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[PSA] Publishers: Variant Fatigue Syndrome6295

COLLECTOR shrewbeer private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by KingNampa
The thing is most people buying these variants are casual collectors. They won't care if their comic value drops 80% in a few years. They probably won't even notice.

You’re showing your age here. Some of these “kids” online show off their collection thats worth thousands... and its ALL variant new books.

It’s the 90s all over again. The modern-modern market will crash just like the modern market did. 😬
Post 26 IP   flag post
Collector Wraith private msg quote post Address this user
Its not comparable to the 90s at all... The 90s there were hundreds of thousands if not more than a million of the hot books selling every issue.. ( even non keys)

Yes the amount (variety) of variant covers is nuts today but there are only 1000,2000,3000 of these released at any given time..the quantity in most cases is still pretty minimal.. So in 20 years time if someone really really wants the book, it's not going to be as easy to find as say an asm 300.

The main problem if investing now is there is significantly more risk you got the WRONG variant.. You can't just get a run of comics and expect if it's a key issue that it will be worth money. Who knows what collectors in 20 years time will want..

One thing is certain - action 1000 and asm 796-800 regular covers aside- for the most part anyone wanting comics from this era is going to have a much harder time than those seeking comics from the copper age.

So I get the covers I like and want on the assumption there will be others who will want them too, now and tomorrow ( though they won't be getting my copies )
Post 27 IP   flag post
I bought a meat grinder on amazon for $60 and it's changed my life. kaptainmyke private msg quote post Address this user
24 hours and I did not buy any variants. It begins with the 1st day.
Post 28 IP   flag post
I swore no more comics, then this happened. PaulPop private msg quote post Address this user
I'm going to take this chance to be the old curmudgeon. I started reading comics about 1967. Yes, reading them.

I see these posts about variants, and 20 covers, and Chasing the 1:500 issues... but no one on here ever mentions the story. So what are you collecting? A pretty cover?

I don't think anyone has ever had the feeling of being on he edge of their seat between issues because they want to know what is going to happen next. What, Doc Ock just rented a room from Aunt May and she had a heart attack watching him duke it out with Spider-man? Quicksilver and Scarlett Witch just turned their back on the Avengers and left with Magneto? Doctor Doom just took the power cosmic from the Surfer? Red Skull changed places with Steve Rogers using the cosmic cube? Holy crap!!!! You know I could go on and on.

But as magnificent as the (only one) covers were ,it was the stories that brought me back month after month.

So if Spider-man is now swinging around with the "Spidey-Kids", who needs 12 covers. It's awful no matter how you wrap it.

Now before you start pointing out modern story lines that were good, I know there are exceptions. But whatever you say, I know those exceptions are few and getting fewer every year. The reboots are not making things better. Marketing suggests if you put a #1 on a comic, they will come. Must be true, look at the 80's and 90's. We know where that took the industry.

I know I'll get flak for this, but I don't care. The hobby is what you make of it and to each his own. But for me it's more than a nice cover. Or 12 of them.
Post 29 IP   flag post
COLLECTOR conditionfreak private msg quote post Address this user
I am torn between variants, or no variants.

On the one hand, it seems silly to have the same story in books with different covers.

But on the other hand. I really only collect covers. They get slabbed and thus all I can appreciate is the cover anyway. Although of course I collect first appearances, etc., and don't really pay attention to the cover at that point.

But all of this is our fault. It is not the fault of the stores, publishers, distributers, or anyone else involved in the production and distribution of these products. They are all in the business to make money, and we give them the money.

How many of us have shelled out $40 bucks for a brand new comic book? I bet 90% of us have.

It is our fault. We encapsulate books so that only the cover can be appreciated, and we pay for different cover versions of the same story, just because of the potential for financial gain. OR to satisfy our OCD.

Somewhere in this thread, someone mentioned their dislike for variants but then said they bought some because he is a fan of Thanos. Well, that's how it works. We love Spidey, or Harley, or whomever. And we buy anything with them on the cover.

I am more guilty than most. Because I don't even read this stuff.

I collect covers, with an eye towards scarceness or rarity. I have the need to own what you don't. It is a sickness I guess. Or greed. Not sure. But I am leaning towards sickness, as I don't sell much at all.
Post 30 IP   flag post

Collector KingNampa private msg quote post Address this user
If they are going to keep doing this variant stuff at least add Holograms to the cover like the 90's.

Post 31 IP   flag post
I bought a meat grinder on amazon for $60 and it's changed my life. kaptainmyke private msg quote post Address this user

Post 32 IP   flag post
I'll probably wake up constipated. Pre_Coder private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by kaptainmyke
24 hours and I did not buy any variants. It begins with the 1st day.

You should begin suffering withdrawal symptoms fairly soon.
Post 33 IP   flag post
Collector CopperAgeKids private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by KingNampa
The bottom is going to fall out on this. But not anytime soon. The constant release of Marvel Movies is going to keep this "Variant Age" hype-train chugging along. If things start to slow down on the movie front in a couple years then we might finally see the market correction.

The thing is most people buying these variants are casual collectors. They won't care if their comic value drops 80% in a few years. They probably won't even notice.

Any serious collector that is "investing" in variants, needs to be slapped in the face and then go back to Copper age or older stuff for investing.


I think the market overall is headed for a price correction, almost across the board.

The super hero movie blockbuster craze just does not seem sustainable , pop culture trends usually have a shelf life.

A decade or so from now, I would bet that nearly everything but the golden age keys, will take a hit in FMV.

Maybe the GA keys as well, to a lesser degree.
Post 34 IP   flag post
Collector X51 private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by kaptainmyke
24 hours and I did not buy any variants. It begins with the 1st day.

Post 35 IP   flag post
Collector X51 private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by PaulPop
I'm going to take this chance to be the old curmudgeon. I started reading comics about 1967. Yes, reading them.

I see these posts about variants, and 20 covers, and Chasing the 1:500 issues... but no one on here ever mentions the story. So what are you collecting? A pretty cover?

I don't think anyone has ever had the feeling of being on he edge of their seat between issues because they want to know what is going to happen next. What, Doc Ock just rented a room from Aunt May and she had a heart attack watching him duke it out with Spider-man? Quicksilver and Scarlett Witch just turned their back on the Avengers and left with Magneto? Doctor Doom just took the power cosmic from the Surfer? Red Skull changed places with Steve Rogers using the cosmic cube? Holy crap!!!! You know I could go on and on.

But as magnificent as the (only one) covers were ,it was the stories that brought me back month after month.

So if Spider-man is now swinging around with the "Spidey-Kids", who needs 12 covers. It's awful no matter how you wrap it.

Now before you start pointing out modern story lines that were good, I know there are exceptions. But whatever you say, I know those exceptions are few and getting fewer every year. The reboots are not making things better. Marketing suggests if you put a #1 on a comic, they will come. Must be true, look at the 80's and 90's. We know where that took the industry.

I know I'll get flak for this, but I don't care. The hobby is what you make of it and to each his own. But for me it's more than a nice cover. Or 12 of them.

You get absolutely no criticism from me. I agree 100%. I remember Doc Ock renting a room from Aunt May and thinking "Oh S#!T!"
Back then you were invested in the characters and not wondering who was going to draw the cover.
Post 36 IP   flag post
I bought a meat grinder on amazon for $60 and it's changed my life. kaptainmyke private msg quote post Address this user
I got a new variant today in the mail. From a few days ago. Before this pledge. Don't judge me.
Post 37 IP   flag post
Collector Drogio private msg quote post Address this user
Another example why to avoid variants. This happens more often than not. I finally got my thanos 17 homage last week after 2 months of delays.


It is with sad news that I have to tell everyone that all of our Venom #1 exclusive print runs were damaged by the printers. As always we want to send the best possible product. Marvel has agreed to reprint all of our exclusives. The current print run will be destroyed. We will not be selling any books at discounted prices. The current print runs will be destroyed to ensure the integrity of the print runs. We are waiting on ETA on the replacements but will keep everyone in the loop.


Darren Hutchinson -
Unknown Comic Books
Post 38 IP   flag post
Collector poka private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Drogio
Another example why to avoid variants. This happens more often than not. I finally got my thanos 17 homage last week after 2 months of delays.


It is with sad news that I have to tell everyone that all of our Venom #1 exclusive print runs were damaged by the printers. As always we want to send the best possible product. Marvel has agreed to reprint all of our exclusives. The current print run will be destroyed. We will not be selling any books at discounted prices. The current print runs will be destroyed to ensure the integrity of the print runs. We are waiting on ETA on the replacements but will keep everyone in the loop.


Darren Hutchinson -
Unknown Comic Books

Yep - happens more often than it should. However, note that it happens on regular issues as well and they don’t get reprinted but just gets released as they are.

What do you prefer?
Post 39 IP   flag post
I swore no more comics, then this happened. PaulPop private msg quote post Address this user
@X51 Quote:
Originally Posted by X51
I remember Doc Ock renting a room from Aunt May and thinking "Oh S#!T!"

No kidding. Even with simplistic, yet excellent art, how often do you see this kind of drama in moderns?
Post 40 IP   flag post
Collector AndyRexia private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by PaulPop
@X51 Quote:
Originally Posted by X51
I remember Doc Ock renting a room from Aunt May and thinking "Oh S#!T!"

No kidding. Even with simplistic, yet excellent art, how often do you see this kind of drama in moderns?

You can't even find that many word bubbles in a modern comic, mich less drama.
Post 41 IP   flag post
COLLECTOR shrewbeer private msg quote post Address this user
@PaulPop There are lots of good stories in modern books. You’ll never know unless you read them. Some of us still do
Post 42 IP   flag post
COLLECTOR conditionfreak private msg quote post Address this user
Doctor making a house call? Now that is fantasy story telling.
Post 43 IP   flag post
I swore no more comics, then this happened. PaulPop private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by shrewbeer
There are lots of good stories in modern books. You’ll never know unless you read them. Some of us still do

Like I said in my original post, I know there are exceptions but they are few and far between. I have to go off of recommendations because I don't want to buy 50 books a month to look for the diamond in the rough.

But I am open to your suggestions. What's current that I need to check out?
Post 44 IP   flag post
Collector D84 private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by CopperAgeKids
Originally Posted by KingNampa
The bottom is going to fall out on this. But not anytime soon. The constant release of Marvel Movies is going to keep this "Variant Age" hype-train chugging along. If things start to slow down on the movie front in a couple years then we might finally see the market correction.

The thing is most people buying these variants are casual collectors. They won't care if their comic value drops 80% in a few years. They probably won't even notice.

Any serious collector that is "investing" in variants, needs to be slapped in the face and then go back to Copper age or older stuff for investing.


I think the market overall is headed for a price correction, almost across the board.

The super hero movie blockbuster craze just does not seem sustainable , pop culture trends usually have a shelf life.

A decade or so from now, I would bet that nearly everything but the golden age keys, will take a hit in FMV.

Maybe the GA keys as well, to a lesser degree.

I think GA & SA Keys will take the biggest hit. They have gone up at such an astounding rate that a lot of the actual collectors are priced out of the market. Once the fad ends, people will dump collections, and they will come down, big time.
Post 45 IP   flag post
Collector Wraith private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Drogio
Another example why to avoid variants. This happens more often than not. I finally got my thanos 17 homage last week after 2 months of delays.


It is with sad news that I have to tell everyone that all of our Venom #1 exclusive print runs were damaged by the printers. As always we want to send the best possible product. Marvel has agreed to reprint all of our exclusives. The current print run will be destroyed. We will not be selling any books at discounted prices. The current print runs will be destroyed to ensure the integrity of the print runs. We are waiting on ETA on the replacements but will keep everyone in the loop.


Darren Hutchinson -
Unknown Comic Books
so we all want 9.x but then complain if the sellers have quality control systems in place that ensure we get said quality?

We all know they're are many defects in the printing process and we see that on regular covers that are put on the shelf. Im happy these retailers do an audit and can go back and ask for a reprint on a bad run... That's why we pay more.
Post 46 IP   flag post
Collector Wraith private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by shrewbeer
@PaulPop There are lots of good stories in modern books. You’ll never know unless you read them. Some of us still do
theres isn't a comic I own that I haven't read.. If I get multiple covers I won't read each individual book, but I primarily buy comics to read them
Post 47 IP   flag post
I swore no more comics, then this happened. PaulPop private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Wraith
theres isn't a comic I own that I haven't read.. If I get multiple covers I won't read each individual book, but I primarily buy comics to read them

Great. Then I would be interested in your recommendations too. Current stuff.
Post 48 IP   flag post
Collector KingNampa private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by poka
Originally Posted by Drogio
Another example why to avoid variants. This happens more often than not. I finally got my thanos 17 homage last week after 2 months of delays.


It is with sad news that I have to tell everyone that all of our Venom #1 exclusive print runs were damaged by the printers. As always we want to send the best possible product. Marvel has agreed to reprint all of our exclusives. The current print run will be destroyed. We will not be selling any books at discounted prices. The current print runs will be destroyed to ensure the integrity of the print runs. We are waiting on ETA on the replacements but will keep everyone in the loop.


Darren Hutchinson -
Unknown Comic Books

Yep - happens more often than it should. However, note that it happens on regular issues as well and they don’t get reprinted but just gets released as they are.

What do you prefer?

There is no way to verify all issues were destroyed. I don't think they do it.
Post 49 IP   flag post
Collector Wraith private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by PaulPop
Originally Posted by Wraith
theres isn't a comic I own that I haven't read.. If I get multiple covers I won't read each individual book, but I primarily buy comics to read them

Great. Then I would be interested in your recommendations too. Current stuff.
my guilty pleasure is weapon h right now... Its pulpy, mindless fun and I really want to see where it goes.

I'm thoroughly enjoying the red goblin storyline and can't wait for asm 800

Didn't really enjoy death or glory which I picked up last week.

Im mostly a spawn reader but feels like the story is spinning its wheels after the cool dark horror storyline a few months back .
Post 50 IP   flag post
Collector Drogio private msg quote post Address this user
Email from golden apple comics. This is not the same comic as as unknown comics.

"First of all thanks to everyone for your recent purchases, coming out to our events at the store, liking our instagram and facebook pages and reaching out via email to chat with us. Unfortunately Venom 1 requires a reprint. There are black ink rubs and other general damage across the white cover. This is a problem across the entire print run. You may have already received emails from other stores who also require a reprint. We are very sorry about the delay this will cause in shipping books."
Post 51 IP   flag post
COLLECTOR shrewbeer private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by PaulPop
Originally Posted by shrewbeer
There are lots of good stories in modern books. You’ll never know unless you read them. Some of us still do

Like I said in my original post, I know there are exceptions but they are few and far between. I have to go off of recommendations because I don't want to buy 50 books a month to look for the diamond in the rough.

But I am open to your suggestions. What's current that I need to check out?

Deadpool vs wolverine was a blast.

Action has been good, but just rebooted so idk.

Doomsday clock started amazingly well, the rest of its sitting on my nightstand. Not sure if its finished yet.

Some folks loved Metal, I did not.

Hal and the Core has been great.

DrStrange has been... strange. Good kind of strange though.

You dont need to grab 50 to hit one. You’ll know pretty quickly what age group the writers are targeting once you start reading. Like Superman. Not a fan, but love Action Comics. Supergirl- aimed at tweens. XMen Red- cheesy AF and PC - high school kids. Etc
Post 52 IP   flag post
Collector KingNampa private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Drogio
Email from golden apple comics. This is not the same comic as as unknown comics.

"First of all thanks to everyone for your recent purchases, coming out to our events at the store, liking our instagram and facebook pages and reaching out via email to chat with us. Unfortunately Venom 1 requires a reprint. There are black ink rubs and other general damage across the white cover. This is a problem across the entire print run. You may have already received emails from other stores who also require a reprint. We are very sorry about the delay this will cause in shipping books."

Sounds like they are keeping their original prints. Having their cake and eating it too.
Post 53 IP   flag post
I swore no more comics, then this happened. PaulPop private msg quote post Address this user
@Wraith @shrewbeer

Thanks for the suggestions. I'm open to a good read, no matter if it's pulpy, cheesy, aimed at adults or teens. It's all in the imagination and presentation. Without suggestions, I just buy a few at random every month, and I'm almost always disappointed.

But to bring this conversation full circle.... I will read and hopefully enjoy, but not chase the variant covers and try and out guess what might become worth something.
Post 54 IP   flag post
Collector BrianGreensnips private msg quote post Address this user
@PaulPop Old Man Hawkeye is really good. And they are only 4 issues in so it would not be hard to find them.
Post 55 IP   flag post
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