Finch WW#38, CBCS 9.4 $275, Anyone?897
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DocBrown private msg quote post Address this user | |
Just for the record, because there are people chattering back and forth in private: Vague claims don't cut it. Saying things like "you may say right things, but you also say wrong things" doesn't cut it. If you're not willing to be direct and specific, your claims have no value. If you're going to make a claim, the burden of proof is on YOU, not the "other guy" to "disprove" you. That's how it works, and that's how it has always worked. It does NOT "go both ways", when a claimant is challenged. One more time: YOU make the claim, YOU prove it when challenged. Enough with these Jr. High "well, you can't prove it EITHER!" tactics. The only thing I can guess is that there are some of you who have bought into the whole idea that incentive variants are tied to the sales numbers as reported by Diamond. They aren't, which has been more than amply proven, over and over again, on various sites. Yes, I know how appealing using those numbers is. Because it appears so obvious, it's very easy to fall into the trap. But appearances are, especially in this case, deceptive. Whether it's stubborn pride, or that you don't want anybody upsetting your financial apple cart, the facts don't matter to some of you, and you're quite willing to distort, twist, and lie to continue your narrative. Not a problem, but I will continue to be here to correct that fiction. And until you're willing to stop making excuses and inventing things that others say to make your points...any of you...we're going to continue to have these discussions. And if you don't have the balls to post about it publicly, if you're afraid that you might look bad, maybe that's your clue that your "facts" aren't, and you ought not be posting about it privately, either. |
Post 51 IP flag post |
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SilverAgeFan private msg quote post Address this user | |
Doc, ease up buddy! No one is mocking anyone. Go through some of the different threads. You'll see that in addition to frank discussion, there's also good natured teasing and joking. Don't take it serious, have fun with it yourself! Think about it, the evil, grim, commanding presence of Darth Vader is represented on here as a LEGO with a hoodie! With your command of the language, I'm sure you could have a lot of fun with that. | ||
Post 52 IP flag post |
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DocBrown private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by SilverAgeFan Lighten up, SAF. You read far too much into what other people write, and think they react as you do. Quote: Originally Posted by SAF Then your definition of "mocking" is different from the standard definition. Once more, just stating what is. Quote: Originally Posted by SAF Oh brother. |
Post 53 IP flag post |
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SilverAgeFan private msg quote post Address this user | |
oh brother? Well at least I'm having fun with it. The more time I spend having you psychoanalysing me and having you tell the world what I'm thinking, and why, the more you show people what you are. (Brother) | ||
Post 54 IP flag post |
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DocBrown private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by SilverAgeFan I know this is a fool's errand, but where...specifically, now...have I "told the world what you're thinking", aside from fact that you think I need to "ease up"...? After all, you said "ease up buddy!", so, by process of rational deduction, anyone can tell that you think I need to "ease up" the definitions of those concepts. After all, if I say "I'm happy", don't you know what I'm thinking, by that declarative statement...? meh And I thought you were having fun...? It's all light and airy, right? Fun? Laughter? "Don't take things so seriously"...? So what's with that last comment...? Do you mean that in jest...? I'll hang up and take my answer on the air. :popcorn: |
Post 55 IP flag post |
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DocBrown private msg quote post Address this user | |
PS. I'm having fun now. ![]() |
Post 56 IP flag post |
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SilverAgeFan private msg quote post Address this user | |
@DocBrown, of course I'm having fun with it! You said that I think people react as I do. So it's obvious that you have training in the psycho analyzing people. Because I have no clue what other people are thinking unless they tell me. You said that my definition of mocking is different from the standard definition of mocking. So, myself and not having looked up the standard definition of mockIng, your psycho analysis has determined what I think the definition of mocking is! Now here is one thing that I do think, yes you need to ease up buddy. So now since I said I think that, and by rational concept, I believe that. As far as my last comment went, the more that you can get an individual talking, expressing his beliefs, and most especially, The wording and phrases that that individual uses, the more people get a clear picture of that person. After all, as has been previously stated, we are attempting to deal with facts. And it is certainly a known fact that the more a person expresses himself, the more the world at large gets a better understanding of what that person is. |
Post 57 IP flag post |
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SilverAgeFan private msg quote post Address this user | |
People, standby for a great show! He's furiously cutting, pasting, and dissecting right this minute. I promise everyone, this is going to be a good one! | ||
Post 58 IP flag post |
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DocBrown private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by SilverAgeFan Quote: Originally Posted by SAF Quote: Originally Posted by SAF Question: do you think your latest comments are respectful, cordial, decent, or kind...? Question, part the 2nd: what emotional state does bitter sarcasm usually indicate...? |
Post 60 IP flag post |
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SilverAgeFan private msg quote post Address this user | |
My latest comments were neither respectful, cordial,decent or kind. Nor were they intended to be. They were intended to be humorous, fun, jesting and laughable. It is said that laughter makes the world go round. I encourage anyone whom wishes to have fun at my expense, make me look silly, joke at my lack of knowledge about anything, poke fun at my pompousness!![]() ![]() Part the 2nd, I'm not a psychiatrist so I don't know what sort of emotional state bitter sarcasm indicates. However, that being said, Dr. Clifford N. Lazarus Ph.D says in Psychology Today, "an occasional dose of sarcastic wit can spice up a chat and add an element of humor to it" |
Post 61 IP flag post |
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MR_SigS private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by DocBrown This question is always danced around or ignored. Why is that? |
Post 62 IP flag post |
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SilverAgeFan private msg quote post Address this user | |
@MR_SigS, Hi Sig! I believe (but could be wrong), that the answers @DocBrown requested were provided by Oxbladder from his 28 year LCS owner. If I'm not mistaken, they were summarily dismissed by Doc with the rejoinder that he was as much and probably more qualified than the LCS Owner. |
Post 63 IP flag post |
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SilverAgeFan private msg quote post Address this user | |
The phrase he said was he's got credentials and probably more so than Ox's 28 year LCS owner. He wàs asked what they were. I don't think that quest was answered either Sig. | ||
Post 64 IP flag post |
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DocBrown private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by SilverAgeFan You are incorrect, and have still not understood what I said, even though I explained what I said in subsequent posts. Question: are you reading everything I write? I read everything you write, because otherwise my responses to you are not informed. It appears you are not reading everything I write. If that's the case, just let me's not fair to me to waste time writing something you're not reading. As I said earlier, it is not a matter of being as much or more qualified than a specific LCS owner...though that is certainly true, in many cases...but rather, the complete uselessness of using information from an anonymous source, filtered through yet another "anonymous" source (who, as I pointed out, is Oxbladder/(Jaydogrules?)) I am more qualified than anonymous LCS owners simply by virtue of being here. So are you. So is anyone else involved in the discussion. Anonymous sources are less than useless, and do not even come close to proving anything. To be crystal clear: you presented as your "proof" of your position what Oxbladder said his anonymous LCS owner said. Not only did the supposed LCS owner not get revealed, but he/she didn't explain anything...just said "nope, that's wrong." In other words "Some anonymous person says you're wrong" is not, in any way, an answer to those questions. They were not "summarily dismissed" for any reason having to do with experience, or lack thereof. That's how you, Oxbladder, and others have been reasoning, and it's not correct. Experience only increases the likelihood of accurate knowledge, and there are, of course, many other factors involved. This may seem to be getting into the weeds, but it really starkly contrasts the difference between relying on facts, evidence, data, documented and documentable proof, and relying on "what some guy's LCS owner (who we don't know)" said. |
Post 65 IP flag post |
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DocBrown private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by SilverAgeFan tl:dr version: yes, you are mistaken. Read what I wrote again. If you need further explanation, see post above. And if they were answered before, they can be answered again, no? Humor me. |
Post 66 IP flag post |
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DocBrown private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by SilverAgeFan You're getting lost in irrelevancies. The experience of either the "LCS owner" or myself is not relevant to this discussion. It was a side comment which wasn't even properly understood. It's not relevant. What IS relevant is that this "LCS owner" is anonymous, and there is therefore no way to examine his or her statements, which amounted to nothing more than "you're wrong." |
Post 67 IP flag post |
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DocBrown private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by SilverAgeFan So, it's ok to make insulting, snide, sarcastic comments to people, and hide behind the "it's just a JOKE, man, lighten up!", while giving lip service to "respecting others", and getting angry because you thought someone asking "how do you know there are only 400 copies in existence?" is "questioning your honor and integrity" (a view shared by Oxbladder)...? You're quite the interesting contradiction, sir/madam. |
Post 68 IP flag post |
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MetalPSI private msg quote post Address this user | |
Meh jerks will be jerks. Look what happens when you don't play the system and just stand up for yourself. You get a week vacation. Well, I do anyway. |
Post 69 IP flag post |
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JWKyle private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by DocBrownI'm not reading everything you write ![]() But I agree with you on the print run thing. What I don't want to agree with is large undistributed copies of variants showing up. I guess that would come down to whether diamond is setting on them. I also think diamond doesn't want these to go unsold they want these in and out. If they set around they are not making money. I would think diamond doesn't want to warehouse large quantities of undistributed material. And unless a print run is stated it's all pretty much an opinion and a intelligent guess on how many where made. Even then when a print run is stated and the books sale out it doesn't mean that's it. Hello Aspen. |
Post 70 IP flag post |
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DocBrown private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by JWKyle How polite of you. Quote: Originally Posted by JWK Are you sure Diamond is warehousing these books? I'm not. Large, undistributed copies of variants HAVE shown up, and will, in all likelihood, continue to show up. That's not new. That's why paying $$$$ for the latest hot flavor of the month is a risky venture. Quote: Originally Posted by JWK Yes, but there is informed opinion, and uninformed opinion. We can make some reasonable assumptions based on what we know, and what we don't. The opinions of those who don't understand the Diamond/Comichron numbers, and what the "1:X" actually means, as defined by the publishers themselves, aren't really going to be worth a whole lot. |
Post 71 IP flag post |
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JWKyle private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by DocBrownOn some books if they show up in a large quantity they would have to come from someplace like diamond. I'm thinking of ASM 667 say a few hundred copies came fresh to market, I doubt a dealer/store owner would dump them all on the market at once. They would slowly saturate the market keeping the demand up with steady prices. If they flooded it with a unopened case the books would still have a value but nowhere near what it is at this moment. The money they would stand to make would be less they the could have obtained. But I'm not saying anything that is not know already. |
Post 72 IP flag post |
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MR_SigS private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by SilverAgeFan Hypothetical question; was the originally claimed print run one of the selling points? I ask because if it was and (again, hypothetically) a couple hundred or so more suddenly shows up tomorrow and your buyers demand refunds because you claimed there are no more than x copies, would you refund? They'd have a valid case of false advertising since your stated print run was less than the actual number. You wouldn't be able to claim there were ever any official numbers that you drew from. I don't think they'd accept, "Well, someone told me a comic store owner of 28 years said there was, so I'm not responsible." |
Post 73 IP flag post |
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MR_SigS private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by DarthLego Quote: Originally Posted by MR_SigS Quote: Originally Posted by DarthLego Bold joke from a guy who didn't even know what an MVS was until a few weeks ago. But yeah, make light of Doc's research skills. Tell me, did it turn out that you have BA books from the MVS era? And if so, did they jump for joy crying, "He opened us! He actually opened us! |
Post 74 IP flag post |
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MR_SigS private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by SilverAgeFan Not in this thread, no, but I've seen them before (seen them, not told about them). Not that it matters, but they're pret-ty damned impressive. So impressive, Darth would probably have a hard time wrapping his brain around it and mistake it for pontificating. Hm, levity :scratches chin thoughtfully: |
Post 75 IP flag post |
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MR_SigS private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by DocBrown But... that could reduce the bling from their cover collection. It seems that's what all the stubbornness is really about, fear that their 'guaranteed' by an LCS owner, lower than 400 print run comic turns into garbage because it MIGHT, MAYBE, PERHAPS, POSSIBLY, COULD BE actually *GASP* BIGGER. The horror. |
Post 76 IP flag post |
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DarthLego private msg quote post Address this user | |
@MR_SigS First, it was OX who said Doc was pontificating. I posted a funny picture about that word. Because, let's be honest, it's a darn funny word you don't hear used in coversation that much. At first I was going to make a Scrabble joke, maybe that's the way I should have zigged, but alas I zagged. Is it really that big of a deal? Why are you going after me about it, but not going after OX? Second, I fail to see what my knowledge of MVS has to do with anything? Is my knowledge of the hobby at question here? If it is, why? I have not made any claims or statements. I don't claim to have any expertese about comics. If you have followed my posts on this forum since I've joined (and I know you have Sigs), it's well documented that I just recently returned to collecing. So I really fail to see what your reason is. Unless your only reason was to discredit me? If so, why? I'm nobody important. I've not said anything that needs proven, disproven, nor attacked. And no, not that it's any of your business, but I do not own any MVS books, and all my books are quite happy thank you. Third, I don't know why you continue to address me with such animosity? I swear, I didn't kick your puppy dude, it wasn't me. I know you had issue with my attitude in the early part of the label thread, so did the big boss man. I served my time in the dog house, me and boss man are good. Water under the bridge. Why aren't we good bro? I really don't know. Fourth, ![]() |
Post 77 IP flag post |
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SilverAgeFan private msg quote post Address this user | |
I'm done with this thread. All I did was try to get a highly sought after book to people that really wanted one. I did this at a far less price than anywhere else. People can judge for themselves if I've been fair, open and honest as I've sold them. No, I don't know everything about the books. I went with what most people believe to be correct information. I'm just a single dad who loves the hobby and tried to make a few bucks and make a few collectors happy. I don't have the time, the computer or even the smarts to verify every. Single detail of everything. 3 weeks ago, I'm just a regular guy. Now, I find myself questioned beyond belief in the smallest, most minute if details. I've got a terrible taste in my mouth and am not happy. This thread what about me trying to sell a book to somebody who may want it. It was about nothing else. |
Post 78 IP flag post |
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MR_SigS private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by DarthLego Easy to say it's funny when not directed you, huh? Quote: Originally Posted by DarthLego Because I missed his post, apparently. Either way, you took the insult and joked about it. Quote: Originally Posted by DarthLego You joked about the insult directed at Doc right after a lengthy post, pretty much dismissing his researched info. I'm not questioning your knowledge, but your research skills. Not just the MVS, but the Grading Guide thread. Zero research went into your first post. Everyone else had to point out the difference between selling prices and sold prices. Quote: Originally Posted by DarthLego LOL Don't make it out like I'm stalking your posts around here. There isn't an ignore function or sub forums, and this is still kind of a small community of posters. It's hard to avoid you. Quote: Originally Posted by DarthLego Yet you feel comfortable interjecting your whit into the thread at Doc's expense. Quote: Originally Posted by DarthLego Oh. Perhaps you shouldn't have announced on a public message board that you had to check your books once you knew what an MVS was? I didn't see you post that it wasn't my business at the time, so that's on you.. Quote: Originally Posted by DarthLego At times we are, check your post 'likes'. But then you join in on the 'dog pile' with jokes clearly intended for one person and nothing useful to add in a discussion in which you yourself admit you have no expertise. Quote: Originally Posted by DarthLego We'll always agree there ![]() In case you're wondering why this debate/evade got brought up again: Quote: Originally Posted by DarthLego Quote: Originally Posted by SilverAgeFan Neither side is going to budge. Ah well. |
Post 79 IP flag post |
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SilverAgeFan private msg quote post Address this user | |
@MR_SigS, Sig, do you really believe that I tried or meant to mislead anyone? C'mon! is it no longer okay to go with simply what most people believe or generally accepted knowledge? For Gods sake! Every week there are barn and warehouse finds on everything from comic books to classic cars to historical documents. Does that mean that previous to those finds that people who said there are only X number of these in existence are liars? For the WW 38 Finch book, what the hell am I supposed to say? Hey everyone, most of you people believe there are about 400 of these books but there are most likely 800,1000,10,000? Then, the discussion would have been about where did I get the higher number? If I were actually attempting to purposely lie and/or mislead anyone, I'd understand all these questions about facts. Do you really and truly believe that was my goal or intent? |
Post 80 IP flag post |
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