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Looking to sell/trade bulk series lots in NJ-jersey shore area6630

Collector Enelson private msg quote post Address this user
Seen a few others try this for selling books, thought I'd try. I'm getting sick of breaking up series to sell on ebay and I am looking to trade or sell about 750/850+ copper/modern books. I'm looking to class up my collection with some slabbed keys- thinking GSX 1 mid ASM 129 Mid
Also been wanting 9.8 Y the last man, but I'm open to everything, including cash, but honestly prefer trade, not really about money, its about space and upgrading what I want to keep.

As for general condition of books I'd say average of VF-VF+/NM- I read all my comics so you probably won't find any in the wild 9.8s- this is probably mostly geared towards a dealer that is willing to take time to sell individually and make money.
However, I've been surprised and gotten many back in the 9.4-9.6 without pressing recently
example- x-factor 6, stored in a garage, in bag w/ no board, no press, came back 9.4

As for what I am looking to sell/trade

Complete X-men/New X-men/X-men legacy I believe it is the complete series 1-275- with multiples of #1 and no keys cherry picked, but obviously I would verify everything

Hulk series that started in 99, 1-111, including planet hulk issues

Wolverine origins 1-50

Wolverine 1-189

X-men and wolverine-assorted issues, incomplete run about 50 or so

Superior spider man 1-33

green Arrow 1-75 (kevin smith started series)

About 40/50 issues of Geoff johns 1st run on Flash 166 -225(no 197-200)

A collection of various Peter Parker, the Spectacular Spiderman/web of spiderman, peter parker/spiderman etc. 80s-early 2000s runs, maybe another 100 books

there is some other stuff I'm going through, just thought I'd see if there was interest, or if someone had a suggestion of where to go/who to contact in area

Don't really want to break up lot, looking to unload and clear some space and get some fancy slabs for collection

I live in jersey shore area, but work in Union, Would be willing to meet at areas in between

I guess if interested, respond here, or pm me, I'll check later
Post 1 IP   flag post
If the viagra is working you should be well over a 9.8. xkonk private msg quote post Address this user
Not sure if I have any slabbed keys like you're looking for but I just put up a thread on selling some of my collection ( and I live down near Atlantic City.
Post 2 IP   flag post
Collector CopperAgeKids private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Enelson
Seen a few others try this for selling books, thought I'd try. I'm getting sick of breaking up series to sell on ebay and I am looking to trade or sell about 750/850+ copper/modern books. I'm looking to class up my collection with some slabbed keys- thinking GSX 1 mid ASM 129 Mid
Also been wanting 9.8 Y the last man, but I'm open to everything, including cash, but honestly prefer trade, not really about money, its about space and upgrading what I want to keep.

As for general condition of books I'd say average of VF-VF+/NM- I read all my comics so you probably won't find any in the wild 9.8s- this is probably mostly geared towards a dealer that is willing to take time to sell individually and make money.
However, I've been surprised and gotten many back in the 9.4-9.6 without pressing recently
example- x-factor 6, stored in a garage, in bag w/ no board, no press, came back 9.4

As for what I am looking to sell/trade

Complete X-men/New X-men/X-men legacy I believe it is the complete series 1-275- with multiples of #1 and no keys cherry picked, but obviously I would verify everything

Hulk series that started in 99, 1-111, including planet hulk issues

Wolverine origins 1-50

Wolverine 1-189

X-men and wolverine-assorted issues, incomplete run about 50 or so

Superior spider man 1-33

green Arrow 1-75 (kevin smith started series)

About 40/50 issues of Geoff johns 1st run on Flash 166 -225(no 197-200)

A collection of various Peter Parker, the Spectacular Spiderman/web of spiderman, peter parker/spiderman etc. 80s-early 2000s runs, maybe another 100 books

there is some other stuff I'm going through, just thought I'd see if there was interest, or if someone had a suggestion of where to go/who to contact in area

Don't really want to break up lot, looking to unload and clear some space and get some fancy slabs for collection

I live in jersey shore area, but work in Union, Would be willing to meet at areas in between

I guess if interested, respond here, or pm me, I'll check later

No dealer is going to take copper/modern sets of sub 9.8 raws in trade for slabbed keys; at a percentage you're probably looking for.

Some dealers slab run copper/moderns for 9.8 pre-screens to flip for a $15-25 profit , after slabbing fees...
They keys in runs bring more.

If your Wolverine 1-189 run was largely 9.8 candidates, some dealers would go for that; #1,12 and a few others are good for $100-$200 in 9.8.

IOW, a dealer who has good slabs; knows what he's doing.

It never makes sense to trade a handful of slabs for a few long boxes of books; the pay off to work involved isn't there.

You could try Facebook groups, might be able to find a local collector who would go in on this but that's not likely.

Best advice I can give you is sell the runs as BIN's on eBay.

Wolverine #1-189 should be good for around $200 + shipping, maybe more.

Expect a dealer to offer you half that, in trade value, at the most.

....and so on.
Post 3 IP   flag post
Collector CopperAgeKids private msg quote post Address this user
If you want suggestions, I know 3 dealers who deal in bulk buys, in northern NJ.

I can tell you an NJ dealer to stay away from, as well.
Post 4 IP   flag post
Collector Enelson private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by CopperAgeKids
If you want suggestions, I know 3 dealers who deal in bulk buys, in northern NJ.

I can tell you an NJ dealer to stay away from, as well.

I guess PM me suggestions, thanks for feedback
I know I could probably make some money on Ebay, I just get tired of time suck and I feel like about 1 out of 50 or so transactions someone is arguing with me
Post 5 IP   flag post
If the viagra is working you should be well over a 9.8. xkonk private msg quote post Address this user
Also NJ-related: I saw that one of the comic guys who sets up at the Peddler flea market in Sicklerville is selling his whole inventory. 30,000 some books. I only looked around there once so I don't know what all he has, but if anyone is sitting on a bunch of money...
Post 6 IP   flag post
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