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Does all golden/silver age comic books gain value over time?9533

Collector Beney117 private msg quote post Address this user
If you buy any comic book (of any grade)of the golden or silver age, are you sure to gain value from it (or at least keep the same value?
Post 1 IP   flag post
Forum Crier OGJackster private msg quote post Address this user
Nope, just like stocks.
Post 2 IP   flag post
Collector Chino24 private msg quote post Address this user
It just depends on whether you overpaid when you bought it or not. I think a lot of Silver Age and Golden Age books retain value (based on fair market value at the time of purchase), but you still have to find the right person to want to buy them.

Some comics definitely lose value, but that's because demand for that book has also been lost.
Post 3 IP   flag post
Collector QuaBrot private msg quote post Address this user
No. Westerns have tanked. And there are others that never really had any value (no name funny animal books)
Post 4 IP   flag post
Collector Beney117 private msg quote post Address this user
What about the "classics" (spider-man, x-men, etc.)
Post 5 IP   flag post
The apple sauce and pudding were the best part... Bronte private msg quote post Address this user
I purchased key silvers. Some of which I overpaid in retrospect. However. given enough time, mine caught up and surpassed the purchase price.

Note. I am not suggesting you do this. I'm assuming there are much better investment vehicles out there. This is something I kind of lucked out on given my limited knowledge of comic books.
Post 6 IP   flag post
I'm waiting.... (tapping fingers).
Splotches is gettin old!
Nuffsaid111 private msg quote post Address this user
IMHO if one purchases Silver/Gold and it fits the following criteria
- Key to semi-Key
- High Grade
- Youre in for the long haul (12 - 15 years)

You will not lose with extraordinarily high probability (95%+).

I can't think of a book that fits the criteria above that has gone down in price....... yet.
Post 7 IP   flag post
Collector Virgincollector private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Beney117
If you buy any comic book (of any grade)of the golden or silver age, are you sure to gain value from it (or at least keep the same value?
if your going to collect then just collect sit back and enjoy the ride for the next 20 years as you grow your collection 👍! If your In it to flip and make some super quick cash ? Then you better run and hurry cause it’s fast like a fart in the wind 💨🤗😉. From the sounds of it your already behind 🤗. Just my opinion.
Post 8 IP   flag post
PEDIGREED... Again! martymann private msg quote post Address this user

Post 9 IP   flag post
I live in RI and Rhode Islanders eat chili with beans. esaravo private msg quote post Address this user
I would say that the majority of Silver Age comics that I purchased for 12 or 15 cents each are now worth more than what I paid for them (and I can even remember a used book store that resold them for 10 cents each).
Post 10 IP   flag post
I had no way of knowing that 9.8 graded copies signed by Adam Hughes weren't what you were looking for. drchaos private msg quote post Address this user
Very low grade books or books with restoration usually do not hold much vslue unless we are talking about major keys.

Also, some genres such as funny animals, war, westerns, etc. are usually less desirable than Superhero, horror, or science fiction.

Buying gold and silver age generally insures scarcity but demand is the other side of the coin.

Sometimes extremely rare books have limited upside because no one is interested in the art or story anymore.
Post 11 IP   flag post
Leftover Sundae Gnus CatmanAmerica private msg quote post Address this user
Not all, no doubt about it. Investment values depend on which GA/SA books and the condition of ‘em, but what do I know.
Post 12 IP   flag post
Collector doog private msg quote post Address this user
I started collecting only 10 years ago. Luckily I bought keys to begin with. Then I was drawn to pre code horror, most went up a lot, but not all titles, and atomic age sci fi, those have been pretty flat.
I suggest you develop a grading eye, it seems any old book, even Disneys, 7.0 or better have a market, bronze non keys you are looking 9.4 to 9.8 to have a market of sorts.
Now though I just buy what I like, gory or sexual innuendo covers, haven’t found a cover that is both, yet
Post 13 IP   flag post
Collector Darkseid_of_town private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by drchaos
Very low grade books or books with restoration usually do not hold much vslue unless we are talking about major keys.

You could make this argument for a lot of comics, but when you get into keys and semi key books sometimes lower grade books turn into solid gold.As the price moves into rarified air for many silver age keys be it a hulk 1 or avengers 4, those lower grade books ride that rising tide ….mostly because collectors who cannot afford the primo grades settle for lesser grades that fit into their budget constraints. Often the lower grade books are also easier to resell, because the keys price themselves out of most conventional collectors reach.

I know a lot of collectors that passed on silver keys cause they were only into 8.0 or higher and now today they cannot find a copy they can afford even at 1.8 or 2.0
Flip side, the higher grade you can afford the faster in general the book will appreciate in value.

Guy on Instagram other day posted like three copies of Giant size xmen 1...a 4.0 8.0 and a 7.5..the collectors broke out in fights trying to score the 4.0....because they could afford it
Post 14 IP   flag post
I had no way of knowing that 9.8 graded copies signed by Adam Hughes weren't what you were looking for. drchaos private msg quote post Address this user

You are correct which is why I carved out an exception.

I have a ton of X-Men books.

In the process of buying all of the early X-Men books I could get my hands on I ended up with some that are missing pages or have the cover hanging on by a thread.

These books are not worth all that much even though you would think so if I told you the book without mentioning the grade.

I am planning to sell some of them soon (without third party grading) and will have some difficulty pricing them.
Post 15 IP   flag post
Collector Darkseid_of_town private msg quote post Address this user
You might be surprised what they go for given the many peoeple out there with this missing page or that back cover coupon clipped that only need your copy to rescue their own either for investment purposes or sentimental ones
Post 16 IP   flag post
I bought a meat grinder on amazon for $60 and it's changed my life. kaptainmyke private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Bronte
However. given enough time, mine caught up and surpassed the purchase price.

Inflation and cost of living adjustments... probably not caught up.
Post 17 IP   flag post
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