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Real or just to thinking9136

Collector Darkseid_of_town private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Pre_Coder
Originally Posted by GanaSoth
Originally Posted by Pre_Coder
Question for all of you....

Jesus is referred to as the "Tree Of Life"
Satan is referred to as the "Tree of knowledge of good and evil"

(1) What does the apple have to do with any of this?
(2) Why did Eve give birth to twins (one good, one evil)?
.... and yes, a woman can give birth to twins by two different fathers ... considering the timing.

PS... (Genesis) Eve told God she was beguiled by the serpent.
What does "beguiled" mean?... Totally Seduced!
And then Eve seduced Adam (at least she received the good seed, aka Jesus Christ in the long run, many thanks to King David). And Satan was hell-bent on assinating David because of the lineage to JC, but failed. Anyhow, David pretty much screwed himself because he walked past the wall of God, thinking it was all about him and God was no longer the factor.

Jesus is referred to as "The Tree of Life."
We know that a relationship with Jesus should be very meaningful and give us life – eternal life. Therefore, one could say that Jesus is like the Tree of Life. Because of Him, we grow spiritually and flourish. Because of Him, we can have eternal life.

Satan is referred to as the "Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil."
In Christian theology, consuming the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil was the sin committed by Adam and Eve that led to the fall of man in Genesis 2-3. It was his lies that landed them in trouble, so he takes the title as that particular title.

1) Some say that the forbidden fruit they were not supposed to have partaken in was an apple, others say it was a fig.

2) Cains sacrifice was not good enough for the Lord as Ables was. Now, was this because God already knew Cain was an abomination or this is what he becomes after the murder of his brother. There is lots of speculation whether or not Cain was an offspring of satan, because of what Eve told God about her being "beguiled" by the serpent. The definition of beguiled is: being tricked into doing something. Now this could mean sexual, or she could be referring to the reason why she talked Adam into taking the forbidden fruit. But that leads back to why God rejected Cains sacrifices. I personally believe that Cain was the start of Satan's bloodline here on Earth, thus why he wasn't ever good enough for God.


And Adam blamed it all on the woman (Eve), Eve blamed it all on the serpent (Satan), and the serpent was more than happy to take credit.

Accountability went out the window right at the very beginning!
It actually went out the window long before that when god created all and rested the 7th day claiming it was all good , then condemned man for making mistakes. Since god created all , he created man, the tree of knowledge, satan, and the apple....and rested knowing it was good. Course the following week things went he blamed man and cast him out for it. Kind of the issue when setting onself up as perfect in all ways even after making mistakes ………..
Post 126 IP   flag post
Collector CatCovers private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Darkseid_of_town
Just for the record...and because facts keep getting stepped on...the umm Catholic bible is not the same as yours. The Catholic Bible includes additional books in the Old Testament not included in most Protestant Bibles. These seven additional books of the Old Testament are known as the deuterocanonical books and include Sirach, Tobit, Wisdom, Judith, 1 and 1 Maccabees, and Baruch.
So no they are not the same …...

This is true. Our Bible still contains the books Martin Luther didn't like. Further differences can be found in Bibles used by Eastern Orthodox, Coptic and assorted other sects, in addition to the shortened Protestant version.
Post 127 IP   flag post
Collector Darkseid_of_town private msg quote post Address this user
Indeed correct, Catcovers. Aside from.....

Post 128 IP   flag post
Collector Marximus private msg quote post Address this user
<takes a knee to flying spaghetti>

Dinner time!
Post 129 IP   flag post
Collector Darkseid_of_town private msg quote post Address this user
I love the Flying spaghetti monster and I hope you may be touched by his giant noodly appendage...Pastafarianism is the one true light and only true god
Post 130 IP   flag post

Collector GanaSoth private msg quote post Address this user
Guess most of you think that most Christians don't study other religious books like the Torah, Kabbalah, Quran, etc and that's ok to think we're ignorant of such. To reach their own.

Well, it was great discussion. I had fun. Take care all!
Post 131 IP   flag post
Collector Darkseid_of_town private msg quote post Address this user
Be well and may all your journeys bring you much pasta, and many strainers full of joy!
Post 132 IP   flag post
Collector Darkseid_of_town private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by GanaSoth
Guess most of you think that most Christians don't study other religious books like the Torah, Kabbalah, Quran, etc and that's ok to think we're ignorant of such. To reach their own.

Well, it was great discussion. I had fun. Take care all!

What I think you study or read is irrelevant...I myself determine my thoughts based on what you say and do and post. To date your posts have quoted and referenced books and verses found within a normal King James version of the standard bible, with encoded messages inclusive. If you choose to quote the Quaran, books of Mormon, or even the Books of Enlightment shared by Reverend Moon, let alone the Torah I would gladly discuss those each on their own merits with you .

Are you familiar with Marshall Applewhite or the Heavensgagte community by chance? That one makes for a rather thought provoking discussion as well.

incidentally IF you were inferring I myself called you ignorant it is a straw man argument you have chosen to erect . I purposely have avoided attacking you, and only addressed your stated ideals , opinions and conjectures at least speaking for myself.

Be well Gana….and may the great flying spaghetti monster follow you on your journey.
Post 133 IP   flag post
Collector GanaSoth private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Darkseid_of_town

What I think you study or read is irrelevant...

Then why bring it up and imply that most Christians read from ONE book and say that one book isn't even the real translations and they think it as fact.

Originally Posted by Darkseid_of_town
To date your posts have quoted and referenced books and verses found within a normal King James version of the standard bible...

Does it really matter which version of the Bible I picked to quote from? Either that version or another wouldn't matter to you because you'd still moan and complaine reguardless.

You come across as somewhat respectful in maybe a line or two. Then you turn condensing. I'm sure everyone here can pick up on it. Then you throw out the be well..... then add some stupid spaghetti monster insult insinuating I worship some food monster in the sky.

That be the case, be well darkseid and may the great swimming ooze monster follow you on your adventures.
Post 134 IP   flag post
Collector doog private msg quote post Address this user
I enjoyed the Tibetan Book of the Dead. Basically it is all a dream, over and over, until you realize it, as I recall.
Post 135 IP   flag post
Collector Darkseid_of_town private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by GanaSoth
Originally Posted by Darkseid_of_town

What I think you study or read is irrelevant...

Then why bring it up and imply that most Christians read from ONE book and say that one book isn't even the real translations and they think it as fact.

Originally Posted by Darkseid_of_town
To date your posts have quoted and referenced books and verses found within a normal King James version of the standard bible...

Does it really matter which version of the Bible I picked to quote from? Either that version or another wouldn't matter to you because you'd still moan and complaine reguardless.

You come across as somewhat respectful in maybe a line or two. Then you turn condensing. I'm sure everyone here can pick up on it. Then you throw out the be well..... then add some stupid spaghetti monster insult insinuating I worship some food monster in the sky.

That be the case, be well darkseid and may the great swimming ooze monster follow you on your adventures.

actually THE point in the meme is the rather unverifiable and unreliable nature of the bible as it exists....not what you read or choose to study . As the meme clearly states the backstory of the King James version of the New Testamentt and your comments have almost exclusively been quoting or utilizing old testament books in particular Genesis I am rather curious how you placed yourself within any context of the meme itself....correct?It does seem odd you have to admit.
actually yes it does matter which version of the bible you use to garner your information and quote from...there are significant differences in each version as I clearly illustratged earlier and again, it does work much better if your references are both accurate and of course verifiable, thanks. You wouldn't like me quoting from the ...On origin of Species by Darwin and using to comment on the diversification of ceratopsian species in North America for yes it matters .

I appreciate that you find I come across as somewhat respectful at least...but I seldom condense except when making soup. I am guessing you meant condescending, which is also the incorrect term. Atempting to use a bandwagon fallacy by suggesting everyone shares your extreme sensitivity to me remarks is rather ingenius but transparent so don't.Some do, some do not , each by their own beliefs or ideas.

" Then you throw out the be well..... then add some stupid spaghetti monster insult insinuating I worship some food monster in the sky.

That be the case, be well darkseid and may the great swimming ooze monster follow you on your adventures"

Let's see...I wished you well. as for adding some stupid flying spaghetti monster supposed insult, let me correct your obvious ignorance as to the purpose of my post.

If you choose not to read or understand its purpose, the pastfarians are a protest religion created in my home state of Kansas expressly to battle against the removal of science teaching within schools and their replacement by creationist dogma and biblical theories. I am sorry you missed the rather obvious and clear reference. I am somewhat a pastafarian however, as my chosen belief set, and adhere to the core beliefs of this group. I am friends with many ordained pastafarian ministers, and support their efforts entirely. I would prefer you not then insult my beliefs system nor call it stupid, as I have not done so with your own thanks. I also never implied you worship the flying spaghetti monster, that's all me...Please pay attention.

Finally I have not yet learned of the great swimming ooze monster but if it is equally as well thought out and deliberate in its beliefs set, I thank you for that blessing and look forward to doing so....
Post 136 IP   flag post
Collector MR_SigS private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by GanaSoth
Originally Posted by Tedsaid
Originally Posted by GanaSoth
@GAC the Bible states that not even the angles in Heaven will know the time. So, no. No one knows.
But when he does, all will take a knee and know he is Lord.

Wait ... no more free will? What happens to the free will?

Not when he's done playing. All people's of every nation and nationality will know and confess he is Lord.

Romans 14:11
11 For it is written, As I live, saith the Lord, every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall confess to God.

I think what he meant was not necessarily everyone with take a knee, meaning those who feel true hatred towards God (there must be some).
Post 137 IP   flag post
Collector GanaSoth private msg quote post Address this user
@Darkseid_of_town ..... if you do not believe in a Divine Conscious Creator (God like I believe) , what do you believe then?

Where did man come from? I have yet to hear your side yet your quick to judge others.
It's either the big bang monster or the ooze monster, or we are engineered from aliens?

Let's see where your fundamental beliefs stem.
Post 138 IP   flag post
Collector Darkseid_of_town private msg quote post Address this user
It is essential to understand the difference between a belief and a fact first...I advocate and follow the evidence, which allows us to form a hypothesis that is then well enough supported to become a working theory.....that is the process known as science. It is transparent, verifiable and repeatable.

When new evidence is presented it then is configured into the results and if a new hypothesis is required, it is then offered.

By definition as you were doing earlier....Evidence definition, that which tends to prove or disprove something; ground for belief; proof.
It differs markedly from a belief which suggests faith alone is enough to hold and advance an idea....

By definition again....Faith, derived from Latin fides and Old French feid,[1] is confidence or trust in a person, thing, or concept.[1][2] In the context of religion, one can define faith as confidence or trust in a particular system of religious belief.[3] Religious people often think of faith as confidence based on a perceived degree of warrant,[4][5] while others who are more skeptical of religion tend to think of faith as simply belief without evidence.[6]

As I have stated repeatedly I prefer to have questions that the evidence has not been sufficient to answer today, rather than questions I am forbidden to ask.
Before I offer you my version or understanding of what I believe I also offer this...Your comments meant to inflame and incite need to stop for a true discussion to occur....I judged no one , especially not quickly......I again and again return to and directly quote your comments and then in turn respond to those, and I refuse to be incited or drawn out by your attempts to incite and manipulate my thoughts or comments. Stop doing example this..."I have yet to hear your side yet your quick to judge others. "
You have yet to hear my side because you have yet to have stated I am quick to juge because I have pointed out some of the most obvious issues that your belief system conflicts with science. I judged no one....knock it off.

If your question is as literal as stated...meaning where did man come from, it is both patently obvious and clear given the fossil record. We belong to a branch of the primate family tree called hominids which is a branch of the primate family that diverged from other animals some 85 million years ago. Various branches of this family have gone in different directions..the great apes, gibbons, and more primitive species of man such as Neandrethals for instance. Depending on how you define the term man of course.....

Evolution is demonstrable science and occurs daily and yet is one of the most highly contested disciplines science is involved is more evidence for evolution than any other principle of science with over 7,000 fossils in museums around the world confirming the sequence of development of various plants , animals and even example a saber tooth tiger known as a smilodon shares 95.5 of its dna with todays common housecat and I know of no scientist that would argue against the fact, however we share 98 percent of our DNA with chimpanzees and it is the mostly hotly contested bit of data science has ever shared.
Post 139 IP   flag post
Collector Darkseid_of_town private msg quote post Address this user
incidentally the big bang and the ooze theory neither one have a single thing to do with the origins of man....and neither is a belief, both are documented science with evidence and documentation to unnderly them.
it is no accident that all animals with skeletons on this planet follow similar biological rules...eyes come in pairs, so do many organs, indeed dualism is a key trait in our evolutionary makeup regardless if two legs or eight, always in pairs.
Ever consider how all vertebrae animals have backbones, limb bones and ribs? a fish has similar hand bones as your own for instance...

if you were to rest on your hands and knees on the ground ever bone in your body would correspond to a bone found within a dipodocus dinosaur...except that through evolution you have often reduced two bones they had for a single bone your body has. They also have more backbones, a given due to size of course.

ever wonder why the human body is so prone to hernia? we were designed to be on all fours, so an upright posture creates strain on a design it was never intended to be used for.
ALl of these things identify that we all come from a fauna base that has been forced to adapt and change within a set of ecological parameters on our planet....gravity, air, nitrogen, water and light and food...we all have similar genetic systems because we all share a common environment.

science 101....
Post 140 IP   flag post
Collector CatCovers private msg quote post Address this user
We also share about 60 percent of our DNA with bananas.

No real point there, aside from the obvious one about the similarity of all life on the planet.

I just find it amusing.
Post 141 IP   flag post
Collector Darkseid_of_town private msg quote post Address this user
We share 10 percent of our DNA with simple bacteria as well.....we truly do share so much with our world around us.
Post 142 IP   flag post
Collector GanaSoth private msg quote post Address this user
@Darkseid_of_town ok so long story short. You believe in evolution... which is the third leg of the big bang theory, right after the ooze theory....

The fossil records are not complete. They have yet to find the "missing link." The link they so desperately need... they will never find it.

Evolution is purely a "religion" a "belief system" based on faith not logic. There is no evidence!

There is no scientific evidence at all to back up any form of "macro-evolution."

Macro-evolution is defined as changing into a different kind of animal completely. Never happened, never will. Species can't change into another species.

Micro-evolution is defined as a changing within a species or small group of organisms, especially over a short period. Happens all the time. BUT it will always be the SAME species.

There is no similarity between micro-evolution and macro-evolution.

Evolutionists will use micro-evolution to try to prove that macro-evolution is true.

Totally false.
Post 143 IP   flag post
Collector Darkseid_of_town private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by GanaSoth
@Darkseid_of_town ok so long story short. You believe in evolution... which is the third leg of the big band, right after the ooze....

The fossil records are not complete. They have yet to find the "missing link." The link they so desperately need... they will never find it.

Evolution is purely a "religion" a "belief system" based on faith not logic. There is no evidence!

There is no scientific evidence at all to back up any form of "macro-evolution."

Macro-evolution is defined as changing into a different kind of animal completely. Never happened.

Micro-evolution evolutionary is defined as a changing within a species or small group of organisms, especially over a short period. Happens all the time.

There is no similarity between micro-evolution and macro-evolution.

Many evolutionists will use micro-evolution to try to prove that macro-evolution is true. Totally false logic.

okay lets take the logcal fails here one at a time....I do not "believe" in evolution. I accept the evidence we have as solid clear and I KNOW it is established documented fact.

There is no big band...logical fallacy again. Attempting to place the theories you disagree with within the same grouping does nothing to dispute any one or all of them...each is separate and unique in its evidence and suggestion.

You are absolutely correct about the fossil record being incomplete, there are entire stretches of millions of years we have no exposed formation or strata to recover remains from, and many were lost due to deep sea subductions long eras ago. Utterly correct.But ...and this is essential...we have fossils from various locations and time periods throughout the world...which can be placed chronologically and evolutionarily in proper sequence that perfectly matches in each and every instance precisely as they should.

Clearly understand this idea...there is no such thing as a missing link. What missing link are you searching for precisely? the one that denotes when man was more primitive and less modern or the one that separates cats from smilodons….Missing links are simple argument that was created to attempt to argue against evolution when people failed to understand what it is. Visit a museum...ask to see the trilobite order. Each a newer version of the previous...then visit a museum and ask to see the ceratopsian skulls ..again in after another.....are there possible species not found yet within those seuences? yes of course there are, but that only more solidly establishes that the existing outline is correct.
The old missing link so desperately needed such thing. Do tell me please..what precise missing link are you searching for and what would it show you? None is needed...the fossils we have are sufficient to establish the genetic line.

again and clearly, evolution is not a belief system. That is an obvious Ken Ham quote and is untrue. Evolution offers more evidence than most other example, have you ever held a crab in your hand? Hwve you ever compared it to skeletons of older crabs? have you ever held the remains of a bony fish from the Devonian in your hands and compared it to modern fish? Museums are chock full of evidence, but you have to go and LOOK ...consider sharks for a moment. In western Kansas there is an area wher you can go shark hunting...its layers and layers of Nioroba era chalk formations containing sharks teeth. Higher up in the layers you find modern more developed sharks you come down the exposed areas and examine the older deposits you find more basal and even less derived shark species in abundance...the teeth are temporally sorted within the formations and illustrate the lineages of hundreds of species of has but to look.

All modern animals are direct proof of evolution...ever sat and looked at the skeleton of Eohippus the "dawn Horse" ? roughly the size of small dog and clearly a can then follow the various types of horse as they developed through time right up to modern horses. We know and can demonstrate the sequence of evolution of horses, from start to present

Ever see the famous specimen of Arachaeopteryx in Germany? often identified as a primitive bird, it has claws on its feet, teeth and a tail made of verts, like a lizard which is it? is it one of the first birds or a dinosaur? for generations science held the former position, until it was classified a feathered and beaked dinosaur.

The tired and worn macro vs micro evolution argument...okay lets do that. Understand something ...and grab ahold of it hard. A fish is what we state one is...a bird is identified as a bird because of a name we give it....nature did not call a winged animal a bird or fish couldn't fly nor could lizards...yet they do.So lets take the birds and dinosaurs argument...according to your argument dinosaurs couldn't become birds...but birds are dinosaurs. that is scientific isn't macro evolution nor is it micro this or that.....we classify animals based on traits. The avain dinosaur species all had hollow a bird...gizzards, like a bird, beaks often like a bird..they laid eggs like a bird, they migrated like a bird..they built nests like a bird....some flew like a bird....many were likely warm blooded like a how do you define a dinosaur and how do you define a bird? which traits are and aren't one or the other...truth is velociraptor was more bird than dinosaur forgive me when I throw this oout but your words mirco and macro mean nothing..they are a distraction from the factual evidence and nothing more. A mere ploy to attempt to argue what nature already did but man says couldn't see man proposes but nature disposes. What we named a bird...was actually a highly evolved dinosaur...and nothing more. That is the mistake people make about evolution...nothing is changing from one species to another, they always WERE....our terms mean nothing

consider whales....large animals that came out of the water and had legs. We know they did...a complete whale skeletons has the vestigial limb bones albeit all but gone, present. But whales chose to return to the water as a way of life...and EVOLVED....this is documented science.

Snakes once had legs. You can view their bodies and find the tiny vestigial areas where once legs would have been. at some point they EVOLVED to become ground crawlers as a way of proof of evolution and ...guess what..they went from being lizards by our labels to being snakes although they never did anything but alter to a more useful lifestyle.

You can do this all day with modern species..camels, zebras, lions tigers, horses, elephants...ever see a mammoth skeleton? its a different species than elephants are now..but not a different EVOLVED into our modern elephants. seals, rhinoceroes, on and on...each animal based ona more primitive version it derived missing links exist. The evidence for evolution is all day everyday around us constantly and in our homes, zoos, museums and skies.But since people get so hung up on terms like bird and lizard and dinosaur and great ape....we dwell in ignorance of natures facts
your last comment says...

"Many evolutionists will use micro-evolution to try to prove that macro-evolution is true. Totally false logic."'
Let me fix it for you...."many creationist believers will use the terms micro and macro evolution to attempt to confuse the issue of evolution by smoke and mirrors and hide their inability to accept that many animals change and adapt over generations, and have left their remains for us to positively establish as truth"

So I am curious , is a shark a fish or is a whale a fish? the bible refers to great fish meaning whales for does each differ? Does a fish become a shark? Do sharks become whales? no, each one is a separate species now....whales are air breathing mammals, fish have a skeleton and sharks do not, only point though is in biblical times they were all considered FISH...because no one had the scientific knowledge or evidence to divide them into separate families. Today we have that evidence...pretending we do not is fun and helps make creation flow better but it is not truth.
Finally macro lets see, you argue it never happened. a caterpillar become a larvae, that then becomes a butterfly. Is it a different animal? no..same thing, different forms. Watch an egg hatch, then become a tadpole, that then evolves into a it a different animal? no same watch a primitive dinosaur with wings, teeth and a tail it a bird or a same animal..its a dinosaur....but today we call them birds. Problem is then people don't understand that distinction and create these cutesy terms like macro this and micro that to attempt to side step the obvious.
Post 144 IP   flag post
Collector X51 private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Darkseid_of_town
I love the Flying spaghetti monster and I hope you may be touched by his giant noodly appendage...Pastafarianism is the one true light and only true god

You are supposed to talk like a pirate when you say that.
Post 145 IP   flag post
Collector Darkseid_of_town private msg quote post Address this user
aye mate aye
Post 146 IP   flag post
Collector GanaSoth private msg quote post Address this user
@Darkseid_of_townyou you talk much. Evolution is not fact.
Show me evidence. BTW, if something evolves it gains correct? Chromosomes for instance.

Post 147 IP   flag post
Collector GanaSoth private msg quote post Address this user
Fossil Record:

Post 148 IP   flag post
Collector GanaSoth private msg quote post Address this user
Missing Link:

Post 149 IP   flag post
Collector GanaSoth private msg quote post Address this user
Real Proof of Evolution:

Post 150 IP   flag post
Collector Darkseid_of_town private msg quote post Address this user
As Luke said in the recent Star wars movie...everything you just said there is wrong. You ask questions then state someone talks too much....rather rude. Responding with insults to facts you do not like isn't exactly brilliant.

as for showing you the evidence are you asking for the evidence or asking for evidence you would accept given your arguments against it existing? You demonstrate all the traits of cognitive dissonance when shown evidence that contradicts or disproves your belief set. Why would someone waste their time when you mock them and insult them after you spam them with your poorly researched gibberish

the evidence is right outside your door chirping and sitting on your roof...go look at it yourself.

as to your posting about fossils and dirt lets do that...fossils are not only bones. They are often footprints, shells, skin traces, coprolites and eggs as well as eggshells, and even nesting areas.These remains are found within layers of the ground known as formations which are each known and linked to a given time period by surrounding fossils within the yes you can determine not only their age, but what animals or plants were extant within that time and formation.You can determine pathology, damage to the bone, birth history, even family groupings from fossils alone. You can further do radio metric measuring of the rocks...meaning you measure where the magnetic needles within a rock are pointing which then helps you determine the precise due north location at the point the sediment formed, allowing you to chronlogically date the specimens occurring with said formation.Fossils do not exist only in the present, many have existed for billions of years like stromataloites which are fossils of algae billions of years old, so that statement is utter ignorance.We very much so can establish dates for fossils based on age...we can measure dozens of ways in fact....often using dating that requires volcanic ash which decays at a constant rate, or carbon dating for older specimens where a margin of error of small degree is not particularly important, or by using radio metric dating, we can precisely date rocks and the fossils within, sorry. Another utterly uninformed comment
I am so very sorry you utterly misunderstand evolution and what a missing link supposedly is but there are thousands of transitional fossils that demonstrate the briges between one species and another clearly . Again visit a museum instead of assuming ….look at the evidence itself, not someone elses words. It does exist sorry.Oh yes there are gaps in the fossil record...but you know what...we have dinosaur bones and we have birds bones to know what they became despite the missing gaps...odd how you selectively use that reasoning, but since missing gaps seem all important for something to be fact please show me Jesus bones and all the disciples know, since we cant have missing gaps right?

I love this line about finding bones in the ground and not knowing if it had kids because you know its just funny. They found a t rex skeleton and someone tested bone composition and determined that the presence of some chemicals within the bone structure indicated the animal had been pregnant or just given birth at guess what? yes we can , we have, its documented and its science and your guys comments are oddly and weirdly incorrect to an extreme. Aside from and nevermind dinosaurs have been found with unlaid eggs inside, as well as with newborns , further destroying that little tidbit of silliness

your guy got it right though about missing links when he said they don't exist and no one could show him one. I canot think of a modern scientist that would ascribe to such silliness actually....
your posting about forks is particularly...well lets say disappointing. You do kinda have to realize that forks aren't living breathing organisms right? and evolution occurs over generations not as a visible medium within a lifetime..what a perfectly....uneducated analogy to attempt.He said it correctly however..he turned himself into a fool attempting that comparison.

oh and just for the record Patterson does NOT have the largest fossil collection in the world, sorry.I think your guy meant to say no one HAS more fossils than the british museum of natural history rather than got but even then its an incorrect and suspect statement for him to make at any level.

while we are at lets take this comment about missing links so we can put it to rest...
per wiki...."Indeed, Archaeopteryx was discovered just two years later, in 1861, and represents a classic transitional form between earlier, non-avian dinosaurs and birds. Many more transitional fossils have been discovered since then, and there is now abundant evidence of how all classes of vertebrates are related, including many transitional fossils.[5] Specific examples of class-level transitions are: tetrapods and fish, birds and dinosaurs, and mammals and "mammal-like reptiles".
The term "missing link" has been used extensively in popular writings on human evolution to refer to a perceived gap in the hominid evolutionary record. It is most commonly used to refer to any new transitional fossil finds. Scientists, however, do not use the term, as it refers to a pre-evolutionary view of nature. "

Did you get that...the term missing links refers to terminology used before or stated "pre-evolutionary view of nature. "

here is a link to the wiki page regarding missing links …read it and understand the concept of outdated terminology being replaced by modern cladistics and more accurate terms...
Post 151 IP   flag post
Collector GanaSoth private msg quote post Address this user
Post 152 IP   flag post
Collector Darkseid_of_town private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by GanaSoth
@Darkseid_of_townyou you talk much. Evolution is not fact.
Show me evidence. BTW, if something evolves it gains correct? Chromosomes for instance.

lol this one is hilarious,..the authoer obviously knows very little about dna or genomes to think all of evolution is centered around.....chromosomes ….amusingly silly if that was the point I guess.

here is a thorough explanation
Post 153 IP   flag post
Collector GanaSoth private msg quote post Address this user
@Darkseid_of_town ok dude.... I'm tired of arguing with you. Every piece of evidence I submit, all you gotta do is deny its real or fact. Same with me (though you haven't submitted any). I believe in what I want, same to you.

I believe God created man and everything in the universe.

You believe nothing exploded and created rocks and water which created ooze and man & everything evolved from that ooze.

BTW: you never responded on the Chuck Missler video I posted.

Post 154 IP   flag post
Collector GanaSoth private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Darkseid_of_town
The term "missing link" has been used extensively in popular writings on human evolution to refer to a perceived gap in the hominid evolutionary record. It is most commonly used to refer to any new transitional fossil finds. Scientists, however, do not use the term, as it refers to a pre-evolutionary view
of nature."

Ok makes sense. If it doesn't fall within their lies, they exclude it. Got it. Moving on.

Anyways, still waiting for your science to debunk the Holy Bible / Torah and its hidden codes/messages as shown in Chuck Missler's video above.
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