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CBCS 101: A Newbie's Guide.9896

Collector Kasperb991 private msg quote post Address this user
Ok question because I have tried calling and emailing and I grt thst I should grt a response in the order it was recieved etc.. but I need to speak to someone in the billing department I believe does anyone have any number or email information they could PM me to grt in touch with someone in that area?
Post 351 IP   flag post
COLLECTOR dielinfinite private msg quote post Address this user
Post 352 IP   flag post
Collector Kasperb991 private msg quote post Address this user
@dielinfinite thanks any. Hence you have a number also ?
Post 353 IP   flag post
COLLECTOR dielinfinite private msg quote post Address this user
sorry, can’t help you there
Post 354 IP   flag post
Collector justinslot private msg quote post Address this user
So the last time I was considering a paid membership for CBCS the tiers were named for metals and there were coupons and such that came with them. I am reconsidering a membership now as I want to start submitting some of my more valuable/interesting books. (I have never gotten my own raw books graded before.) And the paid membership has changed completely since I looked at this last, apparently. I just want to make sure I understand the current paid membership:

--No more different levels; $200 a year for everybody.
--The $200 entitles me to discounted grading fees and a faster turnaround time, as listed here:

And that's all the $200 provides, grading fee discounts and faster processing times. I do not get back any part of that $200 in credits towards fees like at the distinguished competition. Correct? I don't feel like the membership benefits are really spelled out clearly anywhere, so I wanted to make sure I understand what I'm buying before I sign up...and I know from lurking at this forum I can expect a quicker answer here than from CBCS customer service. Thanks.
Post 355 IP   flag post

I'd like to say I still turned out alright, but that would be a lie. flanders private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by justinslot
And that's all the $200 provides, grading fee discounts and faster processing times

I believe those turnaround times are incorrect. To the best of my knowledge having a membership doesn't speed up the processing time. It's been two months since they made changes, including an updated turnaround time page and a separate membership page. Surprisingly there's been no clarification from CBCS about the difference in the turnaround times on these pages. Unfortunately, there aren't separate membership tiers anymore so $200 only gets you a 10% discount off all grading tiers but you no longer get any coupons.
Post 356 IP   flag post
Collector justinslot private msg quote post Address this user the turnaround times on the membership page are presumed to be inaccurate? But nobody from CBCS has said if they're accurate or not? If it's only been two months since the change I guess it's too early to see if submissions are happening any faster, the membership page turnaround time for modern books looks to be 25 weeks to me (126 days divided by 5, 5 for the five day work week.) Which is a long time but shorter than the non-membership turnaround time of 44 weeks...

$200 for a discount and faster turnaround times might be worth doing; $200 just for a 10% discount...I dunno. For new books it's $20 vs $18...I would have to submit 100 new books during the course of the year to break even if I am doing my math right ($200 divided by the 10% discount difference of $2 is a hundred books.) (Please correct me if I am framing the problem wrong, I was not a math major.)
Post 357 IP   flag post
I'd like to say I still turned out alright, but that would be a lie. flanders private msg quote post Address this user
@justinslot the math is right. Also take into consideration that the shipping costs have also increased substantially. I'm not sure where these costs are listed though.

Edit: Here's the new shipping costs. If you click submit comics there's a downloadable form option and the shipping is listed at the bottom.

Post 358 IP   flag post
Collector justinslot private msg quote post Address this user
Thank you, Mr Flanders, sir, you are a gentleman and a scholar.

Disappointing that the membership does not give you more, though it may be worth it to me for at least the upcoming year.
Post 359 IP   flag post
I'm not a plagiarist. I'm also not illiterate. drmccoy74 private msg quote post Address this user
Quick questions for collectors who frequently submit books.
There is a local CB store an hour away from me that CBCS lists as a submission place.
Is it easy to DIY?
I have collectors insurance. Should I still insure my books when shipped?
FedEx in my area is terrible. Is USPS an option?
Are TIT's fairly accurate currently?
I'm interested in slabbing two raw books for the first time. 1 GA and 1 SA KEY.
Have you been satisfied with in recent experience?
Thanks for answering any of these first time questions.
Post 360 IP   flag post
Not trying to be an ass since February 12, 2020. HulkSmash private msg quote post Address this user
@drmccoy74 my first sub was through a LCS. I’ll never do that again. I did not fully understand the process and in hindsight it wasn’t explained well. Most likely You will wait for every other “order” they ship not just yours (mine was basically part of a bulk order they ship weekly). When my books finally arrived they did not know who they belonged to. It was the end of the time frame they told me that I called and asked if they arrived since I hadn’t heard from them. I had to describe every book and thankfully They didn’t find a new home.

It was far easier to submit books myself.
Post 361 IP   flag post
I'm not a plagiarist. I'm also not illiterate. drmccoy74 private msg quote post Address this user
Well thank You. I'm going to give it a go. i will try two books at Vintage+ Express+ and see what happens.
Post 362 IP   flag post
Collector Kasperb991 private msg quote post Address this user
Realized I posted this in the wrong forum lol anyone got an idea of a grade based off the defects on the cover with the rip it's definitely off white pages and imma guess around a 4.0 ish grade with the rip in the cover
Post 363 IP   flag post
COLLECTOR dielinfinite private msg quote post Address this user
@Kasperb991 You’ll probably get more responses if you start a new thread to ask for opinions on the grade. People love to chime in and exercise their eye for grading but might not see it here since this thread is used more for submission and process questions
Post 364 IP   flag post
Collector Kasperb991 private msg quote post Address this user
@dielinfinite good point I'll try thst thanks
Post 365 IP   flag post
Collector Gutsman private msg quote post Address this user
Does membership renew automatically.
Post 366 IP   flag post
If the viagra is working you should be well over a 9.8. xkonk private msg quote post Address this user
@Gutsman no. You have to sign up again after your membership ends.
Post 367 IP   flag post
Collector NeutralMike private msg quote post Address this user
Hi - Newbie looking for a recommendation on what I should do with a comic in regard to grading with CBCS!

I had Edge of Spider-verse 2 signed and remarked at a convention by Jason Latour. This was unwitnessed (i didn't have a concept of witnessed sigs at the time, and the book wasn’t near as valuable then!)

Now that the book is so valuable, I’d like to have it put in a CBCS case just to ensure the integrity of it.

To my question: I see CBCS has a verification process for signatures, but I’m confused about what the unwitnessed remark means in terms of grading. If I send this book in for grading and encapsulation, will the grade be negatively effected by the remark? Should I try to get the “ART” label that I’ve seen as an option? What would you do in this situation?

Thanks in advance for any advice!!!

Will try to attach a picture if that helps.
Post 368 IP   flag post
Collector Kasperb991 private msg quote post Address this user
From what I understand IF they verify the signature then it gets a yellow label slab with the word verified signature and the art is just icing on the cake they don't mention it
Post 369 IP   flag post
If the viagra is working you should be well over a 9.8. xkonk private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Kasperb991
From what I understand IF they verify the signature then it gets a yellow label slab with the word verified signature and the art is just icing on the cake they don't mention it

This is right; the slab will say 'verified signature Jason Latour sketch on cover' and the remarque won't count against the grade. Here's a random eBay example I searched

That book is pricey in most conditions so you probably don't want the Art label. But if they can't verify the signature, both the signature and the sketch will count against the grade. So you might want to choose the 'do not encapsulate if fails' option with the signature verification.
Post 370 IP   flag post
Collector Kasperb991 private msg quote post Address this user
@xkonk I thought if it failed they could do like a green label cgc where the basically ignore the art for the grade but it's not the best label option
Post 371 IP   flag post
COLLECTOR dielinfinite private msg quote post Address this user
@Kasperb991 CBCS, by design, does not have an equivalent for CGC’s Green label
Post 372 IP   flag post
Collector Kasperb991 private msg quote post Address this user
@dielinfinite good to know I wasn't aware of that. Now my turn for a question. From the email of the book is graded until I can see the grade online what's that time frame usually?
Post 373 IP   flag post
If the viagra is working you should be well over a 9.8. xkonk private msg quote post Address this user
@Kasperb991 you can see grades after it ships.
Post 374 IP   flag post
COLLECTOR dielinfinite private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Kasperb991
@dielinfinite good to know I wasn't aware of that. Now my turn for a question. From the email of the book is graded until I can see the grade online what's that time frame usually?
If you’re talking about the email saying the book has entered production, it can be a matter of days. Even as quick as the same day
Post 375 IP   flag post
Collector Kasperb991 private msg quote post Address this user
Hey dumb question I looked at my grader notes what does SOE mean?
Post 376 IP   flag post
COLLECTOR dielinfinite private msg quote post Address this user
@Kasperb991 Post the whole grader’s notes. The context might be helpful
Post 377 IP   flag post
Collector Kasperb991 private msg quote post Address this user
spine stress front & back cover soe breaks color with small tears at stpls and 1/4 spine split bottom spine
general wear creases, bends and soiling
1/2" tear middle top front cover
tanning interior front & back cover
Post 378 IP   flag post
Collector Kasperb991 private msg quote post Address this user
@dielinfinite just wasn't sure what SOE means lol I mean I'm stoked that my book got the 5.0 for a 56 year old fleamarket asm 42 so I'm good with it lol
Post 379 IP   flag post
COLLECTOR dielinfinite private msg quote post Address this user
Not sure. Could be a typo. It seems maybe a short for “some”? Try making a new thread and pitching it to the rest of the board
Post 380 IP   flag post
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