CBCS launches New Logo and Brand756
CBCS Pressing | SteveRicketts private msg quote post Address this user | |
If your book left the grading room on, or after Monday morning (7/11), it will get a new label. | ||
Post 326 IP flag post |
Collector | Marc_1 private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by DarthLego HAHAHAHAHAH! |
Post 327 IP flag post |
Collector | Marc_1 private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by SteveRicketts Can you believe the amount of complaining about this label? It's unreal. What is wrong with people today? |
Post 328 IP flag post |
Collector | matterus023 private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by Marc_1 I feel this is a tad harsh. I love to have opinions on most things which is why I have commented on this thread ha, but does this new label effect my life really in anyway...No not really. However I can appreciate for others who like uniformity, have OCD, are passionate for design etc etc why they have voiced their opinions the way they have. I mean to me for some to say that they will never use CBCS again is over the top. But to them this is justified as it is their own opinion on it all. As CBCS has said before all types of feedback (negative or positive) are welcome. So if someone LOVES this new label that much it has made them move away from CGC or someone HATES it that much they will never use CBCS again......as much as they seem the more extreme opinions/views they are justified as why should these people not express what their brains are telling them? In future CBCS should possibly include people on this forum (and other places) before putting a new label out. Also specify exactly when they are coming into play etc as this has annoyed some people and rightly so. Overall if this is the biggest problem facing CBCS atm then they should be very pleased. I know I would be running a company of this size with so many other aspects which could need attention. |
Post 329 IP flag post |
Collector | Kinzebac private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by Jesse_O Alright. Thanks for letting me know. |
Post 330 IP flag post |
Collector | Oxbladder private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by matterus023 I don't think he was harsh at all. Some of the reaction was harsh. Ultimately does the label give a person the correct information is all that matters. Trying to please everyone with the rest is impossible. Again, like with the previous label and the labels from other companies, there things I like and dislike about it but in the end it really doesn't matter because I am not collecting the label. |
Post 331 IP flag post |
Collector | matterus023 private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by Oxbladder My point is that there isn't anything wrong with people when it comes to their personal opinions on style and aesthetics. If someone doesn't wish to use CBCS anymore because of this then this is their prerogative. Not for me or you or anyone else to understand their standpoint. That is why I thought saying ''what is wrong with people'' is a TAD harsh. |
Post 332 IP flag post |
You think I'm joking, I'm not. | earthshaker01 private msg quote post Address this user | |
To be honest. In the end all I care about is the grade of the book. I grade my books strictly for investment purposes. So as long as the grade is sound and respected. The label appeal doesn't mean jack squat in the score of things. "I like the label, I don't like, prestige worldwide." (Anyone know what movie I am sort of referencing?) | ||
Post 333 IP flag post |
Collector | Captain_Aspirin private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by Marc_1 I can understand the gripe with sending your books in months ago, getting charged for the service, and purchasing the service under the notion that you know what your are getting. Now people who don't like the label are presented with a situation where they've changed what was advertised, it's already implemented, and there's no choice about it. Yes, for all you people who will claim that the quality of the slabs and grading have not changed, that is 100% true. But the way this was handled was unprofessional and unfair to customers (Pick a percentage you want). |
Post 334 IP flag post |
COLLECTOR | DarthLego private msg quote post Address this user | |
Has anyone else checked out CBCS Facebook page? Displeasure of this logo and label isn't isolated to people here in the forum. This is not a trivial thing now. CBCS has a major corporate branding problem here. | ||
Post 335 IP flag post |
Collector | DertyComix private msg quote post Address this user | |
@Captain_Aspirin i beleive you hit the nail in the coffin on this. I am one of many coustomers who did submit with the intention of getting the previous label and now have deal with a not so prety label. Its not going to stop me from submitting comics to cbcs, but i am disappointed in the product that they have put out. | ||
Post 336 IP flag post |
Collector | Kinzebac private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by DarthLego I just checked this out. Yikes. |
Post 337 IP flag post |
Collector | Kinsella5 private msg quote post Address this user | |
The more I look at the label, I still feel the front is too small, just plenty of wasted empty space at certain places, and the grading number is way too small. It needs to be larger and stand out more, and preferably they change the font style. I still plan on giving all my business to CBCS, this wasn't a deal breaker for me with regards to the new label, however, CBCS was riding high especially after the CGC case issues, now only to see many people bashing (some quite hard) on CBCS for changing the label to something far less appealing than what they had. I will admit I am one of those who don't really care for it, but trying to voice my comments in a professional manner. I agree with those who think the rivets look is a bit outdated, a number of graphic designers have chimed in as well and most don't seem to care for the design. Maybe CBCS will do what CGC did, listen and take in all the complaints and then re-evaluate the new label and perhaps they will revise it, etc. I liked the previous label, adding the hologram and perhaps making it bolder would have been nice, but I may be in the minority in thinking that. |
Post 338 IP flag post |
COLLECTOR | DarthLego private msg quote post Address this user | |
In 2009 Kraft rebranded, took so much heat they reverted branding back after 6 months. In 2010 GAP rebranded, took so much heat they reverted branding back after 6 DAYS. Both Kraft and GAP had clean and professional looking new designs, they are both major corporations. CBCS's rebranding is neither clean nor professional. This is coming from a customer who loves this company. My first submission with CBCS made me very happy, the books look so good in the slabs with that beautiful old label. As much as I love you guys, I love my comic books more. I collect comics with beautiful covers. I like to look at, display, and admire my collection. In my opinion the new label is a poorly designed eye sore. If one of those slabs were hanging on my wall it would make me groan every time I walked by it. We are ultimately collectors of artwork in this hobby, aesthetics is very important to a large number of us. We care about how our books look, we obsess over the tiniest flaws on these books. We strive to find beautiful near flawless copies. Once we find that perfect book, we want everything about the display of the book in our homes to be perfect. These things might be trivial to some, but please respect and understand to some of us these things are not trivial at all. Presentation is important to a lot of people. Imagine you are in a 5 star restaurant and order up a perfectly cooked steak dinner, and the waiter presents your steak to you served upon a garbage can lid. Are you going to happily eat that steak? It's still the same perfectly cooked meat right? CBCS needs their product and branding to look just as good and professional as they are as a company. The previous logo reflected their professionalism, the previous label was clean, sharp, professional, and looked great. Some said it was boring, but no one ever said it was ugly or poorly designed. The new label and logo are huge steps backwards for CBCS. It's not too late for them to revert or to tweak. They can salvage this. But I really hope they do not put their fingers into their ears and pretend everything is just fine. We've already seen another company act that way recently. |
Post 339 IP flag post |
Collector | Captain_Aspirin private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by DarthLego Curious to see where this goes. |
Post 340 IP flag post |
-Our Odin- Rest in Peace |
Jesse_O private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by Captain_Aspirin I don't think you have to worry about CBCS listening to their customer base. I'm sure they will be asking people at cons about it and add that input with the feelings expressed on the forum and on Facebook. Everything in CBCS's past leads me to believe that IF this label is the epic failure that some people think it is, they will readjust. This is just my opinion based on my experiences with CBCS and the leadership of it. I would hope you would agree that the management at "another company" is severely lacking when it comes to listening to their customers. |
Post 341 IP flag post |
I bought a meat grinder on amazon for $60 and it's changed my life. | kaptainmyke private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by DarthLego Wow. You're not kidding. At all. This isn't good guys.... |
Post 342 IP flag post |
I bought a meat grinder on amazon for $60 and it's changed my life. | kaptainmyke private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by Jesse_O I agree. They'll back-peddle or hire a better design team. |
Post 343 IP flag post |
Collector | dmoloth private msg quote post Address this user | |
Honestly, I thought the old label was kind of washed out and plain. I just sent my first shipment to CBCS about 3 weeks ago (30 books) and I was actually pretty impressed with the new design when I watched the video. I like the riveted look and the holo-shield. I do think the "9" looks a bit strangely stylized, but not enough to dislike the overall design. |
Post 344 IP flag post |
Collector | DertyComix private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by kaptainmykeI am curious to see how they will handle this. I do want to be a fly in there meetings to see how they will do the damage control on this issue. This has set the company back abit with the coustomer base that they have, possibly loosing some. |
Post 345 IP flag post |
Collector | Captain_Aspirin private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by Jesse_O Sorry, should have been more specific. Curious to see where this response goes. I have never doubted CBCS's leadership, quality, and customer service ability. I see all the differences between CBCS and the competition. |
Post 346 IP flag post |
Collector | Oxbladder private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by DarthLego Funny you should mention Kraft. They have changed their look again AND without telling ANYONE changed their ingredients. For the latter not one single person claimed that Kraft Dinner suddenly tasted like crap. Kraft learned from the New Coke experience and just bit their tongues. That is why you will find more and more companies rebranding without saying a thing. No matter what CBCS did SOMEONE would have complained. |
Post 347 IP flag post |
Collector | matterus023 private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by Oxbladder 100% agree. The trick though I feel is to make the majority happy instead of unhappy. This is why I feel a label changed should be done public ally . Some will always be unhappy but at least they would of felt they still had a say in it all and could make a decision whether to send in for grading etc Plus with comics over say Kraft the customer base is much more focused and easy to find and interact with. |
Post 348 IP flag post |
Collector | DertyComix private msg quote post Address this user | |
@Oxbladder would you say that Kraft had put out a product that had sucked so bad visually? In our little world the visual apearance is every thing. To have a vissually unapealing label affects the experience and look of our cherrished books. With so few grading companies to choose from I.E. 3 companies, its harder for us to switch from company to company unlike produce. In my opinion and observations. | ||
Post 349 IP flag post |
Collector | Oxbladder private msg quote post Address this user | |
Sure but are the MAJORITY really upset? How many CBCS customers does this forum have? How many of those don't or do like the label? (on most forums the majority of the members do NOT post or visit all the time) And so forth. |
Post 350 IP flag post |
Collector | Oxbladder private msg quote post Address this user | |
@DertyComix yes. Have you seen the new branding? It's hideous IMO. However, they may be focusing it for younger people attached to mobile devices that prefer acronyms to actually using real words. :shrugs: (yes I get the irony of using IMO ) |
Post 351 IP flag post |
Collector | dmoloth private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by matterus023 I doubt that would matter much because internet forums (in general) are a funny beast. Don't allow a vote, and people enrage because they had no vote. Allow a vote, and people enrage because they refuse to believe the results of the vote. Throw in all of the personal motivators for why people hate a particular change, which is not always obvious, and you have a recipe for disaster in nearly all cases. Think about all the people that have been angry for days without even knowing what any of this was for... that is pretty much what forums are. Large doses of anger and trolling with a small percentage of useful information and pleasant interaction. You just have to hope for the best. |
Post 352 IP flag post |
Collector | DertyComix private msg quote post Address this user | |
@Oxbladder totally agreed, and yes it is horrible. Not a big fan of it. | ||
Post 353 IP flag post |
Collector | Oxbladder private msg quote post Address this user | |
@DertyComix honestly I am all for customer input ... but only to a certain degree. If I had a vote I would have voted for the old design but it seems there were people that didn't like that. If those of us contributed our objections to the label change people nothing would have been changed. (I also would have voted for the old label over the one alternative posted earlier in this thread which I think is far too busy and garish, however it did have some elements that looked alright. Again just my preference.) |
Post 354 IP flag post |
Collector | DertyComix private msg quote post Address this user | |
@Oxbladder i too would have voted for the previous label. As for the other label, i would have voted on it my self. In my opinion it looked a while lot better than the new one, and yes it needs some work but it would been in a better direction than what they have now. | ||
Post 355 IP flag post |
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