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New Comics Releases Jan 10-Bye Puddin5203

Collector thelastbard private msg quote post Address this user
Phew! It took me a while to get through everything this week! There were a few things I was really jazzed by, but still a lot of things coming that were new storylines. Not a lot of NEW books, though.

Also tossing in, as usual, some reminders of existing storylines you may have missed and/or should be checking out.


Judas 2 - I'm only mentioning this one, because the first issue seemed to be such a hit with everyone. Don't want you to miss out on issue two!

There are two cover options - Jakub Rebelka (A) and Jeremy Bastian (B).


Batgirl and the Birds of Prey 18 - In "Eco-Deadly," Spyral tasks the team with infiltrating "an exclusive tech conference," where they need to "uncover the mysterious plans for Weather Wizard's missing wand before the City of Lights finds itself plunged into permanent darkness." One-Short? New Arc? Not sure, but for fans of Huntress, Batgirl, and Black Canary, this is sure to be a good story and a chance to jump in or jump BACK in.

There are two cover options - Yanick Paquette (A) and Karmone Shirahama (B).

Detective Comics 972 - I'm not going to stop bringing this title up as we go through the "Fall of the Batmen" storyline. In part four, "Batman might have overpowered the Victim Syndicate, but they had one last surprise for him: a secret weapon that's made up of one of his strongest rogues nearly unstoppable!" For me, I'm just waiting for what's coming with the Batwoman. What is she going to do? What sneaky things is James Tynion IV sneaking into the story?

There are two cover options - Guillem March (A) and Rafael Albuquerque (B).

Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps 36 - This is it... the big showdown! In the "Twilight of the Guardians" finale, Hal, John Stewart, Guy Gardner, and Kyle Radner must "face down the Controllers to save Ganthet and the other Guardians from extinction. The fate of this battle decides who protects the universe or who controls it!" Large scale cosmic goodness!

There are two cover options - Francis Manapul (A) and Barry Kitson (B).

Harley Quinn 34 - Final issue of the Jimmy Palmiotti / Amanda Conner run... Wow! They're going out with a bang it appears, though, so if you're a fan, I'm sure this will be a must have issue, right? Oh yes, I'm sure. Despite the "dream team" breaking up, I've read that Amanda Conner will still be providing covers for HQ, though I don't remember if it will be here and there or continuously. They're just off to work on other projects.

Two cover options - Amanda Conner (A) and Frank Cho (B).

Harley Quinn Be Careful What You Wish For Special Edition 1 - This oversized special collects a special Loot Crate exclusive story that was released a while back, plus eighteen pages of new content by Amanda Conner, sure to appease fans of Harley Quinn. Who else draws her better but Amanda Conner?

Two Cover options - Amanda Conner (A) and Chad Hardin (B).

Suicide Squad 33 - First part of a new arc, "The Chosen Juan," kicks off with a great cover swipe from 1987 (the Eddy Barrows A Cover). "When an apocalyptic new threat threatens the safety of Earth, the Suicide Squad is called into action-and they bring in an all new member." That would be Juan, of course. Apparently, "there is more to him than meets the eye," so he must be a Transformer, right? No... guess not. good jumping on point for new readers!

Two Cover options - Eddy Barrows (A - Suicide Squad 1 [1987] Cover Swipe) and Whilce Portacio (B).

Titans 19 - This was something hinted at in the Previews solicits a couple of months ago, but we didn't have all of the details in the Super Sons crossovers. This could be a sleeper, not positive, but it shines a light on inner struggles for Donna and could start her down a new path. "'Who is Troia?' The Titans attempt to regain their balance after their epic clash with Troia-Donna's villainous future self-and look toward a brighter tomorrow. But the Justice League wants answers about Donna Troy's true nature, and they'll get them-even if it means shutting down the Titans for good!"

Two Cover options - Paul Pelletier / Andrew Hennesy (A) and Dan Mora (B).

Wonder Woman 38 - A new storyline kicking off, "Swan's Song," which is another chance to jump in with the new creative team working on WW... "Vanessa Kapatelis thought the world of Wonder Woman-nobody had treated her with more kindness after the accident that shattered her life. But tragedy wasn't finished with Vanessa...and she's come to believe that the woman she trusted most is the author of everything that happened to her!"

Two Cover Options - Paul Renaud (A) and Jenny Frison (B).


Barbarella 2 - Mike Carey and Kenan Yarar are bringing chapter in the "spacefaring heroine's" adventures... In this issue, Barbarella "may have been enlisted by Earth's underground, but that doesn't mean she trusts her new allies. On the run in an alien city, hunting for a doomsday device that might end the war, [she] has to choose a side and stick to it..." Sounds pretty straight forward, right? All I know is I'm picking it up.

Several cover options here, but you may need to hunt around to get what you need!
Marcos Martin (A)

Paul Pope (B)

Stephen Segovia (C)

Fay Dalton (D)

Kenan Yarar (E)

Stephen Segovia Black and White Variant (F)

Paul Pope Black and White Variant (G)

Marcos Martin Black and White Variant (H)

Battlestar Galaxtica vs Battlestar Galactica 1 - What happens when you pit two generations of sci-fi fandom together penned by an amazing writer? Well, I think this is it... BSG vs BSG... Something conceptually this epic seems like it would be hard to contain in six issues, but I'm confident if it can be pulled off, Peter David is the guy to do it, OR there's something planned to spin it into another series if this one does well. There are a CRAZY number of covers for this one, regulars, variants, figures, virgins, etc (I count fourteen), so I'm just going to put the first, main cover, by John Cassaday.

Dejah Thoris 0 - I had NO CLUE what this was before writing this up... Now I know that this is a prequel to Edgar Rice Burroughs' "A Princess of Mars," and is written by Amy Chu, so I know it will be a solid book! It's leading into a new series and is a whopping $0.25 (not so on all of the variants," but it will give you a good idea of what the story will be all about. Four cover options, including a J Scott Campbell "sneak peek variant", but let's just focus on the Jay Anacleto cover.


Avengers 675 - FINALLY! No Surrender kicks off right here... Three writers and one artist handling art duties every month, I think is how they're handling it. I'm excited to see how they're handling things in this weekly rip toward issue 700 as the Avengers are put through the wringer. Where the descriptions take me is back to around issue 250 of the Avengers and up to 300-ish, including all of the Annuals (and some of the events of West Coast Avengers of the time) when everything kept going WRONG for the Avengers - just hit on all sides again and again. Not a moment of peace for them. I know that's how it always is for these teams, but things were pretty bad. This is before the spectacle of all of the deaths of characters in later years, when there was more weight in what was going on, in my opinion. My feeling is more of a return to form coming from Mark Waid, Al Ewing, and Jim Zub, and, coming out the other side.

There are nine cover options for this one - Mark Brooks (A - Lenticular), John Tyler Christopher (B - Trading Card), Julian Totino Tedesco Connecting Variant (C), Alex Ross Variant (D), Alex Ross Sketch Variant (E), Mike McKone Avenger Variant (F), Skottie Young Variant (G), David Acuna Party Variant (H), Secret Premiere Variant (H?).

Old Man Hawkeye 1 - Prequel series to Old Man Logan, the former avenger is among the wastelands going blind seeking revenge for his fallen friends." "The super heroes have fallen. The country has been divided into territories controlled by super villains. Among the wastelands lives CLINT BARTON - one of the few Avengers to survive." This could be an interesting return to the OML world, not only because it's a prequel series, but because it's from the Avengers' perspective, not an X-Men. Different heroes, villains, and perspective. Let's see where it goes!

Several cover options here - Marco Checcetto (A), Ron Lim (B), Steve McNiven (C), McNiven Sketch Variant (D), Greg Land (E), Barry Kitson Avengers Variant (F), Blank Variant (G).

X-Men Blue 19 - I've been looking forward to this issue since Art Adams first teased this as a "future cover" on his InstaGram feed months ago.... The original X-Men are finally re-united with Professor X in their "Cross-Time Capers" storyline, but will it be what they expect? Will they be meeting the Professor X from their original timeline, or the "new and improved" Professor from the pages of Astonishing X-Men... Can't wait to find out, and his reaction to their exploits and changes.

X-Men Gold Annual 1 - It's the 20th Anniversary of Excalibur Reunion! 30 years since the series started, 20 years since it ended. Wow! How time flies, right? Amazing Alan Davis homage to his original Excalibur 1 cover, but adding in a baby, a beard, and some costume changes. Can't wait!

Post 1 IP   flag post
Collector dpiercy private msg quote post Address this user
I am picking up Harley, WW and BSG books and MAYBE the Old Man Hawkeye book.

The Dynamite BSG books have had really stellar writing, really nice stories, with completely throw away art. I hope BSG v BSG is an exception to this.
Post 2 IP   flag post
Collector poka private msg quote post Address this user
I am going to look a bit into the future. One of the interesting comics for March is mighty Thor 705. Will Thor truly die and is it really the last Cover? Anyway there is an Artgerm cover as well. Too many covers for it to be a spec though.
Post 3 IP   flag post
Collector thelastbard private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by poka
I am going to look a bit into the future. One of the interesting comics for March is mighty Thor 705. Will Thor truly die and is it really the last Cover? Anyway there is an Artgerm cover as well. Too many covers for it to be a spec though.

They promised from the beginning that Jane Foster would die, so I'm hoping that's the case. Rumor mill has it that she may become a new incarnation of Valkyrie, though. Completely possible. So, look for a death, I'd say, then a rebirth either immediately or shortly thereafter.
Post 4 IP   flag post
Collector poka private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by thelastbard
Originally Posted by poka
I am going to look a bit into the future. One of the interesting comics for March is mighty Thor 705. Will Thor truly die and is it really the last Cover? Anyway there is an Artgerm cover as well. Too many covers for it to be a spec though.

They promised from the beginning that Jane Foster would die, so I'm hoping that's the case. Rumor mill has it that she may become a new incarnation of Valkyrie, though. Completely possible. So, look for a death, I'd say, then a rebirth either immediately or shortly thereafter.

What did Jane Foster do to you?
Post 5 IP   flag post
Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock Tedsaid private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by thelastbard
Phew! It took me a while to get through everything this week! There were a few things I was really jazzed by, but still a lot of things coming that were new storylines. Not a lot of NEW books, though.

Also tossing in, as usual, some reminders of existing storylines you may have missed and/or should be checking out.

thelastbard, I'm not sure why you started doing this recap of upcoming titles, but it's been really helpful. I've subscribed to 3-4 already, just based on your review/summary alone. Thanks!
Post 6 IP   flag post
Collector thelastbard private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Tedsaid
Originally Posted by thelastbard
Phew! It took me a while to get through everything this week! There were a few things I was really jazzed by, but still a lot of things coming that were new storylines. Not a lot of NEW books, though.

Also tossing in, as usual, some reminders of existing storylines you may have missed and/or should be checking out.

thelastbard, I'm not sure why you started doing this recap of upcoming titles, but it's been really helpful. I've subscribed to 3-4 already, just based on your review/summary alone. Thanks!

You're welcome! It's mostly "just because", honestly... I realized over the last few months that for over 30 years, I've been doing the same thing every month, every week for myself - looking at Previews, looking at what's coming out week-after-week, and I have these insights. I talk to some of my friends about them - in person, IM's, PM's, emails, whatever, and some of them benefit from them, but it hit me that maybe I could share it a bit broader. I started on the forums here, and then started posting the same thing on my blog, which I've had going for about nine years on my own site.

On the forums here, I really like the interaction... Finding out what other collectors are buying, not just random people who happen to stumble into a comic book shop.

Also, by going through this process and talking to you guys... I've been spending more money. It's painful, ha ha... I think it has contributed to me buying more DC and paying more attention to books I might have otherwise ignored.
Post 7 IP   flag post
Collector thelastbard private msg quote post Address this user
@poka She looked at me funny.... Or maybe it was just a wonky panel. I don't know.
Post 8 IP   flag post
Collector Savage_Spawn private msg quote post Address this user
Great stuff. I like the Harley 34 first cover.
Post 9 IP   flag post
Collector thelastbard private msg quote post Address this user
Oh! If you've been following or haven't been following...

Mister Miracle 6 comes out this week, which wraps up the first arc. "The hit miniseries reaches the emotional conclusion of its first arc! Scott Free returns to New Genesis to face his punishment, but instead finds the whole world has been flipped upside down. Mister Miracle and Big Barda battle their way through monsters and New Gods to get to the Highfather, but once they reach Orion's throne room, they learn that the war against Darkseid has taken a bloody turn." I've walked into a couple of shops recently where the second print of issue one is still readily available, plus the director's cut is coming soon, so you can still track down issues to catch up.

I'm hoping to run into Tom King and one or both of the artists at a con coming up to get my copies of issue 1 signed and slabbed.

Two cover options - Nick Derington (A) and Mitch Gerads (B).

Post 10 IP   flag post
Collector poka private msg quote post Address this user
@thelastbard btw what happend with Dominatrix - just got a message that the release has been cancelled?
Post 11 IP   flag post
Collector thelastbard private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by poka
@thelastbard btw what happend with Dominatrix - just got a message that the release has been cancelled?

Not gone... just delayed a bit. Meeting between publisher and Diamond caused a re-focus. Looks like we're going to do it as a trade instead. Diamond fully supports the book and has been giving it some love, but, talking to retailers, they kind of assumed it was a "skin" book based on the cover. Reviewers were thinking the same.

End result - different cover for the final release, and a push to show the "big picture" of the book. I'm a little bummed, of course, because I wanted to get some slabbed Gene copies, ha ha, but oh well!

This is where I'm at right now, though I might do some tweaking on the colors still. Haven't decided 100%.

Post 12 IP   flag post
Collector dpiercy private msg quote post Address this user
@thelastbard Like that cover!
Post 13 IP   flag post
I had no way of knowing that 9.8 graded copies signed by Adam Hughes weren't what you were looking for. drchaos private msg quote post Address this user
I am trying to slow down on buying new books. The only title that I really feel calling me this week is Old Man Hawkeye. Now it seems that Midtown Comics will have a signing with Eathan Sachs at it's downtown location later today:

Post 14 IP   flag post
I had no way of knowing that 9.8 graded copies signed by Adam Hughes weren't what you were looking for. drchaos private msg quote post Address this user
On my way back from the Sachs signing. It was his birthday so he signed five books for me (limit was 3) even though the line was capped when I got there at the last minute. Five different covers including 1:50 and 1:25 retailer incentives.
Post 15 IP   flag post
I had no way of knowing that 9.8 graded copies signed by Adam Hughes weren't what you were looking for. drchaos private msg quote post Address this user
The rest of my purchases for this week:

Post 16 IP   flag post
Collector thelastbard private msg quote post Address this user
Since my main pulls will be coming from my online retailer, I just stopped by one of my local shops and picked up a few things this week... I've been getting all of the Star Wars Adventures books for my son, not because h can read them (he's two), but because he loves Star Wars NOW and they are good reads for kids. He has a couple of issues he has already trashed, so I'm collecting them now in case he wants to read them later. I figure I'll just hold on to them... I have Spidey, for example, for the same reason. Even the trashed ones, I have better copies saved for him.

Post 17 IP   flag post
Collector LotsaSequel private msg quote post Address this user
Heard about another new release this week from a friend. Stabbity Bunny. The art looks good but I haven't had a chance to read one yet since all my LCS either don't have it or did but sold out. Checked feebay to see if I could get a copy and saw they have some cool variants! ASM 300 swipe, Donnie Darko swipe, and even a New Mutants 19 swipe! If anyone has read it let me know what you think!
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