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Just show something cool part 27584

Collector etapi65 private msg quote post Address this user
It literally looks like a bunch of splinters have been semi-glued together.
Post 776 IP   flag post
Collector etapi65 private msg quote post Address this user
Anyone else disturbed by "swell for belly-whopping, room for two"? Apparently, this was also called this the "pre-teen-pregnancy-rocket".
Post 777 IP   flag post
Collector GanaSoth private msg quote post Address this user
Started late last night & finished this morning. It's a Dark Elf, Drider (half dark elf & half spider). I hope you guys enjoy the progression pics.

Finished Pics:

Post 778 IP   flag post
I hear their hourly rate is outrageous! sportshort private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by martymann
How safe was this?

OO (From BATMAN #53)


It probably sent a lot of kids to the hospital but who cared back then.
Post 779 IP   flag post
I live in RI and Rhode Islanders eat chili with beans. esaravo private msg quote post Address this user
@sportshort - Kids were tough back then, and come on, it even had a spring-steel bumper! A bit before my time, but I am sure it was fun.
Post 780 IP   flag post

I hear their hourly rate is outrageous! sportshort private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by esaravo
@sportshort - Kids were tough back then, and come on, it even had a spring-steel bumper! A bit before my time, but I am sure it was fun.

"fun"? YES! I did stupid things as a kid that nearly got me killed but it was never encouraged by an ad in the back of a comic. Though as a kid I would've done exactly what it said in the ad and had fun doing it.
Post 781 IP   flag post
Collector GanaSoth private msg quote post Address this user
Just completed a Grung from D&D. Grungs are aggressive froglike humanoids found in rain forests and tropical jungles. They are fiercely territorial and see themselves as superior to most other creatures.

It was actually harder than I thought it was going to be and very small. Of course I could have just painted him green or something boring but I decided to go with a two color scheme. I hope you guys enjoy the progression pics.

Completed pics:

And beside a quarter for size comparison:

Post 782 IP   flag post
-Our Odin-
Rest in Peace
Jesse_O private msg quote post Address this user
@GanaSoth I once decided that I was going to create a 1/24 scale war diorama. I got those tiny brushes that look like plastic toothpicks with a little cotton on one end. I bought a bunch of figures and accessories. I painted some larger accessories, but when I got to the soldiers, I threw in the towel. How you can paint these miniatures and not go crazy is beyond me!! Great job!!
Post 783 IP   flag post
We should have the forum rate our packages. HeinzDad private msg quote post Address this user
I enjoy looking them @GanaSoth. Keep em coming.
Post 784 IP   flag post
Collector GanaSoth private msg quote post Address this user
@Jesse_O thanks Jesse! It's actually keeping me from going crazy-(er). But I enjoy it. I went to a table top game store yesterday and bought about $92 dollars worth of stuff (which don't get ya much now-a-days) but will keep me busy a little longer.
Post 785 IP   flag post
Collector GanaSoth private msg quote post Address this user
@HeinzDad cool! Thanks and will do.
Post 786 IP   flag post
Collector GanaSoth private msg quote post Address this user
Today I finished a Werewolf. I wasn't sure which colors to paint him, so I went with black & gray. I hope you guys enjoy the progression pics.

Completed Pics:

Post 787 IP   flag post
Collector Enelson private msg quote post Address this user
I was born and raised in San the age of 10 I started going to the San Diego Comic Com, I went every year till 2004, these are some of the programs I still have
Post 788 IP   flag post
I don't believe this....and I know you don't care that I don't believe this. GAC private msg quote post Address this user
@GanaSoth very impressive!! Great work!!
Post 789 IP   flag post
Collector GanaSoth private msg quote post Address this user
@GAC thanks! I'm glad you enjoy.
Post 790 IP   flag post
PEDIGREED... Again! martymann private msg quote post Address this user
Good old days!


Post 791 IP   flag post
-Our Odin-
Rest in Peace
Jesse_O private msg quote post Address this user
I like collecting signed first editions of hard cover book. I won this on ebay a few weeks ago and just got it today, it came from the UK.

Here is the signed Leonard Nimoy book that I already have.

Post 792 IP   flag post
I showed my wife and she was so happy for me she started to cry. Batman66 private msg quote post Address this user

going through some papers and came across these photos about 13 years ago. My daughter was in the back screaming " I'm only 12 years old, I'm too young to die". We still tease her about it.
Post 793 IP   flag post
I showed my wife and she was so happy for me she started to cry. Batman66 private msg quote post Address this user

this was in the stack of papers too, it's from 1796. If you notice the price, $2. That was a huge amount of money for that time period. I was told they were produced for public use , like a pub and for the wealthy. Interesting to see proclamations made by Washington and all the classifieds ads
Post 794 IP   flag post
The apple sauce and pudding were the best part... Bronte private msg quote post Address this user
Not sure how popular these are, but my brother met the owners and was able to score a couple of 1st edition bears.

I "think" the show NCIS had a lady that loved these bears too.

Post 795 IP   flag post
PEDIGREED... Again! martymann private msg quote post Address this user
Catalogue cover for SOTHEBY'S Science Fiction Art, Books and
Related Memorabilia Auction, June 1995.
FICTION by Virgil Finlay.


Post 796 IP   flag post
Collector Frontier2Xterra private msg quote post Address this user
Missing the beach and I think the photo is cool. Go to OBX every year in Oct. Can't wait for all this to clear up and be able to go then.

Post 797 IP   flag post
Collector Darkseid_of_town private msg quote post Address this user
Went to see my father here in town, and took him a spare package of toilet paper I was able to grab at the local Walmart.He is in his early eighties and lives alone so I felt it was important to check in on him and see how he was doing and if he needed anything.
He invited me in and said he had been wanting to do it for a little while, but that I was allowed to choose four spheres from his collection. Back about forty or fifty years ago my grandfather was widely considered one of the best sphere makers in the country and he had entered and won a number of contests and ribbons with his display of lapidary spheres. When he moved into a nursing home it was all sold and my father had spent a precious fortune buying many of the better pieces back in 1994.
In my family these spheres are considered legend unto themselves, and each one has a history and is semi famous within our family at least...I had seen them all often over the years, as my father would normally bring a set of twelve and set them up alongside my own sphere display at the shows I display at, allowing me to display three generations of my familys work . to choose four, from the fifty or more ….have to get it right or spend forever second guessing the choices.
My first choice was a no brainer for me..when I was eight my grandfather had shown me a dinosaur bone sphere and I wanted it badly...he always told me someday we would make me one....someday never came and after he passed away I learned how to do this all myself and made myself about 25 bone spheres...but I always coveted that one. Seen my father refuse a thousand dollar cash offer for it once...

Second choice....Crystal..crystal ball. A sphere cut from a pure crystal point, and all pure natural crystal ! One material I have never cut a sphere from myself yet...he also gave me the crystal point pictured which by itself would sell for a small fortune.

two down...third choice...Malachite!
this green mineral hails from the Congo and depending on the politics is often illegal to even import into the also contains natural asbestos and you can get quite sick working it, unless you use gloves and a breathing mask to filter the dust out.
Never had the courage to tackle this one for myself...

Final selection..what to chose...there is jade, marble, onyx, about any stone on earth you can think of..palm wood, petrified wood, fossil ferns, agates, jaspers, even solid brass or iron spheres....but I chose a large ball, from Oklahoma, petrified wood, that has stunning greens, blues, creams, and grandfather had gotten the workmanship on it perfect and it always caught my eye...the size of a large cantaloupe!

I was happy with the choices, but I had to let go the idea of so many others that were stunning, that he might give my other brother or perhaps sell someday...who knows? It isn't something you do lightly or that you hold back on.....and I find myself still a little stunned they are mine.
Each one represents 80-100 hours of my grandfathers attention time, and best work , and pricewise, these would be tough to even place a figure on, nevermind the family value
Post 798 IP   flag post
Collector Darkseid_of_town private msg quote post Address this user
Ps...I now can say I have a crystal ball for Zatanna!
Post 799 IP   flag post
-Our Odin-
Rest in Peace
Jesse_O private msg quote post Address this user
@Darkseid_of_town those spheres are incredible!! I have two small spheres (approximately 30 mm diameter). One I believe is crystal, but with flaws. It might be Icelandic spar. The second one I believe is bloodstone. Both were gifted to me. I've bid on some larger ones on Ebay and have yet to win. LOL
Post 800 IP   flag post
The apple sauce and pudding were the best part... Bronte private msg quote post Address this user

Those spheres are magnificent.

Although I would say I'm more jealous you have a good relationship with your father....
Post 801 IP   flag post
Collector Darkseid_of_town private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Jesse_O
@Darkseid_of_town those spheres are incredible!! I have two small spheres (approximately 30 mm diameter). One I believe is crystal, but with flaws. It might be Icelandic spar. The second one I believe is bloodstone. Both were gifted to me. I've bid on some larger ones on Ebay and have yet to win. LOL
Originally Posted by Jesse_O
@Darkseid_of_town those spheres are incredible!! I have two small spheres (approximately 30 mm diameter). One I believe is crystal, but with flaws. It might be Icelandic spar. The second one I believe is bloodstone. Both were gifted to me. I've bid on some larger ones on Ebay and have yet to win. LOL
Thanks Jesse, the thing for me was I also learned how to make them myself and have made well over a hundred, since he passed away. That gave me some insight into which were made the best, were the best for the material or were just unique. I already had a dozen pieces he had done, but these are the cream of the crop literally.
Post 802 IP   flag post
Collector GanaSoth private msg quote post Address this user
@Darkseid_of_town those are pretty cool looking! My favorite is the crystal one.
Post 803 IP   flag post
Collector Darkseid_of_town private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Bronte

Those spheres are magnificent.

Although I would say I'm more jealous you have a good relationship with your father....
I had wanted that bone sphere since I was eight years old, or about 47 years now....I agree they are really special and mean a lot to me. As soon as the bank again allows traffic in their lobby I will likely place a few of them into my deposit box for safekeeping.

My relationship with my father over the years has been with its share of ups and downs, but its always been with the knowing we are still family.

A few years ago he gave all his guns an ammuntion, books, shell casings, even a family flintlock rifle to my older brother , without ever even asking me about it...I was surprised but as it was his stuff , what can you say....turns out this was my "gift" to balance what he had done then for my brother. I am happy with that...quite happy
Post 804 IP   flag post
Collector Darkseid_of_town private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by GanaSoth
@Darkseid_of_town those are pretty cool looking! My favorite is the crystal one.
The original sphere of crystal from the collection had been displayed at our local library in a display and someone broke into it and stole it...then dropped it going up the stairs and destroyed it as they fled. The insurance from the library was sent to my grandfather to replace it with another of equal value or quality...this one is smaller by about an inch , from the original....I would guesstimate that it holds a value upwards of eight hundred on the market if ever sold.
Post 805 IP   flag post
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