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I don't believe this....and I know you don't care that I don't believe this. GAC private msg quote post Address this user
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Post 51 IP   flag post
I don't believe this....and I know you don't care that I don't believe this. GAC private msg quote post Address this user
Galileo got f**ked up by the church for theorising that the earth is not the center of the universe and his refusal to retract his theory.
Post 52 IP   flag post
Collector GanaSoth private msg quote post Address this user
I really don't want to get into the "church" or the "Catholics" because that belief system is totally not of Gods will (IMHO). It is all based on Paganism. If you read the Bible, go to Acts Chapter 8. You will see that this is where real Christianity goes up against the false belief system. There is a man named Simon Magnus the sorcerer. He was a high priest of the Babylon mystery religion. Their priest were also called Petras or Peters. You can actually look up the person named Simon Magnus and research him. He was called Simon Peter... the so called Apostle of Jesus Simon Peter that made the first church in Rome. But if you know your Bible, you will know that the real Simon Peter was in prison elsewhere when the fist catholic Roman church was built so it wasn't the Apostle Simon Peter, but Simon Magnus - the sorcerer Petra, Peter.

Why do you guys think there's so much pagan beliefs in the Catholic doctrine? The fake Simon "Peter/Petra" Magnus is the first false belief system founder, and with it they gained wealth and power. And with this wealth & power they try to gain control over everything (real christianity to world Domination).

If their are Catholics reading this that are offended, I appologize. But ask yourself how did you become catholic. Was it because your family's always been catholic? Maybe you have never been exposed to this information before? It might seem offensive at first; not my intention, but now would be a good time to do some research on some of the things I said here.
Post 53 IP   flag post
I don't believe this....and I know you don't care that I don't believe this. GAC private msg quote post Address this user
something from nothing
Post 54 IP   flag post
I don't believe this....and I know you don't care that I don't believe this. GAC private msg quote post Address this user
If there is a Creator....then who created the Creator?

The universe is finely and delicately tuned for life to exist.

Why are there laws of physics?
Post 55 IP   flag post

Collector GanaSoth private msg quote post Address this user
@GAC I watched the video, something from nothing. He says "we can't prove that we came from nothing that way, but we can show it's plausible." (3:39-3:44) again, another belief system with no real proof.

My belief system tells me that my God has always been & always will be. He is the beginning & the end. The alpha & the omega. In due time he will reveal all.

The laws of physics are for us (mankind) because we are not gods, therefore we are bound by rules. If God was bound to the same laws as man, he would not be a God would he?
Post 56 IP   flag post
I'll probably wake up constipated. Pre_Coder private msg quote post Address this user
God: "I have no beginning,... I have always been"
The human mind cannot fathom this!

Science: "Everything has a beginning"
Post 57 IP   flag post
Collector GanaSoth private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Pre_Coder
God: "I have no beginning,... I have always been"
The human mind cannot fathom this!

That's why we're humans & he's God. But if you look at it this way, he's telling us the truth. When he created the universe we live in (in this dimension) he started it all (he was there in the beginning) and when this reality/dimension we live in dies (he will still be) - the alpha & the omega.

Originally Posted by Pre_Coder

Science: "Everything has a beginning"

Even though Science's own rules disprove their own theories, why? Because we are humans and the human mind can't fathom this.

Anyways, I'm not here to change people's minds or beliefs. I was just simply answering another forum members questions with the knowledge I know & believe to be accurate in my opinion. Like I said, I don't mean to offend if I did. I'm sorry. I try to keep it respectful.
Post 58 IP   flag post
I'll probably wake up constipated. Pre_Coder private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by GanaSoth
Originally Posted by Pre_Coder
God: "I have no beginning,... I have always been"
The human mind cannot fathom this!

That's why we're humans.

Originally Posted by Pre_Coder

Science: "Everything has a beginning"

Even though Science's own rules disprove their own theories, why? Because we are humans and the human mind can't fathom this.

Anyways, I'm not here to change people's minds or beliefs. I was just simply answering another forum members questions with the knowledge I know & believe to be accurate in my opinion. Like I said, I don't mean to offend if I did. I'm sorry. I try to keep it respectful.

Understood completely, Bro!
Post 59 IP   flag post
I don't believe this....and I know you don't care that I don't believe this. GAC private msg quote post Address this user
I love these big, deep questions and conversations. In my younger days my friends and I closed many pubs and drank many Guiness' discussing this very topic....always respectful.

We don't all need to agree but our purpose is the same. It's all about seeking truth.
Post 60 IP   flag post
I'll probably wake up constipated. Pre_Coder private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by GAC
I love these big, deep questions and conversations. In my younger days my friends and I closed many pubs and drank many Guiness' discussing this very topic....always respectful.

We don't all need to agree but our purpose is the same. It's all about seeking truth.

If you can close a pub discussing a topic such as this, and walk away with respect, then you got you a damn good group of friends! LOL
Post 61 IP   flag post
Collector GanaSoth private msg quote post Address this user
@Pre_Coder I'll say. It gets heated at moments I'm sure, but they buy each other rounds. Here's to great friends and great discussions. 🍺
Post 62 IP   flag post
I don't believe this....and I know you don't care that I don't believe this. GAC private msg quote post Address this user
@Pre_Coder @GanaSoth Ha!! Life long friends (35+ years and counting) and countless pints....passionate discussions and boisterous personalities all made well when the next pint arrives. lol! cheers!!🍻
Post 63 IP   flag post
Collector MR_SigS private msg quote post Address this user
I still say we need more emojies.
Post 64 IP   flag post
Collector MR_SigS private msg quote post Address this user
My ex-wife grew up next door to a girl who didn't believe Dinosaurs existed, and that Paleontologists just carve the "fossils" out of rock lmao
Post 65 IP   flag post
Collector Darkseid_of_town private msg quote post Address this user
Pseudo science all looks the same regardless if denying dinosaurs existed or attempting to argue the certainty that our entire diverse population was twice built from anything below several thousand pairs of humans mating.....I've met people that sit and argue till blue in the face certain of a world wide flood...the ark resting on arat etc.
It is a constant that in order to validate any of the myths perpetuated within folklore legends and religion an assault on science becomes all but required in order for the stories to hold sway. What is then terrifying is watching people extrapolate and create sheer magic to fill the gaps with fantasy beings..extra dimenduons. Time travel. Hot rods of the gods 7000 year old Earth and on and on.
There is literally a Facebook group called. CAD. Christian's against dinosaurs which of course then spawned. DACWAAD. dinosaurs who are against Christian's who are against dinosaurs.
Most of our greatest minds like Hitchins understood that for man to realize his destiny we will first need to defeat ptimitive myths..discard fighting over which desert sect told the coolest fable two thousand years ago and move out among the stars. We are all Gods and always have been and it lies within us to shape our future
Post 66 IP   flag post
Collector MR_SigS private msg quote post Address this user
As long as we always have the NFL
Post 67 IP   flag post
Collector GanaSoth private msg quote post Address this user
Well, being I'm a religious man myself, the book of Genesis is more than just a simple Biblical story that most people thinks it is. (There are even more details within the book of Enoch.) These two books are actually full of important encoded information that in which they didn't really know how to put into context with what was really going on during that era in time while it was being recorded. It was all about fallen angels, how mankind learned forbidden knowledge; alchemy, witchcraft, weapon making/art of war. These books also included information about DNA manipulation; which included sins against man and nature alike.

There are recorded stories of the flood world-wide. The Jewish family of Noah is not the only family that had arc boats and collected original DNA. It is the only family record within Biblical text.

I believe it to be that dinosaurs were animals that were manipulated by these fallen angels into great beast. Enoch also goes into details that these fallen angels taught astronomy, alchemy, metal working for weapons, magick, even the art of makeup for women; among other things. (Which makes perfect sense about the astronomy, being that early/past civilizations knew more about the galaxy, planets, and stars than most modern civilizations (up to a few centuries ago.) Remember they had no knowledge or technology of telescopes as we do today.

These fallen angels took human wives for themselves and mixed and manipliated their DNA with these women, in turn they gave birth to giants (which is also in Genesis, but in way more detail in the book of Enoch.)

Now, the world was in chaos during this time and Noah's family was one of only few families left in the world whose DNA wasn't corrupted. (God wanted to keep Jesus's DNA pure and chose Noah's bloodline.) So the flood waters came after Noah and his family collected Gods creations (the original DNA) seeds, etc. (Among the other families not corrupted, but also tasked with the same duties that Noah and his family was asked to do.) Dinosaurs were not of God's creation and were wiped out in the flood.

Click here to read about over 200 world wide stores about a global flood.

Now as most of you probably know, when organic matter is quickly covered with mud, water, etc and are left intact, then permineralization, silicification, pyritization, and total replacement can occur, thus causing fossilization/petrification.

Originally Posted by Darkseid_of_town
...We are all Gods and always have been and it lies within us to shape our future...

And I have to disagree, we are "not Gods" and never will be. This is Satan's original lie to Adam & Eve "In the Beginning."

By the way Hitchins evidently believes in Satanism. Here's a FAQ page from the Church of Satan.

PS: If they don't believe in Satan, why use him name and symbolic religious symbols. Again, a twist, to hide in plane sight... regardless if atheists don't believe in God, and that's all Satan really wants anyways.

Of course this is all my personal beliefs & is my own opinions.
Post 68 IP   flag post
Collector Darkseid_of_town private msg quote post Address this user
Alright fair enough, so lets take those comments one at a time...and fairly, so book of genesis...of course, you have to realize the entire flood myth was recorded some 3500 years prior to the bible by Sumerians and told a similar if not identical story. That demonstrates clearly the repetition of a myth...a highly overblown generational tall tale passed down for centuries of an incident that was likely not as world wide nor as appocalyptic as stated.
Encoded information.....the bible itself has repeatedly translated, retranslated, redone and republished hundreds of times since its orginal beginnings....often using different translations of other scrolls, scripts or versions The mis translations alone are known to be massive and often large...have you ever viewed the statue of Moses coming down from the mountain? it has horns..because the word for light....was mistranslated so the verse read...and there were horns upon his head...Michaelangelo then sculpted same for all eternity. Yet you believe you have found encoded information within a source book riddled with mistakes, mistranslations and known for its inaccuracies....intriguing . Unless you are refernceing the actual dead sea scrolls recently digitezed and placed on line for review I suspect not so much. You are somewhat aware of the dozen or so copies of the original King James verson (0) exist to even verify what translatations, what sources, and what were present right?
Floods...indeed I totally agree there are stories of floods world wide...because they happen world wide!@ I myself have experienced suppose I someday tell my grandkids and decide to explain everything was underwater...because from my perspective it damn sure was. An I even took both my cats up on that hill with me to be safe, as well as the neighbors two dogs....someday who knows, thirty generations from now what a story that might end up being....
So you argue god created all animals except dinosaurs which of course precded all animals as we can establish clearly and were the doorway in evolution to all future species including But why save them during a flood , when with a snap of a finger he could recreate them right?
If I understood your post correctly you are attempting to state mankind lived alongside dinosaurs so I would
like to see actual evidence, fossils, dinosaurs killed by man, dinosaur remains found within human cities etc.....establish evidence for this please.
What about the millions of dinosaurs we find above dinosaurs that were killed in floods or water related areas, that appear to have died in quicksand, or by predation? Did they survive a world wide flood then slowly wipe themselves out?
Aside from this your statement appears to be implying dinosaurs were killed in the flood and that is why they fossilized. ......lets science the hell out of that one for a minute. You somewhat understand that science has established a period of 800 million years of lifeforms, one stage following silurian, devonian, triassic, cretaceous, and jurassic followed the paleocene.....even more those remains are buried in layers never find a mammoth skeleton below a trilobite or a dinosaur above a modern cow etc. So your flood exercised perfect sorting by generations abilities as it receded.....layering the remains to fall in precise temporral order, in geographic layers consistent world wide ...but even more, where are the people? where are the the buildings? where are the cats and dogs and sheep and pigs and all that lived alongside humans and discussed in said bible.They all fall in higher levels well within the science where they should be....we know the fossils are in correct order because we can observe and record over 7,000 lifeforms as they begin and evolve through the stages of life. But it isnt just the animals, its the plants that are also buried in proper sequence, layer upon layers, just as we know they should. I have to tell you thats one hell of an organized flood wow......but okay so where did all the water come from? to cover the tallest mountains on earth you would need enough water to fill the inside of the globe at least twice....and where did it go? Did cosmic spaceships take it away when the flood was over maybe

SO some science about the great flood...what happens when you cover all the earth with water....answer, all plants what do you suppose they were breathing?

When you mix salt water and fresh water fish that we know existed prior to said event and now they are again seperated how can this occurr? Try this in your acquarium at home, it wont bode well for either the salt water or fresh water fish.

If you create an entire population from five or six pairs do you have an idea what founders effects are? these are the hideous deformations and issues caused by inbreeding which would take at least 64 generations to remove if it was Noah and sons and wives, you as posing a huge science issue...but okay sure it happened....what about the animals though? Ever seen a kitten born with two legs, or a dog with five legs? Those are effects caused by inbreeding, and it takes a long lone time to genetically remove them....generations.

The effects of that much water refracting heat from the sun would raise the surface temperature of earth to over 130 degrees on a cool day......see any problem there?

The ark couldnt come to rest on Mt Arat as it is a volcanic feature that was created long after this myth was written.

How would you explain things like coleocanths, sharks , crabs and other animals that have existed virtually unchanged since before man? They either died or did not right?

Insects would be extinct...cockroachs can be found today which are twins to their cousins from the devonian more than 350 million years ago.....ants, dragohnflies, midges, the list is endless....all should be gone, all were present prior to man and still remain.

You see to be implying a flood is required for dinosaurs to fossilize however that is actually about as incorrect as possible ...often dinosaurs were not quickly buried and the bones lie above ground and rotted away leaving hollows in the middle that would fill with barite and agate...I have several myself. Sometimes dinosaur bodies would lie until a large localized flooding event would carry them all into a jumble where they would be buried by silting and the receding of the water like at Dinosaur National Monument. We this was a localized flooding event and not a world wide event however, because ten miles away the strata shows no evidence of flood trauma....

If a world wide flood were to happen you do understand that it would leave sedimentary traces worldwide in a layer we could easily recognize, littered with the reemains of people, society, animals and plants right? You do understand nothing like that exists anywhere on this planet correct?

Dinosaur can be found on every landmass and continet however and their record extends back over 350 million years....never did they go extinct during their reign until long before man appeared

if the bibilical story is true it would have occurred at the height of egyptian chinese and mayan cultures but none of their temples cities or buildings show any traces of past flooding...none of their glorius writings, scrolls and records speak of such a thing and all of their societies carried right on through this supposed event with no record, trace and no extinction of their family trees and reigns......

Finally ask yourself, a ship small enough for someone to build with their immediate family supposedly carried 1.2 billion species, and all the food they needed for forty days ? Let alone two or five of each....sure they extracted DNA....and of course had refrigeration labs to store and protect it so there would be no loss of viable fluids...
As for hitchins, he was an athiest...if he did not believe in your sky daddy he did not accept your ground troll either....he surely did believe in the church of satan, as it does exist...I doubt he believed in their ideals though.You seem to be conflating satanism with athiesm and Hitchins somehow...Not sure how you are trying to connect hitchins with that church......Hitchin was a stated anti theist...not a member of a church.

You did state your last comment perfectly, these are only your own beliefs and ideas. Most do not hold up to serious logic, science nor do they meet the burden of proof and evidence You are entitled to believe what you like, and this country is built on that ideal. I myself defend that right for you.
Post 69 IP   flag post
Collector CatCovers private msg quote post Address this user
Well, this has been entertaining!

If I may stick my nose in on the "science is just another religion" point - no it ain't. Religion is concerned with faith, science is concerned with what is.

Here's a fun way of illustrating that. Choose any holy text of any major religion, whether it's the Vedas/Upanishads, the Koran, the Bible, the Tipitaka or whatever. Imagine that book and all knowledge of it getting Thanosed out of existence. Human life goes on, but all evidence of the book is gone. Will it ever come back? Will humanity ever recreate it as anything like it was? I'm going with no.

Now imagine we as a species suddenly lose all the knowledge we've gained of a scientific discipline. Biology, chemistry, physics, your choice. Thanos that away. Will humanity ever recreate it? Of course we will.
Post 70 IP   flag post
Collector GanaSoth private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by CatCovers
..."science is just another religion"....- no it ain't. Religion is concerned with faith, science is concerned with what is.

Can you prove that the big bang happened? Were you there? Was any human there during that time?
-No, of course not. So what you are doing is going on "faith" that it actually happened.

Can you prove that all life came from a rock that formed from nothing, (after an explosion that couldn't have happened given the scientific Law of Conservation of Energy states that energy can't be created or destroyed) and plus, this rock was rained on billions of years to create all life on earth? Were you there? Was any human there during that time?
-No, of course not. So what you are doing is going on "faith" that it actually happened.

What is the definition of faith?

You have faith in your belief in science, which is your religion. Same as my belief and faith in a creator, that's my religion.

Post 71 IP   flag post
Collector Darkseid_of_town private msg quote post Address this user
Except you cherry picked two items to dispute when science encompasses thousands of disciplines which all have verifiable evidence. You do not discard all because you disagree with two hypothesis that at this time best explain the evidence. One.xannot prove the big bang happened. It is still occurring and the evidence is verifiable that is true and it is ongoing. As.for your primordial ooze argument I already demonstrated the fallacy of your position. The sequence had been replicated repeatedly. You take issue because they added proteins and acids that you consider cheating. However uou lack a specimen of ooze from 4.7 billion years ago to demonstrate those bulding blocks were never present and not.naturally occurring. You mistake their presence as the presence the same as your argue life is energy. In either case your argument is a because you have no idea which compounds could have occurred given the natural conditions of.volcanism Earth birthing and cometary and bolide.impacts. Nevermind it is quite possible Earth was seeded with life from an impacting agent rich in those proteins aminos or building blocks. This means that the science hypothesis lacks some of but not all evidence. It is not a belief as some evidnce.can be offered vs religion which has zero evidence for any of it's assertions
Post 72 IP   flag post
Collector Darkseid_of_town private msg quote post Address this user
PS why not link the poll itself. I would like to see it's results and how it was done
Post 73 IP   flag post
Collector GanaSoth private msg quote post Address this user
@Darkseid_of_town and for you, I can debunk all you said earlier. I just don't have the energy at the moment nor care. But for you to say the Bible is a man made fake book written over and mistranslated, then go back to the original scripts/tablets.

This video does all the work for me so you can get educated:

PS: no reason to link a poll... it was on NBC - a non Christian organization.
Post 74 IP   flag post
Collector Darkseid_of_town private msg quote post Address this user
If no reason to link it why try to use it's title page for leverage? Why use any of it at all
Post 75 IP   flag post
Collector GanaSoth private msg quote post Address this user
You got Google. BTW, debunk the above video. You can't. So don't even try, it will just make you even more bitter towards Christians (IMO).
Post 76 IP   flag post
Collector Darkseid_of_town private msg quote post Address this user
Umm show me some credentials or reason to take anything said in your video as factual first. To date I've witnessed you post multiple videos with questionable tactics unstated credentials and rather dubious origins. To state I have no ability to extend you further credibility would be somewhat understated. Drivel with no factual basis is and.remaina drivel
Post 77 IP   flag post
Collector GanaSoth private msg quote post Address this user
I would actually care to help you see my point of view on these subjects (for you to be open to possibilities, but you have to take some initiative on what I've said and do some research) but you aren't really an open minded kind of person from what I have gathered here and from our past crossings and we really don't like one another anyways, so what's the point. All your here to do is argue with me.

So now, you don't wanna go there with the video I posted due to personal reasons I'm sure, but deep down you know that you can't debunk Chuck Missler and his research on the Bible. No one can. Try. Download a Hebrew copy of the Bible or Torah. Follow his instructions, get a translator and do it. You might then actually change your point of view on things and will realize you might actually be wrong on your assertions that the Bible is written by man (without divine guidance) that's been mistranslated or is nothing more than a fake, false, story book.

Well, I guess I can help out with a source of info/credentials so you can get to know whom Chuck Missler was as a person. His background, education, and experiences can all be found here: Chuck Missler Wiki Page.
Post 78 IP   flag post
Collector Darkseid_of_town private msg quote post Address this user
Thanks for sharing that information actually. I wll check into it thoroughly. You sell short my curiousity for new infoation and understanding ..I will research it and thanks again
Post 79 IP   flag post
Collector etapi65 private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by GanaSoth
@Darkseid_of_town and for you, I can debunk all you said earlier.

PS: no reason to link a poll... it was on NBC - a non Christian organization.
Well hat's convenient. No, no one was there for the big bang, but we do have evidence of the event observable in the natural world including (but not limited to) the red shift. We have evidence of man being on the moon via which we can bounce lasers off prisms left on the surface. We have evidence of the primordial soup as a potential source of the building blocks of life in that we can recreate conditions that would be likely in the early liquids on earth while under intense UV radiation and electrical energy that exists from atmospheric friction during eruptions (which you can still see in the form of lighting within volcanic eruptions dependent upon the speed of ejection). How do we know this? Chemistry, we know what elements exist on earth and what reactions are likely and common between said elements. You have a complete ignorance of and in science. And that's fine, but your responding to science with definitions of words from dictionaries and the repeated statement it's your belief. The issue is you keep passing off your belief as fact in the way you've attacked the Catholic church, accused all scientists of being liars and providing no verifiable evidence of any of your statements. You've turned to personal attacks and literally attacking an entire religion as being created as a false Christianity by a sorcerer (your words). Some held with this conversation much longer than I yesterday as there was clearly no point in continuing. SO this is it for me. Some other information we have as scientists which I encourage you to research yourself includes first oxygen in the marine environment (creating banded iron formations), first evidence of free oxygen in the atmosphere (in the form of red beds), evidence of early life in stromatolites, etc... Now you can always argue that "Satan is misleading you by embedding these lies into rock", which I've heard before, but these assertions are beyond science. They're statements, passed off as fact, with one purpose; to fight discomfort in the face of evidence that may challenge your literal belief in a mystical document.
Post 80 IP   flag post
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