CBCS launches New Logo and Brand756
Collector | matterus023 private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by DannyBoy Agreed. I meant more in the sense that our opinions on it all may not sway what CBCS do with the new design. I as you put believe that more often than not, MOST can differentiate between a good or bad design |
Post 401 IP flag post |
COLLECTOR | JWKyle private msg quote post Address this user | |
They had a label for 2 years people said it was boring so they change it up. The new design the majority hates it or the "vocal majority" hated it and the silent minority is not being that vocal either way. A way to kill all this label hate talk is for one of the CBCS higher ups is to come on here and say "we have heard you and will be looking for a redesign" or "we have heard you but this is your new label" I think a lack of response from CBCS leans more to statement two. What I don't want to happen is a flipping around on labels every few years. Get one and stick with it. I want my graded books to be as uniformed as possible. Oh and some of the stuff being passed off as a good design a big Primary red label yeah that doesn't pull your eyes away from a book at all. | ||
Post 402 IP flag post |
You think I'm joking, I'm not. | earthshaker01 private msg quote post Address this user | |
Holy cow are we still talking about this. Isn't it time to get over it. I would invite you to lay to slabs next to one another of reach label and I think you will be happy with new label. Video they posted doesn't do it justice. | ||
Post 403 IP flag post |
Collector | Maverick private msg quote post Address this user | |
@earthshaker01 Ill get over it when you reimburse my 700 dollars until then keep it to yourself. | ||
Post 404 IP flag post |
Collector | Marc_1 private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by Maverick Winner for the most ridiculous post on this forum to date. |
Post 405 IP flag post |
Collector | Maverick private msg quote post Address this user | |
@Marc_1 Why is that? Please enlighten us? | ||
Post 406 IP flag post |
Collector | matterus023 private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by Marc_1 Which part? |
Post 407 IP flag post |
Collector | Marc_1 private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by KenWorthing It's all perspective. Anyone who discontinues using CBCS for the label is just a tool. Sorry if that offends you but it's true. You paid for a GRADING SERVICE. You want your book graded and in a case that prevents damage. How the label looks is tertiary. If it's primary for you, get out of the grading comics game. Just keep your books raw. |
Post 408 IP flag post |
Collector | Marc_1 private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by Maverick The label is the biggest draw for you to CBCS? HAHAHA Seriously man, do you collect comic books or labels? I think your position is way over the top and you are a drama queen for posting it online. |
Post 409 IP flag post |
COLLECTOR | JWKyle private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by Marc_1No Marc your wrong wrong wrong this was not the most ridiculous post so far. It was the post about how someone would rather have their books in a creep engine slab instead of a CBCS slab with this new label |
Post 410 IP flag post |
Collector | Maverick private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by Marc_1 You make it so easy. Ad hominim attacks aside,I think you severely need to re evaluate your position. Youre saying im a "drama queen" for expecting to get what I paid for? Interesting. As far as collecting goes I think you need to look at my post history. Everything i own is raw. Ive had no intrest in slabbing until cbcs came along. I have thousands and thousands of books that im more than happy to keep raw. Im just glad we have people like you as an ambassador to the hobby. |
Post 411 IP flag post |
Collector | matterus023 private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by Marc_1 I think you are in-fact way off the mark here Marc. Maverick actually said this ''The label was one of the biggest draws to the CBCS case for me'' He didn't say biggest draw to the company but the case. If someone likes the label the most, then all for them. You really only have the label and the plastic to choose between when it comes down to just the case anyway. Plus he feels frustrated that he has no say in which label he will get as he was under the presumption that when he put his order in, it would be the label at the time. If I ordered a t-shirt and the design was changed without my knowing then I would have something to say regardless if I liked the change or not. His point stands 100% Plus if he did only collect labels and not comics (which isn't true by his own admission) then surely he would have even a bigger reason to be annoyed. The one thing he collects was changed without his knowing. |
Post 412 IP flag post |
COLLECTOR | JWKyle private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by MaverickHopefully your books haven't been graded yet and come Monday you can call CBCS and have them ship your books back to you before they go through the process. If this label makes you feel like you are getting taken then I for one have no problem you taking your books out that way my books can move up in the que. |
Post 413 IP flag post |
Collector | Maverick private msg quote post Address this user | |
@matterus023 Thank you. Im not even that mad at cbcs. I understand ill have to wait til tomorrow to sort this out. The peanut gallery chiming in on what i should do with my money or how i should feel is the frustrating part. | ||
Post 414 IP flag post |
COLLECTOR | JWKyle private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by MaverickThat's a good way to give everyone a warm fuzzy. I'm sure people love the fact you would call them the peanut gallery. That is a term of endearment right? |
Post 415 IP flag post |
Collector | Maverick private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by JWKyle Lol yes very much so. I love you all. |
Post 416 IP flag post |
Collector | matterus023 private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by Maverick Agreed this is annoying. I wouldn't let it bother you as it is CBCS you have to deal with. If you had been WAY over the top in your reaction and swearing or stating wild accusations I wouldn't have your back in anyway. But you kept it civil kept to the point at hand and showed slight frustration. So what lol Like you say your money plus your point is 100% valid. It isn't like you are bringing forward a personal grievance either. It is now public knowledge that if you subbed a comic before the change then there is a chance you won't get the product you thought you would (no matter how minimal others think the change is or petty). |
Post 417 IP flag post |
Collector | matterus023 private msg quote post Address this user | |
I just had to google what peanut gallery was | ||
Post 418 IP flag post |
Collector | DannyBoy private msg quote post Address this user | |
I stand by Maverick on this one. Slab aesthetics are extremely important to many of us. That's why so many people were upset about Newton Rings. The "ridiculous posts" by "drama queens" would be anyone who originally complained about the old label being boring. |
Post 419 IP flag post |
Collector | DannyBoy private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by Marc_1 We collect comic books - which we prefer to have slabbed without the use of tacky clip art. |
Post 420 IP flag post |
You think I'm joking, I'm not. | earthshaker01 private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by Maverick 700.00 is a joke. I have spent over 15k in grading with them. So let me get you 700.00 in, let me guess, new comics, with the occasional variant cover. Just guessing that's what you collect. This label thing is a joke. Pause for a sec and think. In the grand scheme the label design doesn't sell or make a comic desirable, it's the grade it gets and the respect of that grade from a paticular company. I tell you what when you get your 700.00 in grading done. I'll buy your books at a significantly reduced price, because in your mind the label will likely affect the sales price. |
Post 421 IP flag post |
COLLECTOR | JWKyle private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by DannyBoyI neither stand by him or against him. I wouldn't want someone be force to take or buy something where the variables have changed and not to their liking after the purchase was completed. So hopefully the books haven't been graded he can get a refund and have the books shipped back. I don't hold anyone's opinion against the new label against them. They have every right to complain but please just follow through on your threats and don't make them hollow. |
Post 422 IP flag post |
Collector | Maverick private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by earthshaker01 Your ignorance is blinding. |
Post 423 IP flag post |
You think I'm joking, I'm not. | earthshaker01 private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by Maverick Yawn!!!! |
Post 424 IP flag post |
Leftover Sundae Gnus | CatmanAmerica private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by Marc_1 Marc and Ken, beg to differ here, my friends. The label may be more than tertiary for some folks. Unless your crystal ball is much clearer than mine you can't possibly know all the reasons why folks pull the trigger when submitting books. So, is the abusive tone really necessary? Grading is usually a key reason for the decision to use a grading service, but it certainly isn't the only one, let alone the primary one for some of us. For instance, most of my CBCS graded books were already CGC slabbed. They didn't require regrading and I wasn't shopping for grade bumps. I decided to have books regraded because I liked the simplicity of the CBCS label and lack of objectionable color coding that instantly prejudices minor restoration regardless of type or degree. If those factors weigh heavily on future submissions does that make me a tool? Grading isn't a "game" for me, it's an important part of my collecting and business dealings (MANNUP Collectibles) as a broker of investment grade books. Most folks here know I'm a solid supporter of CBCS. That's why the decision to radically change the label design leaves me perplexed. Changes that are forced on customers without thorough vetting and consultation have consequences. Just look at the CGC train wreck if you have any doubts. Reactions to a makeover may be marginal or serious dependent upon how the change is regarded by CBCS's customer base and how well informed they were in respect to it's implementation. I'm not trying to make a mountain out of a molehill here, but for some folks the label change is a tough climb. Those who see the new label as insurmountable shouldn't be castigated on a message board by fellow collectors just because they're unwilling to make the climb. It isn't a crime to disapprove of the label's optics and for some it may be a deal breaker. Sorry about going on at length about this, but it's how I feel; OMMV. |
Post 425 IP flag post |
Collector | matterus023 private msg quote post Address this user | |
Spot on CatmanAmerica | ||
Post 426 IP flag post |
Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock | Tedsaid private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by Gaard I disagree with you but I 'liked' your post, because I'm glad to see some people going against the grain here. It takes guts to speak out when you are in the minority. Also, you're wrong. |
Post 427 IP flag post |
Collector | MR_SigS private msg quote post Address this user | |
There are people asking for a choice as to which label is used. Whether CBCS agrees is another matter, but I think this request is at least fair. It's the ones that are screaming for labels to NOT be changed at all that make me SMH. They feel they're being told what to accept. Perhaps, but isn't demanding that the label be returned to the old style doing the same thing to those who like the new label? I do agree that CBCS probably could have eased this in (so to speak), but tbh they probably new there would never be a unanimous reaction. So what to do? Ignore the customers who want new, or ignore customers who don't? I don't think a poll would necessarily have solved this as I doubt the majority of their customers are forum members CGC: "Holy crap, they're reacting to a label change the way our people reacted to the completely imagined illusions of damage our new case might possibly have displayed, but really didn't." S M H |
Post 428 IP flag post |
I've spent years perfecting my brand of assholery. | DrWatson private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by Jeremy_K Yes, I saw a post about it on their Facebook page. Stan would like the new label. It fits his generation. |
Post 429 IP flag post |
Collector | Oxbladder private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by CatmanAmerica I understand what you are saying but it is just a hard climb for me because it makes you sound like you are collecting the label as much or more than the the comic. I have comics that are on the grading room floor (or perhaps even shipped Friday) and will get the new label and I am nowhere near as emotional as some of the folks in this thread. I much prefer the old label but I am not upset at all about the change because what I paid for is the opinion on the grade. The slab and the information on the label are part of that service but how the label looks isn't a huge deal to me as long as the information is there for people to see. When I buy a graded book I have only ever cared about the book. I have several graded books from CGC, PGA(PGX), and CBCS and their labels have things I like and dislike. They do have what is most important though, information on the book inside. I just can't seem to grasp those of you folks that feel how this information is displayed is critically important. No matter how a label looks it has never distracted me from what is the most important part of a graded comic ... the comic. |
Post 430 IP flag post |
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