James Gunn Fired From Guardians of the Galaxy 36938
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Logan510 private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by DJC_II Irony <3 |
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poka private msg quote post Address this user | |
This is the guy who started the campaign against Gunn. Maybe he should get fired himself![]() |
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conditionfreak private msg quote post Address this user | |
Fired from what? As I understand it, he is self employed. I think people are losing sight of what this is about. It is about Disney and it's reputation/interests. Disney can hire and fire anyone it seems fit to do so, in their own self interest. I would have fired this guy also, if I owned Disney and this came into the public domain. Share Holders and the bottom line come first. I can't believe so many people are angry or upset by this guys firing. Why? Is he irreplaceable? Is he being railroaded for something he didn't do? Have the Russians infiltrated Hollywood and Disney? Like others have said. Do what you want in life. But be prepared to suffer the consequences of your actions. These tweets were stupid. There are mistakes, and then there are stupid and outrageous mistakes. Someone splain to me why this firing would upset anyone except Mr. Gunn. (and yes I know how to spell explain) |
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shrewbeer private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by Logan510 This is where we can agree. You get hired by DISNEY, you scrub the hell out of yourself and lock any skeletons away where nobody can find them. Now if he did that, and the guy who ousted him was holding them for a rainy day, then f that guy as well |
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poka private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by conditionfreak From what I can see Gunn has accepted it as a learning experience. The issue is that who gets fired and who doesn't is so arbitrary with the public being the jury and on top you have people with moral standards who turns out not being so moral after all |
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conditionfreak private msg quote post Address this user | |
The whole world is made up of flawed people, I agree. But there are degrees of idiocy. Saying there is no such thing as "date rape" is not near as bad as saying things about having sex with little boys and girls. But in general, you are correct. Those that live in glass house should not throw stones. |
Post 56 IP flag post |
![]() Splotches is gettin old! |
Nuffsaid111 private msg quote post Address this user | |
Ahhhh the world of social media and living in the 20teens. Gotta love it. Everyone is a criminal unless theyre squeeky clean AND have not pissed someone off. Do one or the other (or both) and eventually someone will get you. | ||
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Logan510 private msg quote post Address this user | |
People still defending this guy? | ||
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GAC private msg quote post Address this user | |
https://t.co/i4qhVPwHu5 | ||
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X51 private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by conditionfreak I strongly disagree with the text I put in bold font above. They are equally bad. Have you ever had a serious and honest conversation with a rape victim? |
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X51 private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by GAC I'm not signing that. He did what he did. Disney is family oriented entertainment. They have a right to employee people who represent and share their values. |
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GAC private msg quote post Address this user | |
no need to... it's there to be signed by whoever wants to. the person uncovered these decade old tweets for political reasons and motivations. he had an agenda, a plan. Gunn was targeted....think about that. |
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DJC_II private msg quote post Address this user | |
@GAC great link, thanks for posting. | ||
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conditionfreak private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by X51 Equally bad? Seriously? To answer your question. No, I have not. I had a career as a police officer in a major city, and not once came across a "date rape" scenario. I have been involved in the investigations of many rape scenarios. Some were revenge false claims, but most were true crimes. But never a "date rape" situation. I can only assume one of those would have a female victim. In which case, a female detective would have done the interview. I admit that date rape most likely exists, with drug usage (which includes alcohol). But I would not equate someone having sex by force while out on a date, as "date rape". That would be just plain rape. I would have to look it up in the Ohio Criminal Code because I have been out of the business since 2003. But I'm pretty sure there is no crime titled "Date Rape", at least in Ohio. Just "Rape". As a side note. Most of the rapes I have investigated were rapes of children by adults. The worst rape case I ever had, was of a 300 lb man by two of his male friends. They were partying together after the two "suspects" just got out of prison. The victim got drunk and the two other men tied him up to the bed posts and had their way. He escaped when they were done, and we came across him running down the middle of the street, naked from the waist down and ropes dangling from his wrists. I suppose that could be a "date rape". This victim was really big and was a tow truck operator for a living. Which made it hard to believe the rape thing at first. But turned out he was 100% right, and we got the two guys. Who had been long time friends of the victim. But I digress. Just a memory you brought back. |
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X51 private msg quote post Address this user | |
My point is that rape is rape and it's all bad. Date rape is just rape that occurs on a date and the victim trusted the attacker. It happens. To deny it happens is to deny that the crime exists and that's a very crappy thing to do to the victims. The sister of a girl I dated was tied to a tree and raped in the woods by her "friends". |
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conditionfreak private msg quote post Address this user | |
Yes. All rape is all bad. But murdering a person is divided by degrees in the law. And so is rape. You are supposed to get the death penalty for murdering a cop. But murdering an average citizen will get you like 17 years in prison. And sadly, often times a lot less. And just for the record. I think those disparities are wrong. I believe if you murder someone, you should get murdered. No matter who you murdered. I mean, after all. Isn't the basis of our justice system that the punishment should fit the crime? Which brings up an interesting concept. Should rapists be raped as punishment? (of course not, but fun to ponder) Castrated perhaps? I am glad I only had to catch the bad guys. I didn't have to decide what their punishments should be. |
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X51 private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by conditionfreak I think you'll find that brain chemical imbalances, genetics, and environment all play a bigger role than law abiding citizens would like to think. I worked with a guy that eventually murdered someone. Before his divorce and before losing his job, he was one of the most normal people I'd ever met. I can't look at anyone since then and think they are incapable of a crime. I don't dwell on it, but you never know. I'm not going to sign the rehire petition for Mr. Gunn because I honestly don't know the man or what he's capable of doing. Friends can be deceived. |
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Tedsaid private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by X51 I think the "date rape" statement is worse than the pedophile jokes. But only because the jokes, as bad as they were, were pretty obviously jokes. The other is a serious debate point from someone who actually believes that crap. I'll take a bad joke over a harmful-but-earnest opinion any day. Plus, the guy's a real asshat. He's the one who started the whole rumor mill about Clinton running a child-pornography ring out of the basement of a Pizza place in DC. Enough so that a guy actually went there with a gun "to stop it." He just makes up right-wing nonsense stories, over and over. Now he's attacking James Gunn. It's a shame, but I understand why Disney did what they did. It is over now, for them. If they didn't fire him, the weeks-long story would be: why did they fire Roseanne but not Gunn? And the right-wing propaganda networks would spew out even more of their pseudo-righteous indignation. I feel bad for Gunn, but I'm sure glad I don't have to endure THAT. |
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conditionfreak private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by Tedsaid Wait...What?....Are you saying that is not true? Have any proof? Damn Russians making us do things we don't really want to do,............. again. ![]() |
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Lonestar private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by Tedsaid But this story is NOT made up. The tweets from Gunn are real, and Gunn has admitted such. |
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kaptainmyke private msg quote post Address this user | |
None of this is funny. It's a hard life lesson learned for Gunn. And everyone else paying attention. | ||
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JLS_Comics private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by kaptainmyke It's a lesson for everyone to remember not to say stupid crap online |
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Tedsaid private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by Lonestar Yes, real tweets, real jokes. I'm not sure what your point is? Did you actually think James Gunn was an admitted pedophile? That he was bragging on Twitter about his exploits with little kids? FYI, he wasn't. That was the part that was made up. Mike Cernovich lied about all that, acting like he "uncovered" Gunn's deep, dark secret. Same with Pizzagate, and a half dozen other examples of his distorted attacks. |
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Paulbg2000 private msg quote post Address this user | |
"Hold my beer...." - Dan Harmon | ||
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billkruser5 private msg quote post Address this user | |
Can someone tell these people that its not a contest for how low you can go as a human? | ||
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Lonestar private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by Tedsaid You can't seriously believe this and Pizzagate are the same. Gunn's tweets were all real. Pizzagate was a complete fabrication. Not remotely equivalent. I think Gunn's explanation that the tweets were an effort at provocative humor is believable. But I don't think they are at all funny, in any way, shape or form. If you think those tweets are funny or in any way appropriate, we have a fundamental difference of opinions that no amount of postings will change. |
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X51 private msg quote post Address this user | |
I don't think videos of people getting hurt while doing stunts are funny, but many people do. Humor can work on different levels. Crude jokes can sometime fall into the "No soap, radio" type of joke which is acknowledged in the wikipedia. It's not funny, but the fact that people want to get it or figure out why something was said is where all the humor exists. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/No_soap_radio It's called surreal humor in that listing. |
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CatmanAmerica private msg quote post Address this user | |
Quote:Originally Posted by X51 This is very true and as a society we should recognize that humor, like all moving targets, is very time sensitive. What folks found funny ten or twenty years ago ...whether it was or wasn't in retrospect... may be totally repugnant when seen today. Watching the History of Comedy a day or so ago reminded me of this truism. There's a scene in the comedy film Airplane (Zuckerman Bros.) where the straitlaced pilot ...portrayed by Leslie Nielsen... talks to an excited little boy carrying a model airplane who an attendant brings forward to the cabin. During the conversation that ensues with the pilot Leslie Nielsen casually asks him if he'd ever seen a naked man. I literally cringed watching this even though it was intended as broad satire of an entire genre of film. That scene probably wouldn't be filmed today and if it were, the studio would likely cut it. Looking back, I can't recall the audience reaction in the theater where I saw Airplane when it was in release, but I'm sure most folks found it hysterically funny. It just demonstrates how much attitudes have changed that joking about pedophilia ...even in the abstract... is universally considered offensive. |
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GAC private msg quote post Address this user | |
what's also perplexing about this situation is Gunn publically acknowledged and apologised for these tweets in 2012. why was nothing done about this then? why now is it an issue? everyone can agree the tweets are offensive...nobody is defending the tweets. everyone knows they're crass and of poor taste. acknowledged and apologised for 6 years ago by Gunn. what's the cut off (if there is one) if Gunn had said these things in print 35 years ago and uncovered the same way, does or should that change what resulted? I don't like the fact that something said years ago....acknowledged and apologised for years ago can still result in this. this could potentially set a dangerous precedent. |
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Paulbg2000 private msg quote post Address this user | |
I know most.of the cast have voiced their displeasure over the firing...Bobcat Goldwaith had an interesting post on his instagram this afternoon. ![]() |
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