-Our Odin-
Rest in Peace
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This was shared on Facebook. If you know anything, please contact him. If you are not on Facebook, pm me and I can pass it along.
Originally Posted by Craig Russell Dr. Strange: the lost page. In 1973 I pencilled 20 pages of a Dr. Strange story that Marvel subsequently bought and slid in a drawer. In the meantime the new Dr. Strange series began its run and my splash page and the top panel of this page turned up in the first issue under another artists name. Complaints by me to editorial stopped that but when we pulled the pages in 1976 to use as part of the first Dr. Stange Annual this page was missing.
A few years back it turned up on a collectors site in its original pencilled form. I contacted the owner by email, not to claim ownership (seemed silly after all these years) but to ask if he could at least provide a scan of the original for my files. Never heard back from him. All I have is this photo I took off the computer screen.
If anyone knows who has the original of this page I'd really appreciate their giving the collector a nudge to provide me a good copy. Thanks.

6 years ago |
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