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When collecting Old Comic Books Was a New Idea9171

Captain Corrector CaptainCanuck private msg quote post Address this user

Article and Video
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Collector CatCovers private msg quote post Address this user
Stories like that are always both fun and painful to read.

When I think of some of the books I walked away from over price 30+ years ago, I wish I could go bop my stupid teenaged self over the head and get old self to just suck it up and buy the thing.
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Collector Darkseid_of_town private msg quote post Address this user
Hardest choice of my comic collecting career...standing in Prairie Dog comics in 1985 and looking at his wall of key books...on the wall is a TOS 39 in Avengers 1 in 5.0 give or take, and two copies of Hulk 1....a 5.0 and one that might be 3.5 or 4.0 signed on the splash by Kirby.....I can buy one book. I am allowed to take it and make payments till its finished. Also on the wall a golden age captain America 1 and a Golden age green lantern 1...both beyond my reach.

I got the signed hulk 1, and then later was able to get the TOS and then the avengers 1...the golden age books were stolen..and the other hulk 1 sold that following day to someone passing through from out of state If I understood the dealer correctly the Hulk 1, avengers 1 and tos all came from the same collection he bought...
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Collector BrianGreensnips private msg quote post Address this user
@CaptainCanuck I love old comic book footage like this. Thanks for sharing.
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Collector UnrulySimian private msg quote post Address this user
I remember in '86 my LCS had a flawless copy of GSX1 on the wall for $50 and a Silver Surfer that would have pegged at 8.0 or better for $65. "No way. Only a fool would pay that much."
Yeah, I'd definitely give past me a swift kick or three.
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PEDIGREED... Again! martymann private msg quote post Address this user
There they were on the newsstand "All In Color For A dime"
and I only had one dime...and so many to choose from.

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Collector JustABitEvil private msg quote post Address this user
Back in 1995 or so my LCS had a Hulk 180 and 181 for $100 and $150 respectively, I bought a box of MtG instead...
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Beaten by boat oars Studley_Dudley private msg quote post Address this user
The only buy I truly regret not making was when Walking Dead #1 came out. I remember seeing 5 or 6 on the stand and thinking to myself "This zombie crap is played out." Oh, what I know now. I didn't have enough money back in the 90s when I first got into actually collecting. So, I guess a New Mutants 98 for $12 from East Coast Comics was just too rich for my blood back then.
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COLLECTOR JLS_Comics private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Guy In The Video
To be considered "antique," a comic book had to date from between 1933 and 1945

I don't hear the word "antique" used ever these days when referring to comic books. I like it.
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Collector X51 private msg quote post Address this user
All pre-Liefeld comics are antique.
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Pictures? We don't need no stinking pictures. brysb private msg quote post Address this user
Batman #1 was selling for $200 in 1970!!? Sounds right I suppose since that was nearly 50 years ago. I noticed no bags/boards on the comics in the video...anyone know when bags were first introduced? I'm pretty sure boards came out much later.
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Collector Darkseid_of_town private msg quote post Address this user
I have myself had three copies of Giant size X-Men 1...bought the first, decided I wanted to get something else and traded it back. Bought a second one and felt the offer I was given for it was too good to pass up...a few months later I kept looking at the cover of that book and thinking, wow I miss I bought my final copy and kept this one so far...wish I had them all now.
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Collector KYoung_1974 private msg quote post Address this user
I've been reading comics (or having them read to me) since I was a 4 or 4 year old in the late 70's. For me, it's not about the comics I didn't buy, it's about the comics I got off the rack that were destroyed or thrown away that today are worth hundreds to thousands of dollars...
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