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CBCS GradedQuestions

CBCS 101: A Newbie's Guide.9896

Collector SPARTANMANIC private msg quote post Address this user
How would i ship it?
Post 476 IP   flag post
Collector CaptAjax private msg quote post Address this user
I ship using USPS. Unfortunately, they charge $25 to return via Fedx……so,
The reholder will cost you $12 + $25 = $37 + your shipping to them (about $10 via USPS).

Approx $47 I usually wait and send 3 or more at the same time to reholder and/or grade. You can send some to grade and others to reholder in the same USPS box. If you do that you will save $$$$
Post 477 IP   flag post
Collector SPARTANMANIC private msg quote post Address this user
Okay I have issue #1 of Silver Sable should I send it in to get graded?
Post 478 IP   flag post
Collector CaptAjax private msg quote post Address this user
Anytime I am considering having a comic graded, I look it up on eBay to determine it’s possible worth. Unless it is for your private collection, then Yes!

Also, if you can get it signed by the writer and / or artist the value could double!
Post 479 IP   flag post
COLLECTOR dielinfinite private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by SPARTANMANIC
Okay I have issue #1 of Silver Sable should I send it in to get graded?

That’s a difficult question to ask since it is really up to your own personal criteria. Some people look at it strictly from a financial perspective which makes sense since slabbing isn’t exactly cheap, but there are a lot of reasons people slab and grade comics.
Post 480 IP   flag post

Collector NickinDallas private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by SPARTANMANIC
I am new to the hobby and was wondering something. I bought a 9.8 white pages autograph comic and it needs to be re slab would they regrade it after they re slab it?

Yes, i believe they regrade before they reslab to make sure the book was not damaged while encased. It is possible to get a lower/different grade from the original submission.
Post 481 IP   flag post
Collector CaptAjax private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by NickinDallas
Originally Posted by SPARTANMANIC
I am new to the hobby and was wondering something. I bought a 9.8 white pages autograph comic and it needs to be re slab would they regrade it after they re slab it?

Yes, i believe they regrade before they reslab to make sure the book was not damaged while encased. It is possible to get a lower/different grade from the original submission.

hmmmm...I was told that they would not regrade a reholder unless is was being signed by an artist. Interesting.
Post 482 IP   flag post
COLLECTOR dielinfinite private msg quote post Address this user
@NickinDallas @CaptAjax If a graded book is submitted for a reholder service then it will NOT be regraded, regardless of whether it is signed or not. If the case is significantly damaged or the book otherwise compromised then it does not qualify for the reholder service and will have to be regraded.

If a graded book must be removed from the holder in order to get signed then yes, the book needs to be regraded
Post 483 IP   flag post
Collector BrenoMp private msg quote post Address this user
I am going to a comic-con next month in Bristol. I am brining some sketch covers with me to get signed. I would like to get these books authenticated by CBCS for signatures and original art. However, neither CBCS or CGC will be attending the comic con. What would be the best way for me to get my sketch covers authenticated. For example, I will have one sketch cover to be signed and drawn on by various artists.
Post 484 IP   flag post
If the viagra is working you should be well over a 9.8. xkonk private msg quote post Address this user
@BrenoMp you have two options. You can have things done and then send them for verification after the fact, which will be pricey because you pay by the signature. The other option is to have the artist(s) fill out paperwork and send it in themselves. I'm not sure what the cost is like on that one; I haven't done it. But you'd have to get the paperwork from CBCS ahead of time, and there might be some other hoops to jump through if you have multiple people on one book. If no one else can comment to clarify (or even if they do), I would email CBCS to get the form and ask exactly how to handle it.
Post 485 IP   flag post
COLLECTOR dielinfinite private msg quote post Address this user
@BrenoMp @xkonk I don’t think the mail-in form is an option in this case as the book couldn’t leave the possession of the artist unless it’s going into the possession of an AW.

The third option that wasn’t mentioned is contacting Matt Edwards (, the head of the signature series program and seeing if you can approved as an AW for the show.

That would allow you to get the book signed/sketched, take it to another artist, get it signed/sketched and submit to CBCS afterwards.

Matt is a fairly hesitant to approve AWs, especially ones where CBCS is present (even if it is just three guys at the CBCS booth at a monster show like SDCC)but if they are not at the show he might be more accommodating.

You would have several regulations to abide by and might have a minimum number of books you’d have to submit. Unfortunately the Witnessing Announcements are no longer pinned but they were several years old and might’ve been out of date
Post 486 IP   flag post
If the viagra is working you should be well over a 9.8. xkonk private msg quote post Address this user
I wasn't sure if they still allow self-witnessing, which is why I didn't mention it. It could be that it's just sufficiently rare enough now that you don't hear about it.

I believe that artists can submit their own work directly to CBCS. That was what I was trying to describe. But if you have multiple people sign/sketch a single book, I'm not sure how the "chain of custody" would work in that case. Only one of them could mail it in at the end. That's why I recommended contacting customer service (or Matt Edwards) to see what they say.
Post 487 IP   flag post
COLLECTOR dielinfinite private msg quote post Address this user
At least as of SDCC last year they still allowed self-witnessing though that’s hardly current reporting. It would definitely be the optimal solution for the situation, I think
Post 488 IP   flag post
Collector BrenoMp private msg quote post Address this user
@dielinfinite @xkonk Thanks for the advice, Ill contact Matt Edwards to see what my options are.

Thank you!
Post 489 IP   flag post
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