Stung by CGC9891
![]() Rest in Peace |
Jesse_O private msg quote post Address this user | |
@sportshort With CBCS, the easiest way to put it is that they go by invoice. Books needing to be pressed need to be on an invoice of there own. If you are sending in a 2-day, a modern fast pass and a regular modern, you can split it up how you want them delivered by doing separate invoices. You can make three invoices, one for each tier, two invoices (maybe combining the 2 day and fast pass into one), or one invoice. If you put them all on one invoice, the entire order will move at the speed of the slowest tier. That is because it take less room to store a comic in a bag and board instead of in a slab. And honestly, it wouldn't matter if they graded quicker because you can't see the grades until after they are shipped. With CGC, I believe it is exactly as it was described in the original post. Tiers ship separately and they charge a $5 handling fee for each tier/invoice. I didn't realize that their special promo labels were a separate tier, but apparently they are. I've heard of people requesting that they all ship together, but I've never heard of anyone who said it actually worked. They may do it, I don't know. |
Post 26 IP flag post |
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sportshort private msg quote post Address this user | |
@Jesse_o Quote "...With CGC, I believe it is exactly as it was described in the original post. Tiers ship separately and they charge a $5 handling fee for each tier/invoice. I didn't realize that their special promo labels were a separate tier, but apparently they are. I've heard of people requesting that they all ship together, but I've never heard of anyone who said it actually worked. They may do it, I don't know." That's what makes it so hard to decipher what to do. The lady that answered customer service at CGC said I should have requested that they all be sent back together and that it was "somewhere on their website". that was probably a ploy to get me off the phone. Why do you suppose both companies are such polar opposites in this respect? It looks like greed from both companies is the driving factor. CGC get freight discounts/kick-backs and CBCS gets fees for quick turnarounds and does not deliver. |
Post 27 IP flag post |
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Jesse_O private msg quote post Address this user | |
Well, these ARE businesses. Money will always be a factor. But the way I see it, CBCS tries to make things more collector friendly and CGC does things that are easiest for CGC. This was especially true for CGC before CBCS came unto the scene. Let's start with CGC. Despite years of complaining from customers, their slabs are still prone to newton rings. CBCS has effectively shown that you can make a slab with no newton rings, but CGC continues to insist that there are "acceptable amounts" of newton rings and unless it is severe, they will not reslab for free. It's convenient for them to say this instead of redesigning their entire process. They ship by tier so they don't have to hold unto comics. That's convenient for CGC. They charge $5 handling fee per tier. Why not if you can get away with it? Again, that is in CGC's best interest to do that instead of raising submission fees. They require you to have a membership or go through a CGC dealer. This effectively deters the small collector who wants to send in 3-5 comics a year. Again convenient for CGC. CBCS, on the other hand, tries to balance customer desires with practical business necessity. They do offer combined shipping because most people wanted that to save on shipping. The slabs do not have newton rings and are clear because that is what customers wanted. Besides the newton rings, people didn't want the slight blue tint of the CGC cases. CBCS does not make you have a membership to submit directly to them. This works great for your casual collector and his 3-5 slabs a year. Again, meeting customer desires. CBCS does listen to their customers and key people are active on social networks. Remember, CBCS has just turned 5 years old and they have pretty much been battling uphill since day one. Now things are better and regular TATs are under control. Now, other things can be and are being worked on to answer more customer demands. These things take time to iron out everything and honestly, in the past, they have been too busy putting out fires to concentrate on everything they want to do and that the customers want them to do. As far as shipping, each company is going to make some profit off of shipping, but I don't think it is as much as people think. That is mainly due to insurance. I hope that helps some. That is my take on the two companies. And yes, I am biased. I never cared for a lot of CGC's practices and I still don't. Edit - I completely forgot that CBCS offers free graders notes, signature verification and the ART program. All of which customers wanted. CGC charges for graders notes. Again, convenient for CGC. And apparently, CGC can create separate tiers by offering special labels. Again, convenient for CGC. I don't know many people that wanted specialty labels of Spider-man before CGC created the desire for them. There probably were a few people who threw the idea out there, but it couldn't have been a big demand. I'm sure they were getting more feedback about newton rings, than they were label ideas. |
Post 28 IP flag post |
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poka private msg quote post Address this user | |
@sportshort if you use cgc’s Online submission form it states that there are separate shipping fees. | ||
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sportshort private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by poka that part I did find after my I was charged more than what I was expecting but The customer Service Lady at CGC insinuated that I should have known how to have them all come back together for a savings on shipping charges, which I cannot find and she could not tell me where it was just "somewhere on the website". how is that customer service? Just to clarify, she said that if i wanted them shipped back together I should have said so but how that works and what I should have done she has not idea. |
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sportshort private msg quote post Address this user | |
oh and the CGC customer service "lady" seemed not to care one lick about my problem, since it wasn't hers. | ||
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IronMan private msg quote post Address this user | |
I had a decent number of clients interested in the CGC Marvel labels - until they found out that those labels count as a separate tier. It's regrettable that the OP learned the hard way that CGC would treat each of his books as a separate tier. What he encountered is normal policy for CGC. It would have been up to the person working the CGC booth at SDCC to inform him of such. If the OP had done the submission online when he got to the summary he would have seen three separate shipping charges. And could have made changes to avoid such. Drop the special label for instance. As for "asking" that shipments be combined.... that's not just not accurate or reasonable for customer service to say. The only submissions I've seen where CGC readily agrees to combine different tiers is when it is international shipments. And while they have always agreed when I've asked, they don't always follow through. It's one of those situations where customer service said OK but it has to be clearly indicated in their workflow management system so that the people working in shipping get the message. And my experience is if they say OK but fail to combine shipping accounting isn't likely to refund the extra shipping. It comes down to CGC's standard practice is each tier is shipped separately and any variance from that is not likely. There isn't a solution that is always best for everyone. People complain that CBCS will combine shipments of separate tiers but does so by grading every book at the slowest tier in the submission. So more expensive books they paid more to get graded sit and wait. The bottom line is NO grading company wants books that are graded, slabbed and done coming back to their vault and sitting. Books that are done need to ship. |
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IronMan private msg quote post Address this user | |
@sportshort "... and CBCS gets fees for quick turnarounds and does not deliver." That's not actually how it works. With both CGC and CBCS you are not actually paying more for quicker service, except when you add on an extra service like fast pass or fast track. Those are just for faster service. You are paying more when the book is worth more. An added benefit of paying more when your book is worth more is that the grading companies get them done faster. Now SOME submitter's will use a more expensive tier when a book could go a less expensive tier based on it's Fair Market Value (FMV) . SOLELY BECAUSE they want the book back faster. But the real reason different tiers actually exist with grading companies is to account for the value of the book. Perhaps you are now wondering why CGC and CBCS charge more for more expensive books. It's a subject that gets debated often in comic collecting circles. The reason is professional grading and encapsulation companies are offering a "value added" service. The final product - a professionally graded and encapsulated book with a restoration check and certification of authenticity is typically worth more $$. The more expensive the book, the more that value added service is worth to a buyer when the book is sold. Which is why with very valuable books - those with a FMV over 3,000 (CGC) or $4,000 (CBCS) - are charged a percentage of the books value. And have the added benefit of being done in a day or two. |
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Darkseid_of_town private msg quote post Address this user | |
I cant say I am fond of a grading service concept where the market value of the book drives the amount of fees collected for grading it....the higher the grade, the higher priced the comic becomes and the more fees can be about the perfect example of conflict of interest...….most of the books I want graded will create some serious FMV fees to be sure...but It would be nice to have an alternative that isn't this conflicted in principles. Seen a lot of discussion @ or pertaining to the idea this is why CGC books normally seem to grade higher than the same book would at another service... Course then you have PGX where the right fee can guarantee a 9.8 no matter how many pages are missing |
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CatmanAmerica private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by sportshort This is what happens when you don't check the box on CGC's submission form that includes vaseline. . |
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theCapraAegagrus private msg quote post Address this user | |
So... "CGC sucks" because of your mistakes? That doesn't make any sense to me. | ||
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Studley_Dudley private msg quote post Address this user | |
CGC's packaging department sucks according to the broken slabs I received from their inadequate packing jobs on 3 of my last 4 orders with them. After that, the one guy who works there who essentially called the customer base liars on the forum when CGC's new slab deformed peoples' books was a nice touch also. That said, their customer service has been very pleasant to work with. I only have positives about that. | ||
Post 37 IP flag post |
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sportshort private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by theCapraAegagrus Nope. CGC sucks because They act like first Time submitters should automatically know what to do. The website does not make it easy and even they can’t tell you where to find the correct information, to my chagrin. |
Post 38 IP flag post |
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IronMan private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by Darkseid_of_town PGX is the only company that doesn't charge based on book's declared value. Their different tiers are solely based on TAT. Does the saying "you get what you pay for" apply here? I seldom mention it. But CGC seems to very rarely bump up books to a higher tier that are clearly undervalued with their stated FMV. But then your books are traveling under-insured. So just a matter of comfort. |
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Drogio private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by sportshort Quote: Originally Posted by poka The tools on the website are there to. It’s very easy to select options and get prices and see how tiers are divided. It is in your best interest to educate yourself on the services before you jump all in. If you did, you’d know the person you spoke to at cgc was not well informed or did not understand your needs. You might not even chosen cgc and opted for cbcs instead. It’s really not that hard. It took like two minutes for me to figure out what was different tiers. Obviously you learned that lesson the hard way...Sorry that happened. Hopefully others are educated now. |
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Drogio private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by sportshort I found their website to be very easy. I played around with some options, learned what places books into separate tiers and how much more I’d be charged for shipping, them based on that I decided what I wanted for the price and sent an order in. I suppose they could just come out and state on their website exactly what selections will automatically cause books to be shipped separately. Not sure why they don’t have that now for things like the special labels and pressing. |
Post 41 IP flag post |
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sportshort private msg quote post Address this user | |
@drogio, why do you hate me? You kinda make me feel dumb because i don’t know how you figured out that adding a graphic to a label changes the tier and that 5 dollar label becomes a 21 dollar label (16 for shipping separately) but i had no clue. as I stated before hitting a button to send the print job to a different printer shouldn’t cause a tier change. But that’s just me. | ||
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DrWatson private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by sportshort LOL |
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xkonk private msg quote post Address this user | |
Since this thread has turned into a discussion on usability, near and dear to my heart (and wallet, since it's my job), here's one of my favorite examples. One of the more popular kitchen brands, OXO, is so good in part because it was designed for people with arthritis . Often, things that are good for people having trouble are good for everyone. | ||
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sportshort private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by xkonk Preach! |
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comic_book_man private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by Jesse_O On paper...yes, but I'm not alone in that customer service provided by CBCS has been a shit-show at best up until now. I'm with you in hoping it improves now that the fires are out, fingers crossed! ![]() |
Post 46 IP flag post |
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sportshort private msg quote post Address this user | |
@comic_book_man, you are correct in your assessment of CBCS customer service and I agree with your hope for improvement. | ||
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Gaard private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by Drogio I read about this type of thing happening a lot. (someone finding out 'the hard way' that they are being charged more than the website states) I think I know why CGC just doesn't come out and make things clear on their site ... but I'm a very cynical person and could easily be wrong. |
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Wraith private msg quote post Address this user | |
Same invoice , same post makes sense to me . Make separate invoices for each item want posted separately. Don't like the cgc way at all . |
Post 49 IP flag post |
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sportshort private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by Gaard You’re right, when I chose reholder on one book then a special label and lastly a regular grade but all moderns, the invoice should have automatically charged for three separate shippings. I shouldn’t have found out after CGC received them and charged my credit card. |
Post 50 IP flag post |
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theCapraAegagrus private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by sportshort I think that your attitude sucks and that you simply didn't read everything. |
Post 51 IP flag post |
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sportshort private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by theCapraAegagrus Yikes! Sorry, I don’t get personal on these forums I figure everyone is entitled to their opinion. Thanks |
Post 52 IP flag post |
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sportshort private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by theCapraAegagrus Still friends? |
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GAC private msg quote post Address this user | |
lol!!!! | ||
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theCapraAegagrus private msg quote post Address this user | |
I'm confused... Both sexually and because of this interaction... | ||
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