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Todd McFarlane's visit with Stan Lee6010

-Our Odin-
Rest in Peace
Jesse_O private msg quote post Address this user
Todd McFarlane shared this on Facebook yesterday. I just ran across it. I thought it needed to be shared.

Originally Posted by From Todd McFarlane's Facebook page

"Stan Lee. I wonder how he’s doing?”

It’s a question, I think, many of us in the comic industry have been asking ourselves recently. With a handful of news articles swirling on the internet about Stan, it has led to lots of questions. Through all of it, I really have focused on just one crucial question…

“I wonder how Stan is doing?”

With that in mind, I want to post about my recent visit to see my dear friend Stan at his house last week (March 29th). To be clear, what I am writing is strictly about the one hour visit I had with him. What Stan does with all the rest of his personal time was not something we talked about during my visit.

When I entered the room where Stan was seated he welcomed me and asked that I sit next to him (since his hearing is far from perfect these days). And…how did Stan look you may ask? Like a 95-year-old man. I think we tend to forget that fact, at times, since he’s become so iconic and seemingly timeless. He’s a man who has been around for nearly a century.

For the next 60 minutes, we talked about things like his growing up in New York, his love of Marvel comics, his even bigger love of his late wife Joanie and how he was doing health wise. He told me that getting old kind of sucked but said, “what are you going to do?” His stories told me how obvious it was that he missed his wife and, how every day, a pair of ducks come swooping down from the sky to land in his pool and then come up to the glass windows begging for food (which his wife would oblige every time). We talked baseball, movies and he asked what it was it like for me to live next to a giant natural desert preserve in Arizona. Basically, it was every day, normal banter mixed with a few fun stories.

But soon it was getting late and I had to get going. As I got up to leave, Stan grabbed my hand and said, “Todd, thanks for coming by. Your visit is much better than any medicine I could take.”

So, what did I observe on my visit for that one specific hour? I saw a 95-year-old friend.

And for me, at least, that was comforting.

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Collector CopperAgeKids private msg quote post Address this user
Thanks for posting that, Jesse.

It is good to see that Stan is still in good spirits, in spite of the swarm of con artists and vultures, that have been (and still are) on his back.
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Collector Hanginglimbs private msg quote post Address this user
Great to read, thanks for posting
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I bought a meat grinder on amazon for $60 and it's changed my life. kaptainmyke private msg quote post Address this user
good read
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Collector doog private msg quote post Address this user
Seeing the Eastern shirt of McFarlanes, I had to look him up. His generation’s Stan Lee, except he can draw too. Entrepreneur, salesman, no Benjamin is too much trouble. In spades. Be hard to top Stan there, though
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COLLECTOR conditionfreak private msg quote post Address this user
My one minute personal interaction with Stan Lee made me dislike him as a person.

My one minute personal interaction with Todd McFarlane made me like him as a person.

Of course one minute is a very short time, and maybe both are evil, or angelic, the rest of the time. I don't know. But we all make judgments about people on first impression.

And I ain't talking about any skills, talents or accomplishments. I'm talking about persona.

I would wish Stan the best, but he has already had the best of everything. So I just wish him no pain from here on out.

What irks me, are the vultures and vampires who apparently hang around him to get what morsels they can of his fame and money.
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Collector Wraith private msg quote post Address this user
Much respect for both of those men. They both shaped the industry.
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I’m Kinda Married To A Celebrity. 00slim private msg quote post Address this user
My friend met Stan yesterday at Silicon Valley comic-con. Knowing how much he was looking forward to it, I texted him and asked "how was Stan?" He wrote back:

"I'm not sure he knew where he was."
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Collector BabaLament private msg quote post Address this user
I saw Mr. Lee for all of ten seconds at Comicpalooza last year. We sat through the panel, which was great; he has some great stories. When we lined up for signatures, it was sad to see. The Stan Lee Collectibles staff was rude; not just to fans/attendees, but also to Mr. Lee! They had him signing books Assembly-line style, and if something crossed his path that made him happy or want to talk for a minute, they would crowd him & say stuff like, “C’mon Stan, we need to keep it moving.” They were also very rough when handling books; guys just grabbing out of people’s hands in line & shoving them into a pile. Now we didn’t have anything fancy (I had a Secret Wars #8) & my buddy had a Marvel Masterworks ASM #1 reprint; but I saw a guy w/ an Avengers #1 get torqued off over how they handled his book.

Totally opposite vibe w/ Todd McFarlane at Amazing Las Vegas. The line wrapped around the perimeter of the show floor twice, so we decided to enjoy the rest of the show & try to get his signature(s) some other time rather than spend a day standing in line. Walked by a few times, and the concessions/people-watching area was across from his booth. He was laughing, actually taking time to talk with people, telling stories; looked like a guy having a good time. He even came out from behind the booth to take pictures w/ a kid in a wheelchair in a Spawn costume. The other people working the booth occasionally tried to move him along; he’d give them the evil eye and they’d back off. The only thing about him that was weird is that there were things he wouldn’t sign; he wouldn’t touch the Spawn “Thanks” issue, or the insanely overpriced Venom/Venomverse variants.

As an aside, I loved how the booths were set up at ALVCC. Todd McFarlane had a booth in the middle, having a good time, w/ an insanely long line. Next to him was Rob Liefeld, and an impressive line of Deadpool cosplayers; though he didn’t seem particularly happy or friendly. On the end was Kevin Eastman, w/ a line almost as long as McFarlane’s, fairly well split between kids and adults; that guy was having a party. He & McFarlane would occasionally yell at each other across the middle, and it was kinda funny to watch Liefeld stew in between as the guys on either side had fun.
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