leg work on my part but if I ever have to liquidate these 9.8 copies will move much faster than less than 9.8s.

Keep in mind the shop owners take care of their pull customers first. Even then they never have a problem with you swapping out a book for a better one on the rack if they screwed up and gave you a bad one.

Another bonus, if you get a good rep with your local shop and he is smart to try to keep your business, often times they will drop incentive variants in there relative to your favorite titles.
Post 14 IP   flag post
Collector Wraith private msg quote post Address this user
At LCS in my city, if don't get it pull list, you don't get it.. Shelves are mostly trade paperbacks and a few select issues they think may be popular that month.

Books on the shelves don't tend to fare that well either
Post 15 IP   flag post
COLLECTOR JLS_Comics private msg quote post Address this user
I have a pull list at my LCS. I do it for multiple reasons:

A) Guaranteed Copies. I can request by title, artist or even singles
B) Supporting the LCS, they need these (nearly) guaranteed sales
C) 20% Discount
D) VIP Treatment: My shop sees me pull up on the security camera and has the book on the counter as I walk in
Post 16 IP   flag post
"Forum Overlord" bah ha ha ha... JustThatGuy private msg quote post Address this user
Because it’s my LCS. And I go here to shoot the breezes with the fellas
Post 17 IP   flag post
Collector billkruser5 private msg quote post Address this user
1) To ensure I get the issues I want. Last year I didn't have a pull list and missed Batman #25 the first part of the War of Jokes and Riddles storyline and had to buy it on ebay. Had a pull ever since.

2) I also get first dibs if the store was shorted any issues or had some damages. Then even let me take home a Daredevil 604 that was damaged so I could read it and I brought the issue back the next day and swapped out with a perfect copy when the emergency shipment arrived.

3) I get 50% off all back issues. That has been awesome to build my collection as I have only recently started in the past 2 years.

4) Helps the stores order more copies for sales and I will work with the store owner about any incentive variants that come out. I am also ordering extras for the Spider-Geddon event coming up and they have helped me figure out all the covers/incentives/and tie in issues.

5) The store owner and several workers know me and make suggestions. Never would have tried Gideon Falls if they didn't suggest it.

6) Finally, I got to sign up for their loyalty card that gives me $10 store credit for every $100 I spend there by having a pull list. I love my LCS.

As for the condition of the copies they pull for me, I too look them over and will swap out any that I want to with shelf copies.

I think the pros far outweigh the cons. But if you do get a pull list, please pick it up within a month. That's money out of the store owners pockets that is sitting there. Help them out, especially the little shops.
Post 18 IP   flag post
Collector Zombiebigfoot private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by JLS_Comics
I have a pull list at my LCS. I do it for multiple reasons:

A) Guaranteed Copies. I can request by title, artist or even singles
B) Supporting the LCS, they need these (nearly) guaranteed sales
C) 20% Discount
D) VIP Treatment: My shop sees me pull up on the security camera and has the book on the counter as I walk in

I agree 100%. There are 2 main shops in my area that I frequent quite regularly, and I couldn’t enjoy this great hobby without them. Plus, as @billkruser5 points out I’ve come to know the owners & employees over the years and their suggestions on new books keeps it fresh and exciting for me. We’re all not just friends, but have become an extended family to each other. That’s worth every penny of my subscriptions!
Post 19 IP   flag post
Collector X51 private msg quote post Address this user
In the 90's, shops were offering me 40% off comics or more. I was one of their favorite customers and they liked me to hang out. Plainly stated, I don't like modern comics. I feel that storytelling and pacing of the content has gone by the wayside. I don't like the digital processing of the art at any level. If I walk into a comic shop today to look at back issues, it's mostly picked over stuff that I didn't want 10 years ago.

I do not currently have a subscription, and I wouldn't want one even if they gave me the comics for free.

Most of what I buy today is old and I pick it up at one day shows that are not expensive to attend. I own way too many comics and I'd be trying to sell the ones I don't want if it paid me a better salary than I make at my regular job. Unfortunately, it doesn't and I prefer to just chill out in my spare time away from my regular job.
Post 20 IP   flag post
Collector vvv private msg quote post Address this user
LCS subscription (as listed above by many post) is there help us the collectors, the retailers gain sales and a variety of variants (For the collectors who are objective on that), and for the industry prevail. Things that we already know. But for me and is about passing on the torch of the excitement of having that volume of comics to my kids. Technology is imposed on all that we do and having another avenue for my kids to read and enjoy the story, the texture, the smell of a new comic, and the questions they might have about a character which can be answered by the store staff (Giving them a different angle from the old man's point of view). And a perfect excuse to look a box or silver age or even a quick deal on a nice wall book! Why not have a LCS subscription? Its re-living my childhood allover again.
Post 21 IP   flag post
I bought a meat grinder on amazon for $60 and it's changed my life. kaptainmyke private msg quote post Address this user
My LCS is Jetpack Comics, which is uh, not so local at 2800 miles east of me
Post 22 IP   flag post
Collector vvv private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by kaptainmyke
My LCS is Jetpack Comics, which is uh, not so local at 2800 miles east of me

What a fitting name for it -JetPack Comics-
2,800mls (ouch) May be try going west instead!
Post 23 IP   flag post
Collector Drogio private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by kaptainmyke
My LCS is Jetpack Comics, which is uh, not so local at 2800 miles east of me

I looked into JP at one time...they didn't seem to offer the basic variants (like DCs killer Bs).
Post 24 IP   flag post
Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock Tedsaid private msg quote post Address this user
I like my LCS and I want to support them. But I can't do a regular subscription there. I get 30% and free shipping and free bag and board for every comic from Atomic Empire. My LCS only had a 'rewards' card, which comes to, I think, a 10% credit? (It's a bit convoluted.) Anyway, the comics often have a spine tick in the store for some reason. The ones I get from Atomic Empire are usually cherry. And there is better cover selection online.

But I do like to go in there and shop for new stuff and shoot the breeze.
Post 25 IP   flag post
I bought a meat grinder on amazon for $60 and it's changed my life. kaptainmyke private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Drogio
Originally Posted by kaptainmyke
My LCS is Jetpack Comics, which is uh, not so local at 2800 miles east of me

I looked into JP at one time...they didn't seem to offer the basic variants (like DCs killer Bs).

All you gotta do is ask and Rich will make it happen brah
Post 26 IP   flag post
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