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Beware of Seller lifeiswhatyoumakeit20129729

Captain Corrector CaptainCanuck private msg quote post Address this user

Originally Posted by EbaySeller
Originally Posted by GanaSoth
If all goes well, I'll give him positive feedback stating something like "Recieved color touched comic, seller immediately replaced. A Seller thx"

Wait about 30 days. If he doesn't relist the book, he probably deserves that feedback. If he relists the book you don't want to be the buyer who vouched for him...and then he should go on "The List".

Seller shouldn’t even ask for the touched-up book back. The postage is worth more than the book,
Post 26 IP   flag post
Please continue to ignore anything I post. southerncross private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by CaptainCanuck

Originally Posted by EbaySeller
Originally Posted by GanaSoth
If all goes well, I'll give him positive feedback stating something like "Recieved color touched comic, seller immediately replaced. A Seller thx"

Wait about 30 days. If he doesn't relist the book, he probably deserves that feedback. If he relists the book you don't want to be the buyer who vouched for him...and then he should go on "The List".

Seller shouldn’t even ask for the touched-up book back. The postage is worth more than the book,

Yep I have to agree. If I had multiple copies of that book and didn't do the touch up. I'd take pic of another book and say I'm sending you this keep the other book as it has no value 😀
Post 27 IP   flag post
Thank you sir. May I have another? Siggy private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by GanaSoth
I talked with the seller, and I'll give him the benefit of the doubt. He is going to send another one out on Monday. So we will see how it goes.

If all goes well, I'll give him positive feedback stating something like "Recieved color touched comic, seller immediately replaced. A+ Seller thx"

This doesn't really sound like "benefit of the doubt". Your call of course, but I'd think most people reading this will automatically assume it was his attempt to deceive, and got caught before making it right (and the seller could think that was your intent), despite the "A+ Seller thx", if that last part is even noticed after reading "color touched".

If I were in your situation and was ultimately happy with the outcome, I'd say "great communication" or something to that effect. If I were giving him the benefit of the doubt.
Post 28 IP   flag post
Collector GanaSoth private msg quote post Address this user
@Siggy when I say I'm "giving him the benefit of the doubt" I'm saying instead of me giving him negative feedback right away, I'll let him try to make it right.

It could be one of two ways here.
A) he honestly didn't know it was color touched as he claims to have multiple copies
B) he knew it was color touched and got caught

What gets me is as soon as I opened up the eBay return case, all I said was "The comic has color touch to the spine; top & bottom corners. Was not listed as color touch in the description." I didn't provide pictures yet like I did here. His response was "I have several issues of this. I can replace your issue with one that's not restored. LMK"

He didn't even ask for proof (pics)? If I sold a comic to someone & they claimed it's been restored, I'd have first asked for pictures before continuing. But he automatically said he would replace it with another copy that's not color touched. It just sounds fishy the more I think about it.
Post 29 IP   flag post
Collector no1lufcfan private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by GanaSoth

He didn't even ask for proof (pics)? If I sold a comic to someone & they claimed it's been restored, I'd have first asked for pictures before continuing. But he automatically said he would replace it with another copy that's not color touched. It just sounds fishy the more I think about it.

100% agree
Post 30 IP   flag post

Collector Darkseid_of_town private msg quote post Address this user
I don't agree. I think he did the right thing. You could have shown him pictures and he could sit there and say I don't see it..or you are wrong, and you would argue back. At the end of the day he did the right thing, regardless what he might think or feel and offered you a 100 percent replacement on his part.
Aside from and nevermind that particular book, no offense intended is not quite a collectors grail in such high demand and short supply there will be world suffering to replace your retouched copy. Its a neat comic and all no offense intended
Some people value their time over arguing about a 4-5 dollar comic. he might also be sensitive about his feedback and want to protect his rating.

Who cares about pictures or who is right or wrong...lets do what is right and make a customer happy. That's how I see it. Sometimes no questions asked questions asked.
Post 31 IP   flag post
I don't believe this....and I know you don't care that I don't believe this. GAC private msg quote post Address this user
Agreed. we're taking about Sleepwalkers 1...$16 book shipping included. It wouldn't be worth my time putting any extra effort to analyze pictures. The correct response was; I have multiple copies and I will send you another one. sorry for the mix up.

Had this been an expensive book then yes, show me pictures of what you think is colour touch.
Post 32 IP   flag post
I'm waiting.... (tapping fingers).
Splotches is gettin old!
Nuffsaid111 private msg quote post Address this user
After all the discussion, I still can't wrap my hands around why anyone - him or (if there was a) previous owner would color touch a $15 dollar book.
Every deceitful screwball out there is out to make money when they pull nonsense. If you're out to make money, why would one take the time to even find a matching color; take a pen out and color this in? That activity alone is $15 of my time.
This is like Bizarro World.
Post 33 IP   flag post
I don't believe this....and I know you don't care that I don't believe this. GAC private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Nuffsaid111
After all the discussion, I still can't wrap my hands around why anyone - him or (if there was a) previous owner would color touch a $15 dollar book.
Every deceitful screwball out there is out to make money when they pull nonsense. If you're out to make money, why would one take the time to even find a matching color; take a pen out and color this in? That activity alone is $15 of my time.
This is like Bizarro World.

I agree 100%....unless this was a practice book.
Post 34 IP   flag post
-Our Odin-
Rest in Peace
Jesse_O private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Nuffsaid111
After all the discussion, I still can't wrap my hands around why anyone - him or (if there was a) previous owner would color touch a $15 dollar book.
Every deceitful screwball out there is out to make money when they pull nonsense. If you're out to make money, why would one take the time to even find a matching color; take a pen out and color this in? That activity alone is $15 of my time.
This is like Bizarro World.

Some people get a thrill out of the thought of cheating the system. After all, who would even check a low dollar book like this for color touch?? (That's what they would think.)

There is a LOT of bs like this going on in the hobby today, especially with books being sent in for grading. People think that because they can do something to improve a comic that the grading company cannot detect, that it is acceptable. They don't think about the ethical or practical aspects of their actions. In fact, they can be harming the physical structure of a comic by introducing harmful chemicals, but because they don't get caught, it is ok. Well, it's not ok IMO. These people are not reputable and I wouldn't trust them to give me change for a dollar.
Post 35 IP   flag post
Collector poka private msg quote post Address this user
@GanaSoth @no1lufcfan it is a $5 book so might be that seller just doesn’t wish to spend the time
Post 36 IP   flag post
Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock Tedsaid private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by GAC
Originally Posted by Nuffsaid111
After all the discussion, I still can't wrap my hands around why anyone - him or (if there was a) previous owner would color touch a $15 dollar book.
Every deceitful screwball out there is out to make money when they pull nonsense. If you're out to make money, why would one take the time to even find a matching color; take a pen out and color this in? That activity alone is $15 of my time.
This is like Bizarro World.

I agree 100%....unless this was a practice book.

Likely it was just a kid trying to make his comic look better. Isn't that how "color touch" got started?
Post 37 IP   flag post
Collector Darkseid_of_town private msg quote post Address this user
I always wondered about that too...I remember when I was up to buy my Hulk 1, and was talking to the dealer. He pointed out it has had black marker run down the spine of the book.....and said back in the day it was common practice to do that with books with black covers.
Post 38 IP   flag post
Thank you sir. May I have another? Siggy private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by GAC
Agreed. we're taking about Sleepwalkers 1...$16 book shipping included. It wouldn't be worth my time putting any extra effort to analyze pictures. The correct response was; I have multiple copies and I will send you another one. sorry for the mix up.

Had this been an expensive book then yes, show me pictures of what you think is colour touch.

+1. He could have purchased a box of them when speculations started.
Heck, there have been times when I was purchasing so much that I'd lose track of incoming boxes, and sometimes wouldn't open them for weeks. And I don't sell. I can only imagine how much more this would be for someone who sells a lot (or tries to).

There was nothing stopping him from inspecting the book before shipping.
He may not have known what to look for, depending on his experience and knowledge.
Post 39 IP   flag post
I don't believe this....and I know you don't care that I don't believe this. GAC private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Siggy
Originally Posted by GAC
Agreed. we're taking about Sleepwalkers 1...$16 book shipping included. It wouldn't be worth my time putting any extra effort to analyze pictures. The correct response was; I have multiple copies and I will send you another one. sorry for the mix up.

Had this been an expensive book then yes, show me pictures of what you think is colour touch.

+1. He could have purchased a box of them when speculations started.
Heck, there have been times when I was purchasing so much that I'd lose track of incoming boxes, and sometimes wouldn't open them for weeks. And I don't sell. I can only imagine how much more this would be for someone who sells a lot (or tries to).

There was nothing stopping him from inspecting the book before shipping.
He may not have known what to look for, depending on his experience and knowledge.

Post 40 IP   flag post
Masculinity takes a holiday. EbayMafia private msg quote post Address this user
Based on the dealers response these books have little value to him and I really doubt he is going through and doing color-touch. Probably bought a stack of cheap comics from someone who figured he would not do a thorough inspection.

I once sold a lower grade X-men 14 that I had for 20 years. Since it was lower grade I didn't inspect it before selling. The buyer got the book and informed that it had color touch. I thought back twenty years and remembered the shady dealer I bought it from as a teenager. He completely fit the profile of a touch-up guy, so I did not ask for photos or proof. Just offered the buyer full refund or 50% off based on their word.
Post 41 IP   flag post
Captain Corrector CaptainCanuck private msg quote post Address this user
This seller does have some negative/neutral feedback accusing him of sending a different and/or lower grade book than what was listed.

In your case, @GanaSoth it seems like the book you received was different than the one pictured in the listing.

Post 42 IP   flag post
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