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CBCS GradedComics Silver Age

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COLLECTOR Foghorn_Sam private msg quote post Address this user
That Superman #167 looks much better than a 7.0. All of them are simply gorgeous!
Post 26 IP   flag post
I live in RI and Rhode Islanders eat chili with beans. esaravo private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by PeteN
what scanner do you use? your images are sharp!

I use an old HP Scanjet 8300 that I won in an Ebay auction about three years ago. I had been looking for a large-format scanner on ebay and put a few on my watch list. There was one seller who had a few listed at a set price or best offer. So I made him an offer based on recent sales, and he declined. A few weeks later the same seller put up one of the scanners for auction. I ended up winning it for a lot less than my offer. In fact, the shipping cost was probably as much, if not more, than my bid for the scanner (when it was delivered my wife thought I had ordered a dorm-sized refrigerator because the package was so huge).

I did not scan the Adventure Comics #305 and #307, which are much better/clearer than my scans (no glare or reflections). Those were imaged by CBCS for their Featured Comics section.
Post 27 IP   flag post
COLLECTOR Foghorn_Sam private msg quote post Address this user
I have that same model HP Scanjet. It does a fantastic job. I bought mine used off ebay also.

I looked up the notes on that Superman #167 and here's what I found:

tiny spine stress some breaks color
minor edge wear & few small creases front cover some breaks color
small light fingerprints front & back cover
3½" bottom left back cover barely breaks color

Too bad about that last one there, that's what probably really hurt it. Is it kind of a bend that's almost a crease? It might benefit from a dry clean and press, but you probably already know that. Still, from the front cover, it looks every bit as nice as any of the others. There's not even any noticeable discoloration to the cover from edge to edge which is amazing for a mostly white cover from that era.
Once again, absolutely beautiful books that are really hard to find in that nice of condition.
Post 28 IP   flag post
Collector GeeWiz private msg quote post Address this user
And congrats on your books being selected for the 'Featured Comics' section!
Post 29 IP   flag post
I live in RI and Rhode Islanders eat chili with beans. esaravo private msg quote post Address this user
@Foghorn_Sam -
Thanks, Sam. I honestly cannot see the last defect that is listed. I can see a few minor stress lines along the spine and one major one that is located right above Braniac’s Shrinking Ray gun that breaks color on his right pectoral highlight. That stress bend can also be seen on the rear cover. There is also some rounding to the bottom right corner of the front cover, and some very slight discoloration to the top of the comic. Based on the flaws I observed, I thought the book would get an 8.0 and possibly even an 8.5. I also wonder why if this book looks so good for a 7.0, why didn’t CBCS give it a checkmark like they did with my Adventure Comics #317? Based on the grader’s notes, I probably could have gotten a grade bump with a press and cleaning. I am not a big proponent for pressing, but I guess I will have to consider it for some of my books in the future.
I was pretty close on my guesstimate grades for the rest of the comics I submitted (okay, I thought that #317 was a 9.2). I guess that is why we are not professional graders, and continue to pay companies hundreds of dollars for a plastic case and their opinions.
Post 30 IP   flag post

Collector Redshade private msg quote post Address this user
@esaravo Nice comics Ed, have you got a time machine? They look as if they were printed yesterday.

Imported DCs were much more prevalent in my neighbourhood than Marvel so as a youngster in the 60s I pretty much grew up with the Superman family of comics.
Post 31 IP   flag post
I live in RI and Rhode Islanders eat chili with beans. esaravo private msg quote post Address this user
@Redshade - Thanks, Stephen. I consider my comics to be my time machine. Seeing 12 and 15 cent cover prices on old comics brings back fond memories of my youth when things seemed much simpler (and much less expensive}. Back then you could walk to a half-dozen Drug Stores or Variety Stores, or ride your bike to even more, and pick your comics off spinner-racks, wooden or metal displays, or even just piles.
Post 32 IP   flag post
Collector MR_SigS private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by esaravo
Originally Posted by MR_SigS
Were they pressed?
- Not one of these comics has ever been pressed.

LOL Judging from the tone of your response, I'll refrain from suggesting that might give it the grades you were hoping for.

They do look great
Post 33 IP   flag post
I live in RI and Rhode Islanders eat chili with beans. esaravo private msg quote post Address this user
@MR_SigS - I am pretty happy with the grades, Scott. I tend to be fairly close to CBCS grades on about 70% of my submissions. The 15% that come back higher than I thought are awesome; but you are always disappointed in the 15% that come back with lower grades than you expected.
Post 34 IP   flag post
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