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'CBCS Collectors Sets' Topics

TitleAuthorPostsLast Post
CBCS Message Board - Terms of Use SteveRicketts 1 9 yearsSteveRicketts (19655): Open thread to view post.
Graded CBCS and CGC Signed X-Man and Wonder Woman Sets for sale smeninc 1 30 dayssmeninc (181): Wonder Woman - signed by Gal Gadot X-Men 1s - signed by Jim Lee ...
Raw and Graded comic books for sale smeninc 2 2 monthsBakersman (190): cool books!
Civil War Amazing Spider-Man J. MICHAEL STRACZYNSKI for sale smeninc 1 3 monthssmeninc (181): Amazing Spider-Man Civil War issues signed by J. MICHAEL STRACZYNSKI for sale on ebay.
Who’s got the runs? Scifinator Jump to first page238Jump to last page 11 monthsSiggy (25582): ...
Cbcs labels Deceptionking420 20 1 yearHulkSmash (11286): I asked Steve Borock quite a while before he left if I could get a custom notation some Batman knight fall books; if even as a slab only. I wanted to do some sort of “in memory of” notation for my brother being his favorite Batman arc. I followed up and got an indefinite answer of not being able to get a definitive answer. I took it as a soft no due to the subject matter. He did say he was going to bring it up in a meeting of some sort, but...
I need to figure out how… jgzachary13 6 2 yearsIronMan (6264): Quick and convenient always means less money. Slow and time consuming means more money. You have to choose. If achieving maximum value, you are going to have to sell on eBay, Facebook or find local comic book shows (books in the dollar boxes often sell well) to attend. On eBay you just put 10-20 books in a listing so it is worth listing and selling. It's very unlikely any comic book store is going to be interested in trading a key, expensive...
Batman 423 Buzbe 5 2 yearsMurm (2619): Ok thanks was asking as I think I have those books but can’t ship right now if you were close to Maryland was going to suggest meeting up. Hopefully someone else on the boards will be able to help you.
Thanks Cynthia Zombie_Head 14 2 yearsfigment (21322): On my previous visit to CBCS/Beckett I asked about the GIANT empty room behind reception and was told it's reserved for Customer Service. Now they just need to get people in there! And yes, Cynthia is the best!
Bobby Benson's B-Bar-B Riders 14 CBCS 8.5 SHRUNKEN HEAD/BONDAGE $1 AUCTION PolarisNuclearSS2020 1 2 yearsPolarisNuclearSS2020 (1376): Just saw this CBCS 8.5 on ebay in a no reserve auction format, this seller has this slab and about a dozen other heavy hitters up for auction now, all without reserves and no minimum bids. FTR, I have nothing to do with this seller... I'm curious to see how this CBCS 8.5 performs in auction, book looks cherry from the pics I see but I'm messaging the seller to...
10% discount on Golden Age Batman, Superman, Captain America, and more andrewscomics 1 2 yearsandrewscomics (8): Over at Andrew's Comics, we're offering a 10% on our eBay books to customers who pay via a Paypal goods & services invoice. We have over 400 slabbed books, including everything from Golden Age Batman and Captain America to rare modern variants. Our full inventory is here, just send us a message or reply with a book request to set up the discount: Returns are...
recommended places to sell comics smeninc 10 3 yearsEbayMafia (37349): seems to have a pretty small buying audience but it can be a good price to sell well priced slabbed books. And since their sales are small, sales tax will only apply to buyers inside your state. The commission is only 1% for each the buyer and the seller.
GrailzCon 2021! Celebs, Live Sales and More! ccmp99 1 4 yearsccmp99 (60): June 1st to June 4th ! Check out GrailzCon only @instagrailz on Instagram! clickable text
X-men Annual #14 Gustafson26 8 4 yearsDoc_Cop (3100): The proper name for these square bound books are produced is Prestige format.
Neal Adams Personal collections Zombie_Head 22 4 yearstheCapraAegagrus (2603): Wow. Super cool IMO.
Absolute Carnage #1 Stanley Artgerm hogan36 16 5 yearshogan36 (198): @crystalphoto Thank you!
Fresh batch CBCS. Starting at $50 chefcomics 12 5 yearschefcomics (163): UPDATED LOT 21 COMICS $795 SHIPPED
Mutant Beaver Comics hogan36 3 5 yearshogan36 (198): @Studley_Dudley Thanks!!
Poly bag Crease lpgasdude 21 5 yearsScifinator (15976): @Siggy, I can attest from personal experiences, that you are correct on all counts...D@##!+
Where can I register my CBCS collection? fenomenico62 12 5 yearsArak (1000): Hell to the yeah little brother .. lets get it // then we run over to Cozumel and get in a few dives and come back and drink some more
Show your error comics Airmomo Jump to first page43Jump to last page 5 yearsSiggy (25582): Post #14 :)
CBCS census Mugroantics 16 6 yearsthe420bandito (11463): Great example. I have prob 6-7 raw copies of that book. None above 4.0-5.0. I believe the Savannah copy was a 9.4. Ultra tough book in high grade.
The set is once again complete! dielinfinite 11 6 yearsNuffsaid111 (20512): I was lucky enough to get 1 Ross Andru autograph back in the early 90's. I think it was on a Batman title although I forget which one (gotta go dig in my collection to find it now that I've seen these). I can't even imagine how much his signature would be worth on a #129 if he were alive when CGC/CBCS began.
CBCS Ultimate Edition Detective Comics 1000 GanaSoth 6 6 yearsDrogio (8087): If Batman on tech 1000 isn't your thang....
BATMAN 1970's organic 1 6 yearsorganic (13): Hi, I am clearing out some of my collection and willing to sell some of my books. Feel free to contact me if any question. Set of 5 comic books BATMAN #273, #274, #275, #277, #278 Price for set is $63 Here are the buying details. The Book what you see that is the book what I am selling. Please see pictures for the condition. Shipping method will be at the buyer's request . You can tell me if you want extra insurance or just...
Larger cases mightyestmatt 4 7 yearsshrewbeer (13263): New slab Magazine slab Census Registry From what we’ve heard in the past few years from employees, I would say its safe to assume they will come to fruition in the next decade. That’s about as close as I’m willing to assume on that 🤷🏼‍♂️
CBCS Census and/or Registry Update? Round 3 RyanHicks 20 7 yearsRyanHicks (1974): as CGC registry deadline is coming to a close this week, it has reminded me to check in and see how things are going with CBCS Registry? I know the move is finishing up this week so hopefully we will have some news soon (as in actual soon not #soon)
My 1st comic ever. What was yours??? Odins_Raven Jump to first page78Jump to last page 7 yearsBabaLament (2961): First comic I ever purchased, and I remember it perfectly: Aliens Predator, Deadliest of the Species #1. Picked it up with my dad at the comic shop at Town & Country Mall in Arlington Heights IL (since closed, and I don’t remember the name of the comic shop). It was a shop with perfect late 80’s/early 90’s location: at the “T” intersection of the mall in the corner unit off the main corridor, with a KB-Toys on one side,...
Stan Lee signature princing help sl4wt3r 27 7 yearsthelastbard (1282): The ones that made sense to have Stan and Joan were Peter and MJ images... Seemed more common when they showed up on the Stan Lee Stuff site ( Aside from that, I don't get the point. $600? Noooooo.... Even at a 9.8. Half that? Maybe. It would depend on the book itself aside from that.
Help me with my next CBCS order esaravo Jump to first page46Jump to last page 7 yearsWatcher (4166): :) Deal! I saw the home page appointment section, but nothing set up that far out so I need to wait. Do you know if they do tours or am i just passing off my books?
Showcase: Black Panther - Books/Toys/Art Odins_Raven 17 7 yearsX51 (14750): I wouldn't mind Pantha being in the upcoming movie.
VSP gallery...Show em off! Odins_Raven Jump to first page103Jump to last page 7 yearsthe420bandito (11463): As soon as they are start accepting underground books I will have some fun VSP posts....
Metal 3 Mattina Virgin Set For Sale KingNampa 7 7 yearsKingNampa (6756): ebay it is :(|)
Worth it? National Diamond,Mark Jewelers ed. Odins_Raven 7 7 yearsX51 (14750): It's the same comic, but you get more for the money. I think they're neat. I wouldn't go out of my way to find one.
Dark Nights: Metal - likes! and dislikes? ZosoRocks 7 7 yearsDrogio (8087): The batman who laughs is the best thing coming out of this arc. It's the only reason I'm paying attention and the only disappointment is that he's had a limited part so far...but it's just leaving me wanting to see and know more about him! Definitely hit on something bid here if they stay the course with this character. Speaking of which I'm going to start a thread to see what people consider his first appearance (cameo or otherwise). ...
CBCS Census and/or Registry Update? RyanHicks Jump to first page79Jump to last page 8 yearsthpike (364): Our reply this week
Super Sons #1 Frank Quitely CBCS Graded MGA 4 8 yearsMGA (124): Absolutely correct...........
printer defect ams #361 Zieggy1975 5 8 yearsDarthLego (20518): clickable text
Chris Claremont Zombie_Head 13 8 yearsJustThatGuy (5004): no. he just talks a lot. just be careful of some of the things you say though, he'll go off. he caught himself from getting angry because i brought up something that people were doing( killing his legacy) to his creations.
ebay auction - 24hrs left Jays 1 8 yearsJays (1): I have the Hulk #1 Popcorn and B&W Variant CBCS signed books on ebay - less than 24 hrs left.
Welcome to the CBCS Forum! SteveRicketts Jump to first page530Jump to last page 8 yearsrec1978 (69): Hello All, I am new to the CBCS boards, but I have been around the block a little while (EBay for 16 years and CGC Chat Boards (same user id) for 4 years). If you see anything in my EBay store that you like, please feel free to shoot me a PM! Cheers, Ron As a side note: I am sending my first book, for CBCS Submission, today! ...
ASM #300 Style Cover Collection. BabaLament 2 8 yearsdielinfinite (26893): While I can't guarantee that it's comprehensive (though the site is generally very well organized), here's a list of ASM 300 homages
LET'S SEE EVERYONES VSP's Odins_Raven Jump to first page47Jump to last page 8 yearsdrchaos (29903):
New to grading and i could use some help Brucewayne0483 13 8 yearsBrianGreensnips (15511): Welcome aboard. If you have the extra funds, I like what @JWKyle says about giving it a try. Do not be disappointed though if the grades come back lower than you were hoping. My first batch that I sent out to CBCS was pretty cool to get back and they look awesome. I sent books that I thought were really clean books and I was supprised not to see one of them come back at 9.8 So it has been an intersting education here on the forum about...
Slabbed group?(any good?) Johnnylray 8 8 yearsDrWatson (58588): Not sure about the owner, but the guy who runs it is GACollectibles, Andrew Cretella.
Liam's Foreign Comic Blowout! Great Deals! TheLiamSturgess Jump to first page40Jump to last page 8 yearsTheLiamSturgess (289): Thanks very much, Alex! :) You've got some sick signature books listed as well, I noticed. Stoked to see you again in the next few months, I hope!
Registry - Census X24 10 9 yearsDrWatson (58588): How do you protect them with the cgc registry? With all the crack outs, pressed books, and resubmissions that don't include the original label, it's shot all to hell any way. The only information it can really supply is if a certain title and issue number has no submissions in a certain grade at all.
Proposed Functionality DrunkWooky 26 9 yearsTedsaid (7340): I didn't know that ... good to know, thx.
Gabriele Dell'otto Appreciation Thread Beamer Jump to first page63Jump to last page 9 yearsPoint6God (31): Those Vengeance covers are so overlooked (due to the series being kind of meh). The Siege Variants though, good lord. This deserves iconic cover status:
Show me your Superman Unchained variant Beamer 2 9 yearsHappylemon (70): do like a good jock book.nice comics mate
SHOW N TELL Golden Beauties normal to odd outlawmonster Jump to first page83Jump to last page 9 yearsD84 (1540): The grades notes on my Batman 9 are: *Spine stress lines *Staple multiple rusted with rust stained spine *Staple small multiple tear *Top staple rusted with rust stained interior Pretty sure the staple rust gave it a hit but I've seen CGC books with worse staples grade much higher. personal inventory feature? jedijohnson 10 9 yearsinfinityG (1280): Will there be a feature to upload your own pics of CBCS books into Collector Sets?
Sets For The Registry! Bagofleas 12 9 yearsOdins_Raven (2389): DC 4th World keys and #1's Jack Kirby VSP. So far: Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen 134 Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen 135 New Gods 1,2,4 Mister Miracle 1 Kamandi 1 Forever People 1 The Demon 1 OMAC 1
Official Saga Appreciation Thread IntoAnother 1 9 yearsIntoAnother (5452):