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Art Original Artwork

New Original Art, commissions, sketch covers thread6768

I don't believe this....and I know you don't care that I don't believe this. GAC private msg quote post Address this user

Post 376 IP   flag post
KFC does haircuts now, Wooh Hoo. zdoes10 private msg quote post Address this user

Post 377 IP   flag post
Collector AndyRexia private msg quote post Address this user
I got a Storm Shadow sketch from Larry Hama at a con a couple years back. I asked Robert Atkins to ink it. I sent him a high res scan and he blue lined it then printed and inked it. Original pencils are still intact. I'm happy with the results.

Post 378 IP   flag post
Thank you sir. May I have another? Siggy private msg quote post Address this user
While waiting for my commissions, I picked up these 2 pages from Married With Children: The Quantum Quartet #1, pg 16 & #2, pg 7

Post 379 IP   flag post
Thank you sir. May I have another? Siggy private msg quote post Address this user
I was mistaken- Both pages above are from #4.
Post 380 IP   flag post

COLLECTOR dielinfinite private msg quote post Address this user
Just got an image from the artist and should be on it's way to CBCS today or tomorrow!

Post 381 IP   flag post
I'm waiting.... (tapping fingers).
Splotches is gettin old!
Nuffsaid111 private msg quote post Address this user

Ryan Sook
Post 382 IP   flag post
Collector Silentstrider private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by dielinfinite
Just got an image from the artist and should be on it's way to CBCS today or tomorrow!

Very Nice!!! Peach does remarkable work. This is from last year.
Post 383 IP   flag post
-Our Odin-
Rest in Peace
Jesse_O private msg quote post Address this user
I just got a mail call from Jerantino (Jerry Minor). I wanted to get a tribute art piece of a friend of mine that passed away almost two years ago now. I asked Jer about it last year and then just kind of forgot to follow up with him. A few weeks ago, I contacted him and I commissioned him to do the piece. I have several pieces done by him and I trust his vision. I did not see this piece until I got it in the mail today. All I can say is that I'm blown away by it!!! I'm extremely happy with how it turned out!!! I can't wait to put it up on my wall!!!

I also got two other pinup pieces from Jer. One is a Lady Thor based on the cosplay of Toni Darling, and a Hulk inspired by Tim Sale and Ragnarok.

If you are looking to commission an art piece, Jer is one of the few artist that I recommend. Drop him a note if you are in the market.

One note, the Lady Thor is on colored paper and for some reason, my camera changed the color. It is all one color similar to the color in the upper left corner of the picture.

Post 384 IP   flag post
Collector Kinsella5 private msg quote post Address this user
My latest addition to my collection of pieces pertaining to The Crow by James O' Barr. One thing I didn't have in my collection was of Brandon Lee in character from the film. James O' Barr rarely draws Brandon, when he does it is for a special occasion and James kindly donates all the funds to charity. He posted this up recently and I had to have it. It looks even better in person, James did a phenomenal job on it. 11x17 inches, ink on Bristol board.

Post 385 IP   flag post
Collector Rehab1666 private msg quote post Address this user

Post 386 IP   flag post
Collector Rehab1666 private msg quote post Address this user
Sorry. Just learning how to post. These above are my newest pieces. The daredevil sketchcover is Jefferey Edwards. Dude is an animal
Post 387 IP   flag post
Collector rtdcomics private msg quote post Address this user
My latest cover commission from Spanish coffee-artist Juapi. Cant wait to see this in its slab!

Post 388 IP   flag post
Collector Rehab1666 private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by rtdcomics
My latest cover commission from Spanish coffee-artist Juapi. Cant wait to see this in its slab!

Post 389 IP   flag post
Collector Rehab1666 private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by rtdcomics
My latest cover commission from Spanish coffee-artist Juapi. Cant wait to see this in its slab!

seen that artist slot on the international art auctions. Really talented
Post 390 IP   flag post
Collector Rehab1666 private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Rehab1666
Sorry. Just learning how to post. These above are my newest pieces. The daredevil sketchcover is Jefferey Edwards. Dude is an animal
Post 391 IP   flag post
Collector AndyRexia private msg quote post Address this user
I should have a picture (or maybe two) to share of my latest commission soon! It's the first comic related item I've gotten in a long while!
Post 392 IP   flag post
Collector AndyRexia private msg quote post Address this user
I commissioned Stefano Landini to do a Punisher versus Crossbones piece. Size is A3. I wanted the two characters to have just finished a battle and Punisher poised to kill him. To say I'm pleased is an understatement. This is my third piece from Landini and he just keeps getting better. Anyway, here are some pictures.

Post 393 IP   flag post
Thank you sir. May I have another? Siggy private msg quote post Address this user
The guy I purchased the Married With Children FF parody pages from contacted me asking if I wanted to work out a deal for more art. He had 8 more pages from the 3(4) issue story, and he accepted my offer (yay) so they're on their way (yay again).
I'll post images tonight.
Post 394 IP   flag post
I live in RI and Rhode Islanders eat chili with beans. esaravo private msg quote post Address this user
@AndyRexia - Great piece, Rob. I didn't realize modern artists were using Screen tones (Zip-a-tones) for shading effects.
Post 395 IP   flag post
Thank you sir. May I have another? Siggy private msg quote post Address this user

Post 396 IP   flag post
Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock Tedsaid private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by esaravo
@AndyRexia - Great piece, Rob. I didn't realize modern artists were using Screen tones (Zip-a-tones) for shading effects.

Wow - Yes, that is fantastic. I wasn't familiar with him, but when I Googled, I saw some Daredevil drawings that I recognized. Great stuff!

Is it just me, or are some of his drawing reminiscent of Mike Mignola?
Post 397 IP   flag post
Collector AndyRexia private msg quote post Address this user
@esaravo thanks Ed. First time seeing it on a commission for me.

@Tedsaid thank you. He worked on Daredevil and the Punisher series when he had the War Machine armor. This piece almost had Frank in the armor but I left it up to Stefano. He chose to do it without.
Post 398 IP   flag post
The apple sauce and pudding were the best part... Bronte private msg quote post Address this user

Post 399 IP   flag post
-Our Odin-
Rest in Peace
Jesse_O private msg quote post Address this user
A few weeks ago, I had the opportunity to get in on a James O'barr signing and con sketch event. I sent in my Crow hardcover book and asked for a signature and remarque. I also got a con sketch on backing board. I got them back today and I am ecstatic!!! I've wanted something from James O'barr for the LONGEST time!!!! He also included a signed trading card in the book. This was facilitated by Justin Foose.

Post 400 IP   flag post
Thank you sir. May I have another? Siggy private msg quote post Address this user

Post 401 IP   flag post
Thank you sir. May I have another? Siggy private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Siggy
I just [*carefully] delivered these to Mike Royer who agreed to ink them. Hopefully I'll have pics next week.

[*Set on his door step, rang the bell, stepped back out the gate, put on my mask, and kept back 6ft as we chatted for maybe 30 minutes. We haven't visited since returning from SDCF last month, and he hoped I'd come in, but since I'm still working I told him it's too risky for him and his wife.]

I brought them home today, and he surprised me with a bonus- I sent him a hi res scan of my Joe Sinnott Thing a few months ago hoping he'd ink it, but it slipped his mind and eventually mine. What a great friend

Post 402 IP   flag post
-Our Odin-
Rest in Peace
Jesse_O private msg quote post Address this user
@Siggy your art collection is impressive!!! Do you happen to share any on ComicArtFan? If you do, I'd love to take a look at it.
Post 403 IP   flag post
Thank you sir. May I have another? Siggy private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Jesse_O
@Siggy your art collection is impressive!!! Do you happen to share any on ComicArtFan? If you do, I'd love to take a look at it.

Thanks- Here's a link, but just an fyi (for all)- I think it's set for members. So register- It's free! Or better yet, become a premium member and support an AWESOME site (shameless plug- where's my discount???)

Siggy's Art Dust
Post 404 IP   flag post
-Our Odin-
Rest in Peace
Jesse_O private msg quote post Address this user
Thanks @Siggy!! I've got the free account there already. I'll probably snoop through your stuff tomorrow. I'm sure I'll leave some likes and maybe even a comment or two!!
Post 405 IP   flag post
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