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Stan Lee signature princing help5878

Collector sl4wt3r private msg quote post Address this user
Hi guys!

I know, this is a boring "problem" but I really need your help. I have an iopportunity to buy a comic book with a signature from Stan Lee and his wife.
The comic books point is 9.8 and this is the cover: clickable text

What do you think is it worth the 600 dollars price or not? Or maybe a different cover of this comic book (with a Stan Lee signature and 9.0 on it) for 200 dolalrs could be a better options?

(Only for investment!)

Thank you for your help!
Post 1 IP   flag post
Collector gman private msg quote post Address this user
I would say not worth 6 bills...if the 9.0 is a silver age book, then yes. maybe something that Stan actually wrote.
Post 2 IP   flag post
Collector Hanginglimbs private msg quote post Address this user
In monetary terms, this is not worth $600. Even at half the price, it's probably not a good value. Everyone has their own reason for spending though. If you're just after a high grade item with Stan's sig on it, one of the Stan Lee collectible comics from the last couple of years should be under $200
Post 3 IP   flag post
Collector doog private msg quote post Address this user
No way. Not even close to a reasonable investment book.
My rule of thumb, if you can’t immediately flip it for double, it is a bad investment. The increase you get may only be how good a deal you started with.
Post 4 IP   flag post
COLLECTOR shrewbeer private msg quote post Address this user
Books signed by both Stan and wife are not very common.

Personally I wouldnt pay much for it, but I dont collect that stuff. Given its rarity, it’s prob worth the 6 if you are into that sort of thing.

Also, I hate the Campbell art, especially the rudolph nose girls. But it doesnt bother a lot of people, they’re still buying it!
Post 5 IP   flag post
I swore no more comics, then this happened. PaulPop private msg quote post Address this user
I never noticed the Rudolph noses before. You're right.
Post 6 IP   flag post
I live in RI and Rhode Islanders eat chili with beans. esaravo private msg quote post Address this user
Personally, I wouldn't buy it, but has an unsigned 9.6 for around $460. I have no idea what other graded copies are going for, and I am not interested enough to research it. In general, I think all these retailer limited edition variants are a gimmick and a rip-off. But if you really want it and have the money, go for it.
Post 7 IP   flag post
Collector sl4wt3r private msg quote post Address this user
Thank you guys, I appreciate it. That was really helpful! (I knew it I am not be able to make a decision.)

I think I let it go.

But in thsi case, waht do you think about the others? 220 dollars/comic

Post 8 IP   flag post
Collector Hanginglimbs private msg quote post Address this user
At least that bottom one actually has a stan image on it. For $200 you can do worse, but you can also do better. If you're looking to invest, this is probably around fair market value, so not a great deal. And I'm not sure how much these books will ever go up in value, unless you plan to sell during the great Stan Lee sell-off when he dies ()
Post 9 IP   flag post
Collector CopperAgeKids private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by sl4wt3r
Hi guys!

I know, this is a boring "problem" but I really need your help. I have an iopportunity to buy a comic book with a signature from Stan Lee and his wife.
The comic books point is 9.8 and this is the cover: clickable text

What do you think is it worth the 600 dollars price or not? Or maybe a different cover of this comic book (with a Stan Lee signature and 9.0 on it) for 200 dolalrs could be a better options?

(Only for investment!)

Thank you for your help!

$600 for a CGC OR CBCS 9.8 may be good for around 600.

That book does have a Peter & MJ romance themed cover, and its a gold label 9.8 w/Lee and Lee's wife.

Originally Posted by shrewbeer
Books signed by both Stan and wife are not very common.

Personally I wouldnt pay much for it, but I dont collect that stuff. Given its rarity, it’s prob worth the 6 if you are into that sort of thing.

Also, I hate the Campbell art, especially the rudolph nose girls. But it doesnt bother a lot of people, they’re still buying it!

SB is correct, $600 or so is a realistic price for this book.I think it would move easily at $400.

Peter & MJ Romance cover
Signed By Stan & Joan Lee

That slab isn't going to exponentially give you Wolf Of Wall Street "investment" returns.

But if you can get it for $400....which is likely what it would sell for in auction format....not a bad buy.

All the other slabs are basically $100 slabs, if they are not 9.8.

The book that sells for serious coin is ASM Annual 19....which sold for $5000 CGC SS 9.8....

There are 3 sales for that book, signed by Stan & Joan on that date,in GPA...that $5000 CGC SS 9.8 in 3/2016.... $2000 for a CGC SS 9.2 7/2017.....and $500 for a CGC SS 9.2.

No cert # is given on the 9.8 sale, no cert # is given on the $500 9.2 sale, only cert # listed is for the $2000 9.2 sale.Here is the label info.****

For investment, I think if the seller will take 400 to 450 for the book via best offer (you can message him if no BO is given, a seller can reply with a an offer link) him say $450 (shipped), and using the 15% ebay bucks code which will earn you say $70 in future ebay bucks....that ends tonight or tomorrow morning....

It is a book you can probably make money on.But not much.And it wouldn't be a quick flip.

Offer him 400, see what he says.

400, with 15% earned ($60) means the slab cost you $340.


Certification Information
Certification #: 1283335017
Title: Amazing Spider-Man Annual
Issue: 21
Issue Date: 1987
Issue Year: 1987
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Grade: 9.2
Total Graded At: 102
Page Quality: WHITE
Grade Date: 02/26/2015
Category: Signature
Art Comments: David Michelinie story
Paul Ryan & Vince Colletta art
John Romita cover
Key Comments: Peter Parker weds Mary Jane Watson.
Spider-Man & Peter Parker covers
Post 10 IP   flag post
Collector CopperAgeKids private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by sl4wt3r
Thank you guys, I appreciate it. That was really helpful! (I knew it I am not be able to make a decision.)

I think I let it go.

But in thsi case, waht do you think about the others? 220 dollars/comic

I would buy the Stan and Joan signed cgc ss renew your vows 9.8 slab pictured here at $220, easy.

Hard pass on the first slab at $220...1st slab is Imo worth about $100 less than $220.

Assuming the seller will not sepererate, pass at $440 for both.
Post 11 IP   flag post
"Forum Overlord" bah ha ha ha... JustThatGuy private msg quote post Address this user
it only worth $600 if you see it worth $600 to you. to me, around $250-300. stan's sig, grading, the book, and shipping
Post 12 IP   flag post
Collector KingNampa private msg quote post Address this user
@sl4wt3r My advice, wait a year or so after he passes away. The market will be flooded with sky high priced signatures right after his death and then it will settle down...way down.
Post 13 IP   flag post
Collector CopperAgeKids private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by KingNampa
@sl4wt3r My advice, wait a year or so after he passes away. The market will be flooded with sky high priced signatures right after his death and then it will settle down...way down.


That does not hold true for books signed by Stand AND his wife, though.

There are way too few of those.

You can buy a random CGC or CBCS gold label modern eith just Stan's sig, in auction between 9.0 To 9.8 , for anywhere from $75-$125, now.
Post 14 IP   flag post
Collector Hanginglimbs private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by CopperAgeKids
Originally Posted by KingNampa
@sl4wt3r My advice, wait a year or so after he passes away. The market will be flooded with sky high priced signatures right after his death and then it will settle down...way down.


That does not hold true for books signed by Stand AND his wife, though.

There are way too few of those.

You can buy a random CGC or CBCS gold label modern eith just Stan's sig, in auction between 9.0 To 9.8 , for anywhere from $75-$125, now.

But who is Stan Lee's wife. I don't understand why that adds value to a book, whereas Stan is synonymous with Marvel and charges $125 to sign.
Post 15 IP   flag post
Collector poka private msg quote post Address this user
Isn’t this a relatively new comic for his wife to have signed?

The comics I have seen with wife signature were much older.
Post 16 IP   flag post
past performance is no guarantee of future actions. KatKomics private msg quote post Address this user
If you're looking for a Stan signature I have this book for sale (asking way too much by the way $550[cough..cough
] - who knows seen some others go for more like the ones you have shown above)
Also has both Romitas and Straczynski

Just realized I have no idea how to insert a link - ha!!!

Post 17 IP   flag post
Collector CopperAgeKids private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Hanginglimbs
Originally Posted by CopperAgeKids
Originally Posted by KingNampa
@sl4wt3r My advice, wait a year or so after he passes away. The market will be flooded with sky high priced signatures right after his death and then it will settle down...way down.


That does not hold true for books signed by Stand AND his wife, though.

There are way too few of those.

You can buy a random CGC or CBCS gold label modern eith just Stan's sig, in auction between 9.0 To 9.8 , for anywhere from $75-$125, now.

But who is Stan Lee's wife. I don't understand why that adds value to a book, whereas Stan is synonymous with Marvel and charges $125 to sign.

Just because Stan charges $125 to sign a book, does not mean a book will even fetch $125 when sold.

He has signed thousands upon thousands of books for CGC SS and CBCS AW gold labels.

Joan is Stan's wife, and her signature is much less common than Stan's.

WRT John's signature adding value, it would be relevant on a romantically themed cover i.e. the MJ and PP wedding cover of ASM Annual #21.

For a Renew Your Vows modern, the value would not be nearly as significant as a "classic" cover like ASM Annual 21...which is a copper age key, because it is the wedding of Spidey and MJ.

Her signature has value because of her relationship to Stan.
Post 18 IP   flag post
Collector Hanginglimbs private msg quote post Address this user
I think it would be much harder to find someone seeking his wife's sig and willing to pay a premium. But who knows. I've never actually sought it out.
Post 19 IP   flag post
Collector 50AE_DE private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Hanginglimbs
I think it would be much harder to find someone seeking his wife's sig and willing to pay a premium. But who knows. I've never actually sought it out.

I agree. I understand there may be signed books that are sought out by collectors sure to its uniqueness (Stan's signature on a dc book, Stan's spider-roach drawing), but Stan and his wife's autograph on a romance cover...uhhh... no, I'm not buying it.
Post 20 IP   flag post
Collector JustABitEvil private msg quote post Address this user
In considering the value of Joan Lee's signature (IMO) it's easy to forget that she is indirectly responsible for the the resurgence of super hero comics in the 60s. The story Ive herad a hundred times is that Stan was frustrated, ready to quit and she told him to write the story he wanted to tell, the result was Fantastic Four #1.
Post 21 IP   flag post
Collector sl4wt3r private msg quote post Address this user
Thank you again!

I thought that the 10000000x "value" question is boring and disturbing for you, but you guys helped me a lot, thank you!
Post 22 IP   flag post
Collector 50AE_DE private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by JustABitEvil
In considering the value of Joan Lee's signature (IMO) it's easy to forget that she is indirectly responsible for the the resurgence of super hero comics in the 60s. The story Ive herad a hundred times is that Stan was frustrated, ready to quit and she told him to write the story he wanted to tell, the result was Fantastic Four #1.

I never heard about him wanting to quit and that she inspired him to write something he wanted. I thought Challengers of the Unknown was the inspiration for Fantastic Four #1.
Post 23 IP   flag post
Collector Hanginglimbs private msg quote post Address this user
I heard his rabbi inspired him to write Spider-man. Anyone have Yonatan Goldberg's signature?
Post 24 IP   flag post
Collector JustABitEvil private msg quote post Address this user
"After about 20 years on the job, I said to my wife, "I don't think I'm getting anywhere. I think I'd like to quit." She gave me the best piece of advice in the world. She said, "Why not write one book the way you'd like to, instead of the way Martin wants you to? Get it out of your system. The worst thing that will happen is he'll fire you -- but you want to quit anyway." At the time, DC Comics had a book called The Justice League, about a group of superheroes, that was selling very well. So in 1961 we did The Fantastic Four. I tried to make the characters different in the sense that they had real emotions and problems. And it caught on. After that, Martin asked me to come up with some other superheroes. That's when I did the X-Men and The Hulk. And we stopped being a company that imitated."

clickable text
Post 25 IP   flag post
Collector 50AE_DE private msg quote post Address this user
Challengers of the Unknown came out in 1957, 4 years before FF. The other half of the team that created the Fantastic Four also created Challengers of the Unknown...Jack Kirby was the person who created the Challengers.

The site below has an interesting comparison between the two teams.
Post 26 IP   flag post
Collector thelastbard private msg quote post Address this user
The ones that made sense to have Stan and Joan were Peter and MJ images... Seemed more common when they showed up on the Stan Lee Stuff site ( Aside from that, I don't get the point. $600? Noooooo.... Even at a 9.8. Half that? Maybe. It would depend on the book itself aside from that.
Post 27 IP   flag post
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