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Collector MR_SigS private msg quote post Address this user
Sub forums. I wanted sub forums.
Post 276 IP   flag post
Collector Stelbert_Stylton private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by MR_SigS
Sub forums. I wanted sub forums.

+ 1 This place needs a Comics General.
Post 277 IP   flag post
Collector Stelbert_Stylton private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by CatmanAmerica
Originally Posted by Stelbert_Stylton
Originally Posted by DannyBoy
Originally Posted by Stelbert_Stylton
Originally Posted by The_Curmudgeon
All those poor OCD folks out there are going to have to send in all their books for reholder now so all the labels match.

They don't have OCD, they're just anal retentive.

It's the same thing, hippie.


Hippie? LOL. Ask Borock and Catman what I think about hippies 😵 😉

Peace bro, your secret is safe with us.

Post 278 IP   flag post
Collector BrianGreensnips private msg quote post Address this user
I just watched the video for the new design and I think it looks pretty clean. I am not sure if I like the hologram as much though. Reminds me of Upper Deck cards from the 90's. I was not a fan of the original logo either. It had an uptight feel to it. Still 50/50 at this point.
Post 279 IP   flag post
Leftover Sundae Gnus CatmanAmerica private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Despain
Originally Posted by DertyComix
Those rivets are horrible. It is unappealing to me.

I'm not the only one who doesn't like the rivets. That's good to know 👍🏻

Ribbits! ...Really? Books should be riveting, ...not labels.

Post 280 IP   flag post

Collector D84 private msg quote post Address this user
Honestly, the rivets are the only thing I don't like. Overall, it's a decent design. Not perfect, but it could be worse.
Post 281 IP   flag post
COLLECTOR DarthLego private msg quote post Address this user
Remove all the rivets and I could at least live with it. Not crazy about the fonts, but oh well. Prefer the old logo, but I could learn to love/hate it. But those rivets have to go.
Post 282 IP   flag post
Collector DannyBoy private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Stelbert_Stylton
Originally Posted by CatmanAmerica
Originally Posted by Stelbert_Stylton
Originally Posted by DannyBoy
Originally Posted by Stelbert_Stylton
Originally Posted by The_Curmudgeon
All those poor OCD folks out there are going to have to send in all their books for reholder now so all the labels match.

They don't have OCD, they're just anal retentive.

It's the same thing, hippie.


Hippie? LOL. Ask Borock and Catman what I think about hippies 😵 😉

Peace bro, your secret is safe with us.

Bloody, Bloody Hippies!
Post 283 IP   flag post
Leftover Sundae Gnus CatmanAmerica private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by DarthLego
Remove all the rivets and I could at least live with it. Not crazy about the fonts, but oh well. Prefer the old logo, but I could learn to love/hate it. But those rivets have to go.

I hear ya. Collectors shouldn't be forced into a love/hate position. Was it really crucial to change the label at this time? I haven't seen any serious outcry for it. The complaints seemed periphrial at best, and decidedly mixed. Most folks liked the old label well enough even if tweaks (such as strengthening the color gradations) have been recommended.

Consistency is extremely important for a grading service and changes should be thoroughly vetted before being incorporated by a clearly defined need.

One reason that consistant label design and color is crucial (and changes kept to a minimum) is confusion on dealer walls and auction sites.

Of course, this is just my opinion; OMMV.
Post 284 IP   flag post
COLLECTOR DarthLego private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by CatmanAmerica
Originally Posted by DarthLego
Remove all the rivets and I could at least live with it. Not crazy about the fonts, but oh well. Prefer the old logo, but I could learn to love/hate it. But those rivets have to go.

I hear ya. Collectors shouldn't be forced into a love/hate position. Was it really crucial to change the label at this time? I haven't seen any serious outcry for it. The complaints seemed periphrial at best, and decidedly mixed. Most folks liked the old label well enough even if tweaks (such as strengthening the color gradations) have been recommended.

Consistency is extremely important for a grading service and changes should be thoroughly vetted before being incorporated by a clearly defined need.

One reason that consistant label design and color is crucial (and changes kept to a minimum) is confusion on dealer walls and auction sites.

Of course, this is just my opinion; OMMV.

I agree with everything you just said. Well put.
Post 285 IP   flag post
COLLECTOR DarthLego private msg quote post Address this user
Even in this teaser thread from day one, people were saying "hope it's not a new label" multiple times. You think somebody at CBCS would have blown the time out whistle.
Post 286 IP   flag post
Collector Despain private msg quote post Address this user
Something CBCS could've done is come up with 3 to 5 different designs and had a customer / member vote. One of the options would be to keep the design as is. The option with the most votes wins. 🏆🏅🎖
Post 287 IP   flag post
Leftover Sundae Gnus CatmanAmerica private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Despain
Something CBCS could've done is come up with 3 to 5 different designs and had a customer / member vote. One of the options would be to keep the design as is. The option with the most votes wins. 🏆🏅🎖

Good suggestion. Certainly better than doubling down on a controversial design without broad support. My counter suggestion would be to offer customers options, old design or new, ...that simple. There are no other concerns that need addressing such as holder issues, so that'd be workable if they chose to do it.
Post 288 IP   flag post
Collector TimesChange private msg quote post Address this user
You would think after the CGC fiasco they would have held off on this or at least take baby steps.

These companies have to realize they are dealing with OCD collectors, a tiny stress line FREAKS us out, what do you think adding rivits would do? LOL

I feel really bad for these companies, but holy heck didn't anyone say um lets see what the customers think first.

OR, make a huge marketing campaign "help us design the new label!" Then have people send in concepts or ideas, then let the community vote on these.

The winner could get a free membership.
Post 289 IP   flag post
Collector Evangelon private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by SteveRicketts

I get it now! He meant the label was going to look as good as those guys! Same era of style even!
Post 290 IP   flag post
If I could, I would. I swear. DrWatson private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Evangelon
Originally Posted by SteveRicketts

I get it now! He meant the label was going to look as good as those guys! Same era of style even!

Even more cowbell wouldn't improve the new new... new? logo and labels.
Post 291 IP   flag post
COLLECTOR DarthLego private msg quote post Address this user
I've got a fever. And the only cure is more cowbell!

Post 292 IP   flag post
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