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Infinity War Discussion !!!!SPOILERS!!!6187

COLLECTOR JLS_Comics private msg quote post Address this user
Ant-man could have flown up inside the gauntlet and then “boom” giant man
Post 126 IP   flag post
I had no way of knowing that 9.8 graded copies signed by Adam Hughes weren't what you were looking for. drchaos private msg quote post Address this user
Why didn't Heimdal send Loki (and the stone) to Earth instead of the Hulk in the opening scene?
Post 127 IP   flag post
Collector GanaSoth private msg quote post Address this user
@drchaos Exactly.
Post 128 IP   flag post
COLLECTOR Foghorn_Sam private msg quote post Address this user
The search for plot holes is getting more interesting than the search for the stones themselves.
There needs to be an Austin Powers version of this movie where Scott Evil (Dr. Evil's son), takes care of Thanos his way. (Step aside Thor, you dumb@$$ and give me that f-ing hammer/axe so we can end Thanos the way that guarantees success, like, by chopping off his head or arm.)
Post 129 IP   flag post
Collector poka private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by kaptainmyke

These people walk and breed among you. Just saying.

Those people have a serious reality vs fiction issue
Post 130 IP   flag post

Collector stanley1883 private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Lonestar
Originally Posted by Scorpion
why didn't any one just cut off thanos arm, and movie over. or dr. strang open a portal over his arm and have it cut off. like he did in the being off the movie and the bad guy arm comes off. glove fall off and they win lol.

Well, to play devils advocate, I’d say that Thanos is a lot smarter than his henchmen. He would have to reach through the hole. To further elucidate, he’d need a reason or desire to go through said portal, which he wouldn’t. The portal is for teleportation/travel ideally, I’m assuming we can all agree on that. Thanos can teleport himself, he did that multiple times, even before acquiring all the stones, therefore Dr Stranges portal trick wouldn’t work on Thanos. He’s neither stupid enough nor desperate enough to fall into that trap. Just my 2 cents.
Post 131 IP   flag post
CBCS Pressing SteveRicketts private msg quote post Address this user
Not to mention the fact that Strange played out fourteen million different attacks on Thanos, and only one worked.
The one they're currently in the middle of.
I'm sure he cut off Thanos' arm with a portal in at least 3 million different ways of those fourteen million scenarios.
Post 132 IP   flag post
Collector stanley1883 private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by JLS_Comics
What if Gamora used the mind stone to make Thanos think it was the Soul Stone

Well I would assume that Thanos would have known it was a fake fairly soon, at the absolute latest when he would have put it on the gauntlet itself. Furthermore I could argue that since he was in possession of the Reality Stone by that time, he would have know immediately. The stones at best would cancel each other out. Gamoras attempted us of the mind stone would have been nullified by the Reality Stone is my fake on it. With regards to cutting off Thanos’ arm I’d say they would need a pretty impressive weapon, yes Gamora stabbed him but stabbing through the skin and cutting off an arm through bone are much different. Furthermore that’s was originally Thanos’ own blade, which we can assume is better than any old thing laying around. So they would have needed Magic (which I addressed previously) is Wakandan, Asgardian, or alien tech to cut it off. I’m gonna assume those weren’t available to Iron Man et all on Titan, and the rest of the crew back on Earth simply didn’t think of that plan, which in all fairness you can’t blame them as they were already in the middle of a battle whereas Starlords plan on Titan to remove the gauntlet came at a time they were idle, so they could think of a plan until Thanos showed up
Post 133 IP   flag post
Collector stanley1883 private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by SteveRicketts
Not to mention the fact that Strange played out fourteen million different attacks on Thanos, and only one worked.
The one they're currently in the middle of.
I'm sure he cut off Thanos' arm with a portal in at least 3 million different ways of those fourteen million scenarios.

Agreed but this is also where it gets tricky. At which point did Dr Stranges 1 chance kick in? I’d say at the moment he gave the time stone. If the one scenario was the plan they started with, then Strange would have known that Starlord would mess that up and he could have sidelined him somehow. They didn’t exactly need his help to get the gauntlet off, they basically did it without his help. The only caveat was that perhaps Strange know removing the Glove wouldn’t matter but that’s a reach. If they got the glove. He could have teleported anywhere and Thanos would have been stuck. So I think that the road down that 1 chance out of 14mil plus started at the point where Thanos was gonna Kill Iron Man. Which tells me Iron Man will be the key to defeating Thanos, I can’t imagine Dr Strange would have sacrificed the Stone if anyone else there was about to die.
Post 134 IP   flag post
Collector GanaSoth private msg quote post Address this user
Captain America was the second to last person in Thanos' way to get to Vision (Wanda being the final).
This means Thanos had all the Gems except for Visions.
Look closely at this .gif

Now after reviewing the actual film footage, Thanos has all but one in his gauntlet.

Just goes to show you how sneaky they are with previews and the final production print.
Post 135 IP   flag post
Collector stanley1883 private msg quote post Address this user
And just a few random thoughts, some in response to other comments, some not.

The person in control of the Gauntlet and stones would have to be immune from the 50% that died.

Ant Man and Wasp we’re likely in the Quantum Realm during Infinity, in which they wouldn’t be effected by any of that madness nor would they know about it. That’s the easiest, most logical way to explain how he survived. Laws of physics and all that breakdown in quantum realm.

Hawkeye just got lucky, don’t know.

I think agent Coulson will be in Avengers 4, who’s gonna welcome Capt Marvel. Fury and Hill ar gone, Coulson also knows of the alter from Agents of Shield show
Post 136 IP   flag post
Collector BrianGreensnips private msg quote post Address this user
A lot of good points were made here that I was also pondering.Like @drchaos said, why did Heimdal not just shoot down Thor and the stone.
Here is what they also might have been able to do. Add the 2 stones they had to visions head and you would have the "Infinity Head" and then they could have battled Thanos through Vision. And then add all the other Avengers and Thanos goes down. There are just an endless amount of possiblities that could have happened. I guess in the end I have to decide if it was worth the $7.00 that I paid for the seat. I would say "yes it definitely was" I actually spent more for the popcorn and Mountain Dew. Lol.
Post 137 IP   flag post
Collector stanley1883 private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by BrianGreensnips
A lot of good points were made here that I was also pondering.Like @drchaos said, why did Heimdal not just shoot down Thor and the stone.
Here is what they also might have been able to do. Add the 2 stones they had to visions head and you would have the "Infinity Head" and then they could have battled Thanos through Vision. And then add all the other Avengers and Thanos goes down. There are just an endless amount of possiblities that could have happened. I guess in the end I have to decide if it was worth the $7.00 that I paid for the seat. I would say "yes it definitely was" I actually spent more for the popcorn and Mountain Dew. Lol.

Fair point, however the gauntlet had to be specially forged to be able to harness the stones, so we can’t assume vision could simply hold them in his head. And even if it could, he may go psycho as the mind stone affected his personality to a degree.
Post 138 IP   flag post
CBCS Pressing SteveRicketts private msg quote post Address this user
The only two things that really bothered me about the movie were Hulk and Vision. Both of them were completely useless and seemingly without any powers. They may as well have been just regular humans.

Well...and the fact that Thanos was pretty dumbed down. He's a pretty complex being with many layers to his onion. They could have added 30 minutes to the beginning and got into the whole Lady Death thing, but maybe they're saving that for the next film. We'll see.
Post 139 IP   flag post
Collector GanaSoth private msg quote post Address this user
@SteveRicketts Yeah, Thanos is no simpleton. Hulk turned into a huge Wussy (with a capital P) in this film... I dont understand why they made him this way... Maybe if he comes back, Banners intellect will finally kick in full force as hes the Hulk like in the comics and Hulk is scared to die (mentally?).
Vision got messed up right from the start and couldn't phase out from Corvus Glaive's weapon. His wound was pretty severe.

(*Corvus possessed the typical attributes of a super powered individual including super strength, super speed, super endurance and some invulnerability. Corvus' immortality stems from his weapon, a glaive that when remaining in one piece allows him to survive anything, including being obliterated. The glaive itself can slice through any known thing and person in the universe.)

So in theory, when Vision stabbed Corvus with his own weapon, he should still be alive.?.
Post 140 IP   flag post
Collector dpiercy private msg quote post Address this user
@Foghorn_Sam - are you saying Thor is a dummy??? 😂
Post 141 IP   flag post
Collector Scorpion private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by stanley1883
Originally Posted by Lonestar
Originally Posted by Scorpion
why didn't any one just cut off thanos arm, and movie over. or dr. strang open a portal over his arm and have it cut off. like he did in the being off the movie and the bad guy arm comes off. glove fall off and they win lol.

Well, to play devils advocate, I’d say that Thanos is a lot smarter than his henchmen. He would have to reach through the hole. To further elucidate, he’d need a reason or desire to go through said portal, which he wouldn’t. The portal is for teleportation/travel ideally, I’m assuming we can all agree on that. Thanos can teleport himself, he did that multiple times, even before acquiring all the stones, therefore Dr Stranges portal trick wouldn’t work on Thanos. He’s neither stupid enough nor desperate enough to fall into that trap. Just my 2 cents.

when manties puts Thanos to sleeps, Spider-Man is about to take off the Infinity Gauntlet, dr.strange makes a portal next to his arm, they push his arm in while he asleep and the arm come off, the Gauntlet is now somewhere else, even if he wakes up from shock he can't know where it's at cause he was sleeping. world saved

so many plot holes.
Thor and Loki were both in need of help, and Heimdall could’ve potentially sent both of them back, seeing how they were standing so close to each other, but he chose Hulk instead. He even sent Hulk to the exact spot that he needed to be. HEIMDALL could have just sent thanos to who knows where and buy them some time.omg

When Captain America, Black Widow, Falcon, Vision, and Scarlet Witch meet up with War Machine, Bruce Banner comes out of the shadows and says “Yeah, I’m back.”

Black Widow and Cap look stunned and absolutely shocked to see him, but didn’t they already know he was back? Banner was the one who called them, after all.

After Iron Man and Spider-Man sneak onto Ebony Maw’s ship, we see Bruce Banner in front of all the destruction and chaos that they caused. He looks down and sees Iron Man’s phone and flips through it until he finds Steve Roger’s number.

Banner tells Wong that he’s going to make a call and then hits a button and puts the phone to his face. From this interaction, we can assume that Bruce Banner called Steve Rogers to ask him to come back and help them fight Thanos.

Since Rogers talked to Banner on the phone, why is he surprised to see him later on? Wouldn’t War Machine be more of a surprise?

In Thor: Ragnarok, Thor learned that he could manipulate thunder without the use of his Mjolnir. So why did he spend most of Infinity War on a quest to find a new weapon?
Thor called this weapon the Thanos-destroying type of weapon. However, besides the ability to summon the Bifrost, the weapon gave Thor the same abilities that he already discovered he had in Ragnarok.
He could’ve saved himself some time and simply used his newfound thunder abilities.
Thor also could’ve used his thunder capabilities when Thanos was destroying Loki and Heimdall. Instead of simply watching from his restraints, he could’ve summoned lightning bolts to stop Thanos from taking out Loki.

In fact, most of Thor’s plans throughout the movie made absolutely no sense. When he went to Nidavellir to create the Stormbreaker, he volunteered to hold open the iris so that they could heat the metal. This was an extremely dangerous mission, which Thor was okay with.
However, if he had failed, there would have been no point in risking his life. If the weapon behaved like the Mjolnir, Thor would have been the only one who could wield the Stormbreaker, and if he was gone, all of that effort would have been for nothing. They would’ve had a weapon that no one could use.

Also, how can Thor take on all that heat, but get easily destroyed by Thanos at the beginning of the movie?

4 and here the big one,
back in GOTG 1 they show the collector tell them about the the infinity stone and a celestial being destroying a planet with ONE STONE, that ONE STONE> and yet in the middle of the move he has what 3 or 4 stone on the moon and is fighting and has a tough time trying to take out iron man and the others come ON.
Post 142 IP   flag post
I had no way of knowing that 9.8 graded copies signed by Adam Hughes weren't what you were looking for. drchaos private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by SteveRicketts
The only two things that really bothered me about the movie were Hulk and Vision. Both of them were completely useless and seemingly without any powers. They may as well have been just regular humans.

Well...and the fact that Thanos was pretty dumbed down. He's a pretty complex being with many layers to his onion. They could have added 30 minutes to the beginning and got into the whole Lady Death thing, but maybe they're saving that for the next film. We'll see.

I think Hulk got his ass kicked so badly off camera by Thanos before the film started that he did not want to come out when Banner tried to change back into the Hulk.

Vision on the other hand was extremely useless while Scarlet Witch did all of the work.
Post 143 IP   flag post
Collector GanaSoth private msg quote post Address this user
Also, Mantis manipulated Thanos' mind and calmed him as they tried to take off his gauntlet on Titan.

How was that possible?

"Thanos has powerful Psionic Abilities. He has proven to be even more powerful than Moondragon and has even entered into the mind of Galactus and battled him astrally. He can project psionic blasts and travel to the astral plane, as well as read the minds of various individuals including, but not included to Gamora. His telepathic abilities has allowed him to defeat Drax using a Sync-Time-Warp attack. According to Thanos, the attack had been 100 percent fatal until Drax resisted it, but was incapacitated by it. He has also been able to lobotomize powerful individuals, such as the Fallen One with ease, and recently mind controlled the Hulk. This feat is made more impressive due to the fact that the Hulk has high resistance to telepathic attacks because of his anger. Thanos's mind is also invulnerable to most forms of psychic attacks."
Post 144 IP   flag post
Collector GanaSoth private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by drchaos
I think Hulk got his ass kicked so badly off camera by Thanos before the film started that he did not want to come out when Banner tried to change back into the Hulk.

I dont think they knew Hulk was there cause Loki said "Well, for one thing, I’m not Asgardian. And for another, we have the Hulk! " As in it was a surprise.
Post 145 IP   flag post
COLLECTOR conditionfreak private msg quote post Address this user
Do I have this right? Hulk won't "come out" because he is afraid of Thanos?

On a side note. An African-American friend of mine is upset because all of the black heroes died off. That never occurred to me during the movie. Seems what we take away from things, is based on what kind of goggles we are looking through.
Post 146 IP   flag post
Collector GanaSoth private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by conditionfreak
Do I have this right? Hulk won't "come out" because he is afraid of Thanos?

On a side note. An African-American friend of mine is upset because all of the black heroes died off. That never occurred to me during the movie. Seems what we take away from things, is based on what kind of goggles we are looking through.

Hes wrong, War Machine is still kickin it with his homies!
Post 147 IP   flag post
COLLECTOR Foghorn_Sam private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by dpiercy
@Foghorn_Sam - are you saying Thor is a dummy??? 😂

Well, he went to all this trouble to create a weapon to best Thanos, even risking his own life to create it, only to totally mis-play it when he had his one chance to save the day.
Post 148 IP   flag post
Collector MR_SigS private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by kaptainmyke
And how about the surprise cameo by the Red Skull

Yeah, I was wondering where the Tesseract sent him.
Post 149 IP   flag post
Collector X51 private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by GanaSoth
Originally Posted by drchaos
I think Hulk got his ass kicked so badly off camera by Thanos before the film started that he did not want to come out when Banner tried to change back into the Hulk.

I dont think they knew Hulk was there cause Loki said "Well, for one thing, I’m not Asgardian. And for another, we have the Hulk! " As in it was a surprise.

It was bad writing for Hulk because no one knew how to write him into the story. Writers that don't understand the appeal of the character do stupid things like make him a battle armored warrior or intellectual.

I think the answer is more simple as to why he wasn't used more. I think the CGI guys were too busy working on the Thanos segments and they didn't have enough resources to work on both. That's my theory.
Post 150 IP   flag post
COLLECTOR Foghorn_Sam private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by GanaSoth
Captain America was the second to last person in Thanos' way to get to Vision (Wanda being the final).
This means Thanos had all the Gems except for Visions.
Look closely at this .gif

Now after reviewing the actual film footage, Thanos has all but one in his gauntlet.

Just goes to show you how sneaky they are with previews and the final production print.

Although it was not revealed, it could be that Cap was augmented and was able to somewhat tap into the power of the stones himself by being in such close contact with them, thus allowing him to resist Thanos more than he should have been able to. You could tell it was more than a battle of raw physical strength, it was a battle of wills that Cap was more than up to the task for, much to Thanos' surprise.
Post 151 IP   flag post
COLLECTOR JLS_Comics private msg quote post Address this user
Soul Stone theory confirmed:
Post 152 IP   flag post
Collector DocBrown private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by poka
Originally Posted by kaptainmyke

These people walk and breed among you. Just saying.

Those people have a serious reality vs fiction issue

This is what happens when you tolerate anything and everything. 20, 30, 40 year old children with a serious disconnect from reality, living in delusion...and these fools have a measure of power.

Post 153 IP   flag post
Collector GanaSoth private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by DocBrown
Originally Posted by poka
Originally Posted by kaptainmyke

These people walk and breed among you. Just saying.

Those people have a serious reality vs fiction issue

This is what happens when you tolerate anything and everything. 20, 30, 40 year old children with a serious disconnect from reality, living in delusion...and these fools have a measure of power.


Yeah.... These people VOTE....
Post 154 IP   flag post
If the viagra is working you should be well over a 9.8. xkonk private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by DocBrown

This is what happens when you tolerate anything and everything. 20, 30, 40 year old children with a serious disconnect from reality, living in delusion...and these fools have a measure of power.


You lost me on this one.
Post 155 IP   flag post
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