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CBCS 101: A Newbie's Guide.9896

COLLECTOR dielinfinite private msg quote post Address this user
The maximum size for slabbing is 7.625" x 10.5" and .24" thick. The Marvel Super specials I believe are magazine size so they would have to be raw graded.

I believe the Maximum size for raw grading are treasury sized books which are about 10”x13”.

I’m not sure what equipment CBCS uses but most pressers are using machines designed for pressing clothes so I’d imagine the vast majority of comics would fir
Post 151 IP   flag post
Collector bennyb86 private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by dielinfinite
The maximum size for slabbing is 7.625" x 10.5" and .24" thick. The Marvel Super specials I believe are magazine size so they would have to be raw graded.

I believe the Maximum size for raw grading are treasury sized books which are about 10”x13”.

I’m not sure what equipment CBCS uses but most pressers are using machines designed for pressing clothes so I’d imagine the vast majority of comics would fir

Thank you!
Post 152 IP   flag post
I wish I had a title. ComicNinja0215 private msg quote post Address this user
Instead of starting a thread on this, I'm just going to ask it here. I put press screen on my latest order and I haven't been charged yet. I know pressing is a bit behind so am I being paranoid or do I just need to be patient a little while longer?
Post 153 IP   flag post
COLLECTOR dielinfinite private msg quote post Address this user
You just need to wait. When you add a screen the final costs are not calculated until the screen is completed. I am unsure if the screen is completed while the books are in line for pressing or if the screen happens when the order’s turn for pressing comes up
Post 154 IP   flag post
I wish I had a title. ComicNinja0215 private msg quote post Address this user
@dielinfinite Thank you! I appreciate it. Should be coming up soon, received mid march.
Post 155 IP   flag post

If the viagra is working you should be well over a 9.8. xkonk private msg quote post Address this user
@Comicninja0215 on different orders I've been charged for pressing when it happens and when the whole order was done (grading and all). I think it depends on how busy they are.
Post 156 IP   flag post
I wish I had a title. ComicNinja0215 private msg quote post Address this user
@xkonk Seems legit, I was banking on them going into press sooner lol Regardless of how long it takes them to look at them, I'll have these books back before the books at cgc are done .
Post 157 IP   flag post
I wish I had a title. ComicNinja0215 private msg quote post Address this user
Or I should say across the street
Post 158 IP   flag post
Collector Ramage23 private msg quote post Address this user
For Canada Submissions do we still need to fill out the form or is the invoice enough to be included with the books?

Sorry if this was already answered earlier
Post 159 IP   flag post
COLLECTOR dielinfinite private msg quote post Address this user
They have simce added online submissions for CBCS Canada.

I always recommend starting an order online because then you have an invoice number right away, which can be used to refer to your order in case of a problem. Otherwise the invoice isn’t generated until the books are received by CBCS.

Start the order online and print the invoice it generates and include that with your books.
Post 160 IP   flag post
Collector Ramage23 private msg quote post Address this user
Thanks @dielinfinite.

I submitted my order and packed it all up but then saw the fourm on CBCS Canada.
Post 161 IP   flag post
Collector Ramage23 private msg quote post Address this user
Newb question that I cannot seem to find the answer to (I did search).

At what point will the status of my Canadian submitted package change? According to my tracking the books were dropped off in Oakville yesterday. I see that with US submissions the status will change after a few days at the Dallas office, is this the case for Canada?

Will the status only change after it reaches Dallas?

Sorry if this has been answered before I honestly could not find it.
Post 162 IP   flag post
Collector Ramage23 private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Ramage23
Newb question that I cannot seem to find the answer to (I did search).

At what point will the status of my Canadian submitted package change? According to my tracking the books were dropped off in Oakville yesterday. I see that with US submissions the status will change after a few days at the Dallas office, is this the case for Canada?

Will the status only change after it reaches Dallas?

Sorry if this has been answered before I honestly could not find it.

Found the answer thanks @KatKomics
Post 163 IP   flag post
Collector Ztlamhcs private msg quote post Address this user
Im trying to submit my first set of books to cbcs but its not giving me the option to set a pre-screen grade.

What am I doing wrong?
Post 164 IP   flag post
Collector Tyler private msg quote post Address this user
My submission of May 4th have not been "listed" yet
so..keep that in mind. There is NO way of knowing where your books are
until they pop back up on CBCS radar...period.
Post 165 IP   flag post
-Our Odin-
Rest in Peace
Jesse_O private msg quote post Address this user
@Ztlamhcs from what I understand, the Canadian form will not let you choose screening. I believe you only need to use that form if you are using the Canadian submission site. If you are shipping directly to Dallas, and opting for shipping directly back to you, you can use the American form.
Post 166 IP   flag post
COLLECTOR dielinfinite private msg quote post Address this user
@Ztlamhcs I am seeing the option disabled as well. I do know some options are disabled/different if you are using CBCS Canada. It is possible that Grade Screening might be disabled if you are using the CBCS Canada service.

I’ll have to see if I can get @KatKomics or one of the other Canadian members in here to see if they have some insight.
Post 167 IP   flag post
Collector Ztlamhcs private msg quote post Address this user
Awesome! Appreciate the help. Not sure why it's disabled. I don't see any news or anything to indicate why.
Post 168 IP   flag post
Collector Londonman454 private msg quote post Address this user
I accidently forgot to include the invoice in the shipment....Will CBCS figure it out or will the books get sent back? what happens?
Post 169 IP   flag post
The apple sauce and pudding were the best part... Bronte private msg quote post Address this user

That would be my worst nightmare.
I'd call them and let them know ASAP. you figure it would cost them money out of their own pocket to mail it to you since they don't have your credit card info. And with the influx of added mail they prolly go through a ton of books.
Post 170 IP   flag post
COLLECTOR dielinfinite private msg quote post Address this user
@Londonman454 I would send them an email, include the tracking number and attach a copy of the invoice. Wait a week and if ypu get no response, resend the email every few days until you get an affirmative response from customer service.

They MIGHT be able to identify it on their own if the package has your name and address on the package but you wouldn’t want to leave that to chance. Providing them the tracking number should create a definite link.
Post 171 IP   flag post
Collector Londonman454 private msg quote post Address this user
@Bronte @dielinfinite , Thanks for the quick responses. I have emailed customer service with the tracking number and invoice number and explained my dumbness. The package has my name and address on it so I am sure it will work out. Thanks again.
Post 172 IP   flag post
Collector Silverado private msg quote post Address this user
Pleasant greetings to all.

I have 2 copies of Silver Surfer vol. 1 #14 that I want to send in. One of them is craptastic and I just want it graded and slabbed. The other one is more betterest and I want it pressed and graded and slabbed. How do I best ensure that these two books to not get mixed up? Do I just distinguish which is which with a sticky note?

Post 173 IP   flag post
Collector Silverado private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by dielinfinite
@Ztlamhcs I am seeing the option disabled as well. I do know some options are disabled/different if you are using CBCS Canada. It is possible that Grade Screening might be disabled if you are using the CBCS Canada service.

I’ll have to see if I can get @KatKomics or one of the other Canadian members in here to see if they have some insight.

Ya, its disabled for submissions through the Canadian process. There is no explanation offered as to why some features are not available.
Post 174 IP   flag post
COLLECTOR dielinfinite private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Silverado
Pleasant greetings to all.

I have 2 copies of Silver Surfer vol. 1 #14 that I want to send in. One of them is craptastic and I just want it graded and slabbed. The other one is more betterest and I want it pressed and graded and slabbed. How do I best ensure that these two books to not get mixed up? Do I just distinguish which is which with a sticky note?


If you are planning to send an order in at a later time I would save one for a different order, just to be safe. If that’s not the answer you want to hear, ai would write on the polybag/mylar something like “Press” and/or “do not press” on the respective book.

Originally Posted by Silverado
Originally Posted by dielinfinite
@Ztlamhcs I am seeing the option disabled as well. I do know some options are disabled/different if you are using CBCS Canada. It is possible that Grade Screening might be disabled if you are using the CBCS Canada service.

I’ll have to see if I can get @KatKomics or one of the other Canadian members in here to see if they have some insight.

Ya, its disabled for submissions through the Canadian process. There is no explanation offered as to why some features are not available.

I’d imagine most have to do with the logistics involved. For example, the turnaround times will always be longer with the Canadian orders so it doesn’t make sense to offer expedited services that when there are still weeks of transit both ways.

Additionally, it doesn’t make a whole lot of business sense to offer grade screening meaning they may end up storing/transporting books for weeks only for them to fail the screen and not get a gig out of it.
Post 175 IP   flag post
Collector Ztlamhcs private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by dielinfinite
Originally Posted by Silverado
Pleasant greetings to all.

I have 2 copies of Silver Surfer vol. 1 #14 that I want to send in. One of them is craptastic and I just want it graded and slabbed. The other one is more betterest and I want it pressed and graded and slabbed. How do I best ensure that these two books to not get mixed up? Do I just distinguish which is which with a sticky note?


If you are planning to send an order in at a later time I would save one for a different order, just to be safe. If that’s not the answer you want to hear, ai would write on the polybag/mylar something like “Press” and/or “do not press” on the respective book.

Originally Posted by Silverado
Originally Posted by dielinfinite
@Ztlamhcs I am seeing the option disabled as well. I do know some options are disabled/different if you are using CBCS Canada. It is possible that Grade Screening might be disabled if you are using the CBCS Canada service.

I’ll have to see if I can get @KatKomics or one of the other Canadian members in here to see if they have some insight.

Ya, its disabled for submissions through the Canadian process. There is no explanation offered as to why some features are not available.

I’d imagine most have to do with the logistics involved. For example, the turnaround times will always be longer with the Canadian orders so it doesn’t make sense to offer expedited services that when there are still weeks of transit both ways.

Additionally, it doesn’t make a whole lot of business sense to offer grade screening meaning they may end up storing/transporting books for weeks only for them to fail the screen and not get a gig out of it.

I'm in Canada though. Turn around time for me would obviously be shorter. As far as it not making sense for them to offer grade screening, why is it offered the in US then?
Post 176 IP   flag post
Collector Silverado private msg quote post Address this user
I had an order pretty much ready to go and it simply disappeared from my cart. Do those time out after a bit? Is there any way to save a developing order? Frustrating.
Post 177 IP   flag post
COLLECTOR dielinfinite private msg quote post Address this user
@Silverado Carts are not saved to your account the way an ebay or Amazon cart is. The details are stored locally on your device, I’d imagine via a cookie. If your machine cleans them out via regular maintenance then your cart will be lost.
Post 178 IP   flag post
COLLECTOR dielinfinite private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Ztlamhcs
I'm in Canada though. Turn around time for me would obviously be shorter. As far as it not making sense for them to offer grade screening, why is it offered the in US then?

I don’t understand what you’re not understanding. Turnaround times for orders places through the Canadian portal will always be longer because they wait until they’ve received a bulk of orders and transfer them en masse to Dallas, TX where the grading and encapsulation is being done. After which there is more waiting so that a mass of Canadian orders are shipped to the Canadian office who then has to ship the books out to the final customer. That’s a lot of extra work just for books to not meet the grade screen and not get an order out of the deal.

Why is it offered in the US? Aside from being their home territory there is no added time and transit in getting the books to and from the Canadian office before they even begin the standard queue.

You can certainly access the services for the USA if you submit through the USA portal and mail your books directly to CBCS and you will have them shipped back directly without the extra waiting. The catch of course is that you’re paying international shipping both ways which could end up getting quite expensive.
Post 179 IP   flag post
Collector Silverado private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by dielinfinite
@Silverado Carts are not saved to your account the way an ebay or Amazon cart is. The details are stored locally on your device, I’d imagine via a cookie. If your machine cleans them out via regular maintenance then your cart will be lost.

Well, that is a poopy but helpful discovery. I guess I need to scold my machine for being a jerk. After that, let's get CBCS to make the cart to save to your account. It would be nice to be able to create several orders at once and save them as such. For example, Order #1 "Pure Slabbers all 9.8s", Order #2: "All pressing books", Order #3 "Batch-0-Grade Screens".
Post 180 IP   flag post
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