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Ima gonna steal this and look for some occasion to use it! IronMan private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by OGJackster
Originally Posted by michaelekrupp
Unfortunately what they are actually succeeding at is de-legitimizing our media, which is very unfortunate.

I don't think it's unfortunate at all. He's calling them out. MSNBC, CNN and the like perpetuated the lies of collusion and obstruction. They lied to all of us! I say good for Trump. Give them hell. After the Mueller report came out, did any of the liberal media news agencies apologize? Ummm, that would be a big NO.

There might be apologies after the FULL report comes out. Like all 300 pages. Like they did with Clinton.

While it's a 4 page summary that specifically says it does not exonerate on obstruction, the apologies will wait.
Post 76 IP   flag post
Forum Crier OGJackster private msg quote post Address this user
Yes she did... Pelosi says she backs lowering voting age to 16. clickable text

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) voiced her support on Thursday for lowering the federal voting age to 16, telling reporters during a press conference that doing so would be a boon to voter engagement in the U.S.
Post 77 IP   flag post
Collector Darkseid_of_town private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by OGJackster
Originally Posted by michaelekrupp
Unfortunately what they are actually succeeding at is de-legitimizing our media, which is very unfortunate.

I don't think it's unfortunate at all. He's calling them out. MSNBC, CNN and the like perpetuated the lies of collusion and obstruction. They lied to all of us! I say good for Trump. Give them hell. After the Mueller report came out, did any of the liberal media news agencies apologize? Ummm, that would be a big NO.
you do understand he was not found innocent...the factual wording was there was not sufficient evidence to rise to criminal charges and he was precisely NOT exonerated for obstruction....and all of that from a four page day long simplification done by the attorney general right? Shouldn't we you know kinda wait for the report itself, get all the facts and then determine who deserves what apology and what was factual? imagine had the Starr report been released only to Janet Reno and she announced a four page oh my the world would have ended that very day and yet people want to run with Barrs comments?
Post 78 IP   flag post
Collector Darkseid_of_town private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by IronMan
Originally Posted by OGJackster
Originally Posted by michaelekrupp
Unfortunately what they are actually succeeding at is de-legitimizing our media, which is very unfortunate.

I don't think it's unfortunate at all. He's calling them out. MSNBC, CNN and the like perpetuated the lies of collusion and obstruction. They lied to all of us! I say good for Trump. Give them hell. After the Mueller report came out, did any of the liberal media news agencies apologize? Ummm, that would be a big NO.

There might be apologies after the FULL report comes out. Like all 300 pages. Like they did with Clinton.

While it's a 4 page summary that specifically says it does not exonerate on obstruction, the apologies will wait.
oh well done I also typed
Post 79 IP   flag post
Ima gonna steal this and look for some occasion to use it! IronMan private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by OGJackster
Yes she did... Pelosi says she backs lowering voting age to 16. clickable text

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) voiced her support on Thursday for lowering the federal voting age to 16, telling reporters during a press conference that doing so would be a boon to voter engagement in the U.S.

She has never introduced nor cosponsored any such legislation.
Post 80 IP   flag post

Ima gonna steal this and look for some occasion to use it! IronMan private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Darkseid_of_town
Originally Posted by IronMan
Originally Posted by OGJackster
Originally Posted by michaelekrupp
Unfortunately what they are actually succeeding at is de-legitimizing our media, which is very unfortunate.

I don't think it's unfortunate at all. He's calling them out. MSNBC, CNN and the like perpetuated the lies of collusion and obstruction. They lied to all of us! I say good for Trump. Give them hell. After the Mueller report came out, did any of the liberal media news agencies apologize? Ummm, that would be a big NO.

There might be apologies after the FULL report comes out. Like all 300 pages. Like they did with Clinton.

While it's a 4 page summary that specifically says it does not exonerate on obstruction, the apologies will wait.
oh well done I also typed

We are all typing at the same time, friend. I gave you likes
Post 81 IP   flag post
Collector Darkseid_of_town private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by IronMan
Originally Posted by Darkseid_of_town
Originally Posted by IronMan
Originally Posted by OGJackster
Originally Posted by michaelekrupp
Unfortunately what they are actually succeeding at is de-legitimizing our media, which is very unfortunate.

I don't think it's unfortunate at all. He's calling them out. MSNBC, CNN and the like perpetuated the lies of collusion and obstruction. They lied to all of us! I say good for Trump. Give them hell. After the Mueller report came out, did any of the liberal media news agencies apologize? Ummm, that would be a big NO.

There might be apologies after the FULL report comes out. Like all 300 pages. Like they did with Clinton.

While it's a 4 page summary that specifically says it does not exonerate on obstruction, the apologies will wait.
oh well done I also typed

We are all typing at the same time, friend. I gave you likes
as did I ...I was sincere in my wasn't sarcasm wtg friend!!
Post 82 IP   flag post
Forum Crier OGJackster private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by IronMan
It's not true that Pelosi "supports" it.

I still think she does. Seems clear to me. From the same article...

The California congresswoman supported a local ballot initiative in her home district of San Francisco in 2016 that would have lowered the voting age in municipal elections to 16, known as Proposition F, but the measure was defeated by single digits at the ballot box.

Members of Congress voted down an amendment to the Democrats' voting rights bill last Thursday that sought to lower the federal voting age to 16, an effort led by freshman Rep. Ayanna Pressley (D-Mass.). Almost 130 lawmakers voted in favor of the amendment, which was described by advocates as a first of its kind proposal to make it to the House floor.

“Only a couple years ago, just one Member of Congress expressing interest in 16-year-old voting was a huge deal, so to see 126 members vote yes on Rep. Pressley’s amendment is a thrilling sign of how far we’ve come in a short time, and a testament to the fact that support for this issue consistently increases as decision makers are educated about it,” advocacy group Vote16USA said in a press release.

“We are excited to build on this momentum and we’re optimistic that one day 16-year-old voting will be the norm in the United States," the statement added.
Post 83 IP   flag post
Collector Darkseid_of_town private msg quote post Address this user
did I miss something..was there also a Pelosi comic offered or is she on trial now too because AOC got one...I guess one liberal comic book is as good as another ha
Post 84 IP   flag post
Ima gonna steal this and look for some occasion to use it! IronMan private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by OGJackster
Originally Posted by IronMan
It's not true that Pelosi "supports" it.

I still think she does. Seems clear to me. From the same article...

The California congresswoman supported a local ballot initiative in her home district of San Francisco in 2016 that would have lowered the voting age in municipal elections to 16, known as Proposition F, but the measure was defeated by single digits at the ballot box.

Members of Congress voted down an amendment to the Democrats' voting rights bill last Thursday that sought to lower the federal voting age to 16, an effort led by freshman Rep. Ayanna Pressley (D-Mass.). Almost 130 lawmakers voted in favor of the amendment, which was described by advocates as a first of its kind proposal to make it to the House floor.

“Only a couple years ago, just one Member of Congress expressing interest in 16-year-old voting was a huge deal, so to see 126 members vote yes on Rep. Pressley’s amendment is a thrilling sign of how far we’ve come in a short time, and a testament to the fact that support for this issue consistently increases as decision makers are educated about it,” advocacy group Vote16USA said in a press release.

“We are excited to build on this momentum and we’re optimistic that one day 16-year-old voting will be the norm in the United States," the statement added.

To me this is truly a non issue. When we are mature enough to vote is something reasonable people would disagree on. We let them drive cars. In most states it's old enough for consent to sex.

I personally don't care. If they change it to 16 OK. If they leave it at 18 (which it was changed to from 21 during the Vietnam war era) that's OK too.

The facts of the matter is the participation rate of 16-18 year olds would probably be even worse than the 18-25 year old group. So while you might add millions of potential new voters, I doubt you'd add much in the way of actual votes. And at 16 they would probably be voting similar to the parents.

Kids in high school often have "mock" elections. The results nearly always mirror the how the community actually votes.
Post 85 IP   flag post
I'll probably wake up constipated. Pre_Coder private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Darkseid_of_town
Originally Posted by Pre_Coder
Originally Posted by Darkseid_of_town
just my take..everyone has a perfect right to their own views...but AOC is out there trying to fix our world and country rather than sitting around a forum calling people who aren't here to defend themselves names and throwing insults. I get that some don't like here but I also feel there is a respectful way to disagree and discuss without sinking to that level....just my two cents . I am just going to leave this right here...hating people because they define their views as left or right is counter productive to what our nation was supposed to be....a melting pot of ideals, and views where everyone could be heard

I totally agree! I am not Left or Right.. I am neutral. Both sides have their propaganda issues. But if your intentions are to influence the masses, then have knowledge of the cause and the impact it will have on our society, as opposed to what a person of influence THINKS it means. That is very dangerous!

but you are doing just as you complain she is..have you spoken to HER and found out what she has to say one on one and rather than relying on sources affected by those self cited "propaganda issues" If your intention is to influence the masses here then have knowledge of her cause and impacts she claims it will have on our society and how misrepresenting others can go negativelty to do so. this is quite dangerous...and also becomes rather repetitive.

Not at all (peace brother),..not at all! But if I don't agree with her, and her followers.. along with nutty Nancy, Chuckee, Hillary, et al, then I am deemed as being a hater.
Post 86 IP   flag post
Collector Darkseid_of_town private msg quote post Address this user
well to begin with calling people names is rule 1 in the rational debate it does provide the feeling of hatred yes....i.e nutty Nancy..chuckee…..
Respect the person, attack the argument...make your points rather than make enemies ….raise your points, not your voice etc.but yes peace of weep grana weep ninni bon
Post 87 IP   flag post
Collector michaelekrupp private msg quote post Address this user
Talk of lowering the voting age is not nearly as disturbing to me as the talk of eliminating the electoral college. If that happens, how long until the whole constitution is scrapped?
Post 88 IP   flag post
Ima gonna steal this and look for some occasion to use it! IronMan private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Darkseid_of_town
well to begin with calling people names is rule 1 in the rational debate it does provide the feeling of hatred yes....i.e nutty Nancy..chuckee…..
Respect the person, attack the argument...make your points rather than make enemies ….raise your points, not your voice etc.but yes peace of weep grana weep ninni bon

You resort to name calling, expect to be labeled appropriate to name calling.

I'm no fan of Trump, but he's the President and "President Trump" is how I typically refer to him.

What's sad is "monkey see, monkey do". Trump has enjoyed great success with name calling. So people - of all political persuasions - will copy.
Post 89 IP   flag post
I'll probably wake up constipated. Pre_Coder private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Darkseid_of_town
well to begin with calling people names is rule 1 in the rational debate it does provide the feeling of hatred yes....i.e nutty Nancy..chuckee…..
Respect the person, attack the argument...make your points rather than make enemies ….raise your points, not your voice etc.but yes peace of weep grana weep ninni bon

Respect is to be earned!
Post 90 IP   flag post
Collector Darkseid_of_town private msg quote post Address this user
it was effectively scrapped the moment trump was sworn in without divesting his personal businesses placing him utterly and completely in violation of the emoulements clause of said document ..followed by the assault and censorship of our science institutions...funded by the American people and then the attempted deportation of select religions, races and creeds
Post 91 IP   flag post
Collector Darkseid_of_town private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Pre_Coder
Originally Posted by Darkseid_of_town
well to begin with calling people names is rule 1 in the rational debate it does provide the feeling of hatred yes....i.e nutty Nancy..chuckee…..
Respect the person, attack the argument...make your points rather than make enemies ….raise your points, not your voice etc.but yes peace of weep grana weep ninni bon

Respect is to be earned!
perhaps a valid point but still consideration should be given and respect earned...just because you do not respect someone isn't a free invite to mock and belittle them right
Post 92 IP   flag post
Collector Shanthark private msg quote post Address this user
It looks interesting I might pick it up
Post 93 IP   flag post
Ima gonna steal this and look for some occasion to use it! IronMan private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by michaelekrupp
Talk of lowering the voting age is not nearly as disturbing to me as the talk of eliminating the electoral college. If that happens, how long until the whole constitution is scrapped?

Are you trying to be funny?

When the Constitutional Convention of 1787 was done, less than 1/2 the population could vote. Women could not vote. Slavery was left legal. You could LEGALLY OWN OTHER HUMAN BEINGS.

I think the Founding Fathers left room for improvement. And they KNEW there was room for improvements, so they left behind a way to make those improvements. Which is why slavery is no longer legal (14th Amendment) Blacks can vote (15th amendment)and women can vote (19th Amendment)

The nation would be just fine if a constitutional amendment is passed eliminating the Electoral College. Or if sufficient states band together (much more likely) to give their EC votes to the popular vote winner, which is far more likely to happen.

Democracy won't crumble if the President is elected by the Popular vote. Democracy won't crumble if the EC is around another 100 years.
Post 94 IP   flag post
Forum Crier OGJackster private msg quote post Address this user
Respect? Tell that to Robert DeZero and Kathy Griffin to name 2.

Post 95 IP   flag post
Collector Darkseid_of_town private msg quote post Address this user
I quite agree OG ,there is enough hate to go around for are on target there. No argument...but I cannot fix them ...I just keep trying to make a better me..thats what I can do.
Post 96 IP   flag post
Ima gonna steal this and look for some occasion to use it! IronMan private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by OGJackster
Respect? Tell that to Robert DeZero and Kathy Griffin to name 2.

Yes, the deplorable level of respect for office has been on the increase for the past decade now. I could post up picture and comments from the Bush Jr and Obama years as well to make my point, but should not have too. I'm sure you've seen the monkey family pictures and comments of Obama, the Joker fascist pictures.

The extreme - on either side - do not represent the great majority.
Post 97 IP   flag post
Collector michaelekrupp private msg quote post Address this user
@IronMan I can not see any way that the less populated states would not suffer by changing the electoral college system. The main reason that the system exists is so more populated states cannot dictate policy for the entire country.
Post 98 IP   flag post
Forum Crier OGJackster private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by michaelekrupp
@IronMan I can not see any way that the less populated states would not suffer by changing the electoral college system. The main reason that the system exists is so more populated states cannot dictate policy for the entire country.

Post 99 IP   flag post
Ima gonna steal this and look for some occasion to use it! IronMan private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by michaelekrupp
@IronMan I can not see any way that the less populated states would not suffer by changing the electoral college system. The main reason that the system exists is so more populated states cannot dictate policy for the entire country.

The specific issue that the small states feared in 1787 was the large states would make slavery illegal. In 1787, America was alone in the "modern" nations of slavery being legal. Even Russia had freed the serfs a few years earlier, and slavery had been illegal in Europe for nearly 100 years.

The EC was specifically designed - as you point out - to give smaller states more influence. Along with the Senate. To keep slavery legal. And in fact it worked well for about 80 years. it took 80 years for the FIRST non-southerner to be elected President. Then we immediately had the Civil War.

The Senate would and does serve as the counter balance of small states having equal say. The reason for the EC died with the 14th and 15th Amendments. Just like the 3/5's compromise died.
Post 100 IP   flag post
Forum Crier OGJackster private msg quote post Address this user
We aren't talking about slavery. In reference to today, it gives smaller states a say. Otherwise, if we went by popular vote, the very liberal, larger states would be picking the Presidents thus making smaller states obsolete. That's the argument.
Post 101 IP   flag post
Collector michaelekrupp private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by OGJackster
We aren't talking about slavery. In reference to today, it gives smaller states a say. Otherwise, if we went by popular vote, the very liberal, larger states would be picking the Presidents thus making smaller states obsolete. That's the argument.

What he said.
Post 102 IP   flag post
I bought a meat grinder on amazon for $60 and it's changed my life. kaptainmyke private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by doog
Too late to get a Reagan’s Raiders signed

Post 103 IP   flag post
Ima gonna steal this and look for some occasion to use it! IronMan private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by OGJackster
We aren't talking about slavery. In reference to today, it gives smaller states a say. Otherwise, if we went by popular vote, the very liberal, larger states would be picking the Presidents thus making smaller states obsolete. That's the argument.

But it's not true

Every State gets two Senators. Wyoming - with a population of less than 600,000. And California with a population of almost FORTY million. Both get two US Senators.

This makes sure small States have an equal voice. Plus Senate rules that while recently trampled upon (recent, like the last 10 years) make it difficult to do anything controversial with less than the support of 60 Senators.

The EC long ago lived out it's usefulness. ALL that is necessary for it to go into the history books if for Republicans to lose a Presidential election in the EC but win on the popular vote.

A lot of Republcans seem to believe the EC favors the GOP, so put partisan politics ahead of principles of Democracy. But that's not actually true. It's just how it has worked out the last 20 years.

If Al Gore had recieved 60,000 more votes in Ohio in 2004, he would have been elected President. Even though he trailed in the popular vote by three million to George W. Bush.

So we will see the end of all the nonsensical defense of the EC when the GOP gets screwed over. And that will happen, probably in the next 20-30 years.
Post 104 IP   flag post
I'll probably wake up constipated. Pre_Coder private msg quote post Address this user
This thread is going to get locked,.. pretty much a given as most threads relating to religion / politics. But there really is a positive side to discussions such as this. We are not just a comic book collecting society, we are also a social media family here. Agree or disagree,.. with diplomacy, tact, and understanding, we can become closer, and without egos blinding us, respect and understanding for each other as well.

Positive results can be achieved in threads such as this.
Post 105 IP   flag post
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