A letter from Jeromy Murray, VP of CBCS and Beckett7282
Collector | Poseidon5421 private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by Timelyfinds I have 2 quick stream and 15 modern books out since May 26th...one was a Father's Day gift. Maybe I'll be able to give it to him in time for next Father's Day. |
Post 101 IP flag post |
Collector | Timelyfinds private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by Jesse_O I do wish CbCs the best and hope they fix their current problems. |
Post 102 IP flag post |
Collector | kash private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by TimBildhauser It must really tick off the people who have books that they have been waiting much, much longer for to hear that books sent in months after theirs are shipping out. |
Post 103 IP flag post |
Collector | MR_SigS private msg quote post Address this user | |
My job requires me to make a product within a certain amount of time, but now and then something happens that interferes with that goal. One of my managers likes to ask, "Is it better to do the right job, or to the job right?" This applies well with the TAT issue, I think. It sounds like the "right job" would be getting the books out as advertised, but does that jeopardize whether the job is being done right? As a collector, if I were to actually sub books for grading (which I do NOT do), I'd want accuracy over punctuality. I guess I'm just patient that way. I suppose it could be different if I had to sell books asap while they're still hot, but I don't sell, or buy those types of books. |
Post 104 IP flag post |
Collector | kash private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by MR_SigS It's not the actual turnaround times that make me wary of sending in books. It's the way the issues are being handled. I understand that when certain issues arise, there aren't always ways to quickly fix them. For instance, it's not like there are lines of professional comic book graders at the unemployment office. But the website *still* has unrealistic turnaround times listed and has for months. Be open. Be honest. Stop whining and making excuses. Like telling us that the TAT estimates are based on books currently shipping... Unless pretty much every poster in this thread is a pathological liar, this is either inaccurate or newer submissions are being processed ahead of earlier ones for the same services. Either of which make the TAT estimates complete fabrications/wishful thinking. |
Post 105 IP flag post |
Collector | MR_SigS private msg quote post Address this user | |
I think every poster complaining in this thread make up a very small percentage of CBCS's customers, so I don't necessarily see this as an indication of what IS. For all we know, the majority of their customers are understanding. | ||
Post 106 IP flag post |
I don't believe this....and I know you don't care that I don't believe this. | GAC private msg quote post Address this user | |
Definitly the vocal minority. | ||
Post 107 IP flag post |
Collector | TimBildhauser private msg quote post Address this user | |
There's a thread for discussing TAT, here's the link to it: clickable text Any discussion about TAT should be posted there. This thread is being temporarily locked until tomorrow to speed that process along. |
Post 108 IP flag post |
Collector | Kenblankenfeld private msg quote post Address this user | |
I submitted my books June 17 I miss my books and just want them back at this point. I know things are taking longer since they moved. But i do have one question.... Are the new slabs going to have beckett name anywhere on them. It would be a good thing. |
Post 109 IP flag post |
Collector | imcnok private msg quote post Address this user | |
I just found this thread.....I have a quickstream order outstanding and had no idea it was a 6 month turnaround time. Wish I knew this before sending. I got a ship notice though ...does that mean it's shipping? Only took a couple weeks. |
Post 110 IP flag post |
Collector | normie private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by RyanHicks Being a first time submitter, I know waiting is waiting. HOWEVER. I am not the one who set this deadline, I am not the one who responded to a "whats the status of my comics" email with "please see the TAT calendar, it is up to date an accurate. I am also not the one who after a month past the calendar deadline posted "you will get your comics next month" Set the expectation, COMMUNICATE with your customer and strive to deliver WHEN YOU SAY YOU WILL. If you cannot, COMMUNICATE the delay. This isn't rocket surgery, it's simple communication and customer service. What we have now is "we have your money, go away until we are done with your stuff. This is unacceptable. |
Post 111 IP flag post |
Collector | Bloodlikefire private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by SteveRicketts Okay, I'm looking for an update on the progress of getting "Turn around Times under control". It has been more then 3 months since this letter was posted and TAT are still massively behind. How long does it take to get new staff into position and trained? Con season is over. When can we expect to see our books back! |
Post 112 IP flag post |
Collector | Darryl_H private msg quote post Address this user | |
Con season may have slowed down, but it will take time to work through the backlog of submissions. Currently we are working on shipping out July (October turn around)submissions and are gaining ground. As far as new staff goes, it does take time to train these employees. Don’t forget we are dealing with comics and valuable ones at that, so no one is going to be turned loose before they are ready. |
Post 113 IP flag post |
Collector | Bloodlikefire private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by Darryl_H The slow down has been a know issue for almost 6 months. Are you seriously trying to tell me it takes someone longer then six months to be trained, 1 on 1, to properly and safely grade a comic book? |
Post 114 IP flag post |
Collector | MarvelousComics private msg quote post Address this user | |
-Moved to other post- | ||
Post 115 IP flag post |
Collector | TimBildhauser private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by TimBildhauser Not a fan of quoting myself but... |
Post 116 IP flag post |
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