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Manga Grading20178

Collector supreme_comics private msg quote post Address this user
I was surprised to see that on the CBCS website home page, there is an announcement that manga grading will be launching next month. Does anyone know more about this? Will CBCS be doing it or will it be a separate part of Beckett?

Also, what type of manga will they grade? A lot of the most valuable manga is Japanese 1st appearances in Shonen Jump (around an inch thick) - will they grade that?
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I do what I can. TheShocker private msg quote post Address this user
Damn that's soo cool. I have 0 idea but I'll be watching this topic
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Collector Stonecollector private msg quote post Address this user
I had a question about collecting manga a while back but it was on who’s collecting not grading . It is cool to know that they be grading manga but like @supreme_comics stated I’m sure the only ones that will have value are first print Japanese releases I have a very small collection but it’s in English so I’m not even crossing my fingers
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Staple topics, nice. makahuka private msg quote post Address this user
Definitely have some books that aren't conventional sizes.
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