Real or just to thinking9136
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Buzbe private msg quote post Address this user | |
I often sit and think our place in life and how we describe the actions of our interacts around life, space, time and essential oh thought. So I have question? 1. How do we know time exists? Can move more than one way in time? 2. How do we know we are alive with interactions and not a dream or game or something altogether different we can’t even preconceived(yes that the right word)? 3. How do you measure a curved surface correctly with a truly straight surface? This is just bonus How can you truly measure a item , for lack of a better word; when do not understand it and every thing known about is a guess ? |
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CaptainCanuck private msg quote post Address this user | |
Weed brings out some deep thoughts lol | ||
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Buzbe private msg quote post Address this user | |
Kids do also? | ||
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MR_SigS private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by CaptainCanuck I was thinking of something in the form of a tab. |
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MR_SigS private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by Buzbe |
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GanaSoth private msg quote post Address this user | |
Ok. I'm going to give you a little insight on what I know about the world we live in and our reality. Most of you will think I'm a looney, and that's fine, but most of you probably already know this stuff and are just to scared to think what others will think of you if ever you placed your thought out for others to read. That's all good, but I have nothing to gain or lose when I speak of what I know. That being said, have fun, research what I'm saying, use it as a starting point. 1) Time exists as in a man made concept of when the days pass and seasons change. Nothing is certain. But we are living in the third dimension; since we are third dimensional beings we don't have the power to travel into the fourth dimension (time) and if we did, we could time travel. *Science says there are 11 total universal dimensions. The book of Enoch talks about these dimensions and the 11 levels of Gods Kingdom. Demons and such are 4th (or higher) dimensional beings and can interact in our third dimension at will, but it requires a lot of energy. So called "aliens" are one in the same with demons (jinn) of old; that most religions speak of. They can appear and vanish out of our reality at any time. Same with other dimensional beings such as the so called "big-foot." It is just another dimensional being existing on a different frequency. Everything in the universe has frequencies. Planets, stars, us, everything. It's what keeps our atoms together. When we tap into other frequencies, we can then communicate with these higher dimensional beings. Some people that can do this without the help of drug induced consciousness altering substances are called psychic or mediums. I personally don't believe in ghost, but these other dimensional beings like to act as if they are or were human at some point (either a decieased loved one or whatever) just to play games with us humans. This is also why some things can only get picked up my electronic audio recordings devices or only on video cameras and not our naked eyes/ears. It's all about frequencies. 2) I believe the way the God has created our reality, is somewhat of a simulation as we don't have full control over the powers that rule our reality (because we aren't God). The LHC is nothing more than a dimensional portal opening for these beings that exist on higher planes. We live in a stable matter reality, the opposite is chaos (hell). Here the atoms are intact, there they explode. Here air is breathable, there it's fire. The LHC is tapping into a dimension that makes/has dark matter (anti-matter). The LHC can bring in large amounts of this dark matter into our reality. A fraction of an ounce is said to be stronger than a total of five atom bombs. It also takes very, very expensive containment units to store just a little of this dark matter. There have been test conducted what happens to places with this dark (anti) matter that's been stored; it induces chaos, riots, violence, nightmares, and poltergeist activity. Also these beings from other dimensions are drawn to the dark matter. Once it's brought into our dimension, even if it's on the other side of the world, they are physically linked to one another. Quantum computers can tap into other dimensions and bring things out of them back into our dimension as well. Science is nothing more than sorcery, just modernized. (Crystal balls for example: on electronic boards, we use crystals to this day.) So, getting back to your reality question, God the creator is smarter than man or demon, and probably has us on a reset switch if you will. So even if the LHC destroys our planet everytime it's used (atom collider), we possibly could have had our reality pushed through into an alternate universe (parallel universes) and we would never know the difference. Our souls just inhabit another shell (body) that we see as our physical selves in this reality/dimension. 3) They really can't get the so called dimensions of the earth correct. When they do geo-mapping, they have to overlap pictures to make a whole. Also, just look at so called "offical" pictures of the earth from NASA from different years. Every year the earth changes sizes, looks, dimensions. It's because they do not have a real picture of the earth. Space travel is bogus; never happened. IMHO. |
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Batman79 private msg quote post Address this user | |
Flat earther? | ||
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GanaSoth private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by Batman79 Who me? If your asking me that question, then I will have to say I don't know what the shape of the earth is exactly. No one does. Some scientist say it's like a pear shape, some say round, some say flat but more like a round disk shape. Being that we have no real pictures of our own earth from "space" no one knows for sure. IHO, since the shape, land masses, colors, dimensions change constantly every few years from the NASA "official" photos of the earth, obviously they are lying and don't know. It's all photoshopped. |
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drchaos private msg quote post Address this user | |
If you are unsure of those basic facts you can just throw any comic book grading guidelines out the window. | ||
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etapi65 private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by GanaSoth The earth is an oblique spheroid, essentially, its a rock whose shape was partially dictated by being bombarded by multiple other rocks during and immediately following cooling. I'm not sure what you mean by we have no real pictures of our own earth from space. If you mean you don't believe people have been to space and taken pictures of it...well, you're crazy, but you're free to believe whatever you want to believe. However, are you also saying that there are no such thing as satellites? Do you use a cell phone? GPS navigation? I'm unsure of how you can use this technology and not believe we have pictures of the earth from space. As far as "official" pictures; please refer me to the annual "official earth picture" information. Otherwise, what you may be referring to is a number of satellite images taken around the earth annually. These images are produced from a myriad of satellites using various frequencies (depending on what exactly they're designed to do). So depending on the wavelengths specific to a particular satellite, and what website you've found to see an image; they are going to look different every year. Just like I can change aperture, white balance, etc... on my camera. |
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GanaSoth private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by drchaos Like I said earlier. I don't care what you people really think of me after I give someone information that was wanting to know answers. It's my thoughts my opinions. I'm not here to change anyone's ideas or beliefs. Even attacking me now personally about my "comic grading" abilities don't bother me. To each their own but here's some "official" pictures of the earth from space. ![]() ![]() |
Post 11 IP flag post |
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Darkseid_of_town private msg quote post Address this user | |
So the best answer to fit all of your questions is follow the established and verifiable evidence, rather than homespun fables, myths or man made constructs. You asked how we know time exists...its rather simple and can be established readily. We use the term time to explain the passage of changes around us so measure egg that hatches...a pot of water to boil....each requires a given amount of change in order to occur....which allows you to quantify that process. We technically are all dimensional...we exist within space, time, length, depth , width and any other measureable dimension. To determine if we are a game or dream alter the terms or rules and see how it affects the final outcome...if you can alter the ending, it is doubtfulf you are game or a dream. You do not measure a curved surface with a straight make a measure capable of following the context of the surface being measured....I like using a length of rope for instance to measure objects with a curved or angled surface. You can also measure them using how much water they displace within another object, measure how much they are affected by gravity and measure how they are affected by changes or alterations to the control subject or the rules of the test itself. You can measure and attempt to describe any item or object using its properties....mass, length, width, size, particular hardness , ability to refract light, subjectivity to gravity , temperature , and many other factors that are alterable, as well as comparing it to other objects with similar properties to look for uniform consistencies and variables within the grouping. At the end of the day one of the most simple and elegant tools that exists, for determining logic and making the best guess given a lack of data, is called Occam's Razor....its a working ideal that states....The most simple and most easily executed answer is generally the correct one....It does miss sometimes, and can be wrong....but the basic idea is rather logical. For instance pose a test question....has earth been visited by intelligent beings from other worlds? So start builing your basic model Why would beings visit earth? Do those beings exist? Given the enormous distances between other worlds and ours and the relatively short window an alien would have to arrive here , suppose the last ten thousand years, and their world might be 65 million light years away....what are the odds they would arrive within that almost imperceptible window we would have been aware of them? As you keep posing questions, you begin to realize that a baseline explanation for most supposed neo-prehistoric visits from gods, aliens and other beings is immensely unlikely given the steps it would require in logic |
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CaptainCanuck private msg quote post Address this user | |
@GanaSoth Quote: Originally Posted by GanaSoth We have pictures of the other planets in the solar system taken from Earth, and they are spherical. Why would the Earth be any different? |
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drchaos private msg quote post Address this user | |
@GanaSoth It was not meant as an attack. If the constructs of time and space are variables something as subtle as how many spine ticks a NM- can have would be unknowable (for any of us, not just you). | ||
Post 14 IP flag post |
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CaptainCanuck private msg quote post Address this user | |
@GanaSoth Quote: Originally Posted by GanaSoth Those are pictures of the spherical Earth at different angles. It’s the same Earth, just like this is the same basketball. ![]() |
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etapi65 private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by GanaSoth Right, and I can do the exact same thing with my camera, superimposed on top of that is the change in technology that has occurred over the 44 years since the first image you've shared here. Also, you did say your opinion, but then you're presumably backing that up with "evidence". I'm using quotations, because I have no idea the origin of those..memes?'ve shared that look clearly from a conspiracy website. And these image variations are easily explained by any number of simple changes in photography methodology that doesn't take much to extrapolate to a satellite package; heck, even sun angle might be different as angle of incidence changes. The alteration in gas composition, cloud cover, and yes; as with any good picture, colors can be post-processed for clarity depending on what you're attempting to emphasize about the image. So without the original sources of said images and context as to the way they've been processed (typically found in meta-data files that accompany them and are public record for governmental agencies), then of course they'll look different. Your opinion can be whatever you would like, but once you start providing "evidence" that's not actual evidence you have to expect responses. I don't think you're crazy, stupid, nor would I attack you personally (I know you weren't responding to me), but lets not publicly disregard science based on some random photos of unknown origin you've found on the interwebs somewhere. |
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etapi65 private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by CaptainCanuck I like this example of the basketballs, because at first glance, they do seen circular (we're looking at something 3d pictured in a way that converts it to 2D), but anyone who had played with a basketball knows those black lines are actual indentations. Despite that, even at the scale of a basketball, their almost indiscernible as breaks in the smooth circle, now, scale that up to the earth. |
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GanaSoth private msg quote post Address this user | |
@etapi65 if you can't see that Africa or the US is different sizes in every picture your blind. | ||
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Darkseid_of_town private msg quote post Address this user | |
Another apple in this cart, is that it is impossible to produce anything that is a perfect spherical object within a gravity environment....basketballs, tires, anything we make has variance from baseline caused by gravity. Gravity is a by product of a planet that is spinning and has a solid metallic inner mass....all which serves to establish fairly clearly we know what the size, shape and makeup of this planet is ……. | ||
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drchaos private msg quote post Address this user | |
This thread reminds me of the beginning of this video: |
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etapi65 private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by GanaSoth Uh...taken from different angles, they would be...that's how that would work. You can see that same effect with perspective art and then scale that up to the size of the earth. Now imagine a satellite located approximately at the equator, that same satellite just 30 degrees shifted is going to create a different perspective that depending on the angle with which you're viewing it will cause it to change shape. click this link of forced perspective art. Now who's attacking people (I am actually, legally blind without glasses/contacts). clickable text Edit: Again, you need to stop saying stuff as "evidence" that basic geometry, physics and "oh that's actually exactly how that works" can answer. I'm not trying to change your mind. Believe what you want, but please stop trying to provide "evidence". |
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Batman79 private msg quote post Address this user | |
@CaptainCanuck Right on! Love the basketball example. I go cross eyed every time someone pulls out the Olde NASA photos. I have no intention to offend anyone here. I earned my college education. I have a great friend that actually works for NASA that is basically, kaioken X20 to my intelligence and if I have a science question, I know who to call on. I just like talkin about comics on the forum. ![]() |
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Darkseid_of_town private msg quote post Address this user | |
So I guess I am left to wonder...was it established earlier that all four space agencies use a satellite at the precise same altitude as the others so all objects will remain consistent in size...and further understood they all use the same lensing systems, capture rates and even lens apertures so that all images would then of necessity have similar sized objects and continents an then of course the transfer rates for their data and methods for reconstructing the data imaging are all consistent so there is no none not a single pixel of deviation from one another ….I apparently missed science class that day ….oops | ||
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Buzbe private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by Darkseid_of_town This a good point. How do we know we’ve do a task correctly and it has never been done before? |
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etapi65 private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by Darkseid_of_town No, and, different sats orbit at different altitudes. We have geosynchronus and polar orbiting; the variability is immense...I may or may not be a Ph.D. who has worked with satellite imagery for well over a decade. |
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etapi65 private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by Darkseid_of_town Sorry, gravitational force is simply based on the mass of the objects. spinning is only required to create artificial gravity. Though, the spinning is involved with how tides operate; it's still based on the role gravity plays as centripetal force. |
Post 26 IP flag post |
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Batman79 private msg quote post Address this user | |
@ Darkside_of_town Right on! That saved me soooo much time typing! Thank you. |
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Darkseid_of_town private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by etapi65Ah yes, for some reason I was thinking of the layers of ozone for some are on point sir |
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GanaSoth private msg quote post Address this user | |
You all can jump me about whether or not I know what the shape of the earth is or not. But being that all the evidence shows me that we have never went to space proves my theory to me, no more than what your ideas of your theories proves to you. That's your opinions and I have mine. It's funny how most of you just toss out everything else I stated earlier in my post, but attack me when I was asked about the earth. |
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etapi65 private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by Darkseid_of_town Yeah, it happens, I even say inaccurate things regularly when in a hurry. I have a major issue with letting stuff like this go. Part of my job for 5 years was as a science extension agent. 50% of my job was dealing with inaccuracies of how science in conveyed to the public and the role that was playing in eroding public trust of science. Which is why none of this is relevant to a comic forum and any "evidence" from anyone (INCLUDING ME) should always be verified. But the cesspool that is the interwebs...well, you can find whatever you want to support whatever you want to believe if you look hard enough for it. I just have trouble letting it go. |
Post 30 IP flag post |
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