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CBCS launches New Logo and Brand756

Collector MR_SigS private msg quote post Address this user
Nah. I was just trying (and failing, apparently) to joke around WITH him. I'm too busy with important stuff. Ain't nobody got time for dat!

Now where are those toenail clippers?
Post 376 IP   flag post
Collector SilverAgeFan private msg quote post Address this user
@MR_SigS, attached to the battery posts. Remember?
Post 377 IP   flag post
Collector stophmaster private msg quote post Address this user
As much as I don't care for the new logo and label, it honestly doesn't make too much difference to me. What IS important is that the grading is consistent and the slab doesn't damage any comics. I generally don't slab books I intend to keep, I prefer to be able to hold them and read them should I desire it. I only slab books intended for sale. And if I have a high grade desirable book for sale, I can't imagine someone not buying it because they don't like the label on the slab. That said, I do hope CBCS listens to their customers and ditches this new label.
Post 378 IP   flag post
Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock Tedsaid private msg quote post Address this user
SteveRicketts - if you are still on here, there may be a problem with one small piece of the website. The 'news item' for the Tampa Bay Comic Con advertises on-site grading for this convention. This on-site grading has a higher cost scheme for all the levels ... which I assume is due to the rapid turnaround and shipping / insurance savings.

However, I 'tested' the checkout just to see what would happen. (The news item says: "CBCS encourages our customers to fill out our ON LINE SUBMISSION FORM prior to submitting books for on-site grading." )

It appears that the online submission form uses the normal pricing scheme, even when "Tampa Bay Comic Con" is selected during checkout. I believe this will cause confusion and resentment, for those people who will suddenly be charged some ~50% more when they bring their comics to the convention. Unless the intent is to have cheaper rates for those who use the online form? Or perhaps the higher rates are in error?

Also, the link on the Tampa Bay page labeled "ON LINE SUBMISSION FORM" is not clickable if I am already logged in. I had to log out and return to that page to get it to work. FYI - I completed the entire checkout for 1 modern book, except for the final "Place Order" step.

I'm posting this on the forum because I initially worried that all the prices had suddenly increased, or were in the process of being increased. Then I realized it was just for the Tampa Bay con. I thought it might help avoid some confusion by posting my mistake here, in case others stumble onto that page and jump to the wrong conclusion. Thanks.
Post 379 IP   flag post
CBCS Pressing SteveRicketts private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Tedsaid
SteveRicketts - if you are still on here, there may be a problem with one small piece of the website. The 'news item' for the Tampa Bay Comic Con advertises on-site grading for this convention. This on-site grading has a higher cost scheme for all the levels ... which I assume is due to the rapid turnaround and shipping / insurance savings.

However, I 'tested' the checkout just to see what would happen. (The news item says: "CBCS encourages our customers to fill out our ON LINE SUBMISSION FORM prior to submitting books for on-site grading." )

It appears that the online submission form uses the normal pricing scheme, even when "Tampa Bay Comic Con" is selected during checkout. I believe this will cause confusion and resentment, for those people who will suddenly be charged some ~50% more when they bring their comics to the convention. Unless the intent is to have cheaper rates for those who use the online form? Or perhaps the higher rates are in error?

Also, the link on the Tampa Bay page labeled "ON LINE SUBMISSION FORM" is not clickable if I am already logged in. I had to log out and return to that page to get it to work. FYI - I completed the entire checkout for 1 modern book, except for the final "Place Order" step.

I'm posting this on the forum because I initially worried that all the prices had suddenly increased, or were in the process of being increased. Then I realized it was just for the Tampa Bay con. I thought it might help avoid some confusion by posting my mistake here, in case others stumble onto that page and jump to the wrong conclusion. Thanks.

Passed on to our developers. Thanks!
Post 380 IP   flag post

Collector MR_SigS private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by SilverAgeFan
@MR_SigS, attached to the battery posts. Remember?

That's right.
Really clears the sinuses. Or is that the toenails?
Post 381 IP   flag post
Collector SilverAgeFan private msg quote post Address this user
Left nostril to right big toe. All points in between receive a shocking experience. Darth is gonna be completely taken by surprise!!!
Post 382 IP   flag post
Collector Maverick private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by SteveRicketts
If your book left the grading room on, or after Monday morning (7/11), it will get a new label.

This is a very disappointing comment if true. This new label is not what I paid for months ago. The excessive TAT is one thing, I can live with that. To completely change the product with out even notifying customers is ridiculous. A simpler solution would have been to announce, then have a break in period to transition to the new label.

Its a shame too, I held out to submit to CBCS til the forums were open so I could share my excitement with fellow collectors. You guys are making that hard to do right now. The label was one of the biggest draws to the CBCS case for me. The low key unobtrusive tone of the label really let the book shine.

This new label is not what I paid for please do not ship my books with it. Ive sent an email stating this also.
Post 383 IP   flag post
Collector jdangerc private msg quote post Address this user
I really hope that they give you an option to go with the old label or fix the new label. With Cincy Comic Expo coming up I am going to have Stan Lee sign a few books. I love CBCS and customer service is truly top notch, but I simply hate the new labels. I hope some kind of option or change happens before September. Fingers crossed.
Post 384 IP   flag post
Collector BradT private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Maverick
Originally Posted by SteveRicketts
If your book left the grading room on, or after Monday morning (7/11), it will get a new label.

This is a very disappointing comment if true. This new label is not what I paid for months ago. The excessive TAT is one thing, I can live with that. To completely change the product with out even notifying customers is ridiculous. A simpler solution would have been to announce, then have a break in period to transition to the new label.

Its a shame too, I held out to submit to CBCS til the forums were open so I could share my excitement with fellow collectors. You guys are making that hard to do right now. The label was one of the biggest draws to the CBCS case for me. The low key unobtrusive tone of the label really let the book shine.

This new label is not what I paid for please do not ship my books with it. Ive sent an email stating this also.

Did they say anything to your email? I just submitted $500 worth of books I'm really hoping won't have the new label. I would hate to think I'll have to Reholder all these when the label is fixed...
Post 385 IP   flag post
Collector SilverAgeFan private msg quote post Address this user
Steve and the rest of the CBCS team, my books should ship this week from your facility there in St. Petersberg.
I'm perfectly comfortable with the new Lakeland/logo. I personally like it. Like I said previously in this thread, it's a label/logo for Petes sake!
That being said, on the one point, I understand some people being upset that they paid good money to receive one thing only to find out they're getting another. Changing the physical appearance of the product with no notification was probably a mistake.
In any event, I'm looking forward to getting my books back this week. I'll be shipping another to you as well!
Post 386 IP   flag post
Collector KenWorthing private msg quote post Address this user
I'm looking forward to getting my 'Civil War' (Steranko Captain America Variant) ASP and 'Sinister Tales' #23 back shortly in the new livery

I like the way the new slabs present, and not wishing to fan the flames more (I agree with SilverAgeFan) .. it's a label/logo for Petes sake! .. it's not like it's causing waviness to your books.
Post 387 IP   flag post
Collector SilverAgeFan private msg quote post Address this user
@KenWorthing, be careful Ken, having the viewpoint that we do puts us in a solid minority on here!😱
Post 388 IP   flag post
Collector DertyComix private msg quote post Address this user
@jdangerc nope it already hase been mentioned on this thread that after a specific date the old labels are not being printed, and that all new labels will be used from here on. I have to dig in the pages to find the quote.
Post 389 IP   flag post
Collector DertyComix private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by SteveRicketts
If your book left the grading room on, or after Monday morning (7/11), it will get a new label.
@jdangerc here is the word from Steve him self
Post 390 IP   flag post
Collector Maverick private msg quote post Address this user
@BradT No there was no indication of the label switch in the email I recieved on june 13th when my books went to grading. Actually I didnt see any indication of this switch other than the random chance I noticed steves post from early on the 16th.

I paid almost 700 dollars on my first submission. Waited way past the advertised TATs and now im being told I wont even get what I paid for. No. Sorry I think not.

Post 391 IP   flag post
Collector matterus023 private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Maverick
@BradT No there was no indication of the label switch in the email I recieved on june 13th when my books went to grading. Actually I didnt see any indication of this switch other than the random chance I noticed steves post from early on the 16th.

I paid almost 700 dollars on my first submission. Waited way past the advertised TATs and now im being told I wont even get what I paid for. No. Sorry I think not.


I can only fully agree. This is not good at all. CBCS need to address this issue NOW and public-ally apologise to you and others of similar situations.

A post saying something along the lines of this was simply an oversight and mistake on our behalf would be good enough. Plus they will provide the old labels for those who thought this is what they were getting in the first place.

We all make mistakes. The longer an apology drags out the worse it will get I believe for CBCS
Post 392 IP   flag post
Why just the women? I like bears. Gaard private msg quote post Address this user
I like the new label ... a lot. It's 'stronger'. I feel it compliments my comics better.
Post 393 IP   flag post
Collector Maverick private msg quote post Address this user
@matterus023 Thank you for the support. Even though I absolutely do not care for the new labels I understand the reasons for the change. But apply that change to books submitted after the announcement. You cant change something people already paid for PRIOR to your "official" announcement (15th or 16th, depending on how you look at it).

Its the weekend so I dont expect much today but I will be fully persuing the matter come Monday.
Post 394 IP   flag post
Collector Jeremy_K private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by jdangerc
I really hope that they give you an option to go with the old label or fix the new label. With Cincy Comic Expo coming up I am going to have Stan Lee sign a few books. I love CBCS and customer service is truly top notch, but I simply hate the new labels. I hope some kind of option or change happens before September. Fingers crossed.

He's coming?
Post 395 IP   flag post
Collector Spideyfan73 private msg quote post Address this user
I wasn't fond of the original label, but am in the camp of feeling the new design went backwards. I'm ok with the Zelda/Link shield logo, but the offset look/lack of lower boarder is a visual detractor. Not too keen with the font used for the numeric grade either. Alas, most people are adverse to change and eventually the change becomes the norm. That said, if part of CBCS business model is listening to customers, then including them in the redesign plotting may have had better results. As stated previously, having a thread whilst offering several designs for open discussion and suggestions where the details could be fine tuned would have been more favorable. My 2 pennies. I only have a couple of CBCS slabs. I was going to submit a small batch, but think I'll wait for a response since CBCS listens to its customers. Over "there" this thread would have been proofed long ago and we'd have a locked mod thread with a sumo response saying to just suck it up. Though perhaps "all books shipped after 7/11, will have the new labels" is just a polite way of putting it. Shrugs...
Post 396 IP   flag post
Collector matterus023 private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Spideyfan73
I wasn't fond of the original label, but am in the camp of feeling the new design went backwards. I'm ok with the Zelda/Link shield logo, but the offset look/lack of lower boarder is a visual detractor. Not too keen with the font used for the numeric grade either. Alas, most people are adverse to change and eventually the change becomes the norm. That said, if part of CBCS business model is listening to customers, then including them in the redesign plotting may have had better results. As stated previously, having a thread whilst offering several designs for open discussion and suggestions where the details could be fine tuned would have been more favorable. My 2 pennies. I only have a couple of CBCS slabs. I was going to submit a small batch, but think I'll wait for a response since CBCS listens to its customers. Over "there" this thread would have been proofed long ago and we'd have a locked mod thread with a sumo response saying to just suck it up. Though perhaps "all books shipped after 7/11, will have the new labels" is just a polite way of putting it. Shrugs...

I am NOT a fan of the way CGC handled things in the slightest over there but they did let the initial blasting of them go on for over 600 pages. I am not defending the way they handled the situation in anyway shape or form just pointing that out.

From CBCS's track record I believe they will have a response coming asap....or so I hope. Plus regarding the change of the label without letting those know subbing that this will in-fact be the product they get, I really really hope they just hold their hands up and say we can fully see and understand why this has annoyed some of our customers. We are in the wrong and will rectify it. No politician answer, no but this but that, just straight up sorry and move on like professionals.
Post 397 IP   flag post
Collector Kinzebac private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Maverick
Its the weekend so I dont expect much today but I will be fully persuing the matter come Monday.

I think we can all agree that given what has transpired since the label announcement on Friday that Monday will be a very interesting day.
Post 398 IP   flag post
Collector DannyBoy private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by matterus023
All are opinions are just that OUR opinions.

Actually, there is such a thing as good design and bad design. It's not purely subjective.
Post 399 IP   flag post
Collector DannyBoy private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by CatmanAmerica
I'm a strong CBCS supporter, but there are aspects of the new label that doesn't work for me as a collector. From a dealer's perspective, the new label design matters less because there are no issues with the holder or perception of the holder that compell disclosure to customers.

As a collector, however, I can't see supporting the label change for additions to my own collection. The new CBCS label design isn't in the same league as CGCs double-down debauchery, but the aesthetics just don't work for me.

I'd urge those making decisions at CBCS to seriously consider allowing the old label as an option. This would be a wonderful alternative that would undoubtably please folks on both sides of the issue. It would also demonstrate how CBCS sets itself apart from CGC serving customers.

THIS. Thank you, Catman.
Post 400 IP   flag post
Collector matterus023 private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by DannyBoy
Originally Posted by matterus023
All are opinions are just that OUR opinions.

Actually, there is such a thing as good design and bad design. It's not purely subjective.

Agreed. I meant more in the sense that our opinions on it all may not sway what CBCS do with the new design. I as you put believe that more often than not, MOST can differentiate between a good or bad design
Post 401 IP   flag post
COLLECTOR JWKyle private msg quote post Address this user
They had a label for 2 years people said it was boring so they change it up. The new design the majority hates it or the "vocal majority" hated it and the silent minority is not being that vocal either way. A way to kill all this label hate talk is for one of the CBCS higher ups is to come on here and say "we have heard you and will be looking for a redesign" or "we have heard you but this is your new label" I think a lack of response from CBCS leans more to statement two. What I don't want to happen is a flipping around on labels every few years. Get one and stick with it. I want my graded books to be as uniformed as possible. Oh and some of the stuff being passed off as a good design a big Primary red label yeah that doesn't pull your eyes away from a book at all.
Post 402 IP   flag post
You think I'm joking, I'm not. earthshaker01 private msg quote post Address this user
Holy cow are we still talking about this. Isn't it time to get over it. I would invite you to lay to slabs next to one another of reach label and I think you will be happy with new label. Video they posted doesn't do it justice.
Post 403 IP   flag post
Collector Maverick private msg quote post Address this user
@earthshaker01 Ill get over it when you reimburse my 700 dollars until then keep it to yourself.
Post 404 IP   flag post
Collector Marc_1 private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Maverick
Originally Posted by SteveRicketts
If your book left the grading room on, or after Monday morning (7/11), it will get a new label.

This is a very disappointing comment if true. This new label is not what I paid for months ago. The excessive TAT is one thing, I can live with that. To completely change the product with out even notifying customers is ridiculous. A simpler solution would have been to announce, then have a break in period to transition to the new label.

Its a shame too, I held out to submit to CBCS til the forums were open so I could share my excitement with fellow collectors. You guys are making that hard to do right now. The label was one of the biggest draws to the CBCS case for me. The low key unobtrusive tone of the label really let the book shine.

This new label is not what I paid for please do not ship my books with it. Ive sent an email stating this also.

Winner for the most ridiculous post on this forum to date.
Post 405 IP   flag post
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