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CBCS submit order is down?17848

I’m not an ant. I’m a rootin tootin Hornet! Zombie_Head private msg quote post Address this user
Anyone else having problems with getting the submitting tab to work. I’ve been trying to add books and can’t.
Post 1 IP   flag post
I’m not an ant. I’m a rootin tootin Hornet! Zombie_Head private msg quote post Address this user
This is what I get no links working been this way for two days.
Post 2 IP   flag post
COLLECTOR dielinfinite private msg quote post Address this user
It is and has been working for me on pc and mobile all day and just now
Post 3 IP   flag post
Collector consumetheliving private msg quote post Address this user
Same here, haven't been able to access the sub form all day today.
Post 4 IP   flag post
Collector cakenut private msg quote post Address this user
I cannot access it at all for over 24 hours now. I was able to contact CBCS thru facebook chat and they said they've passed it on to the team.
Post 5 IP   flag post
If the viagra is working you should be well over a 9.8. xkonk private msg quote post Address this user
If they were having price issues like in the other thread, maybe it's down while they fix it.
Post 6 IP   flag post
Where's his Bat-package? Byrdibyrd private msg quote post Address this user
@Zombie_Head @consumetheliving @cakenut
I'm with you guys. Can't submit anything and I first noticed it yesterday. I submitted books a couple weeks ago and had no problem.
Post 7 IP   flag post
Collector Vrishnak private msg quote post Address this user
Tried myself just now and clicking on "Submit comics for US only" doesn't do anything.
Post 8 IP   flag post
COLLECTOR dielinfinite private msg quote post Address this user
@Vrishnak That button is not supposed to do anything visible. It just adjusts the order form/pricing for the specific region.

You’re supposed to press the left blue button in the yellow box beneath it that says “Add Comic”

Post 9 IP   flag post
Collector cakenut private msg quote post Address this user
This is what it looks like for me. Can’t click on anything.

Post 10 IP   flag post
Where's his Bat-package? Byrdibyrd private msg quote post Address this user
You mean the yellow box that says "Order has no items" followed by "choose an option below to begin," then two blue boxes below that say "..."

Literally "..."

Cannot click on anything.
Post 11 IP   flag post
COLLECTOR dielinfinite private msg quote post Address this user
@cakenut Yes, that was posted above. Not sure what’s going on but I was responding to the guy above me that was unsure why nothing happened when he clicked the big button at the top
Post 12 IP   flag post
Where's his Bat-package? Byrdibyrd private msg quote post Address this user
Thanks for the screenshot! That's exactly what I'm seeing.
Post 13 IP   flag post
Collector Vrishnak private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by dielinfinite
@Vrishnak That button is not supposed to do anything visible. It just adjusts the order form/pricing for the specific region.

You’re supposed to press the left blue button in the yellow box beneath it that says “Add Comic”

I have neither of those buttons you mention.
Post 14 IP   flag post
Collector Vrishnak private msg quote post Address this user

Post 15 IP   flag post
Collector 50AE_DE private msg quote post Address this user
Meanwhile at CBCS's IT department.

Post 16 IP   flag post
being an ass and being a clown are two very different things. HAmistoso private msg quote post Address this user
Working just fine here:

Post 17 IP   flag post
Collector cakenut private msg quote post Address this user
@Zombie_Head @Vrishnak it’s back to working for me.
Post 18 IP   flag post
Where's his Bat-package? Byrdibyrd private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by cakenut
@Zombie_Head @Vrishnak it’s back to working for me.

Me, too.
Post 19 IP   flag post
Collector cakenut private msg quote post Address this user
Holy moly...a book with fast pass was $36 now it's $54?!?!
Post 20 IP   flag post
Collector kinneywhat private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by cakenut
Holy moly...a book with fast pass was $36 now it's $54?!?!

I'm showing the same prices. Is this correct or an error? $36 for modern express wasn't that bad to get your books back in a month instead of 6-8 month. Tripling the regular submission price to have a faster turnaround without an announcement is ridiculous though. I'm hoping it's just an error.
Post 21 IP   flag post
If the viagra is working you should be well over a 9.8. xkonk private msg quote post Address this user
It was announced, sort of
Post 22 IP   flag post
Collector cakenut private msg quote post Address this user
Dang, well, they've priced me out I guess I'll go with EGS for now.
Post 23 IP   flag post
Collector kinneywhat private msg quote post Address this user
I went with CBCS to begin with because of the faster (not anymore) turn around times and better pricing. I don't care for the labels, but do highly prefer the CBCS slabs. at $36/book, it was a good price to guarantee a fast turn-around. The increased price doesn't give me much motivation to sent them anything. I'm not paying $54/book, and I'm not waiting 8-9 months at the cheapest tier either.

I just signed up for a CGC account and just submitted 10 books to them. I guess we'll see if the current 3 month turn-around time for modern is true. If CBCS could get to a 3-4 month turn around time consistently for modern, I will gladly start submitting again. I suspect the increased price is probably to deter people from express, or submissions in general, and catch up on the backlog. I hope that's the case.
Post 24 IP   flag post
Collector consumetheliving private msg quote post Address this user
It's drag racing time, I have 30 books I want to sub so I'll do an even split between CGC and CBCS standard subs no fast track. Let games begin.
Post 25 IP   flag post
Where's his Bat-package? Byrdibyrd private msg quote post Address this user
I would be very interested to know how that comes out, if you actually do it.
Post 26 IP   flag post
Collector consumetheliving private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Byrdibyrd
I would be very interested to know how that comes out, if you actually do it.

I'll keep you posted.
Post 27 IP   flag post
Where's his Bat-package? Byrdibyrd private msg quote post Address this user
@consumetheliving Nice books! I'd be getting those graded, too.
Post 28 IP   flag post
Collector consumetheliving private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Byrdibyrd
@consumetheliving Nice books! I'd be getting those graded, too.
thanks, it's tough though. Every time I bank some cash to sub I find another book I want to buy. The predator stack is a full run (1-4) plus an extra issue 1. I'm debating if I split the issue 1's between CGC and CBCS. Also, the Robocop 1 is a mag so I might hold that back or on a separate invoice.
Post 29 IP   flag post
Where's his Bat-package? Byrdibyrd private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by consumetheliving
Every time I bank some cash to sub I find another book I want to buy.

I feel your pain. Seriously.
Originally Posted by consumetheliving
the Robocop 1 is a mag so I might hold that back or on a separate invoice.

You'll have to put it on a separate invoice regardless. CGC keeps the comics and mags separate and CBCS doesn't accept mags yet. If it were my magazine, I'd wait until CBCS makes their new magazine capsule available. I have a number of mags in capsules from CGC (the only real option right now) and the capsules suck. They're flimsy and a lot more fragile than the comics capsules. If you pick one up by a corner you can actually hear it creaking and cracking. The only time I've ever had a book I sold returned to me for damage during shipping, it was a magazine in one of those barely adequate capsules. That Robocop looks like a nice mag, so I'd recommend you treat it right.
Post 30 IP   flag post
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