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FS: TOS 52 CGC 7.0 OW/W Pages6493

I’m Kinda Married To A Celebrity. 00slim private msg quote post Address this user
I figured it was a troll, I’ve just never understood the mentality. If I see a price I think is absurd, or an ad that’s just bonkers for some reason, I just keep scrolling.

If I want it despite the price, I make an offer, and include any reason I might have for my suggested price.

It’s the mindset I find bizarre.
Post 26 IP   flag post
Collector poka private msg quote post Address this user
People are weird. Over the weekend I got an offer for a book. $7 incl shipment. I accepted the offer and immediately got a reply (this was 3am buyers time). Sorry I am broke and can not afford the book. He then made another offer of $3.

It was a zero feedback buyer. I kind of feel pity for the guy so just cancelled and left it as is
Post 27 IP   flag post
Ima gonna steal this and look for some occasion to use it! IronMan private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by CopperAgeKids
Originally Posted by 00slim
That’s one option I hadn’t considered @poka. Though, as a buyer, I hate reserve auctions. But it does take the risk away.

Reserve auctions suck IMO.

Best way to run an auction IMO is to run it for 10 days, start at $1.

Time it so it ends on a Sunday evening and have it start on a Thursday.

That way, you get 2 full weekends of visibility.

But I'd only run an auction on a book that is really hot.

This book, in til it gets a movie confirmed, is not in that category.

So, just set it at $1500, firm with no best offer available.

I'd see things very much the way CAK does, with just a few exceptions.

It never hurts to have a best offer. Just tweak it so that bids you consider "low ball" are automatically rejected. You can also set up an amount you automatically accept. While there a lots of people looking for a steal, there are a few that just want to get 5-7% off and feel good.

The Black Widow has already received lots of exposure in the movies via Iron Man and the Avengers. Marvel's biggest movies. Even if the Widow gets her own movie, I don't think it's going to make her first appearance in comics more expensive. I'm also not convinced a solo Black Widow film would be a big hit. She's the sort of character that always seems "right" as part of a team.

What I would do with this book is send it to ComicLink. Their last auction had really strong results. Their fees are a straight 10%. And you say it's not necessary that you have a quick sale, which IMHO is the ONLY reason to ever sell comic books on eBay.
Post 28 IP   flag post
Collector 3JJr private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by CopperAgeKids

I am pretty sure Black Widow will get her own movie, in that event, this 7.0 will be worth about 3 grand.

$3,000? For a 7.0? A 9.0 sold last month for $3000, which was an $1150 drop from both the 90 day and the 12 month average! The May $1800 sale of an 8.0 also represented a dip in price from the 12 month average.

Whether or not BW gets her own movie, prices have already spiked based on that happening. The hype fueled speculators have already driven this up about as far as it will go, based on the GP data, IMO.
Post 29 IP   flag post
I’m Kinda Married To A Celebrity. 00slim private msg quote post Address this user
What @CopperAgeKids is referring to (I think) is the temporary spike in value a book has when a character is officially announced to be getting a starring role in a movie.

The strong rumor that Mysterio is the villain in the next Spidey movie shot the value of Spidey 13 up 3x for about 72 hours.

It’s a temporary frenzy that happens pretty consistently.
Post 30 IP   flag post

Ima gonna steal this and look for some occasion to use it! IronMan private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by 00slim
What @CopperAgeKids is referring to (I think) is the temporary spike in value a book has when a character is officially announced to be getting a starring role in a movie.

The strong rumor that Mysterio is the villain in the next Spidey movie shot the value of Spidey 13 up 3x for about 72 hours.

It’s a temporary frenzy that happens pretty consistently.

Mysterio hasn't been in any movies so far. This would be his first. Black Widow has not only been in more than one, she's been in Marvel's biggest movies. IMHO, she's had her spike. She is well established as an important character in the MCU. I don't believe she'll get bigger - even for 72 hours - if he gets some sort of solo movie.
Post 31 IP   flag post
I’m Kinda Married To A Celebrity. 00slim private msg quote post Address this user
True. But speculators that are late to the game will hit e-bay hard the second they hear the official news of a Black Widow film. There’s no telling what the temporary spike will be, but it’s realistic to think there will be one.
Post 32 IP   flag post
Collector 3JJr private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by 00slim
What @CopperAgeKids is referring to (I think) is the temporary spike in value a book has when a character is officially announced to be getting a starring role in a movie.

The strong rumor that Mysterio is the villain in the next Spidey movie shot the value of Spidey 13 up 3x for about 72 hours.

It’s a temporary frenzy that happens pretty consistently.

What GP shows is that the frenzy over TOS 52 has come and stalled. Actually regressed.
Post 33 IP   flag post
I’m Kinda Married To A Celebrity. 00slim private msg quote post Address this user
I’d agree that for the time being, that’s true.
Post 34 IP   flag post
I’m Kinda Married To A Celebrity. 00slim private msg quote post Address this user
ASM #194 has sold.

The 7.0 TOS 52 is still up for grabs. PM any offers. I know it’ll sell, but I’m willing to give you guys a better price.
Post 35 IP   flag post
I’m Kinda Married To A Celebrity. 00slim private msg quote post Address this user
Post 36 IP   flag post
Collector CopperAgeKids private msg quote post Address this user
Not surprised, with the 20% off coupons.

What'd you get for the 52?
Post 37 IP   flag post
Collector CopperAgeKids private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by IronMan
Originally Posted by 00slim
What @CopperAgeKids is referring to (I think) is the temporary spike in value a book has when a character is officially announced to be getting a starring role in a movie.

The strong rumor that Mysterio is the villain in the next Spidey movie shot the value of Spidey 13 up 3x for about 72 hours.

It’s a temporary frenzy that happens pretty consistently.

Mysterio hasn't been in any movies so far. This would be his first. Black Widow has not only been in more than one, she's been in Marvel's biggest movies. IMHO, she's had her spike. She is well established as an important character in the MCU. I don't believe she'll get bigger - even for 72 hours - if he gets some sort of solo movie.

Yeah, $3000 was definitely super optimistic, on my part.

I do think that the book will return to its' height in GPA, of a Black Widow solo film is confirmed.

Reason being the book has dropped quite a bit over the past couple years or so in FMV.

I think if a movie get a green light, it'll climb back up to its' former highs, plus around 10%.

So, $2000-$2500.

Girl books have been hot for about 25 years....and add in the WW, Lady Blackhawk girl power #metoo age that we're in, this book has room for growth.
Post 38 IP   flag post
I’m Kinda Married To A Celebrity. 00slim private msg quote post Address this user
So, I paid $900 awhile back. Sold for $1175. Minus e-bay fees, I made a little. Considering GoCollect puts current FMV at $1050, I’m fine with it.

I’m gonna be able to pay off my 8.0 as well as the remaining balance on a credit card.
Post 39 IP   flag post
Collector 3JJr private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by 00slim
So, I paid $900 awhile back. Sold for $1175. Minus e-bay fees, I made a little. Considering GoCollect puts current FMV at $1050, I’m fine with it.

I’m gonna be able to pay off my 8.0 as well as the remaining balance on a credit card.

$1175 = well done.
Post 40 IP   flag post
Collector CopperAgeKids private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by 00slim
So, I paid $900 awhile back. Sold for $1175. Minus e-bay fees, I made a little. Considering GoCollect puts current FMV at $1050, I’m fine with it.

I’m gonna be able to pay off my 8.0 as well as the remaining balance on a credit card.

Yeah, you did alright.

It is true that 90 day GPA in 7.0 is $1050, but that only means so much.

The last 7.0 sold at $1350, and there are green arrows pointing upwards in nearly every single last sale, 30 day, 90 day and 12 month average.

With the $100 off coupon, just dropping the price from $1500 to $1400 (removing BO), almost would have certainly forced a sale.

The buyer would get a book that is trending upward at a price that is under the last sale in GPA.

If no one hits the BIN after the $100 off promo is halfway over, than drop it to $1200 or $1175.

Just saying, when your buy in cost is so high, and a book is clearly trending upwards with fresh movie hype in place, nothing wrong with making another $10 or so.

Either way, congrads on the sale.I was pulling for ya, brotha.

And yeah, I woulda been happy with $1175, if it were my book. But I'd be a bit happier, with another $100 or 4150, to pay bills off and take a broad out with.
Post 41 IP   flag post
I’m Kinda Married To A Celebrity. 00slim private msg quote post Address this user
Yeah, I’m cool with it.

I packed the hell out of it. When I messaged the buyer that his package is on the way, the only thing that gave me pause was his response: “Thank you very much! Hopefully all goes well ...”

Fingers crossed this goes smoothly. 🤞🏼
Post 42 IP   flag post
Collector CopperAgeKids private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by 00slim
Yeah, I’m cool with it.

I packed the hell out of it. When I messaged the buyer that his package is on the way, the only thing that gave me pause was his response: “Thank you very much! Hopefully all goes well ...”

Fingers crossed this goes smoothly. 🤞🏼

From what you said, as a response to that...that doesn't sound red flag-ish to me. But I see what you mean, though.

Whenever I sell anything of any substantial value, I do a couple things before shipping.

I check his feedback, and his feedback left for others.

I also check to see how long the buyer's been on eBay.

I Google the buyer's eBay ID to see if it pops up on any boards as a scammer or potential PITA.

If any red flags come up, I will cancel a sale and refund the buyer.

I haven't had to cancel any sales yet but I'd do it in a heartbeat, if I had the slightest inkling the buyer was going to try to eff me.

If a buyer were to neg me for canceleing a sale, I'm pretty confident that calling ebay and explaining the situation to them, would get the neg removed immediately.
Post 43 IP   flag post
I’m Kinda Married To A Celebrity. 00slim private msg quote post Address this user
He’s relatively new, with (18) feedback, but 100% positive. His responses up to that were very positive & polite.

I’m relatively new to dealing higher end books, though. I’m hopeful but just slightly nervous given the dollar amount in play.
Post 44 IP   flag post
Collector 3JJr private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by 00slim
He’s relatively new, with (18) feedback, but 100% positive. His responses up to that were very positive & polite.

I’m relatively new to dealing higher end books, though. I’m hopeful but just slightly nervous given the dollar amount in play.

Did you send it with a signature verification upon delivery service? Like certified, return receipt, Expressmail/signature upon delivery, registered, etc.?

For any sale north of $500, this $3.00 to $12.00 added charge is a wise investment. This eliminates he possibility of the carrier signing off and leaving it between a screen and front door, or worse, out in the open on a stoop or landing.
Post 45 IP   flag post
I’m Kinda Married To A Celebrity. 00slim private msg quote post Address this user
Yes, fully insured with signature confirmation.

I requested it, but they said it’s automatically included on packages valued at $500+.
Post 46 IP   flag post
Collector 3JJr private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by 00slim
Yes, fully insured with signature confirmation.

I requested it, but they said it’s automatically included on packages valued at $500+.

Good, because just having tracking info may not be enough for paypal to fight for you with on a claim or chargeback.

Buyer fraud scenario: Carrier is delivering to an area where he can sign off on the parcel (same as driver release with UPS) and leave it on a doorstep if no one is home to accept it or doesn't hear the doorbell. Now, one of three things can occur with that parcel laying in plain sight.

1) The buyer either:

a) opens the door, sees it, picks it up, delivery effected, or
b) opens the door, sees it, picks it up, delivery effected, but realizing that he didn't sign for it, several days later starts a claim for "item not received". Since the only name on the tracking belongs to the carrier, who signed off on it, paypal will side with the buyer and effect the claim eventually leaving the seller without payment or the item!

or 2) Someone else in the building, or next door, or walking by the building sees the parcel laying there, grabs it and that's that. Without a signature of acceptance, paypal will definitely side with the buyer when a claim is filed for this event.

Signature confirmation, an actual record of the recipient's signature will prevent these from occurring.
Post 47 IP   flag post
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