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My comic book journey to date5796

Collector Mickee92 private msg quote post Address this user
Hope this doesn’t bore too many people and I’m sure most of you guys have each and every one of my comics.... but let me be! 😂

So not including Volume numbers but if its the first appearance of someone then that will be it.

The list after 6-7 months or getting comic itches and then scratching profusely:

Spiderman #1 original-bronze-silver & platinum (with incentive letter)

Spiderman 1-5 “Torment” & 6-7

Captain america 1-6 “the bloodstone hunt”

Nemesis 1-4

Marvel graphic novel the new teen titans 4

The new mutants “annual kings of pain” 1-4

The New mutants 86-100 (100 original-silver & gold) includes “deadpool first app”

Prince Namor the submariner part 1-4 (1984)

Tales of the teen titans “the judas contract” 1-3

The flash 136-141 “human race” 1-3
The flash “the black flash” 1-3

Spawn 1-10

The amazing spiderman 360-363 “carnage” part 1-2

The amazing spiderman 300

The Joker 1-9

Venom 150 - signed Gabriele Dell’Otto variant

The amazing spiderman Number 590 (wolverine art appreciation)

The Omega men 3 (Lobos first appearance)

The new mutants 14

Action comics 595

Shazam 1

Crisis on infinity earths 1

DC Comics presents 26

New mutants Annual 6

The avengers 257

King sized annual Avengers 10

Original sin 001 scottie young variant

The inhumans 1

Captain America 297

The new teen titans 2

X force 1

Fantastic four 390

Daredevil and the punisher “child’s play”

The new avengers 27

X force 8

X force 2

The huntress 1

Black panther 1

X factor 15

New avengers vol.3 - 008

Fantastic four 119

Wonder woman 7 (1987)

X men 001 Arthur Suydam signed deadpool variant

Black panther 4 (white wolf first app)

Youngblood 1

X men 65

New x men 128

New gods 1 & 7

Uncanny x men 129

Uncanny x men 221

Uncanny x men 266

X factor 5-6

Mavel annual x men 14

The sentry 1 remarked signed edition No.10 of only 250 copies

Shadowman 1

Rai 0

Blade runner 1

Dark days the casting 1

The punisher eurohit 68

Deathlok part 4 of 5

Batman in detective comics 613

Rom 1-15

Some random supreme, firearm dark wolf, deathlok, superman in action comics, images of shadowhawk, flare, excalibur & fifties terror comic that were bought in a “random pack”

Apart from the silly expensive first appearances I have pretty much all of the ones I wanted or apparently “hot” at that time. Now its just what ever catches my eye and starting to prefer some artists variants such as Gabriele Dell’Otto and his rather dark bold covers.

Would love some limited issued variants bit like my sentry one. Is there a website where artists creates X amounts of new copies for sale? I could swear i click an instagram link to such site but can I hell find it.
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Collector Watcher private msg quote post Address this user
i only have 19 of these...some cool stuff ..enjoy them
Post 2 IP   flag post
Collector KCBatmanFan private msg quote post Address this user
Nice fun variety with a good number of keys, and some other good reading. Hope you're enjoying the hobby so far!

Was it Unknown Comics? They do a lot of Dell'Otto variants. Just remember when investing in modern variants, YMMV, so buy what you love.
Post 3 IP   flag post
Collector BrianGreensnips private msg quote post Address this user
@Mickee92 Some nice books. Don't you have them all in alphabetic order? Looks like your list is all over the place.
Post 4 IP   flag post
Collector DavidM private msg quote post Address this user
@Mickee92 Nice list. Are they slabbed or raw?

I’m surprised you don’t have any Wolverine or Punisher.
Post 5 IP   flag post
Collector X51 private msg quote post Address this user
I don't really see a buying pattern. Had you been reading someone else's comics before you decided to pick up X-Men #266? Are you just buying on eBay?

I have some of those, but most of mine are older.
Post 6 IP   flag post
Collector Mickee92 private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by KCBatmanFan
Was it Unknown Comics? They do a lot of Dell'Otto variants.
the website looks familiar and could well be that one, thanks

Originally Posted by BrianGreensnips
@Mickee92 Some nice books. Don't you have them all in alphabetic order? Looks like your list is all over the place.
- Not quite yet they’re in the short box mostly in the order of purchase but I will get 10mins and sort them all out and label them also.
Post 7 IP   flag post
Collector Mickee92 private msg quote post Address this user
@DavidM - they’re all raw at the moment and I’m not too sure if I would get any of them graded. Have always considered buying ones that catch my eye. To be honest so am I, especially punisher ones as I loved the game and loved the film (Thomas Jane one).

Wolverine just never interested me and none take my fancy. But I will be looking into some punisher ones if you have any to suggest.
Post 8 IP   flag post
Collector Mickee92 private msg quote post Address this user
@X51 - went to comic-con for the first time just over a year ago and seen all these comics for sale and saw a good investment. After binge buying on first appearances I stopped buying for investment and now im buying stuff that I like the look of, spawn comics for example, the covers are brilliant.

In all honesty I dont read them and I’ve kind of fallen in love with the idea of them.

I’d go for the older stuff but alot are above my budget. Oldest I have I believe are the New gods ones 1971.

And yeah Ebay is my main place to buy and I do believe they are over priced.
Post 9 IP   flag post
Collector DavidM private msg quote post Address this user
@Mickee92 Here are a few of my favorites. There are a ton more.

Post 10 IP   flag post
Collector BrianGreensnips private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Mickee92
@DavidM - they’re all raw at the moment and I’m not too sure if I would get any of them graded. Have always considered buying ones that catch my eye. To be honest so am I, especially punisher ones as I loved the game and loved the film (Thomas Jane one).

Wolverine just never interested me and none take my fancy. But I will be looking into some punisher ones if you have any to suggest.
The Wolverine 4 issue mini series Volume 1 with Chris Claremont and Frank Miller was really good. Origin was good too.
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