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My Comic Book Youtube Channel - The Comic Book Veteran - links within20058

Collector PDGray private msg quote post Address this user
I had posted this message in another thread - but decided to copy it here for visibility - just in case some of you may have interest in this type of thing.

Recently I started my comics centered material. I am calling it "The Comic Book Veteran" because I like comics and I am a Veteran. I welcome any suggestions and feedback. I hope I am getting better with my stories, filming, and editing. I didn't see anyone else talking about these topics, so I thought why not do it?? I am not selling anything - just having fun with it.

Anyway, here are my current episodes. I have the Curator episode filmed, I just haven't uploaded it yet. More will follow as I can get to them.

If you have topic suggestions - or ideas on how I can make my content better - please let me know. I am working on it and there is a learning curve involved. I am working to make my lighting better, working to make my stories better, and working on my editing skills as well.

Thanks for reading and possibly watching or subscribing! No sales gimmick here - just trying to share information - and I am ALWAYS up for more information on any of the pedigrees or other comic related information/history.

Episode 1: Who is this guy?

Episode 2: Brief History of Comic Books

Episode 3: Introduction to Pedigrees

Episode 4: The Edgar Church Collection

Episode 5: The Lost Valley Pedigree

Episode 6: Comic Book Material in Movies

Episode 7: How it all started

Episode 8: The Eldon Pedigree

Episode 9: The Promise Collection

Episode 10: SPECIAL EPISODE - Brothers in Comics
Post 1 IP   flag post
You think I'm joking, I'm not. earthshaker01 private msg quote post Address this user
Watched your Edgar Church video. You might enjoy this pic.

Post 2 IP   flag post
Collector PDGray private msg quote post Address this user
Thanks for watching!

That is an absolutely AMAZING book!!! Yours I presume?? If so, congratulations - books like that leave me speechless!!

I don't have any GA 9.8s, but I do have a 9.6 I will talk about in a future video.

Post 3 IP   flag post
You think I'm joking, I'm not. earthshaker01 private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by PDGray
Thanks for watching!

That is an absolutely AMAZING book!!! Yours I presume?? If so, congratulations - books like that leave me speechless!!

I don't have any GA 9.8s, but I do have a 9.6 I will talk about in a future video.

yes it's mine. I have many GA and SA 9.8's more than one probably should, lol. If you are on Facebook I can send you pics through messenger, rather than rhrough this thread. You may want to see these for your podcast. I collect obscure esoteric GA and SA high grade #1's, #nn's, promos, giveaways, 3-D, and Dell file copies. 100s graded 100s raw.
Would be cool podcast of something like these that are rare in high grade.
Post 4 IP   flag post
Collector PDGray private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by earthshaker01
yes it's mine. I have many GA and SA 9.8's more than one probably should, lol. If you are on Facebook I can send you pics through messenger, rather than rhrough this thread. You may want to see these for your podcast. I collect obscure esoteric GA and SA high grade #1's, #nn's, promos, giveaways, 3-D, and Dell file copies. 100s graded 100s raw.
Would be cool podcast of something like these that are rare in high grade.

No, not on FB anymore. I quit it about 6-7 years ago and never looked back. Honestly, one of the best decisions I ever made. I was admin on several FB groups and I put too much time into it and not nearly enough into my wife and kids. I had my priorities out of order - now I just work too much - LOL!!

My goal is to have one book from each of the recognized pedigrees. That's likely to be an impossible task, but I do have about 31-32 of them in my collection so far. It's getting hard to find the ones I need. I do have a number of file copies - and just picked up two new Dell file copies today - I think I have one other in my collection at the moment.

Sometime though - if you might be up for it, I would love to maybe do a video call of some sort and talk about some of those books you have!! That might be interesting for people to watch.

Post 5 IP   flag post
You think I'm joking, I'm not. earthshaker01 private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by earthshaker01
Originally Posted by PDGray
Thanks for watching!

That is an absolutely AMAZING book!!! Yours I presume?? If so, congratulations - books like that leave me speechless!!

I don't have any GA 9.8s, but I do have a 9.6 I will talk about in a future video.

yes it's mine. I have many GA and SA 9.8's more than one probably should, lol. If you are on Facebook I can send you pics through messenger, rather than rhrough this thread. You may want to see these for your podcast. I collect obscure esoteric GA and SA high grade #1's, #nn's, promos, giveaways, 3-D, and Dell file copies. 100s graded 100s raw.
Would be cool podcast of something like these that are rare in high grade.

SUre maybe we can get a video call in sometime. It would be fun to show some books you rarely see in higher grades.

Post 6 IP   flag post
Collector PDGray private msg quote post Address this user
@earthshaker01 - those are absolutely bonkers!!!

Wow!! What a fantastic collection! That is the sort of thing I wish I could see in person to be honest - that's like a museum!!!

Nicely done!

Post 7 IP   flag post
You think I'm joking, I'm not. earthshaker01 private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by PDGray
@earthshaker01 - those are absolutely bonkers!!!

Wow!! What a fantastic collection! That is the sort of thing I wish I could see in person to be honest - that's like a museum!!!

Nicely done!

Thanks man. A labor of love. I collected most of this when no one wanted them. During the 90s everyone wanted a key Marvel or DC amd looked past these truly rare books. They were practically giving them away for pennies on the dollar. I've seen enough common keys Hulk 181s, AF 15s, even Action #1 there are at least 100 copies out there. Show me high grade "If the Devil Would Talk" from 1950. Now that's rare.

I would never be able to afford putting this collection together nowadays. It's been fun hunting these books down.

Post 8 IP   flag post
Collector PDGray private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by earthshaker01
Thanks man. A labor of love. I collected most of this when no one wanted them. During the 90s everyone wanted a key Marvel or DC amd looked past these truly rare books. They were practically giving them away for pennies on the dollar. I've seen enough common keys Hulk 181s, AF 15s, even Action #1 there are at least 100 copies out there. Show me high grade "If the Devil Would Talk" from 1950. Now that's rare.

I would never be able to afford putting this collection together nowadays. It's been fun hunting these books down.

That's what I have found as well. I had some really great marvel keys that I got in the 80s that I could never afford to do now. A lot of what I had was stolen back in 2015, but since then I have replaced many of those. These days I really try to look where nobody else is looking, although there are still keys that I want to find - just to put on my wall behind me where I do the videos.

I have really come to enjoy the GA books - they are SUCH a part of our history and there are some truly undervalued treasures out there. I have a crap-ton of SA books too - I kind of feel like I need to preserve them for the next generation of collectors. I have some need to send off for grading sometime - just to protect the books as much as anything else.

Post 9 IP   flag post
You think I'm joking, I'm not. earthshaker01 private msg quote post Address this user
A few more for your viewing pleasure. I have hundreds and hundreds more. Swing on by, you'd have fun going through them.

Post 10 IP   flag post
I'm a #2. BigRedOne1944 private msg quote post Address this user
First.... Thank You for your service!

I viewed some of your youtube vids and they were well done in my opinion

I look forward to seeing more!

Im not really into all the pedigree stuff, but it is cool to see such pristine books!

I fancy stuff like Sgt Rock and Our Army at war. I also like to design my own "cyber Slabs" to display some of my books on line. I have a lot of fun with it

Post 11 IP   flag post
I'm a #2. BigRedOne1944 private msg quote post Address this user
@earthshaker01 Outstanding books you posted! Wow!
Post 12 IP   flag post
You think I'm joking, I'm not. earthshaker01 private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by BigRedOne1944
@earthshaker01 Outstanding books you posted! Wow!
Thanks just a few in this odd collection of mine. I see you like war covers. Love them too. Here are some file copies I got years ago.

Post 13 IP   flag post
I'm a #2. BigRedOne1944 private msg quote post Address this user
Those are AMAZING looking books! Me surely like the War Covers!
Post 14 IP   flag post
Collector PDGray private msg quote post Address this user
I loved SGT Rock growing up - and I would be lying if I said it didn't have at least a little influence on my choice of career. Unfortunately, most of my SGT Rock comics are long gone - not by my own choice - they disappeared along with about 2000 or so other books - but that's another story.

Post 15 IP   flag post
You think I'm joking, I'm not. earthshaker01 private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by PDGray
I loved SGT Rock growing up - and I would be lying if I said it didn't have at least a little influence on my choice of career. Unfortunately, most of my SGT Rock comics are long gone - not by my own choice - they disappeared along with about 2000 or so other books - but that's another story.

a few more obscure books for ya.

Post 16 IP   flag post
" . " Davethebrave private msg quote post Address this user
Well-presented, nice job.

Technical comment - lots of white noise (background). Are you using a laptop mic (built in)? Something else?
Post 17 IP   flag post
Collector PDGray private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Davethebrave
Well-presented, nice job.

Technical comment - lots of white noise (background). Are you using a laptop mic (built in)? Something else?

I have used the built in microphone for most of the videos, but also have a Blue Snowball Ice microphone that I used on a few of them. What I have found is that when I add the launch screen and the credits screens that it throws the audio/video sync off by about .005-.010 seconds. So, during my filming I have tried both in an attempt to eliminate that - it saves on some editing time. It's all learning for me - which is what I find to be fun.

Next video that I shoot, I will use the microphone and see how that does. I have done the Curator pedigree and just used the built-in.

But I am all for suggestions to make them better!!

Post 18 IP   flag post
" . " Davethebrave private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by PDGray
Originally Posted by Davethebrave
Well-presented, nice job.

Technical comment - lots of white noise (background). Are you using a laptop mic (built in)? Something else?

I have used the built in microphone for most of the videos, but also have a Blue Snowball Ice microphone that I used on a few of them. What I have found is that when I add the launch screen and the credits screens that it throws the audio/video sync off by about .005-.010 seconds. So, during my filming I have tried both in an attempt to eliminate that - it saves on some editing time. It's all learning for me - which is what I find to be fun.

Next video that I shoot, I will use the microphone and see how that does. I have done the Curator pedigree and just used the built-in.

But I am all for suggestions to make them better!!


Play around with your gain settings (and check for any boosts going on). May help to position the mic closer and ease off the gain.
Post 19 IP   flag post
Collector PDGray private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Davethebrave

Play around with your gain settings (and check for any boosts going on). May help to position the mic closer and ease off the gain.

Ok, gotta admit I have no idea how to do that! LOL!! I can definitely change mic position - that is easier. I don't like my lighting for the most part either. My comic cave (man cave) is just naturally a dark room.

I do my editing in Davinci Resolve - so I will take a little time and see if I can find the gain setting and learn how to do that.

Sincerely - THANK YOU - I appreciate the feedback and suggestions!

Post 20 IP   flag post
" . " Davethebrave private msg quote post Address this user
You’re very welcome.

The gain settings will depend on your OS but likely can be found searching your computer with the word “gain” or finding a youtube video on it.

With the snowball mic you might want to check omni vs cardioid settings (you want the latter). There might be input level settings on the mic itself too. I’m not familiar with its specifics.

The cardioid setting should reduce (to a degree) room noise. Adjusting gain should help reduce white/background noise generally.

For lighting consider one of those ring lights. Added bonus: moonlight as an Insta influencer and do beauty product tutorials.

Originally Posted by PDGray
Originally Posted by Davethebrave

Play around with your gain settings (and check for any boosts going on). May help to position the mic closer and ease off the gain.

Ok, gotta admit I have no idea how to do that! LOL!! I can definitely change mic position - that is easier. I don't like my lighting for the most part either. My comic cave (man cave) is just naturally a dark room.

I do my editing in Davinci Resolve - so I will take a little time and see if I can find the gain setting and learn how to do that.

Sincerely - THANK YOU - I appreciate the feedback and suggestions!

Post 21 IP   flag post
Collector PDGray private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Davethebrave
You’re very welcome.

The gain settings will depend on your OS but likely can be found searching your computer with the word “gain” or finding a youtube video on it.

With the snowball mic you might want to check omni vs cardioid settings (you want the latter). There might be input level settings on the mic itself too. I’m not familiar with its specifics.

The cardioid setting should reduce (to a degree) room noise. Adjusting gain should help reduce white/background noise generally.

For lighting consider one of those ring lights. Added bonus: moonlight as an Insta influencer and do beauty product tutorials.

Originally Posted by PDGray
Originally Posted by Davethebrave

Play around with your gain settings (and check for any boosts going on). May help to position the mic closer and ease off the gain.

Ok, gotta admit I have no idea how to do that! LOL!! I can definitely change mic position - that is easier. I don't like my lighting for the most part either. My comic cave (man cave) is just naturally a dark room.

I do my editing in Davinci Resolve - so I will take a little time and see if I can find the gain setting and learn how to do that.

Sincerely - THANK YOU - I appreciate the feedback and suggestions!


I have spent some 40+ years as a professional musician - but as a brass player. I ran cables and used microphones and even sat behind the board a little bit, but never learned any of that stuff. My role was "aim at the mic and play loud!" LOL!!

Post 22 IP   flag post
" . " Davethebrave private msg quote post Address this user

I strongly prefer the playing side of music over the recording side. Have a pretty extensive home studio setup but most recording gets done on my phone.

As for your experience as a brass player - I’ll admit that’s one category I’ve never dabbled in. That and double-reeds. Love good jazz trumpet, however.
Post 23 IP   flag post
Collector PDGray private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Davethebrave

I strongly prefer the playing side of music over the recording side. Have a pretty extensive home studio setup but most recording gets done on my phone.

As for your experience as a brass player - I’ll admit that’s one category I’ve never dabbled in. That and double-reeds. Love good jazz trumpet, however.

Yep, I am a trumpet player. Started playing professionally at about 13 years old - playing in a big band. Played in almost every type of ensemble you can imagine. In my Army career I spent 6 years in Europe touring fairly extensively playing big band jazz. I've probably played on 30 CDs, maybe more. It was weird at one point going through a store and I heard myself over the store radio.

I have been very blessed to do the things I have done and experienced the things I have. Some people have dubbed me "The most interesting man in the world." Ha!

Post 24 IP   flag post
Collector PDGray private msg quote post Address this user
Anyone else watched any of my vids yet? I have the Curator done and really ready to upload, but haven't had time to get it posted just yet.

Haven't done another video, but I am still going to play with the microphone and lighting settings - just gotta find time to do that. Full-time job and teaching college and wife and kids and too MANY other things going on!!

Anyway, I always welcome any other feedback on things I should do differently or topics I can cover!

Post 25 IP   flag post
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