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Collector Darkseid_of_town private msg quote post Address this user
As Luke said in the recent Star wars movie...everything you just said there is wrong. You ask questions then state someone talks too much....rather rude. Responding with insults to facts you do not like isn't exactly brilliant.

as for showing you the evidence are you asking for the evidence or asking for evidence you would accept given your arguments against it existing? You demonstrate all the traits of cognitive dissonance when shown evidence that contradicts or disproves your belief set. Why would someone waste their time when you mock them and insult them after you spam them with your poorly researched gibberish

the evidence is right outside your door chirping and sitting on your roof...go look at it yourself.

as to your posting about fossils and dirt lets do that...fossils are not only bones. They are often footprints, shells, skin traces, coprolites and eggs as well as eggshells, and even nesting areas.These remains are found within layers of the ground known as formations which are each known and linked to a given time period by surrounding fossils within the yes you can determine not only their age, but what animals or plants were extant within that time and formation.You can determine pathology, damage to the bone, birth history, even family groupings from fossils alone. You can further do radio metric measuring of the rocks...meaning you measure where the magnetic needles within a rock are pointing which then helps you determine the precise due north location at the point the sediment formed, allowing you to chronlogically date the specimens occurring with said formation.Fossils do not exist only in the present, many have existed for billions of years like stromataloites which are fossils of algae billions of years old, so that statement is utter ignorance.We very much so can establish dates for fossils based on age...we can measure dozens of ways in fact....often using dating that requires volcanic ash which decays at a constant rate, or carbon dating for older specimens where a margin of error of small degree is not particularly important, or by using radio metric dating, we can precisely date rocks and the fossils within, sorry. Another utterly uninformed comment
I am so very sorry you utterly misunderstand evolution and what a missing link supposedly is but there are thousands of transitional fossils that demonstrate the briges between one species and another clearly . Again visit a museum instead of assuming ….look at the evidence itself, not someone elses words. It does exist sorry.Oh yes there are gaps in the fossil record...but you know what...we have dinosaur bones and we have birds bones to know what they became despite the missing gaps...odd how you selectively use that reasoning, but since missing gaps seem all important for something to be fact please show me Jesus bones and all the disciples know, since we cant have missing gaps right?

I love this line about finding bones in the ground and not knowing if it had kids because you know its just funny. They found a t rex skeleton and someone tested bone composition and determined that the presence of some chemicals within the bone structure indicated the animal had been pregnant or just given birth at guess what? yes we can , we have, its documented and its science and your guys comments are oddly and weirdly incorrect to an extreme. Aside from and nevermind dinosaurs have been found with unlaid eggs inside, as well as with newborns , further destroying that little tidbit of silliness

your guy got it right though about missing links when he said they don't exist and no one could show him one. I canot think of a modern scientist that would ascribe to such silliness actually....
your posting about forks is particularly...well lets say disappointing. You do kinda have to realize that forks aren't living breathing organisms right? and evolution occurs over generations not as a visible medium within a lifetime..what a perfectly....uneducated analogy to attempt.He said it correctly however..he turned himself into a fool attempting that comparison.

oh and just for the record Patterson does NOT have the largest fossil collection in the world, sorry.I think your guy meant to say no one HAS more fossils than the british museum of natural history rather than got but even then its an incorrect and suspect statement for him to make at any level.

while we are at lets take this comment about missing links so we can put it to rest...
per wiki...."Indeed, Archaeopteryx was discovered just two years later, in 1861, and represents a classic transitional form between earlier, non-avian dinosaurs and birds. Many more transitional fossils have been discovered since then, and there is now abundant evidence of how all classes of vertebrates are related, including many transitional fossils.[5] Specific examples of class-level transitions are: tetrapods and fish, birds and dinosaurs, and mammals and "mammal-like reptiles".
The term "missing link" has been used extensively in popular writings on human evolution to refer to a perceived gap in the hominid evolutionary record. It is most commonly used to refer to any new transitional fossil finds. Scientists, however, do not use the term, as it refers to a pre-evolutionary view of nature. "

Did you get that...the term missing links refers to terminology used before or stated "pre-evolutionary view of nature. "

here is a link to the wiki page regarding missing links …read it and understand the concept of outdated terminology being replaced by modern cladistics and more accurate terms...
Post 151 IP   flag post
Collector GanaSoth private msg quote post Address this user
Post 152 IP   flag post
Collector Darkseid_of_town private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by GanaSoth
@Darkseid_of_townyou you talk much. Evolution is not fact.
Show me evidence. BTW, if something evolves it gains correct? Chromosomes for instance.

lol this one is hilarious,..the authoer obviously knows very little about dna or genomes to think all of evolution is centered around.....chromosomes ….amusingly silly if that was the point I guess.

here is a thorough explanation
Post 153 IP   flag post
Collector GanaSoth private msg quote post Address this user
@Darkseid_of_town ok dude.... I'm tired of arguing with you. Every piece of evidence I submit, all you gotta do is deny its real or fact. Same with me (though you haven't submitted any). I believe in what I want, same to you.

I believe God created man and everything in the universe.

You believe nothing exploded and created rocks and water which created ooze and man & everything evolved from that ooze.

BTW: you never responded on the Chuck Missler video I posted.

Post 154 IP   flag post
Collector GanaSoth private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Darkseid_of_town
The term "missing link" has been used extensively in popular writings on human evolution to refer to a perceived gap in the hominid evolutionary record. It is most commonly used to refer to any new transitional fossil finds. Scientists, however, do not use the term, as it refers to a pre-evolutionary view
of nature."

Ok makes sense. If it doesn't fall within their lies, they exclude it. Got it. Moving on.

Anyways, still waiting for your science to debunk the Holy Bible / Torah and its hidden codes/messages as shown in Chuck Missler's video above.
Post 155 IP   flag post

Collector Darkseid_of_town private msg quote post Address this user
yes you are correct because unlike yourself I do not dismiss new information out of hand and refuse to research and learn...I am still exploring what this man is about and what he said as I stated I would. I have not had sufficient time to evaluate his comments and check his references honestly.
I am doing so, and doing it at my pace. I don't bite off new information that contradicts my views only to dismiss it, and I prefer to understand what is being offered and how it works....if it works and if not why ...okay?

as for our discussion it can end whenever you choose...I am merely responding to and debunking each new posting as it appears, as most of what you have tossed out there is honestly material sadly and tiredly and repeatedly spouted by denialists for years,often appearing to be direct lifts from Answersingensis or some other creationist website filled with misinformation, miseducation and denial of the end evidence trumps myth and facts remain long after the winds of agenda driven religious dogma pass.

You have every right to believe what you like...I for myself will settle for knowing based on facts and evidence which is my right.

I will ask again that you stop attempting to deliberately misstate my views and oversimoplify my position as you have done yet again here.....
"You believe nothing exploded and created rocks and water which created ooze and man & everything evolved from that ooze."

I said none of the above and your attempts to deliberately simplify and conflate my views is both rude and childish . Knock it off. If you are tired of debating with me take your ball and go home, playground closed.
Post 156 IP   flag post
Collector GanaSoth private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Darkseid_of_town
I will ask again that you stop attempting to deliberately misstate my views and oversimoplify my position as you have done yet again here.....

"You believe nothing exploded and created rocks and water which created ooze and man & everything evolved from that ooze."

Then what do you believe? Give a ONE sentence answer. I don't want a book.

PS: you have debunked nothing.
Post 157 IP   flag post
Joined The Club Steverogers11 private msg quote post Address this user
Damn man you still at it. Don’t agree on any of this but respect
Post 158 IP   flag post
Collector Darkseid_of_town private msg quote post Address this user
I have done nothing but debunk actually.

Short answer: see above
Post 159 IP   flag post
past performance is no guarantee of future actions. KatKomics private msg quote post Address this user
"ask yourself three questions about the way you think now: Do you devote sufficient time
to “reflecting and dreaming?” Do you rely on verifiable data to make decisions? And, do you take the time required to do things properly?

Better thinking is hard, not easy. Better thinking takes time, not haste. There is no short cut

There is no mobile phone app to truly make you think. Siri or Alexa are not going to help you with this one.

Many people are uncomfortable consciously thinking about
what they believe or the actions they’re going to take. They avoid analyzing their own processes and just plunge ahead. They “choose activity over a weighted blend of ideation, pause, consideration and response…The act of doing becomes the most
important thing.”

Excerpts from: Open to Think by Dan Pontefract
Post 160 IP   flag post
Collector GanaSoth private msg quote post Address this user
@Darkseid_of_town you still taking? You haven't debunked a single thing. You can't debunk a belief.

Your just angry that my belief is more believable than yours.

Mine is a creator, not bound by our laws of physics, and can do what he so chooses in our dimension (creation). My ancestors are humans; Adam & Eve.

Yours is a big bang that came from nothing (unless you realize it was something that had the power to make it happen that's outside the laws of physics and the law of conservation of energy - see my belief above.) Your ancestors are rocks, ooze & apes.

Which one sounds more believable.....
Post 161 IP   flag post
Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock Tedsaid private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by GanaSoth
@Darkseid_of_town you still taking? You haven't debunked a single thing. You can't debunk a belief.

Your just angry that my belief is more believable than yours.

Mine is a creator, not bound by our laws of physics, and can do what he so chooses in our dimension (creation). My ancestors are humans; Adam & Eve.

Yours is a big bang that came from nothing (unless you realize it was something that had the power to make it happen that's outside the laws of physics and the law of conservation of energy - see my belief above.) Your ancestors are rocks, ooze & apes.

Which one sounds more believable.....

Angry? GanaSoth, the only one who sounds angry in this thread is you.

Also: "you're"

Post 162 IP   flag post
CBCS Pressing SteveRicketts private msg quote post Address this user
I have conversations about the universe and creation totally differently now than I did when I was young. Then I thought it was a contest to convince someone who had a different belief than you to get on board with you. I've learned that it takes a long time to change a mind. Mine did. I used to believe the exact opposite of what I do now. It took 45 years for me to change it, but I've always been one to seek answers in places I may be uncomfortable looking.

My take on these conversations is different now. I'll say what I believe and that's it. I'm not trying to convince anyone to change what they think. That change takes too long. I'll just plant a seed and let them determine if it will grow.

I'll admit I've not read this entire thread because many of the posts are very long, but I do appreciate the conversations, and I do understand the passion of both sides. Because I've been on both sides.

Carry on. 👍
Post 163 IP   flag post
Captain Corrector CaptainCanuck private msg quote post Address this user

Originally Posted by SteveRicketts

My take on these conversations is different now. I'll say what I believe and that's it. I'm not trying to convince anyone to change what they think. That change takes too long. I'll just plant a seed and let them determine if it will grow.

Carry on. 👍

Waiting for the seed...
Post 164 IP   flag post
Collector GanaSoth private msg quote post Address this user
@CaptainCanuck Here's a great video that may or may not help with that seed your looking for.

Post 165 IP   flag post
Collector MR_SigS private msg quote post Address this user
While I understand the emotions in here, I don't see the point in hammering them into the thread. I've stated my opinions and "beliefs", and I've read other's. Any questions I post are intended to be rhetorical, so I'm not expecting anyone to have THE answer (how could I?). Therefore, when someone does reply, I don't take it as THE answer, nor do I necessarily assume the responder implies such a thing. I read it, consider it with the respect I hope my opinions are given, and move on.
Anything beyond that is best left for face to face conversations, where things tend to stay a bit more civil.
Post 166 IP   flag post
Collector NoahSult private msg quote post Address this user
We get it ganasoth you're a christain, congrats enjoy your faith. But you aren't changing anyone who doesn't believes mind. Move on.
Post 167 IP   flag post
Collector MR_SigS private msg quote post Address this user
The Hobby? Sure, I'll "argue" about that, but not this
Post 168 IP   flag post
Collector Darkseid_of_town private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by SteveRicketts
I have conversations about the universe and creation totally differently now than I did when I was young. Then I thought it was a contest to convince someone who had a different belief than you to get on board with you. I've learned that it takes a long time to change a mind. Mine did. I used to believe the exact opposite of what I do now. It took 45 years for me to change it, but I've always been one to seek answers in places I may be uncomfortable looking.

My take on these conversations is different now. I'll say what I believe and that's it. I'm not trying to convince anyone to change what they think. That change takes too long. I'll just plant a seed and let them determine if it will grow.

I'll admit I've not read this entire thread because many of the posts are very long, but I do appreciate the conversations, and I do understand the passion of both sides. Because I've been on both sides.

Carry on. 👍

Some insight as to my thoughts...I allow that each person has the right to think or believe how they choose....that being said, there is a massive amount of information out there being spread about that is shockingly incorrect, or outright lies in order to serve political or religious agendas. We currently have a government administration that has gone to the extreme of stating and coining terms like.."alternate facts" Scientific agencies are being suppressed, gagged and the very science that could save our world is under attack from many sources, including religious dogmatic thinking.

I don't post the things I do or spend the effort to change any one particular persons mind, but rather demonstrate the choice between agenda and fact, evidence and logic vs innuendo..because I feel that is the battle our generation must win to save our planet. We either correct the flow of knowledge and remove the mythical backwards infighting in our world, or we never make it out there among the stars to realize our species best and final goal. Our planet has limited space, resources, and time left. If we do not stop the arguments what sect or cult created the most amusing stories 2,000 years ago in the middle eastern desert, we are doomed. The net gain of most forms of belief over the last 2,000 years has been bloodshed, death, famine misery and destruction.

Someone asked me how I sit and keep posting despite the seeming brick wall before me ….so I thought I would offer or share something before I again remove myself from the conversation. I have spent some 35 or 40 years studying cults, religions and their leaders as well as followers. I grew up in the peace generation of the seventies where you could find Moonies outside every grocery store selling flowers or books of the Unification church. In the sixth grade I experience what true fanaticism can be when a local student, that I had grown up with, fell in with the moonies and unification church. His family and several others built and executed a plan by which they kidnapped him from the church, and he was taken to a remote cabin in Colorado. Back here no one knew where he the members of the church camped on his parents front lawn for weeks waiting for him...Literally pitched tents and lived there. Meantime in the cabin his parents began the exhaustive battle of deprogramming their son. He was a gifted pianist but by the time they were done his knuckles were so bloody and damaged from beating the walls of that cabin he never played again. Six weeks....42 days.....more than a thousand hours spent pulling this kid back from the reality he had accepted .In the end he came back ...and was deprogrammed...grew up, married and lived a normal life.

During that time period was the reverend Jim Jones and his cult of death that cost the lives of more than a thousand....the Manson family was caught and their "Helter Skelter " manifesto was made public. Another pair of figures emerged during this time known as Bo and Peep....a man and woman who claimed to have been abducted by aliens who shared their vision of the future of man with them. As time passed it became just Bo...a man named Marshall Applewhite. I mentioned him in a previous post. He made the rounds during those times at science fiction conventions and so forth telling his alien stories. I was able to meet him once and I will never forget his eyes...he was not there literally. You could just look and tell he was gone.

Anyways moving forward till the comet Hale Bop came....if anyone rememebers that time ….there was a group in California named the Heavens Gate community, that believed the aliens were in a large spaceship in the tail of this comet and were coming to unite with their earthly breathen …...a cult led by Marshall Applewhite.

If you know the story you also know 39 people died that day ...led to their deaths by this man...the dead included the brother of actress Nichelle Nicholls of Star Trek fame ironically.

I believe science holds the answers and if we use the facts and evidence we can pick our way through the Marshall Applewhites and Jim Jones of the earth....I post things in hope of saving someone else some grief later perhaps. It doesn't always work...and I don't expect anyone to change their mind about anything, but often having the facts, or knowing how to frame the question, or to answer the pseudo science can be all the difference it takes.
Post 169 IP   flag post
past performance is no guarantee of future actions. KatKomics private msg quote post Address this user
At the end of the game both the king and the pawn end up in the same one knows what happens after that.
Post 170 IP   flag post
Collector GanaSoth private msg quote post Address this user
I simply answered the OP with my answers. What I believe. I never nor have I tried to convert people's thinking. I only answered questions I was asked.

Only time it got out of hand was because of
@Darkseid_of_town. He is the one that likes to argue, be condescending, and be disrespectful. Only one here that's angry or pushing anything is him. Just like on other post we crossed paths in. Also I don't go behind people's backs and report other users in hopes to get them banned from the forums like he does.
Post 171 IP   flag post
Collector Darkseid_of_town private msg quote post Address this user
oh dear, and here we go again. I can honestly say given the large number of messages people have sent that I do not think most feel I was condescending, or disrespectful Mr Gana. I can say several are angry and also feel that you are attempting to use a comic book forum as a church pulpit however. I also learned people here love science Nevertheless play the blame game...despite the idiom it takes at least two to argue. Please make up your mind I condensing or condescending cannot have your Bisque both ways. You have a wonderful day Gana and thanks again for all your kind words
Post 172 IP   flag post
Forum Crier OGJackster private msg quote post Address this user
Two volatile subjects I try and stay away from (especially in a public forum) is religion and politics. But this sounds kind of fun.

Here's an analogy I've always liked. Take an ordinary wristwatch. Dismantle it and put all of the pieces into a bag, shake it up and dump it onto the floor.

Now two questions:

1) How many time do you have to do this to have it fall onto the floor and have all of the pieces in their correct position and become a fully functioning watch?

2) Do scientists think that we should be ignorant and believe their theory that something much more complicated, like a human being, just bubbled up from primordial ooze?

I think "consciousness emerges from the operations of the brain" created by God... not mud.
Post 173 IP   flag post
Collector GanaSoth private msg quote post Address this user
@OGJackster I appreciate you having the courage to come out and speak on your beliefs. I'm right there with ya.

Your watch reference is a perfectly understandable point cause we can actually physically touch it. Unlike using DNA as a reference (being we can't relate by physically touching it); only reading about it. But DNA is the book of life. There is no way the DNA structure that is made of information in everything on this planet, could have been written by chance, it takes an author. Just like a program takes a programmer.

If one believes that DNA was written out of nothing, by chance, then they should look at a comic book. Did the colors, drawings, order of pages and sentences just come out of the air from nothing and happen to lay together perfectly in order? Or was their a creator? Same thing with DNA.
Post 174 IP   flag post
Collector Darkseid_of_town private msg quote post Address this user
science has never stated man bubbled up from ooze though...oversimplification Sir.
Here is the problem with your analogy..a watch requires all the pieces fit precisely and exactly a given spot and place relative to one another...however your body can accept blood transfusions in the arm from another persons leg for instance....the human body is a much more loosely organized organic machine than any simple watch..hence why people can have eyes, kidneys and even lungs transplanted .The body by its very nature is adaptive and capable of change...whereas a watch has a static design like a car or a anything else.
Science never said human beings bubble up from mud..that is like attempting to argue when we manufacture cars they jump up full blown from sheets of raw steel.

Science has stated and offered significant evidence that the "bubbling mud" contained building block for basic lifeforms that then began adapting and changing into more and more complex lifeforms over a few billion years....rather than a human just emerging full blown as it were.There is ample evidence to accept that theory.
Anyone can oversimplify a concept to ridicule are welcome to think as you like of course. Myself I find it rather mind twisting people will toss out bubbling mud humans but have no problem whatsoever accepting flying alien beings who live in outer space and can create things by ..magic? A wave of the hand and the bubbling mud that couldn't be a human being before suddenly becomes one because of an imaginary magical being?

I choose the science and the evidence over the myth.
Post 175 IP   flag post
Forum Crier OGJackster private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by CaptainCanuck
Waiting for the seed...

One is all you need

Post 176 IP   flag post
Collector MR_SigS private msg quote post Address this user
@GanaSoth Not implying it's all coming from (clearly not the case), or started with you.
I was just pounding sand lol
Post 177 IP   flag post
Collector NoahSult private msg quote post Address this user
Lock this thread, and if people want to have this conversation do it through direct message. Most people have heard enough Christ talk for the rest of their lives on the cbcs COMIC FORUM
Post 178 IP   flag post
Collector GanaSoth private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Darkseid_of_town
Science has stated and offered significant evidence that the "bubbling mud" contained building block for basic lifeforms that then began adapting and changing into more and more complex lifeforms over a few billion years....

Where did the "bubbling mud" come from? From a mythical magical explosion that happened from nothing exploding?
Post 179 IP   flag post
Collector GanaSoth private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by NoahSult
Lock this thread, and if people want to have this conversation do it through direct message. Most people have heard enough Christ talk for the rest of their lives on the cbcs COMIC FORUM

Like SteveRicketts said

Originally Posted by SteveRicketts

If this is a topic that you can't be involved in without being insulting, perhaps you should just skip this thread. You don't have to read it. It's not a requirement. You will not be tested on it, I assure you. Just move on and read something that may be more of interest to you.
Post 180 IP   flag post
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