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Todd Mcfarlanre letter708

Collector SilverAgeFan private msg quote post Address this user
I saw years ago in either a Superman or an Action Comic a letter to the editor from none other than Mcfarlane himself. I later saw an interview with him where he verified it. Anyone else see this and know what book it in?
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COLLECTOR DarthLego private msg quote post Address this user
The letter is in Superman 366.

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Collector SilverAgeFan private msg quote post Address this user
Thanks a bunch Darth! Great memory!
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Collector MR_SigS private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by SilverAgeFan
Thanks a bunch Darth! Great memory!

The Force is strong with this one.

Or the Google skills lol.
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Collector SilverAgeFan private msg quote post Address this user
Well.... After a rocky start on here with some of y'all (which was my pigheaded fault), I now see things properly concerning TAT. So NOOO, Darth didn't google, he knew!
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COLLECTOR DarthLego private msg quote post Address this user

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Collector SilverAgeFan private msg quote post Address this user
Darth...... Are you playing around? I'm feeling a slowly tightening squeeze around my throat.
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Collector MR_SigS private msg quote post Address this user
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I'll probably wake up constipated. Pre_Coder private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by DarthLego

Rocket Raccoon's secret identity was easy to spot. Maybe he should have worn glasses.
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