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CBCS 101: A Newbie's Guide.9896

Collector Superbud private msg quote post Address this user
I’ve entered my comics through the CBCS Canadian portal and I can’t help feeling that I’m not doing it correctly. The reason being that I am trying to grade & slab my PC comics for the least cost, however, when I inputted these same comics for grading only on CGC’s site (while shopping for lowest costs) each book was $117 USD compared to $40 Cdn each.
Hoping someone can tell me if this looks like I’ve made a mistake or if CBCS’ prices are this substantially lower for the same services.
Here’s a pic of my CBCS submission form.
Post 301 IP   flag post
If the viagra is working you should be well over a 9.8. xkonk private msg quote post Address this user
@Superbud I think those comics would typically be Quickstream and Rapid level for CBCS, but I don't think you can do Quickstream or Rapid if you send through the Canadian portal. So I'm guessing they're defaulting to a slower and cheaper tier. Is there a tier name, like Expanded, on your form anywhere?

If you send them straight to Dallas for the proper tier it would still be cheaper with CBCS (at least if you get them in before the new tiers and prices start on the 6th). Quickstream is $50ish and Rapid is $80ish while CGC's Standard is $80 and Express is $130.
Post 302 IP   flag post
COLLECTOR dielinfinite private msg quote post Address this user
@xkonk Canada has a different tier structure so a pre-1975 book valued up to $2000 CDN should qualify for the $40 Vintage tier, assuming he’s going for cheapest over fastest

@Superbud I think your order form looks correct for submitting through the Canadian portal. Just remember to expect significant delays on top of the already significant turnaround times.

One reason the price might be so different could be that the USA submission page might default to a more expensive grading tier not necessarily the cheapest that can accept an FMV that high
Post 303 IP   flag post
If the viagra is working you should be well over a 9.8. xkonk private msg quote post Address this user
If I knew the Canadian tiers were that different I'd consider sending some books through Canada!
Post 304 IP   flag post
COLLECTOR dielinfinite private msg quote post Address this user

Post 305 IP   flag post

Collector Superbud private msg quote post Address this user
Thank you both for your expertise.
Post 306 IP   flag post
COLLECTOR dielinfinite private msg quote post Address this user
@Superbud You’re welcome! Just remember to ignore those turnaround times posted on the image I shared. Turnaround times are closer to 8 months for grading domestically. Orders through the Canada portal have additional wait which could be several weeks if not more
Post 307 IP   flag post
Collector Superbud private msg quote post Address this user
@dielinfinite Knowledge is power. 🙏🏼
Post 308 IP   flag post
Collector cbusch1 private msg quote post Address this user
Is there a minimum for prescreen? Like do I need to submit 25 books, or can I just submit 5-10 that I think could get a 9.8?
Post 309 IP   flag post
If the viagra is working you should be well over a 9.8. xkonk private msg quote post Address this user
@cbusch1 I haven't looked to see if they've updated the rules but it used to be that you can submit any number of books with each one having whatever prescreen you want (e.g. one book 9.8, another 8.0, etc.). You would only be charged an annoyance fee if a certain percentage of them failed the prescreen.
Post 310 IP   flag post
Collector cbusch1 private msg quote post Address this user
@xkonk do you know the pricing for prescreen I can't find it anywhere?
Post 311 IP   flag post
I'd like to say I still turned out alright, but that would be a lie. flanders private msg quote post Address this user
@cbusch1 I found it. Scroll down to #12 from the Why CBCS green link on the homepage. It's $4 and as said above, in the past there has been no reject fee charge in I believe 70% or more of your books pass the grade screen. I'm not sure if that same policy applies today.
Post 312 IP   flag post
COLLECTOR dielinfinite private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by cbusch1
@xkonk do you know the pricing for prescreen I can't find it anywhere?

It’s on the Website under Add-On Prices

@flanders After the pricing update the reject fee is assessed if 50% or more are rejected
Post 313 IP   flag post
Collector JGRNOT private msg quote post Address this user
I'm attending a signing event in a few days. CGC is gonna be on hand but I'm guessing I can send them into CBCS for verified signature afterwards?
Post 314 IP   flag post
COLLECTOR dielinfinite private msg quote post Address this user
@JGRNOT Yes, if a CBCS is not there to witness a signing you can send the book in for signature verification. Be sure to check the Add-Ons pricing page as CBCS raised prices on Signature Verification last month
Post 315 IP   flag post
Collector JGRNOT private msg quote post Address this user
@dielinfinite awesome thank you
Post 316 IP   flag post
Collector Kasperb991 private msg quote post Address this user
Man so I just watched the video on how to submit and I think I made mistake. I put my books in top loaders surrounded by foam and bubble wrap anyone k ow if thst was a decent idea?
Post 317 IP   flag post
The apple sauce and pudding were the best part... Bronte private msg quote post Address this user
Although thats not how I would have done it, toploaders and bu ble wrap should absorb most of the impact, before it gets to book. I think you should be fine.
Post 318 IP   flag post
Collector Kasperb991 private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Bronte
Although thats not how I would have done it, toploaders and bu ble wrap should absorb most of the impact, before it gets to book. I think you should be fine.

I hope so 😆 it was my first ever submission and cb s Dallas is only like 7 hours away.
Post 319 IP   flag post
Collector Kasperb991 private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Bronte
Although thats not how I would have done it
how would have you done it?
Post 320 IP   flag post
The apple sauce and pudding were the best part... Bronte private msg quote post Address this user
I am no expert and my method may not be sufficient in others view but it has gotten my books to their destination without issue so far....

I sandwich a layer of bubble wrap on top and bottom of comics in box below.

Then I take bubble wrap and wrap that box and put in a second box. Typically the outer box is oversized so that it can accept a ton of bubble wrap.

Again, everyone has their own style and nobody is truly right or wrong. In fact I will be doing a hybrid of your style on a submission soon. I plan to stick magazine sized books in topladers then in a usps box then a larger external box. Damn turtle books are too big fir gags unlimited boxes.


Prior to using bags unlimited boxes, I used to use gemini mailers inside a bigger box.
Post 321 IP   flag post
Collector Kasperb991 private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Bronte
I am no expert and my method may not be sufficient in others view but it has gotten my books to their destination without issue so far....

I sandwich a layer of bubble wrap on top and bottom of comics in box below.

Then I take bubble wrap and wrap that box and put in a second box. Typically the outer box is oversized so that it can accept a ton of bubble wrap.

Again, everyone has their own style and nobody is truly right or wrong. In fact I will be doing a hybrid of your style on a submission soon. I plan to stick magazine sized books in topladers then in a usps box then a larger external box. Damn turtle books are too big fir gags unlimited boxes.


Prior to using bags unlimited boxes, I used to use gemini mailers inside a bigger box.
I like that idea!! I just figured the toplpad would be a good protector for corners. With with Milar(spelling) and board backing for my ASM 300 and a beautiful Absoulte carnage: miles morales 2 virgin cover I just love that art and display my books on the walls of my home lol
Post 322 IP   flag post
The apple sauce and pudding were the best part... Bronte private msg quote post Address this user
Toploaders seem pretty sturdy. I think last year I mailed some raw books to a few folks for Xmas and I put them in toploaders and then in Gemini mailers. The books were not valuable enough to box, but I figured Toploaders in a gemini is better than 90% of tbe ebay pack jobs i get and I but a lot of garbage....
Post 323 IP   flag post
Collector Kasperb991 private msg quote post Address this user
Ok dumb question it is 90 USD for a "modern" book to get fast press and graded but under membership if you join I'm assuming annually for 200 USD it shows press express is 68 does that mean under just press does that include the grading also? I'm just confused on the pricing here and am not sure if I should get the membership if I plan on submitting alot of books in the future
Post 324 IP   flag post
COLLECTOR dielinfinite private msg quote post Address this user
@Kasperb991 Where are you getting your pricing from?

I see Modern Express Grading + Pressing as $80 ($40 pressing + $40 Grading).

The price drops to $72 with a membership ($36 Grading + $36 Pressing)

The pressing price DOES NOT include grading
Post 325 IP   flag post
Collector Kasperb991 private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by dielinfinite
@Kasperb991 Where are you getting your pricing from?

I see Modern Express Grading + Pressing as $80 ($40 pressing + $40 Grading).

The price drops to $72 with a membership ($36 Grading + $36 Pressing)

The pressing price DOES NOT include grading

Post 326 IP   flag post
Collector Kasperb991 private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by dielinfinite
@Kasperb991 Where are you getting your pricing from?

I see Modern Express Grading + Pressing as $80 ($40 pressing + $40 Grading). That's the website prices I used and I just submitted 2 books express at 75 a pop and one with fast press was 15 and I'm a free member

The price drops to $72 with a membership ($36 Grading + $36 Pressing)

The pressing price DOES NOT include grading
Post 327 IP   flag post
Collector Lloe01 private msg quote post Address this user
Never mind. I found it. Where do I find the cost of all the tiers?
I can’t find it by searching. Any help, please?
Post 328 IP   flag post
COLLECTOR dielinfinite private msg quote post Address this user
@Kasperb991 Yes, I linked to those same pricing charts but none of those add up to the numbers you gave

Regardless, Modern Express Grading + Pressing is $80 ($40 pressing + $40 Grading).

With a membership you save 10%, bringing the price to $72 ($36 Grading + $36 Pressing)
Post 329 IP   flag post
Collector Kasperb991 private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by dielinfinite
@Kasperb991 Yes, I linked to those same pricing charts but none of those add up to the numbers you gave

Regardless, Modern Express Grading + Pressing is $80 ($40 pressing + $40 Grading).

With a membership you save 10%, bringing the price to $72 ($36 Grading + $36 Pressing)

I was using express plus and the fast press option for me on my invoice e shows
75 dollars for the grading with a 5 day turn around and 15 for the press = 90 dollars per my invoice.. maybe I oi ked the wrong pressing option I dunno but they said 15 dollars
Post 330 IP   flag post
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